If you like BoxMatrix then please contribute Supportdata, Supportdata2, Firmware and/or Hardware (get in touch).
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BoxMatrix privacy policy[edit]


We respect your privacy and are not interested in personal data.

The BoxMatrix Wiki is entirely maintained so any account registration is disabled.

You surf this site anonymously and we do not use any tracking.

However, like pretty much every webserver in the net we log http/https access.

Webserver logging[edit]

We use apache webserver logging, which also includes information your browser sent here.

The logformat is known as combined format, and it contains:

  • The date and time of your request
  • Your IP address at this moment
  • The page or file you requested
  • The status code (error or success)
  • The amount of bytes transfered to you
  • The referring page you used before the request
  • The user agent string of your browser

The logs are stored privately on the server and are not shared with anyone.
They are automatically deleted after 7 days using logrotate.

Logfile analyzation[edit]

The main purpose of logging is to have some insight about the usage of this site.
The logs are automatically analyzed by a software called awstats.
This software creates reports about:

  • The amount of traffic all users created (anonymous)
  • The ranking of countries the users come from (anonymous)
  • The ranking of the users of this site (contains IP or hostname)
  • The ranking of robots (like googlebot) visiting the site
  • The time users spent on this site (anonymous)
  • The ranking of the filetypes which were served (anonymous)
  • The ranking of the file and page usage (anonymous)
  • The ranking of the operating systems of the users (anonymous)
  • The ranking of the browsers of the users (anonymous)
  • External pages and search engines the users came from (anonymous)
  • The ranking of the search terms which leaded here (anonymous)
  • Possible error codes of the webserver (anonymous)

These reports are kept private and are not shared with anyone.
The only non anonymous info IP and hostname is only used in case of abuse.
We intentionally do not use further geolocation technology besides the country report.

Contact form[edit]

If you use the contact form to email the maintainer your IP address will be added to the message.
The only reason for this is permitting filtering in case of abuse. Your IP will not be shared to anyone.

MediaWiki cookies[edit]

We use MediaWiki (the software which drives Wikipedia) which uses cookies for the user login
and for user preferences, see the details in the WikiMedia Foundation Cookie statement.
Since this Wiki is entirely maintained you can't register or login or save preferences so no cookies are set.

However, in future some areas of this Wiki will be user customizable using cookies.
A detailed list of all possible cookies and how they are used will appear here.
This will be completely optional and the cookies are only used to adapt the site to your choice.
Cookies will neither be tracked nor recorded nor shared.


The software used to drive the Trac-Server is called Trac and uses cookies to permit storing user preferences. These preferences are settings stored on the server and they are connected to a session cookie stored in your browser.

These settings are only used to customize your Trac user experience. You may for example set a prefered language or filter the timeline, etc.

The cookies are not used for any type of tracking, and they are not shared with anyone.

If you register and modify the Wiki, create a ticket or comment on one your activity is of course stored, since this is what you want. If will appear in the timeline and it will be listed as an action done by your chosen nick or display name.

The signup process uses double opt-in. After signing up you get a mail with a verification link you have to click to validate your email address and activate your account. You will not be able to contribute anything before activating your account.


This site is intended to offer maximum privacy, while still doing normal logging for maintenance tasks.

We are non profit and no advertizers and we are not interested in your personal data.