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athcfg is a commandline configuration tool for Atheros WLAN chipsets.
It was only used in early 6360 firmware in conjunction with the Magpie accelerated Merlin.


athcfg [interface_name] [command_name] [operation_name] [parameters]

For Example -- athcfg ath0 ssid set Atheros

athcfg is used in rc.wlan and in supportdata.wlan:

6360 fw 4.86 rc.wlan:

$ grep athcfg /etc/init.d/rc.wlan

system athcfg ath0 ssid set >/dev/null 2>&1
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set cwm-mode "${width}"
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set ext-chan "${extoffset}"
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set extprotspac 0
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set htie-stat 2
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set txchan-mask "${TXCHAINMASK}"
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set rxchan-mask "${RXCHAINMASK}"
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set half-gi "${SHORTGI}"
athcfg "${vapname}" param set 11n-ampdu 1
system athcfg "${vapname}" auto-scan set 0
system athcfg "${vapname}" freq set "${chan}" 0
system athcfg "${vapname}" freq set 0 0
system athcfg "${vapname}" auto-scan set 1
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set mac-cmd 3 # flush list
system athcfg "${vapname}" addmac set "${i}"
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set mac-cmd 1
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set mac-cmd 0
5) system athcfg "${vapname}" txpower set 5 ;;
4) system athcfg "${vapname}" txpower set 8 ;;
3) system athcfg "${vapname}" txpower set 11 ;;
2) system athcfg "${vapname}" txpower set 14 ;;
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set hide-ssid "${hidessid}" ;;
system athcfg "${vapname}" ssid set "${ssid}"
system athcfg "${vapname}" ssid set
system athcfg "${vapname}" bssid "${apoption}" # RSP TODO
ret=$(athcfg "${wifidev}" vapcreate set "${given_vap}" hostap 1)
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set bgscan 0
system athcfg "${vapname}" mode set "${wlanmode}"
athcfg "${wifidev}" fftxq-min set 1000
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set privacy 0
system athcfg ath0 param set auth-mode 4
system athcfg ath0 param set auth-mode 1
system athcfg ath0 param set privacy 1
system athcfg ath0 key set 1 wep default avm FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
system athcfg ath0 key set 2 wep default avm FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
system athcfg ath0 key set 3 wep default avm FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
system athcfg ath0 key set 4 wep default avm FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
system athcfg ath0 key set [${KEY_ID}]
system athcfg "${vapname}" param set htie-stat 2
system athcfg "${vapname}" scan set
athcfg "${vapname}" mode set auto
athcfg ${wifidev} rssi get ${count} ${delay} > ${outputfile}
athcfg ${wifidev} rssi get ${count} ${delay}

6360 fw 4.86 supportdata.wlan:

$ grep athcfg /bin/supportdata.wlan | sed  's/\t\t//'

echo "@${var}: "`athcfg ${var} mode get` "," `athcfg ${var} ssid get`
echo `athcfg ${var} opmode get` `athcfg ${var} freq get` `athcfg ${var} bssid get`
echo  `athcfg ${var} txpower get`
echo "@${var}: athcfg ${var} scan get"
athcfg "${var}" scan get
echo "${var}: athcfg stainfo get"
athcfg ${var} stainfo get
athcfg ${var} stats get

athcfg wifi0 hst-stats get
athcfg wifi0 hst-11n-stats get
athcfg wifi0 tgt-11n-stats get


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-05 07:35 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib libavm_event.so 1 4.85 - 5.07 AVM-Events management API AVM
Depends on lib libavmcsock.so 1 4.85 - 5.07 Networking, I/O and helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libc.so 1 4.85 - 5.07 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 1 4.85 - 5.07 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libm.so 1 4.85 - 5.07 C math library Linux
Depends on lib libpthread.so 1 4.85 - 5.07 POSIX threading library Linux
Depends on lib libwdt.so 1 4.85 - 5.07 AVM-Watchdogs management API AVM
Depends on lib libwlanparams.so 1 4.85 - 5.07 TFFS-Configuration API to wlan.cfg. AVM
8 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-05 05:36 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 6360 Cable 4.85 - 5.07 /usr/sbin 235k - 240k
1 model uses this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-05 07:35 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
0 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.


Showing 1 related property.
