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BoxMatrix >> Environment >> Config-Environment | @ BoxMatrix - IRC-Chat - Translate: de es fr it nl pl |
News | Selectors | Models | Accessories | Components | Environment | Config | Commands | System | Webif | Software | Develop | Lexicon | Community | Project | Media |
Bootloader-Env | Brandings | TIATM-Env | Linux-Env | AVM-Env | Config-Env | CGI-Env | WebCM-Env | Kernel-Cfg | Research |
The Config-Environment is a bunch of variables, mostly hardcoded in each firmware, which contain model and firmware specific information. The main purpose is to adapt the Webinterface to the abilities or disabilities of the respective model and firmware. Recent firmware assigns the variables in rc.conf, older firmware in rc.init.
Starting with Labor 7.39 AVM suppresses (most but not all) boolean variables which previously were |
See also the table with FRITZ!OS 7.50+ news below and the total Overview of F!OS news!
Daily updated index of all config variables found scanning Firmware-Probes . Last update: 2025-03-28 05:17 GMT.
The label (cfgenv)
in the Variable
column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod
column shows the amount of models using the respective variable. Click the column header to sort by this number.
Goto: A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Index
Variable | Mod | Firmware | Description | Type | Origin |
CONFIG_AB_COUNT | 162 | 3.29 - 8.00 | 0-3: The number of ports for analog telephones of this model | Number | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_ACCESSORY_URL | 151 | 4.28 - 8.00 | The computed URL reditecting to the accessory software download page for this model, Firmware, Language and Country. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ANNEX | 162 | 3.73 - 8.00 | A/B/Kabel/Ohne: The default ADSL Annex of this Firmware. | Text | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_ANSWER | 19 | 3.98 - 4.04 | y= This Firmware supports a telephone answering machine. (old for CONFIG_TAM). | Boolean | rc.init |
CONFIG_ASEC | 74 | 7.08 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the ASEC database server. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ASEC_ENGINE | 22 | 7.39 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains the ASEC extension to OpenSSL. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ASSIST | 161 | 3.42 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware includes setup assistants. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_ATA (cfgenv) | 161 | 3.73 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports the ATA mode. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_ATA_FULL | 159 | 3.99 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports the full ATA mode. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ATA_NOPASSTHROUGH | 130 | 4.63 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware does not support ATA passthrough. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_AUDIO | 152 | 3.62 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains shared libraries for audio. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_AURA | 160 | 3.97 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports the remote USB protocol AURA. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_AURA_AUDIO | 1 | 4.65 - 4.88 | y= This Firmware features a remote audio card via AURA. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_AUTOUPDATE | 95 | 6.10 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports automatic update of itself. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_AVMIPC_LOCAL_IP | 76 | 6.83 - 8.00 | The local IP for Inter-CPU communication of avmipcd instances. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_AVMIPC_REMOTE_IP | 99 | 5.58 - 8.00 | The remote IP for Inter-CPU communication of avmipcd instances. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_BASIS | 151 | 3.14 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the basic parts of the FRITZ!OS. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_BETA_RELEASE | 94 | 5.05 - 7.32 | 1= This Firmware is a Labor preview. | Number | rc.conf |
CONFIG_BLUETOOTH | 145 | 3.61 - 7.32 | y= This model has a Bluetooth interface | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_BLUETOOTH_CTP | 145 | 3.61 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports the Bluetooth CTP protocol | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_BOOTCORE | 26 | 7.21 - 8.00 | y= This is the BootCore Linux of a Firmware, not the main Linux. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_BOXLOWRESSOURCES | 92 | 5.27 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware is tweaked for low ressources. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_BOX_FEEDBACK | 129 | 4.74 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports sending feedback to AVM. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_BUILDDIRTY | y= TODO | Boolean | |||
CONFIG_BUILDNUMBER | 82 | 6.51 - 8.00 | The (currently 5 digit) build number of this Firmware. | Number | rc.conf |
CONFIG_BUILDTYPE | 82 | 6.51 - 8.00 | 1-1007= the state of a firmware Firmware build (Release, Labor, ...). | Number | rc.conf |
CONFIG_BUTTON | 162 | 3.66 - 8.00 | y= This model has one or more buttons. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_C4 | 89 | 6.30 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains optimization for the Arris C4 DOCSIS 3.0 CMTS (64xx, 65xx). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CAPI | 155 | 1.133 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains a CAPI ISDN stack. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CAPI_MIPS | 145 | 3.42 - 7.32 | y= The CAPI Codec is implemented in the DSL DSP of the SoC (x1xx). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CAPI_NT | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This model has an internal S0 ISDN port (FONS0). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CAPI_POTS | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This model supports analog fixed line Telephony (POTS). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CAPI_TE | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This model supports ISDN fixed line Telephony. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CAPI_UBIK | 145 | 3.42 - 7.32 | y= The CAPI Codec is implemented in an UBIK2 custom chip. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CAPI_XILINX | 150 | 3.61 - 7.81 | y= The CAPI Codec is implemented in a FPGA. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CDROM | 145 | 3.23 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains an ISO image with NDIS drivers. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CDROM_FALLBACK | 145 | 3.42 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware can emulate a CDROM drive at its USB-Slave port. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CHRONY | 131 | 4.63 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware uses the chronyd daemon to synchronize time. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CODECS_IN_PCMROUTER | 127 | 4.61 - 7.81 | y= The CAPI Codec is implemented in software. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CONFIGD | 129 | 4.74 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the configd daemon. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CONFIGSPACE_ONNAND | 106 | 5.01 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware stores the Configuration in the NAND flash. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_CXX | 104 | 5.04 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains shared libraries for C++. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT | 162 | 3.73 - 8.00 | y= This model has a DECT interface. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_DECT2 | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This model has second generation DECT interface (x2xx+). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_14446 | 34 | 5.57 - 7.81 | y= This model has a SC14446 DECT chip. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_14488 | 47 | 4.65 - 7.59 | y= This model has a SC14448 DECT chip. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_AUDIOD | 124 | 4.77 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the audiod daemon. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_CATIQ20 | 103 | 4.80 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports the CAT-ip v2.0 protocol. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_DA14495 | 27 | 7.29 - 8.00 | y= This model has a DA14495 DECT chip. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_DCX81 | 26 | 7.20 - 8.00 | y= This model has a DCX81 based DECT chip. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_FW_ULE | 90 | 6.10 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports the DECT-ULE protocol. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_HOME | 104 | 5.07 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports DECT Smart-Home features. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_HOME_HANFUN | 82 | 6.51 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports DECT HAN-FUN features. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_MONI | 114 | 4.59 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains a DECT monitor. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_MONI_EX | 91 | 4.74 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains an extended DECT monitor. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_NO_EMISSION | 90 | 4.80 - 8.00 | y= This model supports no emmission DECT standby. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_ONOFF | 135 | 4.41 - 7.32 | y= This model can disable DECT. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_PICTURED | 124 | 4.77 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports serving pictures to FRITZ!Fon handsets. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DECT_REPEATER_ONLY | 66 | 6.98 - 7.32 | y= This model is a pure DECT-Repeater (never FRITZ!OS based). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DEVMEM2 | 20 | 6.51 - 7.31 | y= This Firmware contains the devmem2 memory dumping tool. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DIAGNOSE_LEVEL | 122 | 4.61 - 7.32 | >0= This Firmware supports advanced diagnosis facilities (Labor). | Number | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DOCSIS | 112 | 4.85 - 8.00 | y= This model has a builtin DOCSIS modem. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DOCSIS_CLI | 107 | 4.85 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains the cli command for advanced DOCSIS diagnosis. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DOCSIS_MODEM (cfgenv) | 82 | 6.69 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains a DOCSIS stack and modem drivers. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DOCSIS_PCD_NO_REBOOT | 102 | 4.85 - 7.32 | y= Do not reboot if pcd terminates | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL | 162 | 1.133 - 8.00 | y= This model has a builtin DSL modem. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_DSL_2DP | 104 | 5.07 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains 2 (old+new) DSL firmwares (2x Datapump FW). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_BCM963138 | 2 | 6.83 - 7.18 | y= This model contains a BCM963138 integrated DSL frontend. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_BCM963178 | 1 | 7.20 - 7.80 | y= This model contains a BCM963178 integrated DSL frontend. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_BONDING | 82 | 6.51 - 8.00 | y= This model supports DSL-Bonding. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_DIAG | 1 | 4.99 | y= This Firmware is a DSL diagnosis firmware. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_MULTI_ANNEX | 131 | 4.63 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports selecting the Annex firmware. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_RTL8685SB | 26 | 7.30 - 8.00 | y= This model contains a RTL8685 RTL86 DSL frontend. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_UR8 | 102 | 4.44 - 7.32 | y= This model contains the UR8 integrated DSL frontend and the PSB80PGP. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_VENDORID | 119 | 4.77 - 7.81 | An extra ID to identify the subtype of a model on ATM level. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_VRX318 | 66 | 6.51 - 7.32 | y= This model contains a VRX318 VR10 DSL frontend. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_VRX518 | 76 | 6.83 - 8.00 | y= This model contains a VRX518 VR11 DSL frontend. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_DSL_VRX619 | 76 | 6.98 - 8.00 | y= This model contains a VRX619 VR12 DSL frontend. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ECO | 151 | 4.28 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains energy saving features. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_ECO_SYSSTAT | 119 | 4.78 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware an energy monitor. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT_PATH | 162 | 3.90 - 8.00 | The computed absolute path to the Bootloader-Environment in ProcFS. | Text | rc.PTEST, rc.S, rc.conf |
CONFIG_ERR_FEEDBACK | 104 | 5.05 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware can send Crash-Reports to AVM. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ETH_COUNT | 162 | 3.14 - 8.00 | The number of ethernet ports of this model | Number | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_ETH_GBIT | 112 | 4.85 - 8.00 | y= One or more ethernet ports are Gbit ports. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_EWETEL_SMARTMETER | 103 | 4.80 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains Smart-Meter functions for EWE. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_EXPERT (cfgenv) | Unmet-Dependency | Boolean | |||
CONFIG_EXT2 | 112 | 4.80 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports the EXT2 filesystem. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_EXT3 | 79 | 5.01 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports the EXT3 filesystem. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_EXT4 | 10 | 6.20 - 7.57 | y= This Firmware supports the EXT4 filesystem. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FAX2MAIL | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware can forward a Fax as a PDF via Email. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FAXSEND | 101 | 5.27 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware can send a Fax. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FAXSUPPORT | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware can receive a Fax. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FHEM | 61 | 5.01 - 6.110 | y= This Firmware supports installing the FHEM software (was Labor). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FIBER | 82 | 6.51 - 8.00 | y= This model has a builtin glass Fiber port. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FIRMWARE_URL | 162 | 3.23 - 8.00 | The computed URL reditecting to the firmware download page for this model, Firmware, Language and Country. | Text | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_FIT | 14 | 7.20 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware is delivered in fit-image format. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FLASH_DOUBLE | 90 | 6.10 - 7.81 | y= This model stores 2 instances of the FRITZ!OS for Dual-Boot. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FON | 162 | 1.133 - 8.00 | y= This is a 'Fon' model and supports Telephony. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_FONBOOK2 | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware uses the new Phonebook2 phonebook. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FONGUI2 | 140 | 4.41 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware uses the new Telephony Webinterface. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FONQUALITY | 145 | 4.23 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports logging of the VOIP quality. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_FON_HD | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports HD-Telephony for VOIP. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FON_IPPHONE | 131 | 4.70 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports IP-Telephones. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FTP | 132 | 4.55 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains a FTP server. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_FUSIV | 69 | 5.01 - 7.32 | y= This model contains a Fusiv DSL SoC. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_GDB | 89 | 4.44 - 7.31 | y= This Firmware contains support for the GDB debugger. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_GDB_FULL | 89 | 4.44 - 7.31 | y= This Firmware contains full support for the GDB debugger. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_GDB_SERVER | 89 | 4.44 - 7.31 | y= This Firmware contains the GDB server. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_GFAST | 72 | 6.51 - 7.32 | y= This model supports G.fast DSL. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_GPON | 27 | 7.01 - 8.00 | y= This model supports a GPON glass fiber network. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_GPS | 78 | 6.35 - 7.32 | y= This model supports GPS. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_HANSENET_NO_GUI | 2 | 4.65 - 4.90 | y= This model has no Webinterface (for Hansenet setup via telephone) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_HELP_NO_HELP | 2 | 4.65 - 4.90 | y= This Firmware does not contain any (online or offline) help pages. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_HOMEI2C | 145 | 3.42 - 7.32 | y= TODO (always n) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_HOME_AUTO | 102 | 5.24 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports Smart-Home features. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_HOME_AUTO_NET | 92 | 5.27 - 7.39 | y= This Firmware supports networked Smart-Home features. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_HOSTNAME | 162 | 3.29 - 8.00 | The hostname of this box (typically fritz.box). | Text | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_HTML_STYLE_CONGSTAR | 4 | 4.58 - 4.81 | y= This Firmware contains a custom Webinterface for Congstar. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_HTML_STYLE_T_COM | 7 | 4.45 - 4.79 | y= This Firmware contains a custom Webinterface for T-Com. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_HTML_STYLE_T_HOME | 7 | 4.45 - 4.79 | y= This Firmware contains a custom Webinterface for T-Home. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_I2C (cfgenv) | 145 | 3.42 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains drivers for the I2C bus of the SoC. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_IGD | 140 | 4.44 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports dynamic port forwarding via the IGD protocol. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_INETD | 112 | 4.63 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware uses inetd for one or more services. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_INSTALL_TYPE | 162 | 1.133 - 8.00 | An identification string of this model to verify matching firmware during updates | Text | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_IPERF | 37 | 6.51 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains the iperf performance metering tool. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_IPONE | 5 | 4.44 - 4.81 | y= TODO (w101b only) | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_IPTV_4THOME | 132 | 4.56 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware can optomize WLAN traffic for T-Home.IPTV (Entertain) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_IPV6 (cfgenv) | 112 | 4.80 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports IPV6. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_JFFS2 | 160 | 3.98 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware can store answering machine messages on an internal JFFS2 partition. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_KIDS | 153 | 4.22 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware parental control. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_KIDS_CONTENT | 102 | 4.80 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware parental control including filtering of content. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LABFEEDBACK_URL | 64 | 7.19 - 8.00 | The computed URL reditecting to the Labor-Feedback page for this Firmware. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LABINFO_URL | 64 | 7.19 - 8.00 | The computed URL reditecting to the Labor-Info page for this Firmware. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LABOR_DSL | 69 | 4.55 - 7.31 | y= This Firmware contains Labor DSL firmware. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LABOR_DSL_UR8 | 5 | 4.99 | y= This Firmware is a UR8 DSL diagnosis firmware. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LABOR_ID_NAME | 84 | 4.80 - 7.90 | An optional name of a Labor DSL firmware. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LAND_LISTE_OEM | 46 | 6.20 - 8.00 | Space delimited list of supported countries (Telephony defaults). | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LED_DIMM | 64 | 7.14 - 8.00 | y= This model contains dimmable LEDs | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LED_DIMM_AUTO | 64 | 7.14 - 8.00 | y= This model has an ambient light sensor for automatical LED dimming | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LED_EVENTS | 130 | 4.63 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware uses the new event based LED drivers. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LED_NO_DSL_LED | 155 | 3.96 - 7.81 | y= This model does not have any DSL LED. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_LED_NO_INFO_LED_KONFIG | 1 | 4.27 - 4.77 | y= This Firmware can not configure the info LED. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_LFS | 131 | 4.61 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains at least one filesystem with LFS (large file support). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LIBZ | 126 | 4.44 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains the libz.so compression library. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LIB_MATH | 140 | 4.41 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains the libm.so math library. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LIB_RESOLV | 75 | 4.85 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains the libresolv.so resolver library. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LINEARTV | 99 | 5.58 - 8.00 | y= This model and Firmware supports streaming of Cable-TV. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LLTD | 103 | 4.80 - 7.32 | y= TODO (always n) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LOGD | 135 | 4.41 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains the avmlogd. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LTE | 112 | 4.85 - 8.00 | y= This model has a builtin LTE modem. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LTE_MOD | 7 | 6.40 - 7.30 | 2/3= TODO (6820, 6890) | Number | rc.conf |
CONFIG_LUA | 113 | 4.80 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains a Lua CGI interpreter for the Webinterface. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MAILD | 130 | 4.65 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains the maild daemon. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MAILER | 149 | 4.05 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains the old mailer. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_MAILER2 | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the new mailer2. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MANUAL_URL | 104 | 5.09 - 8.00 | The computed URL reditecting to the PDF manual for this model, Firmware, Language and Country. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MATTER | 1 | 7.61 - 7.63 | y= This Firmware contains the Matter stack. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MEDIACLI | 159 | 3.97 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains the libmediacli.so UPnP-AV renderer. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_MEDIASRV | 160 | 3.97 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the Media-Server daemon mediasrv. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_MEDIASRV_MOUNT | 109 | 4.78 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware can mount UPnP and Shoutcast sources for the Media-Server. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MINI | 111 | 4.44 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains the FRITZ! Mini framework and minid. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MKFS | 8 | 7.04 - 7.81 | y= TODO | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MORPHSTICK | 109 | 4.78 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports the Streaming-Stick (Labor experiment). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MOVED | 52 | 7.39 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the moved daemon | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MTD_MAIL | 131 | 4.68 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware can read Email via FRITZ!Fon MT-D or newer. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MTD_MAILSEND | 108 | 4.80 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware can send Email via FRITZ!Fon MT-D or newer. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MTD_RSS | 129 | 4.74 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware can read RSS-Feeds via FRITZ!Fon MT-D or newer. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MULTI_COUNTRY | 131 | 4.63 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports selecting the Country during setup. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MULTI_COUNTRY_ASK | 60 | 7.19 - 8.00 | y= TODO | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MULTI_LANGUAGE | 131 | 4.63 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports selecting the Language during setup. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MULTI_LANGUAGE_ASK | 60 | 7.19 - 8.00 | y= TODO | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MYFRITZ | 104 | 5.09 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports the MyFRITZ! dynamic DNS service. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NAND | 162 | 3.92 - 8.00 | y= This model contains a NAND flash. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_NAS | 112 | 4.80 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports fritz.nas functionality. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NCURSES | 55 | 4.85 - 7.31 | y= This Firmware contains the text-based user interface library libncurses.so. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NETPERF | 33 | 6.51 - 7.31 | y= This Firmware contains the netperf performance metering tool. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NEUERUL | 103 | 4.59 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports DSP-Codecs in ubik2.ko / pcmlink.ko. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NEWSLETTER_URL | 102 | 5.29 - 8.00 | The computed URL reditecting to the newsletter signup page for this model, Firmware, Language and Country. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NFS | 152 | 3.73 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports mounting NFS ressources. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_NFS_CLI | 89 | 5.58 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains the NFS commandline tools. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NFS_SRV | 89 | 5.58 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains a NFS server. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NLR_AUDIO | 1 | 4.65 - 4.88 | y= This Firmware contains the nlr_audio.ko driver. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NOTELNETD | 106 | 4.86 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware does not contain telnetd (old for Cable models). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NO_EXTENDED_CODECS | 85 | 6.10 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains a limited collection of VOIP Codecs. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NQOS | 144 | 4.44 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports NQoS. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_NTFS | 127 | 4.61 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports the NTFS filesystem. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_OEM_DEFAULT | 162 | 3.73 - 8.00 | The default Branding of this Firmware. | Text | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_OEM_FORCED | 1 | 4.86 - 5.05 | y= This Firmware has a forced Branding. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ONLINEHELP | 144 | 4.44 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports Online-Help in the Webinterface. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ONLINEHELP_URL | 144 | 4.44 - 8.00 | The computed URL reditecting to the Online-Help page for this model, Firmware, Language and Country. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ONLINEPB | 127 | 4.74 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports an Online-Phonebook. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_OPENSSL | 60 | 4.61 - 7.57 | TODO (only y for cable models) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PERL | 61 | 5.01 - 6.110 | y= This Firmware contains the perl compiler. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PLC | 104 | 5.07 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports Powerline devices. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PLC_DETECTION | 104 | 5.07 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware can detect Powerline devices. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PLUGIN | 12 | 4.63 - 7.31 | y= This Firmware supports the old Software-Plugins. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PLUGINV2 | 85 | 6.10 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports the new Software-Plugins. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PLUGINV2_TAM | 72 | 6.69 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware uses a Software-Plugin for the telephone answering machine. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PLUGINV2_WEBCM_INTERPRETER | 78 | 6.36 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware uses a Software-Plugin for the webcm interpreter. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PLUGINV2_WLAN | 78 | 6.36 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware uses a Software-Plugin for WLAN. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PLUGIN_LIST | 6 | 4.61 - 6.84 | Comma separated list of available plugins for Firmware which uses Software-Plugins. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PPA (cfgenv) | 50 | 5.22 - 7.81 | y= TODO (always y if present) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PROCPS | 6 | 6.20 - 7.29 | y= TODO (always n) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PRODTEST | 1 | 5.50 - 6.89 | y= This is a special Firmware for factory internal product test. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_PRODUKT | 162 | 1.133 - 8.00 | The prodict id of this Firmware. Must match the ProdictID in Bootloader-Environment. | Text | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_PRODUKT_NAME | 155 | 3.14 - 8.00 | The full name of this model, as it appears in the Webinterface. | Text | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_PROV_DEFAULT | 129 | 4.74 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports custom Provider-Defaults. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_QOS_METER | 128 | 4.74 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports realtme QoS information in the Online-Monitor. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_RAMDISK | 102 | 4.80 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware uses a RAM-Disk for the NAS root folder. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_RAMSIZE | 162 | 3.45 - 8.00 | The size of the RAM in MB. | Number | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_RELEASE | 143 | 4.22 - 7.32 | The number of this release. Typically 1. sometimes 2. | Number | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_REMOTE_HTTPS | 141 | 4.48 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports HTTPS remote access to the Webinterface. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_RETAIL | 76 | 6.83 - 8.00 | y= This is a DOCSIS retail Firmware, no ISP custom firmware. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ROMSIZE | 162 | 3.45 - 8.00 | The size of the ROM in MB (for NOR-Flash), or a list of non NOR flash options and their size. | Text | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_SAMBA | 151 | 4.28 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the Samba server smbd. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_SBL_UPDATE | 13 | 7.13 - 7.63 | TODO | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SDK | 96 | 5.01 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports RAM-boot of SDK-Firmware. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SERVICEPORTAL_URL | 162 | 3.85 - 8.00 | The computed URL reditecting to the Service-Portal for this model, Firmware, Language and Country. | Text | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_SESSIONID | 130 | 4.68 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware uses a Session-ID based login to the Webinterface. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SILENT_UPDATE | 74 | 7.01 - 8.00 | y= | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SMBD_SLIM | 3 | 4.86 - 4.88 | y= This Firmware contains a stripped down Samba server smbd (7170 only). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SOCAT | 96 | 5.01 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains the socat socket cat executyble. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SPEECH_FEEDBACK | 119 | 4.78 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports sending Email feedback from the VOIP quality log. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SPEEDSTEP | 81 | 6.51 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports load dependend CPU speedstepping. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SPRACH_LISTE_OEM | 46 | 6.20 - 8.00 | Space delimited list of supported Languages for the Webinterface. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SQLITE | 139 | 4.50 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains SQLite database support. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SQLITE_BILDER | 127 | 4.61 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains SQLite database support for images. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SQLITE_VIDEO | 127 | 4.61 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains SQLite database support for videos. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SRTP | 140 | 4.38 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports SRTP (secure RTP for VOIP). | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_STOREUSRCFG | 162 | 3.63 - 8.00 | TODO | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_STRACE | 52 | 4.85 - 7.31 | y= This Firmware contains the strace debugging helper executable. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SUBVERSION | 162 | 3.29 - 8.00 | The subversion string for Labor firmware. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_SWAP (cfgenv) | 153 | 4.22 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware uses compressed Swap in RAM. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_SWAP_ONLY_ON_UPDATE | 8 | 6.12 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware only uses compressed Swap in RAM during updates. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_T38 | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports reliable Fax over VOIP using the T.38 protocol. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TAM | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports an internal telephone answering machine (TAM). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TAM_MODE | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | The mode used by the telephone answering machine (TAM). | Number | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TAM_ONRAM | 127 | 4.57 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware stores messages for the telephone answering machine (TAM) in RAM. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TARPLUGIN | 3 | 7.19 - 7.59 | y= | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TCOM_LAB_USER | 1 | 4.94 | y= | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TCPDUMP | 14 | 4.85 - 7.29 | y= This Firmware contains the tcpdump capture executable (63xx only). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TELEKOM_KOFFER | 122 | 4.61 - 7.32 | y= This model is a DSL diagnostic suitcase for the Telekom. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TEXT2SPEECH | 31 | 7.24 - 7.81 | y= | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TIMERCONTROL | 112 | 4.85 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the shared library for timer control libtimer.so. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TOUCH_DISPLAY | 1 | 4.65 - 4.88 | y= This model has a Touch-Display (FWR only). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TR064 | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports the (LAN side) TR064 protocol. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TR069 | 159 | 4.03 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports the (WAN side) TR069 protocol. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_TR369 | 63 | 7.19 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports the TR369 protocol. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_TZ_UPDATE | 75 | 6.98 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains an ARM TrustZone updater. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_UBI | 34 | 6.51 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports the wear-leveling Flash volume manager UBI. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_UBIK2 (cfgenv) | 152 | 3.23 - 7.32 | y= This model contains a UBIK2 custom chip (5050/7050). | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_UDEV | 118 | 4.78 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware uses udevd as the USB hotplug manager. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_UNIQUE_PASSWD | 129 | 4.50 - 7.32 | y= This Telekom model contains a unique password for the Webinterface in the Bootloader-Environment. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_UPDATEFEATURE_URL | 104 | 5.09 - 8.00 | The computed URL redirecting to the news and improvements overview for this very Firmware. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_UPDATE_REBOOT | 9 | 6.90 - 7.32 | y= TODO (always y if present) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_UPNP | 159 | 4.05 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports UPnP via upnpd or igdd. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_URLADER_UPDATE | 81 | 6.51 - 7.81 | y= This model and Firmware supports updating the Bootloader. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB (cfgenv) | 145 | 3.42 - 7.32 | y= This model has an USB-Slave port. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_GSM | 131 | 4.63 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports USB GSM and UMTS modems. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_GSM_VOICE | 112 | 4.80 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the UMTS voice CAPI driver csvd. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_HOST | 118 | 4.44 - 8.00 | y= This model has one or more USB-Host ports. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_HOST_AVM | 145 | 3.42 - 7.32 | y= This model implements the USB-Host in FPGA. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_HOST_INTERNAL | 105 | 5.01 - 7.81 | y= This model implements the USB-Host in the SoC. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_HOST_TI | 145 | 3.42 - 7.32 | y= This model implements the USB-Host in a TNETV115. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_INTERNAL_HUB | 121 | 4.68 - 7.32 | y= This model contains an internal USB-Hub. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_LTE | 112 | 4.85 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports USB LTE modems. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_PRINT_SERV | 155 | 3.42 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the USB printserver daemon printsrv. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_STORAGE (cfgenv) | 155 | 3.42 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports USB-Storage. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_SPINDOWN | 131 | 4.63 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware can spin down idle USB.harddisks. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_USERS | 129 | 4.50 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware user managment for the USB-Storage. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_TETHERING | 101 | 5.27 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports USB-Tethering. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_WLAN_AUTH (cfgenv) | 155 | 3.42 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports AVM Stick & Surf. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_USB_XHCI | 99 | 5.50 - 8.00 | y= This model contains an xHCI compatible USB-Host controller supporting USB 3.0. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_UTF8 | 132 | 4.63 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains a Webinterface with UTF-8 encoding support. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_UTF8_FULL | 94 | 5.53 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains a Webinterface with full UTF-8 encoding support. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_VDSL | 159 | 4.03 - 8.00 | y= This model has a builtin VDSL modem. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_VERSION | 162 | 3.29 - 8.00 | The last 2 dot delimited numbers of the Firmware version. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_VERSION_MAJOR | 162 | 1.133 - 8.00 | The model specific first number of the Firmware version. 10=fallback to FRITZ!Box SL. | Text | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_VINAX (cfgenv) | 4 | 4.70 - 5.09 | y= This model contains a VINAX-CPE VDSL modem chip. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_VINAX_TRACE | 4 | 4.70 - 5.09 | y= This Firmware contains debugging helpers for the VINAX-CPE. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_VLYNQ (cfgenv) | 149 | 4.03 - 7.32 | y= This model has at least one VLYNQ interface. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_VLYNQ0 | 157 | 3.23 - 7.81 | Configuration of the first VLYNQ interface. | Number | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_VLYNQ1 | 157 | 3.23 - 7.81 | Configuration of the second VLYNQ interface. | Number | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_VLYNQ_PARAMS | 39 | 4.41 - 7.18 | VLYNQ initialisation parameters. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_VOIP_ENUM | 122 | 4.61 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports ENUM telephone number lookup via DNS. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_VOL_COUNTER | 144 | 4.44 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports an Online-Counter to record volume and uptime. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_VPN | 162 | 3.42 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware pupports VPN. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_VPNPORTAL_URL | 52 | 7.39 - 8.00 | The computed URL reditecting to the VPN-Portal for this model, Firmware, Language and Country. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_VPN_CERTSRV | 121 | 4.63 - 7.32 | y= TODO (always n) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WEBCM_INTERPRETER | 132 | 4.61 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the webcm preprocessor for the Webinterface. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WEBDAV | 132 | 4.55 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports Online-Storage via WebDAV. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WEBGUI_PASS | 88 | 6.36 - 8.00 | y= Unique passwort found in Bootloader-Environment variable webgui_pass (computed on boot). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WEBSRV | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware implements the Webinterface with libwebsrv.so. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WEBUSB | 111 | 4.80 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware has a Webinterface for the NAS (fritz.nas). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN (cfgenv) | 159 | 1.133 - 8.00 | y= This model has at least one WLAN interface. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_WLAN_1130TNET | 135 | 4.41 - 7.32 | y= This model uses a TNETW1130 chip for WLAN. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_1350TNET | 135 | 4.41 - 7.32 | y= This model uses a TNETW1350 chip for WLAN. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_ATH_NM_COMBO | 92 | 5.27 - 7.32 | y= This model has an Atheros 2-chip Combo WLAN solution (3390) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_ATH_NM_MAGPIE | 96 | 5.01 - 7.32 | y= This model has an Atheros Magpie accelerator to offload WLAN off the CPU (6360). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_ATH_NM_OFFLOAD | 99 | 5.07 - 7.81 | y= This model has an Atheros WiSoC WLAN chip to offload WLAN off the CPU (x490). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_ATH_NM_OFFLOAD_HST | 35 | 5.58 - 6.36 | y= TODO (always n) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_ATH_NM_OFFLOAD_TGT | 35 | 5.58 - 6.36 | y= TODO (always n) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_ATH_NM_PCI | 105 | 5.01 - 7.81 | y= This model has an Atheros PCI WLAN chipset. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_ATH_NM_USB | 96 | 5.01 - 7.32 | y= This model has an Atheros USB WLAN chip (6320). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_BRCM | 81 | 6.51 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains a Broadcom WLAN chip. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_EACS | 119 | 4.77 - 7.81 | TODO | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_GREEN | 160 | 3.96 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports the Green-AP-Mode, reducing power consumprion if no WLAN client is lopgged in. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_WLAN_GUEST | 112 | 4.85 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports running a WLAN-Guest network. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_HOTSPOT | 95 | 6.10 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports running a WLAN-Hotspot. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_IPTV | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports optimizing WLAN for IPTV. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_MADWIFI | 139 | 4.44 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains MadWIFI WLAN drivers. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_OPENWIFI | 134 | 4.44 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports running a OpenWIFI WLAN-Hotspot. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_PRODTEST | 1 | 5.50 - 6.89 | y= This is a Firmware for factory internal product test (testing WLAN), . | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_RADIOSENSOR | 132 | 4.61 - 8.00 | TODO | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_SAVEMEM | 133 | 4.47 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware contains memory saving WLAN drivers. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_STANDALONE_MODE | 72 | 6.51 - 7.32 | y= TODO (always n) | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_TCOM_PRIO | 134 | 4.44 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports optimizing WLAN for the Telekom. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_TXPOWER | 145 | 4.41 - 8.00 | y= This model and Firmware support changing the WLAN transmit power. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_WDS | 152 | 3.73 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports WDS with AVM proprietary extension. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_WLAN_WDS2 | 92 | 5.27 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports the AVM proprietary reach extender WDS2. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_WDS3 | 52 | 7.39 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports the AVM proprietary reach extender WDS3. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_WDS_NO_SLAVE | 99 | 5.07 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports WDS or WDS2, but not the slave mode. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_WEATHER_CAC | 103 | 4.80 - 7.32 | y= This Firmware supports scanning for ptimary WLAN users like weather radar (CAC). | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_WMM | 140 | 4.41 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports the WLAN QoS standard WMM. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_WPS | 139 | 4.50 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports WLAN setup via WPS. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_XILINX | 161 | 3.42 - 7.81 | y= This model contains a FPGA. | Boolean | rc.conf, rc.init |
CONFIG_YAFFS2 | 66 | 4.81 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware supports the yaffs2 filesystem. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ZIGBEE | 27 | 7.52 - 8.00 | y= This model supports ZigBee. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG__PRODUKT_NAME | 37 | 3.85 - 4.99 | Old name for CONFIG_PRODUKT_NAME. | Text | rc.init |
330 config variables |
FRITZ!OS 7.5x[edit]
Config-Environment variables which are new in FRITZ!OS 7.50+ and its 7.39+ Labors. See also the total Overview of F!OS news!
Click the Firmware
column header twice to list the latest additions first.
Variable | Mod | Firmware | Description | Type | Origin |
CONFIG_ASEC_ENGINE | 22 | 7.39 - 7.81 | y= This Firmware contains the ASEC extension to OpenSSL. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MATTER | 1 | 7.61 - 7.63 | y= This Firmware contains the Matter stack. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_MOVED | 52 | 7.39 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware contains the moved daemon | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_VPNPORTAL_URL | 52 | 7.39 - 8.00 | The computed URL reditecting to the VPN-Portal for this model, Firmware, Language and Country. | Text | rc.conf |
CONFIG_WLAN_WDS3 | 52 | 7.39 - 8.00 | y= This Firmware supports the AVM proprietary reach extender WDS3. | Boolean | rc.conf |
CONFIG_ZIGBEE | 27 | 7.52 - 8.00 | y= This model supports ZigBee. | Boolean | rc.conf |
6 news in 7.5x |