If you like BoxMatrix then please contribute Supportdata, Supportdata2, Firmware and/or Hardware (get in touch).
My metamonk@yahoo.com is not reachable by me since years. Please use hippie2000@webnmail.de instead.

Speedport W 701V

From BoxMatrix

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Speedport W 701V-Bild1.jpg
Speedport W 701V
Speedport W 701V-Bild9.jpg
Speedport W 701V


The Speedport W 701V is a derivative of the FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v2, with limited custom firmware, designed for the german ISP Telekom. A special feature is the FON1 passthrough, realized by a signal relay. Without electricity the FON1 port is connected to the analog POTS input to have an emergency phone. A Congstar (subsidiary of Telekom targeting at young people) branded edition with more recent firmware is the congstar DSL-Box. A successor model with additional support for VDSL2 is the Speedport W 721V. A successor model with additional support for ISDN and DECT telephones is the Speedport W 900V.

Note that the information above is merged from all current Firmware versions available for this model, if there are multiples.
For a more detailed per Firmware view see the Firmware-Scans below, and have a look at the Firmware-History.


  • TODO


Daily updated index of all Speedport W 701V firmware modding projects. Last update: 2025-03-27 10:00 GMT.
This list excludes community ripping, code raping, project killing and permanent quarrel and combat enforcing individuals.
BoxMatrix tries to be a service to the community without doing harm to anyone, and not a platform to advertize the opposite.
Mother nature will bill for all time, manpower, projects, fun and passion which was ripped from the community for sick battle.
Let this reaver suck all honest work on this planet and pretend he knew it first. Mother nature will ripp it off his bones.
And if this sick (single sided) perversion continues I have no other option than invoking the police. Please someone stop him.

Legend:   ok = maintained   -   eos = unmaintained   -   See also the Modding-Selector and Moddable-Models!


Daily updated index of all Speedport W 701V websites. Last update: 2025-03-28 04:03 GMT.

Legend:   on = live URL.   -   host = hosted here.   -   arc = from archive.org.   -   nonpub = non public.   -   dead = dead link.   -   Bold = service portal.


Daily updated index of all Speedport W 701V downloads. Last update: 2025-03-28 04:55 GMT.

Legend:   on = live URL.   -   host = hosted here.   -   arc = from archive.org.   -   nonpub = non public.   -   dead = dead link.   -   Bold = latest firmware.


Daily updated scans of the latest firmware for the Speedport W 701V. Last update: 2025-03-28 04:59 GMT.
Note that models with multiple Linux instances have multiple scan results per firmware labeled main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom.
All dates have been converted to GMT.

Speedport W 701V (de/de/B)

Speedport W 701V (de/de/B)


Daily updated index of all scanned Speedport W 701V tarballs, most of which are online. Last update: 2025-03-28 05:45 GMT.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
The Ver column shows the Firmware-Version derived from the tarball's filename, or 00.00 if not detectable.
There's no way to find this number in the source. Click the version number to get a listing of the entire tarball.
The Kern column shows the Kernel-Version from the kernel Makefile, click it to get a listing of the kernel source.
The BB column shows the BusyBox-Version from various scan sources, click it for listing the busybox addons.
The Libc and LcVer columns show the Libc-Library and its version where it could be detected, which is complicated, no listings yet.
The CC column shows the GCC-Version from its root Makefile, click it for a listing of the gcc source in the tarball.
The BR column shows the Buildroot-Version if detectable, click it for a listing of its source in the GCC tarball.
The Date column shows the date of the newest contained file. By default this list is reverse sorted by this date.
This is no perfect method, since AVM sometimes repackages older tarballs. No better method has been found so far.

Legend:   on = live URL.   -   host = hosted here.   -   arc = from archive.org.   -   nonpub = non public.   -   dead = dead link.


Daily updated index of Speedport W 701V part numbers. Last update: 2025-03-28 04:30 GMT. Click an EAN/GTIN or MPN to search the web for it.
If you know any part numbers not listed here yet, expecially OEM and country specific versions, then please get in touch.

Legend:   ok = supported   -   eos = EOS   -   sold = still sold   -   dead = not sold any more   -   Bold = maintained Icecat entry   -   Italic = logistic entry without datasheet


Power-Supply:   Selectors >> PSU-Selector >> Speedport W 701V   -   Showing recommended Power-Supply units.

PSU-Selector Type L. Min Max In Min Max Max Max Out Out Curr Pwr Out2 Out2 Curr2 Pwr2 Cap. Vend. Nick Alias Manuf Model
PSU-W701V switch ext 230 V 230 V AC 50 Hz 60 Hz 130 mA 30 VA 12 V DC 1,000 mA 12 VA AVM p701v AVM 01047 Friwo Type 15.2230
1 power supply unit

Cables+Adapters:   Selectors >> Cable+Adapter-Selector >> Speedport W 701V   -   Showing recommended Cables+Adapters.

Cable+Adapter-Selector Type Length Wires Shield Conn1 Gender Conn2 Gender Conn3 Gender Conn4 Gender
TAE DSL-Adapter DSL-Adapter 2 RJ-45 female TAE-F male
TAE POTS-Adapter POTS-Adapter 2 RJ-45 female TAE-F male
TAE DSL-Cable DSL-Cable 4 m 2 RJ-45 male TAE-F male
Cat5e Patch-Cable LAN-Cable 1.5 m 8 true RJ-45 male RJ-45 male
4 cables and adapters


If you want to extend the gallery with own work then please get in touch. See also the Photography-Inspiration article.


The Versions section intends to compare different hardware revisions of a device.
If you could provide images of a revision not listet here yet then please get in touch.



Front side:

Back side:



Details about the Speedport W 701V casing:


Selectors >> Components-Selector >> Speedport W 701V   -   Chips may occur multiple times if different types were found in probes.

Cat. Qty. Component Purpose Family Coden. Vendor Description
SoC 1x TNETD7200ZDW DSL-SoC AR7 Ohio Lantiq 212MHz MIPS32 4KEc, ADSL2+ SoC
RAM 1x HYB39SC256160FE-7 SDRAM SD-32M Qimonda SDRAM 143MHz, 16M x 16bit = 32MB
RAM 1x W9825G6DH-75 SDRAM SD-32M Winbond SDRAM 166MHz, 4M x 16bit x 4 Banks = 32MB
Flash 1x M29W640GT-70NA6 NOR-Flash NOR-8M Micron NOR-Flash 70ns, 8M x 8bit / 4M x 16bit = 8MB
Flash 1x S29GL064A-90TFIR3 NOR-Flash NOR-8M Spansion NOR-Flash 90ns, 8M x 8bit / 4M x 16bit = 8MB
FPGA 1x XC3S250E FPGA Spartan3E Spartan Xilinx 250k Sytem Gates FPGA
FON 2x LM324 FON-PHY L324 TI General Purpose Quad OpAmp - avail. from many companies.
FON 2x BCP53-16 FON-PHY AH-16 ON Semi 1.5A PNP Power Transistor - avail. from many companies
FON 1x CPC5621A POTS-PHY Litelink PLIC IXYS Phone Line Interface IC
FON 1x CPC5602C POTS-PHY Litelink IXYS N-Channel MOSFET
FON 1x LMV324I POTS-PHY MV324I TI Low-Voltage Rail-to-Rail Output Quad OpAmp
WLAN 1x TNETW3428 WLAN-PHY ACX-xxx Lantiq 802.11 b/g Power Amplifier 2.4GHz
WLAN 1x TNETW3422 WLAN-Radio ACX-xxx Lantiq 802.11 b/g Transceiver 2.4GHz
WLAN 1x TNETW1350A WLAN-SoC ACX-xxx Lantiq 802.11 b/g MAC/Baseband 2.4GHz
LAN 1x ADM6996LC Switch Samurai Samurai-6 Lantiq 6-port 10/100 Mbit/s Switch
LAN 1x ADM6996FC Switch Samurai Samurai-6 Lantiq 6-port 10/100 Mbit/s Switch
Trafo 1x VOGT-5203 DSL-PHY Sumida Common Mode Choke / Data Line Filter
Trafo 1x 504-13-045-00 DSL-PHY Sumida ADSL Line Transformer
Trafo 1x 513-40-914-00 ETH-PHY Sumida 4x 100 MBit/s Ethernet Transformer
Trafo 3x VOGT-5472 FON-PHY Sumida Common Mode Choke / Data Line Filter
Trafo 1x 503-16-012-00 ISDN-PHY Sumida ISDN S0 Line Transformer
PSU 1x SC2440 Sw-Reg Semtech Dual Switching Step-Down Converter, 2x 2A, 20V, 2.5Mhz
Misc 1x D3526-FU2 FON-PHY TE 12V 200mW Monostable Signal Relay 2A


If you have further/better environment samples or Supportdata-Probes then please get in touch. Thanks!

Annex: B - Language: de - Country: de

ProductID:  Fritz_Box_SpeedportW701V
SerialNumber:  0000000000000000
annex:  B
autoload:  yes
bootloaderVersion:  1.190
bootserport:  tty0
cpufrequency:  211968000
firstfreeaddress:  0x946AE878
firmware_version:  tcom
firmware_info:  29.04.57
flashsize:  0x00800000
maca:  00:1A:4F:*
macb:  00:1A:4F:*
macwlan:  00:1A:4F:*
macdsl:  00:1A:4F:*
memsize:  0x02000000
modetty0:  38400,n,8,1,hw
modetty1:  38400,n,8,1,hw
mtd0:  0x90000000,0x90000000
mtd1:  0x90010000,0x90780000
mtd2:  0x90000000,0x90010000
mtd3:  0x90780000,0x907C0000
mtd4:  0x907C0000,0x90800000
prompt:  Eva_AVM
req_fullrate_freq:  125000000
sysfrequency:  125000000
urlader-version:  1190
usb_board_mac:  00:1A:4F:*
usb_rndis_mac:  00:1A:4F:*
usb_device_id:  0x0000
usb_revision_id:  0x0000
usb_manufacturer_name:  AVM
wlan_key:  1234567890123456
wlan_cal:  000F,0010,000F,00E7,010A,00E6,010A,031F,0311



Facts about "Speedport W 701V"
100M-Ports4 +
2.4GHztrue +
802.11btrue +
802.11gtrue +
ADSLtrue +
ADSL2true +
ADSL2+true +
AliasFRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7124 +
Analog-Phones2 +
Annex-Btrue +
Annex (icecat)B +
ArchitectureMIPS32 +
Bootloader1190, 1203, 1267, 1349 +
Box-LogoFile:Speedport W 701V-Image1.jpg +
Box-ModelSpeedport W 701V +
BoxNamefritz4 +
Branding-tcomtrue +
Brandingstcom +
BusyBox-DateFebruary 13, 2008 +
BusyBox-Version1.1.2 +
CPU-Clock212 MHz +
CPU-Cores1 +
CPU-Model4KEc +
Cable+AdapterTAE DSL-Adapter +, TAE POTS-Adapter +, TAE DSL-Cable + and Cat5e Patch-Cable +
Casing-Coloursilver/white +
Casing-DesignerTelekom +
Casing-Dimensions230 x 155 x 70 +
Casing-GroupW920V-Casing +
Casing-LogoT-Com +
Casing-OrientV +
Casing-Screws0 +
Casing-Wallmountblock +
Coloursilver +
Countriesde +
Country-detrue +
DPBOtrue +
DSL-RJ-45true +
Def-AnnexB +
Def-Brandingtcom +
Def-Countryde +
Def-Languagede +
DeviWiki.inthttps://deviwiki.com/wiki/T-Com_Speedport_W701V +
Downloads5 +
DsMod26r4884.de +
FON-ChipsProperty:CPC5621A +, Property:CPC5602C +, Property:LMV324I +, Property:LM324 + and Property:BCP53-16 +
FON-TAEtrue +
FPGA-ChipsProperty:XC3S250E +
Firmw-Annexcongstar-dsl-boxspeedport-w701v +
Firmwarede.B: 04.57 +
Firmware-Scans2 +
Firmware.dehttps://web.archive.org/web/20160619074120fw_/https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/downloads/fw_speedport_w701v_v33.04.57.image +
FixedLine-LEDgn +
Flash-ChipsProperty:S29GL064A-90TFIR3 + and Property:M29W640GT-70NA6 +
Freetz-orgAlien 7170.de +
FwImg-Checkpoint11284 +
FwImg-Date2008-06-03 +
FwImg-Kernel4.0M +
FwImg-Layouthroot +
FwImg-MD5e34713bd989c3e266a4650c133582510 +
FwImg-Release33.04.57 +
FwImg-Size4.2M +
GTIN4025125015254 + and 4025125524558 +
HWRevision (bootenv) +
ISDN-Lines2 +
Info-LEDgn +
Install-Typear7_8MB_xilinx_4eth_2ab_isdn_pots_wlan_13200 +
IntExt-Switchtrue +
Internet-LEDgn +
Intro-DateMarch 15, 2007 +
Intro-EventProperty:CeBIT 2007 +
Intro-ISPProperty:T-Com +
JTAG-2x14true +
Kernel-OSLinux +
Kernel-Release2.6.13.1-ohio +
LAN-ChipsProperty:ADM6996LC + and Property:ADM6996FC +
LAN-RJ-45true +
Language-detrue +
Languagesde +
List-Price130 Euro +
MIMO1x1 +
MPN40223539 + and 40241189 +
Manual.dehttps://web.archive.org/web/20200216032426/https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/downloads/bedienungsanleitung_speedport_w701v.pdf +
Misc-ChipsProperty:D3526-FU2 +
Modding-Projects4 +
ModelSpeedport W 701V +
Model-Countryde +
Model-GroupSPP +
Model-Languagede +
NOR-Flash8 MB +
Nick-Namew701v +
NotSold40223539 + and 40241189 +
Oldwiki.dehttp://web.archive.org/web/20170509202723/http://www.wehavemorefun.de:80/fritzbox/Speedport_W_701V +
OpenWRT14.07 +
OpenWRT-Device.inthttps://openwrt.org/toh/t-com/spw701v +
OpenWRT-Download.inthttps://openwrt.org/toh/views/toh_fwdownload?rev=1554310700?dataflt%5BBrand*%7E%5D=T-Com%20%2F%20Telekom +
OpenWRT-Techdata.inthttps://openwrt.org/toh/hwdata/t-comtelekom/t-comtelekom_speedportw701v +
OwnerUser:Hippie2000 +, User:Raimond Spekking + and User:Rubberduck +
POTS-Lines1 +
POTSISDN-RJ-45true +
PSU-ChipsProperty:SC2440 + and Property:psu +
Power-Coaxtrue +
Power-LEDgn +
Power-PSU12 VA +
Power-SupplyPSU-W701V +
Power-Switchtrue +
Power-TypeDC +
Power-Volts12 V +
Power-Watts12 VA +
Prod-NameFRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7124 + and Speedport W 701V +
ProductIDFritz_Box_SpeedportW701V +
ProductID (bootenv)Fritz_Box_SpeedportW701V +
Quickstart.dehttps://web.archive.org/web/20200216032429/https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/downloads/speedport_w_701v_ia.pdf +
RAM32 MB +
RAM-ChipsProperty:HYB39SC256160FE-7 + and Property:W9825G6DH-75 +
RS232-4xNCtrue +
Ref-Linkshttps://web.archive.org/web/20071231123157/http://www.t-online.de/international/newsletter/2007cebit.html + and http://www.telespiegel.de/dsl/speedport-w701v.html +
References2 +
Reset-Buttontrue +
RootFS-Comprlzma +
RootFS-DateJune 3, 2008 +
RootFS-Inodes731 +
RootFS-Typesqfsle +
RootFS-Version2:76 +
SIP-Accounts10 +
Salesdead +
Serial-DateFebruary 8, 2007 +, March 22, 2007 + and July 30, 2007 +
Serial-NumberV064.235.00 +, V124.235.00 + and V311.235.01 +
SerialNumber (bootenv)0000000000000000 +
Service.dehttps://www.telekom.de/hilfe/geraete-zubehoer/router/weitere-router/speedport-w-7xx-serie/speedport-w-701v + and https://web.archive.org/web/20160619074120/https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/geraete-zubehoer/router/weitere-router/speedport-w-7xx-serie/speedport-w-701v +
SoCAR7 Ohio +
SoC-ChipsProperty:TNETD7200ZDW +
Sort-Index82 +
Source-Scans0 +
Speed2Fritz(supported) +
SrcCodeno version info +
Supporteos +
TechInfo.inthttp://en.techinfodepot.shoutwiki.com/wiki/T-Com_Speedport_W701V +
Telephonytrue +
Trafo-ChipsProperty:513-40-914-00 +, Property:VOGT-5203 +, Property:504-13-045-00 +, Property:VOGT-5472 + and Property:503-16-012-00 +
Unsupported40223539 + and 40241189 +
VendorProperty:T-Com +
VoIP-LEDgn +
WDStrue +
WLAN-Adjust1 +
WLAN-AntennaAdjustable-External WLAN 2.4GHz +
WLAN-Buttontrue +
WLAN-ChipsProperty:TNETW1350A +, Property:TNETW3422 + and Property:TNETW3428 +
WLAN154 Mbps +
Websites9 +
WikiDevi.inthttps://web.archive.org/web/2/https://wikidevi.com/wiki/T-Com_Speedport_W701V +
annex (bootenv)B +
autoload (bootenv)yes +
bootloaderVersion (bootenv)1.190 +
bootserporttty0 +
cpufrequency211968000 +
firmware info (bootenv)29.04.57 +
firmware version (bootenv)Property:tcom +
firstfreeaddress (bootenv)0x946AE878 +
flashsize (bootenv)0x00800000 +
maca (bootenv)00:1A:4F:* +
macb (bootenv)00:1A:4F:* +
macdsl (bootenv)00:1A:4F:* +
macwlan (bootenv)00:1A:4F:* +
memsize (bootenv)0x02000000 +
modetty038400,n,8,1,hw +
modetty138400,n,8,1,hw +
mtd0 (bootenv)0x90000000, 0x90000000 +
mtd0size0 KB +
mtd1 (bootenv)0x90010000, 0x90780000 +
mtd1size7,616 KB +
mtd2 (bootenv)0x90000000, 0x90010000 +
mtd2size64 KB +
mtd3 (bootenv)0x90780000, 0x907C0000 +
mtd3size256 KB +
mtd4 (bootenv)0x907C0000, 0x90800000 +
mtd4size256 KB +
my ipaddress (bootenv) +
prompt (bootenv)Eva_AVM +
req fullrate freq125000000 +
sysfrequency125000000 +
uClibc-Version0.9.28 +
urlader-version1190 +
usb board mac (bootenv)00:1A:4F:* +
usb device id (bootenv)0x0000 +
usb manufacturer name (bootenv)AVM +
usb revision id (bootenv)0x0000 +
usb rndis mac (bootenv)00:1A:4F:* +
wlan cal (bootenv)000F,0010,000F,00E7,010A,00E6,010A,031F,0311 +
wlan key (bootenv)1234567890123456 +