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The Proc-Filesystem, short procfs, is a virtual filesystem extension located at /proc. It provides realtime information about numerous system parts in the Kernel and in Kernel-Modules. It appears like a normal filesystem with files, symlinks, directories and permissions. procfs is virtual, although being a real filesystem it does not require any storage space. The proc(5) man page calls it the process information pseudo-filesystem.

Each of the Linux-Processes has a numerical subfolder /proc/<pid>, which contains information for the process with the respective PID. /proc/self is the symlink to the numerical subfolder of the own process.

Many Shell-Commands use the procfs to gather information or to write configuration or trigger values.
Most prominent use of the procfs is accessing the Bootloader-Environment via environment (new) or env (old).


See also the table with FRITZ!OS 7.50+ news below and the total Overview of F!OS news!

Daily updated index of all procfs objects found scanning Supportdata2 probes. Last update: 2025-02-04 05:11 GMT.
The label (procfs) in the Object column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod column shows the amount of models using the respective objects. Click the column header to sort by this number.
Kernel also shows the access permissions r = read, w = write, S = setuid and l = inherit from link target.
This only covers files and links in the /proc, /proc/<pid> and selected folders. Subfolders are a future project.
If Path contains /proc/1 this is symbolic for all /proc/<pid> folders. Its exe always points to busybox which runs init.

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FRITZ!OS 7.5x[edit]

Proc-Filesystem objects which are new in FRITZ!OS 7.50+ and its 7.39+ Labors. See also the total Overview of F!OS news!
Click the Firmware column header twice to list the latest additions first.
