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Property:dsl fw sym reader

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dsl_fw_sym_reader hexdumps a location in the currently running DSL firmware by its symbol name.

fw 7.39 help:

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# dsl_fw_sym_reader -?

Usage: dsl_fw_sym_reader [OPTIONS] symbolName

       -h this help
       -d enable debugMode for reading memory of symbol in one row!
       -p path, where symbol files can be found [default: /lib/modules/dsp_vrx/]
       -o offset in bytes, where we want to read data [default: 0]
       -s size in bytes to read [default: all data of the symbol]


The symbols are stored in *.syms files, by default located in /lib/modules/dsp_vrx/:

root@fritz1:/var/mod/root# ls -l /lib/modules/dsp_vrx/*.syms

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            34 May  4 23:10 /lib/modules/dsp_vrx/vrx-A-adsl.api.syms -> /var/dsl/dspfw/vrx-A-adsl.api.syms*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            34 May  4 23:10 /lib/modules/dsp_vrx/vrx-B-adsl.api.syms -> /var/dsl/dspfw/vrx-B-adsl.api.syms*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            32 May  4 23:10 /lib/modules/dsp_vrx/vrx-vdsl.api.syms -> /var/dsl/dspfw/vrx-vdsl.api.syms*

They point to RAM so they could be replaced:

root@fritz1:/var/mod/root# ls -l /var/dsl/dspfw/*.syms

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            42 Jan  1  1970 /var/dsl/dspfw/vrx-A-adsl.api.syms -> /lib/modules/dsp_vr11/vr11-A-adsl.api.syms
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            42 Jan  1  1970 /var/dsl/dspfw/vrx-B-adsl.api.syms -> /lib/modules/dsp_vr11/vr11-B-adsl.api.syms
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            40 Jan  1  1970 /var/dsl/dspfw/vrx-vdsl.api.syms -> /lib/modules/dsp_vr11/vr11-vdsl.api.syms

From thre they point back to a folder in flash for the respective DSL frontend:

root@fritz1:/var/mod/root# ls -l /lib/modules/dsp_vr11/*.syms

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           122 Oct 28  2021 /lib/modules/dsp_vr11/vr11-A-adsl.api.syms*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           122 Oct 28  2021 /lib/modules/dsp_vr11/vr11-B-adsl.api.syms*
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           185 Oct 28  2021 /lib/modules/dsp_vr11/vr11-vdsl.api.syms*

The symbol tables are small human readable colon separated flat databases with only few symbols:

root@fritz1:/var/mod/root# cat /lib/modules/dsp_vr11/vr11-B-adsl.api.syms


Each line consists of the symbol name, the hex offset where the data is located and the size in bytes. Now we know
valid symbols and could use the program, which always uses the symbol table for the currently running firmware:

root@fritz1:/var/mod/root# dsl_fw_sym_reader gt_AVM_CMV

Data of gt_AVM_CMV [34 bytes]:
0x0000: 41 56 4d aa b4 01 11 03 38 00 b8 11 38 00 20 01 | AVM.....8...8. .
0x0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................
0x0020: 00 00                                           | ..


The names of source files compiled into an executable often help to understand function blocks (and show gaps in the docs).
fw 7.39 source files:

$ strings /usr/sbin/dsl_fw_sym_reader | grep -e '\.c$' -e '\.cpp$'



Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-07 07:32 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib libc.so 26 5.57 - 8.00 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libdslfwsymread.so 26 5.57 - 8.00 Get data from DSL firmware by symbol name. Lantiq
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 16 5.57 - 6.89 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Depends on lib libpthread.so 24 5.57 - 7.18 POSIX threading library Linux
4 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-07 05:35 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 3272 (main) 5.59 - 6.89 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3370 (main) 5.59 - 6.56 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box 3390 (main) 5.59 - 6.56 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box 3490 (main) 6.20 - 7.30 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 9.8k
FRITZ!Box 6850 LTE 7.26 - 7.39 /usr/sbin 9.7k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /usr/sbin 6.9k - 9.7k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v1 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /usr/sbin 6.9k - 9.7k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v2 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /usr/sbin 6.9k - 9.7k
FRITZ!Box 7272 (main) 5.59 - 6.88 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box 7312 6.01 - 6.56 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7320 6.01 - 6.35 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box 7330 5.59 - 6.56 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box 7330 SL 5.59 - 6.56 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 SL 5.60 - 6.34 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v1 5.60 - 6.36 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v2 5.59 - 6.88 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box 7362 SL (main) 5.60 - 7.18 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box 7412 (main) 6.21 - 6.88 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 6.9k
FRITZ!Box 7430 (main) 6.26 - 7.31 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 9.8k
FRITZ!Box 7490 (main) 5.57 - 7.51 /usr/sbin 6.4k - 9.9k
FRITZ!Box 7510 7.30 - 8.00 /usr/sbin 9.2k - 9.4k
FRITZ!Box 7520 6.98 - 8.00 /usr/sbin 5.6k - 9.4k
FRITZ!Box 7530 6.98 - 8.00 /usr/sbin 5.6k - 9.4k
FRITZ!Box 7560 (main) 6.51 - 7.30 /usr/sbin, /usr/sbin/vr10 6.9k - 9.6k
FRITZ!Box 7580 (main) 6.53 - 7.30 /usr/sbin, /usr/sbin/vr10 6.9k - 9.6k
FRITZ!Box 7590 (main) 6.83 - 8.00 /usr/sbin 6.9k - 9.8k
26 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-07 07:32 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
5.57 - 8.00 main
7.08 - 8.00 print_dbg_data
2 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.