If you like BoxMatrix then please contribute Supportdata, Supportdata2, Firmware and/or Hardware (get in touch).
My metamonk@yahoo.com is not reachable by me since years. Please use hippie2000@webnmail.de instead.


From BoxMatrix

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This is no active user account at this wiki. This page has been created to assist in proper attribution of contributions.
If you find information here which is incorrect or which you want to see improved or removed then get in touch please.




Displaying all Box-Models and Accessories covered by images from Ahcsas, if any.
This function was an administrative aid displaying all contributions which reached an entry in the Versons section of an article.
Due to the fact that its purpose was misleading / misunderstood it had to be disabled for now.
It will return once a massive redesign happened. See the TODO: Image-Metadata BOT for details.

Random Gallery

Displaying up to 12 random images contributed by Ahcsas. Reload this page to get different samples.


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.