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Kernel modules are a mechanism to dynamically load code into the Kernel. This reduces memory consumption since only currently used modules are loaded. Kernel modules today also form an instrument to defeat license conflicts between proprietary closed source code and the GPL of the Linux kernel.


See also the table with FRITZ!OS 7.50+ news below and the total Overview of F!OS news!

Topic filtered subsets can be found in the following articles:

Daily updated index of all kernel modules found scanning Firmware-Probes . Last update: 2025-02-12 05:43 GMT.
The label (module) in the Module column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod column shows the amount of models using the respective module. Click the column header to sort by this number.
You can hover or click a possible Link in the Type column to see the target of that link.
The Path column shows the path relative to the /lib/modules/<kernelver> modules base directory.
Note that Kernel 2.4 and builtin *.o modules have been renamed to *.ko for an easier comparison.
If the Size/Bytes column contains <builtin> then this module is built info the kernel.
Builtin kernel modules are extracted from modules.builtin, which unfortunately is not present in every firmware.

Since the amount of modules exploded they had to be splitted into per character pages:

Goto:   0-9 - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z   -   ALL

And if you want to search through a single page:


Modules are collected from various sources. First all external modules found in the rootfs of all Firmware-Probes are added.
These show up with a file size in the Model-Matrix and are the only ones which fill the Parameters and Symbols sections.

Next modules from modules.builtin (ASCII) are added. These show up as <builtin> in the Model-Matrix. Unfortunately
I don't have a decoder for modules.builtin.bin yet, so if the ASCII variant is missing it could not be scanned.

Next modules from modules.order are added, which have been built but not added to the rootfs or Kernel. They show up with
an empty size column and just inform that they would fit the respective Kernel. They may also be unscanned builtins.

Now it gets complicated. In a next step modules which are selected by Kernel-Config variables used by AVM are added.
This would add a lot of unrelated modules, that's why modules for alien architectures are filtered by their pathes in the source.
This path filtering list is manually crafted, and surely by far not complete. This list is also applied to the GPL-Browser sections.

Finally multi purpose module bundles from AVM like avm.ko were splitted into their parts to refer them separately in articles.
An example is the reference of zertifikate in Proc-Filesystem to the prom_config_procfs.ko module providing it.

FRITZ!OS 7.5x[edit]

Kernel-Modules which are new in FRITZ!OS 7.50+ and its 7.39+ Labors. See also the total Overview of F!OS news!
Click the Firmware column header twice to list the latest additions first.
