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A Leap-Second is a positive or negative 1-second correction of the UTC to keep the time in sync with the earth rotation.

A solar day is one rotation of the earth, which is drifting and which is not as precise as our need for accuracy of time.
The speed of the rotation of the earth is not stable and it is slowly decreasing.

To keep an UTC day in sync with a mean solar day the UTC specification permits to insert or remove a second when it's
required. This is permitted at the end of each month, but all corrections so far happened on Jun 30 or Dec 31.

A negative Leap-Second removes the time 23:59:59 from the end of the respective month:

23:59:57 -> 23:59:58 -> 0:00:00

A positive Leap-Second adds the time 23:59:60 to the end of the respective month:

23:59:59 -> 23:59:60 -> 0:00:00

Since a Leap-Second is applied to the UTC it happens simultaneously worldwide, regardless of any Timezone.

So far (2022-08) 27 Leap-Seconds were applied since 1972, all of which were positive.


Since fw 4.63 FRITZ!OS uses chronyd to synchronize the system time via NTP, which supports Leap-Seconds.

Since the chrony.conf used does not contain a leapsecmode directive the default mode system is used.
This means that the system time will be tweaked by the Kernel as explained above, doing a "hard" switch.


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.


Showing 1 related property.