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bootslotctl is a Dual-Boot manager for FIT-Image models.

5590 fw 7.27 help collected from the strings (lacking any fit model):

usage: bootslotctl [command] [args]

  program_other <mtd-device> <fw-version>    # ie: /dev/mtd4 07.27-94541

All actions are performed in libbootslotctl.so, bootslotctl is just the commandline frontend.
For the Maple based models 7510 and 1200ax libfdt.so is additionally used.


bootslotctl is used in E03-flash_update which does the following - 5590 fw 7.27:

# always executed, likely just creates /var/bootedslot, which always exists on booted fit models:

bootslotctl on_boot

# only performed if /proc/cmdline contains 'avm_fwupdate' (See FIT-Image use of kernel_args_tmp):

update_mtd=$(grep \"fit-image\" /proc/mtd)
update_mtd="/dev/$(echo "$update_mtd" | sed "s/:.*//")"

bootslotctl program_other $update_mtd "${CONFIG_VERSION}-$(/etc/version --project)"

bootslotctl commit_other

bootslotctl is also used in partition_checksum_diag which does the following - 7590ax fw 7.70:

bootslotctl get_other

fsgw fw 7.58:

root@zigbee:/var/mod/root# cat /var/bootedslot && echo

root@zigbee:/var/mod/root# bootslotctl get_active

root@zigbee:/var/mod/root# bootslotctl get_other


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Started by serv bootslotctl.service 16 7.39 - 8.00 supervisor service for bootslotctl AVM
Depends on lib ld.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libbootslotctl.so 16 7.20 - 8.00 Dual-Boot manager for FIT-Image models FIT
Depends on lib libbsd.so 1 7.20 - 8.00 BSD functions lacking on GNU systems Linux
Depends on lib libc.so 16 7.20 - 8.00 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libfdt.so 7 7.30 - 8.00 Flat Device Tree (FDT) manipulation library FIT
6 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-03-10 06:03 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 4050 7.58 - 7.90 /sbin 5.3k
FRITZ!Box 4060 7.29 - 7.90 /sbin 5.3k - 9.2k
FRITZ!Box 5530 Fiber (boot) 7.21 - 8.00 /sbin 5.6k - 5.7k
FRITZ!Box 5530 Fiber (main) 7.21 - 8.00 /sbin 5.6k - 5.7k
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (boot) 7.29 - 8.00 /sbin 5.6k - 5.7k
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (main) 7.29 - 8.00 /sbin 5.3k - 9.2k
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (prx) 7.29 - 8.00 /sbin 5.6k - 5.7k
FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro (main) 7.62 /sbin 5.3k
FRITZ!Box 7510 7.30 - 8.00 /sbin 5.3k - 9.3k
FRITZ!Box 7530 AX 7.20 - 8.00 /sbin 5.5k - 9.6k
FRITZ!Box 7690 7.61 - 7.90 /sbin 5.3k
FRITZ!Smart Gateway 7.52 - 7.63 /sbin 5.3k
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 AX 7.30 - 7.58 /sbin 5.3k - 9.3k
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 AX 7.41 - 7.58 /sbin 5.3k
FRITZ!Repeater 6000 7.26 - 7.58 /sbin 5.3k - 9.2k
FRITZ!Powerline 1240 AX 7.57 - 7.58 /sbin 5.3k
16 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
0 symbols for this command


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