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Goto:   Dependencies   -   Model-Matrix   -   Symbols   -   SMW-Browser


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this library. Last update: 2024-09-07 07:32 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib ld.so 3 7.01 - 7.08 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libc.so 38 6.69 - 7.08 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 2 6.83 - 6.110 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Required by cmd lbd (avmcmd) 38 6.69 - 7.08 Band steering daemon for wland. AVM
4 dependencies for this library


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this library for each model. Last update: 2024-09-07 05:07 GMT.
Showing all models using this library. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for models with multiple Linux instances.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 3490 (main) 6.98 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Box 3490 (scrpn) 6.98 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Box 4040 6.69 - 7.01 /lib 195k - 255k
FRITZ!Box 5490 (main) 6.98 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Box 5490 (scrpn) 6.98 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Box 5491 (main) 6.98 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Box 5491 (scrpn) 6.98 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (arm) 7.01 - 7.02 /lib 270k
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (atom) 7.01 - 7.02 /lib 270k
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (arm) 7.00 - 7.02 /lib 270k
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (atom) 7.00 - 7.02 /lib 270k
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (arm) 6.83 - 7.02 /lib 238k - 270k
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (atom) 6.83 - 7.02 /lib 238k - 270k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (arm) 7.04 /lib 271k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (atom) 7.04 /lib 271k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v1 6.98 - 7.01 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v2 6.98 - 7.01 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE 6.84 - 7.03 /lib 232k - 309k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v1 6.84 - 7.03 /lib 232k - 309k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v2 6.84 - 7.03 /lib 232k - 309k
FRITZ!Box 7362 SL 6.98 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Box 7430 6.98 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Box 7490 (main) 6.98 - 7.01 /lib 257k - 262k
FRITZ!Box 7490 (scrpn) 6.98 - 7.01 /lib 257k - 262k
FRITZ!Box 7520 6.98 /lib 255k
FRITZ!Box 7530 6.98 - 7.03 /lib 255k
FRITZ!Box 7560 6.98 - 7.03 /lib 309k
FRITZ!Box 7580 6.69 - 7.03 /lib 232k - 309k
FRITZ!Box 7583 7.01 /lib 309k
FRITZ!Box 7590 6.83 - 7.08 /lib 232k - 317k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 310 B 6.98 - 7.01 /lib 257k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 450E 6.98 - 7.01 /lib 257k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1160 6.98 - 7.01 /lib 257k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1750E 6.98 - 7.01 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 6.98 - 7.04 /lib 283k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater DVB-C 6.98 - 7.04 /lib 257k
FRITZ!Powerline 1240E /lib 257k
FRITZ!Powerline 1260E 6.90 - 7.01 /lib 195k - 255k
38 models use this library


Daily updated index of all symbols of this library. Last update: 2024-09-07 07:32 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
6.69 - 7.08 bandmonCmnDetermineOperatingRegion
6.69 - 7.08 bandmonCmnDiaglogBlackoutChange
6.69 - 7.08 bandmonCmnDiaglogUtil
6.69 - 7.08 bandmonCmnGetChannelUtilizationInfo
6.98 - 7.04 bandmonCmnGetNumOverloadedChannels
6.69 - 7.08 bandmonCmnHandleChanUtil
6.69 - 7.08 bandmonCmnInitializeChanInfo
6.69 - 7.08 bandmonCmnProcessOperatingRegion
6.98 - 7.04 bandmonCmnResetUtilState
6.69 - 7.08 bandmonCmnTransitionBlackoutState
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_addProjectedAirtime
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_areAllChannelsOverloaded
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_canOffloadClientFromBand
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_canSupportClient
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_enableOneShotUtilizationEvent
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_fini
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_getLeastLoadedChannel
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_getMeasuredUtilization
6.98 - 7.04 bandmon_getNumActiveChannels
6.98 - 7.04 bandmon_getOverloadedChannelList
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_init
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_isChannelOverloaded
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_isExpectedBelowSafety
6.69 - 7.08 bandmon_isInSteeringBlackout
6.69 - 7.08 diaglog_fini
6.69 - 7.08 diaglog_finishEntry
6.69 - 7.08 diaglog_init
6.69 - 7.08 diaglog_startEntry
6.69 - 7.08 diaglog_write
6.69 - 7.08 diaglog_write16
6.69 - 7.08 diaglog_write32
6.98 - 7.08 diaglog_write64
6.69 - 7.08 diaglog_write8
6.69 - 7.08 diaglog_writeBSSInfo
6.69 - 7.08 diaglog_writeMAC
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorCircularBufferCreate
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorCircularBufferDestroy
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorCircularBufferInsert
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorCircularBufferReset
6.98 - 7.04 estimatorCmnCompleteSTAStatsSample
6.98 - 7.04 estimatorCmnComputeTimeDiff
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorCmnDiaglogSTAPollutionChanged
6.69 - 7.08 estimatorCmnEstimateNonServingRateAirtime
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorCmnGeneratePollutionClearEvent
6.98 - 7.04 estimatorCmnGetOrCreateSTAState
6.69 - 7.08 estimatorCmnHandleLocalBeaconReport
6.98 - 7.04 estimatorCmnIsSameServingAP
6.98 - 7.04 estimatorCmnIsSelfServing
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorCmnResolveMinPhyCap
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorCmnStartPollutionTimer
6.69 - 7.08 estimatorEstimateFullCapacityFromRCPI
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorInterferenceDetectionCurveEvaluate
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorInterferenceDetectionCurveInit
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorPollutionAccumulatorAccumulate
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorPollutionAccumulatorAreValidParams
6.98 - 7.08 estimatorPollutionAccumulatorReset
6.98 - 7.04 estimatorRCPIToPhyRateConvertRSSIFromDbToDbm
6.98 - 7.04 estimatorRCPIToPhyRateConvertRSSIFromDbmToDb
6.69 - 7.08 estimatorSNRToPhyRateTablePerformLookup
6.69 - 7.08 estimatorSNRToPhyRateTablePerformReverseLookup
6.98 - 7.04 estimator_convertRSSIFromDbToDbm
6.98 - 7.04 estimator_convertRSSIFromDbmToDb
6.98 - 7.08 estimator_estimateMaxConsecutive11kFailure
6.69 - 7.08 estimator_estimateNonServingUplinkRSSI
6.69 - 7.08 estimator_estimatePerSTAAirtimeOnChannel
6.69 - 7.08 estimator_estimateSTADataMetrics
6.69 - 7.08 estimator_fini
6.69 - 7.08 estimator_init
6.69 - 7.08 estimator_registerSTADataMetricsAllowedObserver
6.69 - 7.08 estimator_unregisterSTADataMetricsAllowedObserver
6.98 - 7.04 isCfg80211_lbd
6.69 - 7.08 lbGetTimestamp
6.69 - 7.08 lbIsTimeBefore
6.69 - 7.08 lbTimeDiff
6.98 - 7.08 persist_fini
6.98 - 7.08 persist_init
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryAddReservedAirtime
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryAssocDiagLog
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryChangeEntryType
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryComputeHashCode
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryCreate
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryDestroy
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryFindBSSStats
6.69 - 6.110 stadbEntryGetLastServingESS
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryHandleChannelChange
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryMarkActive
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryMarkActiveLoadBalancingRejected
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryMarkAssociated
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryMarkDualBandSupported
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryMarkGivenBandSupported
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryPopulateBSSesFromSameESS
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryPopulateNonServingPHYInfo
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryPrintDetail
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryPrintDetailHeader
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryPrintSummary
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryPrintSummaryHeader
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryReadActiveLoadBalancingRejected
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryRecordProbeRSSI
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryRecordRSSI
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntrySetDirtyIfInNetwork
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntrySetPHYCapInfo
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntrySetPHYCapInfoByBand
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryUnmarkActiveLoadBalancingRejected
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntryUpdateIsRRMSupported
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryUpdateMUMIMOMode
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryUpdateOpMode
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntryUpdateSMPSMode
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntry_clearPolluted
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_findMatchBSSStats
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_findMatchRemoteBSSStats
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getActStatus
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getAddr
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getAge
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getAirtime
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getAssociatedBand
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getBestPHYMode
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getEstimatorState
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_getFullCapacities
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getFullCapacity
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getLastDataRate
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getLastServingESS
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_getMapServiceState
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getMonitorState
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getPHYCapInfo
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getPHYCapInfoByBand
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getPolluted
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getRCPI
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getReservedAirtime
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getServingBSS
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_getSteerAttemptCount
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getSteerMsgState
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getSteeringState
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_getUplinkRSSI
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_hasReservedAirtime
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_incSteerAttemptCount
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_isBTMSupported
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_isBandSupported
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntry_isChannelPollutionFree
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_isChannelSupported
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_isDualBand
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_isInNetwork
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntry_isMUMIMOSupported
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_isMatchingAddr
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_isRRMSupported
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntry_isSteeringDisallowed
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_iterateBSSStats
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_resetSteerAttemptCount
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_resolveBSSInfo
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_resolveBandFromBSSStats
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_setActStatus
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setAirtime
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setAirtimeByBSSInfo
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setBandSupported
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setEstimatorState
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_setFullCapacities
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_setFullCapacitiesByBSSInfo
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setFullCapacity
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setFullCapacityByBSSInfo
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setLastDataRate
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_setMapServiceState
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setMonitorState
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setPHYCapInfoByBand
6.98 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setPolluted
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setRCPI
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setRCPIByBSSInfo
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setRemoteBandSupported
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setSteerMsgState
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setSteeringState
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_setUplinkRSSI
6.69 - 7.08 stadbEntry_updateIsBTMSupported
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_updateIsMUMIMOSupported
6.98 - 7.04 stadbEntry_updateIsRRMSupported
6.98 - 7.04 stadbGetLegacyUpgradeSteeringConfig
6.69 - 7.08 stadbHashTableCreate
6.69 - 7.08 stadbHashTableDelete
6.69 - 7.08 stadbHashTableDestroy
6.69 - 7.08 stadbHashTableFind
6.69 - 7.08 stadbHashTableGetSize
6.69 - 7.08 stadbHashTableInsert
6.69 - 7.08 stadbHashTableIterate
6.98 - 7.08 stadbHashTablePrintDetail
6.98 - 7.08 stadbHashTablePrintSummary
6.98 - 7.04 stadbUpdateAssoc
6.98 - 7.04 stadbUpdateLegacyUpgradeSteeringTimestamp
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_find
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_findOrCreate
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_fini
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_init
6.98 - 7.08 stadb_isDirty
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_iterate
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_registerActivityObserver
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_registerAssocObserver
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_registerLowRSSIObserver
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_registerRSSIObserver
6.98 - 7.08 stadb_setDirty
6.98 - 7.04 stadb_setEntryPHYCapInfoByBand
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_unregisterActivityObserver
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_unregisterAssocObserver
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_unregisterLowRSSIObserver
6.69 - 7.08 stadb_unregisterRSSIObserver
6.69 - 7.08 stamonCmnGetUplinkRSSI
6.69 - 7.08 stamonCmnIsEligibleForActiveUpgrade
6.69 - 7.08 stamonCmnTriggerActiveSteering
6.69 - 7.08 stamon_fini
6.69 - 7.08 stamon_init
6.69 - 7.08 steeralgCmnCanBSSSupportClient
6.69 - 7.08 steeralgCmnComputeBSSMetric
6.69 - 7.08 steeralgCmnDoSteering
6.69 - 7.08 steeralgCmnFinishOffloading
6.98 - 7.08 steeralgCmnIsActiveSteer
6.98 - 7.08 steeralgCmnIsActiveUpgradeDowngrade
6.69 - 7.08 steeralgCmnSteerActiveClient
6.98 - 7.04 steeralgCmnUpdateCandidateProjectedAirtime
6.69 - 7.08 steeralg_determineRateSteerEligibility
6.69 - 7.08 steeralg_fini
6.69 - 7.08 steeralg_init
6.69 - 7.08 steeralg_select11kChannel
6.69 - 7.08 steeralg_steerIdleClient
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnAbort
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnAbortAllowAssoc
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnAllowAssoc
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnClearPreparedSteer
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnCreate
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnDestroy
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnDetermineSteeringEligibility
6.98 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnDumpBTMHeader
6.98 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnDumpBTMStatisticsHeader
6.98 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnDumpEntryState
6.98 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnDumpLegacyHeader
6.98 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnGenerateDiaglog
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnGetBTMState
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnGetState
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnGetTimeSinceLastSteered
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnHandleAssocUpdate
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnHandleAuthRej
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnHandleRemoteSteerComplete
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnIsActiveSteer
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnIsBTMSteer
6.98 - 7.04 steerexecImplCmnIsBlacklistSteer
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnIsSameTarget
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnIsStartingNewSteer
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnIsSteerInProgress
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnPrepareForSteeringReq
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnRegisterSteeringAllowedObserver
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnRemoteAbort
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnSetBTMState
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnSetState
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnShouldAbortSteerForActive
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnShouldUpdateState
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnStartPreparedSteer
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnSteer
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnSteerOK
6.98 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnTimeDiffLessThanErrorTime
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnTimeoutBlacklistCandidate
6.69 - 7.08 steerexecImplCmnUnregisterSteeringAllowedObserver
6.98 - 7.04 steerexecImplCmnUpdateBTMCapabilityWrapper
6.69 - 7.08 steerexec_abort
6.69 - 7.08 steerexec_abortAllowAssoc
6.69 - 7.08 steerexec_allowAssoc
6.69 - 7.08 steerexec_determineSteeringEligibility
6.69 - 7.08 steerexec_fini
6.69 - 7.08 steerexec_init
6.98 - 7.04 steerexec_isSubjectToSteeringLimit
6.69 - 7.08 steerexec_registerSteeringAllowedObserver
6.69 - 7.08 steerexec_shouldAbortSteerForActive
6.69 - 7.08 steerexec_steer
6.69 - 7.08 steerexec_unregisterSteeringAllowedObserver
6.98 - 7.04 steerexec_updateBTMCapability
6.98 - 7.04 wlanIfConfigInit
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlAddNewVap
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlBandSteeringOnVapIsEnabled
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlCmnGetBSSIDForLocalBSSInfo
6.98 - 7.04 wlanifBSteerControlCmnGetFirstVAPByRadio
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlCmnGetLocalBSSInfoFromBSSID
6.98 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlCmnGetLocalBSSPHYCapInfo
6.98 - 7.04 wlanifBSteerControlCmnGetRadioAddrFromBSS
6.98 - 7.04 wlanifBSteerControlCmnResolveSSID
6.98 - 7.04 wlanifBSteerControlCmnSetSendVAP
6.98 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlCmnStoreSSID
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlCreate
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlDestroy
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlDisable
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlDisableSTAStats
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlDisassociateSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlDumpATFTable
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlDumpAssociatedSTAs
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlEnableSTAStats
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlEnableWhenReady
6.98 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlEventsEnable
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlFindVapEntryByName
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlFindVapEntryBySysIndex
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlGetBSSInfo
6.69 - 6.110 wlanifBSteerControlGetBSSPHYCapInfo
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlGetBSSesSameESS
6.98 - 7.04 wlanifBSteerControlGetBSSesSameESSLocal
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlGetChannelList
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlGetNonCandidateStateForSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlHandleRSSIMeasurement
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlIsBSSIDInList
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlIsBSSOnStrongestChannel
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlIsSTAAssociated
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlIsStrongestChannel
6.98 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlPerformIoctlExcludedVaps
6.98 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlPerformIoctlOtherEss
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlRegisterChanChangeObserver
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlRequestDownlinkRSSI
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlRequestStaRSSI
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlResolveBandFromSystemIndex
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlRestartChannelUtilizationMonitoring
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlSampleSTAStats
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlSendBTMRequest
6.98 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlSetCandidateProbeStateForSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlSetCandidateStateForSTA
6.98 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlSetChannelProbeStateForSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlSetChannelStateForSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlSetNonCandidateStateForSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlSetOverload
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlUnregisterChanChangeObserver
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlUpdateChannel
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlUpdateLinkState
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlUpdateMaxTxPower
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlUpdateSteeringStatus
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlUpdateSystemIndices
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerControlUpdateVapState
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerEventsCreate
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerEventsDestroy
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerEventsEnable
6.98 - 7.04 wlanifBSteerEventsHandleRemoteAssocUpdate
6.98 - 7.04 wlanifBSteerEventsMsgRx
6.98 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerEventsRegisterSTAStatsObserver
6.98 - 7.08 wlanifBSteerEventsUnregisterSTAStatsObserver
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifConvertToSingleStreamMCSIndex
6.98 - 7.04 wlanifLinkEventsCmnGenerateDisassocEvent
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifLinkEventsCmnMsgRx
6.98 - 7.04 wlanifLinkEventsCmnProcessChannelChange
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifMapFreqToBand
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifMapToAirtime
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifMapToBandwidth
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifMapToPhyMode
6.98 - 7.08 wlanifMapToPhyType
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifMapToRSSIMeasurement
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifMapToXingDirection
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifResolveRegclass
6.69 - 7.08 wlanifResolveRegclassAndChannum
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_add_new_vap
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_band_steering_on_vap_is_enabled
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_disableSTAStats
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_disassociateSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_dumpATFTable
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_dumpAssociatedSTAs
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_enableSTAStats
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_find_vap_entry_by_ifname
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_find_vap_entry_by_index
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_fini
6.98 - 7.04 wlanif_generateRadioOperChanChangeEvents
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_getBSSIDForBSSInfo
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_getBSSInfoFromBSSID
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_getBSSPHYCapInfo
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_getBSSesSameESS
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_getChannelList
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_getNonCandidateStateForSTA
6.98 - 7.04 wlanif_getRadioAddrFromBSS
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_init
6.98 - 7.08 wlanif_init_internal
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_isBSSIDInList
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_isBSSOnStrongestChannel
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_isSTAAssociated
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_isStrongestChannel
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_registerChanChangeObserver
6.98 - 7.08 wlanif_registerSTAStatsObserver
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_requestDownlinkRSSI
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_requestStaRSSI
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_resolveBandFromChannelNumber
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_resolveMinPhyCap
6.98 - 7.04 wlanif_resolveRegClass
6.98 - 7.04 wlanif_resolveSSID
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_sampleSTAStats
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_sendBTMRequest
6.98 - 7.04 wlanif_sendBTMRequestMap
6.98 - 7.04 wlanif_sendBcnRequestExtended
6.98 - 7.04 wlanif_setAPSteeringRSSIThreshold
6.98 - 7.08 wlanif_setCandidateProbeStateForSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_setCandidateStateForSTA
6.98 - 7.04 wlanif_setCfg80211
6.98 - 7.08 wlanif_setChannelProbeStateForSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_setChannelStateForSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_setNonCandidateStateForSTA
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_setOverload
6.98 - 7.04 wlanif_setRSSIMetricsReportingParams
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_unregisterChanChangeObserver
6.98 - 7.08 wlanif_unregisterSTAStatsObserver
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_updateSteeringStatus
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_update_vap_state
6.69 - 7.08 wlanif_was_initialized
394 symbols for this library


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.