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This section collects details about the Linux based FRITZ!OS as used in all Box-Models.

Press material (C) AVM GmbH
Overview page of the FRITZ!OS 7.27 Webinterface


The software which drives any of the Box-Models is called FRITZ!OS, the firmware. It is based on Linux, many open source packages and a lot of proprietary code from AVM.

FRITZ!OS is a downloadable *.image file which is an uncompressed tar archive containing the Firmware-Files.
For emergency situations AVM also offers it in form of a Windows program, the Recovery.exe.


FRITZ!OS is a mix of open source and AVM proprietary software. The core consists of a Linux kernel with many Kernel-Modules. In userspace it consists of numerous Shared-Libraries used by even more Shell-Commands, the basic ones are the BusyBox-Commands.

The Configuration is maintained by a HTTP Webinterface which internally consists of subject grouped UI-Modules. AVM also provides a remote configuraton API via TR-064, which is used by Smartphone-Apps and a lot of Open-Source projects.


You can find the latest FRITZ!OS for a model in the Downloads section of the respective Box-Models article and in the Firmware-History. There you also find the latest Recovery.exe and the source code in form of AVM-Tarballs. Current beta releases from the FRITZ!Lab can be found in Labor-Files.

Besides this you could directly browse the AVM download servers:


Daily updated index of all FRITZ!OS websites. Last update: 2025-03-24 04:05 GMT.

Legend:   on = live URL.   -   host = hosted here.   -   arc = from archive.org.   -   nonpub = non public.   -   dead = dead link.   -   Bold = main page.


If you want to extend the gallery with own work then please get in touch. See also the Photography-Inspiration article.


Facts about "FRITZ!OS"
Websites138 +