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Property:vdsld (avmcmd)
BoxMatrix >> Shell-Commands >> vdsld (avmcmd) | @ BoxMatrix - IRC-Chat - Translate: de es fr it nl pl |
News | Selectors | Models | Accessories | Components | Environment | Config | Commands | System | Webif | Software | Develop | Lexicon | Community | Project | Media |
Startup-Scr | Hotplug-Scr | BusyBox-Cmds | Bash-Cmds | AVM-Cmds | Chipset-Cmds | Linux-Cmds | Shared-Libs | Kernel-Mods | Research |
Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name vdsld!
Command: | vdsld (avmcmd) - type Exec | Wiki | Freetz | IPPF | whmf | AVM | Web |
Location: | Shell-Commands >> AVM-Commands - Origin: AVM | ||||||
Path: | Release: /usr/bin Lab+Rel: /usr/bin | ||||||
Properties: | Size: 386k - 1.3M - Firmware: 4.76 - 6.32 | ||||||
Function: | AVM VDSL on Fusiv subsystem glue daemon. |
Goto: Dependencies - Model-Matrix - Symbols - SMW-Browser
Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 08:12 GMT.
A *
in the Mod
column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.
Relation | Typ | Object | Mod | Firmware | Info | Origin |
Runs as | proc | vdsld (process) | 3* | 5.05 - 6.86 | Process running vdsld | AVM |
Registers | wdog | vdsld (watchdog) | 1* | 6.51 - 6.86 | Watchdog for vdsld | AVM |
Serving | port | Port-1080-tcp | 1* | 6.31 | TODO | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavm_event.so | 4 | 4.76 - 6.87 | AVM-Events management API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmcsock.so | 4 | 4.76 - 6.87 | Networking, I/O and helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libbacktrace.so | 3 | 5.07 - 6.87 | Crash handler and logger | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libc.so | 4 | 4.76 - 6.87 | Standard C library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libdl.so | 4 | 4.76 - 6.87 | Dynamic linking library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libdslsmiface.so | 3 | 5.29 - 6.87 | DSL subsystem shared memory API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libgcc_s.so | 4 | 4.76 - 6.87 | GCC low-level runtime library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libm.so | 4 | 4.76 - 6.87 | C math library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libpthread.so | 4 | 4.76 - 6.87 | POSIX threading library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libvxwork.so | 1 | 6.30 - 6.32 | TODO | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libwdt.so | 3 | 4.85 - 6.87 | AVM-Watchdogs management API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libz.so | 4 | 4.76 - 6.87 | Zlib compressor / decompressor | Linux |
15 dependencies for this command |
Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-26 05:48 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl)
label in the Model
column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.
Model | Firmware | Path | Size |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7340 | 4.83 - 5.05 | /usr/bin | 411k - 511k |
FRITZ!Box 7369 (main) | 6.30 - 6.32 | /usr/bin | 1.2M - 1.3M |
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390 | 4.81 - 5.22 | /usr/bin | 386k - 548k |
Speedport W 722V | 4.76 - 4.79 | /usr/bin | 498k |
4 models use this command |
Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 08:12 GMT.
Firmware | Symbol |
4.76 - 4.91 | BMECode_TransfertoSDRAM |
4.76 - 4.91 | BitSwapReq |
4.76 - 4.91 | BmeReset |
4.76 - 4.91 | BmeStart |
4.76 - 4.91 | BmeStructInit |
4.76 - 4.91 | CheckTR1_Thresholds |
4.76 - 4.91 | CheckTR2_Thresholds |
4.76 - 4.91 | ClrNeCntrs |
4.76 - 4.91 | ConvertBitSwapReqStructToMsg |
4.76 - 6.32 | CreateTimer15Mins |
6.30 - 6.32 | DbgSvrParseTree |
4.76 - 4.91 | DetectSignals |
4.76 - 4.91 | DeviceVersions |
4.76 - 4.91 | DoRdCmd |
4.76 - 4.91 | DoTrCmd |
4.76 - 4.91 | DumpPortConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | DumpSysConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | EocControlSend |
4.76 - 4.91 | EocGetData |
4.76 - 4.91 | EocProtocolGet |
4.76 - 4.91 | EocProtocolSet |
4.76 - 4.91 | EocSendDataStream |
4.76 - 4.91 | EocSetData |
4.76 - 4.91 | EvaluateErrSeconds |
4.76 - 4.91 | EvaluateFeLprFailure |
4.76 - 4.91 | EvaluateLofFailure |
4.76 - 4.91 | EvaluateLosFailure |
4.76 - 4.91 | EvaluateSevereErrSeconds |
4.76 - 4.91 | EvaluateSixPtFailure |
4.76 - 4.91 | EvaluateUnavailableSeconds |
4.76 - 6.32 | EventLog |
4.76 - 4.91 | FlashWrite |
4.76 - 4.91 | FramingModeUpdateCb |
4.76 - 4.91 | GenerateTR1 |
4.76 - 4.91 | GenerateTR2 |
4.76 - 4.91 | GetCounters |
4.76 - 4.91 | GetCurrentValue |
4.76 - 4.91 | GetNeSnrAttn |
4.76 - 4.91 | GetOpCmdStatus |
4.76 - 4.91 | GetPMCounters |
4.76 - 4.91 | GetQosCounters |
4.76 - 4.91 | GetQosLevel |
4.76 - 4.91 | GetQosLevelComplete |
6.30 - 6.32 | GetSeltResponse |
4.76 - 4.91 | HostFpgaWrite |
4.76 - 4.91 | HostHotReset |
4.76 - 4.91 | HostResetComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | HostResetInit |
4.76 - 4.91 | InitDmaChannel15 |
4.76 - 4.91 | InitEMIConfig |
4.76 - 6.32 | InitEventLogs |
5.01 - 6.32 | InitOlrParams |
4.76 - 6.32 | InitPMHandler |
4.76 - 6.32 | InitPerfPara |
4.76 - 4.91 | InitPortParms |
4.76 - 6.32 | InitUserLogs |
4.76 - 4.91 | InitpollMonitorParms |
4.76 - 4.91 | MsgCheckClass |
4.76 - 6.32 | OhmGetMaxNumOfTonePerLineType |
4.76 - 4.91 | PeriodicReportsEnable |
4.76 - 4.91 | PmConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | PmConfigComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | PmSendTimer |
4.76 - 4.91 | PmTriggerFailures |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortClass2QueueMap |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortClassifierEnable |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortDestroy |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortInstantiate |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortProtocolConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortProvision |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortQueueConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortReset |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortStart |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortStatusBrief |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortStatusExtended |
4.76 - 4.91 | PortStop |
4.76 - 4.91 | PrGpioTestMenu |
4.76 - 6.32 | PrintEventLogs |
4.76 - 6.32 | PrintUserLogs |
5.01 - 6.32 | PrintfOlrInLineShort |
4.76 - 4.91 | ReceiveBmeMessage |
5.01 - 6.32 | ReceiveOlrUpdate |
4.76 - 4.91 | ReceivePmAlert |
4.76 - 4.91 | ReceivePmCounters |
4.76 - 6.32 | ReceiveTLCommand |
4.76 - 4.91 | Reset15MinCounts |
4.76 - 4.91 | Reset24HourCounts |
6.30 - 6.32 | ResetINMCounters |
4.76 - 4.91 | ResetPMCounters |
4.76 - 6.32 | RetrievePortConfig |
4.76 - 6.32 | RetrieveSysConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | SendBmeMessage |
4.76 - 4.91 | SendDebugMon |
4.76 - 4.91 | SendSignals |
4.76 - 4.91 | StackCurrentReg_TR1 |
4.76 - 4.91 | StackCurrentReg_TR2 |
4.76 - 4.91 | SysProtocol2ClassMap |
4.76 - 4.91 | SystemProvision |
4.76 - 4.91 | SystemStatus |
4.76 - 4.91 | TransferBmeMessage |
4.76 - 4.91 | UpdateCounter |
4.76 - 4.91 | UpdatePerfPara |
4.76 - 4.91 | UpdatedReportsEnabled |
4.76 - 6.32 | UserLog |
6.30 - 6.32 | WriteAeFifo |
6.30 - 6.32 | WriteFifo |
4.76 - 4.91 | accumulatePMCounters |
4.76 - 6.32 | addCompletionJob |
4.76 - 4.91 | add_EocEventLog |
4.76 - 4.91 | adjustFeCounters |
6.30 - 6.32 | aeReportHandler |
4.76 - 4.91 | appEocFeCntrResp |
4.76 - 4.91 | appEocFeCntrResult |
4.76 - 4.91 | appEocFeSnrAttnResp |
4.76 - 4.91 | appEocFeSnrAttnResult |
4.76 - 6.32 | appEocGetDecoder |
4.76 - 6.32 | appEocGetEncoder |
4.76 - 4.91 | appEocLbResetStats |
4.76 - 6.32 | appEocLbResetStress |
4.76 - 4.91 | appEocLbResetTestParams |
4.76 - 4.91 | appEocLbResp |
4.76 - 4.91 | appEocLbResult |
4.76 - 6.32 | appEocLbStressResp |
4.76 - 4.91 | appEocMsgParser |
4.76 - 4.91 | appEocProtocolVersionInit |
4.76 - 6.32 | appEocRegIeParsers |
4.76 - 6.32 | appEocValidateData |
4.76 - 6.32 | appOampJobAdd |
4.76 - 6.32 | appOampTaskInit |
4.76 - 6.32 | appRMMInit |
6.30 - 6.32 | atmIntConfig |
4.76 - 6.32 | autoRestart |
4.76 - 6.32 | avdslLinkDownConfig |
4.83 - 6.32 | avmDiagHandleOnSyncLoss |
4.83 - 6.32 | avmDiagHandleOnTimerEvent |
4.83 - 6.32 | avmDiagHandleTrainFail |
4.83 - 6.32 | avmEnableDiag |
4.76 - 6.32 | avmHandleAutonomousMsg |
5.01 - 6.32 | avmMsgBoxEnable |
4.79 - 6.32 | avmMsgBoxHandleTrigger |
6.30 - 6.32 | avmMsgBoxRelease |
4.82 - 4.91 | avm_ATA_handle |
4.79 - 4.91 | avm_MsgBox_dampSet |
4.79 - 4.91 | avm_MsgBox_set_handle |
4.79 - 4.91 | avm_MsgBox_set_status_complete |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_arch_dsl_sema_init |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_arch_dsl_sema_lock |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_arch_dsl_sema_unlock |
4.76 - 6.32 | avm_createLogTimer |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_ExtStatusReport |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_NeSnrLatnReport |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_OnEchotestResponse |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_OnPortStopResponse |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_PmCntrReport |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_avoid_deadlock_check_timer |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_bl_option_handle |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_check_eoc_stats_complete |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_check_full_stats_complete |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_deviceVerReport |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_get_eoc_stats |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_get_stats |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_handleDslDrSetEvent |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_handleDslRetrainSetEvent |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_handle_autonomous_dsl_state |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_init_avm_arch_structs |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_optCmdReport |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_interface_sendIfaceStatusNotify |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_stats_atm |
6.30 - 6.32 | avm_dsl_stats_ptm |
4.76 - 4.91 | avm_fprintOneEvent |
4.81 - 4.91 | avm_getCVperMinute |
4.76 - 4.91 | avm_printActualEvents |
4.76 - 6.32 | avm_printActualLogs |
4.76 - 4.91 | avm_printActualStats |
4.76 - 5.22 | avm_request_eoc_data |
4.76 - 4.91 | avm_taskEventPoll |
4.76 - 4.91 | avm_tmrLog_CB |
4.76 - 4.91 | bitSwapReqComplete |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeAccessHicInit |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeAccessHostGpio |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeAccessHostSendPID |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeAccessRdHostMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeAccessRdHostRegMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeAccessRdMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeAccessRdRegMemory |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeAccessRdSwQ |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeAccessWrHostMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeAccessWrHostRegMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeAccessWrMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeAccessWrRegMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeBitSwapReq |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeBondingPortStart |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeBondingRegReset |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeClearINMCounters |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeClrHostGpio |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeClrNeCntrs |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeClrStatus |
5.01 - 5.22 | bmeConfigClk |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeDebugHandler |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeDebugInit |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeDebugXmtReq |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeDetectSignals |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeDeviceVersions |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeDnldProcedure |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeEocControlSend |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeEocDataReply |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeEocGetData |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeEocProtocolGet |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeEocProtocolSet |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeEocSendDataStream |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeEocSetData |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeFreezeSignals |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeGetAeNoiseReport |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeGetAeWiringReport |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeGetCounters |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeGetInmReport |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeGetNeSnrAttn |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeGetOlrUpdate |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeGetOpCmdStatus |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeGetPMCounters |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeGetQosCounters |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeGetQosLevel |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHostHotReset |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwClrHostGpio |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwClrStatus |
5.01 - 5.22 | bmeHwInitEmi |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwInitHostToBmeInterface |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwIntDisable |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwIntEnable |
5.01 - 5.22 | bmeHwPrintBmeVersion |
5.01 - 5.22 | bmeHwPrintPtmfVersion |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwRdHostMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwRdHostRegMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwRdMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwRdRegister |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwRdStatus |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeHwResetApi |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeHwSendPID |
5.01 - 5.22 | bmeHwSetClkPll |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwSetHostGpio |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwSetStatus |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwStart |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwWrHostMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwWrHostRegMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwWrMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwWrMemoryVerify |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeHwWrRegister |
5.01 - 5.22 | bmeInitEmi |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeInitHostToBmeInterface |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeInmConfig |
4.76 - 6.32 | bmeIntDisable |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeIntEnable |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeMonGetHex |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeNetDebugCtrl |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeNetDebugStatus |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeParseRxMessage |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePeriodicReportsEnable |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmePioBulkRead |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmePioBulkWrite |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmePioRead |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmePioWrite |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePmConfig |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmePmCountersReport |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePmSendTimer |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePmTriggerFailures |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmePollDmaStatus |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortClass2QueueMap |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortClassifierEnable |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortDeltStart |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortDestroy |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortInstantiate |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortProtocolConfig |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortProvision |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortQueueConfig |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortReset |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortStart |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortStatusBrief |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortStatusExtended |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePortStop |
5.01 - 5.22 | bmePrintVersion |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrieveAlerts |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrieveBondingPortStatus |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrieveGetAeNoiseReport |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrieveGetAeWiringReport |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrieveGetCounters |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrieveGetInmReport |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrieveGetPmCounters |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrieveOlrParams |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrievePortConfig |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrievePortStatus |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrieveSnrAttn |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmePrivRetrieveSysConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeProvisionComplete |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeRdHostMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeRdHostRegMemory |
4.76 - 6.32 | bmeRdMemory |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeRdMessage |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeRdRegMemory |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeRdStatus |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeReadDnldCode |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeRelCpu |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeResetJob |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeSendDebugMon |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeSendPID |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeSendSignals |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeSetHostGpio |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeSetTargetDelay |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmeSmartCPEConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeSoftwareDnld |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeStart |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeStartJob |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeStructInit |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeSysProtocol2ClassMap |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeSystemProvision |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeSystemStatus |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeTestLb |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeUpdateCounter |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeUpdatedReportsEnabled |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeVersionComplete |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeWrHostRegMemory |
4.76 - 6.32 | bmeWrMemory |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeWrMemoryVerify |
4.76 - 4.91 | bmeWrMessage |
5.01 - 6.32 | bmeWrRegMemory |
4.76 - 4.91 | bme_device_open |
6.30 - 6.32 | bmehoststats_sig_handler |
6.30 - 6.32 | boardBMEEnableBonding |
5.01 - 5.22 | boardBMEInterfaceInit |
5.01 - 6.32 | boardBmeGetStartAddr |
5.01 - 5.22 | boardBmeHWReset |
5.01 - 5.22 | boardBootLoadInfo |
5.01 - 5.22 | boardConfigPortPinsForBmeInterface |
6.30 - 6.32 | boardEnableAutoRetrain |
6.30 - 6.32 | boardEnableBmeCpuClock |
5.01 - 6.32 | boardGetSysInfo |
5.01 - 5.22 | boardHostInterruptInit |
5.01 - 5.22 | boardIncArbPriority |
5.01 - 5.22 | boardInitHostToBmeInterface |
5.01 - 6.31 | boardLedOn |
6.30 - 6.32 | boardProgramBmeGPIO |
6.30 - 6.32 | boardProgramBmeWindow |
5.01 - 6.32 | boardReleaseBmeCpu |
5.01 - 5.22 | boardReset |
5.01 - 5.22 | boardSaveImageVer |
6.30 - 6.32 | boardchiptype |
6.30 - 6.32 | bonding_link_down |
6.30 - 6.32 | bonding_link_up |
4.76 - 4.91 | bootloadInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | brd_cfg |
4.76 - 4.91 | calculateCodeCheckSum |
4.76 - 4.91 | checkFlash |
6.30 - 6.32 | check_pattern |
4.76 - 4.91 | check_value |
4.76 - 4.91 | chk_reg |
4.76 - 6.32 | clearBmeCounters |
4.76 - 4.91 | clear_EocEventLog |
4.76 - 4.91 | closeFIFOs |
6.30 - 6.32 | configVapAP |
4.76 - 4.91 | config_VDSL_from_file |
4.76 - 4.91 | config_line_type |
4.76 - 4.91 | configureRfiBands |
4.76 - 6.32 | configure_band |
4.76 - 4.91 | configure_ni |
4.76 - 4.91 | configure_ucut |
4.76 - 6.32 | consoleEchoDisable |
4.76 - 6.32 | consoleEchoEnable |
4.76 - 6.32 | construct_eoc_command |
4.76 - 6.32 | construct_ohm_command |
4.76 - 4.91 | convertDataToEndianFormat |
4.76 - 6.32 | convertLineTypeToString |
4.76 - 6.32 | copyCountersToOamp |
6.30 - 6.32 | copyInmReportToOamp |
4.76 - 6.32 | copyMaxPsdArray |
4.76 - 6.32 | copyPMCountersToOamp |
4.76 - 6.32 | copyQosCountersToOamp |
4.76 - 6.32 | copySnrAttnToOamp |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeELMAppInit |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeErrorHandler |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeGetDataBlk |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeRMMCompleteReturnedIeType |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeRMMGetEnetCfg |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeRMMGetEthernetInfo |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeRMMReportError |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeRMMSetEnetFlowCtrlEventHandler |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeRMMSetPhyLbEventHandler |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeRMMSetPhyParamsHandler |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeSendDataPkt |
4.76 - 6.32 | cpeStart |
6.30 - 6.32 | createAutoShm |
4.76 - 6.32 | createPasswordShm |
4.76 - 4.91 | createVdslFIFOs |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampBmeClearAllCounters |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampBmeProvision |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampBmeVersion |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampDetectSignals |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampEocCtlSnd |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampEocGetData |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampEocProtocolGet |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampEocRelayData |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampGetBmeStatus |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampGetQosLevel |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampHostHotReset |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampLbStart |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampOptionalCmd |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPReportEnable |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPmConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPmTimer |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortClass2QueueMap |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortClassifierEnable |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortCnt |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortDestroy |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortInst |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortPMCnt |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortPmTriggerFailures |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortProtocolConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortProv |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortQosCnt |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortQueueConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortReset |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortSnr |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortStart |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortStatus |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortStatusBrief |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampPortStop |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampSendSignals |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampSysProtocol2ClassMap |
4.76 - 4.91 | dampUReport |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgCloseConnection |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgConnectionAccept |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgCreateMemPool |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgCreateScrathMemory |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgCreateSpecialScaleMultList |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgGetHostPortProfile |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgGetServerRequest |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgHostProfNotAvailableHdlr |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgInitializeMemPool |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgMemCommit |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgMemGet |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgMemoryManager |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSemCreate |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSendChunkEnd |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSendCsvData |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSendDataBlock |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSendHostDataBlock |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSendHttpHeaders |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSendLogTypeDescriptor |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSendMsgHeader |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSendParamData |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSendStatusHeader |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSendTypeDescriptor |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgServerTask |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSetCtrlGenericHldr |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSetHostPortProfile |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSocketBind |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSocketCreate |
6.30 - 6.32 | dbgSocketListen |
4.76 - 6.32 | decode16Bits |
4.76 - 4.91 | decode32Bits |
4.76 - 4.91 | decodeActivationInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | decodeCtrlHeader |
4.76 - 4.91 | decodeFileInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | decodeFileSaveInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | decodeFirmwareVersion |
4.76 - 6.32 | decodeOneByte |
4.76 - 4.91 | decodeTransferInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | decodeVersionInfo |
4.76 - 5.22 | default_xdsl_frame_mode |
4.76 - 4.91 | detectSignalsComplete |
4.76 - 6.32 | displayAllPmCounters |
4.76 - 4.91 | displayMenu |
4.76 - 6.32 | displayPerfCntrs |
4.76 - 6.32 | displayPmCounters |
4.76 - 4.91 | displayRFIBandSetting |
4.76 - 4.91 | displayTLCmdSyntax |
4.76 - 4.91 | displayTLHelp |
4.76 - 4.91 | display_Eoc_LogMenu |
4.76 - 4.91 | display_rx_band_config |
4.76 - 4.91 | display_tx_band_config |
4.76 - 4.91 | distributeFeErrSecCounters |
4.76 - 4.91 | dmaRead |
4.76 - 4.91 | doDmaRead |
4.86 - 5.22 | dsl_config_set_handle |
4.82 - 5.22 | dsl_params_get_handle |
4.82 - 4.89 | dsl_params_set_handle |
4.82 - 5.22 | dsl_retrain_set_handle |
4.76 - 5.22 | dsl_stats_init |
4.76 - 5.22 | dsl_stats_request |
4.76 - 4.91 | dump |
4.76 - 4.91 | dumpLineCrcStatus |
4.76 - 4.91 | eiuPioRead |
4.76 - 6.32 | encode16Bits |
4.76 - 6.32 | encode32Bits |
4.76 - 4.91 | encodeActivationInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | encodeCtrlHeader |
4.76 - 4.91 | encodeFileInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | encodeFileSaveInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | encodeFirmwareVersion |
4.76 - 6.32 | encodeOneByte |
4.76 - 6.32 | encodeString |
4.76 - 4.91 | encodeTransferInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | encodeVersionInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | eocControlSendComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | eocDataReplyComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | eocGetDataComplete |
4.76 - 6.32 | eocInit |
4.76 - 4.91 | eocProtocolGetComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | eocProtocolSetComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | eocSendDataStreamComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | eocSetDataComplete |
4.76 - 6.32 | evalLineCrc |
4.76 - 6.32 | evalSixPtLineHold |
4.76 - 6.32 | failureNotificationJob |
6.30 - 6.32 | file_exists |
5.01 - 6.32 | flashWrite |
4.76 - 6.32 | fprintEventLogDefinedCnt |
4.76 - 6.32 | fusivAVdslLinkUpConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | fusiv_bme_bulk_read |
4.76 - 4.91 | fusiv_bme_bulk_write |
4.76 - 4.91 | fusiv_bme_read |
4.76 - 4.91 | fusiv_bme_relcpu |
4.76 - 4.91 | fusiv_bme_write |
4.76 - 4.91 | fusiv_gpio_set |
4.76 - 6.32 | getBandPlan |
4.76 - 6.32 | getBmeBandPlan |
6.30 - 6.32 | getBmeErrorCodesFromOmap |
6.30 - 6.32 | getBmeHostMsgStat |
4.76 - 5.22 | getBmeOampHandle |
4.76 - 6.32 | getBmePortId |
4.76 - 6.32 | getBmePortId_local |
6.30 - 6.32 | getCurrentBmeEventLog |
4.76 - 4.91 | getDataPIO |
4.76 - 4.91 | getDeviceId |
4.76 - 4.91 | getDeviceIds |
4.76 - 4.91 | getDeviceVersion |
4.76 - 4.91 | getELMCpeApp |
4.76 - 6.32 | getErroredSeconds |
6.30 - 6.32 | getLineDropError |
4.76 - 6.32 | getLineNum |
4.76 - 4.91 | getNextOption |
4.76 - 4.91 | getOptBandType |
4.76 - 4.91 | getParamValue |
4.76 - 6.32 | getPortNum |
4.76 - 6.32 | getPortProfile |
4.76 - 6.32 | getPortProfileDisplay |
4.76 - 6.32 | getPortStopDelay |
4.76 - 4.91 | getProfileMapping |
4.76 - 6.32 | getShowtimeParamsRef |
4.76 - 4.91 | getSingleToneIndex |
5.01 - 6.32 | getSixPtLineHoldEnable |
4.76 - 4.91 | getStartStopToneIndices |
4.76 - 4.91 | getSysInfo |
4.76 - 4.91 | get_EocEventLog |
4.76 - 4.91 | get_atm_stats |
4.76 - 4.91 | get_bme_dev_lock |
4.76 - 4.91 | get_fusiv_cpe_mem_start |
4.76 - 4.91 | get_notchBandConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | getdump |
4.76 - 4.91 | handleIposOptionalCmd |
4.76 - 4.91 | heartBeat |
4.76 - 6.32 | hex_to_int |
5.01 - 6.32 | hostBmeReset |
4.76 - 4.91 | hostIntInit |
4.76 - 4.91 | hostLedOn |
5.01 - 5.22 | hostPollRxMessageReady |
5.01 - 6.32 | hostReceiveBmeMessage |
5.01 - 6.32 | hostSendBmeMessage |
4.76 - 4.91 | hostTrafficThrottle |
4.76 - 4.91 | iPosPrintVer |
4.76 - 4.91 | ife2_per_port_cfg |
4.76 - 4.91 | inc_cpe_arbiter_prio |
4.76 - 4.91 | incrementErroredSeconds |
4.76 - 6.32 | iniPrevLineCrc |
4.76 - 6.32 | initOAMPDB |
4.76 - 6.32 | invalidateShowtimeParams |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposApiEnter |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposApiLeave |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposAutoCmd |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposBitSwapReq |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposBmeClearAllCounters |
5.01 - 5.22 | iposBmeConfigClk |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposBmeConfigMemBlk |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposBmeDbgMonHandler |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposBmeDbgMonInit |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposBmeDebugCtrl |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposBmeGetSyncCount |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposBmeGpioConfig |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposBmeGpioMaskRead |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposBmeGpioRead |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposBmeGpioWrite |
5.01 - 5.22 | iposBmeInitEmi |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposBmeMon |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposBmeProvision |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposBmeRdMemory |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposBmeRdRegMemory |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposBmeResetBlk |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposBmeStartBlk |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposBmeWrRegMemory |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposBondingPortStart |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposBondingRegReset |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposCountofEntriesInEventLog |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposCreateTmr |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposCtrlCmd |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposDelay |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposDetectTestSignals |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposDeviceVersion |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposDumpEvents |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMCPEEntry |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposELMCPEEvntHandler |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMCPEGetEventLogResp |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposELMCPEInit |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposELMCPEiFftpHandler |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposELMCPEiFftpStart |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMCmdCoreReq |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMCmdCoreResp |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMCmdInit |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMCmdSetCtrlHdr |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposELMCmdStateUpdate |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMGetCpePe |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMIndxGetCpe |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMMsg2Struct |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMSendMsg |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMStruct2Msg |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposELMXferInProgress |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEntryRcvPoll |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposEocCmdCoreResend |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposEocCmdCoreReset |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocCmdSetCtrlHdr |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposEocCmdStateUpdate |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocControlSend |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocDataReply |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocDecodeCtrlHdr |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocEncodeCtrlHdr |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocGetData |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocGetMsgClass |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocGetPerPort |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocGetPerProtocol |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocProtocolGet |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocProtocolSet |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocRegHandler |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocSendDataStream |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposEocSetData |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposFreeTmr |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposFreezeTestSignals |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposGetBmeEventLog |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposGetBmeHandle |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposGetCallback |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposGetNeSNRAttn |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposGetQosLevel |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposGetSeltResponse |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposGetState |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposHostReset |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposLbStart |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposMsgBufInit |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposMsgFindMsg |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposMsgFree |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposMsgFreeTimeout |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposMsgGet |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposMsgGetIndex |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposMsgParse |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposMsgSet |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposMsgShow |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposNotifyBmeCrash |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposOlrBitSwapReq |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposOptionalCmd |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPeriodicReportsEnable |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPmConfig |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPmTimer |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortClass2QueueMap |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortClassifierEnable |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposPortClearINMCounters |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposPortDeltStart |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortDestroy |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposPortGetAeNoiseReport |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortGetCounters |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposPortGetInmReport |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortGetPMCounters |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortGetQosCounters |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortInstantiate |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposPortPmCountersReport |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortPmTriggerFailures |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortProtocolConfig |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortProvision |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortQueueConfig |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortReset |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposPortSetINMCfg |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposPortSmartCPEConfig |
4.76 - 5.22 | iposPortStart |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortStatusBrief |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortStatusExtended |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposPortStop |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposPrintVersion |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposPrivApiEnter |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposPrivApiLeave |
5.01 - 5.22 | iposPrivGetState |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposPrivMessageParse |
5.01 - 5.22 | iposPrivSetState |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposRFMGetCheckSum |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposResetTmr |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSendTestSignals |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposSetCallback |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetCbCntReport |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetCbEocDataStream |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetCbEocEventLog |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposSetCbEocMsg |
4.76 - 5.22 | iposSetCbError |
4.76 - 5.22 | iposSetCbFramingModeUpdate |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetCbHostRetrieveBme |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetCbHostRetrievePort |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposSetCbOlrUpdate |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetCbPmAlert |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetCbPmCounters |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetCbStatusReport |
4.76 - 5.22 | iposSetCbThrottleTraffic |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetCbUReport |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetDisableAdjJIsdnDsu |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposSetMsg |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposSetPID |
6.30 - 6.32 | iposSetTargetDelay |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSetTmr |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSizeofEventLog |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposStateUpdate |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposStatusCmd |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSysInit |
5.01 - 6.32 | iposSysReInit |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposSystemProtocol2ClassMap |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposTmrInit |
4.76 - 4.91 | iposTstCmd |
4.76 - 6.32 | iposUApiCore |
4.76 - 5.22 | kernelTimeSlice |
4.76 - 4.91 | lbStartComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | lbStartCompleteJob |
4.76 - 5.22 | link_susp_tcb |
4.76 - 6.32 | main |
5.01 - 6.32 | makeSysProvCommandPrefix |
5.01 - 6.32 | memcpy16 |
5.01 - 6.32 | memcpy32 |
4.76 - 4.91 | memcpyProfile |
4.76 - 6.32 | msgCheckElmClass |
4.76 - 6.32 | msgMatchCmdResp |
4.76 - 5.22 | msgQCreate |
4.76 - 5.22 | msgQReceive |
4.76 - 5.22 | msgQSend |
5.01 - 5.22 | my_task_name |
4.76 - 5.22 | my_tcb |
4.76 - 4.91 | new_sema4 |
4.76 - 4.91 | notify_task_delete |
4.76 - 6.32 | nvramUpdateBlk |
4.76 - 4.91 | oampBitSwapReq |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampBmeBondingRegRes |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampBmeDebugCtrl |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampBmeGetVersion |
4.76 - 5.22 | oampBmeHasItCrashed |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampBmeMarkHasCrashed |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampBmeMarkNotCrashed |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampBmeProvision |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampBmeReset |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampBmeStart |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampBmeStateReset |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampBmeStateUpdate |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampDetectSignal |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampEocControlSend |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampEocDataReply |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampEocGetData |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampEocProtocolGet |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampEocProtocolSet |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampEocSendDataStream |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampEocSetData |
5.01 - 6.32 | oampFreezeSignal |
4.76 - 5.22 | oampGetBmeErrorCode |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampGetBmeState |
4.76 - 5.22 | oampGetCmdState |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampGetPortState |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampGetSeltResponse |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampHostReset |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampHost_HotReset_StateUpdate |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampInmConfig |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampLbStart |
5.01 - 6.32 | oampOlrBitSwapReq |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampOptionalCmd |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPeriodicReportsEnable |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPmConfig |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampPortClearINMCounters |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortClrNeCntr |
5.01 - 6.32 | oampPortDeltStart |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortDestroy |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampPortGetAeNoiseReport |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortGetCounters |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampPortGetInmReport |
4.76 - 4.91 | oampPortGetLinkRates |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortGetNeSnr |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortGetPMCounters |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortGetStatus |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortGetStatusBrief |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortInstantiate |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampPortPmCountersReport |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortPmTriggerFailures |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortProvision |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortReset |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampPortSmartCPEConfig |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortStart |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampPortStartBonding |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampPortStop |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampSendSignal |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampSetK_array |
6.30 - 6.32 | oampSetTargetDelay |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampStateResetAll |
4.76 - 6.32 | oampStateUpdate |
4.76 - 4.91 | openFIFOs |
4.76 - 4.91 | optionalCmdComplete |
5.01 - 6.31 | osFflushOut |
5.01 - 6.31 | osInput |
5.01 - 6.32 | osOpen |
5.01 - 6.32 | osPrivTrace |
4.76 - 5.22 | osSetTaskRealTime |
4.76 - 4.91 | pReportComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | parseTlCmdString |
4.76 - 6.32 | parse_internalEoc_Data |
4.76 - 6.32 | perToneMenu |
4.76 - 6.32 | perToneOptHandler |
6.30 - 6.32 | pmAdjTime |
4.76 - 4.91 | pollDmaDone |
4.76 - 4.91 | pollRxMsgReady |
4.76 - 6.32 | poll_avm_event |
4.76 - 4.91 | portClass2QueueMapComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portClassifierEnableComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portCountersComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portDestroyComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portFeSnrJob |
4.76 - 4.91 | portInstantiateComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portLinkRatesComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portNeClrCntrComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portNeSnrComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portNeSnrCompleteRemote |
4.76 - 4.91 | portPmCountersComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portPmTriggerComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portProtocolConfigComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portProvision |
4.76 - 4.91 | portProvisionComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portQosCountersComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portQueueConfigComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portResetComplete |
4.76 - 6.32 | portStartComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portStatusBriefComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portStatusComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | portStopComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | printEvents |
6.30 - 6.32 | printLog |
4.76 - 4.91 | printOneEvent |
6.30 - 6.32 | printTimeStamp |
4.76 - 4.91 | processLed |
4.76 - 6.32 | processTimeout |
4.76 - 5.22 | process_timer_list |
4.76 - 4.91 | rdm |
4.76 - 6.32 | reCalLineCrcThreshold |
4.76 - 4.91 | readAVdslLinkParmsFromKernel |
6.30 - 6.32 | readAutoShm |
6.30 - 6.31 | readDyingGaspShm |
6.30 - 6.32 | readEventLogFromFlash |
4.76 - 6.32 | readFromVdsl |
6.32 | readHWDyingGaspShm |
4.76 - 4.91 | readPortStopDelay |
4.76 - 4.91 | readProfileFromFlash |
6.32 | readSWDyingGaspShm |
4.76 - 4.91 | read_sdram |
4.76 - 6.32 | reboot |
4.76 - 4.91 | relBmeCpu |
4.76 - 6.32 | reportPortErrorCounts |
4.76 - 4.91 | resetPerfPara |
4.76 - 6.32 | resetPortErrorCounts |
6.30 - 6.32 | saveCurrShowtimePMCounters |
4.76 - 4.91 | saveImageVer |
4.76 - 6.32 | savePreviousProfiles |
4.76 - 5.22 | selfRestart |
4.76 - 5.22 | semBCreate |
4.76 - 5.22 | semGive |
4.76 - 5.22 | semTake |
6.30 - 6.32 | sendDslApConfig |
4.76 - 4.91 | sendPmTimer15minsComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | send_adsl_line_rates |
6.30 - 6.32 | send_avmevent_to_dsl_manager |
4.76 - 4.91 | send_avmevent_to_dsld |
4.76 - 6.32 | send_bme_linerates |
4.76 - 4.91 | send_message_uart1 |
4.76 - 6.32 | setCpeDefaultPortProfile |
4.76 - 6.32 | setDefaultNewProfileVal |
4.76 - 6.32 | setDefaultPortMapping |
4.76 - 6.32 | setDefaultPortProfile |
4.76 - 4.91 | setEvlogBme |
4.76 - 6.32 | setLineCrcThreshold |
6.30 - 6.32 | setLineDropError |
4.76 - 6.32 | setOptBandType |
4.76 - 6.32 | setPortMap |
4.76 - 4.91 | setPortOption |
4.76 - 6.32 | setPortParameter |
4.76 - 6.32 | setPortProfile |
4.76 - 4.91 | setPortStopDelay |
4.76 - 6.32 | setPprofileSize |
4.76 - 4.89 | setSerialNumber |
5.01 - 6.32 | setSixPtLineHoldEnable |
5.01 - 6.32 | set_efm_preemp |
4.76 - 6.32 | set_vdsl_link |
4.76 - 4.91 | setclk |
4.76 - 6.32 | setup_avm_event |
4.76 - 5.22 | signal_for_my_task |
6.30 - 6.32 | startPortStartTimer |
6.30 - 6.32 | startPortStopTimer |
6.30 - 6.32 | stopVDSLLine |
4.86 - 4.91 | storeCompleteTrainingLog |
4.76 - 6.32 | storeDeviceVersions |
4.76 - 6.32 | storeShowtimeParams |
4.76 - 6.32 | submitJobCpeAckHandler |
4.76 - 6.32 | submitJobNewBmeEventLog |
4.76 - 4.91 | sysBMEInterfaceInit |
4.76 - 4.91 | sysConfigPortPinsForBMEInterface |
4.76 - 6.32 | sysGetEventLogAddr |
4.76 - 4.91 | sysProtocol2ClassMapComplete |
4.76 - 4.91 | sysProvOptionMask |
4.76 - 4.91 | taskActivate |
4.76 - 5.22 | taskDelay |
4.76 - 4.91 | taskDeleteForce |
4.76 - 4.91 | taskInit |
4.76 - 5.22 | taskLock |
4.76 - 6.32 | taskOneSec |
4.76 - 5.22 | taskSafe |
6.30 - 6.32 | taskSmCpeInfTask |
6.30 - 6.32 | taskSmCpeInfTaskAe |
4.76 - 5.22 | taskSpawn |
4.76 - 6.32 | taskUi |
4.76 - 5.22 | taskUnlock |
4.76 - 5.22 | taskUnsafe |
4.76 - 5.22 | task_wrapper |
4.76 - 5.22 | tcb_for |
4.76 - 4.91 | testLb |
4.76 - 4.91 | testPIORead |
4.76 - 4.91 | testPIORead1 |
4.76 - 4.91 | testPIOWrite |
4.76 - 4.91 | testSignalsComplete |
4.76 - 5.22 | tmr15minsExp |
4.76 - 4.91 | tpr |
4.76 - 4.91 | tpr1 |
4.76 - 4.91 | tpw |
4.76 - 5.22 | ts_free |
4.76 - 5.22 | ts_malloc |
4.76 - 4.91 | uiBitSwapMenu |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiElmMenu |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiEocLbStressMenu |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiGetEocProtocolVersion |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiGetVendorID |
6.30 - 6.32 | uiInmMenu |
4.76 - 4.91 | uiInputGains |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiInternalEocMenu |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiLog |
5.01 - 6.32 | uiLogAllPortOlrUpdate |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiLogDeviceVer |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiLogPortCounters |
6.30 - 6.32 | uiLogPortInmReport |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiLogPortNeSnr |
5.01 - 6.32 | uiLogPortOlrUpdate |
5.01 - 6.32 | uiLogPortOlrUpdateHistory |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiLogPortPmCounters |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiLogPortStatus |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiLogPortStatusBrief |
5.01 - 6.32 | uiMaintenance2Menu |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiMaintenanceMenu |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiOhmCmdMenu |
5.01 - 6.32 | uiOlrBitSwapMenu |
6.30 - 6.32 | uiPrintSeltResponseQln |
6.30 - 6.32 | uiPrintSeltResponseReverb |
6.30 - 6.31 | uiSeltMenu |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiSendVirtualMessage1 |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiShowDeviceVersions |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiShowErroredSeconds |
4.76 - 6.32 | uiShowEthernetStatus |
4.76 - 5.22 | unlink_susp_tcb |
5.01 - 6.32 | updateConfigFile |
4.76 - 5.22 | updateFlashProf |
4.76 - 4.91 | updatePMCounters24Hrs |
4.76 - 6.32 | vdsl_input |
4.76 - 6.32 | vdsl_link_down |
4.76 - 6.32 | vdsl_link_training |
4.76 - 6.32 | vdsl_link_up |
4.76 - 6.32 | verifyPassword |
4.76 - 4.91 | waitToSend |
4.76 - 4.91 | wait_for_token |
4.76 - 4.91 | wdCreate |
4.76 - 4.91 | wdDelete |
4.76 - 4.91 | wdStart |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeAVdslLinkParmsToKernel |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeAttnTable |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeBitTable |
6.30 - 6.31 | writeDyingGaspShm |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeFeHlogTable |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeFeQlnTable |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeFeSnrTable |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeFeTestParamBlockRead |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeFeTestParamMultiRead |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeFeqTable |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeGiTable |
4.76 - 4.91 | writePowerTable |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeQLNTable |
6.32 | writeSWDyingGaspShm |
4.76 - 4.91 | writeSnrTable |
6.30 - 6.32 | writeTestParamBlockRead |
4.76 - 6.32 | writeToVdsl |
4.76 - 4.91 | write_sdram |
5.01 - 6.32 | xdslApTxRxConfig |
1006 symbols for this command |