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Property:nvram (partition)

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Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name nvram!
nvram (avmenv) TODO
nvram (chipcmd) Access persistent storage of configuration on Broadcom chipsets.
nvram (partition) Proprietary nvram WLAN and Kernel configuration storage on Broadcom models.


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The nvram partition is a proprietary nvram WLAN and Kernel configuration storage on Broadcom models.
It is no known filesystem like the /nvram partitions on cable models but a proprietary system which contains
variable = value assignments similar to the Bootloader-Environment.

This partition is maintained by libnvram.so which is widely used by the Broadcom subsystem and its Chipset-Commands.
There are 2 differing usages of this partition:

The 7581 and 7582 use a 128 kB partition and only store WLAN configuration:
Excerpt from supportdata of a 7581 fw 7.16:

nvram content

size: 28625 bytes (36911 left) acs_ifnames=wl0 wl1 acs_no_restrict_align=1 avm_wps_config_method=0x0188 boardnum=0000 bsd_role=0 hide_hnd_header=y lan1_hwaddr= lan1_ifname=guest lan1_ifnames=wl0.1 wl1.1 lan1_wps_oob=disabled lan1_wps_reg=enabled lan_hwaddr=9C:C7:A6:xx:xx:xx lan_ifname=lan lan_ifnames=wl0 wl1 lan_wps_oob=disabled lan_wps_reg=enabled mevent_enable=1 router_disable=0 ssd_enable=0 support_hnd_pages=y ure_disable=1 wl0.1_3gpplist= wl0.1_akm= wl0.1_anonai=anonymous.com wl0.1_ap_isolate=0 wl0.1_assoc_retry_max=3 wl0.1_auth=0 wl0.1_auth_mode= wl0.1_bss_enabled=0 wl0.1_bss_maxassoc=128 <snipped numerous lines> ped hundreds of lines>

The 7530ax usea a 1 MB partition and stores WLAN and Kernel configuration:
Excerpt from supportdata of a 7530ax fw 7.29:

nvram content

/---------------------------------/ /| UserSpace NVRAMs |/ /---------------------------------/ lan_ifname=lan lan_ifnames=wl0 wl1 lan1_ifname=guest lan1_ifnames=wl0.1 wl1.1 wl0_acs_excl_chans= wl0_maclist= wl1_maclist= lan_wps_oob=disabled wl0_chanspec=0 wl1_chanspec=0 map_bss_names= wl0_nctrlsb=lower wl1_nctrlsb=lower bsd_role=0 bsd_primary= bsd_helper= bsd_hport=9877 bsd_pport=9878 bsd_ifnames= bsd_bounce_detect=180 2 3600 wps_version2=enabled wps_device_name=FBox wps_mfstring=AVM wps_modelname=FBox wps_modelnum=0000 boardnum=0000 <snipped numerous lines> /---------------------------------/ /| KernelSpace NVRAMs |/ /---------------------------------/ pcie/1/1/aa2g=0x7 pcie/1/1/aa5g=0x7 pcie/1/1/aga0=0x02 pcie/1/1/aga1=0x02 pcie/1/1/aga2=0x02 pcie/1/1/agbg0=0x43 pcie/1/1/agbg1=0x43 pcie/1/1/agbg2=0x43 pcie/1/1/boardflags=0x00000000 pcie/1/1/boardflags2=0xC0000004 pcie/1/1/boardflags3=0x0 pcie/1/1/boardflags4=0x0003000E pcie/1/1/boardnum=28756 pcie/1/1/boardrev=0x1209 pcie/1/1/boardtype=0x08C4 pcie/1/1/cckbw202gpo=0x0000 pcie/1/1/cckbw20ul2gpo=0x0000 pcie/1/1/ccode=US pcie/1/1/devid=0x4495 pcie/1/1/dot11agduphrlrpox=0 pcie/1/1/dot11agduphrpo=0 pcie/1/1/dot11agduplrpo=0 pcie/1/1/dot11agofdmhrbw202gpo=0x5432 pcie/1/1/epagain5g=2 pcie/1/1/femctrl=0 pcie/1/1/low_adc_rate_en=1 pcie/1/1/macaddr=00:00:00:00:00:00 pcie/1/1/maxp2ga0=0x54 pcie/1/1/maxp2ga1=0x54 pcie/1/1/maxp2ga2=0x54 pcie/1/1/maxp5gb0a0=0x50 <snipped numerous lines>


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this partition. Last update: GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.
A ** in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata2 probes, which by their nature will stay way more incomplete.
A - in the Mod column marks manual research, the Firmware then shows where the item occurs, not the Relation.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
0 dependencies for this partition


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this partition for each model. Last update: 2025-03-31 06:31 GMT.
Showing all models using this partition. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list comes from Supportdata-Probes, which can have arbitrary settings and come from different firmware versions.
It doesn't say much if a model is not listed here. It may be a missing supportdata file or just a disabled feature.

Missing Supportdata

The data in this article is incomplete due to missing Supportdata-Probes for the models listed below.
If you own any of these models and would like to help then please get in touch.


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.