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libavmcsock.so is one of the oldest and most important libs by AVM, a swiss army knife of interaction with the system.
It is the base of all AVM-Commands since the early days of FRITZ!OS and provides numerous helper functions.

There are some recent debugging and testing uilities:
avmipcstream, cratelimittest, testdaemon, udpspread, udptest, utiltest and uhexdump.

Features of avmcsock library will be explained here step by step, as required by other articles:


aicmd enhanced daemons using libavmcsock.so inherit these functions:
All aicmd enhanced daemons require libavmcsock.so!

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.01+

avmcsock show csock                      - show all csock
avmcsock show dnsconfig                  - show all dns context
avmcsock show timercb                    - show all timer
avmcsock show debughandles               - show all debughandles
avmcsock show cprocess                   - show all processes
avmcsock set debug                       - set debug flags

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.29+

avmcsock show cbcontext                  - show all cbdata
avmcsock show daemon                     - show daemon status
avmcsock show cbuf                       - show cbuf status

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.39+

avmcsock getsymbol <address>             - get symbol for address
avmcsock show dnsglobal                  - show all dns global values
avmcsock show dnscache                   - show cache
avmcsock show dnsqueries                 - show all pending queries
avmcsock show avmipc [endpoint shmatch]  - show avmipc events and states
avmcsock ctimer show                     - show all timer
avmcsock ctimer overview                 - show ctimer overview
avmcsock iotrace format unctrl|hexdump   - set format for csock iotrace
avmcsock iotrace file                    - enable iotrace to file
avmcsock iotrace enable                  - enable iotrace via debugmsg
avmcsock iotrace disable                 - disable iotrace
avmcsock iotrace match help|<match>      - show allowed matches or set match
avmcsock iotrace reset                   - remove all matches
avmcsock iotrace show                    - show configuration

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.90+

avmcsock show signals                    - show signal handler
avmcsock show connector [cache|stats]    - show connector information
avmcsock show clogger                    - show clogger information
avmcsock set clogmod [ <module> [ '.' <submodule ] ... ] [ '=' <level> ]
                                         - set clogmod log level
avmcsock slab check                      - red zone/free check
avmcsock slab reap [heavy]               - call slab_reap/slab_reap_heavy
avmcsock slab dump [long]                - show slab allocation
avmcsock slab show                       - show slab information
avmcsock slab ewma [show|activate|deactivate|reset]
                                         - show average allocates/freed per second
avmcsock avmipc notifier [endpoint shmatch]
                                         - show registered notifier
avmcsock avmipc set [endpoint shmatch]   - show states/events sent
avmcsock avmipc csv [endpoint shmatch]   - show states/events sent and listing as csv


aicmd enhanced daemons inheriting functions from libavmcsock.so:
The Firmw column shows the Listener's aicmd compatiblity, the enhancement by libavmcsock.so startet with fw 7.01.

Listener Firmw Libraries
assetsd (avmcmd) 7.90 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
atom_pucd (avmcmd) 7.39 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
avmcounterd (avmcmd) 7.39 libavmcsock.so, libavmrrdtoolapi.so, libewnwlinux.so
avmike (avmcmd) 7.29 libavmcsock.so, libavmpcp.so, libewnwlinux.so
avmipcd (avmcmd) 7.01 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
avmnexusd (avmcmd) 7.01 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
avmntpd (avmcmd) 7.39 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
avmpacmstated (avmcmd) 7.29 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
avmspeechd (avmcmd) 7.90 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
bb_shm_manager (avmcmd) 7.39 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
cloudmsgd (avmcmd) 7.39 libavmpcp.so, libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
ctlmgr (avmcmd) 7.01 libavmcsock.so, libavmpcp.so, libcmapi.so, libewnwlinux.so, libtr064.so, libwebsrv.so, libusp.so
ddnsd (avmcmd) 7.29 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
deviceinfod (avmcmd) 7.01 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
dnsqcheckd (avmcmd) 7.08 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
dsld (avmcmd) 7.01 libavmcsock.so, libavmpcp.so, libewnwlinux.so
dvbipcd (avmcmd) 7.39 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
extswitch_watch (avmcmd) 7.39 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
glued (avmcmd) 7.59 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
l2tpv3d (avmcmd) 7.29 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
latencyd (avmcmd) 7.70 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
matterd (avmcmd) 7.63 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
meshd (avmcmd) 7.01 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so, libmeshd.so
miniavmntpd (avmcmd) 7.50 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
moved (avmcmd) 7.39 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so, libmoved.so
multid (avmcmd) 6.88 libavmcsock.so, libavmpcp.so, libewnwlinux.so
nltest 7.39 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
pcpd (avmcmd) 6.88 libavmcsock.so, libavmpcp.so, libewnwlinux.so
ppwatchd (chipcmd) 7.39 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
pumaglued (avmcmd) 7.29 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
rextd (avmcmd) 7.29 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
simulate_umts 7.39 libavmcsock.so
testdaemon 7.39 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
upnpd (avmcmd) 7.01 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
voipd (avmcmd) 6.88 libavmcsock.so, libavmpcp.so, libewnwlinux.so
vpnd (avmcmd) 7.29 libavmcsock.so, libavmpcp.so, libewnwlinux.so
wland (avmcmd) 7.90 libewnwlinux.so, libavmcsock.so
wsdd (avmcmd) 7.29 libavmcsock.so, libewnwlinux.so
38 listeners inherit libavmcsock.so functions


Here some important features will be explained by aicmd examples using terms from its avmcsock syntax.
The Endpoints sections of all aicmd enhanced daemon articles link here for each explained term, like the Endpoints above.



Every full featured member of the AVM-Commands provides the -D debug option:

 -D STRING          - switch debug logs on. (FUNC)

Most of us asked themselves what is meant with FUNC and so did I. It is a fine grained system of numerous named
debug handles, which could be enabled each, many of which are in avmcsock library, but everywhere else too.

While these functions could be passed to -D at invocation time aicmd enhanced daemons can change them at runtime:

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# aicmd ctlmgr avmcsock set debug main on


This enables the main debug handle (-D function) of ctlmgr.
All AVM-Commands have a noinfomsg debug handle which is enabled by default, and a main handle which is disabled.
For aicmd enhanced daemons the names of further debug handles could be queried:


While all real AVM-Commands can be passed the -D main option to debug the command or daemon itself like explained
in the debug section above aicmd enhanced daemons could query which other functions or debug handles could be enabled.

Let's take the most complex command ctlmgr as an example - 7330 fw 7.29 in DSL-Router mode - 134 handles:

root@fritz1:/var/mod/root# aicmd ctlmgr avmcsock show debughandles | sort -f

# 134 debughandles

accesscontrol        off
autotrust            off
avmipc               off
backendsupport       off
cachedtime           off
capture              off
cbcontext            off
cbcontexttrace       off
cbuf                 off
cbuf_chunked_filter  off
cbuf_filter          off
cfile                off
cfile_buffered       off
cfile_stat           off
children             off
cmempool             off
conffree             off
connector            off
cprocess             off
cptrstore            off
crwlock              off
csem                 off
cshstrpool           off
csock                off
csock_io             off
csock_pollfd         off
csock_select         off
cthread              off
dnscache             off
dns_excepted_domains off
emailnotify          off
eth                  off
ewnwstatus           off
forwardrules         off
forwardrulespcp      off
fritzappurls         off
fwupdate_report      off
gena                 off
genetlink            off
getjuisboxinfo       off
http_client          off
igdforwardrules      off
igdforwardrulespcp   off
ipv6firewall         off
ipv6firewallpcp      off
jasonii              off
jasonii_downstream_sync off
jasonii_sync         off
json_parse           off
juisclient           off
juisdata             off
landevices           off
landevicesar7cfg     off
landevicesfind       off
landevicesflash      off
landevicesforward    off
landevicesguest      off
landeviceslist       off
landevicesmanurl     off
landevicesmyfritz    off
landevicesmyself     off
landevicesneighbour  off
landevicesnexus      off
landevicesnexusuid   off
landevicesparent     off
landevicesplc        off
landevicesupnp       off
landevicesupstream   off
landevicesvpn        off
landeviceswlan       off
letsencrypt          off
libavmnexus          off
libavmnexuscfg       off
libavmnexus_api      off
lisp                 off
listprovider         off
mail                 off
main                 off
meshconfig           off
MESHFON_UTIL         off
meshmasterboxinfo    off
msgparse             off
myfritzclient        off
myfritzdata          off
myfritzdevice        off
netlink              off
netlinkifwatch       off
nexus                off
NexusAutoClientOnMaster off
NexusAutoClientOnSlave off
NexusFonServer       off
NexusMailServer      off
NexusServer          off
noinfomsg            on
openports            off
pairing              off
pcp                  off
pcpannounce          off
pcpfilter            off
pcptimer             off
pcptrace             off
PluginRPCAccess      off
remoteauth           off
remote_eventlog      off
security             off
sip                  off
soapclient           off
ssdp                 off
ssdpcli              off
ssdpdesc             off
ssl                  off
statistic            off
tfa_button_provider  off
timeout              off
TimeprofilesMonitor  off
timer_iface          off
tr064                off
trace                off
updatecheck          off
updatecheck_nexus    off
upnp                 off
upnpapicli           off
upnpapicli_sema      off
upnpdev              off
upnputil             off
upnp_iputil          off
upnp_message         off
usbinfod             off
usbinfos             off
user                 off
webrequest           off
websrv               off
webui                off
wlanlib              off

Let's see the less complex command pcpd for comparison - fw 7.29 - 32 handles:

root@fritz1:/var/mod/root# aicmd pcpd avmcsock show debughandles | sort -f

# 32 debughandles

avmipc               off
cachedtime           off
cbcontext            off
cbcontexttrace       off
cbuf                 off
cbuf_filter          off
cfile                off
cfile_buffered       off
cfile_stat           off
children             off
conffree             off
csem                 off
csock                off
csock_io             off
csock_pollfd         off
csock_select         off
cthread              off
daemon               off
daemon_bug           off
daemon_failed        off
daemon_fork_failed   off
genetlink            off
main                 off
netlink              off
netlinkifwatch       off
noinfomsg            on
pcp                  off
pcpannounce          off
pcpfilter            off
pcptimer             off
pcptrace             off
timeout              off

You see besides main and noinfomsg most of these are function blocks inherited from Shared-Libraries.
For pcpd the pcp* handles come from libavmpcp.so, the netlink* handles from libewnwlinux.so and the remainder
from libavmcsock.so.


csock: - fw 1.120+

Sockets maintained by avmcsock library are the name giving csock objects, used since the early days of FRITZ!OS.
These can be Linux-Sockets which are speciaL files, or inet sockets performing connections or serving the Network-Ports,
but also AVM-Watchdogs accessing the watchdog device or Netlink-Sockets connecting other processes, and more.
Let's see the csock a running pcpd uses:

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# aicmd pcpd avmcsock show csock

6   ; /var/tmp/me_pcpd.ctl 'avmipc'           ;     fd 6                                    ; unix,dgram                    ;
7   ; netlink                                 ;     fd 7                                    ; netlink,raw,route             ;
8   ; /var/tmp/me_pcpd-pcp-2137.ctl 'avmipc'  ;     fd 8                                    ; unix,dgram                    ;
9   ; [::]:5351 'pcp proxy server'            ;     dgram                                   ; inet6,dgram,udp,(lan)         ;
10  ; watchdog                                ;     fd 10                                   ; /dev/watchdog                 ;
11  ; 'avmipc_stream'         ;     connected to            ; inet,stream                   ;         1;          1;         21;         17;

You see the 2 Linux-Sockets me_pcpd.ctl and me_pcpd-pcp-($num).ctl which are avmipc enhanced, the AVM-Watchdog pcpd
using the watchdog device, a local IP connection which is an avmipc_stream, and the served Port-5351-udp, and a netlink
socket to some other process.

See also the csock_* functions in the Symbols section below.

cbuf: - fw 1.120+

For asynchronous communication buffering is required, that is what cbuf objects do, They are attached to a csock,
and are either input or output buffers. Of course a csock can have both of them. cbuf are not fixed size allocated buffers,
they dynamically grow and shrink on demand. Let's see the cbuf a running pcpd uses:

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# aicmd pcpd avmcsock show cbuf

Tue Jan  6 11:02:28 1970 -------------------------- 
CBUF: 3 cbufs, 3 buffer, 0 sendbuffer 4096 bytes
CBUF: 1 reader, 4456 bytes of memory

--- 0xb6f3ab80 csock input buffer (dgram)
   input    sizes default=2048 chunk=32768 max=32768
   lock=0 memlock=0 closed=0 written=0 filter=0 pos=-1
   1 buffer, 2048 bytes
   0 reader, 0 writer
    Buffer 0: nreader=0 full=0 isoob=0 bufsiz=2048 cnt=0

--- 0xb6f3ad00 csock input buffer (stream)
   input    sizes default=1024 chunk=32768 max=32768
   lock=0 memlock=0 closed=0 written=0 filter=0 pos=-1
   1 buffer, 1024 bytes
   0 reader, 0 writer
    Buffer 0: nreader=0 full=0 isoob=0 bufsiz=1024 cnt=0

--- 0xb6c5f108 csock output buffer
   output    sizes default=1024 chunk=32768 max=32768
   lock=0 memlock=0 closed=0 written=1 filter=0 pos=-1
   1 buffer, 1024 bytes
   1 reader, 0 writer
    Buffer 0: nreader=1 full=0 isoob=0 bufsiz=1024 cnt=140
    Reader 0: csock obuf (private) 926 bytes left
             : waiting=0 closed=0 nbufs=1

You see the properties and status of each buffer, readers and writers, and possibly pending data.

See also the cbuf_* functions in the Symbols section below.

avmipc: - fw 5.53+

avmipc endpoints are a higher type of csock which form the messaging system used for the AVMIPC-Datastore.
Entries in the datastore can either be of event or of state type, both are similar and receive and share IPC messages.
Each entry in the datastore can have subscribers, which register their avmipc endpoints using avmcsock library.
Ech subscriber can send or reveive IPC messages to the entry it is subscribed to.
Let's see to which entries a running pcpd is subscribed to:

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# aicmd avmipcd datastore show | grep local:pcpd | grep -v -e '@ ' -e '@aicmd_listener'

@pcpserver_changed                    : size    0, set by local , local:voipd-pcp-2510 local:dsld-pcp-2136 local:pcpd-pcp-2137 local:multid-pcp-1863 local:vpnd-pcp-1866 local:ctlmgr-pcp-1860
@libpcp_send_itemstatus               : size    0, set by local , local:voipd-pcp-2510 local:dsld-pcp-2136 local:pcpd-pcp-2137 local:multid-pcp-1863 local:vpnd-pcp-1866 local:ctlmgr-pcp-1860
@libpcp_dump                          : size    0, set by remote, local:voipd-pcp-2510 local:dsld-pcp-2136 local:pcpd-pcp-2137 local:multid-pcp-1863 local:vpnd-pcp-1866 local:ctlmgr-pcp-1860
STATE_FWACL_FWACLCFG                  : size   10, set by local , local:dsld local:pcpd

Entries marked with an @ are of event type, the remainder of state type. pcpd is subscribed to 3 events and 1 state.
Two special events were filtered out, the @ event showing all avmipc listeners, and the @aicmd_listener event showing
all aicmd listeners, both of which pcpd is subscribed to. In fw 7.39+ the above query could be simplified and more readable:

root@fritz:/var/mod/root# aicmd pcpd avmcsock show avmipc

Endpoint   Type  Key                                               # calls
pcpd       Event aicmd_listener                                          0
           Msg                                                           0
           State STATE_FWACL_FWACLCFG                                    1
           Event libpcp_send_itemstatus                                  7
           Event libpcp_dump                                             0
           Event pcpserver_changed                                       0

You see which events and states me_pcpd.ctl and me pcpd-pcp-($num).ctl are subscribed to and what happened each,
but the query above shows who else is subscribed to these avmipc messages, and whether it received an attached payload.
Attachments use JSON format, and STATE_FWACL_FWACLCFG got one, so let's see it:

root@fritz1:/var/mod/root# aicmd avmipcd datastore query STATE_FWACL_FWACLCFG full

STATE_FWACL_FWACLCFG: local:dsld local:pcpd
   DATA: <<!EOF!
fwacl {
// EOF

Ahh, it is an empty FWACL list, which either comes from dsld or pcpd. Doesn't matter, both are in sync about it now

See also the avmipc_* functions in the Symbols section below.

avmipc_stream: - fw 5.53+

An avmipc_stream is a feature on top of an avmipc endpoint.

A client creates a temporary (typically localhost) inet socket on a random port, listens to it, and notifies the server's avmipc
endpoint about its address and port. The server then does the same and initiates a tcp avmipc_stream connection to the
client. This keeps the avmipc endpoint free since all further communication uses the initiated avmipc_stream.
See the explanation of the proof of concept daemon avmipcstream how this looks isolated.
See the avmipc_command explanation below for examples and how this is used in the wild.

See also the avmipc_stream_* functions in the Symbols section below.

avmipc_command: - fw 6.54+

avmipc_command endpoints are a higher type of avmipc endpoints using avmipc_streams, accessed by the client aicmd.
Its the most beautiful messaging interface by AVM, since all listeners have a help function by design.
This is necessary since each listener can inherit numerous additional functions from avmipc_command enhanced Shared-Libraries.
An avmipc_command listener registers with the aicmd_listener event in the AVMIPC-Datastore, performed by avmcsock lib.
The aicmd client program then can query each registered listener by this principle:

aicmd <listener> <command> [<args>]

aicmd registers the query to <listener> with avmipcd using the me_avmipc_state.ctl avmipc endpoint.
Then it contacts the me_<listener>.ctl avmipc endpoint and requests an avmipc_stream session.
The <listener> then responds through the stream:

220 <listener> ready.\r\n

Now aicmd can send its command, omitting the <listener> since it's already addressed:

<command> [<args>]\r\n

If no error happened the <listener> then responds:

225 <command> info follows.\r\n<answer>

aicmd reads and prints the <answer> and closes the avmipc_stream session.
It then unregisters the query to <listener> with avmipcd using me_avmipc_state.ctl and terminates.

Whenever you use the avmcsock show csock function of a <listener> you see your own avmipc_stream session
since it's active in this moment. See the example in the csock explanation.
Before fw 7.39 these sessions were just marked avmipc but you will notice them, they are always the last entry.

See also the aicmd_* functions in the Symbols section below. (for registering an endpoint)
See also the avmipc_state_* functions in the Symbols section below. (for registering a query)



An inet type csock requires a DNS resolver, which is typically a pair of DNS servers. This is called a dns context.
To be flexible each program can have multiple dns contexts, logically named by their purpose, forming the dns config.

A good example is VoIP which can have an own PVC or VLAN, with own routes and DNS servers, or act through a VPN.
Let's have a look at the dns contexts of the voipd dns config in a fw 7.29 box in IPv4 only DSL-Router mode:

root@fritz1:/var/mod/root# aicmd voipd avmcsock show dnsconfig

tunnel: dns_context: tunnel (ref 1)
tunnel: dns_context: ipv4 only, none, 0, 2/5 300, 1
tunnel: dns_context: 1 name server:
tunnel: dns_context: 0

homenet: dns_context: homenet (ref 1)
homenet: dns_context: ipv4 only, none, 0, 2/5 300, 1
homenet: dns_context: 2 name server:
homenet: dns_context: 176.95.XX.XX 0
homenet: dns_context: 176.95.XX.XX 1
homenet: dns_context: from

mta: dns_context: mta (ref 1)
mta: dns_context: ipv4 only, none, 0, 2/5 300, 1

voip: dns_context: voip (ref 1)
voip: dns_context: ipv4 only, sipdns, 0, 2/5 300, 1
voip: dns_context: 2 name server:
voip: dns_context: 176.95.XX.XX 0
voip: dns_context: 176.95.XX.XX 1
voip: dns_context: from

internet: dns_context: internet (ref 1)
internet: dns_context: ipv4 only, dns, 0, 2/5 300, 1
internet: dns_context: 2 name server:
internet: dns_context: 176.95.XX.XX 0
internet: dns_context: 176.95.XX.XX 1
internet: dns_context: from

The advantage of multiple dns contexts is the ability to retarget each context depending on the networks and routes:

The tunnel context is for using VoIP through a VPN tunnel with remote resolvers.
The homenet context is for the VoIP DNS server which voipd serves on Port-7077-udp to the LAN.
This is necessary so a slave box in LAN can reach the resolvers of a separate PVC or VLAN for VoIP of the master.
The voip context is for voipd itself to reach the resolvers of a separate PVC or VLAN for VoIP.
The internet context is for voipd to perform an Update-Check for clients using the PVC or VLAN for internet.
The mta context is for reaching the resolvers for Email and does not seem to be used yet.

Only few daemons use dns contexts, see the DNS-Config sections of: voipd, multid, ctlmgr
If avmcsock show dnsconfig does not return any results then there is no dns context and the default resolver is used.








Daily updated index of Configuration files accessed by this library. Last update: 2024-10-24 06:36 GMT.
A - in the Mod column marks manual research, the Firmware then shows where the item occurs, not the Relation.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Config from tffs crash.log (tffs) - 4.67 - 7.29 Persistent user mode crash log / final dump. AVM
1 config relation for this library


The names of source files compiled into an executable often help to understand function blocks (and show gaps in the docs).
fw 7.39 source files:

$ strings /lib/libavmcsock.so | grep -e '\.c$' -e '\.cpp$'



Daily updated index of all dependencies of this library. Last update: 2024-10-24 07:27 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Depends on lib ld.so 54 4.85 - 8.00 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libc.so 158 1.120 - 8.00 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 105 4.70 - 8.00 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 81 4.22 - 6.110 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Depends on lib libpthread.so 105 4.70 - 8.00 POSIX threading library Linux
Depends on lib librt.so 62 6.35 - 8.00 POSIX realtime extensions library Linux
Depends on lib libsvctl.so 60 7.19 - 8.00 supervisor notification library AVM
Depends on lib libubacktrace.so 3 6.50 - 7.12 Standalone library for backtrace Linux
Depends on lib libz.so 60 6.98 - 8.00 Zlib compressor / decompressor Linux
Required by lib C20_mobiled.so 40 7.08 - 8.00 configd plugin library for mobiled configuration AVM
Required by lib libFLAC.so 1 6.36 Reference Codec for native and Ogg FLAC and its Metadata Linux
Required by lib libacsrpc.so 104 4.74 - 8.00 RPC endpoint communication API. AVM
Required by lib libahatime.so 23 5.55 - 6.36 TODO Linux
Required by lib libahatools.so 47 6.25 - 8.00 TFFS-Configuration API to aha.cfg and ahanet.cfg and tools. AVM
Required by lib libalwncpmgmt.so 3 7.63 - 7.90 ZigBee Network Co-Processor low-level management utilities AVM
Required by lib libalwptest.so 3 7.52 - 7.90 ZigBee production test AVM
Required by lib libalwswdutil.so 4 7.52 - 7.63 ZigBee Network Co-Processor low-level management utilities AVM
Required by lib libar7cfg.so 125 4.70 - 8.00 TFFS-Configuration API to ar7.cfg and many more. AVM
Required by lib libasec.so 5 7.08 ASEC databasee client API AVM
Required by lib libasset_bundle.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 Asset-Bundles helper functions AVM
Required by lib libautodetectnotify.so 1 7.90 TODO AVM
Required by lib libavm_cable_seg_stats_api.so 4 7.90 - 8.00 Cable segment statistics API AVM
Required by lib libavm_docsis_manager.so 7 5.09 - 7.08 ctlmgr plugin library for DOCSIS configuration AVM
Required by lib libavm_spectrum_data.so 4 7.39 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libavmasf.so 50 6.35 - 8.00 Metadata extractor for Microsoft audio and video formats AVM
Required by lib libavmauth.so 77 6.51 - 8.00 Fritzbox authentification helpers AVM
Required by lib libavmcounter_mac.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 Collects and caches neighbour MAC addresses from avmcounterd. AVM
Required by lib libavmcounterd_module.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 API library for avmcounterd plugins. AVM
Required by lib libavmcrypto.so 55 6.98 - 8.00 JWE encryption / decryption / key generator AVM
Required by lib libavmdatatrace.so 1 6.35 TODO Linux
Required by lib libavmdb.so 62 5.01 - 8.00 fritznasdb database engine AVM
Required by lib libavmdnsdomains.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 Collects and syncs DNS results for special domain wildcards AVM
Required by lib libavmdnsnotify.so 31 7.51 - 8.00 Client / server DNS notification API AVM
Required by lib libavmethstate.so 4 7.39 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libavmfbconf.so 46 7.39 - 7.81 API to hardcoded fbconf.cfg AVM
Required by lib libavmfbstate.so 69 7.02 - 8.00 IPC fritzbox state notification AVM
Required by lib libavmfiber.so 1 7.62 - 7.90 Fiber interface (SFP) management AVM
Required by lib libavmfwacl.so 55 6.35 - 8.00 Maintains the firewall access control list (FWACL). AVM
Required by lib libavmfwnotify.so 57 6.36 - 8.00 Firewall state notification. AVM
Required by lib libavmid3tag.so 52 6.25 - 8.00 ID3 tag Metadata reading library (3rd gen.) AVM
Required by lib libavmipchomenet.so 41 7.08 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libavmjsonoutput.so 25 7.90 - 8.00 Generates JSON output AVM
Required by lib libavmluautils.so 93 5.07 - 8.00 Utility Lua-Library AVM
Required by lib libavmmatter.so 1 7.61 - 7.63 AVM Matter core API AVM
Required by lib libavmmxml.so 63 6.98 - 8.00 Mini-XML helper functions AVM
Required by lib libavmnexus.so 63 6.88 - 8.00 avmnexusd worker socket API AVM
Required by lib libavmnexus_tab.so 63 6.88 - 8.00 TFFS-Configuration API to avmnexus.cfg AVM
Required by lib libavmnexuscfg.so 63 6.88 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by lib libavmnexusmail.so 63 6.98 - 8.00 Push-Mail across a Mesh network AVM
Required by lib libavmpacmstate.so 14 6.84 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libavmpcp.so 80 6.25 - 8.00 Port Control Protocol (PCP) API library AVM
Required by lib libavmprotobuf.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) mechanism for serializing structured data AVM
Required by lib libavmrpc.so 14 6.20 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libavmrrdstate.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 API wrapping rrdinfo AVM
Required by lib libavmrrdtoolapi.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 API wrapping rrdtool AVM
Required by lib libavmssl.so 137 4.12 - 8.00 SSL certificate creation / validation AVM
Required by lib libavmudpst.so 24 7.39 - 8.00 UDP speed test client / server API AVM
Required by lib libavmupnp.so 35 4.28 - 5.24 UPnP support API (small version) AVM
Required by lib libavmupnpapi.so 107 4.30 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by lib libavmupnpbig.so 114 4.28 - 8.00 UPnP support API (big version) AVM
Required by lib libavmuspmesh.so 43 7.39 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by lib libavmvpnnotify.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 VPN state notification. AVM
Required by lib libbb.so 28 7.29 - 8.00 Broadband connection information helpers AVM
Required by lib libbbeventlog.so 8 7.29 - 7.39 bbpd event notification API AVM
Required by lib libbbremotemgmt.so 11 7.51 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by lib libbotnetfilterlib.so 20 6.83 - 7.19 TODO Linux
Required by lib libboxenv.so 51 7.39 - 8.00 API to the rc.conf enhanced Config-Environment AVM
Required by lib libboxlib.so 126 4.70 - 8.00 Box status, logging and statistics functions AVM
Required by lib libboxnotifycsock.so 78 6.36 - 8.00 boxnotifyd client API (new) AVM
Required by lib libbroadband.so 38 7.24 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libbroadband_ui.so 18 7.29 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for Broadband configuration AVM
Required by lib libbroadbandcfg.so 25 7.21 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for broadband.cfg AVM
Required by lib libcfgimpexp.so 75 6.25 - 8.00 TFFS-Configuration API for configuration import and export. AVM
Required by lib libcloudcds.so 41 5.29 - 6.110 Online-Storage (WebDAV) plugin for libavmupnp.so / libavmupnpbig.so AVM
Required by lib libcm.so 100 5.01 - 8.00 ctlmgr / cm_logic messaging API AVM
Required by lib libcmapi.so 78 6.35 - 8.00 API library for ctlmgr and its plugins. AVM
Required by lib libcmquery.so 71 5.04 - 8.00 Asynchronous ctlmgr query Linux
Required by lib libconfigd.so 68 4.78 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for configd configuration AVM
Required by lib libctlrext.so 22 5.09 - 7.63 ctlmgr plugin library for Repeater configuration AVM
Required by lib libctlusb.so 61 5.04 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for USB configuration AVM
Required by lib libctlwebdav.so 61 5.06 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for WebDAV configuration AVM
Required by lib libctlwebdav_shm.so 1 6.50 - 6.64 nas_ctlmgr plugin library for WebDAV AVM
Required by lib libdect.so 60 5.04 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for DECT configuration AVM
Required by lib libdocsisinfo.so 4 7.19 - 8.00 TODO Puma
Required by lib libdocsisinfodata.so 14 6.110 - 8.00 TODO Puma
Required by lib libdocsissegstats.so 4 7.90 - 8.00 avmcounterd plugin library for cable_segment_stats AVM
Required by lib libdputil.so 77 6.54 - 8.00 DataPipe / packet utilities AVM
Required by lib libdsl.so 47 5.01 - 7.31 ctlmgr plugin library for DSL / Fiber configuration AVM
Required by lib libdsld_sync.so 35 7.39 - 7.81 TODO Linux
Required by lib libdslremotemgmt.so 36 6.25 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for TR-181 and KPI AVM
Required by lib libdslutils.so 28 7.29 - 8.00 Broadband frontend information helpers AVM
Required by lib libdvbapi.so 6 7.39 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libdvbif.so 4 7.19 - 8.00 DVB cable tuner API Puma
Required by lib libemailservice.so 91 5.27 - 8.00 Email sender using mailer AVM
Required by lib libethgstats.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 avmcounterd plugin library for ethernet stats AVM
Required by lib libeventlog.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 System Event-Log management API AVM
Required by lib libewe.so 3 5.04 - 5.51 ctlmgr plugin library for EWE-Smartmeter configuration AVM
Required by lib libewnwjson.so 54 6.83 - 8.00 JSON helper functions AVM
Required by lib libewnwlinux.so 127 4.70 - 8.00 Linux networking functions AVM
Required by lib libewnwnet.so 122 4.74 - 8.00 Internet helper functions AVM
Required by lib libexif.so 1 6.36 EXIF Metadata parsing, editing, and saving Linux
Required by lib libfaxsend.so 58 5.55 - 8.00 Fax submission library AVM
Required by lib libfaxsendlua.so 18 5.27 - 5.57 Lua-Library for sending Fax AVM
Required by lib libfbconf.so 26 7.61 - 8.00 API to hardcoded fbconf.cfg AVM
Required by lib libfbpbook.so 33 7.19 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libfbqos.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by lib libfbsync.so 26 7.61 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by lib libfiberremotemgmt.so 6 7.24 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for Fiber KPI AVM
Required by lib libfon.so 69 5.01 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for Telephony configuration AVM
Required by lib libfoncclient.so 42 6.54 - 8.00 Client API for wireless telephones AVM
Required by lib libfwsign.so 76 6.35 - 7.81 Firmware signature validation AVM
Required by lib libfwupdate.so 51 7.19 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libfwupdate_via_nexus.so 43 7.39 - 8.00 Firmware update across a Mesh network AVM
Required by lib libfwupdatetrace.so 63 6.88 - 8.00 TFFS-Configuration API to fwupdatetrace.cfg AVM
Required by lib libgpmdb.so 26 5.58 - 6.36 Google Play-Music client and database generator. AVM
Required by lib libgpmsrv.so 26 5.58 - 6.36 Google Play-Music plugin for libavmupnp.so / libavmupnpbig.so / gpmdb AVM
Required by lib libgroup.so 37 5.56 - 6.110 aha plugin library for smarthome groups AVM
Required by lib libgsm.so 36 5.04 - 6.110 ctlmgr plugin library for GSM configuration AVM
Required by lib libhtmltemplate.so 94 5.27 - 8.00 Template preprocessor for HTML / XML markup AVM
Required by lib libikeapi.so 55 6.35 - 8.00 avmike client / server communication API AVM
Required by lib libikecrypto.so 55 6.35 - 8.00 IPSec crypto core AVM
Required by lib libikeossl.so 55 6.35 - 8.00 IPSec OpenSSL key generator AVM
Required by lib libikev1.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 IPSec IKE v1 protocol (RFC-2409) AVM
Required by lib libikev2.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 IPSec IKE v2 protocol (RFC-4306) AVM
Required by lib libimageutils.so 11 5.01 - 5.08 Media type detection and Thumbnail generation (1st gen.) AVM
Required by lib libjasonclient.so 68 5.06 - 7.08 Update-Search - first generation - JASON AVM
Required by lib libjuisclient.so 72 6.54 - 8.00 Update-Search - second generation - JUIS AVM
Required by lib libkavmcounterd.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 Kernel extensions for avmcounterd AVM
Required by lib libkavmtrackd.so 51 7.19 - 8.00 DNS and IP change tracking AVM
Required by lib libkavmtrackdquery.so 38 7.24 - 8.00 dsld MAC address tracking and comparison AVM
Required by lib libkbridgeflt.so 51 7.19 - 8.00 Kernel bridge filtering control AVM
Required by lib libkdsld.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 Routing core API to kdsldmod.ko AVM
Required by lib libklatd.so 20 7.61 - 8.00 WAN Flow Latency Monitoring API AVM
Required by lib libknqos.so 51 7.19 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libkrextd.so 51 7.19 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libkskbtracepoint.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 Kernel socket buffer capture / trace API Linux
Required by lib libkvpnd.so 38 7.19 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libl2tpv3d.so 69 6.51 - 8.00 Layer 2 tunneling protocol v3 AVM
Required by lib liblandev.so 62 6.83 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib liblmsensors.so 7 7.90 - 8.00 avmcounterd plugin library for libsensors.so AVM
Required by lib liblocalize.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 Charset conversion helper functions AVM
Required by lib liblrwpan.so 4 7.52 - 7.90 ctlmgr plugin library for ZigBee configuration AVM
Required by lib liblrwpan_tools.so 4 7.61 - 7.90 ZigBee configuration import / export helper functions AVM
Required by lib libluadsl.so 16 7.39 - 8.00 Lua-Library for accessing DSL information AVM
Required by lib libluadvb.so 8 6.12 - 8.00 Lua-Library for DVB-C and SAT-IP streaming AVM
Required by lib libluaevent.so 83 5.23 - 8.00 Lua-Library for event handling AVM
Required by lib libluafiber.so 3 7.24 - 7.30 Lua-Library for accessing Fiber information AVM
Required by lib libluaplc.so 73 5.55 - 8.00 Lua-Library for accessing Powerline devices AVM
Required by lib libluatextdb.so 76 6.35 - 8.00 Lua-Library for accessing the HTML-Text database AVM
Required by lib libluaxml.so 77 6.35 - 8.00 Lua-Library for processing XML data AVM
Required by lib libmailbuilder.so 101 4.77 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library and Lua-Library for creating Push-Mail AVM
Required by lib libmaildparse.so 70 5.29 - 8.00 maild Email client for dect_manager AVM
Required by lib libmaillib.so 82 4.57 - 8.00 Email parser and decoder AVM
Required by lib libmediacli.so 46 6.36 - 8.00 Finds and browses UPnP-AV servers. AVM
Required by lib libmediasrv.so 63 4.85 - 8.00 UPnP-AV plugin for upnpd AVM
Required by lib libmediautils.so 62 5.06 - 8.00 Media type detection and Thumbnail generation (2nd gen.) AVM
Required by lib libmemory_module.so 3 7.39 avmcounterd plugin library for memory usage stats (obsolete) AVM
Required by lib libmesh_plcservice.so 55 6.98 - 8.00 meshd topology extension for Powerline devices AVM
Required by lib libmesh_plugin.so 61 7.08 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for Mesh configuration AVM
Required by lib libmesh_shared.so 63 6.98 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libmeshd.so 61 7.08 - 8.00 API library for meshd and its extensions. AVM
Required by lib libmonitorapi.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by lib libmove_dect_d.so 27 7.39 - 8.00 moved plugin library for destination DECT base import AVM
Required by lib libmove_dect_s.so 27 7.39 - 8.00 moved plugin library for source DECT base export AVM
Required by lib libmove_helper.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by lib libmove_meshd_d.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library and moved plugin library for destination Mesh device import AVM
Required by lib libmove_meshd_s.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library and moved plugin library for source Mesh device export AVM
Required by lib libmove_nw_d.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 moved plugin library for destination Network import AVM
Required by lib libmove_nw_s.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 moved plugin library for source Network export AVM
Required by lib libmoved.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 API to the moved service. AVM
Required by lib libmovetrace.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libmqtt.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 MQTT client API AVM
Required by lib libmscodex.so 67 5.29 - 8.00 Audio Codec library for Speex AVM
Required by lib libmsgwrap.so 118 4.65 - 8.00 XML message wrapper AVM
Required by lib libmxml.so 125 4.70 - 8.00 Mini-XML parser / generator Linux
Required by lib libneighbour.so 20 7.61 - 8.00 Neighbour discovery and notification API AVM
Required by lib libnetpbm.so 1 6.36 Read / write PNM formats NetPbm
Required by lib libnetwork.so 37 5.55 - 6.110 aha plugin library for the LAN AVM
Required by lib liboauth2.so 81 5.50 - 8.00 OAuth v2.0 authentificator Linux
Required by lib libphonebook.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 Phonebook access API AVM
Required by lib libplcaccess.so 77 5.07 - 8.00 Powerline (PLC) access and administration API AVM
Required by lib libplcctlmgr.so 77 5.07 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for accessing Powerline devices AVM
Required by lib libpng15.so 1 6.36 Official PNG reference library LibPNG
Required by lib libpop3lib.so 82 4.44 - 8.00 POP3 / POP3S Email retriever AVM
Required by lib libprocmodules.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 avmcounterd plugin library for procfs stats AVM
Required by lib libprolific.so 2 6.02 - 7.15 aha plugin library for Prolific metering chips AVM
Required by lib libpumacmflt.so 7 7.19 - 8.00 Cable modem filtering API Puma
Required by lib librendercli.so 46 6.36 - 8.00 UPnP-Renderer support for upnpbrd AVM
Required by lib librextcfg.so 24 4.65 - 7.63 TFFS-Configuration API to rext.cfg and many more. AVM
Required by lib librtpstream.so 36 4.06 - 8.00 RTP / T.38 protocol support for voipd AVM
Required by lib librtpstreamt38.so 85 4.37 - 8.00 RTP / T.38 protocol support for voipd AVM
Required by lib libserial.so 1 7.57 - 7.63 aha plugin library for USB serial smart electricity metering AVM
Required by lib libserviceinterface.so 29 7.08 - 7.18 Abstract service interface to Powerline (PLC) devices AVM
Required by lib libsiplib.so 52 6.35 - 8.00 SIP protocol support for voipd AVM
Required by lib libsnmpmanager.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 SNMP protocol support AVM
Required by lib libsoacacsrpc.so 70 4.74 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libspeedtest.so 78 6.35 - 8.00 Kernel speedtest API AVM
Required by lib libsqlite3.so 1 6.36 SQLite self-contained SQL database engine Linux
Required by lib libstationurl.so 58 5.51 - 8.00 Playlist + RSS-Feed parser for Webradio + Podcast inclusion in fritznasdb AVM
Required by lib libtamconf.so 69 5.04 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for TAM configuration AVM
Required by lib libtcloud.so 54 5.50 - 7.39 T-Cloud plugin for libavmupnp.so / libavmupnpbig.so / libctlusb.so AVM
Required by lib libtelcfg.so 70 5.04 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for Telephony configuration AVM
Required by lib libtimer.so 93 5.04 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for Timer configuration AVM
Required by lib libtimeriface.so 38 7.19 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libtr064.so 99 4.80 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for TR-064 configuration AVM
Required by lib libtr069.so 94 4.86 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for TR-069 configuration AVM
Required by lib libupnpav.so 59 5.55 - 8.00 UPnP-AV support API AVM
Required by lib libupnpbrdcli.so 58 5.27 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libupnpdev.so 117 4.74 - 8.00 UPnP root device helper library AVM
Required by lib libupnpdevusb.so 52 4.74 - 6.110 TODO Linux
Required by lib libusb.so 5 6.40 - 7.03 Userspace access API to USB devices. Linux
Required by lib libusbcfg.so 75 4.70 - 8.00 TFFS-Configuration API to usb.cfg. AVM
Required by lib libuser.so 72 5.01 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for Box-User configuration AVM
Required by lib libusp.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for TR-369 / USP configuration AVM
Required by lib libvdsl.so 2 5.01 - 5.06 ctlmgr plugin library for VDSL configuration AVM
Required by lib libvoipkpi.so 35 7.08 - 8.00 VoIP quality KPI collector for voipkpid AVM
Required by lib libvpnstat.so 23 5.06 - 5.54 ctlmgr plugin library for VPN stats AVM
Required by lib libwebkpi.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 KPI collector for system parts which use HTTP / HTTPS AVM
Required by lib libwebkpiclient.so 31 7.39 - 8.00 KPI sensor for system parts which use HTTP / HTTPS AVM
Required by lib libwebsrv.so 144 4.30 - 8.00 HTTP / HTTPS webserver and tools. AVM
Required by lib libwebusb.so 75 4.80 - 8.00 Lua-Library for maintaining the NAS AVM
Required by lib libwlan.so 94 5.01 - 8.00 ctlmgr plugin library for WLAN configuration AVM
Required by lib libwlancsi.so 35 5.01 - 6.51 TODO Linux
Required by lib libwlancsi_types.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by lib libwland_hal.so 24 7.39 - 8.00 Hardware abstraction layer (HAL) for wland AVM
Required by lib libwlandcommon.so 19 7.90 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libwlanparams.so 116 4.63 - 8.00 TFFS-Configuration API to wlan.cfg. AVM
Required by lib libwlanrext.so 43 7.39 - 8.00 TODO Linux
Required by lib libwylg.so 73 5.07 - 8.00 Geometric primitives raster graphics drawing library AVM
Required by lib libyajl.so 35 4.74 - 6.36 Event-driven JSON parser Linux
Required by lib libzipfile.so 39 7.19 - 8.00 Zip archiver / unarchiver with encryption support Linux
Required by cmd FwLoaderApp 3 5.08 - 6.88 TODO Altair
Required by cmd access_check 39 5.27 - 6.93 Checks the access permissions of a user, sid and IP. AVM
Required by cmd aha (avmcmd) 59 5.51 - 8.00 AVM home automation (AHA) server daemon. AVM
Required by cmd ahaluad 1 7.19 AVM Smart Home rule engine (internal) AVM
Required by cmd ahamailer 60 5.29 - 8.00 Helper for aha to send AHA-Pushmail. AVM
Required by cmd aicmd (avmcmd) 78 6.54 - 8.00 avmipc_command query client. AVM
Required by cmd allcfgconv 153 3.23 - 8.00 Converts or changes AVM config files. AVM
Required by cmd alw_flash_util 2 7.52 - 7.61 Flash utility for the ZigBee Network Co-Processor application firmware. AVM
Required by cmd alw_zb_gw_app 4 7.52 - 7.90 ZigBee Network Co-Processor management daemon. AVM
Required by cmd alw_zb_gw_cli 4 7.52 - 7.90 Commandline frontend for the ZigBee daemon alw_zb_gw_app. AVM
Required by cmd ar7cfg_addbadguys 28 7.39 - 7.90 Adds a hardcoded list of 'badguy' IP blocks to ar7.cfg to ban them. AVM
Required by cmd ar7cfgctl (avmcmd) 154 1.120 - 8.00 Read or write values in AVM config files (ar7.cfg). AVM
Required by cmd ar7cfgget 58 7.19 - 8.00 Get abstract value from ar7 configuration. AVM
Required by cmd ar7login 150 3.23 - 8.00 Start a new shell session (ie. for telnetd) for local login. AVM
Required by cmd assetsd (avmcmd) 19 7.90 - 8.00 Asset-Bundles package-management daemon. AVM
Required by cmd athcfg 1 4.85 - 5.07 Commandline configuration tool for Atheros WLAN chipsets. AVM
Required by cmd atom_pucd (avmcmd) 4 7.08 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by cmd audiod (avmcmd) 62 4.78 - 8.00 Online audio player daemon for dect_manager. AVM
Required by cmd aurad (avmcmd) 70 4.28 - 8.00 AURA daemon (AVM proprietary remote USB protocol).. AVM
Required by cmd avm2brcm_xdsld (avmcmd) 3 6.54 - 8.00 AVM dsld to Broadcom subsystem glue daemon. AVM
Required by cmd avm2fiber_xdsld (avmcmd) 2 6.69 - 7.29 Fiber transceiver status monitoring daemon for 5490 / 5491. AVM
Required by cmd avm2rtk_xdsld (avmcmd) 1 7.30 - 8.00 Inter-CPU dsld to RTL86 remote DSL modem glue daemon. AVM
Required by cmd avmcounterd (avmcmd) 31 7.39 - 8.00 RRDtool based data logging daemon. AVM
Required by cmd avmike (avmcmd) 80 4.22 - 8.00 ISAKMP / IPSec negotiation server / proxy. AVM
Required by cmd avmipc_remote_link (avmcmd) 16 7.39 - 8.00 Inter-CPU Netlink peering daemon. AVM
Required by cmd avmipc_send_event 83 6.35 - 8.00 Sends an avmipc event to the AVMIPC-Datastore. AVM
Required by cmd avmipc_send_kpi (avmcmd) 45 6.98 - 8.00 Sends an IPC message with an attached KPI to ctlmgr. AVM
Required by cmd avmipc_state 3 6.20 - 7.30 Inter-CPU AVMIPC-State query command in early 6490 and 55xx firmware AVM
Required by cmd avmipcd (avmcmd) 97 5.56 - 8.00 AVMIPC-Datastore communication management daemon. AVM
Required by cmd avmipcshow 25 7.90 - 8.00 Lists the AVMIPC-Datastore. AVM
Required by cmd avmipcstream 28 7.39 - 7.90 Daemon for testing the avmipc_stream capabilities of libavmcsock.so. AVM
Required by cmd avmlogd 11 4.30 - 4.99 AVM debug logger daemon. AVM
Required by cmd avmnexusctl 30 6.98 - 7.90 avmnexusd Mesh peering administration shell. AVM
Required by cmd avmnexusd (avmcmd) 63 6.88 - 8.00 Mesh configuration peering daemon. AVM
Required by cmd avmntpd (avmcmd) 43 7.39 - 8.00 SNTP client daemon. AVM
Required by cmd avmpacmstated (avmcmd) 7 6.84 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by cmd avmspeechd (avmcmd) 29 7.24 - 8.00 Online Speech-Service dispatcher daemon. AVM
Required by cmd avmstickandsurf 67 4.80 - 8.00 Perform Stick+Surf on Hotplug (new). AVM
Required by cmd avmstickandsurf.part1 1 6.20 - 6.64 Inter-CPU Stick+Surf part 1 on early 6490 Puma6 ARM. AVM
Required by cmd avmstickandsurf.part2 1 6.20 - 6.64 Inter-CPU Stick+Surf part 2 on early 6490 Puma6 ATOM. AVM
Required by cmd avmtrackdquery (avmcmd) 37 7.24 - 7.90 dsld MAC address tracking and comparison AVM
Required by cmd avmwlansetathcfg 4 5.04 - 5.09 TODO AVM
Required by cmd bb_shm_manager (avmcmd) 23 7.29 - 8.00 BroadBand shared memory manager. AVM
Required by cmd bbpd (avmcmd) 22 7.21 - 8.00 Broadband frontend state gathering daemon. AVM
Required by cmd boxnotifyd (avmcmd) 78 6.35 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by cmd burnuimg 4 7.04 - 8.00 uimg flash updater for Puma7 models. AVM
Required by cmd cable_daemon (avmcmd) 4 7.39 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by cmd cable_monitor (avmcmd) 4 7.39 - 8.00 DOCSIS frontend status and statistics monitoring daemon. AVM
Required by cmd cable_segment_stats 8 7.90 - 8.00 Cable segment statistics daemon. AVM
Required by cmd cableinfo (avmcmd) 7 6.12 - 8.00 DVB-C and SAT-IP streaming daemon. AVM
Required by cmd capiotcp_server (avmcmd) 108 3.66 - 8.00 CAPI-Over-TCP network CAPI server daemon. AVM
Required by cmd captive_pic 49 6.51 - 8.00 Hotspot captive portal picture upload CGI. AVM
Required by cmd capture_notimeout (avmcmd) 148 1.120 - 8.00 Packet capture CGI. AVM
Required by cmd carddavd 33 7.19 - 8.00 CardDAV to Phonebook synchronization daemon. AVM
Required by cmd cjpeg 1 6.36 Compress an image file to a JPEG file. LibJpeg
Required by cmd cloudmsgd (avmcmd) 55 6.36 - 8.00 Remote message peering daemon for AVM Smartphone-Apps. AVM
Required by cmd configd (avmcmd) 98 4.78 - 8.00 Configuration server for online media services and lted AVM
Required by cmd contfiltd (avmcmd) 72 5.01 - 8.00 Content and URL filtering transparent proxy AVM
Required by cmd conv2utf8 68 5.55 - 8.00 Converts the names of all files and folders in a specified path to UTF-8. AVM
Required by cmd cpmactest 4 4.38 - 6.35 Tests the CPMAC ethernet drivers. AVM
Required by cmd crashtest 34 7.39 - 7.90 Performs crashes to test libbacktrace.so. AVM
Required by cmd crashtest16 34 7.39 - 7.90 Performs crashes to test libbacktrace.so. AVM
Required by cmd cratelimittest 28 7.39 - 7.90 Tests cratelimit functions in libavmcsock.so. AVM
Required by cmd csockpingtest 15 7.90 Tests the csockping functions of libewnwlinux.so. AVM
Required by cmd ctlmgr (avmcmd) 150 1.120 - 8.00 System meta daemon also serving the Webinterface. AVM
Required by cmd ctlmgr_ctl (avmcmd) 123 4.72 - 8.00 Reads or writes configuration values using ctlmgr's UI-Modules. AVM
Required by cmd ctlmgr_offload (avmcmd) 3 6.83 - 6.110 TODO AVM
Required by cmd ddnsd (avmcmd) 70 5.27 - 8.00 DynDNS daemon. AVM
Required by cmd dect_manager (avmcmd) 64 4.63 - 8.00 DECT Telephony daemon for telefon. AVM
Required by cmd dect_update 2 4.30 - 4.77 Updates the Firmware of the builtin ISDN DECT base (ie 7150). AVM
Required by cmd delay 96 4.68 - 8.00 Wait for arbitary periods of time or for events. AVM
Required by cmd device_updatecheck (avmcmd) 49 6.54 - 8.00 Search for (own and peripheral) updates. AVM
Required by cmd deviceinfod (avmcmd) 63 6.98 - 8.00 MAC address collection and synchronization daemon. AVM
Required by cmd djpeg 1 6.36 Decompress a JPEG file to an image file. LibJpeg
Required by cmd dnsqcheckd (avmcmd) 20 7.08 - 7.19 Botnet controller DNS filtering daemon. AVM
Required by cmd docsis_zip_ext_supportdata 7 6.83 - 8.00 TODO Puma
Required by cmd docsisinfod (avmcmd) 7 6.110 - 8.00 DOCSIS monitoring daemon for Puma6 / Puma7 models (ARM). AVM
Required by cmd dpm_manager (avmcmd) 23 6.98 - 8.00 DSL / Powerline interference mitigation manager daemon. AVM
Required by cmd dsl_control (avmcmd) 26 5.04 - 8.00 Lantiq chipset control daemon and firmware loader. AVM
Required by cmd dsl_monitor (avmcmd) 44 5.29 - 8.00 DSL frontend status and statistics monitoring daemon. AVM
Required by cmd dsld (avmcmd) 126 1.120 - 8.00 Internet routing daemon. AVM
Required by cmd dtrace (avmcmd) 58 4.28 - 8.00 Traces ISDN messages from AVM CAPI controllers. AVM
Required by cmd dvbipcd (avmcmd) 6 6.20 - 8.00 Remote DVB-C tuner daemon for Linear-TV. AVM
Required by cmd email.plugin 12 4.44 - 4.99 FRITZ! Mini email plugin for minid. AVM
Required by cmd eth_oam (avmcmd) 30 6.25 - 8.00 Ethernet-OAM Handler Daemon. AVM
Required by cmd ethgstats 28 7.39 - 7.90 Shows the status counters of a physical eth interface. AVM
Required by cmd evaput 1 4.56 - 4.81 Remote Firmware uploader for 5188. AVM
Required by cmd evaput26 1 4.28 - 4.34 Remote Firmware uploader for 5188. AVM
Required by cmd eventadd 117 3.42 - 8.00 Sends an event to the Event-Log. AVM
Required by cmd eventsdump 147 4.03 - 8.00 Lists the Event-Log. AVM
Required by cmd extswitch_watch (avmcmd) 4 7.04 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by cmd faxd (avmcmd) 71 4.44 - 8.00 Fax receiption daemon. AVM
Required by cmd feedd (avmcmd) 61 4.74 - 8.00 RSS feed maintenence daemon for dect_manager and audiod. AVM
Required by cmd ffmpegconv 38 6.98 - 8.00 Convert MP3 / WAV to various formats, FFmpeg subset. AVM
Required by cmd fiber_monitor (avmcmd) 5 6.69 - 8.00 Fiber frontend status and statistics monitoring daemon. AVM
Required by cmd firmwarecfg 150 1.120 - 8.00 File transfer CGI for the Webinterface also callable from Shell. AVM
Required by cmd fritznasdb (avmcmd) 61 5.01 - 8.00 Daemon maintaining a Metatdata database of all files on the NAS. AVM
Required by cmd fwstream 19 7.90 - 8.00 Firmware tar image stream length clipper. AVM
Required by cmd fwupdate 19 7.90 - 8.00 Commandline Firmware updater and more. AVM
Required by cmd fwupdate_checkpoint 61 7.08 - 8.00 Set a custom checkpoint in fwupdatetrace.cfg. AVM
Required by cmd gcalupd 60 5.27 - 8.00 Google-Calendar updater. AVM
Required by cmd gcupd 59 5.07 - 8.00 Google-Contacts updater. AVM
Required by cmd genrsa 22 7.58 - 8.00 Generates an RSA private key. AVM
Required by cmd getprivkeypass 55 6.10 - 8.00 Prints the default password for loading an encrypted PEM certificate for FTPS. AVM
Required by cmd glued (avmcmd) 1 7.62 - 7.90 Inter-CPU connector for the RTL96 side of the 5690pro. AVM
Required by cmd gpmdb 26 5.58 - 6.36 Google Play-Music database server. AVM
Required by cmd hostapd (lincmd) 21 4.44 - 6.06 AVM enhanced IEEE 802.11 AP, IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP/RADIUS Authenticator. Wireless
Required by cmd hspottest 28 6.35 - 7.90 Test GRE tunneling of a WLAN-Hotspot. AVM
Required by cmd httpsdl 128 4.12 - 7.81 HTTPS downloader similar to wget for TR-069. AVM
Required by cmd ifwatchtest 28 7.39 - 7.90 Tests the ifwatch functionality of libewnwlinux.so. AVM
Required by cmd igdd (avmcmd) 50 1.120 - 5.09 Internet gateway device daemon (old), later replaced by upnpd. AVM
Required by cmd ipcs (avmcmd) 100 5.29 - 8.00 Provides information on own IPC facilities. AVM
Required by cmd iwconfig 20 4.50 - 6.06 Configure a wireless network interface. Wireless
Required by cmd iwlist 1 4.50 - 4.99 Get more detailed wireless information from a wireless interface. Wireless
Required by cmd iwpriv 20 4.50 - 6.06 Configure optionals (private) parameters of a wireless network interface. Wireless
Required by cmd kpid (avmcmd) 71 7.08 - 8.00 Kernel KPI collector daemon. AVM
Required by cmd kskbtrace 31 7.39 - 8.00 Kernel socket buffer capture / trace. AVM
Required by cmd l2tpv3d (avmcmd) 89 5.55 - 8.00 Layer 2 tunneling protocol v3 daemon. AVM
Required by cmd latencyd (avmcmd) 20 7.61 - 8.00 WAN / LAN / neighbour Flow Latency Monitoring daemon. AVM
Required by cmd letsencrypt (avmcmd) 42 6.83 - 8.00 Let's Encrypt certificate updater. AVM
Required by cmd lltdd 5 4.80 - 5.01 TODO AVM
Required by cmd lted (avmcmd) 9 5.08 - 6.98 LTE daemon. AVM
Required by cmd ltelogger 1 5.08 - 5.09 TODO AVM
Required by cmd luacgi (avmcmd) 100 4.80 - 8.00 Lua interpreter CGI. AVM
Required by cmd luavar 77 5.23 - 8.00 Lua commandline interpreter. AVM
Required by cmd maild (avmcmd) 82 4.63 - 8.00 POP3 / POP3S Email polling daemon AVM
Required by cmd mailer (avmcmd) 126 3.42 - 8.00 SMTP / SMTPS system MTA to send Email AVM
Required by cmd matterd (avmcmd) 1 7.61 - 7.63 Matter gateway management daemon. AVM
Required by cmd mediacli_test 7 4.44 - 4.99 Tests the collection and browsing of UPnP-AV servers. AVM
Required by cmd mediasrv (avmcmd) 75 4.28 - 8.00 UPnP-AV media server daemon. AVM
Required by cmd memspeed 3 2.76 - 3.14 Simple memory speed benchmark. AVM
Required by cmd meshd (avmcmd) 63 6.98 - 8.00 Mesh topology and steering daemon. AVM
Required by cmd miniavmntpd (avmcmd) 2 7.39 - 7.90 Minimalistic Inter-CPU SNTP client daemon. AVM
Required by cmd minid 12 4.44 - 4.99 FRITZ! Mini support daemon. AVM
Required by cmd mkcert 22 7.58 - 8.00 Creates a certificate from a private key or shows it. AVM
Required by cmd mkcsr 22 7.58 - 8.00 Creates a certificate request from a private key or shows it. AVM
Required by cmd mobiled (avmcmd) 41 6.98 - 8.00 Mobile modem daemon AVM
Required by cmd moved (avmcmd) 31 7.39 - 8.00 Box-Move daemon. AVM
Required by cmd msgsend 145 4.30 - 8.00 Send a command to a Message-Endpoint. AVM
Required by cmd multid (avmcmd) 126 1.133 - 8.00 LAN management daemon. AVM
Required by cmd multid2 (avmcmd) 1 6.20 - 6.64 Inter-CPU LAN management daemon on early 6490 Puma6 ATOM. AVM
Required by cmd nas_ctlmgr (avmcmd) 1 6.20 - 6.64 NAS webserver in early 6490 Puma6 ATOM firmware. AVM
Required by cmd nasupload_notimeout 61 5.23 - 8.00 File transfer CGI for the NAS. AVM
Required by cmd netttyd 1 6.20 - 6.64 Inter-CPU mobile modem Net TTY server on early 6490 Puma6 ATOM. AVM
Required by cmd nltest 28 7.39 - 7.90 Netlink MDB / FDB test daemon. AVM
Required by cmd nqcs (avmcmd) 34 7.08 - 8.00 SMB / CIFS server. AVM
Required by cmd nqnd (avmcmd) 3 7.08 NetBIOS name server. Proprietary replacement for nmbd. AVM
Required by cmd omcid (chipcmd) 2 7.21 - 8.00 ONT Management Control Interface (OMCI) daemon Falcon
Required by cmd pbd (avmcmd) 81 4.31 - 8.00 Phonebook daemon. AVM
Required by cmd pbupd 57 4.74 - 7.39 Online Phonebook updater for ctlmgr. AVM
Required by cmd pcpcsocktest 29 6.35 - 7.90 Tests of pcpcsock functions of libavmpcp.so. AVM
Required by cmd pcpd (avmcmd) 63 6.10 - 8.00 Port Control Protocol (PCP) daemon. AVM
Required by cmd pcplisten 55 6.35 - 8.00 Open listening port on local address for specified seconds. AVM
Required by cmd pcptest 29 6.35 - 7.90 Test the pcpd server. AVM
Required by cmd pictured (avmcmd) 57 4.80 - 8.00 Picture management daemon for dect_manager. AVM
Required by cmd playerd (avmcmd) 62 4.78 - 8.00 Online stream player for audiod and renderer. AVM
Required by cmd plcd (avmcmd) 49 6.98 - 8.00 Powerline (PLC) remote administration daemon. AVM
Required by cmd plchost (avmcmd) 6 6.90 - 7.58 Powerline (PLC) controller host daemon. AVM
Required by cmd pnmscale 1 6.36 Scale a PNM image. NetPbm
Required by cmd ppwatchd (chipcmd) 4 7.39 - 7.63 TODO Puma
Required by cmd presencestat 16 3.42 - 3.93 Displays the presence of registered VoIP numbers. AVM
Required by cmd psetd (avmcmd) 45 6.83 - 8.00 Daemon setting system parameters from psetd.cfg. AVM
Required by cmd psupportd 62 6.84 - 8.00 Production test helper daemon. AVM
Required by cmd ptestd (avmcmd) 14 6.20 - 8.00 Production test helper daemon for Puma6 / Puma7 models. AVM
Required by cmd puma_update_notify 7 6.110 - 8.00 Sends update status info on Puma6 / Puma7 models (ARM). AVM
Required by cmd pumaglued (avmcmd) 7 6.83 - 8.00 Inter-CPU connector for the ARM side of Puma6 / Puma7 models. AVM
Required by cmd pumaupdatetrace (avmcmd) 7 6.110 - 8.00 Daemon receiving update status infor on Puma6 / Puma7 models (ATOM).
Required by cmd radartool 1 4.86 - 5.07 QcaWifi radar scan tool. QcaWifi
Required by cmd rdjpgcom 1 6.36 Display text comments from a JPEG file. LibJpeg
Required by cmd renderer (avmcmd) 1 4.82 - 4.88 UPNP-AV audio renderer daemon. AVM
Required by cmd rextcfgctl 24 4.65 - 7.63 Reads or changes values in the WLAN repeater configuration rext.cfg. AVM
Required by cmd rextconv 24 4.65 - 7.63 Converts or changes the WLAN repeater configuration rext.cfg. AVM
Required by cmd rextd (avmcmd) 24 4.65 - 7.63 WLAN repeater management daemon. AVM
Required by cmd rpc (avmcmd) 14 6.20 - 8.00 Remote command executer for Puma6 / Puma7 models. AVM
Required by cmd rpcstreamcap_notimeout 44 5.08 - 8.00 RPC stream capture CGI. AVM
Required by cmd rpctrl 100 4.78 - 8.00 Send a command to a RPC endpoint. AVM
Required by cmd s46test 15 7.90 Tests Softwire46 DHCPv6 options for various Address and Port mapping methods. AVM
Required by cmd samba_config_gen 67 4.80 - 8.00 Samba configuration generator. AVM
Required by cmd scgi_server (avmcmd) 32 7.39 - 8.00 Daemon to speed up CGI for the REST-API. AVM
Required by cmd send_kpi 65 6.69 - 7.81 Private IPC helper of wland to send KPI. AVM
Required by cmd shellinabox_launcher 8 5.07 - 6.35 CGI wrapper launching shellinaboxd from the Internet. AVM
Required by cmd showavmipcstate 20 7.90 - 8.00 Shows the attachments of one or more AVMIPC-Datastore nodes. AVM
Required by cmd showdsldstat 136 4.28 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing internet connections, PVCs or VLANs. AVM
Required by cmd showethstate 4 7.39 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Required by cmd showethstatus 38 7.02 - 7.13 supportdata helper showing interface and status of each LAN port. AVM
Required by cmd showfbconf 51 7.39 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing fbconf.cfg in interpreted human readable form. AVM
Required by cmd showfbstate 68 7.08 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing the status of all IPC fritzbox state notifications. AVM
Required by cmd showfritznasdbstat 61 5.01 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing the fritznasdb status. AVM
Required by cmd showfwacl 31 7.39 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing the firewall access control list (FWACL). AVM
Required by cmd showinetstat 55 6.20 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing upstream and downstram bandwidth history. AVM
Required by cmd showl2tpstat 89 5.58 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing layer 2 tunneling protocol connections. AVM
Required by cmd showneighbours 92 5.27 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing alllowed subnets, neighbours and their pathes. AVM
Required by cmd showonlinestat 38 7.24 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing the internet volume counter stats. AVM
Required by cmd showopenports 55 6.36 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing all Network-Ports which are open to the internet. AVM
Required by cmd showpainfo 80 6.20 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing infos about Packet-Acceleration. AVM
Required by cmd showpcpitems 48 6.51 - 8.00 Lists all internal and external Port-Forwardings AVM
Required by cmd showportsopentolan 70 6.54 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing all Network-Ports which are open to the LAN. AVM
Required by cmd showroutes 122 4.38 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing routing information. AVM
Required by cmd showrrdstate 31 7.39 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing how each avmcounterd RRD file is configured. AVM
Required by cmd showshringbuf 91 5.29 - 7.32 supportdata helper printing the log in a Shared-Ringbuffer, or listing all buffers. AVM
Required by cmd showvoipdstat 97 4.07 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing all registered VoIP numbers. AVM
Required by cmd showvoipdtrace 1 6.35 TODO AVM
Required by cmd shringbuf 51 7.39 - 8.00 supportdata helper printing the log in a Shared-Ringbuffer, or listing all buffers. AVM
Required by cmd simulate_umts 28 7.39 - 7.90 UMTS modem and ISP connection simulator. AVM
Required by cmd slabparse 50 7.39 - 8.00 supportdata helper showing or comparing Slab-Info files. AVM
Required by cmd smbd (lincmd) 8 4.31 - 4.99 SMB / CIFS server. Samba
Required by cmd snmpgetbulktest 15 7.90 Tests the snmp_transport functions of libsnmpmanager.so. AVM
Required by cmd snmpgetbulkwalktest 15 7.90 Tests the snmp_bulk_walk functions of libsnmpmanager.so. AVM
Required by cmd sntpcli 2 3.14 SNTP client daemon. AVM
Required by cmd speedtest (avmcmd) 34 6.35 - 7.90 Speedtest - Measure throughput AVM
Required by cmd speedtestd (avmcmd) 1 6.50 - 6.64 Inter-CPU network throughput test server daemon on early 6490 Puma6 ATOM. AVM
Required by cmd swlstream 3 4.80 - 4.98 Streaming-Stick server daemon AVM
Required by cmd tam_play 73 4.86 - 8.00 Play a message from the telephone answering machine. AVM
Required by cmd tcppeerlocation 53 6.33 - 8.00 Check for source (homenet or internet) of peer of a TCP connection AVM
Required by cmd tcpproxy_ctl 1 6.20 - 6.64 Inter-CPU control frontend for tcpproxyd on early 6490 Puma6 ATOM. AVM
Required by cmd tcpproxyd (avmcmd) 1 6.20 - 6.64 Inter-CPU TCP proxy daemon on early 6490 Puma6 ARM. AVM
Required by cmd telefon (avmcmd) 93 4.48 - 8.00 Telephony daemon. AVM
Required by cmd testavmcounter_mac 19 7.90 - 8.00 Commandline frontend to test libavmcounter_mac.so. AVM
Required by cmd testdaemon 28 7.39 - 7.90 Daemon to test avmipc_command features. AVM
Required by cmd timetracedump 72 4.86 - 8.00 Possible future supportdata helper showing TimeTrace dumps. AVM
Required by cmd touchdisplay (avmcmd) 1 4.65 - 4.88 Touch display daemon for the fwr. AVM
Required by cmd tr064cgi 91 5.01 - 8.00 TR-064 CGI program. AVM
Required by cmd tr064cli 18 4.63 - 6.93 TR-064 console program. AVM
Required by cmd tr069discover (avmcmd) 18 4.63 - 5.09 TR-069 discovery for multid, dsld and ctlmgr. AVM
Required by cmd tr069fwupdate 128 4.12 - 7.81 TR-069 Firmware updater and more. AVM
Required by cmd tr069starter 60 4.30 - 7.08 Searches USB devices for TR-069 provisioning data on Hotplug. AVM
Required by cmd tts_conv 28 7.39 - 8.00 Text-to-Speech converter using the avmspeechd service. AVM
Required by cmd udpspread 34 7.39 - 7.90 Tests the UDP capabilities and performance of libavmcsock.so. AVM
Required by cmd udptest 37 4.38 - 7.90 Tests the UDP capabilities and performance of libavmcsock.so. AVM
Required by cmd uhexdump 49 7.39 - 8.00 Hexdump a file AVM
Required by cmd umtsd (avmcmd) 40 4.70 - 6.110 UMTS daemon, replaced by mobiled. AVM
Required by cmd untrustedd (avmcmd) 5 7.08 ASEC database server daemon. AVM
Required by cmd upnpbrd 58 5.27 - 8.00 UPnP browse daemon. AVM
Required by cmd upnpd (avmcmd) 115 4.74 - 8.00 UPnP server daemon. AVM
Required by cmd upnpdevd (avmcmd) 58 5.27 - 6.110 UPnP root device daemon. AVM
Required by cmd usbcfgconv 73 4.74 - 8.00 Converts or changes the usb.cfg file. AVM
Required by cmd usbcfgctl 75 4.70 - 8.00 Read or write values from/to the usb.cfg file. AVM
Required by cmd usermand (avmcmd) 40 4.22 - 4.99 User magager daemon, parental control, old version. AVM
Required by cmd usermand2 74 4.85 - 8.00 User magager daemon, parental control, new version. AVM
Required by cmd utiltest 38 4.85 - 7.90 Tests functions in libavmcsock.so. AVM
Required by cmd vdsld (avmcmd) 4 4.76 - 6.87 AVM VDSL on Fusiv subsystem glue daemon. AVM
Required by cmd voipd (avmcmd) 111 1.120 - 8.00 VoIP daemon, also performs T.38 Fax. AVM
Required by cmd voipkpid (avmcmd) 35 7.08 - 8.00 VoIP quality KPI collector daemon. AVM
Required by cmd vpnd (avmcmd) 38 7.19 - 8.00 VPN daemon. AVM
Required by cmd webcm 100 1.120 - 7.19 CGI program realising the Webinterfave, supports SSI. AVM
Required by cmd webdavcfginfo 64 4.74 - 8.00 Query WebDAV configuration values. AVM
Required by cmd webget 19 7.90 - 8.00 Universal downloader similar to wget. AVM
Required by cmd websrv (avmcmd) 38 1.120 - 4.99 Webserver daemon, replaced by ctlmgr. AVM
Required by cmd webtrace 43 4.86 - 7.19 TimeTrace CGI. AVM
Required by cmd webusb 1 4.94 Web NAS CGI. AVM
Required by cmd wgettest 34 6.35 - 7.90 Webserver tester. AVM
Required by cmd wlancfgconv 114 4.74 - 8.00 Converts or changes the wlan.cfg file. AVM
Required by cmd wlancfgctl 137 1.133 - 8.00 Read or write values from/to the wlan.cfg file. AVM
Required by cmd wlanconfig 16 4.74 - 6.06 Create, destroy and manipulate madwifi VAPs. QcaWifi
Required by cmd wland (avmcmd) 87 5.01 - 8.00 WLAN configuration daemon. AVM
Required by cmd wland_ctl 35 5.01 - 6.51 WLAN configuration program to control wland. AVM
Required by cmd wpa_supplicant (lincmd) 20 4.57 - 6.06 AVM enhanced Wi-Fi Protected Access client and IEEE 802.1X supplicant. Wireless
Required by cmd wsdd (avmcmd) 34 7.24 - 8.00 Web Services Discovery (WS-Discovery) daemon AVM
Required by cmd wstart (avmcmd) 33 1.133 - 4.99 WLAN daemon for TI chipsets AVM
490 dependencies for this library


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this library for each model. Last update: 2024-10-24 05:17 GMT.
Showing all models using this library. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 2.76 - 4.02 /lib 306k - 342k, Link
FRITZ!Box SL 3.48 - 3.94 /lib 281k - 303k, Link
FRITZ!Box 2030 3.73 - 3.93 /lib 281k - 284k, Link
FRITZ!Box 2031 4.15 /lib 344k, Link
FRITZ!Box 2070 3.87 - 4.15 /lib 339k - 344k, Link
FRITZ!Box 2110 4.52 /lib 293k, Link
FRITZ!Box 2170 4.31 - 4.57 /lib 289k - 317k, Link
FRITZ!Box SL WLAN 3.23 - 4.34 /lib 317k - 344k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3020 3.23 - 4.34 /lib 317k - 344k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3030 3.65 - 4.34 /lib 317k - 344k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3050 3.63 - 4.07 /lib 332k - 384k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3070 3.87 - 4.15 /lib 339k - 344k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3130 4.21 - 4.34 /lib 317k - 344k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3131 4.29 - 4.57 /lib 293k - 317k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3170 4.31 - 4.58 /lib 289k - 317k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 4.57 - 5.54 /lib 317k - 426k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 v3 4.77 - 5.54 /lib 356k - 426k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 IT 5.23 - 5.52 /lib 387k - 426k, Link
FRITZ!Box 3272 (main) 5.50 - 6.89 /lib 426k - 545k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3370 (main) 5.01 - 6.56 /lib 352k - 494k, Link
FRITZ!Box 3390 (main) 5.50 - 6.56 /lib 422k - 494k, Link
FRITZ!Box 3490 (main) 6.20 - 7.30 /lib 476k - 641k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon ata 3.23 - 4.28 /lib 324k - 349k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon ata 1020 3.23 - 4.28 /lib 324k - 349k, Link
FRITZ!Box 4020 /lib 485k - 596k, Link
FRITZ!Box 4040 6.52 - 8.00 /lib 370k - 636k, Link
FRITZ!Box 4050 7.58 - 7.90 /lib 554k - 628k, Link
FRITZ!Box 4060 7.29 - 7.90 /lib 461k - 628k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon 1.120 - 4.49 /lib 293k - 384k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon 5010 3.88 - 4.43 /lib 318k - 382k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon 5012 3.88 - 4.27 /lib 339k - 382k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon 5050 3.23 - 4.31 /lib 307k - 382k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon 5113 4.82 - 4.83 /lib 357k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon 5124 4.47 - 4.77 /lib 319k - 357k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon 5140 4.25 - 4.67 /lib 295k - 382k, Link
VoIP Gateway 5188 4.28 - 4.81 /lib 324k - 357k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5490 (main) 6.51 - 7.29 /lib 493k - 641k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5491 (main) 7.01 - 7.29 /lib 595k - 641k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5530 Fiber (main) 7.21 - 8.00 /lib 628k - 852k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (main) 7.29 - 7.90 /lib 461k - 628k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (prx) 7.29 - 7.90 /lib 632k - 852k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro (main) 7.62 - 7.90 /lib 554k - 632k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro (rtl) 7.62 - 7.90 /lib 739k - 840k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v1 6.03 - 6.04 /lib 345k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v2 6.21 /lib 356k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6340 Cable 5.24 /lib 299k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6360 Cable 4.85 - 6.51 /lib 261k - 367k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (arm) 6.84 - 7.29 /lib 403k - 469k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (atom) 6.84 - 7.29 /lib 467k - 530k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (arm) 6.20 - 7.51 /lib 360k - 539k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (atom) 6.20 - 7.51 /lib 428k - 702k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (arm) 6.83 - 7.57 /lib 399k - 539k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (atom) 6.83 - 7.51 /lib 463k - 702k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (arm) 7.04 - 8.00 /lib 457k - 676k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (atom) 7.04 - 8.00 /lib 509k - 748k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (arm) 7.14 - 8.00 /lib 449k - 676k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (atom) 7.14 - 8.00 /lib 513k - 748k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6670 Cable (arm) 7.61 - 7.90 /lib 554k - 676k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6670 Cable (atom) 7.61 - 7.90 /lib 663k - 748k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable (arm) 7.28 - 7.90 /lib 465k - 676k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable (atom) 7.28 - 7.90 /lib 530k - 748k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6810 LTE 6.35 /lib 393k - 485k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v1 (main) 6.40 - 7.51 /lib 497k - 750k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v2 (main) 6.40 - 7.51 /lib 497k - 750k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v3 (main) 7.19 - 7.57 /lib 636k - 755k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6840 LTE (main) 5.08 - 6.88 /lib 379k - 539k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6842 LTE /lib 422k - 480k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6850 LTE 7.21 - 7.90 /lib 457k - 730k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6850 5G 7.24 - 7.90 /lib 461k - 636k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /lib 550k - 755k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v1 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /lib 550k - 755k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v2 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /lib 550k - 755k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 3.14 - 4.49 /lib 293k - 384k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 3.29 - 4.50 /lib 293k - 382k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7112 4.76 - 4.88 /lib 357k - 365k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 4.40 - 4.86 /lib 295k - 357k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 DE 4.40 - 4.77 /lib 295k - 305k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 INT 4.82 - 4.86 /lib 357k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7140 4.02 - 4.77 /lib 307k - 357k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7141 4.14 - 4.77 /lib 302k - 357k, Link
FRITZ!Fon 7150 4.27 - 4.77 /lib 317k - 382k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 3.96 - 4.99 /lib 303k - 381k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v1 3.96 - 4.99 /lib 303k - 381k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v2 3.96 - 4.99 /lib 303k - 381k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7240 4.65 - 6.06 /lib 330k - 463k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v1 4.44 - 4.99 /lib 318k - 392k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v2 4.67 - 6.06 /lib 330k - 463k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v3 4.76 - 6.06 /lib 352k - 463k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7272 (main) 5.55 - 6.88 /lib 454k - 545k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7312 5.23 - 6.56 /lib 384k - 501k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7320 4.85 - 6.35 /lib 349k - 480k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7330 5.06 - 6.56 /lib 382k - 501k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7330 SL 5.08 - 6.56 /lib 382k - 501k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7340 4.83 - 5.05 /lib 360k - 484k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 SL 5.04 - 6.34 /lib 365k - 480k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v1 5.06 - 6.36 /lib 379k - 480k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v2 5.22 - 6.88 /lib 384k - 539k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7362 SL (main) 5.53 - 7.18 /lib 423k - 623k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7369 (main) 6.30 - 6.32 /lib 480k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390 4.81 - 5.22 /lib 356k - 547k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7412 (main) 6.21 - 6.88 /lib 476k - 539k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7430 (main) 6.26 - 7.31 /lib 491k - 641k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7490 (main) 5.57 - 7.51 /lib 454k - 755k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7510 7.30 - 7.90 /lib 461k - 628k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7520 6.98 - 8.00 /lib 426k - 636k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7520 v2 (main) 7.30 - 8.00 /lib 461k - 636k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7530 6.98 - 8.00 /lib 422k - 636k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7530 AX 7.20 - 8.00 /lib 469k - 656k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7560 (main) 6.51 - 7.30 /lib 518k - 632k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7570 vDSL 4.70 - 4.94 /lib 356k - 392k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7580 (main) 6.53 - 7.30 /lib 518k - 632k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7581 6.54 - 7.18 /lib 383k - 457k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7582 6.83 - 7.18 /lib 383k - 457k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7583 (main) 7.01 - 7.59 /lib 595k - 755k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7583 VDSL (main) 7.19 - 7.59 /lib 628k - 755k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7590 (main) 6.83 - 7.90 /lib 550k - 860k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7590 AX (main) 7.19 - 8.00 /lib 628k - 860k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7690 7.61 - 7.62 /lib 550k, Link
FRITZ!Smart Gateway 7.52 - 7.63 /lib 550k - 554k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater N/G 4.65 - 4.88 /lib 356k - 362k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 300E 5.01 - 6.34 /lib 357k - 493k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 310 A 5.24 - 7.16 /lib 388k - 623k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 310 B 6.30 - 7.16 /lib 487k - 623k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 450E 6.00 - 7.15 /lib 459k - 623k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 600 7.11 - 7.58 /lib 500k - 623k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 600 v2 7.27 - 7.58 /lib 501k - 591k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1160 6.51 - 7.15 /lib 493k - 623k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 7.11 - 7.58 /lib 449k - 558k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 AX 7.30 - 7.58 /lib 461k - 554k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1750E 6.12 - 7.32 /lib 480k - 641k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 2400 7.12 - 7.58 /lib 496k - 623k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 6.98 - 7.58 /lib 426k - 558k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 AX 7.41 - 7.58 /lib 554k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 6000 7.19 - 7.58 /lib 457k - 554k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater DVB-C 6.12 - 7.04 /lib 480k - 596k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 540E 5.58 - 7.15 /lib 458k - 623k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 546E 5.50 - 7.15 /lib 426k - 623k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 1240 AX 7.57 - 7.58 /lib 554k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 1240E 6.33 - 7.16 /lib 487k - 623k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 1260E 6.90 - 7.58 /lib 387k - 558k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 1260 7.27 - 7.58 /lib 461k - 558k, Link
congstar DSL-Box 4.25 - 4.81 /lib 302k - 357k, Link
congstar komplett Box 4.68 - 4.81 /lib 356k - 362k, Link
Speedport W 501V 3.93 - 4.38 /lib 308k - 344k, Link
Speedport W 503V 4.68 - 4.81 /lib 356k - 362k, Link
Speedport W 503V MK 4.79 /lib 356k, Link
Speedport W 504V MK 5.04 /lib 365k, Link
Speedport W 701V 4.25 - 4.81 /lib 302k - 357k, Link
Speedport W 721V 4.74 - 4.75 /lib 348k, Link
Speedport W 722V 4.76 - 4.79 /lib 344k, Link
Speedport W 900V 4.21 - 4.57 /lib 302k - 324k, Link
Speedport W 920V 4.78 - 4.79 /lib 356k, Link
Speedport W 101 Bridge 4.68 /lib 320k, Link
Eumex 300 IP 3.29 - 4.44 /lib 318k - 326k, Link
Alice IAD 5130 4.65 - 4.71 /lib 295k, Link
Alice IAD WLAN 3331 4.90 /lib 357k, Link
Alice IAD 7570 vDSL 4.86 - 5.09 /lib 344k - 345k, Link
157 models use this library


Daily updated index of all symbols of this library. Last update: 2024-10-24 07:27 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_Add
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_CalcIndex
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_Create
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_Delete
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_DeleteAll
7.39 - 7.81 HashTable_Delete_WithItem
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_Destroy
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_Find
7.39 - 8.00 HashTable_FindNext
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_Find_WithItem
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_First
7.90 - 8.00 HashTable_IterateAll
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_Next
6.33 - 8.00 HashTable_NextOfEntry
6.33 - 8.00 ListFinit
6.33 - 8.00 ListInit
6.33 - 8.00 ListInsert
6.33 - 8.00 ListRemove
6.33 - 8.00 ListSearch
6.33 - 8.00 ListSearchAndRemove
6.33 - 8.00 ListlinkInit
4.28 - 8.00 MiniXML_FreeAttributes
4.28 - 8.00 MiniXML_Parse
4.28 - 8.00 MiniXML_ParseAttributes
4.34 - 8.00 MiniXML_ParseFilePointer
4.34 - 8.00 MiniXML_ParseInputStream
5.01 - 8.00 MiniXML_escape_chars
5.06 - 8.00 MiniXML_unescape_chars
4.28 - 8.00 QuoteSpecials
4.28 - 8.00 UTF8Decode
4.28 - 8.00 UTF8Encode
4.28 - 8.00 UTF8Free
6.98 - 8.00 UTF8_replace_invalid_chars
7.39 - 8.00 UTF8_strlen
4.28 - 8.00 UnquoteSpecials
3.23 - 3.94 adam2_getenv
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_connect
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_connect_and_send_command
6.83 - 8.00 aicmd_connection_bidirectional
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_connection_get_csock
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_connection_get_dst
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_connection_ready_for_command
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_data_transferred_reply
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_disconnect
6.54 - 8.00 aicmd_docommand
6.54 - 8.00 aicmd_help
6.54 - 8.00 aicmd_info
6.54 - 8.00 aicmd_listen_start
6.54 - 8.00 aicmd_listen_stop
6.54 - 8.00 aicmd_module_set_ctx
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_output_is_chunked
7.08 - 8.00 aicmd_query_listener
6.54 - 8.00 aicmd_quit
6.98 - 8.00 aicmd_register_library
6.54 - 8.00 aicmd_reply
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_reply_raw
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_send_command
6.98 - 8.00 aicmd_set_debug_set_function
6.54 - 8.00 aicmd_slabdump
7.90 - 8.00 aicmd_slabdump_ex
6.54 - 8.00 aicmd_slabshow
6.98 - 8.00 aicmd_unregister_library
6.98 - 8.00 aicmdshell_failed
7.90 - 8.00 aicmdshell_finished
6.98 - 8.00 aicmdshell_starting
6.54 - 8.00 aicmdtx_add_cbuffilter
6.54 - 8.00 aicmdtx_failed
6.54 - 8.00 aicmdtx_finished
6.54 - 8.00 aicmdtx_starting
7.19 - 8.00 aligned_alloc
4.85 - 5.07 arm_backtrace_with_skip
7.39 - 8.00 avm_intmath_test
4.48 - 8.00 avmcsock_pgmname
6.51 - 8.00 avmipc_close
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_create
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_destroy
6.54 - 8.00 avmipc_event_printf
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_event_register_notifier
7.39 - 8.00 avmipc_event_register_notifier_with_wrapper
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_event_send
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_event_unregister_notifier
7.08 - 8.00 avmipc_get_name
6.54 - 8.00 avmipc_get_userdata
7.08 - 8.00 avmipc_ignore_event
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_msg____avmipc_msg_flushcmd
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_msg____avmipc_msg_read
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_msg____close_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_msg____delayed_free_outgoing_stream_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_msg____msg_retry_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_msg____outgoing_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_msg____remote_disconnect_timeout
7.19 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_iovec_free
7.39 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_local_sockaddr
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_printf
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_register
7.39 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_remote_enabled
7.39 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_remote_reconnect
7.39 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_remote_sockaddr
7.39 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_ret_register
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_send
6.35 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_send_iovec
6.10 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_send_with_fd
6.20 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_set_ack_handler
6.20 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_set_ack_mode
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_unregister
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_vprintf
6.10 - 8.00 avmipc_msg_with_fd_register
7.08 - 8.00 avmipc_query_endpoints
7.08 - 8.00 avmipc_query_listener
6.54 - 8.00 avmipc_set_userdata
7.39 - 7.81 avmipc_show
7.39 - 8.00 avmipc_show_header
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_show_notifier_csv
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_show_notifier_human
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_show_set_csv
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_show_set_header
7.90 - 8.00 avmipc_show_set_human
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_state_delete
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_state_query
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_state_register_notifier
7.39 - 8.00 avmipc_state_register_notifier_with_wrapper
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_state_set
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_state_unregister_notifier
5.53 - 6.69 avmipc_stream_accept
5.53 - 6.69 avmipc_stream_listen
6.54 - 8.00 avmipc_stream_listen_start
6.54 - 8.00 avmipc_stream_listen_stop
5.53 - 8.00 avmipc_stream_open
5.53 - 6.69 avmipc_stream_reject
7.39 - 8.00 avmipc_walk_endpoints
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_accept
7.39 - 8.00 avmssl_avmssl_params_free
6.87 - 8.00 avmssl_check_host
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_connect
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_error
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_exit
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_free
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_free_context
6.35 - 8.00 avmssl_get_asn1_file_certificate_issuer_organisation
6.35 - 8.00 avmssl_get_asn1_file_certificate_subject_organisation
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_get_client_context
4.03 - 4.31 avmssl_get_client_context_with_password_cb
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_get_error
4.61 - 8.00 avmssl_get_file_certificate_common_name
6.10 - 8.00 avmssl_get_file_certificate_sha1_fingerprint
6.88 - 8.00 avmssl_get_file_certificate_sha256_fingerprint
5.07 - 8.00 avmssl_get_file_certificate_subject_alt_names
7.19 - 8.00 avmssl_get_peer_cert_chain_issuer
3.93 - 8.00 avmssl_get_peer_certificate_common_name
6.88 - 8.00 avmssl_get_peer_certificate_sha256_fingerprint
5.07 - 8.00 avmssl_get_peer_certificate_subject_alt_names
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_get_server_context
3.96 - 7.18 avmssl_get_tlsclient_context
3.96 - 7.18 avmssl_get_tlsserver_context
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_init
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_new_client
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_new_server
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_read
6.51 - 8.00 avmssl_set_tls_servername
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_shutdown
7.39 - 8.00 avmssl_ssl_get_current_cipher
7.19 - 8.00 avmssl_ssl_get_version
5.07 - 8.00 avmssl_subject_alt_names_free
1.120 - 8.00 avmssl_write
6.98 - 8.00 base64_encode_needed
4.80 - 7.32 base64decode
4.80 - 7.32 base64encode
7.08 - 8.00 bugcontext_set
1.120 - 8.00 bugmsg
7.90 - 8.00 caddrinfo_daddr
7.90 - 8.00 caddrinfo_xaddr
4.61 - 8.00 calloc
6.98 - 8.00 cbase32_decode_alloc
6.98 - 8.00 cbase32_encode_alloc
6.51 - 8.00 cbase64_decode
6.83 - 8.00 cbase64_decode_alloc
6.51 - 8.00 cbase64_decode_size
6.51 - 8.00 cbase64_encode
6.83 - 8.00 cbase64_encode_alloc
6.51 - 8.00 cbase64_encode_size
6.83 - 8.00 cbase64_stream_decode
6.83 - 8.00 cbase64_stream_decode_close
6.83 - 8.00 cbase64_stream_decode_open
6.83 - 8.00 cbase64_stream_encode
6.83 - 8.00 cbase64_stream_encode_close
6.83 - 8.00 cbase64_stream_encode_open
6.83 - 8.00 cbcontext_change
1.120 - 8.00 cbcontext_exit
1.120 - 8.00 cbcontext_free
1.120 - 8.00 cbcontext_getstatistic
1.120 - 8.00 cbcontext_init
1.120 - 8.00 cbcontext_restore
1.120 - 8.00 cbcontext_set
1.120 - 8.00 cbcontext_setup
1.120 - 8.00 cbcontext_unsetup
1.120 - 8.00 cbdata_lock
1.120 - 8.00 cbdata_unlock
1.120 - 8.00 cbdata_valid
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset2str
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_alloc
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_clr
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_clrnbits
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_findfirst0bits
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_findfirst1bits
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_findlast0bits
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_findlast1bits
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_free
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_lshift
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_nbits
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_reset
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_rshift
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_set
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_setnbits
5.01 - 8.00 cbitset_tst
5.04 - 8.00 cbitset_tst0bits
5.04 - 8.00 cbitset_tst1bits
6.10 - 7.81 cbtrace_dump
6.10 - 8.00 cbtrace_enable
7.90 - 8.00 cbtrace_set_functions
7.90 - 8.00 cbtrace_show
5.55 - 8.00 cbuf_add_chunked_filter
5.55 - 8.00 cbuf_add_filter
7.90 - 8.00 cbuf_add_gunzip_filter
7.90 - 8.00 cbuf_add_gzip_filter
5.55 - 8.00 cbuf_add_unchunked_filter
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_alloc
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_alloc_sendbuf
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_appendcbuf
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_bwrite
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_bwrite_from_object
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_close
5.53 - 8.00 cbuf_copy_bytes_from_ibuf
4.30 - 4.99 cbuf_copy_data
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_copy_from_ibuf
7.90 - 8.00 cbuf_copy_ibuf2ibuf
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_describe
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_dumplist
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_flush
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_free
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_freebuffer
4.34 - 8.00 cbuf_get_bufsiz
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_get_cbuf_buffer_info
6.98 - 8.00 cbuf_get_description
4.34 - 8.00 cbuf_get_nbytes
4.30 - 4.99 cbuf_get_size
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_getdata
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_getline
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_getstatistic
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_iflush
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_input_alloc
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_input_bytes_left
7.90 - 8.00 cbuf_input_space_left
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_lock
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_memlock
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_memunlock
7.90 - 8.00 cbuf_move_ibuf2ibuf
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_movebuffer
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_obuf_append_cbuf
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_obuf_bytes_left
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_obuf_bytes_left_single
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_obuf_close
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_obuf_describe
7.90 - 8.00 cbuf_obuf_describe_reader
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_obuf_flush
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_obuf_free
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_obuf_has_bytes_left
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_obuflist_get_cbuf
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_oob_bwrite
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_oob_bwrite_from_object
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_oob_printf
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_oob_vprintf
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_output_alloc
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_output_bytes_left
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_output_reader_buffer_bytes_left
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_output_reader_buffer_done
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_output_reader_buffer_has_bytes_left
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_output_reader_describe
7.90 - 8.00 cbuf_output_reader_describe_reader
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_output_reader_next_buffer
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_output_reader_read
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_output_space_left
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_output_writer_describe
4.34 - 8.00 cbuf_peek_data
7.90 - 8.00 cbuf_peekdata
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_printf
5.55 - 8.00 cbuf_pull_from_ibuf
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_register_output_reader
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_register_output_writer
6.98 - 8.00 cbuf_resume
6.98 - 8.00 cbuf_sendfile
7.90 - 8.00 cbuf_sendfile_partial
7.19 - 8.00 cbuf_show
7.39 - 8.00 cbuf_show_cbuf
6.98 - 8.00 cbuf_suspend
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_ungetdata
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_unlock
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_unregister_output_reader
1.120 - 8.00 cbuf_vprintf
5.04 - 7.32 cconnector_start
5.04 - 7.32 cconnector_start_ssl
7.90 - 8.00 cdeferred_abort_call
7.39 - 8.00 cdeferred_call
7.39 - 8.00 cdeferred_docallouts
7.39 - 8.00 cdeferred_pending
6.98 - 8.00 cdynlib_attach
6.98 - 8.00 cdynlib_attach_failed
6.98 - 8.00 cdynlib_detach
7.90 - 8.00 cewma____cewma_timer
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_alloc_uint32_counter
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_alloc_uint64_counter
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_change_est_idx
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_change_ewma_log
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_exit
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_free
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_get_uint32_average
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_get_uint32_value
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_get_uint64_average
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_get_uint64_value
7.90 - 8.00 cewma_reset
6.25 - 8.00 cexec_execsh
6.25 - 8.00 cexec_forkdaemonexec
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_bwrite
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_close
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_clr_flags
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_diskspaceinfo
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_doio
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_exit
6.98 - 8.00 cfile_filename
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_flush
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_fstat
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_ftruncate
3.85 - 8.00 cfile_ftw
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_get_writecbuf
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_getstatistic
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_init
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_io_todo
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_mkdir
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_open
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_opencreatepath
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_printf
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_read
4.78 - 8.00 cfile_read64
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_rename
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_rmdir
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_set_flags
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_set_writecbuf
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_setobuf
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_start
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_stat
4.80 - 8.00 cfile_stat64
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_sync
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_traversdir
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_unlink
1.120 - 8.00 cfile_write
4.78 - 8.00 cfile_write64
7.39 - 8.00 cgetstack_ptr_is_onstack
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_add_compressed_data
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_eof
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_error
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_exit
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_flush
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_get_total_in
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_get_total_out
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_getc
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_gunzip
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_gzip
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_printf
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_read
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_set_outputfunc_arg
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_size
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_ungetc
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_vprintf
7.90 - 8.00 cgzipstream_write
4.63 - 8.00 child_started
7.90 - 8.00 children_count
4.63 - 8.00 children_exit
4.63 - 8.00 children_init
4.63 - 8.00 children_poll
6.98 - 8.00 children_walk
7.19 - 8.00 cinitexit_exit
7.19 - 8.00 cinitexit_init
7.19 - 8.00 cinitexit_subinit
7.19 - 8.00 cio_sync_appendfname
6.51 - 8.00 cio_sync_copy
7.19 - 8.00 cio_sync_copy_with_range
6.51 - 8.00 cio_sync_copyfname
6.98 - 8.00 cio_sync_renamefname
6.25 - 8.00 clog2file_buf
6.25 - 8.00 clog2file_exit
6.25 - 8.00 clog2file_init
6.98 - 8.00 clog2file_init_ex
6.25 - 8.00 clog2file_msg
6.25 - 8.00 clog2file_vxmsg
7.90 - 8.00 clogger
7.90 - 8.00 clogger__debug
7.90 - 8.00 clogger__errno
7.90 - 8.00 clogger__info
7.90 - 8.00 clogger__vdebug
7.90 - 8.00 clogger__verrno
7.90 - 8.00 clogger__vinfo
7.90 - 8.00 clogger__vwarn
7.90 - 8.00 clogger__warn
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_add_file
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_add_function
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_add_msg_filter
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_add_shringbuf
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_alloc
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_disable_stderr
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_disable_stdout
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_disable_syslog
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_enable_stderr
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_enable_stdout
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_enable_syslog
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_exit
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_free
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_get
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_get_default_logger
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_rm_file
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_rm_function
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_rm_msg_filter
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_rm_shringbuf
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_set_default_logger
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_set_snprintf_time_func
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_show
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_show_all
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_show_presets
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_signalhandler_enter
7.90 - 8.00 clogger_signalhandler_leave
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod__debug
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod__errno
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod__info
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod__trace
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod__vdebug
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod__verrno
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod__vinfo
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod__vtrace
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod__vwarn
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod__warn
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_alloc_main
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_alloc_sub
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_free
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_get
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_get_loglevel
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_get_name
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_get_or_alloc
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_get_or_alloc_main
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_get_or_alloc_sub
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_option
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_preset_loglevel
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_set_loglevel
7.90 - 8.00 clogmod_set_loglevel_from_string
1.120 - 8.00 close_parsefile
6.98 - 8.00 cmdbuf_parse_helper_alloc
6.98 - 8.00 cmdbuf_parse_helper_free
6.98 - 8.00 cmdbuf_parse_helper_read_data
6.51 - 8.00 cmempool_alloc_internal
7.39 - 8.00 cmempool_check
6.51 - 8.00 cmempool_create_ex
6.51 - 8.00 cmempool_destroy
6.51 - 8.00 cmempool_freemem
7.39 - 8.00 cmempool_show
7.39 - 8.00 cmemstack_alloc
7.39 - 8.00 cmemstack_alloczero
7.39 - 8.00 cmemstack_free
7.39 - 8.00 cmemstack_show
6.51 - 8.00 cmm___find_first_item
6.51 - 8.00 cmm___find_next
6.51 - 8.00 cmm___hash
6.51 - 8.00 cmm___item_create
6.51 - 8.00 cmm___item_delete
6.51 - 8.00 cmm___item_delete_from_loop
6.51 - 8.00 cmm___item_free
6.51 - 8.00 cmm___iterator_create
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_add_item
6.54 - 8.00 cmm_contains
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_create
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_debug
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_delete_all_items
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_delete_first_item
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_find_all
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_find_first_value
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_find_next
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_free
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_is_multimap
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_item_count
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_iterator_delete_item
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_iterator_free
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_iterator_get_key
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_iterator_get_value
6.51 - 8.00 cmm_replace_value
1.120 - 8.00 cmmap_exit
1.120 - 8.00 cmmap_getaddr
1.120 - 8.00 cmmap_init
1.120 - 8.00 cmmap_lock
1.120 - 8.00 cmmap_map
1.120 - 8.00 cmmap_mapfile
1.120 - 8.00 cmmap_mapmem
1.120 - 8.00 cmmap_putaddr
1.120 - 8.00 cmmap_unlock
1.120 - 8.00 cmmap_unmap
4.28 - 8.00 cmutex_alloc
4.28 - 8.00 cmutex_free
4.28 - 8.00 cmutex_lock
4.28 - 8.00 cmutex_unlock
1.120 - 3.14 conf_free_ipaddrlist
1.120 - 8.00 confback_backup
7.90 - 8.00 confback_bstyle2str
1.120 - 8.00 confback_filename
1.120 - 8.00 config_allocstruct
1.120 - 8.00 config_allocstruct_no_defaults
6.36 - 8.00 config_buf2cfg
6.36 - 8.00 config_cfg2buf
7.39 - 8.00 config_cfg2zbuf
1.120 - 8.00 config_copymembers
1.120 - 8.00 config_copystruct
1.120 - 8.00 config_copyumembers
4.86 - 8.00 config_enum2str
1.120 - 8.00 config_fillstruct
7.90 - 8.00 config_find_entry
6.98 - 8.00 config_free_tmpbuffer
1.120 - 8.00 config_freestruct
1.120 - 8.00 config_getbstyle
6.36 - 8.00 config_getcfg
1.120 - 8.00 config_getvalue
7.90 - 8.00 config_is_load_from_streamsocket_line
1.120 - 8.00 config_kmembersequal
1.120 - 8.00 config_load_from_parsefile
7.90 - 8.00 config_load_from_streamsocket
4.61 - 8.00 config_loaderr2str
1.120 - 8.00 config_memberbymagic
1.120 - 8.00 config_memberequal
1.120 - 8.00 config_membersequal
5.04 - 8.00 config_parse_skiptoclosingbracket
4.57 - 8.00 config_parse_type
7.90 - 8.00 config_register_csock_recvcb
7.90 - 8.00 config_register_tabfile
1.120 - 8.00 config_set_pwfuncs
1.120 - 8.00 config_setbstyle
4.66 - 8.00 config_str2type
1.120 - 8.00 config_structappend
1.120 - 8.00 config_structequal
1.120 - 8.00 config_structfind
1.120 - 8.00 config_structin
1.120 - 8.00 config_structmatch
1.120 - 8.00 config_structremove
4.66 - 8.00 config_type2str
1.120 - 8.00 config_umembersequal
1.120 - 8.00 config_unionappend
1.120 - 8.00 config_unionequal
1.120 - 8.00 config_unionfind
1.120 - 8.00 config_unionin
1.120 - 8.00 config_unionmatch
1.120 - 8.00 config_unionremove
7.90 - 8.00 config_unregister_all_tabfiles
4.74 - 8.00 config_var_diffsave
4.74 - 8.00 config_var_diffsave_ostream
7.90 - 8.00 config_var_diffsave_struct_ostream
7.39 - 8.00 config_var_diffsave_topsection_ostream
1.120 - 8.00 config_varcopy
1.120 - 8.00 config_varequal
1.120 - 8.00 config_varequal_section
7.90 - 8.00 config_varequal_struct
1.120 - 8.00 config_varfree
1.120 - 8.00 config_varinit
1.120 - 8.00 config_varload
1.120 - 8.00 config_varload_merge
4.74 - 8.00 config_varload_mergediff
1.120 - 8.00 config_varload_overwrite
1.120 - 8.00 config_varmerge
1.120 - 8.00 config_varmove
1.120 - 8.00 config_varsave
7.39 - 8.00 config_varsave_ex
1.120 - 8.00 config_varsave_ostream
7.39 - 8.00 config_varsave_ostream_ex
7.90 - 8.00 config_varsave_struct_outstream
7.90 - 8.00 config_varsave_to_streamsocket
1.120 - 8.00 config_varsave_topsection
1.120 - 8.00 config_varsave_topsection_ostream
7.90 - 8.00 config_varsave_topsection_outstream
7.90 - 8.00 config_varsave_topsection_to_streamsocket
1.120 - 8.00 config_varsetdefaults_if_null
7.19 - 8.00 config_walk_all_members_of_type
7.39 - 8.00 config_zbuf2cfg
4.74 - 8.00 confparse_addr2str6
6.51 - 8.00 confparse_addr2str6or4
4.80 - 8.00 confparse_ifaceid2str
4.74 - 8.00 confparse_str2addr6
5.05 - 8.00 confparse_urlstr2addr6
7.90 - 8.00 connector____connector_cache_gc
7.90 - 8.00 connector____connector_dnscomplete
7.90 - 8.00 connector____connector_timeout
5.50 - 8.00 connector_abort
7.90 - 8.00 connector_cache_cleanup
7.90 - 8.00 connector_cache_show
1.120 - 7.32 connector_start
7.19 - 8.00 connector_start_ex
7.51 - 7.81 connector_start_ex2
1.120 - 4.99 connector_startex
7.90 - 8.00 connector_stats_show
1.120 - 8.00 cons_raw
1.120 - 4.38 cons_restore
1.120 - 4.38 cons_save
7.90 - 8.00 cprocess____cprocess_timeout
4.63 - 8.00 cprocess_closefds
6.98 - 8.00 cprocess_exitstring
5.55 - 8.00 cprocess_getcommand
5.53 - 8.00 cprocess_getpid
6.98 - 8.00 cprocess_reason2str
4.63 - 8.00 cprocess_sendkill
6.98 - 8.00 cprocess_show
4.63 - 8.00 cprocess_spawnprocess
5.53 - 8.00 cprocess_spawnprocessenv
4.63 - 8.00 cprocess_spawnshell
6.54 - 8.00 cptrstore_calc_variance
6.54 - 8.00 cptrstore_create
6.54 - 8.00 cptrstore_destroy
6.54 - 8.00 cptrstore_ptr_add
6.54 - 8.00 cptrstore_ptr_free_userdata
6.54 - 8.00 cptrstore_ptr_get_userdata
6.54 - 8.00 cptrstore_ptr_is_in
6.54 - 8.00 cptrstore_ptr_remove
6.54 - 8.00 cptrstore_ptr_set_userdata
6.54 - 8.00 cptrstore_walk
5.07 - 5.27 crash_sighandler
4.48 - 8.00 crashdump_backtrace
4.48 - 8.00 crashdump_exit
5.29 - 8.00 crashdump_fatalmsg
4.48 - 8.00 crashdump_init
5.29 - 8.00 crashdump_log_assertion
6.51 - 8.00 crashdump_set_end_hook
7.24 - 8.00 crashdump_slabdump
5.59 - 8.00 crashdump_watchdog_is_off
5.59 - 8.00 crashdump_watchdog_triggered
6.98 crashdump_watchpoint_add
6.98 - 8.00 crashdump_watchpoint_clear
6.98 crashdump_watchpoint_remove
6.98 - 8.00 crashdump_watchpoint_set
7.39 - 8.00 cratelimit
7.39 - 8.00 cratelimit_alloc
7.39 - 8.00 cratelimit_free
7.39 - 8.00 cratelimit_reset
7.39 - 8.00 cratelimit_setup
7.39 - 8.00 cratelimit_show
7.39 - 8.00 cratelimit_with_timer
1.120 - 7.19 crc32
1.120 - 8.00 createpath
1.120 - 8.00 createpathto
1.120 - 8.00 crwlock_alloc
1.120 - 8.00 crwlock_exit
1.120 - 8.00 crwlock_free
1.120 - 8.00 crwlock_init
1.120 - 8.00 crwlock_locked
1.120 - 8.00 crwlock_readerlock
1.120 - 8.00 crwlock_readerunlock
1.120 - 8.00 crwlock_writerlock
1.120 - 8.00 crwlock_writerunlock
1.120 - 8.00 crwmmap_exit
1.120 - 8.00 crwmmap_init
1.120 - 8.00 crwmmap_map
1.120 - 8.00 crwmmap_mapfile
1.120 - 8.00 crwmmap_mapmem
1.120 - 8.00 crwmmap_readerlock
1.120 - 8.00 crwmmap_readerunlock
1.120 - 8.00 crwmmap_unmap
1.120 - 8.00 crwmmap_writerlock
1.120 - 8.00 crwmmap_writerunlock
1.120 - 8.00 csem_alloc
1.120 - 8.00 csem_exit
1.120 - 8.00 csem_free
1.120 - 8.00 csem_init
1.120 - 8.00 csem_p
1.120 - 8.00 csem_p_nowait
1.120 - 8.00 csem_v
7.90 - 8.00 csendfile_____cbuf_sendfile_helper
7.90 - 8.00 csendfile_____csock_sendfile_helper
7.90 - 8.00 csendfile____sendfile_check_timer
6.98 - 8.00 csendfile_status2str
6.51 - 8.00 cshstrpool_alloc
6.51 - 8.00 cshstrpool_find
6.51 - 8.00 cshstrpool_save
7.90 - 8.00 csock_____call_connected_handler
7.90 - 8.00 csock____closetimeout
7.90 - 8.00 csock____inputtimeout
7.90 - 8.00 csock____wakeuptimer
1.120 - 8.00 csock_abort
6.35 - 8.00 csock_add_epollfd
7.39 - 8.00 csock_add_event_callback
1.120 - 8.00 csock_add_fd
3.58 - 8.00 csock_add_listenfd
1.120 - 8.00 csock_add_streamfd
1.120 - 8.00 csock_addr2str
4.70 - 8.00 csock_addr2str6
6.51 - 8.00 csock_addr2str6or4
5.07 - 8.00 csock_addr6_eq
4.70 - 8.00 csock_addr_prefix
7.39 - 8.00 csock_addrnetmask2str
7.39 - 8.00 csock_alloc_cbuf_for_output
7.39 - 8.00 csock_alloc_listenfd
4.28 - 8.00 csock_attachlib_lock
4.28 - 8.00 csock_attachlib_unlock
1.120 - 8.00 csock_bwrite
7.39 - 8.00 csock_bwrite_from_object
7.39 - 8.00 csock_cbuf_obuflist_get_cbuf
5.04 - 8.00 csock_change_cbdata
1.120 - 8.00 csock_client_switch_to_ssl
1.120 - 8.00 csock_close
4.70 - 8.00 csock_connect
4.70 - 8.00 csock_connect_ssl
4.70 - 8.00 csock_connection
5.53 - 8.00 csock_copy_bytes_from_ibuf
1.120 - 8.00 csock_copy_from_ibuf
4.70 - 8.00 csock_datagram_get_rcv_addr
4.70 - 8.00 csock_datagram_get_rcv_ifindex
7.90 - 8.00 csock_datagram_get_rcv_ts
4.70 - 8.00 csock_datagram_want_rcvinfo
7.90 - 8.00 csock_datagram_want_rcvts
1.120 - 8.00 csock_desc
7.08 - 8.00 csock_describe
5.07 - 8.00 csock_dgram_get_callbacks
5.07 - 8.00 csock_dgram_set_callbacks
4.70 - 8.00 csock_dgramclient
5.58 - 8.00 csock_dgramconnect
4.70 - 8.00 csock_dgramserver
4.70 - 8.00 csock_dgramserver_for_interface
5.58 - 8.00 csock_dgramserver_for_ipproto
7.39 - 8.00 csock_disable_all_iotrace_using
7.39 - 8.00 csock_disable_iotrace
7.39 - 8.00 csock_enable_iotrace
1.120 - 8.00 csock_exit
3.29 - 8.00 csock_fastclose
1.120 - 8.00 csock_fd_blocking
3.58 csock_fdconnection
3.42 - 8.00 csock_fileno
5.07 - 8.00 csock_find_dgramsocket
3.42 - 8.00 csock_find_udpsocket
1.120 - 8.00 csock_flush
5.55 - 8.00 csock_flushall
6.35 - 8.00 csock_get_cbdata
7.90 - 8.00 csock_get_dataready_cb
7.08 - 8.00 csock_get_description
6.35 - 8.00 csock_get_epollfd
5.07 - 8.00 csock_get_ip6addrtype
4.70 - 8.00 csock_get_mappedip4
4.70 - 8.00 csock_get_mappedipv6
6.35 - 8.00 csock_get_max_timeout_in_msecs
1.120 - 8.00 csock_get_multicast_ttl
5.27 - 8.00 csock_get_netmark
4.74 - 8.00 csock_get_peeraddr
4.28 - 8.00 csock_get_reason
1.120 - 8.00 csock_get_select_timeout
4.74 - 8.00 csock_get_sockaddr
4.28 - 8.00 csock_get_tcclass
6.35 - 8.00 csock_get_timeout_in_msec
1.120 - 8.00 csock_get_ttl
5.04 - 8.00 csock_get_userdata
1.120 - 8.00 csock_get_writecbuf
1.120 - 8.00 csock_getchanstatistic
1.120 - 8.00 csock_getdata
5.53 - 8.00 csock_getibuf
1.120 - 8.00 csock_getline
7.39 - 8.00 csock_getobuf_config
4.55 - 8.00 csock_getobufsize
1.120 - 8.00 csock_getpeeraddr
4.70 - 8.00 csock_getpeeraddr6
4.70 - 8.00 csock_getpeerinaddr
1.120 - 8.00 csock_getpeername
1.120 - 8.00 csock_getsockaddr
4.70 - 8.00 csock_getsockaddr6
4.70 - 8.00 csock_getsockinaddr
1.120 - 8.00 csock_getsockname
1.133 - 8.00 csock_getsockopt
1.120 - 8.00 csock_getstatistic
6.35 - 8.00 csock_handle_extras
1.120 - 8.00 csock_hostname
1.120 - 8.00 csock_hostname_ascii
1.120 - 8.00 csock_icmp
4.80 - 8.00 csock_ifaceid2str
7.90 - 8.00 csock_ifilter_unchunk_add
1.120 - 8.00 csock_iflush
4.70 - 8.00 csock_inaddr2str
5.05 - 8.00 csock_inaddr2urlstr
5.05 - 8.00 csock_inaddr2urlstr_mode
4.70 - 8.00 csock_inaddr_eq
5.05 - 8.00 csock_inaddr_is_any
7.90 - 8.00 csock_inaddr_valid
1.120 - 8.00 csock_init
1.120 - 8.00 csock_input_bytes_left
7.39 - 8.00 csock_iotrace_outstream
1.120 - 8.00 csock_ipaddresses
4.70 - 8.00 csock_ipv6_available
1.120 - 8.00 csock_is_in_ssl_mode
6.25 - 8.00 csock_is_streamlistensock
4.70 - 8.00 csock_isaddr6_mappedip4
4.70 - 8.00 csock_isaddr6_zero
1.120 - 8.00 csock_isopen
1.120 - 8.00 csock_join_multicast_group
5.04 - 8.00 csock_join_multicast_group4
4.70 - 8.00 csock_join_multicast_group6
1.120 - 8.00 csock_leave_multicast_group
5.04 - 8.00 csock_leave_multicast_group4
4.70 - 8.00 csock_leave_multicast_group6
4.70 - 8.00 csock_listen
5.01 - 8.00 csock_listen_on_socket
5.01 - 8.00 csock_listen_on_socket_ssl
4.61 - 8.00 csock_listen_set_accept_check
5.53 - 8.00 csock_listen_set_max_children
4.70 - 8.00 csock_listen_ssl
1.120 - 8.00 csock_no_write_queue
7.90 - 8.00 csock_noblock
7.90 - 8.00 csock_ofilter_chunked_begin
7.90 - 8.00 csock_ofilter_chunked_end
1.120 - 8.00 csock_oflush
1.120 - 8.00 csock_oob_bwrite
7.39 - 8.00 csock_oob_bwrite_from_object
1.120 - 8.00 csock_oob_printf
1.120 - 8.00 csock_output_bytes_left
7.39 - 8.00 csock_output_has_bytes_left
6.25 - 8.00 csock_pop_closecb
5.55 - 8.00 csock_popen
6.98 - 8.00 csock_popen_execvp
1.120 - 8.00 csock_printf
6.25 - 8.00 csock_push_closecb
3.29 - 8.00 csock_reap_closing
7.19 - 8.00 csock_reason2str
7.90 - 8.00 csock_receive_parsefile
1.120 - 8.00 csock_reload_eth_ipaddresses
1.120 - 8.00 csock_reload_ipaddresses
3.23 - 8.00 csock_reload_real_eth_ipaddresses
7.39 - 8.00 csock_remove_event_callback
6.83 - 8.00 csock_remove_fd
1.120 - 8.00 csock_resetchanstatistic
1.120 - 8.00 csock_resetstatistic
1.120 - 8.00 csock_resume
1.120 - 8.00 csock_select
6.35 - 8.00 csock_select_with_msecs
3.101 - 8.00 csock_select_with_timeval
6.98 - 8.00 csock_send_cmdbuf
4.70 - 8.00 csock_send_datagram
4.70 - 8.00 csock_send_datagram_from
7.39 - 8.00 csock_send_stack_datagram
7.39 - 8.00 csock_send_stack_datagram_from
7.39 - 8.00 csock_sendbuf
4.70 - 8.00 csock_senddatagram_abort
1.120 - 8.00 csock_senddgram
1.120 - 8.00 csock_senddgramabort
6.98 - 8.00 csock_sendfile
7.90 - 8.00 csock_sendfile_partial
4.48 - 8.00 csock_sendfrom
1.120 - 8.00 csock_sendicmp
1.120 - 8.00 csock_sendicmpabort
1.120 - 8.00 csock_sendmcast
5.04 - 8.00 csock_sendmcast4
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sendmcast6
1.120 - 8.00 csock_server_switch_to_ssl
1.120 - 8.00 csock_set_accept_check
7.90 - 8.00 csock_set_connect_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 csock_set_dataready_cb
3.58 - 8.00 csock_set_dgramreadcount
5.58 - 8.00 csock_set_error_handler
6.35 - 8.00 csock_set_max_timeout_in_msecs
5.06 - 8.00 csock_set_multicast_loop_v4
5.06 - 8.00 csock_set_multicast_loop_v6
1.120 - 8.00 csock_set_multicast_ttl
5.06 - 8.00 csock_set_multicast_ttl6
5.27 - 8.00 csock_set_netmark
1.120 - 8.00 csock_set_select_timeout
4.28 - 8.00 csock_set_tcclass
6.51 - 8.00 csock_set_tls_servername
1.120 - 8.00 csock_set_ttl
5.04 - 8.00 csock_set_userdata
1.120 - 8.00 csock_set_writecbuf
1.120 - 8.00 csock_setibuf
1.120 - 8.00 csock_setinputtimeout
1.120 - 8.00 csock_setobuf
7.39 - 8.00 csock_setobuf_config
1.120 - 8.00 csock_setoutputresume
1.133 - 8.00 csock_setsockopt
5.01 - 8.00 csock_setsslaccepttimeout
6.98 - 8.00 csock_show
6.98 - 8.00 csock_show_single
5.55 - 8.00 csock_shutdown
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr2str
5.58 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr2str_l2tp
5.06 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr2str_noport
7.90 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr2str_preferipv4
6.83 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr2str_preferipv4_noport
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_eq
5.07 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_family_eq
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_get
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_get_family
5.27 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_get_ifindex
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_get_ipv4
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_get_ipv6
5.58 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_get_l2tp_connid
5.07 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_get_realfamily
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_get_unix
5.27 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_ifindex_eq
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_inaddr_eq
5.07 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_is_any
5.22 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_is_local
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_normalize_ipv4_prefered
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_normalize_ipv6_prefered
5.27 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_port_eq
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_family
5.27 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_ifindex
5.05 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_inaddr
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_inet
6.10 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_ineturlstr
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_ipv4
5.27 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_ipv4_with_ifindex
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_ipv6
5.05 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_ipv6_with_scope_id
5.58 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_l2tp_connid
5.27 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_port
4.70 - 8.00 csock_sockaddr_set_unix
7.39 - 8.00 csock_spawnprocess
7.39 - 8.00 csock_spawnshell
1.120 - 8.00 csock_ssl_available
6.87 - 8.00 csock_ssl_check_host
1.120 - 8.00 csock_ssl_context_client_alloc
4.03 - 4.31 csock_ssl_context_client_alloc_with_password_cb
1.120 - 8.00 csock_ssl_context_free
1.120 - 8.00 csock_ssl_context_server_alloc
3.96 - 7.18 csock_ssl_context_tlsclient_alloc
3.96 - 7.18 csock_ssl_context_tlsserver_alloc
6.35 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_asn1_file_certificate_issuer_organisation
6.35 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_asn1_file_certificate_subject_organisation
7.39 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_current_cipher
4.61 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_file_certificate_common_name
6.10 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_file_certificate_sha1_fingerprint
6.88 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_file_certificate_sha256_fingerprint
5.07 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_file_certificate_subject_alt_names
7.19 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_peer_cert_chain_issuer
3.93 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_peer_certificate_common_name
6.88 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_peer_certificate_sha256_fingerprint
5.07 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_peer_certificate_subject_alt_names
7.19 - 8.00 csock_ssl_get_version
1.120 - 8.00 csock_sslconnect
4.41 - 8.00 csock_sslconnect_ex
3.92 - 8.00 csock_sslconnect_reuse_addr
4.41 - 8.00 csock_sslconnect_reuse_addr_ex
1.120 - 8.00 csock_ssllisten
4.44 - 8.00 csock_ssllisten_update_sslctx
5.01 - 8.00 csock_steal_socket
1.120 - 8.00 csock_str2addr
4.70 - 8.00 csock_str2addr6
5.07 - 8.00 csock_str2addr6or4
4.70 - 8.00 csock_str2inaddr
6.54 - 8.00 csock_strn2addr
6.54 - 8.00 csock_strn2addr6
5.07 - 8.00 csock_subject_alt_names_free
1.120 - 8.00 csock_suspend
5.58 - 8.00 csock_tcp_cork
1.120 - 8.00 csock_tcp_nodelay
1.120 - 8.00 csock_tcpconnect
4.41 - 8.00 csock_tcpconnect_ex
3.92 - 8.00 csock_tcpconnect_reuse_addr
4.41 - 8.00 csock_tcpconnect_reuse_addr_ex
1.120 - 8.00 csock_tcpconnection
1.120 - 8.00 csock_tcplisten
1.120 - 8.00 csock_tcpport
1.120 - 8.00 csock_telnetgetline
4.28 - 8.00 csock_tmpbuf_lock
4.28 - 8.00 csock_tmpbuf_unlock
7.19 - 8.00 csock_udp_encap_espinudp
3.42 - 8.00 csock_udp_get_callbacks
3.42 - 8.00 csock_udp_set_callbacks
1.120 - 8.00 csock_udpclient
1.120 - 8.00 csock_udpport
1.120 - 8.00 csock_udpserver
3.29 - 4.99 csock_udpserver_ex
1.120 - 8.00 csock_udpserver_for_interface
3.29 - 8.00 csock_udpserver_reuse_address
1.120 - 8.00 csock_ungetdata
5.04 - 8.00 csock_unset_userdata
5.05 - 8.00 csock_urlstr2addr
6.98 - 8.00 csock_urlstr2addr6
5.05 - 8.00 csock_urlstr2inaddr
5.05 - 8.00 csock_urlstr2inaddr_mode
7.39 - 8.00 csock_urlstr2sockaddr
3.98 - 8.00 csock_vprintf
6.54 - 8.00 csock_walk
7.39 - 8.00 cstackinfo_get
6.51 - 8.00 cstr_asprintf
7.39 - 8.00 cstr_caseends_with
7.39 - 8.00 cstr_casestarts_with
7.39 - 8.00 cstr_check_chars
7.18 - 8.00 cstr_ends_with
7.39 - 8.00 cstr_is_abbrev
7.39 - 8.00 cstr_is_caseabbrev
7.18 - 8.00 cstr_is_set
7.39 - 8.00 cstr_iso8601str2time
6.98 - 8.00 cstr_macaddr2strlc
6.98 - 8.00 cstr_macaddr2struc
7.39 - 8.00 cstr_starts_with
7.19 - 8.00 cstr_str2int16_t
6.98 - 8.00 cstr_str2int64_t
7.90 - 8.00 cstr_str2int8_t
6.88 - 8.00 cstr_str2macaddr
7.90 cstr_str2time_t
7.19 - 8.00 cstr_str2uint16_t
7.39 - 8.00 cstr_str2uint64_t
7.39 - 8.00 cstr_str2uint8_t
7.39 - 8.00 cstr_strcaserstr
7.18 - 8.00 cstr_strrstr
6.98 - 8.00 cstr_strtoi
6.87 - 8.00 cstr_strtoui
6.87 - 8.00 cstr_substr
6.51 - 8.00 cstr_vasprintf
7.26 - 8.00 cthread_asynccall
7.26 - 8.00 cthread_asynccall_add_to_group
7.26 - 8.00 cthread_asynccall_create
7.26 - 8.00 cthread_asynccall_destroy
7.26 - 8.00 cthread_asynccall_group_create
7.26 - 8.00 cthread_asynccall_group_destroy
7.26 - 8.00 cthread_asynccall_start
1.120 - 8.00 cthread_create
7.39 - 8.00 cthread_create_with_name
1.120 - 8.00 cthread_destroy
1.120 - 8.00 cthread_running
1.120 - 8.00 cthread_start
1.120 - 8.00 cthread_wait
4.28 - 8.00 cthreadmem_create_key
4.28 - 8.00 cthreadmem_delete_key
4.28 - 8.00 cthreadmem_get_specific
4.30 - 8.00 cthreadmem_query_specific
4.28 - 8.00 cthreadmem_set_specific
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_context_exit
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_context_init
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_elapsed
7.90 - 8.00 ctimer_elapsed64
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_elapsed_not_cached
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_elapsedsecs
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_elapsedtval
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_endsecs_internal
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_endtval_internal
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_exit
7.39 - 8.00 ctimer_free_internal
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_get_arg2
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_get_arg3
7.39 - 8.00 ctimer_getstatistic
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_init
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_internal_calc
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_internal_check
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_internal_docallouts
7.39 - 8.00 ctimer_internal_ntimer
7.39 - 8.00 ctimer_internal_overview
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_internal_show
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_modify_internal
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_pending_internal
7.39 - 8.00 ctimer_resolution2shortstr
7.39 - 8.00 ctimer_resolution2str
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_restart_internal
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_setup_internal
7.39 - 8.00 ctimer_setup_internal_locked
7.39 - 8.00 ctimer_show_timediff_secs
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_show_timer
6.98 - 8.00 ctimer_unsetup_internal
7.08 - 7.18 ctimer_update_cached_timeval
6.98 ctimer_will_be_freed_internal
4.48 - 5.27 ctrace_dump
4.48 - 5.27 ctrace_enable
7.90 - 8.00 ctransmit____ctransmit_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 ctransmit____ctransmit_timer
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_got_reply
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_result2str
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_rt_advance
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_runtime_free
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_runtime_output_infotext
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_runtime_running
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_runtime_start
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_runtime_stop
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_setup_rt_timer
7.90 - 8.00 ctransmit_show
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_simulate_retransmit_timeout
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_start
7.39 - 8.00 ctransmit_stop
1.120 - 8.00 ctrlerrmsg
7.90 - 8.00 ctrlerrmsg_extra_shringbuf_disable
7.90 - 8.00 ctrlerrmsg_extra_shringbuf_enable
5.50 - 8.00 ctrlerrmsg_locking
5.29 - 8.00 ctrlerrmsg_nolocking
3.42 - 8.00 ctrlerrmsg_status
6.54 - 8.00 cuserdata_free
6.54 - 8.00 cuserdata_get
6.54 - 8.00 cuserdata_set
1.120 - 6.110 daemon
6.20 - 8.00 daemon_ready
6.20 - 8.00 daemon_start
6.20 - 8.00 daemon_start_failed
7.19 - 8.00 daemon_status_show
6.98 - 8.00 debug_flag_exists
1.120 - 8.00 debug_free_handles
1.120 - 8.00 debug_gethandle
7.90 - 8.00 debug_handle_name
1.120 - 8.00 debug_handle_set
1.120 - 8.00 debug_handle_value
1.120 - 8.00 debug_init_handles
1.120 - 8.00 debug_load_handles
1.120 - 8.00 debug_option
4.62 - 8.00 debug_reset_handles
1.120 - 8.00 debug_save_handles
1.120 - 8.00 debug_set
6.98 - 8.00 debug_show_handles
1.120 - 8.00 debug_value
1.120 - 8.00 debug_walk_handles
1.120 - 8.00 debugmsg
1.120 - 7.19 deflate
1.120 - 7.19 deflateEnd
1.120 - 7.19 deflateInit2_
7.90 - 8.00 dns_____dns_callcompletecb
7.90 - 8.00 dns____best_expire
7.90 - 8.00 dns____dns_dgramrcv
7.90 - 8.00 dns____dns_expire_timer
7.90 - 8.00 dns____dns_rt_handler
1.120 - 8.00 dns_abort
5.50 - 8.00 dns_abort_for_cbdata
5.29 - 8.00 dns_abort_for_complete_function
5.50 - 8.00 dns_abort_for_complete_function_and_cbdata
5.27 - 8.00 dns_abort_for_context
3.64 - 8.00 dns_add_enumdomain
1.120 - 8.00 dns_add_ns
4.70 - 8.00 dns_add_ns6
1.120 - 8.00 dns_add_ns_from_system
7.39 - 8.00 dns_add_ns_with_port
5.27 - 8.00 dns_add_nsinaddr
4.70 - 8.00 dns_callback_supports_ipv6
5.05 - 8.00 dns_change_param
6.36 - 8.00 dns_context_add_ns_from_system
6.36 - 8.00 dns_context_ns_from_system_changed
6.36 - 8.00 dns_context_update_ns_from_system_if_changed
6.98 - 8.00 dns_dump_all_context
6.54 - 8.00 dns_dump_context
1.120 - 8.00 dns_exit
1.120 - 8.00 dns_flush
7.39 - 8.00 dns_flush_all
1.120 - 8.00 dns_flush_hostname
5.07 - 8.00 dns_flush_hostname_type_A
5.07 - 8.00 dns_flush_hostname_type_AAAA
7.39 - 8.00 dns_flush_ip6addr
1.120 - 8.00 dns_flush_ipaddr
6.36 - 8.00 dns_get_mtime_of_resconf
5.27 - 8.00 dns_get_ns
1.120 - 5.09 dns_get_sortdnsservers
1.120 - 5.09 dns_getdnsservers
3.42 - 8.00 dns_getenum
1.120 - 8.00 dns_gethostbyaddr
5.27 - 8.00 dns_gethostbyaddr6
5.27 - 8.00 dns_gethostbyaddr6_ex
1.120 - 8.00 dns_gethostbyaddr_ex
1.120 - 8.00 dns_gethostbyname
4.70 - 8.00 dns_gethostbyname4
4.70 - 8.00 dns_gethostbyname6
1.120 - 8.00 dns_gethostbyname_ex
3.23 - 8.00 dns_getnaptrentry
1.120 - 8.00 dns_getsrventry
1.120 - 8.00 dns_getstatistic
1.120 - 8.00 dns_init
1.120 - 8.00 dns_init_ex
5.29 - 8.00 dns_is_subdomain
6.10 - 8.00 dns_is_valid_fqdn
6.10 - 8.00 dns_is_valid_hostname
1.120 - 8.00 dns_linkhostinfo
5.05 - 8.00 dns_new_context
1.133 - 8.00 dns_ns_from_system_changed
6.20 - 8.00 dns_patch_name_to_valid
7.39 - 8.00 dns_prefer_get
5.07 - 8.00 dns_prefer_restore
4.70 - 8.00 dns_prefer_set
6.10 - 8.00 dns_prefer_set_both
1.120 - 8.00 dns_privacy_set
3.64 - 8.00 dns_reset_enumdomains
1.128 - 8.00 dns_reset_ns
5.05 - 8.00 dns_restore_context
5.27 - 8.00 dns_restore_netmark
4.28 - 8.00 dns_restore_tcclass
3.42 - 3.63 dns_set_enumdomain
5.07 - 8.00 dns_set_from4
5.27 - 8.00 dns_set_from4_with_ifindex
5.07 - 8.00 dns_set_from6
5.27 - 8.00 dns_set_from6_with_scope_id
6.36 - 8.00 dns_set_mtime_of_resconf
5.27 - 8.00 dns_set_netmark
5.27 - 8.00 dns_set_ns
4.28 - 8.00 dns_set_tcclass
7.39 - 8.00 dns_show_cache
5.06 - 8.00 dns_show_context
7.39 - 8.00 dns_show_global
7.39 - 8.00 dns_show_queries
5.05 - 8.00 dns_show_statistic
5.05 - 8.00 dns_switch_context
1.120 - 8.00 dns_unlinkhostinfo
4.86 - 8.00 dns_update_ns_from_system_if_changed
7.19 - 8.00 dnserror2str
5.07 - 8.00 dnsprefer2str
7.39 - 8.00 dnsrtype2str
1.120 - 5.09 dnsservers_free
7.90 - 8.00 dnssrv____dnssrv_expire
6.10 - 8.00 dnssrv_flush
6.10 - 8.00 dnssrv_flushall
6.10 - 8.00 dnssrv_query
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_debugmsg
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_gendnsname
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_gensingletxt
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_getfqdn
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_getsingletxt
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_getuint16
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_getuint32
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_putdnsname
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_putdnsname_rdata
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_putfqdn
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_putfqdn_rdata
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_putmem
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_putmem_rdata
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_putuint16
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_putuint32
7.39 - 8.00 dnsutil_skipdnsname
5.09 - 5.25 do_arm_backtrace
4.48 - 5.27 do_mips_backtrace
2.76 - 8.00 emailaddress_construct
2.76 - 8.00 emailaddress_normalize
6.51 - 8.00 emailaddress_parse
2.76 - 6.64 emailaddress_valid
1.120 - 8.00 errmsg
4.63 - 8.00 exitstatus2str
5.23 - 8.00 filebuf_free
5.23 - 8.00 filebuf_load
7.19 - 8.00 filebuf_printf
7.39 - 8.00 filebuf_readfile
7.19 - 8.00 filebuf_vprintf
5.23 - 8.00 filebuf_write
6.25 - 8.00 filestrlist_changed
1.120 - 8.00 filestrlist_free
1.120 - 8.00 filestrlist_get
6.25 - 8.00 filestrlist_reset
1.120 - 8.00 filestrlist_setfilename
1.120 - 8.00 find_member
1.120 - 8.00 find_struct
4.86 - 8.00 find_struct_no_error
1.120 - 8.00 find_type
1.120 - 5.09 findquery
4.61 - 8.00 free
3.29 - 7.08 free_text_filecontent
3.23 - 7.08 freefilecontent
5.29 - 8.00 get_comm_of
4.03 - 8.00 get_major_of
5.07 - 8.00 get_misc_dev_of
6.84 - 8.00 get_random_bytes
3.29 - 7.08 get_text_filecontent
4.80 - 8.00 get_time_at_start
4.74 - 8.00 get_uptime
4.74 - 4.99 get_uptime_at_start
6.98 - 8.00 get_uptime_not_cached
7.39 - 8.00 getargs_keep_minus_minus
1.120 - 8.00 getbugflags
1.120 - 8.00 getch
1.120 - 8.00 getdiskspaceinfo
3.23 - 7.08 getfilecontent
1.120 - 5.09 getkey_t
6.98 - 8.00 getpath_of_fd
6.10 - 8.00 gettid
1.120 - 8.00 gettoken
1.120 - 8.00 getunquotedtoken
7.19 - 8.00 gmtime_safe
5.01 - 8.00 inaddr_eq
7.39 - 8.00 inaddr_list2stringlist
6.88 - 8.00 inaddr_net_from_str
6.88 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_addr_in
5.06 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_append
5.06 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_append_inaddr
5.06 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_append_ip6addr
5.06 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_append_ipaddr
5.06 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_free
5.06 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_in
5.06 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_prepend
5.06 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_prepend_inaddr
5.06 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_remove
5.06 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_remove_inaddr
5.27 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_remove_ip6addr
5.27 - 8.00 inaddr_net_list_remove_ipaddr
5.58 - 8.00 inaddr_option
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_append
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_append_inaddr
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_append_ip6addr
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_append_ipaddr
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_copy
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_equal
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_free
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_in
7.39 - 8.00 inaddrlist_len
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_merge
7.39 - 8.00 inaddrlist_move
5.50 - 8.00 inaddrlist_option
7.39 - 8.00 inaddrlist_pop_inaddr
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_prepend
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_prepend_inaddr
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_remove
5.01 - 8.00 inaddrlist_remove_inaddr
5.27 - 8.00 inaddrlist_remove_ip6addr
5.27 - 8.00 inaddrlist_remove_ipaddr
1.120 - 7.19 inflate
1.120 - 7.19 inflateEnd
1.120 - 7.19 inflateInit2_
1.120 - 7.19 inflateReset
1.120 - 8.00 infomsg
1.120 - 8.00 infomsg_exit
1.120 - 8.00 init_parsefile
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_append
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_append_ip6addr
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_copy
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_equal
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_free
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_in
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_merge
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_prepend
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_prepend_ip6addr
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_remove
4.80 - 8.00 ip6addrlist_remove_ip6addr
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_addr_in
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_append
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_append_prefix
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_copy
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_equal
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_free
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_in
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_merge
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_prepend
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_prepend_prefix
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_remove
6.52 - 8.00 ip6prefixlist_remove_prefix
6.25 - 8.00 ipaddr_option
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_append
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_append_ipaddr
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_copy
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_equal
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_free
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_in
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_merge
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_prepend
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_prepend_ipaddr
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_remove
1.120 - 8.00 ipaddrlist_remove_ipaddr
5.27 - 8.00 is_utf8_string
7.39 - 8.00 is_utf8_string_len
1.120 - 8.00 kbhit
4.28 - 8.00 libavmcsock_init
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_append
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_append_macaddr
6.98 - 8.00 macaddrlist_append_macaddr_unique
6.98 - 8.00 macaddrlist_append_unique
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_copy
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_equal
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_free
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_in
7.19 - 8.00 macaddrlist_len
7.39 - 8.00 macaddrlist_list2str
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_merge
7.19 - 8.00 macaddrlist_parse
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_prepend
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_prepend_macaddr
7.39 - 8.00 macaddrlist_prepend_macaddr_unique
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_remove
6.98 - 8.00 macaddrlist_remove_doubles
3.23 - 8.00 macaddrlist_remove_macaddr
7.19 - 8.00 macaddrlist_string
2.76 - 8.00 mailaddr_append
2.76 - 8.00 mailaddr_cmp
2.76 - 8.00 mailaddr_exact_match
2.76 - 6.64 mailaddr_exact_match_ex
2.76 - 8.00 mailaddr_free
2.76 - 8.00 mailaddr_match
2.76 - 6.64 mailaddr_match_ex
2.76 - 8.00 mailaddr_parse
2.76 - 8.00 mailaddr_parse_errorstr
2.76 - 8.00 mailaddr_parse_ex
4.61 - 8.00 malloc
7.19 - 8.00 malloc_usable_size
4.61 - 8.00 memalign
7.90 - 8.00 membertype2ctype
1.120 - 8.00 membertype2str
3.85 - 8.00 memblock_copy
7.19 - 8.00 memblock_equal
3.85 - 8.00 memblock_free
3.85 - 8.00 memblock_set
5.05 - 8.00 memunctrl
7.39 - 8.00 memunctrl_ex
7.39 - 8.00 memzero_explicit
4.48 - 5.09 mips_backtracer
4.48 - 5.09 mips_backtracer_with_skip
5.53 - 8.00 msg_builder_add_byte
6.10 - 8.00 msg_builder_add_charpointer
5.53 - 8.00 msg_builder_add_data
6.10 - 8.00 msg_builder_add_raw
5.53 - 8.00 msg_builder_add_string
6.35 - 8.00 msg_builder_add_u16
5.53 - 8.00 msg_builder_add_u32
5.53 - 8.00 msg_builder_end
5.53 - 8.00 msg_builder_start
4.28 - 8.00 msg_endpoint_create
4.28 - 8.00 msg_endpoint_destroy
4.28 - 8.00 msg_endpoint_is_blocked
4.30 - 8.00 msg_endpoint_printf_sendto
4.28 - 8.00 msg_endpoint_sendto
4.86 - 8.00 msg_endpoint_sendto_iovec
5.53 - 8.00 msg_parser_get_byte
6.10 - 8.00 msg_parser_get_charpointer
5.53 - 8.00 msg_parser_get_data
5.53 - 8.00 msg_parser_get_string
6.35 - 8.00 msg_parser_get_u16
5.53 - 8.00 msg_parser_get_u32
5.06 - 8.00 needs_base64
4.63 - 8.00 normalexit
1.120 - 8.00 open_parsefile
1.120 - 8.00 open_parsemem
1.120 - 8.00 open_parsemem_gzip
1.120 - 8.00 opt_usage
7.04 - 8.00 outstream_abort
1.120 - 8.00 outstream_close
7.90 - 8.00 outstream_csock
6.54 - 8.00 outstream_debugmsg
1.120 - 8.00 outstream_error
7.04 - 8.00 outstream_file
7.39 - 8.00 outstream_file_linebuffered
7.90 - 8.00 outstream_gzip
4.57 - 8.00 outstream_infomsg
1.120 - 8.00 outstream_mem
1.120 - 8.00 outstream_printf
6.84 - 8.00 outstream_set_indent_len
1.120 - 8.00 outstream_size
1.120 - 8.00 outstream_stdio
5.04 - 8.00 outstream_vprintf
7.39 - 8.00 outstream_with_vfprintffunc
1.120 - 8.00 outstream_zmem
1.120 - 8.00 parse_setdebug
1.120 - 8.00 parse_seterrorfunc
7.39 - 8.00 parse_setinfofunc
1.120 - 8.00 parse_setname
1.120 - 5.27 parse_strfind
1.120 - 5.27 parse_strsave
1.120 - 8.00 parseerror
4.86 - 8.00 parsefile_is_utf8
1.120 - 5.27 parsefile_opened
4.86 - 8.00 parsefile_set_utf8
7.39 - 8.00 parseinfo
1.120 - 8.00 pidrunning
1.120 - 8.00 pipeseg_create
1.120 - 8.00 pipeseg_destroy
1.120 - 8.00 pipeseg_read
1.120 - 8.00 pipeseg_write
7.19 - 8.00 posix_memalign
6.03 - 6.110 pthread_atfork
7.19 - 8.00 pvalloc
1.120 - 8.00 real_free
4.61 - 8.00 realloc
7.19 - 8.00 reallocarray
3.42 - 6.64 regcomp
3.42 - 6.64 regerror
3.42 - 8.00 regex_available
3.42 - 8.00 regex_replace
3.42 - 6.64 regexec
1.120 - 4.99 regexurllist_find
1.120 - 4.99 regexurllist_free
1.120 - 4.99 regexurllist_load
3.42 - 6.64 regfree
4.62 - 8.00 rfc1738_unescape
7.39 - 8.00 rfc1738_unescape_ex
5.29 - 8.00 set_bugloggerfunc
1.120 - 8.00 set_context_hooks
4.28 - 8.00 set_loggerfunc
1.120 - 8.00 setpgmname
4.70 - 5.09 setup_dgramclient
1.120 - 8.00 shcasematch
4.71 - 8.00 shcasenmatch
1.120 - 5.27 shm_open
1.120 - 5.27 shm_unlink
1.120 - 8.00 shmatch
4.71 - 8.00 shnmatch
5.29 - 8.00 shringbuf_add
7.39 - 8.00 shringbuf_clear
5.29 - 8.00 shringbuf_deinit
6.98 - 8.00 shringbuf_exists
5.29 - 8.00 shringbuf_init
5.29 - 8.00 shringbuf_walk
7.19 - 8.00 shringbuf_walk_shringbufs
7.90 - 8.00 signal2shortstr
3.42 - 8.00 signal2str
7.24 - 8.00 slab_activate_periodic_checks
6.84 - 8.00 slab_align
4.61 - 8.00 slab_alloc
4.61 - 8.00 slab_alloc_wheredebug
4.61 - 8.00 slab_bugmsg
4.61 - 8.00 slab_cache_alloc
4.61 - 8.00 slab_cache_alloc_wheredebug
4.61 - 8.00 slab_cache_create
4.61 - 8.00 slab_cache_destroy
5.29 - 8.00 slab_cache_dump
4.61 - 8.00 slab_cache_exit
4.61 - 8.00 slab_cache_free
4.61 - 8.00 slab_cache_free_wheredebug
6.84 - 8.00 slab_cache_get_info
4.61 - 8.00 slab_cache_init
7.19 - 8.00 slab_cache_init_workarounds
6.84 - 8.00 slab_cache_object_in_cache
7.39 - 8.00 slab_cache_page_per_buffer_mode_for
5.29 - 8.00 slab_cache_protect
5.29 - 8.00 slab_cache_protect_wheredebug
7.08 - 8.00 slab_cache_set_free_notifier
7.19 - 8.00 slab_cache_set_protection
5.29 - 8.00 slab_cache_show
7.90 - 8.00 slab_caddrinfo
4.61 - 8.00 slab_cbcontext_free
4.61 - 8.00 slab_check
7.19 - 8.00 slab_check_init
5.29 - 8.00 slab_check_redzone
5.29 - 8.00 slab_check_redzone_with_why
4.61 - 5.09 slab_cmp
4.61 - 8.00 slab_dcalloc
7.39 - 8.00 slab_debug_available
4.61 - 8.00 slab_dfree
4.61 - 8.00 slab_dmalloc
4.61 - 8.00 slab_drealloc
4.61 - 8.00 slab_dstrdup
4.80 - 8.00 slab_dstrndup
4.61 - 8.00 slab_dump
4.61 - 8.00 slab_dump_for_debug
5.04 - 8.00 slab_dump_for_debug_to
4.61 - 8.00 slab_errmsg
7.39 - 8.00 slab_errmsg_fnln
7.90 - 8.00 slab_ewma_exit
7.90 - 8.00 slab_ewma_init
7.90 - 8.00 slab_ewma_reset
7.90 - 8.00 slab_ewma_show
4.61 - 8.00 slab_free
4.61 - 8.00 slab_free_wheredebug
7.90 - 8.00 slab_get_stat_alloc_bytes
7.90 - 8.00 slab_get_stat_freed_bytes
7.90 - 8.00 slab_get_stat_nalloc
7.90 - 8.00 slab_get_stat_nfree
6.10 - 8.00 slab_get_statistic
7.19 - 8.00 slab_maxsize
7.19 - 8.00 slab_memalign
7.19 - 8.00 slab_memalign_wheredebug
5.29 - 8.00 slab_no_abort
5.29 - 8.00 slab_object_info
7.39 - 8.00 slab_realloc
7.39 - 8.00 slab_realloc_wheredebug
4.61 - 8.00 slab_reap
4.61 - 8.00 slab_reap_heavy
4.61 - 8.00 slab_show
4.61 - 8.00 slab_show_alloc
7.24 - 8.00 slab_show_alloc_aggregated
6.84 - 8.00 slab_show_genpages
4.61 - 8.00 slab_size
7.39 - 8.00 slabtrace_info
7.39 - 8.00 slabtrace_off
7.39 - 8.00 slabtrace_on
4.28 - 8.00 split_buf
7.39 - 8.00 sqrt_u32
7.39 - 8.00 sqrt_u64
1.120 - 7.32 sslconnector_start
1.120 - 7.32 sslconnector_start_with_ctx
1.120 - 4.99 sslconnector_startex
5.29 - 8.00 ssonlog
1.120 - 8.00 str2membertype
1.120 - 8.00 str2structtype
6.51 - 8.00 str___clear_text
6.51 - 8.00 str___set_n_text
6.51 - 8.00 str___set_text
6.51 - 8.00 str___set_text_not_null
6.51 - 8.00 str_find_unquoted_char
6.51 - 8.00 str_trim
6.51 - 8.00 str_unquote
6.51 - 8.00 strcasecmp_safe
7.39 - 8.00 strcaserpl
6.51 - 8.00 strcmp_safe
6.51 - 8.00 strconcat
5.29 - 8.00 strdup
1.120 - 6.64 string_set
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_append
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_append_caseunique
7.13 - 8.00 stringlist_append_nstring
6.87 - 8.00 stringlist_append_sprintf
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_append_string
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_append_string_caseunique
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_append_string_unique
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_append_unique
6.98 - 8.00 stringlist_at
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_casein
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_caseintersect
5.55 - 8.00 stringlist_casenin
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_copy
7.90 - 8.00 stringlist_dirs_option
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_equal
7.39 - 8.00 stringlist_equal_skipnull
7.39 - 8.00 stringlist_equal_unsorted
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_fmt
4.30 - 8.00 stringlist_fmt_keep_spaces
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_free
7.39 - 8.00 stringlist_free_argv
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_in
7.90 - 8.00 stringlist_insertsorted_string
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_intersect
7.51 - 8.00 stringlist_is_superset
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_join
3.23 - 8.00 stringlist_len
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_merge
5.55 - 8.00 stringlist_nin
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_nsplit
5.50 - 8.00 stringlist_option
3.42 - 8.00 stringlist_pop
3.42 - 8.00 stringlist_pop_string
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_prepend
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_prepend_caseunique
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_prepend_string
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_prepend_string_caseunique
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_prepend_string_unique
6.51 - 8.00 stringlist_prepend_unique
5.27 - 8.00 stringlist_print
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_remove
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_remove_string
5.05 - 8.00 stringlist_shcasein
5.58 - 8.00 stringlist_shin
1.120 - 8.00 stringlist_split
7.13 - 8.00 stringlist_split_with_empty
6.54 - 8.00 stringlist_to_argv
6.98 - 8.00 strlcat
6.98 - 8.00 strlcpy
6.25 - 8.00 strncasestr
6.10 - 8.00 strnchr
6.51 - 8.00 strncmp_safe
5.29 - 8.00 strndup
6.10 - 8.00 strnrchr
6.10 - 8.00 strnstr
6.33 - 8.00 strrpl
6.33 - 8.00 strrpl_n
7.90 - 8.00 structtype2ctype
1.120 - 8.00 structtype2str
5.05 - 8.00 strunctrl
7.39 - 8.00 strunctrl_ex
1.120 - 8.00 syserror
6.10 - 8.00 system_no_sh
1.120 - 5.09 tcalloc
1.120 - 5.09 tcbcontext_free
5.06 - 8.00 tcclass_name2value
5.06 - 8.00 tcclass_value2str
5.06 - 8.00 tcclassset_value2str
1.120 - 4.99 tcheckframe
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_add_column
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_add_column_IP6ADDR
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_add_column_IPADDR
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_add_column_joined_stringlist
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_add_column_sockaddr
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_add_columns
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_add_columns_stringlist
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_add_entries
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_add_entry
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_add_row
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_fill_row
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_fprintf
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_free
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_init
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_init_with_headers
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_set_alignment
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_set_alignments
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_set_headers
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_set_headers_with_delimiter
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_set_style
7.39 - 8.00 texttable_shrink
1.120 - 5.09 tfree
1.120 - 8.00 time2isostr
7.90 - 8.00 time2logstr
1.120 - 8.00 time2str
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_add
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_calc
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_current_secs
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_del
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_docallouts
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_exit
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_getstatistic
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_init
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_pending
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_restart
1.120 - 7.39 timeout_restartex
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_add
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_calc
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_del
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_docallouts
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_elapsed
5.06 - 7.39 timercb_elapsed_not_cached
3.73 - 7.39 timercb_elapsedsecs
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_elapsedtval
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_exit
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_getstatistic
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_init
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_pending
1.120 - 7.39 timercb_restart
6.98 timercb_show
1.120 - 5.09 tmalloc
1.120 - 5.09 tmeminfo
1.120 - 5.09 tmemmark
1.120 - 5.09 tmemprint
7.90 - 8.00 tmpfile_create
7.90 - 8.00 tmpfile_destroy
7.39 - 8.00 tolowerhexdigit
1.120 - 5.09 trealloc
1.120 - 5.09 tstrdup
4.80 - 8.00 u_signal_add
4.80 - 8.00 u_signal_fire
4.80 - 8.00 u_signal_poll
4.80 - 8.00 u_signal_remove
1.120 - 8.00 uhexdump
7.39 - 8.00 uhexdump_complete
7.39 - 8.00 uhexdump_output
7.19 - 8.00 uhexdump_raw
7.39 - 8.00 uhexdump_show_data
7.39 - 8.00 uhexdump_start
5.05 - 8.00 unctrl
7.39 - 8.00 unctrl_char
7.39 - 8.00 unctrl_char_ex
1.120 - 8.00 ungettoken
3.96 - 8.00 urlader_getenv
7.39 - 8.00 urlader_getenv_r
6.51 - 8.00 urlader_getmac
6.98 - 8.00 urlader_getmac_as_serial
5.05 - 8.00 urlader_setenv
7.18 - 8.00 util_basename
7.18 - 8.00 util_basename_r
7.39 - 8.00 utillib_get_command
7.39 - 8.00 utillib_openpty
5.29 - 8.00 utillib_random
6.10 - 8.00 utillib_set_processname
7.19 - 8.00 valloc
7.08 - 8.00 vbugcontext_set
1.120 - 8.00 vbugmsg
1.120 - 8.00 vdebugmsg
1.120 - 8.00 verrmsg
1.120 - 8.00 vinfomsg
5.29 - 8.00 vshringbuf_add
1.120 - 8.00 vsyserror
7.90 - 8.00 vwarnmsg
1.120 - 8.00 vxerrmsg
7.90 - 8.00 warnmsg
5.07 - 5.27 xaddr2str
5.23 - 7.19 zcalloc
5.23 - 7.19 zcfree
1.120 - 8.00 zgetc
1.120 - 8.00 zgetc_exit
1.120 - 8.00 zgetc_init
4.63 - 8.00 zgetc_read
1.120 - 8.00 zputc_error
1.120 - 8.00 zputc_exit
1.120 - 8.00 zputc_init
1.120 - 8.00 zputc_size
1.120 - 8.00 zputc_vprint
4.63 - 8.00 zputc_write
1.120 - 8.00 zungetc
1757 symbols for this library


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.