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This is an "in-section" name collision covering 2 completely different files:   -   (this will be splitted one day)


ethctl is the Broadcom Ethernet Configuration Utility.

It is a commandline frontend to libethctl.so and is only used by libcms_core.so, see the Examples below.
Most binaries use libethctl.so instead.

7581 fw 7.17:

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# ethctl

Interface specific commands:
Usage: ethctl <interface> <command> [arguments...]

  media-type : Set/Get media type
  ethctl <interface> media-type [option] [port <sub_port#> ]
    [option]: auto - auto select
              2500FD - 2500Mb, Full Duplex
              1000FD - 1000Mb, Full Duplex
              1000HD - 1000Mb, Half Duplex
              100FD - 100Mb, Full Duplex
              100HD - 100Mb, Half Duplex
              10FD  - 10Mb,  Full Duplex
              10HD  - 10Mb,  Half Duplex
    [port <sub_port#>]: required if <interface> has Crossbar or Trunk port underneath

  phy-reset : Soft reset the transceiver
  ethctl <interface> phy-reset [port <sub_port#>]
    [port <sub_port#>]: required if <interface> has Crossbar or Trunk port underneath

  reg : Set/Get port mii register
  ethctl <interface> reg <[0-31]> [0xhhhh] [port <sub_port#>]
    [port <sub_port#>]: required if <interface> has Crossbar or Trunk port underneath

  phy-power : Phy power up/down control
  ethctl <interface> phy-power <up|down> [port <sub_port#>]
    [port <sub_port#>]: required if <interface> has Crossbar or Trunk port underneath

  vport : Enable/disable/query Switch for VLAN port mapping
  ethctl <interface> vport <enable|disable|query>

  stats : Display software stats
  ethctl <interface> stats

  ethernet@wirespeed : Enable/Disable ethernet@wirespeed
  ethctl <interface> ethernet@wirespeed <show|enable|disable> [port <sub_port#>]
    [port <sub_port#>]: required if <interface> has Crossbar or Trunk port underneath

Common commands:
Usage: ethctl <command> [arguments...]

  tx_iudma : Set/Get number of Tx iuDMA channels
  ethctl tx_iudma <[1-4]>

  rx_iudma : Set/Get number of Rx iuDMA channels
  ethctl rx_iudma <[1-4]>

  phy : Phy Access 
  ethctl phy int|ext|extsw|ext32 <phy_addr> <reg> [<value|reg2> [no_read_back]] [-d]
  ethctl phy i2c <reg> [<value|reg2> [no_read_back]] [-d] 
      <reg>: 0-0x1f: CL22 IEEE register; 0x1f-0xffff: Broadcom Extended Registers.
             0xffff-0x1fffff: CL45 IEEE Register, DeviceAddress + 2 byte Registers.
             0x20ffff-0xffffffff: Broadcom PHY 32bit address.
      <ext32>: Force to access Broadcom phy 32bit address.
  ethctl phy serdespower <phy_addr> [<power_mode>]
      [<power_mode>]: 0 - Non power saving mode; for loop back, inter connection
                      1 - Basic power saving mode; default mode
                      2 - Device Forced Off
  -d: Dump registers started from <reg> to <reg2>.

From libcms_core.so of a 7530ax fw 7.70:

ethctl %s vport query 2>/var/vcfgerr


ethctl is the RTL96 Ethernet Configuration Utility.

5690pro fw 7.59:


tx <packet_count>
	send number of <packet_count> packets
rx <time>
	gather statistics of rx packets in <time> seconds
on <phy>
	turn on the <phy> port of the switch
off <phy>
	turn off the <phy> port of the switch
r <phy> <reg> [<page>]
	read <reg> page <page> value of the <phy> port of the switch
w <phy> <reg> <hex-val> [<page>]
	write <hex-val> to <reg> page <page> of the <phy> port of the switch
	turn on all LED
gpio <index> <0/1>
	GPIO pin test
conntrack <killall/killtcpudp/killicmp>
	kill all/tcpand udp/icmp conntrack sessions
route <add/delete>
	add/delete static Route
	dump RTL8306 QoS
	reset RTL8306 MIB counter
	dump RTL8306 MIB counter
	dump VLAN info.
	dump IGMP info.
debug igmp <0/1>
switch <vi/le>
	dump switch's vlan info/learning entry
pkt <no/all/tx/rx>
	dump nic <no/all/tx only/rx only> packets
addsmux protocol real_dev smux_dev [napt] [brpppoe] [vlan vid]
	protocol: bridge/ipoe/pppoe
	real_dev: smux device name
	smux_dev: real dev name
remsmux protocol real_dev smux_dev [vlan vid]
	protocol: bridge/ipoe/pppoe
	real_dev: smux device name
	smux_dev: real dev name
getsmux real_dev smux_dev
	real_dev: smux device name
	smux_dev: real dev name
setsmux real_dev smux_dev [carrier <0/1>]
	real_dev: smux device name
	smux_dev: real dev name
	carrier: config interface carrier
ignsmux method protocol
	protocol: ethernet protocol(ex: 0x8899)
	method: [dump|add|del]
mirror <wan_dev> <lan_dev> <action>
	Mirror <wan_dev> traffic to <lan_dev>.
	action = 0: off, 1: mirror tx, 2: mirror rx, 3: mirror both
enable_usb0_wan 0/1 
enable_nas0_wan 0/1/2

From udhcpc.sh fw 7.59:

ethctl route add

From libmib.so fw 7.59:

ethctl setipqos 1
ethctl setipqos 0
ethctl enable_nas0_wan 1
ethctl addsmux bridge %s %s
ethctl addsmux ipoe %s %s
ethctl addsmux pppoe %s %s
ethctl setsmux %s "*" carrier 1  


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-03-28 08:14 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib ld.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libc.so 4 6.54 - 8.00 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libethctl.so 3 6.98 - 8.00 Broadcom Ethernet Configuration API Broadcom
Depends on lib libmib.so 1 7.62 API to the Realtek XML-MIB storing residential gateway configuration. Realtek
Depends on lib librtk.so 1 7.62 RTL96 enhanced residential gateway API RTL96
5 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-03-28 05:59 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro (rtl) 7.62 /bin 14.0k
FRITZ!Box 7530 AX 7.20 - 8.00 /bin, /sbin 33.5k - 41.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7581 7.16 - 7.18 /bin, /sbin 13.9k - 14.9k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7582 6.83 - 7.18 /bin, /sbin 13.9k - 14.9k, Link
4 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-03-28 08:14 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
7.20 - 7.62 main
7.62 usage
2 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.