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shellinaboxd starts a HTTP or HTTPS server and serves a Shell emulation using AJAX. It could also be run in CGI mode.
By default it runs on Port-4200-tcp, but uses different ports on the Fritzbox, see the Examples below.

AVM uses it during development since telnetd is removed.
It is never part of release firmware, but there are some occurences in older Labor.

Up to fw 6.35 shellinaboxd is started by shellinabox_launcher or by shellinabox.lua, see the Examples below.
Later it is launched by libcmapi.so, see the explanation of the shellinabox ui-module.

See also the shellinaboxd(1) man page and the Github Repo.

7490 fw 6.35 help - ShellInABox version 2.10 (revision 186):

fritz:/var/mod/root $ shellinaboxd --help

Usage: shellinaboxd [OPTIONS]...

Starts an HTTP server that serves terminal emulators to AJAX enabled browsers.

List of command line options:
  -b, --background[=PIDFILE]  run in background
  -c, --cert=CERTDIR          set certificate dir (default: $PWD)
      --cert-fd=FD            set certificate file from fd
      --cert-pw=password      certificate private key password
      --css=FILE              attach contents to CSS style sheet
      --cgi[=PORTMIN-PORTMAX] run as CGI
  -d, --debug                 enable debug mode
  -f, --static-file=URL:FILE  serve static file from URL path
  -g, --group=GID             switch to this group (default: nobody)
  -h, --help                  print this message
      --linkify=[none|normal|agressive] default is "normal"
      --localhost-only        only listen on
      --no-beep               suppress all audio output
  -n, --numeric               do not resolve hostnames
  -p, --port=PORT             select a port (default: 4200)
  -s, --service=SERVICE       define one or more services
  -t, --disable-ssl           disable transparent SSL support
      --disable-ssl-menu      disallow changing transport mode
  -q, --quiet                 turn off all messages
  -u, --user=UID              switch to this user (default: nobody)
      --user-css=STYLES       defines user-selectable CSS options
  -v, --verbose               enable logging messages
      --version               prints version information

Debug, quiet, and verbose are mutually exclusive.

One or more --service arguments define services that should be made available
through the web interface:
  SERVICE := <url-path> ':' APP
  APP     := 'LOGIN' | 'SSH' [ : <host> ] | USER ':' CWD ':' <cmdline>
  USER    := <username> ':' <groupname>
  CWD     := 'HOME' | <dir>

<cmdline> supports variable expansion:
  ${columns} - number of columns
  ${gid}     - gid id
  ${group}   - group name
  ${home}    - home directory
  ${lines}   - number of rows
  ${peer}    - name of remote peer
  ${uid}     - user id
  ${url}     - the URL that serves the terminal session
  ${user}    - user name

One or more --user-css arguments define optional user-selectable CSS options.
These options show up in the right-click context menu:
  STYLES  := GROUP { ';' GROUP }*
  GROUP   := OPTION { ',' OPTION }*
  OPTION  := <label> ':' [ '-' | '+' ] <css-file>

OPTIONs that make up a GROUP are mutually exclusive. But individual GROUPs are
independent of each other.


From shellinabox.lua fw 6.35 - HTTP mode on Port-44406-44416-tcp:

    -n -g 0 -u 0 
    --service=/:0:0:/:'/bin/sh -c /sbin/ar7login'

From shellinabox_launcher fw 6.35 - HTTPS mode on Port-44395-44405-tcp:

    -n -g 0 -u 0 
    --service=/:0:0:/:'/bin/sh -c /sbin/ar7login_frominternet'


BoxMatrix will host some statically built binaries here one day, similar to dhrystone Downloads.


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib ld.so 1 7.08 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libc.so 11 5.07 - 7.19 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libcrypto.so 11 5.07 - 7.19 OpenSSL general crypto and X.509 library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 9 5.07 - 7.08 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 7 5.07 - 6.25 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Depends on lib libssl.so 11 5.07 - 7.19 OpenSSL implementations of SSL and TLS Linux
6 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-03-10 06:03 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 6840 LTE (main) 5.25 - 5.27 /sbin 285k - 306k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v3 5.07 /sbin 306k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v2 5.29 /sbin 285k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390 /sbin 285k
FRITZ!Box 7490 (main) 6.35 /sbin 286k
FRITZ!Box 7590 AX (main) 7.19 /sbin 309k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 300E 5.09 /sbin 306k
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 6.98 - 7.08 /sbin 276k - 288k
FRITZ!Repeater 6000 7.19 /sbin 288k
FRITZ!Powerline 540E 5.58 - 6.25 /sbin 285k - 287k
FRITZ!Powerline 546E 5.55 - 6.25 /sbin 285k - 287k
11 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
5.07 - 7.19 FirewallCloseAll
5.07 - 7.19 FirewallClosePort
5.07 - 7.19 FirewallInit
5.07 - 7.19 FirewallOpenPort
5.07 - 7.19 abandonSession
5.07 - 7.19 addToGraveyard
5.07 - 7.19 addToHashMap
5.07 - 7.19 addToTrie
5.07 - 6.35 atexit
5.07 - 7.19 checkGraveyard
5.07 - 7.19 closeAllFds
5.07 - 7.19 debug
5.07 - 7.19 deleteFromHashMap
5.07 - 7.19 deleteHashMap
5.07 - 7.19 deleteHttpConnection
5.07 - 7.19 deleteServer
5.07 - 7.19 deleteService
7.19 deleteSession
5.07 - 7.19 deleteURL
7.19 deleteUtmp
5.07 - 7.19 destroyHashMap
5.07 - 7.19 destroyHttpConnection
5.07 - 7.19 destroySSL
5.07 - 7.19 destroyServer
7.19 destroyService
5.07 - 7.19 destroyServiceHashEntry
7.19 destroySession
5.07 - 7.19 destroyTrie
5.07 - 7.19 destroyURL
7.19 destroyUserCSS
7.19 destroyUtmp
5.07 - 7.19 dropPrivileges
5.07 - 7.19 enumerateServices
5.07 - 7.19 error
5.07 - 7.19 fatal
5.07 - 7.19 findCGISession
5.07 - 7.19 finishAllSessions
5.07 - 7.19 finishSession
5.07 - 7.19 forkLauncher
5.07 - 7.19 getFromHashMap
5.07 - 7.19 getFromTrie
5.07 - 7.19 getGroupId
5.07 - 7.19 getGroupName
5.07 - 7.19 getHashmapSize
5.07 - 7.19 getRefFromHashMap
5.07 - 7.19 getUserCSSString
5.07 - 7.19 getUserId
5.07 - 7.19 getUserName
5.07 - 7.19 httpExitLoop
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetHeaders
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetHost
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetMethod
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetPath
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetPathInfo
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetPeerName
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetPort
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetPrivate
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetProtocol
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetQuery
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetServer
5.07 - 7.19 httpGetServerConnection
5.07 - 7.19 httpHandleConnection
5.07 - 7.19 httpSendReply
5.07 - 7.19 httpSetCallback
5.07 - 7.19 httpSetPrivate
5.07 - 7.19 httpTransfer
5.07 - 7.19 httpTransferPartialReply
5.07 - 7.19 info
5.07 - 7.19 initHashMap
5.07 - 7.19 initHttpConnection
5.07 - 7.19 initSSL
5.07 - 7.19 initServer
7.19 initService
7.19 initSession
5.07 - 7.19 initTrie
5.07 - 7.19 initURL
7.19 initUserCSS
5.07 - 7.19 iterateOverHashMap
5.07 - 7.19 iterateOverSessions
5.07 - 7.19 launchChild
5.07 - 7.19 logIsDebug
5.07 - 7.19 logIsDefault
5.07 - 7.19 logIsInfo
5.07 - 7.19 logIsQuiet
5.07 - 7.19 logSetLogLevel
5.07 - 7.19 lowerPrivileges
5.07 - 7.19 main
5.07 - 7.19 message
5.07 - 7.19 newCGIServer
5.07 - 7.19 newHashMap
5.07 - 7.19 newHttpConnection
5.07 - 7.19 newServer
5.07 - 7.19 newService
7.19 newSession
5.07 - 7.19 newSessionKey
5.07 - 7.19 newURL
7.19 newUserCSS
7.19 newUtmp
5.07 - 7.19 parseGroup
5.07 - 7.19 parseUser
5.07 - 7.19 parseUserCSS
5.07 - 7.19 registerExternalFiles
5.07 - 7.19 serverAddConnection
5.07 - 7.19 serverConnectionSetEvents
5.07 - 7.19 serverDeleteConnection
5.07 - 7.19 serverEnableSSL
5.07 - 7.19 serverExitLoop
5.07 - 7.19 serverGetConnection
5.07 - 7.19 serverGetFd
5.07 - 7.19 serverGetHttpHandlers
5.07 - 7.19 serverGetListeningPort
5.07 - 7.19 serverGetTimeout
5.07 - 7.19 serverLoop
5.07 - 7.19 serverRegisterHttpHandler
5.07 - 7.19 serverRegisterStreamingHttpHandler
5.07 - 7.19 serverSetCertificate
5.07 - 7.19 serverSetCertificateFd
5.07 - 7.19 serverSetCertificatePW
5.07 - 7.19 serverSetNumericHosts
5.07 - 7.19 serverSetTimeout
5.07 - 7.19 serverSupportsSSL
5.07 - 7.19 setWindowSize
5.07 - 7.19 sslBlockSigPipe
5.07 - 7.19 sslEnable
5.07 - 7.19 sslFreeHndl
5.07 - 7.19 sslPromoteToSSL
5.07 - 7.19 sslSetCertificate
5.07 - 7.19 sslSetCertificateFd
5.07 - 7.19 sslSetCertificatePassword
5.07 - 7.19 sslUnblockSigPipe
5.07 - 7.19 stringPrintf
6.25 - 7.19 stringPrintfUnchecked
5.07 - 7.19 supportsPAM
5.07 - 7.19 terminateLauncher
5.07 - 7.19 urlGetArgs
5.07 - 7.19 urlGetHost
5.07 - 7.19 urlGetPath
5.07 - 7.19 urlGetPathInfo
5.07 - 7.19 urlGetURL
5.07 - 7.19 userCSSGetDefine
5.07 - 7.19 vStringPrintf
5.07 - 7.19 warn
142 symbols for this command


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Showing 1 related property.
