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_~el _~ b _~ew ephem t/ud d^ Jh nce Jh s Jh k Jk gso_ scru rk Jk n+_" dai! c`pll ync, ai`bc ai`clkd+ ai`fmt ai`pll ai`s mux_ sw_r fo_m fo_v fo_v sw_r fo_v fo_xr _lim dai_ dai_na daifmt sw_r hw}a> eld64 eld eld64 Jpi_ Jpi_"_ e Jpi_"_ Jpi_ Jpi_ Jpi Jpi_ Jpi_ Jpi_ Jpi_ p% Jpi_ e Jpi_n d Jpi_'_ Jpi_~ Jpl Jpmi,m Jpmi,m Jpmi,m Jpmi,m Jpmi! Jpmi! Jpmi! Jpmi_ Jpmi_ " Jpmi_ Jpmi_ Jpmi_ Jpmi_ Jpmi_ _~el Jpmi Jpmi Jpmi o_~e ized p%`@ nr_tbl v4_= obj_= obj_ $e J ok/by, ok/by ok/by ns J ns J hpri_wq J view qg u_qs sp|64 sp|64 lize lize sp|64 sp|64_ kill d+ns cel day64 day64 boot day64 ok/na lay ;!su mu_m mu_' _gu '_gu akpo akpo akpo '_hw akpo akpo kill mk~e v_ho kill '_oo r^lim bdi` _~e? _~e? _~eb sync lru_= s2_r s [h md/n bdi_ iff! kobj _gfp lru_= lru, lru, lru_ lru_ lru_ lru_ lru_w lru_w x_*nr fn_r mixed brk _32_ vz"_ obj|t obj|t fns ize :awed _'g =m!so >m!so tR s] eInfo fog2s c(i_ 2c>g c(i_ c(ili c(ili c(ili c(ili w_nc c(ili c(ili CA_APPLDATA CA_APPLDATA_FIRST CA_APPLDATA_NEXT CA_BLOCKSIZE CA_DATA_B3_IND_DATA CA_FREE_DATA_B3_REQ CA_FREE_NCCI CA_GET_MESSAGE CA_INIT CA_KARTE CA_KARTEN_ANZAHL CA_NEW_DATA_B3_IND CA_NEW_DATA_B3_REQ CA_NEW_NCCI CA_PARAMS CA_PUT_MESSAGE CA_VERSION CA_WINDOWSIZE CA_FREE CA_MALLOC CA_MEM_EXIT CA_MEM_SHOW CA_FREE CA_MALLOC c(i_osli CA_MSEC CA_MSEC64 CA_TIMER_DELETE CA_TIMER_NEW CA_TIMER_START CA_TIMER_STOP CAPI_GET_MANUFACTURER CAPI_GET_MESSAGE CAPI_GET_MESSAGE_WAIT_QUEUE CAPI_GET_PROFILE CAPI_GET_SERIAL_NUMBER CAPI_GET_VERSION CAPI_INIT CAPI_INSTALLED CAPI_PUT_MESSAGE CAPI_REGISTER CAPI_RELEASE c(i_osli E1Tx_C E1Tx_Op E1Tx_S%Tr E1Tx_Tr boos _kobj|t _gov \'_gov kobj boos \gov dbs<|k gov_$ host _host host `vq#c host #c`b #c`b #c`da vddr host "_host host host csd host b [d 0_~eb mcpy host `hos flags _~eb _~el _~ b _~ew [d #c x/ host _"_host host host host host host `uhs host e [dh -m@ [dh p% [dh hot d`br hot d`br _au: twdt hdcp au:_ mcpy c-il c-il mux_~e c-sh au:_ cm`w boot m`qce ild _n_=r ells cells h xe help u16_ u32_ u64_ byna dg rp>g rp>g rp>g rp>g rp>g rp>g rp>g '_rp>g '_ed num, mu_na cell dsp dsp ok/m fo [ ok/os '_os t [n hw!s hw!s hw!s sk64 hw!s hw!s hw!s hw!s hw!s hw!s hw!s hw_ru hw_ru cm`@ cm`sync [ hw_r^s dai! c`pll ai`bc ai`clkd+ ai`fmt ai`pll ai`s fo_m dai_ dai_na daifmt p% [ mux_ dai_ hw}a> ync, sw_r fo_v fo_v sw_r fo_v fo_xr _lim sw_r curr_=r fo, cv_t cv_wi cept cv>g %>g cv>g ync [ claim [k,# ddr_n ll [k skb [ cv>g cept tl [ cv>g _n(i_" n(i_" e [k s [k $e [k _wri gso_ "_he scru sce [k tx [k c>g [c n_kil ephem ephem numb turb lags stbyhwt _n(i, _n(i _n(i tx_h "_na flags flags byhw=r_ stbyhwt cel `mtu n(i! n(i, n(i_ n(i_g n(i_g n(i_g ce+e n(i_h n(i_h pr+^ _rx_h pr+^ pr+^ rx_h rx_h n(i_= n(i_ rx_ni rx_$ tx_$ f`xp s:ru cvhook cvhook help y ll _hw_=r _hw_=r _hw_=r _hw_=r_ sync _hw_=r_ =r_= sync sync h_ifd h_xm _rtn _rtn _rtn _rtnl rtnl! rtnl ifla rtnl rtnl rtnl`s _hook diff r^lim _gifc ce+e ce+e `mtu -a l h(ed _*`pr ce+e `|fg -a_rx< -a_rx< -a_rx< -a`hs -a_tx< -a_'_h -a_'_h llc`s "_e: mqs e:,# e:_g e:_g ce+e e:_he e:_he e:_he e:_he e:_t e:_v _8022 '_8022 dflt ok/@ oyg amily amily nl>g nf!n dflt hook v6_@ _hook _hook _hoo hook '_af '_hook '_hoo hook nfnl hook _nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n t/hook ed!n _nf!n help gn_help nf!n help nf!n help nf!n help help help help help help help help help nf!n nf!n nf!n nf!n udp4 nf!n udp6 nf!n nf!n nf!n dscp nf!n dscp s2pr pmtu pmtu xrli %<|k ok/ ok/l twsk twsk twsk cept =r2s d!fl csk, pmtu cv>g v_>s v4!n v4_mtu duced %<|k oki qg eld64 eld eld64 mc<| =r_t =r_t =r_t =r_t kill cv>g v6_@ mr_mfc mr_'_mf t/ud ,oki v4<|k ,oki |n_ok xfrm4_t xfrm4_t xfrm4_ xfrm4 xfrm4 xfrm4 xfrm4 xfrm4_ xfrm4_ _xfr _xfr- y<|k _xfr xfr- xfr- xfr- xfr- xfr- xfr- xfr- xfr- xfr- xfr- '_af xfr- xfr- xfr- _xfr _xfr _xfr w_*p xfrm _km xfrm xfrm ok/by=r ok/b '_af '_km '_af xfr- xfr- play byna byna xfrm xfrm byna xfrm, xfrm, byna xfr- ix_]t\l et6_ et6_ et6_i et6_' 6_(p ok/fl ok/fl 6_xm flags v6g }am!so c sv boot lags lags }a-ri }a-ri lay lay miim tx_$ l2da_m gr^d mdum qca8074 c(i>gs \num wcss clai ximu }a-md nf!n help fri% ot T r ll tlpj tVFP_ Tdum help help help akpo tvdso ly,he ly x Thoo xcep Thoo Tboot ugs t ly x* ly x tv6_ Tv7wbi_tl pq40xx ?wn_ kobj|t Tnsp `boo vel tm ?wn_g t/hr tboo tboo boot t/nr Taud tbpf akpo boot T"_l t/v> tbdi ync _"_" k Tp _embe *s t boot boot boot boot _obj| tboo ( Tk ly Tv; Tnsf fmt t mbca _k>g Tjbd2_j]rn Tjbd2_j]rn tj]rn ; Tfa p437 p850 p852 o8859_1 o8859_2 o8859_15 t Tjf;2, Tjf;2 jf;2 Tjf;2_zli Tjf;2_lzo Tjf;2_lz _=r t Taa_ Taa_"_ tmd5_ ha1_ ha256_ ha512_ tlzo_ tx509_ tblk tblk tblk :od T tkobj| ix_t h_tbl ynam ynam s Tg g Tg q806x dwc3 tqca tqca dur_h tqca_ pq807x _agg pq4019 `vga _(ply tgsbi tqmi tqca_tz pq40xx ttty ly!so ly!so t/dm t>m!so tkpi _kpi tboo r7wd :wrn TTFFS3_E Tdr+ tm25p80 `}am i_gluebi tqca_md ppox wc3_ t>m tkc(i Tkc(i )(i_osli )(i_osli \gov \gov \gov_ \gov \gov pq60xx _0_1 _0_2 be t> cell cells _mux q806x q807x q807x q807x tkps hwsp g; Trp tq6v5_wcs tqfp p\lp tqca p\lp Tds kobj| -a_e tllc tbl tnf!n pv4_ i Tudp4 Tudpl Tudpv4_ pv4_ txfrm4_ pv4_ Txfrm4 Txfrm4 Txfrm4 Txfr Txfr Txfr txfr txfrmi Tif6 v6_=r_l v6_=r_l rtnl i T Tudpv6 Tudpl Tudpl 6_mr Txfrm6 Txfrm6 Txfrm6 b6_ru v6_m txfrm6_ p6_t pv6_ pv6_ Tbr_ Tbr_nf, tbr_ tkoa tl2t tl2t tl2t tl2t tvl tqr boot noti _sta init _register device_ dev_ _show lock _con alloc queu unregister R__ksymtab_s r__kstrtab_s _set_ r__func__.2 writ tab__ ate_ devic register r__func__.3 gister get_ r__func__. func__. func r__kstrtab_ R__ksymtab_ R__ksym __ksym r__kstr __kstr tab_ __ks /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/init/main.c initcall_blacklist initcall_blacklisted initcall_debug initcall %s blacklisted 7calling %pF @ %i 7initcall %pF returned %d after %lld usecs preemption imbalance disabled interrupts initcall %pF returned with %s earlycon 4Malformed early option '%s' 4Parameter %s is obsolete, ignored blacklisting initcall %s early options 5Kernel command line: %s Booting kernel Setting init args Interrupts were enabled *very* early, fixing it Interrupts were enabled early Too many boot %s vars at `%s' /dev/console 3Warning: unable to open an initial console. 3Failed to execute %s (error %d) Requested init %s failed (error %d). /etc/preinit /sbin/init /etc/init /bin/init /bin/sh No working init found. Try passing init= option to kernel. See Linux Documentation/init.txt for guidance. postcore HOME=/ TERM=linux readonly 6VFS: Mounted root (%s filesystem)%s on device %u:%u. VFS: Cannot open root device "%s" or %s: error %d Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on %s List of all partitions: No filesystem could mount root, tried: /dev/root 5VFS: Insert %s and press ENTER 0Failed to create /dev/root: %d 6Waiting %d sec before mounting root device... 6Waiting for root device %s... 6Waiting for root device ... 3RAMDISK: error while reading compressed data 3RAMDISK: EOF while reading compressed data 3RAMDISK: incomplete write (%ld != %ld) /dev/ram 5RAMDISK: %s image found at block %d 0RAMDISK: %s decompressor not configured! 5RAMDISK: romfs filesystem found at block %d 5RAMDISK: cramfs filesystem found at block %d 5RAMDISK: squashfs filesystem found at block %d 5RAMDISK: Minix filesystem found at block %d 5RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem found at block %d 5RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at %d. 0Invalid ramdisk decompression routine. Select appropriate config option. Could not decompress initial ramdisk image. RAMDISK: image too big! (%dKiB/%ldKiB) /initrd.image 3RAMDISK: could not determine device size 3RAMDISK: could not allocate buffer 5RAMDISK: Loading %dKiB [%ld disk%s] into ram disk... done disk #%d. Error closing the disk. disk #%d Error opening disk. Loading disk #%d... done. root floppy disk to be loaded into RAM disk /dev 4Failed to create a rootfs 3Starting init: %s exists but couldn't execute it (error %d) Linux version 4.4.271 (kbuild-team@core.avm.de) (gcc version 8.4.0 (Buildroot 2020.02.1-g3ef93f8b) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT 2024-03-26 %s version %s (kbuild-team@core.avm.de) (gcc version 8.4.0 (Buildroot 2020.02.1-g3ef93f8b) ) %s PARTUUID= PARTNROFF=%d%c 3VFS: PARTUUID= is invalid. Expected PARTUUID=[/PARTNROFF=%%d] 3Disabling rootwait; root= is invalid. /dev/ %u:%u%c %u:%u:%u:%c 6Calibrating delay loop (skipped) already calibrated this CPU 6Calibrating delay loop (skipped) preset value.. 6Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 5calibrate_delay_direct() ignoring timer_rate as we had a TSC wrap around start=%lu >=post_end=%lu 5calibrate_delay_direct() dropping min bogoMips estimate %d = %lu 5calibrate_delay_direct() dropping max bogoMips estimate %d = %lu 5calibrate_delay_direct() failed to get a good estimate for loops_per_jiffy. Probably due to long platform interrupts. Consider using "lpj=" boot option. 6Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 6Calibrating delay loop... %lu.%02lu BogoMIPS (lpj=%lu) /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/vfp/vfpmodule.c VFP: bounce: trigger %08x fpexc %08x vfp_raise_exceptions vfp_emulate_instruction VFP_bounce vfp_disable vfp_pm_suspend 6VFP support v0.3: no double precision support implementor %02x architecture %d part %02x variant %x rev %x /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/vfp/vfpsingle.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/vfp/vfpdouble.c %s: saving vfp state %s: should be called prior to vfp_init VFP: emulate: INST=0x%08x SCR=0x%08x 2BUG: unsupported FP instruction in kernel mode 2BUG: FP instruction issued in kernel mode with FP unit disabled VFP: raising exceptions %08x unhandled bounce 3VFP: Error: %s 3VFP: EXC 0x%08x SCR 0x%08x INST 0x%08x 3VFP: s%2u: 0x%08x s%2u: 0x%08x vfp_single_dump vfp_double_dump __vfp_single_normaliseround vfp_single_fsqrt vfp_single_ftoui vfp_single_ftosi vfp_single_add vfp_single_multiply vfp_single_multiply_accumulate vfp_single_fmul vfp_single_fnmul vfp_single_fadd vfp_single_fdiv vfp_single_cpdo pack: in VFP: rounding increment = 0x%08x pack: final 4VFP: estimate_sqrt: invalid significand 6VFP: bad FP values in %s VFP: vecstride=%u veclen=%u VFP: itr%d (%c%u) = op[%u] (s%u=%08x) VFP: itr%d (%c%u) = (s%u) op[%u] (s%u=%08x) VFP: itr%d: exceptions=%08x VFP: %s: sign=%d exponent=%d significand=%08x fcvtd VFP: s%u = %08x fmac fmsc fnmac fnmsc sqrt estimate VFP: term=%016llx rem=%016llx VFP: ftosi: d(s%d)=%08x exceptions=%08x VFP: ftoui: d(s%d)=%08x exceptions=%08x VFP: swapping M <-> N normalise_denormal: in normalise_denormal: out vfp_double_normaliseround vfp_double_ftoui vfp_double_ftosi vfp_double_add vfp_double_multiply vfp_double_cpdo VFP: itr%d (%c%u) = op[%u] (d%u) VFP: itr%d (%c%u) = (d%u) op[%u] (d%u) VFP: %s: sign=%d exponent=%d significand=%016llx fadd fdiv fmul fnmul fsito sqrt estimate1 sqrt estimate2 fsqrt fsub fuito VFP: rounding increment = 0x%08llx VFP: %s: d(d%d)=%016llx exceptions=%08x Returning to usermode but unexpected PSR bits set? /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/regset.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/reboot.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/setup.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/traps.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/module-plts.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/perf_event_v7.c %*s: %10lu LR is at %s pc : [<%08lx>] lr : [<%08lx>] psr: %08lx sp : %08lx ip : %08lx fp : %08lx r10: %08lx r9 : %08lx r8 : %08lx r7 : %08lx r6 : %08lx r5 : %08lx r4 : %08lx r3 : %08lx r2 : %08lx r1 : %08lx r0 : %08lx Flags: %s IRQs o%s FIQs o%s Mode %s ISA %s Segment %s Table: %08x DAC: %08x Control: %08x%s [vectors] [sigpage] Thumb Jazelle ThumbEE USER_26 FIQ_26 IRQ_26 SVC_26 UK4_26 UK5_26 UK6_26 UK7_26 UK8_26 UK9_26 UK10_26 UK11_26 UK12_26 UK13_26 UK14_26 UK15_26 USER_32 FIQ_32 IRQ_32 SVC_32 UK4_32 UK5_32 MON_32 ABT_32 UK8_32 UK9_32 HYP_32 UND_32 UK12_32 UK13_32 UK14_32 SYS_32 cpsr ORIG_r0 serial-number %08x%08x 6Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x%x Available machine support: ID (hex) NAME %08x %s Please check your kernel config and/or bootloader. 2Ignoring memory at 0x%08llx outside 32-bit physical address space 2Truncating memory at 0x%08llx to fit in 32-bit physical address space 6Ignoring memory below PHYS_OFFSET: 0x%08llx-0x%08llx 6CPU: All CPU(s) started in HYP mode. 6CPU: Virtualization extensions available. 4CPU: WARNING: CPU(s) started in wrong/inconsistent modes (primary CPU mode 0x%x) 4CPU: This may indicate a broken bootloader or firmware. 6CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode. PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing VIVT ASID tagged VIPT aliasing PIPT 6CPU: %s [%08x] revision %d (ARMv%s), cr=%08lx %s%c 6CPU: %s data cache, %s instruction cache no ATAGS support: can't continue System RAM mask of set bits 0x%x MPIDR hash: aff0[%u] aff1[%u] aff2[%u] mask[0x%x] bits[%u] 4Large number of MPIDR hash buckets detected pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 half thumb 26bit fastmult edsp java iwmmxt crunch thumbee neon vfpv3 vfpv3d16 vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm setup undefined/unknown 5TEJ 6TEJ ?(12) ?(13) ?(14) ?(15) ?(16) ?(17) Video RAM Kernel code Kernel data Oops - undefined instruction prefetch abort data abort address exception enable-method 4%s: unsupported enable-method property: %s 5cpuidle: enable-method property '%s' found operations module_plts membase portbase portshift 6SMP: Total of %d processors activated (%lu.%02lu BogoMIPS). /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/smp.c CPU wakeup interrupts Timer broadcast interrupts Rescheduling interrupts Function call interrupts Single function call interrupts CPU stop interrupts IRQ work interrupts completion interrupts unwind /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/unwind.c /cpus * %s... * %s missing reg property Duplicate /cpu reg properties in the DT /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/devtree.c DT /cpu %u nodes greater than max cores %u, capping them 4DT missing boot CPU MPIDR[23:0], fall back to default cpu_logical_map cpu logical map 0x%x Error: unrecognized/unsupported device tree compatible list: '%s' Generic DT based system devtree cpu/swp_emulation 5Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler swp_emulate /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/swp_emulate.c 6hw-breakpoint: debug architecture 0x%x unsupported. armv7-pmu 3missing device node for CPU %d 3%s missing clock-frequency property arm,cortex-a15 arm,cortex-a7 3VDSO is not a valid ELF object! vdso: %i text pages at base %p arm,armv7-timer arm,armv8-timer arm,cpu-registers-not-fw-configured .dynsym .dynstr __vdso_gettimeofday __vdso_clock_gettime vdso /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/vdso.c [vdso] [vvar] Reboot failed -- System halted smp_build_mpidr_hash processor : %d model name : %s rev %d (%s) cpu MHz : %u.%03u BogoMIPS : %lu.%02lu Features : CPU implementer : 0x%02x CPU architecture: %s CPU part : %07x CPU variant : 0x%02x CPU variant : 0x%x CPU part : 0x%03x CPU revision : %d Hardware : %s Revision : %04x Serial : %s 2CPU%u: bad primary CPU number 3CPU%u: configuration botched (ID %08x), CPU halted 3Division by zero in kernel. (%0*x) bad PC value %sCode: %s __die 3%s:%d: bad pgd %08llx. 3%s:%d: bad pmd %08llx. 3%s:%d: bad pte %08llx. 3%s called, but not implemented branch through zero Oops - bad syscall(2) 2Bad mode in %s handler detected Oops - bad mode Oops - bad syscall unknown data abort code Oops - BUG 3FIQ watchdog handling: recursion in %s... 3... skipping die-notifier, falling back to single CPU backtrace! 0Internal error: %s: %x [#%d] PREEMPT SMP ARM 3FIQ watchdog handling, master CPU calls die notifier ... 0Process %.*s (pid: %d, stack limit = 0x%p) Stack: Fatal exception in fastirq Fatal exception in interrupt Fatal exception 3%04lx: [<%08lx>] (%pS) Exception stack %s%s(0x%08lx to 0x%08lx) ???????? %s%04lx:%s 0Backtrace: 3%s: section %u reloc %u: bad relocation sym offset 3%s: section %u reloc %u sym '%s': out of bounds relocation, offset %d size %u 3%s: section %u reloc %u sym '%s': unsupported interworking call (ARM -> Thumb) 3%s: section %u reloc %u sym '%s': relocation %u out of range (%#lx -> %#x) 3%s: unknown relocation: %u .ARM.exidx.init.text .ARM.exidx .ARM.exidx.exit.text .ARM.exidx.text.unlikely .ARM.exidx.text.hot .pv_table .alt.smp.init module_frob_arch_sections .core.plt .init.plt 3%s: sections missing [%s] no plts needed for core of module %s %s: core.plt=%x, init.plt=%x PCI: unable to allocate sys data! /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/bios32.c PCI%d I/O 3PCI: unable to allocate I/O port region (%d) PCI: unable to scan bus! (%s: %04X) 6PCI: bus%d: Fast back to back transfers %sabled PCI: %s mapping slot %d pin %d => irq %d PCI: %s swizzling pin %d => pin %d slot %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/suspend.c 3CPU%u: cpu didn't die 5CPU%u: shutdown 3CPU%u: unable to kill 2CPU%u: failed to come online 3CPU%u: failed to boot: %d secondary_start_kernel panic_smp_self_stop 4CPU%u: smp_ops.cpu_die() returned, trying to resuscitate 2CPU%u: stopping 2CPU%u: Unknown IPI message 0x%x CPU %u will stop doing anything useful since another CPU has paniced CPU%u: Booted secondary processor %*s%u: %10u 4SMP: failed to stop secondary CPUs search_index unwind_find_origin unwind_find_idx unwind_exec_insn unwind_frame unwind_backtrace unwind_table_add %s(%08lx, %p, %p, %p) 4unwind: Unknown symbol address %08lx %s(regs = %p tsk = %p) %s(%p, %p) %s -> %p %s(pc = %08lx lr = %08lx sp = %08lx) %s(%08lx) %s: idx = %p 4unwind: Unsupported personality routine %08lx in the index at %p 4unwind: Unsupported personality routine %08lx at %p %s: insn = %08lx 4unwind: 'Refuse to unwind' instruction %04lx 4unwind: Spare encoding %04lx 4unwind: Unhandled instruction %02lx %s: fp = %08lx sp = %08lx lr = %08lx pc = %08lx 4unwind: Corrupt unwind table %s(%08lx, %08lx, %08lx, %08lx) arm_dt_init_cpu_maps set_segfault emulate_swpX swp_handler Emulated SWP: %lu Emulated SWPB: %lu Aborted SWP{B}: %lu Last process: %d SWP{B} emulation: access caused memory abort! Illegal memory access "%s" (%ld) uses deprecated SWP{B} instruction addr in r%d->0x%08x, dest is r%d, source in r%d->0x%08x) SWP{B} emulation: access to %p not allowed! SWP instruction on unaligned pointer! 4hw-breakpoint: Can't find any breakpoint slot 4hw-breakpoint: CPUID feature registers not supported. Assuming v6 debug is present. 4hw-breakpoint: attempt to write to unknown breakpoint register %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/kernel/perf_regs.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/uaccess.h armv7_cortex_a12 armv7_cortex_a15 armv7_cortex_a17 armv7_cortex_a5 armv7_cortex_a7 armv7_cortex_a8 armv7_cortex_a9 arm,cortex-a17-pmu arm,cortex-a15-pmu arm,cortex-a12-pmu arm,cortex-a9-pmu arm,cortex-a8-pmu arm,cortex-a7-pmu arm,cortex-a5-pmu qcom,krait-pmu qcom,scorpion-pmu qcom,scorpion-mp-pmu 3CPU%u disabling wrong PMNC counter IRQ enable %d 3CPU%u enabling wrong PMNC counter IRQ enable %d 3CPU%u reading wrong counter %d 3CPU%u writing wrong counter %d armv7_krait qcom,no-pc-write armv7_scorpion_mp armv7_scorpion 6CPU%u: update cpu_capacity %lu 6CPU%u: thread %d, cpu %d, socket %d, mpidr %x vdso_init arch_sys_counter psci: cpu %d failed to shutdown 6CPU%d killed. 6Retrying again to check for CPU kill 4CPU%d may not have shut down cleanly (AFFINITY_INFO reports %d) /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/include/asm/dma-mapping.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/scatterlist.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/mm/dma-mapping.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/mm/fault.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/mm/init.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/mm/ioremap.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/mm/mmu.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/mm/highmem.c coherent DMA mask is unset Coherent DMA mask %#llx is larger than dma_addr_t allows Driver did not use or check the return value from dma_set_coherent_mask()? Coherent DMA mask %#llx (pfn %#lx-%#lx) covers a smaller range of system memory than the DMA zone pfn 0x0-%#lx coherent pool not initialised! 6DMA: preallocated %zd KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations 3DMA: failed to allocate %zx KiB pool for atomic coherent allocation 4Hit pending asynchronous external abort (FSR=0x%08x) during first unmask, this is most likely caused by a firmware/bootloader bug. I-cache maintenance fault section access flag fault 1Unhandled fault: %s (0x%03x) at 0x%08lx 1Unhandled prefetch abort: %s (0x%03x) at 0x%08lx unknown 0 unknown 1 debug event unknown 4 section translation fault page access flag fault page translation fault external abort on non-linefetch section domain fault unknown 10 page domain fault external abort on translation section permission fault page permission fault unknown 16 unknown 17 unknown 18 unknown 19 unknown 20 unknown 21 unknown 22 unknown 23 unknown 24 unknown 25 unknown 26 unknown 27 unknown 28 unknown 29 unknown 30 unknown 31 vector exception alignment exception terminal exception external abort on linefetch lock abort imprecise external abort dcache parity error 4ATAG_INITRD is deprecated; please update your bootloader. 5Virtual kernel memory layout: vector : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) fixmap : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld kB) vmalloc : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) lowmem : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) pkmap : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) modules : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx (%4ld MB) .text : 0x%p - 0x%p (%4td kB) .init : 0x%p - 0x%p (%4td kB) .data : 0x%p - 0x%p (%4td kB) .bss : 0x%p - 0x%p (%4td kB) enabling work-around unable to map memory unable to grab page 6CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: failed, %s 6Setting up static identity map for 0x%lx - 0x%lx 4Only cachepolicy=%s supported on ARMv6 and later 3ERROR: unknown or unsupported cache policy 4nocache is deprecated; use cachepolicy=%s uncached 4nowb is deprecated; use cachepolicy=%s 4vmalloc area too small, limiting to %luMB 4vmalloc area is too big, limiting to %luMB 4BUG: not creating mapping for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx in user region 4BUG: mapping for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx out of vmalloc space 3MM: CPU does not support supersection mapping for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx 3MM: invalid domain in supersection mapping for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx 3MM: cannot create mapping for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx invalid alignment 4BUG: map for 0x%08llx at 0x%08lx can not be mapped using pages, ignoring. 3ERROR: could not find cache policy 2Physical address space modification is only to support Keystone2. 2Please enable ARM_LPAE and ARM_PATCH_PHYS_VIRT support to use this 2feature. Your kernel may crash now, have a good day. ECC enabled, 4Forcing write-allocate cache policy for SMP 4Forcing shared mappings for SMP 6Memory policy: %sData cache %s cpu/alignment fixup fixup+warn signal signal+warn NULL pointer dereference paging request 1Unable to handle kernel %s at virtual address %08lx Oops 1pgd = %p 1[%08lx] *pgd=%08llx (bad) , *pte=%08llx , *ppte=%08llx unused kernel /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/mm/pageattr.c alignment User: %lu System: %lu (%pF) Skipped: %lu Half: %lu DWord: %lu Multi: %lu User faults: %i (%s) Kernel faults: %i (%s) ... only the newest user-unaligneds shown ... only the newest kernel-unaligneds shown 4alignment: ignoring faults is unsafe on this CPU. Defaulting to fixup mode. 3set user unaligned-mode: %s 3set kernel unaligned-mode: %s 3parameter: user '2' %s '3' %s '4' %s '5' %s 3 system '6' %s '7' %s '8' %s 3Kernel Alignment trap %lu: %s (%d) PC=0x%lxS Instr=0x%0*lx Address=0x%08lx FSR 0x%03x Kernel Alignment trap: 3Alignment trap: not handling swp instruction 3Alignment trap: not handling instruction %0*lx at [<%08lx>] 3User-Alignment trap: %s (%d) PC=0x%08lx Instr=0x%0*lx Address=0x%08lx FSR 0x%03x 3Alignment trap: not handling ldm with s-bit set 3LDMSTM: PC = %08lx, instr = %08lx, addr = %08lx, eaddr = %08lx ignore fixup+ signal+ warn+ backtrace Spectre v2: firmware did not set auxiliary control register IBE bit, system vulnerable 3CPU%u: %s BPIALL ICIALLU hypervisor 6CPU%u: Spectre v2: using %s workaround global_counter_enable qcom,qca-gcnt 3%s:can't find node 3%s:no regs for global counter Qualcomm (Flattened Device Tree) qcom,qca961x-r3pc qcom,ipq4019 qcom,apq8064 qcom,apq8074-dragonboard qcom,apq8084 qcom,ipq8062 qcom,ipq8064 qcom,msm8660-surf qcom,msm8960-cdp 4Failed to set CPU boot address, disabling SMP qcom,kpss-acc-v2 qcom,kpss-acc-v1 qcom,arm-cortex-acc %s: reciprocal=%llu mach_avm /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/mach-qcom/mach_avm.c avm/gpio avm/gpio/list avm/gpio/set avm_gpio /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/mach-qcom/avm_gpio.c 6SBL Boot Info Version %d%s Boot TZ %d Boot Eva %d 6TZ0 Version %d%s 6TZ0 not verified 6TZ1 Version %d%s 6TZ1 not verified 6EVA0 Version %d%s 6EVA0 not verified 6EVA1 Version %d%s 6EVA1 not verified 6SBL Boot Info Version %s Boot TZ %d Boot Eva %d 6TZ0 Version %s 6TZ1 Version %s 6EVA0 Version %s 6EVA1 Version %s avm/sbl_boot_info avm/sbl_boot_info/tz_boot_index avm/sbl_boot_info/eva_boot_index avm/sbl_boot_info/eva_boot_ack avm/sbl_boot_info/tz_boot_ack avm/sbl_boot_info/eva0_verified avm/sbl_boot_info/eva1_verified avm/sbl_boot_info/eva0_version avm/sbl_boot_info/eva1_version avm/sbl_boot_info/tz0_verified avm/sbl_boot_info/tz1_verified avm/sbl_boot_info/tz0_version avm/sbl_boot_info/tz1_version avm/sbl_boot_info/sbl_version avm/sbl_boot_info/struct_version scss_release_secondary a7ss_release_secondary qcom,acc qcom,arm-cortex-a7acc 3%s: can't find node qcom,saw next-level-cache qcom,gcc-msm8660 ipq40xx_cycle_init_reciprocal dakota_gpio_ctrl dakota_gpio_pinconfig mmd_write avmgpio_register_phy_mmd avmgpio_register_msm_pinctrl gpio_worker_fn dakota_gpio_out_bit dakota_gpio_in_bit dakota_gpio_get_membase avm_gpio_init avm_get_gpio_for_irq 3[%s] Unable to convert irq (%u) to gpio nr [%s] called. 3[%s] No hardware config found! 3[%s] Request GPIO 0x%08x as "%s" failed with result %d [%s] Request GPIO 0x%08x as "%s" with result %d avm_gpio_worker cpu_type %s: %d IPQ%s [%s] write=%pS; read=%pS LED %d, v %d (addr=0x%x, phy_id=%d) [%s] GPIO %d, DIR %d [%s] --> Ignored! [%s] GPIO %d; value %d HIHYS_EN 35K 10K 1.5K 20K gpio%02u %s func=%x %s %s strength=0x%x val=%x (TLMM_GPIO_CFG=0x%08x) gpio%02u %s func=%x %s %s %s %s strength=0x%x val=%x (TLMM_GPIO_CFG=0x%08x) [%s] GPIO %d, VAL %d, invval %d 3[%s] gpio_pin = %d out of range - max = %d 3Push led queue is full 6[%s] gpio%u - msm_tlmm uninitialized! 3%s: PINCONF_PARAM_OPEN_DRAIN not supported (gpio%d) 3%s: PINCONF_PARAM_HIGHPOWER not supported (gpio%d) 3%s: PINCONF_PARAM_GPIO_PU_RES not supported (gpio%d) dir= set= pulldown= pullup= strength= hihys= mux= func= power= 3use: gpio dir= set=<0|1> mux=<0..15> pullup=<0|1> pulldown=<0|1> od=<0|1> strength=<0..7> power=<0|1> hihys=<0|1> [%s] Started. phy not ready [%s] phy %d, mmd_num %d, reg_id 0x%x, reg_val: 0x%x /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/mach-qcom/avm_hw_config.c 3Error: GPIO Config Table not set from Device Tree get_sbl_boot_status is_sbl_boot_version_supported %u.%u.%u.%u.%u-%c avm_sbl_boot_string 6[%s] No reserved memory for entry for avm_sbl_boot_string (c) AVM 2017, SBL Boot Info Magic(c) AVM 2017, SBL Boot Info Magic(c) AVM 2017, SBL Boot Info Magic (c) AVM 2022, SBL Boot Info Magic(c) AVM 2022, SBL Boot Info Magic(c) AVM 2022, SBL Boot Info Magic 3[%s] Magic mismatch for avm_sbl_boot_string Magic mismatch 3[%s] Unknown version of %d for avm_sbl_boot_string Unknown version __get_userinfo monitor_ipi_firq_context monitor_ipi_direct_context trigger_firq_monitor 3CPU: %d Pid: %d, comm: %20s 3 %s (%s %.*s) 3PC is at %s 3LC is at %s 3pc :[<%08lx>] lr :[<%08lx>] psr: %08lx sp : %08lx ip : %08lx fp : %08lx 3r10: %08lx r9 : %08lx r8 : %08lx 3r7 : %08lx r6 : %08lx r5 : %08lx r4 : %08lx 3r3 : %08lx r2 : %08lx r1 : %08lx r0 : %08lx 3pc :[<%08lx>] lr :[<%08lx>] psr: %08lx sp : %08lx fp : %08lx 3Flags: %s IRQs o%s FIQs o%s Mode %s ISA %s Segment %s Table: %08lx DAC: %08lx 3Control: %08lx%s 30x%08lx 3%s+%#lx/%#lx 3 [%s] ioremap vmalloc 3vmap 3user 3vpages 3kasan 3vm_flags=0x%lx [%s: size:%lu start:%p+0x%lx alloced by:%pS] [%s: %p+0x%lx] allocated by:%pS [smempool: type:%s size:%lu start:%p%c0x%lx %s%s] %s by:%pS [slab: type:%s size:%lu start:0x%p+0x%lx%s] [page: type:reserved] O%u[%lu] [page%s: type:alloc%s] 3Classified pointer on registers: 3%s: %08lx %s 3... 3Classified pointer on stack: 3%08lx %s 0Backtrace: skipped ... %s: error: corrupt vm %p vm_last=%pS seg=%3u of=0x%08lx/0x%lx [%s] 6[%s] MONITOR_BT fiq_regs, regs=0x%p 6[%s] slave cpu is crashed cpu! 6[%s] slave cpu is not crashed cpu! 6[%s] just memcpy pregs! RTE monitor 3Could not register sgi monitor ipi <0x%0*x> 0x%0*x 3%s Code(0x%08lx): %s User-Scorelist System-Scorelist unaligneds unaligneds/time %10lu %5lu.%02lu/%s %s(%u) pc=0x%lx %10lu %5lu.%02lu/%s 0x%lx(%pS) UK6_32 UK10_32 avm_fiq wake_up_type schedule_work_type schedule_delayed_work_type queue_work_on_type tasklet_hi_schedule_type try_module_get_type module_put_type panic_type call_type wake_up_state_type avm_rte /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/avm_enh/rte/gic-common.c avm,rt_framework ipi-gic-sgi 3[rte_ipi] Invalid IPI number %d 6[rte_ipi] Available IPIs %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/avm_enh/rte/ipi-gic-sgi.c panic in early init. panic in core init. panic in postcore init. panic in arch init. panic in subsys init. panic in fs init. panic in device init. panic in late init. (fiq-context) 6[%s] MONITOR_BT exception_regs, regs=0x%p 6[%s] MONITOR_BT in_interrupt()==True, regs=0x%p 6[%s] MONITOR_BT direct synchronous call, regs=0x%p 6[%s] MONITOR_BT regs=NULL! 6[%s] master cpu is crashed cpu! 6[%s] master cpu is not crashed cpu! 6[%s] BT register set valid! 6[%s] NO_EXCEPTION/IRQ/SYNCHRONOUS CONTEXT, TRY CURRENT! BT register set not valid! 3%s: for cpu%u on cpu%u%s timeout-error /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/avm_enh/avm_fiq.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/avm_enh/avm_fiq_os.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/avm_enh/avm_tz.c avm_request_fiq_on avm_free_fiq_on avm_fiq_high_level_handler 3FASTIRQ-Status: 6[AVM_FIQ] FIQ enabled again on CPU%d! %s: BAD TZ-FIRQ CALL handled with ID=%u 3%s: inval IPI irq=%u 3%s: invalid firq=%u 6[AVM_FIQ] FIQ disabled on CPU%d to install new vector! 3FIQ Handler not installed! QCA TZ 6[AVM_FIQ] Vector installed! 6[AVM_FIQ] (Version %s)(TZ %s) 6[AVM_FIQ] (Version %s) fastinterrupts FIQ_CPU%d 3%s: error inval cpu=%d 3%s: error inval irq=%u 3%s: error inval dev_id=%u 3%s warning fiq not supported - update Urlader 3[%s] Forcing HW-IRQ %u instead 4[%s] Virtual IRQ numbers are not supported. Use HWIRQ (%lu) for requested IRQ (%u) 3[%s] Using virtual IRQ (%u) 3%s: error inval cpumask=%*pbl 3%s: error inval handler=%p 3%s: error irq=%u in use consum:min %6lu max %6lu avg %6lu dt:min %6lu max %6lu avg %6lu us %10s%u %8u: %-14s %c %s unhandled: %lu preempts: spurious: consum: %8lu.%lu fastirq_enqueue fastirq_to_linux_ipi_irq firq_to_linux_sync_ipi fastirq_to_linux_ipi_init 3[%s] ERROR ipi-queue overflow for %s %pS %u %u (last linux-ipi-irq before %lu s) ERROR FASTIRQ-IPI-IRQ do not work (since last call) [cpu=%u]Yield-to-Linux-Statistic: Max-Burst-Executed: %20u Max-Trigger-Latency: %20lu us %s Useless trigger: %20u Queue OVR: %20u avg Trigger-Period: %20llu ms %s [cpu=%d]Executed ipi-functions-sum%s: %26s: %16lu (%pS) [cpu=%d]%u pending ipi-functions: [%u] %26s: is pending since %lu s (%pS) 3%s: memory allocation failed RTE linux 3%s: error on install irq=%u: %d fiq_ipi 3%s:unknown type %u 3%s: cpu=%u: %p queue empty 3%s: cpu=%u: timeout avm_gic_fiq_enable avm_gic_fiq_disable avm_gic_fiq_configure avm_gic_fiq_raise_irq irq=%u cpumask=%*pbl prio=%u config=%u mode=%u irq=%u cpu=%u 6TZ-pin nr %d reprioritized to %x avm_rte_ipi_trigger 5[rte_ipi] Free ipi %s (nr=%d) 5[rte_ipi] Requested ipi %s (nr=%d, prio=%02x, flags=0x%08x) [rte_ipi] trigger IPI %d on %*pbl avm_rte.crash_handling_enabled avm_rte.crash_in_init_level tz_proc_setup 3[avm_scm] Set FIQ handler address SBL reboot debug: 0x%x SBL fault register content(secure): DSFR = 0x%08x, ISFR = 0x%08x, DFAR = 0x%08x, IFAR = 0x%08x SBL reboot status: 0x%x /avm_boot_shared_imem avm/tz_version avm/tz_is_sec_wdt_enabled 3[avm_scm] %s: 'avm_boot_shared_imem' node was not found! base_reg 3[avm_scm] %s: 'base_reg' property of 'avm_boot_shared_imem' node was not found! qcom,ipq5018 3[avm_scm] %s: 'sbl_version' property of 'avm_boot_shared_imem' node was not found! 3[avm_scm] %s: ioremap address was not found! 3[avm_scm] %s: not valid storage space of boot_shared_imem! avm/sbl_reboot avm/sbl_wonce avm/sbl_fault_register avm/sbl_reset_debug avm/sbl_wdog_status SBL Watchdog status: 0x%x SBL write once register content: 0x%x /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/fork.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/panic.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/cpu.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/exit.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/ptrace.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/softirq.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/resource.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/capability.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/ptrace.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/signal.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sys.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/kmod.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/workqueue.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/params.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/notifier.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/cred.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/smpboot.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sched/core.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sched/sched.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sched/idle_task.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sched/fair.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sched/rt.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sched/deadline.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sched/stop_task.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sched/cpupri.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/locking/lglock.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/locking/rtmutex_common.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/power/qos.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/power/process.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/power/suspend.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/include/asm/avm_enh/avm_fiq_os.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq/irqdomain.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq/msi.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/rcu/sync.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/rcu/srcu.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/rcu/tree.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/timer.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/hrtimer.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/ktime.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/clockevents.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/futex.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/module.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/kallsyms.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/utsname.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/stop_machine.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/audit.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/auditfilter.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq_work.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/bpf/core.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/bpf/verifier.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/bpf/arraymap.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/events/core.c 1BUG: Bad rss-counter state mm:%p idx:%d val:%ld 1BUG: non-zero nr_ptes on freeing mm: %ld &x->wait &sig->wait_chldexit &sig->cred_guard_mutex /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/iocontext.h &tsk->futex_exit_mutex /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/kref.h &mm->mmap_sem &sighand->signalfd_wqh task_struct sighand_cache signal_cache files_cache fs_cache mm_struct vm_area_struct execdomains 2Unsupported mitigations=%s, system may still be vulnerable ksoftirqd/%u NET_TX NET_RX BLOCK_IOPOLL HRTIMER ioports iomem 3resource: requested range [0x%llx-0x%llx] not in root %pr 3resource: fixing request to [0x%llx-0x%llx] NAND SFLASH PCI mem PCI IO inode-nr inode-state file-nr file-max nr_open dentry-state overflowuid overflowgid leases-enable lease-break-time aio-nr aio-max-nr inotify epoll protected_symlinks protected_hardlinks protected_fifos protected_regular suid_dumpable pipe-max-size pipe-user-pages-hard pipe-user-pages-soft mount-max overcommit_memory panic_on_oom oom_kill_allocating_task oom_dump_tasks overcommit_ratio overcommit_kbytes page-cluster dirty_background_ratio dirty_background_bytes dirty_ratio dirty_bytes dirty_writeback_centisecs dirty_expire_centisecs dirtytime_expire_seconds nr_pdflush_threads swappiness lowmem_reserve_ratio compact_memory extfrag_threshold compact_unevictable_allowed min_free_kbytes min_max_free_kbytes percpu_pagelist_fraction max_map_count laptop_mode block_dump vfs_cache_pressure legacy_va_layout stat_interval mmap_min_addr highmem_is_dirtyable user_reserve_kbytes admin_reserve_kbytes sched_child_runs_first sched_rt_period_us sched_rt_runtime_us sched_rr_timeslice_ms core_uses_pid core_pattern core_pipe_limit sysctl_writes_strict print-fatal-signals ctrl-alt-del modprobe modules_disabled sysrq cad_pid threads-max usermodehelper pid_max panic_on_oops printk printk_ratelimit printk_ratelimit_burst printk_delay dmesg_restrict kptr_restrict ngroups_max cap_last_cap watchdog_thresh nmi_watchdog soft_watchdog watchdog_cpumask softlockup_panic softlockup_all_cpu_backtrace hardlockup_all_cpu_backtrace randomize_va_space hung_task_panic hung_task_check_count hung_task_timeout_secs hung_task_warnings max_lock_depth poweroff_cmd perf_event_paranoid perf_event_mlock_kb perf_event_max_sample_rate perf_cpu_time_max_percent panic_on_warn timer_migration unprivileged_bpf_disabled uid_cache sigqueue PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin bset inheritable pool_workqueue events_highpri events_long events_unbound events_freezable events_power_efficient events_freezable_power_efficient pool_ids numa max_active per_cpu 6pid_max: default: %u minimum: %u 5Sorting __ex_table... 2Adding module '%s' to sysfs failed (%d), the system may be unstable. 4%s (%d): error creating kset nsproxy notes rcu_expedited fscaps uevent_helper uevent_seqnum cred_jar 3reboot: Ignoring the CPU number in reboot= option. CPU %d exceeds possible cpu number %d PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin 3SMP: fork_idle() failed for CPU %u 4Unable to set relax_domain_level /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/locking/rtmutex.c rtmutex deadlock detected /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/locking/rtmutex.h pm_qos 3pm_qos_param: %s setup failed Maximum Minimum memory_bandwidth network_throughput network_latency cpu_dma_latency suspend_stats pm_freeze_timeout wakeup_count pm_async poweroff(o) Power Off 3log_buf over 2G is not supported. 6debug: ignoring loglevel setting. 6debug: skip boot console de-registration. ttyS 6log_buf_len individual max cpu contribution: %d bytes 6log_buf_len total cpu_extra contributions: %d bytes 6log_buf_len min size: %d bytes 3log_buf_len: %lu bytes not available 6log_buf_len: %u bytes 6early log buf free: %u(%u%%) 6NR_IRQS:%d nr_irqs:%d %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq/irqdesc.c manage 4Misrouted IRQ fixup support enabled. 4This may impact system performance. 4Misrouted IRQ fixup and polling support enabled 4This may significantly impact system performance irqdomain cpuhotplug /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq/cpuhotplug.c 1rcu_spawn_gp_kthread(): Limited prio to %d from %d rcu_init_one: rcu_num_lvls out of range &rnp->exp_funnel_mutex &rsp->gp_wq &rsp->expedited_wq &rdp->exp_funnel_mutex 6Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation. 6 Hierarchical RCU autobalancing is disabled. 6 Build-time adjustment of leaf fanout to %d. 6 Boot-time adjustment of leaf fanout to %d. 6 RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=%d to nr_cpu_ids=%d. 6RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=%d, nr_cpu_ids=%d 6rcu_node tree layout dump %d:%d ^%d rcu_preempt rcu_bh rcu_sched freezer /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/freezer.c 3schedule_timeout: wrong timeout value %lx posix_timers_cache 4WARNING: Persistent clock returned invalid value! Check your CMOS/BIOS settings. 4WARNING: Boot clock returned invalid value! Check your CMOS/BIOS settings. pmtmr 4clocksource: clock=pmtmr is deprecated - use clocksource=acpi_pm acpi_pm 4clocksource: clock= boot option is deprecated - use clocksource=xyz available_clocksource unbind_clocksource current_clocksource timer_list alarmtimer unbind_device current_device clockevents clockevent /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/sched_clock.c 6sched_clock: %u bits at %lu%cHz, resolution %lluns, wraps every %lluns Registered %pF as sched_clock source sched_clock sleep_time 3Failed to create sleep_time debug file futex modules coming going taint initsize coresize initstate srcversion kallsyms user_namespace pid_namespace migration/%u enabled (after initialization) disabled (until reboot) 6audit: %s 6audit: audit_backlog_limit: using default of %u, unable to parse %s 6audit: initializing netlink subsys (%s) only_unset_loginuid loginuid_immutable khungtaskd watchdog/%u ostype osrelease hostname domainname s>>= alu64 map_ptr map_value map_value_or_null /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/env.c failed to create perf workqueue Failed to register pmu: %s, reason %d &swhash->hlist_mutex software hw_breakpoint initialization failed with: %d event_source perf_event_mux_interval_ms breakpoint 0-0 Linux [kernel] panic panic_on_warn pause_on_oops 4Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint 0Kernel panic - not syncing: %s 0Rebooting in %d seconds.. 0---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: %s 4---[ end trace %016llx ]--- Tainted: Not tainted A W 4------------[ cut here ]------------ 4WARNING: CPU: %d PID: %d at %s:%d %pS() panic_on_warn set ... Unbalanced cpu hotplug enable _cpu_down _cpu_up 4%s: attempt to take down CPU %u failed 4Task %s (pid=%d) is on cpu %d (state=%ld, flags=%x) 4%s: attempt to bring up CPU %u failed 3can't online cpu %d because it is not configured as may-hotadd at boot time 6Disabling non-boot CPUs ... 3Error taking CPU%d down: %d 3Non-boot CPUs are not disabled 6Enabling non-boot CPUs ... 6CPU%d is up 4Error taking CPU%d up: %d Aiee, killing interrupt handler! Attempted to kill the idle task! 1Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed! 6note: %s[%d] exited with preempt_count %d Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x%08x 3softirq: huh, entered softirq %u %s %p with preempt_count %08x, exited with %08x? 5softirq: Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt 7release child resource %pR 4Trying to free nonexistent resource <%016llx-%016llx> resource collision: %pR conflicts with %s %pR Expanded resource %s due to conflict with %s 4resource sanity check: requesting [mem %#010llx-%#010llx], which spans more than %s %pR %*s%0*llx-%0*llx : %s %s%lu 4Unsafe core_pattern used with suid_dumpable=2. Pipe handler or fully qualified core dump path required. 4%s wrote to %s when file position was not 0! This will not be supported in the future. To silence this warning, set kernel.sysctl_writes_strict = -1 6warning: process `%s' used the deprecated sysctl system call with deprecated_sysctl_warning 6capability: warning: `%s' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use) 6capability: warning: `%s' uses deprecated v2 capabilities in a way that may be insecure 2capability: capable() called with invalid cap=%u denying ptrace access check without PTRACE_MODE_*CREDS print_dropped_signal 6%s/%d: reached RLIMIT_SIGPENDING, dropped signal %d 6potentially unexpected fatal signal %d. /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/thread_info.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/sched.h 2.6.%u%s (08@HP 3request_module: runaway loop modprobe %s &wq->mutex ordering guarantee broken for workqueue %s workqueue.disable_numa workqueue.power_efficient workqueue: per-cpu pwq for %s on cpu%d has 0 refcnt %d:%d%s u%d:%d kworker/%s 4workqueue %s: drain_workqueue() isn't complete after %u tries &pool->attach_mutex cpus=%*pbl node=%d flags=0x%x nice=%d %s BAR(%d) %sWorkqueue: %s %pf 3BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic: %s/0x%08x/%d last function: %pf MAYDAY (RESCUER) idle: 6Showing busy workqueues and worker pools: 6workqueue %s: flags=0x%x 6 pwq %d: active=%d/%d refcnt=%d%s 6 in-flight: %s %d%s:%pf 6 delayed: 6pool %d: workers=%d manager: %d %s%d 6 pending: kworker/dying 4workqueue: max_active %d requested for %s is out of range, clamping between %d and %d %s%d:%d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/pid.c parse_one parse_args 3%s: can only take %i arguments 3%s: needs at least %i arguments 4Setting dangerous option %s - tainting kernel %hhu 3%s: string parameter too long 3%s: string doesn't fit in %u chars. doing %s, parsing ARGS: '%s' handling %s with %p doing %s: %s='%s' Unknown argument '%s' 4%s: option '%s' enabled irq's! 3%s: Unknown parameter `%s' 3%s: `%s' too large for parameter `%s' 3%s: `%s' invalid for parameter `%s' /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/kthread.c kthreadd 6[notifier] %ps: 6Following notifiers will be called for chain (check System.map): %ps: 6 - %ps: &nh->mutex CRED: put_cred_rcu() sees %p with usage %d 0reboot: System halted 0reboot: Power down 0reboot: Restarting system 0reboot: Restarting system with command '%s' 4reboot: Failed to start orderly shutdown: forcing the issue /sbin/reboot 4reboot: Failed to start orderly reboot: forcing the issue async_run_entry_fn async_synchronize_cookie_domain calling %lli_%pF @ %i initcall %lli_%pF returned 0 after %lld usecs async_waiting @ %i async_continuing @ %i after %lli usec /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/async.c subtract_range 3%s: run out of slot in ranges select_fallback_rq 3BUG: scheduling while atomic: %s/%d/0x%08x wrong sd_flags in topology description 3BUG: arch topology borken 6Task dump for CPU %d: corrupted preempt_count: %s/%d/0x%x swapper %s/%d 6%-15.15s %c running %08lx %5lu %5d %6d 0x%08lx process %d (%s) no longer affine to cpu%d 6 task PC stack pid father RSDTtXZxKWPN 3bad: scheduling from the idle thread! pbK+ xpbL- sched: RT throttling activated sched: DL replenish lagged to much /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sched/idle.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/sched/cpudeadline.c &brw->write_waitq 4Maximum lock depth %d reached task: %s (%d) pm_qos_dbg_show_requests pm_qos_update_request_timeout 3pm_qos_add_request() called for already added request Default 3%s: bad qos param! 3%s: Bad constraints on qos? Empty! %d: %d: %s Type=%s, Value=%d, Requests: active=%d / total=%d 3pm_qos_remove_request() called for unknown object 3pm_qos_update_request() called for unknown object %s called for unknown object. %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d %s: %d failed_resume_noirq failed_resume_early failed_resume failed_suspend_noirq failed_suspend_late failed_suspend failed_prepare failed_freeze failures: last_failed_dev: %-s %-s last_failed_errno: %-d %-d last_failed_step: %-s 6Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... 6Freezing user space processes ... done. 6Restarting kernel threads ... 6Restarting tasks ... 3Freezing of tasks %s after %d.%03d seconds (%d tasks refusing to freeze, wq_busy=%d): (elapsed %d.%03d seconds) freeze_enter enter_state 6PM: Syncing filesystems ... PM: Preparing system for sleep (%s) PM: Suspending system (%s) PM: Finishing wakeup. 3PM: Some devices failed to suspend, or early wake event detected 3PM: late suspend of devices failed 3PM: noirq suspend of devices failed PM: suspend-to-idle PM: resume from suspend-to-idle printk.always_kmsg_dump printk.console_suspend printk.ignore_loglevel printk.time 4%s (%d): Attempt to access syslog with CAP_SYS_ADMIN but no CAP_SYSLOG (deprecated). ** %u printk messages dropped ** &user->lock %sCPU: %d PID: %d Comm: %.20s %s %s %.*s %sHardware name: %s \x%02x ,caller=%c%u %u,%llu,%llu,%c%s; <%u> [%6s] [%5lu.%06lu] BUG: recent printk recursion! console '%s%d' already registered /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/printk/printk.c 6Too late to register bootconsole %s%d 6printk: continuation disabled due to ext consoles, expect more fragments in /dev/kmsg 6%sconsole [%s%d] enabled %stask: %p ti: %p task.ti: %p Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug) 6%sconsole [%s%d] disabled 2unexpected IRQ trap at vector %02x irq %d, desc: %p, depth: %d, count: %d, unhandled: %d ->handle_irq(): %p, ->irq_data.chip(): %p, ->action(): %p ->action->handler(): %p, IRQ_LEVEL %14s set IRQ_PER_CPU IRQ_NOPROBE IRQ_NOREQUEST IRQ_NOTHREAD IRQ_NOAUTOEN IRQS_AUTODETECT IRQS_REPLAY IRQS_WAITING IRQS_PENDING irq %u handler %pF enabled interrupts /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq/handle.c 4IRQ %d device %s returned IRQ_WAKE_THREAD but no thread function available. 4Unbalanced enable for IRQ %d Trying to free IRQ %d from IRQ context! Trying to free already-free IRQ %d percpu IRQ %d still enabled on CPU%d! __irq_set_trigger genirq: No set_type function for IRQ %d (%s) 3genirq: Setting trigger mode %lu for irq %u failed (%pF) 3genirq: Threaded irq requested with handler=NULL and !ONESHOT for irq %d 3genirq: Failed to request resources for %s (irq %d) on irqchip %s &desc->wait_for_threads 4genirq: irq %d uses trigger mode %u; requested %u 3genirq: Flags mismatch irq %d. %08x (%s) vs. %08x (%s) 3enable_irq before setup/request_irq: irq %u failed to set type for IRQ%d Secondary action handler called for irq %d Primary handler called for nested irq %d Unbalanced IRQ %d wake disable /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq/manage.c 3genirq: exiting task "%s" (%d) is an active IRQ thread (irq %d) irq/%d-%s irq/%d-s-%s spurious.irqfixup spurious.noirqdebug 3irq event %d: bogus return value %x 3irq %d: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option) 3handlers: 3[<%p>] %pf threaded [<%p>] %pf irq poll in progress on cpu %d for irq %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq/spurious.c 6IRQ lockup detection disabled 0Disabling IRQ #%d Chained irq %d should not call an action /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq/chip.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq/devres.c __irq_domain_add irq_domain_remove irq_set_default_host irq_domain_associate_many irq_create_direct_mapping irq_create_mapping __irq_domain_alloc_irqs irq: Added domain %s domain is NULL; cannot allocate IRQ irq: domain->ops->alloc() is NULL irq: cannot allocate IRQ(base %d, count %d) irq: cannot allocate memory for IRQ%d irq: create_direct virq allocation failed 3irq: ERROR: no free irqs available below %i maximum irq: create_direct obtained virq %d 4irq: no irq domain found for %s ! irq: irq_create_mapping(0x%p, 0x%lx) %s(, %lx) called with NULL domain irq: -> using domain @%p irq: -> existing mapping on virq %d irq: -> virq allocation failed irq: irq %lu on domain %s mapped to virtual irq %u 6irq: Cannot allocate irq_descs @ IRQ%d, assuming pre-allocated irqchip@%p error: hwirq 0x%x is too large for %s error: virq%i is not allocated error: virq%i is already associated 6irq: %s didn't like hwirq-0x%lx to VIRQ%i mapping (rc=%d) irq: %s(%s, irqbase=%i, hwbase=%i, count=%i) virq%i doesn't exist; cannot disassociate NULL pointer, cannot free irq irq: Removed domain %s irq: Default domain set to @0x%p irq/default_smp_affinity count %u unhandled %u last_unhandled %u ms affinity_hint smp_affinity_list spurious Level Edge CPU%-8d %*d: None %*d -%-8s %s migrate_one_irq irq_migrate_all_off_this_cpu IRQ%u: unable to set affinity 4IRQ%u: set affinity failed(%d). 4IRQ%u no longer affine to CPU%u /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/irq/pm.c msi_domain_alloc_irqs irq %d for MSI irq [%d-%d] for MSI rcupdate.rcu_cpu_stall_suppress rcupdate.rcu_cpu_stall_timeout rcupdate.rcu_expedited &rsp->gp_wait rcutree.blimit rcutree.dump_tree rcutree.jiffies_till_first_fqs rcutree.jiffies_till_next_fqs rcutree.jiffies_till_sched_qs rcutree.kthread_prio rcutree.qhimark rcutree.qlowmark rcutree.rcu_cpu_stall_panic rcutree.rcu_fanout_exact rcutree.rcu_fanout_leaf ticks this GP GPs behind 3 %d-%c%c%c: (%lu %s) idle=%03x/%llx/%d softirq=%u/%u fqs=%ld %s 3INFO: %s self-detected stall on CPU (t=%lu jiffies g=%ld c=%ld q=%lu) print_cpu_stall 3INFO: %s detected stalls on CPUs/tasks: 3 Tasks blocked on level-%d rcu_node (CPUs %d-%d): (detected by %d, t=%ld jiffies, g=%ld, c=%ld, q=%lu) 3INFO: Stall ended before state dump start 3All QSes seen, last %s kthread activity %ld (%ld-%ld), jiffies_till_next_fqs=%ld, root ->qsmask %#lx 3%s kthread starved for %ld jiffies! g%lu c%lu f%#x s%d ->state=%#lx rcu_cleanup_dead_cpu: Callbacks on offline CPU %d: qlen=%lu, nxtlist=%p /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/rcu/tree_plugin.h 1->rcu_read_unlock_special: %#x (b: %d, enq: %d nq: %d) 6%s: wait state: %d ->state: %#lx 3INFO: %s detected expedited stalls on CPUs/tasks: { P%d %d-%c%c%c } %lu jiffies s: %lu __refrigerator %s entered refrigerator %s left refrigerator illegal file time granularity: %u /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/time.c small_timer_statistic check_pending_timer_on_module_exit_on_base timer: %pF preempt leak: %08x -> %08x great error: timer with caller %pS pending (expired in %d ms).Can't unload module! 3%s: can't get lock on cpu%u 3CPU%u: active_timers: %lu last: %pS before %d ms running: %pS next: %pS in %d ms 4hrtimer: interrupt took %llu ns 4Could not switch to high resolution mode on CPU %d 6hrtimers_resume() called with IRQs enabled! 4%s calls setitimer() with new_value NULL pointer. Misfeature support will be removed /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/posix-timers.c 4POSIX clock register failed for clock_id %d 4POSIX clock id %d lacks clock_get() 4POSIX clock id %d lacks clock_getres() /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/posix-cpu-timers.c 6RT Watchdog Timeout: %s[%d] 4__timekeeping_inject_sleeptime: Invalid sleep delta value! /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/timekeeping.c 4Adjusting %s more than 11%% (%ld vs %ld) 5Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC 5Clock: deleting leap second 23:59:59 UTC 4clocksource: Override clocksource %s is not HRT compatible - cannot switch while in HRT/NOHZ mode 6clocksource: Switched to clocksource %s timekeeping: Clocksource %s might overflow on 11%% adjustment /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/clocksource.c 6clocksource: %s: mask: 0x%llx max_cycles: 0x%llx, max_idle_ns: %lld ns refined-jiffies clock %d: .base: %pK .index: %d .resolution: %u nsecs .get_time: .offset: %Lu nsecs active timers: #%d: , S:%02x # expires at %Lu-%Lu nsecs [in %Ld to %Ld nsecs] expires_next .%-15s: %Lu nsecs hres_active .%-15s: %Lu nr_events nr_retries nr_hangs max_hang_time nohz_mode last_tick tick_stopped idle_jiffies idle_calls idle_sleeps idle_entrytime idle_waketime idle_exittime idle_sleeptime iowait_sleeptime last_jiffies next_timer idle_expires jiffies: %Lu <%pK> Tick Device: mode: %d Broadcast device Per CPU device: %d Clock Event Device: max_delta_ns: %llu min_delta_ns: %llu mult: %u shift: %u mode: %d next_event: %Ld nsecs set_next_event: shutdown: periodic: oneshot: oneshot stopped: resume: event_handler: retries: %lu Timer List Version: v0.8 HRTIMER_MAX_CLOCK_BASES: %d now at %Ld nsecs tick_broadcast_mask: %*pb tick_broadcast_oneshot_mask: %*pb &clk->rwsem 3%s unable to add device %d:%d Current state: %d 2Failed to broadcast timer tick. Some CPUs may be unresponsive. 4%s depends on broadcast, but no broadcast function available /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/tick-broadcast.c sched_clock_register irqtime 6Clockevents: could not switch to one-shot mode: no tick device %s is not functional. %s does not support one-shot mode. 4NOHZ: local_softirq_pending %02x /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/time/tick-sched.c time (secs) count %10u - %-10u %4u futex_atomic_op_inuser 6futex_wake_op: %s tries to shift op by %d; fix this program refusing to wake PI futex /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/smp.c IPI on offline CPU %d 4IPI callback %pS sent to offline CPU 6Brought up %d CPUs %s already dying finit_module: fd=%d, uargs=%p, flags=%i init_module: umod=%p, len=%lu, uargs=%p find_symbol already_uses add_module_usage module_unload_free SYSC_delete_module simplify_symbols layout_sections layout_symtab move_module do_init_module SYSC_init_module SYSC_finit_module nomodule module.sig_enforce 4%s: '%s'->init suspiciously returned %d, it should follow 0/-E convention %s: loading module anyway... Failed to find symbol %s 4Symbol %s is being used by a non-GPL module, which will not be allowed in the future axtd unspecified 3Module len %lu truncated __versions .modinfo .gnu.linkonce.this_module 4No module found in object 4%s: module has no symbols (stripped?) .data..percpu vermagic 3%s: version magic '%s' should be '%s' intree 4%s: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel. retpoline staging 4%s: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned. license GPL v2 GPL and additional rights Dual BSD/GPL Dual MIT/GPL Dual MPL/GPL 4%s: module license '%s' taints kernel. Core section allocation order: Init section allocation order: final section addresses: 0x%lx %s 4%s: per-cpu alignment %li > %li 4%s: Could not allocate %lu bytes percpu data &mod->param_lock __param __ksymtab __kcrctab __ksymtab_gpl __kcrctab_gpl __ksymtab_gpl_future __kcrctab_gpl_future __ex_table __obsparm 4%s: Ignoring obsolete parameters __verbose ndiswrapper driverloader 4%s: module license taints kernel. __gnu_lto Common symbol: %s 4%s: please compile with -fno-common Absolute symbol: 0x%08lx 4%s: gave up waiting for init of module %s. _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ 4%s: Unknown symbol %s (err %li) 3module %s: REL relocation unsupported .debug 3dynamic debug error adding module: %s 3%s: exports duplicate symbol %s (owned by %s) 4%s: parameters '%s' after `--' ignored Unloading Loading Live %s %u %i [permanent], 3%s: module sysfs not initialized 3%s: module is already loaded sections holders %s unusing %s dModules linked in: [last unloaded: %s] %s uses %s! %s does not use %s! Allocating new usage for %s. 4%s: out of memory loading async_probe 4%s: unknown parameter '%s' ignored 4.4.271 SMP preempt mod_unload ARMv7 p2v8 %pK %c %s [%s] %pK %c %s allow deny %10u %10u %10u pid_%d Tf* cpu_stop: %s(%p) leaked preempt count audit_panic audit_log_lost audit_printk_skb audit_log_start pid=%d uid=%u %s=%u old=%u exe= exe=(null) rate limit exceeded feature=%s old=%u new=%u old_lock=%u new_lock=%u res=%d key= op=%s 4audit: audit_lost=%u audit_rate_limit=%u audit_backlog_limit=%u item=%d name= name=(null) inode=%lu dev=%02x:%02x mode=%#ho ouid=%u ogid=%u rdev=%02x:%02x osid=%u nametype= NORMAL PARENT DELETE CREATE cap_fp cap_fi cap_fe=%d cap_fver=%x Cannot convert secid to context obj=%s auid=%u ses=%u 4audit: audit_backlog=%d > audit_backlog_limit=%d backlog limit exceeded out of memory in audit_log_start audit(%lu.%03lu:%u): error in audit_log_task_context subj=%s ppid=%d pid=%d auid=%u uid=%u gid=%u euid=%u suid=%u fsuid=%u egid=%u sgid=%u fsgid=%u tty=%s ses=%u (none) out of memory in audit_expand cannot initialize netlink socket in namespace 3audit: %s 5audit: type=%d %s printk limit exceeded kauditd audit_enabled audit_failure audit_pid audit_rate_limit audit_backlog_limit audit_backlog_wait_time msg='%.*s' data= audit_enabled=%d res=0 op=trim res=1 op=make_equiv old= new= op=tty_set old-enabled=%d new-enabled=%d old-log_passwd=%d new-log_passwd=%d res=%d audit_send_reply 3audit: netlink_unicast sending to audit_pid=%d returned error: %d audit_pid=%d reset 4audit: re-scheduling(#%d) write to audit_pid=%d 3auditfilter: AUDIT_POSSIBLE is deprecated 4auditfilter: audit rule for LSM '%s' is invalid audit_send_list op= list=%d res=%d `add_rule remove_rule error updating LSM filters 3INFO: task %s:%d blocked for more than %ld seconds. 3 %s %s %.*s 3"echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message. hung_task: blocked tasks 3NMI watchdog: Failed to suspend lockup detectors, disabled 3NMI watchdog: cpumask update failed 3NMI watchdog: Failed to create watchdog threads, disabled 3NMI watchdog: Failed to update lockup detectors, disabled 0NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#%d stuck for %us! [%s:%d] softlockup: hung tasks &buf->read_wait 4relay: one or more items not logged [item size (%Zd) > sub-buffer size (%Zd)] 3relay_hotcpu_callback: cpu %d buffer creation failed 3CPU has no buffer! /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/relay.c unknown opcode %02x __bpf_prog_run bpf-map bpf-prog BPF_LDX uses reserved fields BPF_STX uses reserved fields invalid bpf_ld_imm64 insn unrecognized bpf_ld_imm64 insn fd %d is not pointing to valid bpf_map pop stack internal bug unreachable insn %d R%d !read_ok R%d leaks addr into helper function unsupported arg_type %d R%d type=%s expected=%s invalid map_ptr to access map->key invalid map_ptr to access map->value ARG_CONST_STACK_SIZE cannot be first argument misaligned access off %d size %d R%d leaks addr into map invalid access to map value, value_size=%d off=%d size=%d R%d leaks addr into ctx invalid bpf_context access off=%d size=%d invalid stack off=%d size=%d attempt to corrupt spilled pointer on stack invalid size of register spill insn %d cannot access two stack slots fp%d and fp%d corrupted spill memory invalid read from stack off %d+%d size %d R%d invalid mem access '%s' R%d is invalid frame pointer is read only invalid stack type R%d off=%d access_size=%d invalid indirect read from stack off %d+%d size %d bpf verifier is misconfigured (u32) invalid insn idx %d insn_cnt %d BPF program is too large. Proccessed %d insn from %d to %d: safe from %d to %d: (%02x) %sr%d %s %sr%d (%02x) %sr%d %s %s%d (%02x) *(%s *)(r%d %+d) = r%d (%02x) lock *(%s *)(r%d %+d) += r%d BUG_%02x BUG_st_%02x (%02x) *(%s *)(r%d %+d) = %d BUG_ldx_%02x (%02x) r%d = *(%s *)(r%d %+d) (%02x) r0 = *(%s *)skb[%d] (%02x) r0 = *(%s *)skb[r%d + %d] (%02x) r%d = 0x%llx BUG_ld_%02x (%02x) call %d (%02x) goto pc%+d (%02x) exit (%02x) if r%d %s r%d goto pc%+d (%02x) if r%d %s 0x%x goto pc%+d (%02x) %s BPF_NEG uses reserved fields BPF_END uses reserved fields R%d pointer arithmetic prohibited BPF_MOV uses reserved fields R%d partial copy of pointer invalid BPF_ALU opcode %x BPF_ALU uses reserved fields div by zero BPF_ARSH not supported for 32 bit ALU invalid shift %d same insn cannot be used with different pointers BPF_XADD uses reserved fields R%d leaks addr into mem BPF_XADD stores into R%d context is not allowed BPF_ST uses reserved fields BPF_ST stores into R%d context is not allowed BPF_CALL uses reserved fields invalid func %d unknown func %d cannot call GPL only function from proprietary program verifier bug kernel subsystem misconfigured verifier unknown return type %d of func %d cannot pass map_type %d into func %d BPF_JA uses reserved fields BPF_EXIT uses reserved fields R0 leaks addr as return value invalid BPF_JMP opcode %x BPF_JMP uses reserved fields R%d pointer comparison prohibited BPF program is too complex BPF_LD_ABS|IND instructions not allowed for this program type BPF_LD_ABS uses reserved fields at the time of BPF_LD_ABS|IND R6 != pointer to skb invalid BPF_LD_IMM insn BPF_LD_IMM64 uses reserved fields invalid BPF_LD mode unknown insn class %d kernel subsystem misconfigured func %d R%d=%s (ks=%d,vs=%d) fp%d=%s jump out of range from insn %d to %d back-edge from insn %d to %d insn state internal bug /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/bpf/inode.c prom_getenv_device_tree prom_getenv Retrieving %s from device tree /chosen 3Chosen node not found Found env %s 3Could not find Env '%s' in the device tree 3Device Tree not populated [perf_event] static_key_slow_inc static_key_slow_dec static_key_slow_dec_deferred jump_label_rate_limit perf_duration_warn &ctx->mutex /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/jump_label_ratelimit.h unexpected event refcount: %ld; ptr=%p 4perf interrupt took too long (%lld > %lld), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to %d &event->child_mutex &event->waitq &event->mmap_mutex &child->perf_event_mutex //anon [heap] //toolong //enomem [stack] %s used before call to jump_label_init /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/jump_label.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/events/ring_buffer.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/events/callchain.c memremap attempted on mixed range %pa size: %#lx /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/kernel/memremap.c memremap attempted on ram %pa size: %#lx /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/radix-tree.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/filemap.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/mempool.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/page_alloc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/page-writeback.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/readahead.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/truncate.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/vmscan.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/shmem.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/percpu.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/percpu-vm.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/list_lru.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/workingset.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/gup.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/highmem.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/memory.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/swapops.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/mincore.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/mlock.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/mmap.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/mprotect.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/rmap.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/vmalloc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/memblock.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/asm-generic/dma-mapping-common.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/slub.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/migrate.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/page_isolation.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/zsmalloc.c &pool->wait oom_kill_process compulsory system-wide Out of memory: %s panic_on_oom is enabled 4%s invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x%x, order=%d, oom_score_adj=%hd 6[ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss nr_ptes nr_pmds swapents oom_score_adj name 6[%5d] %5d %5d %8lu %8lu %7ld %7ld %8lu %5hd %s /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/oom_kill.c 3%s: Kill process %d (%s) score %u or sacrifice child 3Killed process %d (%s) total-vm:%lukB, anon-rss:%lukB, file-rss:%lukB Out of memory (oom_kill_allocating_task) Out of memory and no killable processes... Out of memory warn_alloc_failed alloc_contig_range 6%s: [%lx, %lx) PFNs busy 1BUG: Bad page state: %lu messages suppressed 1BUG: Bad page state in process %s pfn:%05lx %d pages are still in use! nonzero mapcount non-NULL mapping nonzero _count PAGE_FLAGS_CHECK_AT_FREE flag(s) set 6Freeing %s memory: %ldK PAGE_FLAGS_CHECK_AT_PREP flag set 4min should be less than max 4min must be > %dkB 6Modified watermark limit:low:%lukB high:%lukB 3vmalloc-used: %dKiB (%d pages) active_anon:%lu inactive_anon:%lu isolated_anon:%lu active_file:%lu inactive_file:%lu isolated_file:%lu unevictable:%lu dirty:%lu writeback:%lu unstable:%lu slab_reclaimable:%lu slab_unreclaimable:%lu mapped:%lu shmem:%lu pagetables:%lu bounce:%lu free:%lu free_pcp:%lu free_cma:%lu %s free:%lukB min:%lukB low:%lukB high:%lukB active_anon:%lukB inactive_anon:%lukB active_file:%lukB inactive_file:%lukB unevictable:%lukB isolated(anon):%lukB isolated(file):%lukB present:%lukB managed:%lukB mlocked:%lukB dirty:%lukB writeback:%lukB mapped:%lukB shmem:%lukB slab_reclaimable:%lukB slab_unreclaimable:%lukB kernel_stack:%lukB pagetables:%lukB unstable:%lukB bounce:%lukB free_pcp:%lukB local_pcp:%ukB free_cma:%lukB writeback_tmp:%lukB pages_scanned:%lu all_unreclaimable? %s lowmem_reserve[]: %s: %lu*%lukB = %lukB %ld total pagecache pages zone->wait_table + i 6Built %i zonelists in %s order, mobility grouping %s. Total pages: %ld 6Memory: %luK/%luK available (%luK kernel code, %luK rwdata, %luK rodata, %luK init, %luK bss, %luK reserved, %luK cma-reserved, %luK highmem%s%s) 4min_free_kbytes is not updated to %d because user defined value %d is preferred Failed to allocate %s hash table 6%s hash table entries: %ld (order: %d, %lu bytes) 7On node %d totalpages: %lu 7free_area_init_node: node %d, pgdat %08lx, node_mem_map %08lx &pgdat->kswapd_wait &pgdat->pfmemalloc_wait 7 %s zone: %lu pages used for memmap 4 %s zone: %lu pages exceeds freesize %lu Normal 7 %s zone: %lu pages reserved 7 %s zone: %lu pages, LIFO batch:%u HighMem Movable security. trusted. shmem_inode_cache 3Could not register tmpfs 3Could not kern_mount tmpfs vmstat buddyinfo pagetypeinfo zoneinfo extfrag unusable_index extfrag_index Unmovable Reclaimable HighAtomic Isolate nr_free_pages nr_alloc_batch nr_inactive_anon nr_active_anon nr_inactive_file nr_active_file nr_unevictable nr_mlock nr_anon_pages nr_mapped nr_file_pages nr_dirty nr_writeback nr_slab_reclaimable nr_slab_unreclaimable nr_page_table_pages nr_kernel_stack nr_overhead nr_unstable nr_bounce nr_vmscan_write nr_vmscan_immediate_reclaim nr_writeback_temp nr_isolated_anon nr_isolated_file nr_shmem nr_dirtied nr_written nr_pages_scanned workingset_refault workingset_activate workingset_nodereclaim nr_anon_transparent_hugepages nr_free_cma nr_indirectly_reclaimable nr_dirty_threshold nr_dirty_background_threshold pgpgin pgpgout pswpin pswpout pgalloc_normal pgalloc_high pgalloc_movable pgfree pgactivate pgdeactivate pgfault pgmajfault pgrefill_normal pgrefill_high pgrefill_movable pgsteal_kswapd_normal pgsteal_kswapd_high pgsteal_kswapd_movable pgsteal_direct_normal pgsteal_direct_high pgsteal_direct_movable pgscan_kswapd_normal pgscan_kswapd_high pgscan_kswapd_movable pgscan_direct_normal pgscan_direct_high pgscan_direct_movable pgscan_direct_throttle pginodesteal slabs_scanned kswapd_inodesteal kswapd_low_wmark_hit_quickly kswapd_high_wmark_hit_quickly pageoutrun allocstall pgrotated drop_pagecache drop_slab pgmigrate_success pgmigrate_fail compact_migrate_scanned compact_free_scanned compact_isolated compact_stall compact_fail compact_success unevictable_pgs_culled unevictable_pgs_scanned unevictable_pgs_rescued unevictable_pgs_mlocked unevictable_pgs_munlocked unevictable_pgs_cleared unevictable_pgs_stranded stable_pages_required max_ratio min_ratio read_ahead_kb 4PERCPU: unknown allocator %s specified ai->nr_groups <= 0 0PERCPU: failed to initialize, %s 0PERCPU: cpu_possible_mask=%*pb !ai->static_size offset_in_page(__per_cpu_start) !base_addr offset_in_page(base_addr) ai->unit_size < size_sum offset_in_page(ai->unit_size) ai->unit_size < PCPU_MIN_UNIT_SIZE ai->dyn_size < PERCPU_DYNAMIC_EARLY_SIZE cpu >= nr_cpu_ids !cpu_possible(cpu) unit_map[cpu] != UINT_MAX unit_map[cpu] == UINT_MAX 4PERCPU: max_distance=0x%zx too large for vmalloc space 0x%lx 6PERCPU: Embedded %zu pages/cpu @%p s%zu r%zu d%zu u%zu Failed to initialize percpu areas. embed slabinfo slab_allocators Creation of kmalloc slab %s size=%zu failed. Reason %d Out of memory when creating slab %s kmalloc-192 kmalloc-96 kmalloc-8 kmalloc-16 kmalloc-32 kmalloc-64 kmalloc-128 kmalloc-256 kmalloc-512 kmalloc-1024 kmalloc-2048 kmalloc-4096 kmalloc-8192 kmalloc-16384 kmalloc-32768 kmalloc-65536 kmalloc-131072 kmalloc-262144 kmalloc-524288 kmalloc-1048576 kmalloc-2097152 kmalloc-4194304 kmalloc-8388608 kmalloc-16777216 kmalloc-33554432 kmalloc-67108864 fault_around_bytes 4Failed to create fault_around_bytes in debugfs anon_vma anon_vma_chain vmallocinfo 4Could not allocate %pap bytes of mirrored memory /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/nobootmem.c 1bootmem alloc of %lu bytes failed! memblock ERROR: Failed to allocate 0x%llx bytes below 0x%llx. 6%s: %llu bytes align=0x%llx nid=%d from=0x%llx max_addr=0x%llx %pF %s: Failed to allocate %llu bytes align=0x%llx nid=%d from=0x%llx max_addr=0x%llx 6%s: [%#016llx-%#016llx] %pF pools DEBUG_FREE RED_ZONE POISON STORE_USER TRACE STORE_USER_LITE 3slub_debug option '%c' unknown. skipped 3%s: slub_debug =%s%s%s%s%s%s%s kmem_cache_node kmem_cache 6SLUB: HWalign=%d, Order=%d-%d, MinObjects=%d, CPUs=%d, Nodes=%d 3Cannot register slab subsystem. 3SLUB: Unable to add boot slab %s to sysfs 3SLUB: Unable to add boot slab alias %s to sysfs slub shrink free_calls alloc_calls store_user_lite store_user poison red_zone sanity_checks total_objects destroy_by_rcu hwcache_align reclaim_account slabs_cpu_partial objects_partial cpu_slabs min_partial objs_per_slab object_size slab_size cleancache succ_gets failed_gets puts invalidates /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/cma.c &cma->lock 3cma: Not enough slots for CMA reserved regions! cma: %s(size %pa, base %pa, limit %pa alignment %pa) 3cma: Region at %pa must be aligned to %pa bytes 3cma: Region at %pa defined on low/high memory boundary (%pa) 3cma: Size (%pa) of region at %pa exceeds limit (%pa) 6cma: Reserved %ld MiB at %pa 3cma: Failed to reserve %ld MiB cma-%d base_pfn order_per_bit maxchunk cma_debug /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/cma_debug.c UMEHCI 4%pV 4%s: page allocation failure: order:%u, mode:0x%x /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/swap.c pageout kswapd%d 3vmscan: Failed to start kswapd on node %d 6vmscan: %s: orphaned page 3vmscan: shrink_slab: %pF negative objects to delete nr=%ld memfd: 3tmpfs: No value for mount option '%s' nr_blocks nr_inodes mpol 3tmpfs: Bad mount option %s 3tmpfs: Bad value '%s' for mount option '%s' system. ,size=%luk ,nr_inodes=%lu ,mode=%03ho ,uid=%u ,gid=%u dev/zero %d.%03d Node %d, zone %8s %6lu Page block order: %d Pages per block: %lu Free pages count per migrate type at order %-43s Number of blocks type %-23s %12lu Node %4d, zone %8s, type %12s Node %d, zone %8s pages free %lu min %lu low %lu high %lu scanned %lu spanned %lu present %lu managed %lu %-12s %lu protection: (%ld , %ld pagesets cpu: %i count: %i high: %i batch: %i vm stats threshold: %d all_unreclaimable: %u start_pfn: %lu inactive_ratio: %u BdiWriteback: %10lu kB BdiReclaimable: %10lu kB BdiDirtyThresh: %10lu kB DirtyThresh: %10lu kB BackgroundThresh: %10lu kB BdiDirtied: %10lu kB BdiWritten: %10lu kB BdiWriteBandwidth: %10lu kBps b_dirty: %10lu b_io: %10lu b_more_io: %10lu b_dirty_time: %10lu bdi_list: %10u state: %10lx &bdi->wb_waitq %.28s-%ld /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/backing-dev.c 4%s exported in /proc is scheduled for removal failed to populate alloc from reserved chunk failed failed to allocate new chunk failed to extend area map of reserved chunk failed to extend area map illegal size (%zu) or align (%zu) for percpu allocation 4PERCPU: allocation failed, size=%zu align=%zu atomic=%d, %s 6PERCPU: limit reached, disable warning %spcpu-alloc: s%zu r%zu d%zu u%zu alloc=%zu*%zu %spcpu-alloc: [%0*d] %0*d -------- %-17s %6lu %6lu %6u %4u %4d : tunables %4u %4u %4u : slabdata %6lu %6lu %6lu /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/slab_common.c kmem_cache_create: Failed to create slab '%s'. Error %d 4kmem_cache_create(%s) failed with error %d 3kmem_cache_destroy %s: Slab cache still has objects slabinfo - version: 2.1 # name : tunables : slabdata show all cache-pools greater %lu KiB: slab-pools use %lu MiB (netto) %s: %5lu KiB (%lu) %lu h %2lu min %2lu s %6u entries (%5u KiB - avg-time %s) %pS ... but %d callers ignored (too much different callers) 3start slab_allocator-trace now (use cat /proc/slab_allocators) /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/vmacache.c 0flags: %#lx( %s%#lx 0page:%p count:%d mapcount:%d mapping:%p index:%#lx 1page dumped because: %s 1bad because of flags: /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/mm.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/internal.h 1BUG: Bad page map: %lu messages suppressed 1BUG: Bad page map in process %s pte:%08llx pmd:%08llx bad pte 1addr:%p vm_flags:%08lx anon_vma:%p mapping:%p index:%lx 1file:%pD fault:%pf mmap:%pf readpage:%pf %s%s[%lx+%lx] 4mmap: %s (%d) uses deprecated remap_file_pages() syscall. See Documentation/vm/remap_file_pages.txt. &anon_vma->rwsem alloc_vmap_area vmalloc: allocation failure, allocated %ld of %ld bytes vmalloc: allocation failure: %lu bytes Trying to vfree() bad address (%p) 3Trying to vfree() nonexistent vm area (%p) 4vmap allocation for size %lu failed: use vmalloc= to increase size. 0x%pK-0x%pK %7ld %pS pages=%d phys=%llx ioremap vmalloc vmap vpages /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/pgtable-generic.c show_mem_notifier memblock_virt_alloc_try_nid_nopanic memblock_virt_alloc_try_nid __memblock_free_early __memblock_free_late 6MEMBLOCK configuration: 6 memory size = %#llx reserved size = %#llx Usage of MAX_NUMNODES is deprecated. Use NUMA_NO_NODE instead 6memblock_add: [%#016llx-%#016llx] flags %#02lx %pF %4d: 0x%08lx..0x%08lx 3memblock: Failed to double %s array from %ld to %ld entries ! 6memblock: %s is doubled to %ld at [%#010llx-%#010llx] 6 %s.cnt = 0x%lx 6 %s[%#x] [%#016llx-%#016llx], %#llx bytes%s flags: %#lx 6 memblock_free: [%#016llx-%#016llx] %pF 6memblock_reserve: [%#016llx-%#016llx] flags %#02lx %pF 3dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy 3dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/dmapool.c poolinfo - 0.1 %-16s %4u %4Zu %4Zu %2u setup_slub_debug kmem_cache_flags slab_out_of_memory kmem_cache_parse_all_pages cache_avm_topalloc_list kmem_cache_list_all_objects Freelist Pointer check fails Marking all objects used %s: %s slb_nr=%u versus counted slabs=%u %s overwritten 3INFO: 0x%p-0x%p. First byte 0x%x instead of 0x%x Restoring 0x%p-0x%p=0x%x 3slub corruption: schedule delayed BUG() Redzone Alignment padding Poison Object padding Freepointer corrupt Not a valid slab page objects %u > max %u inuse %u > max %u 3slub corruption: intentional crash in workqueue Invalid object pointer 0x%p Object already free Attempt to free object(0x%p) outside of slab 3SLUB : no slab for object 0x%p. page slab pointer corrupt. Bulk freelist count(%d) invalid(%d) Object at 0x%p not freed Objects remaining in %s on kmem_cache_close() 3INFO: Object 0x%p @offset=%tu %s: flags =%s%s%s%s%s%s%s Cannot create slab %s size=%lu realsize=%u order=%u offset=%u flags=%lx 4obscure Buddy: page=0x%p pfn=%lu (addr=0x%p) order %2u 4obscure Head: page=0x%p pfn=%lu (addr=0x%p) invalid order %2u 4obscure Head: page=0x%p pfn=%lu (addr=0x%p) order %2u invalid _count=%u Out of memory %7ld age=%ld/%ld/%ld age=%ld pid=%ld-%ld pid=%ld No data 0gfp: %u Freechain corrupt Freelist cleared Wrong number of objects. Found %d but should be %d Number of objects adjusted. Wrong object count. Counter is %d but counted were %d Object count adjusted. Allocated 3INFO: %s in %pS age=%lu cpu=%u pid=%d Freed 3INFO: Object 0x%p @offset=%tu fp=0x%p Bytes b4 Redzone Padding 3============================================================================= 3BUG %s (%s): %pV 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3INFO: Slab 0x%p objects=%u used=%u fp=0x%p flags=0x%04lx 3FIX %s: %pV 4SLUB: Unable to allocate memory on node %d (gfp=0x%x) 4 cache: %s, object size: %d, buffer size: %d, default order: %d, min order: %d 4 %s debugging increased min order, use slub_debug=O to disable. 4 node %d: slabs: %ld, objs: %ld, free: %ld Padding overwritten. 0x%p-0x%p C%d=%d(%d) %07d 6TRACE %s %s 0x%p inuse=%d fp=0x%p Object 3SLUB %s: %ld partial slabs counted but counter=%ld 3SLUB: %s %ld slabs counted but counter=%ld zs_handle 6Freeing non-empty class with size %db, fullness group %d cma_declare_contiguous cma_alloc cma_release cma: %s(cma %p, count %zu, align %d) cma: %s(): memory range at %p is busy, retrying cma: %s(): returned %p cma: %s(page %p) cma_free_mem cma: cannot release partial block when order_per_bit != 0 /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/mm/frame_vector.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/open.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/read_write.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/file_table.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/super.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/exec.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/pipe.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/namei.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fcntl.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/fsnotify_backend.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/dcache.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/inode.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/attr.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/file.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/filesystems.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/namespace.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/seq_file.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/highmem.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/libfs.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fs-writeback.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/pnode.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/buffer.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/block_dev.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/mpage.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/direct-io.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/notify/fsnotify.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/notify/notification.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/notify/inode_mark.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/notify/mark.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/notify/vfsmount_mark.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/notify/inotify/inotify_fsnotify.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/notify/inotify/inotify_user.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/aio.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/locks.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/proc/base.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/proc/generic.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/proc/proc_net.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/kernfs/inode.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/sysfs/file.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/sysfs/dir.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/sysfs/symlink.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/sysfs/group.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/devpts/inode.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/ext4.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/balloc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/file.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/ext4_jbd2.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/fsync.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/ialloc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/inode.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/page-io.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/namei.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/super.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/resize.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/extents.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/ext4_extents.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/ext4_jbd2.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/mballoc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/move_extent.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/indirect.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/extents_status.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/xattr.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/inline.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ext4/readpage.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jbd2/transaction.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/jbd2.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jbd2/commit.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jbd2/recovery.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jbd2/checkpoint.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jbd2/revoke.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jbd2/journal.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fat/cache.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fat/dir.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fat/fatent.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fat/inode.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fat/nfs.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fat/namei_vfat.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/antfs/file.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/antfs/include/volume.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/antfs/libntfs-3g/mft.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/antfs/libntfs-3g/runlist.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/file.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/nodelist.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/nodemgmt.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/readinode.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/write.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/scan.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/gc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/build.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/background.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/super.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/debug.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/wbuf.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/xattr.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/jffs2/summary.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/journal.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/dir.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/tnc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fuse/dev.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fuse/dir.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fuse/file.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fuse/inode.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/fuse/control.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/overlayfs/super.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/overlayfs/dir.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/overlayfs/copy_up.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/debugfs/inode.c 3VFS: Close: file count is 0 &f->f_pos_lock 6VFS: file-max limit %lu reached filp pipefs fasync_cache Dentry cache names_cache dentry Inode-cache mnt_cache Mount-cache Mountpoint-cache Failed to allocate mount hash table 4%s: sysfs_init error: %d 4%s: kobj create error Can't find rootfs type Can't create rootfs Can't allocate initial namespace can't set nsfs up nsfs buffer_head bdev_cache Cannot register bdev pseudo-fs Cannot create bdev pseudo-fs bdev ,nosuid ,nodev ,noexec ,noatime ,nodiratime ,relatime ,dirsync ,mand ,lazytime initializing fsnotify_mark_srcu notification fsnotify_mark unable to start fsnotify mark destruction thread. inotify_fsnotify inotify_inode_mark inotify_user max_user_instances max_user_watches max_queued_events eventpoll_epi eventpoll_pwq anon_inode_init() kernel mount failed (%ld) anon_inode_init() inode allocation failed (%ld) anon_inodefs Failed to create aio fs mount. aio_kiocb kioctx %s: sizeof(struct page) = %zu file_lock_ctx file_lock_cache file_lock_lglock proc_inode_cache self/mounts sysvipc fs/nfsd fdinfo environ auxv personality comm cmdline statm mountinfo clear_refs smaps pagemap wchan oom_score oom_adj oom_score_adj uid_map gid_map projid_map setgroups map_files mountstats coredump_filter prev fscreate keycreate sockcreate Max cpu time Max file size Max data size Max stack size Max core file size Max resident set Max processes Max open files Max locked memory Max address space Max file locks Max pending signals Max msgqueue size Max nice priority Max realtime priority Max realtime timeout R (running) S (sleeping) D (disk sleep) T (stopped) t (tracing stop) X (dead) Z (zombie) tty/ldisc tty/driver tty/ldiscs tty/drivers consoles cpuinfo loadavg meminfo softirqs self/net kmsg kpagecount kpageflags kernfs_node_cache /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/kernfs/mount.c devpts reserve ext4_io_end &ext4_li_mtx &ext4__aio_mutex[i] &ext4__ioend_wq[i] ext4_inode_cache 4EXT4-fs: Unable to register as ext3 (%d) 4EXT4-fs: Unable to register as ext2 (%d) bsddf minixdf bsdgroups nogrpid sysvgroups sb=%u nouid32 oldalloc orlov nouser_xattr noacl norecovery noload nobh commit=%u journal_dev=%u journal_path=%s nojournal_checksum journal_async_commit data_err=abort data_err=ignore usrjquota= usrjquota=%s grpjquota= grpjquota=%s jqfmt=vfsold jqfmt=vfsv0 jqfmt=vfsv1 grpquota noquota usrquota barrier=%u nobarrier stripe=%u nolazytime nodelalloc nomblk_io_submit noblock_validity journal_ioprio=%u auto_da_alloc=%u noauto_da_alloc dioread_lock nodiscard noinit_itable test_dummy_encryption check=none nocheck noreservation journal=%u ext4_prealloc_space ext4_allocation_context ext4_free_data ext4_groupinfo_1k ext4_groupinfo_2k ext4_groupinfo_4k ext4_groupinfo_8k ext4_groupinfo_16k ext4_groupinfo_32k ext4_groupinfo_64k ext4_groupinfo_128k ext4_system_zone ext4_extent_status fs/ext4 es_shrinker_info mb_groups metadata_csum_seed meta_bg_resize batched_discard lazy_itable_init max_writeback_mb_bump last_error_time first_error_time errors_count msg_ratelimit_burst msg_ratelimit_interval_ms warning_ratelimit_burst warning_ratelimit_interval_ms err_ratelimit_burst err_ratelimit_interval_ms trigger_fs_error extent_max_zeroout_kb mb_group_prealloc mb_stream_req mb_order2_req mb_min_to_scan mb_max_to_scan mb_stats inode_goal inode_readahead_blks reserved_clusters lifetime_write_kbytes session_write_kbytes delayed_allocation_blocks jbd2_transaction_s jbd2_revoke_record_s jbd2_revoke_table_s jbd2_journal_head 0JBD2: no memory for journal_head cache jbd2_journal_handle 0JBD2: failed to create handle cache jbd2_inode 0JBD2: failed to create inode cache fs/jbd2 jbd2_1k jbd2_2k jbd2_4k jbd2_8k jbd2_16k jbd2_32k jbd2_64k jbd2_128k squashfs /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/squashfs/block.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/squashfs/cache.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/squashfs/dir.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/squashfs/export.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/squashfs/file.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/squashfs/id.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/squashfs/inode.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/squashfs/namei.c squashfs_inode_cache 6squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/squashfs/super.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/squashfs/symlink.c lzma zlib ramfs fat_cache fat_inode_cache utf8=0 utf8=no utf8=false utf8=1 utf8=yes utf8=true uni_xlate=0 uni_xlate=no uni_xlate=false uni_xlate=1 uni_xlate=yes uni_xlate=true nonumtail=0 nonumtail=no nonumtail=false nonumtail=1 nonumtail=yes nonumtail=true nodots dotsOK=no check=relaxed check=strict check=normal check=r check=s check=n umask=%o dmask=%o fmask=%o allow_utime=%o codepage=%u conv=binary conv=text conv=auto conv=b conv=t conv=a fat=%u blocksize=%u cvf_format=%20s cvf_options=%100s posix vfat msdos cp437 cp850 cp852 iso8859-1 iso8859-2 iso8859-15 6ANTFS Module unloaded. 2.54 6ANTFS Module: Version %s antfs_inode antfs umask=%u LCN_HOLE LCN_RL_NOT_MAPPED LCN_ENOENT LCN_EINVAL LCN_unknown $MFT $MFTMirr $LogFile $Volume $AttrDef root directory $Bitmap $Boot $BadClus $Secure $UpCase $Extend jffs2_full_dnode jffs2_raw_dirent jffs2_raw_inode jffs2_tmp_dnode jffs2_refblock jffs2_node_frag jffs2_inode_cache jffs2_xattr_datum jffs2_xattr_ref 6jffs2: version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (ZLIB) (LZO) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. jffs2_i 3jffs2: error: Failed to initialise inode cache 3jffs2: error: Failed to initialise compressors 3jffs2: error: Failed to initialise slab caches 3jffs2: error: Failed to register filesystem jffs2 rtime 4"Failed to allocate lzma deflate workspace\n" ubifs /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/shrinker.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/file.c ubifs_inode_slab 3UBIFS error (pid %d): cannot register file system, error %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/super.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/sb.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/io.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/master.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/scan.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/replay.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/log.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/commit.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/gc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/orphan.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/budget.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/find.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/tnc_commit.c 3UBIFS error (pid %d): cannot initialize compressor %s, error %ld deflate /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/lpt.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/lprops.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/recovery.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/ioctl.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/lpt_commit.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/tnc_misc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/ubifs/xattr.c not categorized freeable 0 (GC) 1 (base) 2 (data) commit resting background commit requested commit required BACKGROUND commit running commit running and required broken commit inode node data node direntry node xentry node truncate node padding node superblock node master node reference node indexing node commit start node orphan node no node group in node group last of node group symlink blkdev char dev socket direntry xentry fuse_request 7fuse exit 6fuse init (API version %i.%i) fuse_inode fd=%u rootmode=%o blksize=%u fusectl lowerdir=%s upperdir=%s workdir=%s /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/overlayfs/overlayfs.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/debugfs/file.c pstore kmsg_bytes=%u Panic Emergency Restart Halt Poweroff 6ramoops: using module parameters 6ramoops: could not allocate pdata ramoops 6ramoops: could not create platform device: %ld /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/pstore/ram_core.c Emergency Remount complete forced remount of a %s fs returned %i 3VFS:Filesystem freeze failed VFS: Busy inodes after unmount of %s. Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day... %s set sb->s_maxbytes to negative value (%lld) sb_writers sb_pagefaults sb_internal &s->s_writers.wait_unfrozen &s->s_sync_lock &s->s_umount &s->s_vfs_rename_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqio_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqonoff_mutex 3VFS:Filesystem thaw failed char-major-%d-%d char-major-%d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/char_dev.c %3d %s /dev/fd/%d /dev/fd/%d/%s binfmt-%04x &pipe->wait &pipe->mutex pipe:[%lu] pipe: linkat follow_link 3kill_fasync: bad magic number in fasync_struct! (unreachable) 4VFS: moving negative dcache entry d_splice_alias 4VFS: Lookup of '%s' in %s %s would have caused loop #%llu //deleted s_umount should've been locked (deleted) 3BUG: Dentry %p{i=%lx,n=%pd} still in use (%d) [unmount of %s %s] &mapping->i_mmap_rwsem 7init_special_inode: bogus i_mode (%o) for inode %s:%lu &inode->i_mutex 4alloc_fd: slot %d not NULL! &newf->resize_wait %s %s fs-%.*s mnt_init &new_ns->poll &p->wait %s%p: %s%.8x: /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/seq_file.c &p->lock simple_fill_super &attr->mutex 4%s: %s passed in a files arraywith an index of 1! bdi-%s not registered 7%s(%d): dirtied inode %lu (%s) on %s flush-%s /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/splice.c Emergency Sync complete /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/sync.c %s:[%lu] %s:[%u] nsfs: 6warning: process `%s' used the obsolete bdflush system call 6Fix your initscripts? 3VFS: brelse: Trying to free free buffer __find_get_block_slow() failed. block=%llu, b_blocknr=%llu b_state=0x%08lx, b_size=%zu device %s blocksize: %d buffer_io_error grow_buffers 3getblk(): invalid block size %d requested 3logical block size: %d 3%s: requested out-of-range block %llu for device %s 3Buffer I/O error on dev %s, logical block %llu%s 4Emergency Thaw complete 4Emergency Thaw on %s , async page read , lost async page write , lost sync page write 4VFS: Dirty inode writeback failed for block device %s (err=%d). bdev_write_inode bdev: 6%s: detected capacity change from %lld to %lld 4VFS: busy inodes on changed media or resized disk %s &bdev->bd_mutex &bdev->bd_fsfreeze_mutex &ei->xattr_sem &ei->i_data_sem &ei->i_mmap_sem dio/%s %i %i %u:%u shared:%i master:%i propagate_from:%i unbindable 0 0 device no device mounted on with fstype send_to_group %s: group=%p to_tell=%p mask=%x inode_mark=%p inode_test_mask=%x vfsmount_mark=%p vfsmount_test_mask=%x data=%p data_is=%d cookie=%d fsnotify_add_event fsnotify_remove_first_event %s: group=%p event=%p %s: group=%p &group->notification_mutex &group->notification_waitq &group->mark_mutex inotify wd:%x ino:%lx sdev:%x mask:%x ignored_mask:%x inotify_handle_event inotify closing but id=%d for fsn_mark=%p in group=%p still in idr. Probably leaking memory 4fsn_mark->group=%p inode=%p wd=%d %s: group=%p inode=%p mask=%x get_one_event copy_event_to_user inotify_read inotify_release inotify_ioctl inotify_remove_from_idr %s: group=%p cmd=%u %s: group=%p kevent=%p %s: i_mark=%p i_mark->wd=%d i_mark->group=%p mark->inode=%p found_i_mark=%p found_i_mark->wd=%d found_i_mark->group=%p found_i_mark->inode=%p 3%s: i_mark=%p i_mark->wd=%d i_mark->group=%p i_mark->inode=%p &ep->mtx &ep->wq &ep->poll_wait [eventpoll] eventpoll tfd: %8d events: %8x data: %16llx 3reverse_path_check_proc: file is not an ep! anon_inode:%s anon_inode: [signalfd] sigmask: &ctx->wqh [timerfd] clockid: %d ticks: %llu settime flags: 0%o it_value: (%llu, %llu) it_interval: (%llu, %llu) [eventfd] eventfd-count: %16llx %s: EINVAL: invalid context id %s: EINVAL: ctx %lu nr_events %u %s: ENOMEM: nr_events too high &ctx->ring_lock &ctx->wait [aio] %s: pid(%d) page[%d]->count=%d %s: attempting mmap of %lu bytes %s: mmap address: 0x%08lx %s: allocated ioctx %p[%ld]: mm=%p mask=0x%x %s: error allocating ioctx %d aio_setup aio_free_ring aio_setup_ring free_ioctx ioctx_alloc aio_complete aio_read_events_ring SYSC_io_setup SYSC_io_destroy aio_run_iocb io_submit_one do_io_submit %s: %p[%u]: %p: %p %Lx %lx %lx %s: added to ring %p at [%u] %s: pid(%d) [%d] page->count=%d aio: %s: h%u t%u m%u %s: %li h%u t%u %s: EINVAL: no operation provided %s: EINVAL: reserve field set %s: EINVAL: overflow check %s: EFAULT: aio_key %s: freeing %p lock: 3locks_delete_lock: fasync == %p ADVISORY *NOINODE* MANDATORY RW WRITE READ NONE UNLCK %lld:%s ACCESS OFDLCK POSIX FLOCK MSNFS FLOCK ADVISORY DELEG LEASE BREAKING ACTIVE BREAKER UNKNOWN UNKNOWN %d %02x:%02x:%lu %d :0 %Ld EOF %Ld %Ld 0 EOF &fl->fl_wait CORE /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/binfmt_elf.c LINUX RSDTZW 3cache %s: %d orphaned entries do_coredump 4format_corename failed 4Aborting core %s (path unknown) 4Process %d(%s) has RLIMIT_CORE set to 1 4Pid %d(%s) over core_pipe_limit 4Skipping core dump 4%s failed to allocate memory 6Core dump to |%s pipe failed 4Pid %d(%s) can only dump core to fully qualified path! 6%s (%d): drop_caches: %d rdwrexshmrmwmemsgdumpfdwuwloiosrrrdcde??acnrht??ar??dd??mmhgnhmg %08lx-%08lx %c%c%c%c %08llx %02x:%02x %lu Size: %8lu kB Rss: %8lu kB Pss: %8lu kB Shared_Clean: %8lu kB Shared_Dirty: %8lu kB Private_Clean: %8lu kB Private_Dirty: %8lu kB Referenced: %8lu kB Anonymous: %8lu kB AnonHugePages: %8lu kB Shared_Hugetlb: %8lu kB Private_Hugetlb: %7lu kB Swap: %8lu kB SwapPss: %8lu kB KernelPageSize: %8lu kB MMUPageSize: %8lu kB Locked: %8lu kB VmFlags: %c%c VmPeak: %8lu kB VmSize: %8lu kB VmLck: %8lu kB VmPin: %8lu kB VmHWM: %8lu kB VmRSS: %8lu kB VmData: %8lu kB VmStk: %8lu kB VmExe: %8lu kB VmLib: %8lu kB VmPTE: %8lu kB VmPMD: %8lu kB VmSwap: %8lu kB 3proc_fill_super: get root inode failed 3proc_fill_super: allocate dentry failed /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/proc/inode.c ,hidepid=%u 3proc: hidepid value must be between 0 and 2. 3proc: unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value 4%s (%d): /proc/%d/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/%d/oom_score_adj instead. %lx-%lx Soft Limit %-25s %-20s %-20s %-10s Units Hard Limit unlimited %-25s %-20s %-25s %-20lu thread-self %ld 0x%lx 0x%lx %ld 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx remove_proc_entry name len %u attempt to add to permanently empty directory create '/proc/%s' by hand proc_dir_entry '%s/%s' already registered %s: removing non-empty directory '%s/%s', leaking at least '%s' %d (%s) %c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name: State: %s Tgid: %d Ngid: %d Pid: %d PPid: %d TracerPid: %d Uid: %d %d %d %d Gid: %d %d %d %d FDSize: %d Groups: NStgid: NSpid: NSpgid: NSsid: Threads: %d SigQ: %lu/%lu SigPnd: ShdPnd: SigBlk: SigIgn: SigCgt: CapInh: CapPrm: CapEff: CapBnd: CapAmb: Speculation_Store_Bypass: not vulnerable thread force mitigated thread mitigated thread vulnerable globally mitigated Cpus_allowed: %*pb Cpus_allowed_list: %*pbl voluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu pos: %lli flags: 0%o mnt_id: %i %-20s /dev/%-8s system:/dev/tty system:console /dev/ptmx %3d %d-%d %3d %7d :/dev/tty :console :vtmaster pty:master pty:slave type:%d.%d %c%c%c (%s) %4d:%d Character devices: Block devices: %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %ld/%d %d MemTotal: %8lu kB MemFree: %8lu kB MemAvailable: %8lu kB Buffers: %8lu kB Cached: %8lu kB SwapCached: %8lu kB Active: %8lu kB Inactive: %8lu kB Active(anon): %8lu kB Inactive(anon): %8lu kB Active(file): %8lu kB Inactive(file): %8lu kB Unevictable: %8lu kB Mlocked: %8lu kB HighTotal: %8lu kB HighFree: %8lu kB LowTotal: %8lu kB LowFree: %8lu kB SwapTotal: %8lu kB SwapFree: %8lu kB Dirty: %8lu kB Writeback: %8lu kB AnonPages: %8lu kB Mapped: %8lu kB Shmem: %8lu kB Slab: %8lu kB SReclaimable: %8lu kB SUnreclaim: %8lu kB KernelStack: %8lu kB PageTables: %8lu kB NFS_Unstable: %8lu kB Bounce: %8lu kB WritebackTmp: %8lu kB CommitLimit: %8lu kB Committed_AS: %8lu kB VmallocTotal: %8lu kB VmallocUsed: %8lu kB VmallocChunk: %8lu kB CmaTotal: %8lu kB CmaFree: %8lu kB cpu cpu%d intr %llu ctxt %llu btime %lu processes %lu procs_running %lu procs_blocked %lu softirq %llu %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %12s: %10u 3proc_fill_super: can't allocate /proc/self 3proc_fill_super: can't allocate /proc/thread_self %d/task/%d Not a file No data No maxlen No proc_handler bogus .mode 0%o 3sysctl could not get directory: /%*.*s %ld 3sysctl duplicate entry: 3sysctl link missing during unregister: 3sysctl table check failed: %s/%s %pV kernfs_fill_super fill_meta_index kernfs: could not get root inode %s: could not get root dentry! __kernfs_remove kernfs %s: removing &root->deactivate_waitq 4kernfs: ns %s in '%s' for '%s' /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/kernfs/dir.c kernfs_put: %s/%s: released with incorrect active_ref %d 4kernfs: can not remove '%s', no directory &of->mutex &new_on->poll /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/kernfs/file.c 3missing sysfs attribute operations for kobject: %s invalid sysfs_emit: buf:%p invalid sysfs_emit_at: buf:%p at:%d fill_read_buffer: %s returned bad count 4sysfs: cannot create duplicate filename '%s/%s' sysfs: (bin_)attrs not set by subsystem for group: %s/%s Attribute %s: Invalid permissions 0%o 4sysfs group %p not found for kobject '%s' 3devpts: get root dentry failed 3devpts: called with bogus options ,mode=%03o ext4_get_group_desc ext4_validate_block_bitmap ext4_read_block_bitmap_nowait ext4_wait_block_bitmap block_group >= groups_count - block_group = %u, groups_count = %u Group descriptor not loaded - block_group = %u, group_desc = %u, desc = %u Invalid block bitmap block %llu in block_group %u Cannot get buffer for block bitmap - block_group = %u, block_bitmap = %llu Block bitmap for bg 0 marked uninitialized Failed to init block bitmap for group %u: %d bg %u: bad block bitmap checksum bg %u: block %llu: invalid block bitmap Cannot read block bitmap - block_group = %u, block_bitmap = %llu directory entry too close to block end rec_len % 4 != 0 rec_len is smaller than minimal rec_len is too small for name_len directory entry overrun inode out of bounds bad entry in directory: %s - offset=%u, inode=%u, rec_len=%d, name_len=%d, size=%d ext4_readdir call_filldir ext4_check_all_de %s:%d: inode #%lu: comm %s: called with null fname?!? directory contains a hole at offset %llu directory fails checksum at offset %llu ext4_file_open reserved inode found cleared - inode=%lu failed to insert inode %lu: doubly allocated? ext4_validate_inode_bitmap ext4_read_inode_bitmap ext4_free_inode ext4_handle_dirty_dirent_node __ext4_new_inode ext4_orphan_get ext4_init_inode_table 3EXT4-fs: %s:%d: inode on nonexistent device %s:%d: inode #%lu: count=%d %s:%d: inode #%lu: nlink=%d reserved or nonexistent inode %lu bit already cleared for inode %lu Something is wrong with group %u: used itable blocks: %d; itable unused count: %u Something is wrong with group %u: itable unused count: %u; itables initialized count: %ld inode bitmap error %ld for orphan %lu couldn't read orphan inode %lu (err %d) bad orphan inode %lu 3ext4_test_bit(bit=%d, block=%llu) = %d 3is_bad_inode(inode)=%d 3NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)=%u 3max_ino=%lu 3i_nlink=%u Invalid inode bitmap blk %llu in block_group %u Cannot read inode bitmap - block_group = %u, inode_bitmap = %llu Inode bitmap for bg 0 marked uninitialized Corrupt inode bitmap - block_group = %u, inode_bitmap = %llu lblock %lu mapped to illegal pblock %llu (length %d) unable to read itable block inode #%lu: comm %s: iget: illegal inode # iget: root inode unallocated bad extra_isize (%u != %u) iget: checksum invalid iget: bad i_size value: %lld iget: Dir with htree data on filesystem without dir_index feature. iget: bad extended attribute block %llu iget: bogus i_mode (%o) ext4_evict_inode ext4_da_update_reserve_space ext4_map_blocks _ext4_get_block ext4_getblk do_journal_get_write_access ext4_write_begin ext4_ext_insert_index write_end_fn make_indexed_dir ext4_write_end ext4_journalled_write_end ext4_da_release_space ext4_da_map_blocks __ext4_journalled_writepage mpage_map_and_submit_extent ext4_writepages ext4_da_write_begin ext4_cross_rename ext4_da_write_end __ext4_block_zero_page_range ext4_update_disksize_before_punch ext4_truncate __ext4_get_inode_loc __ext4_iget ext4_do_update_inode ext4_write_inode ext4_setattr ext4_reserve_inode_write ext4_expand_extra_isize ext4_mark_inode_dirty ext4_dirty_inode ext4_change_inode_journal_flag ext4_page_mkwrite ES len assertion failed for inode %lu: retval %d != map->m_len %d ext4_da_release_space: ino %lu, to_free %d with only %d reserved data blocks %s: ino %lu, used %d with only %d reserved data blocks couldn't mark inode dirty (err %d) couldn't extend journal (err %d) bad extra_isize %u (inode size %u) Unable to expand inode %lu. Delete some EAs or run e2fsck. IO error syncing inode %s: jbd2_start: %ld pages, ino %lu; err %d Delayed block allocation failed for inode %lu at logical offset %llu with max blocks %u with error %d This should not happen!! Data will be lost Total free blocks count %lld Free/Dirty block details free_blocks=%lld dirty_blocks=%lld Block reservation details i_reserved_data_blocks=%u Failed to mark inode %lu dirty buffer_io_error ext4_end_bio ext4_bio_write_page 3%s: ret = %d I/O error %d writing to inode %lu (offset %llu size %ld starting block %llu) failed to convert unwritten extents to written extents -- potential data loss! (inode %lu, offset %llu, size %zd, error %d) 3Buffer I/O error on device %s, logical block %llu swap_inode_boot_loader ext4_ioctl dbg_walk_index Setting inode version is not supported with metadata_csum enabled. Online resizing not supported with bigalloc Online defrag not supported with bigalloc couldn't mark inode #%lu dirty (err %d) Online resizing not (yet) supported with bigalloc inode #%lu: lblock %lu: comm %s: error %ld reading directory block Directory hole found directory leaf block found instead of index block Directory index failed checksum Directory block failed checksum ext4_append ext4_dirent_csum_verify ext4_dirent_csum_set ext4_dx_csum_verify ext4_dx_csum_set ext4_handle_dirty_dx_node dx_probe ext4_htree_next_block htree_dirblock_to_tree ext4_search_dir ext4_find_entry ext4_dx_find_entry ext4_lookup ext4_get_parent do_split ext4_find_dest_de add_dirent_to_buf ext4_add_entry ext4_dx_add_entry ext4_generic_delete_entry ext4_delete_entry ext4_create ext4_mknod ext4_tmpfile ext4_mkdir ext4_ext_try_to_merge_right ext4_empty_dir ext4_orphan_add ext4_orphan_del ext4_rmdir ext4_unlink ext4_symlink ext4_link ext4_get_first_dir_block ext4_rename_dir_prepare ext4_rename_dir_finish ext4_setent ext4_resetent ext4_rename_delete ext4_whiteout_for_rename ext4_rename Unrecognised inode hash code %u Unimplemented hash flags: %#06x Unimplemented hash depth: %#06x dx entry: limit %u != root limit %u dx entry: count %u beyond limit %u dx entry: limit %u != node limit %u Corrupt directory, running e2fsck is recommended Directory index full! Directory has corrupted htree index. invalid rec_len for '..' dir seems corrupt? Run e2fsck -D. No space for directory leaf checksum. Please run e2fsck -D. invalid size directory missing '.' and/or '..' error %d reading directory index block reading directory lblock %lu checksumming directory block %lu bad parent inode number: %u bad inode number: %u '%pd' linked to parent dir deleted inode referenced: %u Deleting old file: nlink %d, error=%d empty directory '%.*s' has too many links (%u) Deleting file '%.*s' with no links 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: EXT4-fs panic from previous error EXT4-fs error 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: comm %s: %pV 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: block %llu: comm %s: path %s: %pV 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: comm %s: path %s: %pV 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: block %llu: comm %s: %pV 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: comm %s: %pV 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: group %u, inode %lu: block %llu: EXT4-fs %sEXT4-fs (%s): %pV 2EXT4-fs error (device %s) in %s:%d: %s EXT4-fs warning 4EXT4-fs warning (device %s): %s:%d: %pV 4EXT4-fs warning (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: comm %s: %pV ext4_update_dynamic_rev ext4_put_super ext4_nfs_get_inode ext4_free_blocks ext4_orphan_cleanup ext4_has_uninit_itable count_overhead ext4_fill_super ext4_get_journal ext4_clear_journal_err ext4_remount %csb=%llu %c%s %cresuid=%u %cresgid=%u %cerrors=remount-ro %cerrors=continue %cerrors=panic %ccommit=%lu %cmin_batch_time=%u %cmax_batch_time=%u %ci_version %cstripe=%lu %cdata=journal %cdata=ordered %cdata=writeback %cinode_readahead_blks=%u %cinit_itable=%u %cmax_dir_size_kb=%u not enough memory for %d flex group pointers not enough memory for %d flex groups Invalid number of block group descriptor blocks: %d required extra inode space not available Filesystem error recorded from previous mount: %s Marking fs in need of filesystem check. previous I/O error to superblock detected I/O error while writing superblock Journal has aborted IO failure Corrupt filesystem Readonly filesystem Filesystem failed CRC Inode %lu (%p): orphan list check failed! Couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%x) filesystem is read-only couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x) Can't support bigalloc feature without extents feature Filesystem with quota feature cannot be mounted RDWR without CONFIG_QUOTA journalled data mode out journal ordered data mode writeback data mode 3EXT4-fs: Invalid sb specification: %s unable to set blocksize unable to read superblock metadata_csum and uninit_bg are redundant flags; please run fsck. VFS: Found ext4 filesystem with unknown checksum algorithm. crc32c Cannot load crc32c driver. VFS: Found ext4 filesystem with invalid superblock checksum. Run e2fsck? failed to parse options in superblock: %s 4EXT4-fs: Warning: mounting with data=journal disables delayed allocation and O_DIRECT support! encrypted files will use data=ordered instead of data journaling mode feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended The Hurd can't support 64-bit file systems mounting ext2 file system using the ext4 subsystem couldn't mount as ext2 due to feature incompatibilities mounting ext3 file system using the ext4 subsystem couldn't mount as ext3 due to feature incompatibilities Unsupported filesystem blocksize %d (%d log_block_size) Invalid log block size: %u Invalid log cluster size: %u Number of reserved GDT blocks insanely large: %d Unsupported encryption level %d bad block size %d Can't read superblock on 2nd try Magic mismatch, very weird! invalid first ino: %u unsupported inode size: %d unsupported descriptor size %lu invalid inodes per group: %lu cluster size (%d) smaller than block size (%d) #clusters per group too big: %lu blocks per group (%lu) and clusters per group (%lu) inconsistent fragment/cluster size (%d) != block size (%d) #blocks per group too big: %lu filesystem too large to mount safely on this system bad geometry: block count %llu exceeds size of device (%llu blocks) bad geometry: first data block %u is beyond end of filesystem (%llu) bad geometry: first data block is 0 with a 1k block and cluster size groups count too large: %llu (block count %llu, first data block %u, blocks per group %lu) inodes count not valid: %u vs %llu first meta block group too large: %u (group descriptor block count %u) not enough memory can't read group descriptor %d ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group %u overlaps superblock ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group %u overlaps block group descriptors ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group %u not in group (block %llu)! ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group %u overlaps superblock ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group %u overlaps block group descriptors ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group %u not in group (block %llu)! ext4_check_descriptors: Inode table for group %u overlaps superblock ext4_check_descriptors: Inode table for group %u overlaps block group descriptors ext4_check_descriptors: Inode table for group %u not in group (block %llu)! ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group %u failed (%u!=%u) group descriptors corrupted! &sbi->s_orphan_lock required journal recovery suppressed and not mounted read-only can't mount with journal_checksum, fs mounted w/o journal can't mount with journal_async_commit, fs mounted w/o journal can't mount with commit=%lu, fs mounted w/o journal can't mount with data=, fs mounted w/o journal Failed to set 64-bit journal feature Failed to set journal checksum feature set Journal does not support requested data journaling mode Failed to create an mb_cache Unsupported blocksize for fs encryption ext4-rsv-conversion 3EXT4-fs: failed to create workqueue get root inode failed corrupt root inode, run e2fsck get root dentry failed failed to initialize system zone (%d) failed to initialize mballoc (%d) insufficient memory unable to initialize flex_bg meta info! write access unavailable, skipping orphan cleanup Skipping orphan cleanup due to unknown ROCOMPAT features Errors on filesystem, clearing orphan list. orphan cleanup on readonly fs %s: truncating inode %lu to %lld bytes %s: deleting unreferenced inode %lu %d orphan inode%s deleted %d truncate%s cleaned up recovery complete mounting with "discard" option, but the device does not support discard EXT4-fs mount mounted filesystem with%s. Opts: %.*s%s%s VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem mount failed Remounting filesystem read-only EXT4-fs (device %s): panic forced after error external journal device major/minor numbers have changed INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem write access unavailable, cannot proceed write access will be enabled during recovery filesystem has both journal and inode journals! no journal found journal inode is deleted invalid journal inode Could not load journal inode failed to open journal device %s: %ld blocksize too small for journal device couldn't read superblock of external journal external journal has bad superblock external journal has corrupt superblock journal UUID does not match failed to create device journal I/O error on journal device External journal has more than one user (unsupported) - %d barriers disabled error loading journal Couldn't clean up the journal sb orphan head is %d 3sb_info orphan list: 3 inode %s:%lu at %p: mode %o, nlink %d, next %d &eli->li_list_mtx ext4lazyinit 2EXT4-fs: error %d creating inode table initialization thread changing journal_checksum during remount not supported; ignoring can't mount with both data=journal and delalloc can't mount with both data=journal and dioread_nolock Abort forced by user ext4_remount: Checksum for group %u failed (%u!=%u) Couldn't remount RDWR because of unprocessed orphan inode list. Please umount/remount instead Inode table for bg 0 marked as needing zeroing re-mounted. Opts: %s revision level too high, forcing read-only mode warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended warning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommended warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended 6[EXT4 FS bs=%lu, gc=%u, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04x, mo2=%04x] updating to rev %d because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended Ignoring removed %s option Mount option "%s" incompatible with ext2 Mount option "%s" incompatible with ext3 %s option not supported EXT4-fs: inode_readahead_blks must be 0 or a power of 2 smaller than 2^31 Invalid uid value %d Invalid gid value %d Cannot specify journal on remount error: could not dup journal device string error: could not find journal device path: error %d error: journal path %s is not a block device Invalid journal IO priority (must be 0-7) Test dummy encryption mount option ignored Remounting file system with no journal so ignoring journalled data option Cannot change data mode on remount dax option not supported buggy handling of option %s can't mount with dioread_nolock if block size != PAGE_SIZE can't mount with journal_async_commit in data=ordered mode Unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value error count since last fsck: %u 5EXT4-fs (%s): initial error at time %u: %.*s:%d : inode %u : block %llu 5EXT4-fs (%s): last error at time %u: %.*s:%d ext4_resize_begin verify_group_input bclean set_flexbg_block_bitmap setup_new_flex_group_blocks verify_reserved_gdb add_new_gdb add_new_gdb_meta_bg reserve_backup_gdb update_backups ext4_add_new_descs ext4_setup_new_descs ext4_flex_group_add ext4_group_add corrupt_data ext4_group_extend_no_check ext4_group_extend ext4_convert_meta_bg ext4_resize_fs reserved block %llu not at offset %ld not enough memory for %lu groups 7EXT4-fs: ext4_add_new_gdb: adding group block %lu new group %u GDT block %llu not reserved 7EXT4-fs: added group %u:%llu blocks(%llu free %llu reserved) no-super Can't resize non-sparse filesystem further blocks_count overflow No reserved GDT blocks, can't resize Error opening resize inode Cannot add at group %u (only %u groups) 7EXT4-fs: adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free, %u reserved) Last group not full Reserved blocks too high (%u) Bad blocks count %u Cannot read last block (%llu) Block bitmap not in group (block %llu) Inode bitmap not in group (block %llu) Inode table not in group (blocks %llu-%llu) Block bitmap same as inode bitmap (%llu) Block bitmap (%llu) in inode table (%llu-%llu) Inode bitmap (%llu) in inode table (%llu-%llu) Block bitmap (%llu) in GDT table (%llu-%llu) Inode bitmap (%llu) in GDT table (%llu-%llu) Inode table (%llu-%llu) overlaps GDT table (%llu-%llu) extending last group from %llu to %llu blocks filesystem too large to resize to %llu blocks safely can't shrink FS - resize aborted need to use ext2online to resize further will only finish group (%llu blocks, %u new) can't read last block, resize aborted error %d on journal start error %d on journal write access 7EXT4-fs: extended group to %llu blocks won't resize using backup superblock at %llu There are errors in the filesystem, so online resizing is not allowed resizing filesystem from %llu to %llu blocks resize would cause inodes_count overflow resize_inode and meta_bg enabled simultaneously Converting file system to meta_bg Unexpected non-zero s_reserved_gdt_blocks corrupted/inconsistent resize inode resized to %llu blocks 7EXT4-fs: adding a flex group with %d groups, flexbg size is %d: 7adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free) error (%d) occurred during file system resize resized filesystem to %llu can't update backup for group %u (err %d), forcing fsck on next reboot reserved GDT %llu missing grp %d (%llu) invalid magic invalid extent entries too large eh_max unexpected eh_depth invalid eh_entries too large eh_depth invalid eh_max extent tree corrupted pblk %llu bad header/extent: %s - magic %x, entries %u, max %u(%u), depth %u(%u) ext4_ext_get_access ext4_ext_check_inode ext4_ext_precache ext4_find_extent ext4_ext_split ext4_ext_grow_indepth ext4_ext_search_left ext4_ext_search_right ext4_ext_correct_indexes ext4_ext_insert_extent ext4_fill_fiemap_extents ext4_ext_rm_idx ext4_remove_blocks ext4_ext_rm_leaf ext4_ext_remove_space ext4_split_extent_at ext4_split_extent ext4_ext_convert_to_initialized ext4_convert_unwritten_extents_endio convert_initialized_extent ext4_ext_map_blocks ext4_ext_truncate ext4_alloc_file_blocks ext4_zero_range ext4_convert_unwritten_extents ext4_ext_shift_path_extents ext4_ext_shift_extents ext4_collapse_range ext4_insert_range ext4_swap_extents inode #%lu: block %u: len %u: ext4_ext_map_blocks returned %d ex %p == NULL or eh %p == NULL ext4_ext_get_actual_len(newext) == 0 path[%d].p_hdr == NULL bad extent address lblock: %lu, depth: %d pblock %lld EXT_FIRST_EXTENT != ex *logical %d ee_block %d! ix (%d) != EXT_FIRST_INDEX (%d) (depth %d)! can not handle truncate %u:%u on extent %u:%u strange request: removal(2) %u-%u from %u:%u path->p_hdr->eh_entries == 0 path == NULL *logical %d! first_extent(path[%d].p_hdr) != ex ix != EXT_FIRST_INDEX *logical %d! logical %d < ee_block %d + ee_len %d! unexpected hole at %lu p_ext > EXT_MAX_EXTENT! newblock == 0! eh_entries %d != eh_max %d! k %d < 0! EXT_MAX_INDEX != EXT_LAST_INDEX ee_block %d! logical %d == ei_block %d! eh_entries %d >= eh_max %d! ix > EXT_MAX_INDEX! ix > EXT_LAST_INDEX! eh->eh_entries = 0! es.es_len == 0 inode has invalid extent depth: %d ppos %d > depth %d error %d when attempting revoke 3EXT4: jbd2_journal_dirty_metadata failed: handle type %u started at line %u, credits %u/%u, errcode %d IO error syncing itable block ext4_journal_check_start __ext4_journal_get_write_access __ext4_forget __ext4_journal_get_create_access __ext4_handle_dirty_metadata __ext4_handle_dirty_super 3EXT4-fs: %s:%d: aborting transaction: %s in %s Detected aborted journal ext4_ext_migrate ext4_ind_migrate ext4_mb_generate_buddy mb_free_blocks ext4_mb_complex_scan_group ext4_mb_mark_diskspace_used ext4_mb_release_inode_pa ext4_mb_discard_group_preallocations ext4_discard_preallocations ext4_mb_discard_lg_preallocations ext4_mb_free_metadata ext4_group_add_blocks ext4_trim_all_free mb_load_buddy failed (%d) uh-oh! used pa while discarding Freeing blocks not in datazone - block = %llu, count = %lu Freeing blocks in system zone - Block = %llu, count = %lu discard request in group:%d block:%d count:%lu failed with %d discard request in group:%d block:%d count:%d failed with %d too much blocks added to group %u Adding blocks in system zones - Block = %llu, count = %lu bit already cleared for block %llu can't allocate mem for a buddy group can't allocate buddy mem &meta_group_info[i]->alloc_sem can't allocate buddy meta group %d free clusters as per group info. But bitmap says 0 %d free clusters as per group info. But got %d blocks Error %d reading block bitmap for %u Error %d loading buddy information for %u Block already on to-be-freed list block bitmap and bg descriptor inconsistent: %u vs %u free clusters 0EXT4-fs: no memory for groupinfo slab cache &lg->lg_mutex can't get new inode can't read descriptor %u Allocating blocks %llu-%llu which overlap fs metadata start %lu, size %lu, fe_logical %lu mballoc: %u blocks %u reqs (%u success) mballoc: %u extents scanned, %u goal hits, %u 2^N hits, %u breaks, %u lost mballoc: %lu generated and it took %Lu mballoc: %u preallocated, %u discarded pa %p: logic %lu, phys. %lu, len %lu free %u, pa_free %u #group: free frags first [ 2^0 2^1 2^2 2^3 2^4 2^5 2^6 2^7 2^8 2^9 2^10 2^11 2^12 2^13 ] #%-5u: I/O error #%-5u: %-5u %-5u %-5u [ %-5u freeing already freed block (bit %u); block bitmap corrupt. ext4_protect_reserved_inode ext4_xattr_cache_find invalid block blocks %llu-%llu from inode %u overlap system zone 6System zones: %s%llu-%llu move_extent_per_page Online defrag not supported with data journaling Unable to copy data block, data will be lost. MMP failure info: last update time: %llu, last update node: %s, last update device: %s read_mmp_block kmmpd ext4_multi_mount_protect Invalid MMP block in superblock fsck is running on the filesystem MMP interval %u higher than expected, please wait. MMP startup interrupted, failing mount Device is already active on another node. not enough memory for mmpd_data kmmpd-%s Unable to create kmmpd thread for %s. Error writing to MMP block kmmpd being stopped since MMP feature has been disabled. kmmpd being stopped since filesystem has been remounted as readonly. error reading MMP data: %d Error while updating MMP info. The filesystem seems to have been multiply mounted. Error %d while reading MMP block %llu ext4_block_to_path ext4_get_branch ext4_alloc_branch ext4_splice_branch ext4_ind_map_blocks ext4_ind_direct_IO ext4_clear_blocks ext4_free_data ext4_free_branches block %lu > max in inode %lu attempt to clear invalid blocks %llu len %lu invalid indirect mapped block %lu (level %d) Read failure circular indirect block detected at block %llu Can't allocate blocks for non-extent mapped inodes with bigalloc ext4_es_insert_extent es_reclaim_extents forced shrink of precached extents 4ES assertion failed when merging extents. The sum of lengths of es1 (%d) and es2 (%d) is bigger than allowed file size (%d) Inserting extent [%u/%u] as delayed and written which can potentially cause data loss. stats: %lld objects %lld reclaimable objects %lu/%lu cache hits/misses %d inodes on list average: %llu us scan time %lu shrunk objects maximum: %lu inode (%u objects, %u reclaimable) %llu us max scan time ext4_xattr_block_get ext4_xattr_ibody_get ext4_xattr_block_list ext4_xattr_ibody_list ext4_xattr_update_super_block ext4_xattr_release_block ext4_xattr_set_entry ext4_xattr_block_find ext4_xattr_block_set ext4_xattr_ibody_find ext4_xattr_set ext4_expand_extra_isize_ea ext4_xattr_delete_inode corrupted in-inode xattr bad block %llu block %lu read error block %llu read error corrupted xattr entries ext4_get_max_inline_size ext4_create_inline_data ext4_update_inline_data ext4_destroy_inline_data_nolock ext4_convert_inline_data_to_extent ext4_try_to_write_inline_data ext4_write_inline_data_end ext4_journalled_write_inline_data ext4_da_write_inline_data_begin ext4_add_dirent_to_inline ext4_convert_inline_data_nolock htree_inlinedir_to_tree ext4_read_inline_dir ext4_delete_inline_entry empty_inline_dir ext4_inline_data_truncate ext4_convert_inline_data error %d getting inode %lu block bad inline directory (dir #%lu) - no `..' bad inline directory (dir #%lu) - inode %u, rec_len %u, name_len %dinline size %d can't get inode location %lu trigger_test_error jbd2_freeze_jh_data ubifs_evict_inode do_get_write_access ubifs_statfs jbd2_journal_get_undo_access jbd2_journal_forget 3%s: OOM for frozen_buffer buffer_uptodate(bh) 3JBD2 unexpected failure: %s: %s; 3Possible IO failure. 3JBD2: assertion failure: h_type=%u h_line_no=%u block_no=%llu jlist=%u 3JBD2: %s: jh->b_transaction (%llu, %p, %u) != journal->j_running_transaction (%p, %u) 3jbd2_journal_dirty_metadata: %s: bad jh for block %llu: transaction (%p, %u), jh->b_transaction (%p, %u), jh->b_next_transaction (%p, %u), jlist %u !jh->b_committed_data 3inconsistent data on disk 3%s: No memory for committed data 3JBD2: Error while async write back metadata bh %llu. 3JBD2: %s wants too many credits credits:%d rsv_credits:%d max:%d 4JBD2: Spotted dirty metadata buffer (dev = %s, blocknr = %llu). There's a risk of filesystem corruption in case of system crash. 4JBD2: Detected IO errors while flushing file data on %s 3JBD2: Invalid checksum recovering block %lu in log 3JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %lu in log 3JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log 3JBD2: Invalid checksum recovering block %llu in log 3JBD2: Out of memory during recovery. 3JBD2: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u 3JBD2: error %d scanning journal 3JBD2: corrupted journal superblock 3JBD2: bad block at offset %u 3JBD2: Failed to read block at offset %u __jbd2_log_wait_for_space 3%s: needed %d blocks and only had %d space available 3%s: no way to get more journal space in %s 3JBD2: %s: Waiting for Godot: block %llu jbd2_journal_revoke !buffer_revoked(bh) jbd2_journal_bmap jbd2_journal_init_dev jbd2_journal_init_inode journal_alloc_journal_head __journal_remove_journal_head 3Aborting journal on device %s. JBD2: bad log_start_commit: %u %u %u %u 5ENOMEM in %s, retrying. 1%s: journal block not found at offset %lu on %s 3%s: Can't allocate bhs for commit thread 3%s: Cannot get buffer for journal superblock -%lu 3%s: Cannot locate journal superblock 4JBD2: Unrecognised features on journal 0JBD2: no memory for jbd2_slab cache 3JBD2: journal transaction %u on %s is corrupt. 3JBD2: Journal too short (blocks %llu-%llu). jbd2/%s 4JBD2: recovery failed 4%s: freeing b_frozen_data 4%s: freeing b_committed_data Clearing Ignoring 4JBD2: %s recovery information on journal %lu transactions (%lu requested), each up to %u blocks average: %ums waiting for transaction %ums request delay %ums running transaction %ums transaction was being locked %ums flushing data (in ordered mode) %ums logging transaction %lluus average transaction commit time %lu handles per transaction %lu blocks per transaction %lu logged blocks per transaction 3JBD2: previous I/O error detected for journal superblock update for %s. 3JBD2: Error %d detected when updating journal superblock for %s. 3JBD2: IO error reading journal superblock 4JBD2: no valid journal superblock found 4JBD2: unrecognised superblock format ID 4JBD2: journal file too short 4JBD2: Invalid start block of journal: %u 3JBD2: Can't enable checksumming v2 and v3 at the same time! 3JBD2: Can't enable checksumming v1 and v2/3 at the same time! 3JBD2: Unknown checksum type 3JBD2: Cannot load crc32c driver. 3JBD2: journal checksum error &journal->j_wait_transaction_locked &journal->j_wait_done_commit &journal->j_wait_commit &journal->j_wait_updates &journal->j_wait_reserved &journal->j_barrier &journal->j_checkpoint_mutex squashfs_read_data SQUASHFS: Block @ 0x%llx, %scompressed size %d, src size %d 3SQUASHFS error: squashfs_read_data failed to read block 0x%llx SQUASHFS: Block @ 0x%llx, %scompressed size %d squashfs_cache_get squashfs_read_metadata SQUASHFS: Got %s %d, start block %lld, refcount %d, error %d 3SQUASHFS error: Unable to read %s cache entry [%llx] 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate %s cache &cache->wait_queue &cache->entry[i].wait_queue 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate %s cache entry 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate %s buffer SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_read_metadata [%llx:%x] get_dir_index_using_offset squashfs_readdir SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_readdir [%llx:%x] 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate squashfs_dir_entry SQUASHFS: Entered get_dir_index_using_offset, i_count %d, f_pos %lld 3SQUASHFS error: Unable to read directory block [%llx:%x] squashfs_inode_lookup squashfs_export_iget squashfs_read_inode_lookup_table SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_export_iget SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_inode_lookup, inode_number = %d SQUASHFS: squashfs_inode_lookup, inode = 0x%llx SQUASHFS: In read_inode_lookup_table, length %d locate_meta_index empty_meta_index read_indexes read_blocklist squashfs_copy_cache squashfs_readpage_fragment squashfs_readpage 3SQUASHFS error: read_indexes: Failed to allocate block_list 3SQUASHFS error: read_indexes: reading block [%llx:%x] SQUASHFS: bytes %d, i %d, available_bytes %d SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_readpage, page index %lx, start block %llx SQUASHFS: locate_meta_index: index %d, offset %d SQUASHFS: locate_meta_index: entry %d, offset %d SQUASHFS: empty_meta_index: offset %d, skip %d 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate meta_index SQUASHFS: empty_meta_index: failed! SQUASHFS: empty_meta_index: returned meta entry %d, %p SQUASHFS: get_meta_index: offset %d, meta->offset %d, meta->entries %d SQUASHFS: get_meta_index: index_block 0x%llx, offset 0x%x data_block 0x%llx SQUASHFS: get_meta_index: meta->offset %d, meta->entries %d SQUASHFS: read_blocklist: res %d, index %d, start 0x%llx, offset 0x%x, block 0x%llx 3SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block %llx, size %x squashfs_read_id_index_table SQUASHFS: In read_id_index_table, length %d squashfs_iget squashfs_read_inode SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_iget SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_read_inode SQUASHFS: File inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, block_list_start %llx, offset %x SQUASHFS: Directory inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, offset %x SQUASHFS: Long directory inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, offset %x SQUASHFS: Symbolic link inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, offset %x SQUASHFS: Device inode %x:%x, rdev %x 3SQUASHFS error: Unknown inode type %d in squashfs_iget! 3SQUASHFS error: Unable to read inode 0x%llx get_dir_index_using_name squashfs_lookup SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_lookup [%llx:%x] SQUASHFS: Entered get_dir_index_using_name, i_count %d 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate squashfs_dir_index SQUASHFS: calling squashfs_iget for directory entry %s, inode %x:%x, %d squashfs_fill_super squashfs_statfs squashfs: SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_fill_superblock 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate squashfs_sb_info &msblk->meta_index_mutex 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: unable to read squashfs_super_block 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on %s 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Major/Minor mismatch, older Squashfs %d.%d filesystems are unsupported 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Major/Minor mismatch, trying to mount newer %d.%d filesystem 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Please update your kernel 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Filesystem uses "%s" compression. This is not supported SQFS-Size %llu is to big for given device size %llu. Is mtdram1 too small? 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Page size > filesystem block size (%d). This is currently not supported! squashfs: SQUASHFS: Found valid superblock on %s squashfs: SQUASHFS: Inodes are %scompressed squashfs: SQUASHFS: Data is %scompressed squashfs: SQUASHFS: Filesystem size %lld bytes squashfs: SQUASHFS: Block size %d squashfs: SQUASHFS: Number of inodes %d squashfs: SQUASHFS: Number of fragments %d squashfs: SQUASHFS: Number of ids %d squashfs: SQUASHFS: sblk->inode_table_start %llx squashfs: SQUASHFS: sblk->directory_table_start %llx squashfs: SQUASHFS: sblk->fragment_table_start %llx squashfs: SQUASHFS: sblk->id_table_start %llx 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate read_page block 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Xattrs in filesystem, these will be ignored 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: unable to read xattr id index table 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: unable to read id index table 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: unable to read inode lookup table 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: unable to read fragment index table 3squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Root inode create failed squashfs: SQUASHFS: Leaving squashfs_fill_super mtd: ubi: /dev/mtdblock%d squashfs: SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_statfs squashfs_symlink_readpage SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_symlink_readpage, page index %ld, start block %llx, offset %x 3SQUASHFS error: Unable to read symlink [%llx:%x] squashfs_read_cache 3SQUASHFS error: %s decompression failed, data probably corrupt 3SQUASHFS error: Unknown LZ4 version 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to initialise LZ4 decompressor 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate lzo workspace 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to initialise xz decompressor 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate zlib workspace fat_get_cluster fat_bmap_cluster %s: request beyond EOF (i_pos %lld) %s: invalid start cluster (i_pos %lld, start %08x) %s: detected the cluster chain loop (i_pos %lld) %s: invalid cluster chain (i_pos %lld) fat__get_entry Directory bread(block %llu) failed Corrupted directory (i_pos %lld) Odd directory size . .. Couldn't remove the long name slots filename was truncated while converting. fat_free_clusters FAT read failed (blocknr %llu) &sbi->fat_lock invalid access to FAT (entry 0x%08x) %s: deleting FAT entry beyond EOF fat_free unable to read inode block for updating (i_pos %lld) &ei->truncate_lock EXECOMBAT &sbi->nfs_build_inode_lock "%s" option is obsolete, not supported now utf8 is not a recommended IO charset for FAT filesystems, filesystem will be case sensitive! unable to read boot sector bogus number of reserved sectors bogus number of FAT structure invalid media value (0x%02x) bogus logical sector size %u bogus sectors per cluster %u bogus number of FAT sectors This doesn't look like a DOS 1.x volume %s; no bootstrapping code %s; DOS 2.x BPB is non-zero This looks like a DOS 1.x volume, but isn't a recognized floppy size (%llu sectors) This looks like a DOS 1.x volume; assuming default BPB values logical sector size too small for device (logical sector size = %u) unable to set blocksize %u unable to read boot sector (logical sector size = %lu) &sbi->s_lock bread failed, FSINFO block (sector = %lu) Invalid FSINFO signature: 0x%08x, 0x%08x (sector = %lu) bogus directory-entries per block (%u) count of clusters too big (%u) cp%d codepage %s not found IO charset %s not found Can't find a valid FAT filesystem corrupted file size (i_pos %lld, %lld) Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck. unable to read boot sector to mark fs as dirty ,fmask=%04o ,dmask=%04o ,allow_utime=%04o ,codepage=%s ,iocharset=%s ,shortname=win95 ,shortname=winnt ,shortname=mixed ,shortname=lower ,shortname=unknown ,check=%c ,usefree ,quiet ,showexec ,sys_immutable ,dotsOK=yes ,nocase ,utf8 ,uni_xlate ,nonumtail ,rodir ,flush ,time_offset=%d ,tz=UTC ,errors=continue ,errors=panic ,errors=remount-ro ,nfs=nostale_ro ,nfs=stale_rw ,discard ,dos1xfloppy error, %pV FAT-fs (%s): fs panic from previous error Filesystem has been set read-only clusters badly computed (%d != %llu) bread failed in fat_clusters_flush %sFAT-fs (%s): %pV unable to read block(%llu) for building NFS inode unable to read cluster of parent directory vfat_rename %s: Filesystem corrupted (i_pos %lld) do_msdos_rename !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ %$%a%b%V%U%c%Q%W%]%\%[% %4%,% %<%^%_%Z%T%i%f%`%P%l%g%h%d%e%Y%X%R%S%k%j% )"a" e"d" #!# c%Q%W%]% %4%,% Z%T%i%f%`%P%l% c%Q%W%]%{ %4%,% Z%T%i%f%`%P%l% !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ nls_%s !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ antfs_lookup ntfs_mft_get_parent_ref antfs_create_i antfs_unlink antfs_rmdir antfs_rename antfs_dir_iterate antfs_setattr ntfs_create_symlink ubifs_calc_lpt_geom antfs_follow_link ntfs_unlink do_write_orph_node 3[%s] Could not convert name to ucs 3[%s] Could not fetch VFS inode! 3[%s] Failed to convert ucs to char * 3[%s] Invalid arguments 3[%s] err: %d 3[%s] Not a interix file 3[%s] Attribute size too small 3[%s] Attribute size too big 3[%s] Intx_file: OOM 3[%s] Failed to pread: %lld 3[%s] Not an interix symbolic link 3[%s] Failed to convert ucs to mbs 3[%s] Could not convert filename to Unicode: '%s' FRITZ 3[%s] Cannot open inode %llu, err %d. Deleting dentry. 3[%s] Removing orphaned index failed with %d 3[%s] Invalid parameters 3[%s] Couldn't link new->parent to ino! 3[%s] During unlink of oldent: %d 3[%s] Couldn't convert ucs to char * 3[%s] Could not unlink (%llu) 3[%s] i_nlink not 0! 3[%s] block_truncate_page failed: %d 3[%s] Could not truncate data_size: %d 3[%s] Wrong arguments 3[%s] Could not convert ucs to char * 3[%s] Something went wrong while deleting: %d antfs_read antfs_get_block antfs_readpages antfs_zero_cluster antfs_write_begin antfs_write_end antfs_file_write_iter antfs_splice_write 3[%s] Failed to extend data attribute! 3[%s] Data attribute outside of mft record 3[%s] Failed to copy data to buffer! 3[%s] Corrupted file 3[%s] Failed to find VCN #1 3[%s] Failed to find VCN #2 3[%s] Unexpected runlength 0 3[%s] Bad run (%lld) 3[%s] Cluster allocation in hole failed: %d 3[%s] ntfs_attr_pread error reading mft_no %llu at offset %lld: %lld <> %lld ; bad inode 3[%s] !ni! ino: %lu; s_magic: %lu; dev: %s%s 3[%s] Compressed/encrypted --> read only! 3[%s] Write_begin failed: %d 3[%s] Write end failed! 3[%s] Got na not AT_DATA (0x%02x) and AT_UNNAMED (??) for ino %lld 3[%s] No buffers mapped in curr_page?! Cannot get position on disk! 3[%s] Failed to zero page @blk 0x%llx antfs_evict_inode antfs_statfs antfs_inode_init antfs_write_inode 3[%s] Extent inode %lld was not found 3[%s] mft_no %lld < FILE_first_user 3[%s] Could not get ni_lock for ni %lld; 3[%s] Error freeing inode: %lld (%d) 3[%s] Couldn't open DATA/INDEX_ROOT for ni(%lld) (%s)[%s] [%s] insert_inode_locked failed. 3[%s] [%s] insert_inode_locked failed. 3[%s] insert_inode_locked failed. ino collision? (%lu) 3[%s] Colliding inode is bad. 3[%s] Colliding inode i_mode: 0x%lx i_count: %ld; i_nlink: %d; inode_unhashed: %d; i_state: 0x%x 3[%s] Colliding inode is valid ntfs inode: mft: %lld;our ni: %p; 3[%s] c nr_extents: %d; c base_ino: %lld ,umask=%04o 3[%s] f_blocks < f_bavail (%lld < %lld) 3[%s] mftbmp->datasize << 3 < free_mft_records (%lld < %lld) 3[%s] No ctx 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed! antfs_parse_options antfs_open_device antfs_logger /dev/%s 3[%s] Failed to read NTFS $Bitmap 3[%s] Failed to calculate free MFT records 3[%s] Failed to set shown files 3[%s] Parsing opt=uid failed! 3[%s] Parsing opt=gid failed! 3[%s] Parsing opt=umask failed! ntfs_get_attribute_value ntfs_check_and_load_restart_page ntfs_mft_bitmap_extend_allocation_i ntfs_attr_fill ntfs_is_logfile_clean ntfs_attr_map_runlist ntfs_mft_data_extend_allocation ntfs_attr_map_partial_runlist ntfs_attr_map_whole_runlist ntfs_attr_find_vcn ntfs_attr_pread_i ntfs_attr_pread get_master_node ntfs_attr_fill_zero write_rcvrd_mst_node ntfs_attr_fill_hole split_compressed_hole ntfs_logfile_reset ubifs_jnl_write_data borrow_from_hole ntfs_attr_pwrite_i ntfs_attr_pwrite ntfs_attr_pclose ntfs_attr_mst_pread ntfs_attr_mst_pwrite ntfs_attr_find ubifs_recover_size ntfs_attr_name_get ntfs_external_attr_find ntfs_attr_inconsistent ntfs_attr_lookup ntfs_attr_init_search_ctx ntfs_attr_get_search_ctx ntfs_attr_find_in_attrdef ntfs_attr_size_bounds_check ntfs_attr_can_be_non_resident ntfs_make_room_for_attr dbg_check_ltab_lnum ntfs_resident_attr_record_add ntfs_non_resident_attr_record_add ntfs_attr_record_rm ntfs_attr_add ntfs_attr_rm ntfs_attr_record_resize ntfs_attr_record_move_to ntfs_attr_record_move_away ntfs_attr_make_non_resident ntfs_resident_attr_resize_i ntfs_attr_update_meta ntfs_attr_update_mapping_pairs_i ntfs_non_resident_attr_shrink ntfs_non_resident_attr_expand_i ntfs_attr_truncate_i antfs_do_cluster_alloc stuff_hole ntfs_attr_readall ntfs_attr_exist ntfs_attr_remove ntfs_attr_get_free_bits 3[%s] Merging runlist failed: %d (%s)[%s] ntfs_cluster_free_from_rl() failed 3[%s] ntfs_cluster_free_from_rl() failed 3[%s] Cluster free failed. rl in RAM damaged. (%s)[%s] Leaking clusters. 3[%s] Leaking clusters. (%s)[%s] Couldn't truncate runlist. Have to re-build it. 3[%s] Couldn't truncate runlist. Have to re-build it. (%s)[%s] Failed to restore old mapping pairs 3[%s] Failed to restore old mapping pairs 3[%s] ni=%p size=%lld 3[%s] size_bounds_check: %d 3[%s] val is mandatory for always resident attributes 3[%s] Attribute is too big 3[%s] ntfs_attr_can_be_resident failed 3[%s] Failed to attach all extents to inode 3[%s] Failed to add attribute list 3[%s] Failed to allocate extent record 3[%s] Failed to add resident attribute 3[%s] Failed to add non resident attribute 3[%s] Failed to open just added attribute 3[%s] truncate failed 3[%s] Failed to initialize just added attribute 3[%s] Failed to remove just added attribute (%s)[%s] Failed to remove just added attribute #2 3[%s] Failed to remove just added attribute #2 3[%s] ntfs_attr_find_in_attrdef failed: %d 3[%s] no search_ctx 3[%s] Invalid arguments. 3[%s] Wrong attribute name! 3[%s] Failed to get search context 3[%s] Failed to lookup attribute 0x%x from ni(%lld) 3[%s] could not conver ucs to mbs 3[%s] Inode %lld has corrupt attribute flags (0x%x <> 0x%x) 3[%s] Compressed inode %lld not allowed on NTFS %d.%d 3[%s] Compressed inode %lld attr 0x%x has no compression unit 3[%s] Compressed inode %lld attr 0x%lx has an unsupported compression unit %d 3[%s] Corrupt $BitMap not fully allocated jkrieg@avm.de 3[%s] Failed to find run after mapping runlist. Please report to %s. 3[%s] Cannot allocate %lld clusters within a hole of %lld 3[%s] Failed to merge runlists 3[%s] Failed to free hot clusters. Please run chkdsk /f 3[%s] Failed to find run after hole instantiation. Please report to %s. 3[%s] BUG! LCN is lesser than 0. Please report to the %s. 3[%s] Failed to zero space 3[%s] Invalid argument 3[%s] Corrupt attribute name in MFT record %lld 3[%s] Corrupt inode (%lld) 3[%s] type=0x%02x 3[%s] Exit with err=%d (changed to -EIO) 3[%s] invalid na 3[%s] Cannot count bits in compressed or resident attributes. 3[%s] Invalid lcn @run %d: %d 3[%s] sb_bread failed for sect %lld; run %d, lcn %lld 3[%s] NULL arguments 3[%s] Corrupt non resident attribute 0x%x in MFT record %lld 3[%s] Corrupt resident attribute 0x%x in MFT record %lld 3[%s] Corrupt file name attribute in MFT record %lld. 3[%s] Corrupt index root in MFT record %lld. 3[%s] Corrupt standard information in MFT record %lld 3[%s] Corrupt object id in MFT record %lld 3[%s] Attribute 0x%x in MFT record %lld should be resident. 3[%s] Corrupt volume information in MFT record %lld 3[%s] Corrupt index allocation in MFT record %lld 3[%s] mrec NULL! 3[%s] EINVAL 3[%s] Attribute list wasn't found 3[%s] Found stale mft reference in attribute list! 3[%s] $MFT not ready for opening an extent to inode %lld 3[%s] Corrupt attribute list entry in MFT record %lld 3[%s] Eeek! Trying to make non-resident attribute non-resident. Aborting... (%s)[%s] Eeek! Failed to build mapping pairs. Leaving corrupt attribute record on disk. In memory runlist is still intact! Error code is %i. FIXME: Need to rollback instead! 3[%s] Eeek! Failed to build mapping pairs. Leaving corrupt attribute record on disk. In memory runlist is still intact! Error code is %i. FIXME: Need to rollback instead! (%s)[%s] Eeek! Failed to release allocated clusters in error code path. Leaving inconsistent metadata... 3[%s] Eeek! Failed to release allocated clusters in error code path. Leaving inconsistent metadata... 3[%s] na->rl err: %d 3[%s] Corrupt attribute list 3[%s] rl error: %d 3[%s] End of runlist not reached 3[%s] Exit err=%d 3[%s] First extent of inode %llu attribute has non-zero lowest_vcn 3[%s] Inode %llu has corrupt attribute list 3[%s] Couldn't find attribute for runlist mapping 3[%s] Failed to load full runlist: inode: %llu highest_vcn: 0x%llx last_vcn: 0x%llx 3[%s] #1 3[%s] written=%lld 3[%s] ntfs_ucstombs 3[%s] Bad ntfs_attr_pclose recursion on inode %lld 3[%s] Failed to find VCN #5 3[%s] Failed to find VCN#6 3[%s] Unexpected LCN (%lld) 3[%s] na=%p b=%p pos=%lld count=%lld 3[%s] uninitialized encrypted file not supported 3[%s] Sanity check failed 3[%s] Failed to find VCN#2 3[%s] Zero run length 3[%s] ntfs_pread failed 3[%s] Cannot write encrypted+compressed. 3[%s] Failed to stuff a compressed file target %lld reached %lld 3[%s] Cannot write compressed NOT data attrib or unsupported compression method. 3[%s] Failed to enlarge attribute 3[%s] lookup failed 3[%s] failed to write mft record 3[%s] Failed to find VCN #3 3[%s] No free run, case 1 3[%s] No free run, case 2 3[%s] No free run, case 4 3[%s] Mapped run not found, inode %lld lcn 0x%llx 3[%s] No elements to borrow from a hole 3[%s] Failed to find VCN#4 (%s)[%s] Eeek! Failed to recover from error. Leaving metadata in inconsistent state! Run chkdsk! 3[%s] Eeek! Failed to recover from error. Leaving metadata in inconsistent state! Run chkdsk! 3[%s] Failed to restore data_size 3[%s] ntfs_attr_open failed, inode %lld attr 0x%lx 3[%s] Corrupt attribute 0x%lx in inode %lld 3[%s] ntfs_attr_pread failed 3[%s] ctx=%p ctx->attr=%p extra=%d 3[%s] Inode %llu has no attrlist 3[%s] Couldn't attach extents, inode=%llu 3[%s] Couldn't allocate MFT record 3[%s] Couldn't move attribute to MFT record 3[%s] Attribute 0x%x overflows from MFT record (%s)[%s] Rollback failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Rollback failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. (%s)[%s] Leaking clusters! Run chkdsk. couldn't free clusters from attribute list runlist. 3[%s] Leaking clusters! Run chkdsk. couldn't free clusters from attribute list runlist. 3[%s] NULL inode pointer 3[%s] ino 0x%llx; na->ni is error %d! 3[%s] Failed to open attribute 0x%02x of inode 0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to remove attribute 0x%02x of inode 0x%llx 3[%s] Invalid arguments passed. (%s)[%s] Failed to free cluster allocation. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Failed to free cluster allocation. Leaving inconsistent metadata. (%s)[%s] Failed to remove attribute extent. Leaving inconsistent metadata 3[%s] Failed to remove attribute extent. Leaving inconsistent metadata (%s)[%s] Attribute lookup failed. Probably leaving inconsistent metadata 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed. Probably leaving inconsistent metadata 3[%s] size=%lld 3[%s] Too large attrlist (%lld) 3[%s] Attr type 0x%02x size check failed (min,size,max=%lld,%lld,%lld) 3[%s] Failed to truncate compressed attribute 3[%s] Eeek! Size bounds check failed. Aborting... 3[%s] Eeek! ntfs_attr_map_whole_runlist failed. (%s)[%s] Eeek! Freeing of clusters failed. Aborting... 3[%s] Eeek! Freeing of clusters failed. Aborting... 3[%s] Eeek! Run list truncation failed. (%s)[%s] Eeek! Mapping pairs update failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. Run chkdsk 3[%s] Eeek! Mapping pairs update failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. Run chkdsk (%s)[%s] Eeek! Lookup of first attribute extent failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Eeek! Lookup of first attribute extent failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] na=%p; na->rl=%p 3[%s] resident attribute 3[%s] Could not check whether sparse 3[%s] Could not map whole for sparse change 3[%s] Bad runlist 3[%s] Failed to move attribute 3[%s] Mapping pairs space is 0 3[%s] get MP size failed 3[%s] Attribute list is too big. Defragment the volume 3[%s] Can not add attrlist 3[%s] Failed to resize attribute 3[%s] Failed to build mapping pairs 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed 3[%s] Failed to update sizes in base extent 3[%s] Could not remove unused attr 3[%s] Attr lookup failed 3[%s] get mp size failed 3[%s] Could not add attribute extent 3[%s] Failed to build MP 3[%s] Non-zero (%04x) attribute flags. Cannot handle this yet. 3[%s] Error reading attribute value 3[%s] pos=%p m=%p 3[%s] EINVAL: attribute terminator? 3[%s] bounds check failed 3[%s] failed to map partial runlist 3[%s] Cluster allocation failed (%lld clusters, err=%d) 3[%s] Run list merge failed 3[%s] Mapping pairs update failed 3[%s] Lookup of first attribute extent failed 3[%s] Leaking clusters 3[%s] Couldn't truncate runlist. Rollback failed 3[%s] Failed to restore old mapping pairs 3[%s] Attribute can't be non resident 3[%s] ntfs_attr_can_be_non_resident failed 3[%s] Attribute 0x%x already present 3[%s] ntfs_attr_find failed 3[%s] Failed to make room for attribute 3[%s] Failed add attr entry to attrlist 3[%s] attribute lookup failed 3[%s] Attribute can't be resident. 3[%s] ntfs_attr_can_be_resident failed. 3[%s] Failed to make room for attribute. 3[%s] Failed add attribute entry to ATTRIBUTE_LIST. 3[%s] ntfs_attr_lookup failed 3[%s] Cannot change size when forcing non-resident 3[%s] Failed to make attribute non-resident 3[%s] Couldn't open attribute 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed 1 3[%s] Could not add attribute list: %d 3[%s] Could not free space in MFT record: %d 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed 2 3[%s] Couldn't allocate new MFT record: %d 3[%s] Couldn't move attribute to new MFT record: %d ntfs_attrlist_need ntfs_attrlist_entry_add ntfs_attrlist_entry_rm 3[%s] Failed to open $ATTRIBUTE_LIST attribute. 3[%s] $ATTRIBUTE_LIST resize failed: %d 3[%s] Failed to open $ATTRIBUTE_LIST attribute: %d 3[%s] Corrupt in-memory struct. ntfs_boot_sector_is_ntfs ntfs_boot_sector_parse 3[%s] Unexpected bytes per sector value (%d). 3[%s] Unexpected sectors per cluster value (%d). 3[%s] Unexpected cluster size (%d). 3[%s] Reserved fields aren't zero (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d). 3[%s] Unexpected clusters per mft record (%d). 3[%s] Unexpected clusters per index record (%d). 3[%s] Invalid location of MFT or MFTMirr. 3[%s] sectors_per_cluster (%d) is not a power of 2. 3[%s] Volume size is set to zero. 3[%s] Failed to read last sector (%lld) (err=%d) HINTS: Either the volume is a RAID/LDM but it wasn't setup yet, or it was not setup correctly (e.g. by not using mdadm --build ...), or a wrong device is tried to be mounted, or the partition table is corrupt (partition is smaller than NTFS), or the NTFS boot sector is corrupt (NTFS size is not valid). 3[%s] %s 3[%s] $MFT LCN (%lld) or $MFTMirr LCN (%lld) is greater than the number of clusters (%lld). 3[%s] cluster_size (%d) is not a power of 2. 3[%s] mft_record_size (%d) is not a power of 2. ntfs_collate_ntofs_ulong ntfs_collate_ntofs_ulongs ntfs_collate_ntofs_security_hash 3[%s] data1_len or/and data2_len not equal to 8. 3[%s] data1_len or/and data2_len not equal to 4. 3[%s] data1_len or data2_len not valid ntfs_decompress ntfs_compressed_attr_pread ntfs_comp_set check_valid_compressed_run ntfs_compress_free make_free_space ntfs_compressed_pwrite ntfs_ibm_add ubifs_release_budget ntfs_compressed_close ubifs_find_free_space Runs not adjacent Invalid hole Adjacent holes 3[%s] %s at %s index %ld inode %lld 3[%s] error writing compressed data 3[%s] Bad end of a compression block set 3[%s] No cluster to free after compression 3[%s] Unsupported compression block size %ld 3[%s] Failed to read an uncompressed cluster, inode %lld offs 0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to read a compressed cluster, inode %lld offs 0x%llx 3[%s] No unused runs for compressed close 3[%s] Bad update vcn for compressed close 3[%s] jump back over a hole when closing end compressed close begin compressed write 3[%s] Bad update vcn or compressed_part %d for compressed write 3[%s] No unused runs for compressed write 3[%s] jump back over a hole when appending 3[%s] writing on unallocated clusters end compressed write 3[%s] Failed to decompress file ntfs_inode_lookup_by_name ntfs_pathname_to_inode ntfs_check_log_client_array ntfs_dir_entry_type ntfs_filldir ntfs_readdir __ntfs_create ntfs_mft_record_init ntfs_create ntfs_mft_record_alloc ntfs_inode_free ubifs_shrink_scan ubifs_leb_map ubifs_budget_space ntfs_link_i 3[%s] Failed to add STANDARD_INFORMATION attribute. 3[%s] Failed to add INDEX_ROOT attribute. 3[%s] Failed to add DATA attribute. 3[%s] Failed to add FILE_NAME attribute: %d 3[%s] Failed to add entry to the index: %d 3[%s] %d 3[%s] Invalid argument (%p, %d) 3[%s] Could not decode the type of inode %lld 3[%s] ntfs_malloc failed 3[%s] mrec->link_count = %d 3[%s] Failed to decompress runlist. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Failed to free clusters. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Attribute enumeration failed. Probably leaving inconsistent metadata. (%s)[%s] Failed to free base MFT record. Leaving inconsistent metadata. err=%d 3[%s] Failed to free base MFT record. Leaving inconsistent metadata. err=%d 3[%s] Error freeing inode: %d 3[%s] Index root attribute missing in directory inode %lld 3[%s] Index block size %u is invalid. 3[%s] Index root entry out of bounds in inode %lld 3[%s] Failed to open index allocation (inode %lld) 3[%s] Failed to read vcn 0x%llx from inode %lld 3[%s] Index entry out of bounds in directory inode %lld. 3[%s] Index entry with child node found in a leaf node in directory inode %lld. 3[%s] Negative child node vcn in directory inode 0x%llx. 3[%s] ntfs_link wrong arguments 3[%s] Failed to add filename to the index 3[%s] Failed to add FILE_NAME attribute. 3[%s] Out of memory. 3[%s] Failed to open index allocation attribute. Directory inode %lld is corrupt or bug 3[%s] No file name found in inode %lld 3[%s] File name attribute must be resident (inode %lld) 3[%s] Parent directory not found 3[%s] Index root entry out of bounds in inode %lld 3[%s] Failed to open index bitmap attribute 3[%s] Current index position exceeds index bitmap size. 3[%s] Failed to read from index bitmap attribute 3[%s] Failed to read index block 3[%s] Could not unlink inode: %d ntfs_ib_write ntfs_index_ctx_get ntfs_ir_lookup ntfs_index_block_inconsistent ntfs_index_entry_inconsistent ntfs_ie_lookup ntfs_ia_open ntfs_ib_read scan_padding_bytes ntfs_icx_parent_inc validate_master ntfs_icx_parent_dec ubifs_scan_a_node ntfs_index_lookup ubifs_ro_mode ubifs_orphan_start_commit ntfs_ibm_modify ntfs_ia_add ubifs_gc_start_commit layout_leb_in_gaps ubifs_read_one_lp ntfs_ir_reparent ntfs_ir_truncate ubifs_wbuf_write_nolock dbg_check_bud_bytes ntfs_ir_make_space ntfs_ih_insert ntfs_ib_insert ntfs_ib_split ntfs_ie_add ntfs_index_add_filename ntfs_index_rm_node ntfs_index_rm ntfs_index_remove 3[%s] Failed to open index allocation of inode %llu: %d 3[%s] Failed to read full index block at %lld 3[%s] copy_tail failed 3[%s] ntfs_ib_read failed: %d 3[%s] ntfs_ih_insert failed: %d 3[%s] ntfs_ib_write failed: %d 3[%s] Failed to write index block %lld, inode %llu 3[%s] Failed to open $BITMAP attribute 3[%s] Failed to truncate AT_BITMAP 3[%s] Failed to read $BITMAP 3[%s] Failed to write $Bitmap 3[%s] Corrupt index pointer (%d) 3[%s] Index is over %d level deep 3[%s] Index already have such entry 3[%s] Failed to find place for new entry 3[%s] Index entry out of bounds in inode %llu. 3[%s] Collation function not defined 3[%s] Collation error. Perhaps a filename contains invalid characters? 3[%s] Negative vcn in inode %llu 3[%s] ntfs_io_dup failed 3[%s] ntfs_ie_add_vcn failed: %d 3[%s] oom 3[%s] Corrupt index block signature: vcn %lld inode %llu 3[%s] Corrupt index block: VCN (%lld) is different from expected VCN (%lld) in inode %llu 3[%s] Corrupt index block : VCN (%lld) of inode %llu has a size (%u) differing from the index specified size (%u) 3[%s] Invalid index entry offset in inode %lld 3[%s] No space for index entries in inode %lld 3[%s] Index entries overflow in inode %lld 3[%s] Failed to allocate index context! OOM 3[%s] Overflow from index entry in inode %lld 3[%s] File name overflow from index entry in inode %lld 3[%s] Data overflow from index entry in inode %lld 3[%s] key: %p key_len: %d 3[%s] Index block size (0x%x) is smaller than the sector size (0x%x) 3[%s] Index block size (0x%x) is not power of 2. 3[%s] Unknown collation rule 0x%x 3[%s] Index entry with child node found in a leaf node in inode 0x%llx. 3[%s] Delete failed (%d) 3[%s] Empty index block 3[%s] Failed to lookup $INDEX_ROOT 3[%s] Non-resident $INDEX_ROOT detected 3[%s] Failed to add AT_BITMAP 3[%s] Failed to add AT_INDEX_ALLOCATION 3[%s] Failed to move index root to index block 3[%s] Failed to resize resident attr: Rollback. 3[%s] Failed to nodify INDEX_ROOT: %d 3[%s] Failed to truncate INDEX_ROOT: %d __ntfs_inode_allocate __ntfs_inode_release ntfs_inode_real_open ntfs_extent_inode_open ntfs_inode_attach_all_extents dent_key_init_flash ntfs_inode_sync_standard_information ntfs_inode_sync_file_name ntfs_inode_sync_in_dir ntfs_inode_add_attrlist ntfs_inode_free_space 3[%s] failed to allocate memory for inode &ni->ni_lock 3[%s] MFT is corrupt, cannot read its unmapped extent record %lld 3[%s] Note : chkdsk cannot fix this, try ntfsfix 3[%s] Found stale extent mft reference mft=%lld 3[%s] Inode already has attribute list 3[%s] Attribute list already present 3[%s] Failed to realloc %d bytes 3[%s] Failed to free space for attrlist 3[%s] Couldn't add $ATTRIBUTE_LIST to MFT 3[%s] Failed to open just added $ATTRIBUTE_LIST 3[%s] Failed to resize just added $ATTRIBUTE_LIST (%s)[%s] Rollback failed to remove attrlist 3[%s] Rollback failed to remove attrlist 3[%s] Rollback failed to find attrlist (%s)[%s] Rollback failed to move attribute 3[%s] Rollback failed to move attribute 3[%s] Rollback failed to find attr 3[%s] ni=%p size=%d 3[%s] Failed to move out attribute #2 3[%s] No STANDARD_INFORMATION in base record %lld 3[%s] Corrupt STANDARD_INFORMATION in base record %lld 3[%s] Too large attrlist attribute (%llu), inode %lld 3[%s] Unexpected attrlist size (%lld <> %u), inode %lld 3[%s] Inode without matching AT_FILE_NAME: %d 3[%s] err=%d 3[%s] Releasing dirty inode %lld! 3[%s] Failed to sync NULL inode 3[%s] Failed to sync standard info (inode %lld) 3[%s] bad sync of standard information 3[%s] Failed to open inode %lld with index 3[%s] Failed to get index ctx, inode %lld 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed, inode %lld 3[%s] Attribute list sync failed (open, inode %lld) 3[%s] Attribute list sync failed (write, inode %lld) 3[%s] Attribute list sync failed (bad size, inode %lld) 3[%s] MFT record sync failed, inode %lld 3[%s] Extent MFT record sync failed, inode %lld/%lld ntfs_cluster_alloc ntfs_cluster_free_from_rl ntfs_lcn_bitmap_clear_run ntfs_cluster_free_basic ntfs_attr_setup_flag ntfs_cluster_free 3[%s] EINVAL: vcn: %lld, count: %lld, lcn: %lld 3[%s] Non-positive free clusters (%lld)! 3[%s] No clusters found but still remember %lld free clusters?! Counted lcnbmp again and got %lld free clusters. done_zones=0x%x; full_zones=0x%x; pass=%d; search_zone=%d; lcn=0x%llx; zone_start=0x%llx; zone_end=0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to allocate %d clusters. err: %d 3[%s] Could not find run: %d 3[%s] Unexpected lcn (%lld) 3[%s] Invalid lcn (%lli) 3[%s] Clearing bitmap run failed 3[%s] Count still not zero(%lld) 3[%s] Cluster deallocation failed (%lld, %lld) 3[%s] Reading LCN bitmap failed: %d 3[%s] Failed to read the LCN bitmapwhile deleting! -> rewinding: %d (%s)[%s] Too many free clusters (%lld > %lld)! 3[%s] Too many free clusters (%lld > %lld)! (%s)[%s] Rewind: Reading LCN bitmap failed: %d 3[%s] Rewind: Reading LCN bitmap failed: %d (%s)[%s] Failed to read the bitmap while rewinding! %d 3[%s] Failed to read the bitmap while rewinding! %d ntfs_device_linux_io_open ntfs_device_linux_io_close ntfs_load_bitmap_attr ntfs_mft_records_write ntfs_device_linux_io_pread ntfs_device_unix_io_pwrite ntfs_device_unix_io_sync 3[%s] Device %s is not open 3[%s] Failed to synchronize device %s 3[%s] Size of bdev %s is 0?? 3[%s] Couldn't aquire buffer for block %llu 3[%s] This is a read-only device! 3[%s] Couldn't fetch buffer_head! 3[%s] Failed to sync device %s 3[%s] Bit out of range 3[%s] Unmapped/sparse cluster (%lld)!? ntfs_check_restart_page_header ntfs_check_restart_area ntfs_check_logfile ntfs_empty_logfile 3[%s] $LogFile is too small. 3[%s] Failed to read first NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE bytes of potential restart page. 3[%s] $LogFile uses unsupported page size. 3[%s] Found restart area in incorrect position in $LogFile. 3[%s] $LogFile version %i.%i is not supported. (This driver supports version 1.1 and 2.0 only.) 3[%s] $LogFile restart page specifies inconsistent update sequence array count. 3[%s] $LogFile restart page specifies inconsistent update sequence array offset. 3[%s] $LogFile restart page specifies inconsistent restart area offset. 3[%s] $LogFile restart page is not modified by chkdsk but a chkdsk LSN is specified. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies inconsistent file offset. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies inconsistent client array offset. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area is out of bounds of the system page size specified by the restart page header and/or the specified restart area length is inconsistent. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies overflowing client free and/or in use lists. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies inconsistent sequence number bits. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies inconsistent log record header length. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies inconsistent log page data offset. 3[%s] Failed to read whole restart page into the buffer. 3[%s] Multi sector transfer error detected in $LogFile restart page. 3[%s] $LogFile log client array is corrupt. 3[%s] BUG: rstr2_ph isn't NULL! 3[%s] Did not find any restart pages in $LogFile and it was not empty. 3[%s] Resident $LogFile $DATA attribute 3[%s] Failed to reset $LogFile 3[%s] Restart page header is NULL 3[%s] Restart page buffer is invalid 3[%s] The disk contains an unclean file system (%d, %d). ntfs_mft_records_read ntfs_mft_record_check ntfs_file_record_read ntfs_mft_record_layout ntfs_mft_bitmap_clear_bit ntfs_mft_bitmap_find_free_rec ntfs_mft_attr_extend ntfs_mft_bitmap_extend_initialized ntfs_mft_record_free 3[%s] mrec=%p 3[%s] Record %llu has wrong SeqNo (%d <> %d) 3[%s] Can not add attrlist #3 3[%s] MP update failed: %d 3[%s] Reading $MFT Bitmap @0x%llx/0x%llx failed: %d 3[%s] Failed to determine last allocated cluster of mft bitmap attribute. 3[%s] Failed to allocate a cluster for the mft bitmap. 3[%s] Failed to merge runlists for mft bitmap. (%s)[%s] Failed to deallocate cluster.%s Leaving inconsistent metadata. Run chkdsk. 3[%s] Failed to deallocate cluster.%s 3[%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft bitmap attribute. 3[%s] Failed to determine previous last allocated cluster of mft bitmap attribute. 3[%s] Get size for mapping pairs failed for mft bitmap attribute extent. 3[%s] ntfs_mft_attr_extend failed: %d 3[%s] Failed to build mapping pairs array for mft bitmap attribute. 3[%s] Failed to find first attribute extent of mft bitmap attribute. (%s)[%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft bitmap attribute.%s 3[%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft bitmap attribute.%s (%s)[%s] Failed to free cluster.%s 3[%s] Failed to free cluster.%s (%s)[%s] Failed to restore maping pairs array.%s 3[%s] Failed to restore maping pairs array.%s (%s)[%s] Failed to restore attribute record.%s 3[%s] Failed to restore attribute record.%s 3[%s] MP update failed 3[%s] Failed to determine last allocated cluster of mft data attribute. 3[%s] Failed to allocate (%lld) clusters for $MFT 3[%s] Failed to merge runlists for mft data attribute. (%s)[%s] Failed to deallocate clusters from the mft data attribute.%s 3[%s] Failed to deallocate clusters from the mft data attribute.%s 3[%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft data attribute. 3[%s] Failed to determine previous last allocated cluster of mft data attribute 3[%s] Get size for mapping pairs failed for mft data attribute extent 3[%s] Failed to build mapping pairs array of mft data attribute. 3[%s] Failed to find first attribute extent of mft data attribute. (%s)[%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft data attribute.%s 3[%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft data attribute.%s (%s)[%s] Failed to freeclusters from mft data attribute.%s 3[%s] Failed to freeclusters from mft data attribute.%s (%s)[%s] Failed to truncate mft data attribute runlist.%s 3[%s] Failed to truncate mft data attribute runlist.%s (%s)[%s] Failed to restore mapping pairs array.%s 3[%s] Failed to restore mapping pairs array.%s 3[%s] Invalid argument. 3[%s] Failed to write to mft bitmap. 3[%s] Failed to format mft record mft_na sanity checks failed 3[%s] Bug: %s (%s)[%s] Inode 0x%llx has VFS inode but it wasn't marked in $MFT bitmap. Fixed, but this is a serious Problem! 3[%s] Inode 0x%llx has VFS inode but it wasn't marked in $MFT bitmap. Fixed, but this is a serious Problem! 3[%s] Failed to re-format mft record. 3[%s] Failed to write back mrec, ino 0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to allocate buffer for inode. (%s)[%s] Failed to initialize extent inode(%lld): %d for base_ni(%lld) 3[%s] Failed to initialize extent inode(%lld): %d for base_ni(%lld) (%s)[%s] mftbmp_lock failed. free_mft_records now garbage 3[%s] mftbmp_lock failed. free_mft_records now garbage (%s)[%s] Failed to clear bit in mft bitmap 3[%s] Failed to clear bit in mft bitmap 3[%s] Record %llu has no FILE magic (0x%x) 3[%s] Record %llu has corrupt allocation size (%u <> %u) 3[%s] Record %llu has corrupt in-use size (%u > %u) 3[%s] Attributes badly aligned in record %llu 3[%s] Record %llu is corrupt 3[%s] Corrupted MFT record %llu 3[%s] Bad end of MFT record %llu 3[%s] rollback! 3[%s] Mft reference exceeds 32 bits 3[%s] Sector size is bigger than MFT record size. Setting usa_count to 1. If Windows chkdsk reports this as corruption, please email %s stating that you saw this message and that the file system created was corrupt. Thank you. 3[%s] vol=%p vol->mft_ma=%p b=%p count=%lld mft=%llu 3[%s] Trying to read non-allocated mft records (%lld > %lld) 3[%s] Failed to read MFT, mft=%llu count=%lld br=%lld; warn_ov: %d 3[%s] Trying to write non-allocated mft records (%lld > %lld) 3[%s] Trying to write non-allocated mftmirr records (%lld > %lld) (%s)[%s] Partial write while writing $Mft record(s) 3[%s] Partial write while writing $Mft record(s) 3[%s] Error writing $Mft record(s) (%d) (%s)[%s] Failed to sync $MFTMirr! Run chkdsk (%d) 3[%s] Failed to sync $MFTMirr! Run chkdsk (%d) ntfs_realloc 3[%s] Cannot vmrealloc ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn ntfs_mst_pre_write_fixup 3[%s] magic: 0x%08lx size: %ld usa_ofs: %d usa_count: %u 3[%s] Incomplete multi-sector transfer: magic: 0x%08x size: %d usa_ofs: %d usa_count: %d/%d data: %d usn: %d 3[%s] bad argument 3[%s] Not a valid record. $ObjId .NTFS-3G/ $Reparse ntfs_err_runlist_dump ntfs_rl_extend ntfs_runlists_merge_i ntfs_mapping_pairs_decompress_i ntfs_rl_pread ntfs_rl_pwrite ntfs_get_size_for_mapping_pairs ntfs_rl_truncate ntfs_rl_sparse ntfs_rl_get_compressed_size 3[%s] start_vcn %lld (should be >= 0) 3[%s] attr: %p; non_resident: %d; %lld 3[%s] Corrupt attribute. vcn = 0x%llx, num_clusters = 0x%llx 3[%s] Cannot extend unmapped runlist 3[%s] Failed to read runlist [vol: %p rl: %p pos: %lld count: %lld] 3[%s] Failed to write runlist [vol: %p rl: %p pos: %lld count: %lld] 3[%s] bad runlist 3[%s] rl_truncate error: arl: %p 3[%s] rl_truncate error: arl: %p *arl: %p 3[%s] Start_vcn lies outside front of runlist (runlist end) 3[%s] unmapped source runlist 3[%s] Run lists overlap. Cannot merge 3[%s] srl: 3[%s] NTFS-fs DEBUG: Dumping runlist (values in hex): 3[%s] VCN LCN Run length 3[%s] %-16lld %s %-16lld%s 3[%s] %-16lld %-16lld %-16lld%s 3[%s] drl: 3[%s] Merge failed 3[%s] libntfs: Critical error ntfs_sd_add_everyone 3[%s] Failed to add SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR. ret = %d 0,^, h,l, a,v, N!N! e,e, f,f, s,s, ntfs_mft_load ntfs_mftmirr_load ntfs_volume_startup ntfs_volume_check_logfile ntfs_hiberfile_open ntfs_volume_check_hiberfile fix_txf_data ntfs_device_mount write_node ubifs_leb_write setflags ntfs_set_shown_files ubifs_jnl_update ubifs_prepare_node system file mft record 3[%s] Failed to read $MFT 3[%s] Failed to read $MFT, unexpected length (%lld != %d). 3[%s] Failed to read $MFTMirr 3[%s] $MFT error: Incomplete multi sector transfer detected in '%s'. 3[%s] $MFT error: Invalid mft record for '%s'. 3[%s] $MFTMirr error: Incomplete multi sector transfer detected in '%s'. 3[%s] $MFTMirr error: Invalid mft record for '%s'. 3[%s] $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record %d). 3[%s] Failed to open inode FILE_Bitmap 3[%s] Corrupt cluster map size (%lld > %lld) 3[%s] Failed to open inode FILE_UpCase 3[%s] Error: Upcase table is invalid (want size even <= 131072). 3[%s] Failed to read $UpCase, unexpected length (%lld != %lld). 3[%s] Corrupted file $UpCase 3[%s] Failed to open inode FILE_Volume 3[%s] $VOLUME_INFORMATION attribute not found in $Volume 3[%s] Attribute $VOLUME_INFORMATION must be resident but it isn't. 3[%s] $VOLUME_INFORMATION in $Volume is corrupt. 3[%s] Failed to lookup of $VOLUME_NAME in $Volume failed 3[%s] $VOLUME_NAME must be resident. 3[%s] Volume name could not be converted to current locale 3[%s] Failed to open $AttrDef 3[%s] Attribute definition table is too big (max 24-bit allowed). 3[%s] Failed to read $AttrDef, unexpected length (%lld != %lld). 3[%s] Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. 3[%s] Failed to open root directory 3[%s] Failed to make $TXF_DATA resident 3[%s] $TXF_DATA made resident 3[%s] Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting.) 3[%s] Failed to open inode FILE_LogFile 3[%s] Error allocating memory for $MFT 3[%s] Failed to initialize the MFT! 3[%s] Error reading $MFT 3[%s] $MFT has corrupt attribute list. 3[%s] $MFT/$ATTR_LIST invalid length (%lld). 3[%s] Failed to get value of $MFT/$ATTR_LIST. 3[%s] Partial read of $MFT/$ATTR_LIST (%lld != %u or < %d). 3[%s] Failed to get standard information of $MFT 3[%s] Failed to open ntfs attribute 3[%s] $MFT must be non-resident. 3[%s] $MFT must be uncompressed and unencrypted. 3[%s] ntfs_mapping_pairs_decompress() failed 3[%s] The MFT is not self-contained 3[%s] $MFT/$DATA attribute not found. 3[%s] Failed to load runlist for $MFT/$DATA. 3[%s] highest_vcn = 0x%llx, last_vcn - 1 = 0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to open $MFT/$BITMAP 3[%s] Exit with error %d 3[%s] Failed to set file visibility hiberfil.sys 3[%s] Couldn't convert 'hiberfil.sys' to Unicode 3[%s] Failed to read hiberfil.sys 3[%s] Hibernated non-system partition, refused to mount. hibr HIBR 3[%s] Windows is hibernated, refused to mount. &vol->mftbmp_lock &vol->lcnbmp_lock &vol->ni_lock 3[%s] Error opening read-only '%s' 3[%s] Error opening '%s' 3[%s] Failed to read bootsector (size=0) 3[%s] Error reading bootsector (%lld) 3[%s] Also Failed to set block size to BLOCK_SIZE (%u). Cannot continue. 3[%s] Failed to load $MFT 3[%s] Failed to open inode $MFTMirr 3[%s] Failed to map runlist of $MFTMirr/$DATA 3[%s] Bad $MFTMirr lcn 0x%llx, want 0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to load $MFTMirr 4jffs2: No memory for compressor allocation. (%d bytes) 3jffs2: unknown compression mode 4jffs2: Decompressor "%s" returned %d 4jffs2: compression type 0x%02x not available 4jffs2: NULL compressor name at registering JFFS2 compressor. Failed. 4jffs2: No memory for compressor allocation. Compression failed. 4jffs2: Compressor module is in use. Unregister failed. jffs2_rename 4jffs2: iget() failed for ino #%u 5jffs2: %s(): Link succeeded, unlink failed (err %d). You now have a hard link 4jffs2: Can't allocate %d bytes of memory jffs2_fragtree_insert new_fragment jffs2_link_node_ref 2jffs2: ref %p @0x%08x is not jeb->last_node (%p @0x%08x) 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: duplicate frag at %08x (%p,%p) 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: Adding new ref %p at (0x%08x-0x%08x) not immediately after previous (0x%08x-0x%08x) 2jffs2: Dirty space 0x%x larger then free_size 0x%x (wasted 0x%x) 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: cannot allocate a jffs2_node_frag object 4jffs2: Error reading node from 0x%08x: %d 4jffs2: Short read from 0x%08x: wanted 0x%zx bytes, got 0x%zx 4jffs2: Node CRC %08x != calculated CRC %08x for node at %08x 4jffs2: Data CRC %08x != calculated CRC %08x for node at %08x 4jffs2: Error: jffs2_decompress returned %d 4jffs2: argh. node added in wrong place at 0x%08x(%d) 4jffs2: nextblock 0x%08x 4jffs2: No nextblock , expected at %08x 2jffs2: Argh. No free space left for GC. nr_erasing_blocks is %d. nr_free_blocks is %d. (erasableempty: %s, erasingempty: %s, erasependingempty: %s) 4jffs2: Eep. Block 0x%08x taken from free_list had free_size of 0x%08x!! 5jffs2: EEEEEK. jffs2_mark_node_obsolete called with NULL node 5jffs2: raw node at 0x%08x is off the end of device! check_node_data check_tn_node jffs2_build_inode_fragtree read_direntry jffs2_sum_add_mem read_dnode read_unknown read_more jffs2_get_inode_nodes jffs2_do_read_inode_internal jffs2_do_read_inode 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: MTD point returned len too short: %zu instead of %u. 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: MTD point failed: error code %d. 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: can not read %d bytes from 0x%08x, error code: %d. 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: short read at %#08x: %zd instead of %d. 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x%08x: read %#08x, calculated %#08x. 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: check_node_data() returned error: %d. &f->sem 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: Eep. Trying to read_inode #%u when it's already in state %d! 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: cannot allocate inocache for root inode 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: requestied to read an nonexistent ino %u 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: cannot read nodes for ino %u, returned error is %d 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: Add node to tree failed %d 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: no data nodes found for ino #%u 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: but it has children so we fake some modes for it 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: failed to read from flash: error %d, %zd of %zd bytes read 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: CRC failed for read_inode of inode %u at physical location 0x%x 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Truncating ino #%u to %d bytes failed because it only had %d bytes to start with! 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: can't allocate %u bytes of memory for the symlink target path cache 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: Argh. Special inode #%u with mode 0%o had metadata node 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: Argh. Special inode #%u with mode 0%o has no fragments 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: Argh. Special inode #%u with mode 0x%x had more than one node 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: Failed to build final fragtree for inode #%u: error %d 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Eep. No valid nodes for ino #%u. 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: short read at %#08x: %zu instead of %d. 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: Node header CRC failed at %#08x. {%04x,%04x,%08x,%08x} 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: Wrong magic bitmask 0x%04x in node header at %#08x. 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: header CRC failed on dirent node at %#08x: read %#08x, calculated %#08x 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: illegal nsize in node at %#08x: nsize %#02x, totlen %#04x 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: short read: wanted %d bytes, got %zd 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: read remainder of name: error %d 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: name CRC failed on dirent node at%#08x: read %#08x,calculated %#08x 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: node CRC failed on dnode at %#08x: read %#08x, calculated %#08x 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: failed to allocate tn (%zu bytes). 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: inode node header CRC is corrupted at %#08x 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: alloc fn failed 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: REF_UNCHECKED but unknown node at %#08x 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: Node is {%04x,%04x,%08x,%08x}. Please report this error. 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: unknown INCOMPAT nodetype %#04X at %#08x 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: unknown ROCOMPAT nodetype %#04X at %#08x 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: unknown RWCOMPAT_COPY nodetype %#04X at %#08x 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: unknown RWCOMPAT_DELETE nodetype %#04X at %#08x jffs2_write_dnode 4jffs2: Deleting inode #%u with active dentry "%s"->ino #%u 2jffs2: Error in jffs2_write_dirent() -- name contains zero bytes! 2jffs2: Directory inode #%u, name at *0x%p "%s"->ino #%u, name_crc 0x%08x 4jffs2: %s(): ri->totlen (0x%08x) != sizeof(*ri) (0x%08zx) + datalen (0x%08x) 5jffs2: Write of %zd bytes at 0x%08x failed. returned %d, retlen %zd 5jffs2: Not marking the space at 0x%08x as dirty because the flash driver returned retlen zero 4jffs2: Eep. We didn't actually write any data in jffs2_write_inode_range() jffs2_scan_medium jffs2_scan_xattr_node jffs2_scan_xref_node jffs2_scan_eraseblock jffs2_scan_make_ino_cache jffs2_scan_inode_node jffs2_scan_dirent_node %s(): End of filesystem marker found at 0x%x 4jffs2: Eep. ofs 0x%08x not word-aligned! 4jffs2: ofs 0x%08x has already been seen. Skipping 4jffs2: Empty flash at 0x%08x ends at 0x%08x 4jffs2: Magic bitmask is backwards at offset 0x%08x. Wrong endian filesystem? 4jffs2: Old JFFS2 bitmask found at 0x%08x 4jffs2: You cannot use older JFFS2 filesystems with newer kernels 5jffs2: %s(): Magic bitmask 0x%04x not found at 0x%08x: 0x%04x instead 5jffs2: Further such events for this erase block will not be printed 5jffs2: %s(): Node at 0x%08x {0x%04x, 0x%04x, 0x%08x) has invalid CRC 0x%08x (calculated 0x%08x) 4jffs2: Node at 0x%08x with length 0x%08x would run over the end of the erase block 4jffs2: Perhaps the file system was created with the wrong erase size? 5jffs2: %s(): CRC failed on node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x 5jffs2: %s(): Node CRC failed on node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x 3jffs2: Dirent at %08x has zeroes in name. Truncating to %d chars 5jffs2: %s(): Name CRC failed on node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: node CRC failed at %#08x, read=%#08x, calc=%#08x 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: node length mismatch at %#08x, read=%u, calc=%u 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: node length mismatch at %#08x, read=%u, calc=%zd 5jffs2: CLEANMARKER node found at 0x%08x has totlen 0x%x != normal 0x%x 5jffs2: CLEANMARKER node found at 0x%08x, not first node in block (0x%08x) 5jffs2: Read-only compatible feature node (0x%04x) found at offset 0x%08x 5jffs2: Incompatible feature node (0x%04x) found at offset 0x%08x 5jffs2: %s(): allocation of inode cache failed 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Can't allocate memory for summary 4jffs2: %s(): unknown block state 5jffs2: Cowardly refusing to erase blocks on filesystem with no valid JFFS2 nodes 5jffs2: empty_blocks %d, bad_blocks %d, c->nr_blocks %d jffs2_garbage_collect_deletion_dirent jffs2_garbage_collect_hole 4jffs2: jffs2_reserve_space_gc of %zd bytes for garbage_collect_dirent failed: %d 4jffs2: jffs2_write_dirent in garbage_collect_dirent failed: %ld 4jffs2: kmalloc of mdata failed in jffs2_garbage_collect_metadata() 4jffs2: read of old metadata failed in jffs2_garbage_collect_metadata(): %d 4jffs2: jffs2_reserve_space_gc of %zd bytes for garbage_collect_metadata failed: %d 4jffs2: Error writing new dnode: %ld 4jffs2: Node read failed in jffs2_garbage_collect_hole. Ret %d, retlen %zd. Data will be lost by writing new hole node 4jffs2: %s(): Node at 0x%08x had node type 0x%04x instead of JFFS2_NODETYPE_INODE(0x%04x) 4jffs2: %s(): Node at 0x%08x had totlen 0x%x instead of expected 0x%zx 4jffs2: %s: Node at 0x%08x had CRC 0x%08x which doesn't match calculated CRC 0x%08x 4jffs2: Data in the range 0x%08x to 0x%08x of inode #%u will be lost 4jffs2: %s(): Node 0x%08x wasn't a hole node! 4jffs2: jffs2_reserve_space_gc of %zd bytes for garbage_collect_hole failed: %d 4jffs2: Error writing new hole node: %ld 4jffs2: %s(): Old node still has frags! 4jffs2: %s(): New node has no frags! 4jffs2: read_cache_page() returned error: %ld 4jffs2: jffs2_reserve_space_gc of %zd bytes for garbage_collect_dnode failed: %d 4jffs2: %s(): Read error (%d) reading obsolete node at %08x 4jffs2: %s(): Short read (%zd not %u) reading header from obsolete node at %08x 4jffs2: Deletion dirent "%s" not found in list for ino #%u 4jffs2: But it's obsolete so we don't mind too much 4jffs2: Raw node at 0x%08x wasn't in node lists for ino #%u 2jffs2: Checked all inodes but still 0x%x bytes of unchecked space? 4jffs2: Inode #%u is in state %d during CRC check phase! 4jffs2: Returned error for crccheck of ino #%u. Expect badness... 4jffs2: Eep. ret->gc_node for block at 0x%08x is NULL 4jffs2: eep. End of raw list while still supposedly nodes to GC 4jffs2: erase block at 0x%08x. free_size 0x%08x, dirty_size 0x%08x, used_size 0x%08x 2jffs2: Inode #%u already in state %d in jffs2_garbage_collect_pass()! 3jffs2: Error garbage collecting node at %08x! 4jffs2: Header CRC failed on REF_PRISTINE node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x 4jffs2: Node CRC failed on REF_PRISTINE data node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x 4jffs2: Data CRC failed on REF_PRISTINE data node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x 4jffs2: Node CRC failed on REF_PRISTINE dirent node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x 4jffs2: Name in dirent node at 0x%08x contains zeroes 4jffs2: Name CRC failed on REF_PRISTINE dirent node at 0x%08x: Read 0x%08x, calculated 0x%08x 4jffs2: Unknown node type for REF_PRISTINE node at 0x%08x: 0x%04x 5jffs2: Write of %d bytes at 0x%08x failed. returned %d, retlen %zd jffs2_build_filesystem %s(): unlocking the mtd device... %s(): erasing all blocks after the end marker... 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: child dir "%s" (ino #%u) of dir ino #%u is also hard linked from dir ino #%u jffs2_remove_node_refs_from_ino_list 4jffs2: Erase at 0x%08llx finished, but state != MTD_ERASE_DONE. State is 0x%x instead. 4jffs2: Newly-erased block contained word 0x%lx at offset 0x%08tx 4jffs2: Failed to allocate page buffer for verifying erase at 0x%08x. Refiling 4jffs2: Read of newly-erased block at 0x%08x failed: %d. Putting on bad_list 4jffs2: Short read from newly-erased block at 0x%08x. Wanted %d, got %zd 4jffs2: Newly-erased block contained word 0x%lx at offset 0x%08x 4jffs2: Write clean marker to block at 0x%08x failed: %d 4jffs2: Short write to newly-erased block at 0x%08x: Wanted %zd, got %zd 4jffs2: kmalloc for struct erase_info in jffs2_erase_block failed. Refiling block for later 4jffs2: Erase at 0x%08x failed immediately: -EROFS. Is the sector locked? 4jffs2: Erase at 0x%08x failed immediately: errno %d 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: inode_cache/xattr_datum/xattr_ref not found in remove_node_refs()!! 5jffs2: No space for garbage collection. Aborting GC thread jffs2_gcd_mtd%d 4jffs2: fork failed for JFFS2 garbage collect thread: %ld jffs2_iget 6jffs2: Flash size not aligned to erasesize, reducing to %dKiB 3jffs2: Too few erase blocks (%d) 5jffs2: Eep. read_inode() failed for ino #%u. unlinked %d 5jffs2: Device node has strange size %d 5jffs2: Read device numbers for inode %lu failed 4jffs2: %s(): Bogus i_mode %o for ino %lu jffs2_get_parent &c->alloc_sem &c->erase_free_sem &c->erase_wait &c->inocache_wq 7[JFFS2 DBG] (%d) %s: Parent of directory ino #%u is #%u 3jffs2: Error: unknown compressor "%s" 4jffs2: Too large reserve pool specified, max is %llu KB 3jffs2: Error: unrecognized mount option '%s' or missing value ,compr=%s ,rp_size=%u __jffs2_dbg_acct_sanity_check_nolock 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: eeep, space accounting for block at 0x%08x is screwed. 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: free %#08x + dirty %#08x + used %#08x + wasted %#08x + unchecked %#08x != total %#08x. 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: eeep, space accounting superblock info is screwed. 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: free %#08x + dirty %#08x + used %#08x + erasing %#08x + bad %#08x + wasted %#08x + unchecked %#08x != total %#08x. jffs2_wbuf_recover jffs2_flash_writev 2jffs2: jffs2_flush_wbuf() called with alloc_sem not locked! 4jffs2: jffs2_flush_wbuf(): Write failed with %d 4jffs2: jffs2_flush_wbuf(): Write was short: %zd instead of %d 2jffs2: jffs2_flush_wbuf(): Accounting error. wbuf at 0x%08x has 0x%03x bytes, 0x%03x left. 2jffs2: jffs2_flush_wbuf(): But free_size for block at 0x%08x is only 0x%08x 3jffs2: cannot read OOB for EB at %08x, requested %zd bytes, read %zd bytes, error %d 4jffs2: flash size adjusted to %dKiB 6jffs2: write-buffering enabled buffer (%d) erasesize (%d) 4jffs2: mtd->read(0x%zx bytes from 0x%llx) returned ECC error 2jffs2: %s(): Non-contiguous write to %08lx 2jffs2: wbuf was previously %08x-%08x 3jffs2: inconsistent device description &c->wbuf_sem 2jffs2: Malloc failure in wbuf recovery. Data loss ensues. 2jffs2: Old data are already lost in wbuf recovery. Data loss ensues. 4jffs2: Failed to allocate space for wbuf recovery. Data loss ensues. 4jffs2: Failed to allocate node refs for wbuf recovery. Data loss ensues. 2jffs2: Recovery of wbuf failed due to a second write error 5jffs2: Recovery of wbuf succeeded to %08x 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: Failed to iget() ino #%u, err %ld 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: Inode #%u is in strange state %d! 4jffs2: marking eraseblock at %08x as bad 3jffs2: cannot write OOB for EB at %08x, requested %zd bytes, read %zd bytes, error %d reclaim_xattr_datum do_verify_xattr_datum do_load_xattr_datum save_xattr_datum verify_xattr_ref save_xattr_ref jffs2_build_xattr_subsystem do_jffs2_setxattr jffs2_garbage_collect_xattr_datum jffs2_garbage_collect_xattr_ref 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: jffs2_reserve_space()=%d, request=%u 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: jffs2_flash_read()=%d, req=%zu, read=%zu at %#08x 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: node CRC failed at %#08x, read=%#08x, calc=%#08x 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: inconsistent xdatum at %#08x, magic=%#04x/%#04x, nodetype=%#04x/%#04x, totlen=%u/%u, xid=%u/%u, version=%u/%u 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: jffs2_flash_read()=%d, req=%zu, read=%zu, at %#08x 3jffs2: error: (%d) %s: inconsistent xref at %#08x, magic=%#04x/%#04x, nodetype=%#04x/%#04x, totlen=%u/%zu 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: complete building xattr subsystem, %u of xdatum (%u unchecked, %u orphan) and %u of xref (%u dead, %u orphan) found. 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: jffs2_reserve_space_gc()=%d, request=%u 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: %s: jffs2_reserve_space_gc() = %d, request = %u &c->xattr_sem 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: jffs2_flash_read() returned %d, request=%d, readlen=%zu, at %#08x 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: node CRC failed (JFFS2_NODETYPE_XATTR) at %#08x, read: 0x%08x calculated: 0x%08x 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: xdatum_mem_usage from %u byte to %u byte (%u byte reclaimed) 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: jffs2_flash_writev()=%d, req=%u, wrote=%zu, at %#08x 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: jffs2_flash_write() returned %d, request=%zu, retlen=%zu, at %#08x 4jffs2: deflateInit failed 4jffs2: inflateInit failed 5jffs2: inflate returned %d jffs2_sum_init jffs2_sum_add_kvec jffs2_sum_process_sum_data jffs2_sum_scan_sumnode jffs2_sum_write_data jffs2_sum_write_sumnode 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: MEMORY ALLOCATION ERROR! 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: UNKNOWN node type %u 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Can't allocate memory for summary information! 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Can't allocate buffer for writing out summary information! 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: scan_make_ino_cache failed 3jffs2: Dirent at %08x has zero at start of name. Aborting mount. 5jffs2: notice: (%d) %s: allocation of xattr_datum failed 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Unsupported node type %x found in summary! Exiting... 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Free size 0x%x bytes in eraseblock @0x%08x with summary? 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Summary node crc error, skipping summary information. 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Empty summary info!!! 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Summary too big (%d data, %d pad) in eraseblock at %08x 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Not enough space for summary, padsize = %d 4jffs2: warning: (%d) %s: Write of %u bytes at 0x%08x failed. returned %d, retlen %zd shrink_tnc 2UBIFS assert failed in %s at %u (pid %d) UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): no clean znodes, kick a thread UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): not enough old znodes, try to free young ones UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): not enough young znodes, free all UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): freed nothing, but contention UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): %lu znodes were freed, requested %lu dent_key_init dent_key_init xent_key_init xent_key_init data_key_init data_key_init data_key_init reserve_space ubifs_add_bud write_head ubifs_scanned_corruption make_reservation ubifs_jnl_write_inode ubifs_jnl_delete_inode ubifs_jnl_xrename ubifs_jnl_rename recomp_data_node dbg_orphan_check ubifs_jnl_truncate ubifs_jnl_delete_xattr ubifs_jnl_change_xattr UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): no free space in jhead %s, run GC UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): GC couldn't make a free LEB for jhead %s UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): retry (%d) UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): return -ENOSPC UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): got LEB %d for jhead %s UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): return LEB %d back, already have LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): no space, retry 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: stuck in space allocation 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: too many space allocation re-tries (%d) UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): -EAGAIN, commit and retry (retried %d times) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot reserve %d bytes in jhead %d, error %d UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): ino %lu, ino %lu UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): host %lu, xattr ino %lu, name '%s', data len %d UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): dent '%pd' in dir ino %lu to dent '%pd' in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): ino %lu, size %lld -> %lld UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): last block key %s 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad data node (block %u, inode %lu) UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): ino %lu, dent '%.*s', data len %d in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): ino %lu, blk %u, len %d, key %s UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): ino %lu, nlink %u UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): dent '%pd' in dir ino %lu between dent '%pd' in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): jhead %s, LEB %d:%d, len %d read_block ubifs_fast_find_free do_readpage write_begin_slow ubifs_write_begin clean_an_unclean_leb ubifs_write_end dbg_scan_orphans check_lpt_type populate_page ubifs_do_bulk_read ubifs_tnc_end_commit do_writepage ubifs_writepage ubifs_tnc_bulk_read do_truncation do_setattr ubifs_setattr ubifs_invalidatepage ubifs_fsync ubifs_set_page_dirty ubifs_releasepage ubifs_vm_page_mkwrite 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot read page %lu of inode %lu, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot write page %lu of inode %lu, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, pg %lu, i_size %lld, flags %#lx UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): hole UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): syncing inode %lu 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: ignoring error %d and skipping bulk-read UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, mode %#x, ia_valid %#x UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, size %lld -> %lld UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): size %lld -> %lld UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, pg %lu, i_size %lld 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: out of space for mmapped file (inode number %lu) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, pos %llu, len %u, i_size %lld UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, pos %llu, pg %lu, len %u, copied %d, i_size %lld UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): copied %d instead of %d, read page and repeat UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, pg %lu, pg flags %#lx dent_key_init_hash ubifs_new_inode ubifs_lookup ubifs_create do_tmpfile ubifs_readdir ubifs_link ubifs_unlink ubifs_rmdir do_kill_orphans ubifs_save_dirty_idx_lnums ubifs_mkdir ubifs_mknod ubifs_recover_leb ubifs_symlink ubifs_rename ubifs_recover_inl_heads ubifs_xrename ubifs_rename2 scan_check_cb UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%pd', mode %#hx in dir ino %lu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot create temporary file, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot create regular file, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%pd' to ino %lu (nlink %d) in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): '%pd' in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): not found 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: dead directory entry '%pd', error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot create directory, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%pd' in dir ino %lu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: out of inode numbers 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: running out of inode numbers (current %lu, max %u) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dir ino %lu, f_pos %#llx UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): feed '%s', ino %llu, new f_pos %#x 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot find next direntry, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%pd' ino %lu in dir ino %lu to dent '%pd' in dir ino %lu flags 0x%x UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): directory '%pd', ino %lu in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%pd', target '%s' in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%pd' from ino %lu (nlink %d) in dir ino %lu validate_inode ubifs_iget ubifs_write_inode ubifs_dirty_inode init_constants_early init_constants_sb take_gc_lnum free_orphans ubifs_parse_options bu_init check_free_space mount_ubifs ubifs_umount ubifs_remount_rw ubifs_remount_ro ubifs_put_super ubifs_remount_fs ubifs_fill_super ubifs_mount ubifs_exit 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot allocate %d bytes of memory for bulk-read, disabling it 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: insufficient free space to mount in R/W mode 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: orphan list not empty at unmount UBI volume , R/O mode , big LPT model , small LPT model 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: UBI volume is corrupted - read-only mode 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): read-only UBI device 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): static UBI volume - read-only mode 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: too small LEBs (%d bytes), min. is %d bytes 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: too few LEBs (%d), min. is %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad min. I/O size %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad write buffer size %d for %d min. I/O unit 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: can't format empty UBI volume: read-only %s 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot mount read-write - read-only media 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: 'compressor "%s" is not compiled in 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: too small LEB size %d, at least %d needed 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: too small log %d LEBs, required min. %d LEBs ubifs_bgt%d_%d 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): recovery needed 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): recovery deferred 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): recovery completed 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): UBIFS: mounted UBI device %d, volume %d, name "%s"%s 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): LEB size: %d bytes (%d KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: %d bytes/%d bytes 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): FS size: %lld bytes (%lld MiB, %d LEBs), journal size %lld bytes (%lld MiB, %d LEBs) 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): reserved for root: %llu bytes (%llu KiB) 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): media format: w%d/r%d (latest is w%d/r%d), UUID %pUB%s UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): default compressor: %s UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): data journal heads: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): log LEBs: %d (%d - %d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): LPT area LEBs: %d (%d - %d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): orphan area LEBs: %d (%d - %d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): main area LEBs: %d (%d - %d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): index LEBs: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): total index bytes: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): key hash type: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): tree fanout: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): reserved GC LEB: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): max. znode size %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): max. index node size %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): node sizes: data %zu, inode %zu, dentry %zu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): node sizes: trun %zu, sb %zu, master %zu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): node sizes: ref %zu, cmt. start %zu, orph %zu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): max. node sizes: data %zu, inode %zu dentry %zu, idx %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dead watermark: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dark watermark: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): LEB overhead: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): max. dark space: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): maximum bud bytes: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): BG commit bud bytes: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): current bud bytes %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): max. seq. number: %llu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): commit number: %llu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: no LEB for GC &ui->ui_mutex UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): inode %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): inode %lu, mode %#x 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: can't delete inode %lu, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode is too large (%lld) 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode %lu uses '%s' compression, but it was not compiled in 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode %lu validation failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failed to read inode %lu, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): name %s, flags %#x 3UBIFS error (pid: %d): cannot open "%s", error %d &c->commit_sem &c->lp_mutex &c->tnc_mutex &c->log_mutex &c->umount_mutex &c->bu_mutex &c->write_reserve_mutex &c->cmt_wq UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): opened ubi%d_%d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): this ubi volume is already mounted ubifs_%d_%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unknown compressor "%s" 5UBIFS: parse %s 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): un-mount UBI device %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failed to write master node, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): old flags %#lx, new flags %#x 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: invalid or unknown remount parameter 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): cannot re-mount R/W due to prior errors 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): cannot re-mount R/W - UBI volume is R/O 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: the file-system is not R/W-compatible 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): on-flash format version is w%d/r%d, but software only supports up to version w%d/r%d 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): completing deferred recovery 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot spawn "%s", error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): re-mounted read-write 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): deferred recovery completed 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): cannot re-mount R/O due to prior errors UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): disable bulk-read ,fast_unmount ,norm_unmount ,bulk_read ,no_bulk_read ,chk_data_crc ,no_chk_data_crc UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): free space %lld bytes (%lld blocks) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): un-mounting UBI device %d, volume %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): inode %lu, mode %#x, nlink %u 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: can't write inode %lu, error %d ubifs_release_lprops ubifs_release_lprops ubifs_release_lprops create_default_filesystem ubifs_find_free_leb_for_idx ubifs_change_lp validate_sb try_read_node ubifs_read_superblock drop_last_group fixup_leb ubifs_fixup_free_space resolve_collision dbg_check_cats write_cnodes UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): LEB Properties Tree created (LEBs %d-%d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): default superblock created at LEB 0:0 UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): default master node created at LEB %d:0 UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): default root indexing node created LEB %d:0 UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): root inode created at LEB %d:0 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): default file-system created UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): unmap empty LEB %d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): fixup LEB %d, data len %d 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): start fixing up free space 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): free space fixup complete 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: on-flash format version is w%d/r%d, but software only supports up to version w%d/r%d 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): only R/O mounting is possible 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: on-flash format version %d is not supported 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unsupported key format UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): Auto resizing (ro) from %d LEBs to %d LEBs UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): Auto resizing (sb) from %d LEBs to %d LEBs 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: min. I/O unit mismatch: %d in superblock, %d real 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LEB size mismatch: %d in superblock, %d real 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad LEB count: %d in superblock, %d on UBI volume, %d minimum required 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: max. LEB count %d less than LEB count %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: too small journal (%lld bytes), must be at least %lld bytes 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: too large journal size (%lld bytes), only %lld bytes available in the main area 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad superblock, error %d ubifs_leb_read ubifs_leb_change ubifs_leb_unmap ubifs_is_mapped ubifs_check_node copy_znode ubifs_pad erase_deleted next_sqnum ubifs_add_lpt_dirt ubifs_prep_grp_node wbuf_timer_callback_nolock fix_unclean_leb new_wbuf_timer_nolock ubifs_wbuf_sync_nolock ubifs_consolidate_log ubifs_wbuf_seek_nolock ubifs_bg_wbufs_sync ubifs_commit_required ubifs_write_node ubifs_read_node_wbuf ubifs_read_node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: sequence number overflow %llu, end of life 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: running out of sequence numbers, end of life soon UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): synchronize 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot sync write-buffer, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad magic %#08x, expected %#08x 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad node type %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad CRC: calculated %#08x, read %#08x 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad node length %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad node at LEB %d:%d 3 prevent out-of-bounds memory access 3 truncated data node length %d 3 corrupted data node: 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: ubi_is_mapped failed for LEB %d, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: changing %d bytes in LEB %d failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: mapping LEB %d failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: reading %d bytes from LEB %d:%d failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unmap LEB %d failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: writing %d bytes to LEB %d:%d failed, error %d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad node type (%d but expected %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: expected node type %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad node length %d, expected %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad node at LEB %d:%d, LEB mapping status %d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d, jhead %s 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: switched to read-only mode, error %d &wbuf->io_mutex UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, jhead %s UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, %d bytes, jhead %s UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): %d bytes (%s) to jhead %s wbuf at LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): flush jhead %s wbuf to LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): write %d bytes to LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): set timer for jhead %s, %llu-%llu millisecs 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot write %d bytes to LEB %d:%d, error %d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d (aligned %d) UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): jhead %s data_key_init insert_old_idx lnc_add insert_node make_idx_node lnc_add_directly tnc_read_node_nm insert_dent fill_gap fallible_read_node fallible_matches_name fallible_resolve_collision dirty_cow_bottom_up ubifs_replay_journal check_lpt_crc ubifs_lookup_level0 dbg_check_orphans lookup_level0_dirty read_wbuf validate_data_node do_lookup_nm correct_parent_keys insert_zbranch tnc_insert ubifs_tnc_add ubifs_tnc_replace ubifs_tnc_add_nm tnc_delete ubifs_tnc_remove ubifs_tnc_remove_nm ubifs_tnc_remove_range ubifs_tnc_remove_ino ubifs_tnc_next_ent tnc_destroy_cnext ubifs_tnc_close lookup_znode dbg_check_inode_size 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode %lu has size %lld, but there are data at offset %lld UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, key %s 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot read node type %d from LEB %d:%d, error %d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): dangling branch LEB %d:%d len %d, key %s UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): dangling match LEB %d:%d len %d key %s 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: old idx added twice! UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): search and dirty key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): found %d, lvl %d, n %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): found 0, lvl %d, n -1 UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): found 1, lvl %d, n %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): deleting key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): inserted at %d level %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): splitting level %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): moving %d, keeping %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): inserting at %d level %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): creating new zroot at level %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): search key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): %d:%d, len %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, name '%.*s', key %s 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: buffer too small %d vs %d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, length %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failed to read from LEB %d:%d, error %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): name '%.*s' key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): rc returned %d, znode %p, n %d (lowest) UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): %s %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): ino %lu UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): xent '%s', ino %lu UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): %.*s, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): removing key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): old LEB %d:%d, new LEB %d:%d, len %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): rc returned %d, znode %p, n %d, LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad key in node at LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): looked for key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): found node's key %s scan_for_master ubifs_read_master ubifs_search_zbranch ubifs_write_master 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unexpected node type %d master LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad leb_cnt on master node UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): Auto resizing (master) from %d LEBs to %d LEBs 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad master node at offset %d error %d ubifs_start_scan ubifs_end_scan ubifs_destroy_tnc_subtree ubifs_scan UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): stop scanning LEB %d at offset %d UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): look at LEB %d:%d (%d bytes left) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: garbage 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unknown 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: empty space starts at non-aligned offset %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: corrupt empty space at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LEB %d scanning failed 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LEB %d scanning failed, error %d UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): hit empty space at LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): not a node UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): %d padding bytes UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): scanning %s at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad pad node at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad padding length %d - %d UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): %d bytes padded at LEB %d:%d, offset now %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: corruption at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: first %d bytes from LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): scan LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot read %d bytes from LEB %d:%d, error %d set_bud_lprops apply_replay_entry ubifs_unpack_bits replay_entries_cmp ubifs_remove_from_cat ubifs_validate_entry get_cnodes_to_commit replay_bud replay_buds add_replay_bud validate_ref replay_log_leb UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): add LEB %d:%d, key %s UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): replay bud LEB %d, head %d, offs %d, is_last %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad truncation node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unexpected node type %d in bud LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): bud LEB %d replied: dirty %d, free %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad node is at LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): replay log LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: first log node at LEB %d:%d is not CS node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: first CS node at LEB %d:%d has wrong commit number %llu expected %llu UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): commit start sqnum %llu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: first node is not at zero offset 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: file system's life ended 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad sqnum %llu, commit sqnum %llu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bud at LEB %d:%d was already referred UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): add replay bud LEB %d:%d, head %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unexpected node in log 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: log error detected while replaying the log at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad index head LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): start replaying the journal 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: no UBIFS nodes found at the log head LEB %d:%d, possibly corrupted UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): LEB %d:%d len %d deletion %d sqnum %llu key %s UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): bud LEB %d was GC'd (%d free, %d dirty) UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): bud LEB %d was GC'd (%d free, %d dirty) UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): LEB %d lp: %d free %d dirty replay: %d free %d dirty UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): finished, log head LEB %d:%d, max_sqnum %llu, highest_inum %lu directory entry extended attribute entry 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad %s node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad key type %d ubifs_add_bud_to_log do_budget_space remove_buds ubifs_log_start_commit ubifs_log_end_commit ubifs_log_post_commit ubifs_categorize_lprops 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad bud_bytes %lld, calculated %lld UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, jhead %s, bud_bytes %lld UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): not enough log space - %lld, required %d UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): bud bytes %lld (%lld max), require commit UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): bud bytes %lld (%lld max), initiate BG commit UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): write ref LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): log tail LEB %d, log head LEB %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: log is too full UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): new log head at %d:%d UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): old tail was LEB %d:0, new tail is LEB %d:0 UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): unmap log LEB %d UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): add ref to LEB %d:%d for jhead %s UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): writing commit start at LEB %d:0, len %d UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): preserve %d:%d, jhead %s, bud bytes %d, cmt_bud_bytes %lld UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): remove %d:%d, jhead %s, bud bytes %d, cmt_bud_bytes %lld nothing_to_commit do_commit ubifs_request_bg_commit wait_for_commit ubifs_gc_should_commit find_dirtiest_idx_leb dbg_check_old_index 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: dumping index node (iip=%d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: dumping parent index node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failed, error %d UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): start UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): commit end 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: commit failed, error %d 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): background thread "%s" started, PID %d 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): background thread "%s" stops UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): old: %s, new: %s UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): commit required now UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): commit not requested UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): pid %d goes sleep UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): commit finished, pid %d woke up ubifs_release_lprops switch_gc_head data_nodes_cmp nondata_nodes_cmp sort_nodes ubifs_garbage_collect_leb ubifs_garbage_collect ubifs_gc_end_commit UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): switch GC head from LEB %d:%d to LEB %d (waste %d bytes) 2commit lock is not locked! UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): soft limit, some index LEBs GC'ed, -EAGAIN UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): hard limit, -ENOSPC UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): no more dirty LEBs UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): found LEB %d: free %d, dirty %d, sum %d (min. space %d) UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d freed, return UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): indexing LEB %d freed, continue UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d retained, freed %d bytes UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): did not make progress UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): try again UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): set min. space to %d UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): no space, some index LEBs GC'ed, -EAGAIN UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d is free, return it UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): indexing LEB %d (free %d, dirty %d) UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): data LEB %d (free %d, dirty %d) UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d ubifs_add_orphan ubifs_delete_orphan write_orph_node ubifs_find_dirty_leb ubifs_add_to_cat consolidate commit_orphans insert_dead_orphan kill_orphans 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: found orphan node ino %lu, type %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: node read failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: missing orphan, ino %lu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: orphaned twice UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): deleted twice ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): delete later ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): inum %lu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: missing orphan ino %lu UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): no orphans UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): LEB %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: invalid node type %d in orphan area at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: out of order commit number %llu in orphan node at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): out of date LEB %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): deleting orphaned inode %lu UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): ino %lu, new %d, tot %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): last orph node for commit %llu at %d:%d UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): there is space for %d orphans and there are %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: out of space in orphan area UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): deleting orphan ino %lu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: out of memory 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot allocate memory to check orphans 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot scan TNC, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: %lu missing orphan(s) UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): last inode number is %lu UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): total number of inodes is %lu UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): total number of leaf nodes is %llu UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): %d orphans to commit run_gc ubifs_get_free_space_nolock UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): no space UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): out of indexing space: min_idx_lebs %d (old %d), rsvd_idx_lebs %d UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): out of data space: available %lld, outstanding %lld UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): no space for fast budgeting UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): liability %lld, run write-back UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): new liability %lld (not shrunk) UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): Run GC UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): GC freed LEB %d UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): Run commit (retries %d) UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): try again UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): -ENOSPC, but anyway try once again UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): FS is full, -ENOSPC 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot budget space, error %d ubifs_release_lprops scan_for_dirty do_find_free_space scan_for_leb_for_idx find_dirty_idx_leb get_idx_gc_leb UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): LEB %d, dirty %d and free %d flags %#x UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): found dirty LEB %d, free %d, dirty %d, flags %#x UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): scanning LPT for a dirty LEB UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): found LEB %d, free %d, dirty %d, flags %#x UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): min_space %d UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): found LEB %d, free %d UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): found %d dirty index LEBs UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): dirtiest index LEB is %d with dirty %d and free %d layout_in_gaps layout_in_empty_space get_znodes_to_commit alloc_idx_lebs change_xattr free_unused_idx_lebs ubifs_tnc_start_commit write_index return_gap_lebs 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad ref in znode UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d:%d to %d len %d nodes written %d wasted bytes %d UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): LEB %d UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): %d znodes to write UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d wrote %d index nodes 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: out of space UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): %d znodes remaining, need %d LEBs, have %d UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inconsistent znode posn 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inconsistent ihead UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): TNC height is %d UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): no znodes to commit UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): committing %d znodes UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): need about %d empty LEBS for TNC commit 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: out of space UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): number of index LEBs %d UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): size of index %llu ubifs_compress ubifs_decompress 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot compress %d bytes, compressor %s, error %d, leave data uncompressed 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: invalid compression type %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: %s compression is not compiled in 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot decompress %d bytes, compressor %s, error %d calc_dflt_lpt_geom pack_bits set_ltab ubifs_create_dflt_lpt ubifs_read_nnode read_pnode ubifs_lpt_lookup dirty_cow_nnode dirty_cow_pnode ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty lpt_init_rd scan_get_pnode ubifs_lpt_scan_nolock dbg_chk_pnode dbg_check_lpt_nodes 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: invalid crc in LPT node: crc %hx calc %hx 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: invalid type (%d) in LPT node type %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: nnode num %d expected %d parent num %d iip %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: pnode num %d expected %d parent num %d iip %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad LEB number %d expected %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LEB %d taken but not uncat %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LEB %d index but cat %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LEB %d not index but cat %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LEB %d cat %d not found in cat heap/list 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LEB %d cat %d free %d dirty %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): space_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lpt_lnum_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lpt_offs_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lpt_spc_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): pcnt_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lnum_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): pnode_sz %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): nnode_sz %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): ltab_sz %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lsave_sz %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lsave_cnt %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lpt_hght %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): big_lpt %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LPT root is at %d:%d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LPT head is at %d:%d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LPT ltab is at %d:%d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LPT lsave is at %d:%d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LEB %d free %d dirty %d to %d %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LEB %d add %d to %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: too few LPT LEBs 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LPT ltab too big 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: error %d reading pnode at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: calc num: %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LEB %d, free %d, dirty %d, flags %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: error %d reading nnode at %d:%d add_to_lpt_heap remove_from_lpt_heap ubifs_replace_cat ubifs_calc_dark ubifs_change_one_lp ubifs_update_one_lp ubifs_fast_find_empty ubifs_fast_find_freeable ubifs_fast_find_frdi_idx dbg_check_heap dbg_check_lprops 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: non-empty LEB %d on empty list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: taken LEB %d on empty list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: non-freeable LEB %d on freeable list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: taken LEB %d on freeable list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: freeable list count %d expected %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: idx_gc list count %d expected %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: non-freeable LEB %d on frdi_idx list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: taken LEB %d on frdi_idx list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: non-index LEB %d on frdi_idx list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: null ptr in LPT heap cat %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad ptr in LPT heap cat %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: taken LEB in LPT heap cat %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: lprops %zx lp %zx lprops->lnum %d lp->lnum %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failed cat %d hpos %d err %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad overall accounting 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: calculated: empty_lebs %d, idx_lebs %d, total_free %lld, total_dirty %lld, total_used %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: read from lprops: empty_lebs %d, idx_lebs %d, total_free %lld, total_dirty %lld, total_used %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad dead/dark space accounting 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: calculated: total_dead %lld, total_dark %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: read from lprops: total_dead %lld, total_dark %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad LEB category %d expected %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad LPT heap (category %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: indexing node in data LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad calculated accounting for LEB %d: free %d, dirty %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: indexing node without indexing flag 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: data node with indexing flag 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad accounting of LEB %d: free %d, dirty %d flags %#x, should be free %d, dirty %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad LPT list (category %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot change properties of LEB %d, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot read properties of LEB %d, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot update properties of LEB %d, error %d ubifs_recover_master_node clean_buf no_more_nodes drop_last_node get_cs_sqnum ubifs_recover_log_leb recover_head ubifs_clean_lebs grab_empty_leb ubifs_rcvry_gc_commit fix_size_in_place UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): found a master node at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): found corruption at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: could not find an empty LEB UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): found empty LEB %d, run commit UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): cleaning head at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): LEB %d len %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unexpected empty space at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): cleaned LEB %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): GC head LEB %d, offs %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): could not find a dirty LEB UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): committing UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): GC'ing LEB %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: GC failed, error %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): allocated LEB %d for GC UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): checking index head at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): checking LPT head at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): %d:%d, jhead %d, grouped %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): found corruption (%d) at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unexpected return value %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): unexpected bad common header at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): unexpected data at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: corrupt empty space LEB %d:%d, corruption starts at %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): dropping grouped node at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): dropping last node at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): cleaning corruption at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): need to fix LEB %d start %d endpt %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): fixing LEB %d start %d endpt %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: corruption %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: Not a valid node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: Node a CS node, type is %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: CS node cmt_no %llu != current cmt_no %llu UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): commit start sqnum %llu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failed to get CS sqnum 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unrecoverable log corruption in LEB %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): recovery recovery 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): recovered master node from LEB %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failed to recover master node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: dumping first master node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: dumping second master node UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): removing ino %lu UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): ino %lu size %lld -> %lld UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): inode %lu at %d:%d size %lld -> %lld 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode %lu failed to fix size %lld -> %lld error %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): recovery ubifs_ioctl UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): get flags: %#x, i_flags %#x UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): set flags: %#x, i_flags %#x 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: can't modify inode %lu attributes first_dirty_cnode upd_ltab layout_cnodes lpt_tgc_start lpt_tgc_end lpt_gc_lnum lpt_gc ubifs_lpt_start_commit ubifs_lpt_end_commit dbg_check_ltab dbg_chk_lpt_free_spc dbg_chk_lpt_sz dump_lpt_leb 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot allocate memory for ltab checking 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: invalid free space in LEB %d (free %d, expected %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: invalid dirty space in LEB %d (dirty %d, expected %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failed at LEB %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): succeeded 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: invalid empty space in LEB %d at %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LPT space error: free %lld lpt_sz %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: dirty pnodes %d exceed max %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: dirty nnodes %d exceed max %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LPT wrote %lld but space used was %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LPT wrote %lld but lpt_sz is %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LPT layout size %lld but wrote %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LPT new nhead offs: expected %d was %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LPT chk_lpt_sz %lld + waste %lld exceeds %lld UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LEB %d 3(pid %d) start dumping all LPT LEBs 3(pid %d) start dumping LEB %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot allocate memory to dump LPT 3LEB %d:%d, pad %d bytes 3LEB %d:%d, free %d bytes 3LEB %d:%d, pnode num %d 3LEB %d:%d, pnode 3LEB %d:%d, nnode num %d, 3LEB %d:%d, nnode, 3failed to unpack_node, error %d 3LEB %d:%d, ltab 3LEB %d:%d, lsave len 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LPT node type %d not recognized 3(pid %d) finish dumping LEB %d 3(pid %d) finish dumping all LPT LEBs UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): no cnodes to commit UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): committing %d cnodes UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): committing %d cnodes 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LPT out of space at LEB %d:%d needing %d, done_ltab %d, done_lsave %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LEB %d free %d dirty %d to %d +%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: LPT out of space mismatch at LEB %d:%d needing %d, done_ltab %d, done_lsave %d ubifs_tnc_levelorder_next ubifs_tnc_postorder_next read_znode ubifs_load_znode ubifs_tnc_read_node UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, level %d, %d branch 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: current fanout %d, branch count %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: max levels %d, znode level %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad branch %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad key type at slot %d: %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad target node (type %d) length (%d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: have to be %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: have to be in range of %d-%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad key order (keys %d and %d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: keys %d and %d are not hashed but equivalent 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad indexing node at LEB %d:%d, error %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): but found node's key %s create_xattr iget_xattr setxattr ubifs_setxattr ubifs_getxattr ubifs_listxattr remove_xattr ubifs_removexattr ubifs_init_security 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: dead extended attribute entry, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: corrupt extended attribute entry 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode %lu already has too many xattrs (%d), cannot create more 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot add one more xattr name to inode %lu, total names length would become %d, max. is %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): xattr '%s', ino %lu ('%pd'), buf size %zd 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: buffer size %zd, xattr len %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot initialize security for inode %lu, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu ('%pd'), buffer size %zd UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): xattr '%s', ino %lu ('%pd') UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): xattr '%s', host ino %lu ('%pd'), size %zd dbg_snprintf_key ubifs_dump_inode ubifs_dump_lprops ubifs_dump_leb dbg_check_space_info dbg_check_synced_i_size dbg_check_dir dbg_check_key_order dbg_check_znode dbg_check_tnc dbg_check_idx_size add_inode read_add_inode check_leaf check_inodes dbg_check_filesystem dbg_check_data_nodes_order dbg_check_nondata_nodes_order power_cut_emulated dbg_leb_write dbg_debugfs_init_fs 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: too high inode number, max. is %lu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: directory inode %lu has %d direntries which refer it, but should be 1 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: root inode %lu has non-zero (%d) direntries which refer it 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: directory inode %lu size is %lld, but calculated size is %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: directory inode %lu nlink is %d, but calculated nlink is %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode %lu nlink is %d, but calculated nlink is %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode %lu has xattr size %u, but calculated size is %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode %lu has %u xattrs, but calculated count is %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode %lu has xattr names' size %u, but calculated names' size is %lld 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): dump of the inode %lu sitting in LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad leaf length %d (LEB %d:%d) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot read leaf node at LEB %d:%d, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: error %d while adding inode node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: unexpected node type %d at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: too high sequence number, max. is %llu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: error %d while processing data node and trying to find inode node %lu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: data node at LEB %d:%d is not within inode size %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: error %d while processing entry node and trying to find inode node %lu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: error %d while processing entry node and trying to find parent inode node %lu 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): dump of node at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: larger inum %lu goes before inum %lu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: larger block %u goes before %u 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: two data nodes for the same block 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: directory inode %lu has size %llu, but calculated size is %llu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: directory inode %lu has nlink %u, but calculated nlink is %u 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: file-system check failed with error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: error %d while walking the index 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: index size check failed: calculated size is %lld, should be %lld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: 1st entry at %d:%d has key %s 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: but it should have key %s according to tnc 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: 2nd entry at %d:%d has key %s 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: 2 xent/dent nodes with the same name 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad order of colliding key %s 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): first node at %d:%d 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): second node at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: non-inode node goes before inode node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: smaller inode node goes first 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: larger hash %u goes before %u 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): dumping first node 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): dumping second node 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: free space changed from %lld to %lld 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): saved lprops statistics dump 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): saved budgeting info dump 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): saved idx_gc_cnt %d 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): current lprops statistics dump 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): current budgeting info dump 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: ui_size is %lld, synced_i_size is %lld, but inode is clean 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: i_ino %lu, i_mode %#x, i_size %lld 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): dump of the znode 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): dump of the parent znode 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): first znode 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): second znode 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: incorrect clean_zn_cnt %ld, calculated %ld 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: incorrect dirty_zn_cnt %ld, calculated %ld unknown commit state 3UBIFS error (pid %d): cannot create "%s" debugfs file or directory, error %d tst_recovery ro_error dump_lprops dump_budg dump_tnc chk_general chk_index chk_orphans chk_lprops chk_fs ubi%d_%d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot create "%s" debugfs file or directory, error %d unknown journal head 0xFFs random data 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: filled bytes %u-%u with %s 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: actually write %d bytes to LEB %d:%d (the buffer was corrupted) unknown node (%lu, %s) (%lu, %s, %#08x) (%lu, %s, %u) truncate (bad key type: %#08x, %#08x) bad key format %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: znode checking function returned error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: leaf checking function returned error %d, for leaf at LEB %d:%d 5UBIFS (ubi%d:%d): dump of znode at LEB %d:%d 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing after %lums 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing after %lu calls 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing in super block LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing in master LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing in log LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing in LPT LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing in orphan LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing in index head LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing in GC head LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing in non-bud LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing in bud LEB %d commit running 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: failing in bud LEB %d commit not running 4UBIFS warning (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: ========== Power cut emulated ========== 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: inode %lu not found in index 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: error %d while looking up inode %lu 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: bad node %lu node length %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot read inode node at LEB %d:%d, error %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: error %ld while adding inode %lu node 3(pid %d) Budgeting info: data budget sum %lld, total budget sum %lld 3 budg_data_growth %lld, budg_dd_growth %lld, budg_idx_growth %lld 3 min_idx_lebs %d, old_idx_sz %llu, uncommitted_idx %lld 3 page_budget %d, inode_budget %d, dent_budget %d 3 nospace %u, nospace_rp %u 3 dark_wm %d, dead_wm %d, max_idx_node_sz %d 3 freeable_cnt %d, calc_idx_sz %lld, idx_gc_cnt %d 3 dirty_pg_cnt %ld, dirty_zn_cnt %ld, clean_zn_cnt %ld 3 gc_lnum %d, ihead_lnum %d 3 jhead %s LEB %d 3 bud LEB %d 3 old bud LEB %d 3 GC'ed idx LEB %d unmap %d 3 commit state %d 3Budgeting predictions: 3 available: %lld, outstanding %lld, free %lld 3Budgeting request: new_ino %d, dirtied_ino %d 3 new_ino_d %d, dirtied_ino_d %d 3 new_page %d, dirtied_page %d 3 new_dent %d, mod_dent %d 3 idx_growth %d 3 data_growth %d dd_growth %d 3(pid %d) start dumping heap cat %d (%d elements) 3 %d. LEB %d hpos %d free %d dirty %d flags %d 3(pid %d) finish dumping heap unknown/invalid type 3Dump in-memory inode: 3 inode %lu 3 size %llu 3 nlink %u 3 uid %u 3 gid %u 3 atime %u.%u 3 mtime %u.%u 3 ctime %u.%u 3 creat_sqnum %llu 3 xattr_size %u 3 xattr_cnt %u 3 xattr_names %u 3 dirty %u 3 xattr %u 3 bulk_read %u 3 synced_i_size %llu 3 ui_size %llu 3 flags %d 3 compr_type %d 3 last_page_read %lu 3 read_in_a_row %lu 3 data_len %d 3List of directory entries: 3error %ld 3 %d: %s (%s) 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot allocate memory for dumping LEB %d 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: scan error %d 3LEB %d has %d nodes ending at %d freeable index dirty index 3LEB %-7d free %-8d dirty %-8d used %-8d free + dirty %-8d flags %#x ( 3LEB %-7d free %-8d dirty %-8d used %-8d free + dirty %-8d dark %-4d dead %-4d nodes fit %-3d flags %#-4x ( index, taken , jhead %s , bud of jhead %s , GC LEB 3(pid %d) start dumping LEB properties 3UBIFS error (ubi%d:%d pid %d): %s: cannot read lprops for LEB %d 3(pid %d) finish dumping LEB properties 3(pid %d) dumping LPT information 3 lpt_sz: %lld 3 pnode_sz: %d 3 nnode_sz: %d 3 ltab_sz: %d 3 lsave_sz: %d 3 big_lpt: %d 3 lpt_hght: %d 3 pnode_cnt: %d 3 nnode_cnt: %d 3 dirty_pn_cnt: %d 3 dirty_nn_cnt: %d 3 lsave_cnt: %d 3 space_bits: %d 3 lpt_lnum_bits: %d 3 lpt_offs_bits: %d 3 lpt_spc_bits: %d 3 pcnt_bits: %d 3 lnum_bits: %d 3 LPT root is at %d:%d 3 LPT head is at %d:%d 3 LPT ltab is at %d:%d 3 LPT lsave is at %d:%d 3 LPT LEB %d free %d dirty %d tgc %d cmt %d 3(pid %d) Lprops statistics: empty_lebs %d, idx_lebs %d 3 taken_empty_lebs %d, total_free %lld, total_dirty %lld 3 total_used %lld, total_dark %lld, total_dead %lld unknown/invalid name hash unknown/invalid format 3Not a node, first %zu bytes: 3 magic %#x 3 crc %#x 3 node_type %d (%s) 3 group_type %d (%s) 3 sqnum %llu 3 len %u 3 pad_len %u 3 key_hash %d (%s) 3 key_fmt %d (%s) 3 flags %#x 3 big_lpt %u 3 space_fixup %u 3 min_io_size %u 3 leb_size %u 3 leb_cnt %u 3 max_leb_cnt %u 3 max_bud_bytes %llu 3 log_lebs %u 3 lpt_lebs %u 3 orph_lebs %u 3 jhead_cnt %u 3 fanout %u 3 lsave_cnt %u 3 default_compr %u 3 rp_size %llu 3 rp_uid %u 3 rp_gid %u 3 fmt_version %u 3 time_gran %u 3 UUID %pUB 3 highest_inum %llu 3 commit number %llu 3 log_lnum %u 3 root_lnum %u 3 root_offs %u 3 root_len %u 3 gc_lnum %u 3 ihead_lnum %u 3 ihead_offs %u 3 index_size %llu 3 lpt_lnum %u 3 lpt_offs %u 3 nhead_lnum %u 3 nhead_offs %u 3 ltab_lnum %u 3 ltab_offs %u 3 lsave_lnum %u 3 lsave_offs %u 3 lscan_lnum %u 3 empty_lebs %u 3 idx_lebs %u 3 total_free %llu 3 total_dirty %llu 3 total_used %llu 3 total_dead %llu 3 total_dark %llu 3 lnum %u 3 offs %u 3 jhead %u 3 key %s 3 atime %lld.%u 3 mtime %lld.%u 3 ctime %lld.%u 3 mode %u 3 compr_type %#x 3 data len %u 3 inum %llu 3 type %d 3 nlen %d 3 name 3(bad name length, not printing, bad or corrupted node) 3 size %u 3 compr_typ %d 3 data size %d 3 data: 3 inum %u 3 old_size %llu 3 new_size %llu 3 child_cnt %d 3 level %d 3 Branches: 3 %d: LEB %d:%d len %d key %s 3 last node flag %llu 3 %d orphan inode numbers: 3 ino %llu 3node type %d was not recognized 3(pid %d) dumping pnode: 3 address %zx parent %zx cnext %zx 3 flags %lu iip %d level %d num %d 3 %d: free %d dirty %d flags %d lnum %d 3(pid %d) start dumping scanned data from LEB %d:%d 3Dumping node at LEB %d:%d len %d 3(pid %d) start dumping TNC tree 3== Level %d == 3(pid %d) finish dumping TNC tree 3znode %p, LEB %d:%d len %d parent %p iip %d level %d child_cnt %d flags %lx 3zbranches: 3 %d: znode %p LEB %d:%d len %d key %s 3 %d: LNC %p LEB %d:%d len %d key %s 4fuse: trying to steal weird page 4 page=%p index=%li flags=%08lx, count=%i, mapcount=%i, mapping=%p &req->waitq &ff->poll_wait fuse.max_user_bgreq fuse.max_user_congthresh &fi->page_waitq &fc->killsb &fc->blocked_waitq &fc->reserved_req_waitq &fiq->waitq %u:%u-fuseblk ,user_id=%u ,group_id=%u ,default_permissions ,allow_other ,max_read=%u ,blksize=%lu connections waiting max_background congestion_threshold ovl_d_real(%pd4, %s:%lu ): real dentry not found 3overlayfs: unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value 6overlayfs: option "workdir=%s" is useless in a non-upper mount, ignore 3overlayfs: missing 'lowerdir' 3overlayfs: missing 'workdir' 3overlayfs: upper fs is r/o, try multi-lower layers mount 3overlayfs: workdir and upperdir must reside under the same mount 3overlayfs: workdir and upperdir must be separate subtrees 3overlayfs: too many lower directries, limit is %d 3overlayfs: at least 2 lowerdir are needed while upperdir nonexistent 3overlayfs: maximum fs stacking depth exceeded 3overlayfs: failed to clone upperpath 4overlayfs: failed to create directory %s/%s (errno: %i); mounting read-only 4overlayfs: upper fs needs to support d_type. 3overlayfs: failed to clone lowerpath trusted.overlay.opaque 3overlayfs: statfs failed on '%s' 3overlayfs: filesystem on '%s' not supported as upperdir 3overlayfs: empty lowerdir 3overlayfs: failed to resolve '%s': %i 3overlayfs: filesystem on '%s' not supported 3overlayfs: '%s' not a directory ,= lowerdir upperdir workdir system.posix_acl_default system.posix_acl_access trusted.overlay. illegal file type: %i /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/overlayfs/inode.c ovl_do_rmdir ovl_do_unlink ovl_do_link ovl_do_create ovl_do_mkdir ovl_do_mknod ovl_do_symlink ovl_do_setxattr ovl_do_removexattr ovl_do_rename ovl_do_whiteout rename2(%pd2, %pd2, 0x%x) ...rename2(%pd2, %pd2, ...) = %i rmdir(%pd2) = %i unlink(%pd2) = %i 3overlayfs: cleanup of '%pd2' failed (%i) link(%pd2, %pd2) = %i create(%pd2, 0%o) = %i mkdir(%pd2, 0%o) = %i mknod(%pd2, 0%o, 0%o) = %i symlink("%s", %pd2) = %i whiteout(%pd2) = %i 3overlayfs: failed to lock workdir+upperdir 3overlayfs: workdir/%s already exists removexattr(%pd2, "%s") = %i 4overlayfs: failed to remove opaque from '%s' (%i) setxattr(%pd2, "%s", "%*s", 0x%x) = %i ovl_do_rmdir /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/overlayfs/readdir.c 3overlayfs: lookup '%s/%.*s' failed (%i) ovl_do_rename start_creating ,mode=%o debugfs: creating file '%s' debugfs_write_regset32 simple_debugfs_file_show simple_debugfs_file_open add_simple_debugfs_file remove_simple_debugfs_file debugfs_crate_data failed register simple_debugfs_file_entry %p %#x: %s = 0x%08x [%s] enter lookup successful: %s in %d new_val = %d using write fn = %pF no write fn, doing direct mem access at %#x + %#x 0x%04llx 0x%02llx remove entry call open with simple_debugfs_file_entry %p: priv=%p offset: %p %d %08lx %08lx %pf <- %pF .enc.z dmesg-%s-%lld%s console-%s-%lld ftrace-%s-%lld mce-%s-%lld rtas-%s-%lld powerpc-ofw-%s-%lld powerpc-common-%s-%lld pmsg-%s-%lld powerpc-opal-%s-%lld unknown-%s-%lld type%d-%s-%lld pstore.backend pstore.update_ms 3pstore: pstore dump routine blocked in %s path, may corrupt error record %s#%d Part%u 3pstore: decompression failed;returned %d 4pstore: failed to load %d record(s) from '%s' &psinfo->read_mutex 3pstore: No memory for compression workspace; skipping compression 3pstore: No memory for uncompressed data; skipping compression 6pstore: Registered %s as persistent store backend 3pmsg: register_chrdev failed 3pmsg: device class file already in use 3pmsg: failed to create device ramoops_parse_dt ramoops.console_size ramoops.dump_oops ramoops.ecc ramoops.ftrace_size ramoops.mem_address ramoops.mem_size ramoops.mem_type ramoops.pmsg_size ramoops.record_size ramoops no room for mem region (0x%zx@0x%llx) in (0x%lx@0x%llx) failed to request mem region (0x%zx@0x%llx): %d failed to parse property %s: %d %s %u > INT_MAX using Device Tree failed to locate DT /reserved-memory resource unbuffered no-dump-oops record-size console-size ftrace-size pmsg-size ecc-size 3ramoops: The memory size and the record/console size must be non-zero no room for dumps failed to initialize a prz array for dumps 3ramoops: cannot allocate pstore buffer 3ramoops: registering with pstore failed 6ramoops: attached 0x%lx@0x%llx, ecc: %d/%d ====%lu.%lu-%c ====%lu.%lu ====%lu.%lu-%c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/fs/pstore/ram.c persistent_ram_init_ecc persistent_ram_vmap persistent_ram_buffer_map persistent_ram_post_init %d Corrected bytes, %d unrecoverable blocks No errors detected 3persistent_ram: failed to allocate persistent ram zone 3persistent_ram: %s: Failed to allocate array for %u pages persistent_ram 3persistent_ram: request mem region (0x%llx@0x%llx) failed 3persistent_ram: %s: Failed to map 0x%llx pages at 0x%llx 3persistent_ram: %s: invalid ecc_size %u (total %zu, buffer size %zu) 6persistent_ram: init_rs failed 6persistent_ram: error in header, %d 6persistent_ram: uncorrectable error in header persistent_ram: found existing empty buffer 6persistent_ram: found existing invalid buffer, size %zu, start %zu persistent_ram: found existing buffer, size %zu, start %zu persistent_ram: no valid data in buffer (sig = 0x%08x) 3persistent_ram: failed to allocate buffer &ids->rwsem key msqid perms cbytes qnum lspid lrpid uid gid cuid cgid stime rtime ctime sysvipc/msg key semid perms nsems uid gid cuid cgid otime ctime sysvipc/sem key shmid perms size cpid lpid nattch uid gid cuid cgid atime dtime ctime rss swap sysvipc/shm shmmax shmall shmmni shm_rmid_forced msgmax auto_msgmni msgmnb mqueue_inode_cache mqueue queues_max msg_max msgsize_max msg_default msgsize_default %10d %10d %4o %10lu %10lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/ipc/util.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/ipc/sem.c 6semctl(GETNCNT/GETZCNT) is since 3.16 Single Unix Specification compliant. The task %s (%d) triggered the difference, watch for misbehavior. %10d %10d %4o %10u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu SYSV%08x /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/ipc/shm.c %10d %10d %4o %10lu %5u %5u %5lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu 6writing to auto_msgmni has no effect 4Inconsistency in POSIX message queue, no tree element, but supposedly messages should exist! 4Inconsistency in POSIX message queue, empty leaf node but we haven't implemented lazy leaf delete! &info->wait_q QSIZE:%-10lu NOTIFY:%-5d SIGNO:%-5d NOTIFY_PID:%-6d .dead key_jar keyring .request_key_auth logon Cannot create /proc/keys key-users Cannot create /proc/key-users root_maxkeys root_maxbytes gc_delay 6Security Framework initialized security /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/inode.c securityfs 3AppArmor: %s: AppArmor securityfs already exists AppArmor Filesystem Enabled 3AppArmor: Error creating AppArmor securityfs apparmor .load .replace .remove set_load change_hat change_hatv change_onexec change_profile create read write exec append mmap_exec link lock AUDIT ALLOWED DENIED HINT ERROR KILLED AUTO quiet_denied noquiet sysctl unlink mkdir rmdir mknod rename_src rename_dest chmod chown getattr file_perm file_lock file_mmap file_mprotect post_create listen sendmsg recvmsg getsockname getpeername getsockopt setsockopt socket_shutdown setprocattr setrlimit profile_replace profile_load profile_remove chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease audit_write audit_control setfcap mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend audit_read dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config audit_write audit_control setfcap mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm block_suspend enforce complain AppArmor disabled by boot time parameter 3AppArmor: Unable to allocate default profile namespace 3AppArmor: Failed to set context on init task AppArmor initialized: complain mode enabled AppArmor initialized: kill mode enabled AppArmor initialized cpu fsize data stack core rss nproc nofile memlock as locks sigpending msgqueue nice rtprio rttime fsize nproc nofile memlock sigpending msgqueue rtprio &key->sem &candidate->cons_lock 5Key type %s registered 5Key type %s unregistered /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/keys/keyring.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/keys/process_keys.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/keys/request_key.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/fsnotify.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/apparmor/apparmorfs.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/apparmor/include/context.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/apparmor/audit.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/apparmor/context.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/apparmor/domain.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/apparmor/policy.c [anon] %s;%d;%d;%08x; _ses _tid _uid.%u _uid_ses.%u _req.%u /sbin/request-key key: pid:%d ci:%zu %5u: %5d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d expd %lus %lum %luh %lud %luw %08x %c%c%c%c%c%c%c %5d %4s %08x %5d %5d %-9.9s get_file_caps 5%s: get_vfs_caps_from_disk returned %d for %s 6warning: `%s' has both setuid-root and effective capabilities. Therefore not raising all capabilities. /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/security/commoncap.c security.capability securityfs_create_file securityfs: creating file '%s' pid=%d comm= key=%d capability=%d path= dev= ino=%lu ioctlcmd=%hx opid=%d ocomm= laddr %s=%pI4 lport %s=%d fport %s=%pI6c saddr daddr netif=%s key_serial=%u key_desc= kmod= namespaces profiles .%ld attach aa_create_aafs %#08lx /._- :%s:// apparmor= operation= info= namespace= profile= capname= target= offset=%ld rlimit=%s value=%lu 6AppArmor: %s 3AppArmor DFA next/check upper bounds error /sys/ /proc Failed name lookup - deleted entry Failed name lookup - disconnected path Failed name lookup - name too long Failed name lookup apparmor_bprm_set_creds failed null profile create unconfined target not hat ptraced %s//%s ptrace prevents transition namespace not found change_profile onexec ix fallback ux fallback profile not found could not create null profile 7AppArmor: scrubbing environment variables for %s profile=%s policy_destroy alloc_namespace aa_prepare_namespace aa_free_profile profile can not be replaced 7AppArmor: %s(%p) policy_locked not policy admin %s//null-%x no profile specified namespace does not exist profile does not exist 3AppArmor: Failed to create interface for ns %s failed to prepare namespace parent does not exist failed to create &ns->lock 3AppArmor: %s: internal error, policy '%s' still contains profiles 3AppArmor: %s: internal error, policy '%s' still on list invalid profile format unsupported interface version invalid ns change rename path_flags caps64 capsx rlimits policydb dfa_start xtable failed to unpack profile Invalid named transition aadfa split_token_from_name aa_setprocattr_changehat 3AppArmor: %s: Invalid input '%s' 3AppArmor: change_hat: Invalid input, NULL hat and NULL magic 7AppArmor: %s: Magic 0x%llx Hat '%s' apparmor_init apparmor.audit apparmor.audit_header apparmor.debug apparmor.enabled apparmor.lock_policy apparmor.logsyscall apparmor.mode apparmor.paranoid_load apparmor.path_max changehat permhat changeprofile permprofile target restricted link not subset of target requested_mask= denied_mask= fsuid=%d ouid=%d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/api.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/algapi.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/scatterwalk.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/ablkcipher.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/skcipher.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/chainiv.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/algboss.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/xts.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/drbg.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/asymmetric_keys/public_key.c crypto-%s crypto-%s-all cryptomgr crypto stdrng drbg_pr_ drbg_nopr_ 6jitterentropy: Initialization failed with host not compliant with requirements: %d asymmetric asymmetric_keys /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/asymmetric_keys/asymmetric_type.c mod sig firmware sig kexec PE sig key sig key self sig unspec sig public_key X509 PKCS#7 x509_key_parser /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/asymmetric_keys/x509_cert_parser.c 3X.509: Missing or invalid ca_keys id 3X.509: Unparsable ca_keys id hex string builtin x509 /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/asymmetric_keys/x509_public_key.c rmd160 sha256 sha384 sha512 sha224 rmd128 rmd256 rmd320 wp256 wp384 wp512 tgr128 tgr160 tgr192 3alg: Unexpected test result for %s: %d -generic 3Failed to unregister %s %s: %d passed name : %s driver : %s module : %s priority : %d refcnt : %d selftest : %s internal : %s type : larval flags : 0x%x type : cipher blocksize : %u min keysize : %u max keysize : %u type : compression type : unknown aead type : aead async : %s ivsize : %u maxauthsize : %u geniv : ablkcipher type : ablkcipher geniv : %s eseqiv givcipher type : givcipher /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/blkcipher.c type : blkcipher ahash type : ahash digestsize : %u shash type : shash akcipher type : akcipher cryptomgr_probe cryptomgr_test hmac ecb(cipher_null) D7q/;M +Yo, &\8! * qW LwH' L*~e L]L`S '&&h# .!p* )6(x- lbm$o kjj,h brc4a ezd^//q ,@ ` r99K f33U x<>Bq j55_ P((x Z--w P`00 gg}V++ jL&&Zl66A~?? \h44 Sb11?* eF##^ iN'' tX,,.4 RRMv;;a {R))> q^// `@ Kr99 MMUf33 PPDx<< Hp88 cB!!0 DD9. ~~Gz== ]]+2 fD""~T** Vd22Nt:: lH$$ Yn77 xxoJ%%r\..$8 tt!> ppB|>> aa_j55 UUxP((z wZ-- 0P`0 g+}V+ &jL&6Zl6?A~? 4\h4 1Sb1 #eF# 'iN' ,tX, R;Mv; ){R) /q^/ `@ 9Kr9J M3Uf3 PB|> a5_j5W U(xP( -wZ- 00P` ++}V =&&jL66Zl??A~ 44\h 11Sb ##eF ''iN ,,tX -6nn ;;Mv })){R //q^ `@ g99KrJJ 33Uf <KK >>B| 55_jWW 3"ii ((xP )--wZ P~AeS -Xt! X>k' Q3`bS pHhX lZrN 6-9' $6.: ZwKi T~Fb &x nY *?#1 >8$4, pHl\t WBPQ S~Ae Xt!)I Q3EbS +XpHh @Cwg pNlZr '6-9d [T:$6. iZwK *C<" Df;4[ bT~F 1*?#0 f7tN ,8$4_ (drbg_mutex jitterentropy_rng 6DRBG: Continuing without Jitter RNG jitterentropy: Duplicate output detected crypto_freesession crypto_kregister crypto_register crypto_unregister crypto_unregister_all crypto_dispatch crypto_invoke crypto_done crypto_proc crypto_ret_proc crypto_init crypto_exit crypto_dispatch crypto_kinvoke crypto_invoke crypto_proc ocf.crypto_all_kqblocked ocf.crypto_all_qblocked ocf.crypto_debug ocf.crypto_devallowsoft ocf.crypto_max_loopcount ocf.crypto_q_cnt ocf.crypto_q_max ocf.crypto_userasymcrypto ocf.crypto_usercrypto ocf.crypto_verbose %s: Driver disappeared. crypto: crypto_done op already done, flags 0x%x %s,%d: RETQ_LOCK %s,%d: RETQ_UNLOCK %s - INVALID DRIVER NUM %d %s: no flags specified when registering driver crypto: driver count wraparound! crypto: no space to expand driver table! crypto: assign %s driver id %u, flags %u &crp->crp_waitq cryptop cryptodesc crypto: crypto_init cannot setup crypto zones crypto: crypto_init cannot setup crypto drivers ocf_%d crypto: crypto_init cannot start crypto thread; error %d ocf_ret_%d crypto: crypto_init cannot start cryptoret thread; error %d %s: crp == NULL %s: crp->crp_callback == NULL %s: crp->crp_desc == NULL crypto: crypto_kdone op already done, flags 0x%x %s: krp == NULL %s: krp->crp_callback == NULL /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/ocf/crypto.c %s,%d: DRIVER_LOCK() crypto: %s registers key alg %u flags %u %s,%d: DRIVER_UNLOCK() %s:%u Driver disappeared. %s - sleeping (qe=%d qb=%d kqe=%d kqb=%d) %s(id=0x%x, alg=%d, maxoplen=%d, flags=0x%x) crypto: %s registers alg %u flags %u maxoplen %u %s - sleeping %s - awake %s - EXITING! %s,%d: Q_LOCK() %s,%d: Q_UNLOCK() %s,%d: DRIVER_ASSERT! cuio_copydata cuio_copyback crypto_apply not implemented! %s: off %d < 0 %s: len %d < 0 %s: empty in skip %s: empty crypto_rregister crypto_runregister_all /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/crypto/ocf/random.c %s,%d: %s(0x%x, %p, %p) %s,%d: %s(0x%x) ocf-random crypto: RNG could not allocate memory crypto: RNG (driverid=0x%x) failed, disabling crypto: buffer had fips errors, discarding rng_test: chi^2(4): pass (sum %u) rng_test: chi^2(4): failed (sum %u) rng_test: longruns pass (%d ones, %d zeros) rng_test: longruns fail (%d ones, %d zeros) rng_test: monobit pass (%d < %d < %d) rng_test: monobit failed (%d ones) zeros rng_test: %s interval %d failed (%d, %d-%d) rng_test: runs pass %s interval %d (%d < %d < %d) asymmetric_key_preparse %*phN Trying parser '%s' Parser recognised the format (ret %d) 3Asymmetric key parser '%s' already registered 5Asymmetric key parser '%s' registered 5Asymmetric key parser '%s' unregistered public_key_verify_signature %s.%s PKEY: Signature has %u MPI not %u 0!0 0!0 0A0 00Q0 #R"P( "a (hZG #>"< x509_note_OID x509_note_tbs_certificate x509_note_pkey_algo x509_note_signature x509_process_extension x509_decode_time x509_akid_note_kid x509_akid_note_name x509_akid_note_serial 3X.509: Too many public key MPIs in certificate X.509: AKID: keyid: %*phN X.509: authkeyid %*phN X.509: AKID: name: %*phN X.509: AKID: serial: %*phN 4X.509: Couldn't decode AuthKeyIdentifier X.509: Got unsupported time [tag %02x]: '%*phN' X.509: Got invalid time [tag %02x]: '%*phN' X.509: Unknown OID: [%lu] %s X.509: PubKey Algo: %u X.509: Signature type: %u size %zu 4X.509: Got cert with pkey (%u) and sig (%u) algorithm OIDs X.509: x509_note_tbs_certificate(,%zu,%02x,%ld,%zu)! X.509: Extension: %u X.509: subjkeyid %*phN x509_request_asymmetric_key x509_check_signature X.509: Cert Verification: %d X.509: Look up: "%s" X.509: Request for key '%s' err %ld X.509: issuer+serial match, but expected SKID missing X.509: issuer+serial match, but SKID does not /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/bio.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/bio.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/elevator.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-core.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-tag.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-flush.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-settings.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-ioc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-softirq.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-timeout.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-iopoll.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-mq.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-mq-tag.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-mq-cpu.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/bounce.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/noop-iosched.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/deadline-iosched.c bio-%d bioset Attempted to advance past end of bvec iter 3bio: unable to find slab! bio: can't allocate bios biovec-1 biovec-4 biovec-16 biovec-64 biovec-128 biovec-256 kblockd Failed to create kblockd blkdev_requests blkdev_queue io_poll add_random iostats rq_affinity nomerges rotational write_same_max_bytes discard_zeroes_data discard_max_bytes discard_max_hw_bytes discard_granularity optimal_io_size minimum_io_size physical_block_size logical_block_size hw_sector_size scheduler max_segment_size max_integrity_segments max_segments max_hw_sectors_kb max_sectors_kb nr_requests blkdev_ioc tags dispatched rq_list completed merged blkext diskstats %02x%02x %-9s %03x:%05x %s%s %10llu %s %s driver: %s (driver?) events_poll_msecs events_async inflight discard_alignment alignment_offset ext_range whole_disk /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/partitions/efi.c 6bounce: pool size: %d pages read_expire write_expire writes_starved front_merges fifo_batch 3elevator: type %s not found 3%s: bad insertion point %d __elv_add_request &eq->sysfs_lock %s-iosched 3I/O scheduler %s not found 3Default I/O scheduler not found. Using noop. 3%s: forced dispatching is broken (nr_sorted=%u), please report this none [%s] 3elevator: switch to %s failed (default) 6io scheduler %s registered%s %s_io_cq __get_request blk_cloned_rq_check_limits blk_peek_request blk_update_request &q->sysfs_lock &q->mq_freeze_wq 6%s: dev %s: type=%x, flags=%llx 6 sector %llu, nr/cnr %u/%u 6 bio %p, biotail %p, len %u 6 cdb: &rl->wait[BLK_RW_SYNC] &rl->wait[BLK_RW_ASYNC] 3%s: over max size limit. 3%s: over max segments limit. 3%s: bad return=%d recoverable transport critical nexus critical space allocation critical medium critical target 3%s: %s error, dev %s, sector %llu request botched 3generic_make_request: Trying to access nonexistent block-device %s (%Lu) /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk.h 4%s: dev %s: request aux data allocation failed, iosched may be disturbed 6attempt to access beyond end of device 6%s: rw=%ld, want=%Lu, limit=%Lu 7%s(%d): %s block %Lu on %s (%u sectors) init_tag_map blk_queue_end_tag blk_queue_start_tag 3%s: tag %d is missing 3%s: attempt to clear non-busy tag (%d) 3%s: request %p for device [%s] already tagged %d 3%s: adjusted depth to %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-sysfs.c blk_queue_max_hw_sectors blk_queue_max_segments blk_queue_max_segment_size blk_queue_segment_boundary 6%s: set to minimum %d 6%s: set to minimum %lx 5%s: Warning: Device %s is misaligned 3cfq: icq link failed! /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-exec.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/blk-merge.c 3block: bad eh return: %d 3blk-mq: bad return on queue: %d 6blk-mq: reduced tag depth to %u 3blk-mq: failed to allocate request map 6blk-mq: reduced tag depth (%u -> %u) &set->tag_list_lock 3blk-mq: tag depth too large nr_tags=%u, reserved_tags=%u, bits_per_word=%u nr_free=%u, nr_reserved=%u active_queues=%u &bt->bs[i].wait , %u %8u %lu %8lu %lu invoked=%lu, success=%lu HCTX pending cpu%u ... eject_request block.events_dfl_poll_msecs 4%s: failed to initialize events &ev->block_mutex 4%s: failed to create sysfs files for events block-major-%d-%d block-major-%d DISK_MEDIA_CHANGE=1 DISK_EJECT_REQUEST=1 NPARTS=%u %4d %7d %s %lu %lu %lu %u %lu %lu %lu %u %u %u %u register_blkdev: cannot get major %d for %s register_blkdev: failed to get major for %s DISK_RO=1 %4d %7d %10llu %s major minor #blocks name /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/block/genhd.c scsi_verify_blk_ioctl 4program %s is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO 4%s: sending ioctl %x to a partition! unknown-block(%u,%u) %sp%d enabling native capacity %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8u %8u %8u PARTN=%u PARTNAME=%s 4%s: partition table beyond EOD, 4%s: partition table partially beyond EOD, 4%s: p%d start %llu is beyond EOD, 4%s: p%d size %llu extends beyond EOD, 3 %s: p%d could not be added: %ld unable to read partition table [AIX] [DM] [EZD] %08x-%02x is_pmbr_valid is_gpt_valid find_valid_gpt efi_partition protective hybrid GPT: mbr size in lba (%u) different than whole disk (%u). Device has a %s MBR 4GPT:Primary header LBA != Alt. header alternate_lba 4GPT:%lld != %lld 4GPT:Primary header alternate_lba != Alt. header my_lba 4GPT:first_usable_lbas don't match. 4GPT:last_usable_lbas don't match. 4GPT:disk_guids don't match. 4GPT:num_partition_entries don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x 4GPT:sizeof_partition_entry values don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x 4GPT:partition_entry_array_crc32 values don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x 4GPT:Primary header thinks Alt. header is not at the end of the disk. 4GPT:Alternate GPT header not at the end of the disk. 4GPT: Use GNU Parted to correct GPT errors. 4Alternate GPT is invalid, using primary GPT. 4Primary GPT is invalid, using alternate GPT. GUID Partition Table is valid! Yea! %pUl 5GPT: device [%d:%d] (%s) set to be root filesystem GUID Partition Table Header signature is wrong:%lld != %lld GUID Partition Table Header size is too large: %u > %u GUID Partition Table Header size is too small: %u < %zu GUID Partition Table Header CRC is wrong: %x != %x GPT my_lba incorrect: %lld != %lld GPT: first_usable_lba incorrect: %lld > %lld GPT: last_usable_lba incorrect: %lld > %lld GUID Partitition Entry Size check failed. GUID Partition Table is too large: %llu > %lu bytes GUID Partitition Entry Array CRC check failed. 6bounce: isa pool size: %d pages 3Ignoring delay timer %ps, which has insufficient resolution of %lluns 6Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution %lluns 6Ignoring duplicate/late registration of read_current_timer delay __bug_table 4WARNING: at %s:%u 4WARNING: at %p [verbose debug info unavailable] d------------[ cut here ]------------ 2kernel BUG at %s:%u! 2Kernel BUG at %p [verbose debug info unavailable] /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/cpumask.c ((((( AAAAAA BBBBBB decompress_method Compressed data magic: %#.2x %#.2x decompress /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/decompress.c gzip bzip2 lzma-openwrt /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/idr.c ida_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. idr_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. idr_layer_cache /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/ioremap.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/kobject.c fill_kobj_path kobject_add_internal kobject_cleanup dynamic_kobj_release kobject_create_and_add kset_release kobject: (%p): %s 3kobject '%s' (%p): tried to add an uninitialized object, something is seriously wrong. 3kobject: can not set name properly! 'none' kobject: (%p): attempted to be registered with empty name! kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: parent: '%s', set: '%s' /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/kernfs.h 3%s failed for %s with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory. 3%s failed for %s (error: %d parent: %s) 4%s: kobject_add error: %d 4kobject: '%s' (%p): is not initialized, yet kobject_get() is being called. kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: path = '%s' invalid kobject pointer! must have a ktype to be initialized properly! 3kobject (%p): tried to init an initialized object, something is seriously wrong. 3kobject (%p): %s 4kobject: '%s' (%p): is not initialized, yet kobject_put() is being called. kobject: '%s' (%p): %s, parent %p kobject: '%s' (%p): does not have a release() function, it is broken and must be fixed. kobject: '%s' (%p): auto cleanup 'remove' event kobject: '%s' (%p): auto cleanup kobject_del kobject: '%s' (%p): calling ktype release kobject: '%s': free name DEVPATH_OLD=%s kobject: '%s' (%p): %s kobject kobject_uevent_env 3add_uevent_var: too many keys /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/kobject_uevent.c 3add_uevent_var: buffer size too small kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: attempted to send uevent without kset! kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: uevent_suppress caused the event to drop! kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: filter function caused the event to drop! kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: unset subsystem caused the event to drop! ACTION=%s DEVPATH=%s SUBSYSTEM=%s kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: uevent() returned %d SEQNUM=%llu %s@%s 4init_uevent_argv: buffer size of %d too small, needed %d kobject_uevent 3kobject_uevent: unable to create netlink socket! 4NMI backtrace for cpu %d 6Sending NMI to %s CPUs: /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/plist.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/radix-tree.c radix_tree_node 4%s: %d callbacks suppressed /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/seq_buf.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/seq_buf.c Mem-Info: %lu pages RAM %lu pages HighMem/MovableOnly %lu pages cma reserved /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/string.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/timerqueue.c :- 00102030405060708090011121314151617181910212223242526272829203132333435363738393041424344454647484940515253545556575859506162636465666768696071727374757677787970818283848586878889809192939495969798999 Please remove unsupported %%%c in format string /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/vsprintf.c (invalid address) pK-error io mem irq dma ??? size 64bit pref window flags /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/arch/arm/lib/avm_membench.c do_measure__read_pipe do_measure__read_extreme do_measure__read_mixture do_measure__write do_measure__writeburst avm_membench_init AVM-RAM-Benchmark (HELP) cat /proc/avm/benchmark/complete -> Durchfuehrung aller Benchmarks cat /proc/avm/benchmark/help -> Anzeige dieser Hilfe cat /proc/avm/benchmark/do_read_extreme -> Read Bench Lese Bench fuer nicht-lineares Lesen. cat /proc/avm/benchmark/do_read_pipe -> Read Bench (unter Nutzung von Load-Multiple) Pipeline orientierter Lese benchmark cat /proc/avm/benchmark/do_read_write -> Read/Schreib Bench cat /proc/avm/benchmark/do_write -> Schreib Bench cat /proc/avm/benchmark/do_burstwrite -> Schreib Bench (unter Nutzung von Store-Multiple) 4%s: timer register overrun! Please repeat benchmark! 4%s: test is too fast! => 0x%llx .. 0x%llx -> 0x%llx * kb=%llu, count=%llu No memory for test AVM-RAM-Benchmark IRQs: off (alle Tests mit deaktivierten IRQs) CPU-Clock: %lu RAM-Clock: %lu (eff. Datentaktrate) BUS-Breite (Word=): %d Bit Measure-Time: %d * %llu.%llus -- Results -- type | total read | loops | DDR-Ticks | %2dBit | | in kByte | | /%2dBit | Worte/s | kByte/s 3running membench Performance-Index: %lu CPU-Clock: %lu MHz RAM-Clock: %lu MHz read | %7lu | %1d | %5lu.%03lu | %9lu | %6llu | | | | | Die gelesenen Werte stehen im Speicher nicht hintereinander. D.h. die CPU kann den Cache nicht nutzen. Burstartiges Lesen aus dem RAM unter Nutzung von load multiple. read/write | %7lu | %1d | %5lu.%03lu | %9lu | %6llu Immer schoen im Wechsel 1x Lesen und 1x Schreiben. write | %7lu | %1d | %5lu.%03lu | %9lu | %6llu Einfaches Schreiben (Cache-Nutzung). Burst-Schreiben unter Nutzung von store multiple. avm/benchmark 3%s: Unable to create /proc/%s /sys/kernel/debug/avm-membench/ avm-membench membench_cpu_clock membench_bus_clock mess_laenge loops do_read_extreme do_read_pipe do_read_write do_write do_writeburst performance_index /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/lockref.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/iov_iter.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/memweight.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/kfifo.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/percpu-refcount.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/percpu_ida.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/once.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/devres.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/assoc_array.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/genalloc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/zlib_deflate/deflate.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/reed_solomon/decode_rs.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/swiotlb.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/iommu-helper.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/iommu-common.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/dynamic_debug.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/nlattr.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/cpu_rmap.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/dynamic_queue_limits.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/mpi/mpicoder.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/mpi/mpi-pow.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/oid_registry.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/scatterlist.c 7list too long for efficiency percpu_ref_switch_to_atomic_rcu percpu_ref_kill_and_confirm %s called more than once on %pf! %s: global %ld percpu %ld percpu ref (%pf) <= 0 (%ld) after switching to atomic percpu_refcount global %ld percpu %ld xz_dec 4software IO TLB: Cannot allocate buffer 4dynamic_debug:%s: ddebug boot param string too large dynamic_debug 4dynamic_debug:%s: _ddebug table is empty in a CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG build 6dynamic_debug:%s: %d modules, %d entries and %d bytes in ddebug tables, %d bytes in (readonly) verbose section 4dynamic_debug:%s: ddebug_query param name is deprecated, change it to dyndbg 4dynamic_debug:%s: Invalid ddebug boot param %s 6dynamic_debug:%s: %d changes by ddebug_query dyndbg params (uninitialized) (unregistering) (unregistered) (released) (dummy) asn1_decoder /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/asn1_decoder.c 3percpu_ida_init(): nr_tags too large &ht->mutex static_key_slow_dec refcount_t: addition on 0; use-after-free. refcount_t: saturated; leaking memory. /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/lib/refcount.c refcount_t: decrement hit 0; leaking memory. refcount_t: increment on 0; use-after-free. refcount_t: underflow; use-after-free. tnvfr .%03u %u%s %s 0123456789abcdef 0123456789ABCDEF %s%16.16llx %s%8.8x %s%4.4x %s%s%p: %s %s%s%.8x: %s invalid resource can't request region for resource %pR ioremap failed for resource %pR ')uB * 5|z lEd/ 6 PQ pCRF Yg:a JZJ{. #FLR _QS} (]2Q ig,o u{)l qR5FE% ]JldN 4x= :'No)b W~Y` #tDq 30!]^JV 49fN 5T&w& RoOs +ulsX b,uZ .bs" f.N%H %$LM t![R |;, = 0F`8 zC`G; 1"{K +g@#I mwa! FCZ& ,c\E bwiO' ]bn" ` bgBq D"~F gZg> p6/b TH ~M +83F 1pC.C [tTb `d F(SI#- jz]Q= Yz~ e^jFn kok q4_pR! ) E +&$( LbFK sI8D jly|1 g#+V wD6< !hg4 eP\/ k:Xp y.2c Kl8: bLL6i &zAD l,OH ~8%[ n;^ Qkkbal i]Wb 9a&g MGiI wn>Jj #.zf +o*7 Z* , H$6t 52F* #jT$ ^6o} [-&LMb#{' w+OQvr R1h58 SKyu )\ZEo^m/ ru&o i8P/ ?(3w H*0"ZOW {kHw )T`D !AxU l!;b F :1X: y9*O kM`~ Vc0a dQy/ lDa> 7~8A C-Yn )`=`S Kp0qb @'B1` i&Ma. W/q#IX Xi#/H o21o "<~$B t#tvI ]P4H yTu= Dx,2$E N5pB P&7 eVu# fp>x FAYz /<,o \-, xSvf$ Gi:%5 3wl' M15I? _}4( JJK1 zN,W /8R:5 a]{?P O|%Z +^yu ujQD L%-a ^~5PJ> K&invalid distance too far back invalid distance code invalid literal/length code incorrect header check unknown compression method invalid window size invalid block type invalid stored block lengths too many length or distance symbols invalid code lengths set invalid bit length repeat invalid literal/lengths set invalid distances set incorrect data check 7zXZ ts_%s swiotlb_tbl_map_single hwdev DMA mask = 0x%016Lx, dev_addr = 0x%016Lx 4software IO TLB: coherent allocation failed for device %s size=%zu 4software IO TLB: only able to allocate %ld MB 3DMA: Out of SW-IOMMU space for %zu bytes at device %s DMA: Random memory could be DMA accessed DMA: Random memory could be DMA written DMA: Random memory could be DMA read 4software IO TLB: No low mem 6software IO TLB: mapped [mem %#010llx-%#010llx] (%luMB) Can not allocate SWIOTLB buffer earlier and can't now provide you with the DMA bounce buffer swiotlb buffer is full (sz: %zd bytes) syscall_get_arguments 4%s called with max args %d, handling only %d 7(NULL device *): %pV %s%s %s: %pV (unnamed net_device) (unknown) %s: unknown reg_state %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/netdevice.h %s%s %s %s%s: %pV 7%s%s: %pV 7(NULL net_device): %pV 7%s%pV vpr_info_dq ddebug_change ddebug_tokenize parse_lineno check_set ddebug_parse_query ddebug_parse_flags ddebug_exec_query ddebug_exec_queries ddebug_setup_query ddebug_proc_write ddebug_proc_start ddebug_proc_next ddebug_proc_show ddebug_proc_stop ddebug_proc_open ddebug_add_module ddebug_dyndbg_boot_param_cb ddebug_dyndbg_module_param_cb ddebug_remove_module dynamic_debug_init dynamic_debug.verbose 3dynamic_debug:%s: match-spec:%s val:%s overridden by %s 6dynamic_debug:%s: %u debug prints in module %s 6dynamic_debug:%s: %s="%s" 6dynamic_debug:%s: module: %s %s="%s" dyndbg applied no-match 6dynamic_debug:%s: query %d: "%s" 3dynamic_debug:%s: too many words, legal max <=%d 6dynamic_debug:%s: split into words: 3dynamic_debug:%s: tokenize failed 3dynamic_debug:%s: bad flag-op %c, at start of %s 6dynamic_debug:%s: op='%c' 3dynamic_debug:%s: unknown flag '%c' in "%s" 6dynamic_debug:%s: flags=0x%x 6dynamic_debug:%s: *flagsp=0x%x *maskp=0x%x 3dynamic_debug:%s: expecting pairs of match-spec func 3dynamic_debug:%s: match-spec: line used 2x 3dynamic_debug:%s: bad line-number: %s 3dynamic_debug:%s: last-line:%d < 1st-line:%d 3dynamic_debug:%s: unknown keyword "%s" parsed 3dynamic_debug:%s: query parse failed 6dynamic_debug:%s: changed %s:%d [%s]%s =%s 6dynamic_debug:%s: no matches for query 6dynamic_debug:%s: processed %d queries, with %d matches, %d errs 3dynamic_debug:%s: flags parse failed 3dynamic_debug:%s: unclosed quote: %s 6dynamic_debug:%s: called m=%p p=%p *pos=%lld 6dynamic_debug:%s: called # filename:lineno [module]function flags format %s:%u [%s]%s =%s " 6dynamic_debug:%s: called m=%p *pos=%lld 6dynamic_debug:%s: called m=%p p=%p 4dynamic_debug:%s: expected <%d bytes into control 6dynamic_debug:%s: read %d bytes from userspace 6dynamic_debug:%s: removing module "%s" [%d] 6dynamic_debug:%s: %s: func="%s" file="%s" module="%s" format="%.*s" lineno=%u-%u nla_parse 4netlink: %d bytes leftover after parsing attributes in process `%s'. 4irq_cpu_rmap_notify: update failed: %d 6MPI: mpi too large (%u bits) MPI: mpi larger than buffer nread=%d ret_nread=%d 0MPI: mpi_set_buffer: Assertion failed (%d != %d) 6invalid flag value in mpi asn1_ber_decoder CONS Data overrun error Invalid length EOC Missing EOC in indefinite len cons Indefinite len primitive not permitted Unsupported length Unexpected tag Long tag not supported Cons length error Machine overrun error Jump stack overflow Cons stack underflow Cons stack overflow Jump stack underflow next_op: pc= [32m%zu [m/%zu dp= [33m%zu [m/%zu C=%d J=%d - any %02x - match? %02x %02x %02x - TAG: %02x %zu%s - LEAF: %zu - MATCH_JUMP 3ASN.1 decoder error: Stacks not empty at completion (%u, %u) - end cons t=%zu dp=%zu l=%zu/%zu - continue - cons len l=%zu d=%zu 3ASN.1 decoder error: Found reserved opcode (%u) pc=%zu ASN1: %s [m=%zu d=%zu ot=%02x t=%02x l=%zu] %u.%u qmi_verify_max_msg_len qmi_kernel_encode qmi_encode_struct_elem qmi_encode_string_elem _qmi_kernel_encode qmi_decode_struct_elem qmi_decode_string_elem _qmi_kernel_decode 3%s: Inval element info 3%s: Data len %d > max spec %d 3%s: Fault in decoding: dl(%d), db(%d), tl(%d), i(%d), el(%d) 3%s: String len %d >= Max Len %d 3%s: String len %d > Input Buffer Len %d 3%s: Unrecognized data type 3%s: Invalid data length 3%s: Too Small Buffer @DATA_LEN 3%s: Too Small Buffer @data_type:%d 3%s: STRUCT Encode failure 3%s: String to be encoded is longer - %d > %d 3%s: Output len %d > Out Buf len %d 3%s: Calc. len %d != 0, but NULL in_c_struct 3%s: Calc. len %d != Out buf len %d 3%s: Calc. len %d != Passed len %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/irqchip/irq-gic.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/irqchip/irq-gic-v2m.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/phy/phy-qca-pcie-qmp.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pinctrl/qcom/pinctrl-msm.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pinctrl/qcom/pinctrl-spmi-gpio.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pinctrl/qcom/pinctrl-spmi-mpp.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/pci.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/setup-bus.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/pcie/portdrv_core.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/msi.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/host/pcie-qcom.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/dma/dmaengine.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/dma/dmaengine.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/dma/qcom/../dmaengine.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/soc/qcom/rpm-rpmsg.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/soc/qcom/subsystem_restart.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/virtio/virtio.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/virtio_config.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/virtio/virtio_ring.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/core.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/helpers.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/cpr3-util.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/tty_ioctl.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/tty_ldisc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/pty.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/serial/serial_core.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/serial/msm_serial.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/serial/msm_serial_hs_lite.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_power/avm_power_pminfo.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/avm_debug.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/avm_net_event.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/avm_companion_panic.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/prom_config.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/reboot_status/reboot_status.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/enh/module_mem.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/random.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/hw_random/core.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/tffs/init.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/tffs/proc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/tffs/nand_noob.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/tffs/cache.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/tffs/panic.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/driver.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/devres.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/attribute_container.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/transport_class.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/regmap/regcache.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/regmap/regmap-spmi.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/regmap/regmap-mmio.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/platform-msi.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/block/brd.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/dma-buf/dma-buf.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/dma-buf/fence.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/dma-buf/reservation.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/scsi/scsi.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/scsi/hosts.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/scsi/scsi_error.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/scsi/scsi_lib.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/scsi/scsi_scan.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/mtdcore.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/mtdconcat.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/mtdpart.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/mtd_blkdevs.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/mtd/map.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/maps/map_funcs.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/nand/nand_bbt.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/nand/qcom_nandc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ubi/vtbl.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ubi/attach.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/bonding/bond_alb.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/bonding/bond_options.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/include/linux/skbuff.h /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/loopback.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/phy/mdio_bus.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/phy/swconfig.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/tun.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/ppp/ppp_generic.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/ppp/pppoe.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/wireless/cnss2/main.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/wireless/cnss2/pci.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/wireless/cnss2/qmi.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/core/hub.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/input/evdev.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/isdn/capi_oslib/ca_sched.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/isdn/capi_oslib/local_capi.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/isdn/capi_oslib/capi_pipe.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/isdn/capi_oslib/memmap.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_userspace.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/core.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/mmc.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/mmc_ops.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/sd.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/sd_ops.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/sdio.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/sdio_ops.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/sdio_cis.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/sdio_io.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/sdio_irq.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/debugfs.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/card/block.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/card/queue.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/host/mmci.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/host/sdhci-msm.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/leds/led-triggers.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/of/device.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/of/address.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/clk/qcom/gcc-ipq807x.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/hwspinlock/hwspinlock_core.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_virtio.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/rpmsg/qcom_glink_native.c static_key_slow_dec 2GIC CPU mask not found - kernel will fail to boot. GIC_NON_BANKED not enabled, ignoring %08x offset! 6GIC: Using split EOI/Deactivate mode unable to map gic dist registers unable to map gic cpu registers 4GIC: Adjusting CPU interface base to %pa cpu-offset GICv2 msi-controller 3GICv2m: Failed to allocate struct v2m_data. 3GICv2m: Failed to allocate v2m resource. 3GICv2m: Failed to map GICv2m resource arm,msi-base-spi arm,msi-num-spis 6GICv2m: Overriding V2M MSI_TYPER (base:%u, num:%u) 3GICv2m: Invalid MSI base SPI (base:%u) 3GICv2m: Number of SPIs (%u) exceed maximum (%u) 6GICv2m: Node %s: range[%#lx:%#lx], SPI[%d:%d] 3GICv2m: Failed to create GICv2m domain 3GICv2m: Failed to create MSI domains pMSI GICv2m ARM-CCI ARM-CCI PMU CCI_400 CCI_400_r1 arm_cci si_rrq_hs_any si_rrq_hs_device si_rrq_hs_normal_or_nonshareable si_rrq_hs_inner_or_outershareable si_rrq_hs_cache_maintenance si_rrq_hs_mem_barrier si_rrq_hs_sync_barrier si_rrq_hs_dvm_msg si_rrq_hs_dvm_msg_sync si_rrq_stall_tt_full si_r_data_last_hs_snoop si_r_data_stall_rvalids_h_rready_l si_wrq_hs_any si_wrq_hs_device si_wrq_hs_normal_or_nonshareable si_wrq_hs_inner_or_outershare_wback_wclean si_wrq_hs_write_unique si_wrq_hs_write_line_unique si_wrq_hs_evict si_wrq_stall_tt_full si_rrq_stall_slave_id_hazard mi_retry_speculative_fetch mi_stall_cycle_addr_hazard mi_rrq_stall_master_id_hazard mi_rrq_stall_hi_prio_rtq_full mi_rrq_stall_barrier_hazard mi_wrq_stall_barrier_hazard mi_wrq_stall_wtq_full mi_rrq_stall_low_prio_rtq_full mi_rrq_stall_mid_prio_rtq_full mi_rrq_stall_qvn_vn0 mi_rrq_stall_qvn_vn1 mi_rrq_stall_qvn_vn2 mi_rrq_stall_qvn_vn3 mi_wrq_stall_qvn_vn0 mi_wrq_stall_qvn_vn1 mi_wrq_stall_qvn_vn2 mi_wrq_stall_qvn_vn3 mi_wrq_unique_or_line_unique_addr_hazard mi_rrq_stall_addr_hazard mi_rrq_stall_id_hazard mi_rrq_stall_tt_full mi_wrq_stall_tt_full config:0-4 config:5-7 3failed to create phy class --> %ld qcom-ipq806x-sata-phy qcom-dwc3-usb-phy phy_qcom_dwc3 /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/phy/phy-qcom-dwc3.c pcie-phy qca-baldur-hsphy qca-uni-ssphy 6pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem 4pinctrl core: failed to create debugfs directory pinctrl-devices pinctrl-maps pinctrl-handles DUMMY_STATE MUX_GROUP CONFIGS_PIN CONFIGS_GROUP pinmux pinconf /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pinctrl/pinconf.c devicetree /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pinctrl/devicetree.c pinconf_generic /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pinctrl/pinconf-generic.c bias-bus-hold bias-disable bias-high-impedance bias-pull-up bias-pull-pin-default bias-pull-down drive-open-drain drive-open-source drive-push-pull drive-emu-open-drain input-debounce drive-cap drive-type pull-res input-disable input-enable input-schmitt-disable low-power-disable low-power-enable vm-enable vm-disable output-high output-low power-source input bias bus hold input bias disabled input bias high impedance input bias pull down input bias pull to pin specific state input bias pull up output drive open drain output drive open source output drive push pull output drive strength input debounce usec input enabled input schmitt trigger input schmitt enabled pin low power pin output pin power source selector slew rate pinctrl-single,bias-pullup pinctrl-single,bias-pulldown pinctrl-single,input-schmitt-enable pinctrl-single,drive-strength pinctrl-single,slew-rate pinctrl-single,input-schmitt pinctrl-single,low-power-mode pinctrl_single /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-single.c no pull keeper pinctrl_msm msmgpio ipq807x-pinctrl gpio0 gpio1 gpio2 gpio3 gpio4 gpio5 gpio6 gpio7 gpio8 gpio9 gpio10 gpio11 gpio12 gpio13 gpio14 gpio15 gpio16 gpio17 gpio18 gpio19 gpio20 gpio21 gpio22 gpio23 gpio24 gpio25 gpio26 gpio27 gpio28 gpio29 gpio30 gpio31 gpio32 gpio33 gpio34 gpio35 gpio36 gpio37 gpio38 gpio39 gpio40 gpio41 gpio42 gpio43 gpio44 gpio45 gpio46 gpio47 gpio48 gpio49 gpio50 gpio51 gpio52 gpio53 gpio54 gpio55 gpio56 gpio57 gpio58 gpio59 gpio60 gpio61 gpio62 gpio63 gpio64 gpio65 gpio66 gpio67 gpio68 gpio69 qpic_pad blsp5_i2c blsp5_spi wci20 blsp3_spi3 burn0 pcm_zsi0 blsp5_uart mac12 blsp3_spi0 burn1 mac01 qdss_cti_trig_out_b0 qdss_cti_trig_in_b0 qpic_pad4 blsp4_uart0 blsp4_i2c0 blsp4_spi0 mac21 qdss_cti_trig_out_b1 qpic_pad5 qdss_cti_trig_in_b1 qpic_pad6 qpic_pad7 cxc0 mac13 qdss_cti_trig_in_a1 qdss_cti_trig_out_a1 wci22 qdss_cti_trig_in_a0 qpic_pad1 qdss_cti_trig_out_a0 qpic_pad2 qpic_pad3 qdss_traceclk_b qpic_pad0 qdss_tracectl_b qpic_pad8 pcm_zsi1 qdss_tracedata_b led0 pwm04 led1 pwm14 led2 pwm24 pwm00 blsp4_uart1 blsp4_i2c1 blsp4_spi1 wci23 mac11 blsp3_spi2 pwm10 pwm20 pwm30 audio_txmclk pwm02 audio_txbclk pwm12 audio_txfsync pwm22 audio_txd pwm32 audio_rxmclk pwm03 atest_char0 audio_rxbclk pwm13 atest_char1 audio_rxfsync pwm23 atest_char2 audio_rxd pwm33 atest_char3 pcm_drx mac10 mac00 pcm_dtx pcm_fsync mac20 qdss_traceclk_a pcm_pclk qdss_tracectl_a atest_char qdss_tracedata_a blsp0_uart blsp0_i2c blsp0_spi blsp1_uart blsp1_i2c blsp1_spi blsp2_uart blsp2_i2c blsp2_spi blsp3_uart blsp3_i2c blsp3_spi pta2_0 wci21 cxc1 blsp3_spi1 pta2_1 pta2_2 pcie0_clk dbg_out cri_trng0 pcie0_rst cri_trng1 pcie0_wake cri_trng pcie1_clk ldo_update pcie1_rst ldo_en pcie1_wake gcc_plltest sd_card pwm01 pta1_1 pwm11 pta1_2 gcc_tlmm pta1_0 pwm21 prng_rosc sd_write pwm31 tsens_max GPIO_0 GPIO_1 GPIO_2 GPIO_3 GPIO_4 GPIO_5 GPIO_6 GPIO_7 GPIO_8 GPIO_9 GPIO_10 GPIO_11 GPIO_12 GPIO_13 GPIO_14 GPIO_15 GPIO_16 GPIO_17 GPIO_18 GPIO_19 GPIO_20 GPIO_21 GPIO_22 GPIO_23 GPIO_24 GPIO_25 GPIO_26 GPIO_27 GPIO_28 GPIO_29 GPIO_30 GPIO_31 GPIO_32 GPIO_33 GPIO_34 GPIO_35 GPIO_36 GPIO_37 GPIO_38 GPIO_39 GPIO_40 GPIO_41 GPIO_42 GPIO_43 GPIO_44 GPIO_45 GPIO_46 GPIO_47 GPIO_48 GPIO_49 GPIO_50 GPIO_51 GPIO_52 GPIO_53 GPIO_54 GPIO_55 GPIO_56 GPIO_57 GPIO_58 GPIO_59 GPIO_60 GPIO_61 GPIO_62 GPIO_63 GPIO_64 GPIO_65 GPIO_66 GPIO_67 GPIO_68 GPIO_69 SDC1_CLK SDC1_CMD SDC1_DATA SDC2_CLK SDC2_CMD SDC2_DATA pull-up 30uA pull-up 1.5uA pull-up 31.5uA pull-up 1.5uA + 30uA boost pull-down 10uA qcom-spmi-gpio func1 func2 func3 func4 dtest1 dtest2 dtest3 dtest4 pull up strength qcom,pull-up-strength qcom,drive-strength qcom,atest qcom,analog-pass 0.6kOhm 10kOhm 30kOhm Disabled qcom-spmi-mpp digital sink mpp1 mpp2 mpp3 mpp4 mpp5 mpp6 mpp7 mpp8 analog mux analog level qcom,amux-route qcom,analog-level qcom,dtest qcom,paired 3gpiolib: could not register GPIO bus type gpiochip 3gpiolib: failed to allocate char dev region 3%s: Failed to initialize gpio device (%d) gpiolib gpiolib_of gpiolib_sysfs /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/gpio/gpiolib-sysfs.c unexport ngpio active_low falling rising direction gpio_aggregator /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/gpio/gpio-aggregator.c delete_device new_device npwm polarity duty_cycle qca,ipq4019-pwm pwm_ipq4019 /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pwm/pwm-ipq4019.c pci_bus PCI busn nomsi noaer realloc= nodomains noari cbiosize= cbmemsize= resource_alignment= ecrc= hpiosize= hpmemsize= pcie_bus_tune_off pcie_bus_safe pcie_bus_perf pcie_bus_peer2peer pcie_scan_all 3PCI: Unknown option `%s' resource_alignment D3hot D3cold compat pci_driver remove_id new_id boot_vga driver_override devspec msi_bus consistent_dma_mask_bits modalias cpulistaffinity cpuaffinity local_cpulist local_cpus broken_parity_status subsystem_device subsystem_vendor MFVC bus/pci slot /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/slot.c cur_bus_speed max_bus_speed 33 MHz PCI 66 MHz PCI 66 MHz PCI-X 100 MHz PCI-X 133 MHz PCI-X 66 MHz PCI-X 266 100 MHz PCI-X 266 133 MHz PCI-X 266 Unknown AGP 1x AGP 2x AGP 4x AGP 8x AGP 66 MHz PCI-X 533 100 MHz PCI-X 533 133 MHz PCI-X 533 2.5 GT/s PCIe 5.0 GT/s PCIe 8.0 GT/s PCIe 7PCI: CLS %u bytes 7PCI: CLS mismatch (%u != %u), using %u bytes 7PCI: CLS %u bytes, default %u pcieportdrv 4PCIE: bus_register error: %d pcieport pci_express pcie_pme /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/pcie/pme.c setup_irq /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/setup-irq.c PCI-MSI dw-pcie qcom-pcie slot_remove slot_rescan rcremove rcrescan ofonly unable to get major %d for fb devs graphics 4Unable to create fb class; errno = %ld bits_per_pixel blank cursor modes virtual_size stride rotate amba irq1 irq0 3dmaengine: initialization failure dmaengine-unmap-2 dmaengine in_use bytes_transferred memcpy_count virt_dma /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/dma/virt-dma.c of_dma /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/dma/of-dma.c adm-dma-engine bam-dma-engine gsbi soc_version_major 3Read of property:soc_version_major from node failed soc_version_minor 3Read of property:soc_version_minor from node failed 3Read of property:cpu_type from node failed IPQ4018 IPQ4019 IPQ4028 IPQ4029 IPQ8062 IPQ8064 IPQ8066 IPQ8068 IPQ8065 IPQ8069 IPQ8074 IPQ8072 IPQ8076 IPQ8078 IPQ8070 IPQ8071 IPQ8072A IPQ8074A IPQ8076A IPQ8078A IPQ8070A IPQ8071A IPQ8172 IPQ8173 IPQ8174 IPQ6018 IPQ6028 IPQ6000 IPQ6010 IPQ6005 IPQ5010 IPQ5018 IPQ5028 IPQ5000 IPQ0509 IPQ0518 unavail 6CPU: %s, SoC Version: %u.%u qcom-smem qcom_smp2p rpm-rpmsg subsystem_notif ssr_wq 3subsys-restart: %s(): Failed to create subsys_dev class subsystem_restart msm_subsys crash_count restart_level firmware_name system_debug OFFLINE ONLINE ramdump /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/soc/qcom/ramdump.c qca_tzlog /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/soc/qcom/tz_log.c qmi_helpers /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/soc/qcom/qcom_qmi_interface.c virtio virtio_ring 4regulator: Failed to create debugfs directory supply_map regulator_summary 6%s: disabling 3%s: couldn't disable: %d 4%s: incomplete constraints, leaving on fast undefined suspend_standby_state suspend_disk_state suspend_mem_state suspend_standby_mode suspend_disk_mode suspend_mem_mode suspend_standby_microvolts suspend_disk_microvolts suspend_mem_microvolts num_users requested_microamps max_microvolts min_microvolts max_microamps min_microamps opmode reg-dummy 3Failed to allocate dummy regulator device 3Failed to register dummy regulator device: %d 3Failed to register dummy regulator driver: %d regulator-dummy of_regulator /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/of_regulator.c regulator-state-mem regulator-state-disk reg-fixed-voltage /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/fixed.c cpr3_regulator /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/cpr3-regulator.c cpr3_util qcom,cpr3-npu-regulator cpr3_npu_regulator /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/cpr3-npu-regulator.c qcom,cpr4-apss-regulator cpr4_apss_regulator /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/cpr4-apss-regulator.c STURBO gpio-regulator qcom_rpm_reg vin_s1a vin_s1b vin_s2a vin_s2b vdd_s1 vdd_s2 vdd_s4 vdd_s7 vdd_s8 vdd_l1_l2_l12_l18 vdd_l3_l15_l17 vdd_l4_l14 vdd_l5_l8_l16 vdd_l6_l7 vdd_l9_l11 vdd_l10_l22 vdd_l21_l23_l29 vdd_l24 vdd_l25 vdd_l26 vdd_l27 vdd_l28 lvs1 vin_lvs1_3_6 vin_lvs2 lvs3 lvs4 vin_lvs4_5_7 lvs5 lvs6 lvs7 usb-switch vin_5vs hdmi-switch vdd_ncp vdd_l0 vdd_l1 vdd_l2 vdd_l3 vdd_l4 vdd_l5 vdd_l6 vdd_s0 vdd_s3 lvs0 lvs0_in lvs1_in lvs2_in lvs3_in mvs_in vdd_l0_l1_lvs vdd_l2_l11_l12 vdd_l3_l4_l5 vdd_l8 vdd_l9 vdd_l10 vdd_l13_l16 vdd_l14_l15 vdd_l17_l18 vdd_l19_l20 vdd_l21 vdd_l22 vdd_l23_l24_l25 qcom-spmi-regulator vdd_ldo11 vdd_l1_l3 vdd_l4_l5_l6 vdd_l7 vdd_l8_l11_l14_l15_l16 vdd_l9_l10_l12_l13_l17_l18 vdd_s5 vdd_s6 vdd_l2_lvs_1_2_3 vdd_l4_l11 vdd_l5_l7 vdd_l6_l12_l14_l15 vdd_l8_l16_l18_19 vdd_l9_l10_l17_l22 vdd_l13_l20_l23_l24 ocp-5vs1 ocp-5vs2 qcom_spmi_regulator /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/qcom_spmi-regulator.c regulator-ipq40xx Couldn't register /dev/tty driver Couldn't register /dev/console driver tty_io n_tty ldisc_autoload 3L Bad %p /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/tty_mutex.c 3U Bad %p Couldn't allocate Unix98 ptm driver Couldn't allocate Unix98 pts driver pty_master pty_slave Couldn't register Unix98 ptm driver Couldn't register Unix98 pts driver Couldn't register /dev/ptmx driver 6sysrq: sysrq always enabled. sysrq-trigger 3sysrq: Failed to register proc interface 3sysrq: Failed to register input handler, error %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/sysrq.c nice-all-RT-tasks(n) Nice All RT Tasks kill-all-tasks(i) Kill All Tasks thaw-filesystems(j) Emergency Thaw of all frozen filesystems memory-full-oom-kill(f) Manual OOM execution terminate-all-tasks(e) Terminate All Tasks show-memory-usage(m) Show Memory show-blocked-tasks(w) Show Blocked State show-task-states(t) Show State show-registers(p) Show Regs show-backtrace-all-active-cpus(l) Show backtrace of all active CPUs unmount(u) Emergency Remount R/O show-all-timers(q) Show clockevent devices & pending hrtimers (no others) sync(s) Emergency Sync reboot(b) Resetting crash(c) Trigger a crash loglevel(0-9) Changing Loglevel iomem_reg_shift iomem_base io_type custom_divisor closing_wait close_delay uartclk xmit_fifo_size serial_core 32be 6earlycon: Early serial console at MMIO%s 0x%llx (options '%s') 6earlycon: Early serial console at I/O port 0x%lx (options '%s') 6msm_serial: console setup on port #%d 6msm_serial: driver initialized avm_rx_only ttyMSM 3%s: Cannot create debugfs dir 6%s: driver initialized msm_serial_hs_lite avm/tasklet avm/tasklet/stat 3[%s] register_chrdev_region failed: reason %d! 3[%s] cdev_alloc failed! 3[%s] cdev_add failed! 3error on start %pS pm_qos_latency_invariable pm_qos_latency powerdevice_none powerdevice_cpuclock powerdevice_dspclock powerdevice_systemclock powerdevice_wlan powerdevice_isdnnt powerdevice_isdnte powerdevice_analog powerdevice_dect powerdevice_ethernet powerdevice_dsl powerdevice_usb_host powerdevice_usb_client powerdevice_charge powerdevice_loadrate powerdevice_temperature powerdevice_dectsync powerdevice_usb_host2 powerdevice_usb_host3 powerdevice_dsp_loadrate powerdevice_vdsp_loadrate powerdevice_lte powerdevice_loadrate2 powerdevice_dvbc powerdevice_plc powerdevice_maxdevices %u %% 0x%x %u mA %u mW te_active vdsl dect_trace_on dect_trace_off telefon_profile_4ms telefon_profile_8ms telefon_profile_exit telefon_profile_on telefon_profile_off multicast_profile_on multicast_profile_off voip_profile_on voip_profile_off usb_current_req pcmlink_bus_off pcmlink_bus_on pots_load te_load te_reload pots_reload tepots_switchauto tepots_switchmanu unlock_governor e1_active e1_inactive isdn speedstep usbpower telefon_profile protrace adsl_event [avm] configured: watchdog event debug [avm]: avm_event_init: failed 6Register push button event to receive the set_factory_kernel event factory_reset_kernel 3%s factory_reset_kernel event sink not registered /bin/setfactorydefaults avm/mem avm/mem/summary avm/mem/tasks /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/avm_oom_status.c 3%s error node_id %u exceed node_extension_table 3%s node_extension_table[%u] entries=%lu (size=%u) %s alloced 3%s: can't fill complete score-list avm/page_statistic non-classified lru reserved other /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/compat.c 3[avm_debug] register_chrdev_region failed: reason %d! 3[avm_debug] cdev_alloc failed! 3[avm_debug] cdev_add failed! &avm_debug.wait_queue avm_debugd pushmail 2 crashreport [%s] Device Tree not populated, cannot read map_avmport_netdev avm,port_netdev [%s] Compatible node %s not found. 4[%s] Error %d reading name or netdev property for child %d. Skip. wanport [%s] DT entry %d: netdev: %s; avmdev: %s; wanport: %d plcport [%s] Got plcport property. 4[%s] Failed to register plc netdevice notifier 4[%s] Problem getting gpio_avm_reset_plc pin. gpio_avm_reset_plc 4[%s] Error %d reading avmnet mappings from DT. Trying fallback. HWRevision 3no support for hwid %s 4Failed to register netdevice notifier 4Failed to register module notifier Ethernet status hwpa value0 value1 value2 value3 value4 value5 value6 value7 avm-companion-panic wlan2 docsis prolific wlan_zip wlan2_zip zertifikate2 zertifikate3 zertifikate4 prodcert1 prodcert2 prodcert3 prodcert4 prodenv wlan3_zip wlan3 avmzertifikate lrwpan dtb_overlay avm/reboot avm/reboot/info 3Error reading reboot status: %d 3Reboot Status is: %s%s%s%s%s reboot_status Soft-Reboot KCRASH buserror-reboot buserror DOCSIS_LOCAL docsis-local DOCSIS_OPERATOR docsis-operator BOXCHANGE boxchange Softwatchdog-Reboot (c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Software-Watchdog(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Software-Watchdog(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Software-Watchdog NMI-Watchdog-Reset (c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: NMI-Watchdog(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: NMI-Watchdog(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: NMI-Watchdog Short-PowerOff-Reboot (c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Power-On-Reboot(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Power-On-Reboot(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Power-On-Reboot SHORTPOWERCUT short-reboot (c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Temperature-Reboot(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Temperature-Reboot(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Temperature-Reboot TEMPERATURE temperature-reboot Fw-Update (c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Firmware-Update(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Firmware-Update(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Firmware-Update firmware_update FW-Update (c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2015, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot dying-gasp Power-On poweron avm/profile avm/profile/help avm/profile/action avm/profile/perform avm/profile/performlist 6AVM Simple Profiling enabled Version %u.0 kernel_args boot_profiling 3----------------- Attention! - boot-profiling active (need %u mbytes) ! ----------------- trace all entries allext stop tracing backtracing wrap wrap if buffer full codeuart code-trace over gpio (uart-emulation) only skb-trace only spinlock-trace only code-trace only schedule-trace hwirq hardware irqs dirq irqs disable user defined function swirq software irqs timer irqs (hi-)tasklets workitem workqueues tasklet-trigger and user-defined trigger bottom half (sw-irq, tasklets, timer) Code Hw-Irqs Sw-Irqs Timers HiTasklets Workitems TaskletTrg User-Trg Schedule Exception IrqDisable SKBT BIRQ EIRQ BSWI ESWI BTIM ETIM BLET ELET BLHT ELHT BWRK EWRK BFUN EFUN BTLT ETLT BUST EUST BCOD ECOD CDTR BEXC EEXC SCHD IRQD IRQE 3[simple-profiling]:%d performance counters implemented set 0 19 set 1 20 set 2 201 set 3 8 3[simple-profiling]Warning: Performance-Counter ctrl%u Option %u do not exist print all performance-options readconfig start (all CPUs) further params for start: (optional) simple instead roundrobin ... further params for set/start: qtim3 qtim4 qtim5 qtim6 software increment Level 1 instruction cache refill Level 1 instruction TLB refill Level 1 data cache refill Level 1 data cache access Level 1 data TLB refill Data read architecturally executed Data write architecturally executed Instruction architecturally executed Exception taken Exception return architecturally executed Change to ContextID retired Software change of PC Immediate branch architecturally executed Procedure return architecturally executed Unaligned load-store Branch mispredicted/not predicted Cycle Counter Predictable branch speculatively executed Data memory access Level 1 instruction cache access Level 1 data cache write-back Level 2 data cache access Level 2 data cache refill Level 2 data cache write-back Bus access Bus cycle Bus access, read Bus access, write Exception taken, IRQ Exception taken, FIQ External memory request Non-cacheable external memory request Linefill because of prefetch Prefetch linefill dropped Entering read allocate mode Read allocate mode. ETM Ext Out[0]. ETM Ext Out[1]. Data Write stalls pipeline because store buffer full Data snooped from other processor avm_event 3[avm_event_file]%s: register_chrdev_region failed: reason %d! 3[avm_event_file]%s: cdev_alloc failed! 3[avm_event_file]%s: cdev_add failed! convert_message_union_wlan_event_data radar_block_end airtime_push dummy0_INPUT_WPS convert_message_union_avm_event_wlan_client_status_u3 dummy0_INPUT_WPS_ENROLLEE dummy0_INPUT_GREENAP_PS dummy0_INPUT_MWO_INTERFERENCE radar_time dummy0_INPUT_RADAR_DFS_WAIT_PRECAC convert_message_union_avm_event_wlan_client_status_u2 radar_freq dummy0 convert_message_union_avm_event_wlan_client_status_u1 green_ap_ps_state sub_event radar_chan convert_message_union_avm_event_tffs_call_union string_avm_event_telephony_params_name convert_message_union_avm_event_telephony_call_params string_avm_event_telephony_params_msn_name string_avm_event_telephony_params_portname string_avm_event_telephony_params_tam_path convert_message_union_avm_event_powermanagment_remote_union convert_message_union_avm_event_message_union convert_message_union_avm_event_internet_new_ip_param convert_message_union_avm_event_data_union cpmac convert_message_union__avm_event_cmd_param avm_event_cmd_param_source_register convert_message_union___powermanagment_status_union event_id convert_message_struct_wlan_event_def convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_scan_event_info event_type iface convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_scan_common radio_id convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_radio_recovery convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_radar_block_end center_freq convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_radar_block expire_ts_uptime freq_start freq_end radar_type level_dBm convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_client_state_idle convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_client_state_change convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_client_connect_info info_context max_node_count ieee80211_code is_mlo mld_mac convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_client_common convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_channel_change old_chan new_chan primary_freq_kHz convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_channel chanwidth puncture_map interface_id convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_airtime_push timestamp rxc_pct rxf_pct txf_pct cable convert_message_struct_cpmac_port speed100 fullduplex maxspeed convert_message_struct_cpmac_event_struct convert_message_struct_avm_event_wlan_power convert_message_struct_avm_event_wlan_credentials bssid convert_message_struct_avm_event_wlan if_name ev_initiator ev_reason avm_capabilities convert_message_struct_avm_event_user_mode_source_notify evnt_id convert_message_struct_avm_event_unserialised data_len buff_addr convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_write convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_reindex convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_read convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_paniclog convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_open convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_notify mem_offset convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_init max_seg_size fill_level convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_info convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_deinit convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_close convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_cleanup src_id convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs dst_id seq_nr srv_handle clt_handle convert_message_struct_avm_event_temperature convert_message_struct_avm_event_telephony_string convert_message_struct_avm_event_telephony_missed_call convert_message_struct_avm_event_telefonprofile convert_message_struct_avm_event_telefon_up convert_message_struct_avm_event_source_unregister convert_message_struct_avm_event_source_register convert_message_struct_avm_event_source_notifier convert_message_struct_avm_event_smarthome_switch_status ain_length convert_message_struct_avm_event_smarthome ident payload convert_message_struct_avm_event_rpc convert_message_struct_avm_event_remotewatchdog convert_message_struct_avm_event_remotepcmlink sharedlen sharedpointer convert_message_struct_avm_event_remote_source_trigger_request convert_message_struct_avm_event_push_button substatus convert_message_struct_avm_event_powermanagment_status convert_message_struct_avm_event_powermanagment_remote_ressourceinfo power_rate remote_action convert_message_struct_avm_event_powermanagment_remote convert_message_struct_avm_event_powerline_status reserved1 convert_message_struct_avm_event_pm_info_stat rate_sumact rate_sumcum rate_systemact rate_systemcum system_status rate_dspact rate_dspcum rate_wlanact rate_wlancum wlan_devices wlan_status rate_ethact rate_ethcum eth_status rate_abact rate_abcum isdn_status rate_dectact rate_dectcum rate_battchargeact rate_battchargecum dect_status rate_usbhostact rate_usbhostcum act_temperature min_temperature max_temperature avg_temperature rate_lteact rate_ltecum rate_dvbcact rate_dvbccum rate_plcact rate_plccum convert_message_struct_avm_event_ping convert_message_struct_avm_event_piglet convert_message_struct_avm_event_message nonce transmitter_handle receiver_handle convert_message_struct_avm_event_mass_storage_unmount convert_message_struct_avm_event_mass_storage_mount logtype convert_message_struct_avm_event_log loglen logpointer rebootflag convert_message_struct_avm_event_led_status param_len convert_message_struct_avm_event_led_info param1 param2 gpio_driver_type convert_message_struct_avm_event_internet_new_ip convert_message_struct_avm_event_firmware_update_available version_length fax_receive_mode convert_message_struct_avm_event_fax_status fax_storage_dest dirname_length dirname convert_message_struct_avm_event_fax_file convert_message_struct_avm_event_data cputype convert_message_struct_avm_event_cpu_run convert_message_struct_avm_event_cpu_idle dsl_dsp_idle voice_dsp_idle mem_strictlyused mem_cacheused mem_physfree convert_message_struct_avm_event_checkpoint checkpoints convert_message_struct_avm_event_boykott convert_message_struct_avm_event_ambient_brightness maxvalue convert_message_struct__cpmac_event_struct convert_message_struct__avm_event_wlan convert_message_struct__avm_event_user_mode_source_notify convert_message_struct__avm_event_temperature convert_message_struct__avm_event_telephony_missed_call_params convert_message_struct__avm_event_telephony_missed_call convert_message_struct__avm_event_telefonprofile convert_message_struct__avm_event_smarthome_switch_status convert_message_struct__avm_event_smarthome convert_message_struct__avm_event_rpc convert_message_struct__avm_event_remotewatchdog convert_message_struct__avm_event_remotepcmlink convert_message_struct__avm_event_push_button convert_message_struct__avm_event_powermanagment_status convert_message_struct__avm_event_powermanagment_remote_ressourceinfo convert_message_struct__avm_event_powermanagment_remote convert_message_struct__avm_event_powerline_status convert_message_struct__avm_event_pm_info_stat convert_message_struct__avm_event_piglet convert_message_struct__avm_event_mass_storage_unmount convert_message_struct__avm_event_mass_storage_mount convert_message_struct__avm_event_log convert_message_struct__avm_event_led_status convert_message_struct__avm_event_led_info convert_message_struct__avm_event_internet_new_ip convert_message_struct__avm_event_id_mask convert_message_struct__avm_event_header convert_message_struct__avm_event_firmware_update_available convert_message_struct__avm_event_fax_status convert_message_struct__avm_event_fax_file convert_message_struct__avm_event_cpu_run convert_message_struct__avm_event_cpu_idle convert_message_struct__avm_event_cmd_param_trigger convert_message_struct__avm_event_cmd_param_source_trigger data_length convert_message_struct__avm_event_cmd_param_release convert_message_struct__avm_event_cmd_param_register convert_message_struct__avm_event_cmd convert_message_struct__avm_event_checkpoint convert_message_struct__avm_event_ambient_brightness WLAN_SM_STATE_IDLE WLAN_SM_STATE_AUTH_KEY WLAN_SM_STATE_AUTHENTICATED WLAN_SM_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ASS_RES WLAN_SM_STATE_ASSOCIATED WLAN_SM_STATE_AUTHORIZED WLAN_SM_STATE_DEAUTHENTICATE WLAN_SM_NUM_STATES STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_FAILURE STATUS_TIMEOUT STATUS_WPS_START STATUS_WPS_DISCOVERY STATUS_WPS_OVERLAP STATUS_WPS_STOP WLAN_EVENT_RADARTYPE_UNKNOWN WLAN_EVENT_RADARTYPE_ETSI_1 WLAN_EVENT_RADARTYPE_ETSI_2 WLAN_EVENT_RADARTYPE_ETSI_3 WLAN_EVENT_RADARTYPE_ETSI_4 WLAN_EVENT_RADARTYPE_ETSI_5 WLAN_EVENT_RADARTYPE_ETSI_6 CLIENT_STATE_CHANGE CLIENT_CONNECT_INFO WLAN_EVENT_SCAN CLIENT_STATE_IDLE WLAN_RADIO_RECOVERY WLAN_CHAN_CHANGE WLAN_RADAR_BLOCK WLAN_RADAR_BLOCK_END WLAN_AIRTIME_PUSH WLAN_EVENT_CW_INVALID WLAN_EVENT_CW_20MHZ WLAN_EVENT_CW_40MHZ_PLUS WLAN_EVENT_CW_40MHZ_MINUS WLAN_EVENT_CW_80MHZ WLAN_EVENT_CW_160MHZ WLAN_EVENT_CW_165MHZ WLAN_EVENT_CW_320MHZ WLAN_CHAN_CHANGE_REASON_UNKNOWN WLAN_CHAN_CHANGE_REASON_INTERFERENCE WLAN_CHAN_CHANGE_REASON_RADAR WLAN_CHAN_CHANGE_REASON_COEXISTENCE FAX_RECEIVE_MODE_OFF FAX_RECEIVE_MODE_MAIL_ONLY FAX_RECEIVE_MODE_STORE_ONLY FAX_RECEIVE_MODE_MAIL_AND_STORE FAX_FILE_EVENT_NEW_FILE FAX_FILE_EVENT_REMOVED_FILE FAX_FILE_EVENT_READ FAX_FILE_EVENT_UNREAD PLCStateRunningNotConnected PLCStateRunningConnected PLCStateNotRunning avm_event_tffs_mode_read avm_event_tffs_mode_write avm_event_tffs_mode_panic avm_event_tffs_notify_clear avm_event_tffs_notify_update avm_event_tffs_notify_reinit avm_event_tffs_call_open avm_event_tffs_call_close avm_event_tffs_call_read avm_event_tffs_call_write avm_event_tffs_call_cleanup avm_event_tffs_call_reindex avm_event_tffs_call_info avm_event_tffs_call_init avm_event_tffs_call_deinit avm_event_tffs_call_notify avm_event_tffs_call_paniclog avm_event_telephony_params_calling avm_event_telephony_params_called avm_event_telephony_params_duration avm_event_telephony_params_port avm_event_telephony_params_id avm_event_source_register_type avm_event_source_unregister_type avm_event_source_notifier_type avm_event_remote_source_trigger_request_type avm_event_ping_type avm_event_tffs_type avm_logical_led_inval avm_logical_led_adsl avm_logical_led_ppp avm_logical_led_lan avm_logical_led_wifi avm_logical_led_usb avm_logical_led_info avm_logical_led_power avm_logical_led_isdn_b1 avm_logical_led_isdn_b2 avm_logical_led_isdn_d avm_logical_led_pots avm_logical_led_sip avm_logical_led_lan1 avm_logical_led_freecall avm_logical_led_error avm_logical_led_traffic avm_logical_led_avmusbwlan avm_logical_led_mwi avm_logical_led_fest_mwi avm_logical_led_last box_firmware fritz_fon_firmware fritz_dect_repeater fritz_plug_switch fritz_hkr INPUT_RADAR_DFS_WAIT command_to_arm command_to_atom reply_to_arm reply_to_atom wdt_register wdt_release wdt_trigger local_panic local_crash remote_panic remote_crash avm_event_push_button_wlan_on_off avm_event_push_button_wlan_wps avm_event_push_button_power_set_factory avm_event_push_button_power_set_factory_kernel avm_event_push_button_dect_paging avm_event_push_button_dect_pairing avm_event_push_button_wlan_standby avm_event_push_button_wlan_wps_station avm_event_push_button_dect_on_off avm_event_push_button_dect_standby avm_event_push_button_power_on_off avm_event_push_button_power_standby avm_event_push_button_power_socket_on_off avm_event_push_button_tools_profiling avm_event_push_button_plc_on_off avm_event_push_button_plc_pairing avm_event_push_button_led_standby avm_event_push_button_2fa_success avm_event_push_button_lte_wakeup avm_event_push_button_plc_pairing_off avm_event_push_button_wlan_wps_off avm_event_push_button_dect_pairing_off avm_event_push_button_nexus_pairing_off avm_event_push_button_nexus_pairing avm_event_push_button_wlan_wps_station_off avm_event_push_button_nexus_pairing_box avm_event_push_button_wlan_sta_wps_no_connect avm_event_push_button_wlan_sta_wps_no_connect_off avm_event_push_button_connect_methode1 avm_event_push_button_connect_methode2 avm_event_push_button_connect_methode3 avm_event_push_button_connect_methode4 avm_event_push_button_connect_methode5 avm_event_push_button_connect_methode6 avm_event_push_button_connect_off avm_event_push_button_connect_timeout avm_event_push_button_connect_error avm_event_push_button_connect_success avm_event_push_button_connect_started avm_event_push_button_lan_pairing avm_event_push_button_lan_pairing_off avm_event_push_button_lrwpan_pairing avm_event_push_button_lrwpan_pairing_off avm_event_push_button_last avm_event_id_wlan_client_status avm_event_id_wlan_event avm_event_id_wlan_power avm_event_id_autoprov avm_event_id_usb_status avm_event_id_dsl_get_arch_kernel avm_event_id_dsl_set_arch avm_event_id_dsl_get_arch avm_event_id_dsl_set avm_event_id_dsl_get avm_event_id_dsl_status avm_event_id_dsl_connect_status avm_event_id_push_button avm_event_id_telefon_wlan_command avm_event_id_capiotcp_startstop avm_event_id_telefon_up avm_event_id_reboot_req avm_event_id_appl_status avm_event_id_led_status avm_event_id_led_info avm_event_id_telefonprofile avm_event_id_temperature avm_event_id_cpu_idle avm_event_id_powermanagment_status avm_event_id_powerline_status avm_event_id_ethernet_connect_status avm_event_id_powermanagment_remote avm_event_id_log avm_event_id_remotewatchdog avm_event_id_rpc avm_event_id_remotepcmlink avm_event_id_piglet avm_event_id_pm_ressourceinfo_status avm_event_id_telephony_missed_call avm_event_id_telephony_tam_call avm_event_id_telephony_fax_received avm_event_id_internet_new_ip avm_event_id_firmware_update_available avm_event_id_smarthome_switch_status avm_event_id_telephony_incoming_call avm_event_id_mass_storage_mount avm_event_id_mass_storage_unmount avm_event_id_checkpoint avm_event_id_cpu_run avm_event_id_ambient_brightness avm_event_id_fax_status_change avm_event_id_fax_file avm_event_id_telephony_call_finished avm_event_id_smarthome avm_event_id_fiber_set_arch avm_event_id_fiber_get_arch avm_event_id_user_source_notify avm_event_id_telephony_outgoing_call avm_event_last avm_event_ethernet_speed_no_link avm_event_ethernet_speed_10M avm_event_ethernet_speed_100M avm_event_ethernet_speed_1G avm_event_ethernet_speed_2_5G avm_event_ethernet_speed_5G avm_event_ethernet_speed_10G avm_event_ethernet_speed_error avm_event_ethernet_speed_items avm_event_cmd_register avm_event_cmd_release avm_event_cmd_source_register avm_event_cmd_source_release avm_event_cmd_source_trigger avm_event_cmd_trigger avm_event_cmd_undef 6AVM_WATCHDOG: Watchdog Driver for AR7 Hardware (Version %s) 3hw+sw watchdog disabled 3sw watchdog disabled 3[avmwdt] register_chrdev_region failed: reason %d! 3[avmwdt]%s: cdev_alloc failed! 3[avmwdt]%s: cdev_add failed! 3watchdog was disabled init-start init-done 3[qcom_wdt] ERROR: failed mapping of ps hold register 3[qcom_wdt] ERROR: failed to register early restart handler qcom,kpss-wdt-ipq avmwdt /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/watchdog/hw_qcom.c internal avm,fw-info buildnumber buildtype builddirty module-sizes [fw-info] Could not allocate memory for module sizes core-size core-symbols all-symbols 3[fw-info] Version %s buildnr=%s buildtype=%d%s%s 3[fw-info] error: no buildnumber exists - Version %s 3[module-mem] Page %ld: %08x is not reserved: %08lx avm/module avm/module/allocated avm/module/reserved avm/module/sizes modulemem 3[module-mem] Invalid modulemem param: %s 6[module-mem] No module information available 3[module-mem] Cannot allocate module memory space AVM Module Mem 3[module-mem] Could not claim resource 6[module-mem] Use 0x%08lx-0x%08lx (mapped at %p-%p) for %u modules 3[module-mem] module memory exhausted. 6[module-mem] Using whitelist, set default strict_mode=%d module_mem unable to get major %d for memory devs urandom poolsize entropy_avail read_wakeup_threshold write_wakeup_threshold urandom_min_reseed_secs boot_id uuid nonblocking unable to get major %d for misc devices rng_available rng_current hw_random fops /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/tffs/fops.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/tffs/core.c intern /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/tffs/intern.c urlader environment firmware_version annex nand_noob 3tffs/panic: %s can't proc_create(%s) avm/user.log avm/crash.log avm/log_cr user2 panic2 crash2 avm/log_sd avm_net_device 3avm_net_trace: register_chrdev failed avm_net_trace0 6avm_net_trace: Up and running. component /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/bus.c drivers_autoprobe drivers_probe unbind syscore 4%s: unable to parse %s parameter 4%s: unable to probe %s early. platform /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/platform.c Failed to register CPU subsystem kernel_max possible topology core_siblings_list core_siblings thread_siblings_list thread_siblings core_id physical_package_id 3%s() failed: %d container rev-mii rmii rgmii rgmii-id rgmii-rxid rgmii-txid rtbi smii xgmii moca qsgmii 3error populating cacheinfo..cpu%d physical_line_partition shared_cpu_list shared_cpu_map write_policy allocation_policy number_of_sets ways_of_associativity coherency_line_size 3devtmpfs: unable to register devtmpfs type %i kdevtmpfs 3devtmpfs: unable to create devtmpfs %i 6devtmpfs: initialized cma: %s(%s) reusable no-map 3Reserved memory: incorrect alignment of CMA region 3Reserved memory: unable to setup CMA region linux,cma-default 6Reserved memory: created CMA memory pool at %pa, size %ld MiB cma: %s(limit %08lx) cma: %s: reserving %ld MiB for global area dma_contiguous /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/dma-contiguous.c wakeup_last_time_ms wakeup_max_time_ms wakeup_total_time_ms wakeup_active wakeup_expire_count wakeup_abort_count wakeup_active_count pm_qos_remote_wakeup pm_qos_no_power_off pm_qos_latency_tolerance_us pm_qos_resume_latency_us autosuspend_delay_ms runtime_status runtime_suspended_time runtime_active_time /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/power/main.c wakeup_sources clock_ops /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/power/clock_ops.c 3Reserved memory: regions without no-map are not yet supported 6Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at %pa, size %ld MiB firmware_class /lib/firmware/updates/4.4.271 /lib/firmware/updates /lib/firmware/4.4.271 /lib/firmware regmap_core /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/regmap/regcache-lzo.c flat /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/base/pinctrl.c ramdisk 6brd: module unloaded 6brd: max_part can't be larger than %d, reset max_part = %d. 6brd: module loaded 6brd: module NOT loaded !!! 3zram: Unable to register zram-control class 3zram: Unable to get major number zram-control hot_add hot_remove comp_algorithm max_comp_streams disksize compact mm_stat io_stat fw_auth /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/misc/fw_auth.c qcom_rpm fw_version pmic-spmi qcom_spmi_pmic /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mfd/qcom-spmi-pmic.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mfd/syscon.c &db_list.lock dma_buf bufinfo dma_buf: debugfs: failed to create node bufinfo reservation_ww_class_acquire reservation_ww_class_mutex 5SCSI subsystem initialized 3SCSI subsystem failed to initialize, error = %d scsi_cmd_cache(DMA) scsi_sense_cache(DMA) scsi_cmd_cache scsi_sense_cache scsi_host scsi_data_buffer 3SCSI: can't init scsi sdb cache 3SCSI: can't init sg slab %s 3SCSI: can't init sg mempool %s sgpool-8 sgpool-16 sgpool-32 sgpool-64 sgpool-128 Direct-Access Sequential-Access Printer Processor WORM CD-ROM Scanner Optical Device Medium Changer Communications ASC IT8 RAID Enclosure Direct-Access-RBC Optical card Bridge controller Object storage Automation/Drive Security Manager Direct-Access-ZBC scsi_target queue_ramp_up_period queue_depth evt_lun_change_reported evt_mode_parameter_change_reported evt_soft_threshold_reached evt_capacity_change_reported evt_inquiry_change_reported evt_media_change ioerr_cnt iodone_cnt iorequest_cnt iocounterbits inquiry vpd_pg80 vpd_pg83 queue_type delete eh_timeout device_blocked device_busy scsi_level scsi_device host_busy proc_name prot_guard_type prot_capabilities unchecked_isa_dma sg_prot_tablesize sg_tablesize can_queue cmd_per_lun unique_id use_blk_mq eh_deadline host_reset active_mode supported_mode cancel cancel/recovery deleted/recovery quiesce transport-offline created-blocked Aashima IMAGERY 2400SP 1.03 CHINON CD-ROM CDS-431 CD-ROM CDS-535 DENON DRD-25X HITACHI DK312C CM81 DK314C CR21 2104-DU3 2104-TU3 CDD521/10 2.06 MAXTOR XT-3280 PR02 XT-4380S MXT-1240S I1.2 XT-4170S XT-8760S MEDIAVIS RENO CD-ROMX2A 2.03 MICROTEK ScanMakerIII 2.30 CD-ROM DRIVE:841 PHILIPS PCA80SC V4-2 RODIME RO3000S 2.33 SENA SANYO CRD-250S 1.20 SEAGATE ST157N ST296 ST1581 6538 SONY CD-ROM CDU-541 4.3d CD-ROM CDU-55S 1.0i CD-ROM CDU-561 1.7x CD-ROM CDU-8012 SDT-5000 3.17 TANDBERG TDC 3600 TEAC CD-R55S 1.0H 1.06 MT-2ST/45S2-27 RV M C1750A 3226 C1790A C2500A CDR-H93MV 1.31 ScanMaker II 5.61 MITSUMI CD-R CR-2201CS 6119 D3856 0009 QUANTUM LPS525S 3110 PD1225S FIREBALL ST4.3S 0F0C RELISYS Scorpio SANKYO CP525 6.64 TEXEL transtec T5008 0001 YAMAHA CDR100 1.00 CDR102 CRW8424S CRW6416S 1.0c Scanner 1.80 3PARdata ADAPTEC AACRAID Adaptec 5400S AFT PRO -IX CF 0.0> BELKIN USB 2 HS-CF 1.95 BROWNIE 1200U3P 1600U3P CANON IPUBJD CBOX3 USB Storage-SMC 300A CRA-7280 CNSI G7324 CNSi G8324 COMPAQ ARRAY CONTROLLER LOGICAL VOLUME CR3500 MSA1000 MSA1000 VOLUME HSV110 SAN DataDirector HSG80 DELL PV660F PV660F PSEUDO PSEUDO DEVICE . PV530F PERCRAID DISK Invista SYMMETRIX EMULEX MD21/S2 ESDI easyRAID CentricStor Generic USB SD Reader 0180 0207 DF400 DF500 DISK-SUBSYSTEM HUS1530 OPEN- OP-C- 3380- 3390- 6586- 6588- A6189A NetRAID-4M HSV100 C1557A C3323-300 4269 C5713A DF600 AuSaV1S2 ProFibre 4000R 2105 iomega jaz 1GB J.86 IOMEGA Io20S *F INSITE Floptical F*8I I325VM Intel Multi-Flex iRiver iFP Mass Driver LASOUND CDX7405 3.10 Marvell Console MATSHITA PD-1 DMC-LC5 DMC-LC40 Medion Flash XL MMC/SD 2.6D MegaRAID MICROP 4110 MSFT Virtual HD MYLEX DACARMRB nCipher Fastness Crypto NAKAMICH MJ-4.8S MJ-5.16S PD-1 ODX654P iStorage MBR-7 MBR-7.4 PIONEER CD-ROM DRM-600 CD-ROM DRM-602X CD-ROM DRM-604X CD-ROM DRM-624X Promise VTrak E610f QEMU QEMU CD-ROM QNAP iSCSI Storage SYNOLOGY XP34301 1071 REGAL CDC-4X SanDisk ImageMate CF-SD1 ST34555N 0930 ST3390N 9546 ST900MM0006 RAID3 RAID5 TP9100 Universal Xport SMSC CD-ROM CDU-8001 ST650211 T300 Tornado- TOSHIBA CDROM Traxdata CDR4120 USB2.0 SMARTMEDIA/XD WangDAT Model 2600 01.7 Model 3200 02.2 Model 1300 02.4 WDC WD25 00JB-00FUA0 XYRATEX Zzyzx RocketStor 500S RocketStor 2000 logging_level scsi/scsi scsi_mod /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/scsi/scsi_pm.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/spi/spi.c spi_master transfer_bytes_histo_65536+ transfer_bytes_histo_32768-65535 transfer_bytes_histo_16384-32767 transfer_bytes_histo_8192-16383 transfer_bytes_histo_4096-8191 transfer_bytes_histo_2048-4095 transfer_bytes_histo_1024-2047 transfer_bytes_histo_512-1023 transfer_bytes_histo_256-511 transfer_bytes_histo_128-255 transfer_bytes_histo_64-127 transfer_bytes_histo_32-63 transfer_bytes_histo_16-31 transfer_bytes_histo_8-15 transfer_bytes_histo_4-7 transfer_bytes_histo_2-3 transfer_bytes_histo_0-1 bytes_tx bytes_rx spi_async spi_sync_immediate spi_sync transfers spi_qup /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/spi/spi-qup.c 3Error registering mtd class or bdi: %d avm/mtd_bbt absent dataflash mlc-nand bbt_blocks bad_blocks ecc_failures corrected_bits ecc_step_size bitflip_threshold ecc_strength numeraseregions oobsize subpagesize writesize erasesize /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/mtdsuper.c cmdlinepart ofpart 3Can't allocate major number %d for MTD /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/mtdchar.c squashfs-split fit-fw mtdsplit_fit /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/mtdsplit/mtdsplit_fit.c ofoldpart /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ofpart.c 3mtd: Too many mtdparts_ext arguments, discarding arg "%s" mtdblock /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/mtdblock.c map_ram of-flash physmap_of /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/maps/physmap_of.c RedBoot 3%s: too many mtdram or mtdram1 parameter! 3%s: ignoring mtdram '%s' with end address before start address update-image.0 3%s: creating mtdram '%s' (phys %pap@%pap) 3%s: mtdram '%s': failed to remap memory 3%s: mtdram '%s': failed to probe for map_ram 3%s: mtdram '%s': failed to register mtd device 3%s: mtd device '%s' registered successful 3%s: failed to create mtdram '%s' 3%s: Error reserving memory for mtdram %s: %d 6Reserved %pa bytes at %pa for mtdram "%s" m25p80 /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/devices/m25p80.c nand-disk Toshiba Samsung Fujitsu National Renesas ST Micro Hynix Micron AMD/Spansion Macronix GigaDevice Winbond Fidelix TC58NVG0S3HTA00 1G 3.3V 8-bit TC58NVG0S3E 1G 3.3V 8-bit TC58NYG0S3HBAI4 1.8V 1Gbit TH58NYG2S3HBAI4 1.8V 8-bit TC58NVG2S0F 4G 3.3V 8-bit TC58NVG3S0F 8G 3.3V 8-bit TC58NVG5D2 32G 3.3V 8-bit TC58NVG6D2 64G 3.3V 8-bit SDTNRGAMA 64G 3.3V 8-bit H27UCG8T2ATR-BC 64G 3.3V 8-bit TH58NYG3S0H 8G 1.8V 8-bit NAND 4MiB 5V 8-bit NAND 4MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 8MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 16MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 16MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 16MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 16MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 32MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 32MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 32MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 32MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 64MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 64MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 64MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 64MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 128MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 128MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 128MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 256MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 256MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 256MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 512MiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 512MiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 512MiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 512MiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 1GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 1GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 1GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 1GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 2GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 2GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 2GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 2GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 4GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 4GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 4GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 4GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 8GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 8GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 8GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 8GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 16GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 16GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 16GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 16GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 32GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 32GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 32GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 32GiB 3,3V 16-bit NAND 64GiB 1,8V 8-bit NAND 64GiB 3,3V 8-bit NAND 64GiB 1,8V 16-bit NAND 64GiB 3,3V 16-bit qcom-nandc boot_layout qcom_nandc firmware_info recovered=2 [%s] entered rootfs_ram rootfs_spi 6[%s] %s (%s) will be used as root device nand-tffs [%s] tffs3 on MTD %s [%s] UBI on MTD %s [%s] box recovered - %s [%s] mtd "%s" is not handled by me. 5mtd: device %d (%s) set to be root filesystem avm_mtd /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/avm/avm_mtd.c avm_filesys_0 reserved-filesystem avm_filesys_1 avm_config avm_userdata nand-filesystem spi_nor /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/spi-nor/spi-nor.c at25fs010 at25fs040 at25df041a at25df321a at25df641 at26f004 at26df081a at26df161a at26df321 at45db081d en25f32 en25p32 en25q32b en25p64 en25q64 en25qh128 en25qh256 en25s64 f25l32pa mr25h256 mr25h10 mb85rs1mt md25d40 gd25d20 gd25d40 gd25q16 gd25q32 gd25lq32 gd25q64 gd25q128 gd25q256 gd25lb256e gd25lb128d 160s33b 320s33b 640s33b is25cd512 is25wp032 is25wp064 is25wp128 mx25l512e mx25l2005a mx25l4005a mx25l8005 mx25l1606e mx25l3205d mx25l3255e mx25l6405d mx25u25635f mx25u3235f mx25u6435f mx25u12835f mx25l12805d mx25l12855e mx25l25635e mx25l25655e mx66l51235l mx66l1g55g mx66u1g45gm mx25u51245g n25q032 n25q032a n25q064 n25q064a n25q128a11 n25q128a13 n25q256a n25q512a n25q512ax3 n25q00 pm25lv512 pm25lv010 pm25lq032 s25sl032p s25sl064p s25fl256s0 s25fl256s1 s25fl512s s70fl01gs s25sl12800 s25sl12801 s25fl128s s25fl129p0 s25fl129p1 s25sl004a s25sl008a s25sl016a s25sl032a s25sl064a s25fl004k s25fl008k s25fl016k s25fl064k s25fl132k s25fl164k s25fl204k sst25vf040b sst25vf080b sst25vf016b sst25vf032b sst25vf064c sst25wf512 sst25wf010 sst25wf020 sst25wf020a sst25wf040b sst25wf040 sst25wf080 m25p05 m25p10 m25p20 m25p40 m25p16 m25p32 m25p64 m25p128 m25q256a m25p05-nonjedec m25p10-nonjedec m25p20-nonjedec m25p40-nonjedec m25p80-nonjedec m25p16-nonjedec m25p32-nonjedec m25p64-nonjedec m25p128-nonjedec m45pe10 m45pe80 m45pe16 m25pe20 m25pe80 m25pe16 m25px16 m25px32 m25px32-s0 m25px32-s1 m25px64 m25px80 w25x05 w25x10 w25x20 w25x40 w25x80 w25x16 w25x32 w25q32 w25q32dw w25x64 w25q64 w25q64dw w25q128fw w25q256jw w25q80 w25q80bl w25q128 w25q256 cat25c11 cat25c03 cat25c09 cat25c17 cat25128 /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ubi/vmt.c upd_marker data_bytes usable_eb_size reserved_ebs /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ubi/upd.c 3UBI error: too many parameters, max. is %d 3UBI error: parameter "%s" is too long, max. is %d 4UBI warning: empty 'mtd=' parameter - ignored 3UBI error: too many arguments at "%s" 3UBI error: incorrect bytes count: "%s" 3UBI error: bad value for max_beb_per1024 parameter: %s 3UBI error: bad value for ubi_num parameter: %s 3UBI error: too many MTD devices, maximum is %d 3UBI error: cannot register device ubi_wl_entry_slab 3UBI error: cannot open mtd %s, error %d 3UBI error: cannot attach mtd%d UBI# 3UBI error: no valid UBI magic found inside mtd%d 5UBI: auto-attach mtd%d 3UBI error: block: cannot initialize, error %d 3UBI error: cannot initialize UBI, error %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ubi/build.c mtd_num bgt_enabled min_io_size max_vol_count bad_peb_count reserved_for_bad max_ec volumes_count total_eraseblocks avail_eraseblocks eraseblock_size ubi_ctrl /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ubi/cdev.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ubi/kapi.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ubi/eba.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ubi/io.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mtd/ubi/wl.c 4UBI: block: empty 'block=' parameter - ignored 3UBI: block: parameter "%s" is too long, max. is %d ubiblock 3UBI: block: can't open volume on ubi%d_%d, err=%ld 3UBI: block: can't add '%s' volume on ubi%d_%d, err=%d 3UBI error: block: can't add '%s' volume, err=%d 3gluebi (pid %d): %s: error %d while removing gluebi MTD device %d, UBI device %d, volume %d - ignoring spmi_pmic_arb /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/spmi/spmi-pmic-arb.c Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011) going down going back load balancing (round-robin) fault-tolerance (active-backup) load balancing (xor) fault-tolerance (broadcast) IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation transmit load balancing adaptive load balancing layer 2 destination address map bonding /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/bonding/bond_3ad.c l2da_multimac l2da_opts l2da_table l2da_default_slave ad_user_port_key ad_actor_system ad_actor_sys_prio packets_per_slave tlb_dynamic_lb lp_interval resend_igmp all_slaves_active queue_id ad_partner_mac ad_partner_key ad_actor_key ad_num_ports ad_aggregator mii_status active_slave use_carrier primary_reselect primary num_unsol_na num_grat_arp ad_select min_links lacp_rate updelay downdelay arp_ip_target arp_interval fail_over_mac arp_all_targets arp_validate xmit_hash_policy ad_partner_oper_port_state ad_actor_oper_port_state ad_aggregator_id perm_hwaddr link_failure_count bond device mode Packets to send per slave in RR mode balance-xor, 802.3ad, and tlb hashing method validate src/dst of ARP probes fail on any/all arp targets timeout For active-backup, do not set all slaves to the same MAC arp interval in milliseconds arp targets in n.n.n.n form Delay before considering link down, in milliseconds Delay before considering link up, in milliseconds LACPDU tx rate to request from 802.3ad partner Minimum number of available links before turning on carrier 803.ad aggregation selection logic Number of peer notifications to send on failover event Link check interval in milliseconds Primary network device to use Reselect primary slave once it comes up Use netif_carrier_ok (vs MII ioctls) in miimon Currently active slave Set queue id of a slave Keep all frames received on an interface by setting active flag for all slaves Number of IGMP membership reports to send on link failure The number of seconds between instances where the bonding driver sends learning packets to each slave's peer switch Slave membership management Enable dynamic flow shuffling Keeps MAC addresses of slaves in L2DA mode minval maxval always better follow filter_active filter_backup layer2 layer3+4 layer2+3 encap2+3 encap3+4 balance-rr active-backup balance-xor 802.3ad balance-tlb balance-alb l2da monitoring churned STARTING RUNNING NOLINK FORCING CHANGELINK HALTED RESUMING libphy /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/phy/phy.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/phy/phy_device.c Generic PHY Generic 10G PHY mdio_bus phy_has_fixups phy_id swconfig read/write value of switch register(debug use only) VLAN port mapping Primary VLAN ID Get port link information apply Activate changes in the hardware Reset the switch Aquantia AQ1202 Aquantia AQ2104 Aquantia AQR105 Aquantia AQR405 Aquantia AQR107 Aquantia AQR108 Aquantia AQR109 Aquantia AQR111 Aquantia AQR111B0 Aquantia AQR112 Aquantia AQR113C Aquantia AQR112C Fixed MDIO bus fixed-0 Fixed MDIO Bus Atheros 8035 ethernet Atheros 8030 ethernet Atheros 8031/8033 ethernet at803x /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/phy/at803x.c qca-mdio Universal TUN/TAP device driver 6tun: %s, %s (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky 6tun: %s 3tun: Can't register link_ops 3tun: Can't register misc device %d net/tun tun_flags 3PPP: removing module but units remain! 6PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 3failed to register PPP pernet device (%d) 3failed to register PPP device (%d) 6PPTP driver version 0.8.5 3PPTP: can't add gre protocol 3PPTP: can't register sk_proto 3PPTP: can't register pppox_proto DEFAULT LINK_DOWN SERVER_ARRIVE SERVER_EXIT REQUEST_MEM FW_MEM_READY FW_READY COLD_BOOT_CAL_START COLD_BOOT_CAL_DONE UNREGISTER_DRIVER FORCE_FW_ASSERT POWER_UP POWER_DOWN IDLE_RESTART IDLE_SHUTDOWN QDSS_TRACE_REQ_MEM QDSS_TRACE_SAVE QDSS_TRACE_FREE M3_DUMP_UPLOAD_REQ EVENT_MAX cnss2 fs_ready DEINIT POWER_ON FORCE_POWER_OFF SUSPEND TRIGGER_RDDM RDDM_DONE cnss_pci QDSSCSR_ETRIRQCTRL QDSSCSR_PRESERVEETF QDSSCSR_PRESERVEETR0 QDSSCSR_PRESERVEETR1 GXI_ERR_INTS GXI_ERR_STATS GXI_WDOG_STATUS TARGET_IE_0 TARGET_IE_1 DEST_RING_BASE_LSB DEST_RING_BASE_MSB DEST_RING_ID DEST_RING_MISC DEST_CTRL CE_CH_DST_IS CE_CH_DEST_CTRL2 DEST_RING_HP DEST_RING_TP STATUS_RING_BASE_LSB STATUS_RING_BASE_MSB STATUS_RING_ID STATUS_RING_MISC STATUS_RING_HP STATUS_RING_TP SRC_RING_BASE_LSB SRC_RING_BASE_MSB SRC_RING_ID SRC_RING_MISC SRC_CTRL SRC_R0_CE_CH_SRC_IS SRC_RING_HP SRC_RING_TP qcn6122/ IPQ5018/ IPQ6018/ MISSION EPPING WALTEST CCPM QVIT FTM COLDBOOT CALIBRATION /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/wireless/cnss2/bus.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/net/wireless/cnss2/genl.c 6%s: USB support disabled usbcore /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/core/usb.c usb_device amber green -iso -bulk -intr interface_authorized_default /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/core/message.c usb_interface /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/core/driver.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/core/config.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/core/file.c authorized supports_autosuspend bInterfaceProtocol bInterfaceSubClass bInterfaceClass bNumEndpoints bAlternateSetting bInterfaceNumber iad_bFunctionProtocol iad_bFunctionSubClass iad_bFunctionClass iad_bInterfaceCount iad_bFirstInterface noprobe bMaxPacketSize0 bNumConfigurations bDeviceProtocol bDeviceSubClass bDeviceClass bcdDevice idProduct idVendor usb3_hardware_lpm_u2 usb3_hardware_lpm_u1 usb2_lpm_besl usb2_lpm_l1_timeout usb2_hardware_lpm active_duration connected_duration persist ltm_capable urbnum avoid_reset_quirk maxchild devpath devnum busnum manufacturer product bConfigurationValue bMaxPower bmAttributes bNumInterfaces Control Isoc Bulk Interrupt usb_endpoint wMaxPacketSize bInterval bEndpointAddress bLength 3Unable to register minors for usb_device 3Unable to get usb_device major %d isoc /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/core/devio.c usbfs /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/core/generic.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/core/quirks.c >ifc comm. still print stor. c-sec video wlcon app. vend. unk. hardwired not used usb_port connect_type /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/core/hcd-pci.c utmi utmi_wide ulpi hsic phy_msm_qusb msm-usb-ssphy-qmp phy_msm_ssusb_qmp /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/phy/phy-msm-ssusb-qmp.c GSBUSCFG0 GSBUSCFG1 GTXTHRCFG GRXTHRCFG GCTL GEVTEN GSTS GSNPSID GGPIO GUID GUCTL GBUSERRADDR0 GBUSERRADDR1 GPRTBIMAP0 GPRTBIMAP1 GHWPARAMS0 GHWPARAMS1 GHWPARAMS2 GHWPARAMS3 GHWPARAMS4 GHWPARAMS5 GHWPARAMS6 GHWPARAMS7 GDBGFIFOSPACE GDBGLTSSM GPRTBIMAP_HS0 GPRTBIMAP_HS1 GPRTBIMAP_FS0 GPRTBIMAP_FS1 GUSB2PHYCFG(0) GUSB2PHYCFG(1) GUSB2PHYCFG(2) GUSB2PHYCFG(3) GUSB2PHYCFG(4) GUSB2PHYCFG(5) GUSB2PHYCFG(6) GUSB2PHYCFG(7) GUSB2PHYCFG(8) GUSB2PHYCFG(9) GUSB2PHYCFG(10) GUSB2PHYCFG(11) GUSB2PHYCFG(12) GUSB2PHYCFG(13) GUSB2PHYCFG(14) GUSB2PHYCFG(15) GUSB2I2CCTL(0) GUSB2I2CCTL(1) GUSB2I2CCTL(2) GUSB2I2CCTL(3) GUSB2I2CCTL(4) GUSB2I2CCTL(5) GUSB2I2CCTL(6) GUSB2I2CCTL(7) GUSB2I2CCTL(8) GUSB2I2CCTL(9) GUSB2I2CCTL(10) GUSB2I2CCTL(11) GUSB2I2CCTL(12) GUSB2I2CCTL(13) GUSB2I2CCTL(14) GUSB2I2CCTL(15) GUSB2PHYACC(0) GUSB2PHYACC(1) GUSB2PHYACC(2) GUSB2PHYACC(3) GUSB2PHYACC(4) GUSB2PHYACC(5) GUSB2PHYACC(6) GUSB2PHYACC(7) GUSB2PHYACC(8) GUSB2PHYACC(9) GUSB2PHYACC(10) GUSB2PHYACC(11) GUSB2PHYACC(12) GUSB2PHYACC(13) GUSB2PHYACC(14) GUSB2PHYACC(15) GUSB3PIPECTL(0) GUSB3PIPECTL(1) GUSB3PIPECTL(2) GUSB3PIPECTL(3) GUSB3PIPECTL(4) GUSB3PIPECTL(5) GUSB3PIPECTL(6) GUSB3PIPECTL(7) GUSB3PIPECTL(8) GUSB3PIPECTL(9) GUSB3PIPECTL(10) GUSB3PIPECTL(11) GUSB3PIPECTL(12) GUSB3PIPECTL(13) GUSB3PIPECTL(14) GUSB3PIPECTL(15) GTXFIFOSIZ(0) GTXFIFOSIZ(1) GTXFIFOSIZ(2) GTXFIFOSIZ(3) GTXFIFOSIZ(4) GTXFIFOSIZ(5) GTXFIFOSIZ(6) GTXFIFOSIZ(7) GTXFIFOSIZ(8) GTXFIFOSIZ(9) GTXFIFOSIZ(10) GTXFIFOSIZ(11) GTXFIFOSIZ(12) GTXFIFOSIZ(13) GTXFIFOSIZ(14) GTXFIFOSIZ(15) GTXFIFOSIZ(16) GTXFIFOSIZ(17) GTXFIFOSIZ(18) GTXFIFOSIZ(19) GTXFIFOSIZ(20) GTXFIFOSIZ(21) GTXFIFOSIZ(22) GTXFIFOSIZ(23) GTXFIFOSIZ(24) GTXFIFOSIZ(25) GTXFIFOSIZ(26) GTXFIFOSIZ(27) GTXFIFOSIZ(28) GTXFIFOSIZ(29) GTXFIFOSIZ(30) GTXFIFOSIZ(31) GRXFIFOSIZ(0) GRXFIFOSIZ(1) GRXFIFOSIZ(2) GRXFIFOSIZ(3) GRXFIFOSIZ(4) GRXFIFOSIZ(5) GRXFIFOSIZ(6) GRXFIFOSIZ(7) GRXFIFOSIZ(8) GRXFIFOSIZ(9) GRXFIFOSIZ(10) GRXFIFOSIZ(11) GRXFIFOSIZ(12) GRXFIFOSIZ(13) GRXFIFOSIZ(14) GRXFIFOSIZ(15) GRXFIFOSIZ(16) GRXFIFOSIZ(17) GRXFIFOSIZ(18) GRXFIFOSIZ(19) GRXFIFOSIZ(20) GRXFIFOSIZ(21) GRXFIFOSIZ(22) GRXFIFOSIZ(23) GRXFIFOSIZ(24) GRXFIFOSIZ(25) GRXFIFOSIZ(26) GRXFIFOSIZ(27) GRXFIFOSIZ(28) GRXFIFOSIZ(29) GRXFIFOSIZ(30) GRXFIFOSIZ(31) GEVNTADRLO(0) GEVNTADRHI(0) GEVNTSIZ(0) GEVNTCOUNT(0) GHWPARAMS8 DCFG DCTL DEVTEN DSTS DGCMDPAR DGCMD DALEPENA DEPCMDPAR2(0) DEPCMDPAR2(1) DEPCMDPAR2(2) DEPCMDPAR2(3) DEPCMDPAR2(4) DEPCMDPAR2(5) DEPCMDPAR2(6) DEPCMDPAR2(7) DEPCMDPAR2(8) DEPCMDPAR2(9) DEPCMDPAR2(10) DEPCMDPAR2(11) DEPCMDPAR2(12) DEPCMDPAR2(13) DEPCMDPAR2(14) DEPCMDPAR2(15) DEPCMDPAR2(16) DEPCMDPAR2(17) DEPCMDPAR2(18) DEPCMDPAR2(19) DEPCMDPAR2(20) DEPCMDPAR2(21) DEPCMDPAR2(22) DEPCMDPAR2(23) DEPCMDPAR2(24) DEPCMDPAR2(25) DEPCMDPAR2(26) DEPCMDPAR2(27) DEPCMDPAR2(28) DEPCMDPAR2(29) DEPCMDPAR2(30) DEPCMDPAR2(31) DEPCMDPAR1(0) DEPCMDPAR1(1) DEPCMDPAR1(2) DEPCMDPAR1(3) DEPCMDPAR1(4) DEPCMDPAR1(5) DEPCMDPAR1(6) DEPCMDPAR1(7) DEPCMDPAR1(8) DEPCMDPAR1(9) DEPCMDPAR1(10) DEPCMDPAR1(11) DEPCMDPAR1(12) DEPCMDPAR1(13) DEPCMDPAR1(14) DEPCMDPAR1(15) DEPCMDPAR1(16) DEPCMDPAR1(17) DEPCMDPAR1(18) DEPCMDPAR1(19) DEPCMDPAR1(20) DEPCMDPAR1(21) DEPCMDPAR1(22) DEPCMDPAR1(23) DEPCMDPAR1(24) DEPCMDPAR1(25) DEPCMDPAR1(26) DEPCMDPAR1(27) DEPCMDPAR1(28) DEPCMDPAR1(29) DEPCMDPAR1(30) DEPCMDPAR1(31) DEPCMDPAR0(0) DEPCMDPAR0(1) DEPCMDPAR0(2) DEPCMDPAR0(3) DEPCMDPAR0(4) DEPCMDPAR0(5) DEPCMDPAR0(6) DEPCMDPAR0(7) DEPCMDPAR0(8) DEPCMDPAR0(9) DEPCMDPAR0(10) DEPCMDPAR0(11) DEPCMDPAR0(12) DEPCMDPAR0(13) DEPCMDPAR0(14) DEPCMDPAR0(15) DEPCMDPAR0(16) DEPCMDPAR0(17) DEPCMDPAR0(18) DEPCMDPAR0(19) DEPCMDPAR0(20) DEPCMDPAR0(21) DEPCMDPAR0(22) DEPCMDPAR0(23) DEPCMDPAR0(24) DEPCMDPAR0(25) DEPCMDPAR0(26) DEPCMDPAR0(27) DEPCMDPAR0(28) DEPCMDPAR0(29) DEPCMDPAR0(30) DEPCMDPAR0(31) DEPCMD(0) DEPCMD(1) DEPCMD(2) DEPCMD(3) DEPCMD(4) DEPCMD(5) DEPCMD(6) DEPCMD(7) DEPCMD(8) DEPCMD(9) DEPCMD(10) DEPCMD(11) DEPCMD(12) DEPCMD(13) DEPCMD(14) DEPCMD(15) DEPCMD(16) DEPCMD(17) DEPCMD(18) DEPCMD(19) DEPCMD(20) DEPCMD(21) DEPCMD(22) DEPCMD(23) DEPCMD(24) DEPCMD(25) DEPCMD(26) DEPCMD(27) DEPCMD(28) DEPCMD(29) DEPCMD(30) DEPCMD(31) OCFG OCTL OEVT OEVTEN OSTS dwc3-of-simple dwc3_of_simple /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-of-simple.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/dwc3/dbm.c msm-usb-dbm pci_quirks /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/usb/host/pci-quirks.c not attached powered reconnecting unauthenticated addressed suspended b_idle b_srp_init b_peripheral b_wait_acon a_idle a_wait_vrise a_wait_bcon a_host a_suspend a_peripheral a_wait_vfall a_vbus_err low-speed full-speed wireless super-speed super-speed-plus 3input: unable to register input_dev class 3input: unable to register char major %d input_core bustype properties uniq phys /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/input/ff-core.c numlock capslock scrolllock compose kana mute mail evdev rtc0 6hctosys: unable to open rtc device (%s) hctosys: unable to read the hardware clock setting system clock to %d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC (%lld) 3rtc_core: couldn't create class rtc_core /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/rtc/interface.c 3rtc_core: failed to allocate char dev region /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/rtc/rtc-dev.c wakealarm hctosys max_user_freq since_epoch i2c_boardinfo /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/i2c/i2c-boardinfo.c i2c-adapter i2c_core 6i2c /dev entries driver i2c-dev /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/i2c/i2c-dev.c 3%s: Driver Initialisation failed i2c_dev /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-qup.c power_supply System Battery Mains USB_DCP USB_CDP USB_ACA Critical High NiMH Li-ion Li-poly LiFe NiCd LiMn Good Overheat Over voltage Unspecified failure Cold Watchdog timer expire Safety timer expire Trickle Fast Charging Discharging Not charging /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/power/power_supply_sysfs.c charge_type health authentic technology cycle_count voltage_min voltage_max_design voltage_min_design voltage_now voltage_avg voltage_ocv voltage_boot current_now current_avg current_boot power_now power_avg charge_full_design charge_empty_design charge_full charge_empty charge_now charge_avg charge_counter constant_charge_current constant_charge_current_max constant_charge_voltage constant_charge_voltage_max charge_control_limit charge_control_limit_max input_current_limit energy_full_design energy_empty_design energy_full energy_empty energy_now energy_avg capacity capacity_alert_min capacity_alert_max capacity_level temp_max temp_min temp_alert_min temp_alert_max temp_ambient temp_ambient_alert_min temp_ambient_alert_max time_to_empty_now time_to_empty_avg time_to_full_now time_to_full_avg scope charge_term_current calibrate model_name serial_number /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/power/power_supply_leds.c msm-restart 3%s: msm-apm debugfs base directory creation failed apc0-l2-spm apc1-l2-spm apc0-cpu0-spm apc0-cpu1-spm apc1-cpu0-spm apc1-cpu1-spm qcom,msm-apm /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/power/qcom/apm.c 3hwmon: couldn't register hwmon sysfs class hwmon 4thermal_sys: Thermal: Can not register suspend notifier, return %d 4thermal_sys: Thermal: Can not register panic notifier, return %d thermal_sys /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/thermal/thermal_core.c thermal cur_state max_state available_policies slope integral_cutoff k_pu k_po sustainable_power /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/thermal/thermal_hwmon.c 3no thermal zone np polling-delay-passive 3missing polling-delay-passive property polling-delay 3missing polling-delay property coefficients trips 3missing temperature property hysteresis 3missing hysteresis property cooling-maps contribution trip 3missing trip property #cooling-cells cooling-device 3missing cooling_device property 3wrong reference to cooling device, missing limits 3wrong trip type property 3failed to build thermal zone %s: %ld sustainable-power 3Failed to build %s zone %ld critical_high configurable_hi configurable_lo critical_low avm_hot /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/thermal/step_wise.c qcom-tsens qcom_tsens /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/thermal/qcom/tsens-common.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/thermal/qcom/tsens-ipq8064.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/thermal/qcom/tsens-ipq807x.c /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/thermal/qcom/tsens-ipq5018.c kcapi AdditionalInfo B1configuration B1protocol B2configuration B2protocol B3configuration B3protocol BChannelinformation BProtocol CalledPartyNumber CalledPartySubaddress CallingPartyNumber CallingPartySubaddress CIPmask CIPmask2 CIPValue ConnectedNumber ConnectedSubaddress Data32 DataHandle DataLength FacilityConfirmationParameter Facilitydataarray FacilityIndicationParameter FacilityRequestParameter FacilitySelector Flags Function InfoElement InfoMask InfoNumber Keypadfacility ManuData ManuID NCPI Reason Reason_B3 Useruserdata ALERT_REQ DISCONNECT_REQ LISTEN_REQ INFO_REQ FACILITY_REQ SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_REQ DISCONNECT_B3_REQ DATA_B3_REQ RESET_B3_REQ ALERT_CONF DISCONNECT_CONF LISTEN_CONF MANUFACTURER_REQ INFO_CONF FACILITY_CONF SELECT_B_PROTOCOL_CONF DISCONNECT_B3_CONF DATA_B3_CONF RESET_B3_CONF CONNECT_ACTIVE_IND DISCONNECT_IND MANUFACTURER_CONF INFO_IND FACILITY_IND CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_IND DISCONNECT_B3_IND DATA_B3_IND RESET_B3_IND CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_IND CONNECT_ACTIVE_RESP DISCONNECT_RESP MANUFACTURER_IND INFO_RESP FACILITY_RESP CONNECT_B3_ACTIVE_RESP DISCONNECT_B3_RESP DATA_B3_RESP RESET_B3_RESP CONNECT_B3_T90_ACTIVE_RESP MANUFACTURER_RESP capi/controllers capi/controller capi/contrstats capi/applications capi/applstats capi/driver capi_oslib 3[capi_oslib] %s: register_chrdev_region failed: reason %d! 3[capi_oslib] %s: cdev_alloc failed! 3[capi_oslib] %s: cdev_add failed! SOURCE_UNKNOWN SOURCE_PTR_CAPI SOURCE_DEV_CAPI SOURCE_SOCKET_CAPI SOURCE_KERNEL_CAPI SOURCE_ANZAHL /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/isdn/capi_oslib/socket_if.c scaling_setspeed scaling_governor scaling_max_freq scaling_min_freq affected_cpus related_cpus bios_limit scaling_cur_freq scaling_driver scaling_available_governors cpuinfo_transition_latency cpuinfo_max_freq cpuinfo_min_freq cpuinfo_cur_freq scaling_boost_frequencies scaling_available_frequencies freq_table /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/cpufreq/freq_table.c cpufreq_stats /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_stats.c time_in_state total_trans cpufreq_performance /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_performance.c cpufreq_powersave /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_powersave.c cpufreq_userspace ondemand sampling_rate_min powersave_bias ignore_nice_load sampling_down_factor io_is_busy sampling_rate conservative freq_step down_threshold cpufreq-dt cpufreq_dt cpufreq-krait cpufreq_krait /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq-krait.c qcom,krait qcom,pvs qcom,pvs-format-a 4Unable to read efuse data. Defaulting to 0! 4Speed bin: Defaulting to %d 6Speed bin: %d 4PVS bin: Defaulting to %d 6PVS bin: %d qcom,pvs-format-b 4Speed bin not set. Defaulting to 0! 4PVS bin not set. Defaulting to 0! 6PVS version: %d qcom,speed%d-pvs%d-bin-v%d 4failed to add OPP %u qcom,speedXX-pvsXX-bin-vXX qcom,ipq6018 3Failed to set supported opp: %d 3Failed to register cpufreq-dt: %d usage residency current_governor current_governor_ro current_driver dt_idle_states /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/cpuidle/dt_idle_states.c 3CPUidle arm: Failed to register cpuidle driver 3CPUidle arm: CPU %d failed to init idle CPU ops 3CPUidle arm: Failed to allocate cpuidle device 3CPUidle arm: Failed to register cpuidle device for CPU %d arm_idle kmmcd mmc_core SDcombo SDR12 SDR25 SDR50 SDR104 DDR50 mmc_host fwrev rel_sectors raw_rpmb_size_mult enhanced_area_size enhanced_area_offset oemid manfid hwrev ffu_capable preferred_erase_size sdio /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/core/quirks.c mmc-pwrseq-simple mmc-pwrseq-emmc driver type B driver type A driver type C driver type D 3.30 V 1.80 V 1.20 V legacy mmc high-speed sd high-speed sd uhs SDR12 sd uhs SDR25 sd uhs SDR50 sd uhs SDR104 sd uhs DDR50 mmc DDR52 mmc HS200 mmc HS400 don't care active high active low 6mmcblk: using %d minors per device mmcblk SEM02G SEM04G SEM08G SEM16G SEM32G SDMB-32 SDM032 MMC08G MMC16G MMC32G 008GE0 M8G2FA MAG4FA MBG8FA MCGAFA VAL00M VYL00M KYL00M VZL00M V10008 V10016 mmc_block mmci-pl18x mmci mmci_qcom_tuning /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mmc/host/mmci_qcom_tuning.c 6sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver 6sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman sdhci 6sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper sdhci_msm led_core /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/leds/led-core.c led_class max_brightness ledc_base_addr Could not get ledc base addr. Failed to IO map ledc base addr. qcom,tcsr_ledc_values invalid or missing property: qcom,tcsr_ledc_values qcom,ledc_blink_indices_cnt missing blink idx count. qcom,ledc_blink_indices invalid or missing property: blink indices empty/exceeded range for qcom,ledc_blink_idx_src_pair invalid property qcom,ledc_blink_idx_src_pair linux,default-trigger ipq::led%d 3%s - Error registering class. leds_ipq ipq-leds 6psci: Using PSCI v0.1 Function IDs from DT cpu_suspend cpu_off cpu_on migrate 6psci: PSCIv%d.%d detected in firmware. 3psci: Conflicting PSCI version detected. 6psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs 6psci: Trusted OS migration not required 6psci: MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE not supported. 3psci: MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE returned unknown type (%d) 4psci: MIGRATE_INFO_UP_CPU reported invalid physical ID (0x%lx) 6psci: Trusted OS resident on physical CPU 0x%lx 6psci: SMC Calling Convention v%d.%d qcom_scm qcom_scm_32 /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/firmware/qcom_scm-32.c 2%s: no matching clocksources found 3{%s} 3Failed to map event base 3Can't get irq 3Failed to parse DGT resource 3Failed to map source base 3Unknown frequency 3memory allocation failed for clockevents 3request_percpu_irq failed 3clocksource_register failed dg_timer qcom,qtimer cp15 and mmio virt 6Architected %s%s%s timer(s) running at %lu.%02luMHz (%s%s%s). arch_mem_counter 4arch_timer: multiple nodes in dt, skipping 4arch_timer: No interrupt available, giving up 3arch_timer: can't register interrupt %d (%d) 3arch_timer: Can't find CNTCTLBase frame-number 3arch_timer: Missing frame-number 3arch_timer: Can't map frame's registers 3arch_timer: Frame missing %s irq arch_mem_timer 3arch_timer: Failed to request mem timer irq arm_arch_timer /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/clocksource/arm_arch_timer.c 3devicetree: failed to register existing nodes /sys/firmware/devicetree/base device-tree /reserved-memory /chosen@0 linux,stdout-path 4fdt: not creating '/sys/firmware/fdt': CRC check failed dt_root_size_cells = %x dt_root_addr_cells = %x search "chosen", depth: %d, uname: %s bootargs-append bootargs-prepend Command line is: %s unrecognized device tree list: 6Machine model: %s 4Ignoring memory block 0x%llx - 0x%llx 4Ignoring memory range 0x%llx - 0x%llx linux,usable-memory memory scan node %s, reg size %d, - %llx , %llx 3Reserved memory: unsupported node format, ignoring okay 3Reserved memory: invalid reg property in '%s', skipping node. Reserved memory: reserved region for node '%s': base %pa, size %ld MiB 6Reserved memory: failed to reserve memory for node '%s': base %pa, size %ld MiB 4No valid device tree found, continuing without /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/of/fdt.c FDT: default map, cp=%llx, s=%llx, da=%llx #address-cells #size-cells FDT: ** translation for device %s ** 3FDT: warning: device tree node '%s' has no address. 3FDT: Bad cell count for %s FDT: bus (na=%d, ns=%d) on %s FDT: reached root node FDT: parent bus (na=%d, ns=%d) on %s FDT: empty ranges, 1:1 translation FDT: walking ranges... FDT: not found ! FDT: with offset: %llx fdt_address /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/of/fdt_address.c assigned-addresses of_irq_init: no init function for %s of_irq_init: init %s @ %p, parent %p 3of_irq_init: children remain, but no parents of_mdio /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/of/of_mdio.c of_pci /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/of/of_pci.c hw_syndrome hw_oob_first soft_bch 3Reserved memory: not enough space all defined regions. 3Reserved memory: OVERLAP DETECTED! %s (%pa--%pa) overlaps with %s (%pa--%pa) linux,phandle 3Reserved memory: invalid size property in '%s' node. 3Reserved memory: invalid alignment property in '%s' node. shared-dma-pool alloc-ranges 3Reserved memory: invalid alloc-ranges property in '%s', skipping node. Reserved memory: allocated memory for '%s' node: base %pa, size %ld MiB 6Reserved memory: failed to allocate memory for node '%s' 6Reserved memory: initialized node %s, compatible id %s of_reserved_mem /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/of/of_reserved_mem.c of_avm_dt /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/of/of_avm_dt.c mt29f ATO25D1GA 128MiB 3.3V GD5F4GQ4UC 512MiB 3.3V GD5F1GQ1UC 128MiB 3.3V GD5F1GQ1RC 128MiB 1.8V MX35LFxGE4AB 128MiB 3.3V W25N512G 64MiB 3.3V W25N01GV 128MiB 3.3V W25M02GV 256MiB 3.3V(Dual die) TC58CVG2S0F 4G 3.3V 8-bit GD5F1GQ4UB 128MiB 3.3V GD5F1GQ4R 128MiB 3.3V FM35X2GA 256MiB 3.3V /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/platform/msm/sps/bam.c sps_bam /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/platform/msm/sps/sps_bam.c 3sps:fail to create the folder for debug_fs. 3sps:fail to create the file for debug_fs info. logging_option 3sps:fail to create the file for debug_fs logging_option. debug_level_option 3sps:fail to create the file for debug_fs debug_level_option. print_limit_option 3sps:fail to create the file for debug_fs print_limit_option. reg_dump_option 3sps:fail to create the file for debug_fs reg_dump_option. testbus_sel 3sps:fail to create debug_fs file for testbus_sel. bam_pipe_sel 3sps:fail to create debug_fs file for bam_pipe_sel. desc_option 3sps:fail to create debug_fs file for desc_option. bam_addr 3sps:fail to create the file for debug_fs bam_addr. log_level_sel 3sps:fail to create debug_fs file for log_level_sel. &sps_debugfs_lock 3IPC logging disabled /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/platform/msm/sps/sps.c sps_map /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/platform/msm/sps/sps_map.c sps_mem /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/platform/msm/sps/sps_mem.c sps_rm /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/platform/msm/sps/sps_rm.c clk_summary clk_dump clk_orphan_summary clk_orphan_dump clock-div 3%s Fixed factor clock <%s> must have a clock-div property clock-mult 3%s Fixed factor clock <%s> must have a clock-mult property clock-output-names &data->lock enable-gpios select-gpios clk_gpio /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/clk/clk-gpio.c clk_qcom /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/clk/qcom/clk-rcg.c fab-scaling qcom,gcc-ipq807x gcc_ipq807x sdcc1_ice_core_clk_src gcc_sdcc1_ice_core_clk gcc_cmn_12gpll_sys_clk gcc_cmn_12gpll_ahb_clk gcc_usb1_sleep_clk gcc_usb1_pipe_clk gcc_usb1_phy_cfg_ahb_clk gcc_usb1_mock_utmi_clk gcc_usb1_master_clk gcc_snoc_bus_timeout3_ahb_clk gcc_sys_noc_usb1_axi_clk gcc_usb1_aux_clk gcc_usb0_sleep_clk gcc_usb0_pipe_clk gcc_usb0_phy_cfg_ahb_clk gcc_usb0_mock_utmi_clk gcc_usb0_master_clk gcc_snoc_bus_timeout2_ahb_clk gcc_sys_noc_usb0_axi_clk gcc_usb0_aux_clk gcc_uniphy2_sys_clk gcc_uniphy2_port6_tx_clk gcc_uniphy2_port6_rx_clk gcc_uniphy2_ahb_clk gcc_uniphy1_sys_clk gcc_uniphy1_port5_tx_clk gcc_uniphy1_port5_rx_clk gcc_uniphy1_ahb_clk gcc_uniphy0_sys_clk gcc_uniphy0_port5_tx_clk gcc_uniphy0_port5_rx_clk gcc_uniphy0_port4_tx_clk gcc_uniphy0_port4_rx_clk gcc_uniphy0_port3_tx_clk gcc_uniphy0_port3_rx_clk gcc_uniphy0_port2_tx_clk gcc_uniphy0_port2_rx_clk gcc_uniphy0_port1_tx_clk gcc_uniphy0_port1_rx_clk gcc_uniphy0_ahb_clk gcc_sdcc2_apps_clk gcc_sdcc2_ahb_clk gcc_sdcc1_apps_clk gcc_sdcc1_ahb_clk gcc_qpic_clk gcc_qpic_ahb_clk gcc_qdss_dap_clk gcc_qdss_at_clk gcc_prng_ahb_clk gcc_pcie1_pipe_clk gcc_sys_noc_pcie1_axi_clk gcc_pcie1_axi_s_clk gcc_pcie1_axi_m_clk gcc_pcie1_aux_clk gcc_pcie1_ahb_clk gcc_pcie0_pipe_clk gcc_sys_noc_pcie0_axi_clk gcc_pcie0_axi_s_clk gcc_pcie0_axi_m_clk gcc_pcie0_aux_clk gcc_pcie0_ahb_clk gcc_ubi1_mpt_clk gcc_ubi1_core_clk gcc_ubi1_nc_axi_clk gcc_ubi1_axi_clk gcc_ubi1_ahb_clk gcc_ubi0_mpt_clk gcc_ubi0_core_clk gcc_ubi0_nc_axi_clk gcc_ubi0_axi_clk gcc_ubi0_ahb_clk gcc_port6_mac_clk gcc_port5_mac_clk gcc_port4_mac_clk gcc_port3_mac_clk gcc_port2_mac_clk gcc_port1_mac_clk gcc_nssnoc_ubi1_ahb_clk gcc_nssnoc_ubi0_ahb_clk gcc_nssnoc_timeout_ref_clk gcc_nssnoc_snoc_clk gcc_nssnoc_qosgen_ref_clk gcc_nssnoc_ppe_clk gcc_nssnoc_ppe_cfg_clk gcc_nssnoc_crypto_clk gcc_nssnoc_ce_axi_clk gcc_nssnoc_ce_apb_clk gcc_nss_ptp_ref_clk gcc_nss_ppe_ipe_clk gcc_nss_ppe_clk gcc_nss_ppe_cfg_clk gcc_nss_ppe_btq_clk gcc_nss_port6_tx_clk gcc_nss_port6_rx_clk gcc_nss_port5_tx_clk gcc_nss_port5_rx_clk gcc_nss_port4_tx_clk gcc_nss_port4_rx_clk gcc_nss_port3_tx_clk gcc_nss_port3_rx_clk gcc_nss_port2_tx_clk gcc_nss_port2_rx_clk gcc_nss_port1_tx_clk gcc_nss_port1_rx_clk gcc_nss_noc_clk gcc_nss_imem_clk gcc_nss_edma_clk gcc_nss_edma_cfg_clk gcc_nss_csr_clk gcc_nss_crypto_clk gcc_nss_cfg_clk gcc_nss_ce_axi_clk gcc_nss_ce_apb_clk gcc_crypto_ppe_clk gcc_mdio_ahb_clk gcc_gp3_clk gcc_gp2_clk gcc_gp1_clk gcc_xo_clk gcc_mem_noc_nss_axi_clk gcc_crypto_clk gcc_crypto_axi_clk gcc_crypto_ahb_clk gcc_blsp1_uart6_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_uart5_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_uart4_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_uart3_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_uart2_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_uart1_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup6_spi_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup6_i2c_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup5_spi_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup5_i2c_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup4_spi_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup4_i2c_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup3_spi_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup3_i2c_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup2_spi_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup2_i2c_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup1_spi_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_qup1_i2c_apps_clk gcc_blsp1_ahb_clk gcc_apss_axi_clk gcc_apss_ahb_clk gcc_adss_pwm_clk usb1_pipe_clk_src usb1_mock_utmi_clk_src usb1_aux_clk_src usb0_pipe_clk_src usb0_mock_utmi_clk_src usb0_aux_clk_src sdcc2_apps_clk_src sdcc1_apps_clk_src pcie1_pipe_clk_src pcie1_aux_clk_src pcie0_pipe_clk_src pcie0_aux_clk_src nss_ubi1_div_clk_src nss_ubi0_div_clk_src nss_imem_clk_src gp3_clk_src gp2_clk_src gp1_clk_src blsp1_uart6_apps_clk_src blsp1_uart5_apps_clk_src blsp1_uart4_apps_clk_src blsp1_uart3_apps_clk_src blsp1_uart2_apps_clk_src blsp1_uart1_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup6_spi_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup6_i2c_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup5_spi_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup5_i2c_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup4_spi_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup4_i2c_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup3_spi_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup3_i2c_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup2_spi_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup2_i2c_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup1_spi_apps_clk_src blsp1_qup1_i2c_apps_clk_src adss_pwm_clk_src ubi_mpt_clk_src nss_ubi1_clk_src nss_ubi0_clk_src nss_port6_tx_div_clk_src nss_port6_rx_div_clk_src nss_port4_tx_div_clk_src nss_port4_rx_div_clk_src nss_port3_tx_div_clk_src nss_port3_rx_div_clk_src nss_port2_tx_div_clk_src nss_port2_rx_div_clk_src nss_port1_tx_div_clk_src nss_port1_rx_div_clk_src nss_crypto_clk_src apss_axi_clk_src nss_port6_tx_clk_src nss_port6_rx_clk_src nss_port5_tx_div_clk_src nss_port5_rx_div_clk_src nss_port4_tx_clk_src nss_port4_rx_clk_src nss_port3_tx_clk_src nss_port3_rx_clk_src nss_port2_tx_clk_src nss_port2_rx_clk_src nss_port1_tx_clk_src nss_port1_rx_clk_src apss_ahb_postdiv_clk_src usb1_master_clk_src usb0_master_clk_src pcie1_axi_clk_src pcie0_axi_clk_src nss_port5_tx_clk_src nss_port5_rx_clk_src apss_ahb_clk_src audio_pll audio_pll_main gcc_sleep_clk_src nss_noc_bfdcd_clk_src nss_ce_clk_src system_noc_bfdcd_clk_src gcc_xo_clk_src nss_ppe_clk_src qdss_at_clk_src qdss_tsctr_clk_src nss_crypto_pll nss_crypto_pll_main gpll2 gpll2_main pcnoc_bfdcd_clk_src gpll4 gpll4_main gpll6 gpll6_main ubi32_pll ubi32_pll_main gpll0 gpll0_main gcc_dcc_clk pcnoc_clk_src gcc_pcie0_axi_s_bridge_clk gcc_pcie0_rchng_clk pcie0_rchng_clk_src qdss_dap_sync_clk_src nss_noc_clk_src gcc_xo_div4_clk_src system_noc_clk_src nss_ppe_cdiv_clk_src gpll6_out_main_div2 gpll0_out_main_div2 usb3phy_1_cc_pipe_clk usb3phy_0_cc_pipe_clk pcie20_phy1_pipe_clk uniphy2_gcc_tx_clk uniphy2_gcc_rx_clk bias_pll_cc_clk uniphy0_gcc_tx_clk uniphy0_gcc_rx_clk uniphy1_gcc_tx_clk uniphy1_gcc_rx_clk bias_pll_nss_noc_clk qcom,apss-ipq807x apss_ipq807x /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/clk/qcom/apss-ipq807x.c apcs_alias0_core_clk apcs_alias0_clk_src apss_pll apss_pll_early qcom,adss-ipq807x adss_audio_mbox3_clk adss_audio_mbox0_clk adss_audio_i2s3_clk adss_audio_i2s0_clk adss_audio_pcm_clk adss_audio_pcm_postdiv_clk_src adss_audio_pcm_clk_src adss_audio_txb_clk adss_audio_txb_clk_mux adss_audio_txb_postdiv_clk_src audio_txbpad_clk adss_audio_txm_clk_src adss_audio_txm_clk adss_audio_txm_postdiv_clk_src audio_txmpad_clk adss_audio_rxb_clk adss_audio_rxb_clk_mux adss_audio_rxb_postdiv_clk_src audio_rxbpad_clk adss_audio_rxm_clk_src adss_audio_rxm_clk adss_audio_rxm_postdiv_clk_src audio_rxmpad_clk kpss-xcc pll8_vote qcom,rpm-clk krait-cc mailbox /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/mailbox/mailbox.c qcom_apcs_ipc qcom_hwspinlock remoteproc mmufault fatal error 3%s: can't create debugfs dir 3remoteproc: unable to register class /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/remoteproc/remoteproc_elf_loader.c qcom_q6v5_adsp IPQ6018/adsp.mdt sway_cbcr lpass_aon lpass_ahbs_aon_cbcr lpass_ahbm_aon_cbcr qdsp6ss_xo qdsp6ss_sleep qdsp6ss_core qcom-q6v5-wcss-pil /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/remoteproc/qcom_q6v5_wcss.c gcc_q6_axis_clk gcc_wcss_ecahb_clk gcc_wcss_acmt_clk gcc_wcss_axi_m_clk gcc_q6_axim_clk gcc_q6_axim2_clk gcc_q6_ahb_clk gcc_q6_ahb_s_clk gcc_wcss_axi_s_clk qcom_sysmon /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/remoteproc/qcom_sysmon.c 3%s: failed to register rpmsg bus: %d rpmsg_chrdev qcom_glink_rpm qcom_glink_native qcom-smd rpmsg_name qcom_smd /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/rpmsg/qcom_smd.c arm_pmu nvmem_core qcom,qfprom 6GIC: enabling workaround for %s 3GICv2m: Failed to teardown msi. Invalid hwirq %d __hw_perf_event_init pci_legacy_suspend arm,cci-400 arm,cci-400-pmu arm,cci-400-pmu,r0 arm,cci-400-pmu,r1 config=0x%lx unable to ioremap CCI ctrl /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/bus/arm-cci.c no irqs for CCI PMUs defined arm-cci-pmu unable to request IRQ%d for ARM CCI PMU counters source=?,event=0x%lx DEPRECATED compatible property,requires secure access to CCI registers CCI PMU version not supported In-correct number of interrupts: %d, should be %d &cci_pmu->reserve_mutex PMU implements more counters(%d) than supported by the model(%d), truncated. 6ARM %s PMU driver probed Invalid CCI PMU counter %d #phy-cells usb-nop-xceiv Requested PHY is disabled %s %s: couldn't find PHY provider device resource %s %s: couldn't find PHY resource phy-names /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/phy/phy-core.c unable to get id &phy->mutex phy-%s.%d phy exit failed --> %d %s %s: missing string phy init failed --> %d phy poweroff failed --> %d phy poweron failed --> %d qcom_ipq806x_sata_phy_probe Failed to enable sata cfg clock qcom,ipq806x-sata-phy %s: failed to create phy Failed to get sata cfg clock %s: failed to register phy tx_preemph_gen3 cannot get HSIO settings from device node, using default values rx_eq term_off mpll qcom_dwc3_phy_probe cannot get reference clock cannot get TCXO clock qcom,dwc3-ss-usb-phy tx_deamp_3_5db qcom,dwc3-hs-usb-phy qcom,dwc3-ss-usb-phy timeout waiting for latch qca_pcie_qmp_phy_probe qca,pcie-qmp-phy qca,pcie-qmp-phy-gen2 qca,pcie-qmp-phy-gen3 phy failed to come up phy-type %s, unknown gen type qcom,qmp-pcie-phy-init-seq %s: error allocating memory for phy_init_seq cannot get phy reset controller phy_phy cannot get phy_phy reset controller qca_baldur_hs_get_resources krait_cpufreq_probe qca,baldur-usb-hsphy por_rst srif_rst qca,host 3%s: error reading critical device node properties %s: no mem resource 3%s: error mapping QSCRATCH addr failed to request resources: %d qca,uni-ssphy qca,ipq5018-uni-ssphy 3USB Calibration Falied with error %d couldn't compatible string: %d qca,ipq5018-uni-ssphy can not get phy clock can not get phy ahb clock 3DMA Mapping Error 3Error in reading value: %d pinctrl_register_one_pin pinctrl_get_group_selector pinctrl_get pinctrl_lookup_state pinctrl_register_map pinctrl_register failed to alloc struct pinctrl_state failed to get pin(%d) name Error applying setting, reverse things back name [pinmux] [pinconf] yes obtain a copy of previously claimed pinctrl failed to alloc struct pinctrl failed to alloc struct pinctrl_setting unknown pinctrl device %s in map entry, deferring probe found group selector %u for %s does not have pin group %s GPIO ranges handled: %u: %s GPIOS [%u - %u] PINS { %u: %s GPIOS [%u - %u] PINS [%u - %u] registered pin groups: %s [ERROR GETTING PINS] group: %s failed to activate default pinctrl state using pinctrl dummy state (%s) Pinctrl maps: device %s state %s type %s (%d) controlling device %s unnamed registered pins: %d pin %d (%s) failed to activate pinctrl state %s failed to alloc struct pinctrl_dev &pctldev->mutex pinctrl ops lacks necessary functions try to register %d pins ... pin %d already registered failed to alloc struct pin_desc PIN%u pinctrl core: registered pin %d (%s) on %s failed to lookup the default state failed to select default state failed to lookup the sleep state 4pinctrl core: failed to create debugfs directory for %s pingroups gpio-ranges error during pin registration pinctrl core: add %u pinctrl maps 3pinctrl core: failed to register map %s (%d): no device given 3pinctrl core: failed to register map %d: no map name given 3pinctrl core: failed to register map %s (%d): no pin control device given 3pinctrl core: failed to register map %s (%d): invalid type given 3pinctrl core: failed to alloc struct pinctrl_maps 3pinctrl core: failed to duplicate mapping table no gpio_chip for gpio%i? /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pinctrl/core.c Requested pin control handlers their pinmux maps: device: %s current state: %s state: %s type: %s controller %s krealloc(configs) failed kmemdup(configs) failed /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-utils.c krealloc(map) failed pin_request pin is not registered so it cannot be freed /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pinctrl/pinmux.c pin %d is not registered so it cannot be requested request pin %d (%s) for %s pin %s already requested by %s; cannot claim for %s could not increase module refcount for pin %d request() failed for pin %d pin-%d (%s) status %d pinmux ops lacks necessary functions pinmux ops has no name for function%u not freeing pin %d (%s) as part of deactivating group %s - it is already used for some other setting non-existing could not get pins for group %s could not request pin %d (%s) from group %s on device %s could not get pin desc for pin %d function %s: COULD NOT GET GROUPS function: %s, groups = [ pinmux-functions pinmux-pins does not support mux function function '%s' not supported invalid function %s in map table can't query groups for function %s function %s can't be selected on any group invalid group %s in map table invalid group "%s" for function "%s" (HOG) (MUX UNCLAIMED) (GPIO UNCLAIMED) Pinmux settings per pin Format: pin (name): mux_owner|gpio_owner (strict) hog? Format: pin (name): mux_owner gpio_owner hog? pin %d (%s): device %s%s pin %d (%s): GPIO %s pin %d (%s): UNCLAIMED pin %d (%s): %s %s%s function %s group %s %s:%d group %s function %s group: %s (%u) function: %s (%u) 3pinmux core: failed to register map %s (%d): no function given pin_config_get_for_pin pin_config_group_get of_clk_gpio_delayed_register_get cannot get pin configuration, .pin_config_get missing in driver cannot get configuration for pin group, missing group config get function in driver missing confops missing pin_config_set op pin_config_set op failed for pin %d missing pin_config_group_set op pin_config_group_set op failed for group %d pinconf has to be able to set a pins config No config found for dev/state/pin, expected: Searched dev:%s Searched state:%s Searched pin:%s Use: modify config_pin Dev %s has config of %s in state %s: modify config_pin config_group Pin config settings per pin group Format: group (name): configs %u (%s): pinconf-pins pinconf-groups pinconf-config could not map pin config for "%s" could not map group config for "%s" Pin config settings per pin Format: pin (name): configs pin %d (%s): config pin group pin %s (%d) group %s (%d) 3pinconfig core: failed to register map %s (%d): no group/pin given 3pinconfig core: failed to register map %s (%d): no configs given pinctrl_dt_to_map no of_node; not parsing pinctrl DT pinctrl-%d pinctrl-names prop %s index %i invalid phandle could not find pctldev for node %s, deferring probe pctldev %s doesn't support DT failed to alloc struct pinctrl_map parse_dt_cfg generic pinconfig core: found %s with value %u %s: could not parse property function %s: could not parse node property %s: 0x%x ERROR READING CONFIG SETTING %d (%u pcs_get_group_name pcs_get_group_pins msm_rpm_get_error_from_ack pcs_get_function_name pcs_get_function_groups pcs_get_function pcs_set_mux pcs_add_pin pcs_allocate_pin_table pcs_add_conf4 pinctrl-single,bits no valid property for %s bad data for %s Invalid mask for %s at 0x%x Invalid submask 0x%x for %s at 0x%x could not add functions for %s %ux pinconf not supported no pins entries for %s pinctrl-single,pins bad data for mux %s mask field of the property can't be 0 failed to match enable or disable bits %s could not find function%i %s could not find pingroup%i mux offset out of range: 0x%x (0x%x) ti,omap3-padconf ti,omap4-padconf ti,omap5-padconf ti,dra7-padconf ti,am437-padconf pinctrl-single pinconf-single pinctrl-single %08x %s could not allocate &pcs->mutex pinctrl-single,register-width register width not specified pinctrl-single,function-mask pinctrl-single,function-off pinctrl-single,bit-per-mux could not get resource could not get mem_region could not ioremap allocating %i pins too many pins, max %i irq enabled at boot for pin at %lx (%x), clearing %lx.%u error adding pins: %i could not register single pinctrl driver #pinctrl-single,gpio-range-cells pinctrl-single,gpio-range initialized with no interrupts %i pins at pa %p size %u enabling %s function%i msm_pinctrl_probe cpr4_apss_init_thread Unsupported config parameter: %x config %x: %x is invalid %-8s: %-3s %d %dmA emulated_od qcom,ipq8064-pinctrl Routing interrupts to Apps proc failed dual-edge irq failed to stabilize, %#08x != %#08x Can't allocate msm_pinctrl ps_hold failed to setup restart handler. No interrupt defined for msmgpio Couldn't register pinctrl driver Failed register gpiochip Failed to add pin range Failed to add irqchip to gpiochip Probed Qualcomm pinctrl driver qcom,ipq807x-pinctrl gpio%-2d: --- analog-pass %-4s %-7s vin-%d %-27s %-10s atest-%d qcom,pm8916-gpio qcom,pm8941-gpio qcom,pm8994-gpio qcom,pma8084-gpio qcom,spmi-gpio missing base address and/or range incorrect block type 0x%x at 0x%x unknown GPIO type 0x%x unknown GPIO direction can't add gpio chip failed to add pin range read 0x%x failed 3function: %d is not defined 3LV/MV subtype doesn't have func3/func4 write 0x%x failed mpp%-2d: dtest%d paired qcom,pm8841-mpp qcom,pm8916-mpp qcom,pm8941-mpp qcom,pma8084-mpp qcom,spmi-mpp unknown MPP type 0x%x at 0x%x unknown MPP direction %s-%s /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/gpio/devres.c gpiochip_find_base linehandle_create gpiochip_setup_dev gpiochip_add_data gpiochip_set_chained_irqchip gpiochip_add_pingroup_range gpiochip_add_pin_range gpiod_request pci_scan_bridge gpiod_direction_input _gpiod_direction_output_raw gpiod_direction_output_raw gpiod_direction_output gpiod_set_debounce gpiod_is_active_low gpiod_get_raw_value gpiod_get_value _gpio_set_open_drain_value _gpio_set_open_source_value gpiod_set_raw_value gpiod_set_value gpiod_cansleep gpiochip_lock_as_irq gpiod_get_raw_value_cansleep gpiod_get_value_cansleep gpiod_set_raw_value_cansleep gpiod_set_value_cansleep gpiod_configure_flags gpiod_get_index 3gpio-%d (%s): %s: Error in set_value for open drain err %d 3gpio-%d (%s): %s: Error in set_value for open source err %d 3missing gpiochip .dev parent pointer %s: Ignoring %d default trigger /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c 3gpio-%d (%s): %s: tried to set a GPIO tied to an IRQ as output 4gpio-%d (%s): %s: missing set() or direction_output() operations &le->wait &le->read_lock gpio-event invalid GPIO %d gpiochip%d (%s): tried to insert a GPIO chip with zero lines %s: found new base at %d 3%s: cannot find free range GPIO integer space overlap, cannot add chip Detected name collision for GPIO name '%s' 3%s: GPIOs %d..%d (%s) failed to register (%s): could not create pin range (%s): created GPIO range %d->%d ==> %s PIN %d->%d (%s): failed to allocate pin ranges (%s): created GPIO range %d->%d ==> %s PINGRP %s (%s): unable to lock HW IRQ %lu for IRQ (%s): %s: tried to flag a GPIO set as output for IRQ REMOVING GPIOCHIP WITH GPIOS STILL REQUESTED (%s): failed to get GPIO descriptor (%s): called %s before setting up irqchip (%s): you cannot have chained interrupts on a chip that may sleep (%s): failed to add char device %d:%d (%s): added GPIO chardev (%d:%d) %s: registered GPIOs %d to %d on device: %s (%s) no flags found for %s #gpio-cells 4%s: invalid GPIO (errorpointer) 4%s: invalid GPIO (no device) %s: backing chip is gone 4gpio-%d (%s): %s: missing get() or direction_input() operations GPIO lookup for consumer %s using device tree for GPIO lookup using lookup tables for GPIO lookup cannot find GPIO chip %s requested GPIO %u (%u) is out of range [0..%u] for chip %s lookup for GPIO %s failed setup of GPIO %s failed /high /low 3requesting hog GPIO %s (chip %s, offset %d) failed 3setup of hog GPIO %s (chip %s, offset %d) failed 6GPIO line %d (%s) hogged as %s%s gpio-%d (%s): %s: status %d gpio-%d (%s): %s: missing set() or set_debounce() operations no-bus %s%s: (dangling chip) %s%s: GPIOs %d-%d , parent: %s/%s , can sleep gpio-%-3d (%-20.20s) gpio-%-3d (%-20.20s|%-20.20s) %s %s %s registered chardev handle for line %d gpio-linehandle registered chardev handle for %d lines of_get_named_gpiod_flags gpio-ranges-group-names %s: can't parse '%s' property of node '%s[%d]' %s: parsed '%s' property of node '%s[%d]' - status (%d) /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/gpio/gpiolib-of.c 3%s: Group name of numeric GPIO ranges must be the empty string. 3%s: Illegal gpio-range format. 3%s: GPIO group range requested but no %s property. 3%s: Group name of GPIO group range cannot be the empty string. gpio-line-names gpio-line-names specifies %d line names but there are %d lines on the chip unable to name line %d: %d gpio-hog 4GPIO line %d (%s): no hogging state specified, bailing out line-name 3%s: GPIO chip registration failed with status %d export_store unexport_store gpiod_export gpiod_export_link gpiod_unexport pwm%u gpio%u %s: called too early! %s: invalid gpio descriptor gpio-%d (%s): %s: unavailable (requested=%d, exported=%d) &data->mutex 4%s: invalid GPIO 4%s: invalid GPIO %ld gpiochip_fwd_create gpio-aggregator. avm,gpio-aggregator %u => gpio-%d &fwd->mlock gpio-aggregator 3gpio-aggregator: Cannot get GPIO specifier: %pe 0123456789 3gpio-aggregator: Cannot parse GPIO index %s 3gpio-aggregator: No GPIOs specified of_pwm_get /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pwm/core.c pwm-names #pwm-cells pwms %s(): can't parse "pwms" property %s(): PWM chip not found %s: wrong #pwm-cells for %s 4PWM device already freed %s%s/%s, %d PWM device%s pwm-%-3d (%-20.20s): &pwm->lock inversed pwmchip%d device_create failed for pwm_chip sysfs export avm_pwm_configure_channel avm_pwm_request_channel calc_div_and_duty config_div_and_duty set_update_and_enable ipq4019_pwm_enable ipq4019_pwm_disable ipq4019_pwm_config ipq4019_pwm_probe 3[%s] rate not set 3PWM Frequency range supported is 762Hz to 100MHz Switching to default configuration values 3[%s] channel %d > MAX_PWM_DEVICES %d 3[%s] channel %d not usable pre_div: %x, pwm_div: %llx, period_ns: %d, duty_ns: %d pre_div: %x, pwm_div: %llx PWM_CFG_REG0: %x PWM_CFG_REG1: %x %s called with period_ns %d and duty_ns %d 3PWM Frequency range supported is %dHz to %dHz Switching to default configuration values testing if pwm %d should be enabled pwm %d should NOT be enabled %s finished %s called failed to get device data src-freq pwm-base-index used-pwm-indices pwmchip_add() failed: %d qca,ipq4019-pwm qca,ipq6018-pwm PWM_CFG_REG1: %lx /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/access.c &vpd->lock vpd r/w failed. This is likely a firmware bug on this device. Contact the card vendor for a firmware update 3PCI: can't add host bridge window %pR /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/bus.c can't add %pR resource %pR clipped to %pR pci_scan_child_bus pci_create_root_bus [Firmware Bug]: reg 0x%x: invalid BAR (can't size) reg 0x%x: can't handle BAR larger than 4GB (size %#010llx) reg 0x%x: can't handle BAR above 4GB (bus address %#010llx) reg 0x%x: initial BAR value %#010llx invalid busn_res: can not insert %pR under %s%pR (conflicts with %s %pR) 4pci %04x:%02x:%02x.%d: not responding busn_res: %pR %s released can not be busn_res: %pR end %s updated to %02x (bus address [%#06llx-%#06llx]) (bus address [%#010llx-%#010llx]) bus already known pci%04x:%02x 6PCI host bridge to bus %s root bus resource %pR%s can't set Max Payload Size to %d; if necessary, use "pci=pcie_bus_safe" and report a bug Max Payload Size %d, but upstream %s set to %d; if necessary, use "pci=pcie_bus_safe" and report a bug Max Payload Size set to %d (was %d, max %d) /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/probe.c (subtractive decode) PCI bridge to %pR%s bridge window %pR can't handle bridge window above 4GB (bus address %#010llx) bridge window %pR (subtractive decode) PCI CardBus %04x:%02x PCI Bus %04x:%02x partially wholly transparent scanning [bus %02x-%02x] behind bridge, pass %d Primary bus is hard wired to 0 bridge configuration invalid ([bus %02x-%02x]), reconfiguring bridge has subordinate %02x but max busn %02x %pR %s hidden behind%s bridge %s %pR scanning bus fixups for bus bus scan returning with max=%02x No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus %02x-ff] %04x:%02x:%02x.%d [%04x:%04x] type %02x class %#08x device has non-compliant BARs; disabling IO/MEM decoding legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: %pR legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: %pR legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: %pR legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: %pR unknown header type %02x, ignoring device ignoring class %#08x (doesn't match header type %02x) Failed attempting to set the MPS Failed attempting to set the MRRS MRRS was unable to be configured with a safe value. If problems are experienced, try running with pci=pcie_bus_safe Max Payload Size set to %4d/%4d (was %4d), Max Read Rq %4d pci_raw_set_power_state pci_save_pcie_state usb_hcd_amd_remote_wakeup_quirk pci_save_pcix_state pci_restore_config_dword pci_pme_active __pci_set_master pci_set_mwi timed out waiting for pending transaction; performing function level reset anyway timed out waiting for pending transaction; performing AF function level reset anyway BAR %d: can't reserve %pR enabling disabling %s bus mastering unable to preallocate PCI Express save buffer unable to preallocate PCI-X save buffer Node %s has inconsistent "linux,pci-domain" property in DT unrecognized suspend event %d %s %s: disabling already-disabled device Unsupported EA entry BEI: %u Unsupported EA properties: %#x EA Entry crosses address boundary EA Entry Size (%d) does not match length read (%d) ROM: %pR (from Enhanced Allocation, properties %#02x) VF BAR %d: %pR (from Enhanced Allocation, properties %#02x) BEI %d res: %pR (from Enhanced Allocation, properties %#02x) Error enabling bridge (%d), continuing Command register changed from 0x%x to 0x%x: driver or hardware bug? can't ioremap BAR %d: %pR unsupported PM cap regs version (%u) supports%s%s PME# supported from%s%s%s%s%s can't enable PME# PME# %s invalid power transition (from state %d to %d) Refused to change power state, currently in D%d %d%n %x:%x:%x.%x%n 3PCI: Can't parse resource_alignment parameter: %s Can't reassign resources to host bridge. Disabling memory decoding and releasing memory resources. Rounding up size of resource #%d to %#llx. restoring config space at offset %#x (was %#x, writing %#x) cache line size of %d is not supported enabling Mem-Wr-Inval pci_legacy_suspend_late pci_pm_suspend pci_pm_suspend_noirq pci_pm_runtime_suspend Driver probe function unexpectedly returned %d driver %s device %04x:%04x /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/pci-driver.c can't suspend now (%pf returned %d) can't suspend (%pf returned %d) PCI PM: State of device not saved by %pF PCI PM: Device state not saved by %pF PCI_CLASS=%04X PCI_ID=%04X:%04X PCI_SUBSYS_ID=%04X:%04X PCI_SLOT_NAME=%s MODALIAS=pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02X %x %x %x %x %x %x %lx %x %x %x %x %x %x /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/search.c 0x%06x pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02X virtio:d%08Xv%08X platform:%s usb:v%04Xp%04Xd%04Xdc%02Xdsc%02Xdp%02Xic%02Xisc%02Xip%02Xin%02X sdio:c%02Xv%04Xd%04X rpmsg:%s disallowed MSI/MSI-X %s for future drivers MSI/MSI-X %s for future drivers of devices on this bus resource%d_wc resource%d process "%s" tried to map 0x%08lx bytes at page 0x%08lx on %s BAR %d (start 0x%16Lx, size 0x%16Lx) /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/pci-sysfs.c 0x%016llx 0x%016llx 0x%016llx %016llx %016llx %016lx Invalid ROM contents BAR %d: can't assign %pR (bogus alignment) BAR %d: no space for %pR BAR %d: trying firmware assignment %pR BAR %d: %pR conflicts with %s %pR BAR %d: failed to assign %pR BAR %d: assigned %pR can't claim BAR %d %pR: no address assigned can't claim BAR %d %pR: no compatible bridge window can't claim BAR %d %pR: address conflict with %s %pR disabling bridge mem windows can't enable device: BAR %d %pR not assigned can't enable device: BAR %d %pR not claimed enabling device (%04x -> %04x) BAR %d: can't reassign an unassigned resource %pR BAR %d: %pR (failed to expand by %#llx) BAR %d: reassigned %pR (expanded by %#llx) BAR %d: error updating (%#08x != %#08x) BAR %d: error updating (high %#08x != %#08x) MSIX routing failure MSI routing failure unknown cause (not MSI or ACPI) Potentially misrouted IRQ (Bridge %s %04x:%04x) Please report to linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/irq.c failed to add %llx res[%d]=%pR BAR %d: %pR has bogus alignment pdev_sort_resources(): kmalloc() failed! not setting up bridge for bus %04x:%02x bridge window %pR to %pR add_size %llx PCI bridge to %pR 4add_to_list: kmalloc() failed! UBI DBG bld (pid %d): add to free: PEB %d, EC %d UBI DBG bld (pid %d): add to erase: PEB %d, EC %d UBI DBG bld (pid %d): add to alien: PEB %d, EC %d disabling BAR %d: %pR (bad alignment %#llx) disabling bridge window %pR to %pR (unused) bridge window %pR to %pR add_size %llx add_align %llx 7PCI: No. %d try to assign unassigned res Error reenabling bridge (%d) max bus depth: %d pci_try_num: %d Some PCI device resources are unassigned, try booting with pci=realloc Automatically enabled pci realloc, if you have problem, try booting with pci=realloc=off resource %d %pR resource %d %pR released CardBus bridge to %pR res[%d]=%pR res_to_dev_res add_size %llx min_align %llx pci_save_vc_state unable to preallocate %s save buffer %s buffer not found in %s %s save unsuccessful %s VC save buffer size does not match @0x%x VC arbitration table failed to load VC%d port arbitration table failed to load VC%d negotiation stuck pending %02x.%x %02x%02x %04x%04x %x %16llx pci_slot_release pci_create_slot get_taskstack_area pci_destroy_slot %04x:%02x:%02x dev %02x, created physical slot %s dev %02x, dec refcount to %d 3PCI: Slot initialization failure dev %02x, released physical slot %s fixup_debug_start fixup_debug_report nv_msi_ht_cap_quirk didn't locate host bridge Disabling HT MSI Mapping Onboard AC97/MC97 devices continue to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x Enabled onboard AC97/MC97 devices i801 SMBus device continues to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x Enabled i801 SMBus device Enabled ICH6/i801 SMBus device /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/quirks.c igfx quirk: Can't iomap PCI device BIOS left Intel GPU interrupts enabled; disabling NCR 53c810 rev 1 PCI class overridden (%#08x -> %#08x) Enabling HT MSI Mapping ICH6 ACPI/GPIO/TCO ICH6 GPIO %s PIO at %04x (mask %04x) Found %s HT MSI Mapping 6Rewriting irq routing register on MCP55 calling %pF calling %pF @ %i for %s pci fixup %pF returned after %lld usecs for %s Disabling UPDCR peer decodes Failed to enable Intel PCH ACS quirk Enabling MPC IRBNCE Intel PCH root port ACS workaround enabled B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q; %s PIO at %04x-%04x %s MMIO at %04x-%04x ali7101 ACPI ali7101 SMB AMD8131 rev %x detected; disabling PCI-X MMRBC set SATA to AHCI mode PCI class overridden (%#08x -> %#08x) so dwc3 driver can claim this instead of xhci BIOS failed to enable PCI standards compliance; fixing this error ATI Northbridge, reserving I/O ports 0x3b0 to 0x3bb RadeonIGP PCIe Completion erratum may cause device errors Disabling No Snoop/Relaxed Ordering Attributes to avoid PCIe Completion erratum in %s CS5536 ISA bridge %s bug detected (incorrect header); workaround applied MSI quirk detected; MSI disabled Disabling L0s Disabling ASPM L0s/L1 C0 revision 450NX. Disabling PCI restreaming Can't map e100 registers Firmware left e100 interrupts enabled; disabling expanded BAR %d to page size: %pR Enabling fixed DMA alias to %02x.%d ICH4 ACPI/GPIO/TCO ICH4 GPIO ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 1 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 2 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 3 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 4 IDE mode mismatch; forcing legacy mode Error attempting to read the read completion coalescing register Error attempting to write the read completion coalescing register 6Read completion coalescing disabled due to hardware errata relating to 256B MPS [Firmware Bug]: %s quirk: reg 0x%x: %pR quirk: %pR claimed by %s Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds async suspend disabled to avoid multi-function power-on ordering issue Fixup for MediaGX/Geode Slave Disconnect Boundary (0x41=0x%02x) MSI quirk detected; subordinate MSI disabled set MSI_INTX_DISABLE_BUG flag Netmos %04x (%u parallel, %u serial); changing class SERIAL to OTHER (use parport_serial) Chipset erratum: Disabling direct PCI/AGP transfers Disabling direct PCI/PCI transfers Linking AER extended capability Enable I/O Space to 1KB granularity PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release PXH quirk detected; SHPC device MSI disabled PIIX4 ACPI PIIX4 SMB PIIX4 devres B PIIX4 devres C PIIX4 devres E PIIX4 devres F PIIX4 devres G PIIX4 devres H PIIX4 devres I PIIX4 devres J Re-allocating PLX PCI 9050 BAR %u to length 256 to avoid bit 7 bug Enabling SiS 96x SMBus [Firmware Bug]: TigerPoint LPC.BM_STS cleared Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers TW686x PCI class overridden (%#08x -> %#08x) Enabling MCH 'Overflow' Device Disabling VIA CX700 PCI parking Disabling VIA CX700 PCI caching VIA VLink IRQ fixup, from %d to %d Applying VIA southbridge workaround vt8235 PM vt8235 SMB vt82c586 ACPI vt82c686 HW-mon vt82c686 SMB TI XIO2000a quirk detected; secondary bus fast back-to-back transfers disabled transaction is not cleared; proceeding with reset anyway timeout during reset %s:pcie%02x service driver %s loaded unloading service driver %s pcie_pme_handle_request PCIe PME Signaling PME through PCIe PME interrupt PME interrupt generated for non-existent device %02x:%02x.%d Spurious native PME interrupt! msix Device has broken 64-bit MSI but arch tried to assign one above 4G can't enable MSI (MSI-X already enabled) can't enable MSI-X (MSI IRQ already assigned) 3PCI: default irq domain for PCI MSI has already been created. msi_irqs pcibios_update_irq pdev_fixup_irq fixup irq: got %d assigning IRQ %02d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/of.c missing *config* reg space error %d: failed to map resource %pR error with ioremap error with ioremap in function num-lanes irq domain init failed pm_hostinit failed num-lanes %u: invalid value link up phy link never came up /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/pci/host/pcie-designware.c PCIe: failed to create QGIC MSI IRQ. 4This code is broken for non consecutive irq numbers! snps,dw-pcie dw-plat-pcie-msi failed to request MSI IRQ failed to initialize host qcom_pcie_probe 6PCIe: link_down IRQ for RC=%d 6PCIe: callback RC%d for event %d. 6PCIe: Client of RC%d does not have registered for event %d. 6PCIe: link_up IRQ for RC=%d 6PCIe: RC%d has been already enumerated 3PCIe: failed to enable RC%d upon wake request from the device 6PCIe: enumerated RC%d successfully upon wake request from the device 3PCIe: Event deregistration is NULL 3PCIe: User of event deregistration is NULL 6Event is deregistered for RC %d 3pcie config write failed %d phy-tx0-term-offset master_bus slave_bus axi_m_vmid axi_s_xpu parf pipe_sticky phy_ahb vdda vdda_phy vdda_refclk sys_noc axi_m axi_s axi_bridge rchng axi_m_sticky axi_s_sticky cannot assert ahb reset cannot enable vdda_refclk regulator cannot enable vdda_phy regulator cannot assert ext reset cannot deassert ahb reset cannot deassert phy reset cannot deassert pci reset cannot deassert por reset cannot deassert axi reset cannot prepare/enable phy clock cannot prepare/enable ref clock cannot prepare/enable core clock cannot deassert core reset cannot enable vdda regulator cannot prepare/enable slave_bus clock cannot prepare/enable master_bus clock cannot prepare/enable iface clock cannot prepare/enable aux clock MClk rate set failed (%d) rchng_clk rate set failed (%d) 4PCI change magic disabled. No host_magic set 6PCI change magic executed cannot prepare/enable rchng_clk clock cannot prepare/enable axi_bridge clock cannot prepare/enable ahb clock cannot prepare/enable axi slave clock qcom,pcie-ipq8064 qcom,pcie-apq8064 qcom,pcie-apq8084 qcom,pcie-ipq4019 qcom,pcie-ipq807x qcom,pcie-ipq6018 qcom,pcie-ipq5018 A maximum of %u RCs is supported. avm,host_magic compliance is_emulation use_delay link_retries_count slot_id pcie-cap-active-state-link-pm perst force_gen1 force_gen2 elbi qcom,pcie-ipq807x pciephy pciephy-gen2 pciephy-gen3 missing phy-names qcom,pcie-ipq6018 qcom,pcie-ipq5018 x65_attached mdm2ap_e911_x65 mdm2ap_e911 3requesting for e911 gpio failed %ld Unable to request mdm2ap_e911 irq 4%s: Failed to register notifier (%d) int_link_down pci_link_down int_link_up pci_link_up qcom-pcie-global cannot request global irq qcom,msi-gicm-addr qcom,msi-gicm-base qcom-pcie-msi cannot request msi irq msi_%d wake_gpio 6PCIe: RC%d is not enabled during bootup;it will be enumerated upon client request 6PCIe: RC%d enabled during bootup qcom-pcie-wake Unable to request wake irq Failed to create sysfs rcrescan file Failed to create sysfs rcremove file dm_iatu 3PCIe: Event registration is NULL 3PCIe: User of event registration is NULL 6Event 0x%x is registered for RC %d 3PCIe: did not find RC for pci endpoint device %p 5---> Removing %d 5---> Initializing %d PCIe: RC%d already removed 5---> Removing %d 5 ... done<--- 5PCIe: RC%d already enumerated offb fb%d 7checking generic (%llx %llx) vs hw (%llx %llx) 6fb: switching to %s from %s 4detected fb_set_par error, error code: %d 3%s: enable CONFIG_FB_BIG_ENDIAN to support this framebuffer &fb_info->lock &fb_info->mm_lock 4Unable to create device for framebuffer %d; errno = %ld %c:%dx%d%c-%d %d,%d 6fbcvt: Invalid input parameters 6fbcvt: Refresh rate not CVT standard 6fbcvt: 60Hz refresh rate advised for reduced blanking 6fbcvt: Aspect ratio not CVT standard fbcvt: %dx%d@%d: CVT Name - Not a CVT standard - %d.%03d Mega Pixel Image .%03dM /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/amba/bus.c apb_pclk AMBA_ID=%08x MODALIAS=amba:d%08X dmaengine: %s: %s module removed dmaengine: %s: %s (%s) dma_sync_wait cpr3_regulator_debugfs_thread_add private_candidate dma_get_slave_channel dma_get_any_slave_channel __dma_request_channel dmaengine_get dma_async_device_unregister dma_wait_for_async_tx dma%dchan%d %s called while %d clients hold a reference dmaengine: %s: failed to get %s: (%d) chan reference count %d != 1 3dmaengine: %s: timeout! 3dmaengine: %s timeout waiting for descriptor submission dmaengine: %s: wrong capabilities dmaengine: %s: %s busy dmaengine: %s: %s filter said false vchan_tx_submit vchan_dma_desc_free_list txd %p: freeing vchan %p: txd %p[%x]: submitted of_dma_find_controller of_dma_controller_register of_dma_router_register of_dma_request_slave_channel 3%s: not enough information provided %s: can't find DMA controller %s dmas dma-names 3%s: dma-names property of node '%s' missing or empty #dma-cells qcom,ee Execution environment unspecified failed to get ADM0 reset failed to get ADM0 C0 reset failed to get ADM0 C1 reset failed to get ADM0 C2 reset adm_dma failed to register dma async device failed to prepare/enable iface clock failed to prepare/enable core clock qcom,adm invalid dma direction invalid burst value: %d invalid crci value failed to allocate desc memory failed to allocate cpl memory %zu Failed to allocate desc fifo Unsupported BAM module qcom,controlled-remotely qti,config-pipe-trust-reg bam_clk bam_dma cannot set maximum segment size failed to prepare/enable clock clk_enable failed: %d Cannot free busy channel qcom,bam-v1.3.0 qcom,bam-v1.4.0 qcom,bam-v1.7.0 Requested %u descriptors don't fit into preallocated space. adm_crci_mux_cfg qcom,gsbi-v1.0.0 syscon-tcsr no matching TCSR cell-index missing cell-index invalid cell-index qcom,mode missing mode configuration qcom,crci GSBI port protocol: %d crci: %d 3%s: kzalloc failure 3DMA Mapping Error(api_status) 3%s: Error in CRCI_MUX write (%d, 0x%x) qcom,tcsr-ipq8064 qcom,tcsr-apq8064 qcom,tcsr-msm8960 qcom,tcsr-msm8660 ipq,tcsr SIII$PRT$TOC Rejecting allocation of static entry %d Found invalid canary in host %d:%d partition /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/soc/qcom/smem.c Found invalid canary in hosts %d:%d partition Unsupported partition header version %d No %s specified qcom,smem qcom,rpm-msg-ram memory-region SMEM is not initialized by SBL Missing entry for global partition Invalid entry for global partition Already found the global partition Global partition has invalid magic Global partition hosts are invalid Global partition has invalid size Global partition has invalid free pointer Unsupported SMEM version 0x%x Invalid remote host %d Already found a partition for host %d Partition %d has invalid magic Partition %d hosts are invalid Partition %d has invalid size Partition %d has invalid free pointer qcom,smem-state-names missing qcom,smem-state-names #qcom,smem-state-cells qcom,smem-states failed to parse qcom,smem-states property invalid #qcom,smem-state-cells Unable to acquire remote smp2p item qcom,smp2p qcom,local-pid qcom,remote-pid qcom,smem unable to acquire smp2p interrupt qcom,ipc unable to allocate local smp2p item Unable to acquire local smp2p item qcom,entry-name interrupt-controller failed to add irq_domain qcom,smp2p-feature-ssr-ack failed to register qcom_smem_state failed to request interrupt failed to read %s skb_copy_to_log_buf ipc_router_log_msg create_routing_table_entry clone_pkt create_pkt msm_ipc_router_buf_to_skb msm_ipc_router_skb_to_buf extract_optional_header extract_header calc_tx_header_size prepend_header_v1 prepend_header_v2 prepend_header defragment_pkt post_pkt_to_port ipc_router_peek_pkt_size msm_ipc_router_create_raw_port ipc_router_get_rport_ref ipc_router_create_rport post_resume_tx ipc_router_destroy_rport msm_ipc_router_create_server ipc_router_send_ctl_msg msm_ipc_router_send_server_list forward_msg msm_ipc_router_send_remove_client update_comm_mode_info ipc_router_set_conn process_hello_msg process_resume_tx_msg process_new_server_msg process_control_msg do_read_data msm_ipc_router_register_server msm_ipc_router_unregister_server loopback_data ipc_router_tx_wait msm_ipc_router_write_pkt msm_ipc_router_send_to msm_ipc_router_send_msg msm_ipc_router_send_resume_tx msm_ipc_router_recv_from msm_ipc_router_read_msg msm_ipc_router_create_port msm_ipc_router_lookup_server_name pil_vote_load_worker ipc_router_create_log_ctx msm_ipc_router_xprt_notify msm_ipc_router_init ipc_router_core.debug_mask rpm_rpmsg.debug_mask 3IPC_RTR: %s: failure 3IPC_RTR: %s: Memory allocation Failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: pkt_frag_q alloc failure 3IPC_RTR: %s: Couldn't alloc pkt_fragment_q 3IPC_RTR: %s: rt_entry allocation failed for %d &rt_entry->lock_lha4 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid PKT 3IPC_RTR: %s: could not allocate one skb of size %d 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid pkt length %d 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid Header version %02x Header: 6[IPCRTR] %s %s Len:0x%x T:0x%x CF:0x%x SRC:<0x%x:0x%x> DST:<0x%x:0x%x> 3IPC_RTR: %s: Routing table not initialized 3IPC_RTR: %s: Abort invalid xprt 3IPC_RTR: %s: Discarding Command to route back 3IPC_RTR: %s: DST in the same cluster 3IPC_RTR: %s: r2r msg size %d != %zu 3IPC_RTR: %s: Error extracting control msg 3IPC_RTR: %s: rt_entry allocation failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: Error sending reply HELLO message 3IPC_RTR: %s: Xprt info not initialized 3IPC_RTR: %s: Server %08x create rejected, version = 0 3IPC_RTR: %s: Server %08x:%08x Create failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: No local port id %08x 3IPC_RTR: %s: Rmt Prt %08x:%08x create failed %-11s|%-11s|%-10s| Quota_cnt 0x%08x |0x%08x |0x%08x| XPRT Name %-10s|%-20s|%-10s| Next Hop 0x%08x| Loopback %-20s|0x%08x| Instance Service %-11s|%-11s|%-11s|%-11s| Port_id Node_id 0x%08x |0x%08x |0x%08x |0x%08x | Link ID %-20s|%-10s|%-12s|%-15s| Remote Node Id Initialized %-20s|0x%08x|%-12s|0x%08x| msm_ipc_router dump_local_ports dump_remote_ports dump_control_ports dump_servers dump_xprt_info dump_routing_table 3IPC_RTR: %s: IPC Logging disabled 3IPC_RTR: %s: Node cannot be created 3IPC_RTR: %s: Remote port alloc failed &rport_ptr->rport_lock_lhb2 3IPC_RTR: %s: Node %d is not up 3IPC_RTR: %s: Node is not up RX_ERR TX_ERR 3IPC_RTR: %s: No SKBs in skb_queue 3IPC_RTR: %s: NULL skb_head 6[IPCRTR] %s %s %s Len:0x%x T:0x%x CF:0x%x SVC:<0x%x:0x%x> SRC:<0x%x:0x%x> DST:<0x%x:0x%x> DATA: %08x %08x 6[IPCRTR] CTL MSG: %s cmd:0x%x SVC:<0x%x:0x%x> ADDR:<0x%x:0x%x> 6[IPCRTR] CTL MSG: %s cmd:0x%x ADDR: <0x%x:0x%x> 6[IPCRTR] CTL MSG %s cmd:0x%x ADDR:0x%x 6[IPCRTR] %s UNKNOWN cmd:0x%x 3%s: NULL PKT qcom,default-peripheral 3IPC_RTR: %s: pkt alloc failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: ipc_rtr_pkt alloc failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: Prepend Header failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid Address type 3IPC_RTR: %s: Connection refused on a server port 3IPC_RTR: %s: Port %08x already connected 3IPC_RTR: %s: Error allocating conn_info 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid remote endpoint 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid mode(%d) + xprt_inf(%p) for %08x:%08x 3IPC_RTR: %s: Error %d initializing IPC Router 3IPC_RTR: %s: port_ptr alloc failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: All port ids are in use &port_ptr->port_lock_lhc3 &port_ptr->port_rx_q_lock_lhc3 &port_ptr->port_rx_wait_q ipc%08x_%s &port_ptr->port_tx_wait_q 3IPC_RTR: %s: Server allocation failed SVC%08x:%08x 3IPC_RTR: %s: Server Port allocation failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: ipc_router_driver register failed %d 3IPC_RTR: %s: Init sockets failed local_IPCRTR 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid srv_name 3IPC_RTR: %s: srv_info NULL 3IPC_RTR: %s: %d Node is not present 3IPC_RTR: %s: Send Resume_Tx Failed SRC_NODE: %d SRC_PORT: %d DEST_NODE: %d 3IPC_RTR: %s: msm_ipc_router_recv_from failed - ret: %d 3IPC_RTR: %s: Buf conversion failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid pointers being passed 3IPC_RTR: %s: RPort %08x:%08x creation failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: Couldnot allocate skb_head 3IPC_RTR: %s: cannot allocate skb 3IPC_RTR: %s: SKB conversion failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: msm_ipc_router_send_to failed - ret: %d 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid Parameters 3IPC_RTR: %s: Destination not reachable 3IPC_RTR: %s: Remote port not found 3IPC_RTR: %s: permission failure for %s 3IPC_RTR: %s: RPort creation failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: Pkt creation failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: RPort %08x:%08x is in reset state 3IPC_RTR: %s: Resume_Tx port allocation failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: Resume_tx Timeout %08x:%08x 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid pkt pointer 3IPC_RTR: %s: Local port %d not present 3IPC_RTR: %s: Remote node %d not up 3IPC_RTR: %s: Write on XPRT failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: cannot allocate buf 3IPC_RTR: %s: Trying to unregister a non-server port 3IPC_RTR: %s: Trying to unregister a remote server locally 3IPC_RTR: %s: Server lookup failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: malloc failure - Couldn't notify OPEN event 3IPC_RTR: %s: malloc failure - Couldn't notify CLOSE event 3IPC_RTR: %s: Failed to load %s 3IPC_RTR: %s: Error cloning packet for port %08x:%08x 3IPC_RTR: %s: NULL PKT 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid xprt_version %d 3IPC_RTR: %s: Could not allocate SKB of size %d 3IPC_RTR: %s: Unable to resume client 3IPC_RTR: %s: Local Port %d not Found 3IPC_RTR: %s detected SSR & exiting now 3IPC_RTR: %s: NULL mode_info 6[IPCRTR] Removing xprt: [%s] &xprt_info->rx_lock_lhb2 &xprt_info->tx_lock_lhb2 msm_ipc_router_loopback_xprt 6[IPCRTR] Adding xprt: [%s] msm_ipc_router_build_msg msm_ipc_router_extract_msg msm_ipc_router_create msm_ipc_router_bind ipc_router_connect msm_ipc_router_sendmsg msm_ipc_router_ioctl msm_ipc_router_init_sockets 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid address 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid address length 3IPC_RTR: %s: Address family is incorrect 3IPC_RTR: %s: Address type is incorrect 3IPC_RTR: %s: Protocol not supported 3IPC_RTR: %s: Protocol type not supported 3IPC_RTR: %s: sk_alloc failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: Failed to register MSM_IPC protocol type 3IPC_RTR: %s: Failed to register MSM_IPC socket type 3IPC_RTR: %s: Integer Overflow %zu * %d 3IPC_RTR: %s: Server not found 3IPC_RTR: %s: Invalid pointers passed 3IPC_RTR: %s: Copy to user failed 3IPC_RTR: %s: cannot allocate skb_head 3IPC_RTR: %s: cannot allocated skb 3IPC_RTR: %s: copy_from_iter failed %zu %zu %zu 3IPC_RTR: %s: Msg build failure 3IPC_RTR: %s: Send_to failure %d add_req_handle add_svc_clnt_conn qmi_event_notify clnt_resume_tx_worker svc_resume_tx_worker handle_ctl_msg qmi_handle_create qmi_encode_and_send_req qmi_send_req_wait qmi_encode_and_send_resp qmi_send_resp qmi_send_resp_from_cb qmi_send_ind qmi_send_ind_from_cb send_err_resp handle_qmi_request handle_qmi_response tty_open qmi_recv_msg qmi_connect_to_service svc_event_add_svc_addr find_and_add_svc_event_nb qmi_svc_event_worker qmi_svc_event_notifier_init qmi_log_init qmi_svc_register 3%s: Sending transaction %d from port %d failed 3%s: Read failed %d 3%s: Failure allocating memory 3%s: Server %08x:%08x not found 3%s: Failed to allocate txn handle &txn_handle->wait_q 3%s: Failed to allocate req_msg_buf 3%s: Encode Failure %d 3%s: send_msg failed %d 3%s: Failed to allocate resp_msg_buf 3%s: Couldn't notify %d event to %p 3%s: Couldn't allocate oob_data @ %d to %p 3%s: Failure allocating client handle qmi_hndl%08x 3%s: Couldn't create workqueue for handle &temp_handle->handle_lock &temp_handle->reset_waitq 3%s: IPC router port creation failed 3%s: IPC router ctl port creation failed 3%s: IPC Logging disabled 3%s: Error allocating conn_h 3%s: Error allocating clnt_addr &conn_h->pending_txn_lock 3%s: Error adding a new conn_h 3%s: Error accepting new client 3%s: Error getting req_desc for msg_id %d 3%s: Error allocating request struct 3%s: Error decoding msg_id %d 3%s: Error allocating req_h 3%s: Error adding new request handle 3%s: Error while req_cb 3%s Response received for non-existent txn_id %d 3%s: Response Decode Failure <%d: %d: %d> rc: %d 3%s: Unrecognized transaction type 3%s: Unsupported message type %d 3%s: Error encoding and sending ind. 3%s: Error encode & send req: %d 3%s: Response Wait Error %d 3%s: Error encoding and sending response qmi_svc_event_wq 3%s: ctrl workqueue allocation failed 3%s: IPC Router Port creation failed 3%s: Failed to alloc notifier block &temp->svc_addr_list_lock 3%s:Error receiving control message 3%s: Error %d registering QMI service %08x:%08x 3%s: Memory allocation failed for address list msm_rpm_smd_buffer_request free_local_event_source msm_rpm_flush_requests msm_rpm_add_kvp_data_common msm_rpm_create_request_common msm_rpm_send_data avm_event_local_source_trigger msm_rpm_wait_for_ack msm_rpm_rpmsg_probe 3%s: %s(): Invalid handle/data 3%s: Number of resources exceeds max allocated 3%s: Failed malloc 3%s: Cannot allocate memory for client data 4%s: %s(): Cannot allocate memory for key value data 3%s: Error: more than %d requests are buffered %sRPM req: msg_id=%u, , rsc_type=0x%08X (%s), rsc_id=%u; [key=0x%08X (%s), value=%s %02X %s %u; , rsc_type=0x%08X, rsc_id=%u; [key=0x%08X, value=%s Sleep request type = 0x%08x(%s) id = 0%x key = 0x%08x(%s) sz= %d data = 0x%02X 3%s: %s:rpm returned error or nack req_len: %d id_ack: %d 3%s: %s rpm returned error resource does not exist 3%s: %s(): RPM NACK Unsupported resource 3%s: %s(): RPM NACK Invalid header qcom,rpm-glink 3%s: %s unable to find rpm-rpmsg driver rpm-standalone 6%s: %s rpm standalone 3%s: Could not allocate memory 3%s: Unable to get rpm-rpmsg interrupt number 3%s: Failed to write data msg_size:%d ret:%d msg_id:%d 3%s: Error updating sleep request 3%s: Invalid msg id rpm_requests ipq,usb-ctrl-select setting usb controller select = %x ipq,usb-hsphy-mode-select setting usb hs phy mode select = %x ipq,ess-interface-select setting ess interface select = %x ipq,wifi_glb_cfg setting wifi_glb_cfg = %x ipq,wifi_noc_memtype_m0_m2 setting wifi_noc_memtype_m0_m2 = %x firmware_name_store do_epoch_check wait_for_shutdown_ack qcom_nand_host_setup subsystem_shutdown subsystem_ramdump subsystem_powerup __subsystem_get subsystem_put restart_multipd_subsystem subsystem_restart_wq_func AVM_WATCHDOG_ungraceful_release __subsystem_restart_dev subsystem_restart_dev subsys_char_device_add mtdchar_open ssr_parse_restart_orders __get_irq subsys_parse_devicetree subsys_register cpr3_regulator_init_ctrl_data subsys_restart_init qca,extended-intc 3subsys-restart: %s(): [%s]: Error getting IRQ "%s" subsystem_restart.disable_restart_work subsystem_restart.enable_debug subsystem_restart.enable_mini_ramdumps subsystem_restart.enable_ramdumps subsystem_restart.max_history_time subsystem_restart.max_restarts 3subsys-restart: %s(): can't get %s subsystem subsys-restart: Resetting the SoC - %s crashed. 6subsys-restart: %s(): Changing subsys fw_name to %s RELATED err_fatal_interrupt stop_ack_interrupt ssr(%s) subsys%d &subsys->track.lock 3subsys-restart: %s(): Failed to alloc subsys_dev region, err %d subsys_%s 3subsys-restart: %s(): Failed to create subsys_%s device stop-ack qcom,gpio-force-stop qcom,gpio-ramdump-disable qcom,gpio-shutdown-ack wdog qcom,restart-group 6subsys-restart: %s(): %s device has been added to %s's restart group &order->track.lock 3subsys-restart: %s(): Could not initialize SSR restart order, err = %ld _fatal [%s]: Unable to register error fatal IRQ handler!: %d _stop_ack [%s]: Unable to register stop ack handler!: %d q6_wdog_interrupt [%s]: Unable to register wdog bite handler!: %d qcom,ssctl-instance-id subsys-restart: %s(): Reading instance-id for %s failed qcom,edge subsys-restart: %s(): Reading qcom,edge for %s failed qca,auto-restart 6subsys-restart: %s(): [%s:%d]: Powering up %s 0subsys-restart: %s(): [%s:%d]: Powerup error: %s! %s: %s: Reference count mismatch 4subsys-restart: %s(): %s[%s:%d]: Ramdump failed. 3subsys-restart: %s(): %s crashed during a system poweroff/shutdown. 6subsys-restart: %s(): Restart sequence requested for %s, restart_level = %s. 4subsys-restart: %s(): subsys-restart: Ignoring restart request for %s. subsys-restart: %s(): Restarting %s [level=%s]! Subsystem %s crashed during SSR! SSR aborted: %s subsystem not online subsys-restart: Unknown restart level! subsys-restart: %s(): Deleted node with restart_time = %ld subsys-restart: %s(): Time_first: %ld subsys-restart: %s(): Restart_time: %ld Subsystems have crashed %d times in less than %ld seconds! subsys-restart: %s(): [%s:%d]: Starting restart sequence for %s 6subsys-restart: %s(): [%s:%s:%d]: Restart sequence for %s failed. 6subsys-restart: %s(): Restart sequence for %s failed. 6subsys-restart: %s(): [%s:%s:%d]: Restart sequence for %s completed. 6subsys-restart: %s(): [%s:%d]: Restart sequence for %s failed. 6subsys-restart: %s(): [%s:%d]: Restart sequence for %s completed. 6subsys-restart: %s(): [%s:%d]: Shutting down %s subsys-restart: [%s:%d]: Failed to shutdown %s! 3subsys-restart: %s(): [%s]: Timed out waiting for shutdown ack offset_translate ramdump_read create_ramdump_device ensure_wear_leveling create_ramdump_device_file 3Ramdump(%s): Timed out waiting for userspace. 3%s: Invalid device name. 3%s: Couldn't alloc space for ramdump device! 3ERR: Can't save the rd_dev handle ramdump_%s &rd_dev->dump_wait_q 3Unable to allocate a major number err = %d 3Unable to create a dump_class 3Unable to create a device 3ERR: minor value greater than %d 3ramdump_open error: rd_dev is NULL Ramdump(%s): offset_translate returning zero Ramdump(%s): Returning address: %llx, data_left = %ld Ramdump(%s): Ramdump complete. %lld bytes read. 3Ramdump(%s): Unable to ioremap: addr %lx, size %zd 3Ramdump(%s): Unable to alloc mem for aligned buf 3Ramdump(%s): Couldn't copy all data to user. Ramdump(%s): Read %zd bytes from address %lx. dump_q6v5 print_text parse_encrypted_log tzerr_irq tz_log.paniconaccessviolation 3Error in getting hvc log QSEE Log TZ Dialog display_buf_size = %d, encr_log_buff_size = %d -------- New Encrypted %s -------- Magic_Num : 0x%x Verion : Encr_Log_Buff_Size : Wrap_Count : Key : Nonce : Tag : 4Cannot fit all info into the buffer encrypted log size %d, disply buffer size %d, used len %d Log : begin address %p, size %d 3buffer not enough, buf_len %d, len %d %02hhx qca,tzlog qca,tz64-hv-log qca,tzlog_ipq6018 qca,tz64log qca,tzlog_ipq806x qca,tzlog_ipq50xx unable to get tzlog memory qca,tzbsp-diag-buf-size unable to get data buffer memory unable to get copy buffer memory &tz_hvc_log->lock qcom_debug_logs unable to create debugfs tz_log unable to create tz_log debugfs tz_log_last unable to create tz_log_last debugfs tz_log_last_read_once unable to create tz_log_last_read_once debugfs qca,hyp-enabled hyp-scm-cmd-id hvc_log can't create hvc_log debugfs SMMU Stage2 Enabled SMMU Stage2 Bypass SMMU is Disabled Can't detect SMMU State 5TZ SMMU State: %s tz_smmu_state can't create tz_smmu_state qca,tzbsp-diag-buf-start unable to fetch TZ diag memory tzerror TZ Log : Will panic on Access Violation, as paniconaccessviolation is set TZ Log : Will warn on Access Violation, as paniconaccessviolation is not set 3Error in getting tz last log 6TZ log file was already opened 3Unable to fetch TZ diag memory 3No TZ log updation from last read 3Error in getting encrypted tz log %d 3Error in getting tz log WARN: Access Violation!!! 0WARN: Access Violation!!!, Run "cat /sys/kernel/debug/qcom_debug_logs/tz_log" for more details qca,asid invalid firmware metadata 3Error in dma alloc 3Error in memory alloc b%02d failed to load %s pd seg memcpy scm failed segment outside memory range qmi_encode_struct_elem qmi_encode_string_elem qmi_encode qmi_decode_struct_elem qmi_decode_string_elem qmi_decode qmi_encode_message 3%s: Calc. len %d != 0, but NULL c_struct qmi_recv_ctrl_pkt 3qmi recvmsg failed: %zd ignoring short control packet &qmi->txn_lock &qmi->sock_lock qmi_msg_handler 3failed to create QMI socket 3ignoring short QMI packet 3failed to decode incoming message 3failed to send QMI message 3failed to send lookup registration: %d 3send service registration failed: %d &txn->lock 3failed to allocate transaction id virtio%u virtio: device refuses features: %x virtio bus registration failed MODALIAS=virtio:d%08Xv%08X virtqueue_add msm_sps_probe virtqueue_get_buf vring_interrupt self_check_eba Can't add buf len %i - avail = %i Added buffer head %i to %p No more buffers in queue %s:id %u out of range %s:id %u is not a head! virtqueue interrupt with no work for %p virtqueue callback for %p (%p) Bad virtqueue length %u of_get_regulator regulator_check_drms print_constraints ar7wdt_hw_reboot machine_constraints_voltage set_consumer_device_supply create_regulator regulator_supply_alias regulator_ena_gpio_request unbalanced disables for %s 3%s: failed to disable 4%s: enable_time() failed: %d 4%s: set_voltage_time_sel() failed: %d 3get() with no identifier 4%s supply %s not found, using dummy regulator dummy supplies not allowed Failed to resume regulator %d Failed to suspend regulator %d %s: could not add device link %s err %d uA_load min_uV max_uV %s: drms operation not allowed 3%s: invalid output voltage found 3%s: invalid input voltage found 3%s: failed to set load %d 3%s: failed to get optimum mode @ %d uA %d -> %d uV 3%s: failed to set optimum mode %x %d <--> %d mV at %d mV %dmV offset %d <--> %d mA at %d mA fast normal idle no parameters %s: %s 4%s: Voltage range but no REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE 4%s: Failed to create debugfs directory use_count open_count bypass_count 3Error-Could not create voltage file 3Error-Input voltage pair string exceeds maximum buffer length 6Error, correct format: echo "voltage tolerance" > voltage 3Failed to disable %s: %d 3Failed to reename %s: %d 3Failed to enable %s: %d Failed to get supply '%s': %d Failed to create supply alias %s,%s -> %s,%s 3%s: Restricting voltage, %u-%uuV 3%s: voltage operation not allowed 3%s: unsupportable voltage range: %d-%duV Mapping supply %s to %s,%s Looking up %s-supply from device tree %s-supply Looking up %s property in node %s failed 3%s: Deferred disable failed: %d 3%s: Supply disable failed: %d 3%s: is_enabled() failed: %d 3%s: failed to force disable constraint not defined 3%s: invalid mode %x specified 3%s: no constraints 3%s: mode operation not allowed fast normal standby &rdev->mutex &(&rdev->notifier)->rwsem regulator.%lu %s: GPIO %d is already used 3%s: Failed to request enable GPIO%d: %d %s: %s/%s is '%s' supply; fail %s/%s Failed to set supply %s 6Adding alias for supply %s,%s -> %s,%s Failed to resolve %s-supply for %s 6%s: supplied by %s SUPPLY 3%s: current operation not allowed 3%s: unsupportable current range: %d-%duA 4%s: ramp_delay not set Failed to increase supply voltage: %d Failed to decrease supply voltage: %d regulator use open bypass voltage current min max deviceless %*s%-*s %3d %4d %6d %5dmV %5dmV %5dmA %5dmA %*s%-*s %37dmV %5dmV 3%s: failed to get the current voltage(%d) 3%s: failed to apply %duV constraint(%d) 3%s: invalid voltage constraints 3%s: unsupportable voltage constraints %u-%uuV %s: override min_uV, %d -> %d %s: override max_uV, %d -> %d 3%s: Invalid current constraints 4%s: Operation of current configuration missing 3%s: Failed to set current constraint, %d 3%s: failed to set input limit 3%s: failed to set suspend state 3%s: no set_mode operation 3%s: failed to set initial mode: %d 3%s: failed to enable 3%s: failed to set ramp_delay 3%s: failed to set pull down 3%s: failed to set soft start 3%s: failed to set over current protection %s -> %s.%s 4%s: No configuration 3%s: invalid configuration 3%s: failed to enabled/disable 3%s: failed to set voltage 3%s: failed to set mode current Instruction Unified SDIO SDcombo 3Failed to register regulator: %d /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/devres.c regulator_of_get_init_data regulator-name regulator-min-microvolt regulator-max-microvolt regulator-microvolt-offset regulator-min-microamp regulator-max-microamp regulator-input-current-limit-microamp regulator-boot-on regulator-always-on regulator-pull-down regulator-allow-bypass regulator-allow-set-load regulator-ramp-delay regulator-enable-ramp-delay regulator-soft-start regulator-initial-mode 3%s: invalid mode %u 4%s: mapping for mode %d not defined regulator-system-load regulator-over-current-protection regulator-mode regulator-on-in-suspend regulator-off-in-suspend regulator-suspend-microvolt regulator-compatible Failed to find regulator container node '%s' driver callback failed to parse DT for regulator %s reg_fixed_voltage_probe regulator-fixed Fixed regulator specified with variable voltages startup-delay-us enable-active-high gpio-open-drain vin-supply Failed to allocate supply name Failed to allocate input supply %s supplying %duV cpr3_read cpr3_write cpr3_masked_write scsi_runtime_idle cpr3_clock_enable cpr3_ctrl_clear_cpr4_config cpr3_closed_loop_enable cpr3_closed_loop_disable msm_ssusb_qmp_ldo_enable cpr3_write_temp_core_margin cpr3_controller_program_sdelta cpr3_regulator_init_ctrl cpr4_apss_init_controller cpr3_update_vreg_closed_loop_volt cpr3_regulator_config_bhs_mem_acc cpr3_regulator_switch_apm_mode cpr3_regulator_config_voltage_crossings cpr3_regulator_config_mem_acc cpr3_regulator_scale_vdd_voltage _cpr3_regulator_update_ctrl_state cpr3_regulator_wait_for_idle cpr3_regulator_measure_aging cpr3_regulator_readjust_volt_and_quot cpr3_regulator_aging_adjust cpr3_regulator_set_voltage cpr3_regulator_enable cpr3_regulator_disable cpr3_print_result cpr3_irq_handler cpr3_ceiling_irq_handler cpr3_regulator_vreg_register AVM_WATCHDOG_wait_event_interruptible cpr3_regulator_debugfs_corner_add cpr3_debug_corner_index_set q6v5_wcss_userpd_start cpr3_regulator_debugfs_vreg_add cpr3_debug_closed_loop_enable_set cpr3_debug_hw_closed_loop_enable_set cpr3_debug_trigger_aging_measurement_set cpr3_regulator_debugfs_ctrl_add cpr3_regulator_init_vreg_data cpr3_regulator_suspend cpr3_regulator_resume cpr3_regulator_validate_controller cpr3_panic_callback mtdchar_ioctl cpr3_regulator_register cpr3_open_loop_regulator_register cpr3_regulator_unregister 3%s: %s: unable to enable CPR clocks, rc=%d 3%s: %s: could not enable CPR, rc=%d %s: %s: CPR closed-loop operation enabled %s: %s: CPR closed-loop operation disabled %s: %s: setting new voltage=%d uV 3%s: %s: vdd voltage scaling failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: could not configure HW closed-loop voltage limits, rc=%d 3%s: %s: failed to program sdelta, rc=%d %s: %s: CPR configuration updated %s: %s: CPR ceiling interrupt received but CPR is disabled %s: %s: CPR ceiling interrupt received but CPR is using SW closed-loop 3%s: %s: could not get vdd voltage, rc=%d %s: %s: CPR ceiling interrupt received but vdd voltage: %d uV != ceiling voltage: %d uV %s: %s: CPR closed-loop and throttling disabled 3%s: %s: failed to enable core clock, rc=%d 3%s: %s: failed to enable interface clock, rc=%d 3%s: %s: failed to enable bus clock, rc=%d 3%s: %s: CPR closed-loop operation is not allowed 3%s: %s: could not change CPR enable state=%u, rc=%d %s: %s: closed-loop=%s 3%s: %s: invalid corner index %llu; allowed values: %d-%d 3%s: %s: CPR limit regulator disable failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: could not change CPR HW closed-loop enable state=%u, rc=%d %s: %s: CPR mode=%s 3%s: %s: could not update the CPR controller state, rc=%d %s: %s: CPR interrupt received but CPR is disabled %s: %s: CPR interrupt received but CPR is using HW closed-loop %s: %s: CPR controller not disabled after %d us %s: %s: CPR interrupts not cleared after %d us %s: %s: CPR interrupt received but no up or down status bit is set %s: %s: both up and down status bits set %s: %s: CPR thread %u busy when it should be waiting for SW cont %s: %s: limiting to ceiling=%d uV %s: %s: limiting to floor=%d uV %s: %s: limiting to dynamic floor=%d uV %s: %s: thread %u: busy=%u, step_dn=%u, step_up=%u, error_steps=%s%u, error=%s%u %s: %s: thread %u: quot_min=%u, quot_max=%u, ro_min=%u, ro_max=%u %s: %s: thread %u: step_quot_min=%u, step_quot_max=%u, sensor_min=%u, sensor_max=%u %s: %s: %s: new_volt=%d uV, last_volt=%d uV 3%s: %s: scale_vdd() failed to set vdd=%d uV, rc=%d 3%s: %s[0x%08x] = 0x%08x 3%s: %s: unable to force vdd-supply to the aging reference voltage=%d uV, rc=%d 3%s: %s: unable to configure vdd-supply for mode=%u, rc=%d 3%s: %s: CPR aging measurement failed after %d tries, rc=%d 6%s: %s: aging measurement successful; aging reference adjustment voltage=%d uV 3%s: %s: regulator_set_voltage(mem_acc) == %d failed, rc=%d floor_volt 3%s: %s: floor_volt debugfs file creation failed ceiling_volt 3%s: %s: ceiling_volt debugfs file creation failed open_loop_volt 3%s: %s: open_loop_volt debugfs file creation failed last_volt 3%s: %s: last_volt debugfs file creation failed target_quots 3%s: %s: target_quots debugfs file creation failed cpr3-regulator 3%s: %s: cpr3-regulator debugfs base directory creation failed 3%s: %s: cpr3-regulator controller debugfs directory creation failed cpr_closed_loop_enable 3%s: %s: cpr_closed_loop_enable debugfs file creation failed use_hw_closed_loop 3%s: %s: use_hw_closed_loop debugfs file creation failed thread_count 3%s: %s: thread_count debugfs file creation failed apm_threshold_volt 3%s: %s: apm_threshold_volt debugfs file creation failed aging_adj_volt 3%s: %s: aging_adj_volt debugfs file creation failed aging_succeeded 3%s: %s: aging_succeeded debugfs file creation failed aging_failed 3%s: %s: aging_failed debugfs file creation failed aging_trigger 3%s: %s: aging_trigger debugfs file creation failed max_aggregated_voltages 3%s: %s: max_aggregated_voltages debugfs directory creation failed 3%s: %s: aggr floor_volt debugfs file creation failed 3%s: %s: aggr ceiling_volt debugfs file creation failed 3%s: %s: aggr open_loop_volt debugfs file creation failed 3%s: %s: aggr last_volt debugfs file creation failed thread%u 3%s: %s: thread %u %s debugfs directory creation failed max_aggregated_params 3%s: %s: thread %u max_aggregated_params debugfs directory creation failed 3%s: %s: thread %u aggr floor_volt debugfs file creation failed 3%s: %s: thread %u aggr ceiling_volt debugfs file creation failed 3%s: %s: thread %u aggr open_loop_volt debugfs file creation failed 3%s: %s: thread %u aggr last_volt debugfs file creation failed 3%s: %s: thread %u target_quots debugfs file creation failed 3%s: %s: %s debugfs directory creation failed speed_bin_fuse 3%s: %s: speed_bin_fuse debugfs file creation failed cpr_rev_fuse 3%s: %s: cpr_rev_fuse debugfs file creation failed fuse_combo 3%s: %s: fuse_combo debugfs file creation failed corner_count 3%s: %s: corner_count debugfs file creation failed 3%s: %s: corner debugfs directory creation failed 3%s: %s: index debugfs file creation failed current_corner 3%s: %s: current_corner debugfs directory creation failed 3%s: %s: regulator_disable(vdd) failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: regulator_disable(system) failed, rc=%d %s: %s: Disabled 3%s: %s: regulator_enable(system) failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: regulator_enable(vdd) failed, rc=%d %s: %s: Enabled open-loop HW closed-loop SW closed-loop 3%s: %s: clk_set_rate(core_clk, %u) failed, rc=%d %s: %s: up_down_dly=%u, up_down_delay_time=%u ns %s: %s: cpr_clock_rate=%u HZ, sensor_time=%u ns, loop_time=%u ns, gcnt=%u, cont_dly=%u %s: %s: idle_clocks=%u, count_mode=%u, count_repeat=%u; CPR_CTL=0x%08X %s: %s: step_quot_min=%u, step_quot_max=%u; STEP_QUOT=0x%08X %s: %s: PD_THROTTLE=0x%08X 3%s: %s: CPR limit regulator enable failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: CPR4-specific controller initialization failed, rc=%d 6%s: %s: Default CPR mode = %s 3%s: %s: regulator_get_voltage(vdd) failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: clock enable failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: failed to clear CPR4 configuration,rc=%d %s: %s: aging results: page_is_age=%u, sel_min=%u, sel_max=%u, quot_min=%u, quot_max=%u, quot_delta=%d, quot_min_scaled=%u, quot_max_scaled=%u, quot_delta_scaled=%d 6%s: %s: average quotient delta=%d (count=%d) 3%s: %s: %d aging measurements completed after %d iterations %s: Device tree node is missing %s: CPR controller data is missing 3%s: %s: vdd regulator missing 3%s: %s: invalid CPR sensor count=%d 3%s: %s: CPR sensor ownership table missing 3%s: %s: aging_sensor[%d] id=%u is not in the value range 0-%d 3%s: %s: Boost feature is enabled for more than one regulator &ctrl->lock cpr_ctrl 3%s: %s: controller validation failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: CPR controller address is missing aging_allowed 3%s: %s: CPR aging allowed address is missing 3%s: %s: missing CPR interrupt 3%s: %s: missing ceiling interrupt 3%s: %s: CPR controller data initialization failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: invalid unaged_floor_volt[%d] = %d 3%s: %s: invalid unaged_ceiling_volt[%d] = %d 3%s: %s: invalid unaged_open_loop_volt[%d] = %d 3%s: %s: aging corner %d ceiling voltage = %d > aging ref voltage = %d uV 3%s: %s: CPR controller initialization failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: failed to register regulator, rc=%d cpr3 3%s: %s: could not request IRQ %d, rc=%d cpr3_ceiling 3%s: %s: could not request ceiling IRQ %d, rc=%d 3%s: %s: regulator_set_voltage(system) == %d failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: unable to switch APM mode 3%s: %s: unable to configure BHS mem-acc settings 3%s: %s: regulator_sync_voltage(vdd) == %d failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: unable to handle voltage threshold crossing configurations, rc=%d %s: %s: corner %d: applying %d uV closed-loop and %d uV open-loop voltage margin adjustment %s: %s: stored corner=%d 3%s: %s: could not update CPR state, rc=%d %s: %s: set corner=%d 3%s: %s: regulator_set_voltage(vdd) == %d failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: APM switch failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: regulator init data is missing 3%s: %s: regulator_register failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: CPR controller still busy after %lld us 3%s: %s: CPR register reads are not possible when CPR clocks are disabled %s: %s: last_volt updated: last_volt[%d]=%d, ceiling_volt[%d]=%d, floor_volt[%d]=%d %s: %s: CPR_LAST_VALID_MEASUREMENT=0x%X valid bit not set %s: %s: CPR_LAST_VALID_MEASUREMENT=0x%X, all power domains bypassed 3%s: %s: both up and down status bits set, CPR_LAST_VALID_MEASUREMENT=0x%X %s: %s: last_volt not updated: last_volt[%d]=%d, ceiling_volt[%d]=%d, floor_volt[%d]=%d, vdd_volt=%d, CPR_LAST_VALID_MEASUREMENT=0x%X %s: %s: last_volt updated: last_volt[%d]=%d, ceiling_volt[%d]=%d, floor_volt[%d]=%d, CPR_LAST_VALID_MEASUREMENT=0x%X 3%s: %s: CPR register writes are not possible when CPR clocks are disabled %s: %s: sdelta offset=0x%08x, val=0x%08x cpr3_read_fuse_param sps_bam_pipe_transfer_one cpr3_parse_array_property cpr3_parse_corner_array_property cpr3_parse_corner_band_array_property cpr3_parse_common_corner_data cpr3_parse_thread_u32 cpr3_parse_ctrl_u32 cpr3_parse_irq_affinity cpr3_panic_notifier_init cpr3_parse_common_ctrl_data cpr3_parse_open_loop_common_ctrl_data msm8996_apm_switch_to_apcc cpr3_limit_open_loop_voltages cpr3_limit_floor_voltages cpr3_print_quots cpr3_determine_part_type cpr3_determine_temp_base_open_loop_correction cpr3_get_cold_temp_threshold tsens_scheduler_fn cpr3_adjust_fused_open_loop_voltages cpr3_adjust_open_loop_voltages cpr3_parse_closed_loop_voltage_adjustments cpr3_apm_init cpr3_mem_acc_init cpr4_load_core_and_temp_adj cpr4_parse_core_count_temp_voltage_adj cprh_adjust_voltages_for_apm cprh_adjust_voltages_for_mem_acc cpr3_apply_closed_loop_offset_voltages cpr3_enforce_inc_quotient_monotonicity cpr3_enforce_dec_quotient_monotonicity _cpr3_adjust_target_quotients cpr3_adjust_target_quotients of_irq_parse_one %s: %s: adjusted corner %d RO%d target quot %s: %u --> %u (%d uV) qcom,cpr-open-loop-voltage-fuse-adjustment-v2-%d qcom,cpr-open-loop-voltage-fuse-adjustment-%d qcom,cpr-open-loop-voltage-fuse-adjustment 3%s: %s: could not load open-loop fused voltage adjustments, rc=%d %s: %s: adjusted fuse corner %d open-loop voltage: %d --> %d uV qcom,cpr-open-loop-voltage-adjustment 3%s: %s: could not load open-loop voltage adjustments, rc=%d %s: %s: adjusted corner %d open-loop voltage: %d --> %d uV qcom,cpr-open-loop-voltage-min-diff 3%s: %s: could not load minimum open-loop voltage differences, rc=%d %s: %s: adjusted corner %d open-loop voltage=%d uV < corner %d voltage=%d uV + min diff=%d uV; overriding: corner %d voltage=%d qcom,cpr-fused-closed-loop-voltage-adjustment-map 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-ro-scaling-factor is required for closed-loop voltage adjustment, but is missing from DT 3%s: %s: corner %d mapped to invalid fuse corner: %u 3%s: %s: could not apply fused closed-loop voltage reductions, rc=%d from fuse %s: %s: corner %d RO%u target quot=%u > corner %d RO%u target quot=%u; overriding: corner %d RO%u target quot=%u qcom,cpr-thread-id could not read DT property qcom,cpr-thread-id, rc=%d invalid thread id = %u; not within [%u, %u] duplicate thread id = %u found could not find regulator name, rc=%d qcom,apm-ctrl 3%s: %s: APM get failed, rc=%d qcom,apm-threshold-voltage 3%s: %s: error reading qcom,apm-threshold-voltage, rc=%d qcom,apm-hysteresis-voltage qcom,cpr-cold-temp-threshold-v2 qcom,cpr-cold-temp-threshold qcom,cpr-part-types 3%s: %s: wrong len in qcom,cpr-parts-voltage qcom,cpr-parts-voltage qcom,cpr-parts-voltage-v2 qcom,cpr-cold-temp-voltage-adjustment-v2-%d qcom,cpr-cold-temp-voltage-adjustment-%d qcom,cpr-cold-temp-voltage-adjustment 6%s: %s: No cold temperature adjustment required. 3%s: %s: could not load cold temp voltage adjustments, rc=%d %s: %s: adjusted fuse corner %d open-loop voltage: %d -> %d uV %s: %s: corner %d RO%u target quot=%u < corner %d RO%u target quot=%u; overriding: corner %d RO%u target quot=%u 6%s: %s: Cold temperature adjustment not required. 3%s: %s: Missing %s required for %s qcom,cpr-floor-to-ceiling-max-range %s: %s: corner %d floor voltage=%d uV < corner %d voltage=%d uV; overriding: corner %d voltage=%d %s: %s: open-loop voltages after trimming and rounding: %s: %s: corner[%2d]: open-loop=%d uV fuse_base fuse base address is missing 6%s: %s: not using memory accelerator regulator qcom,mem-acc-voltage 3%s: %s: could not load mem-acc corners, rc=%d qcom,cpr-scaled-open-loop-voltage-as-ceiling 3%s: %s: property %s is missing 3%s: %s: property %s has invalid length=%d, should be %zu, %zu, or %zu 3%s: %s: property %s has invalid length=%d, should be %zu or %zu 3%s: %s: error reading property %s, rc=%d 3%s: %s: Missing %s required for closed-loop voltage adjustment. 3%s: %s: could not load RO scaling factors, rc=%d 3%s: %s: could not load closed-loop fused voltage adjustments, rc=%d 3%s: %s: could not load closed-loop voltage adjustments, rc=%d qcom,cpr-closed-loop-voltage-adjustment qcom,cpr-closed-loop-voltage-fuse-adjustment qcom,cpr-ro-scaling-factor qcom,cpr-fuse-corners 3%s: %s: error reading property qcom,cpr-fuse-corners, rc=%d 3%s: %s: device tree config supports %d fuse corners but the hardware has %d fuse corners qcom,cpr-fuse-combos 3%s: %s: error reading property qcom,cpr-fuse-combos, rc=%d 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-fuse-combos is invalid: %u 3%s: %s: device tree config supports fuse combos 0-%u but the hardware has combo %d qcom,cpr-speed-bins 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-speed-bins is invalid: %u 3%s: %s: device tree config supports speed bins 0-%u but the hardware has speed bin %d qcom,cpr-corners 3%s: %s: error reading property qcom,cpr-corners, rc=%d qcom,cpr-speed-bin-corners 3%s: %s: error reading property qcom,cpr-speed-bin-corners, rc=%d 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-corners and qcom,cpr-speed-bin-corners conflict on number of corners: %d vs %u qcom,cpr-voltage-ceiling qcom,cpr-voltage-floor 3%s: %s: CPR floor[%d]=%d > ceiling[%d]=%d uV qcom,system-voltage qcom,corner-frequencies 3%s: %s: invalid frequency: freq[%d]=%u < freq[%d]=%u qcom,cpr-corner-fmax-map 3%s: %s: invalid corner value specified in qcom,cpr-corner-fmax-map: %u 3%s: %s: invalid corner %u less than or equal to previous corner %u %s: %s: Note: highest Fmax corner %u in qcom,cpr-corner-fmax-map does not match highest supported corner %d qcom,allow-aging-voltage-adjustment qcom,allow-aging-open-loop-voltage-adjustment 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-aging-ref-voltage must be specified qcom,cpr-aging-max-voltage-adjustment qcom,cpr-aging-ref-corner 3%s: %s: aging reference corner=%d not in range [%d, %d] qcom,cpr-aging-derate qcom,cpr-sensor-time qcom,cpr-loop-time qcom,cpr-idle-cycles qcom,cpr-step-quot-init-min qcom,cpr-step-quot-init-max qcom,voltage-step 3%s: %s: error reading property qcom,voltage-step, rc=%d 3%s: %s: qcom,voltage-step=%d is invalid qcom,cpr-count-mode qcom,cpr-count-repeat qcom,cpr-enable qcom,cpr-interrupt-affinity qcom,cpr-aging-ref-voltage qcom,cpr-aging-allowed-reg-mask 3%s: %s: could not find CPU node %d clock-names qcom,cpr-aging-allowed-reg-value 3%s: %s: unable request core clock, rc=%d qcom,cpr-panic-reg-addr-list 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-panic-reg-addr-list has invalid len = %d qcom,cpr-panic-reg-name-list 3%s: %s: property qcom,cpr-panic-reg-name-list not specified 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-panic-reg-name-list should have %d strings 3%s: %s: error reading property qcom,cpr-panic-reg-name-list, rc=%d 3%s: %s: error reading property qcom,cpr-panic-reg-addr-list, rc=%d 3%s: Unable to map panic register addr 0x%08x vdd-supply 3%s: %s: unable to request vdd regulator, rc=%d 3%s: %s: vdd supply is not defined mem-acc qcom,cpr-consecutive-up qcom,cpr-consecutive-down qcom,cpr-up-threshold qcom,cpr-down-threshold 3%s: %s: %s=%u is invalid; allowed range: [%u, %u] 3%s: %s: thread %u error reading property %s, rc=%d 3%s: %s: thread %u %s=%u is invalid; allowed range: [%u, %u] %s: %s: target quots[%2d]:%s 3%s: Invalid fuse parameter segment: row=%u, start=%u, end=%u 3%s: Invalid fuse parameter segments; total bits = %d cpr_tcsr_reg tcsr ioremap failed corner_band=%d core_config_count=%d temp_band_count=%d sdelta_size=%d corner=%d core_config_count=%d temp_band_count=%d sdelta_size=%d %s: %s: %s qcom,cpr-corner-band%d-temp-core-voltage-adjustment qcom,cpr-corner%d-temp-core-voltage-adjustment 3%s: %s: could not load %s, rc=%d %s: %s: sdelta[%d]:%s qcom,corner-band-allow-temp-adjustment qcom,corner-allow-temp-adjustment qcom,corner-band-allow-core-count-adjustment qcom,corner-allow-core-count-adjustment 3%s: %s: Temperature adjustment configurations missing qcom,max-core-count 3%s: %s: error reading qcom,max-core-count, rc=%d 3%s: %s: error reading %s, rc=%d 3%s: %s: corner/band %d core and temp adjustment loading failed, rc=%d %s: %s: APM threshold=%d, APM adj=%d changed corner %d voltages; prev: floor=%d, ceiling=%d, open-loop=%d; new: floor=%d, ceiling=%d, open-loop=%d %s: %s: MEM ACC threshold=%d changed corner %d voltages; prev: floor=%d, ceiling=%d, open-loop=%d; new: floor=%d, ceiling=%d, open-loop=%d cpr3_ipq807x_npu_calculate_open_loop_voltages cpr3_npu_print_settings 6%s: fused %8s: open-loop=%7d uV 3%s: fused part type detection failed failed, rc=%d 3%s: fused open-loop voltage adjustment failed, rc=%d 3%s: temp open-loop voltage adj. failed, rc=%d 6%s: fuse corner %d voltage=%d uV < fuse corner %d voltage=%d uV; overriding: fuse corner %d voltage=%d 3%s: invalid fuse corner mapping 3%s: open-loop voltage adjustment failed, rc=%d 3%s: unable to calculate open-loop voltages, rc=%d 3%s: unable to limit open-loop voltages, rc=%d 3%s: unable to limit floor voltages, rc=%d %s: Corner: Frequency (Hz), Fuse Corner, Floor (uV), Open-Loop (uV), Ceiling (uV) NPU CPR valid fuse count: %d qcom,cpr-ctrl-name 3%s: unable to read qcom,cpr-ctrl-name, rc=%d 3%s: could not map fuse base address 3%s: could not read CPR tcsr rsetting 3%s: failed to allocate CPR thread array, rc=%d 3%s: expected 1 thread but found %d 3%s: unable to parse common controller data, rc=%d 3%s: failed to initialize CPR controller parameters, rc=%d 3%s: thread %u CPR thread data from DT- failed, rc=%d 3%s: thread initialization failed, rc=%d 3%s: Unable to read fuse-corner %d initial voltage fuse, rc=%d 3%s: unable to read CPR fuse data, rc=%d 3%s: error reading corner data, rc=%d 3%s: Cannot read CPR corner data from DT, rc=%d 3%s: Cannot initialize mem-acc regulator settings, rc=%d 6%s: Normal and Cold condition init done. Default to normal. 3%s: Get cold temperature threshold failed, rc=%d 3%s: regulator initialization failed, rc=%d cpr4_ipq807x_apss_read_fuse_data cpr4_apss_parse_corner_data cpr4_apss_parse_misc_fuse_voltage_adjustments cpr4_ipq807x_apss_calculate_open_loop_voltages cpr4_ipq807x_apss_set_no_interpolation_quotients cpr4_ipq807x_apss_calculate_target_quotients cpr4_apss_print_settings cpr4_apss_parse_temp_adj_properties cpr4_apss_parse_boost_properties cpr4_apss_init_regulator cpr4_apss_regulator_probe qcom,cpr-misc-fuse-voltage-adjustment 3%s: %s: property %s has invalid length=%d, should be %zu 3%s: %s: unable to read qcom,cpr-ctrl-name, rc=%d 3%s: %s: could not map fuse base address 3%s: %s: could not read CPR tcsr setting 3%s: %s: failed to allocate CPR thread array, rc=%d 3%s: %s: expected 1 thread but found %d 3%s: %s: unable to parse common controller data, rc=%d qcom,cpr-down-error-step-limit 3%s: %s: error reading qcom,cpr-down-error-step-limit, rc=%d qcom,cpr-up-error-step-limit 3%s: %s: error reading qcom,cpr-up-error-step-limit, rc=%d qcom,cpr-step-quot-fixed qcom,cpr-saw-use-unit-mV qcom,cpr-voltage-settling-time vdd-limit-supply vdd-limit 3%s: %s: unable to request vdd-limit regulator, rc=%d 3%s: %s: unable to initialize APM settings, rc=%d qcom,cpr-temp-point-map 3%s: %s: invalid number of temperature points %d > %d (max) 3%s: %s: error reading property qcom,cpr-temp-point-map, rc=%d %s: %s: Temperature Point %d=%d %s: %s: Number of temp bands =%d qcom,cpr-initial-temp-band 3%s: %s: error reading qcom,cpr-initial-temp-band, rc=%d 3%s: %s: Initial temperature band value %d should be in range [0 - %d] 3%s: %s: unable to parse temperature adjustment properties, rc=%d qcom,cpr-hw-closed-loop 3%s: %s: failed to initialize CPR controller parameters, rc=%d 3%s: %s: thread %u unable to read CPR thread data from device tree, rc=%d 3%s: %s: thread initialization failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: Unable to read speed bin fuse, rc=%d 6%s: %s: speed bin = %llu 3%s: %s: Unable to read CPR fusing revision fuse, rc=%d 6%s: %s: CPR fusing revision = %llu 3%s: %s: Unable to read misc voltage adjustment fuse, rc=%d 6%s: %s: CPR misc fuse value = %llu 3%s: %s: CPR misc fuse value = %llu, should be < %lu 3%s: %s: Unable to read fuse-corner %d initial voltage fuse, rc=%d 3%s: %s: Unable to read fuse-corner %d target quotient fuse, rc=%d 3%s: %s: Unable to read fuse-corner %d RO select fuse, rc=%d 3%s: %s: Unable to read fuse-corner %d quotient offset fuse, rc=%d 3%s: %s: Unable to read CPR boost config fuse, rc=%d 6%s: %s: Voltage boost fuse config = %llu boost = %s 3%s: %s: failed to read boost fuse voltage, rc=%d 3%s: %s: invalid CPR fuse combo = %d found 3%s: %s: unable to read CPR fuse data, rc=%d 3%s: %s: error reading corner data, rc=%d qcom,cpr-ro-sel 3%s: %s: unable to read CPR corner data from device tree, rc=%d 3%s: %s: unable to initialize mem-acc regulator settings, rc=%d 6%s: %s: fused %8s: open-loop=%7d uV 3%s: %s: fused part type detection failed failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: fused open-loop voltage adjustment failed, rc=%d qcom,allow-voltage-interpolation 6%s: %s: fuse corner %d voltage=%d uV < fuse corner %d voltage=%d uV; overriding: fuse corner %d voltage=%d %s: %s: unadjusted per-corner open-loop voltages: %s: %s: open-loop[%2d] = %d uV 3%s: %s: open-loop voltage adjustment failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: unable to calculate open-loop voltages, rc=%d 3%s: %s: unable to limit open-loop voltages, rc=%d 3%s: %s: unable to limit floor voltages, rc=%d 3%s: %s: unable to calculate target quotients, rc=%d 3%s: %s: unable to parse temperature and core count voltage adjustments, rc=%d 3%s: %s: qcom,max-core-count has invalid value = %d qcom,allow-boost 6%s: %s: Boost open-loop=%7d uV qcom,cpr-boost-voltage-fuse-adjustment 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-boost-voltage-fuse-adjustment reading failed, rc=%d 6%s: %s: Adjusted boost open-loop=%7d uV qcom,cpr-num-boost-cores 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-num-boost-cores reading failed, rc=%d 3%s: %s: Invalid boost number of cores = %d qcom,cpr-boost-temp-adjustment 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-boost-temp-adjustment reading failed, rc=%d %s: %s: Adjusted boost voltage margin for temp band %d = %d steps 3%s: %s: unable to parse boost adjustments, rc=%d %s: %s: Corner: Frequency (Hz), Fuse Corner, Floor (uV), Open-Loop (uV), Ceiling (uV) %s: %s: %3d: %10u, %2d, %7d, %7d, %7d %s: %s: APM threshold = %d uV, APM adjust = %d uV 3%s: %s: regulator initialization failed, rc=%d 6%s: %s: fused %8s: quot[%2llu]=%4llu, quot_offset[%2llu]=%4llu qcom,allow-quotient-interpolation 3%s: %s: qcom,cpr-misc-fuse-voltage-adjustment reading failed, rc=%d %s: %s: corner=%d RO=%u target quot=%u %s: %s: adjusted corner %d RO%u target quot: %u --> %u (%d uV) 3%s: %s: invalid fuse corner mapping %s: %s: adjusted fuse corner %d RO%u target quot: %llu --> %u (%d uV) %s: %s: quot_high[%d]=%llu < quot_low[%d]=%llu; overriding: quot_high[%d]=%llu %s: %s: adjusted fuse corner %d RO%llu target quot: %llu --> %llu (%d uV) %s: %s: quot_high[%d]=%llu < quot_low[%d]=%llu after adjustment; overriding: quot_high[%d]=%llu %s: %s: adjusted corner %d RO%u target quot: %llu --> %u (%d uV) %s: %s: adjusted corner %d RO%u target quot=%u < adjusted corner %d RO%u target quot=%u; overriding: corner %d RO%u target quot=%u enable-at-boot enable-gpio gpios-states gpios <-> gpios-states mismatch No 'states' property found regulator-type Unknown regulator-type '%s' Failed to allocate gpio data Could not obtain regulator setting GPIOs: %d Failed to allocate state data No regulator type set regulator-gpio qcom,rpm-pm8058-regulators qcom,rpm-pm8901-regulators qcom,rpm-pm8921-regulators qcom,rpm-smb208-regulators %s is invalid qcom,switch-mode-frequency regulator requires %s property invalid frequency %d qcom,power-mode-hysteretic failed to set power mode qcom,force-mode invalid force mode failed to set force mode unable to retrieve handle to rpm &vreg->lock /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/regulator/qcom_rpm-regulator.c spmi_regulator_match qcom,pm8841-regulators qcom,pm8916-regulators qcom,pm8941-regulators qcom,pmd9655-regulators could not read version registers unsupported regulator: name=%s type=0x%02X, subtype=0x%02X, dig major rev=0x%02X qcom,ocp-max-retries qcom,ocp-retry-delay qcom,pin-ctrl-enable qcom,pin-ctrl-hpm qcom,vs-soft-start-strength common initialization failed, ret=%d spmi read failed, ret=%d failed to request irq %d, ret=%d request v=[%d, %d] is outside possible v=[%d, %d] request v=[%d, %d] cannot be met by any set point; next set point: %d OCP triggered %d times; no further retries Failed to allocate device data Failed to ioremap resource qcom,regulator-ipq40xx reset-names #reset-cells resets /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/reset/core.c 5SAK: killed process %d (%s): task_session(p)==tty->session 5SAK: killed process %d (%s): fd#%d opened to the tty __proc_set_tty tty_init_dev tty_release_checks tty_release tty_warn_deprecated_flags tty_device_create_release 7%s: %s: current tty %s not NULL!! 4%s: tty_check_change: sig=%d, tty->pgrp == NULL! tty_fasync tty_hangup &tty->legacy_mutex &tty->throttle_mutex &tty->termios_rwsem &tty->winsize_mutex &tty->ldisc_sem &tty->write_wait &tty->read_wait &tty->atomic_write_lock 4Warning: dev (%s) tty->count(%d) != #fd's(%d) in %s pqrstuvwxyzabcde device: '%s': %s 4tty: no memory to save termios state. %s: %s driver does not set tty->port. This will crash the kernel later. Fix the driver! 6tty_init_dev: ldisc open failed, clearing slot %d tty_ioctl 4%s: '%s' is using deprecated serial flags (with no effect): %.8x NULL tty 4null TTY for (%d:%d) in %s 4bad magic number for tty struct (%d:%d) in %s tty_poll tty_read 3Attempt to register invalid tty line number (%d). %s%c%x 7%s: %s: bad idx %d 7%s: %s: bad driver table[%d] = %p 7%s: %s: bad other table[%d] = %p 7%s: %s: bad link = %p 4%s: %s: read/write wait queue active! 4%s: bad pty slave count (%d) for %s 4%s: bad tty->count (%d) for %s /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/tty_io.c tty_write 3tty driver %s lacks a write_room method. n_tty_kick_worker n_tty_chars_in_buffer %s is deprecated and scheduled for removal. /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/n_tty.c scheduling with invalid itty scheduling buffer work for halted ldisc &ldata->atomic_read_lock &ldata->output_lock 4%s: %d input overrun(s) 3%s: unknown flag %d 4Warning?!? termios_locked is NULL. tty-ldisc-%d %-10s %2d n_tty: get Couldn't open N_TTY ldisc for %s --- error %d. /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c &buf->lock 4tty_port_close_start: tty->count = 1 port count = %d. 4tty_port_close_start: count = %d &port->open_wait &port->delta_msr_wait &port->mutex &port->buf_mutex /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/tty_port.c &buf->mutex out of memory in TTY auditing /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/tty/tty_audit.c %s pid=%u uid=%u auid=%u ses=%u major=%d minor=%d comm= ioctl=TIOCSTI sysrq_of_get_keyreset_config 6sysrq: %s 6sysrq: This sysrq operation is disabled. 6sysrq: HELP : sysrq.reset_seq sysrq.sysrq_downtime_ms 6sysrq: OOM request ignored because killer is disabled 3sysrq: Failed to register input sysrq handler, error %d 3sysrq: Failed to open input device, error %d 6sysrq: Loglevel set to %d /chosen/linux,sysrq-reset-seq sysrq: No sysrq node found keyset timeout-ms 1234567890-= qwertyuiop[] asdfghjkl;'` \zxcvbnm,./ 789-456+1230 uart_flush_buffer uart_close uart_wait_until_sent uart_hangup uart_open I/O 0x%lx I/O 0x%lx offset 0x%x MMIO 0x%llx *unknown* 6%s%s%s%d at %s (irq = %d, base_baud = %d) is a %s Cannot register tty device on line %d uart_close(%d) called uart_flush_buffer(%d) called 0x%lX uart_hangup(%d) %s sets custom speed on %s. This is deprecated. uart_open(%d) called mmio, mmio32, mmio32be, mmio32native, mmio:0x port: serinfo:1.0 driver%s%s revision:%s %d: uart:%s %s%08llX irq:%d tx:%d rx:%d fe:%d pe:%d brk:%d oe:%d |RTS |CTS |DTR |DSR Removing wrong port: %p != %p %s%d: Unable to drain transmitter uart_wait_until_sent(%d), jiffies=%lu, expire=%lu... msm_startup msm_shutdown msm_dectuart_probe msm_serial_dectuart_exit %d [0 1] qcom,msm-uart qcom,msm-uartdm 3msm_serial: Unknown PM state %d msm_serial msm_serial: detected port #%d 4msm_serial: port %d is already initialized! 4Wrong device tree configuration 4Possible Solutions: 4 1: Create alias for all probed msm interfaces 4 2: Do not use alias name "serial" avm,dectstub_uart 6%s: set dectuart_port to ttyMSM%d serial_clk clk set rate failed (%d) for %u uartclk = %d no pinctrl configured (%ld) no default pinctrl configured (%ld) avm,rx-only enabling support for the rx only pinctrl setting tx-watermark %s sub reflink %d %s add reflink %d %s ttyMSM%d %d msm_serial%d qcom,tx-crci qcom,rx-crci qcom,msm-uartdm-v1.1 qcom,msm-uartdm-v1.2 qcom,msm-uartdm-v1.3 qcom,msm-uartdm-v1.4 msm_hsl_config_uart_tx_rx_gpios msm_hsl_unconfig_uart_tx_rx_gpios msm_hsl_config_uart_hwflow_gpios msm_hsl_unconfig_uart_hwflow_gpios bus_vote msm_hsl_loopback_enable_set msm_hsl_loopback_enable_get msm_hsl_debugfs_init msm_hsl_start_tx msm_hsl_set_baud_rate msm_hsl_startup msm_hsl_request_port msm_hsl_power dump_hsl_regs wait_for_xmitr msm_hsl_console_setup set_msm_console msm_hsl_dt_to_pdata qup_i2c_pm_suspend_runtime msm_serial_hsl_probe msm_hsl_runtime_suspend msm_hsl_runtime_resume msm_serial_hsl_init %s: Voting for bus scaling:%d 6%s: Timeout: %d uS 6%s: SR: %08x 6%s: ISR: %08x 6%s: MR1: %08x 6%s: MR2: %08x 6%s: NCF: %08x 6%s: TXFS: %08x 6%s: RXFS: %08x 6%s: Console state: %d 6%s: %s: UART TX Stuck, Resetting TX 6%s: console setup on port #%d 3%s: Error setting uartclk rate as %u 3%s: Error: setting uartclk rate as %u 3%s: Error setting UART clock rate to %u 3%s: Error setting UART clock rate to zero. 3%s: Unknown PM state %d uartdm_resource 3%s: can't get uartdm resource msm_serial_hsl 3%s: can't get mem region for uartdm gsbi_resource 3%s: can't get gsbi resource pm_runtime: resuming pm_runtime: suspending 3%s: Error: setting uartclk rate %u 3%s: %s: System is in Suspend state msm_serial_hsl%d UART_TX_GPIO 3%s: gpio request failed for:%d UART_RX_GPIO 3%s: Pdata is NULL. UART_CTS_GPIO UART_RFR_GPIO 3%s: failed to request_irq 3%s: Error: Pdata is NULL. 3%s: Error:Pdata is NULL. device tree enabled 3%s: unable to allocate memory for platform data qcom,config-gpio 3%s: Error with config_gpio property. qcom,tx-gpio qcom,rx-gpio qcom,cts-gpio qcom,rfr-gpio qcom,use-pm 6%s: detected port #%d (ttyMSM%d) 6%s: %s: set dectuart_port to ttyMSM%d 3%s: Error getting clk 6%s: Bus scaling is disabled 3%s: getting uartdm_resource failed 3%s: getting irq failed 3%s: Can't create console attribute loopback.%d 3%s: Cannot create loopback.%d debug entry &msm_hsl_port->clk_mutex msm_serial_hslite_port_open %s: Calling stop_console %s: Calling unregister_console %s: Calling register_console (hanging) softirqs:%u.%02u%%%s (%s %lu%%) BLOCK_IOPOLL_SOFTIRQ task runtime:%u%% max:%s %u%% 4[%x]system-load %3lu%% loadavg %lu.%lu %lu.%lu %lu.%lu -%s%s pgstat: sum=%lu free=%lu slab=%lu%s%s%s (sleep %lu) alloc=%lu/s fault=%lu/s ai_user:%lu.%02lu/%s 0x%08lx %s ai_sys:%lu.%02lu/%s %pS %s hanging! - values may be incorrect [cpu%u][%6lu]Softirq max %9lu avg %6lu us %3u.%02u%% %s(measure-time=%lu.%03lu s) [%6lu]%-8s:max %6lu avg %6lu us (%3lu%%)%s [%6lu] max %6lu avg %6lu us (%3lu%%) %s%s ...(not all tasklet-functions traced) avmevent_cpu_idle_notify avm_power_cpuidle_init 3[avm_power] %s register failed ! 3[avm_power_disp_loadrate] cpu-idle-event: MEM: %d %d %d %%, active=%ld free=%ld/%ld 4[%s]event: %d not handled 4[avm_power]unknown event: %d 4[avm_power]can't alloc event: %d avm_power_dsl_init 3[avm_power] %s source register failed ! 3[avm_power] %s PowerManagmentRegister failed ! avm_power_open avm_power_write 3%s: %s: open malloc failed avm_power 3[%s]: %s: copy_from_user failed PMINFO_MODE PMINFO_SET ETH_MODE 3[%s] : unknown port %u: 3[%s] : unknown status - set status to powered(2) 3[%s] : ethernet not registered 3[%s] : ethernet switch failed LOAD_MODE IDLE_MODE 3mode=0x%x [avm_power] format error: "MODE = " 3[%s] format error: '%s' 3[%s] use: "PMINFO_MODE = device, norm_rate, multiplier, divider, offset" 3[%s] use: "PMINFO_SET = device, power_rate 3[%s] use: "ETH_MODE = port, state" 3[%s] use: "LOAD_MODE = mode (0 auto, 1 off, > 1 Level" 3[%s] use: "IDLE_MODE = mode" %s%u idle: %s %% (%s %%) 3[loadcontrol]module %s register failed 6[loadcontrol]module %s registered 6[loadcontrol]module %s released 3[loadcontrol]module %p release failed 6[loadcontrol] set level to %x 6[loadcontrol] set auto - scale=%d _avm_power_pm_qos_latency avm_power_pm_qos_init 6[avm_power]%s: set latency to %u us 6[avm_power]%s: reset latency 6[avm_power]%s avm_power_telefon_init 4[avm_power] %s PowerManagmentRegister failed ! 3%s invalid handle %p 3%s invalid parameter 3%s can't get memory temp_reader_%s %-64s: %d.%u %-64s: error=%d avm_power_temperature mmc_hs400_to_hs200 avmevent_temperature_notify avm_power_temperature_init TemperaturSensorRegister TemperaturSensorDeregister usb_get_phy_dev 3avm_power: [%s] No cpu sensor registered 3[%s] avm event temperature register failed ! avm/temp_sensors temperatures 4[%s]unknown event: %d 4[%s]can't alloc event: %d 3[%s]temperature event: %d 3[avm_power]%s: invalid param %p %pS 3[avm_power]%s:(0x%p) 3[avm_power]%s: invalid Handle 3%s error link already zero 3[avm_power]%s: unknown device: %d 3%s loadavg %lu.%lu %lu.%lu %lu.%lu loadcntrl 0x%x 3[avm_power]%s: device: %s value=(0x%x)%d changes=%d powerdevice_unknown avm/powermanagmentressourceinfo 3%s: can't create %s put_pwclient PowerManagmentRegister PowerManagmentRelease powermode_action_async PowerManagmentRessourceInfo PowerManagmentRessourceInfo_Init available powermode: 3[avm_power]%s: no memory pm_ressourceinfo_thread pm_ressourceinfo_parse pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse LAN%x 3%sCPUs-Activity=%d %% DSL-Activity=%d %% WLAN-Activity=%d %% WLAN-Devices=%d%s USB=%d %% %s &pm_ressourceinfo.wait_queue pm_info 6[avm_power] avm event register failed ! POLICY CON 6[avm_power] eth: port %u force throttle %s%s t%d 6[avm_power] eth: port %u force normal %s%s t%d 6[avm_power] eth: port %d status %d throttle %d%s%s t%d 4[avm_power]event: %d not handled 3[avm_power] p%s: unknown_device %d: '%s' 3[avm_power] %s: invalid format '%s' 3[avm_power]%s: unknown_device %d: '%s' 3[avm_power]%s: invalid format '%s' 6[avm_power]%s: %s: norm_power_rate=%d act_rate=%d mul=%d div=%d offset=%d NormP=%d mW -> SumNormP=%d mW 3[avm_power]%s: warning divider is zero '%s' 3[avm_power]%s: exit 6SUM:%d(%d) SYST:%d(%d)-%x DSP:%d(%d) WLAN:%d(%d)-%d-%x ETH:%d(%d)-%x ISDN:%x AB:%d(%d) DECT:%d(%d) USB:%d(%d)-%x LTE:%d(%d) DVBC:%d(%d) PLC:%d(%d) TEMP(%d, %d min %d max %d) want:%d avm_factory_reset_init 6Trigger factory reset using usermodehelper 0Restart for factory reset avm_write_to_file /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/avm_helpers.c %s: write %s to %s 3[avm_power]speedstep failed: write %s %s %s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %02d UTC avm_oom_show_memstat -------------------- memory-situation -------------------- Task-Memory in KiB: ----------------VM--------------- ---------PSS------- pid score total code lib data stack total file anon name %6d %5lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %6llu %6llu %6llu {%s} kthreads %lu childs %lu ERROR: OOM [#%u] retry /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches Out of memory: panic_on_oom is enabled avm_alloc_page_extension add_to_page_scorelist avm_page_statistic_print init_scorelist ======= Head Single 3[%s] pgdat 0x%lx is empty scan pgdat: start 0x%lx(mem_map=0x%p) present 0x%lx spanned 0x%lx 6obscure buddy: page=0x%p pfn=%lu (addr=0x%p) order %2u %s (0x%08x) 6obscure head: page=0x%p pfn=%lu (addr=0x%p) invalid order %2u %s (0x%08x) 6obscure head: page=0x%p pfn=%lu (addr=0x%p) order %2u invalid _count=%u %s (0x%08x) %pS 3%s: warning: invalid order=%u 3warning: no alloc %pS order =%u -> add to [0] Free pages statistic Count([KiB]): on-LRU free Buddy Sum( max) %4u (%5u): %5u %5u %5u %5u%s %s%s-Pages order=%u (%u KiB): [refcnt>1: pages=%5u (%6u KiB)] [%3u] %5u (%6u KiB)%s %pS [%3u] %5u - pages=%5u (%6u KiB)%s %pS Sum of %sPages: %u (%6u KiB) %5u (%6u KiB) total pages %5u (%6u KiB) free pages %5u (%6u KiB) free pages on Buddy %5u (%6u KiB) pages on LRU (%u freeable pages) %5u (%6u KiB) pages allocated on-disc %5u (%6u KiB) pages for slab %5u (%6u KiB) pages to be reclaimed asap %5u (%6u KiB) pages are reserved %5u (%6u KiB) pages as head %5u (%6u KiB) pages are mlocked %5u (%6u KiB) pages are swap pages referenced uptodate lru owner_priv_1 arch_1 private private_2 writeback swapcache mappedtodisk reclaim swapbacked unevictable mlocked %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s get_taskstack_minfree 0ERROR: no refcount on %s (%d) (stack=%pS) 0%s: FATAL ERROR: bad task-pointer %p 0%s (%d) used greatest stack depth: %6u bytes left threadinfo 0FATAL ERROR: task_struct maybe corrupt: invalid stackpointer on %s (%d) (stack=%p) task_struct: %pS(%80ph) 0FATAL ERROR: corrupt stack on %s (%d) (stack=%p) task_struct(%s) 0%s: previous task: %s %pS %64ph add_simple_proc_file 3%s: proc_create_data failed mtd_erase_compat Erasing %llu bytes at offset 0x%llx &waiter->wait_q avm_DebugCallRegister avm_DebugCallUnRegister avm_DebugSignal push_mail 3[avm_debug]%s("%s", 0x%p, %p): invalid param 3[avm_debug]%s: prefix '%s' already exist 3[avm_debug]%s: error: no handle for %p found user pid: kernel info: 5%s: %x %s %d [%s] 5avm_DebugSignal: 3[avm_debug]: write: copy_from_user failed AVMDBG_SIGNAL 3avm_DebugSignal: %s [avm_debug]unknown mode: %s 3[avmdebug]%s: error during creation of socket %d /var/tmp/me_avmdebug.ctl 3[avmdebug]%s:bind not supported 3[avmdebug]%s:bind failed %d 3[avmdebug] push: %s /var/tmp/me_ctlmgr.ctl 3[avmdebug]%s: failed with ret=%d get_logger_handle put_logger_handle avm_logger_create avm/log 3[avm_logger]%s: failed error=%d: %pS 3[avm_logger]%s: invalid handle %p on %pS avm/ %s%s/%s 3[avm_logger]%s: invalid handle %p logger: some lines lost here - logger-memory too small? [%5lu.%06lu] [F%x] [%x] corrupt memory-list Error: Poolsize mismatch Alloc failed=%lu avm_event_trigger avm_event_handler avm_pwrmgmnt_set_phy_state lookup_cache notify_led notify_avm_listeners update_cache_for_dev avmnet_netdev_event_handler bond_3ad_unbind_slave avmnet_netdev_plc_event_handler avmnet_module_event_handler setup_device_mapping map_avmport_netdev_from_dt avmnet_event_init bond_3ad_handle_link_change connection status requested [%s] no cached devices [%s] oom port=%d throttle=%s port=%d, setup_ports=%d port=%d, no netdev port=%d, no ethtool_ops port=%d, no set_settings port=%d, no get_settings [%s] called; val=0x%lx led_modul_Fritz_Box_ %s is up and running SPEED_10 SPEED_1000 SPEED_2500 SPEED_5000 SPEED_10000 SPEED_100 [%s] called; event=0x%lx, dev: 0x%p; dev->name: "%s" setup cache for netdev "%s" on %d netdev_event: up/changing %s: [link %d, speed=%s] [%s] %s/%s reporting %d%% for port %d 3[%s] Cannot reset plc as plc_reset_gpio is not set [led_event_action] is not available avmdev=%s, netdev=%s, wan=%d is_signed to_unsigned_num to_signed_num 3avm: Attributes must have at least one element 3avm: Attributes of size zero are invalid 3avm: Strings cannot be sampled. Use a numeric type. 3avm: Invalid sliding window specified &sampler->collect_lock %s_%s 3avm: Failed to create reducer attribute: %s 3avm: Array attributes must have at least two elements 3avm: %s: Invalid conversion. 3Chip specific values: 0:[0x%x] 1:[0x%x] 2:[0x%x] 3:[0x%x] 4[0x%x] 5[0x%x] 6[0x%x] 7[0x%x] FIQ backtrace trigger not ready, falling back ... Code: Backtrace of all other CPU's: Backtrace of all other CPU's done avm,sync avm,default-disabled avm,companion-panic dump_memory_pool get_memory put_memory simplemempool_alloc_init simplemempool_alloc_exit simplemempool_alloc simplemempool_free 3%s error: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %lx(size=%u(%u) next-entry %lx is invalid 3%s error: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %lx(size=%u(%u) prev-entry %lx != %lx (soll) is invalid 3%s: %s(%lu) %s 3[%4lu] %p used=%u %s size=%5u(%5u) (%pS) %s %s 6 '%s' 3... further elements exist (%lu) 3[maxb] %p used=%u %s size=%5u(%5u) (%pS) %s %s 3[maxb] idx=%lu size=%5lu 3Summary: entries=%lu used=%lu max-freesize=%lu max-blocksize=%lu max-used=%lu %scalculated pool_size=%lu%s 3%s error#1: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %p(size=%u(%u) (%pS) next-entry %p is invalid 3%s error#2: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %p(size=%u(%u) (%pS) next-entry %p is invalid 3%s error#3: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %p(size=%u(%u) (%pS) next-entry %p is invalid %s: [%s] Error: Can't reserve Memory size=%u %pS Error - further reference on Memorypool exist %s GREAT-ERROR: do not use in Yield-Context avm/mempool Memorypool outside pool! 3%s error: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %p [%s] 3%s: Can't find ptr=%p %s(pool-area: %p - size=%lu) %pS avm_prom_create_config_proc /GU/KERNEL_qcaarmv8_build/src/main/linux/drivers/char/avm_new/prom_config_procfs.c avm/calib 3[avm_prom_config] %s: can't create %s 3[avm_prom_config] Don't have chosen node in DT wlan_dect_config_part [avm_prom_config] Use config mtd "%s" (mtd%d) [avm_prom_config] Use config blkdev %s (%s) 3[avm_prom_config] Could not find config device wlan_dect_configs 3[avm_prom_config] No wlan_dect_configs property in chosen node [avm_prom_config] Add entry ofs=0x%llx type=%d size=0x%x 3[avm_prom_config] Error reading entry %d: %d avm_prom_config_add_mtd_device avm_prom_config_add_blkdev avm_prom_load_config_entry avm_set_reset_status avm_reboot_string 3No reserved memory for avm_reboot_string found. Setting mailbox to fallback 0x%08x 3Error saving reboot status to mailbox: %ld 5%s: Ignoring request to set status %d which is already set Setting reboot status: %d %s(%lu)%s(%lld)%s(%s)%s(%s)%s(%s)%s(%s) %s(%s)%s(%s)%s(%d)%s(%d) 3Mailbox overflow when saving reboot status, data truncated 0%s: %s%s%s%s%s%s Uptime: %lu %lu d %lu h %lu min %lu s Uptime-String: %s - panic on %s Irregular-Reboots %s: %s %s (since last regular reboot/power-cut) clear_rebootcounter 3/proc/avm/reboot/info: invalid input ("clear_rebootcounter" resets counters) 3Unknown reboot_status=%d %s(%u) Reboots: %s %u format_profile_line Performance-Counter - CORE%u ----------------- Boot-profiling stopped ! ----------------- # measure time %lu msec, real cpu-cores %d [%u] cpu_ofs %u vpes %u 3[simple-profiling]%s illegal cpu_id %u core=%x tc=%x addr = %p (type=%u - %s) 3[simple-profiling] internal error data type %d unknown (time=%x) %x;C%x;T%x;S0x%08lx;0x%08X;0x%08X;0x%08X;%s;0x%08lx;%s;0x%08lx;%s;%.*s;%u %x;C%x;T%x;S0x%08lx;0x%08X;0x%08x;0x%08x;%s;0x%08lx;%s;0x%08lx;%s;%.*s;%u;0x%08x;%s;0x%08x;%s %x;C%x;T%x;S0x%08lx;0x%08X;0x%08X;0x%08X;%s;0x%08lx;%s;0x%08lx;%s;%.*s;%u; AVM Profiler Version 3.0 csv - get raw-profile-list for offline evaluation statistic - get profile statistic (consumption/latency) totalcall - get top of function calls totalweight - get top of function calls weighted with codelength action - all, stop, ... mbytes=x (see below) parameter(s) for action (use 'no'-prefix to exclude trace-option): mbytes=: size of profiler-buffer (actual: %u MiB) example: echo bh workitem wrap > /proc/avm/profile/action BACKTRACE SKB SLCK HWIRQ SWIRQ TIMER TASKLET HITSKLT WORKITEM TRGTSKLT TRGUSER SCHED EXCEPTION IRQDISABLE FUNC CODE mbytes= mbytes=%u 6[simple-profiling]trace following hooks: %s totalcall totalweight 6[%u%%] PID_0 [100%%] avm_simple_profiling_enable avm_simple_profiling_restart (wrap-mode) 3[simple-profiling]analyzing busy - can't enable profiler, try it later 6[simple-profiling]resize %d pages instead %d pages 6[simple-profiling]need %d pages for %d entries (%d samples per page) 3[simple-profiling]can't enable profiler (memory-error) 3[simple-profiling]%s Unknown profiling mode.Assuming normal profiling without wraparround. 6[simple-profiling]profiler on %u free entries %s (%u wraparrounds) 6[simple-profiling]profiler off: %u entries%s (%lu ms) 6[%s] Push-Button for profiling ignored (not initialized) 6[simple-profiling]profiler off: %u entries 6[simple-profiling]profiler wrap %u - %u entries (fin) PID_%u %3u.%02u s %3u.%02u ms %3u.%02u us %3u ns %lu min %3lu.%02lu s %lu:%02lu:%02lu never %3u.%02u %% %s+0x%lx/0x%lx%s%s%s [CORE%u:CPU %u-%u] [CORE%u:CPU %u] %s Measure time: %s (cycles=%llu) with %u entries [CPU %x] ---------- %s ---------- [CPU %x] ---------- %s needs %s (%s) of total time ---------- PAGE-FAULT: IRQ: %5u: %-30s %8s %2u %-20s: %-23s(%5u) %-40s(%5u) consume:max %s avg %s schedule:max %s min %s avg %s access:%12u activate:%12u 6%s%s Calls %6u %s %s%s%s CORE%u idle %s (%s) of total time codelen 6display top of function calls 6display top of function calls weighted with codelength 6display top of function calls weighted with square-codelength 6CORE%u CPU: %u 6CORE%u: CPU: %u-%u 6sum of calls: %u (user-function without codelength-info approximated to 10 %% of PAGE-SIZE) symbol 6%-64s (%-8s/%5s) %-16s %s %8s %6s PAGE-FAULT: IRQ: %u 6%-64s (%08lx/%5d) %-16s %s %8u %6u arch_free_timer_firq CPU%u: use 'cat /proc/avm/profile/perform' to read performance-summary of last profiling Performance-Counter: %d perform parameter(s) for perform: 3%-10s - %s (Measure-Time %s): Attention: Profiler reserve perf_reg[0]=%x(%s) and perf_reg[1]=%x (%s) 3%s: false id=%u %p 3error: invalid param1 on set %u