If you like BoxMatrix then please contribute Supportdata, Supportdata2, Firmware and/or Hardware (get in touch).
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Note that Kernel 2.4 and builtin *.o modules have been renamed to *.ko for an easier comparison.

Goto:   Parameters  -  Dependencies   -   Model-Matrix   -   Symbols   -   SMW-Browser




Daily updated index of all parameters for this module found scanning Firmware-Probes. Last update: 2024-05-12 07:46 GMT.
These parameters can be passed while loading the module like: modprobe <module> <parameter>=<value> ....
Parameters are listed multiple times if different descriptions were found in probes, which can be helpful to see evolution.

Parameter Mod Firmware Info
allocskbmode 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
allocskbsz 2 6.54 - 7.17 uint
allow_delay_fwdl 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
dhd_console_ms 2 6.54 - 7.17 uint
dhd_dongle_ramsize 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
dhd_dpc_prio 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
dhd_idletime 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
dhd_if_threshold 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
dhd_intr 2 6.54 - 7.17 uint
dhd_master_mode 2 6.54 - 7.17 uint
dhd_msg_level 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
dhd_pkt_filter_init 2 6.54 - 7.17 uint
dhd_poll 2 6.54 - 7.17 uint
dhd_queue_budget 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
dhd_rxf_prio 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
dhd_sdiod_drive_strength 2 6.54 - 7.17 uint
dhd_slpauto 2 6.54 - 7.17 uint
dhd_sta_threshold 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
dhd_watchdog_ms 2 6.54 - 7.17 uint
dhd_watchdog_prio 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
disable_proptx 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
firmware_path 2 6.54 - 7.17 string
g_assert_type 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
iface_name 2 6.54 - 7.17 string
info_string 2 6.54 - 7.17 string
instance_base 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
mfg_firmware_path 2 6.54 - 7.17 string
nvram_path 2 6.54 - 7.17 string
op_mode 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
passive_channel_skip 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
pcie_probe_unit 2 6.54 - 7.17 int
31 parameters for this module


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this module. Last update: 2024-05-12 07:47 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on mod abe.ko 2 6.69 - 7.17 AVM extensions for Broadcom Wifi driver (Proprietary) AVM
Depends on mod bcmmcast.ko 2 6.98 - 7.17 Broadcom Multicast module (GPL) Broadcom
Depends on mod bdmf.ko 2 6.54 - 7.17 BDMF shell module (GPL) Broadcom
Depends on mod rdpa_gpl.ko 2 6.54 - 7.17 Broadcom Runner Data Path API GPL (RDPA GPL) (GPL) Broadcom
Depends on mod wfd.ko 2 6.54 - 7.17 WLAN Forwarding Driver (GPL) Broadcom
Depends on mod wlcsm.ko 2 6.54 - 7.17 Broadcom WLAN Configuration and Statics Module (WCSM) (Proprietary) Broadcom
Depends on mod wlemf.ko 2 6.54 - 7.17 TODO (Proprietary) Broadcom
7 dependencies for this module


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this module for each model. Last update: 2024-05-12 05:13 GMT.
Showing all models using this module. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for models with multiple Linux instances.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 7581 6.54 - 7.16 ./extra 468k - 543k
FRITZ!Box 7582 6.83 - 7.17 ./extra 493k - 543k
2 models use this module


Daily updated index of all symbols of this module. Last update: 2024-05-12 07:47 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
6.54 - 7.17 ai_addrspace
6.54 - 7.17 ai_addrspacesize
6.54 - 7.17 ai_clear_backplane_to
6.54 - 7.17 ai_core_cflags
6.54 - 7.17 ai_core_cflags_wo
6.54 - 7.17 ai_core_disable
6.54 - 7.17 ai_core_reset
6.54 - 7.17 ai_core_sflags
6.54 - 7.17 ai_coreaddrspaceX
6.54 - 7.17 ai_corereg
6.54 - 7.17 ai_corereg_addr
6.54 - 7.17 ai_corerev
6.54 - 7.17 ai_corevendor
6.54 - 7.17 ai_enable_backplane_timeouts
6.54 - 7.17 ai_flag
6.54 - 7.17 ai_flag_alt
6.54 - 7.17 ai_iscoreup
6.54 - 7.17 ai_numaddrspaces
6.54 - 7.17 ai_scan
6.54 - 7.17 ai_setcoreidx
6.54 - 7.17 ai_setcoreidx_2ndwrap
6.54 - 7.17 ai_setint
6.54 - 7.17 ai_wrap_reg
6.98 - 7.17 avm_dhd_ioctl
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_add_64
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_atoi
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_atoipv4
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_binit
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_bitcount
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_bitprint32
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_bprhex
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_bprintf
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_brev_str
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_chipname
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_cmp_bytes
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_copy_tlv
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_copy_tlv_safe
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_crypto_algo_name
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_ether_atoe
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_ether_ntoa
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_find_vendor_ie
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_format_field
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_format_flags
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_format_hex
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_get_data_from_xtlv_buf
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_inc_bytes
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_iovar_lencheck
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_iovar_lookup
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_ip_cksum
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_ip_ntoa
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_ipv6_ntoa
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_arp_table_update
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_block_ping
6.98 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_block_tdls
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_get_mac_addr_dhcp_pkt
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_gratuitous_arp
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_parp_addentry
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_parp_delentry
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_parp_findentry
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_parp_get_cmac
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_parp_get_smac
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_parp_modifyentry
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_parp_set_cmac
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_parp_set_smac
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_l2_filter_proxyarp_alloc_reply
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mdelay
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mkiovar
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mw_to_qdbm
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mwbmap_alloc
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mwbmap_audit
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mwbmap_fini
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mwbmap_force
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mwbmap_free
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mwbmap_free_cnt
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mwbmap_init
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mwbmap_isfree
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_mwbmap_show
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_next_tlv
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_next_xtlv
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_pack_xtlv_buf
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_pack_xtlv_buf_from_mem
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_pack_xtlv_entry
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_parse_ordered_tlvs
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_parse_tlvs
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_parse_tlvs_min_bodylen
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_print_bytes
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_psta_arp_proc
6.98 - 7.17 bcm_psta_dhcp_option_find.constprop.1
6.54 - 6.85 bcm_psta_dhcp_option_find.constprop.7
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_psta_dhcp_proc
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_psta_ether_type
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_psta_icmp6_proc
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_psta_udp_proc
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_qdbm_to_mw
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_strtoul
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_sub_64
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_uint64_divide
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_uint64_multiple_add
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_uint64_right_shift
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_unpack_xtlv_buf
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_unpack_xtlv_buf_to_mem
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_unpack_xtlv_entry
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_write_tlv
6.54 - 7.17 bcm_write_tlv_safe
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_xtlv_buf
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_xtlv_buf_init
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_xtlv_buf_len
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_xtlv_buf_rlen
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_xtlv_head
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_xtlv_put_16
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_xtlv_put_32
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_xtlv_put_8
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_xtlv_put_data
6.83 - 7.17 bcm_xtlv_size
6.54 - 7.17 bcmdhd_wifi_plat_dev_drv_probe
6.54 - 7.17 bcmdhd_wifi_plat_dev_drv_remove
6.54 - 7.17 bcmdumpfields
6.54 - 7.17 bcmerrorstr
6.54 - 7.17 bcmevent_get_name
6.54 - 7.17 bcmstrcat
6.54 - 7.17 bcmstricmp
6.54 - 7.17 bcmstrncat
6.54 - 7.17 bcmstrnicmp
6.54 - 7.17 bcmstrnstr
6.54 - 7.17 bcmstrstr
6.54 - 7.17 bcmstrtok
6.54 - 7.17 calc_checksum
6.54 - 7.17 cleanup_module
6.54 - 7.17 csum_fixup_16
6.98 - 7.17 csum_fixup_16.constprop.2
6.54 - 6.85 csum_fixup_16.constprop.6
6.54 - 7.17 dbushost_initvars_flash
6.54 - 7.17 deinit_l2_filter_arp_table
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_add_flowid
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_add_monitor_if
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_add_sta
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_aggr_accumulate
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_aggr_add_aggregator
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_aggr_deinit
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_aggr_del_aggregator
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_aggr_find_aggregator
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_aggr_free_aggregator
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_aggr_init
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_aggr_intercept
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_aggr_release.part.0
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_aggr_release_timer
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_allocate_if
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_attach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bssidx2bssid
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bssidx2idx
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_band_set
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_chip
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_chip_id
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_chippkg_id
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_chiprev
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_chiprev_id
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_clean_flow_ring
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_clearcounts
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_cmn_readshared
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_cmn_writeshared
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_console_in
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_country_set
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_detach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_devreset
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_download_firmware
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_dpc
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_dump
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_flow_ring_create_request
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_flow_ring_create_response
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_flow_ring_delete_request
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_flow_ring_delete_response
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_flow_ring_flush_request
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_flow_ring_flush_response
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_get_mbintr_fn
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_get_sharedflags
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_iovar_op
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_max_h2d_queues
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_pktq_flush
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_pub
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_register
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_ringbell
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_ringbell_oldpcie
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_rx_frame
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_schedule_queue
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_bus_set_device_wake.isra.0
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_sih
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_start
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_start_queue
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_stop
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_stop_queue
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_txdata
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_txq
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_txqueue_enqueue
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_txqueue_flush
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_unregister
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_bus_watchdog
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_change_mtu
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_check_and_set_mac
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_check_fdb_expired
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_clear
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_clear_stats
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_client_get_info
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_clr_fkb_dhdhdr_flag
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_ctf_dump
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_ctf_hotbrc_check
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dbg_fw_hang_sendup_get
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dbg_fw_hang_sendup_ops_open
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dbg_fw_hang_sendup_set
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dbg_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dbg_remove
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_deferred_schedule_work
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_deferred_work_deinit
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_deferred_work_handler
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_deferred_work_init
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_deferred_work_set_skip
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_del_flowid
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_del_monitor_if
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_del_sta
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_detach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dev_get_dhdpub
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dev_get_feature_set
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dev_get_feature_set_matrix
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dev_get_ifidx
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dev_init_ioctl
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dma_buf_alloc
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_dma_buf_audit
6.83 - 6.85 dhd_dma_buf_audit.isra.3
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_dma_buf_audit.isra.4
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dma_buf_free
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dma_buf_init
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_dma_buf_reset
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_dma_buf_reset.isra.13
6.83 - 6.85 dhd_dma_buf_reset.isra.16
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_do_driver_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_doiovar
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dpc
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dpc_enable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dpc_thread
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_dslcpe_dump
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dslcpe_event
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dslcpe_iovar_op
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dump
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_dump_to_kernelog
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_enable_packet_filter
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ethtool
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ethtool_get_drvinfo
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_event
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_event_ifadd
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_event_ifdel
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_fillup_ioct_reqst
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_find_sta
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_findadd_sta
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_fkb_clear_tag
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_fkb_pool_clone2unicast
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_fkb_pool_free
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_fkb_pool_init
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_fkb_pool_put
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_fkb_set_dirtyp_len
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_prio_map
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_queue
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_queue_dequeue
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_queue_enqueue
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_queue_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_queue_overflow
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_queue_register
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_flow_queue_reinit
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_queue_reinsert
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_ring_config_thresholds
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_ring_node
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_rings_deinit
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_rings_delete
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_rings_delete_for_peer
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_rings_ifindex2role
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flow_rings_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flowid_free
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flowid_get_type
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_flowid_update
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_free
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_free_download_buffer
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_free_wet_info
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_ap_isolate
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_block_ping_status
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_get_block_tdls_status
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_cfe_mac
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_customized_country_code
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_dhcp_unicast_status
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_download_buffer
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_get_fkb_dhdhdr_flag
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_fw_mode
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_grat_arp_status
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_ifp_arp_table_handle
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_get_ifp_by_mac
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_instance
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_mcast_regen_bss_enable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_parp_status
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_psta_mode
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_sta_cnt
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_stats
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_stats_pointer
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_suspend_bcn_li_dtim
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_wet_info
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_wet_mode
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_get_wmf_psta_disable
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_handle_blog_disconnect_event
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_handle_blog_emit
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_handle_blog_sinit
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_handle_proxyarp_icmp6
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_handle_proxyarp_icmp6.isra.1
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_handle_wfd_blog
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_idx2net
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_if_clear_stats
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_if_del_sta_list
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_if_del_sta_list.constprop.18
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_if_fwder_capable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_if_inc_rxpkt_cnt
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_if_inc_txpkt_cnt
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_if_inc_txpkt_drop_cnt
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_if_inc_txpkt_mcnt
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ifadd_event_handler
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_ifadd_event_handler.part.12
6.83 - 6.85 dhd_ifadd_event_handler.part.13
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_ifadd_event_handler.part.9
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ifdel_event_handler
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ifname
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ifname2idx
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_ifname2idx.part.5
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_inform_dhd_monitor_handler
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ioctl
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ioctl_entry
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ioctl_entry_local
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ioctl_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_iovar
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_iovar_op
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_iovar_parse_bssidx
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_is_associated
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_is_concurrent_mode
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_is_rxthread_enabled
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_l2_filter_chainable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_l2_filter_pkt_handle
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_l2_filter_watchdog
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_lbr_aggr_deinit
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_lbr_aggr_en_mask
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_lbr_aggr_init
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_lbr_aggr_len
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_lbr_aggr_release_timeout
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_mcast_reverse_translation
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_module_cleanup
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_module_exit
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_module_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_monitor_enabled
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_monitor_get_stats
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_monitor_ioctl
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_monitor_start
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_msgbuf_dmaxfer_process
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_msgbuf_rxbuf_post.constprop.16
6.83 - 6.85 dhd_msgbuf_rxbuf_post.isra.11
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_msgbuf_rxbuf_post_ctrlpath
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_msgbuf_rxbuf_post_event_bufs
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_msgbuf_rxbuf_post_ioctlresp_bufs
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_msgbuf_wait_ioctl_cmplt
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_nbuff_attach
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_nbuff_detach
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_nbuff_dump
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_nbuff_dup
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_nbuff_free
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ndo_add_ip
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ndo_enable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_ndo_remove_ip
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_net2idx
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_net_bus_devreset
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_net_if_lock
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_net_if_lock_local
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_net_if_unlock
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_net_if_unlock_local
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_net_set_fw_path
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_net_wifi_platform_set_power
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_nic_hook_fn
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_open
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_check_hang
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_check_if_up
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_check_wakelock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_check_wakelock_all
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_close_image
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_d3ack_wait
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_d3ack_wake
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_general_spin_lock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_general_spin_unlock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_get_image_block
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_get_ioctl_resp_timeout
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_ioctl_resp_wait
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_ioctl_resp_wake
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_open_image
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_prealloc
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_prefree
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_proto_block
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_proto_unblock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_rxflock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_sdlock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_sdlock_rxq
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_sdlock_txq
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_sdunlock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_sdunlock_rxq
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_sdunlock_txq
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_set_ioctl_resp_timeout
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_spin_lock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_spin_lock_deinit
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_spin_lock_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_spin_unlock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wake_lock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wake_lock_ctrl_timeout_cancel
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wake_lock_ctrl_timeout_enable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wake_lock_restore
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wake_lock_rx_timeout_enable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wake_lock_timeout
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wake_lock_waive
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wake_unlock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wd_timer
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wd_timer_extend
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wd_wake_lock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_os_wd_wake_unlock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_parp_allnode_is_enabled
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_parp_discard_is_enabled
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_perim_is_locked
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_perim_lock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_perim_lock_all
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_perim_unlock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_perim_unlock_all
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_pkt_dequeue
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_pkt_insert
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_pkt_peek
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_pkt_queue_after
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_pkt_queue_head
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_pkt_queue_head_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_pkt_queue_purge
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_pkt_unlink
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_pktid_map_fini
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_pkttag_pool_free
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_pkttag_pool_init
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_pkttags_pool_get
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_pkttags_pool_put
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_post_dummy_msg
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_prealloc_attach
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_prealloc_detach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prec_drop_pkts
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prec_enq
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_preinit_ioctls
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_print_buf
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_priv_ioctl
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_process_pkt_reorder_info
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_alloc_ring_space
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_attach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_clean_flow_ring
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ctl_complete
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_d2h_ring_config_cmplt_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_d2h_sync_livelock
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_d2h_sync_none
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_d2h_sync_seqnum
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_d2h_sync_xorcsum
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_detach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_dma_indx_get
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_dma_indx_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_dma_indx_set
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_dstats
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_dump
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_event_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_flow_ring_create
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_flow_ring_create_response_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_flow_ring_delete
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_flow_ring_delete_response_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_flow_ring_flush
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_flow_ring_flush_response_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_flowrings_pool_detach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_flowrings_pool_release
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_genstatus_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_get_read_addr
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_get_ring_space
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_hdrlen
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_hdrpull
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_hdrpush
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ioctack_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ioctcmplt_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ioctl
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_iovar_op
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_metadata_dbg_get
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_metadata_dbg_set
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_metadatalen_get
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_metadatalen_set
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_noop
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_print_flow_ring
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_print_info
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_process_ctrlbuf
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_process_msgbuf_rxcpl
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_process_msgbuf_txcpl
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_process_msgtype
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_reset
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ring_attach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ring_detach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ring_init
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ring_reset
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_prot_ring_reset.isra.14
6.83 - 6.85 dhd_prot_ring_reset.isra.17
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ring_write_complete
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ringstatus_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_ringupd_dump
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_runner_txstatus_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_rx_dataoffset
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_rxcmplt_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_schedule_runner
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_stop
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_txdata
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_txdata_write_flush
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_txp_threshold
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_txqueue_flush
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_txstatus_process
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_upd_read_idx
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_prot_update_txflowring
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_psta_dhcp_proc
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_psta_pkt_alloc_copy
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_psta_proc
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_reboot_callback
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_register_if
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_remove_if
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_reset_cnt
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_runner_alloc_mem
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_attach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_cfg_cpu_queue
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_cpu_queue_isr
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_detach
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_do_iovar
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_flowmgr_alloc
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_flowmgr_fini
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_flowmgr_free
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_flowmgr_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_flowmgr_select
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_flowring_alloc
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_flowring_select_policy
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_flring_cache_enable
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_runner_free_mem
6.83 - 6.85 dhd_runner_get_policy_str
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_runner_get_policy_str.constprop.4
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_runner_get_policy_str.isra.3
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_runner_get_tx_dropped_packets
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_runner_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_iovar_dump
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_iovar_get_policy
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_iovar_get_profile
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_runner_iovar_get_rnr_stats
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_runner_iovar_get_rnr_status
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_runner_iovar_get_rxoffl
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_iovar_set_policy
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_runner_iovar_set_policy.part.4
6.83 - 6.85 dhd_runner_iovar_set_policy.part.7
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_iovar_set_profile
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_runner_iovar_set_profile.part.5
6.83 - 6.85 dhd_runner_iovar_set_profile.part.8
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_runner_iovar_set_rxoffl
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_runner_key_get
6.54 - 6.80 dhd_runner_mcast_get_stats
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_notify
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_policy_init
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_runner_process_all_cpu_queues
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_runner_process_cpu_queue
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_runner_psp_get
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_runner_psp_set
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_request
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_rx_tasklet_handler
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_runner_rxoffl_init
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_txpost
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_runner_wake_dongle_isr
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_rx_frame
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_rx_mon_pkt
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_rx_pkt_chainable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_rxf_thread
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_sched_dpc
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_sched_rxf
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_schedule_trap_log_dump
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_send_all
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_sendpkt
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_sendpkt_lbr_aggr_intercept
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_sendpkt_resume_intercept
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_sendup
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_sendup_event
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_ap_isolate
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_block_ping_status
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_set_block_tdls_status
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_set_dconpoll
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_dhcp_unicast_status
6.98 - 7.17 dhd_set_fkb_dhdhdr_flag
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_grat_arp_status
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_mac_addr_handler
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_mac_address
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_mcast_list_handler
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_mcast_regen_bss_enable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_monitor
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_multicast_list
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_packet_filter
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_parp_status
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_psta_mode
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_qosmap_up_table
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_wet_host_ipv4
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_wet_host_mac
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_wet_mode
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_set_wmf_psta_disable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_socram_dump
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_sta_associated
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_sta_free
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_start_xmit
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_stop
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_store_conn_status
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_support_sta_mode
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_sync_with_dongle
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_timeout_expired
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_timeout_start
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_txcomplete
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_txflowcontrol
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_uninit
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_update_dpsta_interface_for_sta
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_update_flow_prio_map
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_update_fp_stats
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_update_fw_nv_path
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_update_interface_flow_info
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_update_interface_link_status
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_update_psta_interface_for_sta
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_vars_adjust
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wait_event_wakeup
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wait_for_event
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wait_pend8021x
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_watchdog
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_watchdog_thread
6.54 - 6.85 dhd_wet_chainable
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wet_dump
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wet_recv_proc
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wet_send_proc
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wet_sta_delete_list
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wfd_bind
6.83 - 7.17 dhd_wfd_dump
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wfd_forward
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wfd_invoke_func
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wfd_mcasthandler
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wfd_unbind
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wifi_platform_get_adapter
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wifi_platform_load_pcie
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wifi_platform_register_drv
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wifi_platform_unregister_drv
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wl_ioctl
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wl_ioctl_get_intiovar
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wl_ioctl_set_intiovar
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_cleanup
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_conf
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_forward
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_forward_fn
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_get_device
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_get_igsc
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_get_instance
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_hooks_get
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_hooks_register
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_hooks_unregister
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_igs_broadcast
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_instance_add
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_instance_del
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_mcast_data_sendup
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_packets_handle
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_sdbfind
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_sendup
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_stall_sta_check_fn
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_start
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_stop
6.54 - 7.17 dhd_wmf_update_if_stats
6.54 - 7.17 dhdmsgbuf_dmaxfer_req
6.54 - 7.17 dhdmsgbuf_lpbk_req
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpci_bus_read_frames
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_attach
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_cfg_read_dword
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_cfg_write_dword
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_doiovar
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_download_state
6.83 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_get_device_name
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_intr_disable
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_intr_enable
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_intstatus
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_isr
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_membytes
6.98 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_membytes.part.1
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_readconsole
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_reg_map
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_register
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_release
6.98 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_release_dongle.constprop.12
6.54 - 6.85 dhdpcie_bus_release_dongle.constprop.14
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_ringbell_fast
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_rtcm16
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_rtcm32
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_suspend
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_unregister
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_bus_write_vars
6.98 - 7.17 dhdpcie_checkdied.constprop.10
6.54 - 6.85 dhdpcie_checkdied.constprop.15
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_chipmatch
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_clkreq
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_detach
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_device_scan
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_dongle_attach
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_download_map_bin
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_downloadvars
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_find_pci_capability
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_free_irq
6.83 - 7.17 dhdpcie_get_device_name
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_get_resource
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_handle_dongle_trap
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_init_shared_addr
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_isr
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_lcreg
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_mem_dump_bugcheck
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_pci_probe
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_pci_remove
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_pci_resume
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_pci_suspend
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_pci_suspend_resume
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_pme_active
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_pme_cap
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_readshared
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_request_irq
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_scan_resource
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_send_mb_data
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_set_suspend_resume
6.54 - 7.17 dhdpcie_tcm_valid
6.54 - 7.17 dhpcie_bus_mask_interrupt
6.54 - 7.17 dhpcie_bus_unmask_interrupt
6.54 - 7.17 dll_pool_alloc
6.54 - 7.17 dll_pool_detach
6.54 - 7.17 dll_pool_free
6.54 - 7.17 dll_pool_free_tail
6.54 - 7.17 dll_pool_init
6.54 - 7.17 dmaxfer_free_dmaaddr
6.83 - 7.17 fdb_check_expired_dhd
6.54 - 7.17 findMatching
6.98 - 7.17 get_asd
6.54 - 6.85 get_asd.isra.1
6.54 - 7.17 get_customized_country_code
6.54 - 7.17 get_erom_ent
6.54 - 7.17 get_pkt_ether_type
6.54 - 7.17 get_pkt_ip_type
6.54 - 7.17 get_pktpools_registry
6.54 - 7.17 get_scheduler_policy
6.54 - 7.17 get_sromrev
6.83 - 7.17 getgpiopin
6.83 - 7.17 getintvar
6.83 - 7.17 getintvararray
6.83 - 7.17 getintvararraysize
6.54 - 7.17 getvar
6.83 - 7.17 getvar_internal
6.54 - 7.17 hndcrc16
6.54 - 7.17 hndcrc32
6.54 - 7.17 hndcrc8
6.54 - 7.17 hndotp_avsbitslen
6.54 - 7.17 hndotp_isunified
6.54 - 7.17 hndotp_read_bit
6.54 - 7.17 hndotp_size
6.54 - 7.17 hndotp_status
6.54 - 7.17 id16_map_alloc
6.54 - 7.17 id16_map_audit
6.54 - 7.17 id16_map_clear
6.54 - 7.17 id16_map_failures
6.54 - 7.17 id16_map_fini
6.54 - 7.17 id16_map_free
6.54 - 7.17 id16_map_init
6.54 - 7.17 init_l2_filter_arp_table
6.54 - 7.17 init_module
6.54 - 7.17 init_nvramvars_chip
6.54 - 7.17 init_nvramvars_cmn
6.54 - 7.17 init_srom_sw_map
6.54 - 7.17 init_sromvars_map
6.54 - 7.17 initvars_flash
6.54 - 7.17 initvars_srom_pci
6.54 - 7.17 ipxotp_avsbitslen
6.54 - 7.17 ipxotp_isunified
6.54 - 7.17 ipxotp_read_bit
6.54 - 7.17 ipxotp_size
6.54 - 7.17 ipxotp_status
6.54 - 6.85 mask_width
6.98 - 7.17 nbuff_pktheadroom
6.98 - 7.17 nbuff_pktpull
6.98 - 7.17 nbuff_pktpush
6.54 - 7.17 net_os_set_suspend
6.54 - 7.17 net_os_set_suspend_bcn_li_dtim
6.54 - 7.17 net_os_set_suspend_disable
6.54 - 7.17 net_os_wake_lock
6.54 - 7.17 net_os_wake_lock_ctrl_timeout_enable
6.54 - 7.17 net_os_wake_lock_rx_timeout_enable
6.54 - 7.17 net_os_wake_lock_timeout
6.54 - 7.17 net_os_wake_unlock
6.54 - 7.17 nvram_append
6.54 - 7.17 nvram_commit
6.54 - 7.17 nvram_exit
6.54 - 7.17 nvram_get
6.54 - 7.17 nvram_get_global_vars
6.54 - 7.17 nvram_getall
6.54 - 7.17 nvram_init
6.54 - 7.17 nvram_reset
6.54 - 7.17 nvram_set
6.54 - 7.17 nvram_unset
6.54 - 6.85 osh_get_pdev
6.54 - 7.17 osl_acp_war_enab
6.98 - 7.17 osl_alloc_skb
6.54 - 6.85 osl_alloc_skb.isra.21
6.54 - 7.17 osl_arch_is_coherent
6.54 - 7.17 osl_attach
6.54 - 7.17 osl_cache_flush
6.54 - 7.17 osl_cache_inv
6.54 - 7.17 osl_check_memleak
6.54 - 7.17 osl_cpu_relax
6.54 - 7.17 osl_ctfpool_add
6.54 - 7.17 osl_ctfpool_cleanup
6.54 - 7.17 osl_ctfpool_init
6.54 - 7.17 osl_ctfpool_replenish
6.54 - 7.17 osl_ctfpool_set_cleanup_state
6.54 - 7.17 osl_ctfpool_stats
6.54 - 7.17 osl_delay
6.54 - 7.17 osl_detach
6.54 - 7.17 osl_dirtyp_is_valid
6.54 - 7.17 osl_dma_alloc_consistent
6.54 - 7.17 osl_dma_consistent_align
6.54 - 7.17 osl_dma_free_consistent
6.54 - 7.17 osl_dma_map
6.54 - 7.17 osl_dma_unmap
6.54 - 7.17 osl_error
6.54 - 6.85 osl_fkb_2_skb_unicast
6.54 - 7.17 osl_flag_set
6.54 - 7.17 osl_get_bus_handle
6.54 - 7.17 osl_is_flag_set
6.54 - 7.17 osl_malloc
6.54 - 7.17 osl_malloc_failed
6.54 - 7.17 osl_malloced
6.54 - 7.17 osl_mallocz
6.54 - 7.17 osl_mfree
6.98 - 7.17 osl_nbuff_dup
6.54 - 6.85 osl_nopktdup_cnt
6.54 - 7.17 osl_os_close_image
6.54 - 7.17 osl_os_get_image_block
6.54 - 7.17 osl_os_image_size
6.54 - 7.17 osl_os_open_image
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pci_bus
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pci_device
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pci_domain
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pci_read_config
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pci_slot
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pci_write_config
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pcie_bus
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pcie_domain
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pcie_rreg
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pcmcia_read_attr
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pcmcia_write_attr
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pkt_clear_tag
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pkt_frmfwder
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pkt_frmnative
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pkt_get_dirtyp
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pkt_get_tag
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pkt_set_dirtyp
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pkt_set_dirtyp_len
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pkt_tofwder
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pkt_tonative
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktalloced
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktdata
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktdup
6.98 - 7.17 osl_pktdup_cpy
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktflowid
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktfree
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktget
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktlen
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktlink
6.54 - 6.80 osl_pktpreallocdec
6.54 - 6.80 osl_pktpreallocinc
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktprio
6.54 - 6.85 osl_pktpull
6.54 - 6.85 osl_pktpush
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktsetflowid
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktsetlen
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktsetlink
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pktsetprio
6.54 - 7.17 osl_pkttag_attach
6.54 - 6.85 osl_pkttag_nobuf_cnt
6.54 - 7.17 osl_prefetch
6.54 - 7.17 osl_rand
6.54 - 7.17 osl_set_bus_handle
6.54 - 7.17 osl_sleep
6.54 - 7.17 osl_static_mem_deinit
6.54 - 7.17 osl_static_mem_init
6.54 - 7.17 otp_avsbitslen
6.54 - 7.17 otp_init
6.54 - 7.17 otp_isunified
6.54 - 7.17 otp_read_bit
6.54 - 7.17 otp_size
6.54 - 7.17 otp_status
6.54 - 7.17 parse_nd_options
6.54 - 6.85 pcie2_mdioop.constprop.13
6.98 - 7.17 pcie2_mdioop.constprop.9
6.54 - 7.17 pcie_serdes_iddqdisable
6.54 - 7.17 pcie_watchdog_reset
6.54 - 7.17 pkpool_haddr_avail_register_cb
6.54 - 7.17 pkt_frag_info
6.54 - 7.17 pktcopy
6.54 - 7.17 pktdataoffset
6.54 - 7.17 pktfrombuf
6.54 - 7.17 pktgetdscp
6.54 - 7.17 pktlast
6.54 - 7.17 pktoffset
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_add
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_attach
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_avail_notify
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_avail_notify_exclusive
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_avail_notify_normal
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_avail_register
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_deinit
6.98 - 7.17 pktpool_deq
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_dettach
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_empty_register
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_emptycb_disable
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_emptycb_disabled
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_fill
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_free
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_get
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_hostaddr_fill_register
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_init
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_invoke_dmarxfill
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_rxcplid_fill_register
6.54 - 7.17 pktpool_setmaxlen
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_append
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_deinit
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_deq
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_deq_tail
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_flush
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_init
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_mdeq
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_mlen
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_mpeek
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_pdel
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_pdeq
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_pdeq_prev
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_pdeq_tail
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_pdeq_with_fn
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_peek
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_peek_tail
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_penq
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_penq_head
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_pflush
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_prepend
6.54 - 7.17 pktq_set_max_plen
6.54 - 7.17 pktsegcnt
6.54 - 7.17 pktsegcnt_war
6.54 - 7.17 pktsetprio
6.54 - 7.17 pktsetprio_qms
6.54 - 7.17 pkttotlen
6.54 - 7.17 prhex
6.54 - 7.17 printbig
6.54 - 7.17 process_nvram_vars
6.54 - 7.17 prpkt
6.54 - 7.17 readSromFile
6.54 - 7.17 read_nvramfile
6.54 - 7.17 read_sromfile
6.54 - 7.17 sb_addrspace
6.54 - 7.17 sb_addrspacesize
6.54 - 7.17 sb_base
6.54 - 7.17 sb_commit
6.54 - 7.17 sb_core_cflags
6.54 - 7.17 sb_core_cflags_wo
6.54 - 7.17 sb_core_disable
6.54 - 7.17 sb_core_reset
6.54 - 7.17 sb_core_sflags
6.54 - 7.17 sb_coreid
6.54 - 7.17 sb_corereg
6.54 - 7.17 sb_corereg_addr
6.54 - 7.17 sb_corerev
6.54 - 7.17 sb_corevendor
6.54 - 7.17 sb_flag
6.54 - 7.17 sb_intflag
6.54 - 7.17 sb_iscoreup
6.54 - 7.17 sb_numaddrspaces
6.54 - 7.17 sb_read_sbreg
6.54 - 7.17 sb_scan
6.54 - 7.17 sb_set_initiator_to
6.54 - 7.17 sb_setcoreidx
6.54 - 7.17 sb_setint
6.54 - 7.17 sb_size
6.54 - 7.17 sb_write_sbreg
6.54 - 7.17 setScheduler
6.54 - 7.17 set_bitrange
6.54 - 7.17 si_addrspace
6.54 - 7.17 si_addrspacesize
6.54 - 7.17 si_attach
6.54 - 7.17 si_backplane64
6.54 - 7.17 si_backplane_access
6.54 - 7.17 si_btc_enable_chipcontrol
6.54 - 7.17 si_btcgpiowar
6.54 - 7.17 si_btcombo_43228_war
6.54 - 7.17 si_btcombo_p250_4313_war
6.54 - 7.17 si_chip_hostif
6.54 - 7.17 si_chipcontrl_btshd0_4331
6.54 - 7.17 si_chipcontrl_epa4331
6.54 - 7.17 si_chipcontrl_epa4331_wowl
6.54 - 7.17 si_chipcontrl_read
6.54 - 7.17 si_chipcontrl_restore
6.54 - 7.17 si_chipcontrl_srom4360
6.54 - 7.17 si_chipid
6.54 - 7.17 si_clk_pmu_htavail_set
6.54 - 7.17 si_clk_srom4365
6.54 - 7.17 si_clkctl_init
6.54 - 7.17 si_clock_rate
6.54 - 7.17 si_coded_devpathvar
6.54 - 7.17 si_core_cflags
6.54 - 7.17 si_core_cflags_wo
6.54 - 7.17 si_core_disable
6.54 - 7.17 si_core_reset
6.54 - 7.17 si_core_sflags
6.54 - 7.17 si_core_wrapperreg
6.54 - 7.17 si_coreaddrspaceX
6.54 - 7.17 si_corebist
6.54 - 7.17 si_coreid
6.54 - 7.17 si_coreidx
6.54 - 7.17 si_corelist
6.54 - 7.17 si_corereg
6.54 - 7.17 si_corereg_addr
6.54 - 7.17 si_coreregs
6.54 - 7.17 si_corerev
6.54 - 7.17 si_coreunit
6.54 - 7.17 si_corevendor
6.54 - 7.17 si_d11_switch_addrbase
6.54 - 7.17 si_d11rsdb_core1_alt_reg_clk_dis
6.54 - 7.17 si_d11rsdb_core1_alt_reg_clk_en
6.54 - 7.17 si_deregister_intr_callback
6.54 - 7.17 si_detach
6.54 - 7.17 si_deviceremoved
6.54 - 7.17 si_devpath
6.54 - 7.17 si_devpath_pcie
6.83 - 6.85 si_devpathvar.constprop.7
6.98 - 7.17 si_doattach
6.54 - 6.85 si_doattach.isra.3
6.54 - 7.17 si_epa_4313war
6.54 - 7.17 si_findcoreidx
6.54 - 7.17 si_flag
6.54 - 7.17 si_flag_alt
6.54 - 7.17 si_get_sromctl
6.83 - 7.17 si_getdevpathintvar
6.54 - 7.17 si_getdevpathvar
6.54 - 7.17 si_getnvramflvar
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpio_int_enable
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpiocontrol
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpioevent
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpioin
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpiointmask
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpiointpolarity
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpioled
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpioout
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpioouten
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpiopull
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpiorelease
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpioreserve
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpiosetcore
6.54 - 7.17 si_gpiotimerval
6.54 - 7.17 si_has_flops
6.54 - 7.17 si_intflag
6.54 - 7.17 si_is_sprom_available
6.54 - 7.17 si_iscoreup
6.54 - 7.17 si_kattach
6.54 - 7.17 si_numaddrspaces
6.54 - 7.17 si_numcoreunits
6.54 - 7.17 si_numd11coreunits
6.54 - 7.17 si_osh
6.83 - 6.85 si_pcie_devpathvar.constprop.6
6.98 - 7.17 si_pcie_devpathvar.part.3.constprop.6
6.54 - 7.17 si_pcie_hw_LTR_war
6.54 - 7.17 si_pcie_ltr_war
6.54 - 7.17 si_pcie_prep_D3
6.54 - 7.17 si_pciedev_crwlpciegen2
6.54 - 7.17 si_pciedev_reg_pm_clk_period
6.54 - 7.17 si_pll_closeloop
6.54 - 7.17 si_pll_reset
6.54 - 7.17 si_pll_sr_reinit
6.54 - 7.17 si_pmu_avb_clk_set
6.54 - 7.17 si_pmu_corereg
6.54 - 7.17 si_pmu_res_req_timer_clr
6.54 - 7.17 si_pmu_rfldo
6.54 - 7.17 si_pmu_synth_pwrsw_4313_war
6.54 - 7.17 si_register_intr_callback
6.54 - 7.17 si_restore_core
6.54 - 7.17 si_sdiod_drive_strength_init
6.54 - 7.17 si_set_sromctl
6.54 - 7.17 si_setcore
6.54 - 7.17 si_setcoreidx
6.54 - 7.17 si_setint
6.54 - 7.17 si_setosh
6.54 - 7.17 si_slowclk_src
6.54 - 7.17 si_socdevram
6.54 - 7.17 si_socdevram_pkg
6.54 - 7.17 si_socdevram_remap_isenb
6.54 - 7.17 si_socdevram_remap_size
6.54 - 7.17 si_socdevram_size
6.54 - 7.17 si_socram_set_bankpda
6.54 - 7.17 si_socram_size
6.54 - 7.17 si_socram_srmem_size
6.54 - 7.17 si_survive_perst_war
6.54 - 7.17 si_switch_core
6.54 - 7.17 si_sysmem_size
6.54 - 7.17 si_taclear
6.54 - 7.17 si_tcm_size
6.54 - 7.17 si_watchdog
6.54 - 7.17 si_watchdog_ms
6.54 - 7.17 si_watchdog_msticks
6.54 - 7.17 si_wrapperreg
6.54 - 7.17 si_wrapperregs
6.54 - 7.17 socram_banksize
6.54 - 7.17 sprom_read_pci
6.54 - 7.17 sprom_update_params
6.54 - 7.17 srom_offset
6.54 - 7.17 srom_otp_write_region_crc
6.54 - 7.17 srom_read
6.54 - 7.17 srom_var_deinit
6.83 - 7.17 srom_var_init
6.54 - 7.17 srom_vars_num
6.54 - 7.17 traffic_mgmt_pkt_set_prio
6.54 - 7.17 update_firmware_path
6.54 - 7.17 update_nvram_from_srom
6.54 - 7.17 varbuf_append
6.54 - 7.17 wet_arp_proc
6.54 - 7.17 wet_dhcpc_proc
6.54 - 7.17 wet_dhcps_proc
6.54 - 7.17 wet_eth_proc
6.54 - 7.17 wet_ip_proc
6.54 - 6.85 wet_sta_alloc
6.54 - 7.17 wet_sta_find_ip
6.54 - 7.17 wet_sta_find_mac
6.54 - 7.17 wet_sta_remove_mac_entry
6.54 - 7.17 wet_sta_update_all
6.54 - 7.17 wet_udp_proc
6.54 - 7.17 wet_vtag_proc
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_ctrlfunc_unregister_drv
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_plat_dev_drv_probe
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_plat_dev_drv_remove
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_plat_dev_drv_resume
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_plat_dev_drv_suspend
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_platdev_match
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_platform_bus_enumerate
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_platform_get_country_code
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_platform_get_irq_number
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_platform_get_mac_addr
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_platform_get_prealloc_func_ptr
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_platform_prealloc
6.54 - 7.17 wifi_platform_set_power
6.54 - 7.17 wl_event_process
6.54 - 7.17 wl_event_process_default
6.54 - 7.17 wl_event_to_host_order
6.54 - 7.17 wl_event_to_network_order
6.54 - 7.17 wl_get_port_num
6.54 - 7.17 wl_host_event
6.54 - 7.17 wl_host_event_get_data
6.54 - 7.17 wl_recycle_hook
6.54 - 7.17 wl_set_up_table
6.83 - 7.17 write_file
6.54 - 7.17 write_to_file
1162 symbols for this module


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.