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Property:ti tftp

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ti_tftp is the TFTP client by TI. It can optionally load the protocol support plugin libdocsis_tftpplg.so.

It is or was installed on the ARM side of most cable models, and used by the dl utility in TFTP mode.
In recent firmware it is unused or even missing in favor of the tftp client.

6490 fw 7.57 help from an armconsole:

# ti_tftp
Invalid command line arguments: Success

Usage: ti_tftp server [-v] [-f file_to_get] [-s file_to_put] [-t timeout] [-i interface] 
               [-w wrokdir] [-p plugin] [-b blocksize ] [-m transfer_mode] [-r rexmt_timeout] 
               [-d] [-c]
   -v                 : verbose
   -f filename        : filename for transfer (get)
   -s filename        : filename for sending (put)
   -t timeout         : retry attempts; default 16
   -i interface       : interface name
   -w workdir         : working directory
   -p plugin          : plugin shared object; default /lib/tftp_sample_plugin.so
   -b blocksize       : optional size for blocksize in read request, max 1448
   -m mode            : data transfer mode(octet|ascii)
   -r rexmtval        : per packet retransmission timeout
   -F localaddr       : local address to use with bind(2)
   -c                 : ignore icmp receive
   -d                 : turn debug trace on/off


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-02 07:34 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib ld.so 3 7.08 - 7.12 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libc.so 9 4.85 - 7.57 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 9 4.85 - 7.57 Dynamic linking library Linux
3 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-02 05:36 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v1 6.03 - 6.04 /sbin 27.9k
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v2 6.21 /sbin 27.9k
FRITZ!Box 6340 Cable 5.24 /sbin 30.6k
FRITZ!Box 6360 Cable 4.85 - 6.51 /sbin 27.9k - 30.6k
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (arm) 6.84 - 7.29 /sbin 30.7k - 32.0k
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (arm) 6.20 - 7.51 /sbin 27.9k - 32.0k
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (arm) 6.83 - 7.57 /sbin 30.6k - 32.0k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (arm) 7.12 - 7.19 /sbin 39.1k - 41.9k
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (arm) 7.14 /sbin 41.9k
9 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-02 07:34 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
4.85 - 7.57 TI_core_init
4.85 - 7.57 TI_option_help
4.85 - 7.57 TI_option_parse
4.85 - 7.57 TI_plugin_exit
4.85 - 7.57 TI_report_config
4.85 - 7.57 command
4.85 - 7.57 get
4.85 - 7.57 getusage
4.85 - 7.57 help
4.85 - 7.57 main
4.85 - 7.57 makeargv
4.85 - 7.57 modecmd
4.85 - 7.57 mysignal
4.85 - 7.57 put
4.85 - 7.57 putusage
4.85 - 7.57 quit
4.85 - 7.57 r_init
4.85 - 7.57 read_ahead
4.85 - 7.57 readit
4.85 - 7.57 recvfile
4.85 - 7.57 rw_init
4.85 - 7.57 sendfile
4.85 - 7.57 setascii
4.85 - 7.57 setbinary
4.85 - 7.57 setmode
4.85 - 7.57 setpeer
4.85 - 7.57 setrexmt
4.85 - 7.57 settimeout
4.85 - 7.57 settrace
4.85 - 7.57 setverbose
4.85 - 7.57 status
4.85 - 7.57 synchnet
4.85 - 7.57 tftp_register_plugin
4.85 - 7.57 w_init
4.85 - 7.57 write_behind
4.85 - 7.57 writeit
36 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.