If you like BoxMatrix then please contribute Supportdata, Supportdata2, Firmware and/or Hardware (get in touch).
My metamonk@yahoo.com is not reachable by me since years. Please use hippie2000@webnmail.de instead.
BoxMatrix >> Shell-Commands >> djmount | @ BoxMatrix - IRC-Chat - Translate: de es fr it nl pl |
News | Selectors | Models | Accessories | Components | Environment | Config | Commands | System | Webif | Software | Develop | Lexicon | Community | Project | Media |
Startup-Scr | Hotplug-Scr | BusyBox-Cmds | Bash-Cmds | AVM-Cmds | Chipset-Cmds | Linux-Cmds | Shared-Libs | Kernel-Mods | Research |
Command: | djmount - type Link, Exec | Wiki | Freetz | IPPF | whmf | AVM | Web |
Location: | Shell-Commands >> Linux-Commands - Origin: Linux | ||||||
Path: | Release: Lab+Rel: /bin | ||||||
Properties: | Size: 322k, Link - Firmware: 4.98 | ||||||
Function: | Mount an UPnP-AV device as filesystem. |
Goto: Dependencies - Model-Matrix - Symbols - SMW-Browser
Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.
A *
in the Mod
column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.
Relation | Typ | Object | Mod | Firmware | Info | Origin |
Depends on | lib | libc.so | 2 | 4.98 | Standard C library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libfuse.so | 2 | 4.98 | Filesystem in USErspace (FUSE) | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libgcc_s.so | 2 | 4.98 | GCC low-level runtime library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libpthread.so | 2 | 4.98 | POSIX threading library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libslab.so | 2 | 4.98 | Slab allocator or empty dummy library | Linux |
5 dependencies for this command |
Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-03-10 06:03 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl)
label in the Model
column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.
Model | Firmware | Path | Size |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v1 | 4.98 | /bin | 322k, Link |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v3 | 4.98 | /bin | 322k |
2 models use this command |
Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.
Firmware | Symbol |
4.98 | Cache_Create |
4.98 | Cache_Get |
4.98 | Cache_GetStatusString |
4.98 | Charset_ConvertString |
4.98 | Charset_Finish |
4.98 | Charset_Initialize |
4.98 | Charset_IsConverting |
4.98 | Charset_PrintString |
4.98 | CheckOtherHTTPHeaders |
4.98 | CloseLog |
4.98 | ContentDir_Browse |
4.98 | ContentDir_Create |
4.98 | ContentDir_GetSearchCapabilities |
4.98 | ContentDir_Search |
4.98 | CreateHTTPRangeResponseHeader |
4.98 | DIDLObject_Create |
4.98 | DIDLObject_GetElementString |
4.98 | DJFS_Create |
4.98 | DeviceList_GetDeviceStatusString |
4.98 | DeviceList_GetDevicesNames |
4.98 | DeviceList_GetStatusString |
4.98 | DeviceList_RefreshAll |
4.98 | DeviceList_RemoveDevice |
4.98 | DeviceList_Start |
4.98 | DeviceList_Stop |
4.98 | Device_Create |
4.98 | Device_GetDescDocItem |
4.98 | Device_GetDescDocTextCopy |
4.98 | Device_GetServiceFrom |
4.98 | Device_GetStatusString |
4.98 | Device_SusbcribeAllEvents |
4.98 | FileBuffer_CreateFromString |
4.98 | FileBuffer_CreateFromURL |
4.98 | FileBuffer_GetSize |
4.98 | FileBuffer_HasExactRead |
4.98 | FileBuffer_Read |
4.98 | FreeHandle |
4.98 | FreeListAlloc |
4.98 | FreeListDestroy |
4.98 | FreeListFree |
4.98 | FreeListInit |
4.98 | GetClientHandleInfo |
4.98 | GetClientSubActualSID |
4.98 | GetClientSubClientSID |
4.98 | GetFreeHandle |
4.98 | GetHandleInfo |
4.98 | GetNextRange |
4.98 | InitHandleList |
4.98 | InitLog |
4.98 | ListAddAfter |
4.98 | ListAddBefore |
4.98 | ListAddTail |
4.98 | ListDelNode |
4.98 | ListDestroy |
4.98 | ListFind |
4.98 | ListHead |
4.98 | ListInit |
4.98 | ListNext |
4.98 | ListSize |
4.98 | ListTail |
4.98 | Log_BeginColor |
4.98 | Log_Colorize |
4.98 | Log_EndColor |
4.98 | Log_Finish |
4.98 | Log_Initialize |
4.98 | Log_IsActivated |
4.98 | Log_Print |
4.98 | Log_Printf |
4.98 | Log_SetMaxLevel |
4.98 | MD5Final |
4.98 | MD5Init |
4.98 | MD5Update |
4.98 | MakeGetMessage |
4.98 | MakeGetMessageEx |
4.98 | MakePostMessage |
4.98 | Make_Socket_NoBlocking |
4.98 | MediaFile_GetName |
4.98 | MediaFile_GetPlaylistContent |
4.98 | MediaFile_GetPreferred |
4.98 | MediaFile_GetResSize |
4.98 | Object_Create |
4.98 | Parser_LoadDocument |
4.98 | Parser_freeNodeContent |
4.98 | Parser_isValidXmlName |
4.98 | Parser_setErrorChar |
4.98 | Parser_setNodePrefixAndLocalName |
4.98 | PtrArray_Append |
4.98 | PtrArray_Create |
4.98 | PtrArray_CreateWithCapacity |
4.98 | PtrArray_RemoveAt |
4.98 | PtrArray_ReserveExtraSize |
4.98 | ReadResponseLineAndHeaders |
4.98 | RemoveClientSubClientSID |
4.98 | SearchByTarget |
4.98 | Service_Create |
4.98 | Service_GetControlURL |
4.98 | Service_GetServiceType |
4.98 | Service_GetSid |
4.98 | Service_GetStatusString |
4.98 | Service_SendAction |
4.98 | Service_SendActionAsync |
4.98 | Service_SendActionVa |
4.98 | Service_SetSid |
4.98 | Service_SubscribeEventURL |
4.98 | Service_UnsubscribeEventURL |
4.98 | Service_UpdateState |
4.98 | SetGenaCallback |
4.98 | SetHTTPGetCallback |
4.98 | SetLogFileNames |
4.98 | SetSeed |
4.98 | SoapGetServiceVarStatus |
4.98 | SoapSendAction |
4.98 | SoapSendActionEx |
4.98 | StartMiniServer |
4.98 | StopMiniServer |
4.98 | StrStr |
4.98 | StrTok |
4.98 | StringStream_Create |
4.98 | StringStream_GetFile |
4.98 | StringStream_GetSnapshot |
4.98 | String_CleanFileName |
4.98 | String_Hash |
4.98 | String_StripSpaces |
4.98 | String_ToBoolean |
4.98 | TPAttrInit |
4.98 | TPAttrSetIdleTime |
4.98 | TPAttrSetJobsPerThread |
4.98 | TPAttrSetMaxThreads |
4.98 | TPAttrSetMinThreads |
4.98 | TPJobInit |
4.98 | TPJobSetFreeFunction |
4.98 | TPJobSetPriority |
4.98 | ThreadPoolAdd |
4.98 | ThreadPoolAddPersistent |
4.98 | ThreadPoolGetStats |
4.98 | ThreadPoolInit |
4.98 | ThreadPoolShutdown |
4.98 | TimerThreadInit |
4.98 | TimerThreadRemove |
4.98 | TimerThreadSchedule |
4.98 | TimerThreadShutdown |
4.98 | ToUpperCase |
4.98 | UpnpAddToAction |
4.98 | UpnpCloseHttpGet |
4.98 | UpnpDisplayBanner |
4.98 | UpnpDisplayFileAndLine |
4.98 | UpnpDownloadUrlItem |
4.98 | UpnpEnableWebserver |
4.98 | UpnpFinish |
4.98 | UpnpGetErrorMessage |
4.98 | UpnpGetServerIpAddress |
4.98 | UpnpGetServerPort |
4.98 | UpnpInit |
4.98 | UpnpMakeAction |
4.98 | UpnpOpenHttpGetEx |
4.98 | UpnpPrintf |
4.98 | UpnpReadHttpGet |
4.98 | UpnpRegisterClient |
4.98 | UpnpRemoveAllVirtualDirs |
4.98 | UpnpResolveURL |
4.98 | UpnpSearchAsync |
4.98 | UpnpSendAction |
4.98 | UpnpSendActionAsync |
4.98 | UpnpSetMaxContentLength |
4.98 | UpnpSubscribe |
4.98 | UpnpThreadDistribution |
4.98 | UpnpUnRegisterClient |
4.98 | UpnpUnSubscribe |
4.98 | UpnpUtil_GetEventString |
4.98 | UpnpUtil_GetEventTypeString |
4.98 | UpnpUtil_ResolveURL |
4.98 | VFS_Browse |
4.98 | VFS_Create |
4.98 | XMLUtil_FindFirstElement |
4.98 | XMLUtil_FindFirstElementValue |
4.98 | XMLUtil_GetDocumentString |
4.98 | XMLUtil_GetElementValue |
4.98 | XMLUtil_GetNodeString |
4.98 | copy_client_subscription |
4.98 | copy_sockaddr_in |
4.98 | copy_with_escape |
4.98 | error_respond |
4.98 | freeClientSubList |
4.98 | free_client_subscription |
4.98 | free_upnp_timeout |
4.98 | genaCallback |
4.98 | genaRenewSubscription |
4.98 | genaSubscribe |
4.98 | genaUnSubscribe |
4.98 | genaUnregisterClient |
4.98 | gena_process_notification_event |
4.98 | get_ieee_node_identifier |
4.98 | get_miniserver_sockets |
4.98 | get_random_info |
4.98 | get_sdk_info |
4.98 | get_ssdp_sockets |
4.98 | get_system_time |
4.98 | getlocalhostname |
4.98 | has_xml_content_type |
4.98 | hash_delete |
4.98 | hash_free |
4.98 | hash_get_entries |
4.98 | hash_get_max_bucket_length |
4.98 | hash_get_n_buckets |
4.98 | hash_get_n_buckets_used |
4.98 | hash_get_n_entries |
4.98 | hash_initialize |
4.98 | hash_insert |
4.98 | hash_lookup |
4.98 | hash_rehash |
4.98 | http_CalcResponseVersion |
4.98 | http_CloseHttpGet |
4.98 | http_CloseHttpPost |
4.98 | http_Download |
4.98 | http_FixStrUrl |
4.98 | http_FixUrl |
4.98 | http_MakeMessage |
4.98 | http_OpenHttpGet |
4.98 | http_OpenHttpGetEx |
4.98 | http_OpenHttpPost |
4.98 | http_ReadHttpGet |
4.98 | http_RecvMessage |
4.98 | http_RecvPostMessage |
4.98 | http_RequestAndResponse |
4.98 | http_SendMessage |
4.98 | http_SendStatusResponse |
4.98 | http_WriteHttpPost |
4.98 | http_get_code_text |
4.98 | httpmsg_destroy |
4.98 | httpmsg_find_hdr |
4.98 | httpmsg_find_hdr_str |
4.98 | httpmsg_init |
4.98 | isFileInVirtualDir |
4.98 | is_escaped |
4.98 | is_mark |
4.98 | is_reserved |
4.98 | is_unreserved |
4.98 | ixmlAttr_free |
4.98 | ixmlAttr_init |
4.98 | ixmlCDATASection_free |
4.98 | ixmlCDATASection_init |
4.98 | ixmlCloneDOMString |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_createAttributeEx |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_createAttributeNSEx |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_createCDATASectionEx |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_createDocumentEx |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_createElement |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_createElementEx |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_createElementNSEx |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_createTextNode |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_createTextNodeEx |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_free |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_getElementById |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_getElementsByTagName |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_init |
4.98 | ixmlDocument_setOwnerDocument |
4.98 | ixmlDomTreetoString |
4.98 | ixmlElement_findAttributeNode |
4.98 | ixmlElement_free |
4.98 | ixmlElement_getAttribute |
4.98 | ixmlElement_getElementsByTagName |
4.98 | ixmlElement_getTagName |
4.98 | ixmlElement_init |
4.98 | ixmlElement_setAttributeNode |
4.98 | ixmlElement_setAttributeNodeNS |
4.98 | ixmlElement_setTagName |
4.98 | ixmlFreeDOMString |
4.98 | ixmlLoadDocumentEx |
4.98 | ixmlNamedNodeMap_addToNamedNodeMap |
4.98 | ixmlNamedNodeMap_free |
4.98 | ixmlNamedNodeMap_getItemNumber |
4.98 | ixmlNamedNodeMap_getLength |
4.98 | ixmlNamedNodeMap_init |
4.98 | ixmlNamedNodeMap_item |
4.98 | ixmlNodeList_addToNodeList |
4.98 | ixmlNodeList_free |
4.98 | ixmlNodeList_init |
4.98 | ixmlNodeList_item |
4.98 | ixmlNodeList_length |
4.98 | ixmlNode_allowChildren |
4.98 | ixmlNode_appendChild |
4.98 | ixmlNode_cloneAttr |
4.98 | ixmlNode_cloneAttrDirect |
4.98 | ixmlNode_cloneCDATASect |
4.98 | ixmlNode_cloneDoc |
4.98 | ixmlNode_cloneElement |
4.98 | ixmlNode_cloneNode |
4.98 | ixmlNode_cloneNodeTree |
4.98 | ixmlNode_cloneNodeTreeRecursive |
4.98 | ixmlNode_cloneTextNode |
4.98 | ixmlNode_compare |
4.98 | ixmlNode_free |
4.98 | ixmlNode_freeSingleNode |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getChildNodes |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getElementsByTagName |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getElementsByTagNameNS |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getElementsByTagNameNSRecursive |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getElementsByTagNameRecursive |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getFirstChild |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getLocalName |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getNamespaceURI |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getNextSibling |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getNodeName |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getNodeType |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getNodeValue |
4.98 | ixmlNode_getParentNode |
4.98 | ixmlNode_init |
4.98 | ixmlNode_insertBefore |
4.98 | ixmlNode_isAncestor |
4.98 | ixmlNode_isParent |
4.98 | ixmlNode_removeChild |
4.98 | ixmlNode_setLocalName |
4.98 | ixmlNode_setNamespaceURI |
4.98 | ixmlNode_setNodeName |
4.98 | ixmlNode_setNodeProperties |
4.98 | ixmlNode_setNodeValue |
4.98 | ixmlNode_setPrefix |
4.98 | ixmlNode_setSiblingNodesParent |
4.98 | ixmlNodetoString |
4.98 | ixmlParseBuffer |
4.98 | ixmlParseBufferEx |
4.98 | ixmlPrintDomTree |
4.98 | ixmlPrintDomTreeRecursive |
4.98 | ixmlPrintNode |
4.98 | ixmlRelaxParser |
4.98 | ixml_membuf_append |
4.98 | ixml_membuf_append_str |
4.98 | ixml_membuf_assign |
4.98 | ixml_membuf_assign_str |
4.98 | ixml_membuf_destroy |
4.98 | ixml_membuf_init |
4.98 | ixml_membuf_insert |
4.98 | linecopylen |
4.98 | main |
4.98 | map_int_to_str |
4.98 | map_str_to_int |
4.98 | matchstr |
4.98 | membuffer_append |
4.98 | membuffer_append_str |
4.98 | membuffer_assign |
4.98 | membuffer_assign_str |
4.98 | membuffer_attach |
4.98 | membuffer_delete |
4.98 | membuffer_destroy |
4.98 | membuffer_detach |
4.98 | membuffer_init |
4.98 | membuffer_insert |
4.98 | membuffer_set_size |
4.98 | memptr_cmp |
4.98 | memptr_cmp_nocase |
4.98 | method_to_str |
4.98 | parse_hostport |
4.98 | parse_port |
4.98 | parse_scheme |
4.98 | parse_uri |
4.98 | parse_uric |
4.98 | parser_append |
4.98 | parser_get_entity_read_method |
4.98 | parser_parse |
4.98 | parser_parse_entity |
4.98 | parser_parse_headers |
4.98 | parser_parse_responseline |
4.98 | parser_request_init |
4.98 | parser_response_init |
4.98 | printNodes |
4.98 | print_http_headers |
4.98 | print_token |
4.98 | raw_find_str |
4.98 | raw_to_int |
4.98 | readFromSSDPSocket |
4.98 | remove_dots |
4.98 | remove_escaped_chars |
4.98 | replace_escaped |
4.98 | resolve_rel_url |
4.98 | searchExpired |
4.98 | send_search_result |
4.98 | sock_destroy |
4.98 | sock_init |
4.98 | sock_init_with_ip |
4.98 | sock_read |
4.98 | sock_write |
4.98 | ssdp_handle_ctrlpt_msg |
4.98 | ssdp_request_type |
4.98 | ssdp_request_type1 |
4.98 | str_alloc |
4.98 | talloc_asprintf |
4.98 | talloc_asprintf_append |
4.98 | talloc_autofree_context |
4.98 | talloc_enable_leak_report |
4.98 | talloc_enable_leak_report_full |
4.98 | talloc_enable_null_tracking |
4.98 | talloc_free |
4.98 | talloc_free_children |
4.98 | talloc_get_name |
4.98 | talloc_increase_ref_count |
4.98 | talloc_is_parent |
4.98 | talloc_named_const |
4.98 | talloc_reference |
4.98 | talloc_report |
4.98 | talloc_report_depth |
4.98 | talloc_report_full |
4.98 | talloc_set_name |
4.98 | talloc_set_name_const |
4.98 | talloc_strdup |
4.98 | talloc_total_blocks |
4.98 | talloc_total_size |
4.98 | talloc_vasprintf |
4.98 | talloc_vasprintf_append |
4.98 | token_string_casecmp |
4.98 | tpr |
4.98 | unique_service_name |
4.98 | uuid_create |
4.98 | uuid_unpack |
4.98 | vfs_dir_begin |
4.98 | vfs_file_begin |
4.98 | vfs_file_set_string |
4.98 | vfs_file_set_url |
4.98 | vfs_match_start_of_path |
4.98 | vfs_set_time |
4.98 | vfs_symlink_set_path |
4.98 | web_server_callback |
4.98 | web_server_destroy |
4.98 | web_server_init |
4.98 | web_server_set_root_dir |
424 symbols for this command |