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Property:wlmngr2 (chipcmd)

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Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name wlmngr2!
wlmngr2 (chipcmd) Broadcom WLAN Manager Daemon (new).
wlmngr2 (process) Process running wlmngr2


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wlmngr2 is the (new) Broadcom WLAN Manager Daemon. It is the successor of wlmngr.
It is started by smd from eid_bcm_base.txt.
It is restarted wlmngr2 -m 0 in S46avm-wlan-abe, after it's stopped by killall wlmngr2.


wlmngr2 starts and stops numerous WLAN related services - 7581 fw 7.17:

start           stop                    description
wlevt2                                  WLAN Event handling Daemon
acsd            killall -SIGUSR1        Automatic Channel Selection Daemon
hspotap &       killall -15             HspotAP Application
wps_monitor &   killall -15             WPS authenticator
lld2d %s        killall -9              Link Layer Topology Discovery Daemon (not in FRITZ!OS)
eapd            killall -9              Extensible Authentication Protocol Dispatcher
nas             killall -9              Network Authentication Server
dhd_monitor     killall -9              Dongle Host Driver Monitoring Daemon (not in FRITZ!OS)
bsd &           killall -15             Band Steering Daemon
ssd &           killall -15             Maclist Maintenance Daemon

Additionally it stops these services which are started elsewhere - 7581 fw 7.17:

stop                          description
killall -15 toad              Traffic Ordering Agent Daemon
killall -9 wps_ap             not present in FRITZ!OS
killall -9 wps_enr            not present in FRITZ!OS
killall -9 vis-datacollector  not present in FRITZ!OS
killall -9 vis-dcon           not present in FRITZ!OS


wlmngr2 creates some Temp-Files using the wlctl utility:

wlctl -i wl1 ver > /var/wlver

wlctl -i wl0 phytype > /var/wl0
wlctl -i wl1 phytype > /var/wl1

wlctl -i wl0 revinfo > /var/wl0_corerev
wlctl -i wl1 revinfo > /var/wl1_corerev

wlctl -i wl0 assoclist > /var/wl0_assoc
wlctl -i wl1 assoclist > /var/wl1_assoc

wlctl -i wl0 authe_sta_list > /var/wl0_authe
wlctl -i wl1 authe_sta_list > /var/wl1_authe

wlctl -i wl0 autho_sta_list > /var/wl0_autho
wlctl -i wl1 autho_sta_list > /var/wl1_autho  


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-22 08:51 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Runs as proc wlmngr2 (process) 2* 6.98 - 7.17 Process running wlmngr2 Broadcom
Depends on lib libatmctl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 API to the Broadcom ATM / PTM driver. Broadcom
Depends on lib libbacktrace.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Crash handler and logger AVM
Depends on lib libbcm_boardctl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Simple Broadcom board control functions Broadcom
Depends on lib libbcm_crc.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom CRC32 calculation. Broadcom
Depends on lib libbcm_flashutil.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom flash updater utility Broadcom
Depends on lib libbcmmcast.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 API to the Broadcom Multicast driver Broadcom
Depends on lib libbridgeutil.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom utilities for Ethernet Bridges Broadcom
Depends on lib libc.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libcms_cli.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom CMS shell API Broadcom
Depends on lib libcms_core.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom CMS core functions Broadcom
Depends on lib libcms_dal.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom CMS network interface management Broadcom
Depends on lib libcms_msg.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom CMS messaging API Broadcom
Depends on lib libcms_qdm.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 TODO Broadcom
Depends on lib libcms_util.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom CMS utility functions Broadcom
Depends on lib libcrypt.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Encoding and decoding handling routines. Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libethctl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom Ethernet Configuration API Broadcom
Depends on lib libethswctl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom Ethernet Switch Configuration API Broadcom
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Depends on lib libm.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 C math library Linux
Depends on lib libnanoxml.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Nano-XML parser / generator Broadcom
Depends on lib libnvram.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom persistent storage of [WLAN] configuration Broadcom
Depends on lib libpthread.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 POSIX threading library Linux
Depends on lib libpwrctl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom Power Management Configuration API. Broadcom
Depends on lib librdpactl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom Runner Data Path API Control Broadcom
Depends on lib libtmctl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom Traffic Management Control API Broadcom
Depends on lib libvlanctl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom VLAN control API. Broadcom
Depends on lib libwlbcmshared.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom shared functions for WLAN Broadcom
Depends on lib libwlcsm.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Broadcom WLAN Configuration and Statics Module API. Broadcom
Depends on lib libwlcsm_dm.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 TODO Linux
Depends on lib libwlcsm_dm_tr98.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 TODO Linux
Depends on lib libwlctl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 Access and control Broadcom wireless hardware. Broadcom
Depends on lib libxdslctl.so 2 6.98 - 7.18 API to the Broadcom ADSL / VDSL driver Broadcom
34 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-22 06:12 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 7581 6.98 - 7.18 /bin 146k
FRITZ!Box 7582 7.01 - 7.18 /bin 146k
2 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-22 08:51 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
6.98 - 7.18 add_to_list
6.98 - 7.18 bcmConvertStrToShellStr
6.98 - 7.18 bcmGetWlIdxByName
6.98 - 7.18 bcmGetWlName
6.98 - 7.18 bcmIsMarkStrChar
6.98 - 7.18 bcmIsValidWlName
6.98 - 7.18 bcmMacNumToStr
6.98 - 7.18 bcmMacStrToNum
6.98 - 7.18 bcmProcessMarkStrChars
6.98 - 7.18 bcmSystemEx
6.98 - 7.18 convert_deprecated
6.98 - 7.18 del_filter_client
6.98 - 7.18 del_forward_port
6.98 - 7.18 del_trf_mgmt_dwm
6.98 - 7.18 del_trf_mgmt_port
6.98 - 7.18 del_wds_wsec
6.98 - 7.18 dhd_bssiovar_set
6.98 - 7.18 dhd_bssiovar_setbuf
6.98 - 7.18 dhd_bssiovar_setint
6.98 - 7.18 dhd_ioctl
6.98 - 7.18 dhd_iovar_set
6.98 - 7.18 dhd_iovar_setbuf
6.98 - 7.18 dhd_iovar_setint
6.98 - 7.18 dhd_probe
6.98 - 7.18 ether_atoe
6.98 - 7.18 ether_etoa
6.98 - 7.18 fd2str
6.98 - 7.18 file2str
6.98 - 7.18 find_in_list
6.98 - 7.18 get_bridged_interfaces
6.98 - 7.18 get_filter_client
6.98 - 7.18 get_forward_port
6.98 - 7.18 get_ifname_unit
6.98 - 7.18 get_pid_by_name
6.98 - 7.18 get_trf_mgmt_dwm
6.98 - 7.18 get_trf_mgmt_port
6.98 - 7.18 get_wds_wsec
6.98 - 7.18 make_wl_prefix
6.98 - 7.18 nvifname_to_osifname
6.98 - 7.18 nvram_default_get
6.98 - 7.18 nvram_initialize_all
6.98 - 7.18 nvram_restore_var
6.98 - 7.18 nvram_validate_all
6.98 - 7.18 osifname_to_nvifname
6.98 - 7.18 remove_delimitor
6.98 - 7.18 remove_dups
6.98 - 7.18 remove_from_list
6.98 - 7.18 safe_fread
6.98 - 7.18 safe_fwrite
6.98 - 7.18 safe_snprintf
6.98 - 7.18 set_filter_client
6.98 - 7.18 set_forward_port
6.98 - 7.18 set_trf_mgmt_dwm
6.98 - 7.18 set_trf_mgmt_port
6.98 - 7.18 set_wds_wsec
6.98 - 7.18 strcat_r
6.98 - 7.18 ure_any_enabled
6.98 - 7.18 valid_filter_client
6.98 - 7.18 valid_forward_port
6.98 - 7.18 waitfor
6.98 - 7.18 wf_bw_chspec_to_half_mhz
6.98 - 7.18 wf_channel2chspec
6.98 - 7.18 wf_channel2mhz
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_80
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_aton
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_ctlchan
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_ctlchspec
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_get8080_chspec
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_malformed
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_ntoa
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_overlap
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_primary40_chspec
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_primary80_channel
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_primary80_chspec
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_secondary80_channel
6.98 - 7.18 wf_chspec_valid
6.98 - 7.18 wf_mhz2channel
6.98 - 7.18 wl_bssiovar_get
6.98 - 7.18 wl_bssiovar_getbuf
6.98 - 7.18 wl_bssiovar_set
6.98 - 7.18 wl_bssiovar_setbuf
6.98 - 7.18 wl_bssiovar_setint
6.98 - 7.18 wl_endian_probe
6.98 - 7.18 wl_get_dev_type
6.98 - 7.18 wl_hwaddr
6.98 - 7.18 wl_ioctl
6.98 - 7.18 wl_ioctl_getint
6.98 - 7.18 wl_ioctl_setint
6.98 - 7.18 wl_iovar_get
6.98 - 7.18 wl_iovar_getbuf
6.98 - 7.18 wl_iovar_getint
6.98 - 7.18 wl_iovar_set
6.98 - 7.18 wl_iovar_setbuf
6.98 - 7.18 wl_iovar_setint
6.98 - 7.18 wl_probe
6.98 - 7.18 wlcsm_event_handler
6.98 - 7.18 wlmngr_dm_runtime_hook
97 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.