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Model DSL Mobile Cable Fiber Ethernet USB-NDIS WLAN MAC-Addr Telephony Phones
USB-Host Memory CPU Chips HWRev FritzOS System Partition Secrets LinePorts FonPorts
Modding Console Factory Slots Casing MMedia Smarthome Antennas LEDs Buttons Power



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.dummy (temp).dummy(temp)TODO
.dummy (vartar).dummy(vartar)TODO
1und1 (brand)1und1(brand)The typical Branding of a model delivered by 1&1
1und1 (inet)1und1(inet)1&1 Telecom GmbH
1und1 (voip)1und1(voip)1&1 Telecom GmbH
256K (static)256K(static)TODO
256K (temp)256K(temp)TODO
4MB (static)4MB(static)TODO
4MB (temp)4MB(temp)TODO
ATOM (watchdog)ATOM(watchdog)TODO
Active (company)Active(company)
Active (memory)Active(memory)Memory that has been used more recently and usually not reclaimed unless absolutely necessary.
Annex (icecat)Annex(icecat)One or more Annexes supported by the Firmware variants available for this model
Annex (lexicon)Annex(lexicon)Band plan for sharing Telephony and DSL or improved uplink
Annex (webcm)Annex(webcm)Assigned from: ANNEX.
BoxStatusService (avmcmd)BoxStatusService(avmcmd)Meta daemon for the EWE-Smartmeter.
BoxStatusService (process)BoxStatusService(process)Meta daemon for the EWE-Smartmeter.
CAPI (lexicon)CAPI(lexicon)Programming interface to ISDN hardware
CAPI (procfs)CAPI(procfs)TODO
CONFIG ATA (cfgenv)CONFIG_ATA(cfgenv)y= This Firmware supports the ATA mode.
CONFIG ATA (kerncfg)CONFIG_ATA(kerncfg)Serial ATA and Parallel ATA drivers (libata)
CONFIG DOCSIS MODEM (cfgenv)CONFIG_DOCSIS_MODEM(cfgenv)y= This Firmware contains a DOCSIS stack and modem drivers.
CONFIG EXPERT (cfgenv)CONFIG_EXPERT(cfgenv)Unmet-Dependency
CONFIG EXPERT (kerncfg)CONFIG_EXPERT(kerncfg)Configure standard kernel features (expert users)
CONFIG I2C (cfgenv)CONFIG_I2C(cfgenv)y= This Firmware contains drivers for the I2C bus of the SoC.
CONFIG I2C (kerncfg)CONFIG_I2C(kerncfg)I2C support (i2c-core.ko)
CONFIG IPV6 (cfgenv)CONFIG_IPV6(cfgenv)y= This Firmware supports IPV6.
CONFIG IPV6 (kerncfg)CONFIG_IPV6(kerncfg)The IPv6 protocol
CONFIG PPA (cfgenv)CONFIG_PPA(cfgenv)y= TODO (always y if present)
CONFIG PPA (kerncfg)CONFIG_PPA(kerncfg)Protocol Processing Accelerator (ppa_drv_wrapper.ko, ppa_hal_wrapper.ko, ppa_hook.ko)
CONFIG SWAP (cfgenv)CONFIG_SWAP(cfgenv)y= This Firmware uses compressed Swap in RAM.
CONFIG SWAP (kerncfg)CONFIG_SWAP(kerncfg)Support for paging of anonymous memory (swap) (page_io.ko, swap_state.ko, swapfile.ko, thrash.ko)
CONFIG UBIK2 (cfgenv)CONFIG_UBIK2(cfgenv)y= This model contains a UBIK2 custom chip (5050/7050).
CONFIG UBIK2 (kerncfg)CONFIG_UBIK2(kerncfg)UBIK2/PCMLINK Driver Support (AVM) (ubik2.ko)
CONFIG USB (cfgenv)CONFIG_USB(cfgenv)y= This model has an USB-Slave port.
CONFIG USB (kerncfg)CONFIG_USB(kerncfg)Support for Host-side USB (libusual.ko, powertv-usb.ko, usb-init.ko, usbcore.ko, usbmon.ko)
CONFIG USB STORAGE (cfgenv)CONFIG_USB_STORAGE(cfgenv)y= This Firmware supports USB-Storage.
CONFIG USB STORAGE (kerncfg)CONFIG_USB_STORAGE(kerncfg)USB Mass Storage support
CONFIG USB WLAN AUTH (cfgenv)CONFIG_USB_WLAN_AUTH(cfgenv)y= This Firmware supports AVM Stick & Surf.
CONFIG VINAX (cfgenv)CONFIG_VINAX(cfgenv)y= This model contains a VINAX-CPE VDSL modem chip.
CONFIG VINAX (kerncfg)CONFIG_VINAX(kerncfg)[VDSL2 drivers]
CONFIG VLYNQ (cfgenv)CONFIG_VLYNQ(cfgenv)y= This model has at least one VLYNQ interface.
CONFIG VLYNQ (kerncfg)CONFIG_VLYNQ(kerncfg)TI VLYNQ bus support (vlynq.ko)
CONFIG WLAN (cfgenv)CONFIG_WLAN(cfgenv)y= This model has at least one WLAN interface.
CONFIG WLAN (kerncfg)CONFIG_WLAN(kerncfg)Wireless LAN
CONTENT TYPE (cgienv)CONTENT_TYPE(cgienv)The MIME type of the body responded by the CGI.
CONTENT TYPE (linenv)CONTENT_TYPE(linenv)Decoded MIME Content-Type for reformime, defaults to 'text/plain'.
Country (avmenv)Country(avmenv)The computed system Country setting.
Country (lexicon)Country(lexicon)Nation which occupies a geographical territory
Country iso (avmenv)Country_iso(avmenv)2-character ISO code of the currently selected Country.
Country iso (static)Country_iso(static)TODO
DMC (bootenv)DMC(bootenv)TODO (anon)
DMC (sysfs)DMC(sysfs)Same as in Bootloader-Environment.
EDITOR (avmenv)EDITOR(avmenv)TODO
EDITOR (linenv)EDITOR(linenv)The preferred text editor if set (ie: /usr/bin/nano).
Email (lexicon)Email(lexicon)Collection of protocols for exchanging messages in the Internet
FRITZ! (static)FRITZ!(static)TODO
HOME (cgienv)HOME(cgienv)The home directory of the Shell which launched the webserver.
HOME (linenv)HOME(linenv)The home directory of this Shell.
HTTPS (cgienv)HTTPS(cgienv)on= The client requested this CGI via HTTPS. AVM specific.
HTTPS (lexicon)HTTPS(lexicon)Secure variant and succeessor of HTTP
HWRevision (avmenv)HWRevision(avmenv)The computed system wide (first number/character of the) HWRevision of this model.
HWRevision (bootenv)HWRevision(bootenv)The hardware design number (for early models a character) to identify a model
HWRevision (sysfs)HWRevision(sysfs)Same as in Bootloader-Environment.
HWSubRevision (avmenv)HWSubRevision(avmenv)The computed system wide HWSubRevision of this model, if any.
HWSubRevision (bootenv)HWSubRevision(bootenv)The design revision number marking minor changes to the hardware
HWSubRevision (sysfs)HWSubRevision(sysfs)Same as in Bootloader-Environment.
HardwareFeatures (bootenv)HardwareFeatures(bootenv)TODO
HardwareFeatures (sysfs)HardwareFeatures(sysfs)Same as in Bootloader-Environment.
Language (avmenv)Language(avmenv)The computed system Language setting.
Language (lexicon)Language(lexicon)System for communication between humans.
MediaReceiverRegistrar.xml (static)MediaReceiverRegistrar.xml(static)TODO
MediaReceiverRegistrar.xml (temp)MediaReceiverRegistrar.xml(temp)TODO
MediaRendererDevDesc.xml (static)MediaRendererDevDesc.xml(static)TODO
MediaRendererDevDesc.xml (temp)MediaRendererDevDesc.xml(temp)TODO
MediaServerConnectionManager.xml (static)MediaServerConnectionManager.xml(static)TODO
MediaServerConnectionManager.xml (temp)MediaServerConnectionManager.xml(temp)TODO
MediaServerDevDesc-xbox.xml (static)MediaServerDevDesc-xbox.xml(static)TODO
MediaServerDevDesc-xbox.xml (temp)MediaServerDevDesc-xbox.xml(temp)TODO
MediaServerDevDesc.xml (static)MediaServerDevDesc.xml(static)TODO
MediaServerDevDesc.xml (temp)MediaServerDevDesc.xml(temp)TODO
Mesh (lexicon)Mesh(lexicon)Sharing of configuration and status info between FRITZ!OS devices
Mesh (models)Mesh(models)Whether this model supports the Mesh functionality
OEM (avmenv)OEM(avmenv)The computed system wide Branding.
OEM (ssidir)OEM(ssidir)Include the current Branding.
OLDPWD (linenv)OLDPWD(linenv)The previous working directory of this Shell.
PAGER (avmenv)PAGER(avmenv)TODO
PAGER (linenv)PAGER(linenv)The preferred pager if set (ie: /usr/bin/less).
PATH (avmenv)PATH(avmenv)TODO
PATH (cgienv)PATH(cgienv)The path to search for commands of the Shell which launched the webserver.
PATH (linenv)PATH(linenv)The path to search for commands of this Shell.
PATH INFO (cgienv)PATH_INFO(cgienv)The local path of the executable handling this CGI request.
PROTO (cgienv)PROTO(cgienv)TODO
PROTO (linenv)PROTO(linenv)TODO
PSD.bin (static)PSD.bin(static)TODO
PSD.bin (temp)PSD.bin(temp)TODO
PSD0.bin (static)PSD0.bin(static)TODO
PSD0.bin (temp)PSD0.bin(temp)TODO
PSD2.bin (static)PSD2.bin(static)TODO
PSD2.bin (temp)PSD2.bin(temp)TODO
PWD (cgienv)PWD(cgienv)The current working directory of the Shell which launched the webserver.
PWD (linenv)PWD(linenv)The current working directory of this Shell.
ProductID (bootenv)ProductID(bootenv)The ProductID string for this model to be matched with the correct Firmware
ProductID (sysfs)ProductID(sysfs)Same as in Bootloader-Environment.
REMOTE ADDR (cgienv)REMOTE_ADDR(cgienv)The IP address of the client requesting this CGI. May be local or public, v4 or v6.
REMOTE PORT (cgienv)REMOTE_PORT(cgienv)The (random) remote port the client used for requesting this CGI.
REQUEST METHOD (cgienv)REQUEST_METHOD(cgienv)The HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, ...) used for this CGI request.
RUNLEVEL (cgienv)RUNLEVEL(cgienv)The system runlevel while the webserver was launched.
RUNLEVEL (linenv)RUNLEVEL(linenv)The current system runlevel.
SCRIPT NAME (cgienv)SCRIPT_NAME(cgienv)The local path of the executable handling this CGI request.
SHELL (cgienv)SHELL(cgienv)The absolute path of the Shell which launched the webserver.
SHELL (linenv)SHELL(linenv)The absolute path of this Shell.
SHLVL (cgienv)SHLVL(cgienv)The number of shell levels running above the Shell which launched the webserver.
SHLVL (linenv)SHLVL(linenv)The number of shell levels running above this Shell.
SerialNumber (avmenv)SerialNumber(avmenv)Serial number of the Box, AES ecryption key for FRITZ!Media, or padded with zeros.
SerialNumber (bootenv)SerialNumber(bootenv)Serial number of the Box, AES ecryption key for FRITZ!Media, or padded with zeros (anon).
SerialNumber (sysfs)SerialNumber(sysfs)Same as in Bootloader-Environment.
TCP (slab)TCP(slab)TODO
TERM (cgienv)TERM(cgienv)The terminal emulation used by the Shell which launched the webserver.
TERM (linenv)TERM(linenv)The terminal emulation used by this Shell.
TMediaCenterContentDirectory.xml (static)TMediaCenterContentDirectory.xml(static)TODO
TMediaCenterContentDirectory.xml (temp)TMediaCenterContentDirectory.xml(temp)TODO
TMediaCenterDevDesc-template.xml (static)TMediaCenterDevDesc-template.xml(static)TODO
TMediaCenterDevDesc-template.xml (temp)TMediaCenterDevDesc-template.xml(temp)TODO
TMediaCenterDevDesc.xml (static)TMediaCenterDevDesc.xml(static)TODO
TMediaCenterDevDesc.xml (temp)TMediaCenterDevDesc.xml(temp)TODO
TZ (avmenv)TZ(avmenv)The computed system wide time zone.
TZ (linenv)TZ(linenv)The time zone used by this Shell.
TZ (static)TZ(static)TODO
TZ (temp)TZ(temp)TODO
UDP (slab)UDP(slab)TODO
URL (ssidir)URL(ssidir)Include the URL for an ERR_NOT_ALLOWED error.
USER (cgienv)USER(cgienv)The user who owns the Shell which launched the webserver.
USER (linenv)USER(linenv)The user who owns this Shell.
acfg.trace (pipe)acfg.trace(pipe)log_sink Inter-CPU log pipe on Scorpion (x490).
acfg.trace (temp)acfg.trace(temp)log_server Inter-CPU log from Scorpion (x490).
acfgd (chipcmd)acfgd(chipcmd)TODO
acfgd (process)acfgd(process)TODO
acpid (bbcmd)acpid(bbcmd)Listen to ACPI events and spawn specific helpers on event arrival.
acpid (chipcmd)acpid(chipcmd)TODO
acpid (process)acpid(process)TODO
acsd (chipcmd)acsd(chipcmd)Broadcom WLAN Automatic Channel Selection Daemon (old).
acsd (process)acsd(process)TODO
acsd (watchdog)acsd(watchdog)TODO
acsd2 (chipcmd)acsd2(chipcmd)Broadcom WLAN Automatic Channel Selection Daemon (new).
acsd2 (process)acsd2(process)Broadcom WLAN Automatic Channel Selection Daemon (new).
acsd2 (watchdog)acsd2(watchdog)Broadcom WLAN Automatic Channel Selection Daemon (new).
adsl (chipcmd)adsl(chipcmd)Historical alias for xdslctl.
adsl (iface)adsl(iface)TODO
aha (avmcmd)aha(avmcmd)AVM home automation (AHA) server daemon.
aha (evsink)aha(evsink)Event-Sink of aha
aha (evsrc)aha(evsrc)Event-Source of aha
aha (process)aha(process)AVM home automation (AHA) server daemon.
aha (watchdog)aha(watchdog)AVM home automation (AHA) server daemon.
aha.xml (static)aha.xml(static)TODO
aha.xml (temp)aha.xml(temp)TODO
ahausr.cfg (static)ahausr.cfg(static)TODO
ahausr.cfg (tffs)ahausr.cfg(tffs)TODO
aicmd (avmcmd)aicmd(avmcmd)avmipc_command query client.
aicmd (process)aicmd(process)avmipc_command query client.
alias (bashcmd)alias(bashcmd)Define or display aliases.
alias (bbcmd)alias(bbcmd)Create a shell alias or list all defined aliases.
alice (inet)alice(inet)Alice (Hansenet)
alice (voip)alice(voip)o2
annex (bootenv)annex(bootenv)The ADSL-Annex of the current Firmware or the initial setting
annex (procfs)annex(procfs)TODO
annex (sysfs)annex(sysfs)Same as in Bootloader-Environment.
apparmor (initscr)apparmor(initscr)TODO
apparmor (lincmd)apparmor(lincmd)Kernel enhancement to confine programs to a limited set of resources.
ar7.cfg (static)ar7.cfg(static)TODO
ar7.cfg (temp)ar7.cfg(temp)TODO
ar7.cfg (tffs)ar7.cfg(tffs)TODO
ar7.cfg (vartar)ar7.cfg(vartar)TODO
ar7cfgchanged (avmcmd)ar7cfgchanged(avmcmd)Reload ar7.cfg and restart dependent services (rc.net).
ar7cfgchanged (vartar)ar7cfgchanged(vartar)TODO
ar7cfgctl (avmcmd)ar7cfgctl(avmcmd)Read or write values in AVM config files (ar7.cfg).
ar7cfgctl (process)ar7cfgctl(process)Read or write values in AVM config files (ar7.cfg).
archer (chipcmd)archer(chipcmd)Alias for archerctl.
archer (device)archer(device)TODO
archer (iface)archer(iface)TODO
arcor (brand)arcor(brand)The typical Branding of a model delivered by Arcor
arcor (inet)arcor(inet)Vodafone: Vodafone/Arcor ADSL und VDSL
arcor (voip)arcor(voip)Vodafone DSL
arp (bbcmd)arp(bbcmd)Manipulate ARP cache.
arp (lincmd)arp(lincmd)Manipulate the system ARP cache.
arp (procfs)arp(procfs)TODO
asec (tffs)asec(tffs)TODO
asec (watchdog)asec(watchdog)TODO
assetsd (avmcmd)assetsd(avmcmd)Asset-Bundles package-management daemon.
... further results