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HOST [PORT] [-c] FILE [FILE ...] [-cds] STRING1 [STRING2] [flags] FILESYSTEM|DIRECTORY [OPTION]... ctxjT:X:C:f:Opvz -%s c~tx:t~cx:x~ct:X* Couldnt chdir %s: Not found in archive Couldnt stat old file %s not created: newer or same age file exists Couldnt remove old file Couldnt create hard link extract_archive: %s Cannot create symlink from %s to '%s' Cannot create node %s Unrecognised file type ustar Invalid tar magic Invalid tar header checksum Ignoring GNU extension type %c %s %d/%d%10u %4u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u %s -> %s Read error Short read Short write Seek failure invalid mode: %s %s pdRfia %2d%2d%2d%2d%d %d:%d:%d %d:%d %d.%d-%d:%d:%d %d.%d-%d:%d %d.%d.%d-%d:%d:%d %d.%d.%d-%d:%d d~ds:s~ds Rs:ud:I:: TZ=UTC0 date hours minutes seconds cannot set date %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z %Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%z %Y-%m-%dT%HZ %Y-%m-%dT%H%z %Y-%m-%d %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y %a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT %a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z %f %Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S neE ignore-environment unset u* +iu: putenv %s sfn %s %s: %7ld %4ld %-10s %-8.8s %-8.8s %-8d %-8d %4d, %3d %9s %9ld %24.24s %6.6s %5.5s %4.4s -> %1c 1AaCdgilnsxFpRrSvXecutLhkT:w: mode parents m:p invalid mode `%s' pcub %s interactive force fi cannot overwrite %sdirectory with %sdirectory f-i:i-f mv: overwrite `%s'? unable to rename `%s' non- cannot remove `%s' f-i:i-f fiRr cannot remove `.' or `..' -r -w -x -e -f -d -c -b -p -u -g -k -s -t -z -n -h -O -G -L -S != -eq -ne -ge -gt -le -lt -nt -ot -ef -a -o missing ] unknown operand %s: %s %s argument expected closing paren expected %s: out of range %s: bad number %s STRING2 cannot be empty snrvmpa cannot get system name unknown %s%c %i%c %s: %d H-h:e*:f*:c-n:q-n:l-n lnqvscFiHhe:f: %s sysinit respawn askfirst wait once ctrlaltdel shutdown restart /dev/vc/5 HOME=/ PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin SHELL=/bin/sh USER=root Bummer, can't write to log on %s! /dev/console Error checking free memory CONSOLE console /dev/tts/%d /dev/vc/%d /dev/vc/0 /dev/null TERM linux TERM=vt102 TERM=linux Please press Enter to activate this console. device '%s' does not exist. Bummer, can't open %s Can't fork! ~`!$^&*()=|\{}[];"'<>? -c exec Starting pid %d, console %s: '%s' Bummer, could not run '%s': %m The system is going down NOW !! Sending SIGTERM to all processes. Sending SIGKILL to all processes. exec of '%s' failed: %m The system is halted. Press Reset or turn off power Please stand by while rebooting the system. Memory allocation failure /etc/fstab /bin/mount -t proc proc /proc /sbin/swapon -a Sorry, your computer does not have enough memory. /etc/inittab /sbin/reboot /bin/umount -a -r /sbin/swapoff -a /sbin/init /dev/vc/2 /dev/vc/3 /dev/vc/4 /etc/init.d/rcS /dev/ Bad inittab entry: %s Reloading /etc/inittab -q init started: %s single -s init No more tasks for init -- sleeping forever. Process '%s' (pid %d) exited. Scheduling it for restart. d: $Id: insmod.c,v 1.2 2003/11/26 17:26:28 calle Exp $ $Id: insmod.c,v 1.2 2003/11/26 17:26:28 calle Exp $ Warning: unhandled reloc %d dd@ @d@ ,c@ @d@ ?[\]`|}~ 3. 3: 6alias 2bg 3break 2cd 0chdir 3continue 3eval 3exec 3exit 7export 2false 2fg 0hash 0help 2jobs 2kill 0let 4local 0pwd 2read 7readonly 3return 3set 3shift 3times 3trap 2true 0type 0ulimit 2umask 2unalias 3unset 2wait PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin IFS= PS1=$ PS2=> PS4=+ eerrexit fnoglob Iignoreeof iinteractive mmonitor nnoexec sstdin xxtrace vverbose Cnoclobber aallexport bnotify unounset qquietprofile %s: %s not found alias unalias %s=%s LP OLDPWD CDPATH can't cd to %s PWD %s: %s: %d: |>A >A =A >A >A ?A ?A ?A ?A >A >A >A ?A =A @A =A =A =A =A =A =A =A =A =A =A =A Pipe call failed %s %s: %s %s%s %builtin builtin func %s not defined in %s is a shell keyword is an alias for %s a tracked alias for is%s %s is a shell function special is a %sshell builtin : not found =: ~A ~A ~A H~A L~A |A ~A }A *?[ %ld parameter not set or null %.*s: %s%s Can't open %s Out of file descriptors /dev/tty can't access tty; job control turned off Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or kill -l [exitstatus] invalid signal number or name: %s ls: invalid signal number or exit status: %s %m [%d] (core dumped) Done(%d) Done %d [%d] %d Running %s%*c%s | %*c%d lp No such job: %s No current job No previous job %s: ambiguous job %s not created under job control Cannot fork You have stopped jobs. | ; && || if ; then ; else ; fi while until ; done ; do for in () { ... } <<... case ) ;; esac >| >> >& <& <> ## %% "$(...)" $(( ${# ${ "} $(...) )) | %s Cannot set tty process group (%m) PS1=# %d PPID /etc/profile .profile ENV Use "exit" to leave shell. -c requires an argument Current option settings off on %-16s%s Illegal option -o %s login Illegal option -%c can't shift that many No arg for -%c option Bad for loop variable $B $B L B L B L B L B L B $B L B L B L B L B B h7B 7B 7B 8B 5B p8B 8B %s unexpected (expecting %s) Syntax error: %s Directory nonexistent cannot create %s: %s No such file cannot open %s: %s @NB hOB NB 4NB tOB OB OB OB OB %d: %m ??? trap -- %s %s %s: bad trap h\B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B \B BusyBox v1.00-pre3 (2005.02.25-08:38+0000) Built-in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. Built-in commands: ------------------- %c%s %.*s: bad variable name %.*s: is read only %s%s%.*s%s vf %ldm%ld.%.3lds%c exponent less than 0 divide by zero expression recursion loop detected expression expected p:r arg count IFS ugo rwx %.4o Illegal mode: %s time(seconds) file(blocks) data(kbytes) stack(kbytes) coredump(blocks) memory(kbytes) locked memory(kbytes) process(processes) nofiles(descriptors) HSatfdsmcnpl internal error (%c) too many arguments unlimited bad number %-20s %lld error setting limit (%m) <<= >>= << >> ,|| && != *<= k>= K== |= B&= "*= /= #%= C+= -= -- 3^= b++ ** /! 0< += * .% N+ -^ $) 4( sh: turning off NDELAY mode /dev/null [%dD [%dA [%dC [J PATH `"#$%^&*()=+{}[]:;'|\<> %*s ./ ../ [H cn:s: /dev/tty /dev/console --More-- (%d%% of %ld bytes) Y@ async atime defaults noauto dev diratime exec noatime nodev nodiratime noexec nosuid remount ro rw suid sync bind %s is write-protected, mounting read-only auto /etc/filesystems /proc/filesystems Mounting %s on %s failed /dev/root %s on %s type %s (%s) rootfs o:rt:wafnv /etc/fstab Cannot read /etc/fstab swap Can't find %s in /etc/fstab Cannot open %s rootfs /dev/root %s busy - remounted read-only Cannot remount %s read-only proc %s Couldn't umount %s on %s: %s unable to stat `%s' m: bb_xasprintf %s%s%s %s unable to stat `%s' `%s' and `%s' are the same file %s: omitting directory `%s' is not a directory cannot create directory `%s' unable to open directory `%s' unable to change permissions of `%s' %s: overwrite `%s'? unable to remove `%s' unable to open `%s' unable to close `%s' internal error: unrecognized file type unable to create `%s' cannot create fifo `%s' cannot create symlink `%s' unable to preserve ownership of `%s' unable to preserve times of `%s' unable to preserve permissions of `%s' Unable to read all data Read error icmp could not stat '/' /dev could not open '/dev' /dev/root kMGT %Lu %Lu.%d%c default [NONE SET] inet DARPA Internet %02X- unspec UNSPEC /proc/net No usable address families found. warning: no inet socket available SIOCGIFCONF %n%Lu%u%u%u%u%n%n%n%Lu%u%u%u%u%u %Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%n%n%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u %Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%u%Lu%Lu%u%u%u%u%u%u /proc/net/dev Warning: cannot open %s. Limited output. compressed bytes Device not found %s: error fetching interface information: %s loop Local Loopback %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X ether Ethernet ppp Point-Point Protocol unknown 10base2 10baseT AUI 100baseT 100baseTX 100baseFX Ki Mi Gi Ti X bytes:%Lu (%Lu.%u %sB)%s UP BROADCAST DEBUG LOOPBACK POINTOPOINT NOTRAILERS RUNNING NOARP PROMISC ALLMULTI SLAVE MASTER MULTICAST %-9.9s Link encap:%s HWaddr %s Media:%s (auto) %s addr:%s P-t-P:%s Bcast:%s Mask:%s [NO FLAGS] MTU:%d Metric:%d RX packets:%Lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu frame:%lu compressed:%lu TX packets:%Lu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu carrier:%lu collisions:%lu compressed:%lu txqueuelen:%d R T Interrupt:%d Base address:0x%lx Memory:%lx-%lx DMA chan:%x socket cannot get system information create set permissions of Cannot %s directory `%s' ?pc?d?b?-?l?s???rwxSTst /proc/mounts %ld %ld augo rwxXst abfnrtv\ \\ /proc Can't open /proc /proc/%d/stat %*s (%15c %c %d %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %ld %*s %*s %*s %*s %ld /proc/%d/cmdline %s unable to stat `%s' cannot remove `%s' %s: is a directory %s: descend into directory `%s'? unable to open `%s' unable to close `%s' %s: remove directory `%s'? %s: remove `%s'? unable to remove `%s' EXIT HUP INT QUIT ILL ABRT FPE KILL SEGV PIPE ALRM TERM USR1 USR2 CHLD CONT STOP TSTP TTIN TTOU TRAP IOT EMT BUS SYS URG IO POLL CLD XCPU XFSZ VTALRM PROF PWR WINCH SIG %d %s: : %s%s %s getcwd() %s %s xregcomp: %s ignoring all arguments BusyBox v1.00-pre3 (2005.02.25-08:38+0000) multi-call binary memory exhausted invalid date `%s' Write Error can`t create raw socket permission denied. (are you root?) standard input -/bin/sh bb_xstrndup bug %s %s : rB `@ D@ a@ c@ e@ l@ 0ZC q@ s@ u@ \A 5A v@ @A WA ]C lC sA |A [A rB J@ wC /dev/console pA "D "D "D #D $#D <#D P#D d#D &D &D (&D 8&D @&D D&D H&D L&D P&D T&D X&D \&D `&D d&D h&D p&D t&D |&D &D &D &D &D &D &D &D &D &D &D &D l'D H}B p'D t'D |'D NB 'D 'D 'D 'D 'D 'D 'D 'D 'D 'D NB 'D 'D 'D VB 'D 0KB 'D 'D 'D (D (D (D (D ((D 0(D 8(D @(D H(D P(D X(D C `(D l(D t(D YB (D |(D (D (D (D (D (D (D (D (D )D )D )D )D $)D 0)D <)D D)D P)D )D @/D D/D H/D L/D P/D T/D X/D \/D `/D 6D ,6D <6D L6D \6D p6D 6D 6D 6D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D @ >@ >@ >@ >@ J@ >@ >@ >@ p>@ 5A `>@ P>@ @>@ 0>@ >@ >@ >@ =@ \A =@ =@ =@ =@ [A =@ =@ =@ p=@ `=@ P=@ @=@ 0=@ `# =@ =@ =@ <@ <@ <@ <@ <@ <@ <@ <@ p<@ D@ `<@ P<@ H@ @<@ 0<@ <@ <@ <@ P[@ [@ zC ;@ ;@ ;@ ;@ {C ;@ rB S@ ;@ ;@ ;@ p;@ `;@ P;@ 4@ @;@ ]@ GD Y@ s@ 0;@ ;@ wC ;@ ;@ :@ q@ :@ :@ G@ :@ :@ |A :@ :@ :@ p:@ `:@ P:@ @:@ 0:@ _@ :@ :@ AD :@ 9@ 9@ 9@ 9@ 9@ 9@ 9@ 9@ p9@ `9@ P9@ @9@ 09@ lC a@ 9@ 9@ zC 0ZC 9@ 8@ 8@ 8@ 8@ 8@ 8@ 8@ 8@ p8@ 0|C `8@ P8@ @8@ @_@ PDA 08@ 8@ 8@ yC 8@ 7@ 7@ 7@ |C 7@ 7@ 7@ 7@ 7@ p7@ `7@ P7@ l@ @7@ 07@ 7@ 7@