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Property:luacgi (avmcmd)

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Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name luacgi!
luacgi (avmcmd) Lua interpreter CGI.
luacgi (process) Process running luacgi


Goto:   Libraries  -  Logs  -  Source  -  Dependencies   -   Model-Matrix   -   Symbols   -   SMW-Browser


luacgi is a Lua interpreter CGI program. Lua is a simple and efficient scripting language.
Unlike Perl or PHP its memory and storage footprint makes it an excellent choice for embedded usage like in FRITZ!OS.
Initially AVM only provided this CGI interpreter, which requires webserver login, but later they added luavar for shell usage.

Lua scripts can be textual or compiled bytecode, both use the .lua file extension.
AVM uses this fact to hide the source of the mobiled Lua plugins, see the Plugins section there.

Like all AVM CGI programs luacgi can be launched as luacgi_notimeout to disable connection and login timeout.
Starting with fw 7.24 there's a whitelist of Lua-Scripts which could be executed without login in luacgi_script_access.cfg.


Lua uses textual .lua includes to extend its functionality but also Lua extended Shared-Libraries.
These are included like textual lua includes using the library name without the .so extension.
Example from fax_send.lua which includes libfaxsendlua.so:

fax = require("libfaxsendlua")

New Lua enhanced libraries (and Lua capable AVM-Commands) could be found by their dependency to liblua.so.

This is a subset of the Shared-Libraries section, filtered for '*Lua-Library*' in the description texts:

Daily updated index of all shared libraries found scanning Firmware-Probes . Last update: 2025-03-10 06:03 GMT.
The label (lib) in the Library column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod column shows the amount of models using the respective library. Click the column header to sort by this number.
You can hover or click a possible Link in the Type column to see the target of that link.


This is a subset of the Temp-Files section, filtered for logfiles of luacgi:

Daily updated index of all luacgi logfiles found scanning Supportdata-Probes. Last update: 2025-03-10 07:27 GMT.
The label (temp) in the Logfile column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod column shows the amount of models using the respective logfile. Click the column header to sort by this number.


The names of source files compiled into an executable often help to understand function blocks (and show gaps in the docs).
fw 7.39 source files:

$ strings /usr/www/cgi-bin/luacgi | grep -e '\.c$' -e '\.cpp$'



Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Symlinked by cmd luacgi_notimeout 95 5.07 - 8.00 Lua interpreter CGI, no connection timeout. AVM
Runs as proc luacgi (process) 8* 6.26 - 7.51 Process running luacgi AVM
Serving sock me_libbb_luafiber.ctl 1* 7.61 TODO AVM
Serving sock me_lua_aicmd.ctl 1* 7.39 TODO AVM
Serving sock me_luacgi($num).ctl 17* 4.87 - 7.61 TODO AVM
Serving sock me_luadsl.ctl 19* 7.19 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Depends on lib ld.so 41 7.08 - 8.02 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libar7cfg.so 70 6.54 - 8.02 TFFS-Configuration API to ar7.cfg and many more. AVM
Depends on lib libavmauth.so 70 6.51 - 8.02 Fritzbox authentification helpers AVM
Depends on lib libavmcipher.so 70 6.54 - 8.02 AES / DES / Rijndael encryption / decryption. AVM
Depends on lib libavmcsock.so 101 4.80 - 8.02 Networking, I/O and helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libavmfbconf.so 41 7.39 - 7.81 API to hardcoded fbconf.cfg AVM
Depends on lib libavmfbstate.so 44 7.39 - 8.02 IPC fritzbox state notification AVM
Depends on lib libavmhmac.so 101 4.80 - 8.02 HMAC / SHA / MD5 hashing. AVM
Depends on lib libavmwdt.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 AVM-Watchdogs management API AVM
Depends on lib libboxenv.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 API to the rc.conf enhanced Config-Environment AVM
Depends on lib libboxlib.so 101 4.80 - 8.02 Box status, logging and statistics functions AVM
Depends on lib libboxnotify.so 1 6.35 boxnotifyd client API (old) AVM
Depends on lib libc.so 101 4.80 - 8.02 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libcm.so 101 4.80 - 8.02 ctlmgr / cm_logic messaging API AVM
Depends on lib libcore.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 Gathers the MAC addresses of the device and maintains its device mode. AVM
Depends on lib libcrypto.so 70 6.54 - 8.02 OpenSSL general crypto and X.509 library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 80 4.80 - 8.00 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libdputil.so 77 6.35 - 8.02 DataPipe / packet utilities AVM
Depends on lib libeventlog.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 System Event-Log management API AVM
Depends on lib libewnwjson.so 44 7.39 - 8.02 JSON helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libewnwlinux.so 101 4.80 - 8.02 Linux networking functions AVM
Depends on lib libewnwnet.so 101 4.80 - 8.02 Internet helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libfbconf.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 API to hardcoded fbconf.cfg AVM
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 43 4.80 - 6.110 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Depends on lib libjuisclient.so 70 6.54 - 8.02 Update-Search - second generation - JUIS AVM
Depends on lib liblocalize.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 Charset conversion helper functions AVM
Depends on lib liblua.so 101 4.80 - 8.02 Lua 5.1.4 interpreter library Linux
Depends on lib libm.so 80 4.80 - 8.00 C math library Linux
Depends on lib liboauth2.so 44 7.39 - 8.02 OAuth v2.0 authentificator Linux
Depends on lib libpthread.so 80 4.80 - 8.00 POSIX threading library Linux
Depends on lib librt.so 56 6.35 - 8.00 POSIX realtime extensions library Linux
Depends on lib libslab_c++.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 C++ slab allocator AVM
Depends on lib libsvctl.so 52 7.19 - 8.02 supervisor notification library AVM
Depends on lib libtiinterpreter.so 44 7.39 - 8.02 Preprocessor for SSI-Files by TI. AVM
Depends on lib libwdt.so 98 4.80 - 7.81 AVM-Watchdogs management API AVM
Depends on lib libwebkpiclient.so 32 7.39 - 8.02 KPI sensor for system parts which use HTTP / HTTPS AVM
Depends on lib libwebsrv.so 77 6.35 - 8.02 HTTP / HTTPS webserver and tools. AVM
Depends on lib libyajl.so 44 7.39 - 8.02 Event-driven JSON parser Linux
Depends on lib libz.so 64 6.83 - 8.02 Zlib compressor / decompressor Linux
45 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-03-10 06:03 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 4.86 - 5.54 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.9k - 58.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 v3 4.86 - 5.54 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.9k - 58.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 IT 5.23 - 5.52 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 46.0k - 55.8k, Link
FRITZ!Box 3272 (main) 5.50 - 6.89 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 48.4k - 54.2k, Link
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3370 (main) 5.01 - 6.56 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.9k - 58.6k, Link
FRITZ!Box 3390 (main) 5.50 - 6.56 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.8k - 52.8k, Link
FRITZ!Box 3490 (main) 6.20 - 7.30 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 50.8k - 61.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 4020 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 50.4k - 53.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 4040 6.52 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.1k - 53.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 4050 7.58 - 7.90 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!Box 4060 7.29 - 7.90 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5490 (main) 6.51 - 7.29 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.7k - 61.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5491 (main) 7.01 - 7.29 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 53.0k - 61.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5530 Fiber (main) 7.21 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 56.8k - 69.9k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (main) 7.29 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (prx) 7.29 - 8.00 <long> Link
FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro (main) 7.62 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v1 6.03 - 6.04 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v2 6.21 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6340 Cable 5.24 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.4k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6360 Cable 4.85 - 6.51 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.1k - 42.4k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (arm) 6.84 - 7.29 <long> Link
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (atom) 6.84 - 7.29 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 42.1k - 49.2k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (arm) 6.20 - 7.51 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.2k - 39.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (atom) 6.20 - 7.51 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 40.3k - 69.3k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (arm) 6.83 - 7.57 <long> Link
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (atom) 6.83 - 7.51 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 40.3k - 69.3k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (arm) 7.04 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 42.3k - 49.4k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (atom) 7.04 - 7.90 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 42.3k - 77.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (arm) 7.14 - 8.00 <long> Link
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (atom) 7.14 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 41.9k - 77.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6670 Cable (arm) 7.61 - 7.90 <long> Link
FRITZ!Box 6670 Cable (atom) 7.61 - 7.90 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 61.5k - 61.7k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable (arm) 7.28 - 7.90 <long> Link
FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable (atom) 7.28 - 7.90 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 77.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6810 LTE 6.35 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.8k - 51.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v1 (main) 6.40 - 7.59 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.7k - 70.0k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v2 (main) 6.40 - 7.59 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.7k - 70.0k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v3 (main) 7.19 - 7.57 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 61.0k - 70.0k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v4 7.59 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 70.0k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6840 LTE (main) 5.08 - 6.88 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.8k - 58.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6842 LTE /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.9k - 51.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6850 LTE 7.21 - 7.90 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 69.7k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6850 5G 7.24 - 7.90 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 53.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.7k - 69.8k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v1 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.7k - 69.8k, Link
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v2 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.7k - 69.8k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7112 4.86 - 4.88 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 4.86 - 4.88 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 48.8k - 49.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v1 4.86 - 4.88 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 48.8k - 49.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v2 4.86 - 4.88 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 48.8k - 49.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7240 4.85 - 6.06 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.9k - 58.2k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v1 4.80 - 4.89 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 40.1k - 53.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v2 4.80 - 6.06 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 40.1k - 58.6k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v3 4.80 - 6.06 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 40.1k - 58.6k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7272 (main) 5.55 - 6.88 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.1k - 54.2k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7312 5.23 - 6.56 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.8k - 55.6k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7320 4.85 - 6.35 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.8k - 55.6k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7330 5.06 - 6.56 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.8k - 58.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7330 SL 5.08 - 6.56 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.8k - 58.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7340 4.83 - 5.05 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 46.0k - 55.8k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 SL 5.04 - 6.34 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.8k - 58.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v1 5.06 - 6.36 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.9k - 58.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v2 5.22 - 6.88 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.8k - 55.6k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7362 SL (main) 5.53 - 7.18 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.9k - 56.8k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7369 (main) 6.30 - 6.32 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 50.9k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390 4.81 - 5.22 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 44.3k - 55.8k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7412 (main) 6.21 - 6.88 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 50.8k - 53.3k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7430 (main) 6.26 - 7.31 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.6k - 61.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7490 (main) 5.57 - 7.51 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.1k - 69.9k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7510 7.30 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7520 6.98 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.5k - 53.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7520 v2 (main) 7.30 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 53.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7530 6.98 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.4k - 53.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7530 AX 7.20 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.5k - 57.7k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7560 (main) 6.51 - 7.30 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.7k - 60.9k, Link
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7570 vDSL 4.80 - 4.92 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.2k - 53.1k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7580 (main) 6.53 - 7.30 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.7k - 60.9k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7581 6.54 - 7.18 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.2k - 49.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7582 6.83 - 7.18 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.2k - 49.5k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7583 (main) 7.01 - 7.59 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 53.0k - 69.8k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7583 VDSL (main) 7.19 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 56.8k - 69.9k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7590 (main) 6.83 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.7k - 69.9k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7590 AX (main) 7.19 - 8.00 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 56.8k - 69.9k, Link
FRITZ!Box 7690 7.61 - 7.90 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!Smart Gateway 7.52 - 7.63 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 53.3k - 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 300E 5.01 - 6.34 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 58.7k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 310 A 5.24 - 7.16 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 46.0k - 56.8k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 310 B 6.30 - 7.16 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 50.3k - 56.8k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 450E 6.00 - 7.15 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.2k - 56.8k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 600 7.11 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.0k - 58.0k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 600 v2 7.27 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 53.1k - 58.0k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1160 6.51 - 7.15 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.7k - 56.8k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 7.11 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.3k - 53.5k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 1200 AX 7.30 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1750E 6.12 - 7.32 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.6k - 61.1k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 2400 7.12 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.0k - 58.0k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 6.98 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.2k - 53.5k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 3000 AX 7.41 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!Repeater 6000 7.19 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 45.3k - 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!WLAN Repeater DVB-C 6.12 - 7.04 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 52.6k - 54.2k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 540E 5.58 - 7.15 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 56.8k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 546E 5.50 - 7.15 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 46.2k - 56.8k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 1240 AX 7.57 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 53.4k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 1240E 6.33 - 7.16 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 50.3k - 56.8k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 1260E 6.90 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 38.2k - 53.5k, Link
FRITZ!Powerline 1260 7.27 - 7.58 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 49.3k - 53.5k, Link
Speedport W 503V MK 4.79 <long> Link
Speedport W 504V MK 5.04 /usr/www/cgi-bin, <long> 61.8k, Link
109 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-03-10 08:20 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
5.07 - 5.24 FindSession
4.80 - 8.00 GetSessionId
4.80 - 8.00 LuaScript_Exit
4.80 - 7.32 LuaScript_MakeFunction
4.80 - 4.92 LuaScript_MakeGlobalTableNames
4.80 - 4.92 LuaScript_MakeGlobalTable_i
6.35 - 8.00 OutputDefaultHTTPHeader
7.19 - 8.00 OutputHTTPHeader
4.80 - 5.24 Query
4.80 - 5.24 QueryCache_Exit
4.80 - 5.24 QueryCache_Insert
4.80 - 5.24 QueryCache_Lookup
4.80 - 5.04 ReferrerViolation
7.19 - 8.00 SetDefaultHTTPHeader
4.80 - 8.00 SetSessionId
5.01 - 8.00 UseNextSessionId
5.01 - 8.00 cache_exit
5.01 - 8.00 cache_handle_prefetch
6.10 - 8.00 cgi_is_head_request
6.36 - 8.00 cgi_is_supported_method
6.36 - 8.00 cgi_show_errorpage
4.80 - 5.24 check_response
4.80 - 4.92 comm_init
5.07 - 5.24 common_login
5.07 - 5.24 common_logout
5.07 - 5.24 common_sid_valid
4.80 - 8.00 do_display_page
4.80 - 5.24 do_post
5.23 - 8.00 escape_init
4.80 - 7.32 get_any_string_arg
4.80 - 4.92 get_input
4.80 - 7.32 get_string_arg
5.07 - 5.27 info_session_init
5.01 - 5.24 is_access_from_internet
4.80 - 8.00 is_logged_in
6.98 - 8.00 is_loginbutton_needed
5.07 - 5.24 lock_data
4.80 - 8.00 login
7.39 - 8.00 login_from_addr
4.80 - 8.00 main
4.80 - 4.92 msgr_makeTransSetPost
4.80 - 5.27 nas_session_init
4.80 - 8.00 parse_cgivars
4.80 - 8.00 parse_cgivars_from_parameter
5.09 - 5.27 remote_session_init
5.01 - 8.00 set_loggedin
6.10 - 8.00 set_no_sidrenew
4.80 - 4.92 setup_input
4.80 - 4.92 unescape_url
5.07 - 5.24 unlock_data
4.80 - 4.92 valid_string
51 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.