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Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-21 07:52 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib ld.so 1 7.08 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libc.so 7 6.51 - 7.19 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 5 6.51 - 6.98 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libm.so 5 6.51 - 7.08 C math library Linux
4 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-22 06:13 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 4040 6.52 - 6.83 /sbin 172k
FRITZ!Box 7560 (main) 6.51 - 6.83 /sbin 236k
FRITZ!Box 7580 (main) 6.53 - 6.86 /sbin 236k
FRITZ!Box 7590 (main) 6.83 - 6.86 /sbin 236k
FRITZ!Box 7590 AX (main) 7.19 /sbin 233k
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 6.98 - 7.08 /sbin 151k - 186k
FRITZ!Repeater 6000 7.19 /sbin 183k
7 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-21 07:52 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
6.51 - 7.19 HIST_add
6.51 - 7.19 HIST_clear
6.51 - 7.19 HIST_get_percentile
6.51 - 7.19 HIST_get_stats
6.51 - 6.86 HIST_new
6.51 - 7.19 HIST_new_n
6.51 - 7.19 HIST_purge
6.51 - 6.86 HIST_report
6.51 - 7.19 HIST_search_bucket
6.51 - 7.19 HIST_timestamp
6.51 - 7.19 HIST_timestamp_start
6.51 - 7.19 HIST_timestamp_stop_add
6.51 - 7.19 accept_connection
6.51 - 7.19 accept_connections
6.51 - 6.86 access_buffer
6.51 - 7.19 af_to_nf
6.51 - 7.19 alloc_sendfile_buf_ring
6.51 - 7.19 allocate_buffer_ring
6.51 - 7.19 bind_to_specific_processor
6.51 - 7.19 break_args
6.51 - 7.19 break_args_explicit
6.51 - 7.19 break_args_explicit_sep
6.51 - 7.19 calc_cpu_util
6.51 - 7.19 calc_cpu_util_internal
6.51 - 7.19 calc_service_demand
6.51 - 7.19 calc_service_demand_fmt
6.51 - 7.19 calc_service_demand_internal
6.51 - 7.19 calc_thruput
6.51 - 7.19 calc_thruput_interval
6.51 - 7.19 calc_thruput_interval_omni
6.51 - 6.86 calc_thruput_omni
6.51 - 7.19 calculate_confidence
6.51 - 7.19 calibrate_idle_rate
6.51 - 7.19 calibrate_local_cpu
6.51 - 7.19 calibrate_remote_cpu
6.51 - 7.19 catcher
6.51 - 7.19 close_data_socket
6.51 - 7.19 close_listens
6.51 - 7.19 complete_addrinfo
6.51 - 7.19 complete_addrinfos
6.51 - 7.19 confid
6.51 - 7.19 connect_data_socket
6.51 - 7.19 convert
6.51 - 7.19 convert_timespec
6.51 - 7.19 cpu_start
6.51 - 7.19 cpu_start_internal
6.51 - 7.19 cpu_stop
6.51 - 7.19 cpu_stop_internal
6.51 - 7.19 cpu_util_init
6.51 - 7.19 cpu_util_terminate
6.51 - 7.19 create_data_socket
6.51 - 7.19 create_listens
6.51 - 7.19 daemonize
6.51 - 7.19 delta_micro
6.51 - 7.19 direction_to_str
6.51 - 7.19 disconnect_data_socket
6.51 - 7.19 display_confidence
6.51 - 7.19 dump_addrinfo
6.51 - 6.86 dump_globals
6.51 - 7.19 dump_netperf_output_choices
6.51 - 7.19 dump_netperf_output_list
6.51 - 7.19 dump_netperf_output_source
6.51 - 7.19 dump_request
6.51 - 7.19 dump_response
6.51 - 6.86 establish_control
6.51 - 7.19 establish_control_internal
6.51 - 6.86 find_driver_info
6.51 - 6.86 find_egress_interface
6.51 - 6.86 find_interface_ids
6.51 - 6.86 find_interface_slot
6.51 - 6.86 find_security_info
6.51 - 6.86 find_security_info_selinux
6.51 - 6.86 find_system_info
6.51 - 7.19 fixup_request_n
6.51 - 7.19 format_cpu_method
6.51 - 6.86 format_number
6.51 - 7.19 format_units
6.51 - 7.19 get_cpu_method
6.51 - 7.19 get_id
6.51 - 7.19 get_loc_cpu_confid
6.51 - 6.86 get_local_system_info
6.51 - 7.19 get_num_cpus
6.51 - 7.19 get_rem_cpu_confid
6.51 - 6.86 get_remote_system_info
6.51 - 7.19 get_result_confid
6.51 - 7.19 get_sock_buffer
6.51 - 7.19 get_sockaddr_family_addr_port
6.51 - 7.19 get_uuid_string
6.51 - 7.19 hst_to_nst
6.51 - 7.19 hst_to_str
6.51 - 7.19 htond
6.51 - 6.86 identify_local
6.51 - 6.86 identify_remote
6.51 - 7.19 inet_ftos
6.51 - 6.86 inet_nton
6.51 - 7.19 inet_ptos
6.51 - 7.19 inet_ttos
6.51 - 7.19 init_stat
6.51 - 6.86 install_signal_catchers
6.51 - 7.19 iptos2str
6.51 - 6.86 libmain
6.51 - 6.86 loc_cpu_rate
6.51 - 7.19 main
6.51 - 7.19 match_string_to_output
6.51 - 7.19 match_string_to_output_mnenomic
6.51 - 6.86 measure_cpu_start
6.51 - 6.86 measure_cpu_stop
6.51 - 6.86 msec_sleep
6.51 - 7.19 my_snprintf
6.51 - 6.86 netlib_get_page_size
6.51 - 7.19 netlib_init
6.51 - 7.19 netlib_init_cpu_map
6.51 - 7.19 netperf_output_enum_to_str
7.19 netperf_sendfile
6.51 - 7.19 nf_to_af
6.51 - 6.86 nsec_enabled_to_str
6.51 - 6.86 nsec_type_to_str
6.51 - 7.19 nst_to_hst
6.51 - 7.19 ntohd
6.51 - 7.19 open_debug_file
6.51 - 7.19 output_row
6.51 - 7.19 parse_address_family
6.51 - 7.19 parse_direction
6.51 - 7.19 parse_ipqos
6.51 - 7.19 parse_output_selection
6.51 - 7.19 parse_output_selection_direct
6.51 - 7.19 parse_output_selection_file
6.51 - 7.19 parse_output_selection_line
6.51 - 7.19 parse_protocol
6.51 - 7.19 parse_socket_type
6.51 - 7.19 pick_next_port_number
6.51 - 6.86 print_netperf_output_entry
6.51 - 7.19 print_netperf_usage
6.51 - 7.19 print_netserver_usage
6.51 - 7.19 print_omni
6.51 - 7.19 print_omni_csv
6.51 - 7.19 print_omni_human
6.51 - 7.19 print_omni_init
6.51 - 7.19 print_omni_init_list
6.51 - 7.19 print_omni_keyword
6.51 - 7.19 print_omni_usage
6.51 - 7.19 print_sockets_usage
6.51 - 7.19 print_top_test_header
6.51 - 6.86 print_uuid
6.51 - 7.19 process_requests
6.51 - 7.19 protocol_to_str
6.51 - 6.86 puid
6.51 - 7.19 rand32
6.51 - 7.19 random_ip_address
6.51 - 7.19 recv_data
6.51 - 7.19 recv_omni
6.51 - 7.19 recv_request
6.51 - 7.19 recv_request_n
6.51 - 7.19 recv_request_timed_n
6.51 - 7.19 recv_response
6.51 - 7.19 recv_response_n
6.51 - 7.19 recv_response_timed
6.51 - 7.19 recv_response_timed_n
6.51 - 7.19 recv_tcp_cc
6.51 - 7.19 recv_tcp_conn_rr
6.51 - 7.19 recv_tcp_maerts
6.51 - 7.19 recv_tcp_rr
6.51 - 7.19 recv_tcp_stream
6.51 - 7.19 recv_udp_rr
6.51 - 7.19 recv_udp_stream
6.51 - 6.86 rem_cpu_rate
6.51 - 7.19 resolve_host
6.51 - 7.19 retrieve_confident_values
6.51 - 6.86 scan_cmd_line
6.51 - 7.19 scan_netserver_args
6.51 - 7.19 scan_omni_args
6.51 - 7.19 scan_sockets_args
6.51 - 7.19 send_data
6.51 - 6.86 send_omni
6.51 - 7.19 send_omni_inner
6.51 - 7.19 send_request
6.51 - 7.19 send_request_n
6.51 - 7.19 send_response
6.51 - 7.19 send_response_n
6.51 - 6.86 send_tcp_cc
6.51 - 6.86 send_tcp_conn_rr
6.51 - 6.86 send_tcp_maerts
6.51 - 6.86 send_tcp_mss
6.51 - 6.86 send_tcp_rr
6.51 - 6.86 send_tcp_stream
6.51 - 6.86 send_udp_rr
6.51 - 6.86 send_udp_stream
6.51 - 6.86 sendfile_tcp_stream
6.51 - 7.19 set_fdset
6.51 - 7.19 set_hostname_and_port
6.51 - 6.86 set_nonblock
7.19 set_omni_request_flags
6.51 - 7.19 set_output_list_all
6.51 - 7.19 set_output_list_by_test
6.51 - 7.19 set_port_number
6.51 - 7.19 set_server_sock
6.51 - 7.19 set_sock_buffer
6.51 - 7.19 set_sockaddr_family_addr_port
6.51 - 7.19 set_socket_tos
6.51 - 7.19 setup_listens
6.51 - 6.86 shutdown_control
6.51 - 7.19 snpuid
6.51 - 7.19 spawn_child
6.51 - 7.19 start_timer
6.51 - 7.19 stop_timer
6.51 - 6.86 sum_row
6.51 - 7.19 unlink_empty_debug_file
6.51 - 7.19 uuid_create
208 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.