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BoxMatrix >> Shell-Commands >> hui-ctrl | @ BoxMatrix - IRC-Chat - Translate: de es fr it nl pl |
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Command: | hui-ctrl - type Exec | Wiki | Freetz | IPPF | whmf | AVM | Web |
Location: | Shell-Commands >> AVM-Commands - Origin: AVM | ||||||
Path: | Release: /bin Lab+Rel: /bin | ||||||
Properties: | Size: 5.3k - 13.5k - Firmware: 7.19 - 8.00 | ||||||
Function: | Sends LED events. |
Goto: Examples - GPL-Browser - Source - Dependencies - Model-Matrix - Symbols - SMW-Browser
hui-ctrl is an improved but backward compatible replacement of led-ctrl, which turned a symlink to hui-ctrl.
Like led-ctrl hui-ctrl is designed to send events to the LED event manager to notify about states in the system.
This completely abstracts how many LEDs a model has, how they are labeled and when they do what.
hui-ctrl only requires libled2.so, so it's also backward compatible to led-ctrl regarding dependencies.
libled2.so opens, if present, libhui.so, so it abstracts which LED api generation is present and used.
fw 7.39 help:
root@fritz:/var/mod/root# hui-ctrl Usage: hui-ctrl [OPTION...] event[=val]... Options: -h print this help message -l list all known events
Makes all 5 LEDs blink (slow, approx. 25% pulse width) on a 7530 fw 7.39:
root@fritz:/var/mod/root# hui-ctrl hardware_error=1
Returns to normal state display:
root@fritz:/var/mod/root# hui-ctrl hardware_error=0
Dim the LEDs to 50%:
root@fritz:/var/mod/root# hui-ctrl dim_brightness=50
fw 7.39 events - for backward compatibility event names are a mix of german and english:
root@fritz:/var/mod/root# hui-ctrl -l | sort ab_active ab_fehler ab_linedown ab_lineup ab_offhook ab_onhook access_type_lan_bridge access_type_plc_bridge access_type_wlan_bridge acmeter_ctrl_prog_run acmeter_ctrl_prog_start acmeter_ctrl_reset acmeter_ctrl_run afb_aktiv afb_inaktiv ata_disable ata_enable budget_notreached budget_reached button_connect_wlan_repeater_long_done button_connect_wlan_repeater_long_press button_connect_wlan_repeater_long_start button_connect_wlan_repeater_long_timeout button_connect_wlan_repeater_medium_done button_connect_wlan_repeater_medium_press button_connect_wlan_repeater_medium_start button_connect_wlan_repeater_medium_timeout button_connect_wlan_repeater_short_done button_connect_wlan_repeater_short_press button_connect_wlan_repeater_short_start button_connect_wlan_repeater_short_timeout button_events_disable button_events_enable connect_methode connect_pairing_done connect_pairing_error connect_pairing_start connect_pairing_success connect_pairing_timeout dect_abgeschaltet dect_aktiv dect_fehler dect_led_disable dect_led_enable dect_stick_and_surf_done dect_stick_and_surf_error dect_stick_and_surf_start dect_stick_and_surf_success dect_stick_and_surf_timeout device_factory_defaults device_init_end device_init_start device_reset dim_brightness dim_brightness_high dim_brightness_low dim_disabled dim_enabled dim_modus dim_refresh_cycle display_recover_previous display_suspend display_suspend_on_idle display_wakeup dsl_fehler dsl_kein_kabel dsl_nicht_verbunden dsl_training dsl_verbunden enable_debug error__internal__ error__internal_pppoe__ error__internal_tr69__ error__internal_voip__ error__internal_wps__ festnetz_abgebaut festnetz_aufgebaut festnetz_fehler festnetz_led_disable festnetz_led_enable festnetz_mwi_reset festnetz_mwi_set festnetz_nicht_verfuegbar festnetz_verfuegbar filesystem_done filesystem_mounted filesystem_mount_failure filesystem_unmounted filesystem_unmount_failure filesystem_unmounting fon_info_fax_reset_mwi fon_info_fax_set_mwi fon_info_klingelsperre_aktiv fon_info_klingelsperre_inaktiv fon_info_missed_call_reset fon_info_missed_call_set fon_info_tam_reset_mwi fon_info_tam_set_mwi fritz_media_no_scan fritz_media_scan_in_progress gpon_tx_disable gsm_auth_failed gsm_isp_error gsm_off gsm_on gsm_sync_failed gsm_syncing hardware_error internal_pwr_led_ctrl_en internet_abgebaut internet_aufgebaut internet_fehler internet_nicht_verfuegbar internet_verfuegbar ipclient_disable ipclient_enable irda___internal___ irda_pulse isdn_d1_down isdn_d1_up isdn_fehler lan1_active lan1_inactive lan2_active lan2_inactive lan3_active lan3_inactive lan4_active lan4_inactive lan5_active lan5_inactive lan_pairing_done lan_pairing_error lan_pairing_start lan_pairing_success lan_pairing_timeout lrwpan_pairing_done lrwpan_pairing_error lrwpan_pairing_start lrwpan_pairing_success lrwpan_pairing_timeout lte_antenna_external lte_antenna_internal lte_disable lte_map_info_off lte_map_info_on lte_map_mode_rssi lte_map_mode_rssi_all_leds lte_map_mode_type lte_nicht_verbunden lte_power lte_reset lte_suchen lte_type_2g lte_type_3g lte_type_4g lte_type_no_signal lte_vctrl lte_verbunden message_warning_high_priority message_warning_low_priority message_warning_medium_priority message_warning_off nexus_is_master nexus_is_slave nexus_pairing_done nexus_pairing_error nexus_pairing_no_trustee_pending nexus_pairing_start nexus_pairing_success nexus_pairing_timeout pin_done pin_ok pin_pppoe_auth_ongoing pin_wait_for_authentication pin_wait_for_pin play_start play_stop plc_low_phyrate plc_not_connect plc_off plc_on plc_pairing_done plc_pairing_error plc_pairing_external_error plc_pairing_start plc_pairing_stop plc_pairing_success plc_pairing_timeout plc_standby_start plc_standby_stop power_off power_on pppoe_auth_failed pppoe_auth_start pppoe_isp_error pppoe_mac_address_error pppoe_off pppoe_on socket_off socket_on socket_overcurrent_protection standby_start standby_stop switch_info_to_budget switch_info_to_dect switch_info_to_fax_mwi switch_info_to_klingelsperre_aktiv switch_info_to_lan switch_info_to_missed_call switch_info_to_online switch_info_to_silence switch_info_to_tam_fax_missed_call switch_info_to_tam_mwi switch_info_to_usb_client switch_info_to_usb_host switch_info_to_voip_free switch_info_to_voip_srtp switch_info_to_wlan_active switch_info_to_wlan_guest_active switch_info_to_wlan_guest_device temperature_ctrl1 temperature_ctrl2 temperature_warning_level1 temperature_warning_level2 temperature_warning_off temperature_warning_reboot tr69_acs_not_avail tr69_autoconf_runnning tr69_connecting tr69__internal__ tr69_no_message two_factor_done two_factor_error two_factor_start two_factor_success two_factor_timeout update_error update_fw_available update_led1 update_led2 update_led3 update_led4 update_led5 update_no_action update_running uplink_dsl_lte_in_use uplink_dslonly_in_use uplink_lteonly_in_use usb_client_connected usb_client_disconnected usb_client_error usb_host_connected usb_host_disconnected usb_host_error usb_host_stick_and_surf_done usb_host_stick_and_surf_error usb_host_stick_and_surf_start usb_host_stick_and_surf_success voip_con_call_finished voip_con_call_in_progress voip_con_not_registered voip_con_registered voip_con_register_fail voip_con_register_start voip_info_freecall_end voip_info_freecall_start voip_mwi_mail voip_mwi_mail_and_speech_msg voip_mwi_no_message voip_mwi_speech_msg voip_srtp_active voip_srtp_inactive vpn_connected vpn_disconnected vu_level wan_active wan_inactive wan_training wireless_stick_and_surf_done wireless_stick_and_surf_error wireless_stick_and_surf_start wireless_stick_and_surf_success wireless_stick_and_surf_timeout wlan_configuring wlan_device_gone wlan_device_init wlan_device_max_not_reached wlan_device_max_reached wlan_device_present wlan_dfs_starting wlan_error wlan_guest_device_allgone wlan_guest_device_present wlan_guest_disabled wlan_guest_enabled wlan_macfilter_max_not_reached wlan_macfilter_max_reached wlan_off wlan_on wlan_rssi_disconnected wlan_rssi_level wlan_sta_base_configured wlan_sta_base_not_configured wlan_sta_base_off wlan_sta_iptv_bad wlan_sta_iptv_good wlan_sta_iptv_medium wlan_sta_no_iptv wlan_sta_register wlan_sta_register_failed wlan_starting wlan_sta_starting wlan_sta_stopping wlan_sta_unregister wlan_sta_wps_done wlan_sta_wps_error wlan_sta_wps_no_connect_done wlan_sta_wps_no_connect_error wlan_sta_wps_no_connect_start wlan_sta_wps_no_connect_success wlan_sta_wps_no_connect_timeout wlan_sta_wps_start wlan_sta_wps_success wlan_sta_wps_timeout wlan_stopping wlan_wds_repeater_disable wlan_wds_repeater_enable wps_done wps_error wps_start wps_success wps_timeout zigbee_aktiv zigbee_error zigbee_inaktiv
Daily updated index of all hui-ctrl code findings on the GPL-Browser. Last update: 2025-03-10 05:06 GMT.
The Browse
column points to the Path
containing the respective source code on the gpl.boxmatrix.info service.
The SoC
column lists the Chip-Codenames, the Model
column lists the nicks of the Box-Models.
The Diff
column links the comparison of the AVM Kernel to the pristine original from Kernel.org.
The Download
column links the full tarball the respective directory content is extracted from.
The presence of the source does not mean it fits the respective model and architecture. See the Model-Matrix where it's used.
The names of source files compiled into an executable often help to understand function blocks (and show gaps in the docs).
fw 7.39 source files:
$ strings /bin/hui-ctrl | grep -e '\.c$' -e '\.cpp$' <empty>
Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.
A *
in the Mod
column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.
Relation | Typ | Object | Mod | Firmware | Info | Origin |
Symlinked by | cmd | led-ctrl | 43 | 7.19 - 8.00 | Sends LED events. | AVM |
Depends on | lib | ld.so | 19 | 7.19 - 8.02 | Dynamic linker / loader | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libc.so | 43 | 7.19 - 8.02 | Standard C library | Linux |
Depends on | lib | libled2.so | 43 | 7.19 - 8.02 | LED API - second+third generation | AVM |
4 dependencies for this command |
Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-03-10 06:03 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl)
label in the Model
column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.
Model | Firmware | Path | Size |
FRITZ!Box 4040 | 7.39 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.4k |
FRITZ!Box 4050 | 7.58 - 7.90 | /bin | 5.3k |
FRITZ!Box 4060 | 7.29 - 7.90 | /bin | 5.3k - 8.0k |
FRITZ!Box 5530 Fiber (main) | 7.39 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.7k - 5.8k |
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (main) | 7.29 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.3k - 8.0k |
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (prx) | 7.39 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.7k - 5.8k |
FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro (main) | 7.62 | /bin | 5.3k |
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (atom) | 7.39 - 7.90 | /bin | 13.4k - 13.5k |
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (atom) | 7.39 - 8.00 | /bin | 13.4k - 13.5k |
FRITZ!Box 6670 Cable (atom) | 7.61 - 7.90 | /bin | 13.4k - 13.5k |
FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable (atom) | 7.39 - 7.90 | /bin | 13.4k - 13.5k |
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v1 (main) | 7.51 - 7.59 | /bin | 5.9k |
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v2 (main) | 7.51 - 7.59 | /bin | 5.9k |
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v3 (main) | 7.51 - 7.57 | /bin | 5.9k |
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v4 | 7.59 | /bin | 5.9k |
FRITZ!Box 6850 LTE | 7.39 - 7.90 | /bin | 5.4k |
FRITZ!Box 6850 5G | 7.39 - 7.90 | /bin | 5.4k |
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE (main) | 7.39 - 7.57 | /bin | 5.7k |
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v1 (main) | 7.39 - 7.57 | /bin | 5.7k |
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v2 (main) | 7.39 - 7.57 | /bin | 5.7k |
FRITZ!Box 7510 | 7.30 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.3k |
FRITZ!Box 7520 | 7.39 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.4k |
FRITZ!Box 7520 v2 (main) | 7.39 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.4k |
FRITZ!Box 7530 | 7.39 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.4k |
FRITZ!Box 7530 AX | 7.39 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.5k - 5.6k |
FRITZ!Box 7583 (main) | 7.50 - 7.59 | /bin | 5.7k |
FRITZ!Box 7583 VDSL (main) | 7.59 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.7k - 5.8k |
FRITZ!Box 7590 (main) | 7.39 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.7k - 5.8k |
FRITZ!Box 7590 AX (main) | 7.39 - 8.00 | /bin | 5.7k - 5.8k |
FRITZ!Box 7690 | 7.61 - 7.90 | /bin | 5.3k |
FRITZ!Smart Gateway | 7.52 - 7.63 | /bin | 5.3k |
FRITZ!Repeater 600 | 7.21 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.9k - 8.1k |
FRITZ!Repeater 600 v2 | 7.27 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.9k - 8.1k |
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 | 7.19 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.4k - 8.0k |
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 AX | 7.30 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.3k |
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1750E | 7.31 - 7.32 | /bin | 8.1k |
FRITZ!Repeater 2400 | 7.19 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.9k - 8.1k |
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 | 7.19 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.4k - 8.0k |
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 AX | 7.41 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.3k |
FRITZ!Repeater 6000 | 7.19 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.3k - 8.0k |
FRITZ!Powerline 1240 AX | 7.57 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.3k |
FRITZ!Powerline 1260E | 7.21 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.4k - 8.0k |
FRITZ!Powerline 1260 | 7.27 - 7.58 | /bin | 5.4k - 8.0k |
43 models use this command |
Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.
Firmware | Symbol |
7.19 - 8.00 | main |
7.19 - 8.00 | print_all_events |
7.19 - 8.00 | print_usage |
3 symbols for this command |