If you like BoxMatrix then please contribute Supportdata, Supportdata2, Firmware and/or Hardware (get in touch).
My metamonk@yahoo.com is not reachable by me since years. Please use hippie2000@webnmail.de instead.


From BoxMatrix
(Redirected from Firmware-Mods)

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Tarballs GPL-Browser FW-Probes FW-History FW-News Supportdata Hardware SVN Trac Freetz-News Freetz-Timeline Freetz-Releases Freetz-Mirror OpenWRT Research

This section collects info about different methods to modify the Firmware of a FRITZ!Box. For a long time the most important one was Freetz, but there are further projects which will also appear here.




  • SVN-Server - backup of the passed Freetz SVN, master repo of Freetz-ng   -   soon bridge to all forks
  • Trac-Server - backup of the passed Freetz Trac, ticket system for Freetz-ng, upcoming english Freetz Wiki
  • Freetz-News - recent 200 commits to all Freetz forks   -   from the News section
  • Freetz-Timeline - recent 200 commits, tickets, comments, etc of all Freetz forks
  • Freetz-Releases - 38 freetz and dsmod trunks and releases
  • Freetz-Mirror - 301 toolchains, 99 kernels, 1,073 packages and 15 releases
  • OpenWRT-Info - 59 models named or supported in OpenWRT / LEDE / Gluon / Wiki|Devi and TechinfoDepot


See also[edit]


Facts about "Development"
Meta-DescriptionDifferent methods to modify the Firmware of a FRITZ!Box. Most important one today is the Freetz project, but there are further projects. +
Meta-TitleDevelopment - BoxMatrix +