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BoxMatrix contains a complex data creation and aggregation engine feeding the News and the Development sections and the entire Wiki. All data is updated at least daily, many sections even 3-hourly. If you have time you can walk through all pages in these sections to find the latest news. If you are 24/7 online or use a bouncer you can get the latest news of all these streams in our ##fritznews and #freetz IRC-Channels. Alternatively you can subscribe to our RSS-Feeds, which record exactly the same news posted to these channels. In fact both are maintained by BoxMatrix-Bot, which polls the data of the backend for news once a minute.


Currently there are 2 RSS feeds, for the channels ##frithnews and #freetz.


The meta feed covering nearly all News sections, as posted to ##fritznews.

RSS - fritznews.rss   -   recent 100 postings to our ##fritznews IRC-Channel   -   validate

Feed Content:
Realtime updated list of all postings to ##fritznews and its corresponding RSS-Feed. Last update: 2024-10-26 19:21 GMT.
This is a chronological log. In opposite to other News sections expired links will not be removed here, since they happened.
The BotCmd can be used to reproduce the most recent posting of each command in ##fritzbox and #freetz calling BoxMatrix-Bot.
If a BotCmd starts with a * this means there's no matching command implemented yet in BoxMatrix-Bot, which is a TODO.
The Date column shows the date of the respective news, the Posted column shows the arrival in ##fritznews and its RSS-Feed.

Legend:   on = present on the RSS feed.   -   arc = archived postings which shifted out of the feed.


The feed covering all Freetz related activity, as posted to #freetz.

RSS - freetz.rss   -   recent 100 postings to our #freetz IRC-Channel   -   validate

Feed Content:
Realtime updated list of all postings to #freetz and its corresponding RSS-Feed. Last update: 2024-10-26 10:18 GMT.
This is a chronological log. In opposite to other News sections expired links will not be removed here, since they happened.
The BotCmd can be used to reproduce the most recent posting of each command in ##fritzbox and #freetz calling BoxMatrix-Bot.
If a BotCmd starts with a * this means there's no matching command implemented yet in BoxMatrix-Bot, which is a TODO.
The Date column shows the date of the respective news, the Posted column shows the arrival in ##fritznews and its RSS-Feed.

Legend:   on = present on the RSS feed.   -   arc = archived postings which shifted out of the feed.