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The CGI specification RFC-3875 defines a set of variables to be passed by a webserver to a CGI program it runs. It contains information about the HTTP or HTTPS request triggering the CGI. In FRITZ!OS the webserver is built into ctlmgr, older models used websrv. Both pass the variables from the CGI specification to the CGI they run. Famous CGI programs in FRITZ!OS are webcm doing the Webinterface and firmwarecfg doing file up- and downloads. If you create supportdata from the Webinterface the request is handled by firmwarecfg calling the supportdata script, which lists the entire environment of this request, including the CGI part.


Daily updated index of all CGI environment variables found scanning Supportdata-Probes. Last update: 2025-03-28 07:23 GMT.
The label (cgienv) in the Variable column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod column shows the amount of models using the respective variable. Click the column header to sort by this number.

Missing Supportdata

The data in this article is incomplete due to missing Supportdata-Probes for the models listed below.
If you own any of these models and would like to help then please get in touch.
