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Property:ti dhcp6c (chipcmd)

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Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name ti_dhcp6c!
ti_dhcp6c (chipcmd) DHCP v6 client by TI.
ti_dhcp6c (process) Process running ti_dhcp6c


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ti_dhcp6c is the DHCP v6 client by TI. It can load the protocol support plugin libdocsis_dhcp6plg.so.

It would be started by the DOCSIS_DHCPV6 rule in docsis_active.pcd, which is disabled.

It is started by TODO instead. The ti_dhcp6c (process) shows:

ti_dhcp6c -i wan0 -plugin libdocsis_dhcp6 

You see the plugin name is specified without the trailing plg.so.

6490 fw 7.57 help from an armconsole:

# ti_dhcp6c

Usage: ti_dhcp6c [OPTIONS]

  -conf, --CONF_FILE=DHCPC.CONF   Conf file to use
  -d, --DEBUG_LEVEL=1             Sets the debug level to 1(low)
  -D, --DEBUG_LEVEL=2             Sets the debug level to 2(high)
  -f, --FOREGROUND                Runs the client in foreground (default: Daemon)
  -k, --CTLKEYFILE=CTLKEYFILE     Control Key file to use
  -p, --PID_FILE=PID_FILE.PID     File to save the PID
  -r, --INFORMATION_REQUEST=1     Runs the client in INFORMATION REQUEST mode, i.e, No IP address
                                   will be requested.(default: Information Request mode turned off)
  -i, --interface=INTERFACE       Interface to use
  -c, --SEND_CONFIRM=1            The client at startup will send a CONFIRM message(default: 
                                   CONFIRM is not sent, instead SOLICIT is sent)
  -v, --version                   Display version

 ti_dhcpv6 client exit due to parser error: DHCP client Initialization error

See also ti_udhcpc (chipcmd).


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-23 08:08 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Runs as proc ti_dhcp6c (process) 2* 6.26 - 7.00 Process running ti_dhcp6c Puma
Serving port Port-546-udp 31* 6.26 - 8.00 DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - IPv6 client AVM
Depends on lib libc.so 9 4.85 - 7.57 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 9 4.85 - 7.57 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 2 7.04 - 7.19 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Depends on lib libgen_ipc.so 2 7.04 - 7.19 TODO Linux
Depends on lib libresolv.so 9 4.85 - 7.57 DNS resolver library Linux
Depends on lib libslibc.so 2 7.14 - 7.19 Bounds-checking C functions for use with the GNU C library Linux
8 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-23 05:51 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v1 6.03 - 6.04 /sbin 155k
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v2 6.21 /sbin 155k
FRITZ!Box 6340 Cable 5.24 /sbin 159k
FRITZ!Box 6360 Cable 4.85 - 6.51 /sbin 155k - 159k
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (arm) 6.84 - 7.29 /sbin 151k - 170k
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (arm) 6.20 - 7.51 /sbin 151k - 170k
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (arm) 6.83 - 7.57 /sbin 151k - 170k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (arm) 7.12 - 7.19 /sbin 194k - 199k
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (arm) 7.14 /sbin 199k
9 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-23 08:08 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
4.85 - 7.57 addr2str
4.85 - 7.57 arc4random
4.85 - 7.57 base64_decodestring
4.85 - 7.57 cf_init
4.85 - 7.57 cf_post_config
4.85 - 7.57 cfparse
4.85 - 7.57 cfswitch_buffer
4.85 - 7.57 client6_script
4.85 - 7.57 client6_send
4.85 - 7.57 client6_start
4.85 - 7.57 client6_timo
4.85 - 7.57 configure_authinfo
4.85 - 7.57 configure_cleanup
4.85 - 7.57 configure_commit
4.85 - 7.57 configure_global_option
4.85 - 7.57 configure_host
4.85 - 7.57 configure_ia
4.85 - 7.57 configure_interface
4.85 - 7.57 configure_keys
4.85 - 7.57 configure_pool
4.85 - 7.57 confirm_all_ia
4.85 - 7.57 copy_authparam
4.85 - 7.57 copy_option
4.85 - 7.57 create_dynamic_hostconf
7.04 - 7.19 dbgPrintf
4.85 - 7.57 decline_ia
4.85 - 7.57 default_plugin_init
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_add_listval
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_add_timer
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_auth_replaycheck
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_calc_mac
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_check_timer
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_clear_list
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_clear_listval
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_clear_options
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_copy_list
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_copy_options
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_create_event
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_ctl_acceptcommand
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_ctl_authinit
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_ctl_closecommand
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_ctl_init
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_ctl_readcommand
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_ctl_setreadfds
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_event_statestr
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_find_listval
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_get_options
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_init_options
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_move_list
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_remove_evdata
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_remove_event
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_remove_timer
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_reset_timer
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_set_options
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_set_timeoparam
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_set_timer
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_stcodestr
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_timer_init
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_timer_rest
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_validate_key
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_vbuf_cmp
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_vbuf_copy
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_vbuf_free
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_verify_mac
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6_xfer_options
7.04 - 7.19 dhcp6c_get_lease_start_time
7.04 - 7.19 dhcp6c_get_lease_time
7.04 - 7.19 dhcp6c_get_rebind_time
7.04 - 7.19 dhcp6c_get_renew_time
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6c_register_plugin
7.04 - 7.19 dhcp6c_set_lease_start_time
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6msgstr
4.85 - 7.57 dhcp6optstr
4.85 - 7.57 dprintf
4.85 - 7.57 duidcmp
4.85 - 7.57 duidcpy
4.85 - 7.57 duidfree
4.85 - 7.57 duidstr
4.85 - 7.57 find_authinfo
4.85 - 7.57 find_dynamic_hostconf
4.85 - 7.57 find_hostconf
4.85 - 7.57 find_iaconf
4.85 - 7.57 find_ifconfbyid
4.85 - 7.57 find_ifconfbyname
4.85 - 7.57 find_key
4.85 - 7.57 find_pool
4.85 - 7.57 find_prefix6
4.85 - 7.57 freeifaddrs
4.85 - 7.57 get_duid
4.85 - 7.57 get_free_address_from_pool
4.85 - 7.57 get_rdvalue
4.85 - 7.57 get_sysUpTime
4.85 - 7.57 getifaddr
4.85 - 7.57 getifaddrs
4.85 - 7.57 getifidfromaddr
4.85 - 7.57 ifaddrconf
4.85 - 7.57 ifinit
4.85 - 7.57 ifreset
4.85 - 7.57 in6_addrscopebyif
4.85 - 7.57 in6_scope
4.85 - 7.57 in6addr2str
4.85 - 7.57 is_available_in_pool
4.85 - 7.57 is_leased
4.85 - 7.57 lease_address
4.85 - 7.57 lease_cleanup
4.85 - 7.57 lease_init
4.85 - 7.57 main
4.85 - 7.57 new_authparam
4.85 - 7.57 prefix6_mask
4.85 - 7.57 qstrdup
4.85 - 7.57 random_between
4.85 - 7.57 release_address
4.85 - 7.57 release_all_ia
4.85 - 7.57 renew_all_ia
4.85 - 7.57 sa6_plen2mask
4.85 - 7.57 setloglevel
4.85 - 7.57 strlcat
4.85 - 7.57 strlcpy
4.85 - 7.57 ti_dhcp6c_copy_option
4.85 - 7.57 ti_dhcp6c_error2str
4.85 - 7.57 ti_dhcp6c_get_dhcpserveraddr
4.85 - 7.57 timeval_sub
4.85 - 7.57 transmit_sa
4.85 - 7.57 update_address
4.85 - 7.57 update_ia
4.85 - 7.57 update_prefix
4.85 - 7.57 yy_create_buffer
4.85 - 7.57 yy_delete_buffer
4.85 - 7.57 yy_flush_buffer
4.85 - 7.57 yy_scan_buffer
4.85 - 7.57 yy_scan_bytes
4.85 - 7.57 yy_scan_string
4.85 - 7.57 yy_switch_to_buffer
4.85 - 7.57 yyalloc
4.85 - 7.57 yyerror
4.85 - 7.57 yyfree
4.85 - 7.57 yyget_debug
4.85 - 7.57 yyget_in
4.85 - 7.57 yyget_leng
4.85 - 7.57 yyget_lineno
4.85 - 7.57 yyget_out
4.85 - 7.57 yyget_text
4.85 - 7.57 yylex
4.85 - 7.57 yylex_destroy
4.85 - 7.57 yyparse
4.85 - 7.57 yypop_buffer_state
4.85 - 7.57 yypush_buffer_state
4.85 - 7.57 yyrealloc
4.85 - 7.57 yyrestart
4.85 - 7.57 yyset_debug
4.85 - 7.57 yyset_in
4.85 - 7.57 yyset_lineno
4.85 - 7.57 yyset_out
4.85 - 7.57 yywarn
4.85 - 7.57 yywrap
155 symbols for this command


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