If you like BoxMatrix then please contribute Supportdata, Supportdata2, Firmware and/or Hardware (get in touch).
My metamonk@yahoo.com is not reachable by me since years. Please use hippie2000@webnmail.de instead.


Property:avmike (avmcmd)

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Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name avmike!
avmike (avmcmd) ISAKMP / IPSec negotiation server / proxy.
avmike (process) Process running avmike


Goto:   Endpoints  -  Events  -  Config  -  Source  -  Dependencies   -   Model-Matrix   -   Symbols   -   SMW-Browser


avmike is a ISAKMP / IPSec negotiation server, the base of AVM VPN since it is supported.
Starting with the introduction of wireguard in fw 7.39 it turned a proxy.

fw 7.29 help:

root@fritz2:/var/mod/root# avmike -?

usage: avmike [options]

  -?                 - print this help
  -D STRING          - switch debug logs on. (FUNC)
  -d                 - debug service. (NOTSET)
  -f                 - run in foreground. (NOTSET)
  -s                 - stop daemon. (NOTSET)
  -v                 - verbose. (NOTSET)
  -p STRING          - Pidfile. ("/var/run/avmike.pid")
  -w                 - [Hit return to continue]. (NOTSET)
  -p INTEGER         - port to use. (0)

ISAKMP/IPSec negotiation server

fw 7.39 help:

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# avmike -?

usage: avmike [options]

  -?                 - print this help
  -D STRING          - switch debug logs on. (FUNC)
  -f                 - run in foreground. (NOTSET)
  -s                 - stop daemon. (NOTSET)
  -v                 - verbose. (NOTSET)
  -p STRING          - Pidfile. ("/var/run/avmike.pid")

ISAKMP/IPSec negotiation server


aicmd endpoint(s) provided by avmike, with these functions: (fw 7.29)

root@fritz2:/var/mod/root# aicmd avmike

# provided by avmike: - fw 7.29+

HELP                                     - show help
SLABDUMP                                 - show slab allocation
SLABSHOW                                 - show slab information
QUIT                                     - disconnect

# provided by libavmpcp.so: - fw 7.29+

libavmpcp show pcpinfo                   - show pcpinfo

# provided by libewnwlinux.so: - fw 7.01+

ewnwlinux show csockshell                - show shells running
ewnwlinux show genetlink                 - show gerneric netlink families

# provided by libewnwlinux.so: - fw 7.90+

ewnwlinux netlink show                   - show internal information
ewnwlinux netlink getroute [address]     - get route for inet address
ewnwlinux netlink interfaces             - show interfaces
ewnwlinux netlink routes [ 4 | 6 ]       - show routes

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.01+

avmcsock show csock                      - show all csock
avmcsock show dnsconfig                  - show all dns context
avmcsock show timercb                    - show all timer
avmcsock show debughandles               - show all debughandles
avmcsock show cprocess                   - show all processes
avmcsock set debug                       - set debug flags

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.29+

avmcsock show cbcontext                  - show all cbdata
avmcsock show daemon                     - show daemon status
avmcsock show cbuf                       - show cbuf status

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.39+

avmcsock getsymbol <address>             - get symbol for address
avmcsock show dnsglobal                  - show all dns global values
avmcsock show dnscache                   - show cache
avmcsock show dnsqueries                 - show all pending queries
avmcsock show avmipc [endpoint shmatch]  - show avmipc events and states
avmcsock ctimer show                     - show all timer
avmcsock ctimer overview                 - show ctimer overview
avmcsock iotrace format unctrl|hexdump   - set format for csock iotrace
avmcsock iotrace file                    - enable iotrace to file
avmcsock iotrace enable                  - enable iotrace via debugmsg
avmcsock iotrace disable                 - disable iotrace
avmcsock iotrace match help|<match>      - show allowed matches or set match
avmcsock iotrace reset                   - remove all matches
avmcsock iotrace show                    - show configuration

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.90+

avmcsock show signals                    - show signal handler
avmcsock show connector [cache|stats]    - show connector information
avmcsock show clogger                    - show clogger information
avmcsock set clogmod [ <module> [ '.' <submodule ] ... ] [ '=' <level> ]
                                         - set clogmod log level
avmcsock slab check                      - red zone/free check
avmcsock slab reap [heavy]               - call slab_reap/slab_reap_heavy
avmcsock slab dump [long]                - show slab allocation
avmcsock slab show                       - show slab information
avmcsock slab ewma [show|activate|deactivate|reset]
                                         - show average allocates/freed per second
avmcsock avmipc notifier [endpoint shmatch]
                                         - show registered notifier
avmcsock avmipc set [endpoint shmatch]   - show states/events sent
avmcsock avmipc csv [endpoint shmatch]   - show states/events sent and listing as csv


Daily updated index of AVM-Events and AVMIPC-Datastore nodes affecting this command. Last update: 2023-12-10 05:13 GMT.
The owners of Event-Sinks and Event-Sources are manual research, which may be incomplete or even wrong.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.
A ** in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata2 probes, which by their nature will stay way more incomplete.
A - in the Mod column marks manual research, the Firmware then shows where the item occurs, not the Relation.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Netlink family NETLINK_GENERIC 2** 7.39 Generic Netlink (genetlink) family for simplified netlink usage (#16) Linux
Multicast group AVMGGRP_L2TP 2** 7.39 Interface of the L2TP tunneling server l2tpv3d AVM
Multicast group AVMGGRP_NLCTRL_NOTIFY 2** 7.39 Notification about changes in subscribed genetlink groups AVM
Endpoint sock me_avmike-pcp-($num).ctl 14* 7.19 - 7.51 avmipc endpoint of libavmpcp.so for avmike AVM
Listens to avmipc libpcp_dump 3** 7.30 - 7.39 Trigger event to dump PCP context info. AVM
Listens to avmipc libpcp_send_itemstatus 3** 7.30 - 7.39 Trigger event to send all PCP port openings. AVM
Listens to avmipc pcpserver_changed 3** 7.30 - 7.39 Trigger event to inform about PCP server changes. AVM
Endpoint sock me_avmike.ctl 21* 6.80 - 7.51 avmipc_command endpoint of avmike AVM
Listens to avmipc @ 3** 7.30 - 7.39 Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. AVM
Listens to avmipc aicmd_listener 3** 7.30 - 7.39 Special event covering all aicmd compatible listeners. AVM
Command cmd avmike (avmcmd) 1 4.81 - 5.22 ISAKMP / IPSec negotiation server / proxy. AVM
Sends avmipc libpcp_itemstatus - 7.01 - 7.51 Target event to send PCP port openings to. AVM
12 event relations for this command


Daily updated index of Configuration files accessed by this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 07:27 GMT.
A - in the Mod column marks manual research, the Firmware then shows where the item occurs, not the Relation.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Config from tffs ipsec.cfg (tffs) - TODO AVM
1 config relation for this command


The names of source files compiled into an executable often help to understand function blocks (and show gaps in the docs).
fw 7.29 source files:

$ strings /bin/avmike | grep -e '\.c$' -e '\.cpp$'


With the introduction of wireguard in fw 7.39 avmike turned a proxy:
fw 7.39 source files:

$ strings /bin/avmike | grep -e '\.c$' -e '\.cpp$'



Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Runs as proc avmike (process) 27* 5.50 - 7.90 Process running avmike AVM
Serving port Port-500-udp 27* 5.50 - 7.90 ISAKMP - Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol AVM
Serving port Port-4500-udp 27* 5.50 - 7.90 IPSec NAT Traversal AVM
Serving port Port-5350-udp 24* 6.51 - 7.90 PCP - Port Control Protocol - client AVM
Serving sock ikeapi.server 27* 5.50 - 7.90 TODO AVM
Serving sock me_avmike-pcp-($num).ctl 19* 7.19 - 7.90 avmipc endpoint of libavmpcp.so for avmike AVM
Serving sock me_avmike.ctl 26* 6.80 - 7.90 avmipc_command endpoint of avmike AVM
Depends on lib ld.so 26 7.08 - 8.02 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libar7cfg.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 TFFS-Configuration API to ar7.cfg and many more. AVM
Depends on lib libavmauth.so 49 6.51 - 8.02 Fritzbox authentification helpers AVM
Depends on lib libavmcipher.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 AES / DES / Rijndael encryption / decryption. AVM
Depends on lib libavmcsock.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 Networking, I/O and helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libavmfbconf.so 29 7.39 - 7.81 API to hardcoded fbconf.cfg AVM
Depends on lib libavmfbstate.so 32 7.39 - 8.02 IPC fritzbox state notification AVM
Depends on lib libavmhmac.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 HMAC / SHA / MD5 hashing. AVM
Depends on lib libavmpcp.so 39 7.03 - 8.02 Port Control Protocol (PCP) API library AVM
Depends on lib libavmwdt.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 AVM-Watchdogs management API AVM
Depends on lib libboxenv.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 API to the rc.conf enhanced Config-Environment AVM
Depends on lib libboxlib.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 Box status, logging and statistics functions AVM
Depends on lib libboxnotify.so 1 6.35 boxnotifyd client API (old) AVM
Depends on lib libc.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libcore.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 Gathers the MAC addresses of the device and maintains its device mode. AVM
Depends on lib libcrypto.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 OpenSSL general crypto and X.509 library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 67 4.22 - 8.00 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libdputil.so 56 6.35 - 8.02 DataPipe / packet utilities AVM
Depends on lib libeventlog.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 System Event-Log management API AVM
Depends on lib libewnwjson.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 JSON helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libewnwlinux.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 Linux networking functions AVM
Depends on lib libewnwnet.so 56 6.35 - 8.02 Internet helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libfbconf.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 API to hardcoded fbconf.cfg AVM
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 42 4.22 - 6.110 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Depends on lib libikeapi.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 avmike client / server communication API AVM
Depends on lib libikecrypto.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 IPSec crypto core AVM
Depends on lib libikeossl.so 81 4.22 - 8.02 IPSec OpenSSL key generator AVM
Depends on lib libikev1.so 32 7.39 - 8.02 IPSec IKE v1 protocol (RFC-2409) AVM
Depends on lib libikev2.so 32 7.39 - 8.02 IPSec IKE v2 protocol (RFC-4306) AVM
Depends on lib libjuisclient.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 Update-Search - second generation - JUIS AVM
Depends on lib liblocalize.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 Charset conversion helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libm.so 5 7.90 - 8.00 C math library Linux
Depends on lib liboauth2.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 OAuth v2.0 authentificator Linux
Depends on lib libpthread.so 67 4.22 - 8.00 POSIX threading library Linux
Depends on lib librt.so 42 6.35 - 8.00 POSIX realtime extensions library Linux
Depends on lib libslab.so 12 4.22 - 4.99 Slab allocator or empty dummy library Linux
Depends on lib libslab_c++.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 C++ slab allocator AVM
Depends on lib libsvctl.so 39 7.19 - 8.02 supervisor notification library AVM
Depends on lib libtiinterpreter.so 32 7.39 - 8.02 Preprocessor for SSI-Files by TI. AVM
Depends on lib libwdt.so 78 4.22 - 7.81 AVM-Watchdogs management API AVM
Depends on lib libwebkpiclient.so 32 7.39 - 8.02 KPI sensor for system parts which use HTTP / HTTPS AVM
Depends on lib libwebsrv.s 1 7.39
Depends on lib libwebsrv.so 56 6.35 - 8.02 HTTP / HTTPS webserver and tools. AVM
Depends on lib libyajl.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 Event-driven JSON parser Linux
Depends on lib libz.so 43 6.83 - 8.02 Zlib compressor / decompressor Linux
52 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-03-10 06:03 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 2170 4.52 - 4.57 /bin 268k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3170 4.52 - 4.58 /bin 268k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 4.57 - 5.54 /bin 236k - 276k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 v3 4.77 - 5.54 /bin 236k - 268k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 IT 5.23 - 5.52 /bin 236k - 254k
FRITZ!Box 3272 (main) 5.50 - 6.89 /bin 227k - 253k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3370 (main) 5.01 - 6.56 /bin 226k - 253k
FRITZ!Box 3390 (main) 5.50 - 6.56 /bin 226k - 253k
FRITZ!Box 3490 (main) 6.20 - 7.30 /bin 226k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 4020 /bin 226k - 237k
FRITZ!Box 4040 6.52 - 8.00 /bin 17.7k - 192k
FRITZ!Box 4050 7.58 - 7.90 /bin 17.7k
FRITZ!Box 4060 7.29 - 7.90 /bin 17.6k - 192k
VoIP Gateway 5188 4.28 - 4.81 /bin 268k - 376k
FRITZ!Box 5490 (main) 6.51 - 7.29 /bin 226k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 5491 (main) 7.01 - 7.29 /bin 237k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 5530 Fiber (main) 7.21 - 8.00 /bin 19.9k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (main) 7.29 - 8.00 /bin 17.6k - 192k
FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro (main) 7.62 /bin 17.6k
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v1 6.03 - 6.04 /bin 185k - 189k
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v2 6.21 /bin 170k
FRITZ!Box 6340 Cable 5.24 /bin 171k
FRITZ!Box 6360 Cable 4.85 - 6.51 /bin 167k - 185k
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (atom) 6.84 - 7.29 /bin 171k - 204k
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (arm) 6.20 - 6.64 /bin 167k - 170k
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (atom) 6.83 - 7.51 /bin 17.6k - 204k
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (atom) 6.83 - 7.51 /bin 17.6k - 204k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (arm) 7.04 - 7.08 /bin 181k - 196k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (atom) 7.04 - 7.90 /bin 25.8k - 200k
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (atom) 7.14 - 8.00 /bin 25.8k - 200k
FRITZ!Box 6670 Cable (atom) 7.61 - 7.90 /bin 25.9k - 26.0k
FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable (atom) 7.28 - 7.90 /bin 25.8k - 200k
FRITZ!Box 6810 LTE 6.35 /bin 234k - 252k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v1 (main) 6.40 - 7.59 /bin 20.1k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v2 (main) 6.40 - 7.59 /bin 20.1k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v3 (main) 7.19 - 7.57 /bin 20.1k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v4 7.59 /bin 20.1k
FRITZ!Box 6840 LTE (main) 5.08 - 6.88 /bin 226k - 252k
FRITZ!Box 6842 LTE /bin 234k - 252k
FRITZ!Box 6850 LTE 7.21 - 7.90 /bin 17.7k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 6850 5G 7.24 - 7.90 /bin 17.7k - 192k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /bin 19.8k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v1 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /bin 19.8k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v2 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /bin 19.8k - 266k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7141 4.57 /bin 280k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 4.22 - 4.99 /bin 268k - 376k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v1 4.22 - 4.99 /bin 268k - 376k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v2 4.22 - 4.99 /bin 268k - 376k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7240 4.65 - 6.06 /bin 236k - 280k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v1 4.55 - 4.99 /bin 268k - 364k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v2 4.67 - 6.06 /bin 235k - 280k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v3 4.76 - 6.06 /bin 235k - 280k
FRITZ!Box 7272 (main) 5.55 - 6.88 /bin 227k - 253k
FRITZ!Box 7312 5.23 - 6.56 /bin 227k - 252k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7320 4.85 - 6.35 /bin 234k - 252k
FRITZ!Box 7330 5.06 - 6.56 /bin 227k - 252k
FRITZ!Box 7330 SL 5.08 - 6.56 /bin 227k - 252k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7340 4.83 - 5.05 /bin 234k - 268k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 SL 5.04 - 6.34 /bin 234k - 253k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v1 5.06 - 6.36 /bin 234k - 253k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v2 5.22 - 6.88 /bin 226k - 253k
FRITZ!Box 7362 SL (main) 5.53 - 7.18 /bin 226k - 261k
FRITZ!Box 7369 (main) 6.30 - 6.32 /bin 234k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390 4.81 - 5.22 /bin 227k - 268k
FRITZ!Box 7412 (main) 6.21 - 6.88 /bin 226k - 234k
FRITZ!Box 7430 (main) 6.26 - 7.31 /bin 226k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 7490 (main) 5.57 - 7.51 /bin 20.1k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 7510 7.30 - 8.00 /bin 17.6k - 192k
FRITZ!Box 7520 6.98 - 8.00 /bin 17.7k - 192k
FRITZ!Box 7520 v2 (main) 7.30 - 8.00 /bin 17.7k - 192k
FRITZ!Box 7530 6.98 - 8.00 /bin 17.7k - 192k
FRITZ!Box 7530 AX 7.20 - 8.00 /bin 17.8k - 196k
FRITZ!Box 7560 (main) 6.51 - 7.30 /bin 226k - 266k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7570 vDSL 4.70 - 4.94 /bin 268k - 280k
FRITZ!Box 7580 (main) 6.53 - 7.30 /bin 226k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 7581 6.54 - 7.18 /bin 156k - 188k
FRITZ!Box 7582 6.83 - 7.18 /bin 156k - 188k
FRITZ!Box 7583 (main) 7.01 - 7.59 /bin 19.9k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 7583 VDSL (main) 7.19 - 8.00 /bin 20.0k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 7590 (main) 6.83 - 8.00 /bin 19.8k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 7590 AX (main) 7.19 - 8.00 /bin 19.8k - 266k
FRITZ!Box 7690 7.61 - 7.90 /bin 17.6k - 17.7k
82 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
4.22 - 4.99 AGGR_EXCH_PK_BuildMsgHA
4.22 - 4.99 AGGR_EXCH_PK_BuildMsgSaKeNiIdHa
4.22 - 4.99 AGGR_PK_offerSA
4.22 - 4.99 AGGR_PK_recv_sa_i
4.22 - 4.99 AGGR_PK_recv_sa_r
4.22 - 4.99 AGGR_recv_hash_I
4.22 - 4.99 AddPayloadToPacket
4.22 - 7.31 Add_ISAKMP_Hdr
4.22 - 7.31 AggressiveExchange
4.22 - 7.31 AppendInitialContactPayload
4.22 - 7.31 AppendVendorPayloads
4.22 - 7.31 Append_NAT_D_Payloads
4.22 - 7.31 AssignExchangeContext
4.22 - 7.31 BuildAttributPayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildCertPayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildCertReqPayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildDeletePayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildGenericPayloadHeader
4.22 - 7.31 BuildHashPayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildIDPayload
4.22 - 4.99 BuildIPsecProposal
4.22 - 4.99 BuildIsakmpHeader
4.22 - 4.99 BuildIsakmpProposal
4.22 - 7.31 BuildKeyPayload
4.22 - 4.99 BuildListofRelatedProposals
4.22 - 7.31 BuildNoncePayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildNotifyPayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildProposalHeader
4.22 - 7.31 BuildProposalPayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildSaPayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildSigPayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildTransactionMsg
4.22 - 7.31 BuildTransformPayload
4.22 - 7.31 BuildVendorIdPayload
4.22 - 7.31 Build_Phase1_Negotiation_Data
4.22 - 7.31 Build_Phase2_Negotiation_Data
4.22 - 4.23 CAPLIB_output_close
4.22 - 4.23 CAPLIB_output_paket
4.22 - 7.31 CERTSRV_Check
4.22 - 7.31 CERTSRV_Check_and_Sign
4.22 - 7.31 CERTSRV_CloseSession
4.22 - 7.31 CERTSRV_RegisterClient
4.22 - 7.31 CERTSRV_Sign
4.22 - 7.31 CERTSRV_Start_Session
4.22 - 7.31 CERTSRV_UnregisterClient
4.22 - 5.27 CERTSRV_poll
4.22 - 7.31 CFG_CTX_Create
4.22 - 7.31 CFG_CTX_free
4.22 - 4.99 CFG_CTX_free_reply
4.22 - 7.31 CFG_CreateReplyAttribute
4.22 - 4.99 CFG_Create_IPsecProtectionSuite_from_Proposal
4.22 - 4.99 CFG_Create_IsakmpProtectionSuite_from_Proposal
4.22 - 4.99 CFG_Create_Request
4.22 - 4.99 CFG_GetRequestedData
6.35 - 7.31 CFG_GetSetData
4.22 - 7.31 CFG_IsAttributInCfgRange
4.22 - 4.99 CFG_MsgReceived
6.35 - 7.31 CFG_Receive_ACK
4.22 - 7.31 CFG_Start_Local
4.22 - 7.31 CFG_Timeout
4.22 - 7.31 CFG_create_msg_id
4.22 - 7.31 CPI_get_range
4.22 - 4.23 CaptureISAKMP
4.22 - 7.31 CertSrvCheckAndSign
4.22 - 4.99 CheckGenericHdr
4.22 - 7.31 CheckIsakmpHeader
4.22 - 4.99 CheckMsgLength
4.22 - 7.31 CheckNextPayloadValue
4.22 - 4.99 CheckPayloadSize
4.22 - 7.31 CheckProposal
4.22 - 7.31 CheckProtocolAndExchangetype
4.22 - 7.31 CheckSizeOfReceived_DHKey
4.22 - 7.31 CheckVendorIdPayloads
4.22 - 7.31 ChooseCompressionTransform
4.22 - 4.99 ChooseIPsecProposal
4.22 - 7.31 ChooseProposal
4.22 - 7.31 ChooseTransform
4.22 - 4.99 Choose_ISAKMP_Proposal
4.22 - 7.31 CloseExchange
4.22 - 7.31 Close_IKE_Server
4.22 - 4.99 CompareAddrRange
4.22 - 4.99 CompareAttribute
4.22 - 4.99 CompareAttributeValuesB
4.22 - 4.99 CompareAttributeValuesBV
4.22 - 4.99 CompareAttributeValuesV
4.22 - 7.31 CompareIDs
4.22 - 4.99 CompareIPAddr
4.22 - 7.31 CompareSpiWithCookies
4.22 - 4.99 CompareSubnet
4.22 - 7.31 CompareTransforms
4.22 - 7.31 CompareWithCtxSpis
4.22 - 7.31 Complete_isakmp_sa
4.22 - 4.98 ConfigModeAttributType2Strg
4.22 - 4.98 ConfigModeAttributValue2Strg
4.22 - 7.31 Config_Mode
4.22 - 7.31 ConvertID_Payload_to_ID
4.22 - 4.98 Convert_MainMode_AttributType_toString
4.22 - 4.98 Convert_MainMode_AttributValue_toString
4.22 - 4.98 Convert_QuickMode_AttributType_toString
4.22 - 4.98 Convert_QuickMode_AttributValue_toString
4.22 - 7.31 CopyIVfromRunningExchange
4.22 - 7.31 CreateAttribut
4.22 - 7.31 CreateAttributBuffer
4.22 - 7.31 CreateConfigExchangeLocal
4.22 - 7.31 CreateID_DataBuffer
4.22 - 7.31 CreateIPsecSA_Desc
4.22 - 7.31 CreateInfoMsg
4.22 - 7.31 CreateInfomodeExchangeLocal
4.22 - 7.31 CreateInfomodeExchangeRemote
4.22 - 7.31 CreateIsakmpSpi
4.22 - 4.98 CreateLogMsg
4.22 - 4.99 CreatePacket
4.22 - 4.99 CreateProposal
4.22 - 7.31 CreateQuickmodeExchangeLocal
4.22 - 7.31 CreateQuickmodeExchangeRemote
4.22 - 4.99 CreateReplyMsg
4.22 - 7.31 CreateTransactionExchangeRemote
4.22 - 7.31 Create_AGGR_ExchangeContext
4.22 - 7.31 Create_ID_Data
4.22 - 7.31 Create_IPSEC_Transform
4.22 - 7.31 Create_ISAKMP_Transform
4.22 - 7.31 Create_MM_AGGR_ExchangeLocal
4.22 - 7.31 Create_MM_AGGR_ExchangeRemote
4.22 - 7.31 Create_MM_IDP_ExchangeLocal
4.22 - 7.31 Create_MM_IDP_ExchangeRemote
4.22 - 7.31 Create_NAT_D_HashValues
4.22 - 7.31 DecryptConfigMsg
4.22 - 7.31 DecryptInfoMsg
4.22 - 7.31 Del_ISAKMP_SA_when_expired
4.22 - 7.31 Del_IkeCtx_After_Delay
4.22 - 7.31 DeleteAttribut
4.22 - 7.31 DeleteExchangeCtx
4.22 - 4.99 DeleteIPsecPS
4.22 - 7.31 DeleteIkeTimer
4.22 - 4.99 DeleteLocal_ISAKMP_SA
4.22 - 7.31 DeleteLocal_SA
4.22 - 7.31 DeleteProposal
4.22 - 7.31 DeleteRemote_SA
4.22 - 7.31 DeleteTransactionModeStartTimer
4.22 - 7.31 DeleteTransform
4.22 - 7.31 DoublePaketCheck
4.22 - 7.31 DupAttribut
4.22 - 7.31 DupID
4.22 - 7.31 DupIPsecProtectionSuite
4.22 - 7.31 DupTransform
4.22 - 7.31 Dup_IDPayload
4.22 - 7.31 Dup_ISAKMP_ProtectionSuite
4.22 - 4.99 Dup_Phase1_Negotiation_Data
4.22 - 7.31 Dup_Phase2Negotiation_Data_with_new_id
4.22 - 4.99 EncryptConfigMsg
4.22 - 7.31 EncryptInfoMsg
4.22 - 7.31 EncryptPayloads
4.22 - 7.31 ErrorHandling
4.22 - 7.31 EvaluateSAPayload
4.22 - 7.31 FinishMainMode
4.22 - 7.31 FinishQuickMode
4.22 - 4.99 FreeAttributPayload
4.22 - 4.99 FreeCertPayload
4.22 - 4.99 FreeCertReqPayload
4.22 - 7.31 FreeDeletePayload
4.22 - 7.31 FreeID
4.22 - 7.31 FreeIDPayload
4.22 - 7.31 FreeIPsecSA_Desc
4.22 - 7.31 FreeIPsec_SA
4.22 - 7.31 FreeIPsec_SA_Set
4.22 - 7.31 FreeInfoMsg
4.22 - 7.31 FreeNotifyPayload
4.22 - 7.31 FreePacket
4.22 - 7.31 FreePayload
4.22 - 7.31 FreePhase1NegotiationData
4.22 - 7.31 FreePhase2NegotiationData
4.22 - 7.31 FreeSaPl
4.22 - 7.31 FreeSessionKeys
4.22 - 7.31 Free_ISAKMP_PS
4.22 - 7.31 Free_Payload
4.22 - 7.31 Free_SA_Desc_Set
4.22 - 7.31 GenerateNonce
4.22 - 7.31 GenerateSessionKeys
4.22 - 7.31 Generate_IPsec_Keymat
4.22 - 6.36 GetAtCurrentListPos
4.22 - 6.36 GetAtListPos
4.22 - 4.98 GetConfigMsgType2Str
4.22 - 4.38 GetErrorMsg
4.22 - 7.31 GetExchTypAsStr
4.22 - 7.31 GetFirstRecvPL
4.22 - 7.31 GetInfoModeAddrData
4.22 - 7.31 GetInitiatorID
4.22 - 7.31 GetMsgID
4.22 - 7.31 GetNewCookie
4.22 - 7.31 GetNewCpi
4.22 - 7.31 GetNewMsgID
4.22 - 7.31 GetNewSpi
4.22 - 7.31 GetNextRecvPL
4.22 - 4.98 GetNotifyMsgTypAsStr
4.22 - 7.31 GetPayloadAsStr
4.22 - 4.98 GetProtocolAsStr
4.22 - 7.31 GetRecvIdPL
4.22 - 7.31 GetRecvLocalID
4.22 - 7.31 GetRecvRemoteID
4.22 - 5.27 GetRecvSaPL
4.22 - 7.31 GetResponderID
4.22 - 4.98 GetSitutionAsStr
4.22 - 7.31 GetTransformID_as_String
4.22 - 4.99 Get_Ipsec_Transform_Priority
4.22 - 7.31 IDP_EXCH_BuildIdHash
4.22 - 7.31 IDP_EXCH_BuildMsgIdHash
4.22 - 7.31 IDP_EXCH_BuildMsgKeNo
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_EXCH_BuildMsgKeNoCertReq
4.22 - 7.31 IDP_EXCH_BuildMsgSa
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_EXCH_Build_ID_Cert_Sig_Msg
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_PK_recv_id_i
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_PK_recv_id_r
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_PK_recv_key_i
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_PK_recv_key_r
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_PK_recv_sa_r
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_SIG_recv_id_i
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_SIG_recv_id_r
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_SIG_recv_key_i
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_SIG_recv_key_r
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_SIG_recv_sa_r
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_SIG_snd_key_no_certreq
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_SIG_wait_check_sign
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_SIG_wait_sign
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_offer_sa
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_recv_sa_i
4.22 - 4.99 IDP_without_neighbour
4.22 - 7.31 IKECTX_Set_Auth_type
4.22 - 7.31 IKECTX_check_ipsec_protection_suites_for_spi
7.19 - 7.31 IKECTX_set_remote_ip_and_port
4.22 - 7.31 IKE_PAYL_NAT_D_by_ctx
4.22 - 7.31 IKE_Timeout
4.22 - 4.99 IPSECCONF_varfree
4.22 - 4.99 IPSECCONF_varinit
4.22 - 4.99 IPSECCONF_varload
4.22 - 4.99 IPSECCONF_varload_merge
4.22 - 4.99 IPSECCONF_varload_overwrite
4.22 - 4.99 IPSECCONF_varsave
4.22 - 7.31 ISAKMP_SA_Update_Lifetime
4.22 - 7.31 IdentityProtetectionExchange
4.22 - 7.31 Ike_IncCounter
4.22 - 7.31 IncConnectionCounter
4.22 - 7.31 IncCounter
4.22 - 7.31 IncNeighbourCounter
4.22 - 7.31 InformalExchange
4.22 - 7.31 InitIkeServer
4.22 - 7.31 Is_SADescSet_Empty
4.22 - 7.31 IsakmpProtectionSuite_Set_XAUTH_Auth_Methode
4.22 - 7.31 LinkExchangeContext
4.22 - 7.31 LoadAuthenticatonData
4.22 - 4.98 LogDeletePhase1Sa
4.22 - 4.98 LogDeletePhase2Sa
4.22 - 7.31 MM_BuildResponderLiftimePayload
4.22 - 4.99 MM_CreateLifteTimeAttributeBuffer
4.22 - 4.99 MM_EvaluateCertPayload
4.22 - 4.99 MM_EvaluateCertReqPayload
4.22 - 4.99 MM_EvaluateHashPayload
4.22 - 4.99 MM_EvaluateIDPayload
4.22 - 4.99 MM_EvaluateKeyPayload
4.22 - 4.99 MM_EvaluateNAT_D_Payload
4.22 - 4.99 MM_EvaluateNoncePayload
4.22 - 4.99 MM_EvaluateNotifyPayload
4.22 - 7.31 MM_EvaluateRecvPayloads
4.22 - 4.99 MM_EvaluateSignaturePayload
4.22 - 7.31 MM_EvaluateVendorPayload
4.22 - 7.31 MM_Handle_Responder_Lifetime
4.22 - 4.99 MakeProposalBufferFromIPsecSuite
4.22 - 4.99 MakeProposalBufferFromIsakmpSuite
4.22 - 4.99 Make_AH_Proposal_Buffer
4.22 - 4.99 Make_ESP_Proposal_Buffer
4.22 - 4.99 Make_IPCOMP_Proposal_Buffer
4.22 - 6.36 MoveHead
4.22 - 6.36 MoveNext
4.22 - 4.99 NAT_T_CheckLocalHashes
4.22 - 4.99 NAT_T_CheckRemoteHash
4.22 - 7.31 NAT_T_CreateNAT_D_Payload
7.19 - 7.31 NAT_T_HashCtx_free
4.22 - 7.31 NAT_T_ValidateNAT_D_Hash
4.22 - 7.31 PrepareSessionKeyForAggrMode
4.22 - 4.98 PrintAttribut
4.22 - 4.98 PrintAttributPayload
4.22 - 4.98 PrintConfigModeAttribut
4.22 - 4.98 PrintDeletePayload
4.22 - 7.31 PrintError
4.22 - 4.98 PrintGenericHdr
4.22 - 4.98 PrintID_Payload
4.22 - 4.98 PrintIPsecPS_priority_info
4.22 - 4.98 PrintIsakmpHdr
4.22 - 4.98 PrintMemBlock
4.22 - 4.98 PrintNotificationMsg
4.22 - 4.98 PrintNotifyPayload
4.22 - 4.98 PrintProposalHdr
4.22 - 4.98 PrintSAHdr
4.22 - 4.98 PrintTransform
4.22 - 4.98 Print_ID
4.22 - 4.98 Print_IPSEC_Proposals
4.22 - 4.98 Print_IPsecSA_Angebot
4.22 - 4.98 Print_Isakmp_Proposals
4.22 - 7.31 QM_BuildMsgHA
4.22 - 7.31 QM_BuildMsgSA_NI
4.22 - 4.99 QM_BuildResponderLiftimePayload
4.85 - 4.92 QM_CreateLifeTimeAttributeBuffer
4.22 - 4.99 QM_CreateLifteTimeAttributeBuffer
4.22 - 7.31 QM_EXCH_EvaluateRecvPayloads
4.22 - 4.99 QM_EXCH_commit
4.22 - 4.99 QM_EXCH_inHash_I
4.22 - 4.99 QM_EXCH_inSA_outHash
4.22 - 4.99 QM_EXCH_inSa_outSA
4.22 - 4.99 QM_EXCH_outSA
4.22 - 7.31 QM_Handle_Responder_Lifetime_Msg
4.22 - 7.31 QuickModeExchange
4.22 - 7.31 ReInitQuickModePayloadList
4.22 - 7.31 ReadAndCheckProposal
4.22 - 7.31 ReadAndCheckTransformPayload
4.22 - 7.31 ReadAttribut
4.22 - 4.99 ReadAttributPayload
4.22 - 4.99 ReadCertPayload
4.22 - 4.99 ReadCertReqPayload
4.22 - 7.31 ReadDeletePayload
4.22 - 4.99 ReadGenericPayloadHeader
4.22 - 7.31 ReadIDPayload
4.22 - 7.31 ReadNotifyPayload
4.22 - 7.31 ReadPayload
4.22 - 7.31 ReadProposalPayloadHeader
4.22 - 7.31 ReadRecvPayloads
4.22 - 7.31 ReadSAPayloadHeader
4.22 - 7.31 ReadTransformHeader
4.22 - 4.99 Read_IPSEC_Attribute
4.22 - 4.99 Read_IPSEC_Transform
4.22 - 4.99 Read_ISAKMP_Attribute
4.22 - 7.31 Read_ISAKMP_Hdr
4.22 - 4.99 Read_ISAKMP_Transform
4.22 - 7.31 Read_Payload
4.22 - 7.31 Read_SA_Pl
4.22 - 6.36 RemoveFromList
4.22 - 7.31 Renew_ISAKMP_SA
4.22 - 7.31 ReportError
4.22 - 7.31 SaveInitiatorCookie
4.22 - 7.31 SaveQuickModePayload
4.22 - 7.31 SaveRecvNonce
4.22 - 4.99 SaveRecvPaket
4.22 - 4.99 SaveRecvPayload
4.22 - 7.31 SaveRecv_DHkey
4.22 - 7.31 SaveResponderCookie
4.22 - 4.99 SendCommitMsg
4.22 - 7.31 SendInfoMsg
4.22 - 7.31 SendInfoMsgs
4.22 - 7.31 SendInitialContactMsg
4.22 - 7.31 SendMsg
4.22 - 7.31 SendQuickHackDeleteMsg
4.22 - 7.31 SendSorryBabe
4.22 - 7.31 SendUThere
4.22 - 7.31 ServiceStopNT
4.22 - 7.31 SetDeleteCtxTimer
4.22 - 7.31 SetISAKMP_SA_Values
4.22 - 7.31 SetIV
4.22 - 7.31 SetIkeError
4.22 - 7.31 SetIkeTimer
4.22 - 7.31 SetInfoMsg
4.22 - 7.31 SetKeepAliveCtxTimer
4.22 - 4.99 SetLastSendPaket
4.22 - 4.99 Set_IPsecSA_Enc_Key_Len
4.22 - 7.31 Set_ISAKMP_SA_Complete
4.22 - 7.31 Set_ISAKMP_SA_Valid
4.22 - 7.31 Set_TransactionMode_IkeTimer
4.22 - 7.31 Start_Configmode_Timeout
4.22 - 7.31 Start_XAUTH_Timeout
4.22 - 7.31 TransactionExchange
4.22 - 7.31 TransformUpdateLifeTime
4.22 - 7.31 UnlinkExchangeContext
4.22 - 7.31 UpdateQM_ExchCtx_Remote
4.22 - 4.99 UpdateTransformLenght
4.22 - 7.31 Update_MM_AGGR_Exchange_Remote_Ctx
4.22 - 7.31 ValidateHash
4.22 - 7.31 ValidateID
4.22 - 7.31 ValidateNotifyHash
4.22 - 7.31 ValidateRecvDHkey
4.22 - 4.99 WriteAttribut
4.22 - 7.31 WriteAttribute
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_CTX_Create
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_CTX_free
4.22 - 4.99 XAUTH_CTX_set_reply_value
6.98 - 7.31 XAUTH_CTX_set_state
4.22 - 4.99 XAUTH_CheckReply
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_Exchange
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_GetVendorId
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_IsAttributInXauthRange
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_REPLY_free
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_REQUEST_clear
4.22 - 4.99 XAUTH_RecvMsg
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_Set_Authentication_Methode
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_Start_Local
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_Start_Remote
4.22 - 7.31 XAUTH_Timeout
6.98 - 7.31 XAUTH_user_query_reply
4.22 - 7.31 avmike
4.22 - 4.99 cb_server_alive
4.22 - 7.31 cookie2str
4.22 - 4.98 ctxstate2str
4.22 - 7.31 delete_neighbour
4.22 - 6.36 fAddToList
4.22 - 6.36 fCreateList
4.22 - 6.36 fDeleteList
6.98 - 7.31 get_vpn_connected_event_string
4.22 - 7.31 hdr2str
4.22 - 7.31 ikeconn_add
4.22 - 4.99 ikeconn_certuser_check_reply
4.22 - 4.99 ikeconn_certuser_query_reply
4.22 - 4.99 ikeconn_cfgmode_query_reply
4.22 - 7.31 ikeconn_create_sa
4.22 - 7.31 ikeconn_delete
4.22 - 7.31 ikeconn_delete_sa
4.22 - 4.99 ikeconn_dpd_trigger_check
4.22 - 7.31 ikeconn_register
4.22 - 4.99 ikeconn_set_cfgmode
4.22 - 4.99 ikeconn_set_xauth
4.22 - 4.99 ikeconn_setparams
4.22 - 7.31 ikeconn_unregister
4.22 - 4.99 ikeconn_user_query_reply
4.22 - 4.99 ikeconn_user_xauth_query_reply
4.22 - 4.99 ikeconn_xauth_query_reply
5.27 - 7.31 ikelog_init
5.27 - 7.31 ikelog_msg
6.98 - 7.31 ipsec_sa2_str
4.22 - 7.31 isakmpsa_link
4.22 - 7.31 isakmpsa_unlink
4.22 - 8.00 main
4.22 - 7.31 new_neighbour_template
4.22 - 7.31 phase1sa2_str
4.22 - 4.98 phase2sa2_str
5.27 - 7.31 start_keepalive_timer
5.27 - 7.31 start_vpn_keepalive
4.22 - 4.99 start_wait_phases
5.27 - 7.31 stop_vpn_keepalive
4.22 - 6.36 tAllocMemCtxBuffer
4.22 - 6.36 tConcatenate2MemBlocks
4.22 - 6.36 tConcatenateMemBlocks
4.22 - 6.36 tCopyBufferInMemCtx
4.22 - 6.36 tCopyMemCtx
4.22 - 6.36 tCreateMemCtx
4.22 - 6.36 tCreateMemCtx_byValues
4.22 - 6.36 tDeleteMemCtxList
4.22 - 6.36 tDupMemory
4.22 - 6.36 tFreeMemCtx
4.22 - 6.36 tFreeMemCtxBuffer
4.22 - 7.31 tID2str
4.22 - 6.36 tMemBlockDup
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_add_neighbour_sa
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_add_key_ca
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_add_trusted_ca
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_build_certreq_payloads
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_del_key_ca
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_del_trusted_ca
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_free_cas
4.80 - 7.31 wolke_cert_get_first_available_sessid
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_get_mydn_for_sessid
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_get_sessid_for_ca
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_is_cas_init_complete
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_set_key_cas_init_complete
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_cert_set_trusted_cas_init_complete
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_certsrv_alive
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_certsrv_dead
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_configmode_error
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_configmode_ready
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_connection_error
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_connection_ready
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_connection_set_status
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_ctx_del_cfg_exchange
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_ctx_del_xauth_exchange
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_ctx_process_stored_transmode_paket
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_ctx_set_cfg_ctx
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_ctx_set_xauth_ctx
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_ctx_store_transmode_paket
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_connection_ahSA
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_connection_compSA
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_connection_espSA
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_connection_exchange
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_neighbor_all_ipsec_sas
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_neighbor_all_isakmp_sas
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_neighbor_all_isakmp_sas_but
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_neighbor_all_isakmp_sas_but_ipaddr
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_neighbour_exchange
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_neighbour_sa
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_del_neighbour_sa_by_remote
4.22 - 4.99 wolke_del_not_valid_neighbour_sas
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_dns_reinit
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_exit
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_find_connection_ctx
6.69 - 7.31 wolke_find_ctx
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_find_neighbour_ctx
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_find_neighbour_sa
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_find_user_application
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_get_connection_by_id
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_get_connection_by_outspi
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_get_connection_ctx_by_spi
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_get_neighbour_by_cookies
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_get_neighbour_by_id
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_get_neighbour_by_ipaddr_and_port
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_get_neighbour_by_name
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_get_transaction_ctx_by_msgid
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_init
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_inital_contact_message_received
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_neighbour_certuser_check
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_neighbour_check_remoteid
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_neighbour_error
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_neighbour_is_alive
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_neighbour_ready
4.22 - 4.99 wolke_neighbour_ready2
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_neighbour_renew_sa
4.22 - 4.99 wolke_neighbour_replace
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_neighbour_sa_inuse
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_neighbour_set_status
6.88 - 7.31 wolke_neighbour_to_match_isakmp_sas
4.22 - 5.27 wolke_poll
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_set_ikecfg_ctx
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_set_ikexauth_ctx
7.08 - 7.31 wolke_stop_transaction_mode_retry_timer
4.22 - 4.99 wolke_userreq_delete_from_list
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_userreq_find_by_hdr
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_userreq_find_by_id
4.22 - 4.99 wolke_userreq_free
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_userreq_send
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_write_neighbor_sa_image
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_xauth_error
4.22 - 7.31 wolke_xauth_ready
526 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.