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s46test tests Softwire46 DHCPv6 options for various Address and Port mapping methods,
These methods are described in RFC-7598, which was updated by RFC-8539.

The topic is Softwire Provisioning Using DHCPv4 over DHCPv6.

fw 7.90 help:

usage: s46test [options]

  -?                 - print this help
  -v                 - show parsed bmr. (NOTSET)
  -h                 - show human readable bmr description. (NOTSET)
  -c                 - show ASR1000 config. (NOTSET)
  -d                 - show DHCPv6 config. (NOTSET)
  -t                 - check DHCPv6 parsing. (NOTSET)
  -p                 - also show portranges for (shared) ipv4 address. (NOTSET)
  -P                 - also show ports for (shared) ipv4 address. (NOTSET)
  -T                 - use predefined WAN prefixes. (NOTSET)
  -r                 - show s46_port_restriction. (NOTSET)
  -D STRING          - switch debug logs on. (FUNC)  


Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 08:12 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib ld.so 5 7.90 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libavmcsock.so 15 7.90 Networking, I/O and helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libavmhmac.so 15 7.90 HMAC / SHA / MD5 hashing. AVM
Depends on lib libavmwdt.so 15 7.90 AVM-Watchdogs management API AVM
Depends on lib libc.so 15 7.90 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 4 7.90 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libewnwlinux.so 15 7.90 Linux networking functions AVM
Depends on lib libpthread.so 4 7.90 POSIX threading library Linux
Depends on lib librt.so 4 7.90 POSIX realtime extensions library Linux
Depends on lib libsvctl.so 15 7.90 supervisor notification library AVM
Depends on lib libz.so 15 7.90 Zlib compressor / decompressor Linux
11 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-02-26 05:48 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 4040 7.90 /bin 566k
FRITZ!Box 4050 7.90 /bin 558k
FRITZ!Box 4060 7.90 /bin 562k
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (main) 7.90 /bin 562k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (atom) 7.90 /bin 700k
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (atom) 7.90 /bin 704k
FRITZ!Box 6670 Cable (atom) 7.90 /bin 709k
FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable (atom) 7.90 /bin 704k
FRITZ!Box 6850 LTE 7.90 /bin 566k
FRITZ!Box 6850 5G 7.90 /bin 566k
FRITZ!Box 7510 7.90 /bin 562k
FRITZ!Box 7520 v2 (main) 7.90 /bin 566k
FRITZ!Box 7530 7.90 /bin 566k
FRITZ!Box 7590 (main) 7.90 /bin 750k - 754k
FRITZ!Box 7690 7.90 /bin 558k
15 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-02-26 08:12 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
7.90 DHCPOPTIONS_dhcpoptions_memberbymagic
7.90 DHCPOPTIONS_generic_option_alloc
7.90 DHCPOPTIONS_generic_option_free
7.90 DHCPOPTIONS_vendor_specific_alloc
7.90 check_irc
7.90 connquery_rcv_high
7.90 connquery_rcv_low
7.90 connquery_snd_high
7.90 connquery_snd_low
7.90 csum_partial
7.90 ct_app_unbind
7.90 ct_extern_hold
7.90 ct_extern_new_simple
7.90 ct_extern_put
7.90 ct_extern_set_expire
7.90 ct_extern_set_expire_nolock
7.90 ct_extern_touch
7.90 ct_extern_unset_expire_nolock
7.90 dhcp_cons_options
7.90 dhcp_find_125_option
7.90 dhcp_find_43_option
7.90 dhcp_free_dhcpoption
7.90 dhcp_free_options
7.90 dhcp_parse_option_buffer
7.90 dhcp_parse_options
7.90 dp_4to6_use_ds_lite
7.90 dp_4to6_use_ds_lite_only
7.90 dp_4to6_use_lw4o6
7.90 dp_4to6_use_map_e
7.90 dp_4to6_use_map_t
7.90 dp_add_route
7.90 dp_call_notifier
7.90 dp_clear_routes
7.90 dp_commit_routes
7.90 dp_debugmsg
7.90 dp_del_route
7.90 dp_destroy
7.90 dp_dhcpc_stop
7.90 dp_find_route
7.90 dp_flush
7.90 dp_get_dnsmasq_used_dnsservers
7.90 dp_get_ipv4_dnsservers
7.90 dp_get_ipv6_mtu
7.90 dp_get_macaddr
7.90 dp_get_rcv_usemtu
7.90 dp_get_snd_mtu
7.90 dp_ip4_get_mode
7.90 dp_ip4_get_snd_flow
7.90 dp_ip4_mode_is_tunnel
7.90 dp_ip6_6to4_use_6rd
7.90 dp_ip6_6to4_use_anycast_pop
7.90 dp_ip6_dhcpc_abort
7.90 dp_ip6_dhcpc_connect
7.90 dp_ip6_dhcpc_is_running
7.90 dp_ip6_dhcpc_need_ia_na
7.90 dp_ip6_dhcpc_request_ia_na
7.90 dp_ip6_dhcpc_request_ia_pd
7.90 dp_ip6_dhcpc_request_pd_exclude
7.90 dp_ip6_dhcpc_stop
7.90 dp_ip6_get_snd_flow
7.90 dp_ip6_mode_is_tunnel
7.90 dp_ipmasq_invalidate_masqentries
7.90 dp_ipv4_port_restriction_notify
7.90 dp_is_my_in6_addr
7.90 dp_onlinecheck_dnservers_add_v4
7.90 dp_onlinecheck_dnservers_add_v6
7.90 dp_onlinecheck_dnservers_commit
7.90 dp_onlinecheck_dnsservers_mark_old
7.90 dp_packet_change_direction_to_rcv
7.90 dp_packet_change_direction_to_snd
7.90 dp_pcp44_set_pcpserver
7.90 dp_pcp66_set_pcpserver
7.90 dp_ping6_abort
7.90 dp_ping_abort
7.90 dp_pingresp_del_all_ipaddrs
7.90 dp_port_restriction_disable
7.90 dp_port_restriction_enable
7.90 dp_rcv_packet
7.90 dp_set_debug
7.90 dp_set_dnsmasq_dnsservers
7.90 dp_set_dslite_mtu
7.90 dp_set_gateway
7.90 dp_set_ipaddr
7.90 dp_set_ipmasq_masquerading
7.90 dp_set_ipmasq_stateful_inspection
7.90 dp_set_ipv4_dnsservers
7.90 dp_set_ipv6_dhcpc_mode
7.90 dp_set_ipv6_dhcpc_params
7.90 dp_set_ipv6_gua
7.90 dp_set_ipv6_pd_prefix
7.90 dp_set_masqaddr
7.90 dp_set_module_debug
7.90 dp_set_module_trace
7.90 dp_set_netmask
7.90 dp_set_ntp_servers
7.90 dp_set_snd_ipaddr
7.90 dp_set_snd_mtu
7.90 dp_set_trace
7.90 dp_snd_ping
7.90 dp_snd_ping6
7.90 dp_u64_add_u32
7.90 dp_u64_set
7.90 dp_unregister_all_notifier
7.90 dp_unset_box_info
7.90 dp_v4_set_drop_rx_flag
7.90 dp_v4_set_reject_tx_flag
7.90 dp_v6_set_drop_rx_flag
7.90 dp_walk_routes
7.90 dpenv_cache_alloc
7.90 dpenv_cache_free
7.90 dpenv_create_caches
7.90 dpenv_destroy_caches
7.90 dpenv_errmsg
7.90 dpenv_free
7.90 dpenv_infomsg
7.90 dpenv_init
7.90 dpenv_malloc
7.90 dpenv_malloc0
7.90 dpenv_register_module
7.90 dpenv_set_global_input_filter
7.90 dpenv_set_global_output_filter
7.90 dpenv_strdup
7.90 dphelper_get_iphdr
7.90 dphelper_mask2prefixlen
7.90 dphelper_output_hash_v4
7.90 dphelper_output_hash_v6
7.90 dphelper_pkttype2encaplen
7.90 dphelper_prefixlen2mask
7.90 dphelper_replace_with_icmp
7.90 dphelper_swap_hardheader
7.90 dpmod_4to6_deactivate
7.90 dpmod_4to6_set_learned_aftr
7.90 dpmod_4to6_set_learned_aftrfqdn
7.90 dpmod_attack_event
7.90 dpmod_bugmsg
7.90 dpmod_call_errorcb
7.90 dpmod_call_ipv6_errorcb
7.90 dpmod_errmsg
7.90 dpmod_flow_create
7.90 dpmod_flow_destroy
7.90 dpmod_free
7.90 dpmod_get_virtualaddress
7.90 dpmod_icmp6_ratelimit_allow
7.90 dpmod_icmp_ratelimit_allow
7.90 dpmod_ip4_got_pcp_server
7.90 dpmod_ip4_using_aftr
7.90 dpmod_ip4to6_connect
7.90 dpmod_ip4to6_disconnect
7.90 dpmod_ip6_6to4_connect
7.90 dpmod_ip6_6to4_disconnect
7.90 dpmod_ip6_aftr_learned
7.90 dpmod_ip6_bound
7.90 dpmod_ip6_call_got_replicat_cb
7.90 dpmod_ip6_ct_extern_out_exists
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_addr
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_aftr_fqdn
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_begin
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_commit
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_dnsserver
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_dslite_mtu
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_exclude_prefix
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_lw4o6_config
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_map_e_config
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_map_t_config
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_mtu
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_no_aftr
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_no_softwire
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_ntpserver
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_pcp_server
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_prefix
7.90 dpmod_ip6_got_tr069info
7.90 dpmod_ip6_register_set_ra_needed
7.90 dpmod_ip6_reset_exclude_prefix
7.90 dpmod_ip6_unbound
7.90 dpmod_ip6ctl_errorcb
7.90 dpmod_ipv4_got_6rd_params
7.90 dpmod_is_virtualaddress
7.90 dpmod_malloc
7.90 dpmod_map_t_active
7.90 dpmod_patchmss
7.90 dpmod_patchmss_ipv6
7.90 dpmod_ratelimit_allow
7.90 dpmod_rcv_frag_needed
7.90 dpmod_rcv_getports
7.90 dpmod_rcv_icmp
7.90 dpmod_rcv_icmpv6
7.90 dpmod_rcv_packet_reject
7.90 dpmod_register_notifier
7.90 dpmod_replace_in_packet
7.90 dpmod_replace_in_packet_raw
7.90 dpmod_replace_with_icmp
7.90 dpmod_replace_with_icmpv6
7.90 dpmod_reset_conninfos_on_reconf
7.90 dpmod_resume_connection
7.90 dpmod_setup_connection
7.90 dpmod_snd_getports
7.90 dpmod_snd_icmp
7.90 dpmod_snd_icmpv6
7.90 dpmod_snd_packet_noroute
7.90 dpmod_snd_packet_reject
7.90 dpmod_strdup
7.90 dpmod_swap_hardheader
7.90 dpmod_trace
7.90 dpmod_unregister_all_notifier
7.90 dpmod_v4_dp_rcv_packet
7.90 dpmod_v4_dp_snd_packet
7.90 dpmod_v6_dp_rcv_packet
7.90 dpmod_v6_dp_snd_packet
7.90 dpmodchain_connallowed
7.90 dpmodchain_connected
7.90 dpmodchain_connecting
7.90 dpmodchain_disconnected
7.90 dpmodchain_resumed
7.90 dpmodchain_setup_connection
7.90 ethaddr2str
7.90 etherarpentrystate2str
7.90 ftp_parse_eprt
7.90 ftp_parse_ip_and_port
7.90 icmp_rep2req
7.90 ip4to6_snd_packet_encap
7.90 ip4to6_snd_packet_xlat
7.90 ip6_4to6_rcv_packet_encap
7.90 ip6_4to6_rcv_packet_xlat
7.90 ip6_is_ext_hdr
7.90 ip6_packet_valid
7.90 ip6_skip_exthdr
7.90 ip6_skip_exthdr_raw
7.90 ip6addr2str
7.90 ip6h2str
7.90 ipaccess_add_rulestruct
7.90 ipaccess_alloc_rule
7.90 ipaccess_destroy_rule
7.90 ipaccess_destroy_set
7.90 ipaccess_exit
7.90 ipaccess_init
7.90 ipaccess_match
7.90 ipaccess_optim_rulestruct
7.90 ipaccess_prepend_rulestruct
7.90 ipaccess_simple_match
7.90 ipaccessconnectionflag_parse
7.90 ipaccessconnectionflag_string
7.90 ipaccesslogging_parse
7.90 ipaccesslogging_string
7.90 ipaccessoperator_parse
7.90 ipaccessoperator_string
7.90 ipaccesspolicy_parse
7.90 ipaccesspolicy_string
7.90 ipaccesstcpflag_parse
7.90 ipaccesstcpflag_string
7.90 ipaddr2str
7.90 ipfrag_fragment_packet
7.90 ipmasq_app_bind_appl
7.90 ipmasq_app_name
7.90 ipmasq_app_unbind
7.90 ipmasq_backward_new
7.90 ipmasq_forward_new
7.90 ipmasq_forward_possible
7.90 ipmasq_hold
7.90 ipmasq_in_get
7.90 ipmasq_init_portmng
7.90 ipmasq_new
7.90 ipmasq_out_get
7.90 ipmasq_out_saddr_is_port_restricted
7.90 ipmasq_put
7.90 ipmasq_put_nolock
7.90 ipmasq_set_control_nolock
7.90 ipmasq_set_dst
7.90 ipmasq_set_dstaddr
7.90 ipmasq_set_dstport
7.90 ipmasq_set_expire
7.90 ipmasq_set_expire_nolock
7.90 ipmasq_show_masqentry
7.90 ipmasq_touch
7.90 ipmasqmc_rcv_add
7.90 ipmasqmc_rcv_allow_sources
7.90 ipmasqmc_rcv_block_sources
7.90 ipmasqmc_rcv_del
7.90 ipmasqmc_rcv_qrecvd
7.90 ipmasqmc_rcv_set_sources
7.90 ippacket_valid
7.90 ipproto2str
7.90 ipproto_parse
7.90 is_port_protocol
7.90 lispctx_unconfig
7.90 main
7.90 notify_update_connection
7.90 parse_ipaddr
7.90 parse_nonblank
7.90 parse_u16
7.90 parse_u8
7.90 parse_ulong
7.90 parse_ushort
7.90 pingerresult2str
7.90 s46_addrinfo_calc_from_ipaddr_and_port
7.90 s46_addrinfo_calc_from_wanprefix
7.90 s46_addrinfo_show
7.90 s46_find_basic_mapping_rule
7.90 s46_free_lw4o6
7.90 s46_free_map_e
7.90 s46_free_map_t
7.90 s46_get_portrange
7.90 s46_infomsg_lw4o6
7.90 s46_infomsg_map_e
7.90 s46_infomsg_map_t
7.90 s46_ipv4address_type2str
7.90 s46_lw4o6_config_alloc
7.90 s46_lw4o6_config_free
7.90 s46_lw4o6_determine_ipv6_daddr
7.90 s46_lw4o6_remote_is_borderrelay
7.90 s46_map_e_determine_ipv6_daddr
7.90 s46_map_e_determine_remote_addrinfo
7.90 s46_map_e_rules_alloc
7.90 s46_map_e_rules_free
7.90 s46_map_e_rules_free_delayed
7.90 s46_map_t_determine_ipv6_daddr
7.90 s46_map_t_determine_local_addrinfo
7.90 s46_map_t_determine_local_ipv4_addr
7.90 s46_map_t_determine_remote_addrinfo
7.90 s46_map_t_determine_remote_ipv4_addr
7.90 s46_map_t_dmr_addr2in6_addr
7.90 s46_map_t_rules_alloc
7.90 s46_map_t_rules_free
7.90 s46_map_t_rules_free_delayed
7.90 s46_mapping_rule_alloc
7.90 s46_mapping_rule_calc
7.90 s46_mapping_rule_free
7.90 s46_mapping_rule_show
7.90 s46_mapping_rule_show_human
7.90 s46_parse_lw4o6
7.90 s46_parse_map_e
7.90 s46_parse_map_t
7.90 s46_port_restriction_calc
7.90 s46_port_restriction_show
7.90 s46_show_lw4o6
7.90 s46_show_map_e
7.90 s46_show_map_t
7.90 sctp_end_cksum
7.90 sctp_start_cksum
7.90 str2in6_addr
7.90 tcpflags2str
7.90 tcpseq_fix_ack_seq
7.90 tcpseq_fix_seq
7.90 tcpseq_seq_update
7.90 update_checksum
344 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.


Showing 1 related property.
