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Property:ctlmgr offload (avmcmd)
BoxMatrix >> Shell-Commands >> ctlmgr_offload (avmcmd) | @ BoxMatrix - IRC-Chat - Translate: de es fr it nl pl |
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Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name ctlmgr_offload!
Command: | ctlmgr_offload (avmcmd) - type Exec | Wiki | Freetz | IPPF | whmf | AVM | Web |
Location: | Shell-Commands >> AVM-Commands - Origin: AVM | ||||||
Path: | Release: /usr/bin Lab+Rel: /usr/bin | ||||||
Properties: | Size: 11.7k - Firmware: 6.83 - 6.110 | ||||||
Function: | TODO |
Goto: Dependencies - Model-Matrix - Symbols - SMW-Browser
Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 08:12 GMT.
A *
in the Mod
column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.
Relation | Typ | Object | Mod | Firmware | Info | Origin |
Runs as | proc | ctlmgr_offload (process) | 3* | 6.87 - 6.88 | Process running ctlmgr_offload | AVM |
Registers | wdog | ctlmgr_offload (watchdog) | 3* | 6.87 - 6.88 | Watchdog for ctlmgr_offload | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_ctlmgr_offload.ctl | 3* | 6.87 - 6.88 | TODO | AVM |
Serving | sock | me_logic_offload.ctl | 3* | 6.87 - 6.88 | TODO | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libar7cfg.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | TFFS-Configuration API to ar7.cfg and many more. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavm_event.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | AVM-Events management API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmauth.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Fritzbox authentification helpers | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmcipher.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | AES / DES / Rijndael encryption / decryption. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmcsock.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Networking, I/O and helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmfwnotify.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Firewall state notification. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmhmac.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | HMAC / SHA / MD5 hashing. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmpcp.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Port Control Protocol (PCP) API library | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libavmupnpbig.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | UPnP support API (big version) | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libboxlib.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Box status, logging and statistics functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libboxnotify.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | boxnotifyd client API (old) | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libboxnotifycsock.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | boxnotifyd client API (new) | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libc.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Standard C library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libcm.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | ctlmgr / cm_logic messaging API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libcmapi.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | API library for ctlmgr and its plugins. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libcrypt.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Encoding and decoding handling routines. | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libcrypto.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | OpenSSL general crypto and X.509 library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libdl.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Dynamic linking library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libdputil.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | DataPipe / packet utilities | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libewnwled.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | LED event helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libewnwlinux.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Linux networking functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libewnwnet.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Internet helper functions | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libhtmltemplate.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Template preprocessor for HTML / XML markup | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libjasonclient.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Update-Search - first generation - JASON | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libjuisclient.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Update-Search - second generation - JUIS | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libled2.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | LED API - second+third generation | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libm.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | C math library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libmxml.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Mini-XML parser / generator | Linux |
Depends on | lib | liboauth2.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | OAuth v2.0 authentificator | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libpthread.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | POSIX threading library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | librt.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | POSIX realtime extensions library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libspeedtest.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Kernel speedtest API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libupnpdev.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | UPnP root device helper library | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libwdt.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | AVM-Watchdogs management API | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libwebsrv.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | HTTP / HTTPS webserver and tools. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | libyajl.so | 3 | 6.83 - 6.110 | Event-driven JSON parser | Linux |
40 dependencies for this command |
Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-26 05:48 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl)
label in the Model
column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.
Model | Firmware | Path | Size |
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (arm) | 6.84 - 6.87 | /usr/bin | 11.7k |
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (arm) | 6.83 - 6.87 | /usr/bin | 11.7k |
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (arm) | 6.83 - 6.110 | /usr/bin | 11.7k |
3 models use this command |
Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 08:12 GMT.
Firmware | Symbol |
0 symbols for this command |