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TinyFTP is a proprietary FTP alike protocol and software developed by Texas Instruments.

It includes a tiny subset of the FTP protocol with some proprietary specifics and extensions.

Initially TinyFTP was part of the TinyTCP package from 1986 and only covered a FTP client which only supported download.
Telogy Networks integrated it in ADAM2 and added a FTP server. The client turned an option.


The TinyFTP protocol is used by the ADAM2 and EVA bootloaders. The software is only part of ADAM2.
It is served approx. the first 5 seconds after powerup on Port-21-tcp. Once logged in this timeout stops,


Standard ADAM2 TinyFTP commands:

ABOR                        # Stops the current action - Abort
BYE                         # Terminates the FTP session
QUIT                        # Terminates the FTP session
PORT <p0>,<p1>,<p2>,<p3>,<p4>,<p5>  # Client port numbers
USER <user>                 # Username for the login
PASS <passwd>               # Password for the login
SYST                        # Lists the OS type
PASV                        # Activates passive mode FTP
P@SW                        # Activates passive mode FTP (workaround for a common bug)
STOR <lokal> <remote>       # Uploads a local file (eg. to mtd1)
TYPE <type>                 # Select transmission mode, type can be A = ASCII or I = BINARY
RETR <remote> [<lokal>]     # Downloads a remote file (eg. env), optionally with target name
MEDIA <type>                # Select the target medium, FLSH = FLASH, everything else = SDRAM
GETENV <name>               # Reads a variable from the Bootloader-Environment
SETENV <name> <value>       # Writes a variable to the Bootloader-Environment
UNSETENV <name>             # Deletes a variable from the Bootloader-Environment
REBOOT                      # Restarts the systen

FRITZ!Box specific TinyFTP commands:

CHECK <partition>           # Computes the CRC32 checksum of a partition

Initially also implemented but not used on the FRITZ!Box:

PRINTENV                    # Lists the Bootloader-Environment
FIXENV                      # Defragments the Bootloader-Environment
HELP                        # Lists all implemented commands
LIST                        # Lists a folder (pointless without a filesystem)
NLST                        # Lists only files (pointless without a filesystem)

Note that all commands must be UPPERCASE.


Since the FTP command subset is very minimalistic a normal FTP client could not be used.
Commands which are known to work:


The nonstandard commands can only be used with the quote client command:


The quote command sends all its arguments unaltered to the server. These 2 lines send the same:

system         # interpreted by the client - sends 'SYST'
quote SYST     # ignored by the client - sends 'SYST'


Login from Linux as user 'adam2' with password 'adam2':

$ ftp
Connected to
220 ADAM2 FTP Server ready
Name ( adam2
331 Password required for adam2
Password:                                    <-- enter adam2 here
230 User adam2 successfully logged in
Remote system type is AVM.

Now we are logged in, let's download the Bootloader-Environment:

ftp> quote MEDIA FLSH
200 Media set to MEDIA_FLASH
ftp> passive
Passive mode on.
ftp> binary
200 Type set to BINARY
ftp> get emv
local: env remote: env
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,178,1,104,99).
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer.
226 Transfer complete.
1398 bytes received in 0.01 secs (181.4265 kB/s)

Thanks, now let's checksum the mtd1 partition:

ftp> quote CHECK mtd1
---> CHECK mtd1
150 Flash check 0x820DB0F4

Thanks, and what's your IP address?:

ftp> quote GETENV my_ipaddress

OK, and whom i spoke to?:

ftp> system
215 AVM EVA Version 1.153 0x0 0x1B

Thank you very much. Now let's return to FRITZ!OS:

ftp> quote REBOOT
221 Thank you for using the FTP service on ADAM2
221 Goodbye.
ftp> bye



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