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pppd is a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Daemon. It is started by cm_logic and accesses:


Note that fw 1.63 (2004-05-03) is the oldest known firmware, which maybe never was used in the wild.
It is compeletly based on the AR7RD 2MB Flash / 8MB RAM reference design and its SDK from TI, with some adaption by AVM.
It already contained our well known CGI programs webcm and firmwarecfg and it already handled configuration in UI-Modules.
The beginning of FRITZ!OS could be considered the birth of ctlmgr, dsld and igdd in the second oldest fw 1.120 (2004-07-26).
The next important milestone was the birth of multid in fw 1.133 (2004-09-21). 4 important months in the history of FRITZ!OS.

See also the pppd(8) man page.

Fw 1.63 help:

Usage: pppd [ options ], where options are:

        <device>        Communicate over the named device
        <speed>         Set the baud rate to <speed>
        <loc>:<rem>     Set the local and/or remote interface IP
                        addresses.  Either one may be omitted.
        asyncmap <n>    Set the desired async map to hex <n>
        auth            Require authentication from peer
        connect <p>     Invoke shell command <p> to set up the serial line
        crtscts         Use hardware RTS/CTS flow control
        defaultroute    Add default route through interface
        file <f>        Take options from file <f>
        modem           Use modem control lines
        mru <n>         Set MRU value to <n> for negotiation

See pppd(8) for more options.


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 08:12 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib libatm.so 1 1.63 API to the Linux ATM subsystem. Linux
Depends on lib libc.so 1 1.63 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libcrypt.so 1 1.63 Encoding and decoding handling routines. Linux
Depends on lib libpppoatm.so 1 1.63 pppd plugin for PPP over ATM Linux
Depends on lib libpppoe.so 1 1.63 pppd plugin for PPP over Ethernet Linux
5 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-26 05:48 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box SL 1.63 /usr/sbin 236k
1 model uses this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 08:12 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
1.63 ChapAuthPeer
1.63 ChapAuthWithPeer
1.63 ChapMS
1.63 GetMask
1.63 MD4Final
1.63 MD4Init
1.63 MD4Update
1.63 MD5Final
1.63 MD5Init
1.63 MD5Update
1.63 add_fd
1.63 add_notifier
1.63 add_options
1.63 auth_check_options
1.63 auth_ip_addr
1.63 auth_peer_fail
1.63 auth_peer_success
1.63 auth_reset
1.63 auth_withpeer_fail
1.63 auth_withpeer_success
1.63 bad_ip_adrs
1.63 ccp_fatal_error
1.63 ccp_flags_set
1.63 ccp_test
1.63 check_options
1.63 check_passwd
1.63 cifaddr
1.63 cifdefaultroute
1.63 cifproxyarp
1.63 cipxfaddr
1.63 clean_check
1.63 dbglog
1.63 demand_block
1.63 demand_conf
1.63 demand_discard
1.63 demand_rexmit
1.63 demand_unblock
1.63 detach
1.63 device_script
1.63 die
1.63 end_pr_log
1.63 error
1.63 fatal
1.63 fsm_close
1.63 fsm_init
1.63 fsm_input
1.63 fsm_lowerdown
1.63 fsm_lowerup
1.63 fsm_open
1.63 fsm_protreject
1.63 fsm_sdata
1.63 generic_disestablish_ppp
1.63 generic_establish_ppp
1.63 get_host_seed
1.63 get_idle_time
1.63 get_loop_output
1.63 get_ppp_stats
1.63 get_pty
1.63 get_secret
1.63 getword
1.63 have_route_to
1.63 info
1.63 init_pr_log
1.63 int_option
1.63 lcp_close
1.63 lcp_lowerdown
1.63 lcp_lowerup
1.63 lcp_open
1.63 lcp_sprotrej
1.63 link_down
1.63 link_established
1.63 link_required
1.63 link_terminated
1.63 logwtmp
1.63 loop_chars
1.63 loop_frame
1.63 magic
1.63 magic_init
1.63 main
1.63 netif_set_mtu
1.63 new_phase
1.63 notice
1.63 novm
1.63 np_down
1.63 np_finished
1.63 np_up
1.63 open_ppp_loopback
1.63 option_error
1.63 options_for_tty
1.63 options_from_file
1.63 options_from_list
1.63 options_from_user
1.63 output
1.63 override_value
1.63 parse_args
1.63 ppp_available
1.63 pr_log
1.63 print_options
1.63 print_string
1.63 read_packet
1.63 record_child
1.63 remove_fd
1.63 remove_option
1.63 restore_tty
1.63 run_program
1.63 script_setenv
1.63 script_unsetenv
1.63 set_up_tty
1.63 sifaddr
1.63 sifdefaultroute
1.63 sifdown
1.63 sifnpmode
1.63 sifproxyarp
1.63 sifup
1.63 sifvjcomp
1.63 sipxfaddr
1.63 slprintf
1.63 strlcat
1.63 strlcpy
1.63 sys_check_options
1.63 sys_cleanup
1.63 sys_close
1.63 sys_init
1.63 timeout
1.63 tty_disestablish_ppp
1.63 tty_establish_ppp
1.63 tty_init
1.63 tty_recv_config
1.63 tty_send_config
1.63 tty_set_xaccm
1.63 untimeout
1.63 upap_authpeer
1.63 upap_authwithpeer
1.63 update_link_stats
1.63 vslprintf
1.63 wait_input
1.63 warn
137 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.


Showing 1 related property.
