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Note that Kernel 2.4 and builtin *.o modules have been renamed to *.ko for an easier comparison.

Goto:   Dependencies   -   Model-Matrix   -   Symbols   -   SMW-Browser


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this module. Last update: 2024-04-19 07:32 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
0 dependencies for this module


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this module for each model. Last update: 2024-04-19 05:15 GMT.
Showing all models using this module. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for models with multiple Linux instances.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 7581 6.85 ./extra 332k
FRITZ!Box 7582 6.83 ./extra 332k
2 models use this module


Daily updated index of all symbols of this module. Last update: 2024-04-19 07:32 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
6.83 - 6.85 CRC7Block
6.83 - 6.85 CRC7Init
6.83 - 6.85 CRCBlock
6.83 - 6.85 CRCInit
6.83 - 6.85 TINTChange
6.83 - 6.85 TINTChangeBig4
6.83 - 6.85 TINTDeclare
6.83 - 6.85 TINTDel
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetDECState
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetDETState
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetICNonoff
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetPosttime
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetPretime
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetRawState
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetState
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetSync
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetSyncSize
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetTictime
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetType
6.83 - 6.85 TINTGetUserParams
6.83 - 6.85 TINTInit
6.83 - 6.85 TINTNew
6.83 - 6.85 TINTPutSync
6.83 - 6.85 TINTSetICNonoff
6.83 - 6.85 TINTSetPosttime
6.83 - 6.85 TINTSetPretime
6.83 - 6.85 TINTSetTictime
6.83 - 6.85 TMS_close
6.83 - 6.85 TMS_ioctl
6.83 - 6.85 TMS_moduleExit
6.83 - 6.85 TMS_moduleInit
6.83 - 6.85 TMS_open
6.83 - 6.85 TMS_unlocked_ioctl
6.83 - 6.85 apiClose.isra.7
6.83 - 6.85 apiDestroy
6.83 - 6.85 apiDoCustom.part.3
6.83 - 6.85 apiPostTableAction
6.83 - 6.85 apiPreTableAction.part.4
6.83 - 6.85 apiREReg
6.83 - 6.85 apiReg
6.83 - 6.85 apiStart
6.83 - 6.85 apiUNReg
6.83 - 6.85 apiUNStart
6.83 - 6.85 bcm_1ag_handle_frame_check
6.83 - 6.85 bcm_3ah_handle_frame_check
6.83 - 6.85 board_bsp
6.83 - 6.85 ccmEnable
6.83 - 6.85 ccmGetRMPmib
6.83 - 6.85 ccmNewInterval
6.83 - 6.85 ccmProc
6.83 - 6.85 ccmTLVEnable
6.83 - 6.85 cleanup_module
6.83 - 6.85 emuxBind
6.83 - 6.85 emuxCloneFrame
6.83 - 6.85 emuxContextError
6.83 - 6.85 emuxCreate
6.83 - 6.85 emuxDelete
6.83 - 6.85 emuxGetFrame
6.83 - 6.85 emuxRetFrame
6.83 - 6.85 emuxRxPkt
6.83 - 6.85 emuxSendFrame
6.83 - 6.85 emuxStart
6.83 - 6.85 emuxTxComplete
6.83 - 6.85 emuxUNBind
6.83 - 6.85 eth1AGsize
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agCheckRMPmac
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agCtrl
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agDelLMP
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agDelRMP
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agDropPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agEventClbk
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agGetLMP
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agGetLMPmac
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agGetNextLMP
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agGetNextRMP
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agGetRMP
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agGetRMPmac
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agGetRxPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agGroupAdr
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agKill
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agLMPActiveMEP
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agMakeVLanTag
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agMsgProc
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agNewFrameSetup
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agNewLMP
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agNewRMP
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agPDUvalid
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agPoll
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agReg
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agRoutePkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agSendFrame
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agSetRxFrameCount
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agTxPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth1agUNReg
6.83 - 6.85 eth3AHsize
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahAddEventPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahBuildDiscPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahBuildEventPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahBuildInfoPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahBuildLBackPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahBuildOrgSpecPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahBuildVarReqPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahBuildVarRspPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahClearLinkParams
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahClearLoopback
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahClearRemoteConditions
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahCriticalEvent
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahCtrl
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahDSCNotify
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahDiscEnable
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahDiscNewInterval
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahDiscProc
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahDiscReset
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahDropPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahEVTProc
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahEventClbk
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahFinishEventPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahFlushEvt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahFlushVar
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahGetAutoEventCfg
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahGetEventSize
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahGetRxPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahKill
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahMIBdataRead
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahMIBdataWrite
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahMsgProc
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahNewFrameSetup
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahPDUvalid
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahPoll
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahRecordLocalInfo
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahRecordRemoteInfo
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahReg
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahResetRxTimer
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahRoutePkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahRxLBKcmd
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahRxLBKrsp
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahRxLBKtimeout
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahRxPktProc
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahRxVarReq
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahRxVarRsp
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahSendFrame
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahSetAutoEventCfg
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahSetAutoEventDefaults
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahSetDevState
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahSetLinkParams
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahSetLocalInfo
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahSetRemoteConditions
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahStartAutoEventTracker
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahStopAutoEventTracker
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTLVCopy
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTLVFind
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTLVGetNext
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTLVPktBuild
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTLVPktGet
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTLVPktLength
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTLVPktRead
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTLVPktSet
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTLVPktValid
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTxLBKcmd
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTxOrgSpecPDU
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTxPkt
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTxPktProc
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahTxVARcmd
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahUNReg
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahUpdateCriticals
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahUpdateLocalStates
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahUpdateMode
6.83 - 6.85 eth3ahUpdateTxEvt
6.83 - 6.85 ethContextError
6.83 - 6.85 ethDisableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 ethEnableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 ethFatalError
6.83 - 6.85 ethGetConfig
6.83 - 6.85 ethRunning
6.83 - 6.85 ethStart
6.83 - 6.85 ethTxTime
6.83 - 6.85 freeIOrecord
6.83 - 6.85 hdwSize
6.83 - 6.85 init_module
6.83 - 6.85 isdnDisableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 isdnEnableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 lbmEnable
6.83 - 6.85 lbmRxProc
6.83 - 6.85 lbmTLVEnable
6.83 - 6.85 lbmTxComplete
6.83 - 6.85 lbmTxProc
6.83 - 6.85 lbrRxProc
6.83 - 6.85 liu1DisableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 liu1EnableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 liu3DisableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 liu3EnableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 ltmEnable
6.83 - 6.85 ltmRelease
6.83 - 6.85 ltmReply
6.83 - 6.85 ltmRxProc
6.83 - 6.85 ltmTLVEnable
6.83 - 6.85 ltmTic
6.83 - 6.85 ltmTxProc
6.83 - 6.85 ltrRxProc
6.83 - 6.85 msgProcStub
6.83 - 6.85 nciEventCreate
6.83 - 6.85 nciEventDelete
6.83 - 6.85 nciEventSend
6.83 - 6.85 nciEventWait
6.83 - 6.85 nciFree
6.83 - 6.85 nciGetMSecTics
6.83 - 6.85 nciGetVersion
6.83 - 6.85 nciInitTimerTask
6.83 - 6.85 nciIntsOff
6.83 - 6.85 nciIntsOn
6.83 - 6.85 nciLinuxInit
6.83 - 6.85 nciLinuxTerm
6.83 - 6.85 nciLock
6.83 - 6.85 nciLockCreate
6.83 - 6.85 nciLockDelete
6.83 - 6.85 nciMBoxReceive
6.83 - 6.85 nciMBoxSend
6.83 - 6.85 nciMalloc
6.83 - 6.85 nciSemaphoreCreate
6.83 - 6.85 nciSemaphoreDelete
6.83 - 6.85 nciSemaphoreGet
6.83 - 6.85 nciSemaphorePut
6.83 - 6.85 nciTaskDelete
6.83 - 6.85 nciTaskName
6.83 - 6.85 nciTaskSleep
6.83 - 6.85 nciTaskSpawn
6.83 - 6.85 nciTicker
6.83 - 6.85 nciTimerHook
6.83 - 6.85 nciTimerReg
6.83 - 6.85 nciTimerTask
6.83 - 6.85 nciTimerUNHook
6.83 - 6.85 nciTimerUNReg
6.83 - 6.85 nciUNInitTimerTask
6.83 - 6.85 nciUNLock
6.83 - 6.85 oamFlushUsageFifo
6.83 - 6.85 oamGetUsageRecord
6.83 - 6.85 oamSetUsageRecord
6.83 - 6.85 oamTIMEtic
6.83 - 6.85 ocnDisableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 ocnEnableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 ssmDisableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 ssmEnableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 te1DisableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 te1EnableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 te3DisableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 te3EnableInterrupt
6.83 - 6.85 tlvCopy
6.83 - 6.85 tlvFind
6.83 - 6.85 tlvGetNext
6.83 - 6.85 tlvPkt2App
6.83 - 6.85 tlvPktBuild
6.83 - 6.85 tlvPktGet
6.83 - 6.85 tlvPktLength
6.83 - 6.85 tlvPktSet
6.83 - 6.85 tlvPktValid
6.83 - 6.85 tlvUpdate
6.83 - 6.85 tmsAPIclbk
6.83 - 6.85 tmsAPIclose
6.83 - 6.85 tmsAPIdst
6.83 - 6.85 tmsAPIload
6.83 - 6.85 tmsAPIopen
6.83 - 6.85 tmsAPIsrc
6.83 - 6.85 tmsAPIunload
6.83 - 6.85 tmsAdjFree
6.83 - 6.85 tmsAdjMalloc
6.83 - 6.85 tmsBSPbrd
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCLOSEbrd
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCondWaitInt
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCondWaitPtr
6.83 - 6.85 tmsContextLogAll
6.83 - 6.85 tmsContextMsg
6.83 - 6.85 tmsContextStats
6.83 - 6.85 tmsContextStatsClear
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCreateEvent
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCreateLock
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCreateTask
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCreateXSemaphore
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCritDecr
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCritEnter
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCritExit
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCritIncr
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCritRead
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCritReadWrite
6.83 - 6.85 tmsCritWrite
6.83 - 6.85 tmsDEBUGkrnl
6.83 - 6.85 tmsDELContext
6.83 - 6.85 tmsDeleteEvent
6.83 - 6.85 tmsDeleteLock
6.83 - 6.85 tmsDeleteTask
6.83 - 6.85 tmsDeleteXSemaphore
6.83 - 6.85 tmsDestroy
6.83 - 6.85 tmsDrvrStub
6.83 - 6.85 tmsFree
6.83 - 6.85 tmsGetContext
6.83 - 6.85 tmsGetDrvHandle
6.83 - 6.85 tmsGetInstByAPItype
6.83 - 6.85 tmsGetInstance
6.83 - 6.85 tmsGetOtherSemaphore
6.83 - 6.85 tmsGetSemaphore
6.83 - 6.85 tmsGetXSemaphore
6.83 - 6.85 tmsHookDrvTic
6.83 - 6.85 tmsKILLbrd
6.83 - 6.85 tmsLineStub
6.83 - 6.85 tmsLnInstLogLvl
6.83 - 6.85 tmsLnInstStats
6.83 - 6.85 tmsLnInstStatsClear
6.83 - 6.85 tmsMalloc
6.83 - 6.85 tmsMrkMalloc
6.83 - 6.85 tmsNewContext
6.83 - 6.85 tmsNewContextName
6.83 - 6.85 tmsOPENbrd
6.83 - 6.85 tmsPEEKbrd
6.83 - 6.85 tmsPOKEbrd
6.83 - 6.85 tmsPutOtherSemaphore
6.83 - 6.85 tmsPutSemaphore
6.83 - 6.85 tmsPutXSemaphore
6.83 - 6.85 tmsRERegAPI
6.83 - 6.85 tmsREReset
6.83 - 6.85 tmsRTlogCmd
6.83 - 6.85 tmsRTlogSet
6.83 - 6.85 tmsRecMalloc
6.83 - 6.85 tmsRegAPI
6.83 - 6.85 tmsRegContext
6.83 - 6.85 tmsReset
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSemaphoreCreate
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSemaphoreDelete
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSemaphoreGet
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSemaphorePut
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSendEvent
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSetMalloc
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSetMsgProc
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSetSide
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSetWarmStart
6.83 - 6.85 tmsShutdown
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSleepTask
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSrvWaitInt
6.83 - 6.85 tmsSrvWaitPtr
6.83 - 6.85 tmsStart
6.83 - 6.85 tmsTimerStats
6.83 - 6.85 tmsTimerStatsClear
6.83 - 6.85 tmsTotalMalloc
6.83 - 6.85 tmsUNHookDrvTic
6.83 - 6.85 tmsUNRegAPI
6.83 - 6.85 tmsUNRegContext
6.83 - 6.85 tmsUNReset
6.83 - 6.85 tmsUNStart
6.83 - 6.85 tmsUnitMalloc
6.83 - 6.85 tmsWaitEvent
6.83 - 6.85 y1731AISFrameSetup
6.83 - 6.85 y1731AISLCKSetup
6.83 - 6.85 y1731AISLCKTic
6.83 - 6.85 y1731AISfault
6.83 - 6.85 y1731AlarmConsume
6.83 - 6.85 y1731AutoPkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731AutoPktRun
6.83 - 6.85 y1731AutoPktSetFields
6.83 - 6.85 y1731BuildFrameHeader
6.83 - 6.85 y1731CmdCtrl
6.83 - 6.85 y1731DMMBuildPkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731DMMEnable
6.83 - 6.85 y1731DMMFrame
6.83 - 6.85 y1731DMMUpdatePkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731DMMVerifyAuto
6.83 - 6.85 y1731DMMproc
6.83 - 6.85 y1731GetRxPkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731LCKFrameSetup
6.83 - 6.85 y1731LMMBuildPkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731LMMEnable
6.83 - 6.85 y1731LMMFrame
6.83 - 6.85 y1731LMMUpdatePkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731LMMVerifyAuto
6.83 - 6.85 y1731LMMproc
6.83 - 6.85 y1731MsgProc
6.83 - 6.85 y1731PDUvalid
6.83 - 6.85 y1731RMPproc
6.83 - 6.85 y1731RoutePkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731RxAISLCKPkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731RxMISCPkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731SigFail
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TSTBuildPkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TSTEnable
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TSTFrame
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TSTUpdatePkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TSTVerifyAuto
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TSTtlvEnable
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TStampAvg
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TStampCopy
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TStampDiff
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TStampSum
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TStampZero
6.83 - 6.85 y1731TxMISCPkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731ValidMegId
6.83 - 6.85 y1731addLMP
6.83 - 6.85 y1731addRMP
6.83 - 6.85 y1731delLMP
6.83 - 6.85 y1731delRMP
6.83 - 6.85 y1731doReg
6.83 - 6.85 y1731doUNReg
6.83 - 6.85 y1731makeCCMpkt
6.83 - 6.85 y1731mibRead
6.83 - 6.85 y1731mibWrite
6.83 - 6.85 y1731postprocLMPerrors
6.83 - 6.85 y1731preprocLMPerrors
403 symbols for this module


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.