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Property:eapd (chipcmd)

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Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name eapd!
eapd (chipcmd) Broadcom Extensible Authentication Protocol Dispatcher.
eapd (process) Process running eapd
eapd (watchdog) Watchdog for eapd


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eapd is the Broadcom Extensible Authentication Protocol Dispatcher performing authentication of WLAN clients.

It does not provide any help funtion or options and is started by wlmngr2.

eapd spawns a child on 2-band models. Each instance serves numerous IPv4 UDP port numbers in steps of 1000.
According to brcm-reserved-ports.conf these are 37000/38000/42000/43000/44000/45000/46000/48000/51000/52000/56000.

It also joins the NETLINK_FAMILY_31. The parent process also connects the smd_messaging_server_addr socket.

The source of eapd could not be located on the GPL-Browser but there's some older source on Github


7581 fw 7.17:

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# ps | grep eapd | grep -v grep

 2768 root      2576 S    /bin/eapd
 4713 root      2576 S    eapd

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# lsof | grep eapd

eapd      2768      root  cwd       DIR       31,7       313    5054 /
eapd      2768      root  rtd       DIR       31,7       313    5054 /
eapd      2768      root  txt       REG       31,7     47728      59 /bin/eapd
eapd      2768      root  mem       REG       31,7      9644    1848 /lib/libdl-2.23.so
eapd      2768      root  mem       REG       31,7     92616    2057 /lib/libpthread-2.23.so
eapd      2768      root  mem       REG       31,7     21752    1770 /lib/libbacktrace.so.1.0.0
eapd      2768      root  mem       REG       31,7     99144    2162 /lib/libwlbcmshared.so
eapd      2768      root  mem       REG       31,7     22248    2163 /lib/libwlcsm.so
eapd      2768      root  mem       REG       31,7      2700    2028 /lib/libnvram.so
eapd      2768      root  mem       REG       31,7    118088    1921 /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
eapd      2768      root  mem       REG       31,7   1222256    1793 /lib/libc-2.23.so
eapd      2768      root  mem       REG       31,7    138416    1650 /lib/ld-2.23.so
eapd      2768      root    0u      CHR        5,1       0t0    1047 /dev/console
eapd      2768      root    1w      CHR        5,1       0t0    1039 /dev/console
eapd      2768      root    2w      CHR        5,1       0t0    1039 /dev/console
eapd      2768      root    3u  netlink                  0t0    9945 unknown protocol: 31
eapd      2768      root    4u     unix 0xda244260       0t0     777 /var/smd_messaging_server_addr type=STREAM
eapd      2768      root    5u  netlink                  0t0    2986 unknown protocol: 31
eapd      2768      root    6u  netlink                  0t0    2988 unknown protocol: 31
eapd      2768      root    7u  netlink                  0t0    4192 unknown protocol: 31
eapd      2768      root    8u  netlink                  0t0    9946 unknown protocol: 31
eapd      2768      root    9u     pack      10151       0t0   34924 type=SOCK_RAW
eapd      2768      root   10u     IPv4      10152       0t0     UDP *:37000 
eapd      2768      root   11u     pack      10153       0t0   35015 type=SOCK_RAW
eapd      2768      root   12u     IPv4      10154       0t0     UDP *:38000 
eapd      2768      root   13u     IPv4      10155       0t0     UDP *:42000 
eapd      2768      root   14u     IPv4      10156       0t0     UDP *:44000 
eapd      2768      root   15u     IPv4      10157       0t0     UDP *:45000 
eapd      2768      root   16u     IPv4      10158       0t0     UDP *:46000 
eapd      2768      root   17u     IPv4      10159       0t0     UDP *:47000 
eapd      2768      root   18u     IPv4      10160       0t0     UDP *:51000 
eapd      2768      root   19u     IPv4      10161       0t0     UDP *:48000 
eapd      2768      root   20u     IPv4      10173       0t0     UDP *:43000 

eapd      4713      root  cwd       DIR       0,12       100    1249 /var/mod/root
eapd      4713      root  rtd       DIR       31,7       313    5054 /
eapd      4713      root  txt       REG       31,7     47728      59 /bin/eapd
eapd      4713      root  mem       REG       31,7      9644    1848 /lib/libdl-2.23.so
eapd      4713      root  mem       REG       31,7     92616    2057 /lib/libpthread-2.23.so
eapd      4713      root  mem       REG       31,7     21752    1770 /lib/libbacktrace.so.1.0.0
eapd      4713      root  mem       REG       31,7     99144    2162 /lib/libwlbcmshared.so
eapd      4713      root  mem       REG       31,7     22248    2163 /lib/libwlcsm.so
eapd      4713      root  mem       REG       31,7      2700    2028 /lib/libnvram.so
eapd      4713      root  mem       REG       31,7    118088    1921 /lib/libgcc_s.so.1
eapd      4713      root  mem       REG       31,7   1222256    1793 /lib/libc-2.23.so
eapd      4713      root  mem       REG       31,7    138416    1650 /lib/ld-2.23.so
eapd      4713      root    0u      CHR      136,1   0t39846       4 /dev/pts/1
eapd      4713      root    1u      CHR      136,1   0t39846       4 /dev/pts/1
eapd      4713      root    2u      CHR      136,1   0t39846       4 /dev/pts/1
eapd      4713      root    3u  netlink                  0t0 4106170 unknown protocol: 31
eapd      4713      root    4u  netlink                  0t0 4106171 unknown protocol: 31
eapd      4713      root    5u     pack    4106372       0t0   34924 type=SOCK_RAW
eapd      4713      root    6u     IPv4    4106373       0t0     UDP *:37000 
eapd      4713      root    7u     pack    4106374       0t0   35015 type=SOCK_RAW
eapd      4713      root    8u     IPv4    4106375       0t0     UDP *:38000 
eapd      4713      root    9u     IPv4    4106376       0t0     UDP *:42000 
eapd      4713      root   10u     IPv4    4106377       0t0     UDP *:44000 
eapd      4713      root   11u     IPv4    4106378       0t0     UDP *:45000 
eapd      4713      root   12u     IPv4    4106379       0t0     UDP *:46000 
eapd      4713      root   13u     IPv4    4106380       0t0     UDP *:47000 
eapd      4713      root   14u     IPv4    4106381       0t0     UDP *:51000 
eapd      4713      root   15u     IPv4    4106382       0t0     UDP *:48000 
eapd      4713      root   16u     IPv4    4106394       0t0     UDP *:43000 


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-03-28 08:14 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Runs as proc eapd (process) 3* 6.85 - 7.39 Process running eapd Broadcom
Registers wdog eapd (watchdog) 1* 7.29 - 7.39 Watchdog for eapd Broadcom
Serving port Port-37000-udp 3* 6.85 - 7.39 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-38000-udp 3* 6.85 - 7.39 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-42000-udp 4* 6.85 - 7.39 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-43000-udp 3* 6.85 - 7.39 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-44000-udp 4* 6.85 - 7.51 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-45000-udp 3* 6.85 - 7.29 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-46000-udp 3* 6.85 - 7.29 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-47000-udp 2* 6.98 - 7.17 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-48000-udp 3* 6.98 - 7.29 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-51000-udp 3* 7.12 - 7.39 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-52000-udp 1* 7.20 - 7.39 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-56000-udp 2* 7.02 - 7.39 TODO AVM
Depends on lib ld.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libavmwdt.so 1 8.00 AVM-Watchdogs management API AVM
Depends on lib libbacktrace.so 3 6.98 - 8.00 Crash handler and logger AVM
Depends on lib libbcm_boardctl.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 Simple Broadcom board control functions Broadcom
Depends on lib libbcm_flashutil.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 Broadcom flash updater utility Broadcom
Depends on lib libbcm_util.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 Broadcom logging and environmental info Broadcom
Depends on lib libc.so 3 6.54 - 8.00 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 3 6.54 - 8.00 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Depends on lib libgen_util.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 Generic Broadcom utility functions. Broadcom
Depends on lib libnvram.so 3 6.54 - 8.00 Broadcom persistent storage of [WLAN] configuration Broadcom
Depends on lib libpthread.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 POSIX threading library Linux
Depends on lib libshared.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 Broadcom shared helper functions Broadcom
Depends on lib libsys_util.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 Broadcom system utilities Broadcom
Depends on lib libwdt.so 1 7.24 - 7.80 AVM-Watchdogs management API AVM
Depends on lib libwlbcmcrypto.so 2 6.54 - 6.85 Broadcom cryptography for WLAN Broadcom
Depends on lib libwlbcmshared.so 2 6.54 - 7.18 Broadcom shared functions for WLAN Broadcom
Depends on lib libwlcsm.so 2 6.54 - 7.18 Broadcom WLAN Configuration and Statics Module API. Broadcom
31 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-03-28 05:59 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 7530 AX 7.20 - 8.00 /bin 49.5k - 57.5k
FRITZ!Box 7581 7.16 - 7.18 /bin 122k - 254k
FRITZ!Box 7582 6.83 - 7.18 /bin 127k - 254k
3 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-03-28 08:14 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
7.01 - 7.31 aspm_app_set_eventmask
7.08 - 7.18 avm_wland_hal_app_set_eventmask
6.83 - 7.31 bsd_app_set_eventmask
7.20 - 7.31 cevent_app_set_eventmask
6.83 - 7.31 dcs_app_set_eventmask
7.01 - 7.31 eventd_app_set_eventmask
7.20 - 7.31 evt_app_set_eventmask
7.20 - 7.31 main
6.83 - 7.31 mevent_app_set_eventmask
6.83 - 7.31 nas_app_set_eventmask
6.83 - 7.18 ses_app_set_eventmask
6.83 - 7.31 ssd_app_set_eventmask
6.83 - 7.31 wps_app_set_eventmask
13 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.