Collision-Selector | Collision-Name | Collision-Source | Info-Text |
.dummy (temp) | .dummy | | TODO |
.dummy (vartar) | .dummy | | TODO |
1und1 (brand) | 1und1 | | The typical Branding of a model delivered by 1&1 |
1und1 (inet) | 1und1 | | 1&1 Telecom GmbH |
1und1 (voip) | 1und1 | | 1&1 Telecom GmbH |
256K (static) | 256K | | TODO |
256K (temp) | 256K | | TODO |
4MB (static) | 4MB | | TODO |
4MB (temp) | 4MB | | TODO |
ATOM (watchdog) | ATOM | | TODO |
Active (company) | Active | | |
Active (memory) | Active | | Memory that has been used more recently and usually not reclaimed unless absolutely necessary. |
Annex (icecat) | Annex | | One or more Annexes supported by the Firmware variants available for this model |
Annex (lexicon) | Annex | | Band plan for sharing Telephony and DSL or improved uplink |
Annex (webcm) | Annex | | Assigned from: ANNEX. |
BoxStatusService (avmcmd) | BoxStatusService | | Meta daemon for the EWE-Smartmeter. |
BoxStatusService (process) | BoxStatusService | | Process running BoxStatusService |
CAPI (lexicon) | CAPI | | Programming interface to ISDN hardware |
CAPI (procfs) | CAPI | | Usage statistics for the memory pool of isdn_fbox_fon5.ko. |
CONFIG ATA (cfgenv) | CONFIG_ATA | | y= This Firmware supports the ATA mode. |
CONFIG ATA (kerncfg) | CONFIG_ATA | | Serial ATA and Parallel ATA drivers (libata) (libata.ko) |
CONFIG DOCSIS MODEM (cfgenv) | CONFIG_DOCSIS_MODEM | | y= This Firmware contains a DOCSIS stack and modem drivers. |
CONFIG EXPERT (cfgenv) | CONFIG_EXPERT | | Unmet-Dependency |
CONFIG EXPERT (kerncfg) | CONFIG_EXPERT | | Configure standard kernel features (expert users) |
CONFIG I2C (cfgenv) | CONFIG_I2C | | y= This Firmware contains drivers for the I2C bus of the SoC. |
CONFIG I2C (kerncfg) | CONFIG_I2C | | I2C support (i2c-core.ko) |
CONFIG IPV6 (cfgenv) | CONFIG_IPV6 | | y= This Firmware supports IPV6. |
CONFIG IPV6 (kerncfg) | CONFIG_IPV6 | | The IPv6 protocol (dccp_ipv6.ko, ipv6.ko) |
CONFIG PPA (cfgenv) | CONFIG_PPA | | y= TODO (always y if present) |
CONFIG PPA (kerncfg) | CONFIG_PPA | | Protocol Processing Accelerator (ppa_drv_wrapper.ko, ppa_hal_wrapper.ko, ppa_hook.ko) |
CONFIG SWAP (cfgenv) | CONFIG_SWAP | | y= This Firmware uses compressed Swap in RAM. |
CONFIG SWAP (kerncfg) | CONFIG_SWAP | | Support for paging of anonymous memory (swap) (iomap.ko, page_io.ko, swap_state.ko, swapfile.ko, thrash.ko) |
CONFIG UBIK2 (cfgenv) | CONFIG_UBIK2 | | y= This model contains a UBIK2 custom chip (5050/7050). |
CONFIG UBIK2 (kerncfg) | CONFIG_UBIK2 | | UBIK2/PCMLINK Driver Support (AVM) (ubik2.ko) |
CONFIG USB (cfgenv) | CONFIG_USB | | y= This model has an USB-Slave port. |
CONFIG USB (kerncfg) | CONFIG_USB | | Support for Host-side USB (libusual.ko, usb-libusual.ko, usbcore.ko, usbmon.ko) |
CONFIG USB STORAGE (cfgenv) | CONFIG_USB_STORAGE | | y= This Firmware supports USB-Storage. |
CONFIG USB STORAGE (kerncfg) | CONFIG_USB_STORAGE | | USB Mass Storage support (usb-storage.ko) |
CONFIG USB WLAN AUTH (cfgenv) | CONFIG_USB_WLAN_AUTH | | y= This Firmware supports AVM Stick & Surf. |
CONFIG USB WLAN AUTH (kerncfg) | CONFIG_USB_WLAN_AUTH | | AVM Stick-and-Surf |
CONFIG VINAX (cfgenv) | CONFIG_VINAX | | y= This model contains a VINAX-CPE VDSL modem chip. |
CONFIG VINAX (kerncfg) | CONFIG_VINAX | | Vinax DSL Driver (drv_vinax.ko) |
CONFIG VLYNQ (cfgenv) | CONFIG_VLYNQ | | y= This model has at least one VLYNQ interface. |
CONFIG VLYNQ (kerncfg) | CONFIG_VLYNQ | | TI VLYNQ bus support (vlynq.ko) |
CONFIG WLAN (cfgenv) | CONFIG_WLAN | | y= This model has at least one WLAN interface. |
CONFIG WLAN (kerncfg) | CONFIG_WLAN | | Wireless LAN |
CONTENT TYPE (cgienv) | CONTENT_TYPE | | The MIME type of the body responded by the CGI. |
CONTENT TYPE (linenv) | CONTENT_TYPE | | Decoded MIME Content-Type for reformime, defaults to 'text/plain'. |
Country (avmenv) | Country | | The computed system Country setting. |
Country (lexicon) | Country | | Nation which occupies a geographical territory |
Country iso (avmenv) | Country_iso | | 2-character ISO code of the currently selected Country. |
Country iso (static) | Country_iso | | TODO |
DMC (bootenv) | DMC | | Optional comma separated arguments for FRITZ!OS (anon) |
DMC (sysfs) | DMC | | Same as in Bootloader-Environment. |
EDITOR (avmenv) | EDITOR | | TODO |
EDITOR (linenv) | EDITOR | | The preferred text editor if set (ie: /usr/bin/nano). |
Email (lexicon) | Email | | Collection of protocols for exchanging messages in the Internet |
FRITZ! (gfx) | FRITZ! | | TODO |
FRITZ! (static) | FRITZ! | | TODO |
HOME (cgienv) | HOME | | The home directory of the Shell which launched the webserver. |
HOME (linenv) | HOME | | The home directory of this Shell. |
HTTPS (cgienv) | HTTPS | | on= The client requested this CGI via HTTPS. AVM specific. |
HTTPS (lexicon) | HTTPS | | Secure variant and succeessor of HTTP |
HWRevision (avmenv) | HWRevision | | The computed system wide (first number/character of the) HWRevision of this model. |
HWRevision (bootenv) | HWRevision | | The hardware design number (for early models a character) to identify a model |
HWRevision (sysfs) | HWRevision | | Same as in Bootloader-Environment. |
HWSubRevision (avmenv) | HWSubRevision | | The computed system wide HWSubRevision of this model, if any. |
HWSubRevision (bootenv) | HWSubRevision | | The design revision number marking minor changes to the hardware |
HWSubRevision (sysfs) | HWSubRevision | | Same as in Bootloader-Environment. |
HardwareFeatures (bootenv) | HardwareFeatures | | TODO |
HardwareFeatures (sysfs) | HardwareFeatures | | Same as in Bootloader-Environment. |
Language (avmenv) | Language | | The computed system Language setting. |
Language (lexicon) | Language | | System for communication between humans. |
MediaReceiverRegistrar.xml (static) | MediaReceiverRegistrar.xml | | TODO |
MediaReceiverRegistrar.xml (temp) | MediaReceiverRegistrar.xml | | TODO |
MediaRendererDevDesc.xml (static) | MediaRendererDevDesc.xml | | TODO |
MediaRendererDevDesc.xml (temp) | MediaRendererDevDesc.xml | | TODO |
MediaServerConnectionManager.xml (static) | MediaServerConnectionManager.xml | | TODO |
MediaServerConnectionManager.xml (temp) | MediaServerConnectionManager.xml | | TODO |
MediaServerDevDesc-xbox.xml (static) | MediaServerDevDesc-xbox.xml | | TODO |
MediaServerDevDesc-xbox.xml (temp) | MediaServerDevDesc-xbox.xml | | TODO |
MediaServerDevDesc.xml (static) | MediaServerDevDesc.xml | | TODO |
MediaServerDevDesc.xml (temp) | MediaServerDevDesc.xml | | TODO |
Mesh (lexicon) | Mesh | | Sharing of configuration and status info between FRITZ!OS devices |
Mesh (models) | Mesh | | Whether this model supports the Mesh functionality |
OEM (avmenv) | OEM | | The computed system wide Branding. |
OEM (ssidir) | OEM | | Include the current Branding. |
OLDPWD (linenv) | OLDPWD | | The previous working directory of this Shell. |
PAGER (avmenv) | PAGER | | TODO |
PAGER (linenv) | PAGER | | The preferred pager if set (ie: /usr/bin/less). |
PATH (avmenv) | PATH | | TODO |
PATH (cgienv) | PATH | | The path to search for commands of the Shell which launched the webserver. |
PATH (linenv) | PATH | | The path to search for commands of this Shell. |
PATH INFO (cgienv) | PATH_INFO | | The local path of the executable handling this CGI request. |
PATH INFO (linenv) | PATH_INFO | | TODO |
PROTO (cgienv) | PROTO | | TODO |
PROTO (linenv) | PROTO | | TODO |
PSD.bin (static) | PSD.bin | | TODO |
PSD.bin (temp) | PSD.bin | | TODO |
PSD0.bin (static) | PSD0.bin | | TODO |
PSD0.bin (temp) | PSD0.bin | | TODO |
PSD2.bin (static) | PSD2.bin | | TODO |
PSD2.bin (temp) | PSD2.bin | | TODO |
PWD (cgienv) | PWD | | The current working directory of the Shell which launched the webserver. |
PWD (linenv) | PWD | | The current working directory of this Shell. |
ProductID (bootenv) | ProductID | | The ProductID string for this model to be matched with the correct Firmware |
ProductID (sysfs) | ProductID | | Same as in Bootloader-Environment. |
REMOTE ADDR (cgienv) | REMOTE_ADDR | | The IP address of the client requesting this CGI. May be local or public, v4 or v6. |
REMOTE PORT (cgienv) | REMOTE_PORT | | The (random) remote port the client used for requesting this CGI. |
REQUEST METHOD (cgienv) | REQUEST_METHOD | | The HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, ...) used for this CGI request. |
RUNLEVEL (cgienv) | RUNLEVEL | | The system runlevel while the webserver was launched. |
RUNLEVEL (linenv) | RUNLEVEL | | The current system runlevel. |
SCRIPT NAME (cgienv) | SCRIPT_NAME | | The local path of the executable handling this CGI request. |
SHELL (cgienv) | SHELL | | The absolute path of the Shell which launched the webserver. |
SHELL (linenv) | SHELL | | The absolute path of this Shell. |
SHLVL (cgienv) | SHLVL | | The number of shell levels running above the Shell which launched the webserver. |
SHLVL (linenv) | SHLVL | | The number of shell levels running above this Shell. |
SerialNumber (avmenv) | SerialNumber | | Serial number of the Box, AES ecryption key for FRITZ!Media, or padded with zeros. |
SerialNumber (bootenv) | SerialNumber | | Serial number of the Box, AES ecryption key for FRITZ!Media, or padded with zeros (anon). |
SerialNumber (sysfs) | SerialNumber | | Same as in Bootloader-Environment. |
TCP (slab) | TCP | | TODO |
TERM (cgienv) | TERM | | The terminal emulation used by the Shell which launched the webserver. |
TERM (linenv) | TERM | | The terminal emulation used by this Shell. |
TMediaCenterContentDirectory.xml (static) | TMediaCenterContentDirectory.xml | | TODO |
TMediaCenterContentDirectory.xml (temp) | TMediaCenterContentDirectory.xml | | TODO |
TMediaCenterDevDesc-template.xml (static) | TMediaCenterDevDesc-template.xml | | TODO |
TMediaCenterDevDesc-template.xml (temp) | TMediaCenterDevDesc-template.xml | | TODO |
TMediaCenterDevDesc.xml (static) | TMediaCenterDevDesc.xml | | TODO |
TMediaCenterDevDesc.xml (temp) | TMediaCenterDevDesc.xml | | TODO |
TZ (avmenv) | TZ | | The computed system wide time zone. |
TZ (linenv) | TZ | | The time zone used by this Shell. |
TZ (static) | TZ | | TODO |
TZ (temp) | TZ | | TODO |
UDP (slab) | UDP | | TODO |
URL (ssidir) | URL | | Include the URL for an ERR_NOT_ALLOWED error. |
USER (cgienv) | USER | | The user who owns the Shell which launched the webserver. |
USER (linenv) | USER | | The user who owns this Shell. |
acfg.trace (pipe) | acfg.trace | | log_sink Inter-CPU log pipe on Scorpion (x490). |
acfg.trace (temp) | acfg.trace | | log_server Inter-CPU log from Scorpion (x490). |
acfgd (chipcmd) | acfgd | | TODO |
acfgd (process) | acfgd | | Process running acfgd |
acpid (bbcmd) | acpid | | Listen to ACPI events and spawn specific helpers on event arrival. |
acpid (chipcmd) | acpid | | TODO |
acpid (process) | acpid | | Process running acpid |
acsd (chipcmd) | acsd | | Broadcom WLAN Automatic Channel Selection Daemon (old). |
acsd (process) | acsd | | Process running acsd |
acsd (watchdog) | acsd | | Watchdog for acsd |
acsd2 (chipcmd) | acsd2 | | Broadcom WLAN Automatic Channel Selection Daemon (new). |
acsd2 (process) | acsd2 | | Process running acsd2 |
acsd2 (watchdog) | acsd2 | | Watchdog for acsd2 |
adsl (chipcmd) | adsl | | Historical alias for xdslctl. |
adsl (iface) | adsl | | TODO |
aha (avmcmd) | aha | | AVM home automation (AHA) server daemon. |
aha (evsink) | aha | | Event-Sink of aha |
aha (evsrc) | aha | | Event-Source of aha |
aha (process) | aha | | Process running aha |
aha (watchdog) | aha | | Watchdog for aha |
aha.xml (static) | aha.xml | | TODO |
aha.xml (temp) | aha.xml | | TODO |
ahausr.cfg (static) | ahausr.cfg | | TODO |
ahausr.cfg (tffs) | ahausr.cfg | | Basic settings for Matter |
aicmd (avmcmd) | aicmd | | avmipc_command query client. |
aicmd (process) | aicmd | | Process running aicmd |
alias (bashcmd) | alias | | Define or display aliases. |
alias (bbcmd) | alias | | Create a shell alias or list all defined aliases. |
alice (inet) | alice | | Alice (Hansenet) |
alice (voip) | alice | | o2 |
annex (bootenv) | annex | | The ADSL-Annex of the current Firmware or the initial setting |
annex (procfs) | annex | | TODO |
annex (sysfs) | annex | | Same as in Bootloader-Environment. |
apparmor (initscr) | apparmor | | TODO |
apparmor (lincmd) | apparmor | | Kernel enhancement to confine programs to a limited set of resources. |
ar7.cfg (static) | ar7.cfg | | TODO |
ar7.cfg (temp) | ar7.cfg | | TODO |
ar7.cfg (tffs) | ar7.cfg | | TODO |
ar7.cfg (vartar) | ar7.cfg | | TODO |
ar7cfgchanged (avmcmd) | ar7cfgchanged | | Reload ar7.cfg and restart dependent services ( |
ar7cfgchanged (vartar) | ar7cfgchanged | | TODO |
ar7cfgctl (avmcmd) | ar7cfgctl | | Read or write values in AVM config files (ar7.cfg). |
ar7cfgctl (process) | ar7cfgctl | | Process running ar7cfgctl |
archer (chipcmd) | archer | | Alias for archerctl. |
archer (device) | archer | | TODO |
archer (iface) | archer | | TODO |
arcor (brand) | arcor | | The typical Branding of a model delivered by Arcor |
arcor (inet) | arcor | | Vodafone: Vodafone/Arcor ADSL und VDSL |
arcor (voip) | arcor | | Vodafone DSL |
arp (bbcmd) | arp | | Manipulate ARP cache. |
arp (lincmd) | arp | | Manipulate the system ARP cache. |
arp (procfs) | arp | | TODO |
asec (tffs) | asec | | TODO |
asec (watchdog) | asec | | TODO |
assetsd (avmcmd) | assetsd | | Asset-Bundles package-management daemon. |