If you like BoxMatrix then please contribute Supportdata, Supportdata2, Firmware and/or Hardware (get in touch).
My metamonk@yahoo.com is not reachable by me since years. Please use hippie2000@webnmail.de instead.


Property:panic (tffs)

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Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name panic!
panic (procfs) Kernel crash logs for supportdata and crashreport mail (first Linux).
panic (temp) Temp file to append to panic in TFFS.
panic (tffs) Persistent Kernel crash log / final dump.


Goto:   Dependencies   -   Model-Matrix   -   Missing Supportdata   -   SMW-Browser


panic is the oldest solution of a kernel crash log, and the persistent storage of all later solutions.
In fact it is not really a log but a dump. This is also accessed as /dev/tffs_panic.

panic is stored in the TFFS-Configuration, which consists of character devices in the TFFS on most models.
Character devices are streams and don't behave like a file. Logs need to append a log entry at the end of a file,
which is not possible with streams. See panic (temp) for a workaround to append to a character device in TFFS.

In older firmware (ie 7272 fw 6.83) panic in TFFS is only accessed by libmailbuilder.so to compile the crashreport.
supportdata already accesses the first generation procfs interface avm_panic_sd.

In recent firmware AVM implemented a procfs interface for crash handling which is directly maintained by tffs.ko.
See the panic (procfs) and panic (procfs) articles or the procfs lines below:

Reboot Info:

Crash Logs: - user mode crashes

Panic Logs: - kernel crashes

User Logs: - user stuff

Module Logs: - kernel modules

Debug Logs:


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this config file. Last update: 2025-02-22 07:44 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.
A ** in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata2 probes, which by their nature will stay way more incomplete.
A - in the Mod column marks manual research, the Firmware then shows where the item occurs, not the Relation.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
0 dependencies for this config file


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this config file for each model. Last update: 2025-02-22 07:44 GMT.
Showing all models using this config file. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list comes from Supportdata-Probes, which can have arbitrary settings and come from different firmware versions.
It doesn't say much if a model is not listed here. It may be a missing supportdata file or just a disabled feature.

Missing Supportdata

The data in this article is incomplete due to missing Supportdata-Probes for the models listed below.
If you own any of these models and would like to help then please get in touch.


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.