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ntfs_attrlist_entry_rm ntfs_attrlist_entry_add ntfs_attrlist_need ntfs_attr_get_free_bits ntfs_attr_remove ntfs_attr_exist ntfs_attr_readall antfs_do_cluster_alloc ntfs_attr_make_non_resident ntfs_attr_record_move_away ntfs_attr_record_move_to ntfs_attr_rm ntfs_attr_add ntfs_attr_record_rm ntfs_attr_can_be_non_resident ntfs_non_resident_attr_record_add ntfs_resident_attr_record_add ntfs_make_room_for_attr ntfs_attr_size_bounds_check ntfs_attr_find_in_attrdef ntfs_attr_get_search_ctx ntfs_external_attr_find ntfs_attr_find ntfs_attr_lookup ntfs_attr_name_get ntfs_attr_mst_pwrite ntfs_attr_mst_pread ntfs_attr_pclose ntfs_non_resident_attr_shrink ntfs_attr_truncate_i ntfs_attr_fill_hole borrow_from_hole ntfs_attr_fill_zero ntfs_attr_map_partial_runlist ntfs_attr_update_meta ntfs_attr_update_mapping_pairs_i ntfs_non_resident_attr_expand_i ntfs_attr_init_search_ctx ntfs_resident_attr_resize_i stuff_hole ntfs_attr_pwrite_i ntfs_attr_pwrite ntfs_attr_pread_i ntfs_attr_pread ntfs_attr_find_vcn 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read_block do_readpage ubifs_write_end ubifs_invalidatepage ubifs_releasepage ubifs_fsync do_setattr data_key_init do_writepage do_truncation ubifs_setattr )D@vfs_dent_type dent_key_init_hash ubifs_readdir dent_key_init ubifs_lookup ubifs_create ubifs_link ubifs_unlink ubifs_symlink ubifs_mkdir ubifs_rmdir ubifs_mknod ubifs_rename spin_lock ubifs_new_inode ubifs_exit take_gc_lnum init_constants_sb init_constants_early mount_ubifs ubifs_fill_super ubifs_mount ubifs_init ubifs_dirty_inode ubifs_write_inode ubifs_evict_inode free_orphans spin_lock ubifs_umount ubifs_put_super ubifs_statfs bu_init ubifs_remount_ro check_free_space ubifs_remount_rw ubifs_parse_options ubifs_remount_fs ubifs_compr_name ubifs_compr_present validate_inode ubifs_iget ubifs_release_lprops fixup_leb ubifs_fixup_free_space validate_sb create_default_filesystem ubifs_read_superblock wbuf_timer_callback_nolock ubifs_read_node ubifs_read_node_wbuf ubifs_write_node new_wbuf_timer_nolock ubifs_wbuf_write_nolock ubifs_bg_wbufs_sync ubifs_wbuf_seek_nolock ubifs_wbuf_sync_nolock ubifs_prep_grp_node spin_lock next_sqnum ubifs_prepare_node ubifs_pad ubifs_check_node ubifs_is_mapped ubifs_leb_map ubifs_leb_unmap ubifs_leb_change ubifs_leb_write ubifs_leb_read ubifs_ro_mode data_key_init dbg_check_inode_size ubifs_tnc_has_node lookup_znode tnc_destroy_cnext ubifs_tnc_next_ent ubifs_tnc_remove_ino ubifs_tnc_remove_range ubifs_tnc_remove_nm tnc_delete ubifs_tnc_remove fallible_matches_name fallible_resolve_collision ubifs_tnc_add_nm ubifs_tnc_replace correct_parent_keys insert_zbranch tnc_insert dirty_cow_bottom_up copy_znode lookup_level0_dirty ubifs_tnc_add lnc_add_directly resolve_collision do_lookup_nm validate_data_node spin_lock read_wbuf ubifs_tnc_bulk_read try_read_node fallible_read_node lnc_add tnc_read_node_nm ubifs_lookup_level0 insert_old_idx ubifs_write_master validate_master scan_for_master ubifs_read_master ubifs_scan ubifs_scanned_corruption ubifs_end_scan ubifs_start_scan scan_padding_bytes ubifs_scan_a_node @set_bud_lprops data_key_init apply_replay_entry replay_entries_cmp insert_node insert_dent replay_bud replay_buds add_replay_bud validate_ref replay_log_leb ubifs_release_lprops ubifs_replay_journal ubifs_validate_entry ubifs_consolidate_log ubifs_log_post_commit ubifs_log_end_commit remove_buds dbg_check_bud_bytes ubifs_log_start_commit ubifs_add_bud_to_log ubifs_add_bud spin_lock dbg_check_old_index ubifs_gc_should_commit wait_for_commit ubifs_request_bg_commit ubifs_commit_required ___wake_up nothing_to_commit do_commit spin_lock ubifs_gc_end_commit ubifs_release_lprops ubifs_gc_start_commit ubifs_garbage_collect switch_gc_head data_nodes_cmp nondata_nodes_cmp sort_nodes ubifs_garbage_collect_leb insert_dead_orphan do_kill_orphans kill_orphans dbg_scan_orphans dbg_orphan_check dbg_check_orphans erase_deleted do_write_orph_node write_orph_node consolidate commit_orphans ubifs_orphan_start_commit ubifs_delete_orphan spin_lock ubifs_add_orphan ubifs_get_free_space_nolock ubifs_release_budget run_gc make_free_space do_budget_space spin_lock ubifs_budget_space get_idx_gc_leb find_dirty_idx_leb find_dirtiest_idx_leb ubifs_save_dirty_idx_lnums scan_for_leb_for_idx ubifs_find_free_leb_for_idx do_find_free_space ubifs_find_free_space ubifs_release_lprops scan_for_dirty spin_lock ubifs_find_dirty_leb write_index return_gap_lebs ubifs_tnc_end_commit spin_lock free_unused_idx_lebs layout_in_empty_space make_idx_node fill_gap layout_leb_in_gaps layout_in_gaps alloc_idx_lebs get_znodes_to_commit ubifs_tnc_start_commit ubifs_decompress ubifs_compress compr_init dbg_chk_pnode dbg_check_lpt_nodes scan_get_pnode ubifs_lpt_scan_nolock lpt_init_rd dirty_cow_pnode dirty_cow_nnode ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty ubifs_lpt_lookup read_pnode ubifs_read_nnode check_lpt_crc check_lpt_type set_ltab calc_dflt_lpt_geom ubifs_create_dflt_lpt ubifs_add_lpt_dirt pack_bits ubifs_unpack_bits ubifs_calc_lpt_geom scan_check_cb dbg_check_lprops dbg_check_heap dbg_check_cats ubifs_fast_find_frdi_idx ubifs_fast_find_freeable ubifs_fast_find_empty ubifs_fast_find_free ubifs_read_one_lp ubifs_update_one_lp ubifs_release_lprops ubifs_change_one_lp spin_lock ubifs_change_lp ubifs_calc_dark ubifs_categorize_lprops remove_from_lpt_heap ubifs_remove_from_cat ubifs_replace_cat add_to_lpt_heap ubifs_add_to_cat fix_size_in_place ubifs_recover_size grab_empty_leb ubifs_rcvry_gc_commit clean_an_unclean_leb ubifs_clean_lebs recover_head ubifs_recover_inl_heads get_cs_sqnum ubifs_recover_log_leb fix_unclean_leb clean_buf drop_last_node drop_last_group no_more_nodes ubifs_recover_leb write_rcvrd_mst_node get_master_node ubifs_recover_master_node setflags ubifs_ioctl dump_lpt_leb dbg_chk_lpt_sz dbg_chk_lpt_free_spc dbg_check_ltab_lnum dbg_check_ltab lpt_tgc_end write_cnodes ubifs_lpt_end_commit upd_ltab layout_cnodes first_dirty_cnode get_cnodes_to_commit lpt_tgc_start lpt_gc_lnum lpt_gc ubifs_lpt_start_commit ubifs_tnc_read_node read_znode ubifs_load_znode ubifs_destroy_tnc_subtree ubifs_tnc_postorder_next ubifs_search_zbranch ubifs_tnc_levelorder_next remove_xattr ubifs_removexattr ubifs_listxattr ubifs_getxattr change_xattr iget_xattr xent_key_init ubifs_setxattr dbg_debugfs_init dbg_debugfs_init_fs corrupt_data power_cut_emulated dbg_leb_write dbg_check_nondata_nodes_order dbg_check_data_nodes_order check_inodes read_add_inode add_inode check_leaf dbg_check_filesystem dbg_check_idx_size dbg_walk_index dbg_check_key_order dbg_check_znode dbg_check_tnc dbg_check_dir dbg_check_synced_i_size dbg_check_space_info ubifs_dump_leb ubifs_dump_lprops spin_lock ubifs_dump_inode dbg_snprintf_key fuse_dev_splice_write fuse_try_move_page fuse_copy_fill fuse_request_send_nowait_locked __fuse_put_request request_wait_answer __fuse_request_send put_reserved_req spin_lock ___wake_up fuse_create_open __fuse_release_nowrite fuse_set_nowrite spin_lock fuse_page_is_writeback fuse_writepage_locked ___wake_up_sync fuse_register_polled_file ___wake_up spin_lock fuse_destroy_inode ___wake_up fuse_init_inode spin_lock fuse.max_user_congthresh fuse.max_user_bgreq fuse_ctl_fill_super fuse_ctl_add_dentry spin_lock __create_file debugfs_create_file remove_simple_debugfs_file simple_debugfs_file_show simple_debugfs_file_open add_simple_debugfs_file debugfs_write_regset32 e04$8,@ p\lHtW A~Se `3SbE +HpXhE pZlNr -6'9 T6$:. wZiK *"X' `3QbE pXhH C@gw lNrZ 6'9- T[$:.6 ZiKw ;f[4~ _TbF~ x&n *1#? h8,4$ 2Ht\l P00` }++V =j&&LZ66lA??~ \44h S11b? e##F^ i''N t,,X. 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ddebug_change parse_lineno check_set ddebug_parse_query ddebug_parse_flags ddebug_tokenize ddebug_exec_query ddebug_exec_queries ddebug_dyndbg_module_param_cb ddebug_add_module ddebug_setup_query __dynamic_netdev_dbg __dynamic_dev_dbg __dynamic_pr_debug dynamic_debug.verbose nla_parse validate_nla cpu_rmap_add dql_completed condition_debuglist avm_check_cpu_features avm_mb_proc_generic_membench avm_membench_init early_membench do_dettmer_bench avm_release_busmaster avm_register_busmaster pinctrl_register_one_pin pinctrl_register pinctrl_register_map pinctrl_lookup_state pinctrl_get pinctrl_get_group_selector pin_request pinctrl_dt_to_map gpiolib_seq_start gpiolib_seq_next gpiod_lock_as_irq _gpio_set_open_source_value _gpio_set_open_drain_value gpiod_set_debounce gpiod_direction_output gpiod_direction_input gpiod_free gpiod_request gpiochip_add_pin_range gpiochip_find gpiochip_remove gpiochip_find_base gpiochip_add of_get_named_gpio_flags @___wake_up pci_bus_add_devices pci_create_root_bus pci_scan_child_bus pci_scan_bridge spin_lock pci_set_mwi __pci_set_master pci_pme_active pci_restore_config_dword pci_save_pcix_state pci_save_pcie_state pci_choose_state pci_raw_set_power_state spin_lock pci_update_resource pci_assign_unassigned_bus_resources pci_assign_unassigned_bridge_resources pci_assign_unassigned_resources pci_destroy_slot pci_slot_release pci_create_slot 9D`fixup_debug_report fixup_debug_start get_e_source aerdriver.nosourceid aerdriver.forceload aer_irq pdev_fixup_irq pcibios_update_irq get_current_tty proc_clear_tty tty_device_create_release tiocspgrp tty_get_pgrp tty_do_resize tty_release_checks tty_release tty_init_dev start_tty stop_tty disassociate_ctty tty_check_change __proc_set_tty spin_lock_irq spin_lock tty_open __tty_fasync pqrstuvwxyzabcde n_tty_packet_mode_flush spin_lock_irq n_tty_read ___wake_up n_tty_set_room tty_mode_ioctl ___wake_up tty_set_termios tty_ldisc_hangup_halt tty_ldisc_hangup ___wake_up ___wake_up flush_to_ldisc 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add_block_to_index add_block_entry parse_entry_oob block_mark_page_bad scan_block ___wake_up format_block TFFS3_NAND_Reindex TFFS3_NAND_Info TFFS3_NAND_Configure TFFS3_LGCY_Setup TFFS3_LGCY_Open TFFS3_LGCY_Read TFFS3_LGCY_Write TFFS3_LGCY_Cleanup ___wake_up TFFS3_LGCY_Format TFFS3_Memcmp do_write kill_segment switch_active_segment do_cleanup MTD_WRITE rescan_segment MTD_READ TFFS3_LGCY_Configure panic_log dtffs_panic_log_read prepare_log_proc avm_powermanager_load_control_setflags avm_powermanager_load_control_release avm_powermanager_load_control_register avm_powermanager_load_control_handler avm_powermanager_load_control_set avm_power_write avm_power_open TemperaturSensorDeregister spin_lock_bh TemperaturSensorRegister avmevent_temperature_notify avm_power_temperature_init avm_power_temperature avmevent_cpu_idle_notify avm_power_cpuidle_init avm_power_telefon_init ___wake_up avm_power_dsl_init ___wake_up pm_ressourceinfo_parse pm_ressourceinfo_init PowerManagmentRessourceInfo_Init ___wake_up PowerManagmentRessourceInfo powermode_action_async powermode_action del_pwclient PowerManagmentRelease add_pwclient put_pwclient get_pwclient_by_name lproc_calib_read avm_calib_proc_init avm.ar7wdt_no_reboot add_simple_proc_file simplemempool_size put_memory simplemempool_free get_memory simplemempool_alloc simplemempool_alloc_exit dump_memory_pool simplemempool_alloc_init set_reboot_status (c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot (REBOOT-FOR-UPDATE) (c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot (PANIC) (c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot (OOM) (c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot (OOPS) migration_entry_to_page pte_to_swp_entry scan_arguments sim_timer_func lproc_wd_simulate init_scorelist add_to_page_scorelist avm_page_statistic_print avm_alloc_page_extension avm_write_to_file @format_profile_line avm_simple_profiling_restart avm_simple_profiling_enable ?qlarch_yield_map_setup spin_lock mips_profiling_special_enable norm_cycle_sec set_tcmode get_symbol_pos source_show sink_show events_show ___wake_up atomic_add_value avm_event_source_trigger_one dump_pending_events avm_event_local_source_trigger avm_event_source_check_id avm_event_source_release avm_event_source_register free_local_event_source atomic_test_and_set avm_event_local_source_register avm_event_commit atomic_rm_from_queue avm_event_sink_release avm_event_sink_register check_id_mask_with_id atomic_add_to_front_of_queue avm_event_build_id_mask avm_event_source_user_mode_notify avm_event_init avm_event_read avm_event_write avm_event_open avm_event_close avm_event_free_item avm_event_alloc_item atomic_sub_and_test_zero avm_event_free_data avm_event_alloc_data AVM_WATCHDOG_read AVM_WATCHDOG_disable AVM_WATCHDOG_trigger AVM_WATCHDOG_set_timeout AVM_WATCHDOG_release AVM_WATCHDOG_wait_event_interruptible AVM_WATCHDOG_register _AVM_WATCHDOG_ctrl_timer ___wake_up AVM_WATCHDOG_timer_handler_action AVM_WATCHDOG_timer_handler RSDTtZXxKWP avm_DebugSignal ___wake_up avmdebug_lock push_mail avmdebug_thread avm_debug_init avmlogger_vprintk get_logger_handle s_show proc_logger_open put_logger_handle avm_logger_create @``ifx_pmcu_proc_internal_map_show ifx_pmcu_proc_EntriesInstall ifx_pmcu_pwr_feature_switch ifx_pmcu_get_state ifx_pmcu_ioctl ifx_pmcu_init ifx_pmcu_proc_EntriesRemove ifx_pmcu_exit ifx_pmcu_unregister ifx_pmcu_register ifx_pmcu_put_req ifx_pmcu_state_req ifx_pmcu_postchange ifx_pmcu_statechange ifx_pmcu_prechange ifx_pmcu_parse_deplist ifx_pmcu_get_req ifx_pmcu_process_req_tasklet ts_init ifx_pmu_proc_create ifx_pmu_init ifx_pmu_pg_disable ifx_pmu_pg_enable ifx_pmu_clk_off ifx_pmu_clk_on ifx_pmu_set proc_write_slewrate proc_write_dbg proc_write_module proc_file_create ifx_gpio_init ifx_gpio_altsel1_clear ifx_gpio_altsel1_set ifx_gpio_altsel0_clear ifx_gpio_altsel0_set ifx_gpio_input_get ifx_gpio_output_clear ifx_gpio_output_set avm_set_shift_val ifx_gpio_dir_in_set ifx_gpio_dir_out_set ifx_gpio_stoff_clear ifx_gpio_stoff_set ifx_gpio_puden_clear ifx_gpio_puden_set ifx_gpio_pudsel_clear ifx_gpio_pudsel_set ifx_gpio_open_drain_clear ifx_gpio_open_drain_set ifx_gpio_pin_free ifx_gpio_pin_reserve ifx_gpio_pin_reserve_nolock ifx_gpio_register avm_shift_reg_config ifx_rcu_init ifx_rcu_rst ifx_rcu_free ifx_rcu_request ifx_rcu_rst_stat_read ifx_rcu_rst_req_write ifx_rcu_rst_req_read device_move device_rename device_create_release dev_uevent device_unregister spin_lock device_add spin_lock bus_unregister bus_register bus_remove_driver driver_release bus_add_driver bus_remove_device bus_add_device spin_lock ___wake_up driver_deferred_probe_add really_probe driver_probe_device driver_probe_done driver_bound deferred_probe_work_func driver_deferred_probe_del driver_register class_find_device class_for_each_device class_create_release class_unregister class_release __class_register spin_lock platform_device_add devres_release_group devres_remove_group devres_close_group devres_open_group remove_nodes devres_release_all devres_remove devres_get devres_find add_dr devres_add devres_free devres_for_each_res attribute_container_add_attrs spin_lock anon_transport_class_unregister spin_lock pm_clk_notify sg_assign_page uncache_firmware cache_firmware __fw_free_buf fw_get_filesystem_firmware fw_set_page_data __allocate_fw_buf spin_lock _request_firmware_prepare _request_firmware firmware_class.path pinctrl_bind_pins loop_make_request ___wake_up spin_lock_irq loop_thread loop.max_part loop.max_loop do_nbd_request nbd_clear_que nbd_do_it dequeue_signal_lock nbd_end_request ___wake_up spin_lock nbd_handle_req spin_lock_irq __nbd_ioctl nbd_ioctl nbd.debugflags nbd.max_part nbd.nbds_max d__put_mtd_device add_mtd_device mount_mtd_nr spin_lock get_sb_mtd_compare mount_mtd_aux mount_mtd ___wake_up concat_erase spin_lock allocate_partition mtdchar_read mtdchar_write ___wake_up mtdchar_ioctl mtdchar_open mtdchar_close redboot.directory deregister_mtd_blktrans del_mtd_blktrans_dev spin_lock_irq add_mtd_blktrans_dev do_cached_read do_cached_write mtdblock_open ___wake_up write_cached_data mtdblock_release spin_lock cfi_build_cmd cfi_build_cmd map_word_load ___wake_up cfi_build_cmd @do_erase_oneblock do_write_oneword do_panic_write_oneword fixup_amd_bootblock map_word_load do_write_buffer fixup_use_write_buffers do_ppb_xxlock fwh_xxlock_oneblock do_erase_chip do_atmel_lock do_atmel_unlock ___wake_up cfi_build_cmd get_chip cfi_cmdset_0002 genprobe_ident_chips inline_map_read inline_map_write simple_map_init platram_probe platram_remove ltq_read16 ltq_write16 ltq_copy_from ltq_copy_to lantiq,nor add_device block2mtd.block2mtd Dw nand_scan nand_transfer_oob nand_do_read_oob nand_read_oob nand_write_oob nand_sync nand_resume nand_scan_tail nand_flash_detect_onfi nand_get_flash_type nand_select_chip nand_do_write_oob nand_erase_nand nand_lock ___wake_up __nand_unlock spin_lock check_offs_len nand_unlock nand_fill_oob nand_do_write_ops nand_isbad_bbt verify_bbt_descr create_bbt __nand_correct_data ___wake_up ifx_hsnand_dma_setup avm_get_hw_config ifx_nand_select_chip ifx_hsnand_command ifx_hsnand_read_buf ifx_hsnand_write_page ifx_hsnand_micron_read_page_hwecc ifx_hsnand_toshiba_read_eccstatus ifx_hsnand_mx_read_eccstatus panic_reinit ifx_hsnand_probe ifx_hsnand_chip_init check_av check_attaching_info init_volumes process_lvol create_vtbl ubi_read_volume_table vtbl_check self_vtbl_check ubi_change_vtbl_record ubi_free_volume ubi_add_volume ubi_resize_volume ubi_remove_volume spin_lock self_check_volume vol_attribute_show ubi_create_volume ubi_more_leb_change_data write_leb ubi_more_update_data ubi_start_leb_change clear_update_marker set_update_marker ubi_start_update ubi_detach_mtd_dev uif_init autoresize io_init ubi_attach_mtd_dev ubi_get_by_major spin_lock ubi_get_device ubi.mtd ctrl_cdev_ioctl rename_volumes verify_mkvol_req ubi_cdev_ioctl vol_cdev_llseek vol_cdev_read vol_cdev_direct_write vol_cdev_write revoke_exclusive spin_lock get_exclusive vol_cdev_ioctl vol_cdev_open vol_cdev_release ubi_is_mapped ubi_leb_map ubi_leb_unmap ubi_leb_erase ubi_leb_change ubi_leb_write ubi_leb_read ubi_close_volume ubi_open_volume_path ubi_open_volume_nm spin_lock ubi_open_volume print_rsvd_warning ubi_eba_init self_check_eba leb_write_trylock ubi_eba_copy_leb ubi_eba_atomic_leb_change ubi_eba_write_leb_st ubi_io_write_data recover_peb ubi_eba_write_leb leb_read_unlock ubi_io_read_data ubi_ro_mode ubi_eba_read_leb leb_write_unlock ltree_add_entry ubi_eba_unmap_leb spin_lock ubi_self_check_all_ff ubi_io_write_vid_hdr ubi_io_read_vid_hdr ubi_io_write_ec_hdr ubi_io_read_ec_hdr ubi_io_mark_bad ubi_io_is_bad ___wake_up do_sync_erase torture_peb nor_erase_prepare ubi_io_sync_erase self_check_write validate_vid_hdr self_check_vid_hdr self_check_peb_vid_hdr validate_ec_hdr self_check_ec_hdr self_check_peb_ec_hdr ubi_io_write self_check_not_bad ubi_io_read ubi_wl_close shutdown_work ubi_wl_init ubi_thread ubi_wl_flush ubi_wl_scrub_peb wl_tree_add __schedule_ubi_work do_sync_erase get_peb_for_wl wear_leveling_worker ensure_wear_leveling serve_prot_queue self_check_ec sync_erase erase_worker schedule_erase ubi_ro_mode self_check_in_pq prot_queue_del ubi_wl_put_peb prot_queue_add in_wl_tree self_check_in_wl_tree do_work produce_free_peb __wl_get_peb spin_lock ubi_wl_get_peb self_check_ai late_analysis add_corrupted check_corruption scan_peb scan_all ubi_attach early_erase_peb ubi_early_get_peb ubi_remove_av validate_vid_hdr add_to_list add_volume ubi_add_to_av ubi_compare_lebs ubi_calculate_reserved ubi_update_reserved ubi_calc_data_len ubi_debugfs_init_dev ubi_dump_flash spi_bus_lock spi_async_locked spi_async spi_setup spi_stop_queue spi_start_queue spi_pump_messages spi_queued_transfer spi_register_master spi_finalize_current_message spi_get_next_queued_message spi_add_device bitbang_work spi_bitbang_transfer spi_bitbang_setup ifx_spi_flash_probedevice ifx_sflash_setbaudrate ifx_spi_sector_erase ifx_spi_flash_erase ifx_spi_flash_write panic_lock ifx_spi_do_read ifx_spi_cmd_simple ifx_spi_do_write panic_do_write panic_reinit ifx_spi_flash_probe ri_tasklet ifb.numifbs loopback_net_init ___wake_up tun_detach_all tun_net_xmit tun_free_netdev tun_get_user spin_lock_bh __tun_detach avmnet_wait_for_link_to_offload_cpu avmnet_netdev_stop avmnet_netdev_open get_switch_by_netdev get_phy_by_netdev avmnet_unregister_master avmnet_register_master get_config avmnet_cfg_netinit avmnet_eth_get_sset_count avmnet_eth_get_strings gather_stats avmnet_eth_get_ethtool_stats avmnet_eth_get_settings avmnet_eth_set_settings avmnet_eth_get_drvinfo avmnet_eth_get_regs_len avmnet_eth_get_regs avmnet_eth_get_wol avmnet_eth_set_wol avmnet_eth_get_msglevel avmnet_eth_set_msglevel avmnet_eth_nway_reset avmnet_eth_get_link avmnet_eth_get_eeprom_len avmnet_eth_get_eeprom avmnet_eth_set_eeprom avmnet_eth_get_coalesce avmnet_eth_set_coalesce avmnet_eth_get_ringparam avmnet_eth_set_ringparam avmnet_eth_get_pauseparam avmnet_eth_set_pauseparam avmnet_eth_self_test avmnet_eth_begin avmnet_eth_complete avmnet_eth_get_priv_flags avmnet_eth_set_priv_flags _avmnet_eth_get_rxnfc_compat avmnet_eth_set_rxnfc avmnet_eth_flash_device avmnet_create_netdevice avmnet_create_netdevices init_avmnet_procfs avmnet_cfg_init avmnet_cfg_get_netdev avmnet_cfg_remove_procentry create_cfg_procentry add_procentry avmnet_proc_mdio avmnet_cfg_register_module avmnet_config.no_avmnet avmnet_timer_add avmnet_timer_init avmnet_generic_exit avmnet_generic_setup avmnet_generic_init avmnet_set_macaddr avmnet_mac_vr9_status_changed avmnet_mac_vr9_resume avmnet_mac_vr9_disable_all avmnet_mac_vr9_suspend setup_mac_speed proc_mac_control_input avmnet_mac_vr9_setup avmnet_mac_vr9_init unset_pce_rules set_pce_rules avmnet_7port_pce_add_session avmnet_swi_7port_set_status avmnet_swi_7port_status_changed avmnet_swi_7port_lock avmnet_swi_7port_reg_write avmnet_swi_7port_reg_read avmnet_swi_7port_disable_learning avmnet_swi_7port_resume avmnet_swi_7port_suspend avmnet_swi_7port_reinit_macs avmnet_swi_7port_force_macs_down setup_pce get_rmon_data proc_mac_table_write proc_mirror_write pa_sessions_show avmnet_swi_7port_init fix_phy_clock_config swi_set_mdio_polling reinit_7port_common_eth napi_enable init_hw process_backlog_common ppe_eth_init ifx_ppa_eth_tx_timeout_HW223 if_id_to_mac_nr eth_xmit switch_hw_receive dma_inactivate_poll dma_activate_poll stop_7port_dma_gracefully eth_poll ifx_ppa_setup_priv ifx_ppa_setup_eth IFX_ETHSW_IOCTL_WrapperDeviceAdd ifx_ethsw_ioctl IFX_ETHSW_LowLevelCommandSearch drv_switch_api.g_debug IFX_ETHSW_Init_GSWIP IFX_FLOW_PortLinkCfgSet IFX_FLOW_MAC_TableEntryRemove IFX_FLOW_MAC_TableEntryAdd IFX_FLOW_SwitchCoreInit ifx_pce_rule_write ifx_pce_rule_read ifx_pce_pattern_delete ifx_pce_action_delete ifx_pce_tm_vlan_act_tbl_delete ifx_pce_tm_pppoe_tbl_delete ifx_pce_tm_ptcl_tbl_delete get_ifx_pce_tm_vlan_act_tbl_index tbl_idx_delete ifx_pce_tm_ip_dasa_lsb_tbl_delete ifx_pce_tm_ip_dasa_msb_tbl_delete ifx_pce_tm_appl_tbl_delete ifx_pce_tm_dasa_mac_tbl_delete ifx_pce_tm_pkg_lng_tbl_delete IFX_FLOW_RAL_init ppa_disable_int avm_pa_multiplexer_unregister_instance avm_pa_multiplexer_register_instance avm_pa_multiplexer_add_session avm_pa_multiplexer_change_session avm_pa_multiplexer_remove_one_session avm_pa_multiplexer_stats proc_write_avm_pa_ifx_multiplexer proc_read_avm_pa_ifx_multiplexer_show avmnet_set_wan_tx_queue_rate_shaping avmnet_disable_wan_tx_rate_shaping avmnet_set_wan_tx_rate_shaping ifx_ppa_alloc_virtual_tx_device ifx_ppa_alloc_virtual_rx_device swi_ifx_common.g_dbg_datapath mei_dsm_cb_func check_port_states avmnet_vlan_master_set_status avmnet_vlan_master_status_changed avmnet_vlan_master_lock avmnet_vlan_master_reg_write avmnet_vlan_master_reg_read setup_children avmnet_vlan_master_init avmnet_phy_11G_ethtool_set_pauseparam get_status avmnet_phy_11G_poll avmnet_phy_11G_status_changed set_config avmnet_mdio_read load_firmware avmnet_phy_11G_setup avmnet_mdio_write reset_int_phy reset_phy avmnet_phy_11G_init avm_get_hw_config cpmac_magpie_reset avmnet_mdio_read avmnet_mdio_write avmnet_phy_wasp_poll avmnet_phy_wasp_status_changed avmnet_phy_wasp_setup avmnet_phy_wasp_init avmnet_ar803x_status_changed avmnet_ar803x_ethtool_set_pauseparam avmnet_ar803x_ethtool_set_settings avm_get_hw_config avmnet_ar803x_init avmnet_4010_setup_phy avmnet_athrs17_setup_phy ar803x_link_intr avmnet_ar803x_setup avmnet_hw223_fiber_poll set_config avmnet_mdio_write setup_interrupt reset_phy setup_phy check_linkfail avmnet_mdio_read get_status avmnet_ar803x_status_poll work_thread avmnet_proc_switch_write avmnet_ar8337_init reset_switch ___wake_up avmnet_ar8334_vlan_setup avmnet_ar8337_setup_interrupt avmnet_ar8337_HW223_poll update_rmon_cache avmnet_athrs37_reg_write_locked avmnet_athrs37_reg_read_locked avmnet_mgmt_init_ports avmnet_mgmt_init avmnet_links_port_update avmnet_links_event_update avmnet_links_event_notify avmnet_links_event_init avmnet_power_config ehci_bios_handoff usb_enable_xhci_ports uhci_check_and_reset_hc usb_amd_dev_put usb_amd_quirk_pll usb_amd_find_chipset_info ___wake_up devm_input_device_unregister input_repeat_key input_register_device devm_input_device_release spin_lock_irq input_set_keycode input_get_keycode input_alloc_absinfo input_inject_event input_event flush_effects spin_lock_irq input_ff_upload rtc_irq_set_freq rtc_irq_set_state spin_lock_irq ___wake_up rtc_handle_legacy_irq __rtc_read_alarm rtc_dev_add_device spin_lock_irq rtc_dev_prepare i2c_register_board_info dummy i2c_smbus_check_pec i2c_new_probed_device i2c_transfer i2c_del_driver i2c_register_driver i2c_do_del_adapter i2c_del_adapter i2c_detect_address i2c_detect i2c_register_adapter i2c_new_device i2c_device_uevent i2c_device_probe i2c_device_remove i2c_recover_bus dummy i2cdev_read i2cdev_write i2cdev_ioctl_smbus i2cdev_ioctl i2cdev_attach_adapter spin_lock i2cdev_detach_adapter notify_down notify_up register_appl ___wake_up kernelcapi.showcapimsgs capilib_new_ncci spin_lock_bh spin_lock_bh LeaveCritical pcmlink_ul_lock LOCAL_CAPI_RELEASE_CONF LOCAL_CAPI_RELEASE LOCAL_CAPI_REGISTER spin_lock_bh Capi_Send_To_Pipe ___wake_up Capi_Receive_From_Pipe spin_lock_bh avm_stack_attach capi_oslib.trace_mode capi_oslib.irq_num capi_oslib.io_addr ___wake_up capi_oslib_ioctl capi_oslib_map_register_block Hallo spin_lock_bh capi_oslib_conn_put capi_oslib_trigger_rxwork cpufreq_bp_suspend cpufreq_bp_resume cpufreq_core_init cpufreq_unregister_driver cpufreq_boost_set_sw store_boost cpufreq_init_policy cpufreq_add_dev_symlink cpufreq_sysfs_release handle_update __cpufreq_add_dev cpufreq_policy_put_kobj __cpufreq_remove_dev_finish cpufreq_nominate_new_policy_cpu __cpufreq_remove_dev_prepare cpufreq_register_driver cpufreq_boost_trigger_state __cpufreq_governor cpufreq_set_policy cpufreq_update_policy __cpufreq_driver_target cpufreq_out_of_sync __cpufreq_notify_transition cpufreq_generic_get cpufreq_generic_init cpufreq_frequency_table_update_policy_cpu cpufreq_frequency_table_put_attr cpufreq_frequency_table_get_attr cpufreq_frequency_table_get_index cpufreq_frequency_table_target cpufreq_frequency_table_verify cpufreq_frequency_table_cpuinfo __cpufreq_stats_free_table cpufreq_stats_update_policy_cpu spin_lock fake_init cpufreq_governor_performance cs_init cpufreq_governor_dbs cpuidle.off spin_lock spin_lock of_alias_add of_property_match_string early_init_dt_scan_chosen early_init_dt_scan_memory early_init_dt_scan_root early_init_dt_check_for_initrd of_get_flat_dt_root __reserved_mem_reserve_reg unflatten_dt_node __unflatten_device_tree of_iomap of_translate_one __of_translate_address pci_address_to_pio of_bus_pci_map of_bus_isa_map of_bus_default_map of_match_bus of_irq_init of_irq_map_one of_irq_map_raw of_device_add of_dev_lookup of_platform_bus_create of_platform_bus_probe simple-bus of_i2c_register_devices get_interrupt_info_from_device_tree read_avm_gpio_generic avm_generate_hw_config_table_from_device_tree pcibios_set_cache_line_size pcie_phy_wait_startup_ready ifx_pcie_wait_phy_link_up pcie_device_rst_deassert pcie_device_rst_assert pcie_ep_rst_init avm_get_hw_config pcie_rc_initialize ifx_pcie_rc_aer_irq_register pcie_rc_port_to_pcie_port ifx_pcie_read_config ifx_pcie_write_config ifx_pcie_rc_class_early_fixup sock_unregister spin_lock move_addr_to_user spin_lock_bh ___wake_up __sk_free sock_set_timeout spin_lock sock_queue_rcv_skb __sk_backlog_rcv spin_lock_bh skb_try_coalesce sg_assign_page __skb_to_sgvec skb_header_release __skb_put skb_segment skb_pull_rcsum skb_shift skb_insert skb_append skb_unlink skb_queue_tail skb_queue_head skb_dequeue_tail skb_dequeue skb_copy_and_csum_dev skb_copy_and_csum_bits skb_checksum __pskb_pull_tail __skb_pull skb_under_panic skb_panic skb_over_panic skb_put skb_copy_expand pskb_expand_head skb_copy spin_lock_bh __skb_recv_datagram spin_lock_bh spin_lock_bh spin_lock net_generic net_assign_generic sysctl_core_net_exit default_device_exit net_dev_init free_netdev netif_alloc_rx_queues netif_alloc_netdev_queues alloc_netdev_mqs netdev_run_todo rollback_registered_many register_netdevice netdev_fix_features __netdev_update_features __napi_complete dev_gro_receive __netif_receive_skb_core __netif_receive_skb netif_receive_skb __skb_pull skb_checksum_help spin_lock_bh dev_get_valid_name dev_change_name dev_alloc_name spin_lock ethtool_get_feature_mask tx-scatter-gather tx-checksum-ipv4 tx-checksum-ip-generic tx-checksum-ipv6 highdma tx-scatter-gather-fraglist tx-vlan-hw-insert rx-vlan-hw-parse rx-vlan-filter vlan-challenged tx-generic-segmentation tx-lockless netns-local rx-gro rx-lro tx-tcp-segmentation tx-udp-fragmentation tx-gso-robust tx-tcp-ecn-segmentation tx-tcp6-segmentation tx-fcoe-segmentation tx-gre-segmentation tx-udp_tnl-segmentation tx-checksum-fcoe-crc tx-checksum-sctp fcoe-mtu rx-ntuple-filter rx-hashing rx-checksum tx-nocache-copy loopback rx-fcs rx-all tx-vlan-stag-hw-insert rx-vlan-stag-hw-parse rx-vlan-stag-filter spin_lock_bh dst_release spin_lock_bh neightbl_fill_info neigh_seq_next neigh_parms_release neigh_resolve_output __skb_pull spin_lock_bh spin_lock do_setlink spin_lock_bh rtnl_unregister_all rtnl_unregister rtm_msgindex __rtnl_register net_ratelimit linkwatch_add_event spin_lock_irq linkwatch_forget_dev sk_run_filter sock_diag_unregister 0netdev_release spin_lock_irq get_netdev_queue_index spin_lock T%llu spin_lock_bh pa_session_gc_once pa_show_linux_banner avm_pa_init_freelist pa_session_delete_rcu pa_session_delete pa_session_tick pa_rps_tasklet avm_pa_write_cmds avm_pa_hardware_session_report avm_pa_pid_prio_map_set_prio_per_queue avm_pa_pid_prio_map_reset avm_pa_pid_prio_map_enable pa_pid_init avm_pa_filter_packet avm_pa_add_rtp_session pa_session_handle_stats _pa_macaddr_link pa_egress_alloc pa_session_activate pa_session_kill_rcu pa_session_kill pa_session_list_delete pa_session_alloc avm_pa_pid_snoop_transmit avm_pa_mark_shaped 0123456789ABCDEF spin_lock pa_do_modify_and_send avm_pa_rps_transmit pa_egress_free pa_pid_put pa_pid_get state_selector_show spin_lock_bh __skb_pull spin_lock_bh spin_lock_bh spin_lock spin_lock_bh spin_lock_bh spin_lock __detect_linklayer spin_lock_bh create_a tca_action_flush tc_ctl_action spin_lock spin_lock_bh spin_lock spin_lock_bh spin_lock_bh Sg`netlink_release netlink_data_ready __netlink_kernel_create netlink_has_listeners ___wake_up __genl_unregister_mc_group genl_register_mc_group sysctl_route_net_exit ip_rt_bug spin_lock spin_lock_bh unlink_from_pool spin_lock_bh __skb_pull spin_lock ip_forward_options __skb_pull pskb_trim_unique ip_fragment ip_finish_output2 __skb_pull spin_lock_bh spin_lock_bh spin_lock spin_lock_bh spin_lock twsk_destructor inet_csk_listen_stop spin_lock_bh spin_lock inet_csk BUG: unknown timer value UyH__skb_pull spin_lock tcp_recvmsg skb_header_release tcp.avm_scatter_gather_optimization 4tcp_fin tcp_urg tcp_shifted_skb skb_queue_prev tcp_shift_skb_data tcp_tso_acked tcp_clean_rtx_queue __skb_pull tcp_collapse skb_queue_next tcp_parse_options inet_csk_reset_xmit_timer tcp_send_synack tcp_retransmit_skb tcp_collapse_retrans __tcp_retransmit_skb tcp_push_one inet_csk_reset_xmit_timer spin_lock skb_queue_next tcp_transmit_skb skb_header_release tcp_tso_should_defer __skb_pull tcp_write_xmit spin_lock inet_csk_reset_xmit_timer spin_lock_bh tcp_v4_destroy_sock tcp_prequeue __skb_pull inet_csk_reset_xmit_timer spin_lock tcp_v4_err tcp_check_req tcp_get_default_congestion_control spin_lock spin_lock_bh spin_lock spin_lock_bh raw_sendmsg __skb_pull udp_lib_hash spin_lock spin_lock_bh udplite4_register udp_lib_hash arp_set_predefined arp_find arp_solicit icmp_timestamp inetdev_event inet_set_link_af spin_lock Xd`inet_init __skb_pull ipv4_offload_init snmp_mib_free snmp_mib_init inet_sk_reselect_saddr spin_lock_bh spin_lock spin_lock_bh fib_del_ifaddr fib_add_ifaddr fib_compute_spec_dst fib_sync_down_dev spin_lock spin_lock_bh fib_table_flush trie_leaf_remove fib_table_delete tnode_free_safe halve inflate resize tnode_put_child_reorg tnode_new tnode_get_child fib_insert_node fib_table_insert fib_trie_get_next tnode_get_child_rcu inet_frag_find: Fragment hash bucket list length grew over limit 128. Dropping fragment. spin_lock ping_close ping_getfrag ping_sendmsg ping_recvmsg ping_bind ping_v4_hash ping_v4_unhash ping_v4_get_port ping_queue_rcv_skb ping_rcv ping_hashfn ping_v4_lookup ping_err napi_enable ip_tunnel_create net_generic ip_tunnel_ioctl dst_metrics_write_ptr spin_lock proc_tcp_fastopen_key spin_lock @ipmr_mfc_seq_next spin_lock_bh ipip_init net_generic ipip_fini ipip.log_ecn_error tunnel4_init spin_lock_bh inet_twsk_diag_fill inet_sk_diag_fill 666vvvv{ tcp_cubic.hystart_ack_delta tcp_cubic.hystart_low_window tcp_cubic.hystart_detect tcp_cubic.hystart tcp_cubic.tcp_friendliness tcp_cubic.bic_scale tcp_cubic.initial_ssthresh tcp_cubic.beta tcp_cubic.fast_convergence ___wake_up unix_mkname af_unix_init spin_lock ___wake_up scan_children unix_gc unix_notinflight spin_lock unix_inflight @spin_lock_bh ipv6.autoconf ipv6.disable_ipv6 ipv6.disable spin_lock_bh pskb_trim_unique __skb_pull ip6_fragment inet6_set_link_af addrconf_init __snmp6_fill_statsdev __snmp6_fill_stats64 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_nfb e.31594 nb.30312 nb.40635 nb.40634 tm!r 5161 7652 8774 tvms .30880 pfn.30879 pfn.30878 possib possib ve tnr_ tnr_k size T otwa _lpj tdspi rdhwr_ _ndfl tdfl _n(su th*h cohe ntlb 2008 _kee _boo _boo kew_ _nrcp soft qp?l ;nam _boot hoos _~]p s#fs _nfs otwa |am =lpj =mtdspi =mtdn =mtdn =mtd rdhwr_ =ndfl tdfl =n(su th*h cohe ntlb 2008 =kee =boo =boo kew_ =nrcp soft qp?l =boot hoos =~]p s#fs =nfs wn_g dynam priv0 =dcdc1 ce1 fmt1 fmt1 kobj gptu_ yiel TFFS3_E ~]cf vdso4 bdi_ boot csi_i dynam gfs5 "+gov "+gov v4_off v6_off _&pl gptu_ emu6 * ce posi posix keep c[#fs6 nam[y =vms fcnt _ s-_ _kms c&imsgs Sh[/PARTNROFF=%%d] readonly 6VFS: Mounted root (%s filesystem)%s on device %u:%u. VFS: Cannot open root device "%s" or %s: error %d Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on %s List of all partitions: No filesystem could mount root, tried: /dev/root 6Waiting %dsec before mounting root device... 6Waiting for root device %s... /dev/ram /initrd.image AVM Kernel Config 3[%s] %s (ptr %p) 3[%s] %s: internal error, should not be reached. 3[%s] %s: undef entry 3[%s] %s: module memory entry 3[%s] %s: version info entry 3[%s] %s: unhandled avmnet entry 3[%s] %s: unhandled hw_config entry 3[%s] %s: unhandled cache_config entry 3[%s] %s: Urlader environment entry 3[%s] %s: device-tree for subrev %d found 3[%s] %s failed junk in compressed archive broken padding can't allocate buffers decompressor failed compression method %s not configured can't allocate link hash entry 070707 incorrect cpio method used: use -H newc option 070701 no cpio magic 6Unpacking initramfs... 0Initramfs unpacking failed: %s TRAILER!!! can't allocate dir_entry buffer 6Calibrating delay loop (skipped) already calibrated this CPU 6Calibrating delay loop (skipped) preset value.. 6Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 6Calibrating delay loop... %lu.%02lu BogoMIPS (lpj=%lu) 3clk %s.%s: trying to set invalid rate %ld 1.%d Danube lantiq,danube Twinpass lantiq,twinpass lantiq,ar9 lantiq,gr9 ase is only supported for non pci kernels lantiq,vr9 activating PMU module failed! activating PMU module failed! lantiq,pmu-xway lantiq,cgu-xway lantiq,ebu-xway Failed to load core nodes from devicetree Failed to get core resources Failed to remap core resources 10000000.fpi 1e100400.serial 1e100a00.gptu 1e100bb0.stp 1e104100.dma 1e100800.spi 1e105300.ebu clkout%d 1f103000.cgu 1e180000.etop lantiq,ase 1e100c00.serial 17000000.pci external ephycgu ephy 1d900000.pcie 1e108000.eth gphy 1f203000.rcu switch lantiq,rcu-xrx200 this SoC has no GPHY %u is an invalid gphy id booting GPHY%u firmware at %X Failed to get dma resource Failed to remap dma resource Failed to get dma clock Init done - hw rev: %X, ports: %d, channels: %d dma-xway 6gptu: Error registering platform driver gtpu 3gptu: failed to request irq Failed to get IRQ list Failed to get clock Failed to find magic timer1a timer1b timer2a timer2b timer3a timer3b gptu: 6 timers loaded gptu-xway %s error: IFX_REG_R32(DMRX_PGCNT) = 0x%08x, IFX_REG_R32(DMRX_PKTCNT) = 0x%08x, IFX_REG_R32(DSRX_PGCNT) = 0x%08x Invalid fpi number clk_setting driver/ifx_cgu ifx_cgu 3Can not register CGU device - %d Lantiq %s driver, version %d.%d.%d, (c) 2001-2011 Lantiq Deutschland GmbH 3Unknown frequency. Assume 500/250. (*0xbf10300c & 0xff: %u) arch/mips/lantiq/vr9/ifxmips_clk.c (unsigned long)(!yield_is_linux_context()) pll0 N = %d, M = %d, PLL_BP = %d, PLL_EN = %d pll1 N = %d, M = %d, K_hi = %d, K_lo = %d, phdiven = %d, dsmsel = %d, modulo = %d PLL_BP = %d PLL_EN = %d pll2 N = %d, M = %d, PLL_BP = %d, PLL_EN = %d pll0_fosc = %d pll1_fosc = %d pll2_fosc = %d cpu clock = %d DDR clock = %d FPI bus 1 = %d FPI bus 2 = %d PP32 clock = %d PCI clock = %d Ethernet MII0= %d Ethernet MII1= %d USB clock = %d Clockout0 = %d Clockout1 = %d Clockout2 = %d Clockout3 = %d 7VPEControl 0x%lx 7VPEConf0 0x%lx 7VPE loader: TC index %d targtc %ld TCStatus 0x%lx halt 0x%lx 7 tcrestart 0x%lx 7 tcbind 0x%lx 7 VPEConf0 0x%lx MVP %ld 7 c0 status 0x%lx 7 c0 cause 0x%lx 7 c0 badvaddr 0x%lx 7 c0 epc 0x%lx 3Error: GPIO Config Table not set from Device Tree [%s] error: No hardware configuration found arch/mips/lantiq/vr9/avm_hw_config.c (unsigned long)(1) [%s] error: Number of GPIOs in hardware config exceeds limit of %d Lantiq xDSL CPE VR9 memsize phym = %08lx, mem = %08lx, max_pfn = %08lx Reserving memory for CP1 @0x%08x, size 0x%08x HWSubRevision %s: AVM hardware subrevision %d %s: Too many hardware subrevisions! %s: using Fallback device-tree of AVM hardware subrevision %d %s: Unable to read AVM hardware subrevision! Identity crisis... who am I? %s: Missing device-tree for AVM hardware subrevision %d DT: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x arch/mips/lantiq/common/ifxmips_interrupt.c (unsigned long)(irq > (((0 + 2) + 128) + 31)) (unsigned long)(!test_bit(cpumask_check((cpu)), (((cpu_possible_mask))->bits))) 6Fatal Bus Error! 3[%s %d]: Assuming IRQ%d level triggered and EIU registers are already configured! 3[%s %d]: Invalid irq %d trigger type %d 3[%s %d]: Invalid irq %d 3[%d:%s] illegal cpu on interrupt %d (%s) 3[%s %d]: failed in config GPIO pin for external interrupt detection unit (unsigned long)(__irq > 32) 3[%d:%s] ignore interrupt %d 3%s(%d) ERROR: actual cpu%x != cpu%x from cpu-irq-affinity-table (can't set c0_status on cpu%x) (unsigned long)(cpu > 2) 6SRSConf0 %#x: SRS1: %#x, SRS2 %#x, SRS3 %#x IPI_call IPI_resched perf_ctr IFX_SI IFX_EIC IFX_ICU MPS Status 0 MPS Status 1 MPS Status 2 MPS Status 3 MPS Status 4 MPS Status 5 MPS Status 6 MPS Semaphore MPS Global YIELD_TO_LINUX_IPI USB0-soft USB1-soft DMA FCC SPI Rx SPI Tx SPI Error SPI Frame SDIO 0 SDIO 1 SDIO Interface USIF TX INT MBox 0 MBox 1 FPI Master Bus BCU DEU Hashing ARC DEU DES/3DES DEU AES DEU Hashing SHA/MD5 MSI_IR D EIU 3 EIU 4 EIU 5 PCMLINK_SMP GETH Switch PCI Power change PCM Tx PCM Rx DSL Dying Gasp USB0 Digital frontend mailbox Analog fronend overload detect FPI slave BCU0 EIU 2 SBIU Error USB 0 Overcurrent detect PPE Mbox 2 DMA Channel 17 PPE QSB DMA Channel 0 DMA Channel 1 DMA Channel 2 DMA Channel 3 DMA Channel 4 DMA Channel 5 DMA Channel 6 DMA Channel 7 DMA Channel 8 DMA Channel 9 DMA Channel 10 DMA Channel 11 IM2_IRL12 IM2_IRL13 IM2_IRL14 IM2_IRL15 DMA Channel 18 PCI Power USB1 Data Interface Idle DMA Channel 19 Data Interface Call PPE Mbox 0 PPE Mbox 1 DMA Channel 12 DMA Channel 13 DMA Channel 14 DMA Channel 15 DMA Channel 16 EIU 6 8KHz HS NAND SSC True Complete USIF Error USIF State change USIF Autobaud detect USIF Wakeup ASC1 Tx ASC1 Tx Buffer ASC1 Rx ASC1 Error ASC1 Autobaud start ASC1 Autobaud detect ASC1 Software flow control PCMLINK_OLD Over voltage PCIe L3 ind GPHY1 GPHY0 USIF Rx Timer Counter 1A Timer Counter 1B Timer Counter 2A Timer Counter 2B Timer Counter 3A Timer Counter 3B Memory Controller EIU 1 DMA Channel 20 DMA Channel 21 DMA Channel 22 DMA Channel 23 DMA Channel 24 DMA Channel 25 DMA Channel 26 DMA Channel 27 PCIe A PCIe B PCIe C PCIe D PCMLINK Crossbar Error WDT Access Error PCIe E PCIe F MSI_IR A MSI_IR B MSI_IR C EIU 0 VPE Performance 3[%s] param: '%s' r4k_wait 3[%s] set kernel-idle-function to '%s' r4k_wait_irqoff no_wait 5System halted. 3usb reset workaround 5Power is turned off now. 3Power off failed. 3Power should be off ???? 3[IFX] double NMI and Oops 3[%s] Error: Registering GPIO module ID %d failed! could not register power-ctrl-gpio 3[%s] ERROR: avm_current_hw_config not set gpio_avm_system_power_off gpio_avm_arc_jtag_overwrite arch/mips/lantiq/common/ifxmips_gptu.c (unsigned long)(timer - (1 * 2 + (0 ? 1 : 0)) < 0) 6[%s]: counter%d oflags %#x, nflags %#x, GPTU_CON %#x 6ifx_gptu_counter_set(%d, %#x, %d) &timer_dev.gptu_mutex 3gptu: can't misc_register, get error %d gptu ltq-nor 4[%s] exit on mtd %s 3[%s] breaking due to incomplete or erronous mtd_read jffs2 3[%s] magic %04x found @pos 0x%llx, size %llu ram-filesystem 3[%s] exit on mtd %s arch/mips/lantiq/common/ifxmips_mtd.c (unsigned long)(!*p_mtd_pat) [%s] mtd[%s]: start_offset := (*p_mtd_pat)[1].offset = %lld 3[%s:%d] Use offset of 0x%llx to search ext2 magic. [%s] first match at 0x%llx add_offset 0x%llx 3[%s] breaking due to incomplete or erronous mtd_read ext2_magic 3[%s] found partition @pos 0x%x 3[%s] with unknown mtd type %s 3[%s:%d] breaking due to incomplete or erronous mtd_read rootfs [%s] magic found @pos 0x%llx jffs2_size 4[%s]: not enough space for JFFS2! 3[%s] jffs2_size not set 4[%s]: limiting jffs2_size to %d 4[%s]: jffs2_size too small, use %lld 3[%s] jffs2_start@%llx size: %lld 3[%s] JFFS2 size changed, erase old filesystem 3jffs mtd erase failed %d [%s] mtd[%s]: detected maptype: %s MAP_NOR_FLASH MAP_RAM [%s] Leeres MTD uebergeben! [%s] issued for mtd %s [%s] found %s /dev/mtdblock%d mtd[%s] is root device: %s urlader [%s] mtd%d[%s] set urlader_mtd tffs (1) [%s] mtd%d[%s]: tffs (1) tffs (2) [%s] mtd%d[%s]: tffs (2) nand-tffs tffs3 on Index %d [%s] mtd%d[%s] skipping [%s] mtd%d[%s] ignore removal PLATRAM_RO PLATRAM_RW 5<%s> 3[%s] try to fix 0x%x = 0x%x 3[%s] failed to write 3[%s] failed to read [%s] %s: add %s to the platform device list (to be registered) [%s] [mtdram1] %s 6[%s] mtdram1 0x%08x-0x%08x rootfs_ram kernel_ram mtd-ram linux_fs_start reserved-kernel reserved-filesystem nand-filesystem mtd2 mtd2 = %s mtd3 mtd3 = %s mtd4 mtd4 = %s mtd5 mtd5 = %s mtd1 [%s] mtd1 = %s mtd0 [%s] mtd0 = %s NAND device too small mtd-nand [%s] registering %d platform device(s) [%s] eraseblocksize=0x10000 [%s] name=%s pos=0x%Lx value2=0x%x [%s] eraseblocksize=0x20000 {%s} '%s' nand_size = 0x%llx 3[NAND] nand_size = 0x%llx [%s] nor_size = 0x%lx [%s] mtd2 = %s [%s] mtd3 = %s [%s] mtd4 = %s [%s] mtd5 = %s [%s] sflash_size = 0x%lx [%s] mtd%d: %20s: 0x%08llx - 0x%08llx (size 0x%llx) mtd-spi ifxmips_mtd find_jffs2 find_squashfs find_ext2fs ifx_sflash ifx_hsnand arch/mips/lantiq/common/ifxmips_dma_core.c 3[%s:%u]: Cmd 'prepare_stop' called, but DMAs are already stopped. So no DAM is running, and we can't stop them. Unknown command: %u 3%s: Device Port released failed: %s 3[%s][tx=%d, glob=%d, en=%d, loop=%d, peri=%d, no_cpu=%d ]: %d/%d 3[%s] error: irq =%d 3%s: dma_interrupt irq=%d chan_no=%d 3%s: Wrong port number(%d)!!! %s Tx Channel %d descriptor length %d out of range <1~%d> %s Rx Channel %d descriptor length %d out of range <1~%d> arch/mips/lantiq/common/ifxmips_dma_core.c:%d:%s: *DMA_CS (%d) != chan_no (%d) 3Port %d RX CH %d: can not be turned off, IFX_DMA_CCTRL_REG %08x 3%s: chan_no %d: can not be turned off, IFX_DMA_CCTRL_REG %08x (unsigned long)(byte_offset > 3) (unsigned long)((u32)buf & (128-1)) 3[%s] no buffer_alloc !!!!!!!! 3TX_BUF_FULL_INT (global_full_irq_cnt=%d, global_complete_irq_cnt=%d) tx_chan = %d (unsigned long)((({ unsigned long __dummy; typeof(jiffies) __dummy2; (void)(&__dummy == &__dummy2); 1; }) && ({ unsigned long __dummy; typeof((pCh->channel_hangs_since + 5 * 100)) __dummy2; (void)(&__dummy == &__dummy2); 1; }) && ((long)(((pCh->channel_hangs_since + 5 * 100)) - (jiffies)) < 0))) (unsigned long)(byte_offset > 31) 3[%s] auto open tx_chan_no:%d dma-core ifx_dma_irq_reset ifx_dma_reset ifx_dma_chan_weight dma_list ifx_dma_register driver/ifx_dma AVM_DMA_BUSMASTER reset chan %d Qos dma channel weight list channel_num default_weight current_weight device Tx/Rx %2d %08x %08x %10s %cx channel %d %s %cx descriptor list: no address data pointer command bits (Own, Complete, SoP, EoP, Offset) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %3d 0x%08x %08x %01x %02x <- CURR <- PREV ,p2p General DMA Registers ----------------------------------------- CLC= %08x ID= %08x DMA_CPOLL= %08x DMA_CS= %08x DMA_PS= %08x DMA_IRNEN= %08x DMA_IRNCR= %08x DMA_IRNICR= %08x g_dma_int_status= %08x g_dma_poll_int_status= %08x g_dma_fix_counter= %08x g_dma_parachute_counter= %08x global_channel_complete_irq_counter= %08x global_channel_full_irq_counter= %08x DMA Channel Registers Channel %d - Device %s %s - (RelChan %d) Kernel-Control = %s Loopback_channel= %d DMA_CDBA= %08x DMA_CIE= %08x DMA_CIS= %08x DMA_CDLEN= %08x DMA_CDPNRD= %08x IRQ_FULL_CNT= %08x IRQ_CMPT_CNT= %08x DMA Port Registers Port %d DMA_PCTRL= %08x DMA_CCTRL= %08x: %s%s%s%s ,loopback 3%s: Err!!!(Already setup the descriptor) 3%s: Unknow channel direction ifx_dma_core 3%s: char device registered failed!!! dma-core-%d 3%s: Request IRQ failed!!! %s wrong dma channel map! 3%s: No memory for DMA descriptors list g_desc_list ifx_irq_reset 6%s skb_shared_size:%d ifxmips_dma_core 1.0.17 arch/mips/lantiq/common/ifxmips_core.c arch/mips/kernel/cpu-probe.c (unsigned long)(!ok) noftlb Enable FTLB attempt TLBINV/F supported, config4=0x%0x MMUSizeExt found, total TLB=%d 3PAGE_SIZE 0x%0lx is not supported by FTLB (config4=0x%0x) Switching FTLB OFF Total TLB(VTLB) inuse: %d V/FTLB found: VTLB=%d, FTLB sets=%d, ways=%d total TLB=%d R2000 R3000A R3000 R4400PC R4000PC R4400SC R4000SC NEC VR4111 NEC VR4121 NEC VR4122 NEC VR4181A NEC VR4131 NEC VR4133 6Unexpected CPU of NEC VR4100 series NEC Vr41xx R4300 R4600 TX3927 TX3912 TX3922 R4700 R49XX R5000 R5432 R5500 Nevada R6000 R6000A RM7000 RM9000 RM8000 R10000 R12000 R14000 ICT Loongson-2 loongson2e loongson2f Loongson 1B MIPS 4Kc MIPS 4KEc MIPS 4KSc MIPS 5Kc MIPS 5KE MIPS 20Kc MIPS 24Kc MIPS 24KEc MIPS 25Kc MIPS 34Kc MIPS 74Kc MIPS M14Kc MIPS M14KEc MIPS 1004Kc MIPS 1074Kc MIPS proAptiv MIPS proAptiv (multi) MIPS P5600 MIPS interAptiv UP MIPS interAptiv MIPS M5150 Au1000 Au1500 Au1100 Au1550 Au1200 Au1250 Au1210 Au1xxx SiByte SB1 SiByte SB1A Broadcom BMIPS32 bmips32 Broadcom BMIPS3300 bmips3300 Broadcom BMIPS4380 bmips4380 Broadcom BMIPS4350 bmips4350 Broadcom BMIPS5000 bmips5000 Sandcraft SR71000 Philips PR4450 Cavium Octeon Cavium Octeon+ octeon Cavium Octeon II octeon2 6Unknown Octeon chip! Ingenic JZRISC Unknown Ingenic Processor ID! Au1300 Netlogic XLP Netlogic XLR Netlogic XLS 6Unknown Netlogic chip id [%02x]! (unsigned long)(!__cpu_name[cpu]) (unsigned long)(c->cputype == CPU_UNKNOWN) (unsigned long)(cpu_data[(current_thread_info()->cpu)].cputype != c->cputype) 6CPU%d revision is: %08x (%s) 6FPU revision is: %08x %s: unaligned epc - sending SIGBUS. Wait instruction disabled. arch/mips/kernel/irq.c (unsigned long)(test_and_set_bit(i, irq_map)) unexpected IRQ # %d %*s: %10u __schedule 4Can't analyze schedule() prologue at %p 6MIPS: machine is %s 3DTB has bad magic, ignoring builtin OF DTB include/linux/regset.h (unsigned long)(*pos < start_pos) mips 6 memory: %0*Lx @ %0*Lx (usable) (usable after init) (ROM data) (bootloader) (reserved) type %lu 4Trying to add an invalid memory region, skipped 3Ooops! Too many entries in the memory map! Memory: %lluMB of RAM detected at 0x%llx (min: %lluMB, max: %lluMB) 6Determined physical RAM map: 6User-defined physical RAM map: 3initrd start must be page aligned 3initrd start < PAGE_OFFSET Incorrect memory mapping !!! 6Wasting %lu bytes for tracking %lu unused pages 6Initrd not found or empty 3Initrd extends beyond end of memory 6Initial ramdisk at: 0x%lx (%lu bytes) - disabling initrd System RAM bootloader 3[%s] reserve memory for rebootstring failed (start 0x%x end 0x%x) setup arch/mips/kernel/setup.c Kernel data Kernel code arch/mips/kernel/time.c 4topology_init: register_cpu %d failed (%d) Code: (Bad address in epc) %c%0*x%c 6Disabling ulri Call Trace: (Bad stack address) [<%p>] %pS 3Call Trace: 3%04lx: [<%p>] %pS Stack : %0*lx ? maybe CacheErr Thread AdES AdEL TLBS TLBL $%2d : %*s 3Hi : %0*lx 3Lo : %0*lx 3ac1Hi: %0*lx ac1Lo: %0*lx 3ac2Hi: %0*lx ac2Lo: %0*lx 3ac3Hi: %0*lx ac3Lo: %0*lx 3dspcontrol: %0*lx 3Status: %08x KUo IEo KUp IEp KUc IEc USER SUPERVISOR KERNEL BAD_MODE ERL EXL 3Cause : %08x exc_code:%d %s 3BadVA : %0*lx %s%s 3epc : %0*lx %s 3ra : %0*lx %s 3 %s 3PrId : %08x (%s) Caught unexpected vectored interrupt. Process %s (pid: %d, threadinfo=%p, task=%p, tls=%0*lx) *HwTLS: %0*lx %s[#%d]: Fatal exception in interrupt Fatal exception Unhandled kernel unaligned access or invalid instruction %s instruction in kernel code Kernel bug detected Math emu break/trap Data Instruction 1%s bus error, epc == %0*lx, ra == %0*lx bus error Oops kernel integer overflow Integer overflow kernel-floatingpoint-exception FP exception FP exception in kernel code kernel-breakpoint Break single_step kernel-trap Trap RI Fault Reserved instruction in kernel code do_cpu invoked from kernel context! not Index : %0x Pagemask: %0x EntryHi : %0*lx EntryLo0: %0*lx EntryLo1: %0*lx Caught Machine Check exception - %scaused by multiple matching entries in the TLB. 7Thread Underflow 7Thread Overflow 7Invalid YIELD Qualifier 7Gating Storage Exception 7YIELD Scheduler Exception 7Gating Storage Scheduler Exception 7*** UNKNOWN THREAD EXCEPTION %d *** MIPS MT Thread exception in kernel Unexpected DSP exception Caught reserved exception %ld - should not happen. secondary primary insn EI/EF E1/SP Cache error exception, cp0_ecc=0x%08x: cp0_errorepc == %0*lx c0_cacheerr == %08x Decoded c0_cacheerr: FTLB parity error Decoded c0_cacheerr: %s cache fault in %s reference. DErrAddr1: 0x%0*lx Can't handle the cache error! Error bits: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s E0/EW IDX: 0x%08x DErrAddr0: 0x%0*lx FTLB error exception, cp0_ecc=0x%08x: Can't handle the FTLB parity error! 7SDBBP EJTAG debug exception - not handled yet, just ignored! 7c0_depc = %0*lx, DEBUG = %08x NMI taken!!!! arch/mips/kernel/traps.c (unsigned long)((current_thread_info()->task)->mm) (unsigned long)(!(cpu_data[0].options & 0x00100000) && !(cpu_data[0].options & 0x00080000)) Shadow register set %d not supported VECTORSPACING too small 6Writing ErrCtl register=%08lx 6Readback ErrCtl register=%08lx 6Cache parity protection %sabled 6L2 cache parity protection %sabled 6Enable cache parity protection for MIPS 20KC/25KF CPUs. 3[%s] opcode group LX found, unknown element 0x%x. Unaligned FP access in kernel code arch/mips/kernel/unaligned.c (unsigned long)(!(((current_thread_info()->task))->flags & 0x00002000)) Unhandled kernel unaligned access unaligned_instructions unaligned_action Kernel unaligned instruction access arch/mips/kernel/watch.c Cannot allocate vdso Cannot map vdso [vdso] MIPS 3module %s: dangerous R_MIPS_26 REL relocation 3module %s: addr 0x%08lx relocation overflow at location 0x%08lx 3module %s: dangerous R_MIPS_LO16 REL relocation Applying relocate section %u to %u 4%s: Unknown symbol %s 3failed on symbol %s arch/mips/kernel/module.c __dbe_table include/linux/spinlock.h 4Overriding previously set SMP ops arch/mips/kernel/smp.c 3%s called 0=== MIPS MT State Dump === 0-- Global State -- 0 MVPControl Read: %08lx 0 MVPConf0 : %08lx 0-- per-VPE State -- 0VPE %d 0 VPEControl : %08lx 0 VPEConf0 : %08lx 0 VPE%d.Status : %08lx 0 VPE%d.EPC : %08lx %pS 0 VPE%d.Cause : %08lx 0 VPE%d.Config7 : %08lx 0-- per-TC State -- 0TC %d (current TC with VPE EPC above) 0TC %d 0 TCStatus : %08lx 0 TCBind : %08lx 0 TCRestart: %08lx %pS 0 TCHalt : %08lx 0 TCContext: %08lx 0 SP: %08lx 0 GP: %08lx 0 RA: %08lx %pS 0=========================== "norps" option deprecated: use "rpsctl=" 34K return prediction stack override set to %d. 34K ALU/LSU sync override set to %d. CP0.Config7 forced to 0x%08x. Config7: 0x%08x I-cache flushes single-threaded D-cache flushes single-threaded I-Cache Flushes Repeated %d times D-Cache Flushes Repeated %d times Mapped %ld ITC cells starting at 0x%08x 3%s signal %d to large 3%s only KSEG0 for yield_handler (%p) allowed 3%s only KSEG0/KSEG1 for ref (%p) allowed 3%s signal %d in mask %04x not supported arch/mips/kernel/yield_context.c 3%s signalhandler for signal %d already installed 3%s not initialized 3%s false ref (since last call) [cpu=%u]Yield-to-Linux-Statistic: Max-Burst-Executed: %20u Max-Trigger-Latency: %20u us %s Useless trigger: %20u Queue OVR: %20u avg Trigger-Period: %20llu ms %s [cpu=%d]Executed ipi-functions-sum%s: %-26s: [%10lu]schedule: min=%10lu max=%10lu avg=%10lu us (%pS) [%3u] %26s: is pending since %lu s (%pS) [cpu=%d]%u pending ipi-functions: VPESchedule = %lx set TC%u.TCSchedule %02x TC%u.TCSchedule %02x STP=%u GROUP=%u 3BIG ERROR rotsched tcgroup %u %u Change group tc=%u group=%u use tcgroup (0-3) rotsched <0/1> (rotation schedule) 3[%s] cpu=%x tc=%x mask=%x 3[%s] error yield_mask is zero 3[%s] yield_mask over-crossed with other tc %x %x 3[%s] memory error 3[%s] error doubles yield_tc %d 3[%s] error only one yield_tc per vpe %d 3[%s] error no more tc-instances 3[%s] error only Master VPE's are allowed to configure MT CPU%uYTC%u [%s] can't start tc %d yield 3%s: memory allocation failed 3%s: error on request_percpu_irq(ipi_irq=%u) 3%s warning unbalanced disable 3%s error: only from linux-context stack overflow!!! Cycle-Freq: %u MHz [cpu=%d tc=%d]yield: mask=0x%x trigger=%lu stack-used=%u(stack-start=%p gp=%p) from %u bytes%s [%2d]handler: %pS %c enable=%d count=%lu unhandled=%lu cycle-stat: [%10lu]consumption: min=%10lu max=%10lu avg=%10lu cycle-stat: [%10lu]trigger : min=%10lu max=%10lu avg=%10lu (unsigned long)(param->ipi_func_type >= max_ipi_type) 3[%s] ERROR ipi-queue overflow for %s %pS %u %u (last linux-ipi-irq before %lu s) ERROR YIELD-IPI-IRQ do not work Interrupt TLB modi cation exception TLB exception (load or instruction fetch) TLB exception (store) Address error exception (load or instruction fetch) Address error exception (store) Bus error exception (instruction fetch) Bus error exception (data reference: load or store) Syscall exception Breakpoint exception Reserved instruction exception Coprocessor Unusable exception Arithmetic Over ow exception Trap exception Floating point exception Coprocessor 2 implementation speci c exception CorExtend Unusable Precise Coprocessor 2 exception Reference to WatchHi/WatchLo address Machine check - will not happen on 34K core Thread exception. VPEControlEXCPT speci es the type of the thread exception. DSP ASE State Disabled exception Reserved (TBE) FATAL ERROR : YIELD-EXCEPTION in TC%d Exception: %x(%s) EPC : %p %pS yieldhandler : %pS tc_bind: : %08lx%s tc_status : %08lx (TASID: %02lx) entryHi : %08lx ( ASID: %02lx) 0$%2d : 0Hi : %0*lx 0Lo : %0*lx 0ac1Hi: %0*lx ac1Lo: %0*lx 0ac2Hi: %0*lx ac2Lo: %0*lx 0ac3Hi: %0*lx ac3Lo: %0*lx 0dspcontrol: %0*lx 0ra : %0*lx %pS 0Status: %08x %s%s%s 0BadVA : %0*lx 0Code: %08lx %08lx <%08lx> %08lx %08lx 0Fatal Error: Stackpointer %08lx exceed stack! 0Stack: %08lx%s 3CPU_ID=%u TC%u ----- (LINUX) 3YIELD-TC%u ----- 3invalid task-pointer %p 3current: %s (pid: %d, threadinfo=%p, task=%p, sp=%08lx tls=0x%0*lx) 3[<%08lx>] [<%08lx>] Yield-Exception on TC%u occurred in %pS -> %pS yield_w include/linux/wait.h 3%s:unknown type %u wake_up_type schedule_work_type schedule_delayed_work_type queue_work_on_type tasklet_hi_schedule_type try_module_get_type module_put_type panic_type yieldexception_type call_type wake_up_state_type tasklet_schedule_type 7FPU Affinity set after %ld emulations SMPMT: CPU%d: vsmp_boot_secondary cpu %d SMPMT: CPU%d: vsmp_smp_finish SMPMT: CPU%d: vsmp_prepare_cpus %d SMPMT: CPU%d: vsmp_smp_setup 6Detected %i available secondary CPU(s) SMPMT: CPU%d: vsmp_cpus_done smp_mt arch/mips/kernel/smp-mt.c ,enabled DBG %s%d: tag0=%08x tag1=%08x DSPRAM 3vp=%p wrote=%08x got=%08x 6%s%d: PA=%08x,Size=%08x%s ISPRAM spram arch/mips/kernel/spram.c Failed to add irqdomain for MIPS CPU FPU V%d.%d not available system type : %s machine : %s processor : %ld cpu model : %%s V%%d.%%d%s BogoMIPS : %u.%02u wait instruction : %s microsecond timers : %s tlb_entries : %d extra interrupt vector : %s yes, hardware watchpoint : %s count: %d, address/irw mask: [ isa : %s0x%04x mips1 mips2 mips32r1 mips32r2 mips64r1 mips64r2 ASEs implemented : mips16 mdmx mips3d dsp dsp2 eva shadow register sets : %d kscratch registers : %d core : %d VPE : %d VCE%%c exceptions : %s mips-options: 0x%08lx icache.flags 0x%08x dcache.flags 0x%08x isa_level 0x%08x ases %08lx (share with timer interrupt) 6Performance counters: mips/24K mips/34K mips/74K mips/1004K mips/1074K mips/interAptiv mips/proAptiv mips/loongson1 BMIPS5000 Either hardware does not support performance counters, or not yet implemented. %s PMU enabled, %d %d-bit counters available to each CPU, irq %d%s No available PMU. Invalid performance counter number (%d) arch/mips/kernel/perf_event_mipsxx.c mips_perf_pmu 4Unable to request IRQ%d for MIPS performance counters! 4The platform hasn't properly defined its interrupt controller. write through write back allocate HWRevision [%s] error: no HWRevision detected in environment variables /home/jpluschke/FBox/GIT-GU/GU_IQ17p2_vr9/RELEASE_KERNEL_vr9_build/kernel/linux-3.10/arch/mips/include/asm/avm_cache.h [%s]: setting cache coherency for HWRevision=%d to %s [%s]: Cache coherency not set for HWRevision %d in avm_cache.h arch/mips/mm/dma-default.c (unsigned long)(direction == DMA_NONE) 6Hardware DMA cache coherency (command line) 6Software DMA cache coherency (command line) arch/mips/mm/fault.c 1CPU %d Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address %0*lx, epc == %0*lx, ra == %0*lx 1----- VMALLOC-AREA WRITE-PROTECTED ----- Oh boy, that early out of memory? 6Memory: %luk/%luk available (%ldk kernel code, %ldk reserved, %ldk data, %ldk init, %ldk highmem) 6Freeing %s: %ldk freed initrd unused kernel arch/mips/mm/page.c (unsigned long)(pref_bias_clear_store % (2 * clear_word_size)) (unsigned long)(((1UL) << 12) < pref_bias_clear_store) (unsigned long)(buf > &__clear_page_end) Synthesized clear page handler (%u instructions). .set push .set noreorder .word 0x%08x .set pop (unsigned long)(pref_bias_copy_load % (8 * copy_word_size)) (unsigned long)(pref_bias_copy_store % (8 * copy_word_size)) (unsigned long)(((1UL) << 12) < pref_bias_copy_load) (unsigned long)(pref_bias_copy_store > pref_bias_copy_load) (unsigned long)(buf > &__copy_page_end) Synthesized copy page handler (%u instructions). page arch/mips/mm/tlbex.c #include #include #define _PAGE_PRESENT_SHIFT %d #define _PAGE_READ_SHIFT %d #define _PAGE_WRITE_SHIFT %d #define _PAGE_ACCESSED_SHIFT %d #define _PAGE_MODIFIED_SHIFT %d #define _PAGE_GLOBAL_SHIFT %d #define _PAGE_VALID_SHIFT %d #define _PAGE_DIRTY_SHIFT %d #define _PFN_SHIFT %d TLB refill handler space exceeded Wrote TLB refill handler (%u instructions). r3000_tlb_refill LEAF(%s) .word 0x%08x # %p .set pop END(%s) TLB load handler fastpath space exceeded Wrote TLB load handler fastpath (%u instructions). r3000_tlb_load TLB store handler fastpath space exceeded Wrote TLB store handler fastpath (%u instructions). r3000_tlb_store TLB modify handler fastpath space exceeded Wrote TLB modify handler fastpath (%u instructions). r3000_tlb_modify No R6000 TLB refill handler yet No R8000 TLB refill handler yet r4000_tlb_load r4000_tlb_store r4000_tlb_modify r4000_tlb_refill tlbex 4Micro-assembler field overflow arch/mips/mm/uasm.c arch/mips/mm/uasm-mips.c 4Invalid micro-assembler branch target Unsupported Micro-assembler instruction %d Unsupported Micro-assembler relocation %d arch/mips/mm/ioremap.c (unsigned long)(address >= end) remap_area_pte: page already exists 3iounmap: bad address %p arch/mips/mm/c-r4k.c (unsigned long)(size == 0) 0[%s] dcache invalidate called on BSS! start: 0x%08lx end: 0x%08lx VIVT VIPT I-cache aliases, PIPT cache aliases no aliases Don't know how to probe P-caches on this cpu. Improper R4000SC processor configuration detected Primary instruction cache %ldkB, %s, %s, %slinesize %d bytes. Primary data cache %ldkB, %s, %s, %s, linesize %d bytes Dunno how to handle MIPS32 / MIPS64 second level cache Using cache attribute %d Unified secondary cache %ldkB %s, linesize %d bytes. PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin dmesg > /var/flash/crash.log; msgsend ctlmgr crashreport c_r4k direct mapped 2-way 3-way 4-way 5-way 6-way 7-way 8-way Restricting TLB to %d entries Ignoring invalid argument ntlb=%d fpuemustats emulated cp1ops cp1xops <%08x,%08x> Nan %c %cInfinity %cZero %c0. %c1. Illegal/Unknown IEEE754 value class <%08x> 7floating point exception in "%s", type=%s fcmpf logb scalb dp_tint dp_tlong dp_flong sp_tint fint sp_tlong sp_flong sqrt Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5 kernel/fork.c (unsigned long)(mm == &init_mm) 1BUG: Bad rss-counter state mm:%p idx:%d val:%ld &sighand->signalfd_wqh &mm->mmap_sem task_struct &sig->wait_chldexit &sig->cred_guard_mutex include/linux/iocontext.h include/linux/kref.h &x->wait sighand_cache signal_cache files_cache fs_cache mm_struct vm_area_struct personality-%d %d-%d %-16s [%s] execdomains Linux 4Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint kernel/panic.c 0Kernel panic - not syncing: %s 0Rebooting in %d seconds.. Tainted: Not tainted 4---[ end trace %016llx ]--- 4------------[ cut here ]------------ 4WARNING: at %s:%d %pS() kernel/printk.c %u,%llu,%llu,%c; \x%02x [%5lu.000000] [%5lu.%06lu] <%u> [Y%x:%x] [%x] ttyS 3log_buf_len: %ld bytes not available 6log_buf_len: %d 6early log buf free: %d(%d%%) 4%s (%d): Attempt to access syslog with CAP_SYS_ADMIN but no CAP_SYSLOG (deprecated). &user->lock 6debug: ignoring loglevel setting. Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug) 6debug: skip boot console de-registration. 4[sched_delayed] %s 6turn off boot console %s%d 6Too late to register bootconsole %s%d 6console [%s%d] enabled, bootconsole disabled 6%sconsole [%s%d] enabled %sCPU: %d PID: %d Comm: %.20s %s %s %.*s %sHardware name: %s %stask: %p ti: %p task.ti: %p 3can't online cpu %d because it is not configured as may-hotadd at boot time 4%s: attempt to bring up CPU %u failed kernel/cpu.c (unsigned long)(!test_bit(cpumask_check((cpu)), (((cpu_online_mask))->bits))) include/linux/ptrace.h (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&task->ptraced)) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&task->ptrace_entry)) Aiee, killing interrupt handler! Attempted to kill the idle task! 1Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed! 6note: %s[%d] exited with preempt_count %d kernel/exit.c (unsigned long)(mm != tsk->active_mm) Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x%08x include/linux/pid_namespace.h (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&father->children)) (unsigned long)(t->ptrace) (unsigned long)(state != 32) (unsigned long)(!retval) (unsigned long)(retval == 0) (unsigned long)(exit_code & 0x80) 4%s calls setitimer() with new_value NULL pointer. Misfeature support will be removed kernel/softirq.c (unsigned long)(!({ unsigned long _flags; do { ({ unsigned long __dummy; typeof(_flags) __dummy2; (void)(&__dummy == &__dummy2); 1; }); _flags = arch_local_save_flags(); } while (0); ({ ({ unsigned long __dummy; typeof(_flags) __dummy2; (void)(&__dummy == &__dummy2); 1; }); arch_irqs_disabled_flags(_flags); }); })) Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt (unsigned long)(smpboot_register_percpu_thread(&softirq_threads)) 3huh, entered softirq %u %s %pwith preempt_count %08x, exited with %08x? ksoftirqd/%u TIMER NET_TX NET_RX BLOCK BLOCK_IOPOLL TASKLET SCHED HRTIMER %*s%0*llx-%0*llx : %s ioports iomem kernel/resource.c relaxed 7release child resource %pR 4Trying to free nonexistent resource <%016llx-%016llx> check-region (unsigned long)(!res) (unsigned long)(start >= end) (unsigned long)(conflict) Expanded resource %s due to conflict with %s 3resource: requested range [0x%llx-0x%llx] not in root %pr 3resource: fixing request to [0x%llx-0x%llx] 4resource map sanity check conflict: 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx %s NAND SFLASH PCI mem PCI IO %s%lu 4Unsafe core_pattern used with suid_dumpable=2. Pipe handler or fully qualified core dump path required. inode-nr inode-state file-nr file-max nr_open dentry-state overflowuid overflowgid leases-enable lease-break-time aio-nr aio-max-nr inotify epoll protected_symlinks protected_hardlinks suid_dumpable pipe-max-size pipe-user-pages-hard pipe-user-pages-soft overcommit_memory panic_on_oom oom_kill_allocating_task oom_dump_tasks overcommit_ratio page-cluster dirty_background_ratio dirty_background_bytes dirty_ratio dirty_bytes dirty_writeback_centisecs dirty_expire_centisecs nr_pdflush_threads swappiness lowmem_reserve_ratio drop_caches compact_memory extfrag_threshold min_free_kbytes percpu_pagelist_fraction max_map_count laptop_mode block_dump vfs_cache_pressure legacy_va_layout stat_interval mmap_min_addr scan_unevictable_pages user_reserve_kbytes admin_reserve_kbytes sched_child_runs_first sched_rt_period_us sched_rt_runtime_us sched_rr_timeslice_ms core_uses_pid core_pattern core_pipe_limit real-root-dev print-fatal-signals ctrl-alt-del modprobe modules_disabled hotplug acct sysrq cad_pid threads-max usermodehelper pid_max panic_on_oops printk printk_ratelimit printk_ratelimit_burst printk_delay dmesg_restrict kptr_restrict ngroups_max cap_last_cap watchdog_thresh softlockup_panic nmi_watchdog randomize_va_space max_lock_depth poweroff_cmd perf_event_paranoid perf_event_mlock_kb perf_event_max_sample_rate perf_cpu_time_max_percent blk_iopoll %lu %hu.%hu 6warning: process `%s' used the deprecated sysctl system call with sys/ s390dbf sunrpc cmode udp_slot_table_entries tcp_slot_table_entries min_resvport max_resvport debug_stoppable debug_active membase portbase portshift raid mac_hid scsi ipmi logging_level speed_limit_min speed_limit_max mouse_button_emulation mouse_button2_keycode mouse_button3_keycode poweroff_powercycle dir-notify-enable quota ocfs2 max_user_instances max_user_watches max_queued_events hb_ctl_path irix_sgid_inherit irix_symlink_mode panic_mask error_level xfssyncd_centisecs inherit_sync inherit_nodump inherit_noatime xfsbufd_centisecs age_buffer_centisecs inherit_nosymlinks rotorstep inherit_nodefrag filestream_centisecs stats_clear lookups drops reads writes cache_hits allocated_dquots free_dquots syncs warnings appletalk netrom ax25 rose token-ring decnet sctp netfilter irda nf_conntrack_max discovery devname fast_poll_increase discovery_slots discovery_timeout slot_timeout max_baud_rate min_tx_turn_time max_tx_data_size max_tx_window max_noreply_time warn_noreply_time lap_keepalive_time nf_conntrack_buckets nf_conntrack_log_invalid nf_conntrack_tcp_loose nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal nf_conntrack_tcp_max_retrans nf_conntrack_count nf_conntrack_frag6_low_thresh nf_conntrack_frag6_high_thresh nf_conntrack_checksum llc2 station ack_timeout busy rto_initial rto_min rto_max rto_alpha_exp_divisor rto_beta_exp_divisor valid_cookie_life association_max_retrans path_max_retrans max_init_retransmits hb_interval cookie_preserve_enable max_burst addip_enable prsctp_enable sndbuf_policy sack_timeout rcvbuf_policy node_address node_name default_device time_wait dn_count di_count dr_count dst_gc_interval no_fc_max_cwnd decnet_mem decnet_rmem decnet_wmem ipgre ddcmp loopback forwarding priority rif_timeout restart_request_timeout call_request_timeout reset_request_timeout clear_request_timeout acknowledgement_hold_back_timeout x25_forward neigh route icmp bindv6only ip6frag_high_thresh ip6frag_low_thresh ip6frag_time ip6frag_secret_interval mld_max_msf ip6_queue_maxlen ratelimit gc_thresh max_size gc_min_interval gc_timeout gc_elasticity mtu_expires min_adv_mss gc_min_interval_ms hop_limit accept_ra accept_redirects autoconf dad_transmits router_solicitations router_solicitation_interval router_solicitation_delay use_tempaddr temp_valid_lft temp_prefered_lft regen_max_retry max_desync_factor max_addresses force_mld_version accept_ra_defrtr accept_ra_pinfo accept_ra_rtr_pref router_probe_interval accept_ra_rt_info_max_plen proxy_ndp accept_source_route acknowledge_hold_back_timeout routing_control link_fail_timeout maximum_virtual_circuits no_activity_timeout ip_default_mode ax25_default_mode backoff_type connect_mode standard_window_size extended_window_size t1_timeout t2_timeout t3_timeout idle_timeout maximum_retry_count maximum_packet_length protocol dama_slave_timeout default_path_quality obsolescence_count_initialiser network_ttl_initialiser transport_timeout transport_maximum_tries transport_acknowledge_delay transport_busy_delay transport_requested_window_size transport_no_activity_timeout link_fails_count aarp-expiry-time aarp-tick-time aarp-retransmit-limit aarp-resolve-time ipx_pprop_broadcasting ip_forward tcp_timestamps tcp_window_scaling tcp_sack tcp_retrans_collapse ip_default_ttl ip_no_pmtu_disc ip_nonlocal_bind tcp_syn_retries tcp_synack_retries tcp_max_orphans tcp_max_tw_buckets ip_dynaddr tcp_keepalive_time tcp_keepalive_probes tcp_keepalive_intvl tcp_retries1 tcp_retries2 tcp_fin_timeout tcp_syncookies tcp_tw_recycle tcp_abort_on_overflow tcp_stdurg tcp_rfc1337 tcp_max_syn_backlog ip_local_port_range igmp_max_memberships igmp_max_msf inet_peer_threshold inet_peer_minttl inet_peer_maxttl inet_peer_gc_mintime inet_peer_gc_maxtime tcp_orphan_retries tcp_fack tcp_reordering tcp_ecn tcp_dsack tcp_mem tcp_wmem tcp_rmem tcp_app_win tcp_adv_win_scale tcp_tw_reuse tcp_frto tcp_frto_response tcp_low_latency tcp_no_metrics_save tcp_moderate_rcvbuf tcp_tso_win_divisor tcp_congestion_control tcp_mtu_probing tcp_base_mss tcp_workaround_signed_windows tcp_dma_copybreak tcp_slow_start_after_idle cipso_cache_enable cipso_cache_bucket_size cipso_rbm_optfmt cipso_rbm_strictvalid tcp_allowed_congestion_control tcp_max_ssthresh icmp_echo_ignore_all icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses icmp_errors_use_inbound_ifaddr icmp_ratelimit icmp_ratemask ipfrag_high_thresh ipfrag_low_thresh ipfrag_time ipfrag_secret_interval ip_queue_maxlen ip_conntrack_max ip_conntrack_buckets ip_conntrack_log_invalid ip_conntrack_tcp_loose ip_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal ip_conntrack_tcp_max_retrans ip_conntrack_count ip_conntrack_checksum mcast_solicit ucast_solicit app_solicit base_reachable_time delay_first_probe_time gc_stale_time unres_qlen proxy_qlen gc_thresh1 gc_thresh2 gc_thresh3 retrans_time_ms base_reachable_time_ms mc_forwarding secure_redirects send_redirects shared_media rp_filter proxy_arp medium_id bootp_relay log_martians arp_filter arp_announce arp_ignore arp_accept arp_notify disable_xfrm disable_policy force_igmp_version promote_secondaries redirect_load redirect_number redirect_silence error_cost error_burst min_pmtu max_dgram_qlen wmem_max rmem_max wmem_default rmem_default netdev_max_backlog message_cost message_burst optmem_max dev_weight somaxconn netdev_budget xfrm_aevent_etime xfrm_aevent_rseqth hugetlb_shm_group zone_reclaim_mode min_unmapped_ratio vdso_enabled min_slab_ratio ostype osrelease hostname domainname reboot-cmd powersave-nap sg-big-buff shmmax msgmax msgmnb shmall msgmni stop-a shmmni ieee_emulation_warnings userprocess_debug soft-power unaligned-trap scons-poweroff unknown_nmi_panic bootloader_type spin_retry ignore-unaligned-usertrap compat-log panic_on_unrecovered_nmi poolsize entropy_avail read_wakeup_threshold write_wakeup_threshold boot_id uuid 6warning: `%s' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use) 6warning: `%s' uses deprecated v2 capabilities in a way that may be insecure. kernel/capability.c 2capable() called with invalid cap=%u denying ptrace access check without PTRACE_MODE_*CREDS kernel/ptrace.c (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&child->ptrace_entry)) (unsigned long)(!child->ptrace) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&tracer->ptraced)) kernel/timer.c (unsigned long)(tbase_get_base(timer->base) != base) 3CPU%u: active_timers: %lu last: %pS before %d ms running: %pS next: %pS in %d ms 3%s: can't get lock on cpu%u (unsigned long)(!timer->function) (unsigned long)(timer_pending(timer)) (unsigned long)(timer_pending(timer) || !timer->function) 3schedule_timeout: wrong timeout value %lx timer: %pF preempt leak: %08x -> %08x great error: timer with caller %pS pending (expired in %d ms).Can't unload module! (unsigned long)(err != 0x0001) uid_cache kernel/user.c kernel/signal.c 6%s/%d: reached RLIMIT_SIGPENDING, dropped signal %d (unsigned long)(mask & ~(((1 << 17) | ((1 << 19) | (1 << 20))) | (1 << 18) | 0xffff | (1 << 21))) (unsigned long)((mask & (1 << 21)) && !(mask & ((1 << 17) | ((1 << 19) | (1 << 20))))) (unsigned long)(mask & ~((1 << 17) | ((1 << 19) | (1 << 20)))) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&t->sighand->siglock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(!(q->flags & 1)) (unsigned long)(q->info.si_code != (((1 << 16)) | ((-3) & 0xffff))) (unsigned long)(sig == -1) (unsigned long)(((tsk->state & (4 | 8)) != 0)) (unsigned long)(!tsk->ptrace && (tsk->group_leader != tsk || !thread_group_empty(tsk))) (unsigned long)((exit_code & (0x7f | ~0xffff)) != 5) 6potentially unexpected fatal signal %d. include/linux/thread_info.h sigqueue 0Power down. 4%s failed to allocate memory for "%s" 4Failed to start orderly shutdown: forcing the issue 3.10.107 2.6.%u%s 0System halted. 0Restarting system. 0Restarting system with command '%s'. kernel/sys.c kernel/kmod.c 3request_module: runaway loop modprobe %s khelper (unsigned long)(!khelper_wq) PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin bset inheritable kernel/workqueue.c 4workqueue %s: drain_workqueue() isn't complete after %u tries %s%d:%d %d:%d%s u%d:%d kworker/%s (unsigned long)((unsigned long)pwq & WORK_STRUCT_FLAG_MASK) 4workqueue: max_active %d requested for %s is out of range, clamping between %d and %d workqueue: per-cpu pwq for %s on cpu%d has 0 refcnt 3BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic: %s/0x%08x/%d last function: %pf &pool->manager_arb &pool->manager_mutex &wq->mutex ordering guarantee broken for workqueue %s pool_workqueue (unsigned long)(init_worker_pool(pool)) (unsigned long)(worker_pool_assign_id(pool)) (unsigned long)(create_and_start_worker(pool) < 0) (unsigned long)(!(attrs = alloc_workqueue_attrs(((( gfp_t)0x10u) | (( gfp_t)0x40u) | (( gfp_t)0x80u))))) events events_highpri events_long events_unbound events_freezable (unsigned long)(!system_wq || !system_highpri_wq || !system_long_wq || !system_unbound_wq || !system_freezable_wq) %sWorkqueue: %s %pf workqueue pool_ids nice cpumask numa per_cpu max_active kernel/pid.c 6pid_max: default: %u minimum: %u 5Sorting __ex_table... kernel/params.c (unsigned long)(!mutex_is_locked(¶m_lock)) 3%s: string doesn't fit in %u chars. 3%s: string parameter too long (unsigned long)(!kp->perm) parameters (unsigned long)(!mk) 2Adding module '%s' to sysfs failed (%d), the system may be unstable. 4%s (%d): error creating kset (unsigned long)(err) 3%s: can only take %i arguments 3%s: needs at least %i arguments doing %s, parsing ARGS: '%s' handling %s with %p doing %s: %s='%s' Unknown argument '%s' 4%s: option '%s' enabled irq's! 3%s: Unknown parameter `%s' 3%s: `%s' too large for parameter `%s' 3%s: `%s' invalid for parameter `%s' kernel/posix-timers.c 4POSIX clock register failed for clock_id %d 4POSIX clock id %d lacks clock_get() 4POSIX clock id %d lacks clock_getres() posix_timers_cache kernel/kthread.c 3kthread_create_with_prio: unable to start kthread 3kthread_create_with_prio: Could not set priority! kthreadd kernel/wait.c kernel/posix-cpu-timers.c (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&timer->it.cpu.entry)) 6RT Watchdog Timeout: %s[%d] (unsigned long)(clock_idx == 2) kernel/hrtimer.c (unsigned long)(timer->state != 0x02) 6hrtimers_resume() called with IRQs enabled! (unsigned long)(!cpu_base->hres_active) 4hrtimer: interrupt took %llu ns 4Could not switch to high resolution mode on CPU %d nsproxy kernel/srcu.c (unsigned long)(sp->batch_done.head != head) kernel/notifier.c &nh->mutex notes rcu_expedited fscaps uevent_helper uevent_seqnum kernel/cred.c (unsigned long)((*(volatile int *)&(&cred->usage)->counter) != 0) (unsigned long)(cred == (current_thread_info()->task)->cred) (unsigned long)(cred == (current_thread_info()->task)->real_cred) (unsigned long)((*(volatile int *)&(&new->usage)->counter) < 1) CRED: put_cred_rcu() sees %p with usage %d (unsigned long)(task->cred != old) cred_jar (unsigned long)(!cred) kernel/async.c 7calling %lli_%pF @ %i 7initcall %lli_%pF returned 0 after %lld usecs 7async_waiting @ %i 7async_continuing @ %i after %lli usec 3%s: run out of slot in ranges kernel/smpboot.c (unsigned long)(td->cpu != (current_thread_info()->cpu)) 3SMP: fork_idle() failed for CPU %u kernel/sched/core.c 3BUG: scheduling while atomic: %s/%d/0x%08x 4Unable to set relax_domain_level (unsigned long)(!test_bit(cpumask_check(cpu), (((rq->rd->span))->bits))) (unsigned long)(err == (0x8000|0x0002)) (unsigned long)((((current_thread_info()->preempt_count) & ((((1UL << (10))-1) << ((0 + 8) + 8)) | (((1UL << (8))-1) << (0 + 8)) | (((1UL << (1))-1) << (((0 + 8) + 8) + 10)))))) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&(*({ do { const void *__vpp_verify = (typeof((&(runqueues))))((void *)0); (void)__vpp_verify; } while (0); ({ unsigned long __ptr; __asm__ ("" : "=r"(__ptr) : "0"((typeof(*(&(runqueues))) *)(&(runqueues)))); (typeof((typeof(*(&(runqueues))) *)(&(runqueues)))) (__ptr + (((__per_cpu_offset[(task_cpu(p))])))); }); })))->lock)->raw_lock)) kernel/sched/sched.h (unsigned long)(!(((current_thread_info()->preempt_count) & (((1UL << (8))-1) << (0 + 8))))) (unsigned long)(prio < 0 || prio > (100 + 40)) %08lx %5lu %5d %6d 0x%08lx 6%-15.15s %c running 6 task PC stack pid father process %d (%s) no longer affine to cpu%d swapper %s/%d 6Task dump for CPU %d: kernel/sched/idle_task.c 3bad: scheduling from the idle thread! kernel/sched/fair.c (unsigned long)(!pse) (unsigned long)(busiest_rq == target_rq) (unsigned long)(busiest == env.dst_rq) kernel/sched/rt.c (unsigned long)(rq->cpu != task_cpu(p)) (unsigned long)(task_current(rq, p)) (unsigned long)(p->nr_cpus_allowed <= 1) (unsigned long)(!p->on_rq) (unsigned long)(!rt_task(p)) (unsigned long)(want) sched: RT throttling activated (unsigned long)(idx >= 100) (unsigned long)(!rt_se) (unsigned long)(!rq->rt.rt_nr_migratory) kernel/sched/stop_task.c kernel/sched/cpupri.c (unsigned long)(task_pri >= (100 + 2)) (unsigned long)(newpri >= (100 + 2)) 3pm_qos_param: %s setup failed kernel/power/qos.c 3pm_qos_add_request() called for already added request 3pm_qos_update_request() called for unknown object %s, 0x%lx, 0x%x 3pm_qos_remove_request() called for unknown object %s called for unknown object. network_throughput network_latency cpu_dma_latency poweroff(o) Power Off kernel/cpu/idle.c kernel/time/timekeeping.c 4Adjusting %s more than 11%% (%ld vs %ld) 4__timekeeping_inject_sleeptime: Invalid sleep delta value! 4WARNING: Persistent clock returned invalid value! Check your CMOS/BIOS settings. 4WARNING: Boot clock returned invalid value! Check your CMOS/BIOS settings. 5Clock: inserting leap second 23:59:60 UTC 5Clock: deleting leap second 23:59:59 UTC 4Override clocksource %s is not HRT compatible. Cannot switch while in HRT/NOHZ mode 6Switching to clocksource %s Clocksource %s might overflow on 11%% adjustment kernel/time/clocksource.c pmtmr Warning: clock=pmtmr is deprecated. Use clocksource=acpi_pm. acpi_pm Warning! clock= boot option is deprecated. Use clocksource=xyz available_clocksource current_clocksource refined-jiffies timer_list <%pK> Tick Device: mode: %d Broadcast device max_delta_ns: %llu min_delta_ns: %llu mult: %u shift: %u mode: %d next_event: %Ld nsecs set_next_event: set_mode: event_handler: retries: %lu Clock Event Device: Per CPU device: %d cpu: %d clock %d: .base: %pK .index: %d .resolution: %Lu nsecs .get_time: .offset: %Lu nsecs active timers: #%d: , S:%02lx # expires at %Lu-%Lu nsecs [in %Ld to %Ld nsecs] expires_next .%-15s: %Lu nsecs hres_active .%-15s: %Lu nr_events nr_retries nr_hangs max_hang_time nohz_mode last_tick tick_stopped idle_jiffies idle_calls idle_sleeps idle_entrytime idle_waketime idle_exittime idle_sleeptime iowait_sleeptime last_jiffies next_jiffies idle_expires jiffies: %Lu Timer List Version: v0.7 HRTIMER_MAX_CLOCK_BASES: %d now at %Ld nsecs &clk->rwsem kernel/time/alarmtimer.c alarmtimer kernel/time/clockevents.c (unsigned long)(dev->mode != CLOCK_EVT_MODE_UNUSED) (unsigned long)(new->mode != CLOCK_EVT_MODE_UNUSED) %s is not functional. %s does not support one-shot mode. 6Clockevents: could not switch to one-shot mode: no tick device kernel/time/tick-sched.c 4NOHZ: local_softirq_pending %02x kernel/futex.c refusing to wake PI futex 3fixup_owner: ret = %d pi-mutex: %p pi-state %p (unsigned long)(q->pi_state) (unsigned long)(!q->pi_state) kernel/rtmutex_common.h (unsigned long)(w->lock != lock) 4Maximum lock depth %d reached task: %s (%d) kernel/rtmutex.c rtmutex deadlock detected kernel/rtmutex.h kernel/smp.c 6Brought up %ld CPUs 4Symbol %s is being used by a non-GPL module, which will not be allowed in the future 4Symbol %s is marked as UNUSED, however this module is using it. 4This symbol will go away in the future. 4Please evalute if this is the right api to use and if it really is, submit a report the linux kernel mailinglist together with submitting your code for inclusion. %s unusing %s kernel/module.c (unsigned long)(!modaddr) 0x%pK sum of module-symbols: %u (%u KiB) saved-memory %u KiB modules (unsigned long)(mod->state == MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED) Live Unloading Loading %s %u %lu [permanent], 0x%pK Failed to find symbol %s (unsigned long)(mod && mod->state == MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED) %s uses %s! %s does not use %s! Allocating new usage for %s. 4%s: out of memory loading live coming going 3%s: module sysfs not initialized 3%s: module is already loaded sections holders %s already dying Looking at refcount... 4%s: '%s'->init suspiciously returned %d, it should follow 0/-E convention %s: loading module anyway... unspecified 3Module len %lu truncated __versions .modinfo .gnu.linkonce.this_module 4No module found in object 4%s: module has no symbols (stripped?) .data..percpu vermagic 3%s: version magic '%s' should be '%s' intree staging 4%s: module is from the staging directory, the quality is unknown, you have been warned. license GPL v2 GPL and additional rights Dual BSD/GPL Dual MIT/GPL Dual MPL/GPL 4%s: module license '%s' taints kernel. Core section allocation order: .init Init section allocation order: final section addresses: 0x%lx %s 4%s: per-cpu alignment %li > %li 4%s: Could not allocate %lu bytes percpu data __param __ksymtab __kcrctab __ksymtab_gpl __kcrctab_gpl __ksymtab_gpl_future __kcrctab_gpl_future __ksymtab_unused __kcrctab_unused __ksymtab_unused_gpl __kcrctab_unused_gpl __ex_table __obsparm 4%s: Ignoring obsolete parameters __verbose ndiswrapper driverloader Common symbol: %s %s: please compile with -fno-common Absolute symbol: 0x%08lx 4%s: gave up waiting for init of module %s. 4%s: Unknown symbol %s (err %li) 3module %s: REL relocation unsupported .debug 3dynamic debug error adding module: %s 3%s: exports duplicate symbol %s (owned by %s) __bug_debug_table init_module: umod=%p, len=%lu, uargs=%p finit_module: fd=%d, uargs=%p, flags=%i dModules linked in: %s%s [last unloaded: %s before %lu.%03lu s] taint initsize coresize initstate refcnt srcversion kernel/kallsyms.c (unsigned long)(!kallsyms_addresses) %pK %c %s [%s] %pK %c %s kallsyms +%#lx/%#lx 6Process accounting paused 6Process accounting resumed kernel/stop_machine.c (unsigned long)(smpboot_register_percpu_thread(&cpu_stop_threads)) cpu_stop: %s(%p) leaked preempt count (unsigned long)(test_bit(cpumask_check(((current_thread_info()->cpu))), (((cpu_active_mask))->bits))) migration/%u 0BUG: soft lockup - CPU#%d stuck for %us! [%s:%d] kernel/watchdog.c softlockup: hung tasks 3NMI watchdog: Failed to create watchdog threads, disabled watchdog/%u 6NR_IRQS:%d irq %d, desc: %p, depth: %d, count: %d, unhandled: %d ->handle_irq(): %p, ->irq_data.chip(): %p, ->action(): %p ->action->handler(): %p, IRQ_LEVEL %14s set IRQ_PER_CPU IRQ_NOPROBE IRQ_NOREQUEST IRQ_NOTHREAD IRQ_NOAUTOEN IRQS_AUTODETECT IRQS_REPLAY IRQS_WAITING IRQS_PENDING irq %u handler %pF enabled interrupts kernel/irq/handle.c 4IRQ %d device %s returned IRQ_WAKE_THREAD but no thread function available. Unbalanced IRQ %d wake disable kernel/irq/manage.c Primary handler called for nested irq %d Trying to free IRQ %d from IRQ context! Trying to free already-free IRQ %d percpu IRQ %d still enabled on CPU%d! 3genirq: exiting task "%s" (%d) is an active IRQ thread (irq %d) 4Unbalanced enable for IRQ %d 3enable_irq before setup/request_irq: irq %u genirq: No set_type function for IRQ %d (%s) 3genirq: Setting trigger mode %lu for irq %u failed (%pF) irq/%d-%s 3genirq: Threaded irq requested with handler=NULL and !ONESHOT for irq %d &desc->wait_for_threads 4genirq: irq %d uses trigger mode %u; requested %u 3genirq: Flags mismatch irq %d. %08x (%s) vs. %08x (%s) failed to set type for IRQ%d manage 6IRQ lockup detection disabled 4Misrouted IRQ fixup support enabled. 4This may impact system performance. 4Misrouted IRQ fixup and polling support enabled 4This may significantly impact system performance 3handlers: 3[<%p>] %pf threaded [<%p>] %pf 3irq event %d: bogus return value %x 3irq %d: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option) irq poll in progress on cpu %d for irq %d kernel/irq/spurious.c 0Disabling IRQ #%d kernel/irq/chip.c dummy kernel/irq/devres.c kernel/irq/irqdomain.c (unsigned long)(domain->revmap_type != 2) irq: Default domain set to @0x%p irq: Removed domain of type %d @0x%p irq: %s(%s, irqbase=%i, hwbase=%i, count=%i) error: irq_desc not allocated; irq=%i hwirq=0x%x error: irq_desc already associated; irq=%i hwirq=0x%x 3irq: irq-%i==>hwirq-0x%lx mapping failed: %d irq: create_direct virq allocation failed 3irq: ERROR: no free irqs available below %i maximum irq: create_direct obtained virq %d irq: irq_create_mapping(0x%p, 0x%lx) 4irq: irq_create_mapping called for NULL domain, hwirq=%lx irq: -> using domain @%p irq: -> existing mapping on virq %d irq: -> virq allocation failed irq: irq %lu on domain %s mapped to virtual irq %u 4irq: no irq domain found for %s ! irq: Allocated domain of type %d @0x%p irq: looking for phys_base=%llx, irq_start=%i irqdomain looking for phys_base=%llx, irq_start=%i irq %lu on domain %s mapped to virtual irq %u -> virq allocation failed -> existing mapping on virq %d -> using domain @%p irq_create_mapping(0x%p, 0x%lx) create_direct obtained virq %d create_direct virq allocation failed %s(%s, irqbase=%i, hwbase=%i, count=%i) Default domain set to @0x%p Removed domain of type %d @0x%p Allocated domain of type %d @0x%p count %u unhandled %u last_unhandled %u ms affinity_hint smp_affinity_list spurious irq/default_smp_affinity CPU%-8d %*d: %10u %8s None -%-8s %s , %s /home/jpluschke/FBox/GIT-GU/GU_IQ17p2_vr9/RELEASE_KERNEL_vr9_build/kernel/linux-3.10/arch/mips/include/asm/syscall.h kernel/seccomp.c kernel/rcutree.c Current pid: %d comm: %s / Idle pid: %d comm: %s (unsigned long)(IS_ERR(t)) rcu_init_one: rcu_num_lvls overflow &rsp->gp_wq rcu_preempt kernel/rcutree_plugin.h 3INFO: %s self-detected stall on CPU (t=%lu jiffies g=%lu c=%lu q=%lu) 3INFO: %s detected stalls on CPUs/tasks: (detected by %d, t=%ld jiffies, g=%lu, c=%lu, q=%lu) 3INFO: Stall ended before state dump start 6Hierarchical RCU implementation. 6 Experimental boot-time adjustment of leaf fanout to %d. 6 RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=%d to nr_cpu_ids=%d. rcu_bh rcu_sched &buf->read_wait %s%d 4relay: one or more items not logged [item size (%Zd) > sub-buffer size (%Zd)] 3CPU has no buffer! kernel/relay.c kernel/irq_work.c (unsigned long)(!(((current_thread_info()->preempt_count) & (((1UL << (10))-1) << ((0 + 8) + 8))))) 3[%s] ERROR: no configbuffer 3[%s] ERROR: unknown ConfigVersion 0x%x WLAN WLAN2 DECT DOCSIS ZERTIFIKATE 3[%s] ERROR: no mem %d 3[%s] ERROR: read Data 3[%s] no space for workspace 3[%s] ERROR: zlib_inflate Type %d %s %d 3ERROR: Type unknown 3ERROR: no Config found ERROR: Could not open file %s ERROR: no mem 0x%p ERROR: no mem ERROR: write Config ERROR: read Config WLAN DECT WLAN2 ZERTIFIKATE DOCSIS PROLIFIC WLAN_ZIP WLAN2_ZIP UNKNOWN 6[%s] 0x%08x[0] 6[%s] 0x%08x[1] 6[%s] 0x%08x[2] 6[%s] switch to ram location 6[%s] switch to flash location 3%s: Unable to get hardware revision (HWRevision) from PROM (error: %d) kernel/events/core.c &ctx->mutex Failed to register pmu: %s, reason %d 4perf samples too long (%lld > %d), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to %d //enomem //toolong [heap] [stack] //anon &event->child_mutex &event->waitq &event->mmap_mutex [perf_event] &child->perf_event_mutex &swhash->hlist_mutex software event_source kernel/events/callchain.c mm/filemap.c (unsigned long)(i->count < bytes) (unsigned long)(!i->count || i->count < copy) (unsigned long)(!(((current_thread_info()->preempt_count) & ~0x10000000) != 0)) (unsigned long)(!PageLocked(page)) (unsigned long)(page_mapped(page)) (unsigned long)(error) (unsigned long)(iocb->ki_pos != pos) mm/mempool.c (unsigned long)(pool->curr_nr <= 0) &pool->wait (unsigned long)(pool->curr_nr >= pool->min_nr) (unsigned long)(new_min_nr <= 0) 4%s invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x%x, order=%d, oom_score_adj=%hd 6[ pid ] uid tgid total_vm rss nr_ptes swapents oom_score_adj name 6[%5d] %5d %5d %8lu %8lu %7lu %8lu %5hd %s compulsory system-wide Out of memory: %s panic_on_oom is enabled 3%s: Kill process %d (%s) score %d or sacrifice child 3Killed process %d (%s) total-vm:%lukB, anon-rss:%lukB, file-rss:%lukB 3Kill process %d (%s) sharing same memory Out of memory (oom_kill_allocating_task) Out of memory and no killable processes... Out of memory zone->wait_table + i 4Could not find start_pfn for node %d mm/page_alloc.c (unsigned long)(zone_type >= 2) (unsigned long)(page_zone(start_page) != page_zone(end_page)) 4%pV 4%s: page allocation failure: order:%d, mode:0x%x global_page_sum %ukB(%u pages) + vmalloc-used = %ukB (%u pages) active_anon:%lu inactive_anon:%lu isolated_anon:%lu active_file:%lu inactive_file:%lu isolated_file:%lu unevictable:%lu dirty:%lu writeback:%lu unstable:%lu free:%lu slab_reclaimable:%lu slab_unreclaimable:%lu mapped:%lu shmem:%lu pagetables:%lu bounce:%lu free_cma:%lu %s per-cpu: CPU %4d: hi:%5d, btch:%4d usd:%4d %s free:%lukB min:%lukB low:%lukB high:%lukB active_anon:%lukB inactive_anon:%lukB active_file:%lukB inactive_file:%lukB unevictable:%lukB isolated(anon):%lukB isolated(file):%lukB present:%lukB managed:%lukB mlocked:%lukB dirty:%lukB writeback:%lukB mapped:%lukB shmem:%lukB slab_reclaimable:%lukB slab_unreclaimable:%lukB kernel_stack:%lukB pagetables:%lukB unstable:%lukB bounce:%lukB free_cma:%lukB writeback_tmp:%lukB pages_scanned:%lu all_unreclaimable? %s lowmem_reserve[]: %ld total pagecache pages %s: %lu*%lukB (%s) = %lukB Built %i zonelists in %s order, mobility grouping %s. Total pages: %ld (unsigned long)(!PageBuddy(page)) 7On node %d totalpages: %lu 7free_area_init_node: node %d, pgdat %08lx, node_mem_map %08lx &pgdat->kswapd_wait &pgdat->pfmemalloc_wait 7 %s zone: %lu pages used for memmap 4 %s zone: %lu pages exceeds freesize %lu Normal 7 %s zone: %lu pages reserved 7 %s zone: %lu pages, LIFO batch:%u (unsigned long)(ret) Zone ranges: %-8s [mem %0#10lx-%0#10lx] Movable zone start for each node Node %d: %#010lx Early memory node ranges node %3d: [mem %#010lx-%#010lx] 1page:%p count:%d mapcount:%d mapping:%p index:%#lx 1page flags: %#lx( %s%#lx 1BUG: Bad page state: %lu messages suppressed 1BUG: Bad page state in process %s pfn:%05lx include/linux/gfp.h (unsigned long)(!numentries) 6%s hash table entries: %ld (order: %d, %lu bytes) Failed to allocate %s hash table 6Freeing %s memory: %ldK (%lx - %lx) locked referenced uptodate dirty owner_priv_1 arch_1 private private_2 writeback tail swapcache mappedtodisk swapbacked unevictable Movable mm/page-writeback.c (unsigned long)(PageWriteback(page)) (unsigned long)(mapping2 != mapping) mm/readahead.c (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&page_pool)) mm/swap.c mm/truncate.c (unsigned long)(page_has_private(page)) (unsigned long)((lend & (((1UL) << 12) - 1)) != (((1UL) << 12) - 1)) include/linux/highmem.h (unsigned long)(end1 > ((1UL) << 12) || end2 > ((1UL) << 12)) mm/vmscan.c (unsigned long)(mapping != page_mapping(page)) 3shrink_slab: %pF negative objects to delete nr=%ld kswapd%d (unsigned long)(system_state == SYSTEM_BOOTING) 3Failed to start kswapd on node %d %s: orphaned page 4%s: The scan_unevictable_pages sysctl/node-interface has been disabled for lack of a legitimate use case. If you have one, please send an email to linux-mm@kvack.org. include/linux/radix-tree.h (unsigned long)(radix_tree_is_indirect_ptr(item)) ,size=%luk ,nr_inodes=%lu ,mode=%03ho ,uid=%u ,gid=%u mm/shmem.c 3tmpfs: No value for mount option '%s' nr_blocks nr_inodes mpol 3tmpfs: Bad mount option %s 3tmpfs: Bad value '%s' for mount option '%s' (unsigned long)(mapping->a_ops != &shmem_aops) shmem_inode_cache 3Could not register tmpfs 3Could not kern_mount tmpfs dev/zero mm/vmstat.c %s %lu nr_free_pages Node %d, zone %8s pages free %lu min %lu low %lu high %lu scanned %lu spanned %lu present %lu managed %lu %-12s %lu protection: (%lu , %lu pagesets cpu: %i count: %i high: %i batch: %i vm stats threshold: %d all_unreclaimable: %u start_pfn: %lu inactive_ratio: %u Unmovable Node %4d, zone %8s, type %12s %6lu Node %d, zone %8s %d.%03d %12lu buddyinfo pagetypeinfo vmstat zoneinfo extfrag unusable_index extfrag_index Page block order: %d Pages per block: %lu Free pages count per migrate type at order %-43s %6d Number of blocks type %-23s %12s nr_inactive_anon nr_active_anon nr_inactive_file nr_active_file nr_unevictable nr_mlock nr_anon_pages nr_mapped nr_file_pages nr_dirty nr_writeback nr_slab_reclaimable nr_slab_unreclaimable nr_page_table_pages nr_kernel_stack nr_unstable nr_bounce nr_vmscan_write nr_vmscan_immediate_reclaim nr_writeback_temp nr_isolated_anon nr_isolated_file nr_shmem nr_dirtied nr_written nr_anon_transparent_hugepages nr_free_cma nr_dirty_threshold nr_dirty_background_threshold pgpgin pgpgout pswpin pswpout pgalloc_normal pgalloc_movable pgfree pgactivate pgdeactivate pgfault pgmajfault pgrefill_normal pgrefill_movable pgsteal_kswapd_normal pgsteal_kswapd_movable pgsteal_direct_normal pgsteal_direct_movable pgscan_kswapd_normal pgscan_kswapd_movable pgscan_direct_normal pgscan_direct_movable pgscan_direct_throttle pginodesteal slabs_scanned kswapd_inodesteal kswapd_low_wmark_hit_quickly kswapd_high_wmark_hit_quickly pageoutrun allocstall pgrotated pgmigrate_success pgmigrate_fail compact_migrate_scanned compact_free_scanned compact_isolated compact_stall compact_fail compact_success unevictable_pgs_culled unevictable_pgs_scanned unevictable_pgs_rescued unevictable_pgs_mlocked unevictable_pgs_munlocked unevictable_pgs_cleared unevictable_pgs_stranded Reclaimable Reserve BdiWriteback: %10lu kB BdiReclaimable: %10lu kB BdiDirtyThresh: %10lu kB DirtyThresh: %10lu kB BackgroundThresh: %10lu kB BdiDirtied: %10lu kB BdiWritten: %10lu kB BdiWriteBandwidth: %10lu kBps b_dirty: %10lu b_io: %10lu b_more_io: %10lu bdi_list: %10u state: %10lx mm/backing-dev.c %.28s%s 4%s exported in /proc is scheduled for removal read_ahead_kb min_ratio max_ratio stable_pages_required noop 4PERCPU: unknown allocator %s specified %spcpu-alloc: s%zu r%zu d%zu u%zu alloc=%zu*%zu mm/percpu.c (unsigned long)(gi->nr_units % upa) %spcpu-alloc: [%0*d] %0*d -------- (unsigned long)(i == 0 && head != 0) (unsigned long)(chunk->map_alloc < chunk->map_used + nr_extra) (unsigned long)(off != freeme) (unsigned long)(chunk->map[i] > 0) mm/percpu-vm.c alloc from reserved chunk failed failed to populate failed to extend area map of reserved chunk failed to extend area map failed to allocate new chunk illegal size (%zu) or align (%zu) for percpu allocation 4PERCPU: allocation failed, size=%zu align=%zu, %s 6PERCPU: limit reached, disable warning (unsigned long)(!pages) ai->nr_groups <= 0 0PERCPU: failed to initialize, %s 0PERCPU: cpu_possible_mask=%s !ai->static_size (unsigned long)__per_cpu_start & ~PAGE_MASK !base_addr (unsigned long)base_addr & ~PAGE_MASK ai->unit_size < size_sum ai->unit_size & ~PAGE_MASK ai->unit_size < PCPU_MIN_UNIT_SIZE ai->dyn_size < PERCPU_DYNAMIC_EARLY_SIZE cpu > nr_cpu_ids !cpu_possible(cpu) unit_map[cpu] != UINT_MAX unit_map[cpu] == UINT_MAX (unsigned long)(!map) (unsigned long)(unit != nr_units) (unsigned long)(cpu == 2) 4PERCPU: max_distance=0x%zx too large for vmalloc space 0x%lx 6PERCPU: Embedded %zu pages/cpu @%p s%zu r%zu d%zu u%zu Failed to initialize percpu areas. auto embed 3%s: %s new flags: %x 3start slab_allocator-trace now (use cat /proc/slab_allocators) slabinfo slab_allocators poison 3slab_allocator: new thresh_allocsize=%u 3slab_allocator - invalid param: use []/[all] [poison] on, off, thresh (only oom) 3slab_allocator: cachep: '%s' %s %s 3kmem_cache_destroy %s: Slab cache still has objects %lu h %2lu min %2lu s %2lu min %2lu s %2lu s %s: %5lu KiB 3%s: %5lu KiB %6u entries (%5u KiB - avg-time %s) %pS 3 %6u entries (%5u KiB - avg-time %s) %pS ... but %d callers ignored (too much different callers) 3... but %d callers ignored (too much different callers) kmem_cache_create: Failed to create slab '%s'. Error %d 4kmem_cache_create(%s) failed with error %d Creation of kmalloc slab %s size=%zu failed. Reason %d Out of memory when creating slab %s mm/slab_common.c kmalloc-%d (unsigned long)(!n) slabinfo - version: 2.1 # name : tunables : slabdata %-17s %6lu %6lu %6u %4u %4d : tunables %4u %4u %4u : slabdata %6lu %6lu %6lu mm/compaction.c mm/balloon_compaction.c (unsigned long)(!trylock_page(page)) include/linux/swapops.h (unsigned long)(pte_file(pte)) mm/fremap.c (unsigned long)(addr != start) include/linux/huge_mm.h 1BUG: Bad page map: %lu messages suppressed 1BUG: Bad page map in process %s pte:%08llx pmd:%08llx 1addr:%p vm_flags:%08lx anon_vma:%p mapping:%p index:%lx 1vma->vm_ops->fault: %pSR 1vma->vm_file->f_op->mmap: %pSR mm/memory.c %s:%d: bad pgd %08lx. (unsigned long)(addr >= end) (unsigned long)(!(!(((*pte).pte) & ~(1 << (((((((((0) + 1) + 1) + 1))) + 1) + 1) + 1))))) (unsigned long)(0) (unsigned long)(!PageLocked(p)) (unsigned long)(pte_file(((pte_t) { (arch_entry).val }))) (unsigned long)(!(vma->vm_flags & (0x00000400|0x10000000))) (unsigned long)((vma->vm_flags & (0x00000400|0x10000000)) == (0x00000400|0x10000000)) (unsigned long)((vma->vm_flags & 0x00000400) && is_cow_mapping(vma->vm_flags)) (unsigned long)((vma->vm_flags & 0x10000000) && pfn_valid(pfn)) (unsigned long)(down_read_trylock(&vma->vm_mm->mmap_sem)) (unsigned long)(vma->vm_flags & 0x00000400) (unsigned long)(!(vma->vm_flags & 0x10000000)) %s%s[%lx+%lx] mm/mlock.c mm/mmap.c (unsigned long)(vma->anon_vma) (unsigned long)(down_read_trylock(&mm->mmap_sem)) (unsigned long)(!mutex_is_locked(&mm_all_locks_mutex)) mm/mprotect.c &anon_vma->rwsem mm/rmap.c (unsigned long)(!anon_vma) anon_vma anon_vma_chain (unsigned long)(PageAnon(page)) (unsigned long)(((flags) & TTU_ACTION_MASK) != TTU_MIGRATION) (unsigned long)(pte_file(*pte)) (unsigned long)(!page || PageAnon(page)) mm/vmalloc.c (unsigned long)(((&va->rb_node)->__rb_parent_color == (unsigned long)(&va->rb_node))) vmallocinfo (unsigned long)(tmp != vb) (unsigned long)(align & ~(~((1 << 12) - 1)) || !is_power_of_2(align)) (unsigned long)(!(((offsets[area]) & ((typeof(offsets[area]))(align) - 1)) == 0)) (unsigned long)(!(((sizes[area]) & ((typeof(sizes[area]))(align) - 1)) == 0)) (unsigned long)(start2 >= start && start2 < end) (unsigned long)(end2 <= end && end2 > start) (unsigned long)(next && next->va_end <= base + end) (unsigned long)(prev && prev->va_end > base + end) (unsigned long)(!addr) (unsigned long)(addr < (0xc0000000UL)) (unsigned long)(addr > ((((unsigned long)(long)(int)0xfffe0000) - (__end_of_fixed_addresses << 12))-2*((1UL) << 12))) (unsigned long)(addr & (((1UL) << 12)-1)) (unsigned long)(size & ~(~((1 << 12) - 1))) (unsigned long)(size > ((1UL) << 12)*32) (unsigned long)(!vb) (unsigned long)(bitmap_allocate_region(vb->dirty_map, offset >> 12, order)) (unsigned long)(vb->free) (unsigned long)(!va) (unsigned long)(!size) (unsigned long)(!is_power_of_2(align)) (unsigned long)(va->va_start & (align-1)) (unsigned long)(va->va_start < vstart) (unsigned long)(va->va_end > vend) 4vmap allocation for size %lu failed: use vmalloc= to increase size. 0x%pK-0x%pK %7ld vm_map_ram 0x%pK-0x%pK %7ld %pS pages=%d phys=%llx ioremap vmalloc vmap user vpages (unsigned long)(vb->dirty != ((1024) < ((((32*2)) > (((128UL*1024*1024) / ((1UL) << 12)) / ( __builtin_constant_p(2) ? ( (2 == 1) ? 1 : (1UL << (( __builtin_constant_p((2) - 1) ? ( ((2) - 1) < 2 ? 0 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof((2) - 1) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32((2) - 1) : __ilog2_u64((2) - 1) ) + 1)) ) : __roundup_pow_of_two(2) ) / 16) ? ((32*2)) : (((128UL*1024*1024) / ((1UL) << 12)) / ( __builtin_constant_p(2) ? ( (2 == 1) ? 1 : (1UL << (( __builtin_constant_p((2) - 1) ? ( ((2) - 1) < 2 ? 0 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof((2) - 1) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32((2) - 1) : __ilog2_u64((2) - 1) ) + 1)) ) : __roundup_pow_of_two(2) ) / 16))) ? (1024) : ((((32*2)) > (((128UL*1024*1024) / ((1UL) << 12)) / ( __builtin_constant_p(2) ? ( (2 == 1) ? 1 : (1UL << (( __builtin_constant_p((2) - 1) ? ( ((2) - 1) < 2 ? 0 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof((2) - 1) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32((2) - 1) : __ilog2_u64((2) - 1) ) + 1)) ) : __roundup_pow_of_two(2) ) / 16) ? ((32*2)) : (((128UL*1024*1024) / ((1UL) << 12)) / ( __builtin_constant_p(2) ? ( (2 == 1) ? 1 : (1UL << (( __builtin_constant_p((2) - 1) ? ( ((2) - 1) < 2 ? 0 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 9) ? 9 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 8) ? 8 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 7) ? 7 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 6) ? 6 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 5) ? 5 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 4) ? 4 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 3) ? 3 : ((2) - 1) & (1ULL << 2) ? 2 : 1 ) : (sizeof((2) - 1) <= 4) ? __ilog2_u32((2) - 1) : __ilog2_u64((2) - 1) ) + 1)) ) : __roundup_pow_of_two(2) ) / 16))))) (unsigned long)(addr_to_vb_idx(addr) != addr_to_vb_idx(vb->va->va_start)) (unsigned long)(vmap_initialized) (unsigned long)(tmp->addr < vm->addr + vm->size) (unsigned long)(tmp->addr + tmp->size > vm->addr) 3Trying to vfree() bad address (%p) 3Trying to vfree() nonexistent vm area (%p) (unsigned long)(!page) (unsigned long)(((current_thread_info()->preempt_count) & (((1UL << (1))-1) << (((0 + 8) + 8) + 10)))) (unsigned long)(ret != area) vmalloc: allocation failure, allocated %ld of %ld bytes vmalloc: allocation failure: %lu bytes mm/pgtable-generic.c 6bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx map=%lx end=%lx mapsize=%lx 6bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx mm/bootmem.c 6bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx flags=%x 6bootmem::%s silent double reserve of PFN %lx 6bootmem::%s nid=%td start=%lx end=%lx reserve=%d flags=%x (unsigned long)(start < bdata->node_min_pfn) (unsigned long)(end > bdata->node_low_pfn) (unsigned long)(pos != start) 1bootmem alloc of %lu bytes failed! 6bootmem::%s nid=%td size=%lx [%lu pages] align=%lx goal=%lx limit=%lx (unsigned long)(align & (align - 1)) (unsigned long)(limit && goal + size > limit) 6bootmem::%s nid=%td released=%lx mm/memblock.c (unsigned long)(type->cnt >= type->max) (unsigned long)(this->base + this->size > next->base) 6 %s.cnt = 0x%lx on node %d 6 %s[%#x] [%#016llx-%#016llx], %#llx bytes%s 6[%s] start=%#x, end=%#x, size=%#x, align=%#x 3memblock: Failed to double %s array from %ld to %ld entries ! 6memblock: %s is doubled to %ld at [%#010llx-%#010llx] (unsigned long)(memblock_reserve(addr, new_alloc_size)) 6 memblock_add_region: @ %p [%#016llx-%#016llx] %pF 6memblock_reserve: [%#016llx-%#016llx] %pF 6 memblock_free: [%#016llx-%#016llx] %pF ERROR: Failed to allocate 0x%llx bytes below 0x%llx. 6MEMBLOCK configuration: 6 memory size = %#llx reserved size = %#llx 1Write-error on swap-device (%u:%u:%Lu) 1Read-error on swap-device (%u:%u:%Lu) 3swapon: swapfile has holes 3Write error on dio swapfile (%Lu) %lu pages in swap cache Swap cache stats: add %lu, delete %lu, find %lu/%lu Free swap = %ldkB Total swap = %lukB swap mm/swapfile.c (unsigned long)(!PageSwapCache(page)) 3swap_free: %s%08lx (unsigned long)(count & 0x80) (unsigned long)(page == head) (unsigned long)(count != 0x80) (unsigned long)(*map == 0) 3swap_dup: %s%08lx partition file Filename Type Size Used Priority %*s%s %u %u %d swaps (unsigned long)(se == start_se) (unsigned long)(se->start_page + se->nr_pages != start_page) (unsigned long)(!(current_thread_info()->task)->mm) SWAPSPACE2 3Unable to find swap-space signature 4Unable to handle swap header version %d 4Swap area shorter than signature indicates 4Empty swap-file 6Adding %uk swap on %s. Priority:%d extents:%d across:%lluk %s%s%s poolinfo - 0.1 %-16s %4u %4Zu %4Zu %2u mm/dmapool.c dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) 3dma_pool_free %s, %p/%lx (bad dma) dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy 3dma_pool_destroy %s, %p busy pools mm/ksm.c (unsigned long)(age > 1) (unsigned long)(PageTransCompound(page)) (unsigned long)(pmd_trans_huge(*pmd)) ksm_rmap_item ksm_stable_node ksm_mm_slot 3ksm: register sysfs failed ksmd 3ksm: creating kthread failed full_scans pages_volatile pages_unshared pages_sharing pages_shared pages_to_scan sleep_millisecs mm/slab.c (unsigned long)(!objp) (unsigned long)(!PageSlab(page)) 3slab error in %s(): cache '%s': %s %s%08x%s 3%p: %s 3%s:slabhead %p: 3slab_bufctl: %p num=%u 3slab_enh: %p (unsigned long)(virt_to_cache(objp) != cachep) double free detected: slabp=%p objp=%p objnr=%u bufctl=0x%x (last freed from %pS before %lu jiffies) double free detected corrupt-slab: slabp=%p objp=%p objnr=%u bufctl=0x%x corrupt slab (unsigned long)(!cachep || (((current_thread_info()->preempt_count) & ((((1UL << (10))-1) << ((0 + 8) + 8)) | (((1UL << (8))-1) << (0 + 8)) | (((1UL << (1))-1) << (((0 + 8) + 8) + 10)))))) corrupt-slab: slabp=%p slab->inuse=%u incorrect corrupt-slab: 4SLAB: Unable to allocate memory on node %d (gfp=0x%x) 4 cache: %s, object size: %d, order: %d 4 node %d: slabs: %ld/%ld, objs: %ld/%ld, free: %ld (unsigned long)(ac->avail > 0 || !n) (unsigned long)(flags & ((( gfp_t)0x04u)|(( gfp_t)0x02u)|~(( gfp_t)((1 << 25) - 1)))) (unsigned long)(!ptr) 3enable_cpucache failed for %s, error %d. (unsigned long)(!cachep->node[node]) kmem_cache kmalloc-ac (unsigned long)(cpu_cache_get(kmalloc_caches[kmalloc_index(sizeof(struct arraycache_init))]) != &initarray_generic.cache) (unsigned long)(((unsigned long)(cachep->slabp_cache) <= (unsigned long)((void *)16))) slabs_full accounting error slabs_partial/inuse accounting error slabs_free/inuse accounting error slabs_partial inuse accounting error free_objects accounting error 3slab: cache %s error: %s %d %d %d mm/migrate.c (unsigned long)(!PagePrivate(page)) (unsigned long)(!buffer_migrate_lock_buffers(head, mode)) fs/open.c (unsigned long)(*opened & FILE_OPENED) (unsigned long)(!path->mnt) 3VFS: Close: file count is 0 filp 6VFS: file-max limit %lu reached fs/file_table.c (unsigned long)(!(task->flags & 0x00200000)) VFS: Busy inodes after unmount of %s. Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day... fs/super.c 3VFS:Filesystem thaw failed 3VFS:Filesystem freeze failed &s->s_writers.wait &s->s_writers.wait_unfrozen &s->s_umount &s->s_vfs_rename_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqio_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqonoff_mutex &s->s_dquot.dqptr_sem forced remount of a %s fs returned %i Emergency Remount complete (unsigned long)(!sb) %s set sb->s_maxbytes to negative value (%lld) char-major-%d-%d char-major-%d %3d %s char fs/exec.c (unsigned long)(!fmt) (unsigned long)(prev != vma) (unsigned long)(new_start > new_end) binfmt-%04x (unsigned long)(!same_thread_group(leader, tsk)) (unsigned long)(has_group_leader_pid(tsk)) (unsigned long)(leader->exit_state != 16) (unsigned long)(!thread_group_leader(tsk)) (unsigned long)(active_mm != old_mm) pipe: pipe:[%lu] fs/pipe.c (unsigned long)(pipe1 == pipe2) &pipe->wait &pipe->mutex pipefs fs/namei.c (unsigned long)(!(nd->flags & 0x0040)) include/linux/dcache.h (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&dentry->d_lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(nd->inode != parent->d_inode) (unsigned long)(!((dentry) == (dentry)->d_parent) && dentry->d_parent != parent) (unsigned long)(!parent->d_count) (unsigned long)(nd->inode != dentry->d_inode) (unsigned long)(!path->dentry->d_op) (unsigned long)(!path->dentry->d_op->d_manage) (unsigned long)(inode != path->dentry->d_inode) (unsigned long)(nd->depth >= MAX_NESTED_LINKS) (unsigned long)(nd->flags & 0x0040) (unsigned long)(flags & 0x0010) (unsigned long)(nd->inode != dir->d_inode) (unsigned long)(dentry->d_inode) (unsigned long)(save_parent.dentry != dir) (unsigned long)(!error) (unsigned long)(victim->d_parent->d_inode != dir) fs/fcntl.c (unsigned long)((reason & 0xffff0000u) != (2 << 16)) fasync_cache 3kill_fasync: bad magic number in fasync_struct! fs/dcache.c (unsigned long)(!d_unhashed(entry)) (unsigned long)(!ret->d_count) include/linux/fsnotify_backend.h (unsigned long)(dentry->d_count) (unsigned long)(!dentry->d_count) (unsigned long)(!((dentry) == (dentry)->d_parent)) 3BUG: Dentry %p{i=%lx,n=%s} still in use (%d) [unmount of %s %s] (unsigned long)(!mutex_is_locked(&dentry->d_parent->d_inode->i_mutex)) (unsigned long)(dentry->d_name.len != name->len) (unsigned long)(!hlist_unhashed(&entry->d_u.d_alias)) (unsigned long)(!d_unhashed(result)) (deleted) 4VFS: moving negative dcache entry (unsigned long)(d_ancestor(dentry, target)) (unsigned long)(d_ancestor(target, dentry)) (unsigned long)(!d_unhashed(dentry)) 4VFS: Lookup of '%s' in %s %s would have caused loop (unsigned long)(!d_unhashed(actual)) (unsigned long)(!(new->d_flags & 0x0020)) Dentry cache names_cache dentry (unsigned long)(dentry->d_sb != sb) (unsigned long)(!is_bad_inode(inode)) (unsigned long)(!is_bad_inode(found->d_inode)) //deleted (unreachable) (unsigned long)(inode->i_data.nrpages) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&inode->i_data.private_list)) (unsigned long)(!(inode->i_state & (1 << 5))) (unsigned long)(inode->i_state & (1 << 6)) &inode->i_mutex (unsigned long)(inode_has_buffers(inode)) &mapping->i_mmap_mutex (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&inode->i_lru)) (unsigned long)(inode->i_state != ((1 << 5) | (1 << 6))) 7init_special_inode: bogus i_mode (%o) for inode %s:%lu inode_cache Inode-cache fs/attr.c (unsigned long)(nfdt->max_fds < ofdt->max_fds) 4alloc_fd: slot %d not NULL! (unsigned long)(fdt->fd[fd] != ((void *)0)) nodev %s %s filesystems fs-%.*s fs/filesystems.c (unsigned long)(strchr(fs->name, '.')) fs/namespace.c (unsigned long)(sb->s_options) (unsigned long)(parent == mnt) &new_ns->poll &namespace_sem mnt_cache Failed to allocate mount hash table 6Mount-cache hash table entries: %lu &vfsmount_lock 4%s: sysfs_init error: %d 4%s: kobj create error Can't find rootfs type Can't create rootfs Can't allocate initial namespace (unsigned long)(!m) (unsigned long)(mnt_get_count(mnt) < 2) (unsigned long)(!ns) &p->lock include/linux/seq_file.h (unsigned long)(m->count > m->size) (unsigned long)(m->count + num > m->size) security. system. trusted. user. system.posix_acl_access system.posix_acl_default fs/libfs.c (unsigned long)(n > (((1UL) << 12) - sizeof(struct simple_transaction_argresp))) 4%s: %s passed in a files arraywith an index of 1! &attr->mutex fs/fs-writeback.c (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&wb->list_lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) bdev 7%s(%d): dirtied inode %lu (%s) on %s bdi-%s not registered flush-%s fs/pnode.c fs/splice.c Emergency Sync complete fs/sync.c fs/buffer.c (unsigned long)(offset >= ((1UL) << 12)) 4Emergency Thaw complete 4Emergency Thaw on %s (unsigned long)(mapping->private_data != buffer_mapping) __find_get_block_slow() failed. block=%llu, b_blocknr=%llu b_state=0x%08lx, b_size=%zu device %s blocksize: %d (unsigned long)(err > 0) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&bh->b_assoc_buffers)) 3Buffer I/O error on device %s, logical block %Lu 4lost page write due to I/O error on %s (unsigned long)(!buffer_async_write(bh)) (unsigned long)(!buffer_locked(tmp)) (unsigned long)(!buffer_async_read(bh)) (unsigned long)(fsdata != ((void *)0) && PagePrivate(page)) 3VFS: brelse: Trying to free free buffer (unsigned long)(({ unsigned long _flags; do { ({ unsigned long __dummy; typeof(_flags) __dummy2; (void)(&__dummy == &__dummy2); 1; }); _flags = arch_local_save_flags(); } while (0); ({ ({ unsigned long __dummy; typeof(_flags) __dummy2; (void)(&__dummy == &__dummy2); 1; }); arch_irqs_disabled_flags(_flags); }); })) (unsigned long)(evictee != ((void *)0)) 3getblk(): invalid block size %d requested 3logical block size: %d 3%s: requested out-of-range block %llu for device %s (unsigned long)(!buffer_locked(bh)) (unsigned long)(!buffer_mapped(bh)) (unsigned long)(!bh->b_end_io) (unsigned long)(buffer_delay(bh)) (unsigned long)(buffer_unwritten(bh)) (unsigned long)(from > ((1UL) << 12)) (unsigned long)(to > ((1UL) << 12)) (unsigned long)(from > to) (unsigned long)(err != len) (unsigned long)(!ret) 6warning: process `%s' used the obsolete bdflush system call 6Fix your initscripts? buffer_head fs/bio.c (unsigned long)(((bi)->bi_vcnt - (bi)->bi_idx) > 1) bio idx %d >= vcnt %d 3bio: unable to find slab! bio-%d 6bio: create slab <%s> at %d bioset bio: can't allocate bios bio: can't create split pool (unsigned long)(idx >= 6) (unsigned long)(!(*(volatile int *)&(&bio->bi_cnt)->counter)) biovec-1 biovec-4 biovec-16 biovec-64 biovec-128 biovec-256 bdev: &bdev->bd_mutex &bdev->bd_fsfreeze_mutex fs/block_dev.c (unsigned long)(for_part) 4VFS: busy inodes on changed media or resized disk %s 6%s: detected capacity change from %lld to %lld (unsigned long)(!bd_may_claim(bdev, whole, holder)) (unsigned long)(whole->bd_claiming != holder) bdev_cache Cannot register bdev pseudo-fs Cannot create bdev pseudo-fs fs/direct-io.c (unsigned long)(sdio->block_in_file >= sdio->final_block_in_request) (unsigned long)(nr_pages <= 0) (unsigned long)(ret != 0) (unsigned long)(this_chunk_bytes == 0) (unsigned long)(sdio->block_in_file > sdio->final_block_in_request) (unsigned long)(dio_pages_present(sdio) == 0) (unsigned long)(retval == -529) (unsigned long)(retval != -529) fs/mpage.c (unsigned long)(!list_empty(pages)) (unsigned long)(buffer_locked(bh)) (unsigned long)(!PageUptodate(page)) (unsigned long)(page_block == 0) device mounted on with fstype no device 0 0 %i %i %u:%u shared:%i master:%i propagate_from:%i unbindable ,nosuid ,nodev ,noexec ,noatime ,nodiratime ,relatime ,sync ,dirsync ,mand fs/notify/fsnotify.c %s: group=%p to_tell=%p mask=%x inode_mark=%p inode_test_mask=%x vfsmount_mark=%p vfsmount_test_mask=%x data=%p data_is=%d cookie=%d event=%p (unsigned long)((__builtin_constant_p((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) ? (((unsigned) ( (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) & (1ULL << 0))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) & (1ULL << 1))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) & (1ULL << 2))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) & (1ULL << 3))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) & (1ULL << 4))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) & (1ULL << 5))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) & (1ULL << 6))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) & (1ULL << 7))) ) + (unsigned) ( (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 0))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 1))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 2))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 3))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 4))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 5))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 6))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 7))) )) + ((unsigned) ( (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 0))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 1))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 2))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 3))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 4))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 5))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 6))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 7))) ) + (unsigned) ( (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 0))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 1))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 2))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 3))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 4))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 5))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 6))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 7))) ))) : __arch_hweight32((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x00010000 | 0x00020000 | 0x04000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000 | 0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x08000000))) != 23) initializing fsnotify_mark_srcu fs/notify/notification.c (unsigned long)(!mutex_is_locked(&group->notification_mutex)) %s: event=%p (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&event->private_data_list)) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&event->lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) %s: group=%p event=%p priv=%p %s: group=%p %s: old_event=%p new_event=%p (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&new_holder->event_list)) %s: event=%p to_tell=%p mask=%x data=%p data_type=%d fsnotify_event fsnotify_event_holder unable to allocate fsnotify q_overflow_event notification &group->notification_mutex &group->notification_waitq &group->mark_mutex fs/notify/inode_mark.c (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&inode->i_lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(!mutex_is_locked(&mark->group->mark_mutex)) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&mark->lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(!inode) (unsigned long)(!mutex_is_locked(&group->mark_mutex)) (unsigned long)(last == ((void *)0)) fsnotify_mark unable to start fsnotify mark destruction thread. fs/notify/mark.c (unsigned long)(inode && mnt) (unsigned long)(!inode && !mnt) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&old->lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) fs/notify/vfsmount_mark.c (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&mnt->mnt_root->d_lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) inotify wd:%x ino:%lx sdev:%x mask:%x ignored_mask:%x fs/notify/inotify/inotify_fsnotify.c (unsigned long)(vfsmount_mark) %s: group=%p event=%p to_tell=%p mask=%x inotify closing but id=%d for fsn_mark=%p in group=%p still in idr. Probably leaking memory 4fsn_mark->group=%p inode=%p wd=%d inotify_fsnotify fs/notify/inotify/inotify_user.c (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(idr_lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)((*(volatile int *)&(&fsn_mark->refcnt)->counter) < 2) %s: i_mark=%p i_mark->wd=%d i_mark->group=%p i_mark->inode=%p %s: i_mark=%p i_mark->wd=%d i_mark->group=%p mark->inode=%p found_i_mark=%p found_i_mark->wd=%d found_i_mark->group=%p found_i_mark->inode=%p 3%s: i_mark=%p i_mark->wd=%d i_mark->group=%p i_mark->inode=%p %s: group=%p cmd=%u %s: group=%p event=%p %s: group=%p kevent=%p (unsigned long)((__builtin_constant_p((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) ? (((unsigned) ( (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) & (1ULL << 0))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) & (1ULL << 1))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) & (1ULL << 2))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) & (1ULL << 3))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) & (1ULL << 4))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) & (1ULL << 5))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) & (1ULL << 6))) + (!!(((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) & (1ULL << 7))) ) + (unsigned) ( (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 0))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 1))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 2))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 3))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 4))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 5))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 6))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 8) & (1ULL << 7))) )) + ((unsigned) ( (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 0))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 1))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 2))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 3))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 4))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 5))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 6))) + (!!((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) & (1ULL << 7))) ) + (unsigned) ( (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 0))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 1))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 2))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 3))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 4))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 5))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 6))) + (!!(((((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000)) >> 16) >> 8) & (1ULL << 7))) ))) : __arch_hweight32((0x00000001 | 0x00000002 | 0x00000004 | 0x00000008 | 0x00000010 | 0x00000020 | 0x00000040 | 0x00000080 | 0x00000100 | 0x00000200 | 0x00000400 | 0x00000800 | 0x00002000 | 0x00004000 | 0x00008000 | 0x01000000 | 0x02000000 | 0x04000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000 | 0x80000000))) != 21) inotify_inode_mark inotify_event_private_data inotify_user tfd: %8d events: %8x data: %16llx fs/eventpoll.c (unsigned long)(max_user_watches < 0) eventpoll_epi eventpoll_pwq 3reverse_path_check_proc: file is not an ep! &ep->mtx &ep->wq &ep->poll_wait [eventpoll] 3anon_inode_init() failed (%d) anon_inode:%s anon_inode: anon_inodefs sigmask: [signalfd] fs/timerfd.c &ctx->wqh [timerfd] fs/eventfd.c eventfd-count: %16llx [eventfd] fs/aio.c %s: freeing %p (unsigned long)((*(volatile int *)&(&iocb->ki_users)->counter) != 1) %s: %p[%u]: %p: %p %Lx %lx %lx %s: added to ring %p at [%u] %s: h%u t%u m%u %s: %li h%u t%u kiocb kioctx %s: sizeof(struct page) = %zu (unsigned long)(aio_nr - ctx->max_reqs > aio_nr) 7exit_aio:ioctx still alive: %d %d %d %s: EINVAL: io_setup: ctx %lu nr_events %u %s: ENOMEM: nr_events too high &ctx->ring_lock &ctx->wait %s: attempting mmap of %lu bytes %s: mmap address: 0x%08lx %s: allocated ioctx %p[%ld]: mm=%p mask=0x%x %s: error allocating ioctx %d %s: EINVAL: io_destroy: invalid context id %s: EINVAL: invalid context id %s: EINVAL: reserve field set %s: EINVAL: io_submit: overflow check %s: EFAULT: aio_key (unsigned long)(ret <= 0) (unsigned long)(ret > 0 && iocb->ki_left == 0) %s: EINVAL: no operation provided (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&ctx->ctx_lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) &fl->fl_wait fs/locks.c (unsigned long)(waitqueue_active(&fl->fl_wait)) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&fl->fl_block)) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&fl->fl_link)) 3locks_delete_lock: fasync == %p ACCESS POSIX ADVISORY *NOINODE* MANDATORY READ NONE WRITE RW UNLCK %lld:%s %6s %s FLOCK MSNFS FLOCK ADVISORY LEASE BREAKING ACTIVE BREAKER UNKNOWN UNKNOWN %d %02x:%02x:%ld %d :0 %Ld EOF %Ld %Ld 0 EOF file_lock_cache (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&waiter->fl_block)) (unsigned long)(!(*flp)->fl_lmops->lm_break) CORE RSDTZW 3cache %s: %d orphaned entries %s (path unknown) 4format_corename failed 4Aborting core 4Process %d(%s) has RLIMIT_CORE set to 1 4Pid %d(%s) over core_pipe_limit 4Skipping core dump 4%s failed to allocate memory 6Core dump to %s pipe failed 4Pid %d(%s) can only dump core to fully qualified path! %08lx-%08lx %c%c%c%c %08llx %02x:%02x %lu %n [stack:%d] Size: %8lu kB Rss: %8lu kB Pss: %8lu kB Shared_Clean: %8lu kB Shared_Dirty: %8lu kB Private_Clean: %8lu kB Private_Dirty: %8lu kB Referenced: %8lu kB Anonymous: %8lu kB AnonHugePages: %8lu kB Swap: %8lu kB KernelPageSize: %8lu kB MMUPageSize: %8lu kB Locked: %8lu kB Nonlinear: %8lu kB VmFlags: %c%c VmPeak: %8lu kB VmSize: %8lu kB VmLck: %8lu kB VmPin: %8lu kB VmHWM: %8lu kB VmRSS: %8lu kB VmData: %8lu kB VmStk: %8lu kB VmExe: %8lu kB VmLib: %8lu kB VmPTE: %8lu kB VmSwap: %8lu kB ,hidepid=%u proc_inode_cache fs/proc/inode.c 3proc_fill_super: get root inode failed 3proc_fill_super: allocate dentry failed 3proc: hidepid value must be between 0 and 2. 3proc: unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value self/mounts mounts sysvipc fs/nfsd proc hidepid=%u 4%s (%d): /proc/%d/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/%d/oom_score_adj instead. seconds Max cpu time Soft Limit Limit %-25s %-20s %-20s %-10s Units Hard Limit unlimited %-25s %-20s %-25s %-20lu %-20s %-20lu %-10s running %ld 0x%lx 0x%lx %ld 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx self fdinfo environ auxv personality limits comm syscall cmdline statm root mountinfo clear_refs smaps pagemap wchan oom_score oom_adj oom_score_adj mountstats coredump_filter current prev exec fscreate keycreate sockcreate Max file size Max data size Max stack size Max core file size Max open files files Max address space Max resident set Max processes Max locked memory Max file locks Max pending signals Max msgqueue size Max nice priority Max realtime priority Max realtime timeout name '%s' fs/proc/generic.c (unsigned long)(dp->proc_fops == ((void *)0)) proc_dir_entry '%s/%s' already registered %s: removing non-empty directory '%s/%s', leaking at least '%s' R (running) %d (%s) %c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name: State: %s Tgid: %d Pid: %d PPid: %d TracerPid: %d Uid: %d %d %d %d Gid: %d %d %d %d FDSize: %d Groups: Threads: %d SigQ: %lu/%lu SigPnd: ShdPnd: SigBlk: SigIgn: SigCgt: CapInh: CapPrm: CapEff: CapBnd: Seccomp: %d Cpus_allowed: Cpus_allowed_list: voluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches: %lu S (sleeping) D (disk sleep) T (stopped) t (tracing stop) Z (zombie) X (dead) x (dead) K (wakekill) W (waking) P (parked) pos: %lli flags: 0%o /dev/%-8s %3d %d-%d %3d %7d :/dev/tty :console :vtmaster serial pty:master pty:slave type:%d.%d /dev/tty %-20s /dev/%-8s system:/dev/tty system:console ptmx /dev/ptmx vc/0 /dev/vc/0 system:vtmaster tty/ldisc tty/driver tty/ldiscs tty/drivers %s%d%n %*c%c%c%c (%s) %4d:%d consoles cpuinfo Character devices: Block devices: interrupts %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu %ld/%d %d loadavg meminfo MemTotal: %8lu kB MemFree: %8lu kB Buffers: %8lu kB Cached: %8lu kB SwapCached: %8lu kB Active: %8lu kB Inactive: %8lu kB Active(anon): %8lu kB Inactive(anon): %8lu kB Active(file): %8lu kB Inactive(file): %8lu kB Unevictable: %8lu kB Mlocked: %8lu kB SwapTotal: %8lu kB SwapFree: %8lu kB Dirty: %8lu kB Writeback: %8lu kB AnonPages: %8lu kB Mapped: %8lu kB Shmem: %8lu kB Slab: %8lu kB SReclaimable: %8lu kB SUnreclaim: %8lu kB KernelStack: %8lu kB PageTables: %8lu kB NFS_Unstable: %8lu kB Bounce: %8lu kB WritebackTmp: %8lu kB CommitLimit: %8lu kB Committed_AS: %8lu kB VmallocTotal: %8lu kB VmallocUsed: %8lu kB VmallocChunk: %8lu kB cpu cpu%d intr %llu ctxt %llu btime %lu processes %lu procs_running %lu procs_blocked %lu softirq %llu %lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu uptime %12s: %10u softirqs %s:[%lu] %s:[%u] 3proc_fill_super: can't allocate /proc/self fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c (unsigned long)(!head) 3sysctl table check failed: %s/%s %pV 3sysctl link missing during unregister: 3sysctl duplicate entry: Not a file No data No maxlen No proc_handler bogus .mode 0%o 3sysctl could not get directory: /%*.*s %ld fs/proc/proc_net.c (unsigned long)(size < sizeof(*p)) self/net kmsg kpagecount kpageflags fs/sysfs/sysfs.h fs/sysfs/inode.c 4sysfs: can not remove '%s', no directory sysfs fs/sysfs/file.c 3sysfs: kobject %s without dirent 3missing sysfs namespace attribute operation for kobject: %s 3missing sysfs attribute operations for kobject: %s &buffer->mutex &new_od->poll fill_read_buffer: %s returned bad count %s: count = %zd, ppos = %lld, buf = %s sysfsd (unsigned long)(!kobj || !kobj->sd || !attr) sysfs: free using entry: %s/%s fs/sysfs/dir.c required invalid 4sysfs: ns %s in '%s' for '%s' 4sysfs: cannot create duplicate filename '%s' (unsigned long)(sd->s_flags & 0x02000) (unsigned long)(!(sd->s_flags & 0x02000)) (unsigned long)(!kobj) (unsigned long)(type <= KOBJ_NS_TYPE_NONE) (unsigned long)(type >= KOBJ_NS_TYPES) (unsigned long)(!kobj_ns_type_registered(type)) sysfs %s: removing dir (unsigned long)(!sd->s_parent) fs/sysfs/symlink.c (unsigned long)(!name || !parent_sd) 4sysfs: symlink across ns_types %s/%s -> %s/%s sysfs: could not get root inode %s: could not get root dentry! sysfs_dir_cache 3sysfs: could not mount! fs/sysfs/mount.c &bb->mutex offs = %lld, *off = %lld, count = %d fs/sysfs/bin.c fs/sysfs/group.c (unsigned long)(!kobj || (!update && !kobj->sd)) sysfs: attrs not set by subsystem for group: %s/%s 4sysfs group %p not found for kobject '%s' fs/configfs/inode.c (unsigned long)(!sd || !sd->s_element) fs/configfs/configfs_internal.h configfs fs/configfs/file.c (unsigned long)(count > (ssize_t)4096) (unsigned long)(!item || !item->ci_dentry || !attr) fs/configfs/dir.c (unsigned long)(!type) (unsigned long)(!origin || !origin->d_fsdata) (unsigned long)(sd->s_dependent_count < 1) configfs %s: dropping attrs for dir o %s removing done (%d) (unsigned long)(!subsys) (unsigned long)(!subsys->su_group.cg_item.ci_type) 3configfs: Tried to unregister non-subsystem! 3configfs: Tried to unregister non-empty subsystem! (unsigned long)(!k) (unsigned long)(child->d_inode) %s: depth = %d, size = %d fs/configfs/symlink.c configfs_dir_cache 3configfs: Unable to register filesystem! configfs: could not get root inode 0.0.2 fs/configfs/mount.c config_item %s: cleaning up fs/configfs/item.c 3devpts: called with bogus options ,mode=%03o ,ptmxmode=%03o ,max=%d 3devpts: get root dentry failed 5Unable to alloc dentry for ptmx node 3Unable to alloc inode for ptmx node fs/devpts/inode.c (unsigned long)(pts_inode->i_rdev == (((5) << 20) | (2))) (unsigned long)(inode->i_rdev == (((5) << 20) | (2))) devpts ptmxmode=%o newinstance max=%d reserve fs/ext3/balloc.c (unsigned long)(start > (EXT3_SB(sb)->s_blocks_per_group)) Block Allocation Reservation Windows Map (%s): reservation window 0x%p start: %lu, end: %lu Bad reservation %p (start >= end) Bad reservation %p (prev->end >= start) Window map complete. (unsigned long)(bad) block_group >= groups_count - block_group = %d, groups_count = %lu ext3_get_group_desc Group descriptor not loaded - block_group = %d, group_desc = %lu, desc = %lu Cannot read block bitmap - block_group = %d, block_bitmap = %u Invalid block bitmap - block_group = %d, block = %lu bit already cleared for block %lu Discard command returned error %d Freeing blocks not in datazone - block = %lu, count = %lu ext3_free_blocks Freeing blocks in system zones - Block = %lu, count = %lu (unsigned long)(!(bh2jh(bitmap_bh)->b_committed_data != ((void *)0))) Allocating block in system zone - blocks from %lu, length %lu ext3_new_block block(%lu) >= blocks count(%d) - block_group = %d, es == %p call_filldir: called with null fname?!? rec_len is smaller than minimal inode out of bounds directory entry across blocks rec_len is too small for name_len rec_len % 4 != 0 bad entry in directory #%lu: %s - offset=%lu, inode=%lu, rec_len=%d, name_len=%d directory #%lu contains a hole at offset %lld ext3_readdir fs/ext3/fsync.c (unsigned long)(!(ext3_journal_current_handle() == ((void *)0))) Cannot read inode bitmap - block_group = %lu, inode_bitmap = %u read_inode_bitmap ext3_free_inode: inode has count=%d ext3_free_inode: inode has nlink=%d ext3_free_inode: inode on nonexistent device reserved or nonexistent inode %lu ext3_free_inode bit already cleared for inode %lu reserved inode or inode > inodes count - block_group = %d, inode=%lu ext3_new_inode bad orphan ino %lu! e2fsck was run? inode bitmap error for orphan %lu bad orphan inode %lu! e2fsck was run? 5ext3_test_bit(bit=%d, block=%llu) = %d 5inode=%p 5is_bad_inode(inode)=%d 5NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)=%u 5max_ino=%lu 5i_nlink=%u fs/ext3/inode.c block < 0 ext3_block_to_path block > big (unsigned long)(!(PageLocked(page))) unable to read inode block - inode=%lu, block=%lu ext3_get_inode_loc error %d when attempting revoke (unsigned long)(!(handle != ((void *)0) || create == 0)) (unsigned long)(!(create != 0)) (unsigned long)(!(handle != ((void *)0))) circular indirect block detected, inode=%lu, block=%llu ext3_free_data Read failure, inode=%lu, block=%lu ext3_free_branches 0%s: transactions do not match! Directory hole detected on inode %lu Unrecognised inode hash code %d Unimplemented inode hash depth: %#06x dx entry: no count or count > limit dx entry: limit != node limit Unimplemented inode hash flags: %#06x dx entry: limit != root limit Corrupt dir inode %ld, running e2fsck is recommended. htree_dirblock_to_tree error %d reading directory #%lu offset 0 bad directory (dir #%lu) - no data block bad directory (dir #%lu) - no `.' or `..' empty_dir error %d reading directory #%lu offset %lu ext3_find_entry error reading index page in directory #%lu reading directory #%lu offset %lu ext3_delete_entry ext3_add_entry fs/ext3/namei.c (unsigned long)(!(count < dx_get_limit(entries))) (unsigned long)(!(old < entries + count)) Directory index full! invalid rec_len for '..' in inode %lu deleted inode referenced: %lu bad inode number: %lu ext3_lookup ext3_get_parent (unsigned long)(!(((((inode->i_mode) & 00170000) == 0100000) || (((inode->i_mode) & 00170000) == 0040000) || (((inode->i_mode) & 00170000) == 0120000)) || inode->i_nlink == 0)) Deleting old file (%lu), %d, error=%d ext3_rename empty directory has nlink!=2 (%d) ext3_rmdir Deleting nonexistent file (%lu), %d ext3_unlink fs/ext3/super.c ordered ,sb=%lu ,minixdf ,grpid ,nogrpid ,resuid=%u ,resgid=%u ,errors=remount-ro ,errors=continue ,errors=panic ,nouid32 ,debug ,user_xattr ,nouser_xattr ,acl ,noacl ,noreservation ,commit=%u ,barrier= ,data=%s ,data_err=abort ,norecovery EXT3 Inode %p: orphan list check failed! &ei->xattr_sem &ei->truncate_mutex IO failure Readonly filesystem Journal has aborted ext3_inode_cache 3EXT3-fs: %s: aborting transaction: %s in %s %sEXT3-fs (%s): %pV Invalid uid value %d Invalid gid value %d Ignoring deprecated oldalloc option Ignoring deprecated orlov option error: cannot specify journal on remount error: cannot change data mode on remount. The filesystem is mounted in data=%s mode and you try to remount it in data=%s mode. error: quota options not supported. error: journaled quota options not supported. error: resize option only available for remount warning: ignoring deprecated nobh option warning: ignoring deprecated bh option error: unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value error: no journal found error: journal inode is deleted error: invalid journal inode error: could not load journal inode previous I/O error to superblock detected I/O error while writing superblock error: remounting filesystem read-only EXT3-fs (%s): panic forced after error 2EXT3-fs error (device %s): %s: %pV error in %s: %s 2EXT3-fs (%s): error: %s: %pV EXT3-fs: panic from previous error Detected aborted journal Couldn't clean up the journal error: sb orphan head is %d sb_info orphan list: inode %s:%lu at %p: mode %o, nlink %d, next %d (unsigned long)(!(list_empty(&sbi->s_orphan))) 4EXT3-fs (%s): warning: %s: %pV Filesystem error recorded from previous mount: %s Marking fs in need of filesystem check. warning: updating to rev %d because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended error: revision level too high, forcing read-only mode warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended warning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommended warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended warning: checktime reached, running e2fsck is recommended [bs=%lu, gc=%lu, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04lx] using external journal on %s using internal journal error: invalid sb specification: %s error: unable to set blocksize error: unable to read superblock warning: feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended error: couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%x) error: couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x) error: couldn't mount because of unsupported filesystem blocksize %d error: fsblocksize %d too small for hardware sectorsize %d error: bad blocksize %d error: can't read superblock on 2nd try error: magic mismatch error: unsupported inode size: %d error: fragsize %lu != blocksize %u (unsupported) #blocks per group too big: %lu error: #fragments per group too big: %lu error: #inodes per group too big: %lu error: filesystem is too large to mount safely error: not enough memory error: can't read group descriptor %d Block bitmap for group %d not in group (block %lu)! ext3_check_descriptors Inode bitmap for group %d not in group (block %lu)! Inode table for group %d not in group (block %lu)! &sbi->s_orphan_lock &sbi->s_resize_lock external journal device major/minor numbers have changed recovery required on readonly filesystem error: write access unavailable, cannot proceed write access will be enabled during recovery error: filesystem has both journal and inode journals error: failed to open journal device %s: %ld error: blocksize too small for journal device error: couldn't read superblock of external journal error: external journal has bad superblock error: failed to create device journal I/O error on journal device error: external journal has more than one user (unsupported) - %d 6EXT3-fs: barriers not enabled error updating journal error loading journal error: readonly filesystem when trying to create journal creating new journal on inode %u error creating journal error: no journal found. mounting ext3 over ext2? error: insufficient memory error: journal does not support requested data journaling mode error: get root inode failed error: corrupt root inode, run e2fsck error: get root dentry failed error: write access unavailable, skipping orphan cleanup. Skipping orphan cleanup due to unknown ROCOMPAT features orphan cleanup on readonly fs 7%s: truncating inode %lu to %Ld bytes 7%s: deleting unreferenced inode %lu %d orphan inode%s deleted %d truncate%s cleaned up recovery complete mounted filesystem with %s data mode error: can't find ext3 filesystem on dev %s. error: group descriptors corrupted error: journal UUID does not match Abort forced by user warning: couldn't remount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x) warning: couldn't remount RDWR because of unprocessed orphan inode list. Please umount & mount instead. ext3 bsddf minixdf grpid bsdgroups nogrpid sysvgroups resgid=%u resuid=%u sb=%u errors=continue errors=panic errors=remount-ro nouid32 nocheck check=none oldalloc orlov user_xattr nouser_xattr noacl reservation noreservation noload norecovery nobh commit=%u journal=update journal=%u journal_dev=%u abort data=journal data=ordered data=writeback data_err=abort data_err=ignore usrjquota= usrjquota=%s grpjquota= grpjquota=%s jqfmt=vfsold jqfmt=vfsv0 jqfmt=vfsv1 grpquota noquota usrquota barrier=%u nobarrier can't update backup for group %d (err %d), forcing fsck on next reboot reserved GDT %lu missing grp %d (%lu) no-super Can't resize non-sparse filesystem further blocks_count overflow inodes_count overflow No reserved GDT blocks, can't resize Error opening resize inode 7EXT3-fs: adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free, %u reserved) Cannot add at group %u (only %lu groups) Last group not full Reserved blocks too high (%u) Bad blocks count %u Cannot read last block (%lu) Block bitmap not in group (block %u) Inode bitmap not in group (block %u) Inode table not in group (blocks %u-%lu) Block bitmap same as inode bitmap (%u) Block bitmap (%u) in inode table (%u-%lu) Inode bitmap (%u) in inode table (%u-%lu) Block bitmap (%u) in GDT table (%lu-%lu) Inode bitmap (%u) in GDT table (%lu-%lu) Inode table (%u-%lu) overlapsGDT table (%lu-%lu) multiple resizers run on filesystem! reserved block %lu not at offset %ld 7EXT3-fs: ext3_add_new_gdb: adding group block %lu won't resize using backup superblock at %llu new group %u GDT block %lu not reserved not enough memory for %lu groups 7EXT3-fs: extending last group from %lu up to %lu blocks 3EXT3-fs: filesystem on %s: too large to resize to %lu blocks safely can't shrink FS - resize aborted need to use ext2online to resize further blocks_count overflow will only finish group (%lu blocks, %u new) can't read last block, resize aborted error %d on journal start error %d on journal write access error %d on journal dirty metadata 7EXT3-fs: extended group to %u blocks inode %lu: bad block %lu inode %lu: block %lu read error ext3_xattr include/linux/posix_acl.h fs/ext3/acl.c fs/ext2/balloc.c (unsigned long)(start > (EXT2_SB(sb)->s_blocks_per_group)) reservation window 0x%p start: %lu, end: %lu ext2_get_group_desc ext2_free_blocks ext2_new_blocks unaligned directory entry size of directory #%lu is not a multiple of chunk size bad entry in directory #%lu: : %s - offset=%lu, inode=%lu, rec_len=%d, name_len=%d entry in directory #%lu spans the page boundaryoffset=%lu, inode=%lu ext2_check_page bad page in #%lu zero-length directory entry dir %lu size %lld exceeds block count %llu fs/ext2/dir.c kaddr=%p, de=%p detected IO error when writing metadata buffers ext2_free_inode can't get descriptor for group %d ext2_release_inode reserved inode or inode > inodes count - block_group = %d,inode=%lu ext2_new_inode inode number already in use - inode=%lu ext2_get_inode Read failure, inode=%ld, block=%ld ext2_free_branches warning: %s: block < 0 warning: %s: block is too big fs/ext2/inode.c (unsigned long)(maxblocks == 0) IO error syncing ext2 inode [%s:%08lx] ,oldalloc ,nobh ext2_inode_cache %sEXT2-fs (%s): %pV previous I/O error to superblock detected 2EXT2-fs (%s): error: %s: %pV EXT2-fs: panic from previous error xip option not supported quota operations not supported reservations ON reservations OFF 0.5b %s, %s, bs=%lu, fs=%lu, gc=%lu, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04lx] 95/08/09 EXT2-fs: Invalid sb specification: %s error: couldn't readsuperblock on 2nd try error: unsupported blocksize error: fragsize %lu != blocksize %lu(not supported yet) error: #blocks per group too big: %lu error: unable to read group descriptors ext2_check_descriptors warning: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2 error: can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev %s. group descriptors corrupted warning: refusing change of xip flag with busy inodes while remounting warning: couldn't remount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x). ext2 inode %ld: block %ld read error ext2_xattr_cache_find inode %ld: bad block %d ext2_xattr_get ext2_xattr_list ext2_xattr_set inode %ld: block %d read error ext2_xattr_delete_inode ext2_xattr fs/ext2/acl.c bg %u: block %llu: invalid block bitmap bg %u: bad block bitmap checksum block_group >= groups_count - block_group = %u, groups_count = %u Group descriptor not loaded - block_group = %u, group_desc = %u, desc = %u Cannot read block bitmap - block_group = %u, block_bitmap = %llu fs/ext4/balloc.c (unsigned long)(!(buffer_locked(bh))) Checksum bad for group %u Cannot get buffer for block bitmap - block_group = %u, block_bitmap = %llu fs/ext4/ext4.h (unsigned long)(crypto_shash_descsize(sbi->s_chksum_driver)!=sizeof(desc.ctx)) %s:%d: inode #%lu: comm %s: called with null fname?!? directory entry across range bad entry in directory: %s - offset=%u(%u), inode=%u, rec_len=%d, name_len=%d directory contains a hole at offset %llu directory fails checksum at offset %llu fs/ext4/file.c (unsigned long)(whence != 4) fs/ext4/ext4_jbd2.h fs/ext4/fsync.c (unsigned long)(!(ext4_journal_current_handle() == ((void *)0))) Cannot read inode bitmap - block_group = %u, inode_bitmap = %llu fs/ext4/ialloc.c Corrupt inode bitmap - block_group = %u, inode_bitmap = %llu 3EXT4-fs: %s:%d: inode on nonexistent device %s:%d: inode #%lu: count=%d %s:%d: inode #%lu: nlink=%d reserved inode found cleared - inode=%lu (unsigned long)(nblocks <= 0) failed to insert inode %lu: doubly allocated? 4ext4_test_bit(bit=%d, block=%llu) = %d 4inode=%p 4is_bad_inode(inode)=%d 4NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)=%u 4max_ino=%lu 4i_nlink=%u Something is wrong with group %u: used itable blocks: %d; itable unused count: %u fs/ext4/inode.c (unsigned long)(iocb->private == ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(mpd->next_page <= mpd->first_page) (unsigned long)(bh->b_blocknr != pblock) unable to read itable block (unsigned long)(create == 0) (unsigned long)(bh->b_size != inode->i_sb->s_blocksize) ext4_da_release_space: ino %lu, to_free %d with only %d reserved data blocks lblock %lu mapped to illegal pblock (length %d) (unsigned long)((EXT4_SB((inode)->i_sb)->s_journal) == ((void *)0)) %s: ino %lu, used %d with only %d reserved data blocks ino %lu, allocated %d with only %d reserved metadata blocks (releasing %d blocks with reserved %d data blocks) bad extra_isize (%u != %u) checksum invalid bad i_size value: %lld bad extended attribute block %llu bogus i_mode (%o) IO error syncing inode (unsigned long)(page->index != 0) (unsigned long)(len > ext4_get_max_inline_size(inode)) (unsigned long)(!ext4_handle_valid(handle)) Unable to expand inode %lu. Delete some EAs or run e2fsck. (unsigned long)(!handle) delayed block allocation failed for inode %lu at logical offset %llu with max blocks %zd with error %d This should not happen!! Data will be lost (unsigned long)(blks == 0) Failed to mark inode %lu dirty Total free blocks count %lld Free/Dirty block details free_blocks=%lld dirty_blocks=%lld Block reservation details i_reserved_data_blocks=%u i_reserved_meta_blocks=%u i_allocated_meta_blocks=%u (unsigned long)(ext4_test_inode_state(inode, EXT4_STATE_MAY_INLINE_DATA)) (unsigned long)(ext4_should_journal_data(inode)) %s: jbd2_start: %ld pages, ino %lu; err %d couldn't mark inode dirty (err %d) couldn't extend journal (err %d) ext4_io_end fs/ext4/page-io.c (unsigned long)(!io) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&io->list)) (unsigned long)(io->flag & 0x0001) (unsigned long)(!(io->flag & 0x0001)) failed to convert unwritten extents to written extents -- potential data loss! (inode %lu, offset %llu, size %zd, error %d) (unsigned long)(!(io_end->flag & 0x0001)) (unsigned long)(!io_end) 3Buffer I/O error on device %s, logical block %llu I/O error writing to inode %lu (offset %llu size %ld starting block %llu) (unsigned long)(((io->io_bio)->bi_flags & (1 << (7)))) Setting inode version is not supported with metadata_csum enabled. Online resizing not supported with bigalloc Online defrag not supported with bigalloc couldn't mark inode #%lu dirty (err %d) Online resizing not (yet) supported with bigalloc dir seems corrupt? Run e2fsck -D. no space in directory inode %lu leaf for checksum. Please run e2fsck -D. fs/ext4/namei.c Directory hole found error reading directory block (ino %lu, block %lu) directory leaf block found instead of index block Directory block failed checksum Directory index failed checksum Corrupt dir inode %lu, running e2fsck is recommended. invalid size reading directory lblock %lu checksumming directory block %lu '%.*s' linked to parent dir deleted inode referenced: %u bad inode number: %u bad parent inode number: %u invalid rec_len for '..' empty directory has too many links (%d) fs/ext4/super.c (unsigned long)(txn->t_state == T_FINISHED) (unsigned long)(((void *)0) == eli) fs/ext4 &ei->i_data_sem %csb=%llu %c%s %cresuid=%u %cresgid=%u %cerrors=remount-ro %cerrors=continue %cerrors=panic %cmin_batch_time=%u %cmax_batch_time=%u %ci_version %cstripe=%lu %cdata=journal %cdata=ordered %cdata=writeback %cinit_itable=%u %cmax_dir_size_kb=%u %ccommit=%lu %cinode_readahead_blks=%u &ext4_li_mtx &ext4__aio_mutex[i] &ext4__ioend_wq[i] ext4 ext4_inode_cache %sEXT4-fs (%s): %pV (unsigned long)(journal != ((void *)0)) Remounting filesystem read-only EXT4-fs (device %s): panic forced after error 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: comm %s: %pV %.*s 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: block %llu: comm %s: %pV 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: comm %s: %pV (unknown) 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: block %llu: comm %s: path %s: %pV 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: inode #%lu: comm %s: path %s: %pV 2EXT4-fs error (device %s) in %s:%d: %s 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: EXT4-fs panic from previous error options sb orphan head is %d 3sb_info orphan list: 3 inode %s:%lu at %p: mode %o, nlink %d, next %d Inode %lu (%p): orphan list check failed! error count since last fsck: %u 5EXT4-fs (%s): initial error at time %u: %.*s:%d : inode %u : block %llu 5EXT4-fs (%s): last error at time %u: %.*s:%d Ignoring removed %s option %s option not supported EXT4-fs: inode_readahead_blks must be 0 or a power of 2 smaller than 2^31 Cannot specify journal on remount Invalid journal IO priority (must be 0-7) Remounting file system with no journal so ignoring journalled data option Cannot change data mode on remount buggy handling of option %s can't mount with dioread_nolock if block size != PAGE_SIZE Unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value Couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (%x) couldn't mount RDWR because of unsupported optional features (%x) Can't support bigalloc feature without extents feature Filesystem with quota feature cannot be mounted RDWR without CONFIG_QUOTA 4EXT4-fs warning (device %s): %s:%d: %pV (unsigned long)(!((EXT4_SB(sb)->s_es->s_feature_compat & (( __le32)(__builtin_constant_p((__u32)((0x0004))) ? ((__u32)( (((__u32)((0x0004)) & (__u32)0x000000ffUL) << 24) | (((__u32)((0x0004)) & (__u32)0x0000ff00UL) << 8) | (((__u32)((0x0004)) & (__u32)0x00ff0000UL) >> 8) | (((__u32)((0x0004)) & (__u32)0xff000000UL) >> 24))) : __fswab32((0x0004))))) != 0)) INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem write access unavailable, cannot proceed filesystem has both journal and inode journals! no journal found journal inode is deleted invalid journal inode Could not load journal inode failed to open journal device %s: %ld blocksize too small for journal device couldn't read superblock of external journal external journal has bad superblock journal UUID does not match failed to create device journal External journal has more than one user (unsupported) - %d barriers disabled 2EXT4-fs error (device %s): %s:%d: group %u, inode %lu: block %llu: updating to rev %d because of new feature flag, running e2fsck is recommended revision level too high, forcing read-only mode 6[EXT4 FS bs=%lu, gc=%u, bpg=%lu, ipg=%lu, mo=%04x, mo2=%04x] not enough memory for %d flex groups &eli->li_list_mtx ext4lazyinit 2EXT4-fs: error %d creating inode table initialization thread can't mount with both data=journal and delalloc can't mount with both data=journal and dioread_nolock ext4_remount: Checksum for group %u failed (%u!=%u) Couldn't remount RDWR because of unprocessed orphan inode list. Please umount/remount instead re-mounted. Opts: %s Invalid number of block group descriptor blocks: %d ordered data mode out journal journalled data mode writeback data mode 3EXT4-fs: Invalid sb specification: %s unable to set blocksize unable to read superblock 6metadata_csum and uninit_bg are redundant flags; please run fsck. VFS: Found ext4 filesystem with unknown checksum algorithm. crc32c Cannot load crc32c driver. VFS: Found ext4 filesystem with invalid superblock checksum. Run e2fsck? failed to parse options in superblock: %s 4EXT4-fs: Warning: mounting with data=journal disables delayed allocation and O_DIRECT support! feature flags set on rev 0 fs, running e2fsck is recommended Unsupported filesystem blocksize %d (%d log_block_size) Invalid log block size: %u bad block size %d Can't read superblock on 2nd try Magic mismatch, very weird! unsupported inode size: %d unsupported descriptor size %lu invalid inodes per group: %lu cluster size (%d) smaller than block size (%d) Invalid log cluster size: %u #clusters per group too big: %lu blocks per group (%lu) and clusters per group (%lu) inconsistent fragment/cluster size (%d) != block size (%d) filesystem too large to mount safely on this system bad geometry: block count %llu exceeds size of device (%llu blocks) bad geometry: first data block %u is beyond end of filesystem (%llu) groups count too large: %u (block count %llu, first data block %u, blocks per group %lu) first meta block group too large: %u (group descriptor block count %u) not enough memory can't read group descriptor %d ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group %u overlaps superblock ext4_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group %u not in group (block %llu)! ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group %u overlaps superblock ext4_check_descriptors: Inode bitmap for group %u not in group (block %llu)! ext4_check_descriptors: Inode table for group %u overlaps superblock ext4_check_descriptors: Inode table for group %u not in group (block %llu)! ext4_check_descriptors: Checksum for group %u failed (%u!=%u) insufficient memory required journal recovery suppressed and not mounted read-only Failed to set 64-bit journal feature Failed to set journal checksum feature set Journal does not support requested data journaling mode ext4-dio-unwritten 3EXT4-fs: failed to create DIO workqueue get root inode failed corrupt root inode, run e2fsck get root dentry failed required extra inode space notavailable failed to reserve %llu clusters for reserved pool failed to initialize system zone (%d) failed to initialize mballoc (%d) write access unavailable, skipping orphan cleanup %s: truncating inode %lu to %lld bytes %s: deleting unreferenced inode %lu mounting with "discard" option, but the device does not support discard mounted filesystem with%s. Opts: %.*s%s%s VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem mount failed group descriptors corrupted! unable to initialize flex_bg meta info! meta_bg_resize batched_discard lazy_itable_init trigger_fs_error extent_max_zeroout_kb max_writeback_mb_bump mb_group_prealloc mb_stream_req mb_order2_req mb_min_to_scan mb_max_to_scan mb_stats inode_goal inode_readahead_blks reserved_clusters lifetime_write_kbytes session_write_kbytes delayed_allocation_blocks min_batch_time=%u max_batch_time=%u journal_checksum journal_async_commit i_version stripe=%u delalloc nodelalloc mblk_io_submit nomblk_io_submit block_validity noblock_validity inode_readahead_blks=%u journal_ioprio=%u auto_da_alloc=%u auto_da_alloc noauto_da_alloc dioread_nolock dioread_lock nodiscard init_itable=%u init_itable noinit_itable max_dir_size_kb=%u reserved GDT %llu missing grp %d (%llu) reserved block %llu not at offset %ld 7EXT4-fs: ext4_add_new_gdb: adding group block %lu new group %u GDT block %llu not reserved can't update backup for group %u (err %d), forcing fsck on next reboot 7EXT4-fs: extended group to %llu blocks fs/ext4/resize.c (unsigned long)(flex_gd->count == 0 || group_data == ((void *)0)) 7EXT4-fs: added group %u:%llu blocks(%llu free %llu reserved) (unsigned long)(flex_gd->count > 1) (unsigned long)(!flex_gd->count || !flex_gd->groups || !flex_gd->bg_flags) (unsigned long)(last) (unsigned long)(!flex_gd->count || !group_data || group_data[0].group != sbi->s_groups_count) (unsigned long)(group != EXT4_SB(sb)->s_groups_count) There are errors in the filesystem, so online resizing is not allowed inodes_count overflow 7EXT4-fs: adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free, %u reserved) Cannot add at group %u (only %u groups) Cannot read last block (%llu) Block bitmap not in group (block %llu) Inode bitmap not in group (block %llu) Inode table not in group (blocks %llu-%llu) Block bitmap same as inode bitmap (%llu) Block bitmap (%llu) in inode table (%llu-%llu) Inode bitmap (%llu) in inode table (%llu-%llu) Block bitmap (%llu) in GDT table (%llu-%llu) Inode bitmap (%llu) in GDT table (%llu-%llu) Inode table (%llu-%llu) overlaps GDT table (%llu-%llu) extending last group from %llu to %llu blocks filesystem too large to resize to %llu blocks safely will only finish group (%llu blocks, %u new) resizing filesystem from %llu to %llu blocks resize would cause inodes_count overflow resize_inode and meta_bg enabled simultaneously Converting file system to meta_bg Unexpected non-zero s_reserved_gdt_blocks corrupted/inconsistent resize inode resized to %llu blocks (unsigned long)((flexbg_size > 1) && ((src_group & ~(flexbg_size - 1)) != (last_group & ~(flexbg_size - 1)))) 7EXT4-fs: adding a flex group with %d groups, flexbg size is %d: 7adding %s group %u: %u blocks (%d free) resized filesystem to %llu fs/ext4/extents.c (unsigned long)(path == ((void *)0)) invalid extent entries unexpected eh_depth invalid eh_max too large eh_max invalid eh_entries too large eh_depth extent tree corrupted invalid magic bad header/extent: %s - magic %x, entries %u, max %u(%u), depth %u(%u) p_ext > EXT_MAX_EXTENT! newblock == 0! eh_entries %d != eh_max %d! k %d < 0! EXT_MAX_INDEX != EXT_LAST_INDEX ee_block %d! logical %d == ei_block %d! eh_entries %d >= eh_max %d! ix > EXT_MAX_INDEX! ix > EXT_LAST_INDEX! (unsigned long)(len < 0) ex %p == NULL or eh %p == NULL path->p_hdr->eh_entries == 0 path[%d].p_hdr == NULL can not handle truncate %u:%u on extent %u:%u 6strange request: removal(2) %u-%u from %u:%u fs/ext4/ext4_extents.h (unsigned long)(((__builtin_constant_p((__u16)(( __u16)(__le16)(ext->ee_len))) ? ((__u16)( (((__u16)(( __u16)(__le16)(ext->ee_len)) & (__u16)0x00ffU) << 8) | (((__u16)(( __u16)(__le16)(ext->ee_len)) & (__u16)0xff00U) >> 8))) : __fswab16(( __u16)(__le16)(ext->ee_len))) & ~(1UL << 15)) == 0) ppos %d > depth %d (unsigned long)(path[depth].p_hdr == ((void *)0)) eh->eh_entries = 0! ext4_ext_get_actual_len(newext) == 0 (unsigned long)(npath != ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(npath->p_depth != path->p_depth) (unsigned long)(newext->ee_block == nearex->ee_block) (unsigned long)((split_flag & (0x8 | 0x10)) == (0x8 | 0x10)) (unsigned long)(split < ee_block || split >= (ee_block + ee_len)) (unsigned long)(!ext4_ext_is_uninitialized(ex) && split_flag & (0x1 | 0x2 | 0x4)) (unsigned long)(!ext4_ext_is_uninitialized(ex)) (unsigned long)(!((map->m_lblk) >= (ee_block) && (map->m_lblk) <= (ee_block) + (ee_len) - 1)) (unsigned long)(path->p_idx == ((void *)0)) bad extent address lblock: %lu, depth: %d pblock %lld (unsigned long)(next == lblock) path == NULL *logical %d! EXT_FIRST_EXTENT != ex *logical %d ee_block %d! ix (%d) != EXT_FIRST_INDEX (%d) (depth %d)! logical %d < ee_block %d + ee_len %d! first_extent(path[%d].p_hdr) != ex ix != EXT_FIRST_INDEX *logical %d! (unsigned long)(allocated_clusters < reserved_clusters) inode #%lu: block %u: len %u: ext4_ext_map_blocks returned %d (unsigned long)(end <= start) es.es_len == 0 fs/ext4/ext4_jbd2.c (unsigned long)(ref_cnt >= ((unsigned long) 4096)) (unsigned long)(ref_cnt == 0) 3EXT4-fs: %s:%d: aborting transaction: %s in %s journal_dirty_metadata failed: handle type %u started at line %u, credits %u/%u, errcode %d IO error syncing itable block fs/ext4/mballoc.c (unsigned long)(e4b->bd_bitmap == e4b->bd_buddy) (unsigned long)(max == ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(block >= (1 << (e4b->bd_blkbits + 3))) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(ext4_group_lock_ptr(e4b->bd_sb, e4b->bd_group))->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(ex == ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(buddy == ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(block >= max) (unsigned long)(ex->fe_start + ex->fe_len > (1 << (e4b->bd_blkbits + 3))) (unsigned long)(start < pa->pa_pstart) (unsigned long)(end > pa->pa_pstart + ((pa->pa_len) << (sbi)->s_cluster_bits)) (unsigned long)(pa->pa_free < len) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_o_ex.fe_len >= ac->ac_b_ex.fe_len) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_status != 2) (unsigned long)(!(((ac->ac_inode->i_mode) & 00170000) == 0100000)) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_g_ex.fe_logical > ac->ac_o_ex.fe_logical) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_g_ex.fe_len < ac->ac_o_ex.fe_len) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_o_ex.fe_logical < ac->ac_b_ex.fe_logical) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_o_ex.fe_len > ac->ac_b_ex.fe_len) (unsigned long)(ext4_pspace_cachep == ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(lg == ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_lg != ((void *)0)) 0EXT4-fs: no memory for groupinfo slab cache (unsigned long)((*(volatile int *)&(&pa->pa_count)->counter)) (unsigned long)(pa->pa_deleted == 0) (unsigned long)(e4b->bd_bitmap_page == ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(e4b->bd_buddy_page == ((void *)0)) Block already on to-be-freed list (unsigned long)(len > (EXT4_SB(sb)->s_clusters_per_group)) %u clusters in bitmap, %u in gd (unsigned long)(!(ac->ac_o_ex.fe_logical >= pa_end || ac->ac_o_ex.fe_logical < pa->pa_lstart)) (unsigned long)(pa->pa_lstart <= start && pa_end >= end) (unsigned long)(pa_end < start) (unsigned long)(pa->pa_lstart > end) (unsigned long)(!(start >= pa_end || end <= pa->pa_lstart)) start %lu, size %lu, fe_logical %lu (unsigned long)(start + size <= ac->ac_o_ex.fe_logical && start > ac->ac_o_ex.fe_logical) (unsigned long)(size <= 0 || size > (EXT4_SB(ac->ac_sb)->s_blocks_per_group)) ext4_prealloc_space ext4_allocation_context ext4_free_data (unsigned long)(groupnr != group) (unsigned long)(incore == ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(incore != ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(page->mapping != inode->i_mapping) (unsigned long)(cr < 0 || cr >= 4) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_2order == 0) #%-5s: %-5s %-5s %-5s [ %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s %-5s ] 2^13 2^12 2^11 2^10 first frags #%-5u: I/O error #%-5u: %-5u %-5u %-5u [ %-5u freeing already freed block (bit %u) (unsigned long)(last >= (sb->s_blocksize << 3)) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(ext4_group_lock_ptr(sb, e4b->bd_group))->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(group != e4b->bd_group && pa->pa_len != 0) pa %p: logic %lu, phys. %lu, len %lu free %u, pa_free %u mb_load_buddy failed (%d) Error reading block bitmap for %u Error loading buddy information for %u (unsigned long)(free != 0) (unsigned long)(pa->pa_type != MB_GROUP_PA) discard request in group:%d block:%d count:%d failed with %d (unsigned long)(err != 0) (unsigned long)(start + len > (e4b->bd_sb->s_blocksize << 3)) (unsigned long)(e4b->bd_group != ex->fe_group) (unsigned long)((start >> ord) >= max) (unsigned long)(ord <= 0) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_b_ex.fe_group != e4b->bd_group) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_status == 2) (unsigned long)(ex.fe_len <= 0) (unsigned long)(ex.fe_group != ac->ac_g_ex.fe_group) (unsigned long)(ex.fe_start != ac->ac_g_ex.fe_start) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_2order <= 0) (unsigned long)(k >= max) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_b_ex.fe_len != ac->ac_g_ex.fe_len) (unsigned long)(sbi->s_stripe == 0) (unsigned long)(free <= 0) %d free clusters as per group info. But bitmap says 0 %d free clusters as per group info. But got %d blocks (unsigned long)(ex->fe_len <= 0) (unsigned long)(ex->fe_len > (EXT4_SB(ac->ac_sb)->s_clusters_per_group)) (unsigned long)(ex->fe_start >= (EXT4_SB(ac->ac_sb)->s_clusters_per_group)) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_status != 1) Error in loading buddy information for %u (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(ext4_group_lock_ptr(sb, group))->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(ac->ac_b_ex.fe_len <= 0) Allocating blocks %llu-%llu which overlap fs metadata can't allocate buddy meta group (unsigned long)(!cachep) can't allocate mem for a buddy group can't allocate buddy mem &meta_group_info[i]->alloc_sem &lg->lg_mutex can't get new inode can't read descriptor %u mb_groups mballoc: %u blocks %u reqs (%u success) mballoc: %u extents scanned, %u goal hits, %u 2^N hits, %u breaks, %u lost mballoc: %lu generated and it took %Lu mballoc: %u preallocated, %u discarded (unsigned long)(pa->pa_obj_lock != &ei->i_prealloc_lock) uh-oh! used pa while discarding (unsigned long)(pa->pa_type != MB_INODE_PA) (unsigned long)(block != bh->b_blocknr) Freeing blocks not in datazone - block = %llu, count = %lu (unsigned long)(bh && (count > 1)) Freeing blocks in system zone - Block = %llu, count = %lu discard request in group:%d block:%d count:%lu failed with %d too much blocks added to group %u Adding blocks in system zones - Block = %llu, count = %lu bit already cleared for block %llu ext4_groupinfo_1k ext4_groupinfo_2k ext4_groupinfo_4k ext4_groupinfo_8k ext4_groupinfo_16k ext4_groupinfo_32k ext4_groupinfo_64k ext4_groupinfo_128k ext4_system_zone 6System zones: %s%llu-%llu invalid block fs/ext4/move_extent.c (unsigned long)(orig_off != donor_off) new_ext_end(%u) should be less than or equal to oext->ee_block(%u) + oext_alen(%d) - 1 The extent for donor must be found Donor offset(%u) and the first block of donor extent(%u) should be equal (unsigned long)(replaced_count > count) (unsigned long)(!inode1 || !inode2) (unsigned long)(nr >= (((1UL) << 12) / 512)) Unable to copy data block, data will be lost. (unsigned long)(inode1 == inode2) We replaced blocks too much! sum of replaced: %llu requested: %llu Error while reading MMP block %llu MMP failure info: last update time: %llu, last update node: %s, last update device: %s Error writing to MMP block kmmpd being stopped since MMP feature has been disabled. kmmpd being stopped since filesystem has been remounted as readonly. error reading MMP data: %d Error while updating MMP info. The filesystem seems to have been multiply mounted. Invalid MMP block in superblock fsck is running on the filesystem MMP interval %u higher than expected, please wait. MMP startup interrupted, failing mount Device is already active on another node. not enough memory for mmpd_data kmmpd-%s Unable to create kmmpd thread for %s. attempt to clear invalid blocks %llu len %lu circular indirect block detected at block %llu Read failure invalid indirect mapped block %lu (level %d) block %lu > max in inode %lu fs/ext4/indirect.c (unsigned long)(!(!(ext4_test_inode_flag(inode, EXT4_INODE_EXTENTS)))) (unsigned long)(!(handle != ((void *)0) || (flags & 0x0001) == 0)) Can't allocate blocks for non-extent mapped inodes with bigalloc fs/ext4/extents_status.c (unsigned long)(es->es_lblk + es->es_len < es->es_lblk) (unsigned long)((({ const typeof( ((struct ext4_inode_info *)0)->vfs_inode ) *__mptr = (inode); (struct ext4_inode_info *)( (char *)__mptr - __builtin_offsetof(struct ext4_inode_info, vfs_inode) );}))->i_es_lru_nr == 0) ext4_extent_status (unsigned long)(end < lblk) (unsigned long)(es == ((void *)0)) Inserting extent [%u/%u] as delayed and written which can potentially cause data loss. (unsigned long)(!es1) fs/ext4/xattr.c (unsigned long)(new_offs + (__builtin_constant_p((__u32)(( __u32)(__le32)(last->e_value_size))) ? ((__u32)( (((__u32)(( __u32)(__le32)(last->e_value_size)) & (__u32)0x000000ffUL) << 24) | (((__u32)(( __u32)(__le32)(last->e_value_size)) & (__u32)0x0000ff00UL) << 8) | (((__u32)(( __u32)(__le32)(last->e_value_size)) & (__u32)0x00ff0000UL) >> 8) | (((__u32)(( __u32)(__le32)(last->e_value_size)) & (__u32)0xff000000UL) >> 24))) : __fswab32(( __u32)(__le32)(last->e_value_size))) > blocksize) block %lu read error (unsigned long)(block > 0xFFFFFFFF) bad block %llu ext4_xattr block %llu read error fs/ext4/inline.c (unsigned long)(is.s.not_found) (unsigned long)(!is.s.not_found) (unsigned long)(!EXT4_I(inode)->i_inline_off) (unsigned long)(len > EXT4_I(inode)->i_inline_size) (unsigned long)(!ext4_has_inline_data(inode)) (unsigned long)(page->index) inode %lu doesn't have inline data. can't get inode location %lu (unsigned long)(pos + len > EXT4_I(inode)->i_inline_size) error %d getting inode %lu block bad inline directory (dir #%lu) - no `..' (unsigned long)(offset > ext4_get_inline_size(inode)) bad inline directory (dir #%lu) - inode %u, rec_len %u, name_len %dinline size %d fs/ext4/acl.c fs/jbd/transaction.c (unsigned long)(!(jbd_is_locked_bh_state(bh))) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&transaction->t_journal->j_list_lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_jlist < 9)) (unsigned long)(!(transaction != ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_nr_buffers >= 0)) 3JBD: %s wants too many credits (%d > %d) (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_running_transaction == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(handle->h_transaction->t_journal == journal)) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_updates > 0)) (unsigned long)(!(journal_current_handle() == handle)) (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_barrier_count != 0)) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_transaction == transaction || jh->b_transaction == ((void *)0))) 4JBD: Spotted dirty metadata buffer (dev = %s, blocknr = %llu). There's a risk of filesystem corruption in case of system crash. (unsigned long)(!(!jh->b_committed_data)) (unsigned long)(!(!jh->b_frozen_data)) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_transaction == transaction || jh->b_transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_next_transaction == transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_next_transaction == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction)) 0%s: OOM for frozen_buffer buffer_uptodate(jh2bh(jh)) 3EXT3-fs unexpected failure: %s; 3Possible IO failure. (unsigned long)(!(!jh->b_next_transaction)) 0%s: No memory for committed data (unsigned long)(!((jh->b_transaction == transaction || jh->b_transaction == ((void *)0) || (jh->b_transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction && jh->b_jlist == 3)))) (unsigned long)(!(buffer_locked(jh2bh(jh)))) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_jlist != 5)) (unsigned long)(!(handle->h_buffer_credits > 0)) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_transaction == journal->j_running_transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_frozen_data == ((void *)0))) !jh->b_committed_data 3inconsistent data on disk (unsigned long)(!((jh->b_transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction))) (unsigned long)(!(transaction == journal->j_running_transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(!buffer_jbddirty(bh))) (unsigned long)(!(!PagePrivate(page))) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&jh->b_transaction->t_journal->j_list_lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_transaction->t_state == T_RUNNING)) fs/jbd/commit.c (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_running_transaction != ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_committing_transaction == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_state == T_RUNNING)) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_outstanding_credits <= journal->j_max_transaction_buffers)) 4JBD: Detected IO errors while flushing file data on %s (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_sync_datalist == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_nr_buffers <= commit_transaction->t_outstanding_credits)) (unsigned long)(!(bufs == 0)) (unsigned long)(!((*(volatile int *)&(&bh->b_count)->counter) == 0)) (unsigned long)(!(buffer_jbddirty(bh))) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_shadow_list == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_state == T_COMMIT)) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_buffers == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_checkpoint_list == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_iobuf_list == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_log_list == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_transaction == commit_transaction || jh->b_transaction == journal->j_running_transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(!buffer_dirty(bh))) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_state == T_COMMIT_RECORD)) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction)) 3JBD: corrupted journal superblock 3JBD: bad block at offset %u 3JBD: Failed to read block at offset %u 3JBD: IO error %d recovering block %u in log fs/jbd/recovery.c (unsigned long)(!(obh != ((void *)0))) 3JBD: Out of memory during recovery. 3JBD: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u 3JBD: error %d scanning journal fs/jbd/checkpoint.c (unsigned long)(!(blocknr != 0)) (unsigned long)(!(buffer_dirty(jh2bh(jh)) || buffer_jbddirty(jh2bh(jh)))) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_cp_transaction == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&journal->j_list_lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_state == T_FINISHED)) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_buffers == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_sync_datalist == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_forget == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_iobuf_list == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_shadow_list == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_log_list == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_checkpoint_list == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_checkpoint_io_list == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(transaction->t_updates == 0)) (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_committing_transaction != transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_running_transaction != transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(!buffer_jwrite(bh))) (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&journal->j_state_lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) 3%s: needed %d blocks and only had %d space available 3%s: no way to get more journal space fs/jbd/revoke.c (unsigned long)(!(list_empty(hash_list))) (unsigned long)(!(!revoke_record_cache)) (unsigned long)(!(!revoke_table_cache)) revoke_record revoke_table (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_revoke_table[0] == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(is_power_of_2(hash_size))) (unsigned long)(!(!"Cannot set revoke feature!")) !buffer_revoked(bh) 0journal commit I/O error 3JBD: previous I/O error detected for journal superblock update for %s. 3JBD: Error %d detected when updating journal superblock for %s. fs/jbd/journal.c (unsigned long)(!mutex_is_locked(&journal->j_checkpoint_mutex)) &journal->j_wait_transaction_locked &journal->j_wait_logspace &journal->j_wait_done_commit &journal->j_wait_checkpoint &journal->j_wait_commit &journal->j_wait_updates &journal->j_checkpoint_mutex 3%s: Can't allocate bhs for commit thread 3%s: Cannot get buffer for journal superblock 6kjournald starting. Commit interval %ld seconds (unsigned long)(!(bh != ((void *)0))) 3JBD: IO error reading journal superblock 4JBD: no valid journal superblock found 4JBD: unrecognised superblock format ID 4JBD: journal file too short 4JBD: Invalid start block of journal: %u (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_checkpoint_transactions == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_jcount >= 0)) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_transaction == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_jlist == 0)) (unsigned long)(!(buffer_jbd(bh))) (unsigned long)(!(jh2bh(jh) == bh)) 4%s: freeing b_frozen_data 4%s: freeing b_committed_data (unsigned long)(!(journal_head_cache == ((void *)0))) journal_head 0JBD: no memory for journal_head cache 0JBD: failed to create handle cache journal_handle 4JBD: Converting superblock from version 1 to 2. (unsigned long)(!(!(journal->j_flags & 0x010))) Clearing 4JBD: %s recovery information on journal Ignoring jbd: bad log_start_commit: %u %u %u %u 3Aborting journal on device %s. (unsigned long)(!(!journal->j_running_transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(!journal->j_committing_transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(!journal->j_checkpoint_transactions)) (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_head == journal->j_tail)) (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_tail_sequence == journal->j_transaction_sequence)) 1%s: journal block not found at offset %u on %s (unsigned long)(!(journal->j_free > 1)) 3%s: Cannot locate journal superblock 3JBD: Journal too short (blocks %u-%u). kjournald 3Journal length (%d blocks) too short. 0%s: creation of journal on external device! 4JBD: Unrecognised features on journal 4JBD: recovery failed 5ENOMEM in %s, retrying. (unsigned long)(!(((*(volatile int *)&(&bh->b_count)->counter) > 0) || (bh->b_page && bh->b_page->mapping))) (unsigned long)(!(buffer_jbddirty(bh_in))) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_jcount > 0)) 3JBD2: %s wants too many credits (%d > %d) fs/jbd2/transaction.c (unsigned long)(journal->j_flags & 0x001) (unsigned long)(!((*(volatile int *)&(&transaction->t_updates)->counter) > 0)) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_jlist < 7)) (unsigned long)(!(!transaction_cache)) jbd2_transaction_s 4JBD2: Spotted dirty metadata buffer (dev = %s, blocknr = %llu). There's a risk of filesystem corruption in case of system crash. 3JBD2 unexpected failure: %s: %s; (unsigned long)(!((jh->b_transaction == transaction || jh->b_transaction == ((void *)0) || (jh->b_transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction && jh->b_jlist == 2)))) 0JBD: %s: jh->b_transaction (%llu, %p, %u) != journal->j_running_transaction (%p, %u) 0JBD: %s: jh->b_transaction (%llu, %p, %u) != journal->j_committing_transaction (%p, %u) 0JBD: %s: jh->b_next_transaction (%llu, %p, %u) != transaction (%p, %u) (unsigned long)(!(jinode->i_next_transaction == ((void *)0))) (unsigned long)(!(jinode->i_transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(!jinode->i_next_transaction)) include/linux/jbd2.h (unsigned long)(crypto_shash_descsize(journal->j_chksum_driver) > 4) fs/jbd2/commit.c (unsigned long)(!((*(volatile int *)&(&commit_transaction->t_outstanding_credits)->counter) <= journal->j_max_transaction_buffers)) (unsigned long)(!(jinode->i_transaction == commit_transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_nr_buffers <= (*(volatile int *)&(&commit_transaction->t_outstanding_credits)->counter))) 4JBD2: Detected IO errors while flushing file data on %s (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_state == T_COMMIT_DFLUSH)) (unsigned long)(!(list_empty(&commit_transaction->t_inode_list))) (unsigned long)(!(jh->b_transaction == commit_transaction)) (unsigned long)(!(commit_transaction->t_state == T_COMMIT_JFLUSH)) 3JBD2: corrupted journal superblock 3JBD2: bad block at offset %u 3JBD2: Failed to read block at offset %u 3JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %lu in log 3JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log fs/jbd2/recovery.c 3JBD: Invalid checksum recovering block %llu in log 3JBD2: Out of memory during recovery. 3JBD2: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u 3JBD2: error %d scanning journal fs/jbd2/checkpoint.c (unsigned long)(!((*(volatile int *)&(&transaction->t_updates)->counter) == 0)) 3JBD2: %s: Waiting for Godot: block %llu 3%s: no way to get more journal space in %s fs/jbd2/revoke.c (unsigned long)(!(!jbd2_revoke_record_cache)) (unsigned long)(!(!jbd2_revoke_table_cache)) jbd2_revoke_record_s jbd2_revoke_table_s fs/jbd2/journal.c (unsigned long)(i >= 8) (unsigned long)(jbd2_slab[i] == ((void *)0)) %lu transactions (%lu requested), each up to %u blocks average: %ums waiting for transaction %ums request delay %ums running transaction %ums transaction was being locked %ums flushing data (in ordered mode) %ums logging transaction %lluus average transaction commit time %lu handles per transaction %lu blocks per transaction %lu logged blocks per transaction &journal->j_barrier 0JBD2: no memory for jbd2_slab cache (unsigned long)(!(jbd2_journal_head_cache == ((void *)0))) jbd2_journal_head 0JBD2: no memory for journal_head cache 0JBD2: failed to create handle cache jbd2_inode 0JBD2: failed to create inode cache fs/jbd2 jbd2_journal_handle 3JBD2: IO error reading journal superblock 4JBD2: no valid journal superblock found 4JBD2: unrecognised superblock format ID 4JBD2: journal file too short 4JBD2: Invalid start block of journal: %u 3JBD: Can't enable checksumming v1 and v2 at the same time! 3JBD: Unknown checksum type 3JBD: Cannot load crc32c driver. 3JBD: journal checksum error JBD2: bad log_start_commit: %u %u %u %u 3JBD2: previous I/O error detected for journal superblock update for %s. 3JBD2: Error %d detected when updating journal superblock for %s. 4JBD2: %s recovery information on journal 1%s: journal block not found at offset %lu on %s -%lu 4JBD2: Unrecognised features on journal 3JBD2: journal transaction %u on %s is corrupt. 3JBD2: Journal too short (blocks %llu-%llu). jbd2/%s 4JBD2: recovery failed (unsigned long)(size & (size-1)) (unsigned long)(((unsigned long) ptr) & (size-1)) jbd2_1k jbd2_2k jbd2_4k jbd2_8k jbd2_16k jbd2_32k jbd2_64k jbd2_128k SQUASHFS: Block @ 0x%llx, %scompressed size %d, src size %d SQUASHFS: Block @ 0x%llx, %scompressed size %d 3SQUASHFS error: squashfs_read_data failed to read block 0x%llx squashfs fs/squashfs/block.c SQUASHFS: Got %s %d, start block %lld, refcount %d, error %d 3SQUASHFS error: Unable to read %s cache entry [%llx] 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate %s cache &cache->wait_queue &cache->entry[i].wait_queue 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate %s cache entry 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate %s buffer SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_read_metadata [%llx:%x] fs/squashfs/cache.c SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_readdir [%llx:%x] 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate squashfs_dir_entry SQUASHFS: Calling filldir(%p, %s, %d, %lld, %d, %d) SQUASHFS: Filldir returned less than 0 SQUASHFS: Entered get_dir_index_using_offset, i_count %d, f_pos %lld SQUASHFS: Calling filldir(%p, %s, %d, %lld, %x:%x, %d, %d) 3SQUASHFS error: Unable to read directory block [%llx:%x] fs/squashfs/dir.c SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_export_iget SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_inode_lookup, inode_number = %d SQUASHFS: squashfs_inode_lookup, inode = 0x%llx SQUASHFS: In read_inode_lookup_table, length %d fs/squashfs/export.c 3SQUASHFS error: read_indexes: Failed to allocate block_list 3SQUASHFS error: read_indexes: reading block [%llx:%x] SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_readpage, page index %lx, start block %llx SQUASHFS: locate_meta_index: index %d, offset %d SQUASHFS: locate_meta_index: entry %d, offset %d SQUASHFS: empty_meta_index: offset %d, skip %d 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate meta_index SQUASHFS: empty_meta_index: failed! SQUASHFS: empty_meta_index: returned meta entry %d, %p SQUASHFS: get_meta_index: offset %d, meta->offset %d, meta->entries %d SQUASHFS: get_meta_index: index_block 0x%llx, offset 0x%x data_block 0x%llx SQUASHFS: get_meta_index: meta->offset %d, meta->entries %d SQUASHFS: read_blocklist: res %d, index %d, start 0x%llx, offset 0x%x, block 0x%llx 3SQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block %llx, size %x SQUASHFS: bytes %d, i %d, available_bytes %d fs/squashfs/file.c SQUASHFS: In read_id_index_table, length %d fs/squashfs/id.c SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_read_inode SQUASHFS: File inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, block_list_start %llx, offset %x SQUASHFS: Directory inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, offset %x SQUASHFS: Long directory inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, offset %x SQUASHFS: Symbolic link inode %x:%x, start_block %llx, offset %x SQUASHFS: Device inode %x:%x, rdev %x 3SQUASHFS error: Unknown inode type %d in squashfs_iget! 3SQUASHFS error: Unable to read inode 0x%llx SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_iget fs/squashfs/inode.c SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_lookup [%llx:%x] SQUASHFS: Entered get_dir_index_using_name, i_count %d 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate squashfs_dir_index SQUASHFS: calling squashfs_iget for directory entry %s, inode %x:%x, %d fs/squashfs/namei.c SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_statfs SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_fill_superblock 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate squashfs_sb_info &msblk->read_data_mutex &msblk->meta_index_mutex 3SQUASHFS error: unable to read squashfs_super_block 3SQUASHFS error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on %s 3SQUASHFS error: Major/Minor mismatch, older Squashfs %d.%d filesystems are unsupported 3SQUASHFS error: Major/Minor mismatch, trying to mount newer %d.%d filesystem 3SQUASHFS error: Please update your kernel 3SQUASHFS error: Filesystem uses "%s" compression. This is not supported 3SQUASHFS error: Page size > filesystem block size (%d). This is currently not supported! SQUASHFS: Found valid superblock on %s SQUASHFS: Inodes are %scompressed SQUASHFS: Data is %scompressed SQUASHFS: Filesystem size %lld bytes SQUASHFS: Block size %d SQUASHFS: Number of inodes %d SQUASHFS: Number of fragments %d SQUASHFS: Number of ids %d SQUASHFS: sblk->inode_table_start %llx SQUASHFS: sblk->directory_table_start %llx SQUASHFS: sblk->fragment_table_start %llx SQUASHFS: sblk->id_table_start %llx metadata 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate read_page block 3SQUASHFS error: Xattrs in filesystem, these will be ignored 3SQUASHFS error: unable to read xattr id index table 3SQUASHFS error: unable to read id index table 3SQUASHFS error: unable to read inode lookup table fragment 3SQUASHFS error: unable to read fragment index table 3SQUASHFS error: Root inode create failed SQUASHFS: Leaving squashfs_fill_super squashfs_inode_cache 6squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher fs/squashfs/super.c SQUASHFS: Entered squashfs_symlink_readpage, page index %ld, start block %llx, offset %x 3SQUASHFS error: Unable to read symlink [%llx:%x] fs/squashfs/symlink.c lzma 3SQUASHFS error: lzo decompression failed, data probably corrupt 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate lzo workspace 3SQUASHFS error: xz_dec_run error, data probably corrupt 3SQUASHFS error: xz_uncompress error, input remaining 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to initialise xz decompressor 3SQUASHFS error: zlib_inflateInit returned unexpected result 0x%x, srclength %d 3SQUASHFS error: zlib_inflate error, data probably corrupt 3SQUASHFS error: zlib_uncompress error, data remaining 3SQUASHFS error: Failed to allocate zlib workspace zlib ramfs nls_%s iso8859-1 utf8 3[%s] block_truncate_page failed: %d 3[%s] Could not truncate data_size: %d 3[%s] Invalid parameters 3[%s] Couldn't link new->parent to ino! 3[%s] During unlink of oldent: %d 3[%s] Wrong arguments 3[%s] Could not convert ucs to char * 3[%s] Something went wrong while deleting: %d 3[%s] Couldn't convert ucs to char * 3[%s] Could not unlink (%llu) 3[%s] i_nlink not 0! 3[%s] Could not convert name to ucs 3[%s] Could not fetch VFS inode! 3[%s] Could not convert filename to Unicode: '%s' FRITZ 3[%s] Cannot open inode %llu, err %d. Deleting dentry. 3[%s] Removing orphaned index failed with %d 3[%s] Failed to convert ucs to char * 3[%s] Invalid arguments 3[%s] Could not get mount point: %d 3[%s] Not a interix file 3[%s] Attribute size too small 3[%s] Attribute size too big 3[%s] Intx_file: OOM 3[%s] Failed to pread: %lld 3[%s] Not an interix symbolic link 3[%s] Failed to convert ucs to mbs 3[%s] Failed to find VCN #1 3[%s] Failed to find VCN #2 3[%s] Unexpected runlength 0 3[%s] Bad run (%lld) 3[%s] Cluster allocation in hole failed: %d ; bad inode 3[%s] !ni! ino: %lu; s_magic: %lu; dev: %s%s fs/antfs/file.c 3[%s] Compressed/encrypted --> read only! (unsigned long)(!PagePrivate(curr_page)) 3[%s] No buffers mapped in curr_page?! Cannot get position on disk! 3[%s] Failed to zero page @blk 0x%llx 3[%s] Write end failed! 3[%s] Got na not AT_DATA (0x%02x) and AT_UNNAMED (??) for ino %lld 3[%s] Write_begin failed: %d 3[%s] ntfs_attr_pread error reading mft_no %llu at offset %lld: %lld <> %lld 3[%s] f_blocks < f_bavail (%lld < %lld) 3[%s] mftbmp->datasize << 3 < free_mft_records (%lld < %lld) ,utf8 ,umask=%04o 3[%s] Extent inode %lld was not found 3[%s] mft_no %lld < FILE_first_user 3[%s] Could not get ni_lock for ni %lld; 3[%s] Error freeing inode: %lld (%d) 3[%s] No ctx 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed! 3[%s] Couldn't open DATA/INDEX_ROOT for ni(%lld) [%s] insert_inode_locked failed. 3[%s] insert_inode_locked failed. ino collision? (%lu) 3[%s] Colliding inode is bad. 3[%s] Colliding inode i_mode: 0x%lx i_count: %ld; i_nlink: %d; inode_unhashed: %d; i_state: 0x%x 3[%s] Colliding inode is valid ntfs inode: mft: %lld;our ni: %p; 3[%s] c nr_extents: %d; c base_ino: %lld 6ANTFS Module unloaded. 2.29 6ANTFS Module: Version %s antfs_inode 3[%s] Parsing opt=uid failed! 3[%s] Parsing opt=gid failed! 3[%s] Parsing opt=umask failed! antfs_%s 3ANTFS: You need to supply "-o utf8" mount option. /dev/%s 3[%s] Failed to read NTFS $Bitmap 3[%s] Failed to calculate free MFT records 3[%s] Failed to set shown files 3[%s] Name space proxy NULL. 3[%s] OOM 3[%s] Could not find mount point with current process. 3[%s] d_path failed: %d 3[%s] Problem with mangle_path. antfs umask=%u 3[%s] failed to allocate memory for inode &ni->ni_lock 3[%s] Releasing dirty inode %lld! 3[%s] No STANDARD_INFORMATION in base record %lld 3[%s] Too large attrlist attribute (%lld), inode %lld 3[%s] Unexpected attrlist size (%lld <> %u), inode %lld 3[%s] Inode without matching AT_FILE_NAME: %d 3[%s] err=%d 3[%s] Failed to sync NULL inode 3[%s] Failed to sync standard info (inode %lld) 3[%s] bad sync of standard information 3[%s] Failed to open inode %lld with index 3[%s] Failed to get index ctx, inode %lld 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed, inode %lld 3[%s] Attribute list sync failed (open, inode %lld) 3[%s] Attribute list sync failed (write, inode %lld) 3[%s] Attribute list sync failed (bad size, inode %lld) 3[%s] MFT record sync failed, inode %lld 3[%s] Extent MFT record sync failed, inode %lld/%lld 3[%s] EINVAL 3[%s] MFT is corrupt, cannot read its unmapped extent record %lld 3[%s] Note : chkdsk cannot fix this, try ntfsfix 3[%s] Found stale extent mft reference mft=%lld 3[%s] Invalid arguments. 3[%s] Corrupt in-memory struct. 3[%s] ni=%p size=%d 3[%s] Failed to move out attribute #2 3[%s] Inode already has attribute list 3[%s] Attribute list already present 3[%s] Failed to realloc %d bytes 3[%s] Failed to free space for attrlist 3[%s] Couldn't add $ATTRIBUTE_LIST to MFT 3[%s] Failed to open just added $ATTRIBUTE_LIST 3[%s] Failed to resize just added $ATTRIBUTE_LIST [%s] Rollback failed to remove attrlist 3[%s] Rollback failed to remove attrlist 3[%s] Rollback failed to find attrlist [%s] Rollback failed to move attribute 3[%s] Rollback failed to move attribute 3[%s] Rollback failed to find attr 3[%s] Can not add attrlist #3 3[%s] MP update failed: %d 3[%s] Failed to allocate a cluster for the mft bitmap. 3[%s] Failed to merge runlists for mft bitmap. Leaving inconsistent metadata. Run chkdsk. [%s] Failed to deallocate cluster.%s 3[%s] Failed to deallocate cluster.%s 3[%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft bitmap attribute. 3[%s] Get size for mapping pairs failed for mft bitmap attribute extent. 3[%s] ntfs_mft_attr_extend failed: %d 3[%s] Failed to build mapping pairs array for mft bitmap attribute. 3[%s] Failed to find first attribute extent of mft bitmap attribute. [%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft bitmap attribute.%s 3[%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft bitmap attribute.%s [%s] Failed to free cluster.%s 3[%s] Failed to free cluster.%s [%s] Failed to restore maping pairs array.%s 3[%s] Failed to restore maping pairs array.%s [%s] Failed to restore attribute record.%s 3[%s] Failed to restore attribute record.%s 3[%s] MP update failed 3[%s] Failed to determine last allocated cluster of mft bitmap attribute. 3[%s] Failed to determine previous last allocated cluster of mft bitmap attribute. 3[%s] Failed to allocate (%lld) clusters for $MFT 3[%s] Failed to merge runlists for mft data attribute. [%s] Failed to deallocate clusters from the mft data attribute.%s 3[%s] Failed to deallocate clusters from the mft data attribute.%s 3[%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft data attribute. 3[%s] Get size for mapping pairs failed for mft data attribute extent 3[%s] Failed to build mapping pairs array of mft data attribute. 3[%s] Failed to find first attribute extent of mft data attribute. [%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft data attribute.%s 3[%s] Failed to find last attribute extent of mft data attribute.%s [%s] Failed to freeclusters from mft data attribute.%s 3[%s] Failed to freeclusters from mft data attribute.%s [%s] Failed to truncate mft data attribute runlist.%s 3[%s] Failed to truncate mft data attribute runlist.%s [%s] Failed to restore mapping pairs array.%s 3[%s] Failed to restore mapping pairs array.%s 3[%s] Failed to determine last allocated cluster of mft data attribute. 3[%s] Failed to determine previous last allocated cluster of mft data attribute 3[%s] vol=%p vol->mft_ma=%p b=%p count=%lld mft=%llu 3[%s] Trying to read non-allocated mft records (%lld > %lld) 3[%s] Failed to read MFT, mft=%llu count=%lld br=%lld; warn_ov: %d 3[%s] Trying to write non-allocated mft records (%lld > %lld) [%s] Partial write while writing $Mft record(s) 3[%s] Partial write while writing $Mft record(s) 3[%s] Error writing $Mft record(s) (%d) [%s] Failed to sync $MFTMirr! Run chkdsk (%d) 3[%s] Failed to sync $MFTMirr! Run chkdsk (%d) 3[%s] Record %llu has no FILE magic (0x%x) 3[%s] Record %llu has corrupt allocation size (%u <> %u) 3[%s] Record %llu is corrupt 3[%s] mrec=%p 3[%s] Record %llu has wrong SeqNo (%d <> %d) 3[%s] Mft reference exceeds 32 bits jkrieg@avm.de 3[%s] Sector size is bigger than MFT record size. Setting usa_count to 1. If Windows chkdsk reports this as corruption, please email %s stating that you saw this message and that the file system created was corrupt. Thank you. 3[%s] Invalid argument. fs/antfs/include/volume.h (unsigned long)(vol->mftbmp_lock_count) (unsigned long)(vol->mftbmp_lock_owner != (current_thread_info()->task)) 3[%s] Failed to format mft record mft_na sanity checks failed 3[%s] Bug: %s fs/antfs/libntfs-3g/mft.c 3[%s] Failed to re-format mft record. 3[%s] Failed to allocate buffer for inode. [%s] Failed to initialize extent inode(%lld): %d for base_ni(%lld) 3[%s] Failed to initialize extent inode(%lld): %d for base_ni(%lld) [%s] mftbmp_lock failed. free_mft_records now garbage 3[%s] mftbmp_lock failed. free_mft_records now garbage [%s] Failed to clear bit in mft bitmap 3[%s] Failed to clear bit in mft bitmap 3[%s] rollback! 3[%s] Error allocating memory for $MFT 3[%s] Failed to initialize the MFT! 3[%s] Error reading $MFT 3[%s] $MFT has corrupt attribute list. 3[%s] $MFT/$ATTR_LIST invalid length (%lld). 3[%s] Failed to get value of $MFT/$ATTR_LIST. 3[%s] Partial read of $MFT/$ATTR_LIST (%lld != %u). 3[%s] Failed to open ntfs attribute 3[%s] $MFT must be non-resident. 3[%s] $MFT must be uncompressed and unencrypted. 3[%s] ntfs_mapping_pairs_decompress() failed 3[%s] $MFT/$DATA attribute not found. 3[%s] Failed to load runlist for $MFT/$DATA. 3[%s] highest_vcn = 0x%llx, last_vcn - 1 = 0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to open $MFT/$BITMAP 3[%s] Exit with error %d &vol->mftbmp_lock &vol->lcnbmp_lock &vol->ni_lock 3[%s] Error opening read-only '%s' 3[%s] Error opening '%s' 3[%s] Failed to read bootsector (size=0) 3[%s] Error reading bootsector (%lld) 3[%s] Also Failed to set block size to BLOCK_SIZE (%u). Cannot continue. 3[%s] Failed to load $MFT 3[%s] Failed to open inode $MFTMirr 3[%s] Failed to map runlist of $MFTMirr/$DATA 3[%s] Failed to load $MFTMirr hiberfil.sys 3[%s] Couldn't convert 'hiberfil.sys' to Unicode 3[%s] Failed to read hiberfil.sys 3[%s] Hibernated non-system partition, refused to mount. hibr HIBR 3[%s] Windows is hibernated, refused to mount. 3[%s] Failed to set file visibility 3[%s] Failed to open inode FILE_LogFile system file mft record 3[%s] Failed to read $MFT 3[%s] Failed to read $MFT, unexpected length (%lld != %d). 3[%s] Failed to read $MFTMirr 3[%s] $MFT error: Incomplete multi sector transfer detected in '%s'. 3[%s] $MFT error: Invalid mft record for '%s'. 3[%s] $MFTMirr error: Incomplete multi sector transfer detected in '%s'. 3[%s] $MFTMirr error: Invalid mft record for '%s'. 3[%s] $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record %d). 3[%s] Failed to open inode FILE_Bitmap 3[%s] Corrupt cluster map size (%lld > %lld) 3[%s] Failed to open inode FILE_UpCase 3[%s] Error: Upcase table is too big (max 32-bit allowed). 3[%s] Failed to read $UpCase, unexpected length (%lld != %lld). 3[%s] Corrupted file $UpCase 3[%s] Failed to open inode FILE_Volume 3[%s] $VOLUME_INFORMATION attribute not found in $Volume 3[%s] Attribute $VOLUME_INFORMATION must be resident but it isn't. 3[%s] $VOLUME_INFORMATION in $Volume is corrupt. 3[%s] Failed to lookup of $VOLUME_NAME in $Volume failed 3[%s] $VOLUME_NAME must be resident. 3[%s] Volume name could not be converted to current locale 3[%s] Failed to open $AttrDef 3[%s] Attribute definition table is too big (max 32-bit allowed). 3[%s] Failed to read $AttrDef, unexpected length (%lld != %lld). 3[%s] Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. 3[%s] Failed to open root directory 3[%s] Failed to make $TXF_DATA resident 3[%s] $TXF_DATA made resident 3[%s] Falling back to read-only mount because the NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting.) 3[%s] Exit err=%d $MFT $MFTMirr $LogFile $Volume $AttrDef root directory $Bitmap $Boot $BadClus $Secure $UpCase $Extend 3[%s] NTFS signature is missing. 3[%s] Unexpected bytes per sector value (%d). 3[%s] Unexpected sectors per cluster value (%d). 3[%s] Unexpected cluster size (%d). 3[%s] Reserved fields aren't zero (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d). 3[%s] Unexpected clusters per mft record (%d). 3[%s] Unexpected clusters per index record (%d). 3[%s] sectors_per_cluster (%d) is not a power of 2. 3[%s] Volume size is set to zero. 3[%s] Failed to read last sector (%lld) (err=%d) HINTS: Either the volume is a RAID/LDM but it wasn't setup yet, or it was not setup correctly (e.g. by not using mdadm --build ...), or a wrong device is tried to be mounted, or the partition table is corrupt (partition is smaller than NTFS), or the NTFS boot sector is corrupt (NTFS size is not valid). 3[%s] %s 3[%s] $MFT LCN (%lld) or $MFTMirr LCN (%lld) is greater than the number of clusters (%lld). 3[%s] cluster_size (%d) is not a power of 2. 3[%s] mft_record_size (%d) is not a power of 2. (runlist end) 3[%s] unmapped source runlist 3[%s] Run lists overlap. Cannot merge 3[%s] srl: 3[%s] NTFS-fs DEBUG: Dumping runlist (values in hex): 3[%s] VCN LCN Run length 3[%s] %-16lld %s %-16lld%s 3[%s] %-16lld %-16lld %-16lld%s 3[%s] drl: 3[%s] Merge failed 3[%s] libntfs: Critical error fs/antfs/libntfs-3g/runlist.c 3[%s] Cannot extend unmapped runlist 3[%s] attr: %p; non_resident: %d; %lld 3[%s] Corrupt attribute. vcn = 0x%llx, num_clusters = 0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to read runlist [vol: %p rl: %p pos: %lld count: %lld] 3[%s] Failed to write runlist [vol: %p rl: %p pos: %lld count: %lld] 3[%s] start_vcn %lld (should be >= 0) 3[%s] rl_truncate error: arl: %p 3[%s] rl_truncate error: arl: %p *arl: %p 3[%s] Start_vcn lies outside front of runlist 3[%s] bad runlist LCN_HOLE LCN_RL_NOT_MAPPED LCN_ENOENT LCN_EINVAL LCN_unknown 3[%s] This is a read-only device! 3[%s] Couldn't fetch buffer_head! 3[%s] Couldn't aquire buffer for block %llu 3[%s] Device %s is not open 3[%s] Failed to synchronize device %s 3[%s] Size of bdev %s is 0?? 3[%s] Failed to sync device %s 3[%s] Bit out of range 3[%s] Could not decode the type of inode %lld 3[%s] ntfs_malloc failed 3[%s] Failed to add STANDARD_INFORMATION attribute. 3[%s] Failed to add INDEX_ROOT attribute. 3[%s] Failed to add DATA attribute. 3[%s] Failed to add FILE_NAME attribute: %d 3[%s] Failed to add entry to the index: %d [%s] Failed to free MFT record. Leaving inconsistent metadata. Run chkdsk: %d 3[%s] Failed to free MFT record. Leaving inconsistent metadata. Run chkdsk: %d 3[%s] %d 3[%s] Index root attribute missing in directory inode %lld 3[%s] Index block size %u is invalid. 3[%s] Index entry out of bounds in inode %lld 3[%s] Zero length index entry in inode %lld 3[%s] Failed to open index allocation (inode %lld) 3[%s] Failed to read vcn 0x%llx 3[%s] Actual VCN (0x%llx) of index buffer is different from expected VCN (0x%llx). 3[%s] Index buffer (VCN 0x%llx) of directory inode 0x%llx has a size (%u) differing from the directory specified size (%u). 3[%s] Size of index buffer (VCN 0x%llx) of directory inode 0x%llx exceeds maximum size. 3[%s] Index entry out of bounds in directory inode %lld. 3[%s] Index entry with child node found in a leaf node in directory inode %lld. 3[%s] Negative child node vcn in directory inode 0x%llx. 3[%s] err: %d 3[%s] Out of memory. 3[%s] Failed to open index allocation attribute. Directory inode %lld is corrupt or bug 3[%s] No file name found in inode %lld 3[%s] File name attribute must be resident (inode %lld) 3[%s] Corrupt file name attribute in inode %lld. 3[%s] Parent directory not found 3[%s] Failed to open index bitmap attribute 3[%s] Current index position exceeds index bitmap size. 3[%s] Failed to read from index bitmap attribute 3[%s] Failed to read index block 3[%s] Actual VCN (0x%llx) of index buffer is different from expected VCN (0x%llx) in inode 0x%llx. 3[%s] Index buffer (VCN 0x%llx) of directory inode %lld has a size (%u) differing from the directory specified size (%u). 3[%s] Size of index buffer (VCN 0x%llx) of directory inode %lld exceeds maximum size. 3[%s] Invalid argument (%p, %d) 3[%s] Could not unlink inode: %d 3[%s] mrec->link_count = %d 3[%s] Failed to decompress runlist. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Failed to free clusters. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Attribute enumeration failed. Probably leaving inconsistent metadata. [%s] Failed to free base MFT record. Leaving inconsistent metadata 3[%s] Failed to free base MFT record. Leaving inconsistent metadata 3[%s] Error freeing inode: %d 3[%s] ntfs_link wrong arguments 3[%s] Failed to add filename to the index 3[%s] Failed to add FILE_NAME attribute. [%s] Rollback failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Rollback failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] data1_len or data2_len not valid 3[%s] data1_len or/and data2_len not equal to 4. 3[%s] data1_len or/and data2_len not equal to 8. 3[%s] Reading LCN bitmap failed: %d 3[%s] Failed to read the LCN bitmapwhile deleting! -> rewinding: %d [%s] Too many free clusters (%lld > %lld)! 3[%s] Too many free clusters (%lld > %lld)! [%s] Rewind: Reading LCN bitmap failed: %d 3[%s] Rewind: Reading LCN bitmap failed: %d [%s] Failed to read the bitmap while rewinding! %d 3[%s] Failed to read the bitmap while rewinding! %d 3[%s] Cluster deallocation failed (%lld, %lld) 3[%s] EINVAL: vcn: %lld, count: %lld, lcn: %lld 3[%s] Non-positive free clusters (%lld)! 3[%s] No clusters found but still remember %lld free clusters?! Counted lcnbmp again and got %lld free clusters. done_zones=0x%x; full_zones=0x%x; pass=%d; search_zone=%d; lcn=0x%llx; zone_start=0x%llx; zone_end=0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to allocate %d clusters. err: %d 3[%s] Could not find run: %d 3[%s] Unexpected lcn (%lld) 3[%s] Invalid lcn (%lli) 3[%s] Clearing bitmap run failed 3[%s] Count still not zero(%lld) $ObjId 3[%s] Failed to write index block %lld, inode %llu 3[%s] Failed to lookup $INDEX_ROOT 3[%s] Non-resident $INDEX_ROOT detected 3[%s] Failed to truncate INDEX_ROOT: %d 3[%s] Failed to open $BITMAP attribute 3[%s] Failed to truncate AT_BITMAP 3[%s] Failed to read $BITMAP 3[%s] Failed to write $Bitmap 3[%s] Index is over %d level deep 3[%s] Corrupt index pointer (%d) 3[%s] Failed to read full index block at %lld 3[%s] Corrupt index block signature: vcn %lld inode %llu 3[%s] Corrupt index block: VCN (%lld) is different from expected VCN (%lld) in inode %llu 3[%s] Corrupt index block : VCN (%lld) of inode %llu has a size (%u) differing from the index specified size (%u) 3[%s] Failed to open index allocation of inode %llu: %d 3[%s] Failed to add AT_BITMAP 3[%s] Failed to add AT_INDEX_ALLOCATION 3[%s] Failed to move index root to index block 3[%s] Failed to resize resident attr: Rollback. 3[%s] Failed to nodify INDEX_ROOT: %d 3[%s] Failed to allocate index context! OOM 3[%s] Index entry out of bounds in inode %llu. 3[%s] Collation function not defined 3[%s] Collation error. Perhaps a filename contains invalid characters? 3[%s] Negative vcn in inode %llu 3[%s] ntfs_io_dup failed 3[%s] ntfs_ie_add_vcn failed: %d 3[%s] copy_tail failed 3[%s] ntfs_ib_read failed: %d 3[%s] ntfs_ih_insert failed: %d 3[%s] ntfs_ib_write failed: %d 3[%s] key: %p key_len: %d 3[%s] Index block size (%d) is smaller than the sector size (%d) 3[%s] Unknown collation rule 0x%x 3[%s] Index entry with child node found in a leaf node in inode 0x%llx. 3[%s] Index already have such entry 3[%s] Failed to find place for new entry 3[%s] oom 3[%s] Empty index block 3[%s] Delete failed (%d) 3[%s] Failed to open $ATTRIBUTE_LIST attribute. 3[%s] $ATTRIBUTE_LIST resize failed: %d 3[%s] Failed to open $ATTRIBUTE_LIST attribute: %d 3[%s] mrec NULL! 3[%s] Failed to zero space 3[%s] Invalid argument 3[%s] Corrupt inode (%lld) 3[%s] Non-zero (%04x) attribute flags. Cannot handle this yet. 3[%s] Error reading attribute value 3[%s] ntfs_ucstombs 3[%s] Attribute list wasn't found 3[%s] Found stale mft reference in attribute list! 3[%s] Inode is corrupt (%lld) 3[%s] NULL arguments 3[%s] Wrong attribute name! 3[%s] Failed to get search context 3[%s] Failed to lookup attribute 0x%x from ni(%lld) 3[%s] could not conver ucs to mbs 3[%s] Inode %lld has corrupt attribute flags (0x%x <> 0x%x) 3[%s] Compressed inode %lld attr 0x%x has no compression unit 3[%s] Exit with err=%d (changed to -EIO) 3[%s] First extent of inode %llu attribute has non-zero lowest_vcn 3[%s] Inode %llu has corrupt attribute list 3[%s] Couldn't find attribute for runlist mapping 3[%s] Failed to load full runlist: inode: %llu highest_vcn: 0x%llx last_vcn: 0x%llx 3[%s] na=%p b=%p pos=%lld count=%lld 3[%s] uninitialized encrypted file not supported 3[%s] Sanity check failed 3[%s] Failed to find VCN#2 3[%s] Zero run length 3[%s] ntfs_pread failed 3[%s] Trying to read attr of unlocked USR inode %lld (ni=%p); type: 0x%02x; 3[%s] na->rl err: %d 3[%s] Corrupt attribute list 3[%s] rl error: %d 3[%s] End of runlist not reached 3[%s] Failed to find run after mapping runlist. Please report to %s. 3[%s] Cannot allocate %lld clusters within a hole of %lld 3[%s] Failed to merge runlists 3[%s] Failed to free hot clusters. Please run chkdsk /f 3[%s] Failed to find run after hole instantiation. Please report to %s. 3[%s] BUG! LCN is lesser than 0. Please report to the %s. 3[%s] type=0x%02x 3[%s] ntfs_attr_find_in_attrdef failed: %d 3[%s] size=%lld 3[%s] Too large attrlist (%lld) 3[%s] Attr type 0x%02x size check failed (min,size,max=%lld,%lld,%lld) 3[%s] pos=%p m=%p 3[%s] EINVAL: attribute terminator? 3[%s] Attribute can't be resident. 3[%s] ntfs_attr_can_be_resident failed. 3[%s] Failed to make room for attribute. 3[%s] Failed add attribute entry to ATTRIBUTE_LIST. 3[%s] Attribute can't be non resident 3[%s] ntfs_attr_can_be_non_resident failed 3[%s] Attribute 0x%x already present 3[%s] ntfs_attr_find failed 3[%s] Failed to make room for attribute 3[%s] Failed add attr entry to attrlist 3[%s] attribute lookup failed [%s] Leaking clusters! Run chkdsk. couldn't free clusters from attribute list runlist. 3[%s] Leaking clusters! Run chkdsk. couldn't free clusters from attribute list runlist. 3[%s] Invalid arguments passed. [%s] Failed to free cluster allocation. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Failed to free cluster allocation. Leaving inconsistent metadata. [%s] Failed to remove attribute extent. Leaving inconsistent metadata 3[%s] Failed to remove attribute extent. Leaving inconsistent metadata [%s] Attribute lookup failed. Probably leaving inconsistent metadata 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed. Probably leaving inconsistent metadata 3[%s] ctx=%p ctx->attr=%p extra=%d 3[%s] Inode %llu has no attrlist 3[%s] Couldn't attach extents, inode=%llu 3[%s] Couldn't allocate MFT record 3[%s] Couldn't move attribute to MFT record 3[%s] Failed to move attribute 3[%s] Mapping pairs space is 0 3[%s] na=%p; na->rl=%p 3[%s] resident attribute 3[%s] Could not check whether sparse 3[%s] Could not map whole for sparse change 3[%s] Bad runlist 3[%s] get MP size failed 3[%s] Attribute list is too big. Defragment the volume 3[%s] Can not add attrlist 3[%s] Failed to resize attribute 3[%s] Failed to build mapping pairs 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed 3[%s] Failed to update sizes in base extent 3[%s] Could not remove unused attr 3[%s] Attr lookup failed 3[%s] get mp size failed 3[%s] Could not add attribute extent 3[%s] Failed to build MP 3[%s] bounds check failed 3[%s] failed to map partial runlist 3[%s] Cluster allocation failed (%lld clusters, err=%d) 3[%s] Run list merge failed 3[%s] Mapping pairs update failed 3[%s] Lookup of first attribute extent failed 3[%s] Leaking clusters 3[%s] Couldn't truncate runlist. Rollback failed 3[%s] Failed to restore old mapping pairs 3[%s] Bad ntfs_attr_pclose recursion on inode %lld 3[%s] Failed to find VCN #5 3[%s] Failed to find VCN#6 3[%s] Unexpected LCN (%lld) 3[%s] Eeek! Trying to make non-resident attribute non-resident. Aborting... [%s] Eeek! Failed to build mapping pairs. Leaving corrupt attribute record on disk. In memory runlist is still intact! Error code is %i. FIXME: Need to rollback instead! 3[%s] Eeek! Failed to build mapping pairs. Leaving corrupt attribute record on disk. In memory runlist is still intact! Error code is %i. FIXME: Need to rollback instead! [%s] Eeek! Failed to release allocated clusters in error code path. Leaving inconsistent metadata... 3[%s] Eeek! Failed to release allocated clusters in error code path. Leaving inconsistent metadata... 3[%s] ntfs_attr_lookup failed 3[%s] Cannot change size when forcing non-resident 3[%s] Failed to make attribute non-resident 3[%s] Couldn't open attribute 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed 1 3[%s] Could not add attribute list: %d 3[%s] Could not free space in MFT record: %d 3[%s] Attribute lookup failed 2 3[%s] Couldn't allocate new MFT record: %d 3[%s] Couldn't move attribute to new MFT record: %d 3[%s] Failed to truncate compressed attribute 3[%s] Eeek! Size bounds check failed. Aborting... 3[%s] Eeek! ntfs_attr_map_whole_runlist failed. [%s] Eeek! Freeing of clusters failed. Aborting... 3[%s] Eeek! Freeing of clusters failed. Aborting... 3[%s] Eeek! Run list truncation failed. [%s] Eeek! Mapping pairs update failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. Run chkdsk 3[%s] Eeek! Mapping pairs update failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. Run chkdsk [%s] Eeek! Lookup of first attribute extent failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Eeek! Lookup of first attribute extent failed. Leaving inconsistent metadata. 3[%s] Cannot write encrypted+compressed. 3[%s] Failed to stuff a compressed file target %lld reached %lld 3[%s] Cannot write compressed NOT data attrib or unsupported compression method. 3[%s] Failed to enlarge attribute 3[%s] lookup failed 3[%s] failed to write mft record 3[%s] Failed to find VCN #3 3[%s] Mapped run not found, inode %lld lcn 0x%llx 3[%s] No elements to borrow from a hole 3[%s] Failed to find VCN#4 [%s] Eeek! Failed to recover from error. Leaving metadata in inconsistent state! Run chkdsk! 3[%s] Eeek! Failed to recover from error. Leaving metadata in inconsistent state! Run chkdsk! 3[%s] Failed to restore data_size 3[%s] Trying to write out attr of unlocked USR inode %lld (ni=%p); type: 0x%02x 3[%s] #1 3[%s] written=%lld 3[%s] ni=%p size=%lld 3[%s] size_bounds_check: %d 3[%s] val is mandatory for always resident attributes 3[%s] Attribute is too big 3[%s] ntfs_attr_can_be_resident failed 3[%s] Failed to attach all extents to inode 3[%s] Failed to add attribute list 3[%s] Failed to allocate extent record 3[%s] Failed to add resident attribute 3[%s] Failed to add non resident attribute 3[%s] Failed to open just added attribute 3[%s] truncate failed 3[%s] Failed to initialize just added attribute 3[%s] Failed to remove just added attribute [%s] Failed to remove just added attribute #2 3[%s] Failed to remove just added attribute #2 3[%s] Merging runlist failed: %d 3[%s] Cluster free failed. rl in RAM damaged. [%s] Leaking clusters. 3[%s] Leaking clusters. 3[%s] Couldn't truncate runlist. Have to re-build it. [%s] Failed to restore old mapping pairs 3[%s] Failed to restore old mapping pairs 3[%s] ntfs_attr_open failed, inode %lld attr 0x%lx 3[%s] ntfs_attr_pread failed 3[%s] no search_ctx 3[%s] NULL inode pointer 3[%s] Failed to open attribute 0x%02x of inode 0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to remove attribute 0x%02x of inode 0x%llx 3[%s] invalid na 3[%s] Cannot count bits in compressed or resident attributes. 3[%s] Invalid lcn @run %d: %d 3[%s] sb_bread failed for sect %lld; run %d, lcn %lld 3[%s] Failed to malloc %lld bytes 3[%s] Cannot vmrealloc $Reparse 3[%s] $LogFile uses unsupported page size. 3[%s] Found restart area in incorrect position in $LogFile. 3[%s] $LogFile version %i.%i is not supported. (This driver supports version 1.1 and 2.0 only.) 3[%s] $LogFile restart page specifies inconsistent update sequence array count. 3[%s] $LogFile restart page specifies inconsistent update sequence array offset. 3[%s] $LogFile restart page specifies inconsistent restart area offset. 3[%s] $LogFile restart page is not modified by chkdsk but a chkdsk LSN is specified. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies inconsistent file offset. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies inconsistent client array offset. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area is out of bounds of the system page size specified by the restart page header and/or the specified restart area length is inconsistent. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies overflowing client free and/or in use lists. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies inconsistent sequence number bits. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies inconsistent log record header length. 3[%s] $LogFile restart area specifies inconsistent log page data offset. 3[%s] Failed to read whole restart page into the buffer. 3[%s] Multi sector transfer error detected in $LogFile restart page. 3[%s] $LogFile log client array is corrupt. 3[%s] $LogFile is too small. 3[%s] Failed to read first NTFS_BLOCK_SIZE bytes of potential restart page. 3[%s] BUG: rstr2_ph isn't NULL! 3[%s] Did not find any restart pages in $LogFile and it was not empty. 3[%s] Restart page header is NULL 3[%s] Restart page buffer is invalid 3[%s] The disk contains an unclean file system (%d, %d). 3[%s] Resident $LogFile $DATA attribute 3[%s] Failed to reset $LogFile Runs not adjacent Invalid hole Adjacent holes 3[%s] %s at %s index %ld inode %lld 3[%s] Failed to decompress file 3[%s] error writing compressed data 3[%s] Bad end of a compression block set 3[%s] No cluster to free after compression 3[%s] Failed to read an uncompressed cluster, inode %lld offs 0x%llx 3[%s] Failed to read a compressed cluster, inode %lld offs 0x%llx begin compressed write 3[%s] Bad update vcn or compressed_part %d for compressed write 3[%s] No unused runs for compressed write 3[%s] jump back over a hole when appending 3[%s] writing on unallocated clusters end compressed write 3[%s] No unused runs for compressed close 3[%s] Bad update vcn for compressed close 3[%s] jump back over a hole when closing end compressed close 3[%s] magic: 0x%08lx size: %ld usa_ofs: %d usa_count: %u 3[%s] Incomplete multi-sector transfer: magic: 0x%08x size: %d usa_ofs: %d usa_count: %d/%d data: %d usn: %d 3[%s] bad argument 3[%s] Not a valid record. 2UBIFS assert failed in %s at %u (pid %d) UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): no clean znodes, kick a thread UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): not enough old znodes, try to free young ones UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): not enough young znodes, free all UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): freed nothing, but contention UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): %d znodes were freed, requested %d ubifs fs/ubifs/shrinker.c UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): no free space in jhead %s, run GC UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): GC couldn't make a free LEB for jhead %s UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): retry (%d) UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): return -ENOSPC UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): got LEB %d for jhead %s UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): return LEB %d back, already have LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): no space, retry 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: stuck in space allocation 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot reserve %d bytes in jhead %d, error %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: too many space allocation re-tries (%d) UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): -EAGAIN, commit and retry (retried %d times) fs/ubifs/journal.c UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): jhead %s, LEB %d:%d, len %d UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): ino %lu, dent '%.*s', data len %d in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): ino %lu, blk %u, len %d, key %s UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): ino %lu, nlink %u UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): dent '%.*s' in dir ino %lu to dent '%.*s' in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): ino %lu, size %lld -> %lld UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): last block key %s UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): host %lu, xattr ino %lu, name '%s', data len %d UBIFS DBG jnl (pid %d): ino %lu, ino %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot write page %lu of inode %lu, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, mode %#x, ia_valid %#x UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, size %lld -> %lld UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): size %lld -> %lld UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): syncing inode %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, pg %lu, i_size %lld, flags %#lx 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad data node (block %u, inode %lu) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): hole 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot read page %lu of inode %lu, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, pos %llu, pg %lu, len %u, copied %d, i_size %lld UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): copied %d instead of %d, read page and repeat UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, pg %lu, pg flags %#lx UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, pos %llu, len %u, i_size %lld UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu, pg %lu, i_size %lld 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: out of space for mmapped file (inode number %lu) 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: ignoring error %d and skipping bulk-read fs/ubifs/file.c UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%.*s' from ino %lu (nlink %d) in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%.*s' to ino %lu (nlink %d) in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dir ino %lu, f_pos %#llx UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): feed '%s', ino %llu, new f_pos %#x fs/ubifs/dir.c 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot find next direntry, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): directory '%.*s', ino %lu in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): '%.*s' in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): not found 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: dead directory entry '%.*s', error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%.*s' ino %lu in dir ino %lu to dent '%.*s' in dir ino %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: out of inode numbers 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: running out of inode numbers (current %lu, max %d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%.*s' in dir ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%.*s', mode %#hx in dir ino %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot create directory, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dent '%.*s', target '%s' in dir ino %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot create regular file, error %d ,fast_unmount ,norm_unmount ,bulk_read ,no_bulk_read ,chk_data_crc ,no_chk_data_crc ,compr=%s 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: orphan list not empty at unmount UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): free space %lld bytes (%lld blocks) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): inode %lu, mode %#x 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: can't delete inode %lu, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): inode %lu, mode %#x, nlink %u 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: can't write inode %lu, error %d &ui->ui_mutex UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): un-mounting UBI device %d, volume %d 5UBIFS: un-mount UBI device %d, volume %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: failed to write master node, error %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: cannot allocate %d bytes of memory for bulk-read, disabling it UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): inode %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unknown compressor "%s" 5UBIFS: parse %s 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unrecognized mount option "%s" or missing value 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: insufficient free space to mount in R/W mode UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): old flags %#lx, new flags %#x 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: invalid or unknown remount parameter 5UBIFS: cannot re-mount R/W due to prior errors 5UBIFS: cannot re-mount R/W - UBI volume is R/O 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: the file-system is not R/W-compatible 5UBIFS: on-flash format version is w%d/r%d, but software only supports up to version w%d/r%d 5UBIFS: completing deferred recovery 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot spawn "%s", error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): re-mounted read-write 5UBIFS: deferred recovery completed 5UBIFS: cannot re-mount R/O due to prior errors UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): disable bulk-read ubifs_inode_slab 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot register file system, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: no LEB for GC UBI volume , R/O mode , big LPT model , small LPT model 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: UBI volume is corrupted - read-only mode 5UBIFS: read-only UBI device 5UBIFS: static UBI volume - read-only mode 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: too small LEBs (%d bytes), min. is %d bytes 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: too few LEBs (%d), min. is %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad write buffer size %d for %d min. I/O unit 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: can't format empty UBI volume: read-only %s 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot mount read-write - read-only media 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: 'compressor "%s" is not compiled in 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: too small LEB size %d, at least %d needed 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: too small log %d LEBs, required min. %d LEBs ubifs_bgt%d_%d 5UBIFS: recovery needed 5UBIFS: recovery deferred 5UBIFS: recovery completed 5UBIFS: mounted UBI device %d, volume %d, name "%s"%s 5UBIFS: LEB size: %d bytes (%d KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: %d bytes/%d bytes 5UBIFS: FS size: %lld bytes (%lld MiB, %d LEBs), journal size %lld bytes (%lld MiB, %d LEBs) 5UBIFS: reserved for root: %llu bytes (%llu KiB) 5UBIFS: media format: w%d/r%d (latest is w%d/r%d), UUID %pUB%s UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): default compressor: %s UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): data journal heads: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): log LEBs: %d (%d - %d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): LPT area LEBs: %d (%d - %d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): orphan area LEBs: %d (%d - %d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): main area LEBs: %d (%d - %d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): index LEBs: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): total index bytes: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): key hash type: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): tree fanout: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): reserved GC LEB: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): max. znode size %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): max. index node size %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): node sizes: data %zu, inode %zu, dentry %zu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): node sizes: trun %zu, sb %zu, master %zu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): node sizes: ref %zu, cmt. start %zu, orph %zu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): max. node sizes: data %zu, inode %zu dentry %zu, idx %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dead watermark: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): dark watermark: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): LEB overhead: %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): max. dark space: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): maximum bud bytes: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): BG commit bud bytes: %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): current bud bytes %lld (%lld KiB, %lld MiB) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): max. seq. number: %llu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): commit number: %llu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad min. I/O size %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: inode is too large (%lld) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unknown compression type %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: inode %lu uses '%s' compression, but it was not compiled in 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: inode %lu validation failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: failed to read inode %lu, error %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): name %s, flags %#x 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot open "%s", error %d &c->commit_sem &c->lp_mutex &c->tnc_mutex &c->log_mutex &c->umount_mutex &c->bu_mutex &c->write_reserve_mutex &c->cmt_wq UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): opened ubi%d_%d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): this ubi volume is already mounted ubifs_%d_%d fs/ubifs/super.c fast_unmount norm_unmount no_bulk_read no_chk_data_crc compr=%s UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): LEB Properties Tree created (LEBs %d-%d) UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): default superblock created at LEB 0:0 UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): default master node created at LEB %d:0 UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): default root indexing node created LEB %d:0 UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): root inode created at LEB %d:0 5UBIFS: default file-system created UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): unmap empty LEB %d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): fixup LEB %d, data len %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: on-flash format version is w%d/r%d, but software only supports up to version w%d/r%d 5UBIFS: only R/O mounting is possible 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: on-flash format version %d is not supported 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unsupported key format UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): Auto resizing (ro) from %d LEBs to %d LEBs UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): Auto resizing (sb) from %d LEBs to %d LEBs 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad LEB count: %d in superblock, %d on UBI volume, %d minimum required 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: max. LEB count %d less than LEB count %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: too small journal (%lld bytes), must be at least %lld bytes 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: too large journal size (%lld bytes), only %lld bytes available in the main area 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad superblock, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: min. I/O unit mismatch: %d in superblock, %d real 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LEB size mismatch: %d in superblock, %d real 5UBIFS: start fixing up free space 5UBIFS: free space fixup complete fs/ubifs/sb.c UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): jhead %s 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: switched to read-only mode, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: sequence number overflow %llu, end of life 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: running out of sequence numbers, end of life soon 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: reading %d bytes from LEB %d:%d failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: writing %d bytes to LEB %d:%d failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: changing %d bytes in LEB %d failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unmap LEB %d failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: mapping LEB %d failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: ubi_is_mapped failed for LEB %d, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad magic %#08x, expected %#08x 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad node type %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad CRC: calculated %#08x, read %#08x 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad node length %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad node at LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, %d bytes, jhead %s UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, jhead %s UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): synchronize 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot sync write-buffer, error %d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): %d bytes (%s) to jhead %s wbuf at LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): flush jhead %s wbuf to LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): write %d bytes to LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): set timer for jhead %s, %llu-%llu millisecs 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot write %d bytes to LEB %d:%d, error %d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d (aligned %d) UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad node type (%d but expected %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: expected node type %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad node length %d, expected %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad node at LEB %d:%d, LEB mapping status %d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d, jhead %s &wbuf->io_mutex fs/ubifs/io.c 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: old idx added twice! UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, key %s 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot read node type %d from LEB %d:%d, error %d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): dangling branch LEB %d:%d len %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): looked for key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): found node's key %s 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad key in node at LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): dangling match LEB %d:%d len %d key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): inserted at %d level %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): splitting level %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): moving %d, keeping %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): inserting at %d level %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): creating new zroot at level %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): search and dirty key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): found %d, lvl %d, n %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): found 0, lvl %d, n -1 UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): found 1, lvl %d, n %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): deleting key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): search key %s 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: buffer too small %d vs %d UBIFS DBG io (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, length %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: failed to read from LEB %d:%d, error %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): name '%.*s' key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): rc returned %d, znode %p, n %d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): %d:%d, len %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): old LEB %d:%d, new LEB %d:%d, len %d, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): rc returned %d, znode %p, n %d, LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): %.*s, key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, name '%.*s', key %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): removing key %s (lowest) UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): %s %s UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): ino %lu UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): xent '%s', ino %lu fs/ubifs/tnc.c 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: inode %lu has size %lld, but there are data at offset %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unexpected node type %d master LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad leb_cnt on master node UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): Auto resizing (master) from %d LEBs to %d LEBs 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad master node at offset %d error %d fs/ubifs/master.c UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): hit empty space at LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): not a node UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): %d padding bytes UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): scanning %s at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad pad node at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad padding length %d - %d UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): %d bytes padded at LEB %d:%d, offset now %d UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): scan LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot read %d bytes from LEB %d:%d, error %d UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): stop scanning LEB %d at offset %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: corruption at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: first %d bytes from LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG scan (pid %d): look at LEB %d:%d (%d bytes left) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: garbage 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad node 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unknown 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: empty space starts at non-aligned offset %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: corrupt empty space at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LEB %d scanning failed 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LEB %d scanning failed, error %d fs/ubifs/scan.c UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): add LEB %d:%d, key %s extended attribute entry 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad %s node 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad key type %d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): replay bud LEB %d, head %d, offs %d, is_last %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: file system's life ended 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad truncation node 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unexpected node type %d in bud LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): bud LEB %d replied: dirty %d, free %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad node is at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad index head LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): start replaying the journal UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): replay log LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: first log node at LEB %d:%d is not CS node UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): commit start sqnum %llu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: first node is not at zero offset 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad sqnum %llu, commit sqnum %llu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bud at LEB %d:%d was already referred UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): add replay bud LEB %d:%d, head %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unexpected node in log 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: log error detected while replaying the log at LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): LEB %d:%d len %d deletion %d sqnum %llu key %s UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): bud LEB %d was GC'd (%d free, %d dirty) UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): bud LEB %d was GC'd (%d free, %d dirty) UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): LEB %d lp: %d free %d dirty replay: %d free %d dirty UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): finished, log head LEB %d:%d, max_sqnum %llu, highest_inum %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: first CS node at LEB %d:%d has wrong commit number %llu expected %llu fs/ubifs/replay.c 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad bud_bytes %lld, calculated %lld UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, jhead %s, bud_bytes %lld UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): not enough log space - %lld, required %d UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): bud bytes %lld (%lld max), require commit UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): bud bytes %lld (%lld max), initiate BG commit UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): write ref LEB %d:%d UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): add ref to LEB %d:%d for jhead %s UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): writing commit start at LEB %d:0, len %d UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): preserve %d:%d, jhead %s, bud bytes %d, cmt_bud_bytes %lld UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): remove %d:%d, jhead %s, bud bytes %d, cmt_bud_bytes %lld UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): old tail was LEB %d:0, new tail is LEB %d:0 UBIFS DBG log (pid %d): unmap log LEB %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): log tail LEB %d, log head LEB %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: log is too full UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): new log head at %d:%d fs/ubifs/log.c UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): pid %d goes sleep UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): commit finished, pid %d woke up UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): old: %s, new: %s UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): commit required now UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): commit not requested 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: dumping index node (iip=%d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: dumping parent index node 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: failed, error %d UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): start UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): commit end 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: commit failed, error %d 5UBIFS: background thread "%s" started, PID %d 5UBIFS: background thread "%s" stops fs/ubifs/commit.c UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): switch GC head from LEB %d:%d to LEB %d (waste %d bytes) UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d is free, return it UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): indexing LEB %d (free %d, dirty %d) UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): data LEB %d (free %d, dirty %d) 2commit lock is not locked! UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): soft limit, some index LEBs GC'ed, -EAGAIN UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): hard limit, -ENOSPC UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): no more dirty LEBs UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): found LEB %d: free %d, dirty %d, sum %d (min. space %d) UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d freed, return UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): indexing LEB %d freed, continue UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d retained, freed %d bytes UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): did not make progress UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): try again UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): set min. space to %d UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): no space, some index LEBs GC'ed, -EAGAIN UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d fs/ubifs/gc.c UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): there is space for %d orphans and there are %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: out of space in orphan area 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: found orphan node ino %lu, type %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: node read failed, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: missing orphan, ino %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: orphaned twice UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): deleted twice ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): delete later ino %lu UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): inum %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: missing orphan ino %lu UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): %d orphans to commit UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): deleting orphan ino %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: out of memory 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot allocate memory to check orphans 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot scan TNC, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: %lu missing orphan(s) UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): last inode number is %lu UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): total number of inodes is %lu UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): total number of leaf nodes is %llu UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): no orphans UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): LEB %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: invalid node type %d in orphan area at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: out of order commit number %llu in orphan node at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): out of date LEB %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): deleting orphaned inode %lu UBIFS DBG mnt (pid %d): ino %lu, new %d, tot %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): last orph node for commit %llu at %d:%d fs/ubifs/orphan.c UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): no space UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): out of indexing space: min_idx_lebs %d (old %d), rsvd_idx_lebs %d UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): out of data space: available %lld, outstanding %lld UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): no space for fast budgeting UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): liability %lld, run write-back UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): new liability %lld (not shrunk) UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): Run GC UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): GC freed LEB %d UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): Run commit (retries %d) UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): try again UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): -ENOSPC, but anyway try once again UBIFS DBG budg (pid %d): FS is full, -ENOSPC 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot budget space, error %d fs/ubifs/budget.c UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): scanning LPT for a dirty LEB UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): found LEB %d, free %d, dirty %d, flags %#x UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): min_space %d UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): found LEB %d, free %d UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): found %d dirty index LEBs UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): dirtiest index LEB is %d with dirty %d and free %d UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): LEB %d, dirty %d and free %d flags %#x UBIFS DBG find (pid %d): found dirty LEB %d, free %d, dirty %d, flags %#x fs/ubifs/find.c UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): LEB %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad ref in znode UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d:%d to %d len %d nodes written %d wasted bytes %d UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): %d znodes to write UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): LEB %d wrote %d index nodes UBIFS DBG gc (pid %d): %d znodes remaining, need %d LEBs, have %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: out of space UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): no znodes to commit UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): committing %d znodes UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): need about %d empty LEBS for TNC commit 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: out of space UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): number of index LEBs %d UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): size of index %llu UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: inconsistent znode posn 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: inconsistent ihead UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): TNC height is %d fs/ubifs/tnc_commit.c 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot initialize compressor %s, error %ld 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: cannot compress %d bytes, compressor %s, error %d, leave data uncompressed 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: invalid compression type %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: %s compression is not compiled in 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot decompress %d bytes, compressor %s, error %d deflate UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LEB %d free %d dirty %d to %d %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LEB %d add %d to %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: too few LPT LEBs 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LPT ltab too big 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: invalid crc in LPT node: crc %hx calc %hx 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: invalid type (%d) in LPT node type %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): space_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lpt_lnum_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lpt_offs_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lpt_spc_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): pcnt_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lnum_bits %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): pnode_sz %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): nnode_sz %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): ltab_sz %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lsave_sz %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lsave_cnt %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): lpt_hght %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): big_lpt %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LPT root is at %d:%d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LPT head is at %d:%d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LPT ltab is at %d:%d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LPT lsave is at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: error %d reading pnode at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: calc num: %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: error %d reading nnode at %d:%d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LEB %d, free %d, dirty %d, flags %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: nnode num %d expected %d parent num %d iip %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: pnode num %d expected %d parent num %d iip %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad LEB number %d expected %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LEB %d taken but not uncat %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LEB %d index but cat %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LEB %d not index but cat %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LEB %d cat %d free %d dirty %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LEB %d cat %d not found in cat heap/list fs/ubifs/lpt.c 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad LEB category %d expected %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad LPT heap (category %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: indexing node in data LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad calculated accounting for LEB %d: free %d, dirty %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: indexing node without indexing flag 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: data node with indexing flag 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad accounting of LEB %d: free %d, dirty %d flags %#x, should be free %d, dirty %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad LPT list (category %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot read properties of LEB %d, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: non-empty LEB %d on empty list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: taken LEB %d on empty list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: non-freeable LEB %d on freeable list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: taken LEB %d on freeable list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: freeable list count %d expected %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: idx_gc list count %d expected %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: non-freeable LEB %d on frdi_idx list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: taken LEB %d on frdi_idx list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: non-index LEB %d on frdi_idx list (free %d dirty %d flags %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: null ptr in LPT heap cat %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad ptr in LPT heap cat %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: taken LEB in LPT heap cat %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: lprops %zx lp %zx lprops->lnum %d lp->lnum %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: failed cat %d hpos %d err %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot change properties of LEB %d, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot update properties of LEB %d, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad overall accounting 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: calculated: empty_lebs %d, idx_lebs %d, total_free %lld, total_dirty %lld, total_used %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: read from lprops: empty_lebs %d, idx_lebs %d, total_free %lld, total_dirty %lld, total_used %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad dead/dark space accounting 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: calculated: total_dead %lld, total_dark %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: read from lprops: total_dead %lld, total_dark %lld fs/ubifs/lprops.c UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): found a master node at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): found corruption at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): recovery 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: could not find an empty LEB UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): found empty LEB %d, run commit UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): cleaning head at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): recovery recovery 5UBIFS: recovered master node from LEB %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: failed to recover master node 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: dumping first master node 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: dumping second master node UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): %d:%d, jhead %d, grouped %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): found corruption (%d) at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unexpected return value %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): unexpected bad common header at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): unexpected data at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: corrupt empty space LEB %d:%d, corruption starts at %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): dropping grouped node at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): dropping last node at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): cleaning corruption at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): need to fix LEB %d start %d endpt %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): fixing LEB %d start %d endpt %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: corruption %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: Not a valid node 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: Node a CS node, type is %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): commit start sqnum %llu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unrecoverable log corruption in LEB %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: CS node cmt_no %llu != current cmt_no %llu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: failed to get CS sqnum UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): checking index head at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): checking LPT head at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): LEB %d len %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unexpected empty space at %d:%d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): cleaned LEB %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): GC head LEB %d, offs %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): could not find a dirty LEB UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): committing UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): GC'ing LEB %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: GC failed, error %d UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): allocated LEB %d for GC UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): removing ino %lu UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): ino %lu size %lld -> %lld UBIFS DBG rcvry (pid %d): inode %lu at %d:%d size %lld -> %lld 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: inode %lu failed to fix size %lld -> %lld error %d fs/ubifs/recovery.c UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): get flags: %#x, i_flags %#x UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): set flags: %#x, i_flags %#x 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: can't modify inode %lu attributes fs/ubifs/ioctl.c UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LEB %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): LEB %d free %d dirty %d to %d +%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot allocate memory for ltab checking 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: invalid free space in LEB %d (free %d, expected %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: invalid dirty space in LEB %d (dirty %d, expected %d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: failed at LEB %d UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): succeeded 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: invalid empty space in LEB %d at %d 3(pid %d) start dumping all LPT LEBs 3(pid %d) finish dumping all LPT LEBs 3(pid %d) start dumping LEB %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot allocate memory to dump LPT 3LEB %d:%d, pad %d bytes 3LEB %d:%d, free %d bytes 3LEB %d:%d, pnode num %d 3LEB %d:%d, pnode 3LEB %d:%d, nnode num %d, 3LEB %d:%d, nnode, %d:%d 3LEB %d:%d, ltab 3LEB %d:%d, lsave len 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LPT node type %d not recognized 3(pid %d) finish dumping LEB %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LPT space error: free %lld lpt_sz %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: dirty pnodes %d exceed max %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: dirty nnodes %d exceed max %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LPT wrote %lld but space used was %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LPT wrote %lld but lpt_sz is %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LPT layout size %lld but wrote %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LPT new nhead offs: expected %d was %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LPT chk_lpt_sz %lld + waste %lld exceeds %lld UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): no cnodes to commit UBIFS DBG cmt (pid %d): committing %d cnodes UBIFS DBG lp (pid %d): committing %d cnodes 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LPT out of space at LEB %d:%d needing %d, done_ltab %d, done_lsave %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: LPT out of space mismatch at LEB %d:%d needing %d, done_ltab %d, done_lsave %d fs/ubifs/lpt_commit.c UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): LEB %d:%d, level %d, %d branch 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: current fanout %d, branch count %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: max levels %d, znode level %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad branch %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad key type at slot %d: %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad target node (type %d) length (%d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: have to be %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: have to be in range of %d-%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: keys %d and %d are not hashed but equivalent 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad indexing node at LEB %d:%d, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad key order (keys %d and %d) UBIFS DBG tnc (pid %d): but found node's key %s fs/ubifs/tnc_misc.c 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: dead extended attribute entry, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: corrupt extended attribute entry UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): xattr '%s', host ino %lu ('%.*s'), size %zd UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): xattr '%s', ino %lu ('%.*s'), buf size %zd 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: buffer size %zd, xattr len %d UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): ino %lu ('%.*s'), buffer size %zd UBIFS DBG gen (pid %d): xattr '%s', ino %lu ('%.*s') fs/ubifs/xattr.c 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing after %lums 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing after %lu calls 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing in super block LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing in master LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing in log LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing in LPT LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing in orphan LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing in index head LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing in GC head LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing in non-bud LEB %d 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing in bud LEB %d commit running 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: failing in bud LEB %d commit not running 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: ========== Power cut emulated ========== 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: too high inode number, max. is %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: inode %lu not found in index 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: error %d while looking up inode %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad node %lu node length %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot read inode node at LEB %d:%d, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: error %ld while adding inode %lu node (%lu, %s) (%lu, %s, %#08x) (%lu, %s, %u) truncate (bad key type: %#08x, %#08x) bad key format %d unknown node unknown commit state unknown journal head 3Dump in-memory inode: 3 inode %lu 3 size %llu 3 nlink %u 3 uid %u 3 gid %u 3 atime %u.%u 3 mtime %u.%u 3 ctime %u.%u 3 creat_sqnum %llu 3 xattr_size %u 3 xattr_cnt %u 3 xattr_names %u 3 dirty %u 3 xattr %u 3 bulk_read %u 3 synced_i_size %llu 3 ui_size %llu 3 flags %d 3 compr_type %d 3 last_page_read %lu 3 read_in_a_row %lu 3 data_len %d 3List of directory entries: 3error %ld 3 %d: %s (%s) unknown/invalid type test unknown/invalid name hash simple unknown/invalid format 3Not a node, first %zu bytes: 3 magic %#x 3 crc %#x 3 node_type %d (%s) 3 group_type %d (%s) 3 sqnum %llu 3 len %u 3 pad_len %u 3 key_hash %d (%s) 3 key_fmt %d (%s) 3 flags %#x 3 big_lpt %u 3 space_fixup %u 3 min_io_size %u 3 leb_size %u 3 leb_cnt %u 3 max_leb_cnt %u 3 max_bud_bytes %llu 3 log_lebs %u 3 lpt_lebs %u 3 orph_lebs %u 3 jhead_cnt %u 3 fanout %u 3 lsave_cnt %u 3 default_compr %u 3 rp_size %llu 3 rp_uid %u 3 rp_gid %u 3 fmt_version %u 3 time_gran %u 3 UUID %pUB 3 highest_inum %llu 3 commit number %llu 3 log_lnum %u 3 root_lnum %u 3 root_offs %u 3 root_len %u 3 gc_lnum %u 3 ihead_lnum %u 3 ihead_offs %u 3 index_size %llu 3 lpt_lnum %u 3 lpt_offs %u 3 nhead_lnum %u 3 nhead_offs %u 3 ltab_lnum %u 3 ltab_offs %u 3 lsave_lnum %u 3 lsave_offs %u 3 lscan_lnum %u 3 empty_lebs %u 3 idx_lebs %u 3 total_free %llu 3 total_dirty %llu 3 total_used %llu 3 total_dead %llu 3 total_dark %llu 3 lnum %u 3 offs %u 3 jhead %u 3 key %s 3 atime %lld.%u 3 mtime %lld.%u 3 ctime %lld.%u 3 mode %u 3 compr_type %#x 3 data len %u 3 inum %llu 3 type %d 3 nlen %d 3 name 3(bad name length, not printing, bad or corrupted node) 3 size %u 3 compr_typ %d 3 data size %d 3 data: 3 inum %u 3 old_size %llu 3 new_size %llu 3 child_cnt %d 3 level %d 3 Branches: 3 %d: LEB %d:%d len %d key %s 3 last node flag %llu 3 %d orphan inode numbers: 3 ino %llu 3node type %d was not recognized 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: 2 xent/dent nodes with the same name 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad order of colliding key %s 5UBIFS: first node at %d:%d 5UBIFS: second node at %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: 1st entry at %d:%d has key %s 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: but it should have key %s according to tnc 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: 2nd entry at %d:%d has key %s 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: bad leaf length %d (LEB %d:%d) 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot read leaf node at LEB %d:%d, error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: error %d while adding inode node 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: unexpected node type %d at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: too high sequence number, max. is %llu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: error %d while processing data node and trying to find inode node %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: data node at LEB %d:%d is not within inode size %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: error %d while processing entry node and trying to find inode node %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: error %d while processing entry node and trying to find parent inode node %lu 5UBIFS: dump of node at LEB %d:%d 3Budgeting request: new_ino %d, dirtied_ino %d 3 new_ino_d %d, dirtied_ino_d %d 3 new_page %d, dirtied_page %d 3 new_dent %d, mod_dent %d 3 idx_growth %d 3 data_growth %d dd_growth %d 3(pid %d) Lprops statistics: empty_lebs %d, idx_lebs %d 3 taken_empty_lebs %d, total_free %lld, total_dirty %lld 3 total_used %lld, total_dark %lld, total_dead %lld 3(pid %d) Budgeting info: data budget sum %lld, total budget sum %lld 3 budg_data_growth %lld, budg_dd_growth %lld, budg_idx_growth %lld 3 min_idx_lebs %d, old_idx_sz %llu, uncommitted_idx %lld 3 page_budget %d, inode_budget %d, dent_budget %d 3 nospace %u, nospace_rp %u 3 dark_wm %d, dead_wm %d, max_idx_node_sz %d 3 freeable_cnt %d, calc_idx_sz %lld, idx_gc_cnt %d 3 dirty_pg_cnt %ld, dirty_zn_cnt %ld, clean_zn_cnt %ld 3 gc_lnum %d, ihead_lnum %d 3 jhead %s LEB %d 3 bud LEB %d 3 old bud LEB %d 3 GC'ed idx LEB %d unmap %d 3 commit state %d 3Budgeting predictions: 3 available: %lld, outstanding %lld, free %lld freeable index dirty index 3LEB %-7d free %-8d dirty %-8d used %-8d free + dirty %-8d flags %#x ( 3LEB %-7d free %-8d dirty %-8d used %-8d free + dirty %-8d dark %-4d dead %-4d nodes fit %-3d flags %#-4x ( index, taken taken , jhead %s , bud of jhead %s , GC LEB 3(pid %d) start dumping LEB properties 3(pid %d) finish dumping LEB properties 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot read lprops for LEB %d 3(pid %d) dumping LPT information 3 lpt_sz: %lld 3 pnode_sz: %d 3 nnode_sz: %d 3 ltab_sz: %d 3 lsave_sz: %d 3 big_lpt: %d 3 lpt_hght: %d 3 pnode_cnt: %d 3 nnode_cnt: %d 3 dirty_pn_cnt: %d 3 dirty_nn_cnt: %d 3 lsave_cnt: %d 3 space_bits: %d 3 lpt_lnum_bits: %d 3 lpt_offs_bits: %d 3 lpt_spc_bits: %d 3 pcnt_bits: %d 3 lnum_bits: %d 3 LPT root is at %d:%d 3 LPT head is at %d:%d 3 LPT ltab is at %d:%d 3 LPT lsave is at %d:%d 3 LPT LEB %d free %d dirty %d tgc %d cmt %d 3(pid %d) start dumping scanned data from LEB %d:%d 3Dumping node at LEB %d:%d len %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot allocate memory for dumping LEB %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: scan error %d 3LEB %d has %d nodes ending at %d 3znode %p, LEB %d:%d len %d parent %p iip %d level %d child_cnt %d flags %lx 3zbranches: 3 %d: znode %p LEB %d:%d len %d key %s 3 %d: LNC %p LEB %d:%d len %d key %s 3(pid %d) start dumping heap cat %d (%d elements) 3(pid %d) finish dumping heap 3 %d. LEB %d hpos %d free %d dirty %d flags %d 3(pid %d) dumping pnode: 3 address %zx parent %zx cnext %zx 3 flags %lu iip %d level %d num %d 3 %d: free %d dirty %d flags %d lnum %d 3(pid %d) start dumping TNC tree 3== Level %d == 3(pid %d) finish dumping TNC tree 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: free space changed from %lld to %lld 5UBIFS: saved lprops statistics dump 5UBIFS: saved budgeting info dump 5UBIFS: saved idx_gc_cnt %d 5UBIFS: current lprops statistics dump 5UBIFS: current budgeting info dump 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: ui_size is %lld, synced_i_size is %lld, but inode is clean 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: i_ino %lu, i_mode %#x, i_size %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: directory inode %lu has size %llu, but calculated size is %llu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: directory inode %lu has nlink %u, but calculated nlink is %u 5UBIFS: dump of the znode 5UBIFS: dump of the parent znode 5UBIFS: first znode 5UBIFS: second znode 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: incorrect clean_zn_cnt %ld, calculated %ld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: incorrect dirty_zn_cnt %ld, calculated %ld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: znode checking function returned error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: leaf checking function returned error %d, for leaf at LEB %d:%d 5UBIFS: dump of znode at LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: error %d while walking the index 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: index size check failed: calculated size is %lld, should be %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: directory inode %lu has %d direntries which refer it, but should be 1 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: root inode %lu has non-zero (%d) direntries which refer it 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: directory inode %lu size is %lld, but calculated size is %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: directory inode %lu nlink is %d, but calculated nlink is %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: inode %lu nlink is %d, but calculated nlink is %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: inode %lu has xattr size %u, but calculated size is %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: inode %lu has %u xattrs, but calculated count is %lld 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: inode %lu has xattr names' size %u, but calculated names' size is %lld 5UBIFS: dump of the inode %lu sitting in LEB %d:%d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: file-system check failed with error %d 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: larger inum %lu goes before inum %lu 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: larger block %u goes before %u 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: two data nodes for the same block 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: non-inode node goes before inode node 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: smaller inode node goes first 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: larger hash %u goes before %u 5UBIFS: dumping first node 5UBIFS: dumping second node 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: actually write %d bytes to LEB %d:%d (the buffer was corrupted) 4UBIFS warning (pid %d): %s: filled bytes %u-%u with %s 0xFFs random data ubi%d_%d ro_error tst_recovery chk_fs chk_lprops chk_orphans chk_index chk_general dump_tnc dump_budg dump_lprops 3UBIFS error (pid %d): %s: cannot create "%s" debugfs file or directory, error %d not categorized empty freeable 0 (GC) 1 (base) 2 (data) commit resting background commit requested commit required BACKGROUND commit running commit running and required broken commit inode node data node direntry node xentry node truncate node padding node superblock node master node reference node indexing node commit start node orphan node no node group in node group last of node group symlink blkdev char dev fifo socket direntry xentry &req->waitq fs/fuse/dev.c (unsigned long)(req->background) (unsigned long)((*(volatile int *)&(&req->count)->counter) < 2) (unsigned long)(req->state != FUSE_REQ_FINISHED) (unsigned long)(!req->background) (unsigned long)(!cs->nr_segs) (unsigned long)(err != 1) 4fuse: trying to steal weird page 4 page=%p index=%li flags=%08lx, count=%i, mapcount=%i, mapping=%p (unsigned long)(ff->reserved_req) (unsigned long)(nbuf >= pipe->buffers) (unsigned long)(!pipe->nrbufs) fuse_request fuse fs/fuse/dir.c (unsigned long)(fi->writectr != (-((int)(~0U>>1)) - 1)) (unsigned long)((mode & 00170000) != 0100000) (unsigned long)(!mutex_is_locked(&inode->i_mutex)) (unsigned long)(fi->writectr < 0) fs/fuse/file.c (unsigned long)(req->inode != inode) (unsigned long)(*link) &ff->poll_wait (unsigned long)(list_empty(&fi->write_files)) &fc->inst_mutex &fc->killsb &fc->waitq &fc->blocked_waitq &fc->reserved_req_waitq 7fuse exit ,user_id=%u ,group_id=%u ,default_permissions ,allow_other ,max_read=%u ,blksize=%lu fs/fuse/inode.c (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&fi->write_files)) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&fi->queued_writes)) &fi->page_waitq 6fuse init (API version %i.%i) fuse_inode connections %u:%u-fuseblk fuseblk fd=%u rootmode=%o user_id=%u group_id=%u default_permissions allow_other max_read=%u blksize=%u fs/fuse/control.c (unsigned long)(fc->ctl_ndents >= 5) waiting max_background congestion_threshold (unsigned long)(fuse_control_sb) fusectl ,mode=%o debugfs: creating file '%s' fs/debugfs/inode.c debugfs 0x%02llx 0x%04llx 0x%08llx %u%c %#x: %s = 0x%08x debugfs_crate_data failed register simple_debugfs_file_entry %p offset: %p [%s] enter lookup successful: %s in %d new_val = %d using write fn = %pF no write fn, doing direct mem access at %#x + %#x call open with simple_debugfs_file_entry %p: priv=%p remove entry fs/debugfs/file.c 7yaffs: yaffs_touch_super() sb = %p 7yaffs: yaffs_fill_inode mode %x uid %d gid %d size %d count %d 7yaffs: yaffs_fill_inode invalid parameters inband-tags tags-ecc-off tags-ecc-on lazy-loading-off lazy-loading-on empty-lost-and-found-off empty-lost-and-found-on no-cache no-checkpoint-read no-checkpoint-write no-checkpoint 6yaffs: Bad mount option "%s" 7yaffs: yaffs built Jun 26 2018 16:05:38 removing. yaffs 7yaffs: flushing obj %d Multi-version YAFFS built:Jun 26 2018 16:05:38 Device %d "%s" start_block.......... %d end_block............ %d total_bytes_per_chunk %d use_nand_ecc......... %d no_tags_ecc.......... %d is_yaffs2............ %d inband_tags.......... %d empty_lost_n_found... %d disable_lazy_load.... %d refresh_period....... %d n_caches............. %d n_reserved_blocks.... %d always_check_erased.. %d data_bytes_per_chunk. %d chunk_grp_bits....... %d chunk_grp_size....... %d n_erased_blocks...... %d blocks_in_checkpt.... %d n_tnodes............. %d n_obj................ %d n_free_chunks........ %d n_page_writes........ %u n_page_reads......... %u n_erasures........... %u n_gc_copies.......... %u all_gcs.............. %u passive_gc_count..... %u oldest_dirty_gc_count %u n_gc_blocks.......... %u bg_gcs............... %u n_retired_writes..... %u n_retired_blocks..... %u n_ecc_fixed.......... %u n_ecc_unfixed........ %u n_tags_ecc_fixed..... %u n_tags_ecc_unfixed... %u cache_hits........... %u n_deleted_files...... %u n_unlinked_files..... %u refresh_count........ %u n_bg_deletions....... %u always allocate 7new trace = 0x%08X 7%c%s 7yaffs: yaffs built Jun 26 2018 16:05:38 Installing. &yaffs_context_lock 7yaffs: yaffs locking %p 7yaffs: yaffs locked %p 7yaffs: yaffs unlocking %p 7yaffs: yaffs_iget for %lu 7yaffs: yaffs_removexattr of object %d 7yaffs: yaffs_removexattr done returning %d 7yaffs: yaffs_listxattr of object %d 7yaffs: yaffs_listxattr done returning %d 7yaffs: yaffs_getxattr "%s" from object %d 7yaffs: yaffs_getxattr done returning %d 7yaffs: yaffs_setxattr of object %d 7yaffs: yaffs_setxattr done returning %d 7yaffs: yaffs_setattr of object %d 7yaffs: inode_setattr called 7yaffs: resize to %d(%x) 7yaffs: yaffs_setattr done returning %d 7yaffs: yaffs_sync_object 7yaffs: yaffs_readdir: starting at %d 7yaffs: yaffs_readdir: entry . ino %d 7yaffs: yaffs_readdir: entry .. ino %d 7yaffs: yaffs_readdir: %s inode %d 7yaffs: yaffs_rename 7yaffs: target is non-empty dir 7yaffs: calling yaffs_rename_obj 7yaffs: yaffs_unlink %d:%s 7yaffs: yaffs_link 7yaffs: yaffs_link link count %d i_count %d 7yaffs: yaffs_write_end addr %p pos %x n_bytes %d 7yaffs: yaffs_file_write: hey obj is null! 7yaffs: yaffs_file_write about to write writing %u(%x) bytes to object %d at %d(%x) 7yaffs: yaffs_file_write: %d(%x) bytes written 7yaffs: yaffs_file_write size updated to %d bytes, %d blocks 7yaffs: yaffs_write_end not same size ret %d copied %d 7yaffs: yaffs_readpage_nolock at %08x, size %08x fs/yaffs2/yaffs_vfs.c (unsigned long)(!PageLocked(pg)) 7yaffs: yaffs_readpage_nolock done 7yaffs: start yaffs_write_begin index %d(%x) uptodate %d 7yaffs: end yaffs_write_begin - ok 7yaffs: end yaffs_write_begin fail returning %d 7yaffs: yaffs_readpage 7yaffs: yaffs_readpage done 7yaffs: yaffs_writepage at %08x, inode size = %08x!! 7yaffs: -> don't care!! 7yaffs: yaffs_writepage at %08x, size %08x 7yaffs: writepag0: obj = %05x, ino = %05x 7yaffs: writepag1: obj = %05x, ino = %05x clean 7yaffs: yaffs_file_flush object %d (%s) 7yaffs: yaffs_statfs checkpt checkpoint requested no checkpoint one-shot 7yaffs: yaffs_sync_fs%s 7yaffs: yaffs_do_sync_fs: gc-urgency %d %s %s%s 7yaffs: yaffs_put_super 7yaffs: Shutting down yaffs background thread 7yaffs: yaffs background thread shut down object exists null object 7yaffs: yaffs_evict_inode: ino %d, count %d %s 7yaffs: yaffs_background starting for dev %p 7yaffs: yaffs_background 7yaffs: yaffs_get_inode for NULL super_block!! 7yaffs: yaffs_get_inode for NULL object!! 7yaffs: yaffs_get_inode for object %d 7yaffs: yaffs_mknod: parent object %d type %d 7yaffs: yaffs_mknod: could not get parent object 7yaffs: yaffs_mknod: making oject for %s, mode %x dev %x 7yaffs: yaffs_mknod: making special 7yaffs: yaffs_mknod: making file 7yaffs: yaffs_mknod: making directory 7yaffs: yaffs_mknod: making symlink 7yaffs: yaffs_mknod created object %d count = %d 7yaffs: yaffs_mknod failed making object 7yaffs: yaffs_mkdir 7yaffs: yaffs_create 7yaffs: yaffs_symlink 7yaffs: symlink created OK 7yaffs: symlink not created 7yaffs: yaffs_lookup for %d:%s 7yaffs: yaffs_lookup found %d 7yaffs: yaffs_lookup not found FAILED 6yaffs: sb is NULL 6yaffs: sb->s_dev is NULL 6yaffs: devname is NULL 6yaffs: dev is %d name is "%s" %s 6yaffs: passed flags "%s" 7yaffs: yaffs_read_super: Using yaffs%d 7yaffs: yaffs_read_super: block size %d 7yaffs: yaffs: Attempting MTD mount of %u.%u,"%s" 7yaffs: yaffs: MTD device #%u doesn't appear to exist 7yaffs: yaffs: MTD device is not NAND it's type %d 7yaffs: erase %p 7yaffs: read %p 7yaffs: write %p 7yaffs: readoob %p 7yaffs: writeoob %p 7yaffs: block_isbad %p 7yaffs: block_markbad %p writesize 7yaffs: %s %d 7yaffs: oobsize %d 7yaffs: erasesize %d 7yaffs: size %lld 7yaffs: auto selecting yaffs2 7yaffs: auto selecting yaffs1 7yaffs: MTD device does not support required functions 7yaffs: MTD device does not have the right page sizes 7yaffs: MTD device does not support have the right page sizes 6yaffs: mtd is read only, setting superblock read only 7yaffs: yaffs_read_super: Failed trying to allocate struct yaffs_dev. &(yaffs_dev_to_lc(dev)->gross_lock) 7yaffs: yaffs_read_super: guts initialised %s yaffs-bg-%d 7yaffs: yaffs_read_super: got root inode 7yaffs: yaffs_read_super: d_alloc_root done 7yaffs: yaffs_read_super: is_checkpointed %d 7yaffs: yaffs_read_super: done bad_blocks checkpt deletion erase gc_detail nandaccess scan_debug verify verify_nand verify_full verify_all yaffs2 fs/yaffs2/yaffs_guts.c 7yaffs: FreeObject %p inode %p 7yaffs: Out of temp buffers at line %d, other held by lines: 7yaffs: %d 7yaffs: Releasing unmanaged temp buffer in line %d 7yaffs: Chunk %d not erased 7yaffs: yaffs: unmaged buffer detected. 7yaffs: yaffs: Block struck out 7yaffs: **>> yaffs: get_block_info block %d is not valid fs/yaffs2/yaffs_getblockinfo.h 7yaffs: soft delete chunk %d 7yaffs: Chunk %d not found zero instead 7yaffs: yaffs: no more tnodes 7yaffs: tragedy: Trying to add an object to a null pointer directory 7yaffs: tragedy: Trying to add an object to a non-directory needs retiring 7yaffs: yaffs_block_became_dirty block %d state %d %s 7yaffs: **>> Erasure failed %d 7yaffs: >>Block %d erasure supposedly OK, but chunk %d not erased 7yaffs: yaffs: Failed to mark bad and erase block %d 7yaffs: yaffs: Failed to write bad block marker to block %d 7yaffs: **>> Block %d retired 7yaffs: Erased block %d 7yaffs: Deleting invalid chunk %d 7yaffs: line %d delete of chunk %d 7yaffs: yaffs tragedy:attempt to put data chunk into a non-file 7yaffs: yaffs tragedy: existing chunk < 0 in scan 7yaffs: yaffs tragedy: no more erased blocks 7yaffs: Allocated block %d, seq %d, %d left 7yaffs: yaffs tragedy: no more erased blocks, but there should have been %d 7yaffs: Allocating reserve 7yaffs: !!!!!!!!! Allocator out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7yaffs: **>> yaffs chunk %d was not erased 7yaffs: **>> Block %d needs retiring 7yaffs: **>> yaffs write required %d attempts 3!!!! HARDLINK-FAILURE: obj->obj_id=%u lost+found 7yaffs: tragedy: yaffs_find_by_name: null pointer directory 7yaffs: tragedy: yaffs_find_by_name: non-directory 7yaffs: tragedy: yaffs_change_obj_name: new_dir is not a directory 7yaffs: GC Selected block %d with %d free, prioritised:%d 7yaffs: GC none: finder %d skip %d threshold %d dirtiest %d using %d oldest %d%s 7yaffs: yaffs: GC n_erased_blocks %d aggressive %d 7yaffs: Collecting block %d, in use %d, shrink %d, whole_block %d 7yaffs: Collecting block %d that has no chunks in use 7yaffs: Collecting chunk in block %d, %d %d %d 7yaffs: gc: page in gc mismatch: %d %d %d %d 7yaffs: page %d in gc has no object: %d %d %d 7yaffs: yaffs: About to finally delete object %d 7yaffs: gc did not increase free chunks before %d after %d 7yaffs: yaffs: GC !!!no reclaim!!! n_erased_blocks %d after try %d block %d 7yaffs: Writing %d bytes to chunk!!!!!!!!! 7yaffs: yaffs tragedy: no space during cache write 7yaffs: AddrToChunk of offset %d gives chunk %d start %d 7yaffs: Found daft chunk_id %d for %d 7yaffs: Background gc %u no alias silly old name 7yaffs: Update dirty directories 7yaffs: Update directory %d 7yaffs: Added object %d to dirty directories 7yaffs: yaffs: Deleting empty file %d 7yaffs: yaffs: immediate deletion of file %d unlinked 7yaffs: Remove object %d from dirty directories 7yaffs: Deleting lost_found object %d 7yaffs: yaffs: yaffs_guts_initialise() 7yaffs: yaffs: Need a device 7yaffs: device already mounted 7yaffs: NAND geometry problems: chunk size %d, type is yaffs%s, inband_tags %d 7yaffs: InitialiseNAND failed 7yaffs: device function(s) missing or wrong 7yaffs: chunk group too large 7yaffs: yaffs: restored from checkpoint 3detected hardlink with open end (inode=%u, name='%s') -> move to 'lost+found' 7yaffs: Hanging object %d moved to lost and found 7yaffs: yaffs: yaffs_guts_initialise() aborted. 7yaffs: yaffs: yaffs_guts_initialise() done. 7yaffs: checking blocks %d to %d 7yaffs: erasing checkpt block %d 7yaffs: allocating checkpt block: erased %d reserved %d avail %d next %d 7yaffs: allocating checkpt block %d 7yaffs: out of checkpt blocks 7yaffs: checkpoint wite buffer nand %d(%d:%d) objid %d chId %d 7yaffs: find next checkpt block: start: blocks %d next %d 7yaffs: find next checkpt block: search: block %d oid %d seq %d eccr %d 7yaffs: found checkpt block %d 7yaffs: found no more checkpt blocks 7yaffs: checkpt blocks_avail = %d 7yaffs: checkpoint byte count %d 7yaffs: checkpoint invalidate of %d blocks 7yaffs: packed tags obj %d chunk %d byte %d seq %d 7yaffs: ext.tags eccres %d blkbad %d chused %d obj %d chunk%d byte %d del %d ser %d seq %d 7yaffs: Writing uninitialised tags fs/yaffs2/yaffs_nand.c 7yaffs: Writing chunk %d tags %d %d 7yaffs: Writing with no tags 7yaffs: **>>Block %d marked for retirement 7yaffs: **>> yaffs chunk %d is not valid 7yaffs: **>>yaffs ecc error fix performed on chunk %d:0 7yaffs: **>>yaffs ecc error unfixed on chunk %d:0 7yaffs: **>>yaffs ecc error fix performed on chunk %d:1 7yaffs: **>>yaffs ecc error unfixed on chunk %d:1 7yaffs: **>>mtd ecc error fix performed on chunk %d:0 7yaffs: **>>mtd ecc error unfixed on chunk %d:0 7yaffs: **>>mtd ecc error fix performed on chunk %d:1 7yaffs: **>>mtd ecc error unfixed on chunk %d:1 7yaffs: write_oob failed, chunk %d, mtd error %d 7yaffs: read_oob failed, chunk %d, mtd error %d 7yaffs: marking block %d bad 7yaffs: mtd device has only %d bytes for tags, need %d 7yaffs: block %d is marked bad 7yaffs: nandmtd2_write_chunk_tags chunk %d data %p tags %p fs/yaffs2/yaffs_mtdif2.c 7yaffs: nandmtd2_read_chunk_tags chunk %d data %p tags %p 7yaffs: nandmtd2_mark_block_bad %d 7yaffs: nandmtd2_query_block %d 7yaffs: block is bad 7yaffs: block is bad seq %d state %d fs/yaffs2/yaffs_allocator.c 7yaffs: yaffs: Could not allocate Tnodes 7yaffs: Could not add tnodes to management list 7yaffs: Tnodes added 7yaffs: Could not allocate more objects 7yaffs: yaffs1_scan starts intstartblk %d intendblk %d... 7yaffs: Block scanning block %d state %d seq %d 7yaffs: block %d is bad 7yaffs: Block empty 7yaffs: Allocating from %d %d 7yaffs: Shadow fixer: %d shadows %d 7yaffs: yaffs tragedy: attempting to use non-directory as a directory in scan. Put in lost+found. 7yaffs: yaffs1_scan ends 7yaffs: GC refresh count %d selected block %d with seq_number %d 7yaffs: save entry: is_checkpointed %d 7yaffs: skipping checkpoint write 7yaffs: write checkpoint validity 7yaffs: write checkpoint device 7yaffs: write checkpoint objects 7yaffs: Checkpoint write object %d parent %d type %d chunk %d obj addr %p 7yaffs: save exit: is_checkpointed %d 7yaffs: restore entry: is_checkpointed %d 7yaffs: skipping checkpoint read 7yaffs: read checkpoint validity 7yaffs: read checkpoint device 7yaffs: read checkpoint objects 7yaffs: struct size %d instead of %d ok %d 7yaffs: Checkpoint read object %d parent %d type %d chunk %d 7yaffs: Checkpoint read object %d type %d chunk %d does not match existing object type %d 7yaffs: Checkpoint read object %d parent %d type %d chunk %d Parent type, %d, not directory 7yaffs: Checkpoint read tnodes %d records, last %d. ok %d 7yaffs: read checkpoint checksum %d 7yaffs: restore exit: is_checkpointed %d 7yaffs: yaffs2_scan_backwards starts intstartblk %d intendblk %d... 7yaffs: yaffs2_scan_backwards() could not allocate block index! 7yaffs: Block scanning block %d has bad sequence number %d 7yaffs: %d blocks to be sorted... 7yaffs: ...done 7yaffs: %d blocks to scan 7yaffs: Partially written block %d detected. gc will fix this. 7yaffs: Unfixed ECC in chunk(%d:%d), chunk ignored 7yaffs: Chunk (%d:%d) with bad tags:obj = %d, chunk_id = %d, n_bytes = %d, ignored 7yaffs: yaffs tragedy: Could not make object for object %d at chunk %d during scan 7yaffs: yaffs tragedy: Bad object type, %d != %d, for object %d at chunk %d during scan 7yaffs: yaffs2_scan_backwards ends 7yaffs: Chunk Id (%d:%d) invalid fs/yaffs2/yaffs_bitmap.c 7yaffs: BlockBits block %d is not valid 7yaffs: Block %d has undefined state %d 7yaffs: Block %d has bad run-state %s 7yaffs: Block %d has illegal values pages_in_used %d soft_del_pages %d 7yaffs: Block %d has inconsistent values pages_in_use %d counted chunk bits %d 7yaffs: Block %d is in state %d after gc, should be erased 7yaffs: Block summary 7yaffs: %d blocks have illegal states 7yaffs: Too many allocating blocks 7yaffs: %s %d blocks 7yaffs: Checkpoint block count wrong dev %d count %d 7yaffs: Erased block count wrong dev %d count %d 7yaffs: Too many collecting blocks %d (max is 1) 7yaffs: Verifying object header tags %p obj %p oh %p 7yaffs: Obj %d header type is illegal value 0x%x 7yaffs: Obj %d header mismatch obj_id %d 7yaffs: Obj %d header mismatch parent_id %d obj->parent is NULL 7yaffs: Obj %d header mismatch parent_id %d parent_obj_id %d 7yaffs: Obj %d header name is NULL 7yaffs: Obj %d header name is 0xff 7yaffs: Object %d chunk_id %d NAND mismatch chunk %d tags (%d:%d) fs/yaffs2/yaffs_verify.c 7yaffs: Directory has wrong type: %d 7yaffs: Object in directory list has wrong parent %p ,marked as deleted ,out of range 7yaffs: Obj %d has chunk_id %d %s %s 7yaffs: Obj %d has parent pointer %p which does not look like an object 7yaffs: Obj %d's parent is not a directory (type %d) 7yaffs: Obj %d has illegaltype %d 7yaffs: No object to verify 7yaffs: Object does not have parent 7yaffs: Parent is not directory 7yaffs: Object in directory %d times 7yaffs: Freechunks verification failure %d %d %d Needs scan Scanning Empty Allocating Full Dirty Checkpoint Collecting Dead &ids->rwsem %10d %10d %4o %10lu %10lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu 6msgmni has been set to %d key msqid perms cbytes qnum lspid lrpid uid gid cuid cgid stime rtime ctime sysvipc/msg ipc/sem.c (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&ulp->lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) %10d %10d %4o %10u %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu ipc/util.h (unsigned long)(!arch_spin_is_locked(&(&(&perm->lock)->rlock)->raw_lock)) (unsigned long)(sops->sem_num != semnum) key semid perms nsems uid gid cuid cgid otime ctime sysvipc/sem ipc/shm.c (unsigned long)(!sfd->vm_ops->fault) SYSV%08x %10d %10d %4o %10lu %5u %5u %5lu %5u %5u %5u %5u %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu key shmid perms size cpid lpid nattch uid gid cuid cgid atime dtime ctime rss swap sysvipc/shm (unsigned long)(IS_ERR(shp)) shm_rmid_forced auto_msgmni QSIZE:%-10lu NOTIFY:%-5d SIGNO:%-5d NOTIFY_PID:%-6d &info->wait_q mqueue_inode_cache 4Inconsistency in POSIX message queue, no tree element, but supposedly messages should exist! 4Inconsistency in POSIX message queue, empty leaf node but we haven't implemented lazy leaf delete! mqueue queues_max msg_max msgsize_max msg_default msgsize_default .dead 5Key type %s registered 5Key type %s unregistered &candidate->cons_lock &key->sem key_jar [anon] : empty security/keys/keyring.c (unsigned long)(max <= klist->maxkeys) (unsigned long)(type == ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(type->name == ((void *)0)) keyring %s;%d;%d;%08x;%s _tid _pid _uid.%u _uid_ses.%u _ses security/keys/process_keys.c (unsigned long)(!tsk->cred) security/keys/request_key.c _req.%u /sbin/request-key key: pid:%d ci:%zu .request_key_auth logon %5u: %5d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d key-users Cannot create /proc/key-users maxkeys maxbytes root_maxkeys root_maxbytes gc_delay security.capability 5%s: get_vfs_caps_from_disk returned %d for %s 6warning: `%s' has both setuid-root and effective capabilities. Therefore not raising all capabilities. 6Security Framework initialized 7%s could not verify security_operations structure. include/linux/fsnotify.h Had to override the ptrace_access_check security operation with the default. Had to override the ptrace_traceme security operation with the default. Had to override the capget security operation with the default. Had to override the capset security operation with the default. Had to override the capable security operation with the default. Had to override the quotactl security operation with the default. Had to override the quota_on security operation with the default. Had to override the syslog security operation with the default. Had to override the settime security operation with the default. Had to override the vm_enough_memory security operation with the default. Had to override the bprm_set_creds security operation with the default. Had to override the bprm_committing_creds security operation with the default. Had to override the bprm_committed_creds security operation with the default. Had to override the bprm_check_security security operation with the default. Had to override the bprm_secureexec security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_alloc_security security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_free_security security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_copy_data security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_remount security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_kern_mount security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_show_options security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_statfs security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_mount security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_umount security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_pivotroot security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_set_mnt_opts security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_clone_mnt_opts security operation with the default. Had to override the sb_parse_opts_str security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_alloc_security security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_free_security security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_init_security security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_create security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_link security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_unlink security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_symlink security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_mkdir security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_rmdir security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_mknod security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_rename security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_readlink security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_follow_link security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_permission security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_setattr security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_getattr security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_setxattr security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_post_setxattr security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_getxattr security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_listxattr security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_removexattr security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_need_killpriv security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_killpriv security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_getsecurity security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_setsecurity security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_listsecurity security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_getsecid security operation with the default. Had to override the file_permission security operation with the default. Had to override the file_alloc_security security operation with the default. Had to override the file_free_security security operation with the default. Had to override the file_ioctl security operation with the default. Had to override the mmap_addr security operation with the default. Had to override the mmap_file security operation with the default. Had to override the file_mprotect security operation with the default. Had to override the file_lock security operation with the default. Had to override the file_fcntl security operation with the default. Had to override the file_set_fowner security operation with the default. Had to override the file_send_sigiotask security operation with the default. Had to override the file_receive security operation with the default. Had to override the file_open security operation with the default. Had to override the task_create security operation with the default. Had to override the task_free security operation with the default. Had to override the cred_alloc_blank security operation with the default. Had to override the cred_free security operation with the default. Had to override the cred_prepare security operation with the default. Had to override the cred_transfer security operation with the default. Had to override the kernel_act_as security operation with the default. Had to override the kernel_create_files_as security operation with the default. Had to override the kernel_module_request security operation with the default. Had to override the kernel_module_from_file security operation with the default. Had to override the task_fix_setuid security operation with the default. Had to override the task_setpgid security operation with the default. Had to override the task_getpgid security operation with the default. Had to override the task_getsid security operation with the default. Had to override the task_getsecid security operation with the default. Had to override the task_setnice security operation with the default. Had to override the task_setioprio security operation with the default. Had to override the task_getioprio security operation with the default. Had to override the task_setrlimit security operation with the default. Had to override the task_setscheduler security operation with the default. Had to override the task_getscheduler security operation with the default. Had to override the task_movememory security operation with the default. Had to override the task_wait security operation with the default. Had to override the task_kill security operation with the default. Had to override the task_prctl security operation with the default. Had to override the task_to_inode security operation with the default. Had to override the ipc_permission security operation with the default. Had to override the ipc_getsecid security operation with the default. Had to override the msg_msg_alloc_security security operation with the default. Had to override the msg_msg_free_security security operation with the default. Had to override the msg_queue_alloc_security security operation with the default. Had to override the msg_queue_free_security security operation with the default. Had to override the msg_queue_associate security operation with the default. Had to override the msg_queue_msgctl security operation with the default. Had to override the msg_queue_msgsnd security operation with the default. Had to override the msg_queue_msgrcv security operation with the default. Had to override the shm_alloc_security security operation with the default. Had to override the shm_free_security security operation with the default. Had to override the shm_associate security operation with the default. Had to override the shm_shmctl security operation with the default. Had to override the shm_shmat security operation with the default. Had to override the sem_alloc_security security operation with the default. Had to override the sem_free_security security operation with the default. Had to override the sem_associate security operation with the default. Had to override the sem_semctl security operation with the default. Had to override the sem_semop security operation with the default. Had to override the netlink_send security operation with the default. Had to override the d_instantiate security operation with the default. Had to override the getprocattr security operation with the default. Had to override the setprocattr security operation with the default. Had to override the secid_to_secctx security operation with the default. Had to override the secctx_to_secid security operation with the default. Had to override the release_secctx security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_notifysecctx security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_setsecctx security operation with the default. Had to override the inode_getsecctx security operation with the default. Had to override the unix_stream_connect security operation with the default. Had to override the unix_may_send security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_create security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_post_create security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_bind security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_connect security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_listen security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_accept security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_sendmsg security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_recvmsg security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_getsockname security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_getpeername security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_setsockopt security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_getsockopt security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_shutdown security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_sock_rcv_skb security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_getpeersec_stream security operation with the default. Had to override the socket_getpeersec_dgram security operation with the default. Had to override the sk_alloc_security security operation with the default. Had to override the sk_free_security security operation with the default. Had to override the sk_clone_security security operation with the default. Had to override the sk_getsecid security operation with the default. Had to override the sock_graft security operation with the default. Had to override the inet_conn_request security operation with the default. Had to override the inet_csk_clone security operation with the default. Had to override the inet_conn_established security operation with the default. Had to override the secmark_relabel_packet security operation with the default. Had to override the secmark_refcount_inc security operation with the default. Had to override the secmark_refcount_dec security operation with the default. Had to override the req_classify_flow security operation with the default. Had to override the tun_dev_alloc_security security operation with the default. Had to override the tun_dev_free_security security operation with the default. Had to override the tun_dev_create security operation with the default. Had to override the tun_dev_open security operation with the default. Had to override the tun_dev_attach_queue security operation with the default. Had to override the tun_dev_attach security operation with the default. Had to override the skb_owned_by security operation with the default. Had to override the key_alloc security operation with the default. Had to override the key_free security operation with the default. Had to override the key_permission security operation with the default. Had to override the key_getsecurity security operation with the default. capability security/capability.c security/inode.c (unsigned long)(!fops) securityfs: creating file '%s' security securityfs crypto/api.c (unsigned long)(!crypto_is_larval(alg)) crypto-%s crypto-%s-all cryptomgr %s(%s) crypto/algapi.c (unsigned long)(&inst->alg == alg) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&inst->alg.cra_users)) 3alg: Unexpected test result for %s: %d (unsigned long)((*(volatile int *)&(&alg->cra_refcnt)->counter) != 1) 3Failed to unregister %s %s: %d (unsigned long)(list_empty(&tmpl->list)) (unsigned long)((*(volatile int *)&(&inst->alg.cra_refcnt)->counter) != 1) crypto/scatterwalk.c (unsigned long)(!sg->length) passed name : %s driver : %s module : %s priority : %d refcnt : %d selftest : %s type : larval flags : 0x%x type : cipher blocksize : %u min keysize : %u max keysize : %u type : compression type : unknown crypto ahash type : ahash async : %s digestsize : %u shash type : shash &eq->sysfs_lock %s-iosched 3I/O scheduler %s not found 3Default I/O scheduler not found. Using noop. block/elevator.c (unsigned long)(((&rq->rb_node)->__rb_parent_color == (unsigned long)(&rq->rb_node))) iosched (default) 6io scheduler %s registered%s %s_io_cq 3elevator: type %s not found (unsigned long)(hash_hashed(&(rq)->hash)) (unsigned long)(!hash_hashed(&(rq)->hash)) 3%s: forced dispatching is broken (nr_sorted=%u), please report this (unsigned long)(rq->cmd_type != REQ_TYPE_FS) 3%s: bad insertion point %d 3elevator: switch to %s failed none [%s] block/blk-core.c (unsigned long)(blk_rq_bytes(rq) && !bytes) 6%s: dev %s: type=%x, flags=%x 6 sector %llu, nr/cnr %u/%u 6 bio %p, biotail %p, buffer %p, len %u 6 cdb: &q->sysfs_lock (unsigned long)((!list_empty(&(rq)->queuelist))) 6attempt to access beyond end of device 6%s: rw=%ld, want=%Lu, limit=%Lu 3generic_make_request: Trying to access nonexistent block-device %s (%Lu) 3bio too big device %s (%u > %u) block/blk.h (unsigned long)(size < sizeof(*cb)) 4%s: request aux data allocation failed, iosched may be disturbed (unsigned long)(rw != 0 && rw != (1 << __REQ_WRITE)) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&req->queuelist)) (unsigned long)(!hlist_unhashed(&req->hash)) (unsigned long)((!list_empty(&(req)->queuelist))) (unsigned long)(bio->bi_next) 7%s(%d): %s block %Lu on %s (%u sectors) 3%s: over max size limit. 3%s: over max segments limit. recoverable transport critical target critical nexus 3end_request: %s error, dev %s, sector %llu request botched (unsigned long)(pending) &rl->wait[BLK_RW_SYNC] &rl->wait[BLK_RW_ASYNC] (unsigned long)(list_empty(&rq->queuelist)) (unsigned long)(test_bit(REQ_ATOM_COMPLETE, &req->atomic_flags)) 3%s: bad return=%d (unsigned long)(plug->magic != 0x91827364) (unsigned long)(!rq->q) kblockd Failed to create kblockd blkdev_requests blkdev_queue 3%s: adjusted depth to %d block/blk-tag.c (unsigned long)(tag >= bqt->real_max_depth) 3%s: tag %d is missing 3%s: attempt to clear non-busy tag (%d) (unsigned long)(tags && q->queue_tags && tags != q->queue_tags) 3%s: request %p for device [%s] already tagged %d (unsigned long)(find_next_bit((bqt->tag_map), (bqt->max_depth), 0) < bqt->max_depth) block/blk-sysfs.c add_random iostats rq_affinity nomerges rotational write_same_max_bytes discard_zeroes_data discard_max_bytes discard_granularity optimal_io_size minimum_io_size physical_block_size logical_block_size hw_sector_size scheduler max_segment_size max_integrity_segments max_segments max_hw_sectors_kb max_sectors_kb nr_requests block/blk-flush.c (unsigned long)(rq->flush.seq & seq) (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&rq->queuelist)) (unsigned long)(q->flush_pending_idx == q->flush_running_idx) (unsigned long)(seq != REQ_FSEQ_PREFLUSH && seq != REQ_FSEQ_POSTFLUSH) (unsigned long)(rq->bio != rq->biotail) block/blk-settings.c (unsigned long)(mask > ((1UL) << 12)) 6%s: set to minimum %d 6%s: set to minimum %lx 5%s: Warning: Device %s is misaligned block/blk-ioc.c (unsigned long)(atomic_long_read(&ioc->refcount) <= 0) blkdev_ioc 3cfq: icq link failed! block/blk-exec.c include/linux/scatterlist.h (unsigned long)((unsigned long) page & 0x03) block/blk-merge.c (unsigned long)(bio->bi_phys_segments && nsegs > bio->bi_phys_segments) block/blk-softirq.c (unsigned long)(!q->softirq_done_fn) block/blk-timeout.c (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&req->timeout_list)) 3block: bad eh return: %d block/blk-iopoll.c (unsigned long)(!test_bit(IOPOLL_F_SCHED, &iop->state)) 3%s: WRITE SAME failed. Manually zeroing. block/genhd.c register_blkdev: cannot get major %d for %s register_blkdev: failed to get major for %s DISK_RO=1 DISK_MEDIA_CHANGE=1 DISK_EJECT_REQUEST=1 media_change eject_request blkext block-major-%d-%d block-major-%d %4d %7d %s %lu %lu %lu %u %lu %lu %lu %u %u %u %u diskstats partitions %4d %7d %10llu %s major minor #blocks name 4%s: failed to initialize events &ev->block_mutex slaves 4%s: failed to create sysfs files for events %02x%02x %-9s %03x:%05x %s%s %10llu %s %s driver: %s (driver?) events_poll_msecs events_async inflight discard_alignment alignment_offset removable ext_range 4%s: sending ioctl %x to a partition! 4program %s is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO unknown-block(%u,%u) %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8lu %8lu %8llu %8u %8u %8u %8u enabling native capacity truncated %sp%d 4%s: partition table beyond EOD, 4%s: partition table partially beyond EOD, 4%s: p%d start %llu is beyond EOD, 4%s: p%d size %llu extends beyond EOD, 3 %s: p%d could not be added: %ld whole_disk unable to read partition table unknown partition table block/partitions/ldm.c (unsigned long)(!lh) %s%s(): %pV offset (%d) < 0 !buffer base (%d) > buflen (%d) base (%d) + buffer[base] (%d) >= buflen (%d) (unsigned long)(!block) Illegal length %d. (unsigned long)(!block || !buffer) Truncating string %d -> %d. (unsigned long)(!data || !ldb) Out of memory. (unsigned long)(!buf || !vb) VBLK header is corrupt. (unsigned long)(!buffer || !vb) r_objid %d < 0 r_name %d < 0 r_size %d < 0 r_parent %d < 0 r_diskid %d < 0 r_index %d < 0 len %d > BE32(buffer + 0x14) %d r_vtype %d < 0 r_disable_drive_letter %d < 0 r_child %d < 0 r_id1 %d < 0 r_id2 %d < 0 r_size2 %d < 0 r_drive %d < 0 Failed to parse VBLK 0x%llx (type: 0x%02x). Parsed VBLK 0x%llx (type: 0x%02x) ok. 2000/XP Vista (unsigned long)(!state) Disk read failed. (unsigned long)(!state || !ph1) Cannot find PRIVHEAD structure. LDM database is corrupt. Aborting. Expected PRIVHEAD version 2.11 or 2.12, got %d.%d. Aborting. PRIVHEAD version %d.%d (Windows %s). Database is normally %u bytes, it claims to be %llu bytes. PRIVHEAD disk size doesn't match real disk size PRIVHEAD contains an invalid GUID. Parsed PRIVHEAD successfully. Database extends beyond the end of the disk. Disk and database overlap. (unsigned long)(!ph1 || !ph2) (unsigned long)(!state || !ldb) Disk read failed for TOCBLOCK %d. Cannot find TOCBLOCK, database may be corrupt. TOCBLOCK's first bitmap is '%s', should be '%s'. TOCBLOCK's second bitmap is '%s', should be '%s'. Parsed TOCBLOCK successfully. Failed to find a valid TOCBLOCK. The bitmaps are out of range. Giving up. (unsigned long)(!toc1 || !toc2) Validated %d TOCBLOCKs successfully. (unsigned long)(!data || !vm) Cannot find the VMDB, database may be corrupt. Expected VMDB version %d.%d, got %d.%d. Aborting. Illegal VBLK size Parsed VMDB successfully. Database is not in a consistent state. Aborting. VBLKs start at offset 0x%04x. VMDB exceeds allowed size specified by TOCBLOCK. Database is corrupt. Aborting. Expected to find a VBLK. (unsigned long)(!data || !frags) Value of size is to small. A VBLK claims to have %d parts. REC value (%d) exceeds NUM value (%d) Duplicate VBLK, part %d. (unsigned long)(!frags || !ldb) VBLK group %d is incomplete (0x%02x). (unsigned long)(!list) Failed to read the VBLKs from the database. (unsigned long)(!pp || !ldb) (unsigned long)(!ldb) Can't find the ID of this disk in the database. [LDM] Parsed LDM database successfully. %s%d Found W2K dynamic disk partition type. (unsigned long)(!data || !ph) Cannot find PRIVHEAD %d. Primary and backup PRIVHEADs don't match. Validated PRIVHEADs successfully. (unsigned long)(!data || !toc) TOCBLOCKs 0 and %d do not match. %08x-%02x [AIX] [DM] [EZD] 4GPT:Primary header LBA != Alt. header alternate_lba 4GPT:%lld != %lld 4GPT:Primary header alternate_lba != Alt. header my_lba 4GPT:first_usable_lbas don't match. 4GPT:last_usable_lbas don't match. 4GPT:disk_guids don't match. 4GPT:num_partition_entries don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x 4GPT:sizeof_partition_entry values don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x 4GPT:partition_entry_array_crc32 values don't match: 0x%x != 0x%x 4GPT:Primary header thinks Alt. header is not at the end of the disk. 4GPT:Alternate GPT header not at the end of the disk. 4GPT: Use GNU Parted to correct GPT errors. GUID Partition Table Header signature is wrong:%lld != %lld GUID Partition Table Header size is too large: %u > %u GUID Partition Table Header size is too small: %u < %zu GUID Partition Table Header CRC is wrong: %x != %x GPT my_lba incorrect: %lld != %lld GPT: first_usable_lba incorrect: %lld > %lld GPT: last_usable_lba incorrect: %lld > %lld GUID Partitition Entry Size check failed. GUID Partitition Entry Array CRC check failed. 4Alternate GPT is invalid, using primary GPT. GUID Partition Table is valid! Yea! %pUl 4Primary GPT is invalid, using alternate GPT. block/partitions/efi.c block/noop-iosched.c (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&nd->queue)) gzip bzip2 lib/idr.c (unsigned long)(n == 0) (unsigned long)(n != p->layer*8) (unsigned long)(!p) 4idr_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. 4ida_remove called for id=%d which is not allocated. (unsigned long)((int)id < 0) (unsigned long)((int)start < 0) (unsigned long)((int)end < 0) (unsigned long)(end < start) idr_layer_cache kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: path = '%s' kobject: (%p): %s kobject: '%s' (%p): %s invalid kobject pointer! must have a ktype to be initialized properly! 3kobject (%p): tried to init an initialized object, something is seriously wrong. 3kobject (%p): %s 4kobject: '%s' (%p): is not initialized, yet kobject_put() is being called. lib/kobject.c kobject: '%s' (%p): does not have a release() function, it is broken and must be fixed. kobject: '%s' (%p): auto cleanup 'remove' event kobject: '%s' (%p): auto cleanup kobject_del kobject: '%s' (%p): calling ktype release kobject: '%s': free name 'none' kobject: (%p): attempted to be registered with empty name! kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: parent: '%s', set: '%s' %s failed for %s with -EEXIST, don't try to register things with the same name in the same directory. %s failed for %s (error: %d parent: %s) DEVPATH_OLD=%s 3kobject '%s' (%p): tried to add an uninitialized object, something is seriously wrong. 3kobject: can not set name properly! 4%s: kobject_add error: %d kobject 3add_uevent_var: too many keys lib/kobject_uevent.c 3add_uevent_var: buffer size too small kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: attempted to send uevent without kset! kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: uevent_suppress caused the event to drop! kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: filter function caused the event to drop! kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: unset subsystem caused the event to drop! ACTION=%s DEVPATH=%s SUBSYSTEM=%s kobject: '%s' (%p): %s: uevent() returned %d SEQNUM=%llu %s@%s 3kobject_uevent: unable to create netlink socket! kobject_uevent remove move online offline lib/plist.c lib/radix-tree.c (unsigned long)(index > radix_tree_maxindex(height)) (unsigned long)(slot == ((void *)0)) (unsigned long)(!radix_tree_is_indirect_ptr(to_free)) (unsigned long)(radix_tree_is_indirect_ptr(ret)) (unsigned long)(tag_get(node, 0, offset)) (unsigned long)(tag_get(node, 1, offset)) (unsigned long)(root_tag_get(root, 0)) (unsigned long)(root_tag_get(root, 1)) radix_tree_node 4%s: %d callbacks suppressed Mem-Info: %lu pages RAM %lu pages reserved %lu pages shared %lu pages non-shared lib/string.c (unsigned long)(dsize >= count) lib/timerqueue.c (null) io mem irq dma bus ??? 64bit pref window flags pK-error lib/vsprintf.c arch/mips/avm_enh/avm_watch.c 3%s: unsupported watchpoint-number %u avm/wp 3%s: type=%u addr=%p failed 3%s: type=%d '%s' value=%d failed 0x%x 3invalid expression to get watchaddr: '%s' 3can't resolve expression '%s' to get watchaddr write+ read no support instruction %s%s%s%s == true from [<%8lx>] (%pS) hit on cpu%u activ on cpumask=0x%lx %u: %s %s [<%08lx>] (%pS)%s mask=%x '%s' %s exceptions(%s) is true) 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATCHPOINT%u occured (%s), deferred=%d epc=%pS %s%s%s 3%s: wrong type %x: (%s) for watch_nr=%u (%x %s) 3%s: set watchpoint %u on addr %pS (mask=%lx) type=%x(%s) cpu_mask=%lx 3del[] [cpu=] : 0-1 instruction 2-3 data 3reset 3iwatch[] [mask=0x0-0x1ff] [cpu=] [if ] 3watch[] [mask=0x0-0x1ff] [cpu=] (read+write-watch) 3rwatch[] [mask=0x0-0x1ff] [cpu=] (read-watch) 3wwatch[] [mask=0x0-0x1ff] [cpu=] (write-watch) 3, , if : optional 3/ as expression include register $a0, symbol-name, memory-access (*addr) 3: start_addr = addr & ~(mask<<3)| 0x7); end_addr = (start_addr | (mask<<3)| 0x7) 3example: echo 'iwatch1 __kmalloc + 0x4 cpu=0 if $a0 < 10' > /proc/avm/wp cpu= mask= 3delete watch%u on cpumask=%lx 3invalid expr '%s' 3expression: %s 3no support for mask in combination with condition iwatch 3mask=0x%x<<3: extended addr-range for iwatch %08x - %8x 3addr not aligned on doubleword - forward-correction: addr=%08lx 3invalid addr/symbol 3can't install watchpoint on jump-instruction wwatch 3no support for expressions on data-watchpoint 3mask=0x%x<<3: extended addr-range: %08x - %8x 3addr not aligned on doubleword - backward-correction: addr=%08lx rwatch 3Adresse-Segment(%d): 0x%lx: 0x%lx :0x%lx (offset 0x%lx) Path='%s' cpu/alignment (fixup+warn+backtrace) (fixup) (fixup+warn) 3set user unaligned-mode: %s 3set kernel unaligned-mode: %s (signal) 3parameter: user '2' %s '3' %s '4' %s '5' %s (signal+warn) 3 system '6' %s '7' %s '8' %s PAGE_POISON POISON_INUSE POISON_FREE POISON_END POISON_FREE_INITMEM INVAL_KSEGx 3no code-dump, address could be %s (no memory at this address). 3Code(0x%08lx): 3[%s] illegal address 0x%lx (sigill) 3[%s] load from address 0x%lx failed (sigbus) %s %s0x%08x%s %s0x%08x%s 3[%s] load from 16 bit address 0x%lx failed (sigbus) <0x%04x %04x> <0x%04x> 0x%04x User-Scorelist System-Scorelist unaligneds unaligneds/time %10lu %5lu.%02lu/%s %s(%u) pc=0x%p %10lu %5lu.%02lu/%s 0x%p(%pF) User: %lu System: %lu User faults: %i %s Kernel faults: %i %s ... only the newest user-unaligneds shown ... only the newest kernel-unaligneds shown BAD MODE 3Status: %08x %s%s%s%s%s 3Status: %08x %s%s%s%s%s%s%s seg=%3u of=0x%08lx/0x%lx [%s] 3%s: get_irq_regs() == NULL - check genex.S 3[<%08lx>] %s [<%08lx>] %s padding freed allocated 0x%08lx %s+%#lx/%#lx ioremap vmalloc vmap user vpages [%s: size:%lu start:%p+0x%lx alloced by:%pS] [%s: %p+0x%lx] allocated by:%pS [smempool: type:%s size:%lu start:%p%c0x%lx %s%s] %s by:%pS [slab: type:%s size:%lu start:0x%p+0x%lx%s] [page: type:reserved] by:%pS [page: type:alloc%s] 3... 3Classified pointer on stack: 3%08lx %s 3Classified pointer on registers: 3 $%2u : %08lx %s 3[%s] pc=0x%p(%pF) addr=0x%08lx task=%s pid=%d ra=0x%08lx(%pF) 3[kernel-unaligned %lu] pc=0x%p(%pF) addr=0x%08lx task=%s pid=%d ra=0x%08lx(%pF) kernel-unaligned 3Alignment trap %lu: %s (%d) PC=0x%p Address=0x%08lx 3%s: error: '%s' not allocated! 3%s: warning: '%s' not found! (driver maybe bugfree) 3BUG%s(%s) at function '%s' line: %d file: %s 3BUG() no bug_debug_table_entry found led_module avm/module avm/module/allocated avm/module/reserved No module memory config found! Module %30s %15s %15s %15s SymbolSize CoreSize %30s %15d %15d %15d Allocated %30s %15s %15s %30s %15ld %15s Total: %8ld Allocated: %8ld Reserved: %8d modulemem 3[module-alloc-by-name] warning 'modulemem' used - depreciated 3[module-alloc-by-name] 'modulemem' not set, function disabled 3[module-alloc] reserve memory for module-load failed (start 0x%x end 0x%x) module memory 3[module-alloc] failed 0x%x bytes at 0x%lx 3[module-alloc] use 0x%x bytes at 0x%lx 0x%08lx (%s + 0x%lx) [%s] 0x%08lx 3[module-alloc-by-name] module '%s' on black list, use normal alloc 3[module-alloc-by-name] no unmapped-space for module '%s' (0x%lx bytes) -> use ksseg 3[module-alloc-by-name] give 0x%lx bytes at 0x%lx to module '%s' (0x%x total bytes left) 3%s: error: module '%s' reserved size %lu is to great for demand size %lu - waste %lu (module_alloc_waste=%d) 3%s: error: module '%s' reserved size %lu too small for demand size %lu - need %lu more (module_alloc_waste=%d) 3[module-alloc-by-name] invalid size change 0x%lx bytes < 0x%lx bytes (module '%s') 3[module-alloc-by-name] module alloc table full arch/mips/lib/uncached.c %s%16.16llx %s%8.8x %s%4.4x %s%s%p: %s %s%s%.8x: %s lib/bitmap.c (unsigned long)(i != pos) %s%0*lx lib/scatterlist.c 7list passed to list_sort() too long for efficiency lib/memweight.c (unsigned long)(longs >= ((int)(~0U>>1)) / 32) lib/kfifo.c .%03lld %lld%s %s lib/devres.c (unsigned long)(!tbl) (unsigned long)(bar >= PCI_ROM_RESOURCE) (unsigned long)(!dev) can't request region for resource %pR ioremap failed for resource %pR invalid distance too far back invalid distance code invalid literal/length code incorrect header check unknown compression method invalid window size invalid block type invalid stored block lengths too many length or distance symbols invalid code lengths set invalid bit length repeat invalid literal/lengths set invalid distances set incorrect data check lib/zlib_deflate/deflate.c (unsigned long)(memLevel < 1 || memLevel > 8 || windowBits < 9 || windowBits > 15) xz_dec 7zXZ 6dynamic_debug:%s: called m=%p p=%p *pos=%lld [%d] lib/dynamic_debug.c (unsigned long)(!descriptor) 7%s%pV 7(NULL device *): %pV %s%s %s: %pV (unregistered net_device) %s%s %s %s: %pV 7%s: %pV 7(NULL net_device): %pV 6dynamic_debug:%s: %s: func="%s" file="%s" module="%s" format="%.*s" lineno=%u-%u 6dynamic_debug:%s: called m=%p *pos=%lld 6dynamic_debug:%s: removing module "%s" 6dynamic_debug:%s: called m=%p p=%p 6dynamic_debug:%s: %u debug prints in module %s dynamic_debug 6dynamic_debug:%s: called 4dynamic_debug:%s: ddebug boot param string too large (unsigned long)(maxlen < 6) # filename:lineno [module]function flags format %s:%u [%s]%s =%s " 6dynamic_debug:%s: query %d: "%s" (unsigned long)(end == buf) 3dynamic_debug:%s: too many words, legal max <=%d 6dynamic_debug:%s: split into words: 3dynamic_debug:%s: bad flag-op %c, at start of %s 6dynamic_debug:%s: op='%c' 6dynamic_debug:%s: flags=0x%x 6dynamic_debug:%s: *flagsp=0x%x *maskp=0x%x 3dynamic_debug:%s: expecting pairs of match-spec parsed func 3dynamic_debug:%s: match-spec:%s val:%s overridden by %s line 3dynamic_debug:%s: match-spec: line used 2x (unsigned long)(str == ((void *)0)) 3dynamic_debug:%s: bad line-number: %s 3dynamic_debug:%s: line-number is <0 3dynamic_debug:%s: last-line:%d < 1st-line:%d 3dynamic_debug:%s: unknown keyword "%s" 6dynamic_debug:%s: changed %s:%d [%s]%s =%s 6dynamic_debug:%s: no matches for query applied 6dynamic_debug:%s: processed %d queries, with %d matches, %d errs 3dynamic_debug:%s: unclosed quote: %s 3dynamic_debug:%s: tokenize failed 3dynamic_debug:%s: unknown flag '%c' in "%s" 3dynamic_debug:%s: flags parse failed 3dynamic_debug:%s: query parse failed no-match dyndbg 6dynamic_debug:%s: %s="%s" 4dynamic_debug:%s: expected <%d bytes into control 6dynamic_debug:%s: read %d bytes from userspace 4dynamic_debug:%s: _ddebug table is empty in a CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG build 6dynamic_debug:%s: %d modules, %d entries and %d bytes in ddebug tables, %d bytes in (readonly) verbose section 4dynamic_debug:%s: ddebug_query param name is deprecated, change it to dyndbg 4dynamic_debug:%s: Invalid ddebug boot param %s 6dynamic_debug:%s: %d changes by ddebug_query dyndbg params 6dynamic_debug:%s: module: %s %s="%s" lib/nlattr.c (unsigned long)(pt->type > (__NLA_TYPE_MAX - 1)) 4netlink: %d bytes leftover after parsing attributes in process `%s'. lib/cpu_rmap.c (unsigned long)(rmap->used >= rmap->size) 4irq_cpu_rmap_notify: update failed: %d lib/dynamic_queue_limits.c (unsigned long)(count > num_queued - dql->num_completed) ?pre? ?op? %s 3%s invalid handle %p ------------------------- 3[%02u][%p]type=%-6s pre-op='%-5s' op='%-5s' value=0x%08x next=%3d bracket=%3d (%p)/(%p) MIPS_CPU_TLB 3%s: ERROR: option missmatch cpu_has_... : 0x%lx & %s != %s cpu_has_tlb MIPS_CPU_3K_CACHE cpu_has_3k_cache MIPS_CPU_4K_CACHE cpu_has_4k_cache MIPS_CPU_TX39_CACHE cpu_has_tx39_cache MIPS_CPU_FPU cpu_has_fpu MIPS_CPU_32FPR cpu_has_32fpr MIPS_CPU_COUNTER cpu_has_counter MIPS_CPU_WATCH cpu_has_watch MIPS_CPU_LLSC cpu_has_llsc MIPS_CPU_ULRI cpu_has_userlocal MIPS_CPU_RIXI cpu_has_rixi MIPS_CPU_MICROMIPS cpu_has_mmips MIPS_CPU_TLBINV cpu_has_tlbinv MIPS_CPU_CM2 cpu_has_cm2 MIPS_CPU_CM2_L2SYNC cpu_has_cm2_l2sync MIPS_CACHE_VTAG cpu_has_vtag_icache MIPS_CACHE_ALIASES cpu_has_ic_aliases MIPS_CACHE_IC_F_DC cpu_has_ic_fills_f_dc MIPS_IC_SNOOPS_REMOTE cpu_icache_snoops_remote_store cpu_has_vtag_dcache cpu_has_dc_aliases MIPS_CPU_ISA_II cpu_has_mips_2 MIPS_CPU_ISA_III cpu_has_mips_3 MIPS_CPU_ISA_IV cpu_has_mips_4 MIPS_CPU_ISA_V cpu_has_mips_5 MIPS_CPU_ISA_M32R1 cpu_has_mips32r1 MIPS_CPU_ISA_M32R2 cpu_has_mips32r2 MIPS_ASE_DSP cpu_has_dsp MIPS_ASE_MIPSMT cpu_has_mipsmt 3%s: mips-options: 0x%08lx icache.flags 0x%08x dcache.flags 0x%08x isa_level 0x%08x ases %08lx 3Could not register CPU Temperature sensor to AVM Power driver. CP0-Config0: 0x%08x AVM-RAM-Benchmark (HELP) ============================================= cat /proc/avm/complete -> Durchfuehrung aller Benchmarks cat /proc/avm/help -> Anzeige dieser Hilfe cat /proc/avm/do_read_extreme -> Read Bench Lese benchmark fuer nicht-lineares Lesen. cat /proc/avm/do_read_pipe -> Read Bench Pipeline orientierter Lese benchmark cat /proc/avm/do_read_write -> Read/Schreib Bench cat /proc/avm/do_write -> Schreib Bench cat /proc/avm/do_dettmer_read -> Lantiq Read Bench cat /proc/avm/do_dettmer_write-> Lantiq Schreib Bench AVM-RAM-Benchmark IRQs: off (alle Tests mit deaktivierten IRQs) CPU-Clock: %u RAM-Clock: %u (eff. Datentaktrate) BUS-Breite (Word=): %d Bit Measure-Time: %d * %d.%ds -- Results -- ======================================================================================== type | total read | loops | DDR-Ticks | %2dBit | | Stalls per | | in kb | | /%2dBit | Worte/s | kB/s | Instruction | No memory for test arch/mips/lib/avm_membench.c (unsigned long)(!membench_func) write | %7lu | %1d | %5lu.%03lu | %9lu | %6lu | %4lu.%3lu | | | | | | | | Einfaches Schreiben. | | | read/write | %7lu | %1d | %5lu.%03lu | %9lu | %6lu | %4lu.%3lu | Immer schoen im Wechsel 1x Lesen und 1x Schreiben. | | | read | %7lu | %1d | %5lu.%03lu | %9lu | %6lu | %4lu.%3lu | extrema | | | | | | | Die gelesenen Werte stehen im Speicher nicht hintereinander. | | | D.h. die CPU kann den Cache nicht nutzen. | | | Performance-Index: %lu CPU-Clock: %u MHz RAM-Clock: %u MHz Stalls per Instruction %lu.%03lu Pipeline-friendly | | | | | | | Lesen aus dem RAM mit optimaler Unterstuetzung der Pipline. | | | D.h. der Code ist gewaehlt, dass die Pipeline nicht geleert | | | werden muss und so keine Zeit verschwendet wird. | | | 0Starting ddr 0write 0read 0stress test for 0166.5 MHz 0196.6 MHz 0ddr clock frequency 0%liMB will be 0written 0read 0[%s:%d]error: kmalloc failed 0%uMB written 0in %li mseconds 0==>> %liMB/s thruput 0%uMB read Lantiq Write Benchmark. (Set LogLevel 0 to see the results..) Lantiq Read Benchmark. (Set LogLevel 0 to see the results..) 3%s: running membench (unsigned long)(sf.count == sf.size) complete do_read_extreme do_read_pipe do_read_write do_write do_dettmer_read do_dettmer_write performance_index 3E[%s:%u]: failed. 'name' is null. failed. 'callback' is null. (name: '%s') failed. Not possible to aquire memory to store registration. (name: '%s') failed. Interrupted from waiting semaphore. (name: '%s') failed. Device is not registered. failed. Device is not released. 4io_map_base of root PCI bus %s unset. Trying to continue but you better fix this issue or report it to linux-mips@linux-mips.org or your vendor. To avoid data corruption io_map_base MUST be set with multiple PCI domains. 16kb 64kb 256kb 16Mb 64Mb 256Mb Index: %2d pgmask=%s va=%0*lx asid=%02lx: [pa=%0*llx c=%d d=%d v=%d g=%d] [pa=%0*llx c=%d d=%d v=%d g=%d] Error applying setting, reverse things back 6pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem pinctrl 4pinctrl core: failed to create debugfs directory pinctrl-devices pinctrl-maps pinctrl-handles GPIO ranges handled: %u: %s GPIOS [%u - %u] PINS [%u - %u] unnamed registered pins: %d pin %d (%s) name [pinmux] [pinconf] yes Requested pin control handlers their pinmux maps: device: %s current state: %s state: %s type: %s controller %s Pinctrl maps: device %s state %s type %s (%d) controlling device %s failed to alloc struct pinctrl_state using pinctrl dummy state (%s) drivers/pinctrl/core.c obtain a copy of previously claimed pinctrl failed to alloc struct pinctrl failed to alloc struct pinctrl_setting unknown pinctrl device %s in map entry, deferring probe failed to alloc struct pinctrl_dev &pctldev->mutex try to register %d pins ... 3pinctrl core: pin %d already registered on %s failed to alloc struct pin_desc PIN%u pinctrl core: registered pin %d (%s) on %s failed to lookup the default state failed to select default state sleep failed to lookup the sleep state 4pinctrl core: failed to create debugfs directory for %s pingroups gpio-ranges pinctrl ops lacks necessary functions error during pin registration failed to get pin(%d) name registered pin groups: %s [ERROR GETTING PINS] group: %s pin %d (%s) does not have pin group %s found group selector %u for %s pinctrl core: add %d pinmux maps 3pinctrl core: failed to register map %s (%d): no device given 3pinctrl core: failed to register map %d: no map name given 3pinctrl core: failed to register map %s (%d): no pin control device given 3pinctrl core: failed to register map %s (%d): invalid type given 3pinctrl core: failed to alloc struct pinctrl_maps 3pinctrl core: failed to duplicate mapping table INVALID DUMMY_STATE MUX_GROUP CONFIGS_PIN CONFIGS_GROUP add %d pinmux maps registered pin %d (%s) on %s drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-utils.c kmemdup(configs) failed krealloc(configs) failed krealloc(map) failed pin %d is not registered so it cannot be requested request pin %d (%s) for %s pin %s already requested by %s; cannot claim for %s could not increase module refcount for pin %d request() failed for pin %d pin-%d (%s) status %d pin is not registered so it cannot be freed drivers/pinctrl/pinmux.c (MUX UNCLAIMED) (GPIO UNCLAIMED) (HOG) Pinmux settings per pin Format: pin (name): mux_owner gpio_owner hog? pin %d (%s): %s %s%s function %s group %s function %s: COULD NOT GET GROUPS function: %s, groups = [ pinmux ops lacks necessary functions pinmux ops has no name for function%u 3pinmux core: failed to register map %s (%d): no function given %s:%d does not support mux function 3pinmux core: %s does not support function %s invalid function %s in map table can't query groups for function %s function %s can't be selected on any group invalid group %s in map table invalid group "%s" for function "%s" could not get pins for group selector %d could not request pin %d on device %s could not get pin desc for pin %d (default) group %s function %s group: %s (%u) function: %s (%u) pinmux-functions pinmux-pins pinmux cannot configure pin, missing config function in driver unable to set pin configuration on pin %d cannot get configuration for pin group, missing group config get function in driver cannot configure pin group, missing config function in driver cannot configure pin group, error getting pins No config found for dev/state/pin, expected: Searched dev:%s Searched state:%s Searched pin:%s Use: modify config_pin Dev %s has config of %s in state %s: 0x%08lX modify config_pin Pin config settings per pin group Format: group (name): configs %u (%s): Pin config settings per pin Format: pin (name): configs pin %d (%s): pinconf must be able to read out pin status pinconf has to be able to set a pins config 3pinconfig core: failed to register map %s (%d): no group/pin given 3pinconfig core: failed to register map %s (%d): no configs given cannot get pin configuration, missing pin_config_get() function in driver could not map pin config for "%s" could not map group config for "%s" missing confops missing pin_config_set op pin_config_set op failed for pin %d config %08lx missing pin_config_group_set op pin_config_group_set op failed for group %d config %08lx pin group config pin %s (%d) group %s (%d) pinconf-pins pinconf-groups pinconf-config failed to alloc struct pinctrl_dt_map no of_node; not parsing pinctrl DT pinctrl-%d pinctrl-names prop %s index %i invalid phandle could not find pctldev for node %s, deferring probe pctldev %s doesn't support DT failed to alloc struct pinctrl_map devicetree drivers/pinctrl/devicetree.c drivers/gpio/devres.c drivers/gpio/gpiolib.c invalid GPIO %d 3%s: Error in set_value for open drain gpio%d err %d 3%s: Error in set_value for open source gpio%d err %d generic %s: found new base at %d 3%s: cannot find free range GPIO integer space overlap, cannot add chip gpiochip_add: registered GPIOs %d to %d on device: %s 3gpiochip_add: gpios %d..%d (%s) failed to register 3%s: GPIO chip: failed to allocate pin ranges 3%s: GPIO chip: could not create pin range GPIO chip %s: created GPIO range %d->%d ==> %s PIN %d->%d autorequest GPIO-%d 3GPIO-%d: module can't be gotten [auto] 4%s: invalid GPIO GPIO-%d: chip request fail, %d %s: gpio-%d status %d _gpio_request: gpio-%d (%s) status %d no-bus %sGPIOs %d-%d , %s/%s , can sleep gpio-%-3d (%-20.20s) %s %s 3gpio-%d (%s): %s: tried to flag a GPIO set as output for IRQ gpiolib #gpio-cells %s: can't parse gpios property %s exited with status %d 3%s: GPIO chip registration failed with status %d drivers/gpio/gpiolib-of.c #gpio-range-cells gpiolib_of vpd r/w failed. This is likely a firmware bug on this device. Contact the card vendor for a firmware update. drivers/pci/access.c &vpd->lock 3PCI: can't add host bridge window %pR drivers/pci/bus.c Error adding device (%d) (unsigned long)(!dev->is_added) Error enabling bridge (%d), continuing can't add %pR resource 4pci %04x:%02x:%02x.%d: not responding Failed attempting to set the MPS Failed attempting to set the MRRS MRRS was unable to be configured with a safe value. If problems are experienced, try running with pci=pcie_bus_safe. PCI-E Max Payload Size set to %4d/%4d (was %4d), Max Read Rq %4d reg %x: can't handle 64-bit BAR reg %x: %pR (subtractive decode) PCI bridge to %pR%s bridge window %pR can't handle 64-bit address space for bridge bridge window %pR (subtractive decode) %04x:%02x:%02x.%d [%04x:%04x] type %02x class %#08x device has non-compliant BARs; disabling IO/MEM decoding unknown header type %02x, ignoring device ignoring class %#08x (doesn't match header type %02x) drivers/pci/probe.c domain busn_res: can not insert %pR under %s%pR (conflicts with %s %pR) (bus address [%#06llx-%#06llx]) (bus address [%#010llx-%#010llx]) bus already known pci%04x:%02x PCI host bridge to bus %s 6PCI host bridge to bus %s root bus resource %pR%s busn_res: %pR end %s updated to %02x can not be PCI CardBus %04x:%02x PCI Bus %04x:%02x wholly partially transparent scanning [bus %02x-%02x] behind bridge, pass %d Primary bus is hard wired to 0 bridge configuration invalid ([bus %02x-%02x]), reconfiguring %pR %s hidden behind%s bridge %s %pR scanning bus fixups for bus bus scan returning with max=%02x No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus %02x-ff] busn_res: %pR %s released pci_bus PCI busn invalid power transition (from state %d to %d) Refused to change power state, currently in D%d enabling disabling %s bus mastering restoring config space at offset %#x (was %#x, writing %#x) drivers/pci/pci.c bad OBFF signal type BAR %d: can't reserve %pR cache line size of %d is not supported unrecognized suspend event %d buffer not found in %s PME# %s enabling Mem-Wr-Inval Command register changed from 0x%x to 0x%x: driver or hardware bug? transaction is not cleared; proceeding with reset anyway Device %s disabling already-disabled device D3hot D3cold unsupported PM cap regs version (%u) supports%s%s PME# supported from%s%s%s%s%s unable to preallocate PCI Express save buffer unable to preallocate PCI-X save buffer nomsi noaer realloc= realloc nodomains noari cbiosize= cbmemsize= resource_alignment= ecrc= hpiosize= hpmemsize= pcie_bus_tune_off pcie_bus_safe pcie_bus_perf pcie_bus_peer2peer pcie_scan_all 3PCI: Unknown option `%s' setting latency timer to %d BAR %d: invalid resource %d%n %x:%x:%x.%x%n %x:%x.%x%n 3PCI: Can't parse resource_alignment parameter: %s Can't reassign resources to host bridge. Disabling memory decoding and releasing memory resources. Rounding up size of resource #%d to %#llx. resource_alignment D3hot D3cold PCI_CLASS=%04X PCI_ID=%04X:%04X PCI_SUBSYS_ID=%04X:%04X PCI_SLOT_NAME=%s MODALIAS=pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02X %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %lx compat new_id remove_id drivers/pci/search.c not forced subordinate bus to%s support MSI, bad things could happen pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08Xbc%02Xsc%02Xi%02X 0x%06x 0x%016llx 0x%016llx 0x%016llx resource%d resource%d_wc process "%s" tried to map 0x%08lx bytes at page 0x%08lx on %s BAR %d (start 0x%16Lx, size 0x%16Lx) drivers/pci/pci-sysfs.c boot_vga rescan cpuaffinity cpulistaffinity vendor subsystem_vendor subsystem_device class local_cpus local_cpulist modalias dma_mask_bits consistent_dma_mask_bits broken_parity_status msi_bus Invalid ROM contents no compatible bridge window for %pR address space collision: %pR conflicts with %s %pR mem pref BAR %d: can't assign %s (size %#llx) BAR %d: error updating (%#08x != %#08x) BAR %d: error updating (high %#08x != %#08x) BAR %d: set to %pR (PCI address [%#llx-%#llx]) disabling bridge mem windows BAR %d: can't assign %pR (bogus alignment) BAR %d: trying firmware assignment %pR BAR %d: %pR conflicts with %s %pR BAR %d: assigned %pR BAR %d: can't reassign an unassigned resource %pR BAR %d: reassigned %pR device not available (can't reserve %pR) enabling device (%04x -> %04x) setup_res drivers/pci/setup-res.c Potentially misrouted IRQ (Bridge %s %04x:%04x) Please report to linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org drivers/pci/irq.c MSIX routing failure MSI routing failure unknown cause (not MSI or ACPI) 4add_to_list: kmalloc() failed! res[%d]=%pR get_res_add_size add_size %llx resource %d %pR CardBus bridge to %pR failed to add %llx res[%d]=%pR PCI bridge to %pR resource %d %pR released BAR %d: %pR has bogus alignment pdev_sort_resources(): kmalloc() failed! not setting up bridge for bus %04x:%02x disabling bridge window %pR to %pR (unused) bridge window %pR to %pR add_size %llx bridge window %pR to %pR add_size %lx drivers/pci/setup-bus.c (unsigned long)(!list_empty(&add_list)) 7PCI: No. %d try to assign unassigned res Error reenabling bridge (%d) 7PCI: max bus depth: %d pci_try_num: %d (unsigned long)(!list_empty(add_list)) 6Some PCI device resources are unassigned, try booting with pci=realloc 6Automatically enabled pci realloc, if you have problem, try booting with pci=realloc=off %02x%02x %04x%04x %x %16llx %02x.%x bus/pci dev %02x, released physical slot %s dev %02x, dec refcount to %d drivers/pci/slot.c %s-%d dev %02x, created physical slot %s slots 3PCI: Slot initialization failure %04x:%02x %04x:%02x:%02x slot cur_bus_speed max_bus_speed 33 MHz PCI 66 MHz PCI 66 MHz PCI-X 100 MHz PCI-X 133 MHz PCI-X 66 MHz PCI-X 266 100 MHz PCI-X 266 133 MHz PCI-X 266 Unknown AGP 1x AGP 2x AGP 4x AGP 8x AGP 66 MHz PCI-X 533 100 MHz PCI-X 533 133 MHz PCI-X 533 2.5 GT/s PCIe 5.0 GT/s PCIe 8.0 GT/s PCIe expanded BAR %d to page size: %pR AMD8131 rev %x detected; disabling PCI-X MMRBC Netmos %04x (%u parallel, %u serial); changing class SERIAL to OTHER (use parport_serial) Disabling L0s PCI class overridden (%#08x -> %#08x) Fixup for MediaGX/Geode Slave Disconnect Boundary (0x41=0x%02x) set SATA to AHCI mode IDE mode mismatch; forcing legacy mode Enabling SiS 96x SMBus Linking AER extended capability Enabling MCH 'Overflow' Device PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release %s PIO at %04x-%04x %s PIO at %04x (mask %04x) [Firmware Bug]: TigerPoint LPC.BM_STS cleared Applying VIA southbridge workaround Disabling VIA CX700 PCI parking Disabling VIA CX700 PCI caching [Firmware Bug]: %s quirk: reg 0x%x: %pR CS5536 ISA bridge %s bug detected (incorrect header); workaround applied ATI Northbridge, reserving I/O ports 0x3b0 to 0x3bb RadeonIGP quirk: %pR claimed by %s ali7101 ACPI ali7101 SMB vt8235 PM vt8235 SMB TI XIO2000a quirk detected; secondary bus fast back-to-back transfers disabled VIA VLink IRQ fixup, from %d to %d BIOS failed to enable PCI standards compliance; fixing this error PXH quirk detected; SHPC device MSI disabled Can't map e100 registers Firmware left e100 interrupts enabled; disabling igfx quirk: Can't iomap PCI device BIOS left Intel GPU interrupts enabled; disabling calling %pF calling %pF @ %i for %s pci fixup %pF returned after %lld usecs for %s 7PCI: CLS %u bytes 7PCI: CLS mismatch (%u != %u), using %u bytes 7PCI: CLS %u bytes, default %u Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds Disabling direct PCI/PCI transfers Chipset erratum: Disabling direct PCI/AGP transfers Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers C0 revision 450NX. Disabling PCI restreaming Re-allocating PLX PCI 9050 BAR %u to length 256 to avoid bit 7 bug NCR 53c810 rev 1 detected; setting PCI class Enable I/O Space to 1KB granularity ICH4 ACPI/GPIO/TCO ICH4 GPIO ICH6 ACPI/GPIO/TCO ICH6 GPIO LPC Generic IO decode 1 LPC Generic IO decode 2 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 1 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 2 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 3 ICH7 LPC Generic IO decode 4 vt82c586 ACPI vt82c686 HW-mon vt82c686 SMB i801 SMBus device continues to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x Enabled i801 SMBus device Enabled ICH6/i801 SMBus device Onboard AC97/MC97 devices continue to play 'hide and seek'! 0x%x Enabled onboard AC97/MC97 devices drivers/pci/quirks.c Error attempting to read the read completion coalescing register. Error attempting to write the read completion coalescing register. 6Read completion coalescing disabled due to hardware errata relating to 256B MPS. timeout during reset %s MMIO at %04x-%04x PIIX4 ACPI PIIX4 SMB PIIX4 devres B PIIX4 devres C PIIX4 devres E PIIX4 devres F PIIX4 devres G PIIX4 devres H PIIX4 devres I PIIX4 devres J unloading service driver %s service driver %s loaded %s:pcie%02x device [%04x:%04x] has invalid IRQ; check vendor BIOS native pcieportdrv 4PCIE: bus_register error: %d pcieport pci_express Transaction Layer Data Link Layer Physical Layer Completer ID Receiver ID Transmitter ID (First) PCIe Bus Error: severity=%s, type=Unaccessible, id=%04x(Unregistered Agent ID) PCIe Bus Error: severity=%s, type=%s, id=%04x(%s) device [%04x:%04x] error status/mask=%08x/%08x [%2d] %-22s%s [%2d] Unknown Error Bit%s TLP Header: %02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x %02x%02x%02x%02x Error of this Agent(%04x) is reported first Multiple AER: %s%s error received: id=%04x Requester ID Data Link Protocol Poisoned TLP Flow Control Protocol Completion Timeout Completer Abort Unexpected Completion Receiver Overflow Malformed TLP ECRC Unsupported Request Receiver Error Bad TLP Bad DLLP RELAY_NUM Rollover Replay Timer Timeout Advisory Non-Fatal Uncorrected (Non-Fatal) Uncorrected (Fatal) Corrected no AER-aware driver no driver device has %s broadcast %s message can't find device of ID%04x error_detected Downstream Port link has been reset no link-reset support at upstream device %s link reset at upstream device %s failed mmio_enabled slot_reset resume AER: Device recovery successful AER: Device recovery failed Can't allocate mem when processing AER errors drivers/pci/pcie/aer/aerdrv_core.c aerdrv forceload requested. drivers/pci/pcie/aer/aerdrv.c Root Port link has been reset &rpc->rpc_mutex alloc rpc failed assigning IRQ %02d fixup irq: got %d setup_irq drivers/pci/setup-irq.c drivers/pci/of.c dummy device drivers/tty/tty_io.c 4Warning: dev (%s) tty->count(%d) != #fd's(%d) in %s 4tty: no memory to save termios state. 7tty not NULL!! device: '%s': %s NULL tty 4tty_check_change: tty->pgrp == NULL! 3Attempt to register invalid tty line number (%d). %s%c%x Couldn't register /dev/tty driver Couldn't register /dev/console driver 4null TTY for (%d:%d) in %s 4bad magic number for tty struct (%d:%d) in %s tty_fasync tty_hangup tty_poll tty_read tty_write 3tty driver %s lacks a write_room method. 5SAK: killed process %d (%s): task_session(p)==tty->session 5SAK: killed process %d (%s): fd#%d opened to the tty &tty->legacy_mutex &tty->termios_mutex &tty->ldisc_mutex &tty->write_wait &tty->read_wait &tty->atomic_write_lock %s: %s driver does not set tty->port. This will crash the kernel later. Fix the driver! 6tty_init_dev: ldisc open failed, clearing slot %d 7%s: bad idx when trying to free (%s) 7%s: driver.table[%d] not tty for (%s) 7%s: other->table[%d] not o_tty for (%s) 7%s: bad pty pointers 4%s: %s: read/write wait queue active! 4%s: bad pty slave count (%d) for %s 4%s: bad tty->count (%d) for %s tty_ioctl tty_io drivers/tty/n_tty.c scheduling with invalid itty scheduling buffer work for halted ldisc &ldata->atomic_read_lock &ldata->output_lock &ldata->echo_lock 3n_tty_read: no tty->pgrp! 4%s: %d input overrun(s) 3%s: unknown flag %d n_tty 4Warning?!? termios_locked is NULL. drivers/tty/tty_ioctl.c (unsigned long)(file == ((void *)0)) drivers/tty/tty_ldisc.c %-10s %2d tty-ldisc-%d &ld->wq_idle n_tty: get Couldn't open N_TTY ldisc for %s --- error %d. 4%s: waiting (%s) for %s took too long, but we keep waiting... (unsigned long)(tty_ldisc_reinit(tty, 0)) n_tty: init_tty drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c &port->open_wait &port->close_wait &port->delta_msr_wait &port->mutex &port->buf_mutex drivers/tty/tty_port.c 4tty_port_close_start: tty->count = 1 port count = %d. 4tty_port_close_start: count = %d 3L Bad %p drivers/tty/tty_mutex.c 3U Bad %p drivers/tty/pty.c Couldn't allocate pty driver Couldn't allocate pty slave driver pty_master pty_slave ttyp Couldn't register pty driver Couldn't register pty slave driver Couldn't allocate Unix98 ptm driver Couldn't allocate Unix98 pts driver Couldn't register Unix98 ptm driver Couldn't register Unix98 pts driver Couldn't register /dev/ptmx driver (unsigned long)(!tty) drivers/tty/sysrq.c 6sysrq: sysrq always enabled. Loglevel set to %d 3sysrq: Failed to register input sysrq handler, error %d 3sysrq: Failed to open input device, error %d sysrq-trigger 3sysrq: Failed to register proc interface 3sysrq: Failed to register input handler, error %d 6SysRq : This sysrq operation is disabled. HELP : nice-all-RT-tasks(n) Nice All RT Tasks kill-all-tasks(i) Kill All Tasks thaw-filesystems(j) Emergency Thaw of all frozen filesystems memory-full-oom-kill(f) Manual OOM execution terminate-all-tasks(e) Terminate All Tasks show-memory-usage(m) Show Memory show-blocked-tasks(w) Show Blocked State show-task-states(t) Show State show-registers(p) Show Regs show-backtrace-all-active-cpus(l) Show backtrace of all active CPUs unmount(u) Emergency Remount R/O show-all-timers(q) Show clockevent devices & pending hrtimers (no others) sync(s) Emergency Sync reboot(b) Resetting crash(c) Trigger a crash unraw(r) Keyboard mode set to system default sak(k) loglevel(0-9) Changing Loglevel drivers/tty/vt/vt_ioctl.c Suspend: Can't switch VCs. vt_ioctl &poll->waitq drivers/tty/vt/vc_screen.c vcs%u vcsa%u unable to get major %d for vcs device vcsa 4selection: kmalloc() failed drivers/tty/vt/keyboard.c 3keyboard: k_lowercase was called - impossible 4keyboard: can't emulate rawmode for keycode %d 4keyboard: keyboard mode must be unicode for braille patterns drivers/tty/vt/vt.c (unsigned long)(vc == ((void *)0)) tty%d vtcon%i 4Unable to create device for %s; errno = %ld vtconsole 4Unable to create vt console class; errno = %ld &vc->paste_wait colour mono 6Console: %s %s %dx%d 6Console: switching consoles %d-%d to %s %s %dx%d to %s 4unblank_screen: tty %d not allocated ?? [M%c%c%c Couldn't register /dev/tty0 driver tty0 Couldn't allocate console driver Couldn't register console driver [?6c [%d;%dR 3vt: argh, driver_data is NULL ! 4con_write: tty %d not allocated drivers/tty/serial/serial_core.c 3%s%s%s%d: Unable to drain transmitter uart_flush_buffer(%d) called uart_wait_until_sent(%d), jiffies=%lu, expire=%lu... uart_hangup(%d) 5%s sets custom speed on %s. This is deprecated. uart_close(%d) called uart_open(%d) called (unsigned long)(drv->state) 0x%lX 0x%X 1Removing wrong port: %p != %p mmio:0x port: serinfo:1.0 driver%s%s revision:%s %d: uart:%s %s%08llX irq:%d tx:%d rx:%d fe:%d pe:%d brk:%d oe:%d |RTS |CTS |DTR |DSR I/O 0x%lx I/O 0x%lx offset 0x%x MMIO 0x%llx *unknown* 6%s%s%s%d at %s (irq = %d) is a %s 3Cannot register tty device on line %d iomem_reg_shift iomem_base io_type custom_divisor closing_wait close_delay uartclk xmit_fifo_size serial_core drivers/tty/serial/serial_avm.c 3%s current fpi clock %u can't provide baudrate %u!!! err_irq_count=%d rx_enabled=%d, tx_enabled=%d, tx_irq_timeout=%d xmit_empty=%x stopped=%x -------------------------------------------------------- base = 0x%p clc = %#lx pisel = %#lx id = %#lx mcon = %#lx state = %#lx whbstate = %#lx tbuf = %#lx rbuf = %#lx abcon = %#lx abstat = %#lx whbabcon = %#lx whbabstat = %#lx rxfcon = %#lx txfcon = %#lx fstat = %#lx bg = %#lx bg_timer = %#lx fdv = %#lx pmw = %#lx modcon = %#lx modstat = %#lx sfcc = %#lx eomcon = %#lx dmacon = %#lx irnen = %#lx irncr = %#lx irnicr = %#lx driver/serial_avm port_%d PORT_IFX_ASC AVM Serial (ASC) asc1_tx asc1_rx asc1_err drivers/tty/serial/ifxmips_usif_uart.c USIF_UART 3%s timeout USIF_TX_REQ 3%s: can't get irq %d for Tx USIF_RX_REQ 3%s: can't get irq %d for Rx USIF_STAT 3%s: can't get irq %d for status USIF_ERR 3%s: can't get irq %d for error 3%s: Should not come here 3%s: Failed during io remap 3%s rmc==0 3%s busy 3%s: uart_register_driver failed 3%s: uart_add_one_port failed USIF-UART unable to get major %d for memory devs kmem null full urandom char/mem drivers/char/random.c (unsigned long)(r->entropy_count > r->poolinfo->poolwords*32) 7random %04d %04d %04d: trying to extract %zu bits from %s 7random %04d %04d %04d: debiting %zu entropy credits from %s%s (unlimited) 5requesting %d bits from input_wait()er %d<%d 7random %04d %04d %04d: added %d entropy credits to %s 7random %04d %04d %04d: negative entropy/overflow 7random %04d %04d %04d: going to reseed %s with %d bits (%zu of %d requested) 7random %04d %04d %04d: reading %zu bits 7random %04d %04d %04d: read got %zd bits (%zd still needed) 7random %04d %04d %04d: sleeping? 7random %04d %04d %04d: awake 5crediting %d bits => %d 7random %04d %04d %04d: input event 7random %04d %04d %04d: disk event %d:%d nonblocking blocking drivers/char/misc.c %3i %s misc unable to get major %d for misc devices drivers/char/avm_net_trace/avm_net_trace.c 7avm_net_trace: Stopping trace on device '%s' (%lu pakets dropped). 7Starting new trace on device '%s'. avm_net_trace 7avm_net_trace: udev device %s created 3avm_net_trace: ERROR udev device %s%d not created, err=%p 7avm_net_trace: destroy udev device %s 3avm_net_trace_work: ERROR must be reset to 0 &ant->recvwait 6avm_net_trace: New net trace device '%s' registered with minor %d. avm_net_device 3avm_net_trace: register_chrdev failed avm_net_trace0 6avm_net_trace: Up and running. invalid count value %x %zx tpm_transmit: tpm_send: error %zd Operation Canceled Operation Timed out tpm_transmit: tpm_recv: error %zd A TPM error (%d) occurred %s attempting to determine the timeouts continue selftest attempting to read a pcr value attempting to read the PUBEK Algorithm: %02X %02X %02X %02X Encscheme: %02X %02X Sigscheme: %02X %02X Parameters: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X Modulus length: %d Modulus: %02X attempting extend a PCR value attempting tpm_cmd attempting get random [Hardware Error]: TPM command timed out during continue self test TPM is disabled/deactivated (0x%X) adjusted original %d %d %d [%s] %d %d %d %d [%s] Another process owns this TPM No device data found extending dummy pcr before suspend Error (%d) sending savestate before suspend TPM savestate took %dms &chip->buffer_mutex &chip->tpm_mutex No available tpm device numbers unable to misc_register %s, minor %d attempting to start the TPM Issuing TPM_STARTUP A TPM error (%zd) occurred attempting to determine the timeouts attempting to determine the durations Adjusting TPM timeout parameters. [Hardware Error]: Adjusting reported timeouts: A %lu->%luus B %lu->%luus C %lu->%luus D %lu->%luus attempting to determine the permanent enabled state attempting to determine the permanent active state attempting to determine the owner state attempting to determine the temporary state attempting to determine the number of PCRS PCR-%02d: attempting to determine the manufacturer Manufacturer: 0x%x attempting to determine the 1.1 version TCG version: %d.%d Firmware version: %d.%d attempting to determine the 1.2 version drivers/char/tpm/tpm.c drivers/char/tffs/tffs_init.c (unsigned long)(IS_ERR_OR_NULL(handle)) [%s] waiting for events [%s] processing events 0x%08lx 0[%s] panic triggered Async panic triggered. [%s] Cleanup 6[%s] event thread dead 3[%s] interrupted while waiting for events, exiting tffs 3[%s] register_chrdev_region failed: reason %d! tffs0 &tffs.event_wq tffsd (unsigned long)((tffs.kthread == ((void *)0)) || IS_ERR((void *)tffs.kthread)) 6TFFS: tiny flash file system driver. GPL (c) AVM Berlin (Version %s) [%s] Called with event 0x%08x tffs_init 3[%s:%s] Out of memory error. [%s] TFFS3_Open failed 3[%s] no memory for z_buffer, requested 0x%x bytes 3[%s] no memory for %s workspace 3[%s] zlib_deflateInit failed, status = %d [%s] TFFS3_Open success wr_mode=0x%x 3[%s] panic handle already used [%s]TFFS3_Open failed [%s] z_length: 0x%x 3[%s] workspace buffer too small (0x%x) for zlib workspace (0x%x) [%s] MAJOR %u MINOR %u [%s]: TFFS3_Open O_APPEND not supported [%s] opening O_RDONLY and O_WRONLY simultaneously not supported [%s] Close error %d on ID 0x%x 3[tffs_read] id 0x%x msg = %s tffs_write: no write supported on minor 0 [tffs_write] msg = %s %s: tffs_ioctl: no data pointer for cmd number %u 3%s: tffs_ioctl: copy_from_user failed 3%s: tffs_ioctl: read failed: flags=O_WRONLY 3[%s]: %s: alloc(%u) failed 3%s: tffs_ioctl: copy_to_user failed 3%s: tffs_ioctl: write failed: flags=O_RDONLY 3%s: tffs_ioctl: alloc(%u) failed 3%s: tffs_ioctl: unknwon 3[%s] _TFFS_READ_ID: TFFS3_Open() failed 3[%s] _TFFS_WRITE_ID: TFFS3_Open() failed 3[%s] _TFFS_CLEAR_ID: TFFS3_Open() failed tffs_fops drivers/char/tffs/tffs_fops.c [%s] Called 3[%s] TFFS_device not initialised 3[%s] No config function registered for NAND 3[%s] Backing device already registered. 3[%s] No config function registered for LGCY 3[%s] No config function registered for remote access [%s] called [%s] Called. panic [%s] getting %shandle failed 3[%s] Called 3[%s] No config function registered for remote server 3[%s] Server already registered. 3[%s] No config function registered for EFI NULL 6[%s] registering panic callback for mtd %s 3[%s] Unable to allocate memory. 3[%s] No storage module registered, trying legacy fallback 3[%s] No cache/backend setup function registered. 3[%s] Backing device either not configured or already set up. TFFS3_Werkseinstellungen(%p) TFFS3_Werkseinstellungen(%p): clear id 0x%x failed (%u cleared) TFFS3_Werkseinstellungen(%p): success (%u cleared) tffs_core drivers/char/tffs/tffs_core.c 4[%s] corrupt TFFS name table found 6TFFS Name Table %c 4WARNING: TFFS Name Table update ! (current %s new %s) [%s] opening ID 0x%x for writing [%s] TFFS3_Write() returned %d [%s] TFFS3_Open returned %ld 3[%s-%d] avm_urlader_env_get_variable(%d) failed, invalid handle 3[%s-%d] avm_urlader_env_get_variable(%u) failed, not initialised 3[%s-%d] avm_urlader_env_get_variable(%u) found, but no memory tffs_intern drivers/char/tffs/tffs_intern.c unbekannt FW-Update reboot-for-update 5Defragging the environment variable region. 4Defragging the environment variable region failed. 4Failed to write %s to environment variable region. 4[%s] Variable truncated while printing: %s process down TFFS mount=mtd%u request=%u fill=%u event panding mode: read/write: shared thread state=%s clear_id werkseinstellung 3/proc/tffs: request not recognized 3/proc/tffs: clear id request: invalid id %s 6/proc/tffs: info request: %s 6/proc/tffs: index request: %s 6/proc/tffs: cleanup request: %s 6/proc/tffs: werkseinstellungen request: %s 6/proc/tffs: clear id 0x%x request: %s 3%s: id %x not supported 3write not supported 6Adam2 environment variables API installed. poweron nmi_workaround firmware_update short-reboot buserror-reboot temperature-reboot environment firmware_version annex reboot_status %03u.%03u/%3u.%03u %s tffs_stat %lu:%02lu:%02lu never Managing ID %4u %s access %8lu/%-8lu - %s (%s/s) last access before %s summary read summary write [%s] Context not initialised 3[TFFS3-NAND] Out of memory during configuration 3[TFFS3-NAND] Invalid pointer to mtd: %p 3[TFFS3-NAND] TFFS device not initialised [%s] malloc(%u) failed 3[%s] adding bad page at offset 0x%llx to list. Defect type: %s page tag header list 3[%s] error reading oob entry at address 0x%llx [%s] bogus oob entry at address 0x%llx [%s] error reading entry header at address 0x%llx 3[%s] empty entry header found at address 0x%llx 3[%s] mismatch between data and oob headers at address 0x%llx 3[%s] e_hdr.ID: 0x%x o_hdr.ID: 0x%x e_hdr.Len: 0x%x, o_hdr.Len: 0x%x [%s] out of memory 3[TFFS3-NAND] Not freeing active segment chain for ID 0x%x, revision 0x%x! drivers/char/tffs/tffs_nand.c (unsigned long)(entry->block_ptr->used_space < entry->padded_len) [%s] %sscanning block at address 0x%llx [TFFS3-NAND] found TFFS header magic at address 0x%llx, version 0x%x [%s] blk_addr: 0x%llx blkseq_nr: 0x%x sect_per_pg: 0x%x num_bad_pages: 0x%x erase_cnt: 0x%x 3[TFFS3-NAND] incompatible sector layout found in block at address 0x%llx [TFFS3-NAND] Adding known bad page for block at address 0x%llx failed. [%s] using existing struct for entry ID: 0x%x Len: 0x%x rev: 0x%x seg: 0x%x next: 0x%x at 0x%llx [%s] bogus entry for ID 0x%x at address 0x%llx: Len 0x%x > block free space 0x%x 4[TFFS3-NAND] unknown state: 0x%x [%s] freeing stale entry ID: 0x%x Len: 0x%x rev: 0x%x at 0x%llx 0[%s] Called in panic mode! 3[TFFS3-NAND] Double add to index detected! 3[TFFS3-NAND] error fetching index object for ID 0x%x [%s] adding stale entry to index failed 3[TFFS3-NAND] adding entry to index failed with code %d 3[TFFS3-NAND] Refusing to format bad block at address 0x%llx 3[TFFS3_NAND] Block at address 0x%llx still in use, aborting [%s] Too many bad pages &wait_q [%s] erasing block at address 0x%llx 3[TFFS3-NAND] unable to allocate memory for write buffer 6[TFFS3-NAND] writing TFFS header to address 0x%llx. SeqNr: 0x%x EraseCnt: 0x%x 4[TFFS3-NAND] erase operation of block at address 0x%llx failed [%s] ctx == NULL (unsigned long)(ctx->buffer_size < ctx->mtd->writesize) 4[TFFS3-NAND] seek offset 0x%llx beyond entry end [%s] Block at address 0x%llx needs to be rewritten [%s] block_mark_page_bad(0x%llx): %d 3[TFFS3-NAND] Flash read at address 0x%llx failed [%s] Entry header at address 0x%llx and index are inconsistent! [%s] Aborting on incomplete flash header read at address 0x%llx [%s] Entry at address 0x%llx crosses block boundary [%s] mtd->block_isbad(0x%llx): %d [%s] state == NULL 4[TFFS3-NAND] Block at address 0x%llx needs to be rewritten [%s] no suitable replace block found for block 0x%x (unsigned long)(src_blk->used_space < raw_len) [%s] block at address 0x%llx not empty after moving entries. [%s] block at address 0x%llx has more data than block space! [%s] Bogus accounting for block 0x%x at address 0x%llx found! [%s] No block for cleanup found! [%s] cleaning block at address 0x%llx failed [%s] Formatting block at address 0x%llx with revision no. 0x%x 3[TFFS3-NAND] formatting block at address 0x%llx failed. 4[TFFS3-NAND] Error on block at 0x%llx while rebuilding TFFS index! [%s] Block at 0x%llx: dropping entry ID: 0x%x Revision: 0x%x , Segment: 0x%x 3[TFFS3-NAND] Error: re-scanning block at address 0x%llx failed [%s] name: %s size: 0x%llx erasesize: 0x%x writesize: 0x%x oobsize: 0x%x oobavail: 0x%x subpages: 0x%x [%s] subpage_sft: 0x%x, erasesize_shift: 0x%x, writesize_shift: 0x%x blocks: 0x%x 3[TFFS3-NAND] invalid OOB configuration, aborting! [%s] sector_size: 0x%x sectors_per_page: 0x%x sector_sft: 0x%x sector_msk: 0x%x 3[TFFS3-NAND] out of memory during block initialisation, aborting [TFFS3-NAND] scanning block at address 0x%llx 4[TFFS3-NAND] Error scanning block at address 0x%llx 6[TFFS3-NAND] Formatting block at address 0x%llx with revision no. 0x%x 3[TFFS3-NAND] formatting block at address 0x%llx failed, ignoring it. 3[TFFS3-NAND] Error re-scanning block at address 0x%llx failed, aborting! 3[TFFS3-NAND] adding block number 0x%x to index failed, aborting!. [%s] non-fatal error detected on block number 0x%x, running clean [%s] after prune_index: [%s] block number 0x%x, blk_addr: 0x%llx, free_start: 0x%llx, used: 0x%x 6[TFFS3-NAND] NAND storage backend for TFFS 3.x (unsigned long)(ctx == ((void *)0)) 3[TFFS3-NAND] Unable to get MTD device %s 3[TFFS3-NAND] MTD %s not NAND type 6[TFFS3-NAND] Initialisation successful, %d/%d/%lld NAND blocks active, fill rate %d%% 6[TFFS3-NAND] Initialisation failed! tffs_nand 3[%s] mtd_info/mtd_info->read is NULL [%s] Called with mode=%u TFFS: Clearing index for update [%s] mtd "%s": segment value %u 3[TFFS] mtd "%s": no SEGMENT VALUE (0x%x) [%s] end found at 0x%llx: 0x%x 3[TFFS] <0x%x> %u bytes at 0x%llx [%s] <0x%x> %u bytes at 0x%llx 3[TFFS] illegal ID 0x%x found at offset 0x%llx 3[TFFS] Entry with id 0x%x at 0x%llx has illegal length: 0x%x 3TFFS_Global_Index not cleared! 6[TFFS] clearing duplicate entry for id <0x%x> with %u bytes at 0x%llx 4[TFFS] filesystem full 3[TFFS] Diagnosis summary: result: %d skip_cnt: 0x%x skip_len: 0x%x alive_cnt: 0x%x alive_len: 0x%x 3[%s] MTD read failed, could not read a complete _tffs_segment_entry from %s [%s] tffs id not found: 0x%x [%s] found index entry for ID %x [%s] explicit clearing requested [%s] zero length entry [%s] allocating compare buffer failed, skipping test 3[%s] reading old entry for compare failed [%s] entries equal Verify for entry 0x%x with len 0x%x at 0x%llx failed. Write buffer: orig: Read buffer: read: [%s] old entry writable [%s] found old entry with ID=%x [%s] old and new entry identical [%s] old entry can be overwritten by new one 3[%s] mtd_info/mtd_info->write is NULL [%s] found start of free area at offset 0x%llx [%s] header with id %x written at offset 0x%llx [%s] %d bytes data written [%s] cleared ID 0x%x at offset 0x%llx, len=%u 4[%s] erasing duplicate entry for ID 0x%x at 0x%llx failed! 3[%s] writing entry header for id 0x%x at offset 0x%llx failed, reason %d 3[%s] writing entry data for id 0x%x at offset 0x%llx failed, reason %d 3[%s] clearing entry for ID 0x%x at offset 0x%llx failed. 3[%s] Module or context information missing! 3[%s] Unable to get mtd%u 6[%s] mtd "%s": segment value %u 6[%s] mtd "%s": no SEGMENT VALUE (0x%x) [%s] no valid filesystem on mtds "%s" and "%s"! 6[%s] Using segment %u (avail: %u + %u) 6[%s] mtd%u size=0x%llx 6[%s] using mtd%u(%s), mtd%u(%s) 3[%s] Out of memory error legacy [%s] activating segment on "%s" 3[TFFS] Rescan of new segment on mtd "%s" failed. 3[%s] kzalloc failed 3[%s] Failed to erase mtd, region [0x%llx, 0x%llx] 3[%s] Failed (callback) to erase mtd, region [0x%llx, 0x%llx] 3[%s] format of mtd "%s" failed [%s] writing segment header to mtd "%s" 3[%s] No context given 3[%s] Ignoring entries after offset 0x%llx 3[TFFS]: First entry invalid for mtd "%s". 3[TFFS] Cleanup found inconsistent data [%s] current segment number %u 6[%s] free area found at offset 0x%llx 4[%s] invalid entry id 0x%x with length 0x%x found at offset 0x%llx [TFFS] no IDs skipped, leaving it as it is 3[TFFS] Current segment unreadable, trying fall back to previous segment 4[TFFS] close old mtd "%s", open new mtd "%s" 3[TFFS] Can't get mtd "%s" 4[TFFS] Format and populate new mtd "%s" [%s] free area found at offset 0x%llx 3[TFFS] Created cleanup segment with inconsistent entries. Aborting. 3[TFFS] Written segment has different count/size: old entries/size: %u/%u new %u/%u [%s] setting segment number of mtd "%s" to %u 3[TFFS] Switching to new segment failed. 3[TFFS] killing new but corrupted mtd "%s", triggering panic reboot 3[TFFS] Re-building index of current segment failed, switching to hard cleanup 3[TFFS] Error while killing damaged segment! Have to keep going... 3[TFFS] Activating previous segment 3[TFFS] Previous segment corrupted, hard re-init needed 3[TFFS] Error during hard cleanup?! Going postal... [TFFS] Uncorrectable state, forcing reboot 3[TFFS]: cannot read segment for mtd "%s". 6[%s] %u data records skipped 6[TFFS] Activating new segment 3[TFFS] Writing name table failed, wiping both segments [%s] invalid tffs_id: 0x%x 3[%s] Entry for ID 0x%x at offset 0x%llx is wrong: ID 0x%x Len 0x%x 3[%s] Clearing old entry for ID 0x%x Length 0x%x at 0x%llx failed. Found ID 0x%x Length 0x%x 3[%s] Wrong header written for ID 0x%x Length 0x%x at 0x%llx. Found ID 0x%x Length 0x%x 3[%s] Wrong data written for ID 0x%x Length 0x%x at 0x%llx. 3[%s] calling do_cleanup() 6TFFS: fill level %u%% > 90%% ... doing emergency Cleanup 4TFFS: emergency cleanup failed. 6TFFS: fill level %u%% > 75%% ... trigger Cleanup [%s] No context given. 3[%s] Called from non-management handle-id: 0x%x, aborting 6[%s] Starting Cleanup 6[%s] Cleanup %s. tffs_legacy drivers/char/tffs/tffs_legacy.c %s %s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %02d UTC %s readmultiple readonce clear_rebootcounter 6unknown option: use readmultiple, readonce, clear_rebootcounter 3%s can't proc_create(%s) 3%s tffs_open_kern failed [%x]%x,%x,%x (since last regular reboot/power-cut) firmware_info %lu d %lu h %lu min %lu s UPTIME: %lu (%s - panic on %s) %s %s HW: %s.%s FW: %s PANIC LOG VERSION 2.1 ------------------- Last part of Panic-log Content: ------------------- 3%s: ignoring unrecognized KMSG_DUMP_* reason %d %x]%x,%x,%x by support data by crash report crashreport: FLASH_FS_CRASH: TFFS3_Read() -> result=%d crashreport: FLASH_FS_CRASH: TFFS3_Write() -> result=%d ----- %s(first) sent on: %s avm/crash.log avm/log_cr crash panic2 crash2 avm/log_sd 3[loadcontrol]module %s register failed drivers/char/avm_power/avm_power_loadcontrol.c 6[loadcontrol]module %s registered 6[loadcontrol]module %s released 3[loadcontrol]module %p release failed 6[loadcontrol] set level to %x 6[loadcontrol] set auto - scale=%d avm_power 3[%s]: %s avm_power_write: copy_from_user failed PMINFO_MODE PMINFO_SET ETH_MODE 3[%s] : unknown port %u: 3[%s] : unknown status - set status to powered(2) 3[%s] : ethernet not registered 3[%s] : ethernet switch failed LOAD_MODE IDLE_MODE 3mode=0x%x [avm_power] format error: "MODE = " 3[%s] format error: '%s' 3[%s] use: "PMINFO_MODE = device, norm_rate, multiplier, divider, offset" 3[%s] use: "PMINFO_SET = device, power_rate 3[%s] use: "ETH_MODE = port, state" 3[%s] use: "LOAD_MODE = mode (0 auto, 1 off, > 1 Level" 3[%s] use: "IDLE_MODE = mode" 3%s: %s: open malloc failed 3[%s] cdev_alloc failed! 3[%s] cdev_add failed! %s%u idle: %s %% (%s %%) 3error on start %pS %-64s: %d.%u %-64s: error=%d 3%s invalid parameter 3%s can't get memory temp_reader_%s 3avm_power: [%s] No cpu sensor registered 4[%s]unknown event: %d 4[%s]can't alloc event: %d 3[%s]temperature event: %d 4[%s]event: %d not handled 3[%s] avm event temperature register failed ! avm/temp_sensors 4[avm_power]unknown event: %d 4[avm_power]can't alloc event: %d 3[avm_power_disp_loadrate] cpu-idle-event: MEM: %d %d %d %%, active=%ld free=%ld/%ld cpu_idle [avm_power] %s register failed ! cpu_run telefonprofile 3[avm_power] %s register failed ! telefon_profile [avm_power] %s PowerManagmentRegister failed ! powermanagment_status 3[avm_power] %s source register failed ! adsl_event 3[avm_power] %s PowerManagmentRegister failed ! speedstep pm_qos_latency usbpower ai_user:%lu.%02lu/%s 0x%08lx %s ai_sys:%lu.%02lu/%s %pS %s 4[%x]system-load %d%s loadavg %lu.%lu %lu.%lu %lu.%lu - %d tasks:%lu %% curr:%s(%lu %%)max:%s(%lu %%, pid:%d) pgstat: sum=%lu free=%lu slab=%lu alloc=%lu/s fault=%lu/s%s%s (sleep %lu) 4[avm_power]event: %d not handled POLICY CON [avm_power] eth: port %u force throttle %s%s t%d [avm_power] eth: port %u force normal %s%s t%d [avm_power] eth: port %d status %d throttle %d%s%s t%d e1_active e1_inactive 7SUM:%d(%d) SYST:%d(%d)-%x DSP:%d(%d) WLAN:%d(%d)-%d-%x ETH:%d(%d)-%x ISDN:%x AB:%d(%d) DECT:%d(%d) USB:%d(%d)-%x LTE:%d(%d) DVBC:%d(%d) TEMP(%d, %d min %d max %d) want:%d 3[avm_power]pm_ressourceinfo_thread: exit &pm_ressourceinfo.wait_queue pm_info drivers/char/avm_power/avm_power_pminfo.c (unsigned long)((pm_ressourceinfo.kthread == ((void *)0)) || IS_ERR((void *)pm_ressourceinfo.kthread)) pm_info_stat [avm_power] avm event register failed ! 3[avm_power] p%s: unknown_device %d: '%s' 3[avm_power] %s: invalid format '%s' powerdevice_unknown 3[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: unknown_device %d: '%s' 7[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: %s: norm_power_rate=%d act_rate=%d mul=%d div=%d offset=%d NormP=%d mW -> SumNormP=%d mW 3[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: warning divider is zero '%s' 3[avm_power] pm_ressourceinfo_scriptparse: invalid format '%s' LAN%x 3%sCPUs-Activity=%d %% DSL-Activity=%d %% WLAN-Activity=%d %% WLAN-Devices=%d%s USB=%d %% %s powerdevice_none powerdevice_cpuclock powerdevice_dspclock powerdevice_systemclock powerdevice_wlan powerdevice_isdnnt powerdevice_isdnte powerdevice_analog powerdevice_dect powerdevice_ethernet powerdevice_dsl powerdevice_usb_host powerdevice_usb_client powerdevice_charge powerdevice_loadrate powerdevice_temperature powerdevice_dectsync powerdevice_usb_host2 powerdevice_usb_host3 powerdevice_dsp_loadrate powerdevice_vdsp_loadrate powerdevice_lte powerdevice_loadrate2 powerdevice_dvbc powerdevice_maxdevices 3[avm_power]PowerManagmentRessourceInfo: unknown device: %d 3%s loadavg %lu.%lu %lu.%lu %lu.%lu loadcntrl 0x%x 3[avm_power]%s: device: %s value=(0x%x)%d changes=%d 3[avm_power] PowerManagmentRelease(0x%p) 3[avm_power]%s: invalid Handle drivers/char/avm_power/avm_power_if.c 3%s error link already zero 3[avm_power]PowerManagmentRegister: invalid param %p %p 3[avm_power]%s: no memory available powermode: avm/powermanagmentressourceinfo 3%s: can't create %s %s/%s 0x%x %u %% 0x%x %u mA %u mW te_active vdsl dect_trace_on dect_trace_off telefon_profile_on telefon_profile_off multicast_profile_on multicast_profile_off voip_profile_on voip_profile_off usb_current_req pcmlink_bus_off pcmlink_bus_on pots_load te_load te_reload pots_reload tepots_switchauto tepots_switchmanu lock_governor unlock_governor piglet isdn protrace client_state_change convert_message_union_wlan_event_data client_connect_info scan_event_info client_state_idle convert_message_union_avm_event_tffs_call_union convert_message_union_avm_event_data_union wlan_event wlan_power autoprov usb_status dsl_set_arch dsl_get_arch dsl_set dsl_get dsl_status dsl_connect_status push_button telefon_wlan_command capiotcp_startstop telefon_up reboot_req appl_status led_status powerline_status cpmac powermanagment_remote id_log id_remotewatchdog id_rpc id_remotepcmlink telephony_missed_call telephony_tam_call telephony_fax_received internet_new_ip firmware_update_available smarthome_switch_status telephony_incoming_call mass_storage_mount mass_storage_unmount checkpoint ambient_brightness fax_status fax_file telephony_call_finished smarthome user_source_notify dummy0 convert_message_union_avm_event_wlan_client_status_u1 active_rate active_rate5 active_rate6 active_rate2 radar_chan active_rate4 green_ap_ps_state active_rate1 active_rate3 coexist_ht40_state max_node_count sub_event channel radar_chan1 convert_message_union_avm_event_message_union source_unregister source_notifier remote_source_trigger_request ping convert_message_union_avm_event_internet_new_ip_param string_avm_event_telephony_params_name convert_message_union_avm_event_telephony_call_params string_avm_event_telephony_params_msn_name number duration string_avm_event_telephony_params_portname string_avm_event_telephony_params_tam_path convert_message_union_avm_event_wlan_client_status_u2 wlan_mode radar_freq radar_freq1 convert_message_union__avm_event_cmd_param avm_event_cmd_param_source_register convert_message_union___powermanagment_status_union convert_message_union_avm_event_powermanagment_remote_union powermode convert_message_union_avm_event_wlan_client_status_u3 radar_time convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_client_connect_info info_context reason ieee80211_code convert_message_struct__avm_event_fax_status fax_receive_mode fax_storage_dest dirname_length dirname convert_message_struct__avm_event_cmd convert_message_struct__avm_event_telephony_missed_call_params convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_open convert_message_struct_avm_event_boykott substatus convert_message_struct_avm_event_powermanagment_status convert_message_struct__avm_event_powermanagment_status convert_message_struct_avm_event_powermanagment_remote_ressourceinfo power_rate id_mask convert_message_struct_avm_event_source_unregister iface convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_scan_common initiator convert_message_struct__avm_event_pm_info_stat reserved1 rate_sumact rate_sumcum rate_systemact rate_systemcum system_status rate_dspact rate_dspcum rate_wlanact rate_wlancum wlan_devices wlan_status rate_ethact rate_ethcum eth_status rate_abact rate_abcum isdn_status rate_dectact rate_dectcum rate_battchargeact rate_battchargecum dect_status rate_usbhostact rate_usbhostcum act_temperature min_temperature max_temperature avg_temperature rate_lteact rate_ltecum rate_dvbcact rate_dvbccum convert_message_struct_avm_event_led_status param_len convert_message_struct__avm_event_ambient_brightness maxvalue convert_message_struct_avm_event_temperature convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_scan_event_info event_type cputype convert_message_struct_avm_event_cpu_run convert_message_struct_avm_event_fax_status mem_offset convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_init max_seg_size convert_message_struct_avm_event_remotewatchdog convert_message_struct_avm_event_remote_source_trigger_request convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_client_state_idle evnt_id convert_message_struct_avm_event_unserialised data_len convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_notify node_id convert_message_struct_avm_event_checkpoint checkpoints convert_message_struct__avm_event_mass_storage_unmount name_length convert_message_struct__avm_event_powermanagment_remote_ressourceinfo buff_addr convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_write final convert_message_struct__avm_event_powerline_status convert_message_struct__avm_event_smarthome_switch_status ain_length convert_message_struct_avm_event_data src_id convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs dst_id seq_nr srv_handle clt_handle result convert_message_struct_avm_event_cpu_idle dsl_dsp_idle voice_dsp_idle mem_strictlyused mem_cacheused mem_physfree convert_message_struct__avm_event_push_button pressed ssid convert_message_struct_avm_event_wlan_credentials bssid convert_message_struct_avm_event_telephony_missed_call convert_message_struct_avm_event_internet_new_ip convert_message_struct__avm_event_powermanagment_remote remote_action convert_message_struct__avm_event_telefonprofile convert_message_struct__avm_event_cmd_param_source_trigger data_length convert_message_struct_avm_event_fax_file convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_deinit convert_message_struct_avm_event_remotepcmlink sharedlen sharedpointer event_id convert_message_struct_wlan_event_def event_data convert_message_struct__avm_event_mass_storage_mount logtype convert_message_struct_avm_event_log loglen logpointer rebootflag convert_message_struct_avm_event_wlan if_name ev_initiator ev_reason avm_capabilities credentials convert_message_struct_avm_event_smarthome_switch_status convert_message_struct_avm_event_ambient_brightness convert_message_struct__avm_event_telephony_missed_call convert_message_struct_avm_event_pm_info_stat convert_message_struct__avm_event_log convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_read convert_message_struct_avm_event_source_register convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_client_state_change convert_message_struct_avm_event_mass_storage_unmount convert_message_struct__avm_event_internet_new_ip Name convert_message_struct__avm_event_cmd_param_release convert_message_struct__avm_event_firmware_update_available version_length convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_reindex convert_message_struct_cpmac_event_struct ports convert_message_struct__avm_event_cmd_param_trigger convert_message_struct_avm_event_powerline_status convert_message_struct__avm_event_smarthome ident payload convert_message_struct_avm_event_powermanagment_remote convert_message_struct_avm_event_telefon_up convert_message_struct__avm_event_fax_file convert_message_struct_avm_event_push_button convert_message_struct_wlan_event_data_client_common convert_message_struct_avm_event_mass_storage_mount convert_message_struct__avm_event_cpu_idle convert_message_struct_avm_event_ping convert_message_struct__avm_event_temperature convert_message_struct_avm_event_firmware_update_available convert_message_struct_avm_event_telefonprofile cable convert_message_struct_cpmac_port speed100 fullduplex maxspeed convert_message_struct_avm_event_wlan_power convert_message_struct_avm_event_telephony_string string convert_message_struct_avm_event_user_mode_source_notify convert_message_struct_avm_event_smarthome convert_message_struct__avm_event_cmd_param_register convert_message_struct__avm_event_id_mask convert_message_struct_avm_event_rpc message convert_message_struct_avm_event_piglet convert_message_struct__avm_event_led_status convert_message_struct_avm_event_led_info param1 param2 gpio_driver_type convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_close convert_message_struct__avm_event_user_mode_source_notify convert_message_struct__avm_event_rpc convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_cleanup fill_level convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_info convert_message_struct__avm_event_remotewatchdog convert_message_struct__avm_event_checkpoint convert_message_struct__avm_event_header convert_message_struct_avm_event_message nonce transmitter_handle receiver_handle convert_message_struct_avm_event_source_notifier convert_message_struct__avm_event_cpu_run convert_message_struct__avm_event_remotepcmlink convert_message_struct__avm_event_led_info convert_message_struct__avm_event_piglet convert_message_struct__cpmac_event_struct convert_message_struct__avm_event_wlan convert_message_struct_avm_event_tffs_paniclog avm_event_powermanagment_remote_action_unknown avm_event_powermanagment_ressourceinfo avm_event_powermanagment_activatepowermode _avm_event_ethernet_speed_unknown wlan_event_sel_unknown ePLCState_unknown fax_file_event_type_unknown FAX_FILE_EVENT_NEW_FILE FAX_FILE_EVENT_REMOVED_FILE _avm_rpctype_unknown avm_event_telephony_param_sel_unknown _powermanagment_device_unknown wlan_event_id_unknown wlan_info_special_unknown _powermanagment_status_type_unknown avm_event_switch_type_unknown binary percent _avm_remote_wdt_cmd_unknown avm_event_tffs_open_mode_unknown fax_receive_mode_unknown _avm_piglettype_unknown piglet_tdm_down piglet_tdm_ready _avm_event_id_unknown avm_event_tffs_notify_event_unknown avm_event_internet_new_ip_param_sel_unknown avm_event_internet_new_ip_v4 avm_event_internet_new_ip_v6 _cputype_unknown host_cpu remote_cpu fax_storage_dest_unknown FAX_STORAGE_INTERNAL FAX_STORAGE_EXTERNAL avm_event_tffs_call_type_unknown wlan_sm_states_unknown avm_event_firmware_type_unknown _avm_logtype_unknown wlan_event_scan_type_unknown WLAN_EVENT_SCAN_FINISHED _avm_event_push_button_key_unknown _avm_remotepcmlinktype_unknown rpcmlink_register rpcmlink_release __avm_event_cmd_unknown avm_event_led_id_unknown avm_event_msg_type_unknown wlan_info_sel_unknown STATUS_SUCCESSFUL STATUS_UNSPECIFIED STATUS_AUTH_NO_LONGER_VALID STATUS_DE_AUTH_STATION_IS_LEAVING STATUS_DIS_ASSOC_INACTIVITY STATUS_DIS_ASSOC_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_ALL_CURRENTLY_ASSOC_STATIONS STATUS_CLASS_2_FROM_NON_AUTH_STATION STATUS_CLASS_3_FROM_NON_ASSOC_STATION STATUS_DIS_ASSOC_STATION_IS_LEAVING STATUS_STATION_REQUESTING_ASSOC_IS_NOT_AUTH STATUS_CAPABILITIES_FAILURE STATUS_REASSOC_DENIED_UNABLE_TO_CONFIRM_ASSOC STATUS_ASSOC_DENIED_OUT_OF_SCOPE STATUS_ALGO_IS_NOT_SUPPORTTED STATUS_AUTH_TRANSC_NUMBER_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE STATUS_AUTH_REJ_CHALLENGE_FAILURE STATUS_AUTH_REJ_TIMEOUT STATUS_ASSOC_DENIED_UNABLE_TO_HANDLE_ADDITIONAL_ASSOC STATUS_ASSOC_DENIED_RATE_FAILURE STATUS_ASSOC_DENIED_PREAMBLE_FAILURE STATUS_ASSOC_DENIED_PBCC_FAILURE STATUS_ASSOC_DENIED_AGILITY_FAILURE STATUS_DEAUTH_TX_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT STATUS_DEAUTH_TX_COMPLETE_OK STATUS_MAX STATUS_AUTHOR_SECMODE_FAILURE STATUS_ASSOC_DENIED_MODE_FAILURE STATUS_INVALID avm_event_source_register_type avm_event_source_unregister_type avm_event_source_notifier_type avm_event_remote_source_trigger_request_type avm_event_ping_type avm_event_tffs_type avm_logical_led_inval avm_logical_led_adsl avm_logical_led_ppp avm_logical_led_lan avm_logical_led_wifi avm_logical_led_usb avm_logical_led_info avm_logical_led_power avm_logical_led_isdn_b1 avm_logical_led_isdn_b2 avm_logical_led_isdn_d avm_logical_led_pots avm_logical_led_sip avm_logical_led_lan1 avm_logical_led_freecall avm_logical_led_error avm_logical_led_traffic avm_logical_led_avmusbwlan avm_logical_led_mwi avm_logical_led_fest_mwi avm_logical_led_last avm_event_cmd_register avm_event_cmd_release avm_event_cmd_source_register avm_event_cmd_source_release avm_event_cmd_source_trigger avm_event_cmd_trigger avm_event_cmd_undef avm_event_push_button_wlan_on_off avm_event_push_button_wlan_wps avm_event_push_button_power_set_factory avm_event_push_button_dect_paging avm_event_push_button_dect_pairing avm_event_push_button_wlan_standby avm_event_push_button_wlan_wps_station avm_event_push_button_dect_on_off avm_event_push_button_dect_standby avm_event_push_button_power_on_off avm_event_push_button_power_standby avm_event_push_button_power_socket_on_off avm_event_push_button_tools_profiling avm_event_push_button_plc_on_off avm_event_push_button_plc_pairing avm_event_push_button_led_standby avm_event_push_button_2fa_success avm_event_push_button_lte_wakeup avm_event_push_button_plc_pairing_off avm_event_push_button_wlan_wps_off avm_event_push_button_dect_pairing_off avm_event_push_button_nexus_pairing_off avm_event_push_button_nexus_pairing avm_event_push_button_wlan_wps_station_off avm_event_push_button_nexus_pairing_box avm_event_push_button_wlan_sta_wps_no_connect avm_event_push_button_wlan_sta_wps_no_connect_off avm_event_push_button_connect_methode1 avm_event_push_button_connect_methode2 avm_event_push_button_connect_methode3 avm_event_push_button_connect_methode4 avm_event_push_button_connect_methode5 avm_event_push_button_connect_methode6 avm_event_push_button_connect_off avm_event_push_button_connect_timeout avm_event_push_button_connect_error avm_event_push_button_connect_success avm_event_push_button_connect_started avm_event_push_button_lan_pairing avm_event_push_button_lan_pairing_off avm_event_push_button_last local_panic local_crash remote_panic remote_crash box_firmware fritz_fon_firmware fritz_dect_repeater fritz_plug_switch fritz_hkr WLAN_SM_STATE_IDLE WLAN_SM_STATE_AUTH_KEY WLAN_SM_STATE_AUTHENTICATED WLAN_SM_STATE_WAIT_FOR_ASS_RES WLAN_SM_STATE_ASSOCIATED WLAN_SM_STATE_AUTHORIZED WLAN_SM_STATE_DEAUTHENTICATE WLAN_SM_NUM_STATES avm_event_tffs_call_open avm_event_tffs_call_close avm_event_tffs_call_read avm_event_tffs_call_write avm_event_tffs_call_cleanup avm_event_tffs_call_reindex avm_event_tffs_call_info avm_event_tffs_call_init avm_event_tffs_call_deinit avm_event_tffs_call_notify avm_event_tffs_call_paniclog avm_event_tffs_notify_clear avm_event_tffs_notify_update avm_event_tffs_notify_reinit avm_event_id_wlan_client_status avm_event_id_wlan_event avm_event_id_wlan_power avm_event_id_autoprov avm_event_id_usb_status avm_event_id_dsl_get_arch_kernel avm_event_id_dsl_set_arch avm_event_id_dsl_get_arch avm_event_id_dsl_set avm_event_id_dsl_get avm_event_id_dsl_status avm_event_id_dsl_connect_status avm_event_id_push_button avm_event_id_telefon_wlan_command avm_event_id_capiotcp_startstop avm_event_id_telefon_up avm_event_id_reboot_req avm_event_id_appl_status avm_event_id_led_status avm_event_id_led_info avm_event_id_telefonprofile avm_event_id_temperature avm_event_id_cpu_idle avm_event_id_powermanagment_status avm_event_id_powerline_status avm_event_id_ethernet_connect_status avm_event_id_powermanagment_remote avm_event_id_log avm_event_id_remotewatchdog avm_event_id_rpc avm_event_id_remotepcmlink avm_event_id_piglet avm_event_id_pm_ressourceinfo_status avm_event_id_telephony_missed_call avm_event_id_telephony_tam_call avm_event_id_telephony_fax_received avm_event_id_internet_new_ip avm_event_id_firmware_update_available avm_event_id_smarthome_switch_status avm_event_id_telephony_incoming_call avm_event_id_mass_storage_mount avm_event_id_mass_storage_unmount avm_event_id_checkpoint avm_event_id_cpu_run avm_event_id_ambient_brightness avm_event_id_fax_status_change avm_event_id_fax_file avm_event_id_telephony_call_finished avm_event_id_smarthome avm_event_id_user_source_notify avm_event_last FAX_RECEIVE_MODE_OFF FAX_RECEIVE_MODE_MAIL_ONLY FAX_RECEIVE_MODE_STORE_ONLY FAX_RECEIVE_MODE_MAIL_AND_STORE avm_event_tffs_mode_read avm_event_tffs_mode_write avm_event_tffs_mode_panic wdt_register wdt_release wdt_trigger STATUS_SUCCESS STATUS_FAILURE STATUS_TIMEOUT STATUS_WPS_START STATUS_WPS_DISCOVERY STATUS_WPS_OVERLAP CLIENT_STATE_CHANGE CLIENT_CONNECT_INFO WLAN_EVENT_SCAN CLIENT_STATE_IDLE avm_event_telephony_params_name avm_event_telephony_params_msn_name avm_event_telephony_params_calling avm_event_telephony_params_called avm_event_telephony_params_duration avm_event_telephony_params_port avm_event_telephony_params_portname avm_event_telephony_params_id avm_event_telephony_params_tam_path command_to_arm command_to_atom reply_to_arm reply_to_atom PLCStateRunningNotConnected PLCStateRunningConnected PLCStateNotRunning INPUT_AUTH_1_OS_A INPUT_AUTH_1_SK_A INPUT_AUTH_1_D INPUT_AUTH_3_A INPUT_AUTH_3_D INPUT_DE_AUTH_STATION INPUT_ASSOC_REQ_CHECK INPUT_ASSOC_REQ_A INPUT_ASSOC_REQ_D INPUT_ASSOC_REQ_SEC_D INPUT_RE_ASSOC_REQ_CHECK INPUT_RE_ASSOC_REQ_A INPUT_RE_ASSOC_REQ_D INPUT_RE_ASSOC_REQ_SEC_D INPUT_DIS_ASSOC_STATION INPUT_CLASS_3 INPUT_AUTH_TIMEOUT INPUT_DE_AUTH_MNG_UNICAST INPUT_DE_AUTH_MNG_BROADCAST INPUT_DIS_ASSOC_MNG_UNICAST INPUT_DIS_ASSOC_MNG_BROADCAST INPUT_MAC_AUTHORIZE INPUT_MAC_DE_AUTHORIZE INPUT_WDS_LINK_UP INPUT_WDS_LINK_DOWN INPUT_FRAME_TX_COMPLETE INPUT_MADWIFI_WRONG_PSK INPUT_WPS INPUT_MINI INPUT_RADAR INPUT_WPS_ENROLLEE INPUT_STA INPUT_GREENAP_PS INPUT_EAP_AUTHORIZED INPUT_MWO_INTERFERENCE INPUT_AUTH_EXPIRED INPUT_COEXIST_SWITCH INPUT_STA_ASSOC INPUT_STA_AUTH INPUT_STA_AUTHORIZATION INPUT_WDS_NO_TIAGGR INPUT_MAX_NODE_REACHED INPUT_RADAR_DFS_WAIT INPUT_INTERFERENCE_CHAN_CHANGE INPUT_RADAR_END INPUT_RADAR_DFS_WAIT_PRECAC avm_event_ethernet_speed_no_link avm_event_ethernet_speed_10M avm_event_ethernet_speed_100M avm_event_ethernet_speed_1G avm_event_ethernet_speed_error avm_event_ethernet_speed_items 3%s: out of memory avm/calib avm/calib/wlan avm/calib/wlan2 avm/calib/dect avm/calib/docsis avm/calib/dsl [avm] configured: watchdog event debug [avm]: ar7wdt_init: failed [avm]: avm_event_init: failed 3%s: proc_create_data failed corrupt memory-list Error: Poolsize mismatch %s(%lu) %s [%4lu] %p used=%u %s size=%5u(%5u) (%pS) %s %s Alloc failed=%lu ... further elements exist (%lu) Summary: entries=%lu used=%lu max-freesize=%lu max-blocksize=%lu max-used=%lu %scalculated pool_size=%lu%s drivers/char/avm_new/simple_mempool.c 3%s error: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %lx(size=%u(%u) next-entry %lx is invalid 3%s error: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %lx(size=%u(%u) prev-entry %lx != %lx (soll) is invalid 3%s: %s(%lu) %s 3... further elements exist (%lu) 3[maxb] idx=%lu size=%5lu 3Summary: entries=%lu used=%lu max-freesize=%lu max-blocksize=%lu max-used=%lu %scalculated pool_size=%lu%s 3[%4lu] %p used=%u %s size=%5u(%5u) (%pS) %s %s 3[maxb] %p used=%u %s size=%5u(%5u) (%pS) %s %s %s GREAT-ERROR: do not use in Yield-Context Error - further reference on Memorypool exist Memorypool 3%s error: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %p [%s] outside pool! 3%s: Can't find ptr=%p %s(pool-area: %p - size=%lu) %pS 3%s error#1: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %p(size=%u(%u) (%pS) next-entry %p is invalid 3%s error#3: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %p(size=%u(%u) (%pS) next-entry %p is invalid %s: [%s] Error: Can't reserve Memory size=%u %pS 3%s error#2: invalid memorypool(%s)-entry %p(size=%u(%u) (%pS) next-entry %p is invalid avm/mempool ----- %s(%u) SUM(%u) 3%s: %s%s%s%s%s%s avm/reboot avm/reboot/info Fatal exception %s Irregular Reboots: SUM(%u) - %s(%u) 3Reboot Status is: %s%s%s%s%s Reboot Status is: %s%s%s%s%s (c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Watchdog(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Watchdog(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Watchdog Softwatchdog-Reboot (c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-NMI-Watchdog(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-NMI-Watchdog(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-NMI-Watchdog NMI-Watchdog-Reset (c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Firmware-Update(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Firmware-Update(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Firmware-Update Fw-Update (c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Power-On-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Power-On-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Power-On-Reboot Short-PowerOff-Reboot SHORTPOWERCUT (c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Temperature-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Temperature-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Temperature-Reboot TEMPERATURE Update-Reboot UPDATE Soft-Reboot PANIC KCRASH (c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot(c) AVM 2013, Reboot Status is: Software-Reboot Power-On 0%pV avm/mem avm/mem/summary avm/mem/tasks Task-Memory in KiB: %6s %5s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %s Name Code Swap Stack %6d %5lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %6lu %s%s%s%s kthreads %lu childs %lu 0-------------------- memory-situation -------------------- ERROR: OOM [#%u] retry Out of memory: panic_on_oom is enabled /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches threadinfo stack 0ERROR: corrupt stack on %s (%d) 0%s (%d) used greatest stack depth: %6u bytes left task_struct(%s) 3%s: block timer-list for 5 s %lx %x %08lx --> %s simulate_wdr Simulate Watchdog-Reboot with '%s' waddr 3waddr: *(%lx) = %x raddr 3raddr: addr=%lx count=%x %08lx: %08x %08x oomslab Simulate OOM per kmalloc order=%u limit=%u Simulate OOM per vmalloc order=%u limit=%u nastytimer Simulate nasty-timer %pS on cpu%u in 5 seconds bug_on drivers/char/avm_new/avm_proc_call.c (unsigned long)(is_true == false) kcrash Simulate Kernel-Crash hw_wdog 6unknown option use: wdr, oom, oomslab, nastytimer,class ,kcrash, hw_wdog, waddr ,raddr , bug_on avm/call avm/simulate %pS( %s"%s" %s0x%x (asmlinkage) ----> Called%s:%s ret=0x%08x 3Call%s:%s 3invalid func-addr use: (arg0, .. arg4) [cpu] [simulate] [asmlinkage] ('arg' for string) 3%s:missing ')' 3%s:too much arguments 3%s:invalid arguments - missing %c 3invalid arguments - missing '(' 3%s error node_id %u exceed node_extension_table 3%s node_extension_table[%u] entries=%lu (size=%u) %s alloced 3%pV 3%s: can't fill complete score-list avm/page_statistic locked referenced uptodate lru active slab owner_priv_1 arch_1 private private_2 writeback head tail swapcache mappedtodisk reclaim swapbacked unevictable mlocked %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s ======= Head Single drivers/char/avm_new/avm_page_statistic.c 6obscure buddy: page=0x%p pfn=%lu (addr=0x%p) order %2u %s (0x%08x) 6obscure head: page=0x%p pfn=%lu (addr=0x%p) invalid order %2u %s (0x%08x) 6obscure head: page=0x%p pfn=%lu (addr=0x%p) order %2u invalid _count=%u %s (0x%08x) %pS 3%s: warning: invalid order=%u 3warning: no alloc %pS order =%u -> add to [0] Free pages statistic Count([KiB]): on-LRU free Buddy Sum( max) %4u (%5u): %5u %5u %5u %5u%s %5u (%6u KiB) total pages %5u (%6u KiB) free pages %5u (%6u KiB) free pages on Buddy %5u (%6u KiB) pages on LRU (%u freeable pages) %5u (%6u KiB) pages allocated on-disc %5u (%6u KiB) pages for slab %5u (%6u KiB) pages to be reclaimed asap %5u (%6u KiB) pages are reserved %5u (%6u KiB) pages as tail %5u (%6u KiB) pages as head %s%s-Pages order=%u (%u KiB): [%3u] %5u (%6u KiB) %pS [%3u] %5u - pages=%5u (%6u KiB) %pS Sum of %sPages: %u (%6u KiB) %5u (%6u KiB) pages are mlocked %5u (%6u KiB) pages are swap pages 3[%s] pgdat 0x%lx is empty scan pgdat: start 0x%lx(mem_map=0x%p) present 0x%lx spanned 0x%lx non-classified dirty drivers/char/avm_new/avm_helpers.c %s: write %s to %s 3[avm_power]speedstep failed: write %s Performance-Counter - CORE%u AVM Profiler Version 3.0 csv - get raw-profile-list for offline evaluation statistic - get profile statistic (consumption/latency) totalcall - get top of function calls totalweight - get top of function calls weighted with codelength action - all, stop, ... mbytes=x (see below) parameter(s) for action (use 'no'-prefix to exclude trace-option): mbytes=: size of profiler-buffer (actual: %u MiB) example: echo bh workitem wrap > /proc/avm/profile/action %-10s - %s IDLE statistic totalcall totalweight avm/profile avm/profile/help avm/profile/action avm/profile/perform avm/profile/performlist AVM Simple Profiling enabled Version %u.0 [100%%] kernel_args boot_profiling 3----------------- Attention! - boot-profiling active (need %u mbytes) ! ----------------- CODE BACKTRACE SKB SLCK HWIRQ SWIRQ TIMER TASKLET HITSKLT WORKITEM TRGTSKLT TRGUSER SCHED EXCEPTION FUNC mbytes= mbytes=%u 6[simple-profiling]trace following hooks: %s 6[%u%%] PID_0 # measure time %lu msec, real cpu-cores %d [%u] cpu_ofs %u vpes %u 3[simple-profiling]%s illegal cpu_id %u core=%x tc=%x addr = %p (type=%u - %s) 3[simple-profiling] internal error data type %d unknown (time=%x) %x;C%x;T%x;S0x%08lx;0x%08X;0x%08X;0x%08X;%s;0x%08lx;%s;0x%08lx;%s;%.*s;%u %x;C%x;T%x;S0x%08lx;0x%08X;0x%08x;0x%08x;%s;0x%08lx;%s;0x%08lx;%s;%.*s;%u;0x%08x;%s;0x%08x;%s %x;C%x;T%x;S0x%08lx;0x%08X;0x%08X;0x%08X;%s;0x%08lx;%s;0x%08lx;%s;%.*s;%u; [%u%%] ----------------- Boot-profiling stopped ! ----------------- trace all entries allext stop stop tracing backtrace backtracing wrap wrap if buffer full codeuart code-trace over gpio (uart-emulation) only skb-trace spinlock only spinlock-trace code only code-trace only schedule-trace hwirq hardware irqs user defined function swirq software irqs timer irqs tasklet (hi-)tasklets workitem workqueues tasklet-trigger an user-defined trigger bottom half (sw-irq, tasklets, timer) 6[simple-profiling]profiler off: %u entries 6[simple-profiling]profiler wrap %u - %u entries (wrap-mode) 3[simple-profiling]analyzing busy - can't enable profiler, try it later 6[simple-profiling]resize %d pages instead %d pages 6[simple-profiling]need %d pages for %d entries (%d samples per page) 3[simple-profiling]can't enable profiler (memory-error) 3[simple-profiling]%s Unknown profiling mode.Assuming normal profiling without wraparround. 6[simple-profiling]profiler on %u free entries %s (%u wraparrounds) 6[simple-profiling]profiler off: %u entries%s (%lu ms) 6[%s] Push-Button for profiling ignored (not initialized) %3u.%02u %% %3u.%02u s %3u.%02u ms %3u us %3llu cy (fin) PID_%u 0x%08x codelen display top of function calls 6display top of function calls display top of function calls weighted with codelength 6display top of function calls weighted with codelength display top of function calls weighted with square-codelength 6display top of function calls weighted with square-codelength CORE%u CPU: %u 6CORE%u CPU: %u CORE%u: CPU: %u-%u 6CORE%u: CPU: %u-%u sum of calls: %u (user-function without codelength-info approximated to 10 %% of PAGE-SIZE) 6sum of calls: %u (user-function without codelength-info approximated to 10 %% of PAGE-SIZE) symbol %-64s (%-8s/%5s) %-16s %s %8s %6s calls 6%-64s (%-8s/%5s) %-16s %s %8s %6s PAGE-FAULT: IRQ: %u %-64s (%08lx/%5d) %-16s %s %8u %6u 6%-64s (%08lx/%5d) %-16s %s %8u %6u WATCH [CORE%u:CPU %u-%u] [CORE%u:CPU %u] %s Measure time: %s (cycles=%llu) with %u entries %s Measure time: %s (cycles=%llu) with %u entries [CPU %x] ---------- %s ---------- [CPU %x] ---------- %s ---------- [CPU %x] ---------- %s needs %s (%s) of total time ---------- [CPU %x] ---------- %s needs %s (%s) of total time ---------- PAGE-FAULT: IRQ: %5u: %-30s %8s %2u %20s: %-23s(%5u) %-40s(%5u) consume:max %s avg %s schedule:max %s min %s avg %s access:%12u activate:%12u %s%s Calls %6u %s %s %s 6%s%s Calls %6u %s %s %s CORE%u idle %s (%s) of total time CORE%u idle %s (%s) of total time Hw-Irqs Sw-Irqs Timers Tasklets Hi-Tasklets Workitems Tasklet-Trg User-Trg Schedule Exception CODE SKBT BIRQ EIRQ BSWI ESWI BTIM ETIM BLET ELET BLHT ELHT BWRK EWRK BFUN EFUN BTLT ETLT BUST EUST BCOD ECOD SLCK CDTR BEXC EEXC ERROR drivers/char/avm_new/arch_mips_profile.c all %ss %s: %u CORE%u: %lu min %3lu.%02lu s [simple-profiling]%s: error: cycle-counter not on position 0 - reg1 TC%u: %30s%s %s%30lu.%03lu (Mio counts/s) 3[simple-profiling]Warning: Performance-Counter ctrl%u Option %u do not exist 3[simple-profiling]Warning: Performance-Counter ctrl%u Option %u (%s)doesn't support per-Processor-Tracing 3[simple-profiling]Warning: Performance-Counter ctrl%u Option %u (%s)doesn't support per-TC-Tracing %u/%u 6 ctrl%s:[%2d]: %s print all performance-options use 'cat /proc/avm/profile/perform' to read performance-summary of last profiling Performance-Counter: %d perform parameter(s) for perform: use 'cat /proc/avm/profile/perform' to read performance-summary of last profiling Performance-Counter: %d perform parameter(s) for perform: 3%-10s - %s 3[simple-profiling]set_tc_stat: tc%u ovr -> ignore 3error: invalid param1 on set %u