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This is a quick scratchpad for stuff noticed when working with Freetz.

Freetz Findings-List[edit]

Freetz TODO: Provide a method to just disable signature validation for the TK firmware.
3 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
updating freetz for FRITZ.Box_7590-07.90-111682-Inhaus.image through the freetz webif fails install_wrong_hardware.
4 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
pciutils: pci.ids fail with a bzip2 erro
4 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
FRITZ.Box_7590-07.90-111682-Inhaus.image works with fresh checkout if the enabled_aha_voltage patch is emptied.
4 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink

reverse dns behind dnsmasq with activated adhole answers a random domain of the block list when asking for

ie 0.r.msn.com

upstream the answer is
8 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink

"You have no CPU with AVX2 support, precompiled (download) host-tools automatically disabled."

=> Forced to "Beginner"...

Well done. Barrier service.
21 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink

wrong linux_fs_start when using push_firmware without args:

me@xubuntu:~/freetz/fritz0.6430.git$ tools/push_firmware

* Analyzing 'images/6430_07.29.ger_freetz-ng-20474-b4439e920_20221112-182831.image' ...

* Warning: It seems your network is not able to reach directly. This command could help to fix:
tools/push_firmware: Zeile 633: ifconfig: Befehl nicht gefunden
$ sudo ifconfig enp0s3:0 192.168.178. up
Proceed anyway? ([y]/n) y
* Product: Fritz_Box_HW231a (FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable)
* Using command: ftp
* Target host:
* Outgoing IP: unknown
* Flash mode: dual-boot
* Designated linux_fs_start: 1


* Are you sure, that you want to flash this file to the device?
Proceed? (y/[n]) y

* You should now reboot your box ( Waiting for shut down.
Switch off, if reboot is not detected because it happens too quickly.
Some newer bootloader versions allow to flash on power-cycle only.

* Arm-System mtd: 11
* Arm-Kernel mtd: 12
* x86-System mtd: 13
* x86-Kernel mtd: 14

* No reply from box, assuming switch-off or restart. Trying to re-detect box.
Waiting .............. found!

* Box is back up again, initiating transfer.

Debugging on (debug=1).
---> TYPE I
ftp: setsockopt (ignored): Permission denied
---> PASV
---> STOR mtd11
ftp: setsockopt (ignored): Permission denied
---> PASV
---> STOR mtd12
ftp: setsockopt (ignored): Permission denied
---> PASV
---> STOR mtd13
ftp: setsockopt (ignored): Permission denied
---> PASV
---> STOR mtd14
local: mtd: No such file or directory
---> SETENV linux_fs_start 1
---> QUIT

21 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
rrdstats: permit more network interfaces than 4.
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
Replace kernel should be below compile for alien hardware in menuconfig to have a complete model selection block first
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
In the warning block I mean.
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink

Alien 7330_7320 replace kernel reports:

generating modules.dep
unresolved symbol crypto_alloc_shash in file /lib/modules/
unresolved symbol crypto_shash_update in file /lib/modules/
WARNING: Unresolved symbols detected, not all AVM-features may work.
No current sources by AVM? Error in kernel's .config? Ask fritzbox_info@avm.de for sources!

This is a known dependency problem also in avm firmware:

See "unmet dependencies" in libcrc32c.ko.

The kernel runs fine.
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
Pages which require javascript to work should have a noscript warning, like update.cgi
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
For 7320 and 7320_7330 the passwd applet obviously messes the login. SSH login with freetz works but saving a new pw makes subsequent logins impossible. The only workaround is to ctrl-c when asked for a new password and freetz will continue to work.
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink

The original shadow file from var.tar:

nobody:!:0:0:99999:7::: root:$1$$zO6d3zi9DefdWLMB.OHaO.:12332:0:99999:7:::

After logging in an using freetz as the new password:


41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink


  • Ctrl-C before typing in a new password will preserve the default
  • Using Rudi-Shell to restore the default password:
cd / && tar xvf var.tar ./var/tmp/shadow
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink

After ctrl-c on default login this works:

passwd -a dec

Creates this working shadow file:

41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink

vnstat all interfaces fails on lan:0 emergency ip if:

Starting VNstat ... failed.
Error: Unable to read database "/var/lib/vnstat/lan:0": No such file or directory
Error: Unable to get interface "lan:0" statistics.
Only available interfaces can be added for monitoring.

The following interfaces are currently available:
fritzbox lo acc0 vlan_master0 (1000 Mbit) eth_udma0 eth_udma1 eth0 (65535 Mbit) eth1 (1000 Mbit) eth2 (1000 Mbit) eth3 (65535 Mbit) adsl ppptty ing0 lan guest wifi0 wifi1 ath0 guest4 ath1 guest5
Is your USB-device yet available?
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
rrdstats fails on 6490 internal (­mmcblk0p9) storage
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
rrdstats fails on 7530 internal (ubi0_3) and webdav (https:/­/­sd2dav.1und1.de) storage
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink
remove support should have an option to keep support.lua, since it has more functions than only supportdata.
41 months ago | Hippie2000 | Permalink