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] [OPTION]... MODULE [symbol=value]... [ OPTIONS ] { address | link | route | tunnel } { COMMAND | help } [-signal] process-id [process-id ...] [-signal] process-name [process-name ...] [-c n] [-n] [OPTION] TARGET... LINK_NAME|DIRECTORY [OPTION]... [MESSAGE] [OPTION]... [username] [ENV=VAR ...] [-1AacCdeFilnpLRrSsTtuvwxXhk] [filenames...] [OPTION] DIRECTORY... [OPTIONS] name [OPTIONS] NAME TYPE MAJOR MINOR [FILE ...] [FILE ...] [flags] DEVICE NODE [-o options,more-options] SOURCE DEST or: mv SOURCE... DIRECTORY [-laenrtuwx] [HOST] [SERVER] process-name [process-name ...] [OPTION]... host [OPTION]... FILE... [OPTION]... DIRECTORY... [OPTION]... [MODULE]... [{add|del|flush}] [-nef] pattern [files...] [-a|g] [-F DEVICE] [SETTING]... [OPTION]... -[xtvO] [-f TARFILE] [-C DIR] [FILE(s)] ... [OPTION]... [FILE]... [OPTION] EXPRESSION or [ EXPRESSION ] [OPTION]... HOST [PORT] [-c] FILE [FILE ...] [-cds] STRING1 [STRING2] [-dnrv] [-m max_ttl] [-p port#] [-q nqueries] [-s src_addr] [-t tos] [-w wait] host [data size] [flags] FILESYSTEM|DIRECTORY [OPTION]... [OPTION] [FILE]... [-c|--continue] [-q|--quiet] [-O|--output-document file] [--header 'header: value'] [-Y|--proxy on/off] [-P DIR] url [COMMAND ...] [COMMAND] [-prt] [ARGS...] ctxjT:X:C:f:Opvz -%s c~tx:t~cx:x~ct:X* Couldnt chdir %s: Not found in archive Couldnt stat old file %s not created: newer or same age file exists Couldnt remove old file Couldnt create hard link extract_archive: %s Cannot create symlink from %s to '%s' Cannot create node %s Unrecognised file type ustar Invalid tar magic Invalid tar header checksum Ignoring GNU extension type %c %s %d/%d%10u %4u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u %s -> %s Read error Short read Short write Seek failure invalid mode: %s %s cmp: EOF on %s %s %s differ: char %d, line %d %.0s%.0s%d %3o %3o sl pdRfia %2d%2d%2d%2d%d %d:%d:%d %d:%d %d.%d-%d:%d:%d %d.%d-%d:%d %d.%d.%d-%d:%d:%d %d.%d.%d-%d:%d d~ds:s~ds Rs:ud:I:: TZ=UTC0 date hours minutes seconds cannot set date %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z %Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%z %Y-%m-%dT%HZ %Y-%m-%dT%H%z %Y-%m-%d %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y %a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT %a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z %f %Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S 1k-blocks hmk h-km:k-hm:m-hk Size 1M-blocks Filesystem%11s%-15sUsed Available Use%% Mounted on %s: can't find mount point. %s rootfs /dev/root %-21s%9s %9s %9s %3ld%% %s %s %s %s POSIXLY_CORRECT h-km:k-hm:m-hk:H-L:L-H:s-d:d-s aHkLsxd:lchm total neE ignore-environment unset u* +iu: putenv %s ugrn %ld uid=%ld(%s) gid=%ld(%s) sfn %s %s: %7ld %4ld %-10s %-8.8s %-8.8s %-8d %-8d %4d, %3d %9s %9ld %24.24s %6.6s %5.5s %4.4s -> %1c 1AaCdgilnsxFpRrSvXecutLhkT:w: mode parents m:p invalid mode `%s' %s pcub %s interactive force fi cannot overwrite %sdirectory with %sdirectory f-i:i-f mv: overwrite `%s'? unable to rename `%s' non- cannot remove `%s' f-i:i-f fiRr cannot remove `.' or `..' `%s' evenp raw min time swtch eol eof parity oddp nl ek sane cbreak pass8 litout cooked decctlq tabs lcase LCASE crt dec parenb parodd cs5 cs6 cs7 cs8 hupcl hup cstopb cread clocal crtscts ignbrk brkint ignpar parmrk inpck istrip inlcr igncr icrnl ixon ixoff tandem iuclc ixany imaxbel opost olcuc ocrnl onlcr onocr onlret ofill ofdel nl1 nl0 cr3 cr2 cr1 cr0 tab3 tab2 tab1 tab0 bs1 bs0 vt1 vt0 ff1 ff0 isig icanon iexten echo echoe crterase echok echonl noflsh xcase tostop echoprt prterase echoctl ctlecho echoke crtkill intr quit erase kill eol2 start stop susp rprnt werase lnext flush only one device may be specified agF: verbose and stty-readable output styles are mutually exclusive modes may not be set when specifying an output style %s: couldn't reset non-blocking mode invalid argument `%s' ispeed missing argument to `%s' ospeed rows cols columns size speed %s %s: unable to perform all requested operations ^- undef rows %d; columns %d; %d %d %s %s: no size information for this device COLUMNS %s = %s; min = %d; time = %d; -%s min = %d; time = %d; %lu %lu ispeed %lu baud; ospeed %lu baud; %lu speed %lu baud; %lx:%lx:%lx:%lx :%x %lx:%lx:%lx:%lx%n :%x%n ia -r -w -x -e -f -d -c -b -p -u -g -k -s -t -z -n -h -O -G -L -S != -eq -ne -ge -gt -le -lt -nt -ot -ef -a -o missing ] unknown operand 8B@ @B@ PB@ B@ C@ %s: %s %s argument expected closing paren expected lN@ N@ N@ N@ N@ N@ N@ DL@ dL@ L@ L@ L@ M@ TM@ M@ M@ (N@ O@ O@ O@ pP@ O@ O@ O@ O@ P@ P@ pP@ ,P@ pP@ P@ P@ $P@ pP@ pP@ pP@ 8P@ PP@ %s: out of range %s: bad number %s STRING2 cannot be empty snrvmpa cannot get system name unknown [H [J [?25h [J PATH /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin bad format in substitution expression ; unterminated match expression bad option in substitution expression bad format in edit expression aic only a beginning address can be specified for edit commands Command only uses one address :bt ; dgGhHnNpPqx={} Unsupported command %c get_address: no address found in string (you probably didn't check the string you passed me) missing command %d }@ P}@ $~@ `~@ x}@ <~@ ~@ ~@ }@ ne:f: $Id: vi.c,v 1.1 2003/11/14 11:43:35 calle Exp $ [7m [0m [0K [0J [%d;%dH [A view aAcCdDiIJoOpPrRsxX<>~ hCR (window resize) (hangup) (interrupt) (terminate) (bus error) (I tried to touch invalid memory) (alarm) -- caught signal %d %s-- %d%n %d delete edit No write since last change (:edit! overrides) No current filename "%s" is not a regular file "%s" is not readable [New file] [Read only] "%s"%s%s %dL, %dC file No address allowed on this command features list quit next No write since last change (:%s! overrides) %d more file to edit No more files to edit read No filename given "%s"%s %dL, %dC rewind No write since last change (:rewind! overrides) set ---------------------------------------- no autoindent flash ignorecase showmatch tabstop=%d ai fl ic =%d version %s write wq "%s" File is read only "%s" %dL, %dC yank Yank %d lines (%d chars) into [%c] :s expression missing delimiters [Hit return to continue] )]} cdy>< ^%$0bBeEft wW H-k{ L+j} can't create room for new characters can't delete the character These features are available: Pattern searches with / and ? Last command repeat with '.' Line marking with 'x Named buffers with "x Readonly if vi is called as "view" Readonly with -R command line arg Some colon mode commands with ':' Settable options with ":set" Signal catching- ^C Job suspend and resume with ^Z Adapt to window re-sizes Put %d lines (%d chars) from [%c] OA OB OC OD OH OF [A [B [C [D [H [F [1~ [2~ [4~ [5~ [6~ OP OQ OR OS [15~ [17~ [18~ [19~ [20~ [21~ [23~ [24~ [11~ [12~ [13~ [14~ last_modifying_cmd overrun Trying to insert a negative number (%d) of characters Trying to insert file outside of memory "%s" %s could not open file could not read file "%s" could not read all of file "%s" '%s' is not implemented No file [modified] "%s"%s%s line %d of %d --%d%%-- Nothing in register %c ()[]{} No previous regular expression Pattern not found search hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP -- Insert -- -- Replace -- ^0bBeEft$ cdykjHL%+-{} Change Delete Yank %s %d lines (%d chars) using [%c] *A X A !A !A !A %A X A 0&A &A 'A !A t(A 8)A )A %A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A (NULL) option `%s' requires an argument invalid argument `%s' to `%s' -type /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A /A -follow -print -name -xdev could not stat '.' could not stat '%s' %s%c %i%c %s: %d H-h:e*:f*:c-n:q-n:l-n lnqvscFiHhe:f: %s %s vfork pt tpr /bin/echo ?... sysinit respawn askfirst wait once ctrlaltdel shutdown restart HOME=/ PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin SHELL=/bin/sh USER=root /dev/console Error checking free memory CONSOLE console /dev/tts/%d /dev/vc/%d /dev/vc/0 /dev/null TERM linux TERM=vt102 TERM=linux Please press Enter to activate this console. device '%s' does not exist. Bummer, can't open %s Can't fork! ~`!$^&*()=|\{}[];"'<>? -c exec Starting pid %d, console %s: '%s' Bummer, could not run '%s': %m The system is going down NOW !! Sending SIGTERM to all processes. Sending SIGKILL to all processes. exec of '%s' failed: %m The system is halted. Press Reset or turn off power Please stand by while rebooting the system. Memory allocation failure /etc/fstab /bin/mount -t proc proc /proc /sbin/swapon -a Sorry, your computer does not have enough memory. /etc/inittab /sbin/reboot /bin/umount -a -r /sbin/swapoff -a /sbin/init /dev/vc/2 /dev/vc/3 /dev/vc/4 /etc/init.d/rcS /dev/ Bad inittab entry: %s Reloading /etc/inittab -q init started: %s single -s init No more tasks for init -- sleeping forever. Process '%s' (pid %d) exited. Scheduling it for restart. d: $Id: insmod.c,v 1.2 2003/11/26 17:26:28 calle Exp $ $Id: insmod.c,v 1.2 2003/11/26 17:26:28 calle Exp $ Warning: unhandled reloc %d lA lA kA lA kA lA HlA %s multiply defined local symbol %s with index %ld exceeds local_symtab_size %ld .init GPLONLY_ .modinfo symbol for parameter %s not found improperly terminated string argument for %s (}A (}A (}A (}A (}A (}A (}A (}A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A |A |A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A }A parm_ invalid parameter %s parameter type 'c' for %s must be followed by the maximum size string too long for %s (max %ld) unknown parameter type '%c' for %s too many values for %s (max %d) invalid argument syntax for %s too few values for %s (min %d) QM_MODULES query_module: QM_INFO: %s query_module: QM_SYMBOLS: %s kernel: QM_SYMBOLS Using_Versions .this __this_module __ksymtab .kmodtab corrupt module %s? init_module cleanup_module __ex_table .text.init .data.init __dbe_table __kallsyms init_module: %s .kstrtab unresolved symbol %s .bss Relocation overflow Dangerous relocation Unhandled relocation %s of type %ld for %s %s of type %ld error reading ELF header not an ELF file ELF file not for this architecture ELF file not a relocatable object section header size mismatch: %lu != %lu error reading ELF section headers can't handle sections of type %ld symbol size mismatch: %lu != %lu relocation entry size mismatch: %lu != %lu error reading ELF section data RELA relocations not supported on this architecture kernel_version GPL GPL v2 GPL and additional rights Dual BSD/GPL Dual MPL/GPL license Warning: loading %s will taint the kernel: %s%s See %s for information about tainted modules http://www.tux.org/lkml/#export-tainted %d /proc/sys/kernel/tainted no license non-GPL license - Unexpected return from obj_gpl_license forced load ??? __insmod_ .text .rodata .data .bss.sbss cannot get realpath for %s %s%s_O%s_M%0*lX_V%d %s%s_S%s_L%ld fkqsvxLo: %s.o /lib/modules %s: no module by that name found Using %s Could not load the module Not configured to support old kernels A module named %s already exists Can't allocate kernel memory for module; needed %lu bytes create_module: %s /proc/sys/kernel/tainted %d Tainted: %c%c%c Not tainted QM_MODULES Module Size Used by module %s: QM_INFO module %s: QM_REFS %-20s%8lu%4ld (deleted) (initializing) (uninitialized) (autoclean) (unused) [ %s%s /lib/modules/ /modules.dep /lib/modules/modules.dep /etc/modules.conf /etc/conf.modules alias off null options /proc/modules -k -q -s insmod %s %s %s %s %s rmmod %s %s -a -t and -C not supported acdklnqrst:vVC: could not parse modules.dep failed to remove module %s No module or pattern provided failed to load module %s rmmod QM_MODULES %s you must be root to change the hostname sethostname dfisF: %s SIOCSIFMETRIC SIOCSIFMTU SIOCSIFTXQLEN SIOCSIFDSTADDR SIOCSIFNETMASK SIOCSIFBRDADDR SIOCSIFHWADDR SIOCSIFADDR metric mtu txqueuelen dstaddr netmask broadcast hw pointopoint arp trailers promisc multicast allmulti dynamic up down socket ether invalid hw-addr %s SIOCGIFFLAGS SIOCSIFFLAGS address route link ESTABLISHED SYN_SENT SYN_RECV FIN_WAIT1 FIN_WAIT2 TIME_WAIT CLOSE CLOSE_WAIT LAST_ACK LISTEN CLOSING %d: %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %64[0-9A-Fa-f]:%X %X %lX:%lX %X:%lX %lX %d %d %ld %512s %X warning, got bogus tcp line. tcp tcp %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s warning, got bogus udp line. UNKNOWN udp udp %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s warning, got bogus raw line. raw raw %6ld %6ld %-23s %-23s %-12s Inode %p: %lX %lX %lX %X %X %d %s warning, got bogus unix line. %d unix ?? STREAM DGRAM RAW RDM SEQPACKET FREE LISTENING CONNECTING CONNECTED DISCONNECTING [ ACC W N %-5s %-6ld %-11s %-10s %-13s %-6d - no support for `%s' on this system. laenrtuwx Active Internet connections (servers and established) (only servers) (w/o servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State /proc/net/tcp AF INET (tcp) /proc/net/udp AF INET (udp) /proc/net/raw AF INET (raw) Active UNIX domain sockets Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node Path /proc/net/unix AF UNIX %d.%d.%d.%d Address: Addresses: %s , %s %s *** Unknown host Server: Name: --- %s ping statistics --- %ld packets transmitted, %ld packets received, %ld duplicates, %ld%% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max = %lu.%lu/%lu.%lu/%lu.%lu ms sendto ping wrote %d chars; %d expected Echo Reply Destination Unreachable Source Quench Redirect (change route) Echo Request Time Exceeded Parameter Problem Timestamp Request Timestamp Reply Information Request Information Reply Address Mask Request Address Mask Reply unknown ICMP type %d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u ttl=%d time=%lu.%lu ms (DUP!) Warning: Got ICMP %d (%s) unknown address type; only AF_INET is currently supported. PING %s (%s): %d data bytes recvfrom NONE -net -host can't resolve %s metric netmask gw gateway mss Invalid MSS. window Invalid window. irtt reject mod dyn reinstate device dev lo netmask %.8x doesn't make sense with host route bogus netmask %s netmask doesn't match route address socket SIOCDELRT SIOCADDRT can't resolve netmask %s can't resolve gw %s %s: cannot use a NETWORK as gateway! /proc/net/route Kernel IP routing table MSS Window irtt Metric Ref Use Destination Gateway Genmask Flags %s Iface %lx%lx%X%d%d%d%lx%d%d%d Unsuported kernel route format %-16s%-16s%-16s%-6s %5d %-5d %6d %s %-6d %-2d %7d %s A:ne add del delete flush /bin/login /etc/issue.net /dev/ptmx All network ports in use! Can`t forking Could not open tty execv error af:l:p: '%s' unavailable. -a socket bind listen daemon Undefined error File not found Access violation Disk full or allocation error Illegal TFTP operation Unknown transfer ID File already exists No such user gpl:r: local file socket read write too long remote-filename send octet recvfrom timeout last timeout select server says: %s Echo Reply ICMP 1 ICMP 2 Dest Unreachable Source Quench Redirect ICMP 6 ICMP 7 Echo ICMP 9 ICMP 10 Time Exceeded Param Problem Timestamp Timestamp Reply Info Request Info Reply sendto traceroute: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d max ttl must be >1. port must be >0. nprobes must be >0. tos must be 0 to 255. wait must be >1 sec. dm:np:q:rs:t:w:v packet size must be 0 <= s < %d. SO_SNDBUF IP_HDRINCL unknown host %s traceroute to %s (%s) from %s , %d hops max, %d byte packets %2d %d bytes to %s %g ms ! !N !H !P !F !S * :B ;B ;B ;B ;B ;B ;B ;B ;B 8B @9B ;B l9B 9B 9B 9B :B ;B L:B x:B 8CB LCB `CB BB tCB CB %s %s (%s) packet too short (%d bytes) from %s OUT-OF-RANGE %d bytes from %s to %s: icmp type %d (%s) code %d %2d: x%8.8lx ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ buffer overflow continue quiet output-document header proxy passive-ftp off extra_headers buffer too small(need %i) cqO:P:Y: http_proxy ftp_proxy index.html cannot specify continue (-c) without a filename (-O) fstat() too many redirections ht GET %stp://%s:%d/%s HTTP/1.1 GET /%s HTTP/1.1 Host: %s User-Agent: Wget Authorization: Basic %s Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s Range: bytes=%ld- Connection: close no response from server server returned error %d: %s content-length transfer-encoding chunked server wants to do %s transfer encoding location anonymous:busybox@ %s USER PASS ftp login: %s CDUP TYPE I SIZE / PASV PASV: %s REST %ld RETR / RETR: %s write error network read error ftp error: %s QUIT http:// ftp:// not an http or ftp url: %s %d r+ fdopen() bad header line: %s %s%s fgets() KMGTP %-20.20s %3d%% ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** |%.*s%*s| %5d %c%c - stalled - --:-- ETA %2d: %02d:%02d ETA Y@ .A -- -family inet inet6 link invalid protocol family -4 -6 -0 -oneline LOOPBACK%s BROADCAST%s POINTOPOINT%s MULTICAST%s NOARP%s UP%s %x ,M-DOWN > SIOCGIFXQLEN qlen %d nil ifname Deleted %d: %s @NONE: @%s: : mtu %u qdisc %s master %s link/%s peer brd Failed to send flush request wrong nlmsg len %d %u: %s inet inet6 family %d /%d peer %s/%d brd %s any %s scope %s secondary tentative deprecated dynamic flags %02x valid_lft forever valid_lft %dsec preferred_lft forever preferred_lft %dsec %s to scope up label dev Flush requires arguments. Cannot flush link addresses. all invalid "scope" Device "%s" does not exist. Cannot send dump request Flush terminated Dump terminated peer remote broadcast brd anycast local invalid scope value. Not enough information: "dev" argument is required. "dev" (%s) must match "label" (%s). Broadcast can be set only for IPv4 addresses Cannot find device "%s" add delete list show lst flush Unknown command %s Error: argument of "%s" must be "on" or "off" Cannot create control socket SIOCGIFFLAGS SIOCSIFFLAGS SIOCSIFNAME SIOCSIFXQLEN SIOCSIFMTU socket(PF_PACKET) SIOCGIFINDEX bind getsockname Wrong address (%s) length: expected %d bytes SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST SIOCSIFHWADDR up down name mtu Invalid "mtu" value multicast on off arp noarp dev Not enough of information: "dev" argument is required. set show lst list Command "%s" is unknown, try "ip link help". Failed to send flush request Not a route: %08x %08x %08x wrong nlmsg len %d Deleted %s %s/%u 0/%d default from %s/%u from %s from 0/%u via %s dev %s src %s metric %d %s cache expires %dsec error %d iif %s src via mtu lock "mtu" value is invalid protocol "protocol" value is invalid dev oif to Cannot find device "%s" /proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/flush -1 Cannot open "%s" Cannot flush routing cache "ip route flush" requires arguments. all invalid "protocol" iif from root match exact Nothing to flush. Cannot send dump request Dump terminated Flush terminated notify connected need at least destination address Not a route? Wrong len %d Failed to connect the route An error :-) add append change chg delete get list show prepend replace test flush Unknown command %s Cannot open netlink socket Cannot bind netlink socket Cannot getsockname Wrong address length %d Wrong address family %d OVERRUN EOF on netlink sender address length == %d ERROR truncated RTNETLINK answers Message truncated !!!Remnant of size %d Cannot talk to rtnetlink Truncated message !!!malformed message: len=%d Unexpected reply!!! Sender address length == %d !!!malformed message: len=%d @%lu rtnl_from_file: fread rtnl-from_file: truncated message !!!Deficit %d, rta_len=%d %02x :%02x "%s" is invalid lladdr. %x if%d Cannot send dump request Dump terminated generic ether eether ax25 pronet chaos ieee802 arcnet atalk dlci atm metricom ieee1394 slip cslip slip6 cslip6 rsrvd adapt rose x25 hwx25 ppp hdlc lapb ddcmp rawhdlc ipip tunnel6 frad skip loopback ltalk fddi bif sit ip/ddp gre pimreg hippi ash econet irda fcpp fcal fcpl fcfb0 fcfb1 fcfb2 fcfb3 fcfb4 fcfb5 fcfb6 fcfb7 fcfb8 fcfb9 fcfb10 fcfb11 fcfb12 tr ieee802.11 void [%d] 0x%x %s 0x%x %s # %d %s %d %s # Database %s is corrupted at %s none redirect kernel boot static gated ra mrt zebra bird /etc/iproute2/rt_protos %d global nowhere host link site /etc/iproute2/rt_scopes unknown /etc/iproute2/rt_realms unspec local main /etc/iproute2/rt_tables /etc/iproute2/rt_dsfield 0x%02x none unicast local broadcast anycast multicast blackhole unreachable prohibit throw nat xresolve %d brd default all any "%s" may be inet address, but it is not allowed in this context. an inet address is expected rather than "%s". an IP address is expected rather than "%s" Command line is not complete. Try option "help" argument "%s" is wrong: %s duplicate "%s": "%s" is the second value. either "%s" is duplicate, or "%s" is a garbage. /proc/net/psched %*08x%*08x%08x%08x ??? free shared %6s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s total used buffers %6s%13ld%13ld%13ld%13ld%13ld Mem: %6s%13ld%13ld%13ld Swap: Total: killall %2d) %-16s bad signal name '%s' Bad PID '%s' Could not kill pid '%d' %s: no process killed Could not kill pid '%ld' %s%ld PID Uid VmSize Stat Command %5d %-8s %s %5d %-8s %6ld %s [%s] am pm %2d:%02d%s up %d day%s, %2d:%02d, %d min, load average: %ld.%02ld, %ld.%02ld, %ld.%02ld Login timed out after %d seconds. /var/flash/ar7.cfg webui password -f permission denied f:h:p:a /dev/ UNKNOWN on `%.100s' from `%.200s' on `%.100s' login root /bin/sh Password: Login incorrect invalid password for `%s'%s /dev/%s unable to determine TTY name, got %s root login %s System closed for routine maintenance. [Disconnect bypassed -- root login allowed.] %s: not found %s @= Illegal number: %s HOME end of file newline redirection word && || ;; case do done elif else esac fi for if in then until while %s%c !"$&'()*-/:;<=>?[\]`|}~ 3. 3: 6alias 2bg 3break 2cd 0chdir 3continue 3eval 3exec 3exit 7export 2false 2fg 0hash 0help 2jobs 2kill 0let 4local 0pwd 2read 7readonly 3return 3set 3shift 3times 3trap 2true 0type 0ulimit 2umask 2unalias 3unset 2wait PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin IFS= PS1=$ PS2=> PS4=+ eerrexit fnoglob Iignoreeof iinteractive mmonitor nnoexec sstdin xxtrace vverbose Cnoclobber aallexport bnotify unounset qquietprofile %s: %s not found alias unalias %s=%s LP OLDPWD CDPATH can't cd to %s PWD %s: %s: %d: LC pMC hLC \MC \MC MC MC MC (NC HMC HMC 4MC MC 0LC NC 0LC 0LC 0LC 0LC 0LC 0LC 0LC 0LC 0LC 0LC 0LC Pipe call failed %s %s: %s %s%s %builtin builtin func %s not defined in %s is a shell keyword is an alias for %s a tracked alias for is%s %s is a shell function special is a %sshell builtin : not found =: *?[ %ld parameter not set or null %.*s: %s%s Can't open %s Out of file descriptors /dev/tty can't access tty; job control turned off Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or kill -l [exitstatus] invalid signal number or name: %s ls: invalid signal number or exit status: %s %m [%d] (core dumped) Done(%d) Done %d [%d] %d Running %s%*c%s | %*c%d lp No such job: %s No current job No previous job %s: ambiguous job %s not created under job control Cannot fork You have stopped jobs. | ; && || if ; then ; else ; fi while until ; done ; do for in () { ... } <<... case ) ;; esac >| >> >& <& <> ## %% "$(...)" $(( ${# ${ "} $(...) )) | %s Cannot set tty process group (%m) PS1=# %d PPID /etc/profile .profile ENV Use "exit" to leave shell. -c requires an argument Current option settings off on %-16s%s Illegal option -o %s login Illegal option -%c can't shift that many No arg for -%c option Bad for loop variable 3D 3D .D .D .D .D .D 2D .D .D .D .D /D .D .D .D .D .D .D -D *D .D .D ,D ,D 2D Bad function name Bad fd number Illegal eof marker for << redirection ()&|; }-+?= Missing '))' Unterminated quoted string Missing '}' Bad substitution EOF in backquote substitution GD CD HDD pED ED ED FD LD ED FD 8FD 4GD DD FD GD %s unexpected (expecting %s) Syntax error: %s Directory nonexistent cannot create %s: %s No such file cannot open %s: %s \D ]D \D \D ]D $^D $^D ,^D ,^D %d: %m ??? trap -- %s %s %s: bad trap jD 8kD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD 8kD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD pkD XkD pkD pkD XkD BusyBox v1.00-pre3 (2004.11.17-07:58+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. Built-in commands: ------------------- %c%s %.*s: bad variable name %.*s: is read only %s%s%.*s%s vf %ldm%ld.%.3lds%c exponent less than 0 divide by zero expression recursion loop detected expression expected p:r arg count IFS ugo rwx %.4o Illegal mode: %s time(seconds) file(blocks) data(kbytes) stack(kbytes) coredump(blocks) memory(kbytes) locked memory(kbytes) process(processes) nofiles(descriptors) HSatfdsmcnpl internal error (%c) too many arguments unlimited bad number %-20s %lld error setting limit (%m) <<= >>= << >> ,|| && != *<= k>= K== |= B&= "*= /= #%= C+= -= -- 3^= b++ ** /! 0< += * .% N+ -^ $) 4( sh: turning off NDELAY mode /dev/null [%dD [%dA [%dC [J PATH `"#$%^&*()=+{}[]:;'|\<> %*s ./ ../ [H Kernel log daemon exiting. klogd started: BusyBox v1.00-pre3 (2004.11.17-07:58+0000) klogd: Error return from sys_sycall: %d - %s. c:n daemon unknown facility name: %s unknown priority name: %s p:st: %s GENACan't find circular buffer Can't get access to circular buffer from syslogd Can't get access to semaphone(s) for circular buffer from syslogd semop[SMrdn] %s semop[SMrup] alert crit debug emerg err error info none notice panic warn warning auth authpriv cron daemon ftp kern lpr mail mark news security syslog user uucp local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6 local7 /var/log/messages GENAExiting Syslogd! shmget shmat semget Buffer already allocated just grab the semaphore? semop[SMwdn] Weird! Can't find the terminator token??? Weird! Can't find the terminator token from the beginning??? semop[SMwup] /dev/console Bummer, can't print: <%d> %s.%s %s %s %s %s System log daemon exiting. -- MARK -- cannot create socket cannot connect to remote host %s:%d /dev/log Couldn't get file descriptor for socket /dev/log Could not connect to socket /dev/log Could not set permission on /dev/log syslogd started: BusyBox v1.00-pre3 (2004.11.17-07:58+0000) select error UNIX socket error m:nO:R:LC cn:s: /dev/tty /dev/console --More-- (%d%% of %ld bytes) async atime defaults noauto dev diratime exec noatime nodev nodiratime noexec nosuid remount ro rw suid sync bind %s is write-protected, mounting read-only auto /etc/filesystems /proc/filesystems Mounting %s on %s failed /dev/root %s on %s type %s (%s) rootfs o:rt:wafnv /etc/fstab Cannot read /etc/fstab swap Can't find %s in /etc/fstab Cannot open %s rootfs /dev/root %s busy - remounted read-only Cannot remount %s read-only proc %s Couldn't umount %s on %s: %s unable to stat `%s' m: bb_xasprintf cannot set groups cannot set group id cannot set user id %s %s%s%s %s unable to stat `%s' `%s' and `%s' are the same file %s: omitting directory `%s' is not a directory cannot create directory `%s' unable to open directory `%s' unable to change permissions of `%s' %s: overwrite `%s'? unable to remove `%s' unable to open `%s' unable to close `%s' internal error: unrecognized file type unable to create `%s' cannot create fifo `%s' cannot create symlink `%s' unable to preserve ownership of `%s' unable to preserve times of `%s' unable to preserve permissions of `%s' Unable to read all data Read error Password: getpass: cannot open /dev/tty icmp could not stat '/' /dev could not open '/dev' /dev/root kMGT %Lu %Lu.%d%c default [NONE SET] inet DARPA Internet %02X- unspec UNSPEC /proc/net No usable address families found. warning: no inet socket available SIOCGIFCONF %n%Lu%u%u%u%u%n%n%n%Lu%u%u%u%u%u %Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%n%n%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u %Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%u /proc/net/dev Warning: cannot open %s. Limited output. compressed bytes Device not found %s: error fetching interface information: %s loop Local Loopback %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X ether Ethernet ppp Point-Point Protocol unknown 10base2 10baseT AUI 100baseT 100baseTX 100baseFX Ki Mi Gi Ti X bytes:%Lu (%Lu.%u %sB)%s UP BROADCAST DEBUG LOOPBACK POINTOPOINT NOTRAILERS RUNNING NOARP PROMISC ALLMULTI SLAVE MASTER MULTICAST %-9.9s Link encap:%s HWaddr %s Media:%s (auto) %s addr:%s P-t-P:%s Bcast:%s Mask:%s [NO FLAGS] MTU:%d Metric:%d RX packets:%Lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu frame:%lu compressed:%lu TX packets:%Lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu carrier:%lu collisions:%lu compressed:%lu txqueuelen:%d R T Interrupt:%d Base address:0x%lx Memory:%lx-%lx DMA chan:%x socket cannot get system information %A, %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S fE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE tgE fE tgE tgE tgE PgE tgE tgE tgE lgE fE fE fE tgE tgE fE fE gE tgE fE login: create set permissions of Cannot %s directory `%s' ?pc?d?b?-?l?s???rwxSTst /proc/mounts %ld unknown group name: %s unknown user name: %s unknown user name: %s unknown gid %ld %ld augo rwxXst invalid number `%s' abfnrtv\ \\ /proc Can't open /proc /proc/%d/stat %*s (%15c %c %d %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %ld %*s %*s %*s %*s %ld /proc/%d/cmdline %s unable to stat `%s' cannot remove `%s' %s: is a directory %s: descend into directory `%s'? unable to open `%s' unable to close `%s' %s: remove directory `%s'? %s: remove `%s'? unable to remove `%s' -%s -c cannot run %s unable to cd to %s' for user %s' cannot cd to home directory or / warning: cannot change to home directory TERM HOME SHELL USER LOGNAME /bin:/usr/bin /usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin PATH %s EXIT HUP INT QUIT ILL ABRT FPE KILL SEGV PIPE ALRM TERM USR1 USR2 CHLD CONT STOP TSTP TTIN TTOU TRAP IOT EMT BUS SYS URG IO POLL CLD XCPU XFSZ VTALRM PROF PWR WINCH SIG %d %s: : %s%s %s tcp Unable to connect to remote host (%s) getcwd() %s %s xregcomp: %s ` ignoring all arguments BusyBox v1.00-pre3 (2004.11.17-07:58+0000) multi-call binary memory exhausted invalid date `%s' Write Error can`t create raw socket permission denied. (are you root?) /etc/nologin /etc/motd standard input -/bin/sh bb_xstrndup bug %s %s %s : standard output P T. pbF tbF xbF P~@ bF Lb@ bF bF bF bF bF bF bF bF bF bF bF bF bF bF bF bF bF cF cF cF cF ^B cF $cF ,cF 4cF F @E S@ 0GF OF dF R@ R@ R@ R@ PHF }@ lB 87C R@ R@ R@ IF R@ pR@ `R@ PR@ @R@ 0R@ 0NF R@ R@ "F R@ Q@ Q@ OF Q@ Q@ Q@ PF ;F Q@ Q@ Q@ pRF pQ@ hA `Q@ PQ@ @Q@ IF 0Q@ Q@ Q@