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This section collects details about the casings used for AVM devices. Many of these casings have been designed by the german company Constin Design[1]. For a sortable overview of the casings of all models see the Casing-Selector.

Wall-Mounting Block
Wall-Mounting Bracket



Nearly all Box-Models and many external ISDN+DSL-Cards could be wall mounted using one of these accessories:


Horizontal casing groups, sorted by their biggest dimension (width x depth x height in mm).
Most of these are 1-way or 3-way(s) wall mountable using Wall-Mounting Screws.

Casing-Group Mod Orient Colour Logo Wallmount Drilling Screws Designer Date Dimensions
FCUSB2-Casing 7 H no 1 102 x 78 x 23
5520PC-Casing 4 H 1-way 0 Telekom 120 x 120 x 30
7112-Casing 7 H black, white 1&1 1-way 0 Constin 2005 125 x 123 x 31
B1USB-Casing 1 H 1-way 1 160 x 115 x 30
2170-Casing 15 H red/grey, blue/grey, glossy/black, black, grey Versatel 1-way 116 0 Constin 2001 160 x 122 x 31
7150-Casing 1 H no 4 Swisscom 160 ✕ 140 ✕ 65
4020-Casing 2 H red/silver, black 1-way 122 4 Constin 2010 165 x 119 x 47
2000PC-Casing 3 H 1-way 0 Telekom 165 x 125 x 33
W501V-Casing 2 H 1-way 0 Telekom 185 x 130 x 48
7170-Casing 24 H 1-way 0 185 x 140 x 35
W500V-Casing 1 H no 4 Telekom 187 x 125 x 55
7530AX-Casing 6 H 1-way 154 4 200 x 152 x 45
7530-Casing 3 H red/white, black 1-way 154 4 Constin 2018 208 x 150 x 37
7520-Casing 1 H black 1-way 4 Constin 2018 209 x 154 x 52
7270-Casing 10 H red/silver, blue/silver, white/silver, black, black/silver 1&1, Unitymedia, Kabel BW, Kabel DE 3-way 100 0 Constin 2007 210 x 155 x 25
7272-Casing 2 H red/silver, black 3-way 100 4 Constin 2013 210 x 155 x 25
FMedia-Casing 3 H 1-way 0 213 x 137 x 30
FXISDN1-Casing 2 H grey 1-way 1 Constin 2001 220 x 150 x 30
FXPC1-Casing 3 H grey 1-way 1 Constin 1998 220 x 150 x 30
7390-Casing 18 H 1-way 178 4 226 x 160 x 47
7490-Casing 6 H red/silver, black 1&1 1-way 197 4 Constin 2013 245 x 175 x 55
7590-Casing 3 H red/white 1-way 197 5 Constin 2017 250 x 185 x 48
7590AX-Casing 7 H red/white 1-way 197 5 Constin 2021 254 x 191 x 63
T1-Casing 2 H no 4 485 x 370 x 50
24 casings


Vertical casing groups, sorted by their biggest dimension (width x height x depth in mm)..

Casing-Group Mod Orient Colour Logo Wallmount Drilling Screws Designer Date Dimensions
6820-Casing 4 V red/white no 4 Constin 2012 134 x 99 x 64
7412-Casing 1 V 1-way 87.4 0 Constin 2015 150 x 113 x 60
300HS-Casing 2 V no 0 Telekom 152 x 148 x 69
W503V-Casing 6 V bracket 0 168 x 138 x 35
6842-Casing 4 V red/white no 4 Constin 2018 184 x 136 x 88
4060-Casing 1 V white no 2 Constin 2021 210 x 170 x 81
W920V-Casing 7 V block 0 Telekom 230 x 155 x 70
5188-Casing 1 V 1-way 0 230 x 163 x 37
7580-Casing 6 V black/white A1 panel Constin 2016 240 x 175 x 75
6590-Casing 3 V red/white no 2 Constin 2016 273 x 209 x 85
10 casings


Casings to be plugged into a power socket, sorted by their biggest dimension (height x width x depth in mm)..

Casing-Group Mod Orient Colour Logo Wallmount Drilling Screws Designer Date Dimensions
FWR-Casing 3 P black, red/white 2-way 4 Constin 2008 101 x 76 x 76
1000E-Casing 3 P red/white 2-way 4 Constin 2014 114 x 67 x 65
546E-Casing 1 P red/white 2-way 7 Constin 2012 132 x 59 x 41
520E-Casing 2 P red/white 2-way 7 Constin 2011 132 x 78 x 59
1750E-Casing 3 P red/white 2-way 3 Constin 2014 155 x 76.5 x 62.6
2400-Casing 2 P red/white 2-way 5 Constin 2018 155 x 76.5 x 62.6
600-Casing 2 P 2-way 4 Constin 2018 64 x 64 x 64
510E-Casing 2 P 2-way 68 x 58 x 31
1200-Casing 2 P 2-way 80 x 80 x 62.6
310-Casing 2 P red/white 2-way 4 Constin 2012 81 x 66.5 x 51.5
500E-Casing 2 P 2-way 92 x 72 x 61
FD100-Casing 1 P 2-way Constin 2012 93 x 59 x 41
12 casings


Casings for wireless telephone handsets, sorted by their biggest dimension (height x width x depth in mm)..

Casing-Group Mod Orient Colour Logo Wallmount Drilling Screws Designer Date Dimensions
FMini-Casing 1 HS black no 6 Constin 2007 124 x 46.5 x 14
C3-Casing 2 HS no 140 x 50 x 30
C4-Casing 1 HS white no Constin 2013 145 x 48 x 18
M2-Casing 1 HS no Constin 2011 145 x 48 x 18
C5-Casing 1 HS black no Constin 2015 150 x 48 x 15
MTF-Casing 2 HS black no 4 Constin 2010 150 x 50 x 14
MTC-Casing 1 HS no Swisscom 150 x 50 x 28
C6-Casing 2 HS no 152 x 48 x 21
8 casings


Casings for smarthome devices, sorted by their biggest dimension (height x width x depth in mm)..

Casing-Group Mod Orient Colour Logo Wallmount Drilling Screws Designer Date Dimensions
FD440-Casing 1 SH yes Constin 2019 69 x 69 x 18
FD301-Casing 1 SH yes Constin 2017 87 x 53 x 52
2 casings


Casings to be plugged into a USB-Host port, sorted by their biggest dimension (height x width x depth in mm)..

Casing-Group Mod Orient Colour Logo Wallmount Drilling Screws Designer Date Dimensions
BFUSB1-Casing 2 U blue no 0 Constin 2001 0 x 0 x 0
BFUSB2-Casing 2 U blue no 0 Constin 2004 40 x 20 x 10
FWS-Casing 5 U no 0 Constin 2005 53 x 20 x 11
AC860-Casing 2 U no 0 Constin 2007 72 x 25 x 11
4 casings


Casings which do not fit in any category above, sorted by their biggest dimension (height x width x depth in mm)..

Casing-Group Mod Orient Colour Logo Wallmount Drilling Screws Designer Date Dimensions
APISDN-Casing 1 S blue no 0 Constin 2002 103 x 39 x 21
Express-Casing 1 S no 0 Standard 75 x 34 x 5
C200TV-Casing 1 S no 0 Spagat 80 x 56 x 19
PCMCIA-Casing 7 S no 0 Standard 85,6 x 54 x 5
4 casings



This is ongoing development and will fill the lists of casings above to give each casing an article.
The left column is gathered from 581 PDFs of AVM devices, with numerous manual corrections where it was necessary.
The dimensions per model are sorted top down. This list is sorted by the biggest dimension of each model.
The right 2 columns are gathered from the respective articles and the Casing-Selector and are the big TODO to fix.

2-dimensional or unknown


