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FRITZ!OS always provided offline help pages for the Webinterface, HTML-Files named <topic>.html where <topic> is one of the hilfe_* terms listed below. Starting with firmware 4.44 AVM introduced additional online help (see CONFIG_ONLINEHELP), with fallback to the offline pages. The URL of each online help page is computed from CONFIG_ONLINEHELP_URL, the <helpset> where the page could be located, the page <topic>, model specific <features> and some user defined <settings>.


The URL of each online help page is computed from CONFIG_ONLINEHELP_URL and some extra info . This link points to help.avm.de/fritzbox.php and prints the respective help page for older models or redirects to the real help URL for newer models, depending on the passed arguments.

Goto:   Help-URL   -   Helpsets   -   Topics   -   Features   -   Settings


CONFIG_ONLINEHELP_URL itself is computed at boot time in rc.conf and consists of these parts:

To form the help URL these 4 arguments are added:

  • &set=<helpset>
  • &topic=<topic>
  • &deviceFeatures=<features> # up to helpset 015 only
  • &userSettings=<settings> # up to helpset 018 only


A <helpset> is a 3-digit number plus an optional p1/p2 extension, which is hardcoded in helpurl.lua or popup.html.
It is used to locate a help page for a generation of a model, its firmware and its helpfiles.
Currently (up to firmware 7.39) helpsets range from 001 to 021. Helpsets 003 and 013 and 020 do not exist in firmware.

Daily updated index of all helpsets found scanning Firmware-Probes . Last update: 2024-04-06 08:34 GMT.
The label (helpset) in the Helpset column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod column shows the amount of models using the respective helpset. Click the column header to sort by this number.
The Features column shows the amount of 0/1 characters in the <features> string. 0 means it is not used any more.
The Settings column shows the amount of 0/1 characters in the <settings> string. 0 means it is not used any more.
4* means the string has 4 charaters but only the second character is used, the remaining 3 characters are always set to 0.
The Origin column shows where <helpset>, <features> and <settings> are defined.
The Nicks column shows the nick names of all models using the respective helpset.
For helpset 002 the features[43] and settings[4] appear wrong, but in fact 7113de firmware 4.68 uses these values.


The <topic> is one of the hilfe_* page / topic names listed in the table below, the root topic is hilfe_status (overview).
Topic names always use german language, regardless of the target language of the help page.

Daily updated index of all help pages found scanning Firmware-Probes . Last update: 2025-02-02 08:16 GMT.
The label (help) in the Page / Topic column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod column shows the amount of models using the respective page. Click the column header to sort by this number.
The Usage and Firmware columns show which files refer the respective help page and in which firmwares.
The Helpset column shows which helpsets contain the respective topic online, Off states an offline html was found.

Goto:   A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z   -   Index


<features> is a long string of boolean 0/1 flags, hardcoded or computed from the Config-Environment and some UI-Modules.
AVM calls them hardware features. This argument is obsolete for recent firmware.
This is a symbolic view of all bits, Lua-typical an array starting with index 1. bool means the ASCII Character 0 or 1:

features[1] = bool CONFIG_AURA  # hw_usb_fern
features[2] = bool CONFIG_AB_COUNT == 1  # hw_1fon
features[3] = bool CONFIG_AB_COUNT == 2  # hw_2fon
features[4] = bool CONFIG_AB_COUNT == 3  # hw_3fon
features[5] = bool CONFIG_ETH_COUNT == 1  # hw_1lan
features[6] = bool CONFIG_ETH_COUNT == 2  # hw_2lan
features[7] = bool CONFIG_ETH_COUNT == 4  # hw_4lan
features[8] = bool CONFIG_KIDS  # hw_kids
features[9] = bool CONFIG_MEDIASRV  # hw_mediasrv
features[10] = bool CONFIG_WLAN_WMM  # hw_wlan_wmm
features[11] = bool CONFIG_ATA  # hw_atamode
features[12] = bool CONFIG_BUTTON  # hw_wlan_taster
features[13] = bool CONFIG_DECT  # hw_dect
features[14] = bool CONFIG_DSL  # hw_dsl
features[15] = bool false  # hw_fbox_sl - hardcoded - always false - fbsl never had online help
features[16] = bool CONFIG_FON  # hw_fon
features[17] = bool false  # hw_gateway - hardcoded - always false - 5188 never had online help
features[18] = bool CONFIG_CAPI_NT  # hw_s0
features[19] = bool CONFIG_TAM_MODE > 0  # hw_ab
features[20] = bool CONFIG_USB  # hw_usb_computer
features[21] = bool CONFIG_USB_HOST  # hw_usb
features[22] = bool CONFIG_USB_PRINT_SERV  # hw_usbdrucker
features[23] = bool CONFIG_USB_STORAGE  # hw_usbspeicher
features[24] = bool CONFIG_WLAN  # hw_wlan
features[25] = bool CONFIG_WLAN_MADWIFI  # hw_wlan_n
features[26] = bool CONFIG_VOL_COUNTER  # hw_vol
features[27] = bool CONFIG_MINI  # hw_mini
features[28] = bool CONFIG_DECT2  # hw_dect2
features[29] = bool CONFIG_WLAN_TXPOWER  # hw_txpower
features[30] = bool CONFIG_SAMBA  # hw_samba
features[31] = bool CONFIG_FAX2MAIL  # hw_faxempfang
features[32] = bool CONFIG_IPTV_4THOME  # hw_iptv_4thome
features[33] = bool ! CONFIG_MAILER && ! CONFIG_MAILER2  # hw_no_pushservice
features[34] = bool CONFIG_PRODUKT == "Fritz_Box_5113_AnnexA" || CONFIG_PRODUKT == "Fritz_Box_7113" || CONFIG_PRODUKT == "Fritz_Box_7113_AnnexA"  # hw_7113 + hw_5113
features[35] = bool ! (CONFIG_CAPI_TE || CONFIG_CAPI_POTS) && (CONFIG_AB_COUNT > 0 || CONFIG_MINI)  # hw_voiponly
features[36] = bool CONFIG_NQOS  # hw_internet_priorisierung
features[37] = bool CONFIG_REMOTE_HTTPS  # hw_remote_https
features[38] = bool CONFIG_NTFS  # hw_ntfs
features[39] = bool CONFIG_WLAN_WPS  # hw_wlan_wps
features[40] = bool CONFIG_VPN  # hw_vpn
features[41] = bool CONFIG_FON_IPPHONE  # hw_fon_ipphone
features[42] = bool CONFIG_TR069  # hw_tr069
features[43] = bool CONFIG_TR064  # hw_tr064
features[44] = bool CONFIG_CAPI_TE or CONFIG_CAPI_POTS  # hw_fixedline
features[45] = bool true/false  # hw_updateled - hardcoded - no variable in Config-Environment
features[46] = bool true/false  # hw_wlan_concurrent - hardcoded - no variable in Config-Environment
features[47] = bool true/false  # hw_internal_storage - hardcoded - no variable in Config-Environment
features[48] = bool CONFIG_DOCSIS  # hw_docsis
features[49] = bool CONFIG_ETH_GBIT  # hw_lan_gbit
features[50] = bool true/false  # hw_wlan_n_24 - hardcoded - no variable in Config-Environment
features[51] = bool CONFIG_TIMERCONTROL  # hw_nachtschalt_neu
features[52] = bool CONFIG_DSL_MULTI_ANNEX  # hw_multi_annex
features[53] = bool (<? query sar:status/gui_version_number ?> | 0) <= 1  # hw_no_dsl_performance
features[54] = bool CONFIG_VDSL  # hw_vdsl
features[55] = bool CONFIG_CHRONY  # hw_chrono
features[56] = bool CONFIG_LTE  # hw_lte
features[57] = bool true/false  # hw_fritzapp_fon - hardcoded - no variable in Config-Environment
features[58] = bool true/false  # hw_gateway - hardcoded - no variable in Config-Environment
features[59] = bool <? query wlan:settings/feature_flags/COEXISTENCE ?> == "1"  # hw_wlan_coexistence
features[60] = bool CONFIG_ETH_COUNT == 5  # hw_5lan


<settings> is a 3 or 4 digit string of boolean 0/1 flags which represents some user settings from UI-Modules.
AVM calls them dynamic settings. This argument is obsolete for recent firmware.
This is a symbolic view of all bits, Lua typical an array starting with index 1. bool means the character 0 or 1:

settings[1] = bool <? query box:settings/ata_mode ?> == '1'  # dyn_ata
settings[2] = bool <? query box:settings/expertmode/activated ?> == '1'  # dyn_expert
settings[3] = bool CONFIG_WLAN_WDS && <? query wlan:settings/WDS_enabled ?> == '1'  # dyn_repeater
settings[4] = bool CONFIG_USB_GSM && <? query umts:settings/enabled ?> == '1'  # dyn_umts
