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This section will collect all kinds of AVM and FRITZ!OS specific terms, which are unknown or may have a different meaning elsewhere.


The label (lexicon) in the Term column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.

Term Short for Description Standards
ADAM2 Avalanche Device Application Manager 2? Proprietary AR7 only Bootloader by Texas Instruments Proprietary
ADAM2-Shell Let me know! Minimalistic Bootloader shell by Texas Instruments, part of ADAM2 Proprietary
Box-Move Box Move / Change Move configuration and subscriptions of a Box to a new Box Proprietary
EVA Let me know! Proprietary Bootloader by AVM, successor of ADAM2 Proprietary
Feature-Overlay Box-Feature Disabling-Overlay Custom set of variables which disable Box-Features. Proprietary
Mesh (lexicon) Mesh configuration sharing Sharing of configuration and status info between FRITZ!OS devices Proprietary
Multi-EVA Multi-Instance EVA Bootloader Multi-Instance EVA Bootloader Proprietary
Pseudo-Update Pseudo Firmware-Update Pseudo Firmware-Update intended to run a temporary script. Proprietary
Relay-Service Message Relay Service Communication forwarder / repeater Proprietary
SDK-Firmware Software Development Kit Firmware USB-Stick containing Firmware to be booted from RAM. Proprietary
Speech-Service Text-To-Speech Service Convert text to synthetic speech Proprietary
Stick+Surf AVM Stick and Surf AVM USB WLAN Auto Provisioning Proprietary
TFFS Tiny Flash FileSystem Filesystem by AVM to store Bootloader-Environment and TFFS-Configuration Proprietary
WLAN-Repeater Wireless Local Area Network Repeater Device to range extend an existing WLAN network Proprietary
Weather-Service Weather Forecast Service Forecast of the weather at a specific location Proprietary
15 FRITZ terms

See also these protocols: TinyFTP, AURA


Feedback-Service Report-Service DeviceCert-Service

Software-Plugin Asset-Bundle Mesh-Master Mesh-Repeater

Box-Certificates Box-Calibration REST-API

