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Property:multid (avmcmd)

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Name-Collision - multiple objects in this wiki use the name multid!
multid (avmcmd) LAN management daemon.
multid (process) Process running multid
multid (watchdog) Watchdog for multid


Goto:   Endpoints  -  Events  -  Config  -  Logs  -  Source  -  Dependencies   -   Model-Matrix   -   Symbols   -   SMW-Browser


fw 7.29 help:

root@fritz2:/var/mod/root# multid -?

usage: multid multid [options]

  -?                 - print this help
  -f                 - run in forground. (NOTSET)
  -s                 - stop daemon. (NOTSET)
  -v                 - verbose. (NOTSET)
  -p STRING          - Pidfile. ("/var/run/multid.pid")
  -M STRING          - memory debug output. (NULL)
  -S STRING          - script to call when onlinestatus changes. ("/bin/onlinechanged")
  -I                 - send multid a SIGHUP. (NOTSET)
  -t                 - option will be ignored. (NOTSET)
  -i                 - disable IGMP proxy. (NOTSET)
  -d                 - start without tr069discover. (NOTSET)
  -w INTEGER         - timeout for tr069discover (def. = 15s). (15)
  -D STRING          - switch debug logs on. (FUNC)

start server:   multid
stop server :   multid -s


aicmd endpoint(s) provided by multid, with these functions: (fw 7.29)

root@fritz1:/var/mod/root# aicmd multid

# provided by multid: - fw 6.88+

HELP                                     - show help
SLABDUMP                                 - show slab allocation
SLABSHOW                                 - show slab information
QUIT                                     - disconnect

dnsd dump                                - dump internal info

# provided by multid: - fw 7.01+

show dns-rebind                          - show dns rebind info

dnsd stats                               - dump statistic
dnsd server                              - dump server statistic
dnsd cache                               - dump cache
dnsd hashtab                             - dump cache hashtab
dnsd memory                              - dump info about memory usage
dnsd queries                             - dump queries
dnsd socks                               - dump socks
dnsd forwards                            - dump forwards
dnsd probe                               - latency probe on next query
dnsd flush                               - flush cache
dnsd zone                                - zone (default|guest|external)
dnsd addstatic                           - addstatic <name> <addr>
dnsd delstatic                           - delstatic <name> <addr>
dnsd delbyip                             - delbyip <addr>
dnsd delbyname                           - delbyname <name>

topology list                            - show list

dhcpd context                            - show context
dhcpd interfaces                         - show interfaces
dhcpd leases                             - show leases

chronyctl ntpservers                     - show ntp servers

# provided by multid: - fw 7.29+

dnsd failstream                          - streamfailed (<ipv4-addr> | <ipv6-addr> <port>)
dnsd stoptimer                           - stoptimer (<ipv4-addr> | <ipv6-addr> <port>)

dhcpv6d                                  - module NOT enabled

lldpinfo list                            - show list

mrouter global                           - dump global info
mrouter upstream                         - dump upstream
mrouter routes                           - dump routes
mrouter vifs                             - dump vifs

rextd_mng status                         - show status

# provided by multid: - fw 7.39+

show eth_status                          - show eth status ports 

eth_qos list                             - list active eth qos entries

dnsd domainflush                         - flush cache for domain

neighbour ethaddr                        - dump ethaddr hash table
neighbour inaddr                         - dump inaddr hash table

dhcpd add                                - add static lease
dhcpd del                                - delete lease

loop show                                - Show the currently applied filters
loop filter                              - Apply a blocking list <ifname> <iftype> <action_type> ...
loop_prevention show                     - Show the currently applied filters
loop_prevention filter                   - Apply a blocking list <ifname> <iftype> <action_type> ...

# provided by libavmpcp.so: - fw 7.29+

libavmpcp show pcpinfo                   - show pcpinfo

# provided by libewnwlinux.so: - fw 7.01+

ewnwlinux show csockshell                - show shells running
ewnwlinux show genetlink                 - show gerneric netlink families

# provided by libewnwlinux.so: - fw 7.90+

ewnwlinux netlink show                   - show internal information
ewnwlinux netlink getroute [address]     - get route for inet address
ewnwlinux netlink interfaces             - show interfaces
ewnwlinux netlink routes [ 4 | 6 ]       - show routes

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.01+

avmcsock show csock                      - show all csock
avmcsock show dnsconfig                  - show all dns context
avmcsock show timercb                    - show all timer
avmcsock show debughandles               - show all debughandles
avmcsock show cprocess                   - show all processes
avmcsock set debug                       - set debug flags

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.29+

avmcsock show cbcontext                  - show all cbdata
avmcsock show daemon                     - show daemon status
avmcsock show cbuf                       - show cbuf status

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.39+

avmcsock getsymbol <address>             - get symbol for address
avmcsock show dnsglobal                  - show all dns global values
avmcsock show dnscache                   - show cache
avmcsock show dnsqueries                 - show all pending queries
avmcsock show avmipc [endpoint shmatch]  - show avmipc events and states
avmcsock ctimer show                     - show all timer
avmcsock ctimer overview                 - show ctimer overview
avmcsock iotrace format unctrl|hexdump   - set format for csock iotrace
avmcsock iotrace file                    - enable iotrace to file
avmcsock iotrace enable                  - enable iotrace via debugmsg
avmcsock iotrace disable                 - disable iotrace
avmcsock iotrace match help|<match>      - show allowed matches or set match
avmcsock iotrace reset                   - remove all matches
avmcsock iotrace show                    - show configuration

# provided by libavmcsock.so: - fw 7.90+

avmcsock show signals                    - show signal handler
avmcsock show connector [cache|stats]    - show connector information
avmcsock show clogger                    - show clogger information
avmcsock set clogmod [ <module> [ '.' <submodule ] ... ] [ '=' <level> ]
                                         - set clogmod log level
avmcsock slab check                      - red zone/free check
avmcsock slab reap [heavy]               - call slab_reap/slab_reap_heavy
avmcsock slab dump [long]                - show slab allocation
avmcsock slab show                       - show slab information
avmcsock slab ewma [show|activate|deactivate|reset]
                                         - show average allocates/freed per second
avmcsock avmipc notifier [endpoint shmatch]
                                         - show registered notifier
avmcsock avmipc set [endpoint shmatch]   - show states/events sent
avmcsock avmipc csv [endpoint shmatch]   - show states/events sent and listing as csv

msgsend endpoint(s) provided by multid, with these functions: (endpoints + commands, collected manually)

multid reload      # from multid.service
multid softreset   # from edocsis_softreset


Daily updated index of AVM-Events and AVMIPC-Datastore nodes affecting this command. Last update: 2023-12-10 05:13 GMT.
The owners of Event-Sinks and Event-Sources are manual research, which may be incomplete or even wrong.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.
A ** in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata2 probes, which by their nature will stay way more incomplete.
A - in the Mod column marks manual research, the Firmware then shows where the item occurs, not the Relation.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Netlink family NETLINK_GENERIC 1** 7.29 Generic Netlink (genetlink) family for simplified netlink usage (#16) Linux
Multicast group AVMGGRP_GENETLINK_ALL 2** 6.87 - 6.88 Hackish way to subscribe to all genetlink groups AVM
Multicast group AVMGGRP_L2TP 9** 7.01 - 7.51 Interface of the L2TP tunneling server l2tpv3d AVM
Multicast group AVMGGRP_NLCTRL_NOTIFY 12** 7.01 - 7.51 Notification about changes in subscribed genetlink groups AVM
Multicast group AVMGGRP_THERMAL_EVENT 1** 7.29 TODO AVM
Multicast group AVMGGRP_UNKNOWN_0001 2** 7.29 - 7.30 TODO AVM
Multicast group AVMGGRP_UNKNOWN_0008 1** 7.29 TODO AVM
Netlink family NETLINK_ROUTE 16** 7.01 - 7.51 Communication channel between routing dæmons and the kernel packet forwarding (#0) Linux
Multicast group RTMGRP_IPV4_IFADD 22** 4.72 - 7.51 IPv4 address change of a Network-Interface Linux
Multicast group RTMGRP_IPV4_ROUTE 22** 4.72 - 7.51 IPv4 Routing Table change Linux
Multicast group RTMGRP_IPV6_IFADDR 22** 4.72 - 7.51 IPv6 address change of a Network-Interface Linux
Multicast group RTMGRP_IPV6_ROUTE 22** 4.72 - 7.51 IPv6 Routing Table change Linux
Multicast group RTMGRP_LINK 22** 4.72 - 7.51 Creation / deletion or up / down change of a Network-Interface. Linux
Multicast group RTMGRP_MDB 8** 7.39 - 7.51 Multicast Group Database change Linux
Multicast group RTMGRP_NEIGH 1** 7.39 Neighbor Table / ARP table for IPv4 change Linux
Multicast group RTMGRP_NOTIFY 16** 7.01 - 7.51 Enable notification about changes in subscribed rtnetlink groups Linux
Multicast group RTMGRP_TC 16** 7.01 - 7.51 Packet Scheduler Traffic Control change Linux
Endpoint sock me_lldp_avmipc.ctl 9* 7.39 - 7.57 avmipc endpoint for TODO AVM
Listens to avmipc STATE_ETHSTATUS_FBSTATE 7** 7.39 - 7.57 State of all LAN ports in JSON format. AVM
Endpoint sock me_multid-pcp-($num).ctl 49* 6.25 - 7.51 avmipc endpoint of libavmpcp.so for multid AVM
Listens to avmipc libpcp_dump 19** 7.01 - 7.51 Trigger event to dump PCP context info. AVM
Listens to avmipc libpcp_send_itemstatus 19** 7.01 - 7.51 Trigger event to send all PCP port openings. AVM
Listens to avmipc pcpserver_changed 19** 7.01 - 7.51 Trigger event to inform about PCP server changes. AVM
Endpoint sock me_multid.ctl 104* 4.33 - 7.51 avmipc_command endpoint of multid AVM
Listens to avmipc @ 18** 7.12 - 7.51 Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. AVM
Listens to avmipc aicmd_listener 18** 7.12 - 7.51 Special event covering all aicmd compatible listeners. AVM
Listens to avmipc NW_IPC_EVT_LOOP_PREVENTED 9** 7.39 - 7.51 Network event informing about a prevented Switching-Loop. AVM
Listens to avmipc STATE_DEVICENAME_FBSTATE 8** 7.39 - 7.51 State of the current Box-Name in JSON format. AVM
Listens to avmipc STATE_DNSDOMAINS_STATE-MULTID_DSLD 9** 7.39 - 7.51 TODO AVM
Listens to avmipc STATE_ETHSTATUS_FBSTATE 2** 7.29 - 7.39 State of all LAN ports in JSON format. AVM
Listens to avmipc STATE_INTERNET_CONFIG_STATUS_FBSTATE 9** 7.39 - 7.51 State of the internet configuration in JSON format. AVM
Listens to avmipc STATE_LDAP_STATE_FBSTATE 9** 7.39 - 7.51 State of Mesh LDAP in JSON format. AVM
Listens to avmipc STATE_UPNPDEVSTATUS_FBSTATE 9** 7.39 - 7.51 State of all active UPnP devices in JSON format. AVM
Listens to avmipc STATE_USBSTATUS_FBSTATE 9** 7.39 - 7.51 State of the FTP and Samba services in JSON format. AVM
Endpoint sock me_neighbour.ctl 11* 7.39 - 7.57 avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr for TODO AVM
Endpoint sock me_upnpfboxdesc.ctl 71* 6.08 - 7.31 avmipc endpoint of deviceinfod AVM
Listens to avmipc @ 18** 7.12 - 7.31 Special event for listeners of nameless private messages. AVM
Command cmd multid (avmcmd) 1 4.81 - 5.22 LAN management daemon. AVM
Sends avmipc dsldstat_ipv4_gateway_inet - 7.01 - 7.57 State of the IPv4 default gateway in JSON format. AVM
Sends avmipc dsldstat_mode_inet - 7.01 - 7.57 State of the internet connection mode in JSON format. AVM
Sends avmipc ipv6_neigh_ifid_changed - 7.01 - 7.57 TODO AVM
Sends avmipc l2tpv3cfg - 7.01 - 7.57 State of the L2TPv3 tunneling in JSON format. AVM
Sends avmipc libpcp_itemstatus - 7.01 - 7.51 Target event to send PCP port openings to. AVM
Sends avmipc pcpserver_changed - 7.01 - 7.51 Trigger event to inform about PCP server changes. AVM
Sends avmipc STATE_DHCPRANGESSTATUS_FBSTATE - 7.39 - 7.51 State of the DHCP v4 lease ranges in JSON format. AVM
Sends avmipc STATE_DHCPV6STATUS_FBSTATE - 7.29 - 7.51 State of the DHCPv6 lease ranges in JSON format. AVM
Sends avmipc STATE_DOMAINNAME_FBSTATE - 7.39 - 7.51 State of the device's domain name in JSON format. AVM
Sends avmipc STATE_ETHSTATUS_FBSTATE - 7.12 - 7.57 State of all LAN ports in JSON format. AVM
Sends avmipc STATE_EXTADDRSTATUS_FBSTATE - 7.12 - 7.51 State of all public IP addresses in JSON format. AVM
Sends avmipc STATE_FWACL_FWACLCFG - 7.01 - 7.51 State of the firewall access control list (FWACL). AVM
Sends avmipc STATE_LLDPSTATUS_FBSTATE - 7.29 - 7.57 State of all LLDP interfaces in JSON format. AVM
Sends avmipc STATE_MULTIDSTATUS_FBSTATE - 7.39 - 7.51 State of multid network specifics for vpnd. AVM
Sends avmipc STATE_NEIGHALLOWEDNETS_STATE - 7.39 - 7.57 State of the allowed neighbour networks in JSON format. AVM
54 event relations for this command


Daily updated index of Configuration files accessed by this command. Last update: 2025-03-28 07:24 GMT.
A - in the Mod column marks manual research, the Firmware then shows where the item occurs, not the Relation.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Config from tffs ar7.cfg (tffs) - 4.07 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Config from tffs chrony.drift (tffs) - 4.79 TODO AVM
Config from tffs multid.leases - 4.07 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Config from tffs tr069.cfg (tffs) - 4.07 - 8.00 TODO AVM
4 config relations for this command


This is a subset of the Temp-Files section, filtered for logfiles of multid:

Daily updated index of all multid logfiles found scanning Supportdata-Probes. Last update: 2025-03-28 07:24 GMT.
The label (temp) in the Logfile column shows there are other objects in this wiki using this name.
The Mod column shows the amount of models using the respective logfile. Click the column header to sort by this number.


The names of source files compiled into an executable often help to understand function blocks (and show gaps in the docs).
fw 7.39 source files:

$ strings /sbin/multid | grep -e '\.c$' -e '\.cpp$'



Daily updated index of all dependencies of this command. Last update: 2025-03-28 08:14 GMT.
A * in the Mod column marks info from Supportdata-Probes, which will always stay incomplete.

Relation Typ Object Mod Firmware Info Origin
Started by serv multid.service 32 7.39 - 8.02 supervisor service for multid. AVM
Runs as proc multid (process) 121* 4.07 - 8.00 Process running multid AVM
Registers wdog multid (watchdog) 55* 6.24 - 8.00 Watchdog for multid AVM
Serving port Port-53-udp 102* 5.04 - 8.00 DNS - Domain Name System AVM
Serving port Port-53-tcp 100* 5.09 - 8.00 DNS - Domain Name System AVM
Serving port Port-67-udp 84* 5.04 - 8.00 DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - IPv4 server AVM
Serving port Port-546-udp 31* 6.26 - 8.00 DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - IPv6 client AVM
Serving port Port-547-udp 40* 5.05 - 8.00 DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol - IPv6 server AVM
Serving port Port-5350-udp 24* 6.51 - 7.90 PCP - Port Control Protocol - client AVM
Serving port Port-5353-udp 84* 5.04 - 8.00 mDNS - Multicast Domain Name System and DNS-SD AVM
Serving port Port-5355-udp 84* 5.04 - 8.00 LLMNR - Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution AVM
Serving port Port-40600-udp 3* 6.85 - 7.51 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-44000-udp 4* 6.85 - 7.51 TODO AVM
Serving port Port-52032-udp 3* 7.20 - 7.50 TODO AVM
Serving sock avmnexus_NetworkDevices.ctl 63* 6.92 - 7.81 avmnexusd worker endpoint for Network-Devices list sharing AVM
Serving sock me_lan_pairing.ctl 1* 7.90 avmipc endpoint of multid AVM
Serving sock me_lldp_avmipc.ctl 18* 7.39 - 8.00 avmipc endpoint of multid AVM
Serving sock me_multid-pcp-($num).ctl 55* 6.25 - 8.00 avmipc endpoint of libavmpcp.so for multid AVM
Serving sock me_multid.ctl 116* 4.33 - 8.00 avmipc_command endpoint of multid AVM
Serving sock me_neighbour.ctl 20* 7.39 - 8.00 avmipc endpoint of ctlmgr for multid / rextd AVM
Serving sock me_upnp_onlinestore.ctl 19* 4.76 - 5.54 TODO AVM
Serving sock me_upnp_usb.ctl 47* 4.76 - 6.92 TODO AVM
Serving sock me_upnpfboxdesc.ctl 71* 6.08 - 7.31 avmipc endpoint of deviceinfod AVM
Depends on lib ld.so 26 7.08 - 8.02 Dynamic linker / loader Linux
Depends on lib libar7cfg.so 119 1.133 - 8.02 TFFS-Configuration API to ar7.cfg and many more. AVM
Depends on lib libautodetectnotify.so 2 7.90 TODO AVM
Depends on lib libavm_event.so 82 4.80 - 7.81 AVM-Events management API AVM
Depends on lib libavmauth.so 49 6.51 - 8.02 Fritzbox authentification helpers AVM
Depends on lib libavmcipher.so 127 3.23 - 8.02 AES / DES / Rijndael encryption / decryption. AVM
Depends on lib libavmcsock.so 127 1.133 - 8.02 Networking, I/O and helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libavmdnsdomains.so 32 7.39 - 8.02 Collects and syncs DNS results for special domain wildcards AVM
Depends on lib libavmdnsnotify.so 32 7.51 - 8.02 Client / server DNS notification API AVM
Depends on lib libavmethstate.so 4 7.39 - 8.00 TODO AVM
Depends on lib libavmfbconf.so 29 7.39 - 7.81 API to hardcoded fbconf.cfg AVM
Depends on lib libavmfbstate.so 42 7.04 - 8.02 IPC fritzbox state notification AVM
Depends on lib libavmfwacl.so 56 6.35 - 8.02 Maintains the firewall access control list (FWACL). AVM
Depends on lib libavmhmac.so 127 3.23 - 8.02 HMAC / SHA / MD5 hashing. AVM
Depends on lib libavmnexus.so 43 6.88 - 8.02 avmnexusd worker socket API AVM
Depends on lib libavmpcp.so 56 6.25 - 8.02 Port Control Protocol (PCP) API library AVM
Depends on lib libavmssl.so 39 7.19 - 8.02 SSL certificate creation / validation AVM
Depends on lib libavmvpnnotify.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 VPN state notification. AVM
Depends on lib libavmwdt.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 AVM-Watchdogs management API AVM
Depends on lib libbotnetfilterlib.so 1 6.83 TODO Linux
Depends on lib libboxenv.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 API to the rc.conf enhanced Config-Environment AVM
Depends on lib libboxlib.so 127 1.133 - 8.02 Box status, logging and statistics functions AVM
Depends on lib libboxnotify.so 1 6.35 boxnotifyd client API (old) AVM
Depends on lib libc.so 127 1.133 - 8.02 Standard C library Linux
Depends on lib libcore.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 Gathers the MAC addresses of the device and maintains its device mode. AVM
Depends on lib libcrypto.so 39 6.83 - 8.02 OpenSSL general crypto and X.509 library Linux
Depends on lib libdl.so 113 1.133 - 8.00 Dynamic linking library Linux
Depends on lib libdputil.so 56 6.25 - 8.02 DataPipe / packet utilities AVM
Depends on lib libethswctl.so 1 7.39 - 8.00 Broadcom Ethernet Switch Configuration API Broadcom
Depends on lib libeventlog.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 System Event-Log management API AVM
Depends on lib libewnwjson.so 22 6.83 - 8.02 JSON helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libewnwled.so 56 6.25 - 8.02 LED event helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libewnwlinux. 1 7.20
Depends on lib libewnwlinux.so 127 1.133 - 8.02 Linux networking functions AVM
Depends on lib libewnwnet.so 73 5.01 - 8.02 Internet helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libfbconf.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 API to hardcoded fbconf.cfg AVM
Depends on lib libfbsync.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 TODO AVM
Depends on lib libfcctl.so 1 7.39 - 8.00 API to the Broadcom Packet Flow Cache driver. Broadcom
Depends on lib libgcc_s.so 71 4.22 - 6.89 GCC low-level runtime library Linux
Depends on lib libjasonclient.so 19 5.07 - 5.27 Update-Search - first generation - JASON AVM
Depends on lib libjuisclient.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 Update-Search - second generation - JUIS AVM
Depends on lib libkavmtrackd.so 39 7.19 - 8.02 DNS and IP change tracking AVM
Depends on lib libkavmtrackdquery.so 25 7.59 - 8.02 dsld MAC address tracking and comparison AVM
Depends on lib libkbridgeflt.so 39 7.19 - 8.02 Kernel bridge filtering control AVM
Depends on lib libkrextd.so 39 7.19 - 8.02 TODO Linux
Depends on lib libl2tpv3d.so 49 6.51 - 8.02 Layer 2 tunneling protocol v3 AVM
Depends on lib liblandev.so 23 6.83 - 7.08 TODO Linux
Depends on lib libled2.so 56 6.35 - 8.02 LED API - second+third generation AVM
Depends on lib liblocalize.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 Charset conversion helper functions AVM
Depends on lib libm.so 6 6.83 - 8.00 C math library Linux
Depends on lib libneighbour.so 22 7.61 - 8.02 Neighbour discovery and notification API AVM
Depends on lib liboauth2.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 OAuth v2.0 authentificator Linux
Depends on lib libpthread.so 113 1.133 - 8.00 POSIX threading library Linux
Depends on lib librt.so 42 6.35 - 8.00 POSIX realtime extensions library Linux
Depends on lib libslab.so 51 3.42 - 5.09 Slab allocator or empty dummy library Linux
Depends on lib libslab_c++.so 21 7.90 - 8.02 C++ slab allocator AVM
Depends on lib libssl.so 39 7.19 - 8.02 OpenSSL implementations of SSL and TLS Linux
Depends on lib libsvctl.so 39 7.19 - 8.02 supervisor notification library AVM
Depends on lib libtiinterpreter.so 32 7.39 - 8.02 Preprocessor for SSI-Files by TI. AVM
Depends on lib libupnpdev.so 62 4.74 - 6.93 UPnP root device helper library AVM
Depends on lib libwdt.so 124 1.133 - 7.81 AVM-Watchdogs management API AVM
Depends on lib libwebkpiclient.so 32 7.39 - 8.02 KPI sensor for system parts which use HTTP / HTTPS AVM
Depends on lib libwebsrv.so 56 6.35 - 8.02 HTTP / HTTPS webserver and tools. AVM
Depends on lib libyajl.so 22 6.83 - 8.02 Event-driven JSON parser Linux
Depends on lib libz.so 43 6.83 - 8.02 Zlib compressor / decompressor Linux
88 dependencies for this command


Daily updated index of the presence, path and size of this command for each model. Last update: 2025-03-28 05:59 GMT.
Showing all models using this command. Click any column header (click-wait-click) to sort the list by the respective data.
The (main/scrpn/boot/arm/prx/atom/rtl) label in the Model column shows which CPU is meant for Multi-Linux models.
Note that this list is merged from Firmware-Probes of all known AVM firmware for a model, including Recovery.exe and Labor-Files.

Model Firmware Path Size
FRITZ!Box 3.23 - 4.02 /sbin 125k - 135k
FRITZ!Box SL 3.48 - 3.94 /sbin 118k - 135k
FRITZ!Box 2030 3.73 - 3.93 /sbin 118k - 127k
FRITZ!Box 2031 4.15 /sbin 173k
FRITZ!Box 2070 3.87 - 4.15 /sbin 134k - 173k
FRITZ!Box 2110 4.52 /sbin 115k
FRITZ!Box 2170 4.31 - 4.57 /sbin 115k - 161k
FRITZ!Box SL WLAN 3.23 - 4.34 /sbin 125k - 173k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3020 3.23 - 4.34 /sbin 125k - 173k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3030 3.65 - 4.34 /sbin 134k - 173k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3050 3.63 - 4.07 /sbin 134k - 173k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3070 3.87 - 4.15 /sbin 134k - 173k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3130 4.21 - 4.34 /sbin 161k - 173k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3131 4.29 - 4.57 /sbin 115k - 161k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3170 4.31 - 4.58 /sbin 115k - 161k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 4.57 - 5.54 /sbin 136k - 307k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 v3 4.77 - 5.54 /sbin 183k - 307k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3270 IT 5.23 - 5.52 /sbin 302k - 307k
FRITZ!Box 3272 (main) 5.50 - 6.89 /sbin 290k - 453k
FRITZ!Box WLAN 3370 (main) 5.01 - 6.56 /sbin 233k - 449k
FRITZ!Box 3390 (main) 5.50 - 6.56 /sbin 289k - 449k
FRITZ!Box 3490 (main) 6.20 - 7.30 /sbin 319k - 565k
FRITZ!Box Fon ata 3.23 - 4.28 /sbin 125k - 176k
FRITZ!Box Fon ata 1020 3.23 - 4.28 /sbin 125k - 176k
FRITZ!Box 4020 /sbin 309k - 448k
FRITZ!Box 4040 6.52 - 8.00 /sbin 290k - 458k
FRITZ!Box 4050 7.58 - 7.90 /sbin 450k - 482k
FRITZ!Box 4060 7.29 - 7.90 /sbin 413k - 462k
FRITZ!Box Fon 1.133 - 4.49 /sbin 107k - 173k
FRITZ!Box Fon 5010 3.88 - 4.43 /sbin 134k - 173k
FRITZ!Box Fon 5012 3.88 - 4.27 /sbin 134k - 173k
FRITZ!Box Fon 5050 3.23 - 4.31 /sbin 125k - 173k
FRITZ!Box Fon 5113 4.82 - 4.83 /sbin 200k
FRITZ!Box Fon 5124 4.47 - 4.77 /sbin 140k - 187k
FRITZ!Box Fon 5140 4.25 - 4.67 /sbin 110k - 173k
VoIP Gateway 5188 4.28 - 4.81 /sbin 130k - 186k
FRITZ!Box 5490 (main) 6.51 - 7.29 /sbin 403k - 565k
FRITZ!Box 5491 (main) 7.01 - 7.29 /sbin 443k - 565k
FRITZ!Box 5530 Fiber (main) 7.21 - 8.00 /sbin 556k - 624k
FRITZ!Box 5590 Fiber (main) 7.29 - 8.00 /sbin 413k - 462k
FRITZ!Box 5690 Pro (main) 7.62 /sbin 450k
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v1 6.03 - 6.04 /sbin 226k - 227k
FRITZ!Box 6320 Cable v2 6.21 /sbin 238k
FRITZ!Box 6340 Cable 5.24 /sbin 232k
FRITZ!Box 6360 Cable 4.85 - 6.51 /sbin 168k - 343k
FRITZ!Box 6430 Cable (atom) 6.85 - 7.29 /sbin 320k - 445k
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (arm) 6.20 - 6.64 /sbin 242k - 344k
FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable (atom) 6.83 - 7.51 /sbin 320k - 554k
FRITZ!Box 6590 Cable (atom) 6.83 - 7.51 /sbin 320k - 554k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (arm) 7.04 - 7.08 /sbin 352k - 401k
FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (atom) 7.04 - 8.00 /sbin 352k - 570k
FRITZ!Box 6660 Cable (atom) 7.14 - 8.00 /sbin 363k - 570k
FRITZ!Box 6670 Cable (atom) 7.61 - 7.90 /sbin 494k - 531k
FRITZ!Box 6690 Cable (atom) 7.29 - 7.90 /sbin 441k - 570k
FRITZ!Box 6810 LTE 6.35 /sbin 279k - 320k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v1 (main) 6.40 - 7.59 /sbin 404k - 619k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v2 (main) 6.40 - 7.59 /sbin 404k - 619k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v3 (main) 7.19 - 7.57 /sbin 552k - 615k
FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE v4 7.59 /sbin 619k
FRITZ!Box 6840 LTE (main) 5.08 - 6.88 /sbin 271k - 449k
FRITZ!Box 6842 LTE /sbin 288k - 319k
FRITZ!Box 6850 LTE 7.21 - 7.90 /sbin 405k - 595k
FRITZ!Box 6850 5G 7.24 - 7.90 /sbin 405k - 458k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /sbin 401k - 619k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v1 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /sbin 401k - 619k
FRITZ!Box 6890 LTE v2 (main) 6.84 - 7.57 /sbin 401k - 619k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 3.14 - 4.49 /sbin 107k - 173k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7050 3.29 - 4.50 /sbin 115k - 182k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7112 4.76 - 4.88 /sbin 187k - 223k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 4.40 - 4.86 /sbin 110k - 200k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 DE 4.40 - 4.77 /sbin 110k - 119k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7113 INT 4.82 - 4.86 /sbin 200k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7140 4.02 - 4.77 /sbin 134k - 187k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7141 4.14 - 4.77 /sbin 140k - 187k
FRITZ!Fon 7150 4.27 - 4.77 /sbin 145k - 173k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 3.96 - 4.99 /sbin 134k - 223k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v1 3.96 - 4.99 /sbin 134k - 223k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 v2 3.96 - 4.99 /sbin 134k - 223k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7240 4.65 - 6.06 /sbin 136k - 315k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v1 4.44 - 4.99 /sbin 136k - 243k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v2 4.67 - 6.06 /sbin 136k - 315k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7270 v3 4.76 - 6.06 /sbin 182k - 315k
FRITZ!Box 7272 (main) 5.55 - 6.88 /sbin 295k - 453k
FRITZ!Box 7312 5.23 - 6.56 /sbin 289k - 453k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7320 4.85 - 6.35 /sbin 229k - 320k
FRITZ!Box 7330 5.06 - 6.56 /sbin 276k - 453k
FRITZ!Box 7330 SL 5.08 - 6.56 /sbin 276k - 453k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7340 4.83 - 5.05 /sbin 188k - 328k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 SL 5.04 - 6.34 /sbin 263k - 322k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v1 5.06 - 6.36 /sbin 271k - 322k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7360 v2 5.22 - 6.88 /sbin 289k - 449k
FRITZ!Box 7362 SL (main) 5.53 - 7.18 /sbin 290k - 499k
FRITZ!Box 7369 (main) 6.30 - 6.32 /sbin 326k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7390 4.81 - 5.22 /sbin 188k - 459k
FRITZ!Box 7412 (main) 6.21 - 6.88 /sbin 319k - 449k
FRITZ!Box 7430 (main) 6.26 - 7.31 /sbin 315k - 565k
FRITZ!Box 7490 (main) 5.57 - 7.51 /sbin 295k - 615k
FRITZ!Box 7510 7.30 - 8.00 /sbin 413k - 462k
FRITZ!Box 7520 6.98 - 8.00 /sbin 317k - 458k
FRITZ!Box 7520 v2 (main) 7.30 - 8.00 /sbin 413k - 458k
FRITZ!Box 7530 6.98 - 8.00 /sbin 316k - 458k
FRITZ!Box 7530 AX 7.20 - 8.00 /sbin 409k - 474k
FRITZ!Box 7560 (main) 6.51 - 7.30 /sbin 399k - 565k
FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7570 vDSL 4.70 - 4.94 /sbin 163k - 247k
FRITZ!Box 7580 (main) 6.53 - 7.30 /sbin 399k - 565k
FRITZ!Box 7581 7.16 - 7.18 /sbin 294k - 373k
FRITZ!Box 7582 6.83 - 7.18 /sbin 294k - 373k
FRITZ!Box 7583 (main) 7.01 - 7.59 /sbin 443k - 623k
FRITZ!Box 7583 VDSL (main) 7.19 - 8.00 /sbin 556k - 623k
FRITZ!Box 7590 (main) 6.83 - 8.00 /sbin 400k - 623k
FRITZ!Box 7590 AX (main) 7.19 - 8.00 /sbin 556k - 624k
FRITZ!Box 7690 7.61 - 7.90 /sbin 450k - 482k
congstar DSL-Box 4.25 - 4.81 /sbin 166k - 187k
congstar komplett Box 4.68 - 4.81 /sbin 159k - 183k
Speedport W 501V 3.93 - 4.38 /sbin 118k - 192k
Speedport W 503V 4.68 - 4.81 /sbin 159k - 183k
Speedport W 503V MK 4.79 /sbin 192k
Speedport W 504V MK 5.04 /sbin 266k
Speedport W 701V 4.25 - 4.81 /sbin 166k - 187k
Speedport W 721V 4.74 - 4.75 /sbin 145k
Speedport W 722V 4.76 - 4.79 /sbin 137k
Speedport W 900V 4.21 - 4.57 /sbin 166k - 168k
Speedport W 920V 4.78 - 4.79 /sbin 183k
Eumex 300 IP 3.29 - 4.44 /sbin 126k - 131k
Alice IAD 5130 4.65 - 4.71 /sbin 141k
Alice IAD WLAN 3331 4.90 /sbin 178k
Alice IAD 7570 vDSL 4.86 - 5.09 /sbin 140k - 150k
127 models use this command


Daily updated index of all symbols of this command. Last update: 2025-03-28 08:14 GMT.

Firmware Symbol
7.08 - 7.39 BOTNETQUERY_botnetquery_free
3.29 - 4.99 DHCPOPTIONS_dhcpoptions_memberbymagic
6.36 - 6.64 FWACL_fwacl_alloc
6.36 - 6.64 FWACL_fwacl_free
5.07 - 5.27 FreeDigestAuth
1.133 - 3.14 LoadLeasesStates
5.27 - 7.81 MULTIDSAVE_dhcpdleasesave_alloc
5.27 - 7.81 MULTIDSAVE_dhcpdleasesave_free
7.08 MULTIDSAVE_varfree
7.08 MULTIDSAVE_varinit
7.08 MULTIDSAVE_varload
7.08 MULTIDSAVE_varload_merge
7.08 MULTIDSAVE_varload_overwrite
7.08 MULTIDSAVE_varsave
5.07 - 5.27 ParseServerDigestAuthHeader
5.07 - 5.27 PrepareClientNonce
7.39 - 7.81 SaveState
5.07 - 5.27 SplitHttpHeader
4.31 - 5.09 UpnpdevUtilFreeReceiveInfoStruct
4.31 - 5.09 UpnpdevUtilReceiveHandler
4.31 - 5.09 UpnpdevUtilStringActionResp
4.31 - 5.09 UpnpdevUtilStringAddDevice
4.31 - 5.09 UpnpdevUtilStringRemoveDevice
4.31 - 5.09 UpnpdevUtilStringSetInfo
4.31 - 5.09 UpnpdevUtilStringSetVar
1.133 - 3.14 abandon_lease
7.39 - 7.81 abandon_nonstatic_leases_of_static_lease
6.25 - 7.81 add_option
6.25 - 7.81 add_option_with_id
6.25 - 7.81 add_status_code
4.94 adoptttl
7.39 - 7.81 alloc_iface_options
6.25 - 7.81 alloc_packet
7.90 - 8.00 arpping____arpping_timeout
4.28 - 7.81 arpping_abort
1.133 - 7.81 arpping_exit
1.133 - 7.81 arpping_init
1.133 - 7.81 arpping_send_ping
1.133 - 4.98 arppingresult2str
6.83 - 6.98 botnet_dns_filter_async_create
6.83 - 6.98 botnet_dns_filter_async_destroy
6.83 - 6.98 botnet_dns_filter_async_gen_report
6.83 - 6.98 botnet_dns_filter_async_handle_file_update
6.83 - 6.98 botnet_dns_filter_async_query
6.83 - 6.98 botnet_dns_filter_async_query_cancel
6.98 botnet_filter_get_ids
6.98 botnet_filter_get_mem
6.98 botnet_filter_get_signature
6.98 botnet_filter_load
6.98 botnet_filter_signature_match
6.98 botnet_filter_statistic_count
6.98 botnet_filter_statistic_create
6.98 botnet_filter_statistic_create_from_file
6.98 botnet_filter_statistic_destroy
6.98 botnet_filter_statistic_get_json
6.98 botnet_filter_statistic_serialize_to_file
6.98 botnet_filter_unload
6.83 - 6.98 botnet_query_thread
7.08 - 7.19 botnetquery_event_send
7.08 - 7.39 botnetquery_getcfg
5.04 - 7.31 chronyctl_add_ipv4_ntpserver
5.04 - 7.31 chronyctl_add_ipv6_ntpserver
5.04 - 7.31 chronyctl_can_run
5.04 - 7.31 chronyctl_cmdtest
5.04 - 7.31 chronyctl_exit
5.04 - 7.31 chronyctl_init
5.23 - 7.31 chronyctl_ntpserver
5.23 - 7.31 chronyctl_online_check
5.04 - 5.24 chronyctl_second
6.98 - 7.31 chronyctl_set_sntp_fallback_server
5.04 - 5.24 chronyctl_start
5.04 - 7.31 chronyctl_stop
6.51 - 7.81 clientid_extract_mac
3.23 - 3.37 connected_to_internet
1.133 - 7.81 create_lease
1.133 - 6.36 csum_partial
1.133 - 5.27 ddns_add_account
1.133 - 5.27 ddns_exit
1.133 - 5.27 ddns_init
5.27 ddns_ipv6addr_for_avm_ddns_proxied_device
5.27 ddns_reconfig_begin
5.27 ddns_reconfig_end
1.133 - 5.27 ddns_start
4.55 - 5.09 ddns_write_status
4.68 - 7.81 delaystart
7.90 - 8.00 delaystart____startproc
4.68 - 7.81 delaystart_exit
4.68 - 7.81 delaystart_sendkill
7.90 - 8.00 dhcp____dhcp_recv
6.10 - 7.81 dhcp_add_binary_option
7.39 - 7.81 dhcp_add_option
3.23 - 7.31 dhcp_close_interface
1.133 - 3.14 dhcp_closecb
5.27 - 6.36 dhcp_cons_options
5.27 - 6.36 dhcp_extract_125_string
5.27 - 6.36 dhcp_free_dhcpoption
5.27 - 6.36 dhcp_free_dhcpoptions
5.27 - 6.36 dhcp_free_options
7.08 - 7.59 dhcp_inform_snoop_stop
3.23 - 7.81 dhcp_interface_exists
5.27 - 6.36 dhcp_packet_matches
5.27 - 6.36 dhcp_parse_options
7.39 - 7.81 dhcp_process_class_match
1.133 - 3.14 dhcp_recv
7.39 - 7.81 dhcp_remove_interface
3.23 - 7.31 dhcp_reopen_interface
6.10 - 7.81 dhcp_reset_binary_options
6.10 - 6.36 dhcp_set_option
7.19 - 7.81 dhcp_snoop_set_iface_filter_cb
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpack
7.90 - 8.00 dhcpc____dhcpc_leasetimedout
7.90 - 8.00 dhcpc____dhcpc_t1
7.90 - 8.00 dhcpc____dhcpc_t2
7.90 - 8.00 dhcpc____dhcpc_timeout
1.133 - 7.81 dhcpc_add_interface
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpc_enter_state
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpc_handle_event
6.25 - 7.81 dhcpc_interface_renew
5.58 - 7.81 dhcpc_interface_restart
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpc_setdebug
4.80 - 7.81 dhcpd_add_class
1.133 - 7.81 dhcpd_add_interface
4.80 - 7.81 dhcpd_add_option_overwrite
4.80 - 6.06 dhcpd_add_options_binary
4.38 - 4.99 dhcpd_add_optionsmatch
4.57 - 7.81 dhcpd_add_static_lease
4.38 - 4.99 dhcpd_delete_all_optionsmatch
4.55 - 7.81 dhcpd_delete_lease_for_ip
4.74 - 7.81 dhcpd_enable_tr111
1.133 - 7.81 dhcpd_exit
4.80 - 7.81 dhcpd_gen_static_lease
1.133 - 7.81 dhcpd_init
4.96 - 7.81 dhcpd_notify_online
1.133 - 7.81 dhcpd_set_callbacks
4.74 - 7.81 dhcpd_set_domainname
7.08 - 7.81 dhcpd_set_lease_times_for_ifaces
1.133 - 7.81 dhcpd_set_times
1.133 - 7.81 dhcpd_start
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpd_walk_dhcpranges
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpdecline
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpdiscover
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpinform
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpoffer
7.39 - 7.81 dhcprelease
7.39 - 7.81 dhcprequest
7.90 - 8.00 dhcps_____cleanupleases
7.90 - 8.00 dhcps_____savestate
7.39 - 7.81 dhcps_setdebug
7.90 - 8.00 dhcpv6c____dhcpv6c_leasetimedout
7.90 - 8.00 dhcpv6c____dhcpv6c_t1
7.90 - 8.00 dhcpv6c____dhcpv6c_t2
7.90 - 8.00 dhcpv6c____dhcpv6c_timeout
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6c_add_params
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6c_connect
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6c_exit
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6c_get_flags
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6c_gua_is_set
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6c_init
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6c_is_running
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6c_set_flags
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6c_stop
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6c_take_next_ra
7.90 - 8.00 dhcpv6d____free_client_timer
7.90 - 8.00 dhcpv6d____reconfigure_timer
4.80 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_activate_iface
6.10 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_add_binary_option
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_delete_dnsserver
4.80 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_exit
5.04 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_iface_add_addr
5.04 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_iface_del_addr
4.80 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_init
6.10 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_reset_binary_options
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_reset_iface_dnsserver
7.19 dhcpv6d_set_client_cb
5.50 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_set_default_pdlen
4.80 - 7.39 dhcpv6d_set_dnsserver
6.10 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_set_exclude_prefixlen
7.19 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_set_inf_max_rt
7.19 dhcpv6d_set_interface_cb
5.04 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_set_lifetimes
5.04 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_set_mode
6.51 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_set_ntp_server
6.25 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_set_pcpserver
5.27 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_set_preference
5.04 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_set_prefix
7.19 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_set_sol_max_rt
6.10 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_softreset_complete
6.10 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_softreset_start
6.51 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_start
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_update_iface_begin
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_update_iface_commit
7.39 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_update_iface_dns
6.10 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_use_last_prefix_for_exclude
6.10 - 7.81 dhcpv6d_use_pd_exclude
7.19 - 7.81 dhcpv6info_add_interface
7.19 dhcpv6info_add_or_update_client
7.19 dhcpv6info_add_or_update_interface
7.19 dhcpv6info_del_client
7.19 - 7.81 dhcpv6info_del_interface
7.19 - 7.81 dhcpv6info_exit
7.19 - 7.81 dhcpv6info_iface_add_prefix
7.19 - 7.81 dhcpv6info_iface_del_prefix
7.19 - 7.81 dhcpv6info_init
6.35 - 7.81 dhcpv6type2str
5.07 - 5.27 digest_calc_response
4.94 dns_closecb
4.94 dns_dgramcomplete
4.94 dns_error
4.94 dns_query
4.94 dns_reply
7.39 - 7.81 dns_sd_devicename_get
7.39 - 7.81 dns_sd_dnsstatic_addr4_add
7.39 - 7.81 dns_sd_dnsstatic_addr4_remove
7.39 - 7.81 dns_sd_dnsstatic_addr6_add
7.39 - 7.81 dns_sd_dnsstatic_addr6_remove
7.39 - 7.81 dns_sd_dnsstatic_name_remove
7.39 dns_sd_remove_dnsstatic
7.39 - 7.81 dns_sd_setup
7.39 dns_sd_setup_dnsstatic
7.39 - 7.81 dns_sd_setup_services
4.94 dns_update
4.94 dnsc_dgramrcv
4.94 dnscache_add
4.94 dnscache_delete
4.94 dnscache_find
4.94 dnscache_free
4.94 dnscache_lru_add
4.94 dnscache_lru_del
4.94 dnscache_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 dnsd____dnsc_dot_handshake_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 dnsd____dnsc_handshake_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 dnsd____dnscache_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 dnsd____dnsd_cleanup_zones
7.90 - 8.00 dnsd____dnsd_public_servers_fallback_timer_cb
7.90 - 8.00 dnsd____dnsd_streamtimeout
7.90 - 8.00 dnsd____dnsforward_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 dnsd____dnsquery_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 dnsd____do_triggered_query
7.90 - 8.00 dnsd____minute_timer
4.74 - 7.81 dnsd_add_allowed_v4subnet_for_dynamic
4.80 - 7.81 dnsd_add_allowed_v6subnet_for_dynamic
4.63 - 6.36 dnsd_add_dhcpstatic_entry
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_add_dot6_server
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_add_dot_server
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_add_entry
4.74 - 7.81 dnsd_add_interface_ipv4
4.80 - 7.81 dnsd_add_interface_ipv6
6.98 - 7.81 dnsd_add_local_static_entry
1.133 - 7.81 dnsd_add_server
4.80 - 7.81 dnsd_add_server6
4.63 - 6.36 dnsd_add_server_for_domain
5.06 - 7.81 dnsd_add_server_for_domains
1.133 - 7.81 dnsd_add_static_entry
4.07 - 4.99 dnsd_add_static_entry_at_end
4.80 - 7.81 dnsd_add_static_entry_ipv6
7.08 - 7.81 dnsd_add_static_inaddr
7.18 - 7.81 dnsd_allow_loopback_only
6.83 - 6.98 dnsd_botnet_filter_exit
6.83 - 6.98 dnsd_botnet_filter_file_update
6.83 - 6.98 dnsd_botnet_filter_init
7.08 - 7.81 dnsd_cache_flush
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_cache_flush_by_domain
5.09 - 7.81 dnsd_cache_flush_by_name
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_cache_flush_by_shdomain
4.74 - 7.81 dnsd_debugdump
4.80 - 7.81 dnsd_del_allowed_v6subnet_for_dynamic
4.74 - 7.81 dnsd_del_interface
4.80 - 6.98 dnsd_del_server6
6.10 - 7.81 dnsd_del_static_entry
4.80 - 7.81 dnsd_del_static_entry_ipv6
7.08 - 7.81 dnsd_del_static_inaddr
4.94 dnsd_dgramrcv
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_dns_sd_add_service
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_dns_sd_remove_services
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_dns_sd_set_domain
7.51 - 7.81 dnsd_dnsnotify_initialize
7.51 - 7.81 dnsd_dnsnotify_kpi_send
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_get_enabled
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_register_event_cb
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_register_probe_ssl_ctx_available_cb
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_register_resolve_all_cb
7.19 dnsd_dot_register_resolve_cb
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_register_resolve_fqdn_cb
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_reset_all_servers
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_set_client_context
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_set_enabled
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_set_online
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_set_resolve_tstamp
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_set_strict
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_dot_set_udp_fallback
7.08 - 7.81 dnsd_dumpcache
7.08 - 7.81 dnsd_dumphashtab
5.07 - 7.81 dnsd_dumpserver
7.59 - 7.81 dnsd_edns0_clientid_parameter_set
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_enable_ipclient
6.98 - 7.81 dnsd_enable_protection
1.133 - 7.81 dnsd_exit
4.30 - 7.81 dnsd_filter_add_ptr
4.94 dnsd_filter_match
4.30 - 7.81 dnsd_filter_reset
6.51 - 7.81 dnsd_get_default_zone
6.51 - 7.81 dnsd_get_external_zone
5.04 - 7.81 dnsd_has_server
1.133 - 7.81 dnsd_init
4.94 dnsd_is_internal_interface
7.51 - 7.81 dnsd_kpis_set_collect
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_mark_only_normal_servers_old
4.61 - 7.81 dnsd_mark_servers_old
4.94 dnsd_mdns_snoop_activate_ipv4
4.94 dnsd_mdns_snoop_activate_ipv6
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_public_servers_fallback_disable_interval
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_public_servers_fallback_enable
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_public_servers_set
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_public_servers_update
6.51 - 6.98 dnsd_queryfilter_add_fqdn
4.61 - 7.81 dnsd_remove_old_servers
1.133 - 7.81 dnsd_remove_servers
1.133 - 7.81 dnsd_remove_static_by_ipaddr
1.133 - 7.81 dnsd_remove_static_by_name
1.133 - 7.81 dnsd_remove_static_entries
6.98 - 7.81 dnsd_restore_dnsname_protection
6.35 - 7.81 dnsd_set_allow_general_servers_for_domain
6.98 - 7.81 dnsd_set_default_empty_ttl
5.07 - 7.81 dnsd_set_dns_server_status_changed_cb
6.98 - 7.81 dnsd_set_dnsname_default_protection
4.74 - 7.81 dnsd_set_domain
7.19 - 7.81 dnsd_set_func_add_dynamic_update_domain
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_set_func_classifier_domain_addv4
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_set_func_classifier_domain_addv6
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_set_func_classifier_domain_complete
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_set_func_is_classifier_domain
5.01 - 7.81 dnsd_set_func_is_excepted_domain
4.85 - 7.81 dnsd_set_func_v4_forbidden
4.85 - 7.81 dnsd_set_func_v6_forbidden
7.39 - 7.81 dnsd_set_hijack_requests
6.51 - 7.81 dnsd_set_interface_zone
6.86 - 7.81 dnsd_set_latency_probe_interval
5.01 - 7.81 dnsd_set_need_dns_servers_cb
7.08 - 7.81 dnsd_set_notify_query_cb
4.74 - 7.81 dnsd_set_notify_v4_cb
4.80 - 7.81 dnsd_set_notify_v6_cb
6.51 - 6.98 dnsd_set_queryfilter_cb
1.133 - 7.81 dnsd_start
4.74 - 7.81 dnsd_trigger_query
7.08 - 7.81 dnsd_trigger_query_with_DNS_TYPE_ANY
6.51 - 7.81 dnsd_zone_alloc
7.08 - 7.81 dnsd_zone_free
4.94 dnsinfo_add
4.94 dnsinfo_free
4.94 dnsname_add_info
4.94 dnsname_add_or_find
4.94 dnsname_del_all_infos
4.94 dnsname_del_all_infos_but_soa_and_ns
4.94 dnsname_del_info
4.94 dnsname_del_info_of_type
4.94 dnsname_find
4.94 dnsname_free
4.94 dnsname_get
4.94 dnsname_get_reply
4.94 dnsname_get_with_data
4.94 dnsname_has_info
4.94 dnsname_has_info_of_type
4.94 dnsname_has_info_other_than
4.94 dnsquery_add
4.94 dnsquery_delete
4.94 dnsquery_find
4.94 dnsquery_find_by_query
4.94 dnsquery_timeout
4.94 dnsserver_find
6.98 domain_match_avm_flags
6.98 domain_match_malware_names
6.25 - 7.81 duid2str
7.39 - 7.81 eth_qos_exclude_interface
7.39 - 7.81 eth_qos_init
7.39 eth_setup_speed
7.90 - 8.00 eth_status____eth_status_update_timercb
6.88 - 7.81 eth_status_add_lanport
7.39 - 7.81 eth_status_all_lanports_added
7.39 - 7.81 eth_status_commit_wanted
6.88 - 7.81 eth_status_exit
6.88 - 7.81 eth_status_get_lanport_by_ifname
6.25 - 7.81 eth_status_get_speed
6.88 - 6.93 eth_status_get_speed_by_portnumber
6.25 - 7.81 eth_status_init
7.24 - 7.31 eth_status_remove_all_lanports
7.24 - 7.39 eth_status_set_speed
7.08 - 7.81 eth_status_set_speed_changed_callback
7.39 - 7.81 eth_status_set_wanted_eee
7.39 - 7.81 eth_status_set_wanted_eee_auto
7.39 - 7.81 eth_status_set_wanted_speed
1.133 - 4.98 ethaddr2str
4.38 - 4.99 ethersrctab_add_macaddr
4.38 - 4.99 ethersrctab_del_macaddr
4.38 - 4.99 ethersrctab_init
7.39 - 7.81 exit_eth_qos
7.08 - 7.81 extaddrstatus_exit
7.08 - 7.81 extaddrstatus_init
7.08 - 7.81 extaddrstatus_second
1.133 - 3.14 find_lease
1.133 - 3.14 find_lease_by_hw_addr
1.133 - 3.14 find_lease_by_ip_addr
1.133 - 3.14 find_lease_by_ipaddr
1.133 - 3.14 find_lease_by_uid
4.94 - 7.31 findname
5.27 - 7.81 fixed_setenv_overwrite
5.27 - 7.81 fixed_unsetenv
4.94 forward_add
4.94 forward_delete
4.94 forward_find
4.94 forward_getid
4.94 forward_timeout
4.94 forwardhashval
4.94 forwardquery
7.39 - 7.81 free_match_list
6.36 - 6.64 fwacl_free
6.36 - 6.64 fwacl_getcfg
6.36 - 6.64 fwacl_register
6.36 - 6.64 fwacl_setcfg
6.36 - 6.64 fwacl_unregister
6.98 - 7.81 gen_dhcp_snoop_discover_start
6.98 - 7.81 gen_dhcp_snoop_discover_stop
4.94 - 7.31 genname
4.94 get_querypos
4.94 getlong
4.94 getname
4.94 getshort
4.94 getttl
7.39 - 7.81 handle_dhcpdleasesave
6.25 - 7.81 hex2data
4.94 hexdigit
4.94 hijack_dns_requests
6.25 - 7.81 iaid2str
4.30 - 4.98 icmp_rep2req
6.25 - 7.19 ifid2str
6.25 - 6.60 in6_addr2str
4.94 in_arpa_name2ipaddr
4.94 in_arpa_name2ipaddr6
6.35 - 7.81 ip6_client_add_or_update_addr
6.35 - 7.81 ip6_client_add_or_update_params
6.35 - 7.81 ip6_client_addr_learned
7.90 - 8.00 ip6_client_addrconf____ip6_client_rs_timeout
6.35 - 7.81 ip6_client_exit
6.35 - 7.81 ip6_client_get_ifacename
6.36 - 7.81 ip6_client_has_addr_changed
6.35 - 7.81 ip6_client_init
6.51 - 7.81 ip6_client_ready2start
6.35 - 7.81 ip6_client_reset_dsldstat_infos
6.35 - 7.81 ip6_client_reset_nsent
6.35 - 7.81 ip6_client_start
7.19 - 7.81 ip6_client_stop
7.08 - 7.81 ip6_client_stop_timer
6.35 - 7.81 ip6_client_store_used_dsldstat_infos
6.36 ip6_client_used_for_dsldstat_infos
4.30 - 4.98 ipaddr2str
4.30 - 4.98 is_normalipaddr
6.25 - 7.81 is_virtual_interface_of
4.94 is_zone_of
6.51 - 6.98 kdsld_multid_activate_neigh_module
5.04 - 7.18 kdsld_multid_add_igmp_netfilter
4.74 - 7.18 kdsld_multid_check
4.74 - 7.18 kdsld_multid_exit
4.74 - 7.18 kdsld_multid_init
4.80 - 6.36 kdsld_multid_name_change_add_ip6_addr
4.80 - 6.36 kdsld_multid_name_change_begin
4.80 - 6.36 kdsld_multid_name_change_commit
5.04 - 7.18 kdsld_multid_remove_all_igmp_netfilter
6.98 - 7.18 kdsld_multid_tracking_add_device
6.98 - 7.18 kdsld_multid_tracking_del_device
6.98 - 7.18 kdsld_multid_tracking_enable
6.98 - 7.18 kdsld_multid_tracking_reset_device_list
5.58 - 6.60 l2tpcfg_cfg2buf
5.58 - 6.60 l2tpcfg_free
5.58 - 6.60 l2tpcfg_getcfg
6.35 - 6.60 l2tpv3_mode2str
7.39 - 7.81 lan_ledevent
6.98 - 7.81 lan_pairing_deinit
6.98 - 7.81 lan_pairing_init
6.98 - 7.81 lan_pairing_start_dhcp_snoop
6.98 - 7.81 lan_pairing_stop_dhcp_snoop
7.39 - 7.81 lease2str
1.133 - 7.81 lease_for_ipaddr_exist
7.90 - 8.00 lldp____announce_lldpdu_timer
7.90 - 8.00 lldp____packet_recv
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_add_interface
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_client_handle_lldpdu
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_init
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_server_announce_lldpdu
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_set_announce_period
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_set_capabilities
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_set_device_found_callback
7.39 - 7.81 lldp_set_device_lost_callback
7.39 - 7.81 lldp_set_local_device_changed_callback
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_set_management_address
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_set_system_description
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_set_system_name
7.19 - 7.39 lldp_set_tlv_length_and_type
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_stop
7.19 - 7.81 lldp_tlv_enable_debug
7.90 - 8.00 lldpinfo____del_timer
7.90 - 8.00 lldpinfo____lldp_item_age
7.19 - 7.81 lldpinfo_add
7.19 - 7.81 lldpinfo_del
7.19 - 7.81 lldpinfo_exit
7.19 - 7.81 lldpinfo_init
7.39 - 7.81 lldpinfo_set_local_system_info
4.94 load_dynamics
7.39 - 7.81 loop_prevention_exit
7.39 - 7.81 loop_prevention_init
7.39 - 7.81 loop_prevention_set_filter_mechanism
1.133 - 8.00 main
7.39 - 7.81 matchlist_matches
6.98 mem_botnetfilter::domain_match
6.98 mem_botnetfilter::mem_botnetfilter
4.94 memhashval
4.94 minute_timer
7.90 - 8.00 mrouter____checking_timer
7.90 - 8.00 mrouter____group_retransmit_timer
7.90 - 8.00 mrouter____group_timer
7.90 - 8.00 mrouter____group_v1_timer
7.90 - 8.00 mrouter____group_v2_timer
7.90 - 8.00 mrouter____other_querier_present_timer
7.90 - 8.00 mrouter____query_timer
4.03 - 7.81 mrouter_add_interface
6.25 - 7.81 mrouter_change_params
4.03 - 7.81 mrouter_delete_interface
4.03 - 7.81 mrouter_exit
4.03 - 7.81 mrouter_init
4.03 - 7.81 mrouter_interface_exists
4.80 - 7.81 mrouter_interface_running
7.39 - 7.81 mrouter_send_queries
6.69 - 7.81 mrouter_set_other_callbacks
6.69 - 7.81 mrouter_set_ssm
7.90 - 8.00 multid____dns_over_tls_time_sync_cb
7.90 - 8.00 multid____dynamic_update_domain_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 multid____erouter_softreset_lsd
7.90 - 8.00 multid____erouter_softreset_timeout
7.90 - 8.00 multid____neighbour_module_start
7.90 - 8.00 multid____tr069discover_ctrmgr_resp_timeout
4.94 name_compress
7.90 - 8.00 neighbour____neigh_etheraddr_sendcheck_timer
7.90 neighbour____neighctx_check_change_flags_timer
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_active_ethaddr
5.29 - 7.18 neighbour_active_plc
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_active_v4
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_active_v6
6.25 - 7.81 neighbour_add_aliases
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_add_allowed_v4subnet
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_add_allowed_v6subnet
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_add_static
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_cleanup
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_del_allowed_v4subnet
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_del_allowed_v6subnet
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_dhcp_bound
6.51 - 7.81 neighbour_dhcp_inform
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_dhcp_remove
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_dhcp_unbound
6.51 - 7.81 neighbour_dhcpv6_info
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_dnsinfo_add_v4
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_dnsinfo_add_v6
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_dnsinfo_del_v4
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_dnsinfo_del_v6
4.74 - 5.27 neighbour_dumpinfo
6.35 - 7.81 neighbour_exit
6.98 - 7.81 neighbour_get_ifid_by_addr
6.98 - 7.81 neighbour_get_ifid_by_mac
4.80 - 6.93 neighbour_get_ifid_by_name
7.59 - 7.81 neighbour_get_name
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_inactive_ethaddr
4.74 - 7.81 neighbour_inactive_v4
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_inactive_v6
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_init
4.85 - 7.81 neighbour_mark_as_gateway_v4
6.25 - 6.98 neighbour_move_inaddr_to_mac
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_offline_v4
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_offline_v6
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_online_v4
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_online_v6
7.39 - 7.81 neighbour_purge_aliases
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_query_mat
7.39 - 7.81 neighbour_remove
4.85 - 7.81 neighbour_remove_inaddr
6.10 - 7.81 neighbour_set_ipv4lease_cbs
6.25 - 6.89 neighbour_set_lanconfig
4.80 - 7.81 neighbour_set_mat_cb
4.77 - 7.31 neighbour_transfer
5.29 - 7.31 neighbour_transfer_own_file
7.39 - 7.81 neighbour_used_external_dns_server
4.85 neighbour_userman_init
7.90 - 8.00 online____Second
1.133 - 7.81 online_exit
1.133 - 7.81 online_init
5.07 - 7.81 online_set_ipv6_onlinecb
4.63 - 7.81 online_set_script_cbs
1.133 - 7.81 online_start
6.25 - 7.81 option_eq
4.30 - 4.98 packet_is_valid_dns_query_reply
4.30 - 4.98 packet_is_valid_dns_query_request
7.39 - 7.81 packettype2str
5.27 - 6.36 parse_dhcpheadermatch
5.27 - 6.36 parse_dhcpoptionmatch
5.27 - 6.36 parse_hex
5.27 - 6.36 parse_ipaddr
5.27 - 6.36 parse_mac
7.39 - 7.81 parse_matchoption
5.27 - 6.36 parse_string
5.27 - 6.36 parse_u8
5.27 - 6.36 parse_ulong
4.31 - 5.09 process_upnp_rec
4.94 - 7.31 putlong
4.94 - 7.31 putmem
4.94 - 7.31 putname
4.94 - 7.31 putname_raw
4.94 - 7.31 putshort
7.90 - 8.00 radv____radv_timerfunc
4.80 - 7.81 radv_activate_iface
4.94 - 7.81 radv_delete_dns
4.80 - 7.81 radv_delete_prefix
7.19 - 7.81 radv_disable
7.19 - 7.81 radv_enabled
4.80 - 7.81 radv_exit
4.80 - 4.94 radv_gua_disable
4.80 - 7.81 radv_init
7.19 - 7.81 radv_prefix_count
4.80 - 7.81 radv_purge_prefix
5.06 - 7.81 radv_purge_prefix_allowed
6.35 - 7.81 radv_reset_iface_dns
4.80 - 7.81 radv_send_onetime_without_flags
4.80 - 7.81 radv_set_adv_lifetime
5.04 - 7.81 radv_set_flags
5.58 - 7.81 radv_set_iface_mtu
4.80 - 7.81 radv_set_mtu
5.07 - 7.81 radv_set_offline_flag
6.36 - 7.81 radv_set_route_information_infos
6.36 - 7.81 radv_set_router_lifetime
6.36 - 7.81 radv_set_router_preference
4.80 - 7.81 radv_set_tcomflag
6.10 - 7.81 radv_softreset_complete
6.10 - 7.81 radv_softreset_start
4.80 - 7.81 radv_ula_dynamic
4.80 - 7.81 radv_ula_enable
4.80 - 6.36 radv_update_dns
6.35 - 7.81 radv_update_iface_dns
4.80 - 7.81 radv_update_prefix
1.133 - 3.14 release_lease
7.39 - 7.81 remove_all_leases
7.39 - 7.81 remove_iface_from_all_leases
7.39 - 7.81 remove_lease_by_ipaddr
7.19 - 7.81 rextd_infomsg
7.19 - 7.81 rextd_mng_exit
7.19 - 7.81 rextd_mng_init
7.19 rextd_mng_is_upstream
7.39 - 7.81 rextd_mng_is_upstream_device
7.19 - 7.81 rextd_mng_set_station_state_cb
7.19 rextd_mng_upstream_delete
7.19 rextd_mng_upstream_unregister
4.22 - 4.99 riplistener_add_interface
4.22 - 4.99 riplistener_delete_interface
4.22 - 4.99 riplistener_exit
4.22 - 4.99 riplistener_init
4.22 - 4.99 riplistener_interface_exists
4.94 save_dynamics
4.78 - 7.81 send_snoop_discover_request
4.94 senddnsdgram
4.74 - 4.99 set_multicast_loop
3.23 - 7.81 set_static_routes
6.10 - 7.81 set_static_routes6
7.39 - 7.81 setup_cleanup_timer
7.39 - 7.81 setup_save_timer
6.25 - 7.81 setup_virtual_interfaces_of
4.78 - 7.81 snoop_option
5.23 - 7.31 sntp_set_time
4.63 - 5.24 sntpcli_add_ntpserver
3.23 - 5.24 sntpcli_exit
3.23 - 5.24 sntpcli_init
4.76 - 4.99 sntpcli_set_chronyd_support
4.63 - 5.24 sntpcli_start_ntpclient
4.63 - 5.09 sntpcli_stop_ntpclient
4.94 soa_compress
4.28 - 5.09 sourcefilter_set
5.27 - 6.36 str2in6_addr
6.88 - 7.81 topology_add_ethaddr
6.88 - 7.81 topology_del_ethaddr
6.88 - 7.81 topology_exit
6.88 - 7.81 topology_init
7.90 - 8.00 tr069disc____discover_timeout_cb
7.90 - 8.00 tr069disc____request_timeout
4.78 - 7.81 tr069discover_start
4.78 - 7.81 tr069discover_stop
3.23 - 5.09 tv_add
3.23 - 4.07 tv_div2
3.23 - 5.09 tv_greater
3.23 - 5.09 tv_sub
4.74 - 4.99 udp67_closecb
6.25 - 7.81 unsetup_virtual_interfaces_of
4.03 - 5.09 unsigned2igmpfp
4.30 - 4.98 update_checksum
4.31 - 5.09 upnpdev_start
4.74 - 5.27 upnpdev_start_avmlogd
6.51 - 6.93 upnpdev_start_fboxdesc
4.31 - 5.09 upnpdev_stop
4.74 - 5.27 upnpdev_stop_avmlogd
6.51 - 6.93 upnpdev_stop_fboxdesc
702 symbols for this command


Information is currently being retrieved from the backend.