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dealloc_bunzip applet_name find_applet_by_name stderr bb_banner xfunc_die __errno_location bb_errno xfunc_error_retval optind bb_show_usage getgid geteuid bb_error_msg_and_die xsetgid xsetuid run_appletstruct_and_exit strncmp get_terminal_width_height bb_get_last_path_component_nostrip run_applet_and_exit lbb_prepare bb_basename getuid strrchr die_sleep bb_verror_msg last_char_is strlen logmode vasprintf msg_eol xrealloc memmove strcpy fflush full_write bb_error_msg bb_msg_memory_exhausted xmalloc memset memcpy fopen64 bb_perror_msg_and_die xopen3 bb_perror_msg open3_or_warn pipe fcntl64 dup2 lseek64 die_if_ferror bb_msg_standard_output sigemptyset sigaddset sigprocmask sigaction sigsuspend utoa_to_buf itoa_to_buf bb_hexdigits_upcase safe_read fputc __fputc_unlocked fileno bb_copyfd_eof fclose getenv atoi bb_simple_perror_msg bb_simple_perror_msg_and_die bb_msg_write_error bb_msg_read_error bb_copyfd_size safe_write full_read xread strchr xopen xlseek ndelay_on alarm bb_daemonize_or_rexec getopt32 safe_strncpy isatty ttyname xasprintf openlog getpwnam print_login_prompt __stdin fgetc __fgetc_unlocked isspace isgraph correct_password bb_do_delay access bb_putchar fchown fchmod change_identity setup_environment bb_default_login_shell bb_path_motd_file run_shell getpagesize monotonic_us __udivdi3 vfork execvp wait3 strcspn fputs fflush_stdout_and_exit xzalloc xmalloc_open_read_close syscall xfopen fscanf strtok xmalloc_fgets skip_whitespace xstrdup reads bb_common_bufsiz1 option_mask32 spawn wait4pid fnmatch opt_complementary uname xstrndup isblank sscanf xsocket ether_aton ioctl_or_perror_and_die setsockopt_broadcast bb_xioctl xsendto sethostname bb_msg_perm_denied_are_you_root chomp gethostname xgethostbyname inet_ntoa interface_opt_a display_interfaces xatoul_range bb_str_default xhost2sockaddr inet_aton utoa isalpha isalnum __ctype_toupper waitpid execle fdopen llist_add_to llist_add_to_end perror xmalloc_getline llist_free llist_unlink llist_pop setsockopt_reuseaddr getrlimit64 setrlimit64 ungetc index_in_strings xatol fseek memcmp getservbyname getpeername strcat xatoi_u bb_sanitize_stdio setgroups select accept gettimeofday setsid getgrnam initgroups closelog execv recv recvfrom isprint ctime INET_rresolve INET_resolve INET6_rresolve INET6_resolve bb_ioctl_or_warn strstr get_hwntype inet_pton ip_parse_common_args do_ipaddr do_iplink do_iproute index_in_substrings bb_lookup_port create_and_connect_stream_or_die xwrite shutdown inet_ntop xmalloc_sockaddr2dotted_noport xmalloc_sockaddr2host_noport getservbyport itoa feof bb_displayroutes xatoul xatou16 if_nametoindex xdotted2sockaddr getpid xhost_and_af2sockaddr create_icmp6_socket xbind setsockopt const_int_1 recvmsg __cmsg_nxthdr create_icmp_socket sysconf grantpt unlockpt ptsname tcsetpgrp tcgetattr tcsetattr print_login_issue create_and_bind_stream_or_die xlisten safe_poll get_nport set_nport strcasecmp inet_addr ptr_to_globals usleep bb_info_msg monotonic_sec clearerr bb_uuencode bb_uuenc_tbl_base64 xconnect_stream_with_tc_index xconnect_stream __ctype_tolower concat_path_file xmalloc_sockaddr2dotted skip_non_whitespace bb_strtoull str_tolower fread oneline invarg preferred_family _SL_ rtnl_send parse_rtattr ll_idx_n2a inet_addr_match ll_index_to_name rt_addr_n2a rtnl_rtscope_n2a ll_remember_index bb_msg_requires_arg get_prefix rtnl_rtscope_a2n incomplete_command duparg2 xrtnl_open xrtnl_wilddump_request xrtnl_dump_filter xll_name_to_index ll_index_to_flags ll_type_n2a ll_addr_n2a duparg addattr_l get_addr ll_init_map rtnl_talk ipaddr_list_or_flush ll_addr_a2n bb_msg_invalid_arg get_integer getsockname rtnl_rtntype_n2a format_host rtnl_rtprot_a2n get_unsigned rta_addattr32 rtnl_rtntype_a2n sendmsg get_addr_1 bb_strtoul get_prefix_1 sysinfo print_signames get_signum get_signame find_pid_by_name kill bb_strtol getppid pidlist_reverse read_cmdline get_cached_username localtime bb_PATH_root_path longjmp raise vprintf vsnprintf vfprintf strchrnul strspn getcwd sigfillset close_on_exec_on tcgetpgrp killpg setpgid strsignal strpbrk lstat64 readdir64 closedir execve _setjmp read_line_input bb_dev_null qsort bb_echo times umask bb_parse_mode fstat64 dprintf new_line_input_t klogctl bb_cat fopen_or_warn ftello64 __divdi3 __stdout bb_simplify_path set_loop del_loop setmntent bb_path_mtab_file getmntent_r match_fstype endmntent realpath umount umount2 get_cached_groupname xmalloc_readlink_or_warn bb_copyfd_exact_size recursive_action init_handle get_header_tar header_verbose_list header_list data_extract_all data_extract_to_stdout filter_accept_reject_list seek_by_read xchdir find_list_entry dirname bb_make_directory data_skip mkdir symlink mknod lchown utime crc32_filltable find_list_entry2 data_align bb_makedev bb_mode_string header_skip filter_accept_all seek_by_jump __moddi3 bb_get_last_path_component_strip cp_mv_stat2 cp_mv_stat copy_file putenv xstat strptime bb_msg_invalid_date mktime stime strftime xatoul_range_sfx xatoull_sfx bb_msg_standard_input ftruncate64 bb_process_escape_sequence unsetenv getopt optarg xatoul_sfx fopen_or_warn_stdin fclose_if_not_stdin die_if_ferror_stdout is_directory rename make_human_readable_str warn_opendir applet_long_options md5_begin md5_hash md5_end bin2hex getopt_mk_fifo_nod bb_ask_confirmation remove_file xrealloc_getcwd_or_warn rmdir bb_perror_nomsg_and_die tty_value_to_baud cfsetispeed cfsetospeed max_col cfgetispeed cfgetospeed tty_baud_to_value setbuf fwrite getegid getgroups iscntrl bb_warn_ignoring_args xregcomp bb_get_chunk_from_file regexec xprint_and_close_file atexit mkstemp64 strncasecmp ispunct strnlen strncat vsprintf system islower isupper spawn_and_wait sync reboot device_open pause strsep execlp difftime __floatsidf __ltdf2 strtoll endgrent change_identity_e2str is_in_ino_dev_hashtable add_to_ino_dev_hashtable concat_subpath_file bb_askpass crypt getprotobyname bb_msg_can_not_create_raw_socket getopt_long gethostbyaddr getaddrinfo freeaddrinfo getnameinfo vsyslog __umoddi3 const_int_0 getdomainname bb_getpwuid bb_getgrgid xopendir alloc_procps_scan free_procps_scan clearenv xsetenv forkexit_or_rexec xstrtoull_range_sfx xstrtoul_range_sfx xstrtol_range_sfx xsocket_type xconnect bb_herror_msg_and_die xmalloc_readlink regerror regcomp_or_errmsg tcflush __h_errno_location hstrerror libcrypt.so.0 _DYNAMIC_LINKING __RLD_MAP _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ libgcc_s.so.1 libc.so.0 __environ _ftext _fdata _gp _edata __bss_start _fbss GCC_3.0 GLIBC_2.0 P&y ii '! 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'! * if_name >= %d chars ioctl error for %s |%s%*s| kMGTPEZY %6d%c - stalled - --:--:-- ETA %02d:%02d:%02d ETA %-20.20s%4d%% r+ fdopen %s%s error getting response http:// http ftp:// ftp not an http or ftp url: %s bad header line: %s -1 csqO:P:Y:U:t: Wget ftp_proxy http_proxy index.html Connecting to %s (%s) too many redirections ht GET %stp://%s/%s HTTP/1.1 GET /%s HTTP/1.1 Host: %s User-Agent: %s Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s Range: bytes=%lld- Connection: close no response from server server returned error: %s content-length %s is garbage transfer encoding '%s' is not supported anonymous:busybox@ USER ftp login: %s PASS TYPE I SIZE SIZE value is garbage PASV bad response to %s: %s REST %lld LIST LIST RETR RETR ftp error: %s QUIT -- protocol family LOOPBACK%s BROADCAST%s POINTOPOINT%s MULTICAST%s NOARP%s UP%s ,M-DOWN mtu %u qdisc %s master %s SIOCGIFTXQLEN qlen %d %c link/%s peer brd failed to send flush request wrong nlmsg len %d Deleted %u: %s inet inet6 family %d peer %s/%d brd %s any %s scope %s secondary tentative deprecated dynamic flags %02x valid_lft forever valid_lft %dsec preferred_lft forever preferred_lft %dsec %s flush cannot flush link addresses scope dev nil ifname %d: %s @NONE: @%s: peer anycast local "dev" "dev" (%s) must match "label" (%s) broadcast can be set only for IPv4 addresses unknown command %s error: argument of "%s" must be "on" or "off" wrong address (%s) length: expected %d bytes SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST SIOCSIFHWADDR getsockname SIOCSIFNAME SIOCSIFMTU Not a route: %08x %08x %08x %s/%u 0/%d default from %s/%u from %s from 0/%u via %s dev %s src %s metric %d %c cache /proc/net/psched %*08x%*08x%08x%08x expires %dsec error %d iif %s "ip route flush" protocol table cannot flush routing cache cannot send dump request need at least destination address not a route? wrong len %d failed to connect the route cannot getsockname wrong address length %d wrong address family %d OVERRUN sender address length == %d ERROR truncated RTNETLINK answers message truncated remnant of size %d! dump terminated EOF on netlink cannot talk to rtnetlink truncated message malformed message: len=%d! unexpected reply! deficit %d, rta_len=%d! :%02x "%s" is invalid lladdr if%d cannot find device "%s" generic loopback ether ieee802 tr ieee802.11 ieee1394 irda slip cslip slip6 cslip6 ppp ipip tunnel6 sit gre void [%d] 0x%x %s 0x%x %s # %d %s %d %s # database %s is corrupted at %s none redirect kernel boot gated ra mrt zebra bird /etc/iproute2/rt_protos global /etc/iproute2/rt_scopes nowhere site /etc/iproute2/rt_realms /etc/iproute2/rt_dsfield 0x%02x unicast blackhole unreachable prohibit throw nat xresolve any "%s" may be inet address, but it is not allowed in this context an inet address is expected rather than "%s" an IP address is expected rather than "%s" command line is not complete, try option "help" duplicate "%s": "%s" is the second value either "%s" is duplicate, or "%s" is garbage ??? shared total used buffers %6s%13ld%13ld%13ld%13ld%13ld Mem: %6s%13ld%13ld%13ld Swap: Total: %6s%13s%13s%13s%13s%13s bad signal name '%s' You need to specify whom to kill %s: no process killed cannot kill pid %u unknown signal '%s' bad pid '%s' cannot kill pid %d o:: so: %PPID %u -:ww PID Uid VSZ Stat Command %5u %-8s %s %5u %-8s %6lu %s %d day%s, %2d:%02d, %d min, load average: %ld.%02ld, %ld.%02ld, %ld.%02ld %02d:%02d:%02d up PS1=$ PS2=> PS4=+ eerrexit fnoglob Iignoreeof iinteractive mmonitor nnoexec sstdin xxtrace vverbose Cnoclobber aallexport bnotify unounset end of file ;; do done elif else esac fi then 3. 3: 2[ 2[[ 6alias 2bg 3break 2cd 0chdir 3continue 2echo 3eval 3exec 3exit 7export 2false 2fg 0hash 0help 2jobs 2kill 0let 4local 0pwd 2read 7readonly 3return 3set 3shift 3source 2test 3times 3trap 2true 0type 0ulimit 2umask 2unalias 3unset 2wait %s: line %d: illegal option -%c no arg for -%c option %.*s: is read only %.*s: bad variable name LP OLDPWD PWD CDPATH can't cd to %s %s=%s %s: %s not found unalias No such job: %s No current job No previous job job %s not created under job control %s: ambiguous cannot set tty process group (%m) /dev/tty can't access tty; job control turned off -l -%u | %s (core dumped) Done(%d) Done [%d] Running %s%*c%s | %*c%d [%d] "} $(...) $(( ${# ${ "$(...)" )) | ; && || if ; then ; else ; fi while until ; do ; done for in () { ... } <<... case ) ;; esac >| >> >& <& <> You have stopped jobs. %d: %m %ld parameter not set or null %.*s: %s%s builtin %s%c %s built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. sh: turning off NDELAY mode can't open %s out of file descriptors illegal option -o %s Current option settings %-16s%s can't shift that many %s%s%.*s%s syntax error: %s %s unexpected (expecting %s) Bad fd number trap -- %s %s %s: bad trap Built-in commands: ------------------- %c%s vf %ldm%ld.%.3lds%c invalid count invalid timeout p:rt:n:s arg count IFS %.4o illegal mode: %s %lld unlimited HSatfdscmlpnvw too many arguments bad number %-20s error setting limit (%m) exponent less than 0 divide by zero expression recursion loop detected pipe call failed Illegal eof marker for << redirection Missing '))' Unterminated quoted string Missing '}' Bad substitution EOF in backquote substitution Bad for loop variable Bad function name redir error nonexistent directory cannot create %s: %s no such file cannot open %s: %s Use "exit" to leave shell. %builtin func %s not defined in %s is a shell keyword alias is an alias for %s a tracked alias for is%s %s is a shell function special is a %sshell builtin : not found %s%s %s: not found expression expected PS1=# PPID /etc/profile .profile ENV time(seconds) file(blocks) data(kb) stack(kb) coredump(blocks) memory(kb) locked memory(kb) process nofiles vmemory(kb) locks f c m %% ## cs:n: klogctl (Enter:next line Space:next page Q:quit R:show the rest) --More-- (%d%% of %lld bytes) %*s loop defaults noauto sw swap nosuid suid dev nodev exec noexec sync async atime noatime diratime nodiratime loud bind move shared slave private unbindable rshared rslave rprivate runbindable ro rw remount o:t:rwanfvsi rw no %s %s on %s type %s (%s) /etc/fstab cannot read %s can't find %s in %s %s,%.*s %s is write-protected, mounting read-only cannot setup loop device nodev mounting %s on %s failed /etc/filesystems /proc/filesystems flDnravdt:i cannot open %s forced umount of %s failed! cannot remount %s read-only %s busy - remounted read-only cannot umount %s %0*llo ustar ././@LongLink removing leading '/' from member names %s: socket ignored %s: file is the archive; skipping %s: unknown file type cannot store file '%s' of size %lld, aborting cannot stat tar file error exit delayed from previous errors waitpid --:tt:vv:?:X::T::c:t:x:c--tx:t--cx:x--ct txC:f:Opvkch empty archive %s: not found in archive 0000000 0000000 0000000 00000000000 00000000000 cannot stat old file %s not created: newer or same age file exists cannot remove old file %s cannot create %slink from %s to %s hard unrecognized file type cannot make dir %s sym cannot create node %s corrupted octal value in tar header ustar invalid tar magic invalid tar header checksum unknown typeflag: 0x%x warning: skipping header '%c' /../ name with '..' encountered: '%s' %s %d/%d %9llu %4u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u %s -> %s seek failure [H [J /dev/console TIOCCONS invalid mode: %s -R -2 -2:l--s:s--l:Pd:rRd:Rd:apdR pdRfilsarPHL TZ=UTC0 hours minutes seconds d--s:s--d:R--I:I--R Rs:ud:r:I::D: %d:%d:%d %d.%d-%d:%d:%d %d.%d-%d:%d %d.%d.%d-%d:%d:%d %d.%d.%d-%d:%d %2d%2d%2d%2d%d %2d cannot set date %Y-%m-%d %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y %f %Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S kD MD @B GD ;G %llu+%llu records in %llu+%llu records out writing '%s' neE u:: +iu: putenv sfnbS: %*s %4ld %-8d %-8d %7ld %4lld %-10s %-8.8s %-8.8s %4d, %3d %9s %9lld %24.24s %6.6s %5.5s %4.4s [%d;%dm [0m -> %s: always never algorithm not supported scw -%c is meaningful only when verifying checksums only one argument may be specified when using -c invalid format %s: OK %s: FAILED WARNING: %d of %d computed checksums did NOT match %s %s m:p invalid mode '%s' non- cannot remove '%s' -2:f-i:i-f fi mv: overwrite '%s'? cannot rename '%s' nohup.out HOME appending to %s f-i:i-f fiRr cannot remove '.' or '..' evenp parity oddp nl ek sane cooked raw pass8 litout cbreak crt dec decctlq tabs lcase LCASE parenb parodd cs5 cs6 cs7 cs8 hupcl hup cstopb cread clocal crtscts ignbrk brkint ignpar parmrk inpck istrip inlcr igncr icrnl ixon ixoff tandem iuclc ixany imaxbel opost olcuc ocrnl onlcr onocr onlret ofill ofdel nl1 nl0 cr3 cr2 cr1 cr0 tab3 tab2 tab1 tab0 bs1 bs0 vt1 vt0 ff1 ff0 isig icanon iexten echo echoe crterase echok echonl noflsh xcase tostop echoprt prterase echoctl ctlecho echoke crtkill intr quit erase kill eof eol eol2 swtch start stop susp rprnt werase lnext flush min time rows %d; columns %d; %d %d %lx:%lx:%lx:%lx%n :%x%n %lx:%lx:%lx:%lx :%x %s = %s; min = %d; time = %d; ^- undef invalid argument '%s' only one device may be specified -F verbose and stty-readable output styles are mutually exclusive modes may not be set when specifying an output style %s: cannot reset non-blocking mode %s: cannot perform all requested operations -n%s fc:n:qs:v no files ia -r -w -x -e -f -d -c -b -p -u -g -k -s -t -z -n -h -O -G -L -S == != -eq -ne -ge -gt -le -lt -nt -ot -ef -a -o out of range argument expected closing paren expected missing ] missing ]] %s: unknown operand STRING2 cannot be empty not a tty cannot get system name cduf:s: cannot stat '%s' m: unmatched '%c' bad format in substitution expression empty filename %s %s no address after comma missing command bad option in substitution expression aic only a beginning address can be specified for edit commands command only uses one address :btT dDgGhHlnNpPqx={} unsupported command %c unterminated { no previous regexp can't find label for jump to '%s' --version This is not GNU sed version 4.0 e::f::nn irne:f: -i %sXXXXXX cannot create temp file %s [Readonly] "%s"%s%s %dL, %dC No address allowed on this command features list quit next No write since last change (:%s! overrides) %d more file to edit No more files to edit read No filename given "%s"%s %dL, %dC rewind No write since last change (:rewind! overrides) set ---------------------------------------- no autoindent flash ignorecase showmatch tabstop=%d ai fl tabstop=%d 1.8.2 2010-02-15 13:16:06 CET write wq "%s" File is read only "%s" %dL, %dC yank Yank %d lines (%d chars) into [%c] :s expression missing delimiters These features are available: Pattern searches with / and ? Last command repeat with '.' Line marking with 'x Named buffers with "x Readonly if vi is called as "view" Readonly with -R command line arg Some colon mode commands with ':' Settable options with ":set" Signal catching- ^C Job suspend and resume with ^Z %d%n can't delete the character can't create room for new characters "%s" Not a regular file Trying to insert file outside of memory "%s" %s cannot read all of file "%s" No current filename (NULL) '%s' is not implemented last_modifying_cmd overrun Put %d lines (%d chars) from [%c] )]} [Hit return to continue] shell returned %i delete No write since last change (:edit! overrides) [New file] No file [Modified] %c %s%s%s %d/%d %d%% Nothing in register %c ()[]{} No previous regular expression search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP search hit TOP, continuing at BOTTOM Pattern not found Write error: %s wW ^0bBeEft$ cdykjHL%+-{} Change Delete Yank %s %d lines (%d chars) using [%c] %d%c aAcCdDiIJoOpPrRsxX<>~ EXINIT hCRc: cdy>< ^%$0bBeEft H-k{ L+j} OA OB OC OD OH OF [A [B [C [D [H [F [1~ [2~ [4~ [5~ [6~ OP OQ OR OS [15~ [17~ [18~ [19~ [20~ [21~ [23~ [24~ [11~ [12~ [13~ [14~ -exec CMD must end by ';' unpaired '(' -type unrecognized: %s %i%c %s: H-h:e::f::C-AB lnqvscFiHhe:f:Lorm:A:B:C:EaI (standard input) !CgE# hpr d:nf umount -a -r /dev/tty2 /dev/tty3 /dev/tty4 /etc/init.d/rcS Bad inittab entry: %s HOME=/ SHELL=/bin/sh USER=root /dev/tty5 sysinit respawn askfirst once ctrlaltdel shutdown restart can't log to %s Sending SIG%s to all processes The system is going down NOW! TERM KILL Requesting system %s Can't open %s: %s Can't fork ~`!$^&*()=|\{}[];"'<>? exec starting pid %d, tty '%s': '%s' /.init_enable_core Cannot run '%s': %s /etc/inittab reloading /etc/inittab -q CONSOLE console linux TERM=vt102 TERM=linux RUNLEVEL init started: %s single process '%s' (pid %d) exited. Scheduling it for restart. cannot set groups %s%s%s %s: overwrite '%s'? '%s' and '%s' are the same file recursion detected, omitting directory '%s' target '%s' is not a directory cannot create directory '%s' cannot preserve %s of '%s' permissions cannot create link '%s' cannot close '%s' cannot create symlink '%s' ownership unrecognized file '%s' with mode %x cannot create '%s' times Password: aa ipv6-icmp icmp getaddrinfo: %s: %d getnameinfo failed %s%-*s [%dA [%dC [%uD [%dA [J `"#$%^&*()=+{}[]:;'|\<> login: %ld %s /dev/loop%d set permissions of create cannot %s directory '%s' p $ F0 Cy Ib% QZ^& ZE og L* B9 "a K`K eV D") *C Y[e O~ ~S rwxSTst ?pc?d?b?-?l?s??? /proc /proc/%d /stat /proc/%u/cmdline [%s] %s: is a directory %s: descend into directory '%s'? %s: remove directory '%s'? %s: remove '%s'? poll warning: cannot change to home directory USER LOGNAME SHELL ` clock_gettime(MONOTONIC) failed EXIT HUP INT QUIT ILL TRAP ABRT FPE KILL BUS SEGV SYS PIPE ALRM TERM USR1 USR2 CHLD PWR WINCH URG POLL STOP TSTP CONT TTIN TTOU VTALRM PROF XCPU XFSZ SIG ignoring all arguments invalid number '%s' number %s is not in %llu..%llu range number %s is not in %lld..%lld range cannot connect to remote host %s (%s) bad address '%s' [%s]:%s Unable to connect to remote host (%s) getcwd %s: cannot read link (not a symlink?) xregcomp: %s unknown %cid %ld unknown group name: %s unknown user name: %s BZh11AY&SY RpZ `# #; ={ SN *J \; L&"a5< =L OBy ?E B& E?*~ C) 2{T 2m# jz $hh4i L"i U4 ?T CSdG hz ==M "! Sh ^j 3c E} # H> 2K 6@`7 ,rn JA ~j 8CnM& 7Q ~) 1l 7o /& @s ~| i*x uL![ /P r! l% 3m .? X{ m*r5 VU ;. X~ y bNH WV6 ZG JM `z D?J %N FQJ( p.> bi _S i8 4!P\ 2H Iu 1"BMfMTC Cs qL=; ew =W`x 1h]Z zO2$ 5 Z' wc] /* ;rJ , ii Hg~ :) Rx_P f?h ;b wwe (E^ ]h Xqh^: *I5v xi 11 uZ \dx8 ~fh mK 4Q }$ >z Nv@ eN :Mm O e#& 5G ^)< :; =c va f) y} #S qCc> T( {[ *: hq q Nw g)c i7 X0*B 5> p 2S F3 >; bJ G_[} H> aB%A LA Cw }l: va NGj 0% K^ ij pa ba oe# cL4N 4L E %; ND; 8&I E[s 54 K, _L PY !< hW- Qttb Am vK n#` -( a!Q[ 64 #.u+ X) oB <#gM |OX Z9 =i 9b T7s JC E?wDV ;M u* |& `Q ]@ $ |]6; E) !g< eS ca `KF R4 i/ +4 (d ;^ m$| uW* "X@| Vv LL 'p 1z @0 ie C> zq -` @4I ] 865_ 2I {$b ^= h, h"T O9:1b \G] r>= sse XyX wD pq AP I9 BI( #i C;' pl 5/ 19t `Dm=$ lU) U%X D3#& S> Tj 8M' deiM pwd+ RS `;S Uya~) /H! 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LDP aq $c 6# Pco 'm tf BV| !^ ,ea @S N{ *{ #, A.C ,( xz J0@g DN >_ +BMP .74 -K p=:\ U0 |Ls gW 0Z 8h9 Re ut | Y" lc "^K !O C7 %%sK XFU :O a( b }i () $RF Q% |B_ K/2d gK h7 &} (K 2] -( `6 != _rZ M]@ m$ cZ k 1 (q)u TU 8r xrF[ Vy$ ( k27i KD ,# DA M\( uJ x\ N 7@Sf N( b6 Xz wmm{ bn #b WrJ 0dq CL# ccR u|x ]P b&E0 ,X jQQ _$3< [$ aM O|`Q )f sC; pIM 1M I8 Gu l@Kh [iX 3pEQpS ^$ jg FJ Qx t~1 [@ Ks "/ `@ Hh Xz .! * k>= << >> ,|| && != *<= k>= K== |= B&= "*= /= #%= C+= -= -- 3^= b++ ** /! 0< += * .% N+ -^ $) 4( ()&|; Illegal number: %s %s !"$&'()*-/:;<=>?[\]`|}~ ugorwx=: *?[ }-+?= bs= count= seek= skip= if= of= ==> %s <== n:c:qv Cadil1gnsxAkcetuSXrvFpLRhT:w: color pcub cannot overwrite %sdirectory with %sdirectory line rows cols columns size speed ispeed ospeed ==> %s <== alpha:] alnum:] digit:] lower:] upper:] space:] blank:] punct:] cntrl:] snrvmpa ; [0m [7m [0J [A [%d;%dH [0K -IR- -a -o -print -print0 -exec -name -path -regex -type -follow -maxdepth Please press Enter to activate this console. kMGT%llu %llu.%d%c %H:%M:%S %A, %d %B %Y /proc/mounts augo rwxXst abfnrtv\ \\ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/= 0G ;C lBC /A PDC xQC 0A @A p"B JA DUA h$B @YA /D ;C 8fC iA zA VC &B pA 5G 5G 5G 5G H7G 7G 6G 8G 7G 7G 7G 7G |#A 8$A /A $\G d^G l\G h\G =+F "F YbG YbG QB gB HB HB gB deB D]B 49C hMB SB iB #F "F 1E GbG @A @|C ?E aG #F f@ r@ ,E p}@ ~C nE }C #E B |@ @aE \2E dE #F qE rE |@ To@ h@ 0cE n@ iC $nC 0XE @0G PE \q@ /A nE PlE x@ @r@ PDC vE HjE -E }@ pE i@ di@ eE H9E mE XG aG dqE v@ rE j@ Pj@ `u@ p@ \E s@ #F o@ BE <4G T=E yE yE TBE x@ o@ xE xE xE xE xE xE p@ H\E "F Xt@ xE xE IbG pxE `VE `xE PxE @YA @xE 0xE z@ zA xE p@ xE hm@ xE