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Bootloader-Env Brandings TIATM-Env Linux-Env AVM-Env Config-Env CGI-Env WebCM-Env Kernel-Cfg Research

The Bootloader-Environment variable firmware_version stores a possible Branding for a model. The value is avm for unbranded german models or some ISP specific value. International models are always unbranded and use the value avme. This list shows all known brandings, collected from the Firmware-History of all Box-Models, so this list is as complete as the firmware collection. See also the Branding article.


Daily updated index of all possible values of firmware_version found scanning Firmware-Probes . Last update: 2025-03-28 05:17 GMT.
The label (brand) in the Branding column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod column shows the amount of models using the respective value. Click the column header to sort by this number.
The collection of branded cable firmware is very limited, so the results for cable brandings are highly incomplete


This is the remainder of the old Brandings list, showing some special brandings.
It ia collected from probes in the Environment section of each Box-Models article for brandings not listed above.

firmware_version Origin Description
1und1,1 1&1 The rare Branding of a model delivered by 1&1, with explicit NGN telephony defaults
none AVM A fake Branding representing the absence or an empty firmware_version
ewetel,1 EWE The Branding of a model delivered by EWE, with explicit NGN telephony defaults
freenet,1 Freenet The rare Branding of a model delivered by Freenet, with explicit NGN telephony defaults
4 special branding values
