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wifitool sets or gets low-level parametes of QcaWifi interfaces.

It is unused in FRITZ!OS.

Fw 7.39 help:

root@fritz0:/var/mod/root# wifitool --help

usage: wifitool athX cmd args

cmd: fips	 args: interface_name input_file
	Input file format: Each set of inputs seperated by newline
	<FIPS Command> <MODE> <Key length> <Input Data Length> <Key> <Input Data> <Expected Output> <IV with 16 bytes><newline>	Example: wifitool ath0 fips input_file 
 Refer README_FIPS in drivers/wlan_modules/os/linux/tools

cmd: [sendaddba senddelba setaddbaresp getaddbastats  sendaddts senddelts  
cmd: [sendtsmrpt sendneigrpt sendlmreq sendbstmreq  sendbcnrpt ] 
cmd: [sendstastats sendchload sendnhist sendlcireq rrmstats bcnrpt setchanlist getchanlist] 
cmd: [block_acs_channel] 
cmd: [rrm_sta_list] 
cmd: [btm_sta_list] 
cmd: [get_rrmutil] 
cmd: [mu_scan lteu_cfg ap_scan] 
cmd: [atf_debug_size atf_dump_debug] 
cmd: [atf_debug_nodestate] 
cmd: [tr069_get_vap_stats] 
cmd: [tr069_chanhist] 
cmd: [tr069_chan_inuse] 
cmd: [tr069_set_oper_rate] 
cmd: [tr069_get_oper_rate] 
cmd: [tr069_get_posiblrate] 
cmd: [chmask_persta] 
cmd: [beeliner_fw_test] 
cmd: [init_rtt3]
cmd: [bsteer_getparams bsteer_setparams] 
cmd: [bsteer_getdbgparams bsteer_setdbgparams] 
cmd: [bsteer_enable] [bsteer_enable_events] 
cmd: [bsteer_getoverload bsteer_setoverload] 
cmd: [bsteer_getrssi] 
cmd: [bsteer_setproberespwh bsteer_getproberespwh] 
cmd: [bsteer_setauthallow] 
cmd: [set_antenna_switch] 
cmd: [set_usr_ctrl_tbl] 
cmd: [offchan_tx_test] 
cmd: [sendbstmreq sendbstmreq_target] 
cmd: [getrssi] 
cmd: [bsteer_getdatarateinfo] 
cmd: [tr069_get_fail_retrans] 
cmd: [tr069_get_success_retrans] 
cmd: [tr069_get_success_mul_retrans] 
cmd: [tr069_get_ack_failures] 
cmd: [tr069_get_retrans] 
cmd: [tr069_get_aggr_pkts] 
cmd: [tr069_get_sta_stats] [STA MAC] 
cmd: [tr069_get_sta_bytes_sent] [STA MAC] 
cmd: [tr069_get_sta_bytes_rcvd] [STA MAC] 
cmd: [bsteer_setsteering] 
cmd: [custom_chan_list] 
cmd: [csa_deauth_mode] 
cmd: [g_csa_deauth_mode] 
cmd: [filter_ssid] 
cmd: [g_filter_ssid] 
cmd: [cfr_capture] 
cmd: [cfr_list] 
cmd: [vow_debug_set_param] 
cmd: [vow_debug] 
cmd: [softblocking dstmac enable_flag] 
cmd: [softblocking_get dstmac] 
cmd: [setprimarychans ch1 ch2 ... chn] 


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib ld.so 38 7.01 - 8.02 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libbsd.so 3 7.39 - 8.00 BSD functions lacking on GNU systems Linux
Depends on lib libc.so 58 6.52 - 8.02 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 39 6.98 - 8.00 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 1 6.85 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Depends on lib libnl-3.so 13 7.19 - 8.00 Netlink-Sockets Core API Linux
Depends on lib libnl-genl-3.so 13 7.19 - 8.00 Netlink-Sockets Generic Netlink API Linux
Depends on lib libpthread.so 39 6.98 - 8.00 POSIX threading library Linux
Depends on lib libqca_nl80211_wrapper.so 13 7.19 - 8.00 Wrapper to the cfg80211 and nl80211 APIs. QcaWifi
Depends on lib libqca_tools.so 13 7.19 - 8.00 Helper functions for QcaWifi tools. QcaWifi
10 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-03-10 06:03 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 3490 (scrpn) 6.98 - 7.30 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!Box 4020 /sbin 99.3k
FRITZ!Box 4040 6.52 - 8.00 /sbin 77.2k - 117k
FRITZ!Box 4050 7.58 - 7.90 /sbin 122k - 126k
FRITZ!Box 4060 7.29 - 7.90 /sbin 113k - 126k
FRITZ!Box 5490 (scrpn) 6.98 - 7.29 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!Box 5491 (scrpn) 6.98 - 7.29 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (main) 7.29 - 8.00 /sbin 122k - 126k
FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro (main) 7.62 /sbin 161k
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (atom) 7.01 - 7.29 /sbin 110k - 124k
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (atom) 7.00 - 7.51 /sbin 110k - 129k
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (atom) 6.83 - 7.51 /sbin 84.8k - 129k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (arm) 7.04 - 7.08 /sbin 113k - 125k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (atom) 7.04 - 7.90 /sbin 113k - 154k
FRITZ!Box 6670 Cable (atom) 7.61 - 7.90 /sbin 169k
FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable (atom) 7.28 - 7.90 /sbin 125k - 169k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v1 (main) 6.98 - 7.59 /sbin 99.3k - 109k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v2 (main) 6.98 - 7.59 /sbin 99.3k - 109k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v3 (main) 7.19 - 7.57 /sbin 102k - 109k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v4 7.59 /sbin 102k
FRITZ!Box 6850 LTE 7.21 - 7.90 /sbin 101k - 122k
FRITZ!Box 6850 5G 7.24 - 7.90 /sbin 105k - 118k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /sbin 91.0k - 129k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v1 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /sbin 91.0k - 129k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v2 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /sbin 91.0k - 129k
FRITZ!Box 7362 SL (main) 6.98 - 7.18 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!Box 7430 (main) 6.98 - 7.31 /sbin 99.3k - 109k
FRITZ!Box 7490 (scrpn) 6.98 - 7.51 /sbin 99.3k - 109k
FRITZ!Box 7510 7.30 - 8.00 /sbin 122k - 126k
FRITZ!Box 7520 6.98 - 8.00 /sbin 100k - 118k
FRITZ!Box 7520 v2 (main) 7.30 - 8.00 /sbin 105k - 109k
FRITZ!Box 7530 6.98 - 8.00 /sbin 100k - 118k
FRITZ!Box 7560 (main) 6.98 - 7.30 /sbin 112k - 122k
FRITZ!Box 7580 (main) 6.53 - 7.30 /sbin 91.0k - 129k
FRITZ!Box 7583 (main) 7.01 - 7.59 /sbin 112k - 129k
FRITZ!Box 7583 VDSL (main) 7.19 - 8.00 /sbin 122k - 129k
FRITZ!Box 7590 (main) 6.83 - 8.00 /sbin 91.0k - 129k
FRITZ!Box 7690 7.61 - 7.90 /sbin 161k
FRITZ!Smart Gateway 7.52 - 7.63 /sbin 122k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 310 A 6.98 - 7.16 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 310 B 6.98 - 7.16 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 450E 6.98 - 7.15 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!Repeater 600 7.11 - 7.58 /sbin 102k - 109k
FRITZ!Repeater 600 v2 7.27 - 7.58 /sbin 102k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1160 6.98 - 7.15 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 7.11 - 7.58 /sbin 105k - 118k
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 AX 7.30 - 7.58 /sbin 122k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1750E 6.98 - 7.32 /sbin 99.3k - 109k
FRITZ!Repeater 2400 7.12 - 7.58 /sbin 102k - 109k
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 6.98 - 7.58 /sbin 100k - 118k
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 AX 7.41 - 7.58 /sbin 126k
FRITZ!Repeater 6000 7.19 - 7.58 /sbin 113k - 126k
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater DVB-C 6.98 - 7.04 /sbin 99.3k
FRITZ!Powerline 540E 6.98 - 7.15 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!Powerline 546E 6.98 - 7.15 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!Powerline 1240 AX 7.57 - 7.58 /sbin 122k
FRITZ!Powerline 1240E 7.16 /sbin 99.3k - 108k
FRITZ!Powerline 1260E 6.90 - 7.58 /sbin 77.2k - 118k
FRITZ!Powerline 1260 7.27 - 7.58 /sbin 105k
59 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
6.53 - 8.00 main
7.01 - 8.00 print_rrmstats
7.01 - 8.00 set_fips
7.01 - 8.00 wifitool_mac_aton
4 symbols for this command


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