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This section is going to collect a timeline of destructive messups of work by egoists. Some people work hand in hand, some love to messup other people's time and work.


Hostory of Messups[edit]

This will be the place where the enormous amount of previous destructions of one anti community worker will be documented.


2019-11-03: The daily uodated Freetz-ng modding info has been frozen to the last state before it was intentionally destroyed by its maintainer.

I give up on working for any anti community person. Of course I won't break any working system like the SVN or the Trac, but I'm sure someone else will.
I don't have the time and resources to waste my power for any egoist on earth, while there are 10.000+ people which enjoy my work.
This is a freetime freelancer fun project, and no battle. But I must defend its peace! This message will disapear once someone wakes up and says thanks and sorry.
Let's bet it will never happen so he won to spit at my decade of work. Let's see who sleeps best in future. Let's see what breaks next due to one person which loves to messup other peoples honest work.
Maybe someone out there may stop the destructive behaviour of this egoist.